TEE PTTTSBtTBG- DISPATCH. TKIDAY BEFTBMBBR 25, 4891, s THE LIMIT ABOUT S20. When Delinquent Taxes Reach That Sum Property May Be Sold. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT DECISION. Ion? IJst of Cases Slated to Come Up for Trial During the Day. TESTEKDAT'S WOEK OP THE COURTS ,7ud;c Ptowe yesterday handed down-an opinion giving a decision on a very im portant point. The opinion was in the case of the city of Pittsburg against Sam uel W. Illack's heirs, and was on excep tions to a sheriff's sale filed by the defend ants. A piece of property belonging to thorn was sold at sheriff's sale for delin quent water taxes. They excepted to the J sale, holding that the sale was illegal, the act of March 22, 1S77, providing that prop erty Is not to he sold if the lien is for less than S20, hut the judgment could be kept revived. In the present case there were two liens neither of which was for $20. It was held that the costs could not be added, and that there could not be a sale unless onu lien at le:i-t exceeded $20. Judge Stowo, in his opinion, said: "The true construction of the proviso in the act is that the gross sum of delinquent taxes independent ot costs and other ex penses, must exceed $20, but it is not neces-i-ar that each separate lien should exceed ill-it sum. Whenever the delinquent taxes exceed J20. whether there aie two or more separate liens upon a certain piece of real propertv, the lind inav be sold. The obvi ous purpose of the act is to protect real estate from sale for delinquent taxes until the nm of the taxes unpaid and delinquent amounts to over $20, but when that fact has transpired the land maybe sold just as if the taxes were all the assessments of asin glo year. "It mnv nrrbaps bo proper to say that where there are several liens upon which real estate is sold for delinquent taxes it teems to us that a sale upon a single lev. fa. based upon a single lien would be suffi cient to effect the purpose of the net and vest a good title under it in the purchase at Sheriff's sale. This course would save great expense in the shape of coots to parties in tei e-ted. Kxccptions dismissed." Heretofore it has been generally accepted that under the act a single lien must exceed $20 before a -ale could be made. The result ot this has been the accumulation of a vast amount of delinquent tax liens. The case ruled upon was practically a test enso, and the decision will make nri alteration in the matter of dcltuquent tax claims in the lutui o. AN EXPENSIVE SKEDADDLE. What Kate McNamara's Absence Froni the CUT ns Cost Some People. If Kate McXamara, onco of Allegheny, now "lost to sight, but to memory dear," ever stops to reflect, she probably experi ences some conscientious twinges. Some years ago Kate pave a mortgage on her step mother's proncrty on California avenue, Allegheny, for $30i) toa niannamed Mitchell, who subsciuontly disposed of it to another man named Cella. In course of time there lollowed a scire facias and a Judgment, when Kale'- mother became aware of the situation, and decided that it was time to tatc action. Some members ofn G. A. It. pot, of m hicli her husb.inet had been a member, told her to get a lawyer, and the applied to J. I). AVatson. Ho had the matter opened up. there was testimony taken, and Judge Stone opened the Judg ment. Meantime Cella, who took the assignment of the mortgage, proiecutcd Kate for lorgery and the grand jury finding a true bill she, according to the story told, skedaddled. Then a new -paver that published the story was sued for libel. Yesterday the case of Mitchell for esc of Cella came up for trial In the Common Pleas and a verdict for defend ant as rendered. Here are three innocent parties involved in trouble and expense to the full amount of the mortgage. Kate's mother has been worried and put to the ex-pen-e of hiring a lawyer to defend. The assignee of the mortgage is ont of pocket and tunc, and the mortgagee will be obliged to make the assignee good. j Grind of the Criminal Court. In Judge Kennedy's branch of the Crim inal Court yesterday Bridget Bulger was tried for assault and battery ou Maggie Swan, of Ann street, August 19. Johu and Maggie Swan were also tiicd forassault and battery on Mary Bulger during the samo quarrel. In both cases the defendants were acquitted and the costs divided. John Lewis was convicted of assault and battery onT. II. Martin. Both were conductors on the Pleasant Valley line, and quarreled on Au gust -22. Maggie Dealy was tried for assault and battery on Kate Doran. They live in Hatch's court. Fortieth street. A verdict of not guilty was rendered, and the costs di vided. Ida Freeborn, of the Soutbside, was acquitted of assault and battery for throw ing a bucket of water on the daughter of Ella Murtaugh. Samuel Hicks pleaded irniltv to a-s.mlt and battery on Andrew Flunk, August lT.at Braddock. He was sent 30 davs to the workhouse. Jacob Scun was acquitted of the larceny of $20 from L. Fet roisk , near Mansfield, September 7. Kobert Savage wa- convicted of assault and battery on James Gerrard, August 11, on Henderson street, Allegheny. eard McCrery was convicted ol assault and battery on George Stout, a Pennsylvania Railroad conductor. Both In e at Derry. To-Day's Trial List. Common Pleas No. 1 Bcrkcrey vs Dooley; Coyne vs Joyce: Kces & Son vs Ilea ,t Co.: lieedel v- Holt etal, same vs Loethen Haven vs Pittdiurg and Allegheny Bridge Com panj; Crum vs Pittsburg Incline Plane Com pany: Both well vs Beach: Dickson vs Porter; walker v- A oog: Fox Optical Company vs Ecntt: James vs Verona borough. Common Pleas .o. 2 I'.alph vr Mcyran; Mohrvs Biber: Toddvs Flock; McKeesport vs Burrh Bros. & Co.: Fall vs Riter & Con ley: Oaik vs Singer Jfc Shull: Gilmore vs Allegheny City: Carson et al vs same; Moore, Tor y-e. a - Davis. Crlniin.ll Couit Commonwealth vs John Kelly, Kate lailc, J. Sweeney, Mary Car roll, J. Brown. Mary Wiggins, George Hart aer, Jnlin Frcil, James 1 all. William Green, Julia Harris, t'iiai les Jack-on, Charles Britt, James Halej, William Boedler, John Srlmntland, AV. J. MeXorton, W. Molia, William Cook, II. chrj-tscr, Louis liosc meycr, Jessie Turner, James Stevenson, Barney McPoland, Charles Tswint, Frank Lindsay, Sarah Kane. Sarah Mallitt, Hugh McDcrmott, Patrick Itooney, Thomas La ven, E. Conroy, E. Orrlgan "Thomas Moran, Charles IVrcival, John Murray, Hugh Can fluid, Hannah Siiunnan. Keeping the Courtrooms Clear. Judge Kennedy, in the Criminal Court, has made an order (hat is causing something of a stir. He has directed that tiie constables and w itnesses w hose cases are on the list shall not come into the courtroom until their cases aio called. The order has been productive of good in that it keeps the courtrooms from becoming overcrowded and the aimo-phere fetid, but those who arc excluded do not like it. They have no lare in which to wail, but the corridors ejdlng to the courtrooms, and dare not go away for fear ot their cnc coming up and some one coining after them with an attach ment. There are no scats, and men, women , and c-hiidren, tired or cithern l.