m HP 's- ' " a-VT- ' THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1891. -s AFTER BIG BOODLE. N A Sensational Suit Against the Dow-lin-Bush Cattle Company. CHARGES AGAINST THE OFFICERS. The Nickel Plate Coal Mine Said to Be KnineJ by Gas Wells. COURT CHRONICLES CUT TEBT SIIORT A hill in eqnitr ra filed yesterday by Henry AV. Sprang, assignee of David A. Sprasg;, and 1). A. Spragg and Charles E. ltotver, shareholders in the Dowlin-Eush Cattle Company, of "Wyoming, against the DowT.in-l.Iush Cattle Company, John E. Rush, President and trustee; John Dowlin, General Manager and trustee; "W. T. Lautz, Erasmus Hoevclcr and W. H. Denniston, trustees and James M. Hoge, Treasurer, an.l J. "". Gibbons, Secretary of the com pany. The company was organized in 1884 in "Wyoming to go into the cattle business. The capital stock was $200,000, divided into t!,000 shares at $100 per share. The com pany -n-as managed by trustees, and Dowlin, jlush and Lautz nere elected trustees. They reported to the shareholders that they liad paid for stock, Rush, S85 shares, Dowlin 3.'0 shares and Lautz 310 shares. Certificates w,crc then issued to them, though in truth they had not paid for the stock. They also have never accounted for or paid over 5200,000 they reported to have been paid them by subscribers. On Jan uary 1, 18Sj, Eush, Dowlin and Lautz, who owned a herd of cattle, concealed their ownership of it and contracted to sell it to the company. Thcv had a resolution passed increasing the capital stock to $100,000, which !s illegal in Wtominsr. In pursuance of tLe resolution $100,000 was given tho three uatacd and. fhev purchased the lie dof live stock from themselves. Thcv claimed there were 1,30 head iu the herd ana paid $104,102 for it, though the price was exorbitant and tiicro wore not over 750 bead in the herd. It is asked that Kn.h, Dowlin' and Lantz he compelled to account for and pay over $104,500 for 1,030 shares or stock issued to them and never paid for: $285,500 for stock sold or reported to have been sold and not accounted tor: to account for $100,000 placed at their disposal for investment, and to pay over $101,0(10 for the proceeds of the addi tional issue of stock as far as sold, or return the shares that wero not sold, to be can celed. The attornevs for tho plaintiffs are Sol Schoyer, Jr., anil lams & Brock. To-Day's Trial List. Common Pleas No. 2 Brockenscr vs Cam eron ct al, Greenoush vs Cameron et al, Buoltnervs Chartlors Lake Ice Company, Gillespie vs McKoesport Worklnginen's Co operative Association, Kocper for use vs IIoqc, McDonough vs Benedict et nl (2), llender. executor, vs Black. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs JIary Calhoun, A. obicszkie, Charles Wort, John 3Iitch" mi sky, J. lintchen, sandv Travis i:ila Brown, .). Flahertv, William Pattern, G. Tule, Jr., C. Kovav, W. C. V. Johnson, P. Williams, L,izz:o McD. Farrell (2), J. Kinney, Henry "Williams P- J- Walsh, Thomas 1'cr-"us-on, J. R. Bccchor (2), J. Murphy, J. Ilern Fcn, William McLauirhltn. M. Smith. G. Luther. G. Johnston (2), T. Bremfleck (2), J. Abreola, J. Kelly, a Magel, C. 3L ltichards f2), A. Swick, It. E. Fry, Mrs. K. E. fay, Elizabeth Eobcrts, Jeannette Kobert3. Makes the Mine Dangerous. A bill in equity was filed yesterday by J. I). Sautcrs. owner of tho Xlckel Plate mines in North Fayette township, against William Guckert, John A. Steel and M. C. Egbert oil operators. Sautcrs alleges that the de fendants, who have an oil lease to 52 acres of the land of -n hich ho owns the coal, are bor int wells through his coal vein, making his mine danecrous from gas. This is the mine Judgre White refused border a suspension of work In at tho suit of the Mine Inspect ors sayinc there was no Immediate danger from jras from the welli. Saturday has been fixed for a hearing In the case before Judge White. "Wants ro Secure His Share. A bill in equity was filed yesterday by IT. C. Wilson against Samnel W. Black. It Is stated that on July 1, 1SS9, Wilson and Blaok became partners m the real estate business us Samuel W. Black A Co., Black with a two thirds inteicst and Wilson one-third. Black received $3,000 per vear salary and Wilson S2 000. Ou August 31, lffll, the partnership was dissolved, Black continuing the busi ness. Wilson claims that Black refuses to account to him for his one-third interest. lie asks tho appointment of a master to take an accounting of the business and order Black to pay plaintiff what is due him. Minor Matters in Court. Charles CmnK Is on trial for assaulting Katie Trout. Both live at Homestead. Valet Kovocx