ganRSgi laww fJ'myi"- J-" f;IJJ,??" -- .vawj -5,506 psS THE PITTSBTIRG DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER- 23, 189L 8 mma AIDING THE HEBREWS Who Ilave Been Driven to These Shores bv the Cruel Russians, A NATIONAL COMMITTEE FORMED To Care for the Unfortunate Eefugees When They Arrive Here, HOMES AND EMFIiOTMEXT TO BE FOUND rsPFCIAI- TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCII.) Xew Toi:k, Sept. 22. Kepresentative Hebrews from all parts of the United States met to-day in conference at the new He brew Institute building and formulated plans for the "reception, placing and dis tribution of the Russian Hebrew refugees. " Among thoe present were Jesse Seligman, Oscar Strauss, Judge Isaacs, President of the Baron Hirsch fund trustees; Simon "Wolf, es-Minister to Uoumaniaj Canovan Levy and Jacob M. Scliill. The following officers were elected: Louis Seasongood, a Cincinnati millionaire, remanent Chair man; Lazarus Silverman, of Chicago, First Vice President; Joseph Fox, of Js'ew York, Second Vice President; .A. S. Solomon, of "Washineton, and Hernhard Harris, of Philadelphia, Secretaries. The session opened with a general state ment bv a New York delegate of the pres ent condition of the Russian Hebrews, Ac cording to this the refugees have been ar riving at the seaport towns on the Atlantic coast at the rate of 10,000 a month for nearly a year, and the evidence obtainable indicated" that there would be no decrease for sonic time. Mr. Schiff was applauded when he said that whatever the cause of their cominc, the Hebrews of the United States could not refuse to receive these poor people, who had been driven from their homes and denied a refuge everywhere elc Hitherto Hebrews of the seaboard cities had been compelled to bear the bur den of receiving and supporting these un fortunates, and it was absolutely necessary that their co religionists in other parts of the countrv should lend a helping hand. A committee was appointed to frame the principles of the new National organiza tion, which it was decided was necessary to carrv on the work. A resolution was linnllv drawn en which satisfied all. This resolution declared that the new body shall be know tins the American Committee for Ameliorating the Condition of the Russian Hebrews. This body consists of the dele Bates present to-day and the presidents of nil other Hebrew Societies hitherto exUt incr. Recognition is accorded to all the syna gogues and branches of Hebrew societies and to all person, "irrespective of creed," who sympathize w ith the leftijroes. The chairman was authorized to appoint an exe cutive committee of 23, to have control of the niachinerv of the organization. This committee will have its headquarters in New York. It was decided to secure em ployment anil homes for he immigrants, "preferably in districts not largely popu lated: to cive them instruction in English and atrricultuKi! and mechanical employ ments." Letters expiessint: sympathy for the re fugees were read. They included one from Governor Rnscll, of Massachusetts, Con pressman Grcenleaf, of Rochester, and Chairman of the State Board of Aibitration, William Purcell Confirmed, Tho favorable Impression produced on tho first appearance of the agreeable liqnid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago lias been more than confirmed by the pleas ant eTperiencc of all who have used it, and tho success of the proprietors and manu Jactnrers the California Vig Syrup Company. A Printer's! Kxpcrience With tho Colic. Last winter while workine at the case in the composing room of the T)os Moines Leader I was taken with the worst case of cramp or printer's colic I had ever had. I -rervthin in the shape ot medicine generally- used in such cases, but they af forded me no relief. I sent for a hack and was taken home. My wife sent immediately for a physician, who did everything in his power to relieve my suffering, but j grew worse and worse. I suffered intense pain i"nr two nieht and a day; at th. "od of that time the doctor told me that un'e'-s relief came within two houn I would be a dead man. I would rather die than sutler ;ain what I did during those 3(5 long hours. I was convinced that my time had come. I have been subject to cramps or printer's colic for years, but always before had little trouble in obtaining relief, end never lost a full dav's work on account of it before. But this time the old medicine all seemed to have no more effect than so much water. A neighbor who was present when the doctor stated that relief must come soon or there could be no hope for inc. volunteered to procure me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I made no objection I would liave taken anything on which I