r7 rp VK "l r-. -m. IROff TRADE REVIEW. Bales Show Up Well, but Business Is Still Drannr. 20 CHANGE IX BESSEMER XOTED. iStccl Slats, Billets and Muck Ear Holding "heir Own Here A FELT. STOCK OP RAW IKOX OX ITAXDS Orricc op thf Pnvsm ro Disr vmt, ) Fining, Oct. "J. j Uaw Iron and Steel The market since rdir last 2ias exhibited but few change1-. Dealers generally continue to put off the purchase of large Mock s of iron and other lescriptioiis of material, seemingly to be ovaiting; for infirnmtiu tint comes not. 3'rieesfor iwt kinds shon scarcely any alteration, am changes i!mt hae taken place lieing m i.iorol holders, particularly in ilnpurrhase of small amounts. It is evident that the continued strikes and elis asrwiutiits between cijutal and labor hac Blade dealers to a certain extent, ery in eiUirerciir in regarel to business. A few das stive, owing to a elispate m the harps ille retrlnn,i-eicii furnaces were bankcil. o to letnaiu until matteis can be aOitisteil Rolling Mills on Double Tarn. The rolling mills are filling up nithwork, Jind uianv of them are on lonl)le turn. It is STeporttrd that llio -teel nil iron trade is re gaining its customary actio it, and orders Otic coining in mure freeh Horn the nul-Itudt-. A lew 1115 the iron trade. ..s a whole, the present conditions are certainly more sin.liictor -uul the outlook more on cocraau; titan tn weeks ago Tins is duo undoubtedly to llio general lielpfnl liilln two or the lug crops lee-robo'lo feels tliat tntrrcnt prices arc safe pnees lint no one Tee.s bold enough to predict whe-i the :id-raam- ill set m The action of Imj crs dnr-iit.-ihe past tew disarnes cideuee that 1m- arc tiling to mi est 111 fao 01 ite frauds sat ahonf e urreiit rates, or those lesslaoor alrio known at such concessions as huoe a,vrr!omd lieen offered but thej luxe not reached . point at wliiili they arc willing to Jbh a clean adi ance In conversation w ltli a valid fnriiaecman, llet-md "Trade in the Micn.mgo and Aia ImnuiK A alleo is in pood shape Most lur-nsure-- in-well soln up" Hcw.is linnly ot tile opinion that an advance m pig iron" o as Mot far off. As w e lia-. e belore stated, there aire certain tuniaces that i-efuse to sell owner Bessemer 01 grnj forge at present Saw. Tliej aie able to hold on, and propose do do co. Tli- Market as It Is, Sow. Tbes-toikof raw 11011 on band is fully tip orfthtlic require inents of the trade, Bcsso raer pis prices hao e been maintained, w ith a fair amount o! sales reported. tiraylorgc tsliow i- no change in o alue: sales large, steel Slatis and billets s-ilps nave been liberal ffot some time pist. selp iron m fairde Uumd: narrow and wide gioened maintains iwaccs: sheared lion declined 21., cents old nraatid Mel rails -arc scarce, puticnlarh tbc formci Muck bat stcaelo: juices un changed -tcel win- l-ods declined a shade. scrap uiaterii! in u ket actio e New steel lailsare selling at last week s prices Tn l.TD.T-Hi'ii.ueici linproxcment to note in values, silis of gra forge during Hie last 21 lioui-s 1 irgo Bessemci sales show Dp rcasonahlv well, old iron and steel nils ore scarce and command good prie c- Moor lieatl A. MeUenuesallaiisare said to be in good shape Therale ol 500.1 tons of steel billets lc Jinrtwl Last oveck at sji 21 was an error and etavnld liav e read t2ii The topes are rc-cpon-iible lor the slip oki-. pmh rrii 1 Kt op n vtivf orFs. 4 Wtom-crav f.rgi 13 8, S.sminm JU-ftsriiM-r o.. Dec li "0 l.Ar4tm!s liis,MllH r. o t., i 1" i-t 2. ttsas grav i.-p . ... . 13 71 .rtns ra irf, Oct., ui Ilec i3 7A .fl4ttoiisgrai firrt in S-'i .4HQtn)s grav li rpe 13 to l.SflHtOllK 1U-Ss(-iuiT siHil.. . . . 1 VI en si 1 cash ta-.li .isli cash cash c-ish cash nsli 1 ash Clsll ish cish fash cash cash rash cash 4 m 4 in cssh cash t-ash ath rash cish 1 ai-h iash 3.30Tin Ilcasciner. vallov lurnvccOct NT" 3."Wtoas gra forpe, t., Noi Dec 1 (notittts 2U-sstam r, Oi tobt r I.fttTonsj4..iiHr. Ort.. il 1 fmi.His2toss,iiic . .. l.tqsprai fi.rKc.Od . Xui., I t otMts grav f.ii"g 1.MHI tls glTn foj-jr, jiit(iucrai fcrK. OctolKr ;itiii prax rnri- . . . 2ittns . 1 fimnlrv. all on. l"slus o 2 foiui'lM alln ! 'No.sioamlrv lWlms crarforr . .. . 1 uttiws s,w foundn .. ilsi. ifoaii'lrv. allore ., 7vtmiwtv. 2 rtniiiUn, soiiiIh rn 5ii.gra fiirpe Stilus .. 2 fnmiilr SntvnsXo.1 fuiin;i.. . . 1 .111 n-io . . li "m hf 14 m 13 8", .. . 13 (" . 13 7' HWI 17 no .... if. ) r. 2.-1 ... ;i on 11.0 .. .. Hi 'Hi .... 14 71 1TV1 . . 11 21 . 1C2i TEU1.SI.M.S IMP 1UL1.1TS. tend tons MHrts at cit mill ... i. 00 cash .?si!itis ltflU-ts and hlalis, OctolKr. metnlier . . . 24 7C cash I.StMtmifi lilllpts. (IcIuIki, Xoicm- hT. Ilrennlr 2171 cash Uitnsal mill 35 m rasii S.wi t.Ht IfflftN 25 IU CVfll nv loos lilllPls 21 'M rash tons tilllelK at mill 2100 cili fiiO Umt-tifllctj- 2100 cvsh 30 Una billet atnlll 2 (X) cash MCCI. 11 vr. 1.5W tnn neutral. Oft J2G71 cvsh Lin isk neutral. lri Xoi . . 2fi 71 rash 1.010 torn- neutral 2Ti .VI cash KtaK neutral. X or.. Dec 2B SO cash i, tun- neotral 211.IO cath 51 twns netttral 2ii M cvsh Ions neatra! 2B 40 cash it tinMHtitral. Nov.. Dec 3! cali - tans neatral 3. 2 cvsh SAi tu Healral, s.jKit .. .. . ...... 2( 1C eash sivixrirON. I.3SenearUroo Ill 4 ttios 4 Inos 4 luus L-MltvMts n.rnm ruicd 1 . tC5Unn.wifIegTi.mvcd Jl I FR1IO MVS.flAM.sv. Watfnfi9rirTs:-ntdon.esl!c. Pitta. .$ Wi .10 tH)tteirH-rf-nt uiiixirlisl Oft .... 68 40 srrn Willi loiis. GSBtvns Amcrlraa i". Oct . at mill. s-Tl "0 rtJjnOlls. nEAMs. KAH. ID CItOI' FMlS. RStnat-tdiMiin and tH'am cmKct tt ht I- no SW tr Iw-Min fti4- Oct m 17 0(1 SJHtoasbnietf-nd- 10 8 cvsh eash cash cash t ash cash 11 via oL. atmis V. 2 trtiiuilri 7tnfienld hiiurt tSttmN. 1 ffHiniirv ... ri TO cash 20 71 cash 22 03 cash it.r :no rvits. Smiqus Aarrraa Ts .. 523 70 cvsh MHUms An.trfrauTs 23 -VJ tasi BIG BUYING AT CINCINNATI, The Iron nml steel Trade Is Xow Very Ac tile at That Point. Cl-CIvATl, Oct 2 -cria7. lingers, Ilron n A tx. i-aj The healthy condition of the troll maiket his been demonstrated aanrc clearlv lv the cour-eot liusmess dur ing tlie lint week There lias heen lieav Inning to ccnei eoiisiimcrs" legitiuiate uantt-during 1 he next three to siv. month, Imt Ititnacesns a mle have not attempted to force pnecs ii.uch higher Main largo luycrs liav e not plated their orders, but are waiting in hopes that a seilci nnj be found vvito vSH 1epe.1t olleis made a lew weeks f-iHCC It Is CJUItC s.(o to sav llwv will be ilisippomtcd for all the leading Southern companies are well sold np lor tiie remainder of the jcar. Iteports from other mukets show a larger liHimrt and incivased sale The makers of Sontliern etir w heel irons .ire tontidput that bctt 1 tunes aie in store for them a little teier. but tnev are not realizing anv tiling yet troiu the talk about what the railroads wiUcinherealtci. Km carlv delierj- vcty low onccsare liindc on snindaru cat wheel toands. and weie it not for the conservative fcpiii' i where shown the car builders would m d ihemseHcs bcivilj VMth stocks togiuud .igainst the prob ible advance W ith 1. f vi options all brandies of the tron ami stei 1 tiade ait? activ c, and the gen crrl feeling i-ncin ot oduccrs anil conMimcts l?civ bopeliil Noithern mill itons luive been s, . , , tle il(.ing district at prices that keep southern lirauds out of that mar Let ir the iisml dilleicnce in prices ex tscl, all the -urplns otJbouthern mill grades Mcwili: liav. heeu disposed of to lolling null-) in Ohio and West lrginia, mid anadvaneo ln hive heen sustained. We quote lor Cash. 1 fi 1. eais, ( incinuati' Pfiatli.-riif.il,. o 1 r-uii.lr $14 71I5 25 ttfWlM-ru .-.,1,. ; ,IUiiilrv and Xo. I1 HTiWItm 3IHrtiiK Kl ...Vi. No. J ' 1(,.V37 VJ JU11C1117 Jt. L . liarrt.