-c, throng the corridors all day. The constables and offi cers Mlso tLink Mime of their lights are in fringed on in keeping them out of the court except when they arc anted. To-Dnj's Audit List. Estate of Accountant. James McCluis. T. McCltntoclc et aL Jacob Held, sr II. Remensdyder. S. Storey S. II. Storey. Mary Cunningham... Mary Dougherty. Canncl McCown G. W. Johnston. J.J. Cliislett G. M.T. Tavlor. J. It. Bvres I. D. Bvres. JoTin Wilbert lacob soffel. A. Pierce V. McFailand. J1.1V. Rankin June Kankin et al. J. f-aint 1. J. Saint etal. A. J. Kir-chner Jacob Mutzig, B. Autli K.Boi-5 etal. John Me II enrv W. A. Love. Theresa Macdcr Charles Maeder. Join Pitcairn It. Pitcalrn etal. A Mother After Her Stolen Child. Mrs. Hannah L. Stevenson, of Craf ton, yes terday Jiled a petition for a writ of habeas .corpus to secure possession of her.3Jycar oldnan, William B. Stevenson. Mr.Steven jmnVlates that two years ago she was com pelled to leave her husband, James Steven soii, on account ot his Tacltv. She has had The child cvcrUi.ee. On September 22. while sho was absent from home, her husband went to her bouse and stole the child. She i claims he Is not a lit person to have the child, and asks that he be compelled to give him to her. JudgeMageo flxcd.Satu.rday for a hearing. Tosterday's Grand Jury Work. The Grand Jury yesterday returned the following trno bills: Harry Bollinger, lar ceny from the person: Kate Haney, larceny by bailee; D. J. Mitchell, larceny; J. F. Brown, It. Mceks, perjury; A.Depp, AV. M. Depp, nuisance; Margaret Hyde, A. E. Jones, selling liquor without a license; T. F. Mc Cleary, false pretenses; Margaret Sahr, as sault and battery: Matilda Wise, Immorality. The following bills were ignored: Thomas Carr, J. M. Caldwell, Jacob Guise, C. Myers, J. Melloy, P. O'Brien, selling liquor without a license; J. H, Crubbs, J. II. Stevenson, G. P. Stewart, conspiracy: L. Enzian, M. Miller, J. M. Caldwell, Fredalln Jenne, Margaret McDonald. E. G. Storv. William Stcinwage. j assault and battery; M. Long, felonious as sault ana Dattery: a. itoscnwaia, teionious assault: E. M. Blgclow, nuisance; William haggle, larceny by bailee; G. X. Powell, mis demeanor; P. Spiclman. soliciting to commit an unnatural crime; Arthur Walter, immor ality. Mnrder Trials Set for Next Week. Yesterday Patrick Fitzpatrick, who stabbed and killed Samuel Early in a saloon on Eleventh street, was arraigned before Judge Ewing on a charge of murder. Ho pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set for Monday. On Wednesday the trial of Maloney, who killed Kced at the Boss Grove picnic, will take place. Briefs From tlio Courts. Tnr. grand J ury yesterday heard the appli cation for the incorporation of the village of Turtle Creek into n borough. Ijr the suit of IV. II. Evans against Itzel A Co., an action on a noto, a verdict was given yesterday for $137 C3 for the plaintiff. Tun suit of the National Cash Register Company against McMullcn & Traynor, on action on an account, is on trial before Judge Magce. A VEitmt-r of $3Sj 90 for the plaintiff was given yesterday in tho suit of Burns & Schmncker ngainst C II. Miller, an action on an account. In the suit of H. C. Gearing against D. W. C. Carroll ft Co., to recover for material fur nished, a verdict was given yesterday for $4,370 65 for the plaintiff. A VKKntcTOf $1,871 47 for the plaintiff was given yesterday In the suit of J.F. Moore for use of C. B. Willey against H. & C. M. Dick son, an action on a contract. A verdict for the defendant was given yesterday in tho suit or J. M. Mitchell, for use of Louis Cella, Jr., against Annie Mc Namara, an action on a mortgage. A vxnnicT for the defendants was given yesterday in the case of P. J. Flannagnn ngainst S. 6. and Koxanna Pinkerton, owners, and Boyd & Bcatty, contractors, on action on a contract. Tee suit of John Huckesteln against the Nunnery Hill Incline Plane Company, -to re cover damages for injury to property caused by tho construction of the incline, is still on trial before Judge Stowe. Ix tho suit of Bailey & Boler against H. A. Dickson and A. A. lleimer, a landlord and tenant suit, a verdict was given for the de fendants, and it was certified that tho plaintiffs owed the defendants $1,806 rent. Will Largely Increase the Tankage, Daniel O'Day, or Buffalo, general manager of the National Transit Company, and Jos eph Seep, of Titusvillo, visited tho city yes terday, and in company with Glenn T. Braden, general superintendent of the Na tional Transit Company, spent the greater part of the day looking over the McDonald oil field. Their object in visiting the Hold was to consider tho advisability of increasing the tankage. After a thorough survey of the territory they came to the conclusion that the maxi mum production of the field has not yet been attained, and in expectation of an'in crease in the output they have decided to have the tankago mcreasod by 1,000,000 bar rels immediately. This will dispense with the necessity of running the Southwest into the National lines, against which tho pro ducers recently entered a protest. Pittsburg's Deaths for One Week. Tho mortuary report for the week ending September 19, shows a total of 91 deaths, as compared with 72 during the corresponding period of 1S99. There were 21 deaths in the Old City, 32 in the East End, 26 on the South side and 12 at tho institutions. Of the deaths, 23 w ore of infants nnder 1 year of age, 21 of children between ages of 1 year and 10 years, 24 of persons lrom 10 years to 40 years, 23 of persons from 40 years to 80 years. Diphtheria caused 7 deaths, typhoid lever, 8; consumption, 8; nervous troubles, 6; di gestive troubles, 18, and violent causes, 8. u Beaten Out of an Excursion. John Suskowsky, a Soutbside laborer, bought a ticket to New York at the Union depot last night. An hour later no was be hind the bars at tho Twenty-eighth ward station on a charge of stealing ?180 from P. Dandrowsky. John was about to walk thiough tho gate when his compatriot stopped him. The pair were arguing the point v hen Detective Dick Kelly appeared on the scene and took Suskowsky into cus tody. The Orator for German-American Day. Dr. G. Kellner, editor in chief of tho Phila delphia Democrat, the Nestor of German American Journalists, and the originator of the celebration of the German-American day, will deliver tho German oration on that day, October 5, in the Allegheny Park. Tho English address will bo made by Mayor Gourlcy. A Clothing Sale tor the Poor. To-day (Friday) we devote the entire day to the poor people of Pittsburg and vicinity by giving them good substantial clothing lor merely a trifle. Please note the prices, hut bear in mind these prices are for to-day (Friday) only: 23j hoys' cassimere suits made up, pleated or plain, 5 different pat terns, sizes 4 to 14, at 51 28 2G0 boys' long pants suits, sizes from 12 to 19, m?de from good substantial cassimcre (coat, pants and vest), for 2 69 480 men's sack or cutaway suits in hair lines and small checks and plaids, good wearing suits in medium and heavy weights at S3 45 600 men's worsted and cassimere pants, 20 different styles for f l 34 Cut this out and bring it with you so as to he sure to get just exactly what is advei tised. This sale begins at 7:30 in the morn ing and closes at 6 o'clock in the evening. P. C. C. C., Pittsburg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. BLAINE. Free Trains Every Day. Get work, secure a home, make an in vestment in the future great Monongahela Valley town. For tickets, maps, price lists and full particulars, call on ClIAELES SOMEES & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. SI 00 Until November 1 S3 CO. 12 fine cabinets Si; or a life-size crayon for ?a 50. Bring the little ones; use ele vator. At Aufreeht&Ca's Gallery, 516 Market street J'rotoctlon. fe does not offer the pro tection j-ou should have for valuables or papers. You can have that protection in the safe depositVaults of the Farmers' De posit .National iBank, 66 Fourth avenue. Boxes rented at So and upward. mw Style, strength and flexible qualities are combined in mv ladies' fine dongola button shoes at ?2 all styles, shapes and widths at Simen's, 78 Ohfobtreet, Allegheny, Pa. TnE hearty approval of the historical drama, Abraham Lincoln, By the Grand Army comrades insures its success. Grand Opera House next week. t Protection. The ordinary safe docs not offer the pro tection you Should have for valuables or papers. Vou can have that protection in the safe dewosit vauhN of the Farmers' De posit National Bank, 6f Fourth avenue. Boves renflol at S.i and upward. )iVF DUTIES OF A JUROR. Conscientious Scruples Are a Yery Useless-Quantity. HE CAN DECIDE ONLY ON THE FACTS Leading Attorneys Back the Stand Judge Eiring lias Taken. IT IS THE LAW THAT IS RESPONSIBLE Fault has been fonnd with Judge Swing's strictures on people who set up conscientious scruples on the subject of capital punish ment, hut It seems that thereyare many laymen as well as gentlemen learned in the law who side with His Honor. Court Stenographer E. J. Donnelly states that the Judge was properly quoted, in some of the papers at least, and that the statement was in reference to Mr. Ueig hard's case that "moral cowardice should not he mistaken for conscientious scruples, and that some people do make the mistake. Thomas 31. Marshall does not agree with nil of the attorneys questioned. lie said: "There was an