Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 02, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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Contiuno to Disturb the Market and
Slake Business Inactive.
Cn lie Whole ll:e Situation Is Xot of the
jHosl Hopeful Kind.
rsrnciAi. TEi.rnr.AJt to tub msr-ATCH.l
Xi:w Yokk, Oct. 1. The Iron .lye reports
the condition of the iron and steel markets
o follows:
American pig Tlie accounts arc some
what conflicting, vonie of the sellers rejiort
jnc considerable activity, m hilo leading con
Miiucrs state that t!ie. are still in receipt of
offers at low prices. Tims no hear of $14 50,
deli orod, being made on p'aln Xo. 2 Le
liigh, ami of ivlatnely low prices on No. "5
Southern In the Boston market. Northern
brand- are quoted at JIG 75g8 GO for N'o. 1,
JIG OOglG 50 for Xo. 2, and S?H OufJH 50 for
yrrav forge. Southern irons sell at$10O0
17 00 for Xo. J, $15 251G 00 for Xo 2, S15 50
1G CO for Xo. 1 toft, and $14 OOjfH 50 for gray
.-piegclciscn and Icrro-manganee During
the neck under review an Kastcrn steel
works has purchased 10,000 tons, of German
syndicate 20 per cent spiegelclscn at private
terms. liilc another concern has contracted
for 13.000 ton9 of 10 to 12 per cent German
spiugeleisen in two blocks. It is probable
thrt the consumption of the lo cr grade of
Lpiesel w ill increase somewhat in this coun
try in consequence of the tendency among
fcoinc of the mills to make their rails higher
on carbon. We quote 10 to 12 per cent spteg-olei-cn
ili 75g34 (. and 20 per cent $27 50
S 0J for German and English. The frequent
reports of concessions in price in Western
rnniket below equivalent of the tidewater
ptieo for ierro-manranee seem to have had
their effect upon some of the foreign sellers
v ho show a disposition to give their agents
in tin's couutr authority to meet any cuts,
liillets and ltods The market is again dis
turbod b reports of Ion prices on billets in
the West, Kastcrn sellers holding at about
S27 007-7 25 near tidewater There is noth
ing Ionic in foreign. Wire rods continue
quiet at $57 50JT3S 00.
Manufactured iron and steel Our local
mills are quite busv and some new work 19
oomiug up In plates low prices are being
named bj I'lttsb-jrg mills. In burs, a mill
which isalirg" seller in the market placed
u block of r00 tons at 1.02c, ilnd advanced
the price to 1.65c, at mill, lor a lot of like
magnitude for Xew England deliverv. We
continne to quote- Angles, L90i2.10c;
sheared plates, 1.9."2.25c: tees, 2.15i75c,
and beams and channels, 3.1c, on dock. Steel
plates nnl.!:2.65e for tank; 2.20?2.30, for
hhcll; 2 45ffi2 4()C for flange: 2.G5S)2.75c for
marine, and 333.250 for Are box, on dockt
uarsnre LiftDlw. on dock. Scrap axles are
quotable at 2 loS2 20c, delivered. Steel axles,
S.15Q2 25c. and links, and pins, 2-152.20e.
Steel ltails Sellers report a number of
small transactions, important In the aggre
gate, but no large business. It Is reported
that the Pennsylvania Kailroad and the
Long Island and others are negotiating for
rails. Persistent efforts are again being
made to create the Impression that prices
are being cut. We have the authority ofthe
eaiesageiioi rue icauing mills lor tne state
ment that it is not the case. The
ullotirent of the Maryland Steel Com
pany lias been arranged for Wc understand
that the distribution of percentaires as
now provided for is to hold good until July
1. 1632. There is considerable interest in the
business in light steel rails. The Lncka
r anna Company quote carload lots ot dif
ferent sections as follows, with an abate
ment for large lots: 20 pounds $37 50; 25
pounds. $14 50. ;o pounds, $33: 35 pounds. $32;
40 pounds, $31 50 and 45 and 46 pounds. $31 at
mill Girder rails mar be quoted at $40 00
42 00 delivered Standard sections, large
blocks. $." SO. tidewater. Xew York.
Track Matcnal We quote 2.25c for snlkes;
1.7Sl.r0e lor fish plates, ana 2.603c for
bolls, delivered.
Old JIateiial Only one important trans
action is noted durimr the week, the sale of
2,500 tons of old American iron rails at $22 00,
on track In this State. Old steel rails are
weaker in this market, being offered freely
at $1G J0K17 00. There is more offering also
or rolling mill scrap, plate shearing having
been offered at $18 00, dolivered.
A largo ISnslness In rig Iron Causes a
mall Iowering of Prices.
XrwYoRK, Oct. L Special. Tbo foreign
metal markets ai-o thus reported by the
Iron Age- In London operations In Scotch
pig iron warrants have been rather more
active during the past week, but prices have
receded slightly under freer offering. A
l.irge business has been done in Cleveland
warrants, and hematites have averaged
lower on moccrat trading. Connal's stocks
1 cmain almost stKtionnrr, the latest
returns showing 50"S,000 tons Scotch and 151,
tCO tons Cle elund. Latest sales cf arrants
were at 47s 2d? 17s 3d for Scotch; 40s 6dfor
Cleveland and 50s Gd for hematite. Pig tin
prices were steady early in the week at
about X91 5s for prompts, but subsequently
advanced to .31 l"s under the influence of
outside speculative purchases, induced by
recent small shipments in the Straits.
This 1 ise brought out freer selling on Mon
day, that caused a decline of 5s, and the mar
Let has since been quiet.
Coppei has been dull and rather unset
tled throughout the w eek and prices have
averaged somewhat lower. The decline was
attilbuted to freer sales by dealers and fall
ing off in tleliveries, together with ruruors
of increase in Chile charters. For tin plate
mere nas itcen a lair inquiry, out not much
"business has been consummated. Makers
bold flrmiv to their formerpriccs and refuse
to book orders at the figures generally of
fered. s;ome increase in shipments is noted.
Finished iron of most descriptions is firm at
8 adt auce on late prices
Keltlier Bnlls Nor Bears Can Call the Wheat
Market Their On n Corn and Oats Gen
erallj Strong and Higher Hog Products
Are Irregular.
CHICAGO Wheat was dull to-day, and its
fluctuations were confined to an unusually
narrow range. The news was not exciting,
and was both bullish and bearish in about
equal purls. Puces resulting from this
Mate of affairs ranged both above and below
the closing figures of yestcrdav, and the
close was slightlv higher. The "nold-your-wheaf
policy was quito freely discussed,
und tho smaller receipts in the Northwest
seemed to indicate that it might be having
homo effect. This was partially conobo
rated by the Cincinnati Price Current, w hich
reported "intcr'or marketing falling off, the
disposition being to hold tor higher prices."
The volume of business Tins light, tho
trade nervous ana seemingly inclined to
gie the bull nows the preference. Decem
ber opened nt T7c, touched Mc, sold up
gradually to 87KC,' then became easy within
a narrow r:inc and at noon stood at 07,;c
against 973c at the close yesterday. Alter
noon the maiket was very" dull, outside or
ders were few and local professionals were
not inclined to do much. December eased
oil another point toUTJc. but it took on some
Fliength near the end and closed steady at
Corn, though it occasionally showed signs
of weakness, was generally strong and
closed withan advance of lc pveryester
day's llnal llgures for October, but tho moro
deferrei' futures made less marked gains.
Tne fact that no deliveries w ere made on
Ociober contracts, indicating that the deal
Ji. that month lias been settled, together
withtlieicrj light receipts, weie the bull
features. October opened at 52c, an adancc
o'sc overnight, and further advanced to
MJ4c:batat the advanco the selling was
quite Jree, mid with only a moderate de
mand the market broke and finally fell to
51?ie. The 11 came tne estimate for to-mcr-ri.w
only 13o cars and wheat showing
stiength. 'lien; was a reaction to 5J,sc A
High' ixactiou lollowcd, but thougn the
m-irkct was dul', -us stubborn, and after
jr.unir to o?t it reacted nnd, closed ut 52c,
t! top Jiguies of Uo day.
O.its wit- 11: t. In sympathy with corn.
JliemaiLct for bo,; products was irregn
Lir. heratiierSioe deliveries early in the
day tended to weaken prices, but the offer
Susv.ere leadily absorbed, and alter the
arly beii'.-ig pressure was removed thcic
was aiecociy short rihs showed moro
Jirmne- th-ir anything else on the list. Tills
teemed to le due largely to the Impression
Ibiit the it-turn 01 stocks would show a,
:narkcfi redaction during tho month. Shorts
cmcred jrcel. The close shows pork un
cliansrcd to lic higher; laid,2KS5i higher,
an i ribs, i,- i,;..c up. the latter lor October.
Tti icaiir. futurts raoged as follows, ascor-
j reeled hy.Jolm jr. Oaklcv Co.. 4'i Sixth street,
I member., ofthe Chicago Board urTrade:
ing. Articles.
"WlTLAT No. 2.
ju ;..
'Cor.x No. 2.
97 s,
1 BH
1 01"
10 15
1 C3fi
3Iai ....
Oats Xo. i.
XoTombcr ......
Mess Tons.
October.... . ...
SHOUT ltlDs.
Non-ml'cr.. .
9 75 9s;a
io re's io i-'
12 31 I 12S2.
