Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 27, 1891, Page 19, Image 19

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W 1
All communications for this department
should be mailed to reach Tire Dispatch not
.later than Saturday morning. Reasonable
space will be frcelv given to all organiza
tions classified under this heading.
affairs have the ofiect of bringing oat a
larger attendance than usual.
The probabilities are that an immense
crovto. oi juniors vim po to jucaavuie next
month topirticipate in the public demon
stration at that pi ice. Bv way of a sugges
tion, how would it do to give some of those
ti ho have been misrepresenting the order at
that place an opportunity to vindicate them
selves if, as they claim, they are not gmltyT
Theieisa growing sentiment In the or
ganization that politics can no longer be
lffnored. At the recent session of the State
Council resolutions were passed petitioning
the legislature to make provision for the
placing of American flags on all school
houses and to prohibit all Sunday parados.
How can those measures be secured unless
legislators ai e elected that are favorable to
these measures.
Developments of a End to Impart
Courage and Confidence.
I. O. O. F.
In the near future Canton Allegheny -will
visit Manchester Lodge, 403.
Saturday evening. October 8, Mechanics
Xodgo Xo 9 mil initiate three candidates.
"N. F. Fiiedline, of CSC. Has returned from
an extended trip to Uuffalo and the Falls.
His prai-" of the scenery are loud and long.
Nc-ct Wednesday evening D. I). G. P. S. W.
Jeffries aitei bvtho grand officers, will
lnttall the officers-elect of Arsenal Encamp
ment Xo. 101
Among t!:o many visitors to 1'ittshurg
Lodge I"i idav ei cning ncieD D. G. F. S. W.
Jeflne-.ind D D G. M. Tliomts Matthews,
both members of .T 15 Nicholson 35-
rnda c ening last Fitt-lurg Lodgo Xo.
836eonIcncd tilt third degree on. liv o can
didates, after w Inch thoollloci-. were elected
for the ciisuinc term. Next Fnday the of
ficer eic. . will be installed ana tlieiniua
torj degree w ill be conferred on four candi
dates. P. G Harrv Nell, of Philadelphia, Chair
man of the Committee on lines and Benefits,
is expected to deliver an addiess under the
nusuiees of 1'ittsbui-g Lodge No 330 at Odd
Fellow ' Hill, C7 Fourth avenue, Friday
evening, October SO All brothers are in
vited to attend.
At an election of officers of.T. B Nicholson
LodceXo .".bo Ihui-dav evening, r-eptember
$4, tiiolo. lowing brothers were elected: X.
C F. H Anc'er-on: V. G.. T. T. Cross; As
sistant ecretnrj, L. 31 Anstrain: Treasurer,
L. Fundi-; Represent mvc to Grand Lodge,
H. M. Hrr-hh.iuser; Trustee, for IS months,
Gcoic E 1 ouug.
Wednesday etnmg the offlcors and
cheval.er-oi Canton Alleghcnv, No. 32, ne
comp.inieil b D D G. 1 Colonol Jeffries,
Installed t!e following officers of Manches
ter Eueampirent. Xo i94 C P., W. Chad
n ick; 11. P., Gei-er.il W Giulr: S. AV., J. S.
liobeit-on, J. W ,P. B Carlisle; Scribe, R.
Wills: Tieasurer, James Baker.
T'lesdav ev cning Colonel S. JL Jeffries, D.
D G P.and .. staff of grand officers in
stalled the officers-elect of Germania En
campment, Xo. 21S, as follow s: c. P., Gott
lieb Maegc-: H P, J M Muetrel; S. W.,
Christ Waolor:s!ev : J. W., Tred Sanders;
Ecribc, Louis Jordan; Treasurer, Christi in
Fancrci-en. The member!, of the encamp
ment gav tue Doys j. pre-smg in vitation to
a trip to the r.ver, alter vv hich all enjoyed
themselves, and thus ended a very good
time with the patiiarchsof No.ilS.
Last Mondav evening Colonel P. M. Jef
fiics. D D. s P., assisted bv the officers and
chevalieis of Canton Pittsburg, X o. IS and
Canton Alleglicnj, Xo 32, Patriarch Miller
Kent inst tiled the follow ing officers of P. M.
K. L. Encampment, XoJ4: c P John An
derson; 11 1'. George Jovce: Treasurer,
Frank Gi'-e: M., A. C Fowler; J. M.,
Chailesltiher; Scribo. Geoi-go M. McMillan.
An clejant lunch was seivedby the mem
bers ot the encampment after which some
very intciestins remarks were made by P.
S P. A j lie. . M Hick, of Johnstown; A.
J. Potzer, Colonel Jeffucs and many others.
Union Yeteran Zeg!on
Several new applications were handed In
to Xo. 6 at the last meeting.
Comrade Guttor, of PerrysvlHe, the Gran
ger member of No. 8, was in the city last
Saturday on business.
Comrade J. n. Stevehsoit, of No. 6, circu
lated nmonir his old chums at New Castle
last w eek. Ma bo he hadn't a good time.
Comrade Bexjamin JIoCall, of No. 6, has
fnlly recovered from a severe illness and is
again selling sewing machines "till the peo
ple cane rest."
Comrade J. C. Snvxireoir, of No. 9, New
Castle, editor of the Yohmlerr, was a visitor
to the city last week with his wife and
daughter, Laura.
Comrades W. II. Graham and E. F. Seaman,
of No. 0, attended the reunion of their old
regiment, the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry.
"Brave boys weie they."
Comrade It. J. Fulmer, of No. 6, enjoyed
himself in the rural regions for a few days
last week. The bojs sav the chickens
roosted high when he stayed.
Ekcv-wpmekt No. 9, of New Castle, has
lately fitted up a hall In splendid style, one
of the best m Western Pennsylvania. A
supper will be given in it next Friday even
ing by the pitnotic Indies ot New Castle lor
the benefit of the encampment.
EiiCAMr-MEirr No. 1, w itli lanre numbers of
delegates from Ohio, West "Virginia and
AVestern Pennsylvania towns, will leave for
Heading on Monday evening, October 12 to
attend the national encampment. The
party will go on the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad via Washington, Baltimore and
Philadelphia, with stop oer pnvileges.
The fare fixed for the round trlD by the B. &
O. E. K. is $9 OG All the friends or the
Legion who desire to go can purchase
tickets at the same rate. The special train
ofEastlake coaches and Pullman sleeping
cus will lea e on Mondav evening, October
12, remaining in Washington during the day
of the 33th, and arriving in Heading at 11
r. m. the same day. Elaborate preparations
are being made at Reading to have this en
campment the most enjoyable one yet held.
Prosperity of the Ppople ShoTra ly Activity
in the Lot Market.
Haughters af Liberty.
Brothel Frank Thompson is organizing a
council at MilU ale borough.
Pride of Aiuquippa Council held a pleasant
social meeting Thursday evening.
It is expected tint the National Councilor
will announce his deputies very shortly.
Pittsburg Council No. 3i is making elabor
ate preparations foi the celebration of its
second antm ersary.
Barbara Fntclue Council No S that was
originally rerused a charter at Chicago has
been instituted, and now No. 6 is due.
New councils are Diomised at Boston, Al
lehenv count. Taientum, Uhiontonn, Con
nel)s llle and Hanisburg m the near future.
Mead ille, where the Has contro ersy has
been in progress lor some time, is ripo for a
new eouncik Efforts i ill be made to have
one organized there.
Urother McCleary went to Altoona last
evening to institute the council there that
wns retused a chatter some tune ago, the
Xatiou.il Council havine voted in favor of
the council being recognized.
Ihe Union Aociation held Us second
meeting at the hall of Amencns Council,
Iridav eienimr. About 75 members weie
present and the association succeeded in
getting its plans shaped about as theyaie
to be pursued The object of the organiza
tion is, tout n.nge fm a general excursion of
member- o' the older to the next session ot
the Xational Council at Philadelphia. Ex
National Councilor J W. McCleary is presi
dent; Mrs. sample, of Pittsburg, council
sceretarj. and Mi-s Sadie Gribben, of
Americus Council, trcasuier. The next
meeting w ill be held m the hall of Pittsburg
Council, two week- hence.
The following was unanimonsly adopted
nt the roc ent se-s.on of the State Council of
theJr OF M. at Uiuontown.
