MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meetin; T1IK AVNTii MEimMS OF THE STOfK- -V. I10LInits,ir:ln- AnrhpnvHp.irlnirr'oKinniiv Ji- ??.?" ' '' M'T "t tin' romp-ini. No. 31 1 lui ta .!-,.. . . .. . . 1 . . r . ' ... vi. iinonl sU. AlU-glii-nv. on MO.SHAY. Oc tobers, 1KH, utwccn tlic hours of lOsid 11 A. M. liEO. b. HAYS. Socretarv Pro Tcm. U.mntXT, PA., Sept. II, 1.-31. 6C3M4S-D rpUE ANNTA1. MKKTlN(iOF TIIE STOCK- A H0LDLK5of the Poiiiim Ivaula tsalt Manulac THring Company w-iIUh-lirM at their office. No. Jl Chestnut t.,' Pnavi.-lptila, on WKDNK.--DAY, Octolitr Si, :s91, at 12 o'clock, noun, lor the WfCtlon ol seven .llnn-tors for the ensuing year, r-d such other bnMMess a inm te b'ousht lic wro them. AOT1N M FUKVES, Secreisrv. ocl-S2-ws H"0 DEMOCRATS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY l oppobedtotheactionofthecommltteeot "ls'-In efuslng to trae nominations fin the vacancies oi e Democratic ticket lor the county; You are re-iue&t-d to xnett at LalavHte Hall on Tlmrsdiy 'venlrimeM, October 1, IS'it, at s o'clock, to take uch action a- ' vu may tlitn and there n gard as 'ecesbarr to mitntaiii the honor. integrity and oullnued oxi-H-ncr of the party In Allegheny want, Li-ndlm; Democntie speaker will be -rewut a-J J a lilres the mot-ting. .v. n. moohe. tuos. j. keevan, JO'-EPH HAYS . M. IIOUKKE. 1. K. 1 Dl I'F. ALr'UEI) KKKIt, tOKT. M ALONE. It. M. HOLLAND, iOBT. F1TZPATKICK. (.'. A. O'lSUIEX, 1 C. McOHil.. SK3-5S Ditidcnds. (TNTlHtllANK. ) PlTTCUlKC 1A ent. 29. 1931. ( tyivjdknd-tiii; dikectous of this X' fcrnk hale I his l.-u rircUml a quarlerlv a I Di'rforOXE ANION"L-II VL1' 1M PEIt CENT. lSaie rortltnlta at the banking house. So. fT 3-5B " C. C. DAVIS. Cashier. ilRST NATIONAL IHNK riTTSBntG. PA.. ) limDEXD-THK nlKECTOKs i)l THIS ' lanl, hare t'liv day declared a quarterly dlv i'tfedot TWO l'EH CENT on the capltalitocl, JTaIe ondunand, Tree of tar. 1- J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. Wl-ICE Or JIONONOAHELA AVATEK CO.. ) Mil Carson strict. JTTTMjrno. IA.. wnt 17.131. ) jyra: mntrTnii of tiii. coIfaxy hayf I this dav dtciar tlie v-,-ial qu .ncrlv dividen 1 ofTWprci-nt. tiarableOc!. l'j. JI, attheoffics o Ibe tra5il-'T. Inin and Gla lullar armgs . -"nk, HI.'. arsou stnx:. ' books ill be dosed trwin Oct. etulO. include. ., .. . 3IAUK W. WATSON. MaUTTN I'lEEN'TEK. President, secrclarj . s(y-47 Electioi-N. OtTOE or THE PlTTSHfltO GA Co., I - pi. a, 111. i pIXTTJOX THE STOI'KIIllI.KI.l:-. or the 9 ltt:6brM'"' ohiMin ai' hercliy nolllieil i mi m annual Vict lion l t im-lec win ih-ntm at voflloo Hit t.ripanv'ii MUNIJAY, Octoler5. frwu lltoSo'cliik V. u. W". II. MlCI.ELL NI. becretarr. NolUe-!. GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK. Itiltiie recfmstruplion of our building, corner T --O.I ami Diiniondtrt-rts. which vt ek.-ct toc- , asain t March. ISfi t" temporarily lo .ied i T feiU avcuif. corner of A ood street. DefKftoir ol One D'Uar and upward received i :mi itp-.T raM thereon, commencing on the First -i1 F.tb-i nlii of -jicJi Month, rnd pj able seml l'lniullj on ihi- first laisof.Iauiiar and Jnl. If mi lra tbe lnt-rcst i a.ide.! jo the princ.i-al. CIIAS. MEYRAN. President. JO. ABEL. Vice Preidcnt. A. K KTTJI ANN". v-.-rrtin. B- W. W li.Rr.IU lYi-a-urer. .b. W. (if niltlr'. Solicitor. npendallv fr::i! a. si. to 4 1-. si., and on Satur lays tr-aa a. m. in 6 r. m. oc1-40-tts I.cjr:il Notices. 1). R. JON E-, Atlornev at Lit, Eighth ae Homestead, 49BUrautttrift, Pitlbuig, Pa. PSTATFOF JAME P.OVLE. DEC'D-NOTICE -. n-renygiin tnai letters totainentan' on .c-late n Janio Boy'e. dc-ci-.i-e-l. late of" the -rrtiyrh of ilom.teid. Atli-gheln Co.. Pa., haie -' tfrrxltu-d To tlie .indciviLMie-l. t.i whom all per v are rrqnrtej to make tnnu-diaic paiment and K-. Imvlngclaimv r den-iiiids agiinst the came ill rankelhem known without ilelai, lo him or to abore naninl attnrni-r. EDWARD O'DttNXEI.L. Executor. IT-51-Th No. !3T2-econ I jvciuic. Pitt-burg. Pa. IJu-inp, Chalices. rjisssoLrnoN-Tiir firm of kvan a PostrrFlnh AenuePi1iitlii?o:npun) ha- i Aa.y tieen 01cuht! If mutual Mint. Jo-epli . -rans n-tlrtng. ltM-lium-;-wil: tn coRt.nued He old stand, 20 li'tli avenm. Iit Charles F. ir. w;- assumes all tin i-lillgation of the old in. oad lo wumn all pirtii-inddited to EarA -lr ill make uivui nt. .'-i:riIB. FA'N5-. ocl--Tlirsn -IIAt.LL F. FO--TEV 'klSSOLUTION -NOIHE lb HEREBY GIVEN - ttrat the limited partnership aoi.iaiitn. vim Ma--,h.-ll. Kennnli A Co.. Limited." ha i tili-solred by mntual con-eut. 'I he under gned have been eiivied liquidating timstees to i-. Bp the business o; -aid umipiin, lodi ibutetlieiut assets among the numbers or taid i-. Urd w-tartcrrsliip. All (trsouv knoniug theni Ito Indelilcd to ike firm will plci-t- call aud it nrompt paiTnt-nt. and tho-e iiailng cl-iltn-il' pteow make them kuonii. A. M. MVR 'Xl.U M 51. KENNEDY. K. J. EINKU .tjuklaxlng Trustee-. ik.1-70 I-"tLrTIO NOTICE-NOTicr. I HEREBY ' piventtiatttae partm rsliip heretofore existing -twi-en xn. J. sapp ami Fred M'.st ln.eider. untier firm nameof-appA selineider. No. 1721 Carson . ?euth-4de. a- tlKoleti bv mutual consent, rci W . -luieldf r reiirmg. The biisine-s will Ik? irried oi- at tlieold sta-id li 'Will. J. -api, who .It par ail debl-orsaid tirm md to whom all ac- OKXitsiiue saiti Lrut luu-t tit paid. VM.J.sAIT. FRED. . SCHNEIDER. rtTTSBtTit;. P.. ept. . 3-91 ocl-11 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Waller Monis, late oi ll'e linn nf trai.. i 5ror &, sm& TbomasAV. AisMlt, lio lias be :- con--reA witUit ame flnu for the pan six rears, ire longed a rojKirlnrr&la!i for the transaction of -. insanities real cstatt and mortp.ipe loans, adertlw firm name of 3Iorr.- A, Alfbltt, and hav ifrieBe4anoiriHiat No. Tfc Diamond t-treet first oor). Piepatcli liutldin;;, tic t Iron thtir friends contiowaiKx; of iht.r lmnic fa jk. MOERIS & AISBITT. . Vc27-:0"-TTSU i:i)I CATION L. CTni:l! ILLE SEMINARY (NEAR 15AL d T1AJU1.) for ynunj l.iilie. :f22j jier :ir. oiiLli c:ir. Modem conveniences, -i j.c camjras. f ull faculty, tlioioush train ' Uouie comforts, send lor catalogue. HV. J. II. Ti UNLll, A. 31, Principal. utiierviUc. Mi jj21-TT-tts .-EY EAl'lD PHONOGRAPIIY AND ti-TiOn nt'na and complete bu-nies nrs- ru,rlit at Park Institute 201 North c. Allegheny. New term open-, septem l 1. fccuin;;i-es-ions --eptrinbi'r 23. Oit orufand muinnl tuaiiy addre- ftee. uJS-TTS LEV1LLDDLN, A 31., Principal. ITJtttt'Z' INIVEUSITY, SIXTH ST. A uev. luaiLiement Increa-ed attend iic-c. Tile best discip inc. Tin- be.-t iu i ruction. F-nslish Trainip-r'-clioolfor bo-, 1 eiris len hurlicr cour-.e- of study, lurty experienced teacher- students ail nttrti dailv. Tuitions reasonable. Div uil Evcti:ii2 --essnino send lor catalogue. . M. HO WE, Prcst. se4-D Douesne Conservatory of Musis. Carl Retter and Chas. Divis Carter. 3Iusical .reelors A school or music to ! conducted the plan l the Royal ouseratory ot 3!uu'.th, rrraaut. Full corps of instructor-. Eight comet.