10 02s
11 :
6 SO
0 42)si
oil) I
6 US'
fji.sli quotations were ns follows; Flonr
steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat
fljic;' Xr. 3 spring wheat, E4ftsne; N'o. 2
red, MffiiBc: No. 2 corn. 5.1c: No. 2
oats, 2tPc; No. 2 white, 2SMf2;9c: Xo.
S white. 2igsUc," Xo.Srvc sic; Xo. 2 bar
lev, 60c: N o. 3. t; o. b aOffGOc; No 4. o. b., 2S
fi51c, Xo 1 flaxseed. 92Q92iC: prime timothy
s'ecd, $1 1-V?1 1G, mess r-oik, j bbl., $3 87:
lard. i 100 U.S. $6 G7JS3C 70; snort rib sides
(loose). $6 SO0J7 00; dry salted shoulders
(bood) G 25JSG 40; short clear sides (boxed),
7 45(57 53. w hisky, distiller?' finished goods,
5S rail.. $1 IS: siurars unchanired.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the bnt
tcr market was unchanged.
NEW YORK Flour unchanged, moder
atelv nctive. "Wheat Spot market irregular,
closing firmer and quiet; No. 2 red, $1 02liffl
1 02Ji, store and elevator; $1 C1 03
afloat; $1 03K1 C4; f. o. b.: No 3 red, 99Jc;
ungraded led, 95Jic$l 07K:N. 1 Northern,
to arrive. $1 C5K&1 05: No. 1 hard, to ar
rive, $1 0GJ.J1 07J: options declined
KSe. advanced 5SKc; No. 2 red,
October. $1 C2Jil UJ: closing at
1 OiJi: Xovemler, $1 04ll 04, closing
closing at $1 04j: December, $1 0B51 0GJ,
closing ot $1 Otg: January, ?1 0Ti 07?i.
closing nt$l 0Sg: February-, closing at$l 10:
March, closing at $1 UU: April. $1 V2
1 12'-C, closing at $1 12: May, $1 12X1 A
closing at $1 IS. Rye dull and unsettled;
Western, 83c. llarley unchanged and, dull;
Xo. 2 Milwaukee. 7i!c. Corn SDOt market
easier; Xo. 2, 61G2c, elevator; GlJ;;61c
afloat; ungraded mixed, GC62c: Xo. 2 white,
61K(J62e: oiitions dull; opened kK lower;
advanced JJic, closed steanv and un
changed to Jic up: October. COpOlc. clos
ing at GlJc; November, S'JMgOOjgc, closing
at GOMc; December, 55g55c, closing
5Kc: Jsjiuary, closing at 51jc: May, 50
51J-.C. closing at 5S5e. Oat Spot market
firmer and fairly active: options fairly ac
tive, steady; October, 3333;e, closinc at
33Xc: November. 33Jifi34c. closing at 34c:
December, 3t;IJ634:c, closing at 34?c: May,
37c, closing at 37J,S-: spot No. 2 w hite. 3"iic:
mixed Western. 32!Bc: white, do. 35ff4Uc;
No. 2 Chicago, SlKlc. Hay quiet. Hops
quiet and easy. Tallow dull and easy. Egss
Fresh, finn: Western, 2Ig2Ic. Pork
dull: old mess, $10 75tgll 00: new mess, $11 73
12 25, extra prime, $10 751100. Cut meats
steady; middles easy; shortclear, September,
$7 tO. Lard dull and about steady: Western
steam, $7 05; November, $7 09: December,
$7 15: January, $7 247 2S, closing at $7 25
asked. Butter in mouerato demand; West
ern dairy, 3lHc: do creamery, IG525c
Cheese quiet; Western, GSc; part skims,
PHILADKLPHIA Flour auiet. Wheat
opened Jiffilc lower under weak cables and
general pressure to sell, but afterward re
cov ered M?ic and closed firm; No. 2 red,
October, $1 011 01K: November, $1 031 03);
December, $1 0510oK; January, $1 071 C7.
Corn Options firm; carlots scarce and firm
though quiet; No. 2 mixed, in elevntor, GGc;
do, in grain depot, 67c: No. 2 mixed, Oc
tober, 6HJ82c: November. 5658e: Decem
ber, 5253c: January. 5051c. Oats steady
under moderate offerings and a fair local
trade, but there was little or no speculation;
Xo. 2 mixed, 33c: No. 3 white, SSKc; do choice,
3c: No. 2 white, 3Go; No. 2 white, October,
3535Kc; November, 3S36c; December,
3B4i30!.c; January, 36S7c Jlutcer quiet but
firm; Pennsylvania creamery extra, 2425c.
Eggs firm and in fair demand; Pennsylvania
firsts, 22c
ST. LOUIS Flour weak, but unchanged
Wheat Xo. 2 red, ca8h,9JV03c; Decern,
ber, 96X7c, closing 97 bid; May, $1 03
1 03closing at $1 03 bid. Corn dull, but
stronger: Xo. 2, cash. 53c; year. 3S39c,
closing at 39c: January, 33c, closing at
3Sc; May, 39?j)40c, closing at 40c. Oats firm;
No. 2, cash. S77Vc; Octobor, 2627c, clos
ing at 27c bid; May, 31c, closing at 31c bid.
Eye bettor; No. 2, 80 bid; No. S, 73c. Barley
dull: Iowa, GOe. Butter In good demand
and firm at unchanged prices. Eggs scarce,
firm and higher atlGc Provisions strong
and better; rcoro doing. Pork $10 75. Lard
6 70.
HALTIJiOBE Wheat steady; Xo. 2 red
spot and the money. December. 95fc;
steamer No. a red,,9Jc. Corn steady; mixed
snot, 64Kc: year, 51c; January 50J50,'c;
Starch, o0Ji51c. Otlts active, strong and
higher,- No. t white Western, 3SS7c: Xo. 2
mixed Western, 3334c. l'.yo quiet and dull;
Xo. 2, 94c. Hay nrmer; good to choice
timothy, $12 50Q13 50. Provisions Arm and
active." unchanged. Butter unchanged.
Eggs firm, 1920c.
MILWAUKEE Flour firm. Wheat quiet.
Xo. 2 spring, on track, cash, 9092c; Decem
ber 92c; Xo. 1 Xorthern, 93Jc. Corn firm:
No. 3, on track. 54c. Oats steady: No. 2
white, on track, 30Ko. Barley fli in; October,
COiJc Ryo lower- No. 1, in store, Stc Pro
visions quiet. Pork January, $12 50. Lard
January. $C 90.
CINCINNATI Flour in fair demand.
Wheat easier: No. 2 red, 9797Kc. Corn
firmer; No. 2 mixed 57c. Oats irregular; No.
2 mixed, 30J31Jc Kye in fair demand;
No. 2, 8Sc. Provisions in moderate demand.
Butter quiet. Eggs easy at 17c Cheese
DELUTH Wheat October Xorthern
opened at 93',c, closed at 93)e: December
opened at 93!jc, closed at 93Jo bid; May
opened at $1 01 closing at same bid;
December linnl, a3c; cash, hard, 91c; Xo.
1 Xorthern, 9SJc: Xo. 2 Xorthern. 88c
ailNXEAPOLIS Wheat Xo. 1 hard, on
track. S394c; Xo 1 Xorthern, May, MJJe:
October. tc; December, 92c; on track,
!X);cj Xo. 3 Northern, on track, 8iSSc;
curb, 92e bid.
KANSAS CITY Wheat steady: Xo. shard,
cash. Sic bid; Xo. 2 red. cash. 86l.c bid. Corn
low cn No. 2, cash, 4SJc bid. Oats quiet: No.
2, cash, 2-WJ2Gc; October, 23c bid. Eggs
steady at 15c
TOLKDO Wheat dull: cash and October,
97,V;c; December, $1 C0$: May, $1 0GJ. Corn
dull: cash, 55c Oats quiet: cash, "'Jc. Rye
steady; cash, 2ftc
Coffee 3Inrkets.
BiriMORK. Oct. L Coffee steady; Rio car
goes, fair, l'Jsc; Xo. 7, 14Jc
Xew TTonk, Oct. L Coffee Options
steady and unchanged to 10 points up;
closed liarelv steady, 10 to 25 points down;
sales. 25,750 bags, including: October, 12,40
12.70c: Xovember, 1L401 1.70c: December,
ILSOglLGOc: January. 11.33c: March, 11.30
11.55.;. April, 11.30; May, Il.40ll.60o; June,
1L401Lo0c. Snot Klo q'ulct and steady; fair
cargoes, 17c; Xo. 7, 7KI4c
The Price ofBar.Sllver.
Xew YonK. Oct. L ISperirt!. Bar silver
in London, 43d per ounce: Xew York
ers price for silver, 97c per ounce.
Turpentine Markets.
Xew YorsK Rosin steady and quiet,
pontine quiet and steady at 37i3Sc.
Mlstukes That AVHl Happen.
In the report of tho convention of Demo
cratic societies two mortifying mistakes
occurred. Although all that was said of
Mr. Stanislaus P. Knlig, of Philadelphia, re
garding his active and disinterested cham
pionship ot the cause ho at present repre
sents, was correct, his name v. as confounded
with that or another roan. Mr. Ivullg was
net Set retaiy to General Louis Kossuth, and
is a young man who was born since tho stir
ring'cvents mentioned In Gencrnl Kossuth's
career. The portrait labeled Emanuel V. II.