"Hiirnr.s. At the ut teuton or theX'atlonil
Comicil. (frte jinntt il proceeulups p-vge 33) a reso
lution vias uuinimouh idontca iudorsiutr the
1 laughters of l.ilicru ami making it cumpu'sory
tpn Mill inlijiaV eiiiiilsoftl.c Jr. O U. A 31. to
rweuize tlmt rpaiii7aliwn. ind
Xi'i'-i-ea- tin lm -is of the Daughters of Liberty
eresiiiilat in cliii.ut r to those upon which our
orgainzatitin is 1)i-,ii. ina
UtMrrav. tLi Diujrl.tirsof Lloertv liisbeen or
-vanii toiirorpniation In uitn tectlous of the
Hal ' ami hi in- i a conimt w! Tjlc rrcord ror
ltsrh. vriiifc aa ixistcnco of utarlj lo Tears;
then tare, Ik- it
IfcsolreO. (liatthls Mate Council accept the ae
llon or thi- .National tou-icil w ith pratciui rocogni
tloa ami rero'inm ni! the organizntioiiorthel). or
1 to tin- eau-irrttioa u sulHiritinatc councllt,
imdir this jn-i-cilrlloi.. in tin- manner and to the
extiJit jiiw i.IoJ o.i pag JSIoi the Xational Coun
cil procuring!, ot 11 e last -e,ion.
Select Knights of America.
The next new Legion to be Instituted will
be at Daj ton, O.
Major J. A. McKea has fully recovered,
anu is at nis post oi outy again.
Comrade Lane, of No. 1, is improving. His
was a miraculous escape from death.
As soon as the Legions have elooted their
capta'ns they should commence drilling by
Legions at once.
Colonel C. V. Lewis Is now hustling around
laying plans for holding a regimental fair
uuring tne w inter.
Comrade Burdett has resigned as adjutant
and Colonel Lewis will announce his suc
cessor in a few days.
Special rates will be made to Newcastle
upon thp occasion of the institution of the
new Legion at that place next mouth.
A very interestinz moetinc of No. 1 Tag
held Mondav evening last, upon whioh oc
casion the Grand Commander w ith his staff
were present.
A special meeting of the regimental
officers, held Monday evening, decided to
hold the annual reception at New Turner
Hall, Forbes street, on or abont November
11, and to engage the Royal Italian Orches
tra. Open meetings, with musical and literary
exercises will be inaugurated by the differ
ent Legions m this locality this fall, and
continue, monthly dnring the winter season.
It is understood that No. 19 will start the
ball rolling.
Order of Solon.
Charter Lodge No. 1 has nina applications
on file for next session.
Washington "Lodee. Union Cltv. inttlntrrt
four recruits last session.
Invincible Lodge No. 77 is hustling. Twenty-live
new members is the result of two
months' w ork.
Treasurer J. It Pyle, of Charlerol Lodge,
vi-ited the supreme office Thursday In the
inteiest of Solon.
Allcinania No. 107 held an Interesting
meeting 1 ucsday evening. Eight newmem
bers w ere receit ed.
Lappe Lodge 194, one of the late comers,
held its first regular session Wednesdav
evening. Four initiates speaks well for the
first night.
Vice President McMillen was in the city
Saturda andSunday. Brother McMillen has
addedSO new members to Cumberland Lodgo
dnring the past w eek.
Star Lodge No. 5, of Allegheny, held a
complimentary literary and musical enter
tainment as its hall, corner of Washington
and Beavei a euues, Thursday evening. A
lar,;e audience was present, and an excellent
programme rcndeied, after which refresh
ments were handed around innverygen
eious manner. This lodge is among the
most progressive in this localitj, much of
its success being due to the lady members.
A. O. U. IV.
Come ncain Biother CiosbyGray and let
ns licarabout the cat.
What wa- the tiouble, Brothe' Hawdont
Were jou too bu3 thinking to talk?
Brother Miratt Iris the nrnnonsitioa f
Biolhei Chalmers, "and that reminds me."
Brother lot docs not understand why
theie is no "Iced"' in the fraternal visits.
What was the nutter with the cigars?
Grand Recorder McXair reports the work
of org-ani7iug new lodges going on briklj,
applications lor two chaitcis having been
receiv cd this w eek.
It is probable an open miss meeting of the
A. O t. Wv ill be lit Id en llrar-day even
ing, Octobei 15, during the st-sion ot the
Grand Dodge and th it speeches will be
made by memueisof the Supremeand Grand
Wednesday afternoon, October 34, the
Grand Lodge w ill be c-corted lrom it-, pl.ico
of meeting, on Mxth avenue, to tlic steam
boat Ma flow el, at the foot of V. od sticet
bj a proccioii of s.v eral hundred members
OI the subordinate lodges in Allegheny
county. The t xcur-ion bv hut wiil'be up
the Mtiiiongilirla to MtKecsport, and Uov,u
the Ohio as lar as practu ab'c
Union Lodge Xo. iG-uid Center Avenue Xo.
S( paid a Internal v i-it to Lethel Xo. 4a
Tue-da et c.iipg last aim were 'i aiiniy w t i
cou td.md tojallv enlfi tainid Ii-t even
ing !!( th 1 Lnion md Ceutei Av emu-visited
Good lutein Xo 29, of lempen-nctville, and
had e,od time. 'Xuesd.. evening Beihel
and Luton viillc.il' on Ceatei Avenue Lodge.
It is the intention toecp tht-e visits up
throng'-out t.io vi inter una include all tho
lodges in the couurv .
The Heptasophg.
Supreme Provost M. G. Cohen will shortly
visit New York to assist Supreme Organizer
McKeesport Conclave Is now in tho leid to
securo the diamond premium badge offered
uy me supreme i-rovost
A member of Zeta Conclave No. 6, or Balti
more, was in the city last week. While hero
he bet a silk hat with a prominent Hopta--ophof
this c.ty tint Zeta Conclave would
w in the diamond badge.
The Allegheny County Heptasoph Associa
tion met Thursday evening and adopted a
new constitution. The name was changed
to the Heptasoph Association of Western
i-ennsyivauia. xnis win now admit to mem
bership any members of conclaves outside of
Allegheny c unty.
Last week was not s booming one in
business affairs, but some good features
were developed. Nothing occurred, locally
or generally, to impair public confidence or
repress the forward movement. The em
barrassment of a local stock firm was more
than offset b7 the settlement of the Moor-head-McCleane
trouble. There were no
fresh involvements. It is now apparent
that the banks have met the extreme
pressure of the crop demand without ma
terially reducing their resources, and the
influx of gold from abroad ought to defeat
all attempts to so manipulate the money
market as to produce A stringency and ad
vance rates.
Tho failure of Deacon WTiito and the
break in crain appear to have cleared the
speculative skies lor the time being and to
havo l oacted favorably on legitimate busi
ness. Tho outlook for tho lall and winter
trade was menaced by no disturbing factor,
but was brighter at the end of tho week
than at the oeeinninff. This. sunDlomented
bv confidence and courage, should stimulate
effort and lead to great results.
A New Enterprise.
Mention was made during tho week that a
charter had been granted to the Liquid Car
bonic Acid Manulacturmg Company. It
was subsequently ascertained that the com
pany had purchased a site near Ben Venue
station, Pennsylvania Kailroad, comprising
about 2,000 square feet, for $5,000, and will at
onco proceed to eiect the necessary build
ings lor tho manufacture of their product.
Buildings for the Week.
As already stated, the lateness of the
season has blunted the edge of tho building
business. The number of new undertakings
showing a steady decline for the last two
weeks. Tho year's record will be a vory
good one, however. As it stands, it Bhows
considerable improvement on 1870. The fol
low ing is the result of last week's opera
tions: .
Monday...- 8
Tuesday 4
Wednesdav ....... 6
Thursday.'. 7
Friday 3
eatuiday 3
Total 31
Previous week 42
Buildings for the year to dat
The following permits were issued yester
day: Mrs. Sophia Thoma, frame two story
dwelling on Sheridan avenue. Nineteenth
ward; cost $2,500 George Koup, frame two
storv dwelling on Sciota street, Twentioth
ward; cost, $1,750. G.F. Miller, tin eo frame
two-story dwollings on Cedar street, Twen
tieth waid; cost, $2,250.
Activity In tho Lot Market.