-d. S.i. 2(1 Ua22 do Jfllii. --. rlunsol. Nil. 1 15 5USLI7 0 4-s:i r..itul .tn( ,,! S.O. 1 IC'irtaiTOll tHrtiiem -sA. gr-. lurgt 12.1051271 PacrtlK-n eciki uimtlH 12 2Tj.l2 50 Mandanl !aliamaf-ar nluil l'l .VKiSO SO TenHf-sf. ear rl eel . IS (XtarJ 00 lake sujienurfirwli.il l'l 00 JO SO SIGNS OF IMP20VEMENT. liirge Orders Tor Iron and .steel Comlnc Into the Ciucinnvti Market. Cimtwvti, Oct 2. i'pccian Rogers, Brown .V to n The pig iron market chows 6tiii lurther signs of Improvement. In recent reports v,o mentioned the thriv ing condition of the stovo trade, and now w e notice that locomotive and engine build ers are beginning to place largo orocrs for raw iron and steel to cover contracts on hand and in sight for their finished product, and so it is all along the line. One bv ono the different branches or the iron business respond to the better feeling now pre vailing. We quote for cash, f. o. 1). I'hiladclphia: Ohio softeners 'o. 1 X, $19 2.VfT19 60; Ohio softeners Xo. 2 X, $IS M)19 00. standard rennsjivaniaXo 1 . $17 7-XtflS 2k standard I'ennsjlvania Xo 2 X, $1G 5iijl7 25: strong neutral forge. $14 501S 00; Lake Superior C. C, $20 0020 ."0 standanl So. C. V. Bibb, Attalla, etc, $22 502.1 00; Bessemer ?tccl billets and slabs, $27 J0g2S 00. AN ADVANCE IN PBICES In the .southern Iron -Market and the Gen eral Tone Is Quite Firm. Bir.vnvoHWi, An, Oct. 2. Special Actual sales of iron are being made at an advance over picvious quotations. In quiries are fiec and the general tone is firm. A hopeful feeling prevails, well grounded on slight advances, though the larger pio duecrs aro not diposedtcV stickle on the price nt the expense of piling up stacks. Tbo largo production continues tomovoto market, thcie being snllicient uncertainty to promnt the keeping dow n or stocks and'suflicient belief in the liitutc to pi event large sales for long time ileln or. One of the largest companies heio sometime since made a sale lor Jntuie de hvcrv of J0,OC0 tons, and quite recently a sm iller sale at bottom puces, but thcse.ue exceptional. This companv" is, however. now making other sales tor immediate de In erv at the advance noted. The nninin il quotations now given out fob at the tui nace arc- Xo 1 roundrv,$I2 21gl2 SO; X'o. 2 foundrv $11 SO: Xa 3 foundry, $10 so; gray lorge, $10 00 llicse JIgnres aie shaded ac cording to the extent ot the order. While there is no danger of an immediate effect on the course of iron production, vet a question which has been stav ed off a long time has foiced itselt to the liont. Tho political war crj has been raised that tho conv lets must be taken out of the mines in this couutv, and all candidates for the I.cgis 1 itui-e are taking it up The Alliance candi date for clovcrnor bus pledged himself to remove them, and the fight mar be said to have opened in earnest A over 2 000 con v lets are now engaged in mining co il here, the question is a serious industrial issue. INQUIRIES COMING IN. An Increased Demand for Certain Grades of Iron at St. Louis. St. Lons, Oct. 2 SpeeiaLl liogcrs, Brown x. Mearhani saj The past week has de veloped a moderate number of inquiries, while a few medium sized orders liav e been placed at lnegular figures. Consumption continues to improve, and with few excep tions Southern furnaces present a strong lront. There is a quiet, but steady trade in Ohio softeners at unchanged figures. In chat coal irons there is an increased demand, prices remaining firm. We quote for cash 1. O I) "-U i.Ollls. Hot bl-tst coke ami charcoal: southern coke, Xo. 1 southern cuke. No. 2 south, rn if kc. Xo 3 ... southern gnv forge southf mi harcovl, Xo. 1 sniilhe-rn e h.irioal, Xo.2 .... Missouri tlurcovl, Xo. 1 Vlissouri rhare-o-il, Xo.2. tlhiosoftt ners ( ar-w hee-l and malleable Irons: I.aki superior s-mithc-m ., ... .. ...... count Usv llle foundo coke St. Louis . J11 "Offill 71 . 14 .mail 7i .. 13 714 10 . n sffin so .. 17 25lf17 71 .. 11. 7VK17 25 .. 11 "WnilG 00 .. 11 aii .10 ,. 18 OO&l'J m ,.!19 vnsai CO .. 19 5031(10 ......$5 C5 Metal Markets. Xew Youk, Oct. 2. rig iron quiet; Ameri can. $10 OOglS 21. Copper nominal; iAke, October, $12 JO. X'ovembci, $12 3.1. Lead steadv ; domestic, $4 55. Tin firmer; Straits, $20 1C. IIUXTING The Pittsburg nlmrods now In the Kocky Monntains have had some liair brcadth escapes. See news from thent In TIIE DISPATCH to-morrow. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Office of Pittsbubo Dispatch, ) luiDvr, Oct. 2. Cattie Receipts, 819 head; shipments, 7,0head: maiket nothing doing; all through consignments; no cattle shipped to Xcur York to-day. IIoe;s Ueceipts, 3,403 head: shipments 3 SOD head; innrketflnmPhlladelphi.as, $5 455 CO; best mixed, $5 30ST5 40- Yorker.", $4 805 10; pigs and roughs $.1 50i 50, 8 cars ot hogs shipped to Xew lork today SiiEEr lteceipts 1.20J head: shipments, 1,400 head; market steady at unchanged prices. Dj Telegraph. Buffalo Cattle lleceipts, 102 loads through; 5 sale maiket firm for good bntcbcis-offairlv good grades, sales, good medium steers, $4 OOgt 2.1; mixed butchers', $.1 Z-0, 7 Hog. Receipts, 55 loads through. 25 sale; market opened steadv and strong, but closed easier: about all "sold: heavv grades, corn-fed, $5 355 45: medium weights, corn-ted, $5 305 40; vorkcrs, good to best, corn-fed, $5 155 25. sheep and lambs Re ceipts, 2 loads through, 20 sale- market easier, closing lower, with about all sold: sheep, extra tancy, $4 504 !K good to choice, $4 40: fair to good.W 7-i4 00 Lambs, gooel to choice nativ e, $5 50o 00. common to Ian, $4 59(iT5 40; Canada lambs, common to extra, $5 yo&G 15. Chicago Cattle Receipts, 12,000 head; shipments, 4.500 head: market steady; prime anil extra steers. $1 70(i 3.1. good t(i clioice, $5 005 SO. othci-s $2 CiiS4 71; Tcxans. $2 23 2 !K), l-ansers. $2 503 uVstuckers. $1 !K)!3 21; cows. $1102I3. Hog. Receipts, 15, head: shipments, 7,000 head, market faiilj :ictie. stiong and higher; lough and com mon, $3 754 50: mixed and packers, $4 C0) 4 ?a prime henvv and butchers' v eights $1 !-5 21; light, $4 Scei 00; second class, $4 00 (5170. pigs, $.! ro3 75. Sheep Jleecipts, 5,000 bead: shipments, 2500 bead; market stiong- native ewes, $.i ooiffii 21: mixed and wethers. $4 35.i 25: Texas teeders, $3 25, Westerns, $.! 70(ffi4 50: Iambs, $3 735 50. Xew Vork lleev c Receipts, l.sct head, including 23 cars for sale: mai ket dull and a shade easier; native stecs, $t 301 41 Colo ndos, i't 80- bulls and ceiws, $1 75Q4 00. Ilressed heel steadv at 3IJ''Vie; shipments tomouow. 891 becvesanu is4o quartciseif beef Calves Receipts, ."07 head; market linn: vcaN, $1 508 00. grassers, $2 S02 50, buttctmilk calves, $2 75S3 00. sheep Re ceipts, cj;,yl4 head, sheep dull: lambs firm: sheep. 1 50g5 OJ.lambs. sr, 00C 87i"dre-sed mutton steadv at 73e.ilressed lambs firm at ffTlOc Hogs ltete ipts, 3 030 bead, con signed direct; nominally steady at $5 LOQ 5 so Oinalia Oittle Receipts, 2,100 head: mar ket active and stronger on desirable steers and butchers' stock, other gratles about steady: common to lancv steers, $2 75K5 75. Westerns. $J 005 00; Texan, $2 21100. Hog. lteceipts, 1,700 head; the market was active and stionger, the advance being miinly on corn mixed hogs, which weio largelj in the majoiitv; light. $4 35g4 W, heavj, $4 Oaiffil s5; mixed, $4 00g4 01. sheep Receipts, llshead; demand good; maiket linn. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 1.400 head; shipments. 1,100 head; market steady; good to choice nativ c-, $5 005 SO; fair to good do, $2 90(fft 10. Texan and Indian steers, (1 403 05, canncrs. $1 50g2 35 Hogs Receipts, ..20O head; shipments, none: maiket stronger; fair to choice heavy, $4 !K) ? 5 Oh mixed, $4 40g4 h5; light, fair to good, $4 C04 80 sheep Receipts, 400 head; ship merts, none; m nket stiong, lair to choice, $2 iflflJ co Cincinnati Hogs Lower; common and light. $3 50014 C5. picking and butchers, $4 STifES 00; leeeipts, 2,500 head: shipments, 1,100 head Cattle easy; fair to choice butch ers grades, $2 OO'ijt 00; prime to choice ship pers, $.! .ViiffiS 25: receipts. ,1S". bead; ship incuts, 220 held, sheep scarce, firm; com mon to choice, $2 OOiffit 50. extra fat wcthcis and Jcarlings. $4 75fl0i), leeeipts, ".I51 bead, shipments, 5W hciui laimbs steady: com mon to choice, $1 OOfJj 50 per 100 pounds Kansas Citv Cattle Receipts, 5,440 bead; shipments, C30 bead; mai ket steadj ; steers, $3 255 75; cows, $1 2552 75; stotkers and leedurs, $2 oo1 70 Hogs Receipts, n,3tD bead, shipments. 2.1s0 head; market ste idv to strong: bulk, $4 C04 70; all grades, $3 254 80. Sheep Receipts, i,jjo head; market steady. Collee Mnrkcti. r.vtTivror.r. Oct J -Coffee steady; Rio car goes, fatr, 17c; Xo. 7, He. Xtw Or.LK.AXS. Oct. 2 Coffee dull and lowcr;Rto, ordinarj to fair. 16(lSc. Xew- Youk, Oct 2 Coffee Options opened steadv to QT points down; closed to 5 points down to 5 points up: sales, 33,000 bags, including- October, 12.2012.40e; X'o v ember, 11.20OI1 40c: Uecembei, lL13lLD0c; January, ll.13ll.20e- Slaich, 11.20c; Slav, ll.30i7811.35c; June, lLSOc. Spot ltio quiet and steauylair cargoes, 17e; Xo. 7, 13Jllc. The Drj goods Market. XrwYonK. Oct. 2 There was no change in the Urv goods maiket to-day. The Price of Hnr Silver. X"fw Yokk. Ocf. 2. Special. Bar silver in London. 