Kwai Wirapp?ITTSBTJB(rPIgP&T WHERE S3IAXX. INVESTMENTS Enrich Lot Bayers Monongahela Klver Towns Alrrays in tho trad. Dr. Osborne, of Homestead, purchased a lot about a year as;o in that borough for 1,400, and was offered recently 52,600 for It. The same lot. it may be added, changed bands two years before at about one-half the purchase price of a year ago. As shown by statistics published a few days ago, the rate of increase in values has been equally as great in other Jlonongahela river towns, among them Braddock, McKcesport, Du- ?uesne and Charleroi. There has been no ailure and no retrogression on the Jfonon gahcla; small investors in the valley have in numberless instances gathered in a year larger profits on one or two lots than the total of their wages during the same period. Ko other district presents equal induce ments or stronger guarantees to lot buyers. Blaine's location is in the raidt of these progressive towns, which accounts for the cacerness of all classes to vi"it and .buv in the plan. Saturday's last free excursion, by rail and water, promises to be a notable event Mr. Adah S. Thomas Will Resume Her , Tjesons in Vocal Music The information that Mrs. Adah S. Thomas has decided to regime the giving of lessons in ocal music and voice culture will cause widespread gratification. Instructors of Mrs. Thomas' abilitv are rare. She is a born teacher, and her past success in her profession is but the rational result of ex treme fitness for the exacting duties which fall to the lot of the teachers. Mrs. Thomas is a thorough musician, and her musical education has been followed with a special reference to the subsequent imparting of knowledge to others. For this the lady is pre-eminently fitted. Her personality is of the most pleasing kind, winning the inter est and regard of her pupils instantly, while lier inborn faculty for teaching and impart ing musical knowledge is such that it is a pleasure to learn. Mrs. Thomas will give lessons to pupils either nt their homes or at her residence, X o. S27 Denniston avenue, or she mar be addressed through the firm of Mellor& Hoene, 77 Fifth avenue. Early npnlication will certainlv be advantageous to the applicants, for Mrs. Thomas' list must soon be filled. tSf-Display advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified real estate advertisements on this page ten cents per line for each insertion, ami none taken for less than thirty cents. TVANTEO. ? UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE Classified under the followlne headings will be ac cepted at the rate or OXE CEXT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION when paid for In ad vance cither at main or branch offices. Wanted Advertisements of all Mnds, SUCH AS SITUATIONS KOOaiS, MALE HELP, BOAKDIXG, FEMALE HELr, BOARDERS, AGENTS, MISCELLANEOUS, FEKSONAL, TO LET ROOMS, MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALES, LOST ANT FOUND. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. BUSINESS OFFICE. Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. TVTTERE "WANT. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS "WILL BE RFCEIVKD UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements 6honld be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Disf-atch. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE. NO. 1U2 CABSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 6M2. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. "WALLACE, Ola TEXN AVE. PITTSBURG-ADDITIONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Bntler street. EMH, G. STUCKEY, SUh street and Penn avenue. ALLEGHENY. A. .1. KAEHCIIEK. No. K Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE. Market House, Allfghenv. F. H. EGGERS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, "Western and Irwin avenues. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aw. "Wanted Female Help. LADY pianist: must be slirht reader and capable of leadlne show: no flirt tolerated: must be re liable: state lowest salary and expenses paid in lire t letter: to Join at once. Address Dr. R. Hyde, Eddy's Medicine Company, Summerville. Pa. LADY or good address, who had aome business experlenceiapply after 9 A. M., Room 5, 42)4 Sixth St., second floor, LADY First-class lady solicitor. Penn av., second floor. Inquire at 801 rpWO HUNDRED Houseetrls, cooks, chamber X maids, waitresses, 27 Federal St., Allegheny. WOMAN A woman willing to work, with some knowledge of cooking. Bayley's Cafe, 405 Smithfield st. VT70MAN Strong woman to assist In general i t nouseworit. m x.igmn 16U, Pittsburg. "VOUNG- lady to clerk In grocery store. Address X A. D.. Dispatch office. "Wanted Male and Female Help. LAUNDRESSES, rooks, chambermaids, nurses, dining room girls, three young girls. 200 house girls, German and colored girls, teamsters, laltor ers. farm hands, drivers. Mrs. E. Thompson, COS Grant st. JOB SAXE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. CCIOTO STREET Two desirable houses; houses O are new, nicely finished and contain Ore rooms andflnlshed attic; only 1700 cash: balance on long time. Murry A Edsall, Fidelity Building, Pltt .burg. , SECOND AND THIRD AVS.-ProperUes near new postofflce: very rapid enhancement sure to follow the occupying of the new postofflce: buy nrst,;sell after. Black & Baird, No. 05 Fonrthav. JQ 000 A thoroughly well built new house, tBO nine rooms, line dry cellar with furnace, Santry, porches, etc.; nice level lot; 40 feet front: ;n minutes from street cats; easy access to heart of city; may be secured by a quick purchaser for 13,(00; if In search of a bargain i in the West End. look at this property. 1-20-138. Charles Somers & Co., 129 Fourth av. "71 AN to work about gentleman's place, farm JJJL hands, laborers, coal miners, hotel cooks, laundry girls, dishwashers, dining room girls, chambermaids, child's nurse, 200 house girls, fam ily cooks, chambermaids. Meehan's, Ms Grant st. Tel. 90. Wanted Situations, POSITION as salesman or office manager by vouug man with energy, push and business ability; experience In olllceana road work; first class references. Address "Energy," Dispatch office. POSITION A reliable and competent young man wants a position as manager or agent or a SoslUon of trust: best or reference furnished. Ad ress Leonard, Dispatch office. POSITION By a drug clerk, registered in New York: ten years' experience, six in Europe and four In New York. Address A. A., Dispatch office. POSITION as salesman In wholesale plumbing or tinware house; 13 ears' experience; Alreler ences. Address Tinware. Dispatch office. "WANTED. Male BelD. BAD "WRITERS Smart's Business and Short hand College. 12 Federal St.. Allegheny: good penmanship taught In eight lessons; private lessons, loth sexes; day and evening. Clean, rresh and Bright Array of the latest and most popular fall patterns in ladies' fine shoes. At 52 00 fine kid, patent tip. button, long vamp, narrow toe. See the S3 00 shoes perfect beauties. Sec the S3 .W heavy soles, patent tips or plain. Ilemember.'these shoes are not an old bankrupt or sheriff' sale stock. But the lat est styles and patterns are awaiting your in spection at Simen's, 7S Ohio street, Alle gheny, Pa. MTuTh ffUEFEOrLirS STORE FIFTH AVENUE. Grand Millinery Opening To-day and to-morrow. Our first grand dis play of fall and winter millinery. Campbell & Dick. LIEN'S Globe shoes are the favorites. Try ihem. Cain Bros., Libertv and Sixth streets. COUNT VON WALDERSEE, 5"he German General, Diplomat and friend of Emperor "William, acknowledges the beneficial effects of the Soden Mineral Pas tilles in a letter addressed to the Soden Jlineral Springs Co. These Pastilles (troches), are unsurpassed for catarrhal affections of the throat, for colds and coughs, &nd no one should be without them. The genuine imported article must have the signature of "Eisner & Mcndelson Co.," oIc Agents, New York, around every box, Th BOY For errand. 