The sale of lots by the Blame, Knoxville
and Aspinwall Land companies is so largo
and continuous as to merit special atten
tion. It shows, among other thing, that
the people of this city, tho w orking element
particularly, are prosperous and steadily
bettering their condition. The properties
of tho companies mentioned ara well
adapted to residence purposes, being con
venient to tne manufactuiing centers.
Blaine is develomna vei v last, and will in
a short time be a bnsy place, turning out
some of the most valuable products in the
market. These properties possess tho addl
tlonal advantago of cheapness, which Is
never lost upon home seekers.
Mr. W. M. Bell, of McKeesport, reports un
expected success in disnosinc of lots in the
Evans estate plan. Abont 20D have already
been picked up by persons who Intend to
build sooner or later. The eligibility of this
property, together with modemte prices,
sufficiently accounts fonts rapid sale, which
is beyound all precedent in McKeesport and
seldom equaled in Pittsburg.
Knoxville and AsDinwnll stand high
among those who vajue a healthful location
and beautiful scenery.
Attracted to Pittsburg.
Two New Yorkers were In the city last
week looking for a site whereon to erect a
large business house for the sale of leather
goods. They were shown several properties
and about made up their mindsvto buy on
l'enn avenue. They will be here again this
Transfers Officially Reported.
The following table shows the total num
ber and amount of sales of real estate filed
for record during the week ended on Saturday:
kaste, to Mrs. Mary Davidson, a lot 20x100, on
Grant av enne, Tenth ward, Allegheny, for
$250, on monthly pavments; also, sold lot
No. 9 in the Eichara View plan, East street,
to Jacob lloisser for $200 cash.
ltecd B. Coyie & Co. sold lots Nos. 16 and 17
in the Crafton Place plan, at Crafton, Pitts
burg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Hallway,
each 50x150 feet, situate on Margaret stiect,
for $1000.
Charles Somers & Co. report tho following
additional sales of lots at Blaine- Lewis
Guttenburg. Corry, Pa., lots 56 and 57, in
block 10, $400 each; John Mnrrin, city, lot 70,
in block 10. $400; C. W. Shields, city, lot 90, in
block 9, $400, F. J. Eeppert, North Bethle
hem, Pa., lots 40, 41 and 42, in block-8, $400
each; P. Gerstler, Allegheny, lot 17. in block
9, $100; Harvey Panner, Beaver Falls, Pa.,
lot 51, in block 13, $100; Robert Sliny, city,
lot 6. in block 13, $350; George O. Boat, Bed
ford, Pa . lots 55 and 50, in blocR 13, $100 each:
Morris Walker, city, lot 36, in block 5, $250.
George Schmidt told another flve-roomed
house on Lookout avenue, being on lot No.
185, in his Eureka Place plan, Oakland, to
John Bedfern, for $2,CO0.
i. Buildings. Value.
9 $33,075
4 11,700
6 11,993
12 17,040
3 1,775
5 6,500
33 f 82.CS.-
W $187, 4l
Advances Scored by Everything on the
Active list The Tractions Become the
Xeadersrfif the Market A Still Hunt for
Philadelphia Gas.
Events of the week on tbe local stock
board, whilo involving neither radical
changes in value nor a large volume of busi
ness, were of a nature to show that the
strong financial coirdition of the country is
beginning to impress Pittsburg Investors.
Tho entire active list finished from good
tractions to points better than the opening.
Sales on call were 1,566 shares, against 1,575
the previous week.
Closing prices of the week, as compared
with those of the previons Saturduy, show
the following changes: Philadelphia Gas
gained Wheeling i. Central Traction J,
Citizens' Traction k, Pittsburg Traction 2,
Pleasant Valley , New York and. Cleveland
Gas Coal J, Electric , Switch and Signal .
The Tractions were easily leaders of the
market in activity. Over 7C0 shaies of Birm
ingham and Fleasan tValley weie handled.
These stocks, owing to their close connec
tion with the prosperity of the city, and the
piospectof thefiiction that has long sub
sisted between some of the companies, aie
beginning to take tho position in the market
to which uiey are rigntiuuy entitiea. xno
prospects of tho Duquesne were materially
lmpiovod by the decision of Judge Magee.
There was quite a still hunt for Philadel
phia Gas stock bva few who are lookincr for
ward to the resumption of dividends, but
less than 300 shaies of it were picked up.
Tho bears have quit using the "dect easing
supply" aigument, sinco it is generally ack
nowledged thut the stock of fuel is as largo
as it has been any time within tw o years.
This seems to be the opinion of holders of
the stock, who, for tho most part, are keep
ing It off the market.
The expected boom In Electric did not
materialize, although it recoived enough
support to put it up nearly a point. It is
said the reorganization scheme is about
consummated, and that the new stock w ill be
ready early the coming month.
Sales yesteiday were 20 sharos of Central
Traction at 20 10 Luster at Z3.M, and CO
Philadelphia Gas nt 11. Final bids and
asking prices for the week are appended.
Longlsl'dls.. 90 90
J;.N,A.ftOrr,n. 97 (3 97
M I, S tW exis 99Ja OTHf
-Biuk unionus.iiw (aiioa
n p 5's eay. si
do Ids ......109 0109
Do Montana. .102 103
Clut N PBs.... SiVM 83
StIiS5s 8 (3 98
Husq.tAV5s...'S3 (h 83
orV s f hs.vn.mvsii
NOnt &W ls..llH4'Slll'5
'loss oivia is1
NYCet rn...l02"?i8i:02,
. i iiiji ijs in (m hi
The total sales ofstocks to-day were 291,911
shares, including: Atchison, 1,481; Canada
Southern, 31,350: Chicago Gas, 3.180:Delaware,
Lhckawanna and Western, 4,780: Erie, 14,300;
Hocking Valley, 9,700; Lake Shore, 4 035;
Louisville and Nashville, 2,060: Mo. Pacific,
43,878; Northwestern, 8,650: North American,
8,285; Northern Pacific, 6,655: do, preferred,
7 580; Beading, 2,5- Richmond and West
Point. 3.075: St. PnnT. 12.590: Union Pacific.
Fn RET. lir' 1 1. n.rn ' ' '
"'I'Mi if uuasn,
do Col 5s. ...101 (3101
S1L& S 68 673
'do2ds V37i(5Z
S L A & T II 2.103H5M033
StChas n 104 (Slot
StP7 3-10 117 117
Ai , 841
Cons 12W
I,0 9 WM
Texas V Zds.. ss
wit ju... loo raioo
Wahastl lsts,.101H101
DebB 4747
. 71
Commercial National Bank
Exchange National Bank. ......
Keystone Bank of Pittsburg SO
Liberty National Bank lWJf
Marine National Bank
Mechanics' National Bank 112
Metropolitan National Bank 110
Monongahela National Bank 130
Odd Fellows' Savines Bank 70
Keal Estate Loan and Trust Co 78
93 K
Boatman's..... ,
Western Insurance Co
Allegheny Gas Co. (Blum.).,
Pittsburg Gas Co. (Ilium.)..,
Southslde Gas Co. (Ilium.)..,
Uta. Asked.
.flld. Asked.
baturday ...
.... 2b
.... 37
... 46
... 37
... 3)
f C4.CS0
85. &3
Jr. O. U. A. ?L
Unicntown is to have a new council.
National Ikc- Count Iior Cranston has re
ceived word tro:n the Dcputv National
Coui.c.101 u .-mrsiii to tho cUcet that the
council under wav at La Crosse will be
Tiuiied ahead, and" will boon be ready for
The American Defense Association, or
Pinlalil,ini,t( has itM,0Q a circular to all
council-a-k mg Snancuil aid 111 can-) ing out
then .vo k Donations, should been to the
Hjcrciaiv, IL J. D.cly, 217 Maiket street,
The .Ulolal Organizer, Brother Ogle, has
orjpimzoi two Councils in Indiana thus far,
ana arranged Tor several moro. In a few
wccls he Mill bo prepared to organize a
bt.u council. There are at present six
couujila mi in? suto
Pride of the West Council No. 157, of Alle
gheny, 1- now giving a serifs of monthly en
tertainment, in its hall, comer Ohio and
W tst Diamouu sirseu, Allegheny. These
Protective Home Circle.
Pittsburg 43 initiated five candidates last
Monday evening.
Ten names have been secured for a circle
on tho bouthside.
Triumph Circle has a number of applicants
for its next meeting.
Bnnner CilCle No. SB. of HharnsbnTtr
added tw o new names Thursday evening.