article in this morning's Dispatch that embodies my views on the subject exactly. I could not express theni mora plainly if I tried." D. "V. Elder said: "Oh, of course we agico with the Court, except when we take an appeal to tho Supremo Court. But, Joking aside, I think tho Judge's strictures correct. I believe many good men confound moral cowardice with conscientious scruples on the subject of capital punishment. A juror has nothing to do with tho moral aspect of tho case. His duty is simply to find a vcrdlct,or true saying, and the law does tho rest. Tho Jury docs not hang a man, and. if the hanging bo wrong, the Jury is not chargeable with tho conse quence's if its members simply rendor a ver dict that they believe to he right. The law is responsible for the consequences.'' Thomas H. Davis thought tho weather too hot for the discussion of metaphysical ques tions. A considerable number of attorncs's de clined to express nn opinion, but enough was learned to know that among lawyers on the civil side of the court tho majority held that a Juror is not responsible for tho conse quences ot a verdict when ho has conscien tiously discharged his dut3', which is to rendor a verdict according to the evidence, or what he believes of it to be true. Funeral of the Third Homestead Victim. The funeral of Edward Williams, the third victim of the converting mill disaster at Homestead Saturday, took place yesterday morning at 9 o'clock from his late residence. Tenth and West streets, Homestead. After requiem mass tbo body was interred in St. Mary's Cemetery. Munball Lodge, A. A. of I. and S. V., of which deceased was a mem ber, turned out in full numbers. Thoro were representations from the other amalgam ated lodges. The funeral cortege was headed bv the Excelsior Brass Band, of Homestead. The mills did not closo, but tho management permitted as manv em ploves as oould stop work toattend. Joseph SkeVis, the head of the Bessemer depart ment, and his assistant, Tnylor Aldordyle, represented tho linn.. Rev. J. J. Mcllyar, of the M. K. Church of Homestead, who con ducted tho services over the remnins of Maguire and Lynn, the other victims, at tended the funeral. Kev. Father J. J. Bullion chanted the reqniom mass. Fooled a Phon. King Ulan. William Hadley, who claims Philadelphia as his residence, was arrested and locked np in Allegheny last nicrht, as a suspicions character. Hadley is a cheap jewelry worker, and his scbemo is to play drunk, and, in order to keep the drunk up, want to "Bell a gold ring, "an old family heirloom,"- for about one-quarter its real value. Of course, the ring turns out to be of the very commonest kind, and probably worth about $1 a bushel. Last night nadley tried to work W. H. Jewel, formerly a walking delegate of the Painters' Union. Mr. Jowel being brought np in the city, wis not to be caught In such a trap, and had the man arrested. On being searched tit the lockup, throe of the flimsy rings were found secreted in the prisoner's socks. He will be given a hearing before Mayor Wyman this morning. Scotland's Turn at the Exposition. The number of excursions to Pittsburg yesterday brought a very large attendance to the Exposition. The programme of music last evening was peculiarly Scotch In char acter, the day being devoted to the people of Bonnie Scotlnnd. The lively music of the Land o' Lakes pleased many besides those of Scottish birth. To-davthe band will render classical selections. The works of famous composers will be niven, and those who ap preciate music of tho severely scholarly school will have plenty of opportunity to enjoy the best examples of it. Saturday will be "People's Day," when, in addition to a very strong programme by Colonel Cappa's band, the Fisk Jubilee Singers will give a concert. A Burning Crate at the Depot. Tho passengers on the limited wet e treated to a bonfire last night. An Adams express man was working on a car on track 2 and in striking a match -et fire toa crate filled with shavings. Depot Master W. Colbert saw the fire and at once pulled the crate onto) theplntform, burning his hands. There it blazed away merrily until fireman of the locomotivo hauled it over to the engine nnd delnged it with water from the tank. When a search was made for the contents nothing could be found but a solitary stewpan. The depot chemical engine was run out, and run in asain. There was quito an exciting time during tho occurrence. Anniversary or the Old Common Church. On Sunday will be observed tho dedica tory anniversary of the Buena Vista Street M. B. Church, Allegheny, which is known in history as the "Old South Common." At 9:30 a. M. Presiding Elder Petty will hold a praise sorvice. and at 10:30 Itev. Dr. C. W. smith will deliver a sermon. In tho after noon there will be a platlorm meeting, in which many of tho former pastors will take pirt, and at night Bev. J. v. Sutchell will preach. Of course, the service will be under the supervision of Kev. J. II. Miller, who is closing tho second year of a very successful pastorate. A New Pastor Installed. Bev. Joseph Kyle was last evening formally installed as pastor of tho Fourth U. P. Church, Allegheny. The ceremony was a very Imposing one, as laid down In the book of discipline, and tho chinch was well crowded with members of the congregation. The sernion was delivered bv Bev. A. M. Campbell, of Sewicklev: tho "cliarcre to tho pastor by Kev. A. G. Wallace, D. D., of the Home Mission Board, and tbo charge to tho congregation by Kev. W. H. McMillan, D. D. Imposition Offering. Your picture free, and handsomely framed, given away during the Exposition, by Hendricks & Co., Xo. 68 Federal street, Allegheny, with every dozen. Cabinets, SI. Style, strength and flexible qualities are combined in mv ladies' fine dongola button shoes at S2 aft styles, shapes and widths at Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. Mwr MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meetlngs- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE STOCK HOLDERS of the Allegheny Heating Company will be held at the office of the company. No. 31 West Diamond st., Allegheny, on MONDAY, Oc tobers, ISM, between the hours of 10 and 11 a. m. GEO. S. HAYS. Secretary Pro Tern. ALLEGHENY, PA., Sept. 21, 1891. se20-14S-D Legal Notices. VTOTICE-APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO J.1 the Governor of Pennsylvania on SATUR DAY, October 10, 1S91, for a charter of incorpora tion for the Ohio River Improvement Company nnder the General Incorporation Act of April 29, 1874, by Alex Morrison, Albert C. Wettengel, James C. Russell, James F. -McLaughlin and Joseph S. Kanfman. The object of the proposed corporation is the buying, selling and Improving real estate. A. if. NEEPER, EClft-43-r Attorney for Applicants. Office of CH AS. R. WElTERSIIANfcON. No. 195 Ohio st., Allegheny. I7STATE OK ANDREAS KOKHN-NOTICE IS j hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Andreas Koehn have been granted to the undersigned, to whom a'l persons indebted to said estate are i cquestcd to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims agilust the same shmild make ihem known without delay. KAKO LINA KOEHN, Executrix. No. ISO Third street, Allegheny. .sn-JMl-F 2J" 'Display advertitanents one dollar- per tquare for one. insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on Vds page ten cents per line for each insertion, and none Udcen for less than thirty cents. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the followlflE hrodings will be ac cepted at the rate of ONE CENT PER WORD FOB EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance cither at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Kinds, SUCH A3 situations, Mali: help, female help, AGENTS, BOOMS, BOARDING, BOARDERS, MISCELLANEOUS, PERSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST AND FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smith field and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERF. WANT. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. 3rf. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements shonld. be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with Tub Dispatch. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE. NO. 1413 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 602!. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 0121 PENN AVE. riTTSnURO-ADDITIONAI,. thomas McCaffrey, am Butler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY. :tth street and Pcnn avenue. ALLEGHENY. A. .T. KAERCnEK. No. G2 Federal street. II. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. F. II. EGGERS&SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOSIAS MCHENRY. Westcracd Irwin avenues. G. W. HUGHE". Pennsylvania and Braver avca. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rrhfcranncl Allegheny v. WANTED. Male Help. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER - A young man: must have cxperlence:state age. nirac and reference. Address S. H. V Dispatch oClcc. BR ARBER A flrst-CLiss barber; -nages !12 per eek. Address A. c. liavis, iicaiorn, ra TIOILKRMAKEKS Immediately: hotlermakers and tank builders. Inquire of Freedom Oil Works Freedom, Pa., or Nlles Boiler Works, Niles, O. BOY Intelligent boy. about 14 years of age. to run errands and work in store; must hac best reference. Address Boy, Dispatch ofiice. BOY A good boy that has some experience at the barber trade. AppiyatI5 Anderson ft., Alle gheny. BOY OR MAN who understands the butcher busbies-. Apply to 703 Forbes st. TOY-To learn barber trade. D. W. HIgglns.1300 Second av., city. BRICKLAYERS 10 good men at American Safe and Lock Works, at Elizabeth. Pa. ; long Job. llerrlngton & Booth. "1LERK Experienced fire insurance clerk for j insurance ana real esiaie oiure; nunc ouiur than'those having experience need address. Fire Insurance, Dispatch ofllce. TKUG CLERK At once; reference required. U Apply 212 Arch st. , Allegheny. ITiRltAND BOY well acquainted -with city. M, li Donnelly A Co.. 640 Penn av. GENTLEMAN A literary man of refinement, familiar with biographical work, one with an extended acquaintance -nith the prominent people of Pittsburg and surrounding country, can secure a lucrative position bv anpl) ing to Jones & staiUey, S22 Broadway, New York. GENTLEMEN to learn shorthand. Private Shorthand Institute, 415 Smlthlield St., Pitts burg, Pa. "1LASS ENGRAVER First-class man familiar JT with factory work; good, sober, lellalile man; none other need apply. Atiuress .tug lugraver, Dls- patch ofiice. MEN A few men ot liberal education to repre sent us on valuihle specialties in school sup plies: terms liberal, with opportunities for advance ment to right parties: experienced men preferred; this is no "snap." but straight business. O. W. Close, 315 Wabash av.. Chicago, 111. MAN Reliable man In each town, to handle our specialty through agents. Address William F. Cornman, 404 Walnut st.. McKeesport, Pa. "VriRIIT BOSS wanted. Apply at once Tyler i Tube & Pipe Co.. Washington. Pa. PLASTERERS Four good men; union figures and union wages. Apply at 10 Brady St., city. PLUMBER and gas fitter. Jlrst-clns man, wants work, city or country. Address Plumber, Dispatch office. . . SALESMEN To sell new patent ruler, locally or as sideline, everywhere; commission (10 per gross: sample complete 36c, worth 30c; fine chance; O. S. Matthew patent. Box 592 Dallas, Tex. SALESSIAN For 1892 an experienced clothing traveling salesman. Address, stating location ortrade, references, etc. No. 40 North Third St., Philadelphia.: QALES5IEN to handle choice selling articles sell kj last ana large pay. Call In person at Room 23, No. 80 Water st. SALESMEN Two nrst class salesmen. Shields, 93 Fourth av. O. E. SOLICITOR A good solicitor, having $375 to In vest, can positively clear $175 In 30 days." Ad dress S. H. K.. Dispatch office. STONECUTTERS 20 stone cutters; wagcsS43cts. per hour; union wages; new Parliament build ing, Toronto, Canada. Cirroll & Ylck, Contrac tors. STUDENT To learn dentistry: must pay a fee. Inquire Dr. AV. S. Yates, 502 Penn av. TINNER A good all around tinner: permanent place to right man. O, Knlsely & Co., New Philadelphia, 0. V TINNER One who understands furnace work, A. Bradley & Co., Second and Wood sts. rpiNNERS Two first-class tinners. Apply to 1 Edw. f. 3Iardorfl, Grecnsburg, Pa. TWO complete axle making crews; steady work guaianteed. Applj' In person or by letter. Pittsburg Forge and Iron Co., Pittsburg. Pa. TRAVELING MEN We have the best-paying side article in existence; something new; lib eral commissions on first and future orders: big monev oeiore nounavs. Aauress continental ruD llshiug Co., Philadelphia. YOUNG MAN An educated young man to man age ofllce In Pittsburg: good leferences and 375 cash capital required; salary $750 per year and Interest In tho business. Call or address A G. Morrison, room 713, Lewis block, Pittsburg. "VTOUN G MAN who writes shorthand and can as X slst in office work: one having his dn type writer preferred. Address, in own handwriting, slating age and salary expected. Manufacturer, Dispatch ofiice. "r0UG MAN For invoice clerk :musl bo quick, 1 accurate at figures and good penman: perma nent position and adiauccment assured; state wages expected. Address Glass, Dispatch office. YOUNG man with experience In the stationery business: statu salary and references. Ad dress Jw. W.. Dispatch office. "7"OUNG man to learn tho barber trade at 2003 1 Carson st., S. S. 7 OUNG MAN In a lunch room at 514 Wood st. SiYXA MONTH and expenses for salesmen in iD I J every county in the U. S. ; samples and outfit free: no experience necessary: yearly con tracts made: finest and easiest selling goods'man uf.ictured. Send stamps lor full particulars, E. Convtrsc, 24IIermon st., Worcester, Mass. Wantert Agents. AGENTS On salary or commission to handle the new natent -hem!cal Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever produced; erases Ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion ol paper; 200 to 500 per cent profit: one agent's sales amounted to sua) In six davs; another $32 in two hours: we want en energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. A GElvTS "Klnc's Handbook;" 5.639 lllustra- A tions; 31 colored maps; census JS90; selling for tit ",rtlli"fc troii- mi; agenes masing inoue- f. ujmiji:ciiiiiy ffJUIKiasi: lincrai lenns. Ii'lnntliif CV f I9-: VlrVl. a raid.j ENERAL AGENT for Western Transylvania to handle best paying tpccia.tvln the world; small capital required; lrom $10,UX"to $15,003 made through sub-agents annually. Apply to A. J. Mayer, Eiffel Hotel, opposite "Postoffice. Wanted Hoarders and Lodgers. LODGERS At Anchor Hotel. 325-327 Liberty st.. cor. Fourth: lodging per night, 25e, 35c, 50c; per week, $1 25, $1 75, $2, $3. OCCUPANTS For nicely turnlshed front room; modern; private famllv; near cable and elec tric cars; board If desired. Inquire 230 Sheridan av., E. K. OCCUPANTS For a very nicely furnished room in one of the most desirable parts of Shady slde, 5305 Westminster st. ; gentleman preferred. AVanted Partners. ANY gentleman with $250 can secure interest in enterprise where amount can be doubled weekly. Address "Sincere." Dispatch office. HERE is a chance and now Is the time lor a man with $10,000 or upward to step into a bona fide business in first-class running order. This line of business is classed among the best In the land, having a record hack of 40 rears, and has been growing better each year. AA'C have one of the finest and best arranged concerns for realizing handsome profit anywhere to be found: and, if each department Is workrd to its full capacity, the dally output will frot up $1,200 to $1,500. This is a clean ana safe in estlnenl, and will vleld a profit of lrom three to four times the nsual Interest ob tained on loaus; a fair salary also accompanies this; 110 letters answered. TOO Robinson St., Alle gheny, Pa, AVanted Rooms. T OOM FurnU! e 1 sleeping loom wlthont Xi Ad'treso. with lull rart'i uiar.!, J, T. DinatchtoTlre. board. Mack. WANTED. TYanted Female nelp. A GOOD jrlrl ror honsewof k. family of two. In . qnlre 270 Robinson St., Allegheny. CtOOK Good plain cook; Swede: no others need J apply; highest wasfes to cempeteut person; only two In family. Call at No. 10 Lincoln ay., Allegheny, or address P. O. box No. 413, Pittsburg. ("tOOK Female rook for restaurant; permanent J position; good wages to right party. No. 80 Rebecca st., Allegheny. COOK A good colored female cook: permanent situation and fair wages to suitable person. Apply on Penn av. f"TOOK Female cook, must help with wanning J and Ironing. Apply C8J) Ellsworth av., E. E. COOK for a small famllv; good reference re- quired. Address P. O. Box 273 Pittsburg. COOK A good cook; no washing. Apply at 77 Fifth av. GIRL For general housework: small family. Apply c; Washington st., Allegheny. , (lRtr-For genernlhousework; German or Bwcde- v who speaks English; unquestionable recom. uiunuaiions required, zwi mnwiaaie st. GIRL To do chamber work; must have good reference. 