fliii-jiJ XI7KJ!- fiJT??' 4 HRPWE H5R ,r-:3$3? c-jsr a vv ?i --ft - ji THE' PITTSBURG DISPATCH. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 189L' THE PEOPLE'S DAT. Another Successful Occasion at the Popular Exposition. PROGRAMME FOR THE KEXT WEEK. Interesting Special Dajs laid Out for Feople of ill Tastes. SOME OF TIIE PROMINENT EXHIBITS The attendance at the Exposition, yester day was perhaps the largest for the present season. It was People's day, and the peo ple turned out in torce to do honor to their own day. The hot weather did not help the attendance, although the halls of the Expo sition are kept so cool that they are pleasanter than the streets, even on such a sweltering day as yesterday. "When the weather is cold it is just as nice. Colonel Cappa had a very good programme, and his hand was enjoyed by the large audience to the utmost. To-morrow will be "request day." That is to say, the band will play any music re quested by the public This will insure the programme pleasing the largest number, because the band will play such pieces as are asked for by the most people. Bequest day should be popular. On Tuesday Ireland will be honored. Irish music will be played, and the Irish people will be the guests of the day. There will surely be a large attendance on that occasion. ANOTHER DAY TOK LADIES. "Wednesday will be given up mainly for the ladies. They will be in command on that day more than usual. The entertain ment will be fitted to feminine taste-, and the band will play such airs as it is sup posed the softer sex like best. Lady, or matinee day, is the time when light music is plajed aud everything is given up to pleas ure alone. On Thursday the Scotch will be the fa vored nation. Old Scotia will be brought back to the memories of many of her sons when the quick airs of the heather resound through the building. The noble songs that have been sung by her bards in all ages will be revived, and it is expected that the national blood -n ill be fired, and that the Scots will say it is the happiest day they have spent for many a long year. wn .criaay classical music will be ren dered again bv the band. It is right that the educated ear should be consulted once a week, at least. Although classical music is mixed in with every prosramme, there are many visitors to the Exposition who do not care for the lighter stvle of music at all, but who prefer to listen to the works of the old masters and "Wagner all the evening. It is to please such that "classical night" lias been instituted by the management. Saturday will be "people's day," again. This will bring to a conclusion what bids fair to be the most successful week the Ex position has yet had. EESrOXDIKG TO A REQUEST. There have been so manv requests for a repetition of that grand descriptive piece of music, "The Battle of Gettysburg," that the management has determined to give it. provided a sumcient number of Grand Army posts ask for it to insure a good at tendance of old soldiers. The selection will be given with all the effects of cannon, etc., and it is only necessary to make sure that there will be a large attendance of veterans to say that the occasion will be a memorable one. So, far, the indications are that the Ex position Societv will clear a much larger amount of money this season than it did last The show is steadily growing in favor. while the peculiarly revivifying influence of this particular and most delicious tea is universally admitted. No exhibit in the building has been more cordially welcomed on its return than just this one, and de mands for tea are, if possible, even greater than last year. The He-No Tea hong has become one of Pittsburg's most cherished institutions, and the beverage itself has been adopted on all sides. norrait bros. & co. Choice Exhibit in North Gallery. This carefully prepared collection of elegant furniture beautiful draperies, ex quisite mosaic ceiling of rich rugs, hand some bric-a-brac aud desirable things gen erally, continues to be a center of attraction to their many visitors. A fact which people appreciate is that the fine display is made from samples taken from the usual stock carried by this firm;anotherfact is that they nave any amount ot equal value at the store, and fact number three isthatrichand varied as is this displav, it does not begin to cover the different lines of household goods for which this firm is noted, all the newest forms and styles in fashionable designs and materials, both for drawing rooms, dining rooms and chambers, and all the useful and necessary devices for kitchens and laundries. Ypur orders will be promptly, efficiently and punctually fulfilled; you will have honest goods and be better pleased with your pur chases when vou get them home than when von saw them in the store of Messrs. Hopper Bros. & Co., 307 "Wood