W. B. Bailey, Supremo Organizer, was
veiy agreeably sui prised at his residence
onlrnin avenuo, Allosae-, Friday even
ing by some 40 members ot the P. H. 0.
Music, leadings and a fine spread, with the
liif 'entation of an elegant bookcase to Mr.
Biiley bv his fucnds. was the nroj-mmmn
of the evening.
The Golden Eagles.
Venus CAstle sril, K. G. E., bad a large
meeting last TucsJav evening, when it con
feiredthe second degiee and received the
report or tho Committee or Arrangements
lor the open meetnm to bo given the last
ween. In October. It pioiuis.es to be a grand
Pittsburg Comm-indery, K. G. E., havo got
downtoiolid working order It has had
0111 hour- drill eacn 01 tho past fivomeet-ii-gniglit.
Ihe unifoims will be hero lor
ne-tt meeting This will make Pittsbur"
Coimrandciv the fli-.t and only fully uni
IoiuilU and lullv equipped conimaiiderj in
Aliejlieiy cuntv. Tho next meeting w ill
be Fudav evening, October 2, at No. 12
M vlie uveuue.
General I-odge Notes.
Rev. Dr. Bvllesbv, or Emanuel Church,
Allcghcnv, will pi each an especial Kennon
to-dav at 3 r. m. to the order of Sons ofst.
George of District No. land 2, Allegheny
county. Ah members are iequested to take
111 the church parade. The p trade will start
at 3v.it irom Washington Hall, corner or
Leaver and Washington avenues, Alle-ghv-nj.
Preparatory to the sixth annual conven
tioij ot the Brotherhood ol St. Andrew, which
win lie held next innnti, nt: r,,a ., n.nn
T.i. ,. '""i. ciupters will be hold at
1 1 inuy Chape , bixtli av enue. Tuesday ev eu-r!h.iClofk-
James L. Houghieling, of
E.J?,SVue,fou?,dei!lml resident of the
S mod, will make an address. The
r,'!Usa" organization or men ror
f,5nA among men, and its growth has
Shnomenal- ridedin 1833 it now
has i00 chapters and b.Ooo member.
Bo Ton Need Carpets?
Eemember our low prices this week.
J. H. KrNKEi, & Bko.
Read Edward Groetzingcr's advertise
ment on second page.
Totals 207 $421,239
Previous week 210 412,769
lluslness News and Gossip.
There was no change yesterday, so far as
could bo learned, in the affairs of Ilea Bros.
& Co. They still expect to lesume.
It was stated yesterday, almost officially,
that tho Duquesne Traction Company had
decided to adopt S-cent lares to Enst Liberty
and 7 cents to Wilklnsburg. Tho latter is
slightly lower than the Pennsylvania Bail
road rate.
Mrs. Sarah A. Morgan has purchased a resi
dence site on Craig street, 100x180, for $10,000,
and has, begun the erection of an elegant
stone and brick mansion.
Mr. J. II. Coleman, well known In real
estate circles, has gone into business for
himself at 6212 Penn avenue.
Friends ot the Birmingham Traction road
deny that the company is losing monoy, and
pioanco ugures to uacKup tueirworas.
The Westinghouse Airbrake Company has
declared a 5 per cent dividend, payable on
and after Ootober 10. This makes 21 per
cent in dividends paid by this company this
J ear.
it was announced yesterday that $5,500,000
of tbe Union Pacific collatei tl notes would
be oflered to the public at 92 This was un
derstood to mean that the inside difficulties
had been overcome.
Tho Wall Street ITcws inquires: Has the
Weotlnhouse leorganization scheme gone
to sleep?
It is. said that none of the railroad or gas
stocks held by the late William L. Scott, or
Erie, will come upon the market for some
time at least.
The Pennsylvania Bailioad is to concen
trate its lake coal and iron trade at Erie.
The past week records tho latest run of
cattle at the Cbicano stock vards ever known
nearlj 97,000 head.
Movements In Realty.
W. c. Stewart sold for the Yoder Land
Company lots Nos. 17 and 18 in tho Ardsheil
Terrace plan for $S,0C0 to Mrs. Catherine
McKennon and Mrs. Mary Eva Stewart.
This makes $ 6,000 Mr. Stewart has realized
for the company from the sale of lots In this
plan in last 90 days. Fivo moro houses,
ranging in price fiom $S,O0O tosJS.OOJ, will be
commenced on this plan this week.
Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold lor XT. J.
Prenter, Esq., a lot. on the east side of At
lantic avenue, Twentieth w arjl, 50x131, to a
well-known buiness man for $3.0u0. Ho
will Improve with a handsome brick dwell-,
ing. aney aiso s,oiu lot .no. & itucli Place
plan, Ironting 22 feet on Kirkpj trick street
bv 90 feet to a 20-toot allej, for $250; also, lot
No. 401, Butler Place plan, Eighteenth waid,
fronting 20 feet on Morningsido avenue by
100 leet to a 20 foot alley, foi $.iOO.
A. J. Pentecost sold through tho Baxter,
Thompson & Co agency to J. C. Lowe, a lot
60x159, beyond Charles street, on Peirysvillo
avenue, for $1,400.
Dennlstou, Elderkln & Co. report tho fol
lowing sales: For Dr. B. F. Keynolds, of
Verona, Pa., to David A. McComnck, lot 21x
107, in tho Midland View Place plan of lots,
in the Twenty-first ward, with a new two-
story irame nonse OI six rooms, ror $2,000,
$200 cash and balance $15 per month and in
terest; also for George B. Drake, of Beltz
hoover borough, to Mrs.Britta Chafley, of
Aiiegneny, lot no. 4, in tne weis plan of lots
Twentieth w ard, 25x120, for $650; a house w ill
be erected on it at once; aNo lor C. V. Liw
son to W. H. Dennlsiton, two lots on Beccher
street, in tho Twenty-first ward, being to
gether 50x135. also tor F. M. Johnston to
Major A. J. Logan, lot No. 19, intlieKiiker
plan of lots on Fannel street, Nineteenth
ward, 20x84 feet, lor $500 cash.
A. Z. Byers & Co. sold (or Colonel John J.
Toung, to Rev. I. N. Hayes, pastor of the
Buena Vista Street Presbyterian Church,
Allegheny, the property No 81 Taylor ave
nue, Second ward, being a brick house of ten
rooms and all modern conveniences, with
lot 4jx98 teet to a 20-foot alley, for $9,600.
John K. Ewing & Co. sold for F. G. IZohr-
Allegheny Heating Co. .....
ChartVrsVallevGas Co
Ohio Valley 18 25
Philadelphia Co 11J. UK
Wheeling Gas Co 22
FAesEarn bailwat stocks.
Bid. Asked.
Central Traction 2H 21
Citizens' Traction 62
Plttaburg Traction 40 2tf
Pleasant Valley 23JS 24
becond Avenue 54 60
Bid. Asked.
Pittibnrg and Western K. R. Co 9
Pittsburg and Western K- K- Co. pref.. SO
Bid. Asked.
N. T. & C. Gas Coal Co .. 89
Ewalt (Forty-third street)..
Point ..,
Bid. Asked.
.. 60
,. 10
Charlotte Mlnlner Co
Hidalgo Mining Co 3J
LaNoiIa Mining Co 35
Luster Mining Co 12
Eed Cloud 2
Bid. Asked.
Monongahela Navigation Co
Monougahela Water Co
Union Switch and Signal Co
Union Switch and Signal Co. pref...
Westinghouse Airbrake Co
Westinghouse Brake Co.. Llm. .......
Standard Underground Cable Co
Bid. Asked.
, 14K 15
Bid. Asked.
IJnlllsh All Over.
John M. Oakley & Co.'s correspondents
wired: "The feeling in this country to-day is
emphatically bullish. Six weeks ago it be
gan to assert itself in a brisk walk, then a
gallop and flnully a run. For a tlmo there
were no obstructions. The course was clear,
but with the first week n lew hurdles have
boon met in the bull pathway. The runners
havo at time hesitated a little in the pres
ence of a "Gould" barricade, but each time
they made the hurdle and seemed flushed
with their success.
"To drop tho simile, there is n confident
array of holders if not of fresh buyers, and
there is a small force of bears who are fight
ing the market. They have had a lailuro
and a fiiasco to help them this weok, but the
momentum of the bull market while re
tarded Iiih not been seriously diminished.