77 Diamond st. No elty Printing Company, T)OOKKEEPER-Mn for office work with some JD experience in bookkeeping; give name and reference. Address, in own nandwrltlng, H. 9, Dispatch office. BRICK MAN A Bret-class foreman for a brick yard. Inquire 17 Erie st., Allegheny. COATMAKER One first-class fine "coatmaker wanted Immediately; steady work and good wages to the right man: no drunken bums need apply. First-class eoatinakers please apply to W. J. Huston fe Co., 143 and 143 Broadway, East Lit ex pool, O. POSITION as stenographer by lady with two years' experience and good education! salary 150. Jl. L. A.. Dispatch office. East End Residences. I7AST END A new modern frame of 8 rooms, j reception hall, all modern improvements, car riage house and stable; lot 50x100: owing to re moval of owner from city will sell for &i00 below value; easy terms; 2 minutes' walk from electric lines; a bargain to quick buyer (631). J.C.Jami son & Co., 90 Fourth ave, and No. 133 Frankstown ave. FOR SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. TESTAURANT-FIne, In central part of city; -LI; Jewejry stores, good-paying cigar store, grocery stores, 200, 1500, 11,000 to $10,000; milk route, livery stable, lumber yard, fish and oyster market, bakery, shocstore. good country store. Holmes & Co.. 420 Smithfield st SHOE BUSINESS-An attractive shoe business; nice clean stock worth about 2,000: aotlve growing business; good city location: new build ing at low rent, or can be bonght outright if wanted, at a bargain. 1-18-123. Charles Somers fc Co., 129 Fonrthav. OTORE-stock and fixtures of a general stonvjln yJ small town In Eastern Ohio; fine farming community; no opposition; line room; will sell or lease cheap. Address Stock and Fixtures, Dis patch office. Business Properties. TJUILDING Four-story manufacturing build--L lng In the very center of the city, with engine. etc.. complete: only 118,000. uiacK & shaftlni Baird, g. No. 95 Fourth av. "I OOO cash required Frame house. IS rooms, tIDXj reception hall, parlor, library, bath, h. and jc. water and all modern Improvements: adapted for first-class boarding house: beautiful shade trees; lot 60x120 (more ground If desired): netrl. R. R. station and electric cars; price $6,000. (740) J. C. Jamison & Co., 90 Fourth av., and 133 Franks town ay. 2Q OOO wiH purchase a new six-room frame ) house, in East End, hall and vestibule, double front doors, slate mantels and roof, pantry, wired for electric light; $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. J. C. Jamison A Co., 90 Fourth av., and 133 Frankstown av., E. E. FOR SALE-3,700-In midst of East End-new brick residence 9 rooms: well finished and all the most modern fixtures: large porch front, side and Tear; large lot; near Fifth av. cable ana Daquesne Traction line: location first-class. (16). "W. A. Hcrron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. se3-77-Th TIOSITION as stenoeraDherand tvoewrlterbv a X young lady of experience. Address Etliel, DIs-i parcn omce. SITUATION Notice to contractors and builders, a man having IS years' experience in handling plans, laying out work, superintending men, etc, w Ishes to make an engagement. Address Box D, Dispatch office. SITUATION by a young man with three years' experience in general hardware. Address A. "W. M., No. 174 Robinson St., Allegheny. SITUATION In any capacity by a young mar ried man with good education; (can speak three languages). Address Steady, Dispatch office. orruATioN O neriencedmanrhastwocertiflcatesand best references. AddrcsB Mines, Dlspatoh office. As mine superintendent by an ex- lurnibuea SITUATION by young man to work around horses and stables, or as truckman; best references. Address F. R., European Hotel. "tOATMAKER A firt-class man: none other V need apply. J. H Fredrick, 0030 Center av., East End, Pittsburg. Pa; DRIVER At once, for local express wagon: Ger man preferred. Address