could hang the slightest hope. Fifteen minutes after I had taken the first dose I felt easier, and inside of half an hour al 1 pain had left me, I was cured. Now I 'imep a bottle of both Colic and CoughMedi cine in the house all the time, and would not be without it. I can honestly and con scientiously recommend il. J AS. S. "Wilkixs, wsu Des Moines, la. SOHMER PIANOS! COLBY PIANOS! Schubert Pianos! Arc unrivaled for tone, touch, finish and irrcat durability. They are preferred by the highest musical authorities nnd purchased or those oosscssing refined musical taste. Large assortment of these matchless pianos at extremely reasonable prices at the music More of J.'M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith field street, Kole agents for the world renowned Peloubet reed pipe organs, the nearest approach to a genuine pipe organ at one-third the cost. Style, strength and flexible qualities are combined in ray ladies" fine dongola button shoes at S2 all styles, shapes and widths at Siuien's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pi MVTF Protection. The ordinary safe does not offer the pro tection you should have for valuables or papers. You can have that protection in the safe deposit vaults of the Farmers' De posit National Hank, 60 Fourth avenue. Boxes rented at f 3 and upward. mot Flowers IJIg Bargains. Just put on sale the greatest bargains ever offered in flowers. Two trays full one fine silk flowers, 2oc a spray; the other finest French velvet flowers at .Wc a spray suit able for hats, corsaee uses, lamp shades. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. To Build Up Your System and restore Your Strength Invigorate j'our Liver and Purify Your Blood Strengthen Your Nerves and Give An Appetite Take that excellent medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla LATE KEWS IN BRIEF.' The Russian War Department Is survey ing the Crimea, Rumored that Italy -will place a prohibi tive duty on silver. Two million pilgrims have already viewed tho holy coat. Tho remains of an elephant have been unearthed at Galcsburg, 111. A great anti-trust distillery will be erected at Nebraska City, Nob. Rumored that the King of Roumania has oxprcsscd his desire to abdicate. In a letter to tho German nnd Austrian clergy tho Pope denounces duelling. A revolt among tho Chilean Junta's troops at Santiago was speedily queued. Tho public schools of St. Paul have been temporarily closed by the excessive heat. Emperor William has christened and launched the new German ironclad Brander bcrg. Tho Standard Oil Company denies that it is trying to establish a monopoly in Ger man'. Six British warships in Canadian waters will be replaced by newer and more power ful vessels. The Fiench Government has consented that the Credit Foncier shall issue the new Russian loan. Tho river Dee, in Scotland, has flooded all tho adjacent country nearly up to the tops of the hedges. A colonization societv has been per manontlv formed in Springfield, 111., to aid Russian Hebrew Immigrants. Tho English Commissioners have chosen their site for the British World's Fair ex hibit, and it is the prettiest spot in Jackson jrart A hurricane on tho State line between Minnesota and South Dakota unroofed buildings, blew down -barns and scattered grain stacks. Mrs. Rathbun, the wealthy Buffalo widow who mysteriously disappeared from Chicago, has been heard from. She is now at home in Buffalo. Russia, which claims absolute supremacy over the region, has excluded the English Captain Younghusband from entering Little Pamir, in Central Asia. Tho destruction of Crampel's mission to the Kongo has been confirmed. The Brussels Gcographigue says Crampel pursued the Bartellot tactics or off-hand executions. Almost all of the Russian Government officials have volunrarilj' contributed a por tion of their salaries to the famine fund. The public tnllc of bringing bread from America and Egypt. Several Russian merchants have been arrested for selling poisonous mixtures for bicad. Many specimens of such bread con sist or 70 per cent of earth and sand and SO per cent of refuse farinaceous products. One convict was stabbed to death by an other at the San Quentln, Cal., prison supper table Monday evening. There had been an old grudge between Henry Baker, the lnur dcior, a San Francisco crook, and his victim, James Bajley. United States Consul Wahler has applied direct to the Hova Government in Mada gascar for an exequateur instead of through the French authorities. The French claim that Consul Wahler disobeyed the instruc tions of tho American Government. Lord George Hamilton, First Lord of the Admiralty, has written to a correspondent, justifying the permission given to French ofllcers to inspect