was acquitted of tho lar ceny of $62 20 from liis brother, Joseph Koyock, June 10. Two breach of promise suits were entered yesterday. Miss Margaret Ashbaugh wants 525,000 damages from John A- Pveatte and Itachel B-iton $2,000 from Charles Jncht. Mns. TAinPAX, alias Patchcl, of Allegheny, is on trial for selling liquor wiicout a license on information of Detective E P. Hosser, the agent of the Noctbsido Liquor Dealers' Association. THE WELLS IX THE SAXD. MOKE Or TDE1I "WKItE REPORTED LAST NIGHT AS GCSIIUKS. Singular rocket in the Northeast McCnrdy Field The Moor 5 Tarm "Well In the Southwest Not Showlrtr as Expected The Latcft Trora McDonald. There were several wells completed yes terday, but the results were anything but encouraging to the ownerv. In the north east part ol the McCurdy field Gufiey & Galley finished their No. 2, on the Annie Adams property. It was 20 leet in the sand yesterday with only 10 feet of oil in the hole. There are only two acres in this property and their No. 1 well started off at something like 40 barrels au hour, and is still a good producer. The rock under No. 2 has either been drained or the sand is spotted. In the southwest part of tho Mc Cnrdy field tho well of Hoffman & Co. on tho Moore farm m as six or seven teet in the sand late last night and making about eight barrels an hour. It has been improving since the start, and they expect to get a pay yd. Patton-on & Jones are down about 000 feet in each of their two wells on the Shaetfer farm. Their No. 1 on the Kelso is down 109 feet, and they are rig ging up at No. 2, In thu Itorongh. McDonald Tile Devonian Oil Company and Bodgcrs drilled their well en tho Hunk er lot throueh tho sand yesterdav. It is in the southwest part of the town. It was making 15 barrels a day from the Gordon sand, and will be good for onlj- 40 barrels a day4romthe Gordon aud fifth. They had 20 feet of tho fifth sand. McGce Bros. A Co.'s well on the mith lot was reported to he drilling in the fifth sand yesterday and making ten barrels an hour when the engine "broke dp-n n and drilling had to be stopped. Roland A Co. have a bad fishing Job on the Mo Lain lot. They are Just on top of the filth sand. Clark & Campbell's well on tho Sauber's property wi.3 reported last night as in tho fifth sand and showing light. Gar land, Foeley & Co.'s well on the De Koy made 160 barrels during the 24 hours ending at 2 r. x. yesterday. It had been shot. Haymaker "& Co. on the Kelly lot is making 15 barrels an hour in tho fifth sand. W. P. Black's well on the Crook is doing 100"barrels a day from the Gordon. The Royal Gas Company's Mary Robb No. 1 is good for 135 barrels an hour. Operations in Butler. Callert The McCalmont OU Company's: No. 2 on the Walters farm is in the sand and showing a 100-barrel well. Their No. 3 John Staples is down 1.000 feet, and No. 3 Tlilel man is drilling at 800 feet. Yesterday's Local Features. Trading hero was moderate within a nar row range of flnctnations,Oil City wns active. Cash opened at 50V. highest 5G, lowest 6 close OGJi. October opened at COJi highest Sfti, low est 563, close 5GJ Refined was un changed. Daily average runs, 78,158; daily average shipments. 84,327. Oil Citv, Sept. 16. National Transit cer tificates opened at 57c; highest, 574c; low est, 5SX.c; closed, 5Gc Sales, 04,800 barrels; clearances, 44S.000 barrels: shipments, 82,491 barrels; runs, 103,392 barrels. Bradford, Sept. 1C National Transit cer tificates opened at 6Wc; closed at 55?c; highest, 57&c; lowest, 56c. Clearances, li6, 000 barrels. Cleveland, Sept. 16. Petroleum easy; S. W. Ill", Gc: 74 gasoline, 7c; 84 gasoline, 10c; 03 naphthn, 6Kc. New Voce, Sept. 16. Petroleum opened strong, but after a slight advance in tho earlv trading declined c, strengthened bnck to the opening figures and closed dull. Pennsylvania oil: Spot opening, 57Jc; highest, 57Kc: lowest, 57Kc; closing, 57c: October option, opening, 56fec; highest, 56?c! lowest, E6Vc: closing, 5fc Lima oil, no sales. Total sales, 01,000 barrels. AMUSEMENTS. TO-NIGHT. MATINEE SATURDAY. THE G01MS MINSTRELS. First Floor,5oc,75c,Si Reserved. Dress Circle,25c,5oc,75c Reserved. Gallery, 15c. Admission, 50c. SPECIAL PRICES Wednesday Mati-'ee: First Floor, 50c Reserved. Dress Circle, 25 c Reserved. Next Week, Matinees Wednesday and Sat urday, FFFIFFIISIFRsu"od Li ML LLLuLLII, splendid company, In the Greatest of All Madison Square Theater successes, tt BfflW :, Ul III UUULUUUII) HAZEL KIRKE," Domestic Comedy Drama, Played by them over 1,200 times. sel7-99 TD-HIEHT! TO-HIGHT! PAIN'S Last Days of PnuBii AT RECREATION