Xardi was not his, hut belongs to Mr. Joseph
Itoslnski. of this city, veteran oditor of tho
Jrziyieid itcfu. of this city.
A ISrain and Ncrv e Food,
for lecturers, teachers, students, clergymen,
iunj:ia, aim urain-worjicrs generally.
rree Trains Every Day.
Get work, secure a home, make an in
vestment in the future great Jlonongahela
"V alley town. For tickets, maps, price
lists and full particulars, call on
129 Fourth avenue.
A Good Suggestion.
If you have valuables keep them where
they will be safe. The safe deposit vaults
of the Farmers' Deposit Xational Bank, GO
Fourth avenue, oBer vou seenritv, strong
vaults, perfect ventilation, good light, spa
cious coupon rooms, separate apartments,
for women. Boies rented at ?5 and up
ward. aiw1
CANNOT sell ?5 shoes for ?3.
"Why? They cost more than S3.
Xo representations like this at
Cain Bitos.,T.:bcrty 2nd Sixth streets.
Encouragement Plays a Big Part in
Making Things Move Along.
To Spread Before the Public as Incentives
to Greater Diligence.
Encouragement Is always welcome. Dur
ing the war, in camp and on the march, a
favorite song with .the soldiers was, "Cheer
Up, Comrades. " It had a good effect. It
is the same with business. Good words,
brieht woixis, words that ring with victory,
worS wonders. People who seek out and
magnify the bad things and ignore the good
are public enemies. Pittsburg is not suffer
ing for stimulation of this kind, but a little
of 1t now and then will do good.
This makes it pertinent to say thnt a deal
in real estate Involving about $l,C00,O0O will
be closed within the next two or three
eeks, and also that one ofnbout $100,f00 was
practically closed yesterday. Particulars
will follow in due time.
Rising in Favor.
otono houses have become popular In
Pittsburg. Where one stone residence was
seen four or flvo years ago they can now be
counted by the score. In some parts of the
East End brick Is the exception in first-class
dwellings. . While the cost of stone is not
much in excess of the best quality of brick
work, the general architectural effect of a
stone house is far richer and more attrac
tive than one of any other material.
Stone houses have for years been In high
favor In Xew York, Boston, Chlcigo and St.
Louis, and now that they have "caught on"
in Pittsburg, it is expected thnt the out
skirts will iu a few years be full of them.
What Brokers Say.
In regard to tho condition of the real es
tate market several prominent brokers wero
Interviewed yesterday, with the following
result: Business is in good shape and
steadily improving. There is agood inquiry
for all kinds or property and sales are re
spectable in number and value. There is no
indication of a waning intorest. The out
look is excellent. Property is higher than
it was a 3"oar ago, but the city contains more
people and more business. The enhance
ment is legitimate. It Is as much In favorof
the buyer as of the seller.
Small houses nre scarce, but those of a
high class are rather slow. The lot market
is very active, and there is a good inquiry
for acreage. There are not enougli business
houses to go round.
An last End Deal.
It was learned yesterday that a residence
property, consisting of two brick dwellings
and a lot 48x100, situated on new Xegley ave
nue. East End, had cbnnged ownership,
through the ngency of Black & Baird, for
$14,000. Tho name of the purchaser could
not be ascertained.
Business News and Gossip.
The Wall street boom yesterday turned n
The discovery or new gas territory comes
very opportunely at the beginning of winter.
Ilea Bros. & Co. have strong hopes of re
suming business in a short time.
Prices of anthracite coal wilt be advanced
this month.
Bond experts say that they do not look for
any decided improvement in prices of bonds
until money becomes decidedly cheaper, a
remote possibility.
The Philadelphia Traction Company will
soon issue 20,000 shares of new stock at $10
per share, the proceeds to be used in paying
for needed extensions and improvements.
Xational Lead Trust certificates are being
turned in rapidly tar exchange into certifi
cates of deposit, the latter being now leady
for delivery.
The American Bankers' Association will
meet nt Xew Orleans November Hand 12.
John D. Bailey sold at auction yesterday
210 shares of Standard Plate Glass at 20 and
100 at 25. It had been held as collateral.
The Farmers' Deposit Xational Bank has
i declared a dividend of 2 per cent. Central
j;! nun j:iisi ..ufcis'iiui, i insuury, all
Two applications for membership In tho
Exchange were received vesterday. II. E.'
Wilson was admitted, and F. A. Pollock and
L. A. Lyman retired.
Upward of $250,000 gold was received in
Xew York from Europe Wednesday night.
Tho total amount of gold received since
September 12 is $7,120,000, and $5,000,000 more
is on the way.
Tho firm "of Marshall, Kennedy & Co.,
limited, has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. The Fidelity Title and Trust Company will
pay Interest this month on a number orlocal
Tho only bullish tnlk yesterday was In re
gard to the tractions. They are steadily
rising in favor.
Movements In Realty.
Samuel W. Black & Co. sold lot N'o. 10 In
the Fulton Place plan, on Craig street.
Fourteenth ward, size 50x142 to an alley, for
a price approximating $4,000.
Black & Baird sold to E. S. Wilkms lot Xo.
11, In the Simon plan, on the east side of
Dallas avenue, size 55Jx45 feet, for $430 cash.
A. J. Pentecost sold for the Patrick Mo
Govern estate, at Braddock, a lot 42J on
Second street, running back 93 feet to a 10
foot alley, with a small two-story frame
dwelling, for $2,030.
Baltensperger & Williams sold for B J.
Williams, of the firm, a now frame dwellinsr
of six rooms, hall, etc, with lot 24x100, situ
ate on Belonda street, Mt. Washington, for
Morris & Alsbitt report the sale of n hand
somo residence and lot at Crafton to John
Hare, Esq., or Allegheny for D. L. Williams,
Esq., now a resident of Bessemer, Ala. The
sale was cash and the price is reserved.
A. Z. Bycrs & Co. report a sula for the
Ridgeview Land Company to R. Robinson in
their plan, Eleventn ward, Allegheny City,
lotXo. (SI, fronting 21 teot on Davis avenue
and extending through to Alaska street 121
feet, for $4-
Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold lot Xo. Gl,
Rnch Place plan, corner Reed and Klrkpat
rich streets, 23x110, for $t:0. Also lot 019,
Butler place plan, 20x100, on View street,
Eighteenth ward, for $200.
John K. Ewing & Co. sold for Charles
Price to Christ Eisenbcrga vacant lot. 50x83.
on Miirov avenue, Twelfth ward, Allegheny,
for $473.
S. A. Dickie & Co. sold for M. Faber to J.
W. Moore, a lot on Frankstown avenuo,
Brusbton, 50x150 feet, for$l,2S0.
The Building Record.
Six permits wore issued yesterday for the
same number of Improvements, tho cost of
all being cstimntedat $8,435.
Elizabeth C. Saroliertli. frame two-story store
and dwelling on Klncald street. Nineteenth, ward;
cost, fiOOO. Mlctmel Frrcdmau. frame kitchen on
Willllanis street, SMeenth ward; coal, fluo. S. A.
Dickie, lir ck addition two-story dwelling on Marc
hand etrect. Twentieth ward; cost. (1,800. J. L.
Slieppard, Irame stable on Main street, Seventeenth
ward; rust, Siis Thirty-third street P. Chnreh,
frame addition one-story eliurch; coit, S4.000.
Gratl Brim., Irnmc oue-story bliop on Pcnu avenue.
UlllbllkUlU .IMltt. vat, ,,""
A Good Movement In All Branches of tho
Money Market.
Tho local money market was subjected to
no fresh strains and developed no new con
ditions yesterday. With a fair discount
movement and a good call for loans, tho sur
plus remained above requirements, showing
ability to' take care of all legitimate cntcr
prisej. The easy condition of the market is
likely to be emphasized by Interest and
dividend disbursements during the early
part of the month. IUtes were t7 per cent
on the usual classes of loans, liaut clean
ings were $2,321,930 til and balances $331.
107 47. .
The Financial Chronicle remarks on the im-
firoved situation abroad : "It was hardly to
lave been expected that our securities
would be restored to favor so soon, ror onlv
a short time ago thegeneral distrust prevail
ing in Great Britain extended to the securi
ties of the United States as well ns those of
other countries. Confidence seems to havo
returned almost ns suddenly as it disap
peared, and ns a consequence we are le
covcring a considerable pjrtof thegoldwith
which we lately parted."
At New York y estcrday money on call wa s
easy, ranging from 57 percent, lust loan 5,
closed at 0. Prime mercantile paper,
57. Sterling exchange active and steady,
$4 no for CO-day bills and $4 P3J4 for, demand.
Closing llond Quotations.
U. S. 4sreg 116
tin 4s coup Ilfi
do 2s W
r.viftcos or-35 iio-v
LouIsliDattamped4s lo.l,i
X. J. C. Int. Cert... .110
Northern Pac. lets.. 115
do do 2nds 109
Xorthw'rn Consols.!.;-.
do ilencn tares &....1111W:
Oregon & Tranj.Si.. '
i - k ' t
s ma. '.t,,r .t ... '.(.... .... -.jkjc-. . ..- ..i. .-'... . ., ,..-i., . '('.,iA,i.v, . i- ...... , . r. ij , . . . ...;ia. -i -..is . . . -..i-, jxxmk .&
vt, ,-.. T?wBfiljgffrsjSiiayWa3e toSwfe. fflmlllitlMSMi wjjfifrtfwfr J.itt.3axvG i iittiiBftir1miii''iiwiniffi,'V && cg. i 'TiBMrirti 4'ihifvBtt'Nnwnfci!nK n"w ivr V luKlllwBtnSlit " flp if 7rMSftTJifSmtTBfiiy
6s M
St. L. & San Fran- v
Gen. M ; JJ?