English defences and arsenals on the ground that it would remove the false impression of England's strength cieated by the depreciatory tone of the Eng lish press. Richard Hornljr, a German farm laborer near Austell, Ga., has fallen hoir to $3,000,000 by the death of his father in Germany re cently, and has just returned from tho Fatherland with his fortune. His sndden wealth did not change his old love, for he has Just married his poor sweetheart, who gave her heart to him in his days of poverty. I A clear complexion, bright eyes and firm, solid flesh are a few evidences of its health-giving properties. "While not de tracting one whit from the mother's care, I cannot lay too much stress on the merits of Mellin's Food," writes a father. wed ON FIRE WITH ECZEMA. Terrible Sufferings of XJttlo Baby. Sevep Doctors and Two Hospitals Fail. Cared by Cntlcara. My baby dot, 5 months old. broke out with eczema. The Itching and burning was Intense: the ecreina spread to Ills limbs, breast, face and head, until he was nearly covered; his torturing agonies were pitiable to behold; he had no peace and but mm' resi nigut or aav. He was nmlcr treatment at different times at two hos pitals and by seven doctors iu this city without the least benefit; every pre scription of the doctors was faithfully tried, but grew worse all the time. For months I expended about J3 per week for med icines, -nd was entirely discouraged. I purchased CUTIOUltA, COTlCCRA SOAr and Cuticcba Re solvent and followed the directions to the letter. Keller ua, immediate, bis suuerings were eased, and rest and sleep permitted. He steadily Im proved and in nine weeks was entirely cured, nnd has now as clear a skin and is as fair a boy as any mother could wish to see. I recommend every mother to use It for every Baby Humor. MRS. Si. FERGUSON. SOW. Brookllne St., Boston. Cuticura Remedies The greatest skin cures. Mood purifiers, and humur remedies of modern times. Instantly relieve the most agonizing forms of eczema and psoriasis, and speedily, permanently, economically, and In fallibly cure every species of torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and Simply dUcaces and humors of the skin, scalp and lood, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, when all other methods and best physicians tail. Sold everywhere. Price, CuncuitA, 50c.; BOAP. 25c.; Resolvent, l. Prepared by the Pornm Dr.l'Q and ClIESHCAL CORPORATION", Boston, Mass. fS-buid for "How fo Cure Skin Diseases, "64 pages, 0 Illustrations, and 1(X) testimonials. DlllllrI".ES' Mack-heads, red. rough, chapped, and ll III onyskin cured by Cuticcka Soap. OLD FOLKS' PAINS. Full of comfort for all Pains, Inflam mation, and Weakness of the Aged Is the (TTICI'RA ANTI-PAIN PLASTER the first and only paln kllllnz strenartheniuflr ulaster. pw !ii,tmit:uteous and Infallible. wssu FOUR WAYS TO CURE A COLD. Any one of the four following wars is good. Use the one that seems most agree able and convenient. I. Bathe the feet in warm water, take a wineglasfnl of some pure stimulant (whiskey preferably) in hot water and re main in a warm room. IL Bathe the face in very hot water fre quently for an hour, take a little pure whiskey in hot water and go to bed. It is w ell to remember that the whiskey must be pure. IIL After having taken a wiueglassfnl of pure whiskey in hot water, snuff hot salt w atcr up the nostrils a few times. Repeat every three hours. IV. Tako some active exercise in the open air, and on entering the house take some puro medicinal whiskey and then keep warm. In usiuir w hiskcy for curing n cold or any other purpose it should always be remem bered that any other than absolutely pure whlokrv is harmful In its effects. Duffy's Ture Malt is the only reliable standard whiseyon tho market. Its purity and valuo are vouched for by the leading doctors and scientists of the day. You enn get it from your druggist or grocer. Take no substitute sel046-w Stop That Cough! Thirty-six years ago Dr. Griffith discovered the best remedy on earth for la grippe, coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asth ma, consumption, all diseases of the thioat and lungs. The first doso gives rolief in ten minutes. Every bottle guaranteed ormoney refunded. Sweet as honey. Children like it. 'x'honsands in Pittsburg and Western Pennsylvania testify thai Ta-va-zon Lung Cough"Syrup has no equaL Price 2oe, 50c and $L Take Ta-va-zon Pills for biliousness, sick headache, etc, 25c a box. HEADQUARTERS-301 Grant St., corner Third av., Pittsburg, Pa. For sale by JOSEPH FLEMING & SOX, 112 Market st. jy20-wp J0HNH R0NEY- SOLICITOR OF PATENT ! 