- dcjiartinent--. Free adxantages in cla In- iictkui superior to am m the rountn. A tl-.or-ri! auii complete conr-e of iiislruciitni for gnid ititm lr etit h dcit-irlmt nl scud tor prospectus. HAS. 1UTI- CARTER. Manager Duf,uine vlk-gi: building. Diamond st , opp Court House URSULINE ACADEriY, OAKLAND. oardinsanddn -cintils. Reopens Tuc;dav, ptcniber S. 1 enn- For bojirdet , -esion 1 uiiiiuiit!isl9). CUilitT:n! Ucar-oI it-, M25. la y -cliools for Rirlb. Pupil- taken in the ape.oI B to IS. Tonus Tan, ms Horn ..".tti;3.'i. Tuition includes all l-ranciiesol l 1 ngiieh odneation, titli Frvnch orOn ian, elocution, vocal niUbic, cilcstliemcs, utlitiodmwmana fancj work. Pnvate -"tms in iiiu-ie, French, German, di-aw iug nd painting, ..t moderate terms.. Fm far ner - apply to Jlotlicr Supenor. :uili-S3-TTS EVENING CLASSES. Every work, commencing October 5, 1S91, t :11 o'clock, and continuing for six lontlis, at the building of the Young Men's Urtstfan Association of Pittsburg, l'cnn u Sevuaxb streets, on German, fOSBAT EVENING I Stenography. f ' I Drawing T.1ESDAT EVENING, HaTOSDAY EVENING Vocal Jltisic. f Penmanship, BTDAT rVENING, ( Arithmetic SnMaiainz members of the Association nro utrtted to instruction in above cla-cs in dsttUen toadmisstoii to Monthly Enterlain iente.theuse of Gymnasium, Bath Rooms nd other privileges lor a membership Ice of Only Five Dollars. se2C-37--hs tSTDbptay advertisements one doTXar per square far one insertion. Classified real estate, advertisements on tins pane ten ecnls per line for eadi insertion, and none taken for Itss Vian thirty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the following headings will be ac cepted at the rate of ONE CKXT PER WORD FOR KACH INSERTION when paid for In ad Tance cither at main or branch offices. Wanted Adveiiisementi of aU Kindt, SUCH AS SITUATIONS male nEir, rESIAtE UEtr, AGENTS, rEKSONAI KOOMS, KOAKDING, ItOAKDEKS JII'SCEI.I.ANEOCS, TO tET KOOSIS, MISCELLANEOUS FOK SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Siulllifield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WTTEPF. WANT. TOR SALE, TO LET. AND OTHER TRANMEVT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE receivi:d up to a i. m. for insertion. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers alrcadv hae accounts with The Dispatch. FOR THE SOUTIISIDE. NO. U12 CARSON street. TELnrnoxn no. cos. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE. 613 TENN AVE. riTTSIirRG ADDITIONAT.. T7I05IAS MCCAFFREY. 3X0 r.utler street. EM1L G. STUCKEY. :4tli street and Peun ayenue ALLEGHENY. A. .1. KAERCIIKK, No. n2 Federal street. II. .T. MrBRIDE, Market Honse, Allegheny. 1'. II. EGGERs SOX. Ohio and Chestnut street". THOMAS McHENI'A W estrrn and Irwin avenues. G. M. HI GHES. IN.-i.iKTlr.inla and Beaver nves. PERRY M. GLEIM. l!e."-cci and Allej-lieny are. WANTED. Male HelD. TAD WRITERS -Jmart'i Business and Sliort- 1) hand College. 12 Federal st., Allegheny: good penmanship taught in eight lessons; private lessons, iioth eic; day and e eniug. IARBER Orbovwlth soineei)erienc-- to go to ) the rountn. Call twtw it'll 9 an J 10 A. II. at A Ediia A Cii.'iT, 502 to 510 Lll-crty sU "liARBr.R-lmmedialely.-137 Ohio street. 1" UNDER Apply to the Tyler Tube and Pipe Co., y Wa-liington.Pa. "IlLACKsMlTII One with 6lnall capital pre J ferre.1. Addn-s Elans. Dispatch offic. BOOKKEEPING Wo attend to the opening and closing and adjusting of books "ol all kinds; Toucher M.slini Introduced and indlildual instruc tion given lKHikkeei-ers In Kimc: long eierlenec and reft relict's as to accuracy, promptness and discretion. McCaflrev & Robinson, Room 13, 95 Filtli av. Tl IOY To learn tlie barlier trade; one with exper- J J ience prelerrct. Apply corner Sycamore and ;lerrei. Appivcoi Mt. Washington. Stanwi st--, BOY To leirn barlier trade: one with some ex-K-rleucc pn ft rnd. J. C. Stewart, 832 Second I)OY to learn tlie birber trade. I rt !. 2h32 ".ir-nn --t., S. S. Apply Wm.Diet- pOY-To icarn th- liarber trade. 1354 Second av. (tVN AS--ERS On saiiry or commission. Ap lv at once to the Singer Mfg. Co., No. 6230 ' lOVTMAKERS Four first-class men Immedi . atd. s. W stimson & sons, Columbus, O, c lOTMAKER-Good man; stead' work. E. E. LIMiorth. Jeannette, Pa. DRUG CLERK-Quallfied assistant. D. M., Dispatch office. Address A. GIRL Young girl for general housework; family of two. 239 Chartiers St.. Allegheny. GLAZIER Bt-ielerand lead glaziers. B29 Fil bert vt , Philadelphia, Pa. HUSTLER Briglit man. with clean record, for tio-s building society. Appl noon and 7 evening-. Protected. Home Hotel MAN -To take charge of tlie renting department inan istabllsht-d real e-tate w ill give the right partv an intt rest: till-is an opportunlt seldom ofleretl: none but experienced parties nee ai-wi.r. Address Renting Department. Dispatch ofiire. MECHANIC-Capable of filing bits and repairing machines in wood working establishment' to a suitable er-oi' steadi employment will be given and good wages paid. Addres's Positlou, Dispatch office. MEN For tlie United Statca Army, able-bodied, unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 35 jears. good pai, ration-, clothing and medical attendance- applicant , must lie prepared to fur nish sntlslactorv eidence as to age. character and iiabiu. Applv at No. l15 Penn a Pitts burg, Pa. QALIMAN-(Trave ing) to bell stores O'K-efe's i O. K shoe blacking, tlnest in the world: good commissions. Dr. o'Kccle & Co., 70i smithtield St.. Pittsburg. Pa. (JALESMAN An energetic, actiic salesman to O sell flour sacks in Peunslvania and Ohio. Ad dress li. F. Vcach A Co., S57 Liberty st., city. "VOUNG 31 AN Typew rlter and stcnographrr, X b a long-e-tablished firm; prefT one with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Address, in own ha-idwritiug stating -salarv desired and giving references. It. K K.. Dispatch office. T'OUNG MAN G.ood. strong vounc man to work in warehouse and as-lst at shipping: must have had experience. Applv 10s Market st. CiTX A MOX1H and expense- lor salesmen in ? 4 O even county in the U. S. ; samples and outfit free: no experience necessary: j early eon tracts made: finest and easiest selling goods man ufactured, send stamps for full particulars, E. Converse, 24 Hcrmon St., Worcester, Mass. "Wanted Atrenti- A GENTS On salary or commission to handle the new patent chemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever producea; erases ink thoroughlv In tiro seconds: no abrasion oi paper; 20U to 500 yvr cent profit: one agent's sales amounted io U2U in six days; another $32 in two hours; we want one energetic general agent lor each state and Territory . For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser 3Ilg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. 4 GENTr "King's Handbook:" .631 Illustra XI i: tions: 51 colored imns: census INK): selling for 8250:1s makinga great )ut:agents making money rapidlv; territory going last; liberal terms. P. J. Fleming X Co.. 135 Filth av., Pittsburg. I GENT I wan an agent to take orders for my J. well-known "star and Shield" razor strops"; send 10 cents for suniile aud iulorination. U. A. sbattiick, 44 Ann st., N. Y. I UENTS--New cigar lighter; everv smoker bnvs: il light- in wind or rain: sample loc, twofor25c; 81 dozen, bvmail.btamps takcu. R. Stayner & Co., ProT ldeiicc R. I. 4 GENTS $50 appointment onSOdajs' timeguar i. autee $150 profit in fout weeksornopaj. Free samples for stamp. D. Slioop A Co., Raciue. Wis. AGENTS-To sell KoKoJeln" Toilet Soap (a moncv maker): send stamp for free sample. E. L. Baldwin. Detroit, Midi. AGENT'S Male or female: light business; good piv. 301! Chartiers St.. Alligheny. AGENTS $3 to $7 daily: i-pcm-ncc unnecessary. Putnam A Co.. West Wlnstid. Ct. DISTRICT AGKNTs For tin- Citizen-' Mutual Life Insurance Association of New York. Ad dress Murrj A Edsall. General Agents, Fidelity building, Pittsburg. Ct ENER-AL agents for our non-evaporating,non-r (ret zing chemical fin-pail: cntirel new; pat ent recenth granted; quick se ler; applv at once. Tlie Worcester Fire Appliance Co., 3a-14 Front st,. V orutstcr, Mass. "Wanted Female Help. CtOOK Immeaiately; competent cook. Appl bouthwest comer Peun and Lang aes., Pitts burg, East End. Reference required. COOK A good cook: must have good recommen dations; good w ages paid. Apply at 103 Fitj-j ettest., Alleghcu). . ' COOK for a small famllv; gooa reference re qulred. Addnss P. O. Box 273 Pittsburg. IEMALE HELP-2O0 hou-eglrls. cool resses, nurses. 