M. I. fcolsson. Hazel wood P. O.. Pa. DRIVER Experienced driver for laundry wagon, for route in East Liberty. Apply Pearl Laun dry IRUG CLERK Registered assistant. U7"WylIe XJ avenue. T7RRAND BOY One living In Lawrencevlllcpre- jL-i lerrea. .anaress tj. jj., uispaicn omce. FURNITURE" FINISHER-At "once. Jacobs McGllvray, 51 and 53 Federal St., Allegheny. SITUATION As bookkeeper, cashier by a prac tical man of experience; best of reference. O. E. L Ethel Landing, Pa. SITUATION By an experienced young man as fnmlture salesman; reference. Address Fur niture, Dispatch office. ffl A OOO Baum street. Twentieth ward, Shady tJVX) side station, near Duquesne Traction, 6 rooms, reception hall, 2 porches, both gases, nice lawn; lot 45x100: terms Jl. 000 cash, balance on time. J. E. McCrlckart, 140 Fifth ave. Tel. 1676. aes-St-ltr .Allegheny Residences. MARKET ST.. Near Locust, Alllegheny, p.000, a modern brick dwelling of nine rooms, hall, bath room, hot and cold water, both gases, laun dry, etc; also small frame bouse of four rooms In rear: lot 20x120 to an alley. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth av. ffiJfT OOO For two brick houses; one has seven fJHO rooms and thp other four rooms; rents $40 per month; on line of electric cars and convenient to both cities. A. V. Wilson, 55 Federal st., Alle I7IFTH AV.. OAKLAND-Corncrpropcrty: good . business location: 48 feet front with building; only 110,000. Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth av. e LIBERTY ST. BUSINESS Smlthfleld nt.. t?t nm. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth'av. PROPERTY Ntar rare opportunity. PENN AV. Business property; best location; In very center of new improvements; enhance ment certain. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth ay. AUCTION SALES. SEVENTH ST. AND DUQUESNE WAY Very desirable business location. Geo. Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. SMITHFIELD ST., BUSINESS PROPERTY near new postofflce, which will be occupied within a few days; buy before the enhancement. Black & Baird, No. 95 Fourth av. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock. COACH One three-quarter high seated carriage, cheap. Apply at Keystone stables. No. 180 Sandusky st., Allegheny. FRENCH BREAK. 8-passenger vehicle; very nobby; Just the trap for park riding. Bay wood Stables. 5905 Center avenue. HORSES Two fine draft horses. 5 and 6 years old. 1,400 to 1.600 pounds, for sale. Address Horses, Dispatch office. HORSE, buggy and harness eighty dollars. Bav wood Stables, 59W Center avenue. MARE Good sorrel mare. 6 years old. weight 1.300 pounds; 1130. G. J. Bleichner, 2208 Car son st,, Southside. Snhnrhan Residences. A VALUABLE little property; three acres level ground; river and railroad front ages, right at station. P., V. & C. E. R. : good house and barn; dairyman, gardner or speculator can profit by a quick purchase : aee it : S3, 500. 4-77- 339. Charles Somers & Co., 129 Fourth av. 37DGEWOOD P. B. B., six minutes from sta j tlon, new frame house of six rooms, finished attic, bath. etc. ; wide hall, slate roof; lot 50x125 feet: fine view; price 13,800. Hoffman Baldrldge, Wllkinsburg, opposite depot. 170R SALE 14,500 A neat suburban home, seven X rooms, three acres ground, ten minutes' ride on one of the leading CRs., near tho station. (1-3). "W. A. Herron & Sons. SO Fourth av. selO-64-Th SITUATION Copying or writing to do In spare time bv a good penman. Address Penman, Dispatch office. SITUATION as bookkeeper or.offioe assistant, 3 years experience. Address O. D., Dispatch office. SITUATION By an experienced housekeeper. Call at 433 Fifth ay. r MEETINGS AND NOTICES. Meetings. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that I have on this date told and transferred the dairy business heretofore carried on in the name ofs. Chartwick Jt Son to John Haliegger and Chri'-tlau Willy, to whom I recommend mv fonner patrons. All business of the late firm of s. Chad ick & Son will bi settled by the undersigned, to hoin aU communications Ihould be addrca-ea. SAMUEL CI1 ADW1CX, 1 av., E. IS.. Pittsburg, Pa. scu-13 MAN "With push wanted in each city and town to introduce our new paste stove polish among housekeepers and stores: no labor, no brush, dust or smell: sells on sight: pays S3 0 per day. Address, with stamp. Champion Co., 46 X. Fourth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. MAN A capable roan to act as policeman, street commissioner, etc. for the borough of Edge wood. Appi any time after 6 o'clock P. M. to C I. Wade, Burgees. "a fAN A strictly sober man to lay out work and 1X take charge of shop. Sharon Boiler Works. " TEN For the United States Army, able-bodied: 111 unmarried men between the ages of 21 and 3S years: good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendance; applicants must be prepared to fur nish satisfactory evidence as to age, character and habits. Apply at No. 915 Penn ay.. Pitts burg, Pa. Jy5-6-Thsu MILK SinrrEr. to snip 2.r. gallons milk. Call address 824 Carson St., S. S. PANTALOON stockkeeper Experienced man. Jos. Klees Sons & Co., 805 Liberty St. PLUMBER Steady work for a good mechanic. Address F. B. Ringler, No. 61 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa. TUTOR Experienced successful tutor, college graduate, has few spare hours; elementary branches; college preparation; highest references. Tutor, Dispatch office. Wanted Boarders and Lodirers. LODGEBS-At Anchor Hotel. 325-S27 Liberty St., cor. Fourth: lodging per night, 25c, 35c 50c; per week, $1 25, tl 75, (2. &. TABLE BOARDERS First-class table boarders, terms ?5 per neck. 35 Federal st,, Allegheny. TWO gentlemen for nlcelv furnished room, with board, 116 Elm st. "Wanted Rooms. "OOOMS Two good sized unfurnished rooms XV within a few squares of Sixth and Penn av. Address H. A., Dispatch office. TTOUSE Why pay rent another year when you XX can buy a five-room house new. with city water, large pantries, porches, etc, for 12,000, on easy terms. See Baxter, Thompson & Co., 102 Fourth av. Machinery and Metals. BOILERS and engines, second-hand: all sizes, from 4 to 100 h. p.; cheapest In the market: 46 boilers and engines In stock, stationary and porta ble i upright boilers, mounted farm engine, etc., steam pumps, governor, pulleys and shaft ing. Telephone. 3401. 23-25 Park way. J. S. Young, Allegheny, Pa. BOILERS-Second-nand-all sizes, to 100 h. p., locomotives, portables, uprights, tnbulars and horizontals, aslo manufacturers of boilers, tanks, stacks, etc.; old anvils resteeled,dresd and ground, finished as good as new. W. Man chester A Co., Twenty-eighth st,, Pittsburg. " AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, Sept. 19, at 2 P. M., -OV THE- RIDGEVIEWLANDCO.'S PLAN OF FINE BUILDING LOTS, ON LINE OF THE California Avenue Electric Cars, "ALLEGHENY'S GREAT BOULEVARD," IN THE ELEVENTH WARD, ALLEGHENY CITY, Only 10 minutes' ride from City Hall. CITY WATER ! ELECTRIC LIGHTS! CITY CONVENIENCES! , 46 Lots Already Sold. TERMS $25 cash on day of sale, Balance on reasonable terms to snit purchaser. Take CALIFORNIA AVENUE ELECTRIC CARS. Get Free Car Tickets, Flans and Particu lars from A. . BYERS & CO., 93 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. CHOICE PltOPEItTlES. H. B. SMITHSON. Auctioneer. se!7-C7 ENGINE Four-horse power engine and boiler, cheap. Inquire 1833 Carson st., S. 8. MACHINERY of Marshall elevator: also, a rope elevator and a fine welgh-master scale. Ad dress 31. 31., Dispatch office. SECOND-HAND engines and boilers Two 35 horse-power and two ten horse-power station ary engines and boilers. One ten horse-power porta Die on wneeis. xnircy-nve, la, iz, ten ana eight horse-power engines, vertical and horizontal. au goou ana win oe sola cneap. Depot, 99 First av. Hannes' Machine "WriLKINSBURG New frame house, six rooms, tt two finished attic rooms; hall, backaudfront stairway, china closet, slate mantels, slate roof; bath, w. c. washstand: good location; lot 23x120 to alley. Holfman & Baldrldge, Wllkinshurg, oppo site depot. 