103 Fayette st., Allegheny. GIRL For general housework for small family. Apply No. 11 Fulton st.. Allegheny. GIRLS-Keystone, No. Si Grant st., girls free or charge. GIRLS To work in cigar factory. Apply to Union American Cigar Co., Ohio av., Alle gheny. GIRL A good girl for general housework, ply after C at 235 Knierson st., E. E. Ap- HOUSEGIRLS. cooks, maids, waitresses, nurses. 27 Federal t., Allegheny. LADIES can secure pleasant and profitable em ployment by calling on O. E. Shields, 03 Fourth avenue. LADIES to learn shorthand at Private Short hand Institute, 415 bmlthfleld St.. Pittsburg. Pa. "VTUR'iE for children. Address Constant, 1 691. Pittsburg P. O. Bot Wanted Male nnd Femile Help. IAtTNDRESSES. cooks, chambermaids, nurses, J dining room girls, three voung girls, 00 house glris. German and colored gfrls, teamsters, labor ers. farm hands, drivers. Mrs. E. Thompson, 603 Grant st. MAN to work about gentleman's place, farm hands, laborers, coal miners, hotel cooks, laundry girls, dishwashers, dining roolu girls; chambermaids, child's nurse. 200 house girls, fam ily cooks, chambermaids. Mecban's, 545 Grant st. Tel, 90. MAN AND WIFE No children: man for coich rcin and wife for cook: must be first class; house rent free. Address Coach, Dispatch ofllce. "X'OUNG men and ladies to attend day and even X lng sessions at the Actual Business College. No. 5 Sixth av,; private teaching a specialty; by the month, fi; bookkeeping taught bv actual busi ness practice, shorthand and typewriting. 31. J. Conner, President; J. M. Phillips, Expert Ac countant. Wanted SItnatlons. . POSITION As bill clerk 'have had fonr years' experience as head bill clerk for a firm doing business of a half million a j ear; also had experi ence In taking dictation direct on machine. Ad dress S. W. L., Dispatch ofiice. POSITION As stenographer; can assist book keeper; good reference. Address William Williams, 1603 Eighth av., Beaver Falls, Pa. POSITION As traveling salesman bv young man of experience; can furnish best refer ences. Address "Drummer," Dispatch ofiice. POSITION as stenographer and typewriter, by a yonrg lady; relerencc given. Address E., Dispatch ofllce. POSITION As cook or for general housework bv girl: can speak German. Address Cook, DIs P'ltch ofiice. SITUATION As mine superintendent by an ex perienced man; has two eertificatesand fprnishes best references. AddrcssMtnes, Dispatch office. SITUATION by a single man as driver, cither pri vate family or any kind of work in the city. Address Mrs. E. Thompson. 603 Grant st. Tlnnnclal. MONEY to loan at lowest rate of Interest; loans granted promptly, no "delay: have a large amount on hand at the present time; bring your deed with yon, will guarantee piomptloan or no charge. J. E. McCrickart, 140 Firth av.. Tele phone 1670. ONEY to loan Immediately; ?3O,00O has been left with us to place this week in snms to suit applicants; this is a splendid opportunity to Jiartles wanting money at once. Morris & Flcm ng, 10S Fourth av. ItrONEY to loan on short notice. John K. 1U. E Ewing & Co., 107Federal st. MORTGAOES-J100.C00 to loan; sums ?300 to J5.00O to 520,000: expenses light; money ready. S. J. riemlng. 152 Fifth av. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co., 92 Fourth av. fkUICK loan of not over $2,500; highest Interest kVx paldr real estate security. Address Loan, Dispatch ofiice. Mlscellaneons. A GREAT reduction AVe want everybody to know that we have reduced our best SJ 00 cabi nets to $3 00. Stewart & Co.. 00 and 92 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. ; diamond Photocttcs Jl CO. ."DUSINLSSMEN to know that the Penn Printing D and Novelty Co., 77 Diamond St., Pittsburg, telephone 113!, carry the finest designs, to suit any business, of cards, calendars, novelties and adver t.slng specialties ever offered to the public; print ing of all kinds at lowest rates; drop us a postal and see samples. 1 FACTORIES or all kinds, however small; Ub ; eral Inducements; write character of busi ness and amount or capital could invest. Ill.ick stono Land and Improvement Company, Black stone, Va. FURNITURE to rc-upholser Hangh & Keenan, 33 Water st. , I WISH to negotiate with some man that can control about $30,000 for the purchase of an Interest now for sale In a largo manufacturing business of the safest and most prosperous nature. With suitable and proper facilities which are now In contemplation and about to be made, this busi ness will reach upward of $2,000,000 annually at a net profit of more than 25 percent, on the year's business. 1 will make a special offer to one quali fied to assist in conducting a substantial business enterprise far beyond his expectations. Those about to engage In a new or change their present business, who think favorably enough of this to consult, will confera favor bycalllngin person. If any expense is incurred by so doing, their money will be cheerfully refunded. If not found as adver tised. If more convenient to purchase the above might be paid in 25 per cent, payments, as a good fiarly is our chief aim, more than money. Further nformatlon maybe had at our private office, 190 Robinson st., Allcgneuy, Pa. MEN to know that there is a strike now going on at Anderson. DuPuy& C'o.'s mill, at Char tiers among the hammermen. O. H. Lewis, Box 4f,McKce's Rocks, for the committee VfATURAL GASs Consumers of natural eas will x find It to their advantage to call on James Owens, of No. 10!) Fourth av.. and have their stoves and grates arranged for the saving of gas, as this is the only way to get ahead of the gas com panies. OIL producing properties wanted; prices must be based on the prcent price ol oil. Address, with full particulars, M. II., Dispatch ofllce. PEOPLE moving from the city to harp us pack their furniture. Haugh & Keenan, 33 Water st. Phone 1626. PIANO and furnlluremoving Shanahan Transfer Co., Smlthlield, corner Water. IJUFILS Bv experienced, successful tutor: ele mentary branches, college preparation; high est references. Ttor. Dispatch office. "PURCHASERS and sellers ot stores, snslness X chances, business properties, real estate, etc., call ou AVoolsey & Co., 510 sinlthfleld st. TO BUY A small production of oil propertv. Ad dress James Askey, 44 Market St., Allegheny. TRUNKS hauled to and from East End for 50c. Campbell & Davis, 12 feoeuth av. Telephone 26. USB Jones' Bedbug Paraly7cr .Tones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no poison: roaches banished by contract; satlstactionglven or no pay. Prepared by Geo. AV. Jones, 222 Federal St., Alle gheny. Pa. Bold by all flrst-classdrugglsts. TTNIVERSAL printing press: tate size and low D est prlee at once. 11. AV. Juergen & Co., Unl versltv building. Pittsburg. Pa. FOE SALE LAI PRO YEP REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. AN excellent East End dwelling, with fine lot about 53X2C0 feet, near the cable and electric cars and railroad station; dwelling almost new and in prime- order throughout; all the modem appli ances: lot well Implored; abundance of shade, etc., etc. ; would exch.angc.for a smaller property inpirt payment: Immediate posfesslou. Jas. A . Drape &. Co.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. 1JOQUET ST.. near Bates. Oakl md, new dwcll- -. 