3t. Paul ronsols;....!-
Catiadi So. 2ds 90$
len. rscltic isre..,...ii
Tim. u. H. Ists....ll5
do i!n J...... .v.. 78)lJ
Tex. rac."L'."(i. Tr.
Krields MS
M. K. ST. Gen.Csi. 77
do do 5 434
Mutual Union 0s 103
Ex-dividend. V
Hcts " ""
Tex. Pac. R. O- r-
OnlonPac. lt W
West Shore 101W
Bank Clearings. ,
St. Lotna Clearings, $3,140,001: balances.
$2:3,450. Money, 7S per cent. Exchange on
Xew York, 25c discount. ,
MKMnns Xew York exchange selling at
$1 piemimn. Clearings, $281,539; balances,
$05 504.
Xew Oklkans Clearings $L529,SS0.
Chicaoo Xew York exchange, 40c dis
count. Money at 6 per cent. Bank clearings,
Xkw York Clearings,$H3,C0.1,192; balances,
BcwToif Clearings. $18,506,132:, balances,
$1,519,01.7. Money, 4 per cent. Exchange on
Xew York, 1015c discount. ,
PniLADrLvu 1 a Clearings; $12,077,273; bal
ances, $1,770,101. Money, 4 per cent.
juitimohf uieanngs, S2,1US,I18; uaianti.,
Money, 15 per cent.
No Radical Price Changes, bnt Weakness
the Dominant Feature The Tractions
Maintain Their Gronnd, bnt Philadel
phia Gas and Electric Submit to Con
cessions. There was no inspiration In speculative
ctrclos yesterday, either at home or abroad.
There were three trades on the local board,
aggregating 100 shares and a small bundle of
Electric scrip.
In theabsencoof active support Philadel
phia Gas and Electric submitted to small
concessions. The Tractions were steady
and unchanged. Airbrake was a trifle
stronger. The rest of the list was in a coma
tose condition, with very little expression,
but brokers affected to see a silver lining tq
the cloud. Judging from tho prosperous
condition of the country, they saw aright.
First call $550 Electric scrip at 70.
Second call (.0 Philadelphia Gas at HVf.
Third call 40 Philadelphia Gas at 1
Bids and asking prices at each call are appended:
Missouri to-
Tenn. new set 6s 1(3IJ
do do Ks.....', ....100
! rin Xi IS
Arsenal llank.... 71 .... 71
AlleghenvX. Dk 63 ....
Fn-eliold'Itank..J.... W .... 69 .... C9
Liberty X. B.... 103X 10". l(Bt; 105
Marino Xat.Bk 110 .... 110
M.iM.Xat. Bk myi
Hon. Xat. Bank. 1 130 .... 130.
TrntonU In. Co.1.... C2
Western Ins, Co. I.... 60 50
Cliartlers V. Gasi 6
People-,' Xat. . 12
PhlLidilphla Co. !1! 114 11H VOi 11 Wi
Wheeling Gas... 2CH4 21j
Central Traction 20 21 20VJ 21 .. 21
Citizens Traction CCJ 02 CO'., 01 60"i CI
Pittsburg Tract.. i .... 40" .... 40 ....
Plrjsjnt Vallev. 23,' 24 23V 24 .... 24
Allegheny Vallev .... 4
X.Y.C.G.C. Co 59
EwaltBrlilge CO
Hand St. Bridge .... 43Sj
Point Bridge 10
lied Cloud Jl. Co .... 33f
Hidalgo Miu. Co ZH 4 3J4- 4
UNorUM.Co a-. 4$
Luster Mln. Co.. ll'f, 12$ V7& ll'-i 1I'4 12
West' house Elec 14 s 15 14 '$.... 14i....
Monon.Xav. Co 7ti)j
M011. Water Co a
Union S-.& s. Co. S HV 8 9 .... SK
U.S.AS.Co.pref. .... 23
W'llouwA. O... 105 .... lCTi
Stand. U. C. Co. 61 65 I 1,1 .... 61 ....
Materially Weakens General List Grang
ers Closely Follow the Leader in tho
Downward Movement Only One Strong
Feature, in the Market Bonds Dull.
Xew York, Oct. L The stock market to
day was almost from opening to close in the
control of the bears. London was a limited
buyer In tho early trading, but there was a
heavy outpouring of stock in Missouri Pif
citlc. Bock Island, Chicago, Burlington and
Quincyand Atchison, and that the opera
tions ol the last few days have largely' In
creased tho outstanding short Interest is
shown by tho nctivo borrowing demand for
all the prominent stocks.
Tho market opened with prices generally
only slightly chanced, but Missouri Pacific
at 58 was down 1 per cent, and the pres
sure 111 tho stock was very heavy, so that
while theie was a short rally in the first fevv
minutes its prico after, that time rapidly de
clined, and was checked only at 54JJ in the
last hour. The effect upon the general list
was not for some time percoptible, but the
attacks on the leading shares soon showed
in the yielding quotations, the Grangers be
ing sold for Western account, and following
the leader comparatively closely.
Prices, however, wero fairly well held until
late in the day, when a report that the Kock
Island intended to issue $10,000,000 debenture
bonds wns put in circulation, while a vig
orous drive was made in all the leading1
shares, especially Kock Island, Burlington
and Atchison. The result was the declines
in the last 45 minutes were equal in those
shares to the losses for the rest of the day.
lhls wns evidence of an attempt to cover
on the drop, and the volume of business
was very large right up to tho close of busi
ness, while 11 slight rally in prices occurred
in the Inst lew minutes. Tho close was weak
and active at the lowest prices of the dav in
most stocks. There were very few features
outside of tho stocks mentioned, but the
strength in Xew York, Susquehanna and
Western preferred was nirnin noticeable,
the declaration or a dividend enabling it to
withstand the declining tendency of the
rest of the maiket. The entire active list is
materHVy lower. Missouri Pacific is down
&. Sug-ir Z, Rock Island 2V, Burlington
and Atchison 2r, New England and Beading
each 2 per cent.
Railroad bonds did not partake of the ac
tivity or weakness in shares, but a heavy
tone prevailed and most of the important
changes, whioh are few, are In the direot on
of lower flguies. The total sales were $1,
209,000. The highest and closing quotations
Atchison Inc.. K3NM3 6I,TaNYCftSt I, 4s.. 94 93K
First S2V4 52 X J Cen 5s ....110 (5,1111
A. ft P. 4S 73's 7J Reg ......1Ji(?1UiJ(
111c niq 1-1-4 .1 1 aa
5 ft W 2d. 77 (i& 77
A n fr V Is. 7fl
N.Y.O.ft W.Ss 97 (SD7
Ala. Cen. 1st.. lis 116
Alb Sus Cou OslH (Sdll
Bur. Deb 101 13101
Hell, ft fc. I... .110 (ffiHO
Jt:JLO. 1925S. .10.Va3l05Ji
C ft E 111 5s . .. tsjliS 97k.
ChesftO 5a...l0i?afai01
ISil Mill 4s 70 (3170
Ogn Imp 1st... 9f 99V
Fives Kttoa R!s
O ft M S F lOSCffcltiUa
OrSh Hue 72 (3172
fives 100.K($lXrti
racorjlc 2d. .1(1! 1(B
11. x r. 1st.. ..117 (S117
Kock Island SsloOYCjiHiolf
C. ftP. 4. 101si(ail01K Reading 48
BU"f, 3U
Del ft Hud 94S.107 107 First us & UiK
Eric2ds(ons..l04,(aiOI,1 Second 49U(S 48S
E. L ftBhlstSI ($81 Third 3s (StXt'i
l" W ft D lsts.109 (3100 RftKW43.... 76l(a7G
H and T lt...lUO's(8.iro - It ft W P Tr5s. .11 (5 54
Fours 024(8 ClJi b Caro inc 25 (a 25
HockValCs... 89 (5189 St I'M ft Con.ll5MU5W
Fives 85W&82 do2ds 114Sllls,
III Cen US SS St L S 1st 68 68
Iron Bit 2d. ...107 107 S. P. ot Col 5s. 08 (S 98
Kan Pac con.lOillsSlOfl'i MI.AftTIIlst.no 110
K&Tlst 77 (S77 second ptd....l04M(iC4!4
Seconds 44 & 43H StP 4s 85 (S 85
Laclede Gas 5s 77'4(Sl 77,S Cli ft Mo It. ... 97 (3 97
Lft X2d 1(3 (W8 Terminals 10.1 IWIOI
LN Aft C co. 94 9I S. W. 63 llOJiffillOH'
mo as vm....nmma sip&d 2ds..io2i&io-j's
31 LSiW ex5s lrHsl ff-S T A A ftX Mis M (S 1)1
jiict 1st ii.i-staiii..s rex racxas... 31 (at 31
M ft 1st LIa...ll)5 (SI05
ArnrP. rnrtS 1S4 2134
Firsts 83 ftKt
U I'll ft Gist. 7t 73
W X Y ft P 2s. SWim 33
Wabash 2ds.... TifMS
DcbB 45 l45
Wis On 1st... 9a4"S 94)4'
West Sliocoii.l(ilV101!