27 Federal st., Allegli cooks, wait- leny. riRL- Good girl for general housework: must be recommended. Aml at No. US South V.T well recommended. Seventeenth st., citv. GIRL A downstairs girl or one for general housework. Apply 51 Lincoln av., Allegheny. GIRL for general hou-ew ork. East End. Pittsburg. Pa. 501 Lincoln ay.. GIRL Competent for general housework, family of three. 52U7 Pi nu av. GIRLS for housework, at No. 130 Robinson St., Alltgiien;; no charge. CiIKL For general housework. 163 Locust St., il Alleglieni. nIRL A good. gin to do washing and ironing. !ffl ini,n nv - JI U20 Penn av G 1 1RL for general housework. 2554 Penn av. HOL'SEKEEl'ER-In famllv or two: middle aged woman pn-Ii-rn-d. "Address w ith reler e.ices, H. G., Dispatcli office. rURSE Competeut nurse, two children: refer J euces required. Apph No. lis North av., Allegheny, from 2 to 4 r. M. AVanted Partner. PARTNER Young man wishes to invest about $1,510 in business: must lis sale. Address X. W Z., Dispatcli olbcc. TJARTNER-Iu X capital only Brighton. monopoly; big profits; small lequlrtd. V) illiainson, New PARTY witli capital to tike interest In a valu able patent. Address S. E. W., Dispatch office. Wanted Hoarding. 3 LEA'S ANT room -with hoard, by gentleirai. wife and baby, in East End, near ilectrlc or cable roads. Address A. 31. N.( Dispatch office. THE' WANTED. Wanted 3lnle and Femile Help. flOOKS, chambermaid;-, laundresses, dining- and l.oirSliig house, five young girl-, 200 house inns, (iennan ana coiorea frtris, oo laborers, team sters, farm hands. Mrs. E. Thompson. 608 Grant st. CIOOK At Keatine House and also a manor j woman lor dlntnc room. Pcrrysvllle plank road. LADIES and gentlemen to get up clnhi for largest tea houe in Pennsylvania: new plan : greatest variety of presents: everything tirst clas; write for mrtlculars. Address W. . Smiley, Iu Bois, Pa. MAN COOK, coachman, teamsters, diiryraen, farm hands, coal miners, wood-choppers, laborers, hotel cooks. c!iambernia!ds.dnhwashcr8, live dining room girls. 200 house girls. 20 Germans and Swedes, 4 colored girK CO cooks, 20 chamber maids housekeepers. Median's, bH Grant St. Telephone 90. Wanted Situations. I EMPLOYMENT By carpenter; lobbing, renair J ing and tinkering. I' W. Boclimcr, news dealer, 71 Steuben St., West End, citv I EMPLOYMENT By a competent machinist. Ad li dress S. S., JO Charles St., AlUglicny. "VtEW YORK AGENCY A manor experience, i.1 who can give the best of references as to capibilltv and character, wants to represent some manufacturing or other concern of this locality In New Ycrk Citv. Address G. K. Cleveland, Hotel Auders;n. Pittsburg. POSITION By young man. graduate of a com mcrclil college, as stcnographei-: als? under stands bookkeeping and can speat Gennaii. Ad dress C C. A., Dispatch office. TOSITION" BTTonng man of Iaree buslnefs ox- JL perience. as'assistant bookkeeper, bill or entry clerk: unquestionable reference. Address A. B., Dispatch ofllce. POSITION' A side line-to sell sn commission in Reading. Pa.: 70.TO0 inhabitants. Call at 502 Libert-, St., or address C. D Dispatch office, Pitts burg, Pa. POSITION A small set of books to Keep, requir ing about 3 hours' work for four or five even lugs aw eek. Books, Dispatch office. I POSITION As bookkeeper clerk, etc.: can buy an interest In small business. Address K. M., Dispatch office. SITUATION As drug cleik by young man with two wears' experience; "Al'' references: also l vcars'In doctor's office. Address M Dispatch office. SITUATION By a competent drug clerk: speaks German: registered as manager: outside of cit) preferred. Address Reliable, Dispatch office. SITUATION As family sewing and making chil dren's clothes. Address R. M Dispatch office. SITUATION At once: drug clerk,6ingle. 23 ycin old : 5 ears' experience; good relerence. Ad dress Drugs, Dispatch office. SITUATION as bookkeeper or cashier, by prac tical man; good experience and references. O. E. L., Dispatch office. SITUATION by good coatmakcr. Address Coat maker, Dispatch office. Wanted Hoarders unci Lodgers. IODGING-50C, 75c and Jl. Hotel Wilson, 10 1 Sinitblield. OCCUPANTS One or two gentlemen occupants for well-furnished front rooms, with flr-t-class board. In private funilv: on line of Penn ave, cars. Call at or address H. X. J., No. 5101 Penn OCCUPANTS-Fo; with use of bath. a second-story front room 951 Penn av. "Wanted Rooms. T OOM A large unfurnished room or two com XV munlcating rooms, near Locust, Manhattan or Chartiers sts Allegheny. Address K. K., Dis patch office. Xlnanciat. MONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and mortgage; no delay. Reed B. Coyle & Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant St. MONEY to loin on mortgages: lo est interest; no delay. Black & Baird, 95 Fonrtii av. MORTGAGES-5100.000 to loan; sums J500 tof.5,000 Io?2(n000: expenses light; money ready. S. J. Fleming. 152 Fifth av. "T.rORTGAGES Slonevtoloanlnsnms to suit at ill 4s, 5 and 6 per cent. Robert G. Bailey. 1C4 Fourthav. Tel. 167. MORTGAGES on citv or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver S. Co.. 92 Fourtti a. QUICK loan of not over ?2,500; highest Interest paid; real estate tecurlty. Address Loan, Dispatch office. rpo LOAN-S20D.0r0on mortgages: $100 and up X ward at 6 per cent; $500, 000 at 4S per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms, b. II. French, 12o Fourth av. Miscellaneous. A GREAT reduction We want evervbody to know that we have reduced our bet $5 00 cabi nets to $3 00. Sicwart A Co.. P0 and 92 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. ; diamond Photoettes $1 00. AUCTION! AUCTION! AUCTION I-Tucsday. Thursday and Saturday we buv new antl second-hand "furniture, stored or sold on com mission: hold sales nt stores or liouei store bought and highest prices paid; call and see the Washington Auction storage and Van. Co., "9 Third av., clty TjLOWER Second-hand baker or root blower X3 No. 5. 5V. or 6 w ith counter shaft having tight and loose pulleys, in good repair; name price. At onmorc Foundry and Jlch. Co., Avonmorc, P.i BUS1NKSSJIEN toknowthat thepenn Printing and Novelty Co.. 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, telephone 1131, carry the finest designs, to suit any business, of cards, calendars, novelties and adycr t sing specialties everotfered to the public; print ing of all kinds at lowest rates; drop us a postal and see samples. TOG Newfoundland dog pup, Address with XJ age ana price, Lewis, Dis patch office. I EVERYBODY savs the licst 25c meal in Pltts It burg is at Hotel W ilson. 10 bmithtteld. TtVIfTTT O.T A cn,lt tn,n fprrvhont nit JJ landing. about50tons burden. Address, with I tun particulars, Kex, nispaicn omce. SROCERS will find it to their advantage to patronize Iron Citv Produce Co.. 623 Liberty ;et. Choicest fruiU; lowest prices. LAD1E--' and gents' clothing cleaned or dyed; prompt work. Chas. Pfelfer, 413 Smlthfleld. ana iuu l- eaeral st. "Vf ATCRAL GAS Consumers or natural cas will j. find It to their advantage to call on James Owens, of No. 109 Fourth av., and have their stoves and grates arranged for the saving of gas, as this is the only way to get ahead of the gas com panies. 