1IIK 01 seien rooms and bathroom; all con- veniences. It bledleSSons. TAST END RESIDENCE Dnc-thlrd acre of J leiol ground, surrounded with beautiful shade trees, near P. R. R. station, with a large brick res idence In center of grounds; a flrst-eijss building but a little out of repair: large rooms; will be sold for less than the house could be built for to a quick buyer: a rare oiipoitunitr to get a fine home for a low nnce. Denniston, ElderRlu A Co., Llni., 6235 Penn av. Tel. 5327. IjiAST END A handsome modern and entirely j new frame honfce on a pavedtreetin fine loca tion of Kast End. withlu couple minutes' walk of three rapid transit lines; has all conveniences; Is sewered, etc.; hasbaih, hot and cold water, slate mantels, sliding doors, art glass in vestibule door, combination electric and gas fixtures, cement cel lar; lot 30110; we have a special price for a lew d.ivsonly. s. A. Dickie & Co., Penn and Shady avs., K. E. EAST END A nice residence and large corner lot! 10OTJ8O leet: spacious lawn In front: lot of fine shade, fruit trees, etc. ; 10 rooms in residence and replete throughout with the more recent im provements: enni entent locality; cloe to eler trie KLVlr" c'c. Jas. AV. Drape &' Co., 311 AVood St., Pittsburg. . X F)Ii SALE-S.7X) cash, remainder ou ca3j m'nts: a new honse- 7 mnm, modern pay- tiires; lot 50x100 leet; lnguodnelKhbjrhooilIn East nx -.., ..cut mum irauMU bons. m Fourth av. FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltv Residences. I70R SALE $150 down remainder on monthly . Davments. If desired a. neat house. 5 rooms. with goort-pized lot: Washington av.. Thirty-first ward; mice only $1,600. (351c). W. A. Herron & Sons, so Fourth av V Sons, 80 Fourth av. POR SALE At a low price : brick house 9 rooms: modern fixtures: on location in the central partof the city; a quick sale 1 desired to settle an estate. (50) W. A. Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. EULTON STREET, near Wylle ar.. two-story brick dwelling, six rooms and finished attic, laundry, etc. : also two two-story brick houses of three rooms each; lot 25x1232$ to Crawford st Samuel W. Black Co.. 99 Fourth av. "VTTYLIE A V. The old Duff mansion, containing It 12 rooms; lot fiOxlTO feet; will sell at a bar gain; easy terms. Geo. Johnston, 62 Fonrth av. Allegheny Residences. CALIFORNIA AVE. Only 3,0C0: house, seven rooms: lot 2I-U10 feet. A. D. Wilson, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. ro. 119 IRWIN AV., Alleghrny.$-i..100.1ot20xl3s, 1 brick house, parlor, dining room, 'kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, attic and good dry cellar: a -t:oiiYL'uieiii 4ucamy ana goon nouse: in possession. A. Leggate & Son, 103 Fourth immediate av. OVERLOOK ST. (No. 19). $3,000. Second ward. Allegheny, lot 23x119; frame, six rooms; $1,000 cash. A. Leggate & Son. 108 Fourth av. SECOND WARD Allegheny Two-story frame dwelling. 4 rooms: lot 20x100 ft.: Price. $1,300; bigbargain: will nctlOper cent. M. Starling, 108 Fonrth av., room 31. Subarhan Residences. T70R SALE-$3,o. In monthly Installments If dc X sired, new house s-ven rooms, large lot: well located, six miles from Union depot, on line of R. R. (37) AV. A. Herron & sons, 81 Fourth avenue. HOUSE AND GROUNDS A good house and grounds In the suburbs, online of rnllroa!. clo-c to passenger station; grounds well Improved; abundance of shade and shrubbery, frnit trees; residence in prime order; modern throughout: large rooms and finished in handsome manner; line, pure water, outbull lings, etc.. etc. : rare bar gain on easy payments, $1,010 down, balance to snlt. Jas. W. Drape & Co.. 313 Wood St., Pitts burg. ON Pcrrysvllle road $20,000 Handsome resi dence with nearly three acres lovcI ground at electric car terminus: charming view; come and sec It. A. Leggate A Son. 108 Fourth av. S2, OOO Bellevnc. P.. F. W. & C. Ry Center o)jU) St., frame of five rooms, house In good order: good well and 9pring water: five minutes' walk from Jnek's run station: one square from the California avenue electric car line: heap home: lot 25x170: payments easy; we have also several lots 25x170 for $00Oeaeh, adjoining this property, hoe Waldron AMrDowelL 53 Ohio street and 271 Beaver avenue. Allegheny. Open to 9 r M. &A 000-Bellcvn-. P., F. AV. 4 C. By., Center tlDrtj St., frame, well finished, of seven rooms: covered porch all around the house; grape arbor, various kinds of fruit trees, well and spring water pleasantly located: five minutes' walk from Jack's run station, one sqna'-c from the California electric car line: lot 100x100: payments easy. See Waldron & McDowell. 53 Ohio street and 271 Beaver avenue, Allegheny. Open to9P.lt. FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. COLWELL ST., near Dinwiddle st,, cheapest lot In city, 2SxlC0 feet to an alley; only 8775; will he sold quick at this price. yj'ii) i&. et. uauey, iih .coumi av. lei. iu, GRANDVIEW AV., Dnqnesne Heights. Thirty fifth ward; $1,500: lot 25x150, pnrt of the Dr. Walters estate. A. Leggate Jt Son, 10S Fourth av. LOTS Beautiful building lots rorfrom 1C0 to $300. In the Eighteenth ward; long payments: easy terms. Inquire of Chas. E. Cornelius, attorney 406 rant st., Pittsburg. "TTTYLIE AV.. near Francis st. : lot 100x100 feet to M 20-foot alley: price $40 per front foot. Geo. Johnston. Agt.. 62 Fourth av. mil A per front foot for nice level lots on Wyllc jpxU av.. near Francis St.; those desirable lots se nesiranie lots Geo. Johnston, are 20xlfO feet to 20-foot alley. Agt.. 02 Fourth av. On FEET on Market St.. between First ay. and OU Water St. George Johnston, 62 Fourth av. East End Lots. ABOUT CO 1124 feet. East End lot. South Hllanrt av. ; one of the finest Iot3 on the avenue; must bo sold to close up an estate. Jas. W. Drape & Co., 313 Wood St., Pittsburg. CHOICEST ami cheapest lot in East End. Owner, 5741 Ellsworth av. LOTS Fine level lot on a good street, near electric line, 22x100. for onlv $1,030: also, large lot, near Pcnn av.r for onlv$S50: a bargain. Denniston, Elilerktn & Co., Lim., 6232 Tcun av. Tel 5327. OAKLAND 125 feet of excellent residence front age on one of the best streets In Oakland at $70 per foot, about 12 per cent below rulingprlces. close to traction line. Murry & Edsall, Fidelity build ing, 121 Fourth av. "Tf ERY deslraDlc bnlldlng lot on Craig st,. be- tween Bayard and Center a v. : lot 50x142 ft. to 20 ft. alley. George Johnston, 02 Fourth av. AUegheny Lots. BUENA VISTA ST. building lots, $050 each. A. D. Wilson. 55 Federal st. AVETTE ST. bnlldlng lots. A. D.Wilson, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. VERLOOKST., Second ward. Allegheny-$l,ao Lot 25x130. A. Leggate & Sou, 103 Fourth Suburban Lots. "VTEW Brighton road at second toll; $2,000; i!N lovely lot, 50x150; choice lot for a home: also, on Wiley av , near the,above, a lot 40x178, for $1,500; two bargains. A. Leggate & Son, 108 Fourth avenue. -ITriLKINSBURG-A fine lot 30x124 feet, contlg- IV nous to railroad station. In Orchard plan; bcautt ful place for a residence; abnndance of shade; an tne nouses are set nacK anoui -m ieet: one 01 tno finest streets In the town. Jas. AV. Drape & Co., 313 AVood St., Pittsburgh Farms. FARMS Chicken farms or dairy. 37 acres, four room house, new barn, coal, two orchards, near Beaver, $2,500; monthly payments or take house In part; If you want to buy or trade for farm send for biggest farm nnd exchange list. N.F. Hnrst, Ileal Estate Agent, Rochester, Pa. Also 13 acres, old log house and orchard for $550, near Beaver. "CiARM 10O acres flrst-claii land ; well fruited and X all under cultivation; farm and tenement houses, barns and other buildings: suitable tor gardening or dairy; on National Pike, two miles west of Unlontown. For particulars address 51. Leonard. Unlontown. Pa. FOR SALE-BUSrNESs. Business Opportunities. DRUG STORE Corner drug store, centrally lo cated. Address "CaniBhor," Dispatch ofiice.' I FOUNDRY business complete, with full eqnlp : ment. patterns, flasks, core ovens and all nec essary machinery in full running order, and doing a good paying business: business last year $100; 000. Particulars from Jas. AV. Drane & Co., Agents, 313 AVood St., Pittsburg. PRODUCE COMMISSION BUSINESS on Lib erty st.: sell at invoice: good stand; good chance for quick buyer. Address Produce, Dis patch office. I) ESTAURANT Fine, In central partof city; 1 jewelry stores, good-paving cigar store, grocery stores, $200, $500. $l.tXW to $10, 000; in Ilk route, livery stable, lumber yard, fish and oyster market, bakery, shoestore. good country store. Holmes i Co.. 420 Smitlifield st. SALOON Doing good business; low rent; must be sold at once. The Bureau of Exchange, Can ton, Ohio. u SOAP POAVDER MANUFACTURE-For Rile to Joint stock