Reg 101)4101M
North Pac 5s. 83 (S 83
MonUna 102 (102
X.P.58 80 80
First llSCfflllSsj
Deb. new lOIJifiSlol
Northw ex 4.. 91 (3 93
Chft 3111 HI 1H
The total sales ofstocks to-dav were 4M,895
shares, including Atchison, 78.GSS; Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, il.210; Erie, 13,978;
Louisville and Nashville, 10,780: .Missouri Pa
cific, 73,044: Northwestern, 3,850: North Amer
ican, 7,931; Northern Pncilic, 4,90.1: Northern
Pacllle ptcferred.19.G53; Reading, 17,475: St.
Paul,. 27,050; Union Pacific, 30,220.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange vesterday.
Corrected dallr for Tut. Dispatch by Whitney &
STEl'HEXSON, oldest Pittsburg members of the
New York Stock Exchange, 57 1 ourth avenue:
0 r
1 S" I
r :
"s$X "iih 85.s
"ivi "44" "4154
no so 57M
U7's 117,' 117
31s, 31b 31
25 201 2'."(
CSlf 1H.H 57,'
39 3H 33
51 51K 50
ro's M' 25H
74, 74J, 72H
American Cotton Oil
24 la
American Cotton Oil, pld..
Am. Mugar Hcmiing uo ...,
Am. S. Jtctlnlng. Co., pfd..
Atch.. Top. fts. F
Can.ida Southern
Central of New Jersey....,
Central Pacific
Chesaiwake and Ohio
C. .to., 1st pfd
C. ft O.. 2d pfd
Chicago Gas Trust
C, Ilur. ft Quincy
C, Mil. ft St. Paul
it3 - -
-.MH..tSt. Paul. prdV
C. Ilocfci. &P
5- m. o.::.::::::
S"fcp- JI-&0,nfd...
C. & Northwestern.
C C, c. ,fc 1.
J",C-. C ft I., pfd
" -.Coal ft Iron.'.
Col. ft Hocking Val
ivSi"JlS,!k &West
Del. ft Hudson
Den. ft Hlo Grande
I'en. ftllloOnin.lp nCil..
9W, &3
'11514 liJvi
72M 72X
"33" "x"
Si 33
141g Htki
134)i 141
"49W "fflW
MM 51M
7 7
102 102
124i 124si
79 79 "t
lODs 10Di
"8M ' 59 V
94M 94V4
1H0!4 100)4
WH ir.K
110s, 110)
18H 184
79S 7's
4214 42"i
23 ss 211
Sl'i S9H
20 20T
"i'sh "iai
2SJS 28,
751i 76ji
"37" "J7'4
2M( ay,
40'fi 40
25 25
J 891,
48' i
40 s
'"" ft Cattle F'd'rsTrust
im ". va-fta
Illinois Central
LaVeErloft lVfit
Lnke Ericft West., pfd....
Lake Shore ft M. S
in.'jT"lc Nashville ....
Michigan. Central
Mobiles Ohio
Missouri Pai-iuc.
at onal Cordage Co., prel
National Lead Trust.......
Xevr York Central
H-T-. C.ftSt.L
92 "4
C-" - s'- L-. ls Prefl
0.- A-t p- S'. L.. 2itprcf
41 K
&! b. K. ft V., pref. .
g.Y.ftN.E :.;
5-Y.O. AW
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk ft Western, pref..
North American Co.,;
Northern Pacific
Northern Paclllc. pref.....
iircjron Improvement
P-iclAc Mall
Peo.. Dec. & F.rous
1'hlla-lrlpiila ft Beading...
l'g.. Cln., Chicago ft 81. L.
1'.. C C. ft hi. I,, pfd
I'nllm.in Palace Car
Itlchmond ft W. P. T
lUchmond ft W. P. T., prd
St. Paul ft Dnlnth f...
St. Paul ft Dulutli. pfd....
St. Paul. Minn. V.fn
St. L. ft San Fran. 1st nref
TT.a li..ln. I
.....-, a avini:
Union Paclllc....,
Wabash, nfd
Western Union..
J) heeling ft L. E
Wheeling ft L. E,
lSS Wi
S9H 39
29'4 2)Si
8154 81
37 37
77 77?,
, pfd.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur-;
ntshed by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, Xo. 87
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex-
PennsylvantaRallroad Mi
Iten.ltnfc Railroad 19-s
BufTalo, N.V. ftPhlla 8M
Lchleh Vallev B0!
Northern Pacific 274
Northern Paclde preferred 74'
Lehigh Navigation 8,M
19 3-13
Boston Stock Closing Prices.
Atch. ftTop 41H
Boston ft Albany.. ..201
Boston ftMaltic la
ChUBur. ft Qulncv. fBli
Eastern R.R.tn lit
Fltchburg It.R 78
Flint ft IVi-pM 23
K.C.M.J.ftC.B. 78.119
Mass. Central 18K
Mct. Cen. com 22J
N. Y. ft X. Eng 37
Old Colony 1G7V
Boston ft Mont
Calumet ft 11 ..
Fraukln ........
. 48
- 17K
. 70
. li'i
S.m Diego Land Co.
v est r.nu vo,
Bill Telephone 182
Lainson store b..
11 si
Water Poner...
Wis. Ccnt'l commoi 20S
Cent. Mining..
Alloue7 Mln.Co.new iVi.X. K.Telec. ftTclenSi)
Atlantic HSlButtcft Boston cop. 11 li
Electric Stocks.
J50STOS-, Oct. 1. Sfrecinl. Eloctric stock
quotations hero to-day were:
. 14 75
. 8 12!
. rooo
. 14 00
8 50
55 00
15 00
Ft. Wavne Electric Co
T. II. Securities (series D)
T. H. European E. Welding...,
Wcstlnghouse Trust Receipts..
Mining Stock Quotations.
New YonK. Oct. L Alice,150; Crown Point,
150, Consolidated California and Virginia,
525- Deadwoqd, 200: Eureka Consolidated, 300;
Gould & Currv, 150; Hnle & Xorcross, 150;
Hoinostake, 1050; Horn Silver, 335; Iron Sil
ver, 120; Mexican, 225: Ontario, 3800; Ophir,
350; Plymouth, 175: Standard, 130; Sierra
Nevada, 250; Union Consols, 150; Yellow
Jacket, lOU.
Receipts, Shipments and Prices at East Lib
erty and AH Other Yards.
0Ff ce or PiTTsnuRO Dispatch, )
Tiiuhsday, Oct. 1.
Cattle Receipts, 1,134 head; shipments,
801 head: market nothing doing; nil through
consignments; no cattle shipped to New
York to-day.
Hoos Receipts, 1,000 headfshipments, 1,450
head; market firm; selected Philadelphia,
$5 405 50; medium, $5 235 40; best mixed,
$5 C05 15; Yorkers. $4 S04 Dj; grassers. $4 50
4 75; pigs, $3 504 25; roughs, $3 504 50; 3
cars of hogs shipped to New -York to-da.
Sheep Receipts, 800 head: shipments! 400
head; maiket firm at yesterday's prices.
' By Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 16,500 head;
shipments, 4 000 headtmarket dull and steady
to lower; prime to extra natives, $5 758 2i;
good to choice, $4 505 25; others, $2 504 00;
Texans, $1 752 G5; stockers. $2 1002 90;
butchers' cow s und heifers, $2 102 50. Hogs
Receipts, 23,000 head; shipments, 10,000
head: market lower; rough and common,
$3 754 40; good mixed and packers, $4 60
4 75: prime heavy nnd butchers' weights,
$4 805 10:' light, $3 854 8a Sheep Re
ceipts, 8,000 head; shipments, 4,000 head; mar
ket active and steady: native ewes, $3 00
4 40: mixed ewes and wethers, $4 504 80;
lambs, $3 255 49.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 45 loads
through C sale: all held-over stock; market
easier for common grades. Hogs Receipts.
20 loads through, 8 sale; market strong for
good heavy yorkei sand mediums: common
to mediums pizs unchanged; heavy grades,
corn-fed. $5 405 53: medium weights, corn
red, $5 355 50; yorkera, good to uost corn
fed, $5 135 25. Sheep and lambs Kccelpts,
5 loads through, S sale: market steady for
both good sheep and lambs; common grades,
dull and tending lower: sheep, extra fancy,
$4 504 90; good to choice, $4 004 40: fair to
good, $3 7-5(34 00. Lambs, good to choice
native, $5 50QG 10; Canada, common to extra,
$0 008 25.
Cincinnati Hogs Steady; common and
light. $3 C04 75: picking and butchers.