Mi. Gould has been the bear in the china
shoo and his nets and tnllc lmvn rrivpn the
bulls a great deal of concern without having
apparently pioduced their intended objects.
This morning his acknowledged organ
comes out with an interview which iriide
him say that there ought not to be any divi
dend on Missouri FaciflcT and there would
probably not bo anv. Also he said some
thing winch could only be construed into a
threat to insinuate a rate war in the South
west because Chicago roads do the bulk of
tho business.
"The result of this was that after Missouri
Pacific opened up 1 per cent it sold down 6,
recovering 2, nn d Un ion Pacific, after open
ing up . sola down 2, recovering most or it.
"Activity In speculation exists, but it is
sensitiv e, and changes in its drift occur with
startling abruptness. It is impossible for
any one to mako monoy in it by flopping
around. The only way to do it is to take a
stand and occupy it until tho whirligig of
speculation brines the market around right.
It is not a one-sided market; it has a good
deal of the razzlo dazzle about it.
"The bank statement was about as ex
pected, a loss of $3 750,000 in reserves. The
fact that over $8,000 0j0 in gold Is floating
over this way neutralizes the bad effect 01
tne statement. Chlcaco and Eastern Illinois
pieferied is a stock that we can recom
mend." Gold Will Come.
Henry Clews & Co. say: "The recent up
ward movement on tho Stock Exchange
proved irresistible. Nothing equaling it
either In force or character has been seen in
years. Based on the soundest of all founda
tions, the profuse generosity or natuie and a
healthy national prosperity. It is evidently
impossible to seriously oheck tho spirit of
buoyancy thus imparted. In the course of
tlmo it will undoubtedly run to excess; it
will also be accompanied by fluctuations of
varying seventy; it may be that in some in
stances the advance is already bejond
reason; but theone gicat ract remains, that
or all nations on the earth we are this year
most wonderfully mvored in respect to tho
products of tho soil.
"England has usually been our best
buyoi; but French purchases have lately
been a featui o, and even the Germans are
reported to be increasing their holdings.
This means still larger imports of gold than
would have been seut simply In pajment of
our grain and cotton. Wo may look for
some resistance, especially from the Bank
or England, to our importing gold; but that
the piecious metal will have to como in
largo sums is inevitable. Our wheat and
other exports will demand gold in settle
ment; and ir it paj s the foreieners better to
hold our stocks than gold they will take the
former and roturn the latter, as indeed they
are alreaay fieely doing.
"All the best authorities in Europe unite
In savln3 that the United States will draw
heavv sums of gold from Europe, and nearly
$8,000,000 will shortly arrive. This is lm
poitnnt in view of the firmer tendency of
tho locitl money market. Call loans have
been steadily advancing, and the increasing
probabilities of manipulation tended to
checkthe rise in stocks. Should gold continue
to arrive as freely as atpresent expected, the
chances or any piotracted stringency In
money will be greatly lessened."
I4itest on Bon'ds.
The following table shows tho'prlccs of active
stocks on the New YorkStockEtchangpyesterday.
Corrected diily for The Dispatch bv whitxet &
Stephunsov, oldest Plttiburg members) or the
New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
large basinets over the counter. Bank
clearings were nearly $1,009,000 in excess of
those ot the previons week, while a distinc
tively better tone was noticeable in every
direction. One or two local difficulties were
settled, and no new ones arose. Merchants
reported a heavy trade and collections
easier. Visitors to the Exposition lert con
siderable money behind them. In short, it
wasonooftho best weeks of the year, and
made nn impression that will greatly assist
tiie forwaid movement. The Clearing House
report shows: t
Saturday's exchanges $ 2.118.097 07
Satnrday's balances 3S1.018 70
)rCCKS,5;Jcn',nSca 13.250,237 74
ivecK.-s uaiauces..v z.231,,73 UI
Previous week's exchanges 12,884.093 7
Exchanges week 1330 15,645,601 "X
Balances week 1890 2,002,109 9S
The New York bank statement, although
showing a loss of nearly $4,009,000 in tho ro
seive, had no appreciable effect upon, tho
stock market, prices being stronger ntter its
publication than before. The return of gold
from abioad has removed all fear of a strin
gency, and made the statement or secondary
importance. The following are the changes:
Reserve, decrease, $3,743,625: loans, increase-,
$3,227,600: specie, decrease, $79,930: legal ten
ders, decrease. $4.148. MOr (Innnalts. (increase.
$1,918 300; circulation, Increae,s61.500; amount
above legal requirement, $4,008 625.
At New York money on cull was easy with
no loans; closing offered at 3 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper, 57. Sterling exchange
activo and steady at $4 80 for 60-day bills and
$4 83 for demand.
Closing ISond Quotations.
U. S. 4s reg IPHf
aoss coup lisxi
do 2a reg 99JJ
do4's coup
Pacific 6s of s95 liojf
Louisiana stamped 4s 87K
Tenn. new set 6s 103
ao no as lpo
UU UU 43 ,u
Canada So. 2nds 98
Ccn. Pacific lsts 105
Aen. fc 11. t. 1&IS....U5
do do 4s 79
Den.&R.G. West lsts
Erie 2nds loie-
M. K.iT.Geu.63... 774
no no os Ao
Eeeelpts, Shipments and Prices at East Lib
erty and All Other Yards.
OmcK ot Pittsbuiuj Dispatob; I
Fridat, Sept. 26.
Cattle Receipts, 1,240 head: shipments,
1 260head;market all through consignments;
11 cars of cattle shipped to New York to
day. Hoos Receipts. 2,000 head: shipments, 2,500
head: market dull: 10 to 15 cents off on all
erodes from vesterdav's orices: 5 cars of-1
hogs shipned to New It ork to-da.
Sheep Receipts, 1,409 head: shipments,
1,000 head; market, nothing doing.
Frlee of Bar Silver.
New York, Sept. 26. Special. Bar silver
In London, 45Kd per ounce: New York deal
ers' price for saver, 9SXc per ounce.
Mutual Union 6s...
N. J. C. Int. Cert.,
Northern Pac. lst..115$f
do do 2nds 112
Northw'rn Consols.lW
do Debentures 5s. .102
Oregon & Trans, 6s..
St. L. & Iron M. Gen
5s 90
St. L. & San Fran.
r!en. M" ..109
St. Paul Consols 124
St. Paul, Chi. & Pac.
lsts 113
Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr.
Bets S4J4
Tex. Pac. B. G. Tr.
Bets 33
Union Pac. lets 107
M'cst Shore 102
Klo G. vVestern lsts. 78
Bank Clearings.
New York Bank clearings,$165,?33,671; bal
ances, f4 518.5C3. For the week Clearings,
$914,036,622; bnlnnces, $33,503,345.
Bostos Bank clearings, $1S,274,820; bal
ances, $1,653,225. For the week Clearings,
$101,601,171; balances, $9 211,922. For the cor
1 esponding week in 1890 Clearings, $32,445,
105: balances, $10,244,509. Rate for monev, 2
percent. -Exchange on New York loo
Philadelphia Bank clearintrs, $10,557,439;
balances, $1,419,32". For the week Clearings,
$73,776,363; balances, $10,530,873. Money, 4per
Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,010,749; bal
ances, $373,381. Monev6porcenr.
St. Louis Bank clearings, $3,346,491; bal
ances, $26S,77I. Money, 78 per cent.
Memphis New York Cichmee selling at
$1 premium. Clearings, $233,370; balances,
New Orlxatts Bank clearings, $1,352,724.
Both tbe Missourls and Unions Got a Pretty
Hard E lib The VanderbUts on Top
With IJttle Difficulty How the Stocks
New York, Sept. 26 Tho stock market to
day was less nctivo than for any day this
week, but there was enough interest center
ing in Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific to
make the transactions in those shares heavy
while the rest of the list w ere compara
tively quiet. Missouri Pacific was sub
jected to -another raid, and it reached tho
lowest price of the week, snowing at 62 a
loss of 14J per cent from Its best figuies
madoon Monday. There was a slight re
covery from this point, but it closed prac
tically at its lowest.