451 ioronncc: X"ew York deal ers' price lor sih er, "JSo jiei ounce. THE WEINKLES IN TRADE. Conversion of the Allegheny Central Hotel Into a Flat. GOOD TIIIXGS AT WILKIKSBURG. A Two-Hundred Acre Tarm in the Sur veyors' Hands for Subdivision. FE4TDIJES Of MOXEI AND SPECTJUTIOX Allejlicny Central Hotel is beins con verted into a flat, or apartment building. It will be supplied with an elevator, and have a cafe on the top floor. The interior is undergoing a complete transformation. It is the intention to make it one of the finest structures of the kind in this or any other citv. The cost of the improvement vi ill reach 815,000 or 520,000. The Central has hail a long but not wholly srcccssfiil career as a hostelrie. It was erected in lhGS. The location is one of the best 011 the XorthsiuY. In its new form it should be a pav ing investment. The on tiers arc ceorgc Shields and W. 11 Graham. lovements at Wllklnsburg. Wilkinsburg promises to furnish two good real estate Items before long. 3Ir. Peter Hick, or Campbell A Dick, b is made an offer of about $ls,000 for the Hublcy property on l'enn avenue, below ood, and it is now under serious consideration. The lot is about 200 feet sqnaie. The house is a largo two-story buck. If his offer be accepted Mi. Dick will improve tho place and occupy it as a lcsidcnco. Tnobtotheis, wboown a stone quarryin Westinoi eland county, ate looking for a site whcicon to e icet twostono residences which will cost $35 000 each. 1 hey want a frontage ofat least 200 feet 011 a good street, and aio willing to piv a good price lor it. Ihev hive ono 01 two sites 111 view, but ate open for offers. Another Largo Snb-Divislon. A tract of 200 acres, owned by Alexander Duiupsrer, founerly City Kngineer, at Par nassus, on the Allegheny Vallej Railroad, is being plotted, and w ill soon be placed on the mukci through the agency of A. Leg gate A s-on Tho lots will range from one to five acres, and snpplv a much-needed want foi largo sites lot suburban homes. Coining to a Head. Sev eral plans have been submitted for tho Xewsboys' Home, to be elected on the site donated by Mrs. Schenley, at the corner of Old avenue and Shiugiss street. They differ considerably in stjle and cost, but all of them contemplate a structure which w ill be uselul as well as ornamental. The committee having the matter in charge will meet next week, w hen a selec tion will be made. The building w ill then be put under contract. Itusiness News and Gossip. New York had a little boom yesterday. Stocks were higher. It will take about $c5,000tobny the Marshall-Kennedy mill property. The Evans estate subdivision, McKces port, is the only plan of lots on the market within the city limits. Of five or six: rapid transit schemes under consideration by the West Endeis, one or twow ill llkelv be adopted. The latest idea is to build a road diiectlv from the Point bridge to Crafton This will do fora starter. The Tenth waid, Allegheny, is the most piogiessivepart ot theXorthside. Lots are going off v cry fast and building is activ e. The proposed electric 10 id on California av enue is helping business 111 that quai tcr. James S. McCartney Ins sold to l'eter Her mes a 1 esidence property in the Sixth waid foi $7,500. The City Deposit Bank announces a divi dend of 5'percent. Talk on tho street jesterday was favor able to a successful issue of the Chambers embarrassment. Central Railroad of Xew Jersey announces a div idend of 1J per cent, payable Nov em ber 2. As advertised in another column of this paper, "samuel W. Illack ,t Co will have another auction sale of fine level lots at Ha7elwood this afternoon at 2 o'clock Be ing in the city and on an electric lino en hancement is certain. Movements in Ttealty. J. E. Glass sold a new two-story frame dwelling of eight 100ms andall modern con Tenieuces, with lot L0 feet front, situate on Parker street, near O'Hara, foi $4 500. James W. Drape t Co. sold an interest in a piece of property adjoining the city of about two acre , with improvements, and small houso and lot in the citv, for $8,423; also a piece of property near McKeesport for $0,500: also several lots at Avonmore, fiom $300 to $500 each: also sev eral lots in the Keystone plan, Crafton, at liom $300to$t00 each; also several lots in Munhall Terrace plan, at from $325 to $450 each. A. Z. Bj eis i, Co. sold for Mrs. Selona B. Jenkins to E. Dougherty a new frame house of five looms, attic, hall, etc., w ith lot 25x100 feet, fionting on Duqucsne avenue, Du quesne Park, Allegheny City, for $2,200. Black iBandsold lor Julius Gioetzingcr toEdwaid O Brien lots Nos. 23 and 21, in George A. Reineman's plan, in tho Thir teenth waid, lion ting 42 lect on Millwood avenue and extending hack 130 fcettoan allev, for $1,500. s. A. Dickie & Co. sold for John II. Hughes to T. C Hcisack a lot on Bennett stieet, Twenty-first ward, 21x135 feet, for $475 Baxter, Thompsum t Co. sold lot X'o. 10, Knell place plan, 22 teet on Kiikpatriek street and extending back 120 feet to 20 foot allej", for $300 The Ruildlng Kecor.l. Eight permits were issued ycstei day for 18 impiovcments, the cost of all being esti mated at $50,050. II. s. A. Stewart, nine brick dwellings on Ilxjrs streit, Xlnetcentli ward; cost, $41,000. Mrs. 31o Closkev, three brick to-stor dwellings on Car 111 gie avenue, Fightcenth w ard ; cost. $3.b00. John Beek. irame twi-storj d filing on Conrad street. Twentieth ward: cost, $210(1. Herman Ross, brick two-torv dwelling on 1 ihnuiid street. Sixteenth v-urd: cost 1.800. tfeoiere- Cirdner. fr-nnc two- steir dnclhngon lilst I'nd avenue. TwenM-stcond warel; cost, $1,0.50 llirbara stotke. frame two stfir) dee oiling nit Rowan strei t, fwenn-urstward; cost. $1,000. Andrew ISeektinn. frame addition to clnelhng on Lucas alley. Llhtocntli ward: .ost, Sroo, August Haiti r. frame addition to store oil .Main street, Tliirtj-lourth ward; to-t, $100. MCEE DOING. A Brisker Movement at the Banks No rinch for I'timls. The local money maiket was moio activo jestciday th in on any previous dnv of the week, occasioned by a better call for lo ins and larger discounting. Depositing also showediuipioveinent. These items plainly indicate expansion of business. Iheic was no pinch in funds nor change in rates, which were on the basis of (,7 per cent. Bank eleai ings wei e nl ove the recent average, aggregating $2,21S,!0J 24. Balances were $305 SIM 82. A Fomtli avenue broker received tho fol lowing Irom New Yoik" Ln7aid, Fierce & Co. have advice of shipment ot $000,000 gold to them from Havre to da, and also the shipment of $530,000 gold to-mortow from J.iveipnol. jieieiuiiiae-ii, icKciiiennci .x. Co. have advice of shipment to them or $5J0,100 gold to-dav . As compared w ith statements of the I'itts burg national bunks made to tbo Comp troller ot the Currency at the last callJuly U, 1KII, the following changes aie shonn. 'Ihe compilation is by It. J. Money. Ji.: Re seive. increase, $701,5.9. deposits, decrease, $21700, lo ins, dcciease.f 151,318; legal tendeis, decicnsc, $11,410: specie, decrease, $183,011; circulation, increa-c, $11,330. due fiom legal leserve agents, increise, $010,233. Ihe banks now hold $1,451,915 in excess r the 21 per centns requited by-law, 01 2027 per cent of net deposits. At New Yoik ycstei day money on call was easy, ranging Horn 4gS percent, last loan 4, closed at 4. Pi line mercantile paper, Si(i7. Stcrlingcxchango quiet and steady, $4 illjf for CO-day bills and $4 S3 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U. S.4sreg 110 (In 4s conn 116 X'orthern I'ae. Ists.. do do 2nds Xorthw'rn Ollsols. do debenture s os . Oregon A Trans.fis . M.L.& IrouM. den. 5s St. L. & San Fran. Gen. M St. Paul Consols .... st.Fauk Chi. S. Pae. Ists Tex. Tac. L. G. Ir. Kits Tex. l'ac. It. G. -Ir. Hcts Union Pac. Ists dest Shore .t. G. W. ists ,H5!c .10-1 Hi's 10, do 2s STJS do4lsscemn Paclacfis of'ai Ill Lolilt.iauastalliped4s SOX Missouri fis Te mi. new set 6s K3s! do do 5s 100 dodo 3s eiO Canada So. 2ds 08 Cm. Pacific lsts ....100 Dm. .tit. (Lists.. ..115 do do 4s 7SV Ic-ll..tK U.VVcstlst-i 1'rleads ltav M. K. AT. den. 6s.. 77 do do Is 44 Mutual Union C 101 X. J. C. Int. Ccrt....W0j4 1C6 124SJ !ll3 ! 83 , sis: .107M ,101 'i . 76 Bank Clearings. Chicago Money at 6 per cent. Bank PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. clearings, $18,213 374. New York exchange, 23o discount. St. Louis Clearings, $303311.-,; balances, $422,267. Money, 7S per cent. Excli.mge on New York, 50e discount. Mevipiiis New York exchnnec selling nt $1 premium. Clearings, $393, 551: b dances, $9,745. Ni-w ORLrA?.s Clearings $1,3J0,C5G- Now York exchange. 