PARK, ALLEGHENY. Thursday Night, September 17, Great Special Features, NIAGARA FALLS ON FIRE ASD PORTRAIT OF CHRIS MAGEE. In case of rain the performance will be given the following night. Tickets on sale P., A. & M. Street Railway office, P. V. Railway office, Hamilton's Musio Store and Max Klein's, 82 Federal street, Al-lecbenv. admission: soc Reserved Seats, 75c; Uox Seats, $1; Chll. dre i, 25c. sel7-40 THEATRE XSEATS ONSALE TO-DAY For the big farce comedy event, MONDAY, SEPT. 21, A HIGH ROLLER, "Which will be seen with a great cast, including BARNEY FAGAN, THE ONLY LEON, GEORGE LAURI, TOHN D. GILBERT, MARIETTA NASH And 40 others, including the famous Bijou Quartette, etc. Notwithstanding the enormous expense there will be no advance from the Bijou prices. Secure seats earlv and avoid the rush on Monday night. se!7-9S THE ALVIN THEATER. Sixth St., Near Allegheny Bridge. CHARl.ES L. DAVIS. Owner and Manager, "Will positively open SEPTEM BER 21, with MISS PAULINE HALL And her superb Opera Company in Offen bach's Melodious Opera, LA BELLE HELENE. Sale of seats now open at E. G. Hays' Music Store, 75 Fifth avenue. Prices, 23c, 50c, 75c, $1, $1 50. Bel5-54 "Familiar is- Millions of Mouths as ant Household Word." The Times, London. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." " TJie Apollinaris Spring yields enough rosier nol only or present requirements, but also or those o a ulure which is still remote." "The existing supply is adequate for filing orty million quart bottles yearly." " The volume o gas is so great that it is dangerous to approach the spring on a windless day." The Times, London, 20th Sep 1890. a stheatrc TO-NIGHT. GUS WILLIAMS IN KEPl'LEU'S FORTUNES. Matinee Saturday. Sept. 21 "The High Roller. seH 21 D TJQUKSNE " tj, rittsDurg s Leading Theater. lo-nignt, MARK MURPHT In "O'DOWD'S NEIGHBORS." Next Week "A Fair Rebel." S017-115 H A.RRY WILLIAMS' ACADEM". To-night, Matinees Tuesday, Thursday anu caiuruay. LESTER & WILLIAMS' London Specialty Company. A show for jaded people. se!3-51 HARRY DAVIS' FIFTH AVENUE MUSEUM-THEATER. Matrimonial contest, oten to all. THE SKELETON DUDE WOOING a BKIDE this week. Admission 10 cents, children 5 cents. Open 1 to 5; 7 to 10 r. it, sol7 HARRIS' THEATER Mrs. P. Harris, R. L. Brltton, T. F. Dean, Proprietors and Managers. Every afternoon nnd evening McKee Rankin's domestio drama, "The Runaway Wife." Week Sept. 21 "The Cruiskecn Lawn. sel5-114-TTS The Thuma Dancing Academy, 64 FOURTH AVENUE. NINTH YEAR. ESTABLISHED 1SS3. Opening for the season Thursday, Septom. ber 24; children, Saturday, September 26- Circuhas now readv. Four classes for h. flnners. Office open day and eveninir, 01 i ourth avenue. seI6-51-D J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MATHEMATICALINSTRU MENTS OF IVERV DESCRIPTION. Catalogues and Prise Lists on Application. WM. E. ST.EREN, Optician, se2-TTS Eli SM1THFIELD STREET. ESTABLISHED 1S6L Eyes ExomlncdFrco. Artificial Eyes Inserted. OPTICIAN. , 22 SIXTH ST. de2S-TTsa J. DIAMOND, , M. MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AND CLEANING. 50 Sixth Avenue, mhlMS-TOThs Pittsburg, Pa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. physicians. FEiCK BROS., 31 SIXTH ST. 6UBGICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT. Specialties: Sclentlno fitting of TRUSSES, appliances for DEFORMITY and ARTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgical Instruments in Western Pennsylvania. Large illustrated catalogue free to xnhlS-&4Tsau DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It is manufactured as a powder, which can be filvenlnaglassofbeer, a cup of coffee or tea, or la ood. without the knowledge of the patient. It la absolutely harmless, and will effect a permanent aud apeedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been ulrea In thousands of nase9. and in every lnstauce a per fect cure has followed. II never falls. The system once Impregnated with the Specific, it becomes an utter ImposslblUtr for the liquor appetite to exist. 