41-3 ACRES, with dwelling house, outbuildings, orchard, water, etc, of the estate of the late James Swindell, deceased, and situate on the llazlett road. Reserve township, lhe minutes' walk from East street extension and the school house: to be sold at trustees1 public sale by order of Orphans1 Court: the adjourned sale will take place in the real estate salesroom of Jas, V. Drape & Co., 313 AVood St.. Pittsburg, on Thursday after noon, September 17. at 2 o'clock. Particulars from Jas. W. Drape & Co., Agents and Auc loneers, 313 Wood St. Wanted Real Estate. TO purchase A modern house, about ten rooms; lot 60 to 100 feet front; located In East End. sear car lines. Address (giving location and priceC. Mocrell, Dispatch office. Lincoln SEPTEMBER 1, 1S9L Legal Notices. TV. G. CRAWFORD, Attorney, 129 Fifth av. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LETTERS JA testamentary on the estate ot A llllsm Sample, fcr.. deceased, late of the borough of Sharpsburg, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to maKe pay ment, and thoe hs lng claims against said estate file remifMed to present them w lihout dela to BREWER H-OTT. Bennett, Pa.. WILLIAM. 11RADBERRY. Allegheny City, fcl-7-TTS Executors. D. R. JOKES. Attorney at Law, Eighth ae Homestead. 400 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa. TESTATE OK .TAME BOYLE. DECD-NOTICE J!i 1 hereby pi en that letters testamentary on borough ol Homestead, Allegheny co.. Pa., have been granted to the undersign d. to w liom all per sons are requested to make immediate payment and thoe having claims or demands against the sme will make them know n without delav, lo him or to his above named attorney. EUW ATil) O'DON'VKLL. Executor. Ef-17-H-Th 3o. 1372 ccond a cnue. Pittsburg. Pa. EEWAIID. $1,000 REWARD Will 1m paid by the County Commissioners of Alle gheny county, Penns l anla, for the apprehension anddclhen to the Oouutv Jail of said county of 1'RI.I) C. riTZiIMMONS ALIAS A. G BUDD, ho cleaned from said Jail September 15, 1S91. The following l a description of his appearance at the tune of hi escape: Name Fred C. I itrlmmons alias A. G. Rndd. lfeigiith -5 teen inches. Weight IJ0 pounds. 1'y e- Dark gray Cheek Bones Very noticeable. Noi-e Yen proinim ut. Hair Black mixed with gray. Mustache bhort, black and mixed with gray, omplexion Dark and bloodless. Wore shoes No. 9 or9,. Gunshot wound on left shoulder. Wort a double-breasted 6JU.L coat and vest, dark bine pants black Cheviot. Age Abo Jt 43 years. Birthplace-Supposed to be Brookville, Ontario. For further information apply to It. E. MEECER, JAMEs G. WEIR, D. J. BOYLE. County Commissioners. Cocirnr Commission trs' Office, i PITTSBC1K.. September 15. 1891. t se!6-Sl QUARRYMEX Sledeers and drillers: work. Williams Brick Stone Co., ave. near Marion station B. Jl O. K. B. steady Second EOUGHEBS )-Forl6 Inch billet train: scale i wages. Call or address H. P., Nail Co.. Cleve- TVanted Parrnen. BUSINESS MAN having $25,000 to $0,000 to take Interest in a manufacturing concern, paying on this Investment f 12, 000 to Jli.OOO clear; ample se curity; will stand close Investigation. Address Manufacturer. P. O. Box G95. laud, O. SALESMEN Visiting wholesale Jobbers or crockery and lamps can make many extra dollars selling our kitchen lamps as a side line; these lamps are carried in stock by all lamp dealers; samples easily carried in hand when necessary to sho-w. or take up but little tpaoe In grip; good commissions paid: orders can be taken for from one to ten gross lots from ,everv lamp lobber; write at once for terms and particulars. Address The Clipper Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. se!3-21-Thsu SALESMEN Visiting wholesale Jobbers or whisks, brushes and dusters can make mny extra dollars selling our line of "India