50c; bank, 50; conimcicial, $1 59 per $1,000 discount. Nfw Y"ork dealings, $1o2,172,1S1; balances, $7,300,701. Bostox Clearings, $21,120,172- balances, $2,4Sa,101. Monc,per cent. Excliingoon New Yoik. lo20c discount. , , PuiLAnFLriuv Clearings. $15,324,3SS, bal ances, $2 00 1 438. Money, 4 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,847,950, balances, $115,278. Money, 0 per cent. HOME SECURITIES. AN IIiSY DAY OX" 'CIIANGE, lYXTII SOME THINGS OX" TIIE KltX. Philadelphia Gas Taken at a Disadvantage and Clipped a Fraction The Tractions landing New Supporters Airbrake and Luster rollow tbo Gasscrs Electric Stronger. The beais made an impression 011 Phila delphia Gas vejstctilay, using as an argu ment the nncettaintv of the outcome of tbo pending litication. If tho company loso.it w ill no doubt beat some disadvantige, hut ifitwins, it will bo in a position to wipe out tho floating debt. Thcso considerations should be allowed to offset each other pending a settlement. The icst of this gioup was weak in sympathy with tho leader. The tractions appear to be making new friends ev cry tlay. Talk about auyofthem losing money is less pionounced than lor mcrly. They nre all getting in good work ing ordei, and there is less friction between them. Combinations aro still talked of, but nothing definite has been div ulged. They were nil steadv to stiong jestei day except Duqnesne, which lost giound. At tho last call 10 was bid. For Manchester 37J was bid, and lC1 for 200 shales of Birmingham, ol feieel at 17 an impiovemcnt. There w as no change in tliemincis, except I.ustei, which was clipped a fraction. Elec tuc wasalittlo stifferon news that Boston was buving. Airbrake submitted to a slight concession. The works at V.'ilineiding are now 1 nulling on a five-day seven-honi basis. There were no sales at the fitst call. At the second 70 shares 01 Lustoi changed hands at 12, and 20 Citizens' Traction at 1 Thu thiicl call was like unto tho first. Between calls 50 shares of Philadelphia Gas weio maikctednt 11. Bids ami asking prices at each call are appended. HKST I SECOND TII1IIII rXCIIANGE CALL. CVLL. CALL. stock. B A B AP A Allfclic-nyN.uk.... 88 ExilijiiKeX't U. .. . S7H .... S7H: reeholil Hank u .... (16 .... ui Liberie. X. B .. 103i" 10 Marine X at. Bk .... 110 MirlruiUV X'.likl IK'S .... lWi Mon. Xat. Bank., 1T0 People'sXat.Ilk. 175 'leutouia In. Co.l.... 02 .... .... AVestern Ins, ejo.l.... 50 Alle. Htat. Co 75 Chartlers V. Gas' ... B 1 4"4 6 M mufact'rs' G.I.... 2li 25'e; PhlUdelnlilx Co. 11 HJ9 11 ll'fi 10"( 11 Wheeling Gas 20 .... 2(1 21 Central Traction 20' 21 20"s 21 20 21 f'itlre 11s Traction fi04 (il li0"s Ol'f 60ti (it Pittsburg Tract 40 40 .... I 40 .. . I'll isart Vvllcy 23?,-.... 23 21 Allpghein Vallev .... 4 N".Y..vC G.C. to 39 J9 .... Red Cloud M. Co .... 34 HIcMco Min. Co Jt'i 4 I.l XliriaM. Co. 20 50 31 43 31 45 Luster Min. Co 11', 12 lj Wi llli HJi West'house Klec 141- 11 14'i IS 14S ! Mon. Water Co 23 Unloa b.Jt s., cj0, 8 8 SJi S WhouseA. II 105 107 W'house HCLtn .... 71 Stand. 17. C. to. , 61 .... i.l .... U .... WALL STREET'S REVIEW. ANOTHER TURN FOR THE BETTER IN THE STOCK MABKET. Missouri rariflp, TVhlch Led the Late Re action, Heads the Bevivals Marked Gains in Most of the List A stream of Gold From Europe. Nfw York, Oct. 2. The stock maiket to day took another tuin for the better, and while there was not only a marked ex pansion in business and a material improve ment 111 puces, a decidedly bullish feeling was developed in the room, and the forces of depression were withdrawn in the face of the overwhelming volume of new buj ing. There was veiy little stock offering even at the advanced pi ices in thciittciuooii. Thei e w eie a number of fav orable factors, chief among w Inch wero futther heavj'ai livals of gold, together w ith advices of other amounts to leave the other side, while the buj ing for tho insideis 111 all the pioinincnt stocks and the evident desire of the foreign ers to pui chase weie influential in creating n. similar desire on the part of the local oper ntorson both sides ot the account. There weie many evidences of largo purchases by the Vanderbilt paitv. and purchases of Mis soui 1 Pacific by brokers identified with the Gould interests weie most maiked. The character of the buying in Western Union, Lake Shore, Wheeling and Lake Erie pre ferred, Missouri Pacific, Rock: Island, Lonis v ille anil Nashville and Chicago, Builingtou and Quincy attracted considerable atten tion. I The opening of the market was active lint without excitement or feature other than the uecline 111 Missouri Pacific, but the de sire to buy was made immediately apparent, and prices all along the line movetl up materially in the flistfew minutes, only to be checked bv the heavy selling of Rock Island by the bears, which loiced its juice offfiomSO to "'li. its coinp my being kept bv Sugar and Louisville, New Albany and Chicago. Before the end of the first hour, how ever, the attempt to loice the mm ket lower was given up, and all the leading shaies, under the lead ol Missouri Pacific, made rapid pi ogi ess in the upwaid elirec tion, Rock Island falling into line with the rest. The amount of business done was v eiy large. While there was a falling off in this re spect aftei 12 o'clock there was no cessation to the advance 111 pi ices, the maiket llnally closmg veiy active and stiong at the top figures nil along tbo line. Tho final gains reached 2 in Missouri Pacific, but Atchison and Louisv llio and Nashville are each up 1: Sugar, Canada Southern, Lackawanna and Beading, each 2 per cent; Union Pacific, V-; Wabash pretcned 1: Xorthcin Pacific prefened. New England and Big Four, caeli 1; Burlington, St. Paul and Lake hoie, each ljjj, and thcothcis smnllcr amounts. Railioad bonds weio comparativ ely quiet, but displaved a decidedly strong tone, al most keeping pace witn tue snare 11st 111 making maiked advances. Total sales, $1,173000. Atchison and the Beading issues were veiy strong, and scored matciial ini provemeirt. The lest of the list, however, weie generally traded within nniiow limits, and w bile strong, lulled to score such sub stantial gains. The maiket closed strong at the highest prices of the day. The highest and closing quotations are: Atchison hie R.Kffi fl3 Urst taHdSZ'i N .1 VT 10 XV CiM Ms Ogn lmp5s X Y E ls 1 X.lCoslfig 1 .N Vl.V 2d . IN YD 4 Wis OrgS 1 1 I' ii- Mo Is .... 1'S.W Is .... 11'D.tr. 2d....i A. A 1'. inc c... 14",. 14 'a .... 73V. 7J"j i lrt . Am Cot Oilss ja'4(ai 0s4 Bur Con rJ2VSl-f (ont Il" (SlOJ dies .to. Is .lu.if(SilUl'i K. X A. Is . . 70 (ii 70 C. A, i: HI 5s. M7'a 'I7;j I'm. euiio is iui i 101 Can Sou 1st. Seconds , Chat. Is 4 1 C&I Is S F. f t st I.X.I' lln'.-.ldlO.V ,. as a as .124Vai2P. 111 fijllo " Itllisluup ..1 liillslVlllli 1 1: wxocouVi I!; i.llllg 4s au'sfu 'JZ' KrlcSec Coll .ll4 SI04 Lionels,.. .'.".".". Kepi It Gas Is S2'( 1-"'. Ft "WJU'G1. ll'ifii 7IJs FA I'M 37 J! H AT Is IOOsvS us 11 V .Is S-I's 8.!'s nirii : ! S. W P TrOs : r is .- ; c: vi'i- V Is. . '..'..'.'. Iron Mt ti, 10. (rtlOi sti, .tsris. 1 stl.VATHls.l " ISA P 8os StPiM2il....l ('Olisols 1 Flies ... Firsts..., .1 BV .. K.tT2d . .Sl.V.'ii SB'S ...loi'jiaioi'i ...KB (ffilO.1 .... 41 lil 41 .. 7;'-fl&77 Firsts Ken Cen4s .. cfmrs : st t ir p ... . 80' W Laclead Gas Ls Is Con..., 11 N K t s.(m t , s, .11') "(iliu " .112 mu Consols 1 ht Ls is 1 see mid fl'le lllvlflcnds 112 IUU2 LstLJbTls.. SmiS.Sii LI ls 117 Q117 L B X St L Is. 84 fm W second rKI'iX I rstL&KCI. i l'l" Oss J fill M) 1 M.tE Con....H t"3i M A. N 1915. X P 5s Montana.... .109 (aUt.l . 82 (A Slli VMGM : W. lb 2d : i)cbn AOlH&Vll C .. N P os . . Mil (r1 Mil X V s.f (.VI Ss 83 III ta nrsts n W X v- t i.l : X" W Cons lSt'srfii'IllS Lxt 4s a M3 Deb Xew 10S ("10.1 X YCEx5s...l02'i,l02s. I Irsts ."... ! J SCoup 1 lu'Kuiar . xne total saies 01 stoc ks to-day weio ju.,v.j shares, including Atchison, 105,a0S; Canadian Southern, 3,280: Chicago Gas, 0,020; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 7,310, Erie, 20,220; Hocking Valley, 3,430; LukeShoic; Louisville and Nashville, 12.150. Missouri Pacific, 42,740: .Moiinwcsicro, o,nw; oith Amelican, i:,oyo; Northern Pacific, (!,2H5; X'oithein Pacific r. ...! 1TKOA. l..l.l. . .. , 0-1. Ttmlilln.. eornicill J uuiiie;, tl,illj; i01llieill infill. uefeired, 17,590; Pacific Mall, 4 870: Reading. 2,740; Richmond and West Point, 111, &t. 'an I, 5C9.i; Union Pacific, 3C,b3S; AVestern (.(.. -i noc Paul Union, 3,034. The following table shows the prices of active SATURDAY OCTOBER ftocks on the New York Stock Exchanee yesterday. Corrected dailr for Thk Dim-atcii bv WlHTNEY ffi STFnibxsov, oldest Plttsouig members of the " KTK Stock EXCl ork Stock Exclnnge, 57 fourth renne: n E2. American Cotton oil American Cotton Oil. nfd. Am. Siigirieinnjrcii. .. Ain.b. KiBnlnerCo., nfd.. Atch.. Ton. & ?. v. I anailiinVvcifie Cnnai i southern Centrilorx'iw Jersey Jcntnl Pacific Che sjpeake and Ohio A'., 1-tpfd C. ft .. 2d pld hlcngo (lis Trust P'Ul,',r"jtsul"e. 2IS 40H 8.) 94 4I'i ss ri7 no 31s 213J 53 ".iojj lltl'j, SO 32 "f! 25 '87 "i 1 4-C 83 5M 118 34 27 hlii ".itii ls'4 74 h 117 81i. Xl'i 24'fj 2414 47 87 UPfJ 435 88 l'l 118 34 26; 50't aiv rffi IJ's 711 11014" 81 72- Si'4 ni'-j IV. 10 ' 40 S2'? ai I01J4 21 67': 124'si 80 101 H 43 :.Vi DTs 100 16M HO 1SV! 42 30'4 68 30 SO-V 175 54 's 1'IM MV 74-s; 24 22s 30 C Si 40 2i C0s 19T4 13!4 55S 108 s, 14S 41V 14' 3I)"a 82 78 46 H 83"4 94 4t3 S3 17 HB'jf Sit 2H5 Si toi 72S 116 V. 73 3 in' rahs KH ia 1X1 lls 48'4 50 'i 6Tl "20-V 6.i"n 122"i 78 lOt 44 54H 92 101 K'i 1WA 17Js 40 28'. C,, TliTi 20 - ., ...1 ,v ri. 1- IUI, -. Mil. X St. Paul, p.