48-page book of particulars free. To be had of A. J. RANKIN. Sixth and Penn av.. Pittsburg! Trade supplied by GEO. A. KELLY & CO. Alle gheny agents, E. UOLDEN & CO., 63 Federal su Jr2-80-TTg CANCER and TUMORS cured. No knife. Send for testimon ials. G.H.McMlchaeL M.D.. 63 Niagara st. lluffalo, N. y, tnb)9-71-TTSSuwk EXPOSITION IE ix: n? o s I T I o GERMAN DAY AND GERMAN MUSIC. P A D D A as PrePared a choice selection of the best Unl TM known and most popular music of the FATHERLAND "WILKOMMEN." IE 2C JF O s I T I O 3ST BZPOSITIOIT se!7-il HISTORY -OF THE- HX ASSURANGE CO., OF LONDON, IN AMERICA. The "Phccnix" was the first foreign insurance company to establish agencies in the United States. It opened its first agency office in 1805 and therefore has the credit of creating the fire insurance agency system of the globe. Its past history shows it to have paid out to sufferers over EIGHTY-FIVE MILI)N DOLLARS, And its present Assets amount to over SEVEN AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS; And of this nearly TWO MILLION DOLLARS Are held by the TJnited States branch office for the exclusive protection of its policy holders in this country. Need we look beyond these facts for solid indemnity in fire insurance? JOHN D. BIGGER? is the contracting agent in this field for the "Old yhosnix." His long experienja and proper business method; have won the confidence the people and the press. Call at his office for a BROAD, CLEAN, SIMPLE CO TRAOT, at reasonable rates Get insurant that insures. 1104-Th N. W. COR. PENN AVE. AND SIXTH ST., PITTSBURG, PA. "23,000 GRADUATES. The Largest and Most Progressive Business College in Western Pennsylvania. Send for new Illustrated Catalogue, Riving full particulars, mailed free. Address, J. C. SMITH'S SON. Evening: Sessions Begin Monday, September 28. Telephone 1M5. anl&89-TT8 WHAT A POOR MESS Competitors make of the efforts to keep up with us in the race for public favor. It's our hobby to give our patrons the best possible goods in our line for the lowest possible prices. We ride this hobby for your benefit and you can depend on it that we never permit our banner of quality to trail in the dust of doubt. . OUR STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CARPETS, ETC., Entirely new goods, bear in mind, is complete, selected carefully from our regular manu facturers, firms who are noted, the country over, for excellency of goods and superior workmanship. This is proof against the weak values you so often meet. Our goods LOOK all right ARE all right as your closer acquaintance with them will bear wit ness. "While we willingly give credit to responsible parties, it must be borne in mind that cash payments mean lowest possible rates, best selections and ease of mind. On one thing you can always depend: This is that none can get ahead of ns in reliable quality goods and lowest prices. Our name is synonymous with fair dealing. Don t forget our grandprize competition for school children. Magnificent prize of the value of SCO offered. write us or apply either at our store or at our stand in the Exposition for rules of contest. HOPPER BROS. & CO., NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J-ii "fefiji U, Bt ill I 307 WOOD STREET, PITTSBURG. selC-TT gPEGIAL NOTICE. . We shall continue the Merchant Tailor, Making-to-Measure Clothing. Our aim will be to, make you , perfect-fitting Clothing of reliable qualities at no greater cost than good Ready-Made Clothing. Now ready, a fine assortment of fabrics. Fashionable Fall Suitings, $20.00 and $25.00; Trousers, 5.00 to $10.00. For the present we occupy a portion of the second floor of our former store, Sixth street and Penn avenue. POPULAR MPT RELIABLE SE CES, lit-. COODS, VI iNAIKER & BROWN selS-D Tho Largest and Best Equipped Institution or the Kind in Pennsylvania. Gratefulness Is my fullest expression for the benefits I have received at the Electrical and Medical Institute, U2 Penn avenue, cor ner of Fifth street. Ailment, nervous pros tration. S.I. BOYEK, Tltnsville, Pa,, or Seventh Avenue Hotel, City. I have gained eight pounds in 30 days, and am stronger and better in every respect. 3Iy ailment wns nervous prostration, with numbness of my hands ana limbs, bordering on locomotor ataxia. I oheerfully extend my influence to the Electrical and Medical intuiuio, na jrenn avenue, corner ot jwtn street. G. S. SELDEN. 149J 'Wylie avenue, city. I have experienced the treatment at the Electrical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn avenne, corner Fifth street, and most cheer fully Indorse the same. L. n. TURNER, Stanwls street, Mt. Washington, city. I am treating at the Electrical and Medical Institute, 443 Penn ave., Pittsburg, aud am pleased to say that they have accomplished an operation in my case which I have been trying to procure for the past If! years, hav ing treated with some of the celebrated physicians of the United States. I R. LAUGHLIN. Dennison, O. The treatment at the Electrical and Medi cal Institute at 442 Penn avenue, corner of Fifth street, is the best that I have ever re ceived for rheumatism. My caso was of two