$4 35510; lecclpts, 2,275 head: shipments, 6S5
head. Cattle in good demand; lair to choice
butchers' grades, $2 004 00; prime to choice
shippers. $3 305 23: receipts, COO head; ship
ments, 675 head. Sheep scares, firm; com
mon to choice, $2 004 50; extra fat wethers
and yearlings, $4 755 00; receipts, S00 head;
shipments, 350 head. Lambs in f.ilrdomand,
firm; common to choice, $4 005 50 per 100
New York Beeves Receipts, 300 head,
all for exporters and slaughterers; no trade,
feeling ill m. Dressed beef steady. 6J9ifc;
shlpn-ents to-dav, 933 beeves. Calves Re
ceipts, 1,093 head; market firm; veals, $5 50
8 25; grassers. $2 002 73. Sheep Re
ceipts, 9,580 head: sheep nte:idv; In nibs shade
higher: sheep, $3 5C4 G2: lambs, $5 75
G 87K: dressed mutton steady, 78c; dressed
lambs Arm, fc10c. Hogs Receipts, 3,577
head, including two cars for sale: market
.steady, $5 t08 00.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 4.800 head;
shipments. 2,400 head; market steady;
good to choice native, $5 005 80; fair to
good do, $3 0C3 00: Texan ami Indian
steers, $2 403 23: Texan and Indian Con
nors, $1 402 25. Hogs Receipts, 4.G00 head;
shipments, 4,800 head: fair to cnoico heavy,
$4 855 00: mixed, $4 404 90; light, fair to
.best, $4 G04 80. Sheep Receipts, 300 head;
shipments, 700 head; fair to good, $4 234 50.
Omaha Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; desir
able beef steers about steady .allothcrgrades
dull ond weak: fnir to fancy steers, $3 50f?
5 75; common, $2 553 50; Westorns, $3 00
5 00: Texans, $2233 00. Hogs Receipts,
2,000 head; market slow nnd 510o lower;
about all sold: light. $4 37U4 GO; heavy,
$4 G01 92K; mixed, $4 554 bS. Sheep Re
ceipts, 420 head; market active and -steady.
'Kansas Cltv Cattle Receipts, 5,030 head
shipments. 5.100 lipnd: market dull and
steady; steers, $3 235 73: cows, $1 232 70;
stockers and feeders, $2 003 70. Hogs Re
ceipts, 7,200 bend; shipments, 3,050 he.id; mar
ket steady to weak: bulk. $4 554 63; grados,
$3 254 80. Sheep Receipts, GiO head; ship
ments, 350 head; market steady.
Indianapolis Cattle Receipts, 4,003 head;
market firm. Hogs Receipts, 4,000 head;
market slow and lower; choice heavy, $4 90
3 00: choice light, $4 654 75: mixed, $4 70
4 80; pigs, $2 504 10.
Turpentine Markets.
SAVASNAn Turpentine steady at 310.
Eosin finn nt $1 201 25. -
CnAr.LESTojf Tnrpentlno steady at Slc.
Bosin firm; good strained, $1 15.
Wilmingtos Spirits or turpentine steady
at 34'4c Rosin firm; strained, $1 05; good
strained. $1 10. Tar firm at $1 16. Crude tm
pentinc Ann; hard, $1 OOj yellow dip, $1 9;
virgin, $1 30.
The Drygoods Market.
New York, Oct. 1. Tlie demand for dry
goods was irregular. In some quarters or
tho'market a rather heavy movement has
continued through the month orSeptcmbor,
and, with tho beginning of the present
month, there is no abatement. Preparations
aro being made for largo shipments by
cheap water routes. Plain and coloied cot
tons participate principally In this move
ment. Metal Mnrkets.
New York, Oct. L Vis iron dull: Ameri
can, $16 0018 25. Copper steady; e.
J:tiibe 12 " ad nominal, domestic,
at$4S2J. Tin firm; Straits, $20 09.
Shell Corn and Oats Advanced to a
Higher Level, and "Wheat and
Domestic Frn.it in Light Snpply, but Enongh
for Demand.
TlIUltSIlAY, Oct. L
Country Teoduce (Jobbing Prices)
Eeceipts of fruit were light to-day, and de
mand was-ditto. Peaches are approaching
the end of their career for this season, but
the few offered are slow, for the reason that
consumers laid in bountifully when there
was plenfy at low prices. Grapes are mov
ing freely, and good stock readily brings
outside quotations. In tropical fruit lines
we note a scarcity of lemons nnd a tendency
toward higher prices. Oranges and bananas
also show firmness ot late. Dairy products
are steady and unchanged In price. Sweet
potatoes are heavy stock, and drift of mar
kets is toward a low or level. Irish potatoes
nre not so freely offered as they havo been
for a month past, and our markets are al
most bare in this line. There are, however,
plenty in tho land, and a few days will, with
out doubt, bring a sufficiency to our mar
kets. BrTTEn Crcamery.Klgln.2S(323Jic:Ohlol) rands.
2425c: common country butter. 1617c; choice
countrv rolls, 20(a22c.
Beaus New York and Michigan pea. $2 352 40;
marrow. 92 S0O2 GO; Lima beans. 3i6c.
Beeswax 323Sc? lb for choice; low grade, 22
Cider Sand refined, p 50(310 00: common. $3 50
8 CO: crab elder, $12 001J 009 barrel; elder vine
gar. 1415c.
CIIK1SE Ohio cheese, new. 9(a9c: Sew York
cheese, new. 1010Se; Limburger. llil);c: Wis
consin Sweltrer, full cream, 1313$c; imported
Sweit7er, 272Se.
Ciikstncts-SIoO! CO?l bushel. t)
Eons 20(?i3c for strictly lresli nearby stock;
Southern nnd Western eggs, lDWKe.
Featiii.i-.s-Extra live geese. 573jc; No. 1, 4S
50c- ft lb: mixed lots. SOffilOc lb.
rauiT Apples, -miK pernusiiei, 11 htoi ijper
irrel; peaches. 003573c per basket, SI COffll E per
nsliel; pears, 75c&l CO per basket, $1 502 (0 per
nlums. Damson, f 1 COM3 13 cer uaslici
10-pound basket, 2022e; Oelaware grapes.
3.v40c a basket: Sickel pears, St 25
uusui:; viuu.
Dernes. 52 X($. w a uusnei
Homit Xew crop white clover, 1820c; Cali
fornia honey. 12l5c 13 lb.
MArLE Si r.ui- 73i(X- Q gallon.
M VPLE feUOAR 10c ty lb.
roui.TRY Alive Chickens. 732810 a pair; yonng
chickens. SUftGOv a pair. Live ducks. 506Oc a pair.
Dressed Ducks liffiuc Q lb: chickens, 12l!ta
Jit: spring chickens. 14(3115u lb.
Potatoes Carload lots. SI txt 15 a barrel ;from
store. 4P43c a bushel: southern sweets, $1 231 50
a barrel: Jerseys. 52 25(2 50.
QCIXCES-JS 303 75 1 birrcl.
Seeds Western rceleaned medium clover lob
bing at $5 30: mammoth, $5 3I timothy. $1 45 for
prime and ?1 50 for choicest; blue grass. $2 C3S 80;
orchard grass, $1 7J; millet. $1 10: German. ?I 25
Iluuxarlan. SI I0;nnelawn, 25c '& lb; seed buck
wheat. $1 4031 (10.
Tallow Countrv, 4c: city rendered, 5c.
Tropical Fruits Lemons $." 5no 00; fancy.
KWlS.7 00; Sorrento oranges, 85 005 25 per box;
Jamaica oranges. $4 COJJ4 CO a box: California
peaches, tl 001 25 a box: California plums. $1 50
2 2. a box: California pears. S3 00 a box: bananas,
SI 231 50 firsts. 73c(jl 09 good seconds, per bunch;
Tolav grapes. S3 30(34 CO j. crate.
Vegetables Ca6bage. IVS-'XIca bushel basket;
yellow Denver onions. 82 252 50 a barrel: tomatoes.
2-va.50c per bushel; cucumbers. 3-'i(al50c per bushel;
celerv, Ol30c per dozen: egg plant, $1 CO a bushel
basket; roasting ears. C09Uc a bushel basket.
The expected drop In coffee fails to ma
terialize. Markets are a shade firmer, but
receipts are large, and future probabilities
lie in the direction of a decline. Soft white
sugars are a shade lower, a fact which is dif
ferent from general expectations. All
canned goods are weak and slow.
Grees COFFEE Fancy, 22'2;ic: choice Rio,
2122c: prime Rio. 21hc; low grade Rio. 18i
20c: Old Government Java. 27Js2)c: MaracAlbo,
2M24c: Mocha. 2S-9c: Santos. 1923c; Caracas,
jwa24Mc: LaGuayra, 23,H24;ic.
Roasted (In papers) standard brands, 22c;
high grades. !4(!!7,Sc; (Mil Government Java, bulk,
3(XA12c: Maracallm, Milyc: Santos. 2223c; pca
berrv. 27c; choice Rio. 22'c; prime Rio, 22c; good
Klo, :ic; oriunary. nayjx.
SriCES (whole) Clones.
I3(iBl5c: allsnfce.
rjissla. scl nenner He: nutmee. 7o(SS0c.
I'ETROLEUM ijoDDers pneesj nuw xesi,
--- .. ..- i- ..... . .
Ohio. 1H). 7c: hcadlleht. 150. 7Xc: water white.
99Mc: globe, 14f3U4le; etalue, 15c; carnadlne. lie;
rorallne. 14c; redoll, 10llc; parity, 14?;olelne,
Mixers' Oil No. 1 winter, strained, 4244c ?
gallon; summer. SS37r: lard oil. 555Se
Strci- Corn syrup, 28(iM2e: choice sugar svrup,
37ffi3lc; prime sugar syrup, M35c; strictly prin e,
S. O. Molasses Fancy new crop, 45c; choice,
42JM3C; medium. 33J0c; mixed. 33a38e.