1)ATnNTS O. D. Levis (20 years). Solicitor, 131 Jrifth av. next Leader. Pittsburg. TjUPILS Bv experienced, successful tutor: eie X mentarv branches, college preparation; high est references. Tutor. Dispatch office. SPAS'ISH correspondence, translated; pupils wanted. documents, 410 Penn av. etc.. rpo BUY an old-fashioned mahogany sideboard; X state price and where can be seen. Address Letter K., Dispatcli office. rpRUNKs hauled to and from East End for 50c. X Campbell & Da Is, 12 Sct cntli av. Telephone 26. rOH SALE 131 PROVED REAL .ESTATE. City Residences. T?OR SALE No. 1319 STcainore st.. a modern " brick house of eight rooms for$2,200 in monthly Installments, of $25 (no other paiments required); iocatiou good (9S). W. A. Herron ,t Sous, 80 Fourtli av. East End Residences. MANSION Large, double brick mansion in Twenty-first ward property: wih sell at a birgalu. see Kcllv & Rogers, CilO Penn av., E. E., cits. 5J I 000 for a new six-room and finished attic Otj frame house, on a handsome stiect, in a central location, handy to cables and electric: haa all conveniences, batlu hot and cold water. Inside closet, waslistand, speaking tubes, slate manttls; 1- nicely papered throughout: location excellent: street sewered: this is a cheap property and can be bought on reasonable terms, bee S. A. Dickie & Co., Penn and Shady ays., E. E. (896). A lleglieny Residences. F)R SALE Western avenue, Allegheny, $10,003, a good house; ten rooms: iot 22x125 feet to an alley (49). W. A. Herron A Sons, 60 Fourtli av. 0.39 HARRISON AV., Allegncny.orlck honse. 1 firooms and ball; also lraine house. 4 rooms, isc, 4 rooms. Sec John K. lot 40x250: orice low ; terms easy. twingAi;o., .U7eat-rai st rPAYLOR AV., fronting Resaca St., pressed brick X house of 9 rooms, hail, vestibule, uislde w. c, hot and cold water, etc. : this Is a modern house in oierv respect; lot-MvfiO feet; price. $11,000. $2,500 cash! A. Z. Bjers & Co.. 83 Federal st. Aile gl'pny. CQ hOO Arch St., frame house, six rooms, ball, DOj t estlbule. bathroom, both gases aud water, inside shutters, new tin roof: lot 20x80 to an alley; paed and tewcied; immediate possession; terms easy. See John K. 1 Ing Co., 107 Federal si. Suburban Residences. HOUSE AND GROUNDS A good house and grounds in the suburbs, on line or railroad, ctosc to passenger station; grounds well IniproMci; abundance of shade and shrubbery, fruit trees; residence In prime order; modern throughout; large rooms and finished in handsome manner; fine, pure water, outbuildings, etc., etc.; rare bar gain on easv paj mints, S1.OO0 down, balance to ?uit. Jas. W. D-Tipe & Co., 313 Wood St., Pitts burg. TITILKINSBURG Frame house, 6 rooms and line attic: flagstone pavements, street sew ered and graded ;onlv 4 minutes' wait Irom sta tion; $1,000. (K-75j 'Black i. Balrd. No. 95 Fourtli ae. fjj I 000 Baum street. Twentieth ward, Shady-tJ)-. side station, near Duquesue Traction. 0 rooms reception hall, 2 porches, both gases, nice lawn; lot 4TU00: tcnns$l,(XJ0 cash, balance on time. J. E. McCrlckart. 140 I tftli ave. Tel. 1G7C. FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. OTS Beautiful building lots fortrom $100 to 00, in tnc tagiiiccninwara; long payments: easy terras. Inquire ol Unas, i uorucui's, aiiorue), 406 Grant st,, Pittsburg. PITTSBURG DISPATCH. FOR SALE LOTS. .East End r.ots. A HOUTMiIM feet, liist End lot. Sonth inland one oi me iima" iois on tnca-"" ja. " I Drapest Co., S13 Wood St., I lttsburg. I70R SALE-J30 per front foot, lots In East Lib erty. within 5 minutes oreable tars: eav terms )120). w. A. Herron & sons. o. so Fourth ar. I) ROPERTIES-For Twenty-first ward properties of J. w. Arrott see Kelly & Rogers, 6210 Penn av E. li, city. ritWENTY-FIRST WARD LOTS Choice loca I tions, Arrott plan, bee Kelly & Rogers, 6210 Penn av., E. E., city. Suburban Lots. CKAFTON Nice large lots, all -SO feet wide, in "Keystone Plan:" five minutes' walk from railroad station: quite level, no grading or lilllnfC up required; pure air: no smoke: price only ?-Vi0 each. Plans from Jas. W. Drape Jt Co., 313 ViwJ street, Pittsburg. TWENTY-THIRD WARD-Level lots, near Sec ond av. electric cars and B. & O. R. Rotation; 6trccts graded and macadamized, sidewalks laid, citv wjiter: houses built to suit purchaser on monthly payments. George C.Burgw in. Attorney at Law, 150 Fourth av. " Cemetery Lots. LOT 15x20, Allegheny Cemetery. Address W. R. Errett. Bakewell bnlldlng. FOK SALE BUSINESS. ISnsiness Opportunities. CtLOTHING STORE for sale in good live town of 15,000 people; doing leading business In the Elace: good reasons for selling. Address F. B., Hspatch office, TRUG S.TORE Comer drug store, centrallv lo JLJ cated. Address "Camphor," Dispatch office. DRUG STORE Corner drug store, centrallv lo cated. Address "Camphor, " Dispatch office. I FOUNDRY business complete, with fnll equip ment, patterns, flasks, core ovens and all nec essary machinery in full running order, and doing a good paying business, bnsluess last year 8100,000. Particulars from Jas. W. Drape & Co., Agents, 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. GROCERY A good grocery, good stand, nice business, stock about f 1,200. Address Stock, Dispatch oflicc. GROCERY Stock and fixtures, ?5C0; rent cheap. 50 Fourth av. JEWELRY STORE In Allegheny at a bargain; splendid location: grocery stoi es ?300 to ?3,0C0, drygoods stores, general stores, shocstorcs. drug stores, cigar stores, bakeries, confectioneries. Perclval & Gaston, 439 Grant st. TOPLIN Webb City For sale or lease, one of the best mining prospects in Jasper county. Jlissourl, located midway between Webb Citv and Joplln, ami in the center of the largest and richest mineral belt in the district; 40 acres: 10-year lease-, 10 per cent; shaft No. 1 down 103 feet. No. 2 45 feet; both in excellent condition: very little more work would put shaft No. Ion papng basis: this development was done br a party of s mechanics whohaerun short of funds to continue further, andean be 'secured at a bargain: all machinery, etc.. on ground. Address J. H. Hughes, 1025 Cherry St., Kansas Citv, Mo. LICENSED HOTEL In a thriving railroad town near Pittsburg; 32 rooms, nicely finished, per fectly equipped; waterandgas all through; excel lent 'location, three street frontages: profitable business doing: at a bargain. (4-78-373.) Charles Somers & Co., 129 Fourth av. MEAT 3IARKET As fineameat market as there is In the citv: in a good location. Address Market, Dispatch" ofllce. PRODUCE commission business, lease and flxt ures: good stand. Call 520 Liberty st Pitts burg. T ESTAURANT Fine. In central part of citv; XV Jewelry stores, good-paying cigar store, grocery stores, 8200, S500, ?1,000 to 810,000; milk route, livery stable, lumber yard, fish and oyster market, bikery, shoestore. good country store. Holmes it Co.. 420 Smithueld st. STORK Cheap store, 3C6Lacock St., good stand. Allegheny; (itiOfrrj TO $300 per month profit in a business fit mUJJ (monopoly) which has no losses and com paratively no expenses attached, and requires very little attention, as it runs Itself: above business wlltbesold for 56.CK-0 cash; only these withabote amolmt need appls' (books shown); present owner retiring and going to Europe, Address C., Dis patch office. OQ 500 A reliable man with $3,500 can manage i)J a paying business that will pay him $2,500 a year. Address Box 123, Dispatch office. Itnsiness 1'roperries. IMRE BRICK WORKS At New Lisbon, O.. In cluding buildings, kilns, machinery, fixtures and nine acres of ground: coal and clay adjoining works: will be sold cheap to a ready purchaser. For terms, etc.. applv to J. E. McKelvy, 153 Fourth a v., rlttsburg. Pa. SALE of land bv the United States at Pittsburg. Pa. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Representatives orthe United States of America in Congress assembled, that the Secretary of War be, and herebv is, authorized aud directed to sell and convey to the purchaser, orpurchasers. all the right, title and Interest of the United states In an-! to all thatcertaln parcel of ground belonging to fheUnlted States, situate In the city of Pittsburg, Pa., at the northwest corner or Pcim av and Garrison alley, in the Fourth ward of said citv, fronting 100 feet on the west side of Penn av. and extending nortli wardlv along the west line of Garrison alley, pre serving the same wiatn. lo low water nut- V .iw. Allegheny river, subject, however, to such public east lents as exist thereon and thereover. Depot Quartermaster's Office, Washington. D. C. Sep tember 28, 1S91 . Under the provisions of the above quoted act of Congress, approved May 21, 1890, and bv direction of the Secretary of War, I will offer for sale at public auction on the premises in the citv of Pittsburg, Pi.. on Wednesday, the 28th day of October, 1891, at 11 o'clock A, M., for cash, the property described in said act, together with such improvements thereon as belong to the United States, subject to the conditions set forth In said Act, and subject also to the terms and con ditions named In the printed circular of this date, copies of which will be furnished on application to the undersigned or to tlie Acting Assistant Quarter master at Allegheny Arsenal, where also a plat of the ground can be seen. Tlie right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, or to accept any bid or bids subject to the conditions prescribed in the circular referred to. and to require a deposit of 2 per centum of the purchase money at the time of written notification of accentance of hid; pay- mentofthe full amount of the purchase money must be made upon delivery o: auiy executed aeea or deeds for the property purchased, or the prop erty may be resold, without further notice, at the 'risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser; the cost of all conveyancing will be borne by the pur chaser. G. B. Dandy, Deputy Quartermaster Gen eral, U. S. Armv. OTOCK of general merchandise, store room, u nwuiing, etc.. II. Bristor. Martlusburg, dwelling, etc.. ata bargain: well situated. J. v. va. REAL ESTATE SPECIAL. S FECIAL BARGAIN Sin Allegheny properties. 85 Taylor av., facing Resaci St.. brick of 10 rooms, with lot 40x90 leet; price $11,000, $2,500 cash, balance on easy terms. IS 3Ionterey st near North av., brick of 6 rooms and frame ot 4 rooms on rear; lot 20x110 lect; price $3,500, $2,500 cash, balance to suitpurchVser. 273 Robinson St., corner of Grantham St., brick hoiiseof 7 rooms; lot 20x00 feet; price$J,500, $2,000 cash, balance on time. 75 Kirkpitrick av., brick honse of 8 rooms and all conveniences, witli lot 22x55 feet; price $3,500, $1,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. 35 Washington St.. near Cedar av., brick house of 10 rooms and all modern confidences, with corner lot 21x100 feet: price $9,000, $2,000 cash, bal ance to suit. No. 2ft4 Locust St.. brick house of 12 rooms and all conveniences, with lot 25X130 feet to a street; price fl.EOO; terms to suit. Laurel station, P., F. AV. & C. R. R., frame of 6 rooms antl all conveniences, with three-quarter acre of grounti perfectly level; nrice $5 500: terms to suit. (S. P. 21). A. Z. BYUtS & CO., 93 Federal st.. Allegheny. FOR SALE MISCELLANEODS. Horses, Veldclcs. Live Stock. AVERY fine family horse; will scire at nothing; ladv can drive him anvwhere; will sell cheap. Address II. 11., Dispatch office. CART Double-seated strong and cheap. Hulton P. O., Pa. second-hand road cart; Address "H," Box 23, PAIR of inules; will weigh 2,500 pounds; can bo seenat Bojtl & Son a lierv stable, corner North and West Diamond sts., Allegheny. TWO-FONlEs--Welfiirokcn to ride or drive: gentle. W. II. Kliugensmitb, Greensburg, ra. Maclilnery and Metals. BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes, from 4 to lOOh. p.: cheapest in the market: 46 boilers and engines in stock, stationary and porta ble, upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc. ste:am pumps, governor, pulleys and shaft ing. Telephone. --3401. s-a X'arK w nay. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa. SECOND-HAND engines and boilers Two 55 horse-power and two ten horse-power station ary engines ami boilers. One ten horse-power portable on wheels. Thirty-five, 15, 12, teu and eight horse-power engines, verticalanu horizontal, all good and will be sold cheap. Uarmes' Machine Depot. W First av. UPRIGHT ENGINES-5to 10 horse power, with or without boilers. Henry Faruan, 96 Lacock St., Allegheny. Miscellaneous. EVERYBODY in on this "snap;" a dpuble-barrel breech loader and rebounding hammers, pistol grin, extension rib, patent fore-end, rubber butt, choke bore and warranted a good shooter for $18 60: these guns areaclually worth $25. K. Srait. 932and 934 Liberty St., 703, 705, 707 bmitlifleld st. I OADED SHELLS, 10 aud 12 gauge, per hun j dred; 100 paper shells, 60c: reloading sets, 50c: shell belt-, 25c; limiting coats. $1: wads, any size. -us, all., ittis. ,,.".. ... ..... j. . ....... jv. m,i yf aud 934 Liberty and 70S, : llu, UI kllllll.1! r smltlifield st. MASON & HAMLIN PARLOR ORGAN-Oood as new; cheap lor cash. 5904 Harvard St.. E. E. ' , PIA'NO-A young lady wishes to sell a Steinway Grand piano; will be sold at a bargain if sold immediately. CanbeseenatlvleberBros'., Wood St., where it 13 stored. SINGING birds, parrots, gold fisti, small pet animals. Espicfi's. 640 smltlifield st. STOCK-The Dispatcli Building and Loan Associ ation, ofPlttshurg; office No. 78 Diamond st. (Dispatcli Building), lias opened subscription books where parties desiring lo take stock can call for further particulars; shares, $100; dues 10c per share weekly; interest, 10c per share weekly equal ing 5 2-10 per cent per annum ; no w eekly premium ; 1.50O shares taken in three days. Morris & Alsbitt, promoters, WALL PAPER-lc roll. Thompson Bros.. 103 Federal st. THURSDAY OCTOBER TO LET. East End Knsldences. STATION st.. nearFrankstownav.. 3 line store rooms; plate gas9 front;, rent 0 per month. Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth av. 1 rpO LET-J20 per month. Center, near Highland J- av.. East End, a verVDeat house, six rooms, bath, range, laundry, large yard, street paved. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. t Allegbeny Kesidences. T X,ET lrilndsomelyfiirnislied, on Ridge av., ., . AlPne"y. fronting the parks, 12 rooms, well linisneti, motlern llxtures. (stable carriage and man's house lfdcsired). See W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourtli av. Itooms. ALCOVE Second-story alcove, furnished, fac ing park, 8 Sherman av., Allegheny; low rent If pel manent. t ArAPTSIEXTS-Cheap dwelling apartments, 6Lacockst., Allegheny. t T) OOJI Large, well lighted room. Duqnesne way J.l and Sixth St., at present occupied by Jasper Lawman. Kennedy, No. 2 Sixth st. t TlOOM Nicely furnished front room for one or AV. two gentlemen. 51 Webster ay., three min ntes' walk from postoffice. t T) 003IS Several rooms suitable for social club J-V or singing society; central location. Address R. R Dispatch office. t T OOM Second story front room, suitable for two J Vgentlemen: board by ticketif desired. 174Arch 6tAlleheny. f T OOMS-3fo. 43 Sliiloh St., Mt. Washington. " JSuslnesi StwntTs. HOTEL A first-class hotel property in Leech burg, Pa. ; rent reasonable. Inquire of Ed ward Hill, Leechbnrg, Pa. t Offlcei. Desk Ttoom. OFFICE DESK AVith privileges front room second floor. 