years' standing. II. BAMBERGER, Mansfield, Pa. OH, TVEIX SITPPXIES. ' M. V. TAYLOR, onv wBit scppiies. The Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING ALWAYS IN STOCK: ROOMS 35 and 86 Fidelity building. Phone 797. Jy2M-P My trouble is paralysis of seven years' standing. I have treated at Mt. Clemens, Mich., and at various other places, but the first treatment to benefit me was at the Elec trical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn ave nue, corner of Fifth street. R. X. FLAXEGIN. Munhall, Pa. I am favorably impressed with the treat ment at the Electrical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn avenue, corner of Fifth street, and believe it to bo all they claim for it. MRS. M E. GRAHAM, No. 32 Adams street, Allegheny. The special treatment at the Electrical nnd Medical Institute, 442 Penn avenne, is the best I have ever received for the restor ation ot hearing. PHILIP ALLEN. Sprinedale, Pa. My experience at tho Electrical and Med ical Institute, 442 Penn avenue, has been most satisfactory. MRS. W. J. HANNAM, No. 94 Wylie avenue, city. I will say that the facultv at the Electrical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn avenue, corner of Fifth street, deserves credit from their patients for their honest efforts in re Storing themto health. n. C. STONE, Sharpsburg, Pa. I will say for tho benefit of my own sex that tho special treatment at the Electrical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn avenue, cor ner of Fifth street, has proven very satisfac tory in my case. MRS. MAY LAWRENCE, Sraddock, Pa. I owe the restoration of mv heavine to the special treatment at tile Electrical and Med ical Institute, 443 Penn avenue, corner Fifth street. P. J. QUINN, Hazelwood, city. If there is any benefit to be had In Pitts burg for chronic aliments It is at the Elec trical and Medical Institute, 442 Penn ave nue, corner of Fifth street. MRS. MARY SCOTT, 4636 Penn avenuo, city. Diseases treated at the Institute are Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Dis eases, Locomotor Ataxia, Catarrh, Deafness, Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles, Liver and Kidney Troubles, Blood and Skin Diseases, Nervous Prostration and all chronic dis eases peculiar to either sex. The Medical Director of this Institute, Dr. B. F. Lamb, Is a highly educated physician and in good standing with the medical pro fession, his diplomas bearing the degrees of A. M. and M. D. Consultation and examtnation$l 00. Office Open from 9 a. m. to 8 r. M. Lady and gentle men attendants. sel5-TT3 STANDARD OIL CO., PITTSBURG, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co., Wheeling, W. Va, Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, Md., Standard Oil Co., Altoona, Pa., Capital City Oil Co., Harrisburg, Pa. We manufacture for home trade the finest grades of lubricating and illuminating oils. Our facilities are such that our statement that we furnish all oils standard for quality everywhere cannot be disputed. OUR REFINED OIL LIST: Water White, 150. Piime White, 150. Standard White, 110. Ohio Legal Test. Ohio Water White Legal Test Cnmacline (red), 150 Test. Olite, 150 Test. OUR NAPTHA LIST: Deodorized Xnptha for varnish makers, painters and printers. Gns Napthas for gas companies. Deodorized Stove Fluid for vapor stove burners. Fluid, 74 gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. Gasoline, 8C, 83 and 90 gravity for gas machines. OUR LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the finest brands of Cylinder, Engine, and Machinery Oils. Spindle, Dynamo, 300 Mineral Seal, Neutral Oils, Miners' Oils, Wool Stocks. Parafflne Oil, Parafllne Wax. Summer and Cold Test Black Oils. Signal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Grease, Railroad and Mill Grease and Arctic Cup Grease. Where it is more convenient, you may order from our Branch Offices, from whloa points deliveries will be made. STANDARD "OIL COMPANY, Cor. Duquesne Way and Eighth Street, my 19 d PITTSBURG. PA.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Who is Shrewd and Economical, Who Wants Nice Articles for Little Money, Should See the following Special Bargains Offered This Week in " GIGANTIC HOUSEFURNISH- .ING SUPPLY DEPOT: FIG. 2. Old WELL SUPPLIES. HAYS & TREES, Contractor We make a specialty of building MUlll GAS LINES AND WATER MAINS. Boom 410 Hamilton Building, PITTSBURG, PA. Correspondence solicited. Telephone, SL my23-46-TTS OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street, PITTSBURG, PA. noS-53-TTS-EOSU IRELAND k mm, FORGE ID MACHINE SHDF -AND MANUFACTURERS OF Oil and Artesian Well Drilling and Fishing Tools, Corner Twinty-Brtt Strict and A. V. R. R. Telephone No. 1223. PITTSBURG, PA. U1-3-D MAX ENGINES -AN!)