127 5" AVE PITTS3URG MMrs, 11 ' ' ' -' " I 1 i CHOICE V3ft -M v ft A STEADY PULL WILL ACCOMPLISH WONDERS. .11 J" Why shouldn't shoes be cheap now? with leather 15 per cent lower than ever before and 17 immense shoe firms failing, involving over giojooo, 000 during 1S91. We don't have to pay so much. Laird's Cash Purchase. Special 20 TO 40 PER CENT BELOW REGULAR PRICES. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED PERFECT. $2.90-SPEGAL FOR MEN -$2.90. ' $2.18, $2.48 AND $3.90. i,2oopair Gents' Elegant Fine Calf Lace and Congress, tip or plain, single or double soles; elegantly fitted; latest style; sizes and half sizes; all widths. Your choice only $2 90, regular prices 4 00 to 5 00. 1,850 pair Gents' Genuine Kangaroo Lace and Congress; new goods; latest styles; perfect fitting, very choice, only $2 90 a pair, worfh $5 a pair regular. 900 pair Gents' Fine Patent Leather Shoes at $2 90, $3 90 and 4 90 a pair, worth regular $5, $6 and $7 a pair. 1,640 pair Gents' Fine Calf, Dongola and Kangaroo Shoes, tipped or plain, single or double soles; very latest styles: perfect fitting; all seamless and silk stitched. Only $2 18 and $2 48 a pair -for choice, worth at least $1 a pair more than we 'ask for them. y $2.90 Special For Ladies $2.90. $2.18, $2.48 AND $3.90. 4 Every pair warranted perfect. 1,500 pair Ladies' Finest French Kid and Dongola Button Boots, flexible soles; hand sewed and welted; tipped or plain; common sense or opera lasts; full sizes and half sizes; widths from AAA to EE; perfect fitting; very latest styles; worth regularly $4 to $5, now selling at $2 90. 1,700 pair Ladies' Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots; full fcizes and half sizes; widths from AA to EE; common sense and opera, lasts; silk stitched, flexible and very fine; perfect fitting; worth anywhere $3 to $4, your choice $2 18 and $2 48. LAIRD'S SHOE 406, 408 and 410 f BARGAINS ") 433 Wood St. Market St. IbOTH STORESj Entire New Stock. WHOLESALE DOUGLAS rtDCMCn TUIQ AACClf UrtLlHUU 1 rllo WHJCrv REEFERS, That we have ever offered to the Inspection of the public at PRICES SECOND TO NONE. THOUSANDS OP PIECES OF NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC, Hanging from Uic to $3 per yard. SPKCIAL VALUES AT 25c, 50e, 75o and $L Exposition visitors will ho well repaid by a visit to the above departments. DOUGLAS& MACKIE, 151, 153 AND 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. . se21-siwp C E We shall continue the to-Measure Clothing. Our aim will be to make you perfect-fitting Clothing of reliable qualities at no greater cost than good Ready-Made Clothing. Now ready, a fine assortment of fabrics "" Fashiotiable Fall Suitinsrs, $20.00 and $25.00; Trousers, $5.00 to $10.00. For the present we occupy a portion of the second floor of our former store, Sixth street and Penn avenue. POPDL AR PRICES, SERVICE. PROM RELIABLE PROPERTIES. I $100,000 Sale Elegant Footwear! STORES AND RETAIL. seSO-irwrsa & MACKIE The Lanrest and Handsomest assortment of ladies', misses and children's COATS AND CAPES Merchant Tailor, Making- lira BROWN SOlG-D NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL STYLES CARPETS AND Wall Paper In all the new choice styles and latest colors at prices that will please you. We have carpets from 1 2jc a yard up to the finest Wiltons; also, a large stock of Wall Paper, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Linoleum, "etc. A special offer in Lace Curtains; a lovely gilt-trimmed pole given away ,with every pair of Lace Curtains costing from $'& pair and up. Call and see our stock; it will pay you. S 136 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, Jv22-irw Ladies' Fine Furs! I can redye nnd reshapo your Sacque or Coat promptly, and save you some money, if you come now instead of waiting. English Seal Coloring a specialty. 6ee my new Princess Cape. I Practical Hatter and Furrier, 707 Penn Ave., Pittsburg. Mall orders promptly attended to. 3CG-WSU "tfoWWEARE COMING" ay nUlloM of RoufcM, Mothfl. Ants. FV ad kladrtd but thcbitiT will b. brUflt Ton will ni SKABURyS :?? ui. FHUR CANDLES for tblr extermination. TfctM CANDLZS loo vrfrrot conftiiriou dbeMO. Ui SEABURY'S HYDRO.-. ATHTHObxV for constant fsmttioii. AnDmgslrM. au2S-mwa CIDER VINEGAR -AKD- PURE SPICES. K. STEVENSON 4 CO., 8IXTH AVENUE. au21-MW GEO. .AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. EFFIE ELLSLER," Supported by C. W. COULDOCK ASD FRANK WESTON, iw HAZEL KIRKE. Prices, 25c, 60c, 75c, $1 00 Reserved. Gal lery, 15c. Admission, 63c Wednesday ilati nee, 25e, 50c Beserred. Next week ABBAHAM LINCOLN. se-50 the ALVIN THEATER. Sixth St., near Allegheny Bridge. Charles L. Davis Owner and Manager. A BBILHANT EVENT. MISS PAULINE HALL And her superb Opera Company. To-night and Wednesday matinee and night, LA BELLE HELENE, Thursday and Friday nights and Saturday matinee, MADAME EAVART. Saturday nieht, by request, AMORITA. Prices, 25, 50, 75, $1. 