150 Fourth av. t Farms. T71ARM A good farm, about 100 acres, only one mile from railroad station, convenient to city; excellent dwelling honse, barn and large orchard, fine fruit in great abundance: immediate posses sion. James W. Drape & Co,, 313 Woodst., Pitts burg. e t 3IlscelIancons. I EVERYBODY To call at once and examine our J shotguns, which we are selling way down in E rices; Just think, a double-barrel, breech-loader, ar-locks, rebounding hammers, pistol grip and choke bore at f 14 50, and all other guns at equally low prices. K. Smlt. live stores in one, 932 and S3 Liberty st. and 703. 705, 707 Smlthfleld st. Open ot filings until 9 o'clocK. t PERSONAL. PERSONAL-Wall paper Ic Bros., 103 Federal st. roll. Thompson PERSO A L How to get rich: how to borrow; pamphlet free. lihodus Bros,, Bankers, St. Louis, 3Iu. PERSONAL Best 25c meal in the city; try us. Hotel WIIson.10 smlthfleld. PERSONAL fash paid for old gold ana silver; Jewelry icnalrcd: new work made to order, Chris. Hauch. 541 Smithflcld. PERSONAL Aland, theTailor.131 Fifth ay., has the latest fads in suitings and the finest styles in overcoatings at very low prices. PERSON A L Ladies' hairdresslng, shampooing, bang cutting done at B. A. Renter's. 8 Fed eral st.. Allegheny, Pa, ; open every evening. PERSONAL Ta-va-Zon Specific Remedies per manently cure all kidney, urinary diseases. Dr. Griffith. Third and Grant. Pittsburg. Pa. PERSONAL Art Goods! Art Goods! Archi tects' antt engineers' materials at iess than half price; also special bargains in old and new books. Frank Bacon Co., 301 Smlthfleld st. Open every evening. PERSONAL-Equestrtanism Ladles and chil dren taught horseback riding on the road; horses broken to gait. Address Mrs. H. K. Foster, Equestrienne, Shcridanvillo, Pa. PERSONAL When 1 was a small bov my mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but 6incc I got to be a great bigman, Dickson, the well known tailor, C5 Fifth av., cor. Wood t., second floor, lias been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. Tel. 1553. PERSONAL Our native herbs The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator: 200 days' treat ment for one dollar: composed of herbs, barks and roots, and will positively cure alt diseases arisirg from impure blood or the money will be refunded; guarantee given. Agency of the Dr. Perkins Medical Company. 309 Chartiers St., Allegheny. Sent by malt on receipt of one dollar. PERSONAL All aboutgenuin-.-diamonds:and we herewith quote a few special driyes: Genuine diamond stud, weight IJj karat, cost originally $165. now only $100: one pair genuine diamond ear drops cost jro, now 250, and one genuine dia mond ring, weight 2 kt., costing 8195. we will now sell at $125: these goods are all white and perfect and are bargains. K. Smlt, Die stores in one, 332 and 931 Liberty. 703. 705. 707 Smitllfield. LOST. LOST-Cockrcl spaniel dog, Tuesday, September 29. Reward if returned to Frank PossIeL 19 Resaca St., Allegheny. " -t-osjx -4-tsj ..loom at Exposition September 8, O r. il in ladies' toilet room, ring with five settings: lady who found same will be rewarded. H. Carter, 19 Sixth st. T OST Between Robinson St.. Allegheny, and cold watch with XJ Elliott's, florist, sixth St.. name 3Iary on inside case, and a silver fob; a lib eral reward will be paid for its return to 217 Robin Bon st.. Allegheny. FOUND. I70UND Wall paper 1c a roll. . 109 Federal st. Thompson Bros., 370UND You can buy Flobert rifles at $2. K. ? Smlt, 932 and 934 Liberty st. and 703, 705. 707 Smlthfleld. "POUND Bisque of Beet a liquid nerve rood, X gives health and strength in cases of extreme weakness and general debility. At druggists. POUND-That Aland, the Tailor, 131 Fifth av.. has unequaled bargains in fall suitings and vercoatlngs; workmanship eqnalto thebest. TTiOUND-On Boggs ave. 3It. Washington, a pocketbook containing a small amount of money; the owner can have the same by calling on Charles J. Amraann. No. 57 Shlloh St., Sit. Wash ington, Pittsburg, proving property and paying for this advertisement. BANK STATE3IENTS. EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK, at Pitts burg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business September 25, 1891: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,223,072 14 uveruruiia, scuureu anu unse cured U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. Stocks, securities, judgments, claims, etc Due from approved re serve agents $ 82,763 81 Due from other national banks 45,992 78 11,731 22 50,090 00 97,398 25 128,761 59 66,000 00 75,951 55 8,1-95 25 9.625 00 Banking houso, furnituro and fixtures , Other real estate and mortgages owned Current expenses! and taxes paid. Premiums on U. S. bonds Checks and other cash items $ 5,116 01 Exchanges for Clearing House 101.739 1! Bills of other banks 14,193 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1,885 55 Specie 88270 00 Legal tender notes 67,500 00 287,303 99 2,250 CO 13,000 00 Redemption fund with U.S.Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation) . . Due from U. S. Treasurer other than 5 per cent reaemption fund $1,973,991 99 $ 500,000 00 200 000 00 41,701 13 45,000 00 1,490 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surnlus fund Undivided profits National bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid Individual deposits sub ject to check $944,703 47 Demand certificates of deposit 110,519 05 Cashier's checks out standing 25,200 03 Due to other national banks 81,511 21 Dneto State banks and bankers 23.829 OS 1,185.795 81 $1 973 991 99 State of Pennsylvania, County of 'Alle gheny, ss: I, Win. Steinmeyer, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. c .,.,.ii W; STEINMETEB. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of September, 1S9L ;IA? ;.A McKEAX, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J CHAS. F. WELLS, I. WOLFF, JR.. , a HENRY DALLMEYEE, ocl'"3 Dnectors. HEfj' CENTRAL, GIVE ME 199. Hello, Whitelcy send for my si my shoes and u. wiicio uceueu ana return them as quick girS-.HELEY, PittsWg o4 - B tuul-sry, iBs-iau Third ave. Second floor. myhJ-73-TT FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth ave Before leaving town send your silverware and valuables to us for safe keeping. Je3-n 1, 1891 BANK STATE3IENTS. T)EPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE JAi PEOPXtES NATIONAL BANK at Pitts burg, In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, September 23, 1891: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts .$ 3,000,025 57 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 3.778 91 U. S. bonds to secure circulation 60,000 00 Due from approved re serve agents $343,124 79 Due from other nat. banks. ..j, 101,533 SO Due from State banks and bankers 11,501 77 4j9iC3 3G 93,000 00 27,787 71 9,C21 i-3 Banking bouse furniture and fixtures Other real estate aud mortgages owned Current expenses and taxes paid Checks and other cash items $ 5,410 13 Exchanges for Clearing House 82,314 07 Billsof other banks.... 