street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Regulating or Pressure-Valve Oil Well Supply Co. As visitors approach the entrance to the annex they invariably look with curiosity at the fuU sized specimen of a pressure valve, which forms a part of the stock of this company, and doubtless wonder what it is. In use it is arranged in connection with the line pipe, and it is designed to in dicate the pressure and regulate the flow of gas; the arms which are connected to the valve against which the pressure is exerted being provided with graduations, indicating pounds and supporting adjustable weights or balances to cause the valve to exert more or less resistance to this flow of gas. Inside the building are the globe-valves, drilling and fishing tools, engines and boilers, work ing and other models. jgL SOUTHSIDE. than you'll care to look at) from 55c to $1.25. Yes, it pays, to trade at BERNARDI'S. We can be reached from the cfty proper via the electric cars, south bound, on Smithfield street, which pass our door at SOUTH THIRTEENTH MD GAHSQN STS. se20-51 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KNOXVILLE Cavltt & Pollock Have brought from their fine establishment, 935 Pcnn a enue, some of the choicest mat ters in artistic china and handsome lamps, aud what is to the purpose, the combina tion -makes a superb and striking display. The brilliant cnt glass tableware, which is bv the entrance, the exquisite dinner, breakfast, fish and chamber sets in white aud gold, the array of parlor lamps in brass and oxidized silver and .Mexican onyx, with the same metals and delicate hand-painted vases (and shades), to be found for table, vase and banquets, and the novelties in bronzes, bique and Japanese ware have certainly "made one of the most attractive displays in the building. The Dabbg Photographic Display In Art Gallery always commands attention. .Nothing in that line could be better, and a new charm has been added in the processes adapted recently by Mr. Dabbs (one of them the Sepia, which give to the pictures such an exquisite softness and finish. Certainly photographic art has arrived at a rare state of pefection. Husky's Splendid Exhibit. No visitor to the Exposition, even were lie so disposed, can possibly overlook the tplendid exhibit made by the well-known and popular firm of Gusk'y's. Sooner or later in their peregrinations everybody gravitates toward the grand stand to listen to the delightful music. Jiicht under this stands out indifferent col ored electric lights the simple word "Gusky's" It is sufficient, the people know ihe rest Gusky's are inseparably connected in the public mind with a relia ble article in clothing and furnishings at a popular price. Enclosed in rich and handsome cases aiy tome of the finest goods of this kind to be loiind in anv store in the countrv. The goodsare of such a nature that a "brilliant and striking display is not so easv a matter as is a showing of cut glass cr jewelry and j et such is the skill manifested m the manipulation of the ordinarv articles of every day wear that a displav is made w hich does, not fail to daily attract the attention of thousands. It is fair to state that the goods exhibited are not articles and garments made express ly to show, but that the merchandise offered in their store is merely a reduplication luany times over of the same class of goods. Desks, Cabinets and Reclining Chairs Are the irresistible and practical articles displayed at this comfort-provoking space. Ilesks for the million in everv style possi ble as to size, form and variety of tops; rolling chairs for invalids, bed rests for the convalescents, adjustable chairs upholstered to suit all pockets, and warranted to be the best investment to make for yourself or your friends. The display is at "west end of main floor, and the store of the Stevens Chair Company is at No. 3 Sixth street. Decided Against the Women. Akrojt, O., Sept 19. Special The main issue before the Eastern Ohio Method ist Episcopal Conference to-day was the ad mission of women to the general and lay Electoral Conference. All debate was shut off, and the women delegates were defeated by a vote of 115 to 74. An Ohio Embezzler Captured. YoraGSTOWS-, Sept. 19. Special J. B. Tamany, canvasser for ihe instalment house of E. Gately & Co. , was arrested to day at Norwalk on a charge of embezzlement. Taylor & Dean, 201-3-5 Market Street. Suppose the flames do attack your homes or other property. If you have supplied yourself w ith fire escapes, solid iron shut ters, iron -.taircases, iron cellar doors, from the manufactures of this firm, you will have taken every possible precaution and can be easy in.your minds. If you have not been fo wise you stand little or no chance of sav ing either life or worldly goods and have moreover the full consciousness that