- Rik I. X. I- . . . pfd '..st. p. M.ftO X Xortliniestern C",s-. C. .c I 'ol toaixirou ! , l.ie'v & West !cl. L Hudson eu. Xlilonrande pen. .lido brande. pfd. . lt. 4. cattle I 'd're Trust I.T.. Va.iOa Illinois Central LakeLrleJt We-t Lake KrleX VA est., pfd.... Lake Shore XXI. s LcnlsilllcXXaslivillc .... Mlclilg-in Central MolilleXOldo Xlls.ouri 1'aclflc Xiition il Cordage Co. . .. National Cordage Co., prel Xatlonal Leid Trust Xew York Ccntial X". V.. C. Xst. I. 11 I UiSi 71 Kit! Hl"u in 20 4nu 52"s 140 l-a'-S 20 4SH -v-a: 1 , 66 I ITT'.I 12PJ 111 I 7H'B son 101 102 I 44 41 51H .ISs; 1211 n 10i"s 101 i IBS Hi1. im4 no' Kh isa 40 43 28SJ 30V r.7 s 37 :' 20'i 20;. 18 "lTk "ii", 27J 20', 74 76V4 "ss'i "vi" U 23'4 3S" 40". 21's 25't 60 6BV, 102 1S3 13 13i "'ii" "li 39 42', lis. 4's Hl'4, 3 81' 82n .171-, 375, 77, 7'4 X. v., (. JM, 1,., 2dpren .-.. 1 .. 1.. j-.. .V o X. A .. t. K X" liref X.Y. 1X.K X A.O. XW XorfolkX Western XorfolkX Western, preL North American Co Northern I'acillc X'orthi rn IMcinc, prel Ohlo&JIIssIstlpi Oregon Improvement Pacific Mall Peo.. Dee. X Evans Philadelphia X Beading . Pg., Cin , Chlcago&st L r.. c. c. x st. l. prd l'ulhuan Palace Car Richmond X V . P. T Richmond X . P. T.. pfd St. Paul. Minn. X Man.... Texas Pacific Union I'acillc v abash AVthash. pfd Western Union XMiiellng Jfc L. E Wheeling X L. K., pld.... 17W 27S 73"-6 31 211, 3S 23 i 192 11H 14 394 Ills 21', IPs KH Philadelphia Stocks. Closing eiuotatlons of Philadelphia stocks, fur nisher) be hltnev X Stephenson, brokers. Xo. 17 Fourth aieuue, members of Xew York Stock Ei- ciiantre Bid. Asked. PennsvlranlaRallroad !A ReadlugRallroad 20 1-16 2I.I-I HiilTilo. N". 1. Xl'lilla Lehigh Vallev frO'i 51 Xorthern l'vcltlc M 28Ta Xorthern I'acliic preferred 71s, 76 I.ehlgh Naelgulon 49'. ... Philadelphia X Lrlc 33 34 Boston Stock Closing Prlccvs. Atch. XTop 41s.'Hoston A Moat .. Boston X Albany.. ..203 Calumet X II .... .. 46 ..270 .. 17' Jiostoni.viaine 174 ir'rankln Chl.Wir. X eiuincv. Kasternlt It. i.s 121 FltchhurgK.lt 7b UlntXPtreM ... . 2!i Ke.irsage 1j Osceola rt... Xli siantaie Copper..... 1 Tarn iraik 174 AnnlstnnLand Co.. 31 k c.st.j xc.is.7s urn lias., ueiilral.. Ufa San Hie mt Land Co. 184 Alex. Cen. com 22 West End Ho 17 X. V. X.N. Enir II llellTelenhone 180 Old ( olom 167', Vatcr Power 3 is. Lenrl common 20'si(ent. Xlluhig 16i Alloucz Mln.Co.new l'4Butte& Boston cop. 17Jf Electric Stocks. Bostox', Oct. 2 .Special. Electric stock quotations here to-day were: Bid. Thompson-Houston Electric Co.... 43 '0 'Ihoinpsoii-Houstoiil lectricCo .pfd 26 00 Ft. Waene Electric Co 14 Oil VV e stlnifboiisf Trust lteceipts 14 03 Detroit Llectric Co 9 60 Asked. 49 21 2li 10 14 21 1100 10 00 Mining Stock Quotations. Nrrw Youk. Oct. 2 Alice, 150; Aspen, 300; Consolidated California and Virginia, 537J.C: Hcadwood, 200; Hale & X"oi cross, 140; Homo stake, 150: Horn silver, 333; lion Silver, 110; Ont.uio, SSTK): Ophir '340, Plymouth, 175: Sav age, 250; Standard, 140: Sierra Nevada, 240; Union Consols, 225, Yellow.Jacket, 150. PARIS Pittsburg at the Gay French Cap ital by Ida M. Tarbell. See her letter in TIIE DISPATCH to morrow. THE SUNDAY DINNEE. X"rnlts on the AVnno and Ocean Products In Light Demand. Thocost of market basket filling Ins not materially changed since last Saturday. In fruit lines grapes have the lead, and peaches are on the wane. The latter aie near their end lor this season and prices show an up waid inclination. Tropical fiuits 1110 u shade firmer than they were a week ago, but retail prices remain unchanged. Late advances in piices of butter have the effect of bringing oleo to the fiont and the gen uine article is barely steady at last week's puces. Stuctly I lesh eggs are 111 short sup ply and maikets aie firm at prices quoted. Watermelons are now a thing of the past, and cantaloupes soon will be. The hot weather ot the w eek past has beenadveise to trade 111 the line ot lane and ocean pro ducts. White fish and largo salmon are seaice. Standard oysters aie in good sup ply, but select are scarce. Soft shell crabs 1110 done for the season, and frogs are in limited supply. Floiists report a slight im piovetnent in trade, but prices remain as they were a week ago. Staple ments rarely change in price, whatever the upsanddowiis of live stock. Follow mg aro latest retail prices of mar ket basket filling: Mevts Best cuts of tenderloin steaks, 21c per lb: sirloin, lsaw: standing rib roast, lsiffijoc; e'uick ro ists, 12c; corned heel, 8fad0c per lb; sprint: Inmh, 2k: leg ot mutton, 12'clor hlndniiirttr and 8c lor lore ipiarter: loin of mutton. 15c; lamb chops, 20c; stowing piccfs. cc per lb; leal roasts. I2(lc per lb, md f utlets, Jiic. Pork chops. 12'sc, and steaks. 10c, anaiHanccof 2c per lb on rates which hae prevailed for some months past. VlOETABLES ami Fill IT Cabbage s,510c: pota toes, loc per halt pcik;sneet potatoes, 2U2h: ier hairpeek: roasting ears. loiaUOc 11 dozen; green beans, 20c a halt peck; wax beans. JOc a half peek; smiasn. 5e apiece: onions. 25c a naif peek; bananas, lHT?lic- a dozen; car rots. V a bunch: tomatoe s, 10c a ejuarter peck; pe is, 25c per II df peek: lemons. 2VS3uc perdozen; oranges, 2j(5140c; lettuce, 2 bunches for ie; bee ts, 1 nunc lies lor 111c: rauisiit... ,ic a uiineii; f iicumuers. 4 forlOe; eggpl ints "lOc; eilcrv, it a bunch: eaull Iloeeer, lUff-c apiece; apples, 1012. a hall peek; grapes, .'.icapound; peaches, 1015c a ejuarter IHck: pluuis. I0(ille aquait. BuTTtii VMiEe.os Good creamery. 272Sepcr fti; t incv brands. 3ic: choice country rolls, 28c; good cookintr butter. 17c: fresh uco. 2:c nei dozen. 1'otI.TItv Ilrcssci: ciucKens. i-j 10 ix per 16; dutks. 13 toljcncrlu: turkes. 16c. 1-Isu rollow Ing are the articles in this llneon the st ills, with prices: Lake almou,10 to lie; Cai llorui 1 salmon, 3. to 40c per pound; w hite lish, 12 to 15c; herring. 4 pounds tor 21e; Spanish mackerel, 2Uepcr pound; blue fish, 15c: halibut. 20c: roe k bass. 2e : lake trout, 12.c; lnbsiers. 20c; green sea turtle. 20to2ic; ojstcrs, Nev York counts. $1 71 per gal lon: smelts. 20c a jiouud-sh id, ?1 00 to $12icaeh; scallops, 20c 1 pound; M ickluan trout, 12S.C per Jieiuud, suit sin Her lbs. $1 00to$l V).i ducn; frogs. 1 00 to s 10 a flot 11; 1 1 mis. $1 2. 11 gallon, liowms La ri-iuee. Ji 2 per doze 11: Mermets, $1 21 Hrdo7eu: Brides, fl 2 per dozen yellow and white roses, $1 00 per dozen; Bennetts, $1 no per dozen; carnations. .He perdozen; Duchess of Al bnn. $1 21 ikt dozcli; hostes. $1 2. a elotn; watir lilies. 'Sm a dozen; sweet lie1 is. 10c a dozen: Senator A ootten roses. $1 21 a doen: Lll 1 11 111 Alba. 71c a doen; glidlolus, 71c to si 00 a dozen: Litlum Koseillu, 7ocadozen; hvdrailgca, 15c apiece. IV ool Markets. Nf.w Yor.K Wool steady and quiet; domes tic fleece, 30(&3lic: pulled, 2b33t: Texas, lb 24 e. St. Louts Wool Receipts, 3 400 pounds; shipments, 05,400 pounds; demand good and all lots placed 011 sale are meeting ready takers at full pi ices. PiiiLDLLrniA Wool Market quiet and puces steadv; Ohio, I'cnnsvlvania and West Virginia, AS and above, 2103c" X, 293Ic; medium, 37c: coaise, 3,i44c: Xew 101k, Michigan, Indiana and Wctem line or X and XX, 2(.28c: medium, 35c;conse, J2Jf 31Ke: line washed delaine, X and XX, :c .iiie; medium w. ishcil combing nnd delaine, .17Vi40c; co use washed co inbingandclelaine, 3.i;Yg33c; Canada washed combing, 32"4c; tun washed, choice, 3C'58c; fair, .'kxii'.bc; co.use, I3ffi34c: medium unwnsbed combing and delaine, 2C20c: coarse unwashed comb ing and delaine, 25ffi2bKc; Montana, 10ff23c; Temtorial, li21c. Bostos, The demand for wool has heen steady, and the sales of tbo w eek amount tei $5,040,000 pounds or all kinds. The sales of domestic have been larger than those of a week ago, atiHumtiiig to 24,100 pounds. Tho market has been veiy steadv, and prices re main the same. Ohio fleeces hav o been dull, X selling at 29c; XX at3031c;X'o. l.it SMl&c; Michigan X has been qu.et at 27c; No- l -lt 3435c; combing nnd delaino fleeces bc been in good demniid. with m leesflniuXo. 1 combing, I810c: Ohio fine delaine, M 35c; Michigan tlinn delaine. .He. lui- utory wools nave ueen 111 dcaiand within, sales ot b04 000-nounds. at pinions pi ices, fine on a scimi e coined basis selliug.it hum IClc: fine medium, 5758c, and lnedium, Mai 51c. Oregon wools hao been quiet at lb lie. Cilifoiniuhns sold more fieeli.at Wa 24c. as to quality. Texas wools hac u,eeu quiet, witn snles at 2222Xe for spring. Pulled w ools have been 111 steadv demand, supers selling nt 30I53, nnd extra "" j3 32c. Australian woois hav o been fir"1; """ elgn carpet wools has been steady. 