1 50. S62U09 B XJOU THEATEB. TO-NIGHT. A HIGH ROLLER. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. September 28 Oliver Byron. se2Ml BASE IB-A-IjILi. EXPOSITION PARK. PITTSBURG CLEVELAND. Tuesday and Wednesday, September 22 and 23. Game called at 4 r. m. se22-9 HABET DAVIS' JTIFTU AVENUE MU-SEUM-THEATER Fitzslmmons' fur niture, cell bars and saws; Chas. Diamond's Vaudevillians; Colonel Cooper, tho nine foot giant. Admission, 10c; children, Be Open 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. se23-J02 DCJQUESNE Pittsburg's Leading Tbeater. This afternoon Rt 2, "A FAIK REBEL." Best seats, 25c and 60c. This evening ot 8. Next week The Carleton Opera Company. se23-108 H ARKY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY, xo-nigni juatinees j.'uesuay, anurs day and Saturday, LILLY CLAY'S COLOSSAL BURLESQUE CO. se2(3 DANCING ACADE3IT. The Thuma Dancing Academy, 64 FOURTH AVENUE. NINTH YEAR. . ESTABLISHED 18S3. Opening for the season Thursday, Soptom. ber 24; children, Saturday, September 26 Circulars now ready. Four classes for be ginners. Offlco open day and evening, 04 Fourth avenue. soltt-51-D PROF. JAMES P. BROOKS. The only member In this city of tho Ameri can Society of Professors of Dancing, New York. DANCING ACADEMY, Liberty av enue and Sixth street. Will open for ladles and gentlemen THURSDAY, October 1, at 8 o'clock p.m. For Mioses and Masters, SAT URDAY, October 3, at 3 o'clock, p. n. For particulars call lor circulars at music stores. sel3-91 GEO IN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALWAYS ANXIOUSLY AWAITED! RUBEN'S Special Sale of Fine Fur SAMPLE --HATS! 91 25, 91 50 and $1 90. We have made it a point tho last few sea sons to close out 'way below regular prices all our sample hats which have accumulated during tho previous weeks, aggregating in this instance over 1,000. All these hats are of this season's make; in other words, they are the latest styles, besides being finely trimmed and strictly hand-made. At tho prices quoted above they ara positively tho greatest and best hat values now before tho public. We will throw out this hint. Come quick; they'll sell fast. RUB EN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITHFIELD STREET. P. S. Mail orders promptly filled. se20-wrsu on, weuj supplies. M. V. TAYLOR, The Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING ALWAYS IN STOCK. BOOMS 35 and 36 Fidelity building. Phone 797. JySM-D IEELA1 & F E E SHOP AND MANUFACTURERS OF Oil and Artesian Well Drilling and Fishing Tools, Ccrnar Tweniy.Grsi Strott aid A. V. R. fc Telephone No. 1222. PITTSBURG, PA. U1-3-D MX ENGINES -ANT- The best Oil "Well Machinery in the world. All sizes of Engines sai. Boilers. Also all sizes Stationary Engines and Boil ers. Write for prices. Offices In Pittsburg, Washington and Bnt ler. Always write or telegraph to Cony Office. JAMES M. LAMBING, SOLE AGENT, CORRT, PA. Pittsburg office telephone No. 230. mh5-D STANDARD OIL CO., PITTSBURG, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co., Wheeling, W. Va Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, Mi, Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa., Capital City Oil Co., Harrisburg, Pa. We manufacture for home trade the finest grades of lubricating nnd Illuminating oils. Our facilities are uch that our statement that we furnish all oils standard tor quality everywhere cannot be disputed, OUR REFINED OIL LIST: Water White, 150. Prime White, 150. Standard White, 110. Ohio Legal Test. Ohio Water White Legal Test Carnadine (red), 150 Test. Olite, 150 Test. OUR NAPTHA LIST: Deodorized Naptha for varnish makers, painters and printers. Gas Napthas for gas companies. Deodorized Stqve Fluid lor vapor stove burners. Fluid, 74 gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. ' Gasoline, 86, 88 and 90 gravity for gas ma chines. OUR LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the flnost brands of Cylinder, Engine, and Machinery Oils. Spindle, Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal, Neutral Oils, Jliners' Oils, Wool Stocks. Parafflne Oil, Parafllne Wax. Summer and Cold Test Black Oils. Signal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Grease, Railroad and Mill Grease and Arctic Cup Grease. Where it is more convenient, you may order from our Branch Offices, from which points deliveries will bo made. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, Cor.DuquesneWay and Eighth Street mvl9-D PITTSBURG, PA. James Means & Co.'s Shoes are more widely known for their general excellence than any other make of Shoes ever placed on the mar ket. Ask your Retailer for shoes bearing this Stamp: James Means' $3.50 SHOE. These aro mado by Goodyear Hand-sewed process and are sold by leading retailers aU over the U. S. Jyl-5-wa J. MEANS & CO., Boston, Maes. RAILROADS. PITTSBtrKU AND 1,AJCE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule in effect June 14. 