it will have been your own fault. Tell Yonr Visitors To meet you at Kennedy's when they come to the "Expo." the best place in the city to get something to eat. Sixth axd Ddquesne "Wat. The Best Place To go for photographs is Lies' gallery, good cabinets Si 50 per doz; reliable work. 10 and 12 Sixth street, directly opposite new Alvin Theater. " ttsu Beaver Talr Excursions Via Pennsylvania Linos. Seventy-five cents for round trip from Pittsburg, September 22, 23, 24 and 25. Tickets good returning until September 26. The Thnma Danclnc Academy, 64 Fourth avenue, opening for beginners for the season, Thursday evening, Septem ber 24. Before Yon Get Married See Kennedy. He can furnish everything you require cheaper than you can,and cause you less trouble. Sixth and Duquesue "Wat. Popularity of Popcorn. If the crowds continue to grow around the 1opcorn stands, sonic arrangement will lave to be made to hae more of them, or numbers will have to do without, despite the large force ot attendants. "Popular'' is the word that applies to all of the Baker products; popcorn heads the list, with a close shave between it and the lemonade nnd the very good, verv fresh, and whole tome candies and taffies. Nervous Dyspepsia in severe form, tired and languid, no ambition, sleep Irrejrolar, no appetite this was my condition when I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. From the very-first it seemed to be Just What I Needed. The nervous dyspepsia has now entirely gone, my appetite is excellent, I can eat heartily without distress afterward; I sleep well, and. can now go about my work with out having That Tired Feeling so frequent before I began taking the med icine. I recommended Hood's Sarsaparllla as the King of Medicines." J. J. Scully. President Seaman's Union. 256 Catherine treet, Detroit, Mich. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla . Is the most successful building-up medicine nu uiooti pnnner. ue sure to get Hood's. A BIG SUCCESS, Thanks to the hundreds of visitors to our stores on open ing days. We have shown you a line of Coats, Millinery and Dress Goods that was surprising. It's too hot to use coat talk, so we'll say something on MILLINERY. Several hundred ready trim med hats tq select from, either to buy as are, or to try on and see which shape is the most becoming, and then select trimmings from our immense assortment From $3 to $5 Ave show an excep tional assortment of neatly trimmed Toques, Round' Hats and Bonnets. 600 Fur Felt untrimmed Hats, some Toques, Turbans and Round Hats, put on sale as a drawing card at 65 c the ordinary wool felt be ing worth 75c makes 'this a grand bargain. One customer said she paid a dollar and a half for the same grade and shape as we offered her at 65c. 36c for the Sailors made of cashmere. NOW ON DRESS GOODS. We are proud of our line of Dress Goods. We have struck the nail on the head with Dress Goods the kind the people want at reason able prices bought right and selling them on our small ex pense margins. At half a dollar we show a big variety of makes plaids, stripes and plain dress goods from $2.0C7a yard down. In an endless variety (more ! A Delight to Ladies! A CLEAR, LOVELY COMPLEXION. How to Obtain It. Why, nso MADAME A. RUPERTS World Renowned FACE BLEACH. It will positively do all that is claimed. Will remove all Blemishes, Freckles, Pimples, Blackneads, Tan, Eczema or any skin disease. Itis not a cosmetic to cover1 up. but a skin tonic. It does not give a washed-out appearwice as .the word bleaching would implv, but leaves the skin smooth and clear. Price $2 per bottle; three bottles, $5 tho usual amount required. Call, or" send Co postage, for my book, "How to Be Beautiful," ROOM 203 Hamilton Building, OJ Fifth avenue, Pitts burg. se'20-170 sew ADYEBTisEanarra. SECOND AUCTION.'. SALE -OF Building Lots, Monday, September 28, 1891, 1 J ACHIEVED iTNESS! "Some mon are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." Shakespeare. BUT it's different with their clothes. They are -mostly born without clothes. Nearly all have clothes thrust upon them when they are small. Afterward they have to achieve their clothes. Some achieve good clothing and some don't. It's owing to where they buy it. Those who buy the clothing of the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALWAYS ANXIOUSLY AWAITED! RUBEN'S . Special Sale of Fine Fur SAMPLE-HATS! M BEGINNING AT 10 A. M. SOLID GOLD 3.501 13.50 SPECTACLES and eye-glasses fitted to tho evo. Sold this month only at our store and at our display at the Exposi tion. CARUSS.