- COBBY BOMBS The best Oil "Well Machinery in the world. All sizes of Engines and Boilers. Also all sizes Stationary Engines and Boll ers. Write for prices. Offices in Pittsburg, Washington and Sut ler. Always write or telegraph to Cony Office. JAMES M. LAMBING, SOLE AGENT, CORRY, PA. Pittsburg office telephone No. 290. mh3-D IIIIsiBImI Ca. AND GAS WELT. OWNERS' ATTENTION J is called to the abore fujible flange tee (tig. 2) and fnslble flange union fig. 1 . First, it's not cost ly. Second, It 13 fully as 6tronr as is the non fusible flange Joint. Third, shonltl yonrollor gas well take fire this flange tee or flange, union is so constructed that with an o-dlnary lire snfllcient to melt lead this joint comes apart, and reduces the output of your well to one outlet, thns removing the tee casing head oil saTcr, etc., all of which are the main obstructions In suppressing aa oil or ga9 Are at a burning well. Fourth, had this Joint been on the "Wheeling Natural Gas Company's Cook well at McDonald when it caught lire. Glen Braden BiilllEflF FIG. I could hare put out the Are inside of three hours, as It was, it took about six days. Fifth, should yon hare the old style tes on hand, tou need only pur chase the flange union, which can be placed be neath the derrick floor entirely oat or the way. Sixth, gas companies should hare this Joint on all their gas wells. It will pay should only one well In every one hundred catch Are from lightning or otherwise. Seventh, can furnish any size or thread. For particulars address TH09.CUSH1NG, Wash ington, Pa., or Atwood 4 McCaffrey; Pittsburg, Pa. se!5-lE-TT8 RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in effect 12.01 P. M.. Jotrl9. 1891. Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follows (Eastern Standard Tlme)i MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York & Chicago Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars dally nt 7.15 A. M. , arriving at Harrisburg at 1 Mr. M.. Philadelphia 4.45 p. jr.. NewYork7.00 r. M.. Baltimore 4.40 P.M., Washington S.S5 P.M. K'Tstone Express dally at 1.20 a. x., arriving at Harrisburg 8.25 a. m., Philadelphia 11.25 jl. m.. New York 2.00 p. jr. Atlantic Express dally at 2.20 A. M., arriving at Harrisburg 9.20 A. M., PhlladelDhla 12.18 P. Jf., New York 2.30 P. Jl., Baltimore 12.00r.jr Wash ington 1.03 p. sr. Harrisburg Accommodation dally, except Sunday. 5.25 A. jl., arriving at Harrisburg 2.50 p. M. Day Express dally at 8.00 A. jr., arriving at Har risburg 3.20 P. M.. Philadelphia 6.50 P. M., New York 9.35 p.m., Baltimore S.45 P. M., Washing ton 8.15 P. M. Mall Express daily at 12.50 P. jr., arriving at Har risburg 10.00 P. Jr.. connecting at Harrisburg with Philadelphia Express. Philadelphia Express dally nt 4.30 p. jr.. arriving at Harrisburg 1.00 A. M.. Philadelphia 4.25 A. M., and New York 7.10 A. Jr. Eastern Express at7.15 p. sr. dally. arrivlngHar r!shurg2.25A. M., Baltimore 0.M A. M., Wash ington 7.S0 a. it.. Philadelphia 5.25 A. M.. and iew York 8.00 A. 31. Fast Line dally, at 8.10 P.M., arriving at Harris burg 3.30 A. M.. Philadelphia 6.50 A. M.. New York 9.30 A. Jl.. Baltimore 6.20 A. M., Washing ton 7. 30 A.M. All through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex," for Brooklyn. N.Y., avoiding double ferriage and Journey through New York City. Johnstown Accom.. excent Snndar. 3.40 P. M. Grecnsnnrg Accom.. 11.15P.M. week-days. 10.30 P. r. Sundays. OrcensburgExpress5.J0p. M.. except Sunday. Derry Express 11.00 A. M., ex cept Sunday. Wall Aecom. 6.00. 7.C0. 9.00, 10.30 A. M 12.15, 2.00. 3.20, 4.55, 5.40. 6.25. 7.40, 9.40 P. Jl., week-days, and 12.10 a.m. (except Monday). Snndar, 10.31 A. JI 12.25, 2.30. 5.30, 7.20 and 9.40 P. M. Wll'tiusburg Accom. 6.10, 6.40. 7.20 A. jr.. 12.01, 4.00, 4.35. .20. 5.30, 5.50. 6.10, 10.10 and 11.40 P. Jl. Sunday, 1.30 and 9.15 r. M. Braddrvfc Accom., 5.50. 6.55. 7.45. 8.10. 9.50, 11.15 A. M., W. 1.2", 2.50. 4.10. 6.00. 6.35. 7.20 8.25, S.CO anii.44 P. M. week days. Sunday, 5.35 A. M. "fcOUTH-WEST PENN RAILWAY. For Unlontown 6.30 and 8.35 A.M., 1.45 and 4.25 p. M. week-days. MONONGAHEXA DIVISION. OS AXD AFTER MAT 25th, 1891. 'For Monongahela City. West Brownsville, and Unlontown 10.40 A. ii.- For Monongahela City and West Brownsville 7.35 and 10.40 A. ST., and 4.50 P. M. On Sunday, 8.55 A. M. and 1.01 P. M. For Monongahela City only, 1.01 and 5.50 P. jr. week-days. Dravosburg Accom., 6.00 a. jr. and 3.20 P. M. week-davs. west Elizabeth Aecom. 