3, 1891; A LIGHT EM OF FRUIT. Grapes aDd Peaches in Short Supply, and SJarket Firmer. VEGETABLES IN FAV0R0FB0YERS. The Upward Movement of Cereals Arrested, but Trices Steady. COFFEE LOWER AND SUGAR STEADY Omen of PiTTsnuuo DisrATcn, ? Friday, Oct. 2. CotrX'TKY Pkoducc (Jobbing Prices) lleceipts of grapes and peaches are light, and markets are tending upward. House holders who failed to lay in supplies of peaches last month will pay higher prices now. As home-raised fruits wane, those from the tropics are growing firmer. Lemons arc very scarce, and choice stock sells read ily at outside quotations. Vegetables of all kinds are slow, with situation in favor of buyers. Sweet potatoes are heavy stock at prices quoted. Choice dairy products are fairly steady at old prices. Strictly fresh eggs aio scaico and firm at prices quoted. Pioduccmcn aio cairving light stocks in both trait and vegetable lines, and, w itli tho advent ot cooler weather, piospects are good lor better piices. BrTTFK Creamery. LIgln. 2S:0c: Ohlobranrts, 215i2nc: common countr) butter. 16I7c; choice couutrvrolls. 20fffi22e BEA,s-ew York and Michigan pea. 12 032 40: marrow. 2 50(132 00: Lima lieans. 4';4Ii'c ft lb. BFFSWAX 323iC tH H Tor choice; low grade. 22 21c. Buckwheat Flour 44':c ? lb. ClDER-fcand refined. iS 507 tO; common, ?3 50 fir! m: cider vinegar, 1213c. CHEFSF Ohio cheese, new. OsJiaaVc: Xew Tork cheese, new. I010c; Liinburger. ll.l)sc: Wis consin Sneitzer, full cream, 13!3c; imported Sereitzer. 27(a23c. Tiifstnuts-sj 10(34 (O? bushel. Le.GS 2021e for strlctlj: rresh nearby stock; Southern and Western eggs. lSfSloc. i't ATliERS Kvtra Mi e geese. 57fi5-)c: X'o. 1, 4S 50e ? lb- mlace' lots. T.ai0c t lb. I'HL IT-Apples, 2TOT0C per bushel, $1 0031 23 per barrel: peaches G(ra75c per lnsket. 1 0031 25 per bushel: M-ars, 75cO?l 00 per basket. ?1 50S2 10 per bushel; plums. Damson. S2 00(32 21 ner bushel, grapes. 10-poilud b iski t, JD'aSc; Delaware grapes, 4i(340caiiiskit:Siil,clpinrs, (13 s luishle: eran be rrles. 1 3V32 50 a bushel Honev Xcn crop white clover, 1820c; Cali fornia honev. 12lrc Tfr lb. MAi't E sv Bitr 750r t? gallon. JI SFLE S1UOAI! IOC lb. l'oi ltiit All) e Chickens. 7V380C a pair; young chickens. 10fl0c a pair. Lleducks. .VXMOc a pair. Dressed Ducks WSKr ft lb: chickens, 1211c l lb: spring chickens. 14SJlle f lb. 1'otatoes Carload lots. $1 OOffil '.S 1 barrel :from store. 4034c a bushel: southern sweets, $1 2jl 50 abirnl;.lerses. 2ii32 10. QUISCts-JT 00(3.1 50 "rl lnrrI. Si eds esteni recleani d medium clover lob bing at 55 10: mammoth. t3 15: timothy. 51 45 for prime and 51 50 lor choicest; blue grass, 82 8.1(32 80; orchard grass, $1 73: millet, 91 10 German. 1 25: Hungarian. SI 10; fine lawn, 23c fi lb; seedbuck whe.it. SI 40(31 CO. Tallow Country. 4c;cit rendered, 5c. Tropical Tkl its Lemons. $.11031 00; fancv. 0 5037 00: borrento oranges, $5 003.1 25 per box; Jamaica oranges. S4 004 50 a boa: California peaches, 1 0O3I 21a boa: California plums. $1 503 2 21 a boa: California iicars, t3 00 a box: 1V'" s. $1 2V31 .10 firsts. 75c(31 00 good seconds, lice lokav grapes. (3 104 00 a crate. VFen-TAHLls Cabbaeei 21(3-I0ca bushel baske. yellow Denver onions. 82 212 10 a barrel: tomatoes, ..7350c per bushel; cucumbers. 37350c per bushel: cell ry, 20330c per doen: egg plant. SI 00 a bushel baskcti roasting ears, GOr9uc a bushc: basket. Groceries. The looked for decline in coffee is here, and our prices aro reduced in accordance with the facts. Sugais aie fairly steady. Demand for sweetening goods is not so ac tivo of late, and all prospects of higher prices are knocked out. The movement of geneial giocencs is free, and, as to prices, the situation is piactically as it has been for weeks past. Canned fruits of all kinds are heav y stock for reasons that are obvious. Grfev Cofffe Fancy. 2222';c: choice KIo, 3)1s(321c: prime Rio, 20c; low grade liio. 18 19c. Old Gov eminent Java, 271sj9c: Alaracaibo, 22fac: Mocha. 23(32)c: Santos, 1923c; Caracas, 23324c; LaGuayra, 2223c. Hoastep (In papers) Standard brands. 21'fc; high gra.les,241s(327,sc: lid Government. I iva, bull., 30Sa2c: alanicalbo. 24(325c; Santos, 21(325c: peu bcrre. 27c; choice llio 22c; prime Klo. 21c; good Kio, 21c; ordinary. l'K320c. hricES (whole) Cloecs, lSSIIc; allsnice, 10c; cassia, kc, pepper lie: nutmeg, 75.S0c. Pftroleum (Jobbers prices) 110 test, e'c Ohio, 120. Tirx headlight. 150, 7Sc: water white. agc: globe, lKSlle: elalne. lie; carnadlne, lie, rm aline. 14c; red oil, 10Sllc; pnrltj, 14c;olelne, 14c .Miners' Oil X'o. 1 winter, strained, 4244c ? gallon: summer. 375217c: lard ell. 55oSc sv nur Corn sv nip. 2S(332c: c'lolce sugar svrup. 37(333c, prime sugar sj tup, 3425c; strictly prime, 3.3i7c. X. O. Molassfs Fancv new crop. 45c; choice, 42341c; medium. .JS(3l0c: mtxe.1. 3338c. Soda Hl-carb.. in kegs. 3'4(3.1Viclbl-carb, In s. 5Vc; bl-carb., -ssorted pickages, oQclc; sal socfa, lnkfgs. lVjc; do granulated. 2c. uanples star, iuuweigni, yc; siearwe, per set, 8'se: parafllne, HfplJc. JtiCE Head Carolina, GijfiffMc: choice, c;45e;c; Louisiana. 5li(3fic. aTAKcn 1 ean, hc; corn siarcn, iKaossc; gloss starch. c7al7c. Fohlign Fruit Laver nilslns. S2 00: London lasers. S221: ilnscatels. SI 71: ( allfoniia Musca tels. l COl 73; Valencia. .735'4c: Ondara Valencia, G'ic: sultana. 10315c: currants, 5'4(3.Hsc: Tu-key prunes, 6(36': French prunes, s'S'iisr; salonlcv prunes. In 21b packages. 9c: coeoauuts, te 100. SO 00; almonds. 1. in., ji lb, 20c: do Ii lea. I7c: 1I0 shelled. 40c: wainuts. Nap , lK314c; Slcllv Alberts. 12c; bmjrnafigs, lK314e;nevi elites. 5'$(36c: Brazil nuts. 10c; pecans. 1410c: citron. fl, I718c; lemon pee I. 12c ri lb: orange peel. 12J. Dried r rlits Apples, sliced, lie?! IS: apples, evaporated. liffiHc: peaches, evaporated, pared. 20 (321c: peaches. California, evaporated, nnparcd, 11 (316c: e hemes, pitted. 15c: cherries, unpltted. 8c: raspberries, evaporated, 23324c: blackberries, BV 7c: liucklcbf rrics. 8c. hi oars Cubes. 4'nc; powdereil. 5c: granulated. 4HC; confectioners' A. 4Sc: soft white. 4'g(34c; v ellow. choie e 44'Jc; yellow, good, Siaa'sc; v el low, fair. IHmiTic Pickles Medium, bbls (1,3)0), S5 00; medium, half llbls (600), MOO. hALT Xo. 1 f( hbk fl CO: X'o. 1, extra. bbl, ft 10: dairy. e bbl. SIM: coirse crystal. blil. jl 20: lllgeins' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, 2 80, Hlggius' :un k 1. 11, 14-Ib packets. S.1 00 Canned goods slandard peaches. $1 oc 00; 2ds. ?1 5031 B0. extra peaches. S2 2032 10: pie peaches waaic: finest com. I aai SO; Hfd. Co. corn, 1 0031 lo: red cherries, si 2031 30: Lima lieans, ft 31: soaked do, 80j: string do, fcTHToc: marrow fat peas, SI 10(31 21: soaked peas, 0.7370c; pineapples, si tii W; uauama 00, 5- i; oamson plums. 1 10: gria.ngages. SI 50: egg plums, SI 90; Cillfornla .apricots. M 002 10: California pears. II 2732 40: do grecngige3. 1 00: do egs plums. 11 '10: extra whlteelierrii s $2 Si; raspberries. $1 ays (1 10: straw berries 05e3?l 10. goo't bf rrlf s 1 003 t. u. iuiii lines, OJfUAn;, Baiin.fii, x ku. f . wjiii . o. , htackberrie s. dOc: succotash. 2-It cans, soaked. Doe; do green, 2-lb 1 ans. ?1 2731 10: corn beef, 2-!b cans, $1 8731 90:l-lbians. Jl'J): hiked lit ans, 1 4031 10; lobsters. 1-Ib cans, S2 21: mackerel. 1-lb cans, tolled. St 50: sardines domestic. H". f! H-iai (XI; is. Sd JO: sanllnes. Imported. Ms., u s312 .10: sirdlnes. Imported. Ws, sis 00; sardines, mustard, il 31: sardln. s, spiced. $3 .10. Fish IixtraXo. 1 bio iter mackerel. 30 00 SI bbl; extriNo 1 do mess, $21 50: No. 2 shore mackerel. J)00:No. 2 large mackcnl. SIS 00: No. 3ltrge mackerel. SI4 00: Xo. 3 small mackerek S10 00. Herring-Split. Srt 50: lake. 53 21 ft 100-lb hhl. V hltetlsh, ?4 71 lb ICO half bbl. Lake trout. M 10 ft half barrel. Finnan baddies. lOc'J'lb: Iceland halibut 12ct!lb Pickcrek h df bid. SI 01: ipi irter bbl, 51 CO. Holland herring, 75c. tt alkoff herring, 90c OArMEVL $5 505 CO ft bbl. Grain, Flour anil Feed. Tho only sale on call at tho Grain Ex change to day was a carload of sample oats at 33J4C spot, lteceipts as buHetined,2l5cars, of which 16 wero by Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Itailwaj, as follows- 4caisof hay, 3 of oats, 1 of bran, 1 of ear corn, 1 of malt, 1 of stiaw, 5 of flour. By Plttsbuig, Cincinnati and fet. Louis, 3 cais of corn, 1 of oit, 1 of wheat. Bv Pittsburg and Lnko Erie, 1 car of bay. lly Pittsburg and West ern, 4 curs of hay. Shell corn is not so firm as it was at last reports, and markets aio a shade lowei. All along ccieal lines markets aio slow anil in buyers i.ivor. Hay is in bountiful supply ami inside quotations mle. Itye is lower and weak. Milllecd or all kjnds is dull and he ivy nt quotations. Brown middlings bring iittlo better piices than bran. Following quotations are for carload lots on track. Dealers charge an adi ance on these prices Irom store IIEAT-Xo. 2 red, 81 011 02. CORN-No. Mellon shell. bViQG3'': No. 2 yel low shell. eBtSeWsc: high mixed shell. 