SoDA-Bl-carb., in kegs. 3M35c:bl-carb. In Ms,
5Jic;bi-carb.. ssorted packages, oQGc; sal soda.
In kegs. lJic; do granulated, zc
Caudles Star, full weight, c;stcarine, per set,
8,'c: parafflne, ll12c.
Rice Head Carolina, Ca7)ic: choice, 6M6ic;
Louisiana, 5fSc.
bTARCH Pearl, 4c; corn starch. CsUe; gloss
starch. Gra7c. -
Foreign Fruit Layer raisins, $2 00: London
lavers. $225: Muscatels, $1 75; California Musca
tels. $1 Cuffll 75; Valencia. 55Mc: Ondara Valencia,
66'4c; siiltana, lol5c: currants, 6W5lic: Turkey
prnnes. 9C'c: French prnnes, 8ar; Silonlra
prunes. In 21b packages. 9c: cocoanuts. 100. SS00;
almonds, J.an., lb, 20c: do iTlca. 17c: do shelled.
40c: wainuts. Nap., 1SS14C: Slcllv filberts. 12c;
ainyrna ngs, italic; new uaies. oisnc: Brazil mils.
10c; pecans. 1416c: citron. lb, 17l8c; lemon
peel. 12c ft lb: orange peel. 12c.
Dried fruits-' Apples, sliced, lie? lb: apples,
evaporatell. 1314c: pcaclics. evaporated, pared. 20
021c; peaches, California, evaporated, unparcd, 13
(3ll6c: cherries, pitted. 15c: cherries. nnpitted.,8c:
raspberries, evaporated, 2524c; blackberries, BS
7c: huckleberries. 8c.
Sugars Cubes 4ac; powdered. 5c: grannlnted,
45,c; confectiom-rs' A. 4':; soft white, 4l4?c;
vcllow, choice. 4-!ic; yellow, good, Z)tZzCi yel
low, fair. 3JsV3c.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), S3 00; medium,
hair Dbls (000). $3 00.
Salt-No. 1. $ hbU $1 CO: No. 1. extra, sa bM,
$1 10: dalrv, ft bbl, $1 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl.
?1 SI: lUgglns' Eureka. 4-bn sacks. S2 SO; Higgins1
Lureka. 19 14-lb packets. $3 00.
Canxed (ioons felaudard neaches. SI 9T(2 CO:
2ds, ?t 50ai 60; extra peaches. 2 202 30: pie
iwaches. 9G395c: finest corn. ?I :sai 50; Hfd. Co.
corn. $1 (Xiat 15: red cherries, 1 201 30: Lima
beans, $1 35; soaked do, 80;: string do, 0.j(CI70c:
marrow rat peas $1 101 25: soaked peas, B570c:
pineapples. $1 50l 00: Bahama do, $2 2"i; damson
plums. $1 10, greengages, il 50; egg plums, t 80;
California apricots. $1 902 10: California pears,
52 252 40: do greengages, $1 90: do egj: plums,
SI W: extra w hlte cherries. S2 &i; raspberrles.Sl O..IIA
tl 10: strawberries. 95efl 10: gooseberries. SI CO
1 05- tomatoes. 859.c: salmon, 1 lb, $1 301 8;
blackberries. 80c; succotash. 2-fbcans. soaked, 9oc;
do green. 2-lb cans. $1 2V51 50: corn beer, 2-Jb cans.
SI HYtl 90: 1-lb cans, $1 39: baked lieans, $1 4U1 50;
lobsters. 1-lb cans, $2 25; mackerel, 1-Ib cans,
boiled. SI 59; sardines, domestic. H. $3 8100;
,"s. $t!50: sardines, imported. H. $11 5012 50;
sardines. Imported. s."?18 00; sardines mustard.
53 35: sardines, spiced. $3 50.
Fish Extra No. 1 blovter mackerel. $30 00ft bbl;
extra No. 1 do mess, $28 50: No. 2 shore mackerel.
(21) IK): No. 2 large mackerel. S18 00: No. 3 large
mackerel, $14 00: No. 3 small mackerel. J1Q 00.
Herrlng-3pllt. SI 50: lake. $3 25 ft 100-Ib bbl.
White fish, $4 75 lb 1C0 hair bbl. Lake trout. $5 5o
fthairbarrei. Finnan haddles. 10c ft lb: Iceland
halibut 12c ft !b. Pickerel, hair bbl. $4 OJ: quarter
bbl, $1 CO. Holland herring, 75c. Walkon herring,
Oatmeal $5 so6 09 ft bbU
Grain, Flonr and Feed.
Sales on call nt the Grain Exchange, 1 car
packing hay, $7 75, 6 days; 1 car sack bran,
$1G 50, 5 days. Becolpts, as bnllotined,18 cars,
as rollows: By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne nnd
Chicago Railway, 1 car or rye, 1 of bran, 3 of
hay, 3 of wheat, 3 of flour. By Pittsburg,
Cincinnati nnd St. Louis, 1 car of oats, 4 or
corn. By Pittsburg and Lake Krie, 1 car of
malt, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and Western,
1 car of hay. Cereal markets have dcyoloped
new strength within the past day ar two.
Shell corn nnd oats are a slia'lo higher, as
our quotations will disclose. MUlreed is
dull nt quotations. Brown middlings bring
little-better prices than bran liny Is quiet,
and whet and flour are baiely steady.
Following quotations are Tor carload -lots on
Every one suf
fers from Catarrh
in tho Hoad.
Those who don't
havo it sunTcr
from those who
do. It's a diseaso
vou can't keen to
f yourself.
Hero nre somo
of the symptoms : Headache, obstruction of
nose, discharges falling into throat, some
times profuse, watery, and acrid, nt others,
thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody,
putrid, and offensivo ; eyes weak, ringing in
oars, deafness ; offensivo breath j smell and
tastq impaired, and general debility. 'Only
a few of theso likely to bo present ptfonce.
Tho cure for it for Catarrh itself, and all
tho troubles that como from it a perfect
and permanent cure, U Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Kemody. Tho worst cases yield to ltsjaild,
soothing, cleansing nnd healing properties.
A record of twenty-five years has proved
that to its proprietors ond they're willing
to prove it to you.
They do it in thi3 way : If they can't euro
your Catarrh, no matter how bad your case,
or of how long standing, thoy'll pay you
1300 in cash. Can you nave better proof
of the healing power of a mcdicdiio I
W-AU f l It
track. Dealers charge an advauce on these prices
from store.
Wheat No. 2 red. $1 0lt 02.
CORX-No. 1 vellow shell, G363Kc: No. 2 -yellow
shell. 62(SW)c: high mixed shell. 9l'2c:
mixed shell. COWSfllc; No. -2 yellow ear. i70cr
high mixed ear, t)1fl8'c: mixed ear, S7.S(a08c.
DATS No. 1 oats. 343Jc; Xo. 2 wfilte, 33K
31c: extra. No. 3 oats, 32K33c: mixed oats,
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 9293c.
Flour Jobbing prices Fancy spring patent.
$5 5C0.5 75: faucv wliiternatents. S5
ouw titz laucy wiuiernaienis. j x ou; a
straight winter a. mta& 23: faner stralorlit sDrlng.
! 25g5 50: clear winter. 4 75(55 CO: strafghtiXXX
bakers'. $4 75(5)5 00. Rre Hour. ?i 00(35 25.
nkers'. 4 7J" . Krenour. una;.". 2.
M1LLFEED--N0. l.whlte mlildlluirs. S23 50324 001
ton: N'o. !wl.ltp middling. 21 Urfo22 CO: tniwn
middlings. SICoOffilT CO: winter wheat bran, $150,1
Hat Haled Tiuiotliy. choice, $11 23(3)11 75;3o. 1.
$10 2il0 50; No. 2do. $9 OCIffif SO: elorerhay. $3 5
(39 CO: loose from wagon. ?li COMII2 CO, according to
qualltr: packing liar. $7 C07 80. . .
' STHAW-Oats, $5 75 CO; wheat and rye, $5 80
5 75.
ngar cnreil hams, large
Sugir cured hams, medium
Suarcnred hams, small i
Sugar cured California hams
Sugar cured b. bacon ...
Sugar cured skinned Inms. large
Sugar cured skinned hams meulum..
Sugar cured shoulders
Sugar cured boneless shoulders
Raci.n shoulders........
pry salt shoulders
Sugar cured d. Iw-ef, rounds
Sngar cured d. ltecf. sets
Sugar cured d. beef, flats
llacon, clear sides
Bacon, clear bellies , ,
Drvsaltrlear sides, 10-IB average....
II 'v
J fry sail clear sine-, ui-io average. .
Mess pork. Iicav v n on
IMess nork. fmllv..
Lanl. refined, lutlerces
Lnrd, refined. In half barrels..
Lard, refined, GO-lb (litis
Lard, refined, 20-Ib palls
Lanl. refined, 50-tb tin cans....
Lard, refined. 3-lb tin palls...,
Lard, refined, 5-Ib tin palls.....
Lard, refined, 10-tb tin palls....
A Decrease of 813,286,430 In the Treasury
Cash During September.