8.35 A. 31., 4.15, 6.30, and 11.35 P. M. Sunday, 9.40 P.M. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. OX AND AFTKI: MAY 25th, 18M. From FEDEBAL STKEET STATION, Allegheny City: For Springdale. week-davs, 0.20, 8.25. 8.50, 10.40, 11.50. A. jr., 2.25. 4.19, 5.00. 6.05. 6.20. 8.10, 10.30, and 11.40 P. M. Suuda) s, 12.35 and 9.30 P. jr. For Butler, week-days. 6.55. 8.5C. 10.40 a. m 3.15 and 0.05 p. M. For Freeport. week-days. 6.55, 8.50, 10.40 A. It.. 3.1?. 4.U. a.uu. b.iu, iv.wt anu ii.iu i. jti. cuu. days, 12.35 and 9.30 P. 31. For Apollo, week-days, 10.40 A. M.. and 5.00 P. it. For Blalrsvlllc, week-days, 6.55 A. n., 3.15 and 10.33 P. jr. 45-Tlie Excelsior Baggage Express Companv will call for and check Baggage from Hotels and Resi dences. Time Cards and full information can ba ohtalned at the Ticket Offices No. 110 Fifth Ave nue, corner Fourth Aenuc aud Try Street, ana Union Station. J . B. WOOD. CHAS. E. PUGH. Gen'IPass'r Agent. General Manager. ALLEGHENY VALLEY BAILROAD-OX and after Sunday. June 23, 181)1. trains will leave and arrive at Union station, Pittsburg, east ern standard time: Buffalo express leaves at 8:20 a. m.. 8:45 p. m. (arriving at Buffalo at 6:45 p. m. and 7:20 a. m.): arrives at 7:10 a. m., 6:25 p.m. .Oil City and DnBols express Leaves8:20a. ni 1:30 p,, m.: arrives 1:00. b:25, 10:00p.m. East Brady Leaves at 6:55 a. m. Klttannlng Leaves 9:05 a. m., 3:55,5:30 p. m.i arrives 8:55, 10:00 a.m.. 5:55 p. m. Bracburn Leaves 4:55, 6:15 p. m.; arrives 8:05 a. m., 7:40 p.m. Valley Camp Leaves 10:15 a.m.. 12:05, 2:25. 11:30 p. m.: arrives 6:40 a. m.. 12:30, 2:13 4:41 p. m. llulton Leaves 8:00, 9:50. pm.:arrlves 7:35. 11:10 p. m. Forty-third street Arrives 3:31, 8:20 p. m. Sunday trains Buffalo express -Leaves 8:20a. m., 8:45 p. m.: arrlves7:10 a. nt., 6:25p.m. Emlenton Leaves 9:05 a. m.; arrives 9:15 p.m. K I Manning Leaves 12:40 p. m. : arrives 10:15 p. in. Braeburn Leaves 9:50 p. m.: arrives 7:10 p.m. Pullman parlor buffet car on day trains and Pull man sleeping car on night trains between Pittsburg and Buffalo. Ticket offices. No. 110 Fifth areui.e and Union station. DAVID M'CAItGO. Genera Superintendent. JAME3 P. ANDERSON, Gen eral Ticket Agent. m run n $(95 THIS GRAND TOILET SET, finest English Semi-Porcelain, 1 2 pieces (including slop jar), decorated most artistically, regardless of ex pense; would be cheap at $j 50. Remember, our price this week only $4 95. ::::::: : $ (tO 7K mS1Si (JO 7fi THIS EXQUISITE TEA SET, 56 PIECES, extra fine China, richly andtastefullydecorated in Vandyke brown and pale green; regular price,$4 50. ,1 a " 1 1 45c. Large, new, square shape, beautifully decorated, well worth 75c. s 25c. AFTER D1NNEH DHTETE-A-TETE GUPS UNO SAUCERS, Guaranteed genuineFrench, decorated in rich, unique designs and colors; truly worth 50 c. jctii m urn HI HH 8c. Very Fine Thini BLOWN TUMBLERS'; Handsomely etched I in various aesigns; usually sold at 20c B 1 ' ii 45c. Wl 33c. CHAMBER PAILS, 12 qt. size, Nicely painted, decorated in gold designs; regular price 50 c. BREAD AND CAKE BOX, I Japanned; best make and finish; worth 60c CHAMOIS SKINS, Large and selected, IOC. I 4c. Ideal Medicated TOILET PAPER, Sold everywhere FORIOc. TUB Aim Bargains iwt Fait Long 1 Mows. KAUF MANNS Fifth Ave. and Smithfield St. BA1LKOADS. , From Pittsburgh. Union 3tation- ljBnnsylvaniaIrinBs. Im Trains Run by Central Time. Southwest System-Pan-IIandleKAata Depart for Columbus, CncinnaU, IndlanapoCs, S. Louis, points intermediate and beyond : 2.10 a.m 7.00ajn.,S.4opjn.,lI.15pjn. Arrive tnim warn points: '1.05 a.m., 6.00 a.m., 5j5pjn. Depart lot Columbus, Chicago, points inietmedba and beyond: Z.lO a.m., fl2.0o p.m. Arrive frvm same points: 1.05 a.m., 3.05 p.m. Worth neat System Fort Wayne Route Depart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond? 1S a.m.,7.10 a.m., 120 p.m., 1.00 p.n., 111.20 p.m. Arrive from same points : 12.05 a.m., 112.4X1 jn.. 6JlSa.m., 600 p.m., JHIp.m. The Philadelphia and New York Ztmift departsforChicago8.45p.m. Arrives from Chicago fi.00 a.m. Depart for Toledo, points intermediate and beyond: 7.10a.m.,li20p.m.,1.00p.m.,1110p.m. Arrive from same points: tl2.40a.rn., (US a.m,, 6.00p.m., iSJMp.m. . Depart for dereland, points intermediate and teyond: fj.10 a.m., 7.10 a.m., t!2.o p.a, 11.05 p.m. Arrive from same, points: 6X1 a.m., fJ.15 p.m., 6.00 p.m., f7.00 p.m. PuUman Sleeping Cars and Pullman Dining Cart run through. East and West, on principal traina of both Systems. Time Tablet of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of either system, not mentioned above, can be obtained at 110 Fifth Avenue and Union Station, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticket offices of th Fcsa gylvania Lines West of Pittsb'irgh. Dally. tEx. Sunday. JEi. Saturday. HEi. Monday. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A. FORD, Geaeru aastger, General iuaapr Ifts PlTTSBDHOH. PEKS'A. KAJXKOADS. pnTsnurto and wisteek railwat- J XraiBSlLt'lOiaiw u uiucj. Mail. Butler. Clarion, Kane Akron and Krle Butler Accommodation , New Castle and Butler Chicago Express (dally) Zellenoplp and ISntler Butler and Foiburc First-class lani to Chicago, (10 30. Second class, (3 50. I'uUmaubulfetslecpIngcartoCblcagodaliy, Leave. 6:40 a m 7:30 a m 9:30 am 3:05 ii iu 2:Wpm 4:J pm 5:T0 pm Arrive. 11:3) a m 7:30 pm 3:33 pm 9:10 a m 11:55 a m o:30 a ru 7:00 a m rrTTSBrtrto and castle shannon rt. . fcummer Time Table. On and after Jane 7, 1891, until further notice, trains will run as fol lows on every dav. except Sunday. aslern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:25 a m. 7:15 a in, 3:00am, 9;33a m, 11:30 am, 1:45pm, 3:35 pm, 6:10 p m. 5:."5 pm, t;30pin, y,30 p m, 11:30pm. Arllngton-5:40 am, aa m, 7:10a m. 8:00am, 10:25am, IrOOpm. ;:40pm. 4 JD pm, JJlOpm, 6m1 pro, 7:15pm, 10;. pm. Sunday trains, leaving Pltuburg 10:00 a in, 12:55 p m, 2:35 p in. 5;10 p m. ;30pm. Arlington 9U0 a in. K;10 pm. lpo, 4ipm,6:m. O. A. UUUE1U, SiW PTTTSriDKr AN1 I.Alii, i.KIK KA1LKOAD COMPANY Schedule In effect June 14. 1S91. central time P. .t L. E. It. R. Depart For Cleveland. 4:30. 9:00 a.m.. "ISO, 4:20. p. m. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. 4:30 a. m.. ISO, "9:45 p. m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m., 4:20, 9:tl p. m. For Salamanca, D:0Oa. m '1:50, 9:45p.m. For Youngston-n and New Castle, 4:30, 8:00, 9:M a. m '1-JiO. U-3D, "9:45 p. m. For Beaver Falls. 4:30, 7:00, '8:00, 9:55 a. m., '1:50. 3:30, '4:20.5:29. 9:45pm. For Chartlers, 4:30. 5:3u, 5:33. 18-JiZ 7:00, 7:35, 7:50, 18:00, 8:45. 9:10. "JSi a. m.. 12:10. 112:45, 1:30. 1:55. 3:30. 4:25, '4:30. 4:35. 5:20. 'iijSl 6:25, '8:00. 19:45, 10:. p.m. ABR1VB From Cleveland, 6:40 a. m.. 12:3(1, 6:40, "7a0 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and bt. Louis. 8:10 a. m., '12:30. "7:50 p. m. From, Buffalo, 6:40a. m., 12:30. 10:C5 p. m. From Sala manca. 10:C0 a. m., 7:50 p. m. From Younss town and New Castle. 6.40, 10:00 a. m., 12:, 6:40, 7:5e, 10:05 p. m. From Beaver Falls. 5:20, 6:40. 7:20. 10:00a. m., '12:30, 120. 5:40. -7:00. loTS p. m. P., C. & Y. trains for Mansfleld, 7:33 a. m.. 12:1 4:35p.m. ForEsplenand Becchmout. 7:S5 a.m., 4:35 p. m. P. C. & Y. trains from Mansfleld, 7:05, llwJa. m. ,4:25 p.m. From Beechmont. 7:05,11:59 a. m. P.. McK. & Y. K. K. Depart-For New Haven, T8:20. 10:10 a. m., 3:00 p. m. For West Newton. 8:20. 10:10 a. m., '3:00. 5:25p.m. Abkite From New Haven. "9:00 a. m.. 5:2a p. m. From West Newton, 6:15, 9:00 a. m.. 5 0 p. ra. For McKeesport, Elizabeth. Mononirahela City and Belle Vernon. '0:45.. 11:05 a. m.. '4.U0 ri.ro From Belle Vernon. Monongshela City. Elizaoetsi and McKeesport. 6:20, 7:40 a. m.. 1:20. 4:0a p. m. Dailv. Sundays only. City ticket oSce. 039 Smithfield street. BALTIMORE AND OHIO BATLKOAD. Sche duly in effect May 10. 1391. Fastens Bmw Biltlmore. Philadelphia, and New York. '3a a. m, and "9:29 p.m. For Cumberland. 3:15 a mj 1:10. 9:20 p. ra. For ConnellsvlUe, 18:40. 8:15 a.m., WHO, 4:15 and 9:20 p.m. For Unlontown. JS:40, 8:15 a. m.. tlOO and t4UJp. tn. For ConnellsvlUe and CF.e8aSnat,a.ndmVandr :a. m. . "F'owathfnW. Pa. It 53:30. a).a. m 4F?r?VUng.l7SS'58l30. )a. nu. 4.-00. -7: P'For.Clnclnnatl and St. Lonls, "70 a. m. 7:45 p, For Commons. 7:20 a. m. J7:4S p. m. For Newark, 7S0a. m.. 7:45p. m. For Chicago, 7:20 a. m. and T:U p. ra. ' Trains arrive from New York. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, 6:20 a. m.. 1-JS p. m From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago. '8:2J a.m.. 'SpOp. m. From Wheeling. '8:25, 10:45 a. m. t4:40, "8:50, $9:33 p. m. Dally. tDally except Sunday. (Sunday only, ISiturday only. IDaily except Saturday. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore, Washing ton. Cincinnati and Chicago. The Pittsburg Transfer Company win call for and check baggage from hotel and residences upon orders left at B. & O. ticket office, corner Fifth, avenue and Wood street, or 401 and 639 SmlthflaU street. J. T. ODELL, CHAS. O. SCULL. General Manager. , Cica. Pa. A2ai. t ,. 1 1 , .i&rjCr L3U t-r ,-. 4,-u. tMs-Jjr .r isi-L. .i.- 'J4ijUr&&- ajfe.Jil EKHH WWSfWw HaiiVsrT'TgJTrMr Ti-rCT "m I