1SW. central time P. & L. E. R. R. Depart For Cleveland, 4:30, " 1:50. 4:20,' 9:45 p. m. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. LouU, 4:30 a 1:50, "9:43 p. m. For uRalo, s:00a. m., 4:20, 9:U p. m. i? or saiamanc: 8:00 a. m 1:30, :45 p.m. F' or Younmtoirn and New Castle, 4:30, 8:00, 9:5i a. n... 'liSO. '4:3): 9MS v. For Hearer .rer tails. 4:30, 7:00, s:00, 9:55 a. m., 1.WU, (.UV, O'W, 0.UU ( WJ., 1MV. ...MV, IH Ui .. -1.7n j.on x.n.. : p. in. x or unamers, 4:ou. :ou, vim. io:. 7.-00, fdS, TiSO, IBM, 8145. a:lo. !.5S a. m.-, 12:10, 112:, 1:30, 1:53, 3:30. 4:25. 14:30, 4:33. 5:20, saa 16.2S, 8:00. 19:45, 10:. p. m. AIUUVK-From Clet eland, '0:40 a. m 12:30, B:40. "7:u0 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and bt. LouU. B:Wa. in., '12:30, 7:50 p. m. From Buflalo, 6:10a. m., 12:X0. p.m. From Sala manca. 10.00 a. in., 7M p. in. From Younxt town and IS ew Castle, 8.40, 10rti0 a. m., 'li:M, 8:40, T.'JS, 10:05 p. m. From Heaver FalU, 5:20. 6:40, 7:20. '10:00 a. m 12:J0, 1:30, 5:40. O, 10:05 p. m. P.. C. &Y. trains for 3tanslleld, 7 UK a. m., 12:1( 4:35p.m. ForEsplenand lieeebmont. 7:35 a.m., 4:35 p. m. P. C. & Y. trains from Minsneld, 7:05, 11.5!) a. m., 4:25 n. m. From lieechmont, 7:05, 11:59 a, m. P., McK. & Y. B. R.-Depart For New naren, ::, 10:10 a. m 3:00 p. in. For West Newton. V:20. 10:10 a. m., 3:0O. 5:25 p. m. Arrive From New Haien, S.-OO a. m., '3:20 p.m. From West Newton. 6:15. 8.00 a.m.. J.M p. m. For McKeesport, Elizabeth, Monocrine. city and Belle Vernon, '6:45, 11:05a. m.. 4:00p. ni. From Hello Vernon, MonongaliclaCltr, Klt2abcta and McKeesport, 0:20, 7:40 a. m.. 1:3), 4:03 p. in. Dallv. Ibunuays onlr. Cltr ticket o&lce. CEI SinlthlicUl street. 1Y BOILERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kauf manns5 Big Cloak De partment Getting Bigger and Bigger. Where'll It Stop? : ii:i: : : : : : ; Our vast Cloak Department has again been enlarged and extended. To gether with the Millinery Department it now occupies our entire third floor a large, light salesroom, unbroken by walls orarches, fronting 126 feet along Smithfield street and running back along Fifth avenue to a uniform depth of 120 feet. This means a mammoth space of 15,120 square feet covered with the most desirable and stylish things for women's wear, brought together' from the fashion centers of the universe. Can any other store in this section make an equal showing? Can any other store make half the showing? Comparisons may be odious, but, in this instance, they certainly serve the purpose of indicating the place that stands foremost in popular favor and patronage: THOSE FINE FALL REEFERS AT $4 50 Are going out at a rapia gait. J. hey re .Bargains in the truest sense of the word, being made of first-class Cheviot Diagonals in blue and black in all sizes, and tan, gray and brown in the smaller sizes. They can be had with button or loop fastening and with notched or shawl collar. Other cloak houses call them cheap at $6. That may be, but at 4 50 they certainly are cheaper. Aren't they? OUR FINE ASTRAKHAN TRIMMED JACKETS AT Are another proof of the fact that we can and do serve you better than any Pittsburg or Allegheny cloak house. - These Jackets are made of extra quality all wool Scotch Diagonal Cheviot cut extra long, and have full, genuine Astrakhan Fur Shawl Collar and 4-inch wide Astrakhan facing all way down. We don't know whether other houses CAN'T or WON'T sell the, same Jackets below $12. but that's immaterial. The fact remains that THEY DON'T. We sell them at 59 75. Some Mnctlois LADIES' WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. A lot of Jersey Ribbed Vests, with long sleeves, just the thing for pres ent wear, at 39 C, reduced from 65c. A lot of Merino Wool Vests and Drawers at 44c, reduced from 75c A lot of Ladies' Natural Wool, silk stitched and finished Vests and Drawers at 50c, reduced from 85c. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS. A lot of Seersucker Underskirts, with pleated bottom, at 25c, re duced from 50c. A lot of Woolen Knit Skirts, will wash well and not shrink, at 44c, reduced from 75c. 500 Corsets, including many ce $1 25, SI 50, $1 75 and $2, will be your size among them you get a wonderful bargain Ji'All kinds of Fur Trimmings at Bottom Prices. 'J KAUFMAN NS' ' Fifth Ave. and S.mithfield St jjsExposition visitors especially invited to call. IJATLKOAD3. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. SCHEDULE IX EFFECT 12.01 P.M.. JULT19. 