" Tho Vandeibilts were again the strong
points in tho market and Lake Shore was
bid up ovei 2 per cent without apparent
effort and calling out little stock. Missouri
Pacific opened up 1 pei cent at 6SJ, but the
rest ot tho lit were generally slightly higher
than lust evening with Lake Shore and New
York Central up each. The raid upon
Missouri Pacific was begun, how ever, und
with no recovery It was elf steadily until it
touched 62. Union Pacific, m the mean
time, was knocked down 2 to 41, while
the rest of the list which had started to
follow thecxamDle of the Vandeibilts were
biought down to small fractions under the
opening figures. The bank statement was
uiifavoiable.showinsr large losses in cash and
the surplus reserve, which is no w at tho low est
point tor months, but the cables reported
additional heavy shipments of gold and the
state of tho bank reserves had little or no
Influence upon tho course of prices. New
and excellent buying came in at the low
pi ices, and the lato dealings developed a
decidedly strong tone, w hich had tho effect
of rallj ing the list to about the level of first
prices, tne ciuse uuinistioiig unu uunvu u.i
the improvement. The final chanaes, there
fore, are generally small fractions, while
Missouri Pacific is dow 11 2J and Like Shote
is up 2. Union Pacific iccoveied neaily
to its best fijruro and actually closed K Per
cent better than last evening. Government
bonds havo been dull and steady to firm.
State bonds have been neglected.
Thcexpoitsof specie last week fiom the
port of Now York amounted to $451,877, or
w hicn $62,406 was (told and $389,411 silver.
$40,500 mid $170,000 silver went to South
Amenta. The mipoits of specie duiing tho
vv eek w ore $493,634, of which $155,584 was gold
and $3S, 150 silver.
Railroad bonds wero comparatively quiet
to-day, and while exhibiting a firm tone,
showed no material strength, the leading
issues being only slightly changed as the
icsnlt or the day's operations. Sales, $794,000.
Following aie the highest and closing
American Cotton Oil
American Cotton Oil, prd
Am. hugar Kenning Co
Ain. S. Itcflnlng Co., prd
Atch.. Ton. & a. F
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern
Ce-itralorNcw Jersey...
Central Paciflc
Chesapeake and Ohio....
C. A o.. lit nfd
C. AO., 2d prd
Chicago Gas Trust
C. Bur. & Qulncv
C, Mi. .CSr. Paul
C, Mil & St. PiuLpfd..
('., Kockl. &PM
C, St. P. M. &O
0., St P. M. & O., prd..
C. A, Northwestern
C. & Northwestern, pld.
C, C, C. &1
Col. C01I& Iron
Col. & Hockling Va
Del., Lack fc West
Del. A Hudson
Den. A Klo Grande
Den. A Klo Grande, pfd.
Dlst. A Cattle F. Tr
E. T. Va AGa
Illinois Central
Lake Rrlc A West
Lake Eric & W"et prd...
Lake Shore A M. S ....
Louisville A Jashvlhe...
Michigan Central
Afoblle A Ohio
Missouri Pacific
Nstional Cordage Co....
Na, ConlTgp Co.,prer....
atiouat Le id Trust
New YorkCentral
N. Y.. C. AM. h
N. Y.,C.ASt.L., ls,tprcf
N. Y.,0. A bt.L..2d pre!
x. l., J., -r. x 11
N. Y., L E. A W.. prer
vt. 1. ei. r
N.Y.. O. AW
Nortolk A Western....
Norfolk & Western, pref
jorin .American uo......
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific, prer...
Ohio A Mississippi
Oregon Improvement....
Pacific aiail
Peo.. Dec A F.vans
Philadelphia A Heading.
P., C C. A St. L.. pfd..
Pullman Palace Car
KlUimond A W. P. T....
Richmond A W.P.T.,pfd
St. Paul ADuluth........
St. Paul A Duluth, prd..
St. Paul. Minn. A Man..
Texas Paciflc
Union Paclhc
Wabash, pfd
Western Union
Wheeling L. E
Wheeling &L. E., pfd..
50 i
101 H
41 H
Hlah-ILow- Clos
es., i esi. ing.
121 Js
83 i
21 '1
30 s'
14 S
102 'i
64 V
101 '
A Fair Volnme of Business and s Good
Kango ot Prices.
About 75,000 barrels of oil were handled on
tho local board during the week. Tho mar
ket had a good range, selling up to 61Jc and
down to 59c.
The demand was based on a decline In the
field and liberal buying orders. The decline
was duo to realizing and a report yesterday
of two largo wells In the McDonald field,
one doing 150 and the other 50 barrels an
Business was quite light yesterday. The
only quotation on cash oil was 60c. Octoher
opened at OOJc; highest, 60c: lowest, 59e;
close, 59c. The outlook lor this week is
favorable to an advance, although develop
ments at McDonald may give a different
complexion to the market.
Keflned advanced at Ji e w York, but fell
back. It was steady and unchanged else
where. Average daily rnns increased up
ward of 2,000 barrels and shipments nearly
Oil Citt, Sept. 26 National Transit cer
tificates opened atbOc: highest, 60Jic; low
est, 59c; closed at 59-c; sales, 186.000 bar
rels: clearance', 610 000 barrel": shipments,
77.200 barrels: runs, 6o,037 barrels.
Bradfoud, Sept. 26 NntionaJ Transit cer
tificates opened at 60c; closed at 69-Jc:
higheit, 60Jc; lowest, 59c; clearances, 264,000
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur
nlshca by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 87
Fourth avenue, members of New York stock Ex-
Heading Rallroifl
linfTilo. N. Y. APhila
Lehlirh Valley
Noithern Pacific
Northern Paciflc preferred....
Lehigh Navigation
Philadelphia & Erie
. 51 V
, 20 13-13
. 9'S
20 15-16
Exports of "Wheat for the Week Fall Off
Nearly 8,000,000 Bushels German Crop
Deports Work the Market Chicago
Crowds Needed Amusement.
CniCAGO Wheat ruled weak dnring
most of the session, but rallied in tho after
noon and closed at a slight advance. At
the stnrt tbeie was an effort to stiffen prices
largely in the interest of the bears, who
wanted to make a strong spot to sell on, but
It proved to be very hard work and when
the pi ops were removed the decline was
The news was nearly all bullish. The ex
ports for the week showed a falling off of
nearly 2,000,000 bushels from those of the
week pi evious, while foreign markets were
leported weak and lower. New Yorkdii
patchesquotedadecliningmarket there, with
exporters reselling and accepting losse. St.
Louis was also weak, and the resale of a 100,
000 bushels lot recently bought for export
was noted. A private caple noted great
weikncss in Berlin, dne.it was said, to tbe
more favorable condition of the German
ciops as shown by the Govern
ment leport. Longs were discour
aged and sold frcelv, while tho trade
was generally bearish and sold short.
Dunnir the last houi trade becamo excessive
ly dull and there would be five minutes at a
time without a transiction. In the absence
or anything ele to do the crowd declared
war on the straw hats, w hich were knocked
off and torn upindicriminately. December
opened tit 97jc97c, against 97Kc at the
closo yesterday, but broke with slight re
actions to 97c; rallied 97JsC, hung aiotind
97c, but in tho final dealings, on covering
by shoits was bid up to and closed nt97c.
Corn showed a good deal or strength eailv
on tho good shipping demand and the free
speculativ o bnying, with only moderate re
ceipts. Thero was not much offcicd at the
stait and higher prices ruled for a time, Oc
tober selling from 49e to 50c. But on tiie
advance the offerings increased and wheat
bieakmgand more liberal arrivals reported
ior iuoniiav mcru was a ureaic, uctoDer ae
cllning to 49c. During tho last hour the
market hardened and closed at 50c. asrainst
49jc at the close j osteiday.
Oats wero quiet and steady early, bDt
wenkoned later with corn, became very dull
and closed a little below vesterday's close.
Hog products w ore w cak and low or, owing
largely to a weaker hog mai kct nt the yni ds
and tne weakness in the giain pits. Kcam
was alio vigorously bearing the market.
There was a recovery during tho last hour,
mainly on coveripg by short, and the close
was without material change from yester
day. The leading futures ranged as follows, as correct
ed by John VI. Oakley A Co., 45 Mxth street, mcin-
The taking of testimony In theltata case
did not begin yesterday.
Faresanton Behaunessy, the Syrian boy
preacher, has turned up at New York.
Germany will exhibit a German village
at the World's Fair. It will cost $200,000.
A contractor near Greensburg has dis
appeared with nearly S4,O0O wages due his
Lewis B. Earl was killed at Mt. Pleasant,
Mich., by a rope breaking, dropping him
from a baloon.