Washisotox, Oct. L Tho public debt
statement, issued this afternoon, shows that
the interest-bearing debt decreased $23,504,,
700, nnd the debt on which interest ha
censed since maturity increased $7,015,520
during the month of September. Total casji
in tho Treasury $74I,G6iiC9 89. Tho follow
ing is a recapitulation of the debt statement:
bept. DO, 1831. Aug. 31, 1891.
Interest bearing debt
Bonds at4K percent $ 27,953,400
Bonds at 4 continued '
at 2 per cent 22,913,600 i
Bonds at 4 per cent 559,567,lu0 5M,507.CCO
Refunding certificates at
4 per cent OT.120 93,220
$ 585,557,100 $ 6IO.S.4-
Decrease Z3,aH,(XX
Debt on whlrh Interest " ,
has ceased since ma
turity ? 9,127.2)0 $ 1.611.770
Increase $ 7,17.5,529
Debt bearing no interest. 390,183,493 39f.018.551
Decrease ? 833.50S
Aggregate of Interesiand-
non - Interest bearing
debt .? 934,335,501 $1,003,157,742-
Decrease $ .18.122,238
Certificates and Treas-.rv
notes offset by an equal
amount of cash in the
Treasury ? 549,800,743 $ .855,078.603
Decrease $ 9,271,855
Aggregate of debt Includ
ing certificates and
Treasury notes fl.531,112,251 $1,562.235,3
Cash In the Treasury
Gold coin 179.631. 0M
Bars (.6,313.774
$ 244,974,790
Silver dollars S 348.3II.19T
Subsidiary coin 10.8S1.619
Bars 41.579.253
Trade dollar bars 2,3l,2b0
$ 409,061,328
Paper legal tender notes -
(old Issue) ? 19.940,814
Treasury notes of 1890.... 7.C4.5.S02
Gold certificates 28,.TC2.4,)0
Silver certificates 2.20.I,T2
Currencv certificates 1.!)0,000
National bank notes 5.U95.0W
$ 65,933,359
Other bonds. Interest and
coupons paid awaiting
reimbursement $ 95,283
Minor coin and fractional
currency 395,467
Deposits In National
bank depositories
General account $ lS,r61,92l
Disbursing othecre' bal
ances 4.774.051
$ 21.589,733
Aggregate $741,669,209
Demand liabilities
Gold certificates 140,784.059
Mirer certificates 324.93K.-559
Currency certificates 11.s33.mo
Treasury notes oriS90.. C4,251.i;0
$ 549,606,748
For redemption of itn-
current national bank
notes.,........ $ 5,093,703
Outstanding checks and
drafts. 6,347,503
Disbursing officers' bjl-
ances SO, C03, 500
Agency accounts, etc.... 3,128,72.5
$ 46,873,493
Gold reserve $ loo.cfl0.con
Netcash balance 44.987,904 61
$ 1,087,968
Aggregate $ 741,608,209
Cash halance In the Treasury Aug.
31. 1891 160.271,394
Cash balance In the Treasury Sept.
30, 1891 I4I.987.9S3
Decrease during tho month $ 15,238,426
A gallant rescue although the
young lady takes it cool enough.
Why? Because she knows she is
in safe hands.
Take consumption, for instance.
If taken during its incipiency, when
friends and doctors alike pronounce
it only a case of cough, or a bad chest
cold, later on may be a little lung
trouble, until at last they pronounce
it a genuine case of consumption. If
at first you will consult a doctor, he
will invariably prescribe Johann HofTs
Malt Extract. Thatwill be another
gallant rescue, anrl you can feel per
fectly cool about the' consequences,
because you, too, are in safe hands.
For the last forty years this remedy
has been used in Europe and here.
It will relieve the most stubborn cold
and cough, if taken hot at night'
(sweetened with a little sugar).
Be sure to obtain the genuine arti
cle which must have the signature of
"Johann Hoff" on the neck of every
bottle. Eisner & Mendelson Co.,
Sole Agents, 6 Barclay Street. New.
York. ' '
Vice Presideut.
Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only.
Transfer Agent,. General, Cold. Bonded andYard-iStoVage:
J WAKLMUUbtiJ, containing 2,3oo,qoo cubic leet oi storage-space. i
Railroad siding to each warehouse. " Brick' warehouse for exclusive storage of "J4
oil. Separate rooms for storage of household coods. Lowest insurance rates. ."c
uur h' oluuiiu hiiii
Some people, for the sake of a fen-cents
difference in price, buy "Whiskies that ibey
know nothing about. Isn't it worth the
difference to get "Whisky sold under a sworn
guarantee of purity? Klein's celebrated
"Silver Age" and ';DueiUesri" are b6th"dO vfj
companied with the distiller's affidavit
certifying that they are unadulterated.
Physieiah ' eve'fywhere pr'escriDe',"these ' -brands,
and leading hospitals use them ex
clusively. "Silver Age"-sellsr at $1 50 and
"Ijnquesne" at 51 25 per full quart. Onca
used, always used. Goods expressed any- ,
Package makes 5 gallons.
Delicious, sparkling, -and .
appetizing. Sold by II
dealers. 7aboa3tir3l
Picture Book and audi
ent to any one addressing;
SIXTH AVENUE. au21-stw
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
Vfiinirti, pV,VW, UUIUIIU $J1,UJU A?.
I President, Asst. Sec Treas.
'i pex cent interest allowed on time de
sosits, , " " 'octt-tO-D
I'upit.il 9Vi ivrf enMin .i li im
' JohnM. Oakley & Co.,
.Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago
IS SIXTH ST., Pittsburg.
As old residents know and back flies ot
Pittsburg papers prove, is tho oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician in tho
city, devoting special attention to all chronio
sponsible Mr Dfi I Q and mental dis
persons. H Fn V UUO eases, physical de
cay, nervous debility, lack of enenry, nmbi
tlon and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, self distrust, .bashfulness, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting the person for business, society and
marriage, permanently, safely and privately
eruptions, blotches, falling hair, bones, pains,
glandular swellings, ulcerations or tlis
tong-ue, mouth, threat, ulcers, old sores, are
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated rrom IIDIM ARV kidney and
the system. U 111 IVAft If bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal
dicharges, Inflammation and other painful
symptoms receive searching treatment;
prompt relief and renl cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experi
ence insures sclentitlcandreliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation
free. Patients at a diitance as carefully
treated as ir here. Office hours, 9 jl. v. tog
r. M. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 1 r. m. only. DB.
WHITTIEE, 811 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, To.
Gncvr exglisii bemedt;
Gray's Specific Medicine
icvnii ci irrro from
uiii DeOllitv. Weakness or Body
cmiTiuii. Aimuutauand Mind, Spermatorrliea, and
lmpotency and all dlneascs that arise rrom over
lndnlitcnceanilseir-ahuse. as Lo or Memory and
Power. Dimness or Vl-lon. Prcmatoro Old Age.
and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption and an early grave, write ror our
PA$re49"GRAyMEDICIXE CO.. BufTalo. N. Y.
The Specific Medicine i sold by all druggists at II
Jer package, or Six parkages Tor $3. or sent by mall
ot receiptor money, uir RIlARflNTEc"
ami iTilli every ' VJ C'- - M " '-'-tl C
oiilcraciircorinoney rcriindeo.
itHfOn acconnt or counterfeits we have adopted
tlie Yeiloir AVrapper. the only genuine. Sold In
Plttshnrg by i. S. IlOLLAXD, cor. Smlthfleld and
Liberty &u. leis-01-Mwrcosa
SPh.CIAI.lSTS In all cases ra.
auiring scientific and conn
ential treatment. Dr. S. K.
Lake, 3L U. a P. S., is the old
est and most experienced sue
cialbt in the city. Consulta
tion free and strictly confi
dential. Office hours 2 to land 7,to 8 p.m.;
buncUtvs. 2 to r. M. Consult them person
ally, or write. Doctobs Laj-e, cor. Penn ar.
and 4th t- Pittabnrg. Ta. JeMt-nw
Easily, OrJckJy, Permanently KESTQRETjV
ami all the train of evils, the results or orerwiirk.
sickness, worry, ete. Jf nil strength, development,
am! tone guaranteed In all cases. Simple, natural
methods. Inimeiliate Improvement seen. Failnr '
Impossible. 2,000 rererences. Book, etplanatlott
and proofs matleil (sealed) Tree. Address
SnftSTlajjr ftvia
the -eftects ol
Toutnfal error!
earlv decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood. etcv-
1 van senu a uuut. Mt-... ,,s -..-. . ."- o
follpartlcdlars for hoiro cure, FB KB- of charge.
A splendid medical work :slwuldtx) read by every k ,
man who Is n'rvnas and deollltab'd. Address,
Prof- F- 4J- VO WLEO, 2Ioodu, Coua.
youthful color and beauty b? r
m f,.w-1tllllft nriiTU 1,&
TlT IT i ..valnhRmAn. l)oesnotstalnsUnBr-T
u. RAis-fiAinniMiin. '-v-
1 ilnen Beit fct:niflnlr dressing Prugirtsbiaio. I.
SOldDy-IOsl. xlcJAAlsi a. vso, wiiu umi
gists. niy25K.w v"i
SA3ITIEL BAILEY; Jr.,,- -Sec'fetary
Had Treasurer'
sj , , - . -,4
imrni i mvciuco. "