& MANNION 67 FIFTH AVEXUE. seG-TUFSu OIL WEIX SUPPLIES. T. FLETCHER GRUBBS, WITH THE OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., NOS. 91 AXD 83 WATER STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. Estimates furnished on the celebrated Mogul & lnnis oil well engines, O. W. S. Co.'s Rod Dome steel boilois, O. W. S. Co.'s tapered joint casing and tubing, O. W. S. Co.'s drilling and fishing tools. The Philadelphia & Xew York Cordage, and everything necessary In an oil well outfit. The patron age of now companies being formed earn estly solicited. Drop a postal card and I will call on you. Telephone 127L se20 163 ssu OIL FELL SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, PITTSBURG, PA. There are towns and towns, and lots innumerable where fortunes are promised to every man who buys a lot within their charmed limits. But here in the lovely borough of Knoxville, with its miles of paved streets, bordered with hand some shade trees, within io minutes' walk of the mills of the Southside, and soon within 20 minutes of the postoffice by electric road, with numerous churches, splendid schools, and with all the conveniences of the city and delights of the country. The most beautiful building lots eye ever looked upon are offered for sale, and you can have a home in the prettiest town in the land. We don't promise a fortune to every man who buys a lot, but every man who does so in KNOXVILLE will have" an investment that is safe and sure, and will yield him a handsome profit. Take Southside cars to Eleventh street and Knoxville In cline from Bradford street. For further particulars apply to office of the company, 85 KNOX AVE., KNOXVILLE. I HUB Get the best. It is easier, too, to achieve the Misfit Clothing Parlor's clothing it costs less. People are getting weary paing the exorbi tant prices to high priced tailors just for the sake of saying "made ex pressly for me" when they can secure the same in EVERY PARTICULAR from the Misfit Parlors for ONE HALF the tailor's charges. The clothing sold by THE MISFIT PAR LORS has achieved its reputation through intrinsic worth, and merits the esteem of the people by its better values. We have achieved THE HEIGHT OF EXCELLENCE in our fall goods patterns, style and quality all the best and values, bet ter than ever. KNOXTILLE LAI IMVEMIT CO. noS-33-Trs-Eoeu . 1 selS44-sa Suits at $15 that were made for $30. Suits at $20 that were made for $10. Snits at $23 that were made for $53. Salts at $30 that were made for $60. Suits at $35 that were made for $7u. Pants at $3 that were made for $6. Pants at ji that were made for $S. Pants at $5 that were made for $10. Pants at $6 that were made for $12. Pants at $8 that were made for $16. 91 25, $1 50 and 91 90. TVeTiavemacleitapoint the last few sea sons to close out 'way below regular prices all our sample hats nhich have accumulated during the previous weeks, aggregating in this instance over 1,000. All these bats are of this season's make; in other words, they are the latest styles, besides being finely trimmed and strictly hand-made. At the prices quoted above they are positively tho greatest and best hat values now before the public. Wo will throw out this hint. Coma quick; they'll sell fast. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 SMITrlVlELD STREET. P. S. Mall orders promptly filled. sc20-WT3n The very best of Fall Overcoats at J5i2, 15, J5i8 and 20. fillip WkSwMm Opposite City Hall. se20 Ladies' Fine Furs! I can redye and reshape your Sacque or Coat promptly, and save you jbrae money, if you come now instead of waiting. English Seal Coloring a specialty. See my new Princess Cape. Practical Hatter and Furrier, 707 Penn Afe., Pittsburg. Mail orders promptly attended to. se6-wsii ESTABLISHED 186L Eyes Hxamlned Free. Artificial Eves Inserted. J. DIAMOND, SxS de2S-TTsu I ANY HOUSE A RARE BARGAIN. Kchols Cas-nell & Co. 3Jaye a grand exhibit in north pallery of tlieir hu;e assortment of splendid pianos and organs; in the former are found the Chickerwg, AliKtrom, Kurtrman. "Wissner Slid MritllllsllpL X- nn Yin locu tlinTi fiw. from which to make your selection, while there about as many'kinds of organs, the favorite Tabor being included in the list. Tlieir new location is at 14(5 Federal street, corner Xorth Diamond, Allegheny. Tun fountain and fish pond, delicious Oriental coffee, and the low prices at the rrtreslinient p.-u ilhon are dividing praises with Cappa. In fact, the oysters ice cream and cotlce eem tempting cteii beyond the charming music. The evening patrons are pleaded that the ISutFet lunch proprietors have the privileges this year. Popular prices and refiued service are thereby assured. INDEED! 