Armed robbers invaded San Antone,
Mo , and looted the postofflce and a number
or stores. A band of vigilantes are after the
Henry Cabot Lodge has stated that he
would nccopt tho challenge of Hon. John E.
Russell to a ioint debate of the issues of the
TJnitod States Depnty Marshall Joseph
Wilson wns killed by Samuel Downing, a
Cherokee Indian he was trvlng to arrest on a
charge or selling liquor in the territory.
The Mellenhauer Sugar Eeflning Com
pany, formed to manufacture and refine
sugar from the raw material, in Brooklvn,
wa incorporated yesterday with a capital
of $600,000.
Ernest Lehman, who admlniitered a
fatal dose of Paris green to Emma. Buscli at
Nowark, N. J., died yesterday from the
same poison, taken at the time he gave it to
his victim.
Arthur Wilson, the son of Arthur Stan
ley Wilson of baccarat fame and the Wilson
line of steamers, is engaged to marry the
eldest daughter of iady Filmers, Miss
Alice Cecil Agnes Filmers.
According to official reports the Prus
sian wheat crop amounts to 18,408,000 double
quintals, against 17,523 000 in 1890. The sum
and winter wheat crop together will yield
1,000 COO double quintals over the same crops
of 1890.
The Lancaster County Mutual Live Stock
and Chattel Theft Insurance Company has
made an assignment for tho benefit of its
creditors, to William B. Given, of Columbia,
Pa. The assets of the company are $10,000 in
premium notes.
Later details from the scene of the Bur
gos railroad disaster show that Mr. John
Sejmour Lucas, a distinguished English
painter who was renorted to have been one
of thoso killed is not dead. Mr. Lucas, how
ever, is severely injured.
It is generally understood that unless
something unrorseen occurs tho prorogation
or Canadian Parliament will take place on
Wednesday next, when the House will have
sat Just flvo months and one day. It has
been decided that the members or both
Houses are to get $500 apiece as extra in
demnity for the long session.
The west bound Limited Mail on th
Pennsylvania road, struck a carriage near
Centrevillo, Ind., in which were Joseph
Black, his wife and two daughters. Black,
his wife and one daughter were Instantly
killed and the other daughter was fatally
injured. Tho Black family was on the way
to attend the Cambridge races.
H. M. 8. Goshawk, four guns, 480-horse
power, a gunboat commanded by Command
er Edward P. Chapman, has been dispatched
,to Capo Jnby, on the west coast of Sahara,
'opposite Fuerteventura (one of the Canary
Islands), where tho Moors havo rebelled
and threatened to destroy a factory owned
and operated bv British subjects.
'-Ckrteri Little Lrrer PTfli.
'Carter's Little Liver Pffl
'Carter's Little Ltrer Pffl
'Carter's Little Liver PlllA,
Whitney & Stephenson;
57 Fourth Avenue.
John M. Oakley & Co.,
Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicaga
45 SLYTH ST.. Pittsbursf.
This young lady examines the
young scholar.
"Johnnie, where is Carlsbad?"
"Part of it in every drug store in
the United States."
"How do you make that out?"
"The Carlsbad Spnidel Salts aro
imported from there, and are the
solid evaporations of the Spnidel
"What have they done for you,
that you know so much about them?"
"Why, they have cured papa of
his dyspepsia, and in the place of a
cross father, they have given rne a
kind and loving parent."
Dyspepsia will spoil the most an
gelic temperament. Too much bile
inactivity of the liver will start it.
Try the Carlsbad Sprudel Salts. A
standard, a never-failing remedy.
The genuine have the signature of
"Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole
Agents, New York," on every bottle.
A Young Man's Startling Confession.
"Tes, sir, I will gladly give a statement for
publication," said Mr. George Howard, of
Brldgeville, Pa.,
whoe recent experi
ence created quite a
sensation in that
quiet town.
"I do not crave
newspaper noto
riety, bnt I cannot
remain silent andsee
others sutler when I
might be able to
guide them to a ha
ven of relief. I must
.confess that I was
norant of the laws
of health and only
thought or having a
eood time, never
KtfiTminer trt t.hlnlr
wiuaiinomu oringmeto. ioryearslhavs
sacrificed everything ror pleasure, theresult
being that-in a short time I became a com
plete physic.il wreck.
"Despondency and worry over my hope
less condition almost drove mo to suicide.
I was so weak I could scarcely walk, so nerv
ous that sleep became impossible, appetite
failed, headbecame heavv and dull, intellect
feeble, memory weak, I o"ften felt pain in mv
back and sides and my muscles were sore and
stiff in the morning, urine was voided too
frequently and with much suffering. I often,
felt so weak acros my kidneys I could
scarcely stand erect. Would take cold
easily, which always would cause my throat
to become sore and painful, I took a great
deal or medicine but found no relief. A
friend advised me to try Dr. Shafer, as he
had cured him of a similar dise.ise.
"After a short course of treatment I was
entirely cured or a ducase of several years'
standing, nip at a very reasonable cost. I
would giadl havo given 10 times theamount
for the relief I received. I believe my cure
is permanent and advise all to consult Dr.
Sharer when in need of a specialist. Very
renectfully, Gzoroe Howard."
Kindly remember that Dr. Shafer is the only
phjsician in Western Fennsvlvania giving
his entire time to the treatment of kidney,
bladder, urinary, blood, skin and nervous
diseases. No testimonialipnblished without
the consent of the patient. Consultation
free and absolntely confidential.
Offlce hours, 10 a. jt. to 4 p. m., and 6 to 9. v.
if. Snndavs, 1 to4r.jr. Patientsat a distance
treated with nccess by letter. Send two 2
cent stamps for a question blank.
DE. SHAFEi:, Specialist, 422 Penn ave.,
Pittsburg, Pa se27
- 1
OIL well supplies;
bersof the Chicago Board of Trade:
Boston Storks.
Atch. A Top 4-;v
Do Maine 177
rhl.Bur. S. Qulncy. 19
xj wt- ji jb. 1;. lS.....lil
ltchburg K. li 7G
1 lint S. Pcrc M. pld. 81
Mast. Central t
lcc. Cn.fcom 2?e
Old Colony 137
Rutland, com 4
WIb. Ccnt'l common a
Ailouez Mln.Co.ncwWlM
Atlantic ,
Boston &, Mont ....
Calumet & Uccla.,
Santa Fc Copper. ..
jam irach..
.. 41
.. 1S
.. 70
.. 16
.. M
Sm Dlcjro Laud Co. 18K
West End Do, lavs
Bell Telephone 183
Water Power 3X
Cent. Mining 19
Butte So Boston Cop. 19
Atchison inc.. 05
do l's Mi
AandP Inc.. ISKi
Bur. Den. 4s. BOVfcl
Uies. su.o's.iuij
1o 43 lis
do 63.
Col. Mhl.4s..
Den ARG4i.. 79
Krle2d8 con. ..104
Cn. Einc... C9
Hous s. Tex 4s 6-1
H'g ValSs 81
IronMt is.... 90
lows Ccn 1... fk
Kan 3c Tex Is. 77!
do 2d 41
116 rails
70 7UM
a 11H
S 80
tat ,y
14 81
nyc 5s unm
Ohio So 6s SS'K
Oirn Imn A'a.. bu
Oj-nS I. 6s....l00'8(
cons 5's
Tr. 5s
Penna 4H..
Pa&E inc..
do Ma
It .. vir t Tr k .ViWa
KlJ.tW 1st.. 76ji(gi:6
St P A O cons.117 1IJ
t 1. A h r fix. .112 (tv.l-
sP of Arts lstlOlHgli!
do Nil W..1W 8
gl oy
&W to-2
.si si
.100 Jfioo
, 68 H
The Money Market in Good Shape
Steadily Improving.
Ixjcalmonetary matters dnring the week as
sumedastlllmore satisractory position, and
established the fact that while the commer
cial demand for funds may tighten the lines
a little, and perhaps stiffen rates, there will
bo nothing like a light market. The return of
gold from Europe and or onrrenoy from tho
West assures an abundant supply at about
present rates of dlsoountv
Bankers expressed satisfaction with the
outcome of tbe week. Thev nut out about
ai muoh money u they eared to, and Aid ft J
Open- HiKh- Low- CIoi-
Ahticles. ing. est. est. Ing.