11,013 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1.0G5 11 Specie 207.SS2 50 Legal tender notes 205,000 00 515.219 81 Redemption fund from XJ. S. Treasurer (5-per cent of circu lation) i 2,250 00 $ 4,101,147 22 LIABILITIES. Capital stock: paid in. $ 1,000.000 00 Surplusfund 5O0COO CO Undivided profits 100,764 83 National bank notes outstanding 45.000 00 Dividends unpaid 2.892 00 Individual deposits subject to check $2,072220 99 . Certified checks C.4G9 05 Due to other national banks 372,237 35 Duo to State banks and bankers 61,5 13 092,512,490 49 $ 4,161,147 32 State of Pennsylvania, county of Allegheny, ss.: I, T. r. Day, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowl edge and belief. T. P. DAY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of September, 1891. GEORGE I. WHITNEY, Correct Attest: Notary Public. JOHN W. CHALFANT, ) DAVID JicK. LLOYD, Directors. J. PAINTER, JR. ) ocl-45 EEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Pittsburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the, close of business September 25, 1691: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $2,762,400 61 overdrafts, secured and unse cured U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Stocks, securities. Judgments, claims, etc Due from approved re serve agents $334,941 25 Due from other National banks 223,412 CG Due from State banks and bankers 53,493 41 3,224 45 50,000 00 58,121 11 $617,8S5 32 210,000 00 73,650 00 18,151 03 Banking houso furniture and fix tures Other real estate and mortgages ownea Current expenses and taxes paid. Checks and other cash items ? $10,626 S3 Exchanges for Clearing House 163.27G29 Bills of others banks.... 14,010 00 Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 193,01 Specie 203,eri io Legal tender notes 173,500 00 $567,210 25 2,250 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation). $4,392,895 82 .' $750,000 00 . 250 000 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits National bank notes outstanding. Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subj'ect to check $2,976,773 05 Certified checks 57,105 4) Due to other National banks 113,176 10 Due to State banks and bankers 110,859 95 55,430 26 45,000 00 4,216 00 -$3,288,219 50 1 392 S!)5 82 State of Pennsylvania, County 'of ' Alle gheny, ss.: i, j. i..-eroily, Cashier of the above named Dank, do solemnly swear niatr uie autrre statement is true, to the best 6f my knowl edge and belief. J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of September, 1891. JOHN EWING SPEER, Notary Public. Correct Attest: ALEX. NI3IICK. JOHN II. JIcKELVY. THOMAS WIGHTMAN. ocl-53 Directors. AUCTION SALES. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE real estate in borough of Senickley, known as Park Flack Hotel property. Tho undersigned executors of the last will and testament of Anna B. 3IcKelvv, deceased, will, on THURSDAY, October '15, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. jr., ofier at public sale on the premises, opposite the Sewickley station on the P., Ft. W.& C. R. R., all that piece of ground situate in the borough of Sewicklev, Allegheny county, Pa., late the property of Anna B. McKelvy, deceased, beginning in the center of Bunk street at tho distnnceof 21 perches. 10 links westwardly from Its central point ot intersection with Chestnut street; thence along the line of land late of John E. Parke, south 41 and 50' west 70 perches 2 links, more or less, to the Ohio river; thence down said river by the courses of the same 16 perches, more or less, to tho eastern corner oi lot now or formerly or xi-avein; tnence along the line or said lot now or formerly of Tiavelli (which is to be the middle of a 40-foot wide s reet ex tending along said lino from tho river to Bank street aforesaid) north 41 and 40' east 61 perches, more or less, to the point where the said lino intersects the center of tho Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad; thence by thecouisesof said railroad till it strikes a lino parallel with the aforesaid line of laud late of John E.Parke, at the distance of 25 feet from the same; thence north 41 and 50' east 6 perches, or thereabouts, to tho middle or Bank street aforesaid; thence along the middle of said Bank street soutli 48 and 10' east 23 feet to the placo of .beginning; containing 6 acres, moreorless, and having thereon erected n two-story brick building known as Park Place Hotel, containing32roomsand a frame barn and outbuildings, and being subject to tho right of way of said Pittlburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, and to tho portion of same condemned for the use of said railroad by proceedings in Common Pleas Court No. 1, of said county, at No. 441 September term, 1887. Terms of sale: One-third cash and one third in one year and one-third in two vears. deferred payments to bear interest at 6 per cent, payable annually, and to be securedby bond and tight mortgago with insuranc'o clause upon the premises Fivo hundred dollars to be paid at time of salo and the balance of cash payment upon delivery of deed. J. E. McKELVY, AV. H. S. JIcKELVY, Execntorsofthelast will and testament of Anna B. SIcKelvv. deceased. se2433-23,26,29,ocl,3,6,S,10,13,15 AUCTION SALE! Auction Sale of Valuable Building Lots, Fronting on Pennsylvania avenue, Fremont and Jackson streets, Allegheny. On the Premises, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1891, At 3 O'Clock r. jr. The above desirable lots are the nronertr of the Pittsburg, Allegheny and .Manchester Traction Co., and located as follows: THREE LOTS, each 2LxlOO feet, on west side of Fremont street, forty-two (12) leet north of Pennsylvania avenue. FOUR LOTS, eaeli 21x100 feet, on west side of Ftemont street, twenty-one (21) feet south of Jackson street. FOUR LOTS, each 20x105 fcct.on north side of Pcnnsjdvanin avenue, one hundred and twelve (112) feet from N. W. corner.of Penn sylvania avenue aud Frepiont street, witli buildings subject to a lease expiring March 31, lst, at a rental of $500 and water lent per annum. lliKLh. LOTS, each 20x105 feet, on south side of Jackson stieet. one hundred and thirty-two (132) feet west of Fremont stieet. 11ns centrally located property will bo offered as a whole or in lots, to suit pur chasers. Terms: Ono-third cash, balance in one or two years, secured by bond and mortgage, hearing 6 per cent interest. GEO. JOHNSTON, .'.-V27- K HUSlUr-FICE, FOR FULL s auctioneer, i DETAILS. : "m ocl-53 NO. 62 FOURTH AVENUE. ' oel-5a - -$ AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. Saturday, October 3, At 3 r. 3r., on tho premises. CITY BUILDING LOTS, " CITY BUILDING LOTS, CITY BUILDING LOTS. t BLAIR ESTATE PLAN, .BC&zel"7v7"00cL-, ' TWBiYTY-TfflRD WARD. Only three minutes to Second Avenue Electric cars and Baltimore and Ohio Rail road station. $25 Cash, $25 Per,Month. Elizabeth street, two" lots 24x120 feet each (perfectly level). Xm. 50 and 51; Lafayette street, four lots, 25x131 feet each, Nos. GO, 61, 63 and 63; Ly tie street, ten lots, 25x120 feet each, Nos. 5, 6. 8, 10. 12. 15, 16, 17. IS and 20; also, lot No. 19, 35Jxl20 feet, on Lytle street all lots running to 20-foot alley, close to CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, STORES, ETC. Neighborhood already built up by flrst ciass houses. Enhancement certain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVENUE. se27-157-TTSSU "TOTICE OF THE SALE OF REAL ES 1 TATE. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Estate of Sarah E. Parry, deceased By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county at No. September term. 1891, there will be exposed nt public -alo on tho premises on the 10th day of October, A. D. 1891, at 2 o'clock p. M., tho following two lots, or pieces of ground, ituate in tlie Sec ond ward of tho city of Pittsburg, together bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on tho easterly side ofRoss street nineteen feet ten and one-half inches (19 ft. lOJln.), northerly from the northeast cor ner of Second avenue and Ross street, at the center of division wall, and running north on Ross street forty feet one and one half inches (40ft. 1J in.) to the Kne of the Wilson property, then at right angles rnn ning eastwardly sixty-nine feet (69 ft.) to a three-foot (3 ft.) alley, with the use or said alley; thence at right angles southwardly sixteen feet three and three-quarter Indies (16 ft. 3Jf in.), from thence at right angles from the alley running wostwardly fourteen feet six inches (14 ft. 8 in.) along tho fence to corner, and from thenco at right angles southwardly ten fcef (10 ft.) to tlie brick wall of this property; from thence along tho wall eastwardly two feet four incites (2 ft. 1 in.); thence southwardly thirteen feet ninb and three-quarter inches (13 ft. 9JJ in.) to tlie comer of division wall of the houso owned by Agnes V. Putter-on; thenco westwardlv in center of division wall sixty-four feet (64 ft.), more or less, to the line of Ross street at the place of beginning, on which is erected a brick dwelling house and stable. TERMS OF SALE One-third upon con firmation of sale.balance in two equal annual payments with interest, to be securedby bond and close mortgage on the premises. S. li. DU.NALllSUN, Administrator of the estate of E. Parry, deceased, 96 Diamond St., Pittsburg. ocl-47 TOHN H. KERR, Attorney, $9 Diamond St. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny connty, made at No 2. June term, 1891, in partition, the undersigned having been authorized and required to make sale ol tho hereinafter described real estate of Thomas Rowswell.deceased.will ex pose at public sale on the premises, Nos. 2023 and 2027 Penn avenue, Tneltb. ward, Pitts bnrg, Pa. OX THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1S91, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31., jlh thtt certain lot or piece nf ground situ ate in tho Twelfth -ward, city or Pittsburg, being lot No". 79 in the plan of the executors of James O'Hara, having a front of 24 feet on the north side of Penn avenue, between Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, arid ex tending back northwardly, preserving the same width, a distance of 100 feet to Mul berry alley, upon which are erected two two-story brick houses fronting on Tenn avenue and two two-story frame houses fronting on JIuIberry alley, being purpart No. three (3) in the partition of tlie real estate of the saidThomas Rowswel!,deceacd. (See deed, Deed Eook Vol. 70, p.-itre 69.) xerms: uasn on conurmation or sale and delivery of deed; $200 of tho purchaso money to be paid ou day of sale to secure bid. THOMAS ROWS WELL. Adm'r of Thomas Rowswcll, deceased. A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant St., Auctioneer. ocl-3-Th T AUCTION Fine furniture, carpets, piano forte, notions, etc., FRIDAY, OCT. 2, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the HENRY AUCTION CO.. 24 and 26 Ninth street. VfcTho entire furnisbment of a residence moved to the store for sale, fine chamber suites in oa ic anu wainut, line parlor suites, sideboard, bookcases, wardrobes, chiffonier, leather couch, lounges, chairs, rockers, cab inet, china closet, dinner set, extension and hu9k mattresses.mirror.piano forte, tables, comforts and bedding, carpetB and linoleum, kitchen and laundry furni ture. Sale positive. HENRY AUCTION CO., ocl-100 . Auctioneers. EIGHT ACRES AT EXECUTORS' SALE. Valuable real estate fronting on B. & O. R. R. and Yougbioghcny river, adjoining city of McKeesport. Magnificont manufacturing site, and suitable "to subdivide in lmildin" lots, sale on the premises. SATURDAY, October 3. at 2:30 o'clock. Particulars from I. W. BAILEY, A. Ii. CAMPBELL, city or 3IcKeesport, Executors of the estate of Thomas Perny, deceased. Or A. J. TEXTE COST, 413 Grant St., Pittsburg. ocl-4 CHOICE PROPERTIES. 5,400 Will Pnrchase one orthe most de sirable homes on the Itidgc at In gram. Honse thoroughly mod ern and handsome. Slate and cabinet mKiitcIs. View unsur pas&d. IiOt 70x310 Fact. House is a bargain. Good reas ons Tor selling. MORRIS it AIS2IITT, 7S Diamond street, Dispatch Building, first floor SC27-107-TTSU A CHARLES SOMERS & 129 Fourth Avenue. Hazel wood, Smith street, elegantly located, one minute from electric cars and two squares irom railroad station. Two-story frame of 9 rooms and very largo reception hall; sliding doors, slate mantels and tilo hearths down stairs; natural gas, with improved burners: natural gas for illuminating, with fine chan deliers; inside shutters front and rear stairs and porches, com plete bathroom, hot and cold wnter, steel range in kitchen; electric bells; dry cellar; choice largo Iot. Easy terms. CHOICE PROPERTIES. GRAZIER STREET LOTS, 381x135 FEET, To an alley 21 feet wide. As handsome a site for building as . can be found in the East End. Supplied with water, gas and other city conveniences. Schools, churches and number or handsome residences within a stone's throw of the around. Why go to the suburbs for lots when these can be had at prices just as low.' Sold as a Whole Very Low. ' - S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady Aves., E. E-. se26-107-TT3 ' Sept. 29, 1 89 1. We have for "sale a new pressed brick of 14 rooms on Negley ave. (corner property), finished in hardwood; 5 rooms' first floor, 5 rooms secnd floor, 4 rooms third floor. Hard wood mantels with cabinets. Latest design of combination chandeliers. A complete home. Immediate possession. Baxter, ThompsOxV & Co., 1 62 Fourth Ave. se27-199-TTSU OF SAMUEL W. BLACK, In tho finest location and among tho choicest residences of thisbeantifiil suburb, embowered in trees and s-hmbbery, with a frontage on Beaver street of 179 feet, corner of a 28-loot lane. Tho hou-eis afrauieofl'2 rooms, lately icmodeled and put in perfect cdndition: the rooms are large, commodious and airy, with wide hall on lower and upper floors, modern mantels witn tile mounting"; bathroom, inside w. c, wide front porch, electric bells, asphalt walk, street curbed and lighted by electricity; now stable, car riage house, etc. PRICE (With Carpets) $12,000; $1,000 Cash. Balance on easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., se27-156-WThsu 9J Fourth avenue. HOME OK IXVEST.1JEXT. Come anil see us. Yl'e arc offer ing a plan oi" Eat End Lots which present iiiiusnalailvaiitatrcs. Lots $230 to $1,000. according; to size anil location. Terms to suit pur chasers. :HTRKY A EDSAIX, Si Fidelity Building. se20-8SD KENSINGTON, Wo have a block of ten lots that owner in structs us to sell before October 10. Low prico to quick buyer. Investigate. BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO., se27-197-TTsu 162 Fourth av. -piCH FARMING AND COAL LASD3 JAi for sale or exchange for Pittsburg prop erty. Farm contains 147 acres of RICH FARMING LAND, Located in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, 60 miles from Fittshurgi Buildings costly. A large orchard. Title good. Particular-, addiess IL B. CIlAFFIN & CO., seSO-58-D Richmond. Va. DR. HARRIS CRAMP CURE -rop.- Every Ache and Pain FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES. Manufactured by L. H.HARRIS DRUG CO., Hos. 46 and 48 Seventh. Avenua, e30-D PITTSBURG. PA. CHAUTAUQUA LAKE ICE FOR SALE. Excellent quality. Prices cheap. Address LAKE1VOOD ICE COMPANY, se23-40-D Lakewood.N. Y. 'STENCILS, Steel Staxaa-ps, 2S-u.Tonoer Stamps, Seal Presses, Sco. f W. A. Bunting, 20 Fifth Ave. se29-TTs S500 TO $500,000 oS gages, city or conntrv propertv, at lowest rates. JAS. W. DRAPES CO., 313 Woodst, Pittsburg. Telephone No. 975. se30-54 CO., CALL AT OUR OFFICE, 3 Uh'J-UtJl 1 fc, IHt NEW j -i ''31 r rm m&!Umi&tiM&&&BBm uiii 'iMirmdWtlwrnSSrmSrtfiiSiSm ffiJMBHSlLWy5wrfWiHiMr-lMi