61"i562c; mixed shell, oosSclc: Xo. 2 jellow ear. Ai70c: high mixed ear, tVias5r : mlxid ear. (w'i43(i8c. OVTS Xo. 1 oats, .I4531'-.c: No. 2 white. 33S S3lc: extra, X'o. i oats, a2S(223c; mixed oats, Jls,iffi.T;c.- l.h N'o. 1 Peiinsjlranla and Ohio. 90ij92c. FLOPR-Joubliig prlces-lancv spring patents, $5 5CT3).1 7.1; lancv winter patents. $5 i35 50; nincy straight winter.' 1 0(35 21: fain v straight spring. S5 23.1 50; clear wlnti r. S4 7731 (0: straight XXXX bakers'. t4 7V35 co. Ite c flour, S- l"(35 21. Mill efd-X'o. 1 white midillings, f3 50324 CO ft ton: No. 2 white midillings, S21 ea.'2 00; lirowu midillings, sir. 10317 00: whiter wheat bran, JI5 00 lb 00; e hop teed, $22 OJ25 00. HAV-lialed'Hinothj. choice. SUKSll 7o:Xo. 1. ,10 2i;o 50; Xo. 2do, 9 owg.9 50: cimcrhai. id 5J to; loose from wagon. S" 00312 00, according to qinlit.e : packing hai. $7 007 50. STii vw Oats, -5 75) 00; heat and rye, Jo 50 Provisions. sugar cured hams, large Sugar cured hams, medium oiiar cured hams, small Sugar cured California hams sugar cured b. bacon Sugar cured skinned haras, large Sugar cured skinned hams, mcuium.. Sugar cured shoulders Sugar cured boneless shoulders 7V 7X 14 11 9 OK Dry salt clear sides, lo-Ib average S Dry salt clear sides, 3)-lb average M HI? Mess pork, neavr Mess pork, familv Lard, refined. In tierces Lank refined. In lialfbarrels Lard, retlncil, 00-lb tubs Lard, refined, 20-th palls Lard, refined, 50-Ib tin cans Lard, relinert, 3-lh tin pails I. ml, refined. .1-lb tin palU Lard, refined, 10-lb tin palls 1100 13 CO 8 7t 7 A GRIST 0FBULL NEWS. The List of Influences "Which Boomed the Wheat Market Yesterday Corn Activo anil Buoyant Oats Firm but .Inactive Hog Products Are Strong. CHICAGO Wheat was very strong to day and scoietl an advance of 22Kc- Tlie tendency of prices was generally upward from the! start. The reasons assigned for tho ailvanco wero the recent rains and bail weather in tho Northwest, which, it is claimed, havo nlTcctcd the wheat in the shock, larger clearances from tho seaboard, the covering by shorts, and the generally stronger tone of cable advices. The mar ket, no doubt, w is a short one, operators boing of late inclined to the selling side, and the rather firm undertone induced many to coi cr. LVitiv Liverpool dispatches quoted that maiket quiet and a shade loner, but last cables quoted a steady maiket, with 110 de cline exceirt for California Novembe- de livery, which was held lower. London was unchanged nnd so was Antwerp, while Ber lin was li2a higher, and Pans flour was higher and wheat unchanged. Private cablessaidwhc.it in Paris was strong, and a Liverpool cable said that the French were bidding for red wheat. The official report of the French wheat crop estimated the j icld at 230,000 000 bushels, against the final report for 1800 or 3is,ooo,000 bushels and for lSS9of 316,000,000 bushels. The estimate of this year's ciop is somewhat in excess of previous reports, but did not have any special effect upon tho market. The export clearances were larger nnd aggregated 7CS, 000.000 bushels. New York reported 15 loads taken there for export to-day The London stock of wheat was reported to Have in creased 500,000 bushels, and the stock of flour is also reported as showing a large in ctcase. Domestic markets were hiaber and the receipts in the Northwest were larger. New York and St. Louis operators were activo buj ers in this market. Liberal rains weie reported in Kansas. Nebraska and Missouri, where moisture w asgrcatly needed for the fall plowing December opened at 97J against 97KC at the close jesterdav; sold up to OSc, off to 97Je, up irregularly to SOic. off to IbJic up to 'J02, oil" to Se. up to 0!)c again, then to 9Sc, ami during the last few minutes bulged to 'J97c, closing strong atOOJjC Corn was activo and buoyant, influenced by the extremely light receipts, the strength in the w heat pit and the active covering by shoits. The inspection sheets showed only 71caisofcorn inspected in, where 130 had been looked lor, and the out inspection was liberal, amounting 242 0:0 bushels. Shorts started at once to covering, and the offer ings being light a strong feeling ruled. Oc tober opened at 5.153J4c against 52c at the close jesterday, sold up to 53c, broke to 53c, reacted some, and when wheat moved upwaid and the estimate of only 100 cars for to-morioev became known there was a quick Ijimp to 54o$c This was the top figure, and reaction set in during the last hour which carried tho price down to 53'c. It advanced again, however, and closed oic. Oats were Arm in sympathy witn corn.but trading was light. Hog products were higher, owing mainly to the big reduction in the stocks of most articles during the past month. Itibs w ere reduced the most nnd were strongest, with shorts active bu eis. During the last hour, however, there was a partial reaction, and the close snows an advance of 17"2.)3 on pork, 2j7Jc on lard nnd 1023e on'ribs. The leaning futures ranged as follows, as cor rected b John M. Oakle v .t Co.. 41 Sixth stre et, members of the ( hleago Board ofTrade: Bacon shoulders Dry salt shoaldcrs ugar cured el. beef, rounds bugarcured d. beef, sets siiigar cured il. becft flats Bacon, clear sides .........- Itacon. clear bellies Open- High- Low- ( los- Articlfs. Ing. est. est ing. A HEAT No. 2. October ? 05 9fi' 94 vi December. 97 90", SIM n Mav 1 0lj 1 00 1 0I'4 1 01 Conv X'o. 2. October 53 54V 53 .54',; November -fi'ej 50-n 4"H 50'. Mav iPi 42 42's 42'J O TS No. 2. October 2fi"t. 27 2GV 27 Noeembcr 27s 27n 27 27i May 31 3iv 31 31i Mess Pork. October 1B 10 Ki ) S3 1110 December. 10 20 10 47sj 10 20 10 5 Januan 12 521 12 82'2 12 J2' 12 75 Lard. October 6 70 I 6 71 G 70 6 71 December. 6S21! fi 87': 6 2s 6 8.1 Jannarr 6il2si 6 971 G 92's 6 95 SHORT KIDS. October C SO 7 11 G 90 7 10 November. I. STi' 7(5 r, g;s 7 oj January G52es G G5 6 52' 6 CO Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour ste nlv and unchanged. X'o. 2 spring wheat 9(.K00c; No. J spring wheat, flxgHIc; No. 2 red, 97Kc; No. 2 corn. C4c: No. 2 oats, 2?e; No. 2 white. 2U30c; X'o. 3 w lute. 27K(eJ-"i,ic, No. 2 rv e,S4ic: X o. 2 bar ley, 00c: Xo". 3. f. o. b . 32000c; Xo. 4, f. o. b., 23 ."0c; No. I flaxseed, '.12c; prime timothy seeu, i n: mess poric. -ft ddi., io ioijpiu iii: lard, fl 100 tts, $C, 75G SO; short rib sides (loose), s7 lofJ7 20; dry salted shoulders (hoxedJ.Sfi 21QS 40: short clear sides (boxed), $7 3J)7 60: whisky, distillers' finished goods, $1 gal , $1 18; sugars unchanged. On the Produce Kxchunge to-day the but ter market was stroncor: fancy creamery, 24 25c; fine Western 2023e; ordinary. HilSc; selected dairies, li20c. Lgg', 1819Kc. NEW 1 0RK Flour moderately active. Cornmeal quiet. Wheat Spot market higher and dull, closing lirm: Xo. 2 red. il OllilfB 1 04JJ, store and elevator; 1 Oifil 05 afloat; $1 04Jl Off f. o. b.; No 3 recU $1 (II; ungraded led, Olcgfl 09: No. 1 X'orthern, to arrive, $1 07: X'o. 1 hard, to arrive. $1 00; options steadily advancing through tho day, closing firm at lJJl7c over jesterday; the close is strong at ihe best prices of the day; No. 1 red, October, $1 0!)J1 Olc. closine at $1 04:i: X'ovember. set oV.Hil 1 06);. closing at $1 CC-;i: December, $1 Oi1, vO)i 0.V-J, closing at i iwj: wanuarj si 0ss' I 10J4 closing at tU I0U at $1 11;C; .March, closing February, closing at $1 13.,; April, $1 llil 144$, closing nt $1 HJi; Mav. $1 I3JX gl 14.J4, closing at $1 14. Bje quiet and unchanged; Western, 93c. Barley dull: X'o. 2 Milwaukee, c. i. f.. 70(fB72c. Corn Snot market unsettled, moderately active, closed steady: No. 2, 62U2'4c, elevator: (KQeiKe afloat: ungraded mixed, (!IWKc:X'o.2 v. lute. (MffifSJc: options advanced M?1K"- declined YYty, icactcd and clo-ed firm 'QKc up for tliedaj"; October. MJffffC.Jc, closmgiit CIJJc; November. CIJQG-Vic, closing at 62c: Decem ber, .ViJifffiiGc, closing 5jJ,c: .Isnnary, SIJi'R 12ic, closng at .12; Ma, 5145i-c. closing at SIJC Oats s,p0t m irlcet stronger and fairly iicttve; options tions firmer and fairly active: Oe-tohcr, 33V, t(fV,;ic, closing at 33Jc: X'ovember. 34 34'4c closing at 34ic: December, :!i;M33;-Jc, closing at 33c: Mav, 373Sc, closing at 37Kc; spot X'o. 2 white, .Iji'ilc: ldixcl Western, ?2Kfi"15c: white, do, .i1(S40c; No. 2 Chicago, WAVic. Hay steady. Hops easy anil quiet. Tallow-quiet and steady. Kgg' Fancy, film: AVestern, 21i2n5" Pork more active and steadv: old mess,$io 73 ($11 CO: new mess, $11 711225 extra prime, $10 iViJll Oil. Cut meats steadv and quiet; middles fiuner; shortclear, October, $7 87Ji. Lard stronger on 1 eduction of stocks; West ern steam, 7 12: city. $fi 5; options, Octo ber. Si 10, closing, 7 12: November, $7 11: De cember, $7 187 10. closing at $7 '.0: January, 7 287 31. closing at $7 30. Butter in fair demand: fail lor fancy creamerv; AVestern dauv, kiffllfc: do cieamerj", lftg25c. Cheese quiet; Western, b-SKf- PHILADLLPIIIA-Flourqni2tandbarcly steadj". AVhcat stiong and higher; staimer X'o. 2 red, 111 elevator, 17J4u: No. 2 red, in gram depot, lor mining, 11 1: .no. 2 reel, in elevator. $1 02: X'o. 2 red, in elevator, $1 CT; Xo. 2 red, $1 O.'iijl 01: Xov ember, 1 04"-,I Ofc December, UltnUO!