W11E IT No. 2.
September. I 93 ? SoH 04Jf f 94
December 97Ji 97 97 97
Mar 101X 104J4 103 101
COItN'NO. 2.
September SO ' BOH 40 50K
October 49',, 60 40 ii'i
Mav 4ZH 4 41;, 42Ji
September 2T.V 2Mf 2flU aj
October 27 27 26V4 SB7
Mav 31 31 SOJf 30
Mtss PORK.
October 9 82 9 8S 9 7i 9 93
December 10 10 10 12' 10 00 10 1254
January 12 35 12 40 11 73 12 40
October 6 57! 6 CO 6 55 8 57K
December 6 70 6 70 6 67 a B7K
January 6 TOi B SO b 77a 6 80
Octoher 6 70 6 72 6 CO 6 72M
November 6 62,4 6 67)i 6 60 6 G7J4
January 6 40 6 4) 6 35 6 45
Estimates furnished on the .celebrated
Mogul 4 lnnls oil well engines.
O. W. S. Co.'s Bed Domo steel boilers.
O. W. S. Co.'s tapeied joint caslngand tub
ing. O. W. S. Co.'s drilling and flihing tools.
Tho Philadelphia & New York Cordage,
and overv thing necessary in an oil well out
fit. The pationago of new comprn.es being
formed earnestly solicited. Drop a pontal
card and I will call on you. Telephone 1271.
seffl) lt9 SSU
Cash quotations wero .is follows: Flour
dull .mil unchanged. No. 2 prinir wheat,
Oj-Kc; No 3 spring wheat, S79c; No. 2 red,
OJJic: No. 3 com, 50c: No. 2o.it-. SGKQic:
No. 2 white, 2SK2).c: " 3 white. 2,140:
No. 2 rye, S2!c; No. i barley. bOc: No. 3. . o.
b., 3Sh0c; ,o.4, f. o. b.. 3013e: No. 1 flax
seed, J0c; prime timothy "eed, $1 1601 17:
mess pork, M bbl.. $3 !0$1 Sl'A' lard, jl 100
fts, $6 b0: short 11b sides (loose), $G 70
7 00; dry salted shoulders (boxed). $0 2."i
0 40; short clear sides (boxed), $6 407 0J;
whisky, distillcis' finished goods, f gal.,$l IS;
sugars unchanged.
On tho Pioduce Exchange to-day the butter
marKet was unchanged, i-ggs, isaiiac
The inauguration of
Abraham Lincoln,
Capture and killing of J. "Wilkes Booth
Grand Opera House next week.
Read Edward Groetzinger's advertise
ment on second page.
Pakixvr furniture reupholstered.
Hauoh & Kesxak, S3 Water street
A doctor who could cure her of catarrh and
a chronic cough which for thico years had
continued to grow woise until she was on
mu verge 01 ton- j
sumption, with ?SS
deathstaiing her
in tho face. Tho
tough, slimy mu
cous in liei throat
was haid to
raise, and as the
disease fastened
itself upon her
lungs, her breath
became very
short and the
weichtand tktht
n oss in her chest
told her only too
plainly the prog
ress her disease
was ninking. In
the night she felt
at times she could
scarcely set her
breath, she Iot
flesh andstrcngth
and almost u.tve
up in despair. Sho
nnauy reau or Mrs. Ven.aty.
the wonderful cores that were being made
by the specialists at the Catarrh and Dys
pepsia Institute, 323 Penn av enue. Tins gave
her new hope, and .iftcr taking a course of
their medicino, prepaied from roots and
herbs, sajs:
"To Whom It 3Iav Concern:
"This is to certify that I have been cured
as above stated. JIKS. F. DEMATY,
"33 Darrow street. Allegheny, Pa."
Offlce hours, 10 a. m to 4 r. ji , and 6 to 8 r.
k. Snndays, 1 to 4 r. ir.
Consultation freo to all. Patients treated
successfully at home by correspondence.
Send two 2 cent stamps lor question blanks
and address all letters to the
fe:f 111
VtfJJ!IM'fMMMlj ' M 1
As old residents know and back flies ot
Pittsburg papers prove, 13 the oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician In the
city, dovotingspecial attention to all chronio
sponsible MCDXni IQ antl mental lis
persons. f-U V UUO eases, physical de
cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, impaired memory, disordered
sight, self distrust, b.ishfulne.-s, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples eruptions, impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unfitting the person for business, society and
marriage, permanently, -alely and privately
eruptions, blotches, fallingbair, bones, pains,
glandular svv ellm-ix, u!csrat.ons of the
tongue, month, threat, ulcers, old sores, are
cuied for lire, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated lrom 1 1 D I M A D V kianey ami
tho system. U Ml linn I j bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal
dicharges, lnnammatiomand other painrnl
symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and rpal cures.
Dr. whitticr's life-long, extensive experi
ence insures scientiticand reliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation
free. Patient3 at a distance as carefully
treated as If here Oilice hours, 9 a. it. to 8
p. v. Sunday, 10 a v.tolr.M. only. DR.
'WHITTIER, 811 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
f?.w &
limv'RSnp.rifir: Msmcina
r ? r r
i Fvnii suffeh:
rimi fl.ii!iti Vf c,L.n,..4 nf It.Hl V
lbCITAK JunaWMana juiiu. r'pcrniaiurriica, kim
Impotency an I all ilNeaols thit arise from over
Indulgence and self-ibn-e. as Loss of Memory and
Po'Ttr. Dimness or Viilon. Premature OM Age,
and many other illcvrfs thatleid to Insanity or
Consumption aud an cirly grav-e. write for oof
PA$reU''GKVrMr:nlCINE CO.. Buffalo. N. T.
The pecinc Medicine NsoMhy all druggists atjl
jkj- p?cKs"P or six pickaxes fur $0. or bent brniiU
on receipt ormonev.yfcr GUARANTEE
and with evcrv 40 t-UV""" '--' t..
on'er a cure or money rtf unrio.
JSrOn account or counterfeits we have adopted
the Yellow Wnppcr. ti" only gender, bold In
Pittsburg by s. S. HOLI A.ND. cor. MnithBeld and
Liberty sis. Jri3-9l-jwreosa
Easily, Qn.'ckly, Permanently KE5TOKETJL,
UE.YIO.l--b, NFKY'tlLd-Nka:). DfcBILITT.
and all the train orcv Us, Hie resu'ts or oTerworJc.
sickness, norrr. etc. hull strength, dercloprannt,
and tone guaranteed In ail eases, bimple. natural
methods. Immediate improiement seen, lallura
Impossible 2,no refercmes. i;ook. explanations
and prools mailed (sealed) tree. Address
: .
WelutTe a pop It Ire rtire for the effects of Mlf-abnm
EirljExeows, Emlaaions.NorToua Ifebillty, Lorn ot 8-xnM
Power, Impotcnoy Ac Soerratiaonrfaithinornpcn4
we wtii Bond one full P'onJMt nidleluo aad mooik
asnt iniorniMioia rnnKi Adorer
01 X. Cam 0AO 0roa4wa7f Sow York,
ifla UwELLaail T-Aiihf.,1 flM
early decay, wasting wcainesa, lost manhood, etc-
1 II1 -( n T.tn.hlo tn..lill fuLlMll lftnlnfJ
R5 SnCerhMr from
ifQi ft Ha tae effects ot
I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) c-atalniEjj
roll parUculais lor homo cure, FItEG of charge.
Aeplendia ineaicaiworii. siiinuu i reau vj evsry
man wno 1 nervrus and di'DUliafd. Address.
Pro. F-'J- FOWLED, UJoodns, Conn.
tldu niuuiwnt. kkb iniwit
p;iraii s-.jiri.sA.r vauaiuu .aa
EKVOUS DISEASES in both lexes.
Bar mo Itrit till too read this boa. Addm
tUCTAI TUI,warrajlttoR-
' Itkariha I ne,
ne yonthTal color
andUfo to GRAT H&Jr. Uw only
ar grower
r HITS' HJIIR HcALTK. Mo-5 Mtteractorr
' "f MIJX ,?nfs? tli-xa BMwar. N.T. fli
Hi'vv r;u UnJ 3. Bmi ri RS forCrr, HnalMs, 3!.
Sold by JOS. rLKMIXO A SOS and 4ru
. j
ifjiiffwir iilff ijihBrirr t