company or reliable firm, rights of manufacture, etc ; business too extensive for pro- Brlctor handling. Apply first instance to A. C. ompany. Dispatch ofiice. Q3D 300 A reliable man with $3,500 can manage tli? U-'SJ a paying business that will pay him $2,500 a year, uurcss jtox r5, uispatcn oiace. - Business Properties. ERICIC plant, consisting of grinding pan, engine, boiler, etc.: engine, boilers, clnvand ore pans, and brick yard supplies. Thomas Carlin's Sons, Lncock 11111I Sandusky Us., Allegheny. T107.Y little storerooni on AVvlli- av.: all linrd j wood finish Inside, tin roof: building UvJ4 h Inside, tin roof; bulMlnjr UvJ4 feet: good location for notions, tnll w price; easy terms. Urn. Johns- feet: lot 15x50 lincry, etc.: low prlc 1011, t4 x ouriu av. LOA"ELY little store bnlldlng vr ' -Mr v near Kirkpatrlck si.; good locat. wn ami cigar store; low flguns; easy terms. ;- 1. John ston. 62 Fourth ' YERA" neat little storeroom building nn AVylle av.. Thirteenth ward, right In UieinMit of a thlcMvsetllod neighborhood: would ho a dandy 5 lacu ior ten store or milk and butter dejiot. Geo. ohiiston, 62 Fourth av. "TTERA" desirable Investment, cor. Diinuesne way t and Seventh st.;cau leiscfor 10 or20 years at clear r. percent Investment. George Johnston, m Fourth av. FOR SALE ailSCELLANEOUS. Horses. A'ehlrles. Liie Stock. COLT Of the "Harry Hanntes" stock, age 4 years. Call on or address J. C. RIshcr, Home stead, Pa. HOR3KS Two very line driving hores, can paco icrv fast and will i.carnt nothing; will sell cheap. Address R. R. Dispatch oBlce. YEIHCLES-One barouche, one side-bar buggv, one two-wheeled dog r.irt, one two-wheeled cart with top and two doctor's buggies; onrner no use for them: no reasonable- oner refused. Apply Jas. AA'arburton, Haturbl st.. bet. Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth sts., ss: enleenth ward. Sllseellaneous. COMPLETE stock ot wall paper, stationery, window shades, pictures and frames, artists' material, etc.. located hi Canton. O.; this store has been doing business for ten years, ai.d carries the best line In the city; Is centrally located, has a good lease and reasonable rent: good reasons for selling. For particulars write Henry Lehman. Canton, O. (IAS FIXTURI3-31 to 50 percent off; closing 7 out. Reineckc&Co.. SO1! Wood St. SCALES. elvator, safe, trncks and two wagons at a low price. Charles Somers & Co., 159 Fourth av. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. BOILERS and engines, second-hand; all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p. : cheapest In the market: 46 j ,. .JS;!,; fi "; prmD 3 steam pumps. nouers an,i e-uxiuca iu pioch, stationary ana poria- uiers. monnted farm engine, etc.. governor, nnllevs nnd shaft pun 'elcph ing. Telephone. 3401. 23-25 Parle way. J. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa. BOILERS Second-hand, all sizes. 4 to 100 h. p.. locomotives, portables, nprlghts. tnbnlars and horizontals, aslo manufacturers of boilers, tanks, stacks, etc.; old anvils rcstceled. dressed and ground, finished rs good as new. W. Man chester & Co., Twenty -eighth St., Pittsburg. SECOND-HAND engines and liollcrs Two 35 horse-power and two ten horse-power station ary engines anil boilers. One ten horse-power portable on wheels. Thirty-five, 13-. 12. ten and eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal, all good and will be sold cheap. Hanncs' Machine Depot- 99 First av. UPRIGHT ENGINES 5 to 10 horse power, with or without boilers. Henry Farnan, 00 Lacock St.. Allegheny. rUllSONAL PERSONAL Magnetic and massage treatment given at No. CO Sandusky St., Allegheny. POSITION By an experienced hotel clerk; can give the very best of references. Address S. E., Dispatch office. PERSONAL-Cash paid for old gold and silver: Jewelry repaired; new work made to order. Chris. Uauch. 541 bmlthfleld. PERSONAL We have doos. and lots of them; largest old bookstore west of the Allegheny Mountains. Levi's. 910 Liberty st. PERSONAL Sacrifice sale of artists' goods and materials. Frank Bacon & Co., booksellers and stationers. 301 Smitlifield st. Open every even ing. PERSONAL Notice Is hereby given that 1 have disposed of my Interest in tne AA'orld's Cure Co. to Mr. Geo. H.Garher. who assumes all liabili ties of this interest. F. A. Tremalne. Pittsburg, Septembers. 1831. PKRbON AL When 1 was a smalt boy my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but slncclgot to be a great big man. Dickson, tbcwell known tailor. 65 Fifth av., cor. AVood t., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating in great shape. 'I el. 1553. PERSONAL The Petroleum Exchange Restaur ant, 115 Fourth avenue. Plttsbnrg. will furnish dinner a la carte from 5 to 7 r. M. each day: this will be a special feature of the day: owing to the greatdemand for evening dinner, we will be pre pared to furnish all the markets afford In their proper season; von arc cordially Invited to call. Respectfully voiirs. T. J. C. li. Goodwin. LOST. LOST Bunch of keys. Suitable reward will be given If returntd to Dispatch ofiice. IOST or stolen, a large mastiff dog from 31 1 AVebster st. ; a liberal reward will be paid for his return. IOST Thursday evening In East End package of i collection cards. The finder will confer i.ivor by leaving them at No. 623b Penn. a v. The Singer Mfg. Co. LOST Cow, on Sept. 13. a dark red cow. with small, curve horns, with white in forehead, from Henry Hasley's dairy, Forbes st-. Twenty second ward. LOST Ample reward and no questions for the retnrn of dark brindle bull bitch, with white blalze and chest: weight about 40 pounds; disap peared from No. 320 AVestem ar.. Allegheny, last July. AV. D. Brereton, No. CO Third av., Pitts burg. FOUND. FOUND Oysters la every style: lunches of nil kinds: meals at all hours, day and night, at Sherrard Bcatty's restaurant. 23 Fourth av. I70UND Bisque of Beef, a liquid nerve food, . gives health and strength in cases or extreme weaknt'-ss and general debility. At druggists. FQUND Yon can bring your pictures to the city and get them framed while you visit the Ex position: cheapest and best framing In the city. No. 2 Sixth St.. upstairs. T. C. McElrov. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION ! FUP.NITUKE,CARPETS.UPRIGHTPIANO- FORTE, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, DRYGOODS, ETC. Friday, September 25, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., 21 and 26 Ninth street. Fine chamber suits, handsome parlor snit, bookcase, wardrobes, chiffoniers, sideboards, extension table, chairs and rockers, lounges, couches, bureaus, washstands, hair and husk mattresses, comforts, blankets, pillows, Brussels and ingrain carpets, fine upright pianoforte. Almost new goods now on ex hibition. HEN'BY AUCTION CO., se24-7I Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE-D1AMONDS.AYATCHES, clocks, jewelry, silverware, three largo safes, fixtures, etc., being the large and com plete stock of John O. Slemmons, wholesale jeweler, formerly of 77 Fifth nve. This stock must bo closed out at once to settle up the business, by order oIFKANK D. HAKTMAX,. assignee, 43 Sixth st. Sales daily, 10 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. First salo Saturday, Sep tember, 2fi. 1891, at 10 a. jr. Sales to continue until stock is sold, sc-M-H EDUCATIONAL. TEMOVED-KING'S SCHOOL OF ORATORY, XV elocution and dramatic culture removed to University Bnlldlng, Diamond St.. opposite Conrt House. Byron AV. King, manager; James M. AVlsman. associate manager. Class and private lessons, literature, French and German, Delsarte. old school and modern systems. Send for pros pectus. aull-59-UWF HOMER MOORE Will receive a limited number of pnpils in vocal culture and slngimr. Until October voices tried free. Call at 507 Penn av. se2t-20 "IT1 CH K7 UNrVERSITY, O LJ EOLTO JL. SIXTH ST. A new management. Increased attend ance. The best disclp'ine. Tho best In struction. English Training School for boys and girl?. Ten higher courses of study. Thirty experienced teachers. Stndonts ad mitted daily. Tuitions reasonable. Day nnd Evening sessions. Send for catalogue. H. M. ROWE, Pre3t. se24-D Duquesne Conservatory of Music. " Carl Retter and Chas. Davis Carter, Musical Directors. A new school of music to be conducted