-,: January, f I tOJ? 1 09'. Corn stiong: X'o. 2 mixed, in ck vatorund 111 grain depot, 07c: Xo 2 yellow, sack, G7Je: at hite. .IGc. Xo.2 white. Octobei. .itiffVAc Noi ember, XStsnc; December, 'Wsac; January, J2.ig."c. Butter Arm but ciuiet; Pennsylvania cieameiy etra, JIJQil.-. Kggs lfrm andingooddemand;ronnsylvanU lll-sls,22c. S.T. LOUIS Flonr steadier, but unchanged. AVheat X'o. 2 red, cash, !lc; October, !W4e, closing at 93e nominal: December, STU '.tic. closing !9a asked; 3lav, $1 Olire) 1 U-IVf, closins at SI 0.1 bid. Corn X'o. 2, cash. iM5Jrc: 3 ear. 30"3c, closing at Z9:: Juiuan', dsjfc, closing at a-ic; Jlay. 40I0Jc, closing nt4c Oats Xo.2, cash, 27c; October, i727iC, closing nt 27Jic asked; M.13 , 31ic, Closingat 3i;c asked. Itye lower; Xo. 2, on east side, 80c closing at 79j bid lor regular. Barley firmer; Iowa, 30c. Butter steadv and unchanged. Eggs scarce and Arm utlCJJe. Provisions strong. Pork Ml 23. Lard ,0 "3. 11ALTIMOBK AVheat No. 2 red flrmer; spot and October, $1 OaJjU CiJ-; December. $1C6107; steamer X'o. 2 reel, 9Cc. Corn Mixed tinner; spot, 5tc bid: ear, .llgSlKc; January, .11X31c; February, 52e asked: Match, 51c lull. Oats quiet and linn: No. 2 white AA'estcrn, 3Ca7c: X'o. 1 niiveei AA'estcrn. 33fi)JIc. Itye quiet and lower; No. 2, 93J3Je Hay steady; good to choice timothy, $li 5013 53. Provisions Ann and unchanged. Butter unchanged. Eggs steady at 20c. dlNCINNATI Flour in fair demand and Arm. AVheat in good demand and Ann 11 n!97c. Corn strong and higher; No. 3 mixed 5sj-,9e. Oats in fair demand; No. 2 mixed, Stik ilc. Bye steady: No. 2, 80c. Pork firm at $io"o.. Lard in light demand at $fS62. Bull. "meats higher at il 257 50. Bacon scarce and higher at 3 62KS 73. But ter in fair demand. Eggs stead- at 17c Cheese in moderate demand and firm. MILWAUKKE-Flour firm. AVheat firm; X'o. 2 spring, on track, cash, 9192c; Decem ber, 94!4c: X'o. 1 . orthern. U7c Corn higher: Xp. 3, on track. 55Je. Oits steady: No. i wbitc.on track. 30V,c7 Barley quiet: October, 0114c: X'oveinher. (,2c. Bye firm: No. 1, in store, fi5J4c. Provisions einict. Pork Janu ary. 12 55 Laril-,January. $C 92. MIXNEAPOLIs, Wheat X'o. 1 hard, on track-, 9ie: No. 1 Xorthern, May, $1 0IJJ: October. t0'c; December, 94KS-sc: o- ! Northern, on track, MJc: X'o. 1 Xorthern, on track, ssj.Jc.. pilts yp,a mti; cans nfy. sold; curb, 94',e bid. BCLUTII Wheat October Northern opened at JBe, closed at i)6c: December opened at n e, closed at 96c; Jlay opened at $1 01'4; Alay hard closed at $1 0.j bid; cash, h ird, 1k,ic; Xo. 1 Northern, 93Je; Xo. 2 Xorthern. 9jc." KANSAS CITY AVheat quiet; No. 2 hard, cash, S2cbid; No 2 red, cash. 87c bid. Com firm and higher; No. 2, cash. 51c: October, 47c. Oats weak: No 2, cash, vo bid; October, 2.ic bid. Lggs steady at .5c. TOLLDO Wheat active: cash and Octo ber, OBV-jc: December, $1 1214; January, $1 av Ai.i, i osi4. Corn dull and firm; cash, .c, Oats quiet; cash, 29c. Bye dull; cash, S7c. SICK nEADACTIE -Carter's Little Liver nils. BICK HEADACHE -Carter's Little Liver Pill. SICK HEADACHE '-Carter's Little Liver riUj. '-Carter's Little Liver PlllJ. SICK HEADACHE " rrr PPENETRATINf; QUICF ? Di a e-T--ra .1 ' i-aw I fc.r MnU Irit ;ompanson ate slow or r-s r h jf, js.i.i,i. xe suiiciiiii itv J Dt A QartYOOD'S PLASTER ,It Pen t es. Ite lleves, ire. All Dr legists. ITCHING PILES SWAYME'S OINTMENT 3 ABSOLUTELT CX7RE3. BTJIPTOJIS-Mol.tnre!; Intense l!thlnc and tlnicine: mo.t at nlehl; worse by MrstehTne- if allowed to eontlnue tumors form and protrude, which often 1 bleed sn.l nleermte, beeomlne Tera-JvSAA.TNL"soiNTiliv.NT.top.lhelt-liln And bleefllnt;. lienU tdrerntloa, Mnd In mnt cmse remove the tiuaors. alcjocrPrBfi.tXa; HF.OKEl:SriNAJ4CIAL. Whitney & bTEPHENSON, 57 Fourth Avenue. ap3f33 itUlLLv ii FOURTH AVENUE. Capital, 100,000. Surplus $51 670 29. D. ilcK. LLOYD. EDAVARD E. DUF?. 4 President. Ast. See. Treas. per cent interest allowed on time do sosits. ocl5-40-a JohnM. Oakley & Co., BANKEES AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Priv ate wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST.. rutsburz. JIEDICAL. TOR HITTIEK 814 PENN AYEXTJE, riTTSBCKG, PA. As old residents know nnd back flle.i ot rittsburjr papers prov e, is tho oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in the city, devotmsspecial attention to allchronio risoTre-N0 FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible MCpini IQ and mental dis persons. En V UUO eases, physical do cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and liope.imiuned meinor-, disordered sitrht, self distrust, li-asliiulness, dizziness, sleeplessne-s, pimples, eruptions, Impover ished blood, 'ailing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting tho person for business, society and marriage, permanently, safely and privately icnura.i BLOOD AND SKlfeE eruptions, blotciic-s, falling hair, hones, pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations or the tongue, mouth, thrit, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, anil blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from 1 1 Dl. ADA kianey and the system. U II I IN rt II I j bladder de rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal dicharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; piompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life long, extensive experi ence insures scientific-nnd reliable treatment on common sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here Office hours, 9 a. it. to j p. m. Sund.11, 10 , it. to lr oi. only. DK. WHITTIEB, 14 l'eun a enue, rittsburg. Pa. ;aS-13-iuwlc MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO." ths Wonderful Spanish l.emedr, ls sold with a Written Cuarantea to cure all Xcitoos D10-ra-s. snch as Meat Aleinorv, Loss of Brain l'ower. Headache, AVuktfiilnn, Lose Jlan lio.j.1. Xenrousneos, Las situde, all drains and loss e.f power of thee Generatire Oreans in cither 'ex. caused br Before & After Use, Photographed irom life. ortr-fTertion, o-outhnil indiscretions, or the excessije aseoftobaco?o.oi)iiini or timuiant, which ultimately lend to Iiifirniitv Oinanipt'nn and InsanitJ lid up incnm-eiuentf.iriii 11. rarrr in the vest poctet. Prico 1 a inckace. or C for J . A Uh every 55 orelfr ere (pre a written guarantee to cure or refund tho moner- itlir mad to anv uldress. Circular free la plain envelope Mention ll-as riper Address. MADRID CHEMICAL CO.. Branch Office for U.S. A. 3.15 Dearborn street, LIIICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE IN PITTSBURGH, PA., BY ios Fleming & Son, 410 Market St luqucsne Pharmacy, 518 Smithficld St. A. J. Kaerchcr, 59 I ederal St., Allegheny City. U2-4 h. s DOCTORS LAKE SPLClALISTa lniu cases re. auiring scientiflo and confl entiat treatment. Dr. S. K, Lake, M. IL C. P. S., ls the old est and most experienced spe cialist in the city. Consulta tion free and strictly confl. dential. Office hours 2 to -i and 7 to 3 p. it; iundays, 2 to 4 r. v. Consult tl.cm person ally, or write. Docrons I.AKr, cor. Penn ay. aid 4th it Pittsburg. Pa. Je3-72-DWk VIGOR OF MEN Easily, OrJcLIy, Permanently IJKSTOBED; A K-VKXIs. XKUVOUsM.ss;, DLBIL1TV. and all the train of cello, ihe rrau'ts of overworn, sickness ivorrr. etc-. Mill strength, deeelopmnnt, and tono euoranleed In all cases, bimplc, uatiirat methofls. Immediate Improvement seen. Fallur lmposslhle 2.ex references. Book. eoplauatluo4 nnd proofs mailed isealcd) free. Address Ellli: 3LUDIUAL CO, UCri'ALO.N.T. IcdO-U Suffering froa the eCeerts ot VOnttlfnl rnr early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etci. 1 will send avalaable trcatLse (sealed) crTitalning fullpartlcu,ars for homo cure, FIIEE of charge. Aepiendld niedical work, sfiould ho read by every man who l- nTvons and dehllltated. Addreii Proi. i7 .!. leiVLElI, Moodns, Cojjlbu dsi-al.D3awk: fl BOOK FOR THCMItllnM rartrr. QME TREATMENT; WITH MEDICAL ELErTRICITr' Tcr all CHRONIC, irMvorsniBiA?.uift?w1"aa- na iuii cm nn -r-T XiVvrr.5e THE PERU CHCM10AL'c6rrHlLM8E7S DMK3 a t-NESS i, HEAD R.ISESMStabT f ortabla and self adjnsting. Seiexewf nl where) all Rem-dle- fall. N)ld by F. Hisc-ejx, only, 803 BmfedwarJ.fnr y.v w.,.tn---eriookoti-r5ofj rnrt; Mention this paper. "v mx23-3eTU3-soa U"ii sTHE 5 WMzm se b-TTA I ni)VirMurfl