275 Of these Ladies' Fine and Fashionable Cheviot Diagonal REEFERS At ''( HERBERT WALKE AKTIFICIAI. ETE MAKER, 55 Ninth Street. The only manufacturer of artificial hrnnan eyes In the city. mylO-su Ile-Xo Tea. To-day visitors go to the tea hong for their cup of He-No, not to make the ac quaintance of an unknown article,' but to enjoy something which thev have thoroughly proved in the past year; "the fact that it is improved 1 standing makes it of marked value in families w here the members are anly about reaching the dining room, ' A SURPRISE To Spectacle Wearers Are Chessman's Celebrated $1.00 SPECTACLES. Thousands or people are singing their praises, having seenred perfect comfort through their use. Chessman Optical Co., SO. 42 FEDEEAI, ST., Allegheny. Artificial eye wearers are appreciating the fact that better satisfaction is given at Chessman's than they ever had before. au28-Tursu $4 50! Only: IAIN, A I UH M i f I I n . y I m I $450 CAN ADVERTISE THE LOWEST KAUFMANNS ALONE CAN DO IT. TRUTHFULLY, In these days of sharp competition, of constant improvement in machinery,of ever changing styles and fashions, of frequent overproductions, tight money markets and disastrous failures, THE MERCHANT WITH A FULL PURSE, A CLEAR HEAD AND A LARGE OUTLET, IS MONARCH OF ALL HE SURVEYS. Kaufmanns, being known throughout the East as large, spot cash purchasers, are eagerly sought for, and hardly a day passes but some chance pre sents itself to them to buy, for reasons the reader now readily understands, FIRST-CLASS MERCHANDISE AT PRICES FAR LESS THAN ORDINARY DEALERS MUST PAY. The goods thus bought cheaply are quickly sold cheaply, and in this manner shopping at Kaufmanns' is made a sure and continuous source of profit for the customer. You will now understand why Kaufmanns alone can truthfully advertise THE LOWEST PRICES IN PITTSBURG. The Best Shoe PRICES MOTHERS LOOK AT THIS! MEN'S NOBBY FALL HATS. For Misses, Youths and Children. Just think, Ladies ! Only $4 50 for a first-class Reefer, blue and black in all sizes, tan, gray and brown in smaller sizes only; can be had with button or loop fast ening, with shawl or notched collar. You will be asked $6 for same Reefers at other cloak houses. OUR BEAUTIFUL LINE OF $10 JACKETS Is the talk of the town. Your inspection invited. Tur II I inrnii ufnrN I N ................. jmm (''- m fra -i n V y7 98c- 98c, 69c. W-T J TO-MORROW, MONDAY, ONLY! Fancy Vest SKITS Same as illus tration, made of fine JILL-WOOL MATERIALS, At only The Electrical Construction and Maintenance Company, Electric Engineers nnd Contractors. Electrlo Bells, Iiurglar. Alarms, Annunciators, etc., Incandescent Light and Bell Wiring a specialty. Sole agents fortlie Jciineymotors. US FIFTH AVENUE Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone 1771. Jyl2-SS-su I See the handsome Cloaks we show at Children's $3 50. Nothing like them anywhere be low 5. 120 page Illustrated Cata logue sent free. Write for it. I THE BMTIFIIL LENOX HIT, ONLY $2 49 The shape is on the style of a Sailor, only it has the stylish narrow brim; the colors are brown, navy, tan or black. These hats are trimmed with heavy Gros Grain and Satin Ribbons; small bow in front, large bow in back; nine hand some feather aigrettes setting off the large bow; velvet bound edge and tight, tiny velvet roll underneath. No millinery store in the city will get up this hat for less than $6. We offer it at $2 49. Remember its name The Lenox. Don't be surprised at our Hat news. Tea house con trolling and buying the output of entire factories nothing is impossible. No ordinary hatter cpuld sell the above Derbies for less than $2. An especially good drive, made with a prominent hat manufacturer last week, enables us to sell them at 98c, and make our usual modest profit besides. Remember, however, that; owing to the big rush we'll have on these hats, we must limit their sale to one day only, viz: TO-MORROW, MONDAY. Look into this thing. It'lL pay you to be prompt ::::;:::::::: THE EXPOSITION AND PAIL TO CALL AT OUR STORE MAKE A MISTAKE, DUGAN & HUDSON'S CEL EBRATED IRON CLADS. ci en F0R SIZES vPI DU 8 TO io. Di or F0R SIZES Regular prices $2 25 and $2 50. These shoes are made of the very best Pebble Goat and have extra quality Flint Oak Sole Leather soles. One pair will outlast any twd ordinary pairs' in the market. Let your child try a pair once and you will never buy any other. Ask for the Iron-Clads. None genuine unless stamped. A -?rf Willi r$5 These suits are the very height of fashion and elegance. They come with separate vests, and the coats are tastefully embroid ered. Nothing of the same qual ity can be had elsewhere be low $8. 400 more of those Boys' double- breasted suits, sizes 4 to 14, at : : : OUR NEW IMITATION VEST KILT SUIT AT : : : ; $3 $3 50 Is a marvelously cute and cun ning little thing. It is made of fine all-wool goods and artistic ally finished; sizes, 2 to 6. Reg ular price, $$. 120 page Illustrated Cata logue sent free. Write for it. H-STRANGERS WHO VISIT MISS ONE OP THE MOST INTERESTING SIGHTS OF PITTSBURG, BUT A BIG SAVING OP MONEY AS WELL, FOR THEY NOT ONLY KAUFMANNS flFTH AVENUE AMD SMITHFIELD STREET. KAUFMANNS y 1 TM..MiSMSP-PIPMCBaBBBiiniS!??S5i55S?S? B&tHKKKBJwf1EStt&EBJQtl!'IKKtlR0HQ9tBBIFBfHZJi