on the plan or the Royal Conservatory of Munich, Germany. Full corps of Instructors. Light com plete departments. Free advantages in class in struction superior to any in tho country. A thor ough nnd complete course of lustructlou for grad uation in each department. Send for prospectus. CHAS. DAVIS CARTER. Manager. Dunucsne eouejee uuiiuiug, uumunu si., opp. eour( linusc. SK-D SAVTmiN r. biiortlidok's jiediaTpaT ACADEMY, near Philadelphia; choice school for boys, number limited; mild winter climate; health record has few parallels; fine bnlldlnats; steam heat; electric light and gas; gymnasium with swimming bath ,fyugulateil by 6team; ample grounds; teachers men and college graduates; spe cial attention and private tntorlng for backward boys: single or double rooms; fits for college or business; superior English department; library; complete laboratory with dynamo. motor, etc.. etc.: boys' ivorkshop Tor mannal training In wood and metal: Media has seven churches and a temper ancecharter. SAVITHIN C.SHOETL1DGE.A.M., (Harvard graduate). Media, Pa. auU-66 NIGHT SCHOOL Special classes in MECHANICAL, ARCHI TECTURAL DRAWING, nnd niGHER MATHEMATICS; also classes in GREEK, LATIN, GERMAN, FRENCn, BOOKKEEP ING, SHORTHAND and English branches, at DUQUESNE COLLEGE. E. M. AVOOD, D. D., LL. D., President. SCj-JIWT dr fnm UMM NIGHT SCHOOL BEGINS MONDAY, September 28. For particulars, send for latest Illustrated Circular, or apply at COLLEGE OFFICE, open every evening till 3 o'clock, AFTER SEPTEMBER L Address, Telephone 15(5 J. C. SMITH'S SON. nil 13-70-Jiwy DR. HARRIS CRAMP CURE -FOB- Every Ache and Pain FOR SALE AT ALL DRDG STORES. Manufactured by L H. HARRIS DRUG.C0., Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh. Avenm, e30-l PITTSBURG. PA. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, ),,- TO LKT. City Residences. EORBES ST. No. 317, house of eight rooms, hot, cold water, bath; possession October L In quireR. McEIdowney, 78 Seventh av. T VTEW brick dwelling on Kirkpatrlck St.. ono XN minute from cabe cars. 8 rooms. Including mansard, both gases, bath. etc.. immediate posses slon. Inquire AVIlliam Zelher. 305 Centre av. t TO LET-U per month: neat brick honse. six rooms, modern fixtures: one of the best In tner city for the monev: No. 167 Plymouth St. AV. A. Herron A Sons, 80 Fourth av. t East End Residences. CRAIG ST. Near Fifth v fine two-story Qneen Anne dwelling, ten rooms, reception hall: all modern conveniences; handsomely papered and painted: moderate rent. Baxter, Thompson 4 Co.S 162 Fourth av. t MADISON AV. and Thirty-third St. Five rooms on third floor, $17; four rooms on, fourth floor. SIS; good storeroom, nice front. $18; water In house, bathrooms, ranges, hot and cold water, hall: nio two two-story frame houses, $20. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth av. t IJESIDENCE-Fiirnlshed-S-rooms and laundry; XV modern improvements: on South Neglev ave nue, near Fifth avenue. East End, for rent from, JOTemberl to April I to small family. Apply to V an Qurder A Lloyd, C213 Penn avenue. t Allegheny Residences. ITdJRXISHED HOUSE-On Allegheny av., ten . large rooms, all conveniences, front porch, yard, and rurnlshed in elegant style; rent $105 per mo. Black Balrd. 95 Fourth ar. t Snburhan Residences. IJDGEWORTH STATION And near Sewlckler. -i residence ten rooms, hall, large front porch anil lawn, stable and all conveniences; rent $40. See Black A Balrd, 95 Fourth av. t "PSPLEN-South side of Ohio river. 3 miles Xj from pnstone. south end of Ohio connecting I.. R. bridge: pleasant grounds belonging to prop erty; three adjoining residences, one seven rooms. $25: one six rooms and washhouse. $30: one eight rooms. $27; large porches, lino large rooms, good water: street car pas-; also Chartlers packets every 33 minutes and Lake Eric trains dally. In qalre on premises. t TO LET-feew!ck!y. Ft. AVavneR. R.. furnished neat houv. 7 rooms and attic. large lot: shade trees;welt located. AV. A. Herron & Sons. SO Fourth ave. t Unslness stuivis. "VTO. 35 FRANKSTOAVN AV.-A fine storeroom j.A over 100 feet long with two fronts, suitable for a drygoods, drug or grocery store: will rent cheap rrom now until spring; will lease for a term of years Ifdeslred; is located on oiip or the best busi ness streets of the East End. For further Informa tion inquire or VanGordcrJf: Lloyd. 6218 Penn av.. East End. f TT7-AREI10USE Three-story warehouse with IT good cellar and elevator; rent low. Charles Somers & Co.. 129 Fourth av. t Rooms. TJOOJIS Five nnfnrnlshed, ror. Forbes ana X. Boyd sts., $18 per month. Inquire at No. 315 Second av.. city. t pOOMS-No. HShiloh St., Mt. Washington. t farms. FARM A good farm with excellent dwelling, barn, large orchard, etc.. etc.: near the city; within one in He of railroad station ; splendid place for a dairy or market-garden farm; possession given at once Jas. W. Drape i Co., 313 AVood St.. Plttsbnrg. t CHOICE PROPERTIES. FOR SALE! $4,700! An elegant new nine-room house: all modern; papered throughout, front and roar stairs, folding doors, buy windows, complete sewage, bean tlful level lot, nicely elevated, stone walks, front yard sodded, Urst-clas neighborhood: very convenient to all means of travel. This is cheap property and will be sold on very reasonable terms. Call soon, if you want a bargain. KELLY & ROGERS. 621C Penn ave., se22 55 Eclty. HOME OK iXVESXJIEA'T. Come anI see ns. We are offier ins ' plan of East End Lots which present uim.miul advantages. Lots $250 to $1,000. according to sizo and location. Terms to suit par chasers. MUR.I5T V XftSAIX, 5H Fidelity Building. SC20-8SD CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. Estate of Rebecca Hubley, Dec'd. A fine three-story brick house, with nino rooms and attic, basement kitchen, cemented cellar, modern improvements. This prop erty is situated on Penn avenne, AVilklns burg, P.i near tile 1'. K. R. station, and near the business portion of tho town. Ground is 191 feet on Pcnn avenne and 236 feet deep through to Wallace street. It is now laid out in lots and will be sold as a wholo or in lots as laid ont. Estate of Abbott Minors. A two-and-a-half story framo house of flva rooms, situate 71 Steuben street, Southside. Front room well adapted for a small store. loc -.'u.xj.) tnrougu to an alley. Estate of Robt. M.Hartley. Lot 121x200 on Fifth avenue, near Shadr avenue, one of tho best locations on Fifth, avenue for a private residence. AVill bo sub divided or sold as a whole. And lot 174x233 on Shady avenue, about six minutes' walk from Fifth avenue. Property adjoins Recchwood Park and is increasing in value every day. AV1U bo sold as a whoia. or sub-divided to suit. Estate Margaret L Benham. Lot situate on corner of Fifth avenue and Shady avenue, 135 feot on Fifth avenue and 124 feet on Shady avenue. This is one of tha finest locations for a fine -residence ou fifth, avenue. Estate Dan. C. Hamilton, Dec'd. Drug stock. A complete drug store, stock, fixtures and good will; al30, a very flue soda fountain. Lease runs to April, 1833. Loca tion, No. 27 Ohio street, AUegheny. Estate of Edward S. Webb. Acompletestockofhonsttfunrishing goods, light hardware, with tin shop connected; also fixtures and good will of the concern. Located 71G Fifth avo. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth avenne. au30-40-Trsn I SUMMER RESORTS. THE CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY, N. 3. On the be.icli, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt water baths in the house. Send for circular. au30-HCD E. ROBERTS A SON3. MARINE VILLA, Cape May. S.J. AVithtn 30 yards of the snrf. Seventeenth! season; 50 rooms added, facing the sea; eleva tor, baths, etc. MRS. i". HALLENBECK. jvl-21-p McNAUGHER & CO., Contractors for Paving Sidewalk AVith. Cement, Brlclc and Firo Drick, Concreting Cellars. 43 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. Curbstone turnlshed and set. auU-74-D S500 to S50O000 on zages, city or country property, at lowest rates. JAS. AV. DRAPE & CO.,- 313 AVood St., Pittsburg. Telephone No. 973. se24-tl ' MJTAUQOA LAKE ICE FOR SALE. Excellent quality. Prices cheap. Address LAKEAVOOD ICE COMPANY, SC2540-D Lakewood,N. Y. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fonrth avo k Vl