1891, Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York A Chicago Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars dally nt 7.15 x. X.. arriving at Harrisburg at 1-55 p. m., Philadelphia 4.45 p. M New York 7.0Q P. M.. Baltimore 4.40 P.M.. Washington 5.55 P.M. Bystone Express dally at 1.3) A.M.. arriving at Harrllnirg 8.25 A. M., Philadelphia 11.23 a. m.. New York 2.00 P. M. Atlantic Express dally at 2.20 A. t arriving at Harrisburg 9.20 A. M., Philadelphia 12.16 P. M., New York 2.30 p. M., Baltimore 12.00 P.M., Wash ington 1.03 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday. 5.25 A. M.. arriving at Harrisburg 2.50 p. jr. Day Express dally at 8.00 A. u.. arriving at Har risburg 3.20 P. M.. Philadelphia 6.50 P. :.. New York 9.35 p. 31., Baltimore 6.45 P. jr., Washing ton 8.15 P. 31. Mall Exprcsa dallv st 12.50 P. M.. arriving at Har risburg 10.00 P. 31.. connecting atHarrlsburgwlth I'niiaaeipuia .express, Fhllidclphia Express daily at 4.30 P. t.. arriving at Harrisburg 1.00 A. M.. Philadelphia 113a.ii., and New York7.10A. Ji. Eastern Express at 7.15 P. H. daily, arriving Har risburg 2.25 A. jr., Baltimore 6.10 A. 31.. Wash ington 7.30 A. 31.. Philadelphia 5.25 A. M and New York 8.00 A. 31. Fast Line dally, at8.10 p. 3t., arriving at Harris burg 3.30 A. 31.. Philadelphia 6.50 A. 31., New York 9.30 A. JI.. Baltimore 6.20 A. 31.. Washing ton? 30 A. 31. All through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex," for Brooklyn. N.Y.. avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New York City. JohnstoAvn Accom.. except Sunday, 3.40 p. ji. Ureensbnrir Accom., 11.15 p.m. week-days. 10.30 F. X. Sundays. Oreenshnrg Express 5.10 P. M.. except Sunday. Derry Express 11.00 A. 31., ex cept Sunday. Wall Acrom. C.C0. 7.30. 9.00, 10.30 A. 31.. 12.15. 2.00, 3.20, 4.55, 5.40. 6.25. 7.'0. 9.40 P. 31., week-days. anil 12.10 A. M. (except Monday). Sunday, 10.30 ABI., 12.25, 2.30. 5.30. 7.20 and 8.40 P. 31. Wllklnsburg Accom. 6.10, 6.40. 7.20 A. M.. 12.01. 4.00, 4.35. 5.2a 5.30, 5.50. 6.10, 10.10 and 11.40 P. 31. Sundar, 1.30 and 9.15 p. 31. Braddock Accom.. 5.50. 6.55, 7.45,8.10. 0.50, 11.15 A. 31., JZ.3U. l. iM 4.1U. O.W, Q.J. 4.M a.ia. 3.WI and 10.44 P. 31. week days. Sunday. 5.35 A. 31. SOUTH-WEST PENN RAILWAY. For TInlontown 5.30 and 8.35 a.m.. 1.45 and 4.25 P. 31. week-days. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. O.T AND AFTER MAT 25th. 1891. For Monongahcla City. West Brownsville, and Unlontown 10.40 A. M. For Monongahela Cltr and West Brownsville 7.35k nnd 10.40. A. M.. and 4.50 P. 3i. On Sunday, 8.55 A. 31. and 1.01 P. 31. For Motfongahela City only. 1.01 and 5.50 P. M. week-days. Dravosburg Accom., 6.0OA. H. and 3.20 P. 31. week-days. West Elizabeth Accom. 8.35 A. 31., 4.15, 6.30, and 11.35 p. 31. Sunday, 9.40 P. 31. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. On and after mat 25th". ism. From FEDERAL STREET STATION, Allegheny City: For Bpringdale, week-days, 6.20, 8.23. 8.50. 10.40, .11.50. A. 31.. 2.25. 4.19. 5.00. G.05. 6.20. 8.10. 10.30, and 11.40 P. 31. Sundaj s, 12.35 and 9.30 P. 3f. For Butler, week-days, 6.55, 8.50, 10.40 A. M., 3.15 and 6.05 p. )t. For Freeport, week-days. 6.55, 8.50, 10.40 A. 31., 3.15. 4.19, 3.00, 8.10, 10.30, and 11.40 P. 3t. Sun days. 12.1) and 9.30 P. 31. For Apollo, week-days, 10.40 A. 31.. and 5.00 P. 3f. For Illalrsvlllc, week-days, 6.55 A. 3I 3.15 and 10.30 ' - - JCS-The Excelsior Baggage Express Company will call for and check Baggage from Hotels and Resi dences. Time Card and full Information can be obtained at the Ticket Ofllces No. 110 Fifth Ave nue, corner Fourth Avenue and TryStreet, and irnton station. j.r.Wood. CHAS. E. PUGH. Gen'lTass'r Agent General Manager. AT,T,E01!ENY VALLEY RAILROAD-ON and after. Sunday. June 28, HOI. trains will leave and arrive at Union station. Pittsburg, east ern standard time: Iluffalo express leaves atS:20 a. m.. 8:V. p. m. (arriving at Buffalo at5:45 p. m. and7:20a. m.): arrives at7:10 a. in.. (1:23 p. m. Oil City and Dnfiots express Leaves8:20a. m.. 1:30 p, in.: arrives 1:00. I:25, 10:00p.m. East Brady Leaves nt 6:55 a. m. Ktttannlng Leaves 9:0 a. in., 3:55. 5:30 p.m.: arrives8:M. 10:00 a. m.. 5:55 p m. llraelmm Lcaves4:55, 6:13 n. m.: arrives 8:05 a.m.. j:jp. m. vauey tamp Leaves 10:15 a.m.. 12:03, 2:v. ii:jup. m.tamves 6:40 a. in. 4:41 p. m. Hulton Leaves 8:00, 9:50. pm.: arrives 7:33. 11:10 D. m j. in. x uny-mini street Arrives a:3-, Sunday trains Buffalo express-Leaves 8:20 n. Sum 8:20 a. in., 8:4 p.m.; arrives 7:10 a.m., 6:23 p.m, j-jnirnioii Leaves y:i a. m.; arrives 9:15 p.m. Klttannlng Leaves 12:40 p.m.: arrives 10:15 p. tn Braeburn I.cives 9:50 p. ni.t arrives 7H0 p. ni. l'ulhnan psrlor buffet car on day trains and Pull min sleeping nr oiv night trains between Pittsburg and Buffalo. Ticket others. No. 110 Fifth avenue mid Union station. DAVID M'CARGO. Genera fcnpcrlntendent. JAMES P. AMJKKSON", Gen eral Ticket Agent. S3 75 I I I Tm TM'll Interest Yon. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDER1EAR. A. lot of good Muslin Night Gowns, trimmed with cambric ruffles, at 39c, reduced from 6oc. A lot of fine Muslin Mother Hub bard Night Gowns, with embroidered insertion, at 50c, reduced from 8oc. A lot of good Muslin Chemises, full size, at 19c, reduced from 35c. A lot of good Muslin Drawers, with 6 rows of tucks and torchon lace or embroidery, at 44-C, reduced from 65c. A lot of good Muslin Corset Cov ers, embroidered or, tucked, at 21 C, reduced from 35c. A lot of full size, good Muslin Aprons, wide strings, with lace or tucks, at 15 c, reduced from 30c. ebrated makes, all colors, worth $1, closed out at 50c. It you can tind RAILROADS. m From riusourgn union Station. ennsylvaniaLjnes. Trains Run by Central Time. Southwest Syatem-Paa-Handle-KsHiSe Depart for Columbus, Cincinnati, loefonapohs, St. Louu, points intermediate and beyond: 2.K, 7X0ajn.,S.45pjn.,H.15pn. Arrive from kuou points: L05a.m.,,6.U0a.m.,J5.55p.m. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermedia t and beyond: 2.10 a.m., ilZia p.m. Arrwekaa aame points: 1.&5 a.m., f3.05 p.m. Northwest System Frt Wayne Rant D m. m. (lBun. BOOo.m.. 6 0i.m. Tkf Philadelphia and Jfeur York Ztmii departs for Chicago 8.45 p.m. Arrives irom Chicago 6.00 a.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: 7.10a.m. 12Jup.m.,1.00p.m.,i.ll.20p.m. -drrfpa from same points : J12.40, 6.S5 ajn., CX0 p jn., 6.50 p.m. Depart for Cleveland, points intermediate and beyond: -pllO a.m., 7J0 a.m., H2.45 P--. 1105p.m. Amxe from same points: ', fill p.m., 6.00 p.m., f7.00 p.m. Pullman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Dining Corn run through. East and West, on principal trains cf both Systems. r Time Tables of Through and Local Acccmmoda. tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, eaa be obtained at 110 Fifth Avenue and Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of she Pcaa ylvania lines West of Pittsburgh. Dally. tEx. Sunday. lEx. Saturday. 1TEx. Monday. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A. FORD, Ssarrsl Xaoagar, General luasgarlrol PrrrMHTTfTriTy tfw?va. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, Schedule In effect May 10. 1391. Easti lTjt.B.t.m rfmL or tvasnington, u. V. Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York. S:1S a. m. and tzs p. m. For Cumberland. t-JS a. nij, tl:io, 9:20p. ra. For Connellsville. 18:40. "8:15 a.m.. XXHO. UM and OjJOp.m. For Unlontown. 6:40. 8:i5 a. m tl:10 and U:li p. xn. For Connellsvllla and Unlontown. 8135 a. m., Sunday only. For Mt. Pleasant. 16:10 a. m. and tu 9:m m. and xi:ioanat4:up. m. For Washington. Pa., TSO. 13:30. iJ0a.m-. 4:00, :30, and "7:45 p.m. ., For Wheeling, XJ6, $3:30, tJdOa. m.. 4.-00. "7:11 For.-ClnclnnaUanclSt. Louis. zn. For Columbus, VrJOa. m. 7:45p. m. For Newark. "7:20 a. m.. "7:45 p. m. ' ForChlcago, 7r20a. m. and7:45p. m. Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. "6:20 a.m.. "7:35 p. m. From Columbus. Cincinnati and CTiIcago. '8c3 a.m., -3)p. m. From Wheeling. '85, '10:45 a. "ban- IfSlly'exepf'sund.y. SSunday only. ISaturdayonlv. lDaiIyexptBiturday. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore. Washing, ton, Cincinnati and Chicago. . The Pittsburg Transfer Company wltt call fop and check baggage from hotels and residences opon orders left at B. & O. ticket ; office, cornet Fifth avenue and Wood street, or 401 and C33 Smlthncl ' j! T". ODELL. 3LS.O. SCULL. General Manager. Gen. Paw. AjraV rrnSBUKO AND CASTLE SHANNON It. It Summer Time Table. On and after June 7. i9L until further notice, trains will run as fot iaw on every dav. except Sunday. Eastern Sndard time: Leaving riiuburg-:25ani. 7:lia miuB.I m.ll-.'nam. 1 :45 p m, 3U3 p m, "lop m.4l- P". 6Snro. , p'm. HDOpm. Arllrigton-5:W am. SO m.7U0 in. 80am. ioS am. 1.1 p m. 2:40 p m. 4 p to, 50 pro. StVI pin 7:15pm. 10HO pni. Sundav trains, leaving pltubnrg io:.w m,iiwii u,iria,ipm. fiDDm. Ariinmuu :aw ". tiom. Arlington- auunL liUo m 4i30pB,6)pm. O.J KuOElid. But nlTTSIIIIRU AND WL5TEBN RAILWAT- J Trains (Ct'lStand'd time). Ljxve. Arrive. Mali. Butler. Clarion, Kane Akron and Erie...... , ltutur Accommodation...... "ew Castle and Butler Chicago Express (dally).... Zellenoplf and llutler Butler and Foxuiirg 6:40 am 7:20 a in Hi20 a m 7:.iu pm 3:33 pm 9:10 a m 11:55 a m 5:30 a in 9:30 a m 3:03 p in 2:00 Dm 4:25 Dm 5 J) p.m :00 a a First-class laru tu Chicago, hi 50. Second class, (3 50. Pullman buffet sleeping car to Chicago daiij. JpsSSssk J,