nber''' whisks, dusters, etc.. as a side line; goods are in fancy colors and are great novelties something entlrflv new; samples easily carried in hand when necessary, or take up but little space In grip; good commissions paid; write at once for terms and particulars. Address The Clipper 3Ifg. Co., Cin cinnati. O. seI3-21-Thsu SALESMAN Grocery specialty salesman by a manufacturer, to sell the retail and wholesale grocer tradt of Western Pennsylvania, for a line of poods thai arc now handled on thelrmerits by the trade in this territory: good salary paid to an experienced man; must give good references and state monthly average sales of the goods he is now selling, otherwise no attention paid to applications. Address Grocery Specialties, Dispatch office. QTKKOGRAPHER A gentleman desires the O services of a skilled stenographer at his resi dence in the East End from s to 10 o'clock In the e enings: will pay well for first-class service. Ad dress giving experience, J. W. E., Dispatch office. STRAIGHTENER wanted; appiv at once The TjIerTubeandPipeCo., Washington, Pa. STUDENT to learn dentistry; must pay a fee. Inquire Dr. Yates, M2 Penn av. TOUND. POUND Wall paper 1c a roll. Thompson Bros.. 103 Federal sU I70UND-That Aland, the Tailor. 131 nrth av.. . has unequalid bargains in fall suitings and overcoatings; workmanship equal to the best. TXIUXD-You can bring your pictures to the city X Jndget them framed while vou visit the Ex- Sosltion: cheapest and best lninlng in tho city. '0. 2 Sixth St.. upstairs. T. C. McElroy. IX)U"D l'ou can Duy 100 loaded shells, 10 or 12 ' gauge lor S2: 100 empty bhells. any gauge, fordtic; reloading tools. 50c: shell belts. 25c; hunting coats. 1. at K. hmifs, 132 and 931 Liberty st., and 70S. 710. 707 Smithfield. TAILOR A good tailor to work In the store and busbelman; good wages. Apply for three days, 17 Anderson st Allegheny City. "TTVAGONSIAKER, flrst-class. to run shop. Ad- V dress bos 4J6. Scottdale, Pa. WrATCIIJIAKER-Good reliable man. 25 to 35 1 years of age. Address C. B., P. O Box SQL Pittsburg, Pa. Y OUXG MAN For county manager; good ref erences and 8100 in capital reuuired: salarv. J720 per year. Call or address Room 713, Lewis DIOCK. "VOUNG man Salesman in carpet department. X Address P. O. Box 141, Titusvllle, Pa., stat ing experience and wages v anted. i OOD business man with $10,000 or 115,000 to take UT permanent position In manufacturing com pany desiring to lucreaso capacity for business; strong inducements to right man. Address N. 31., Dispatch office. PARTNER with $300 in a new manufacturing business: $150 per month guaranteed or money refunded; onlvasober, true man who means bust ness need apply. Address F. F., Dispatch office. PARTNER In a well established manuiacturing business in East End; !10,(mo to f 15,000 required to enlarge works. Address Manutacturer, Lock Box 725, Pittsburg, Pa. Miscellaneous. WE make -a specialty of building and selling houses on monthly payments; sendforour large new list. Magaw & uoff, Llm 145 Fourth avenue. 17rj ACRES-In oil and heavy gas district: X I O frame house, 9 rooms; good cellar and water; bank barn: COxCO: 100 acres; improved; fruits, etc ; 4 feet bituminous coal; 75 acres timber, pine, chestnut and oak. Address Bnrk & Dlckln son. Oil City, Pa. FOB SALB LOTS. UPRIGHT ENGINES-5 to 10 horse power, with or without boilers. Henry Farnan, 90 Lacock bu, Aiiegneuy. Miscellaneous. ESTATE By the Safe Deposit and Trust Com pany, .of Pittsburg, $3 Fourth av., adjourned sale of Patrick May Estate, Tuesday, Septem ber 22, at 10 o'clock A. it., on the premises. Second av. near Brewery st. and old gas works, store, houses and dwellings. A, J. Pentecost, Auctioneer, 413 Grant st. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF FINE furniture, carpets, upright pianoforte, bedding, etc, at the rooms of tho Henry Auction Co., 24 nnd 26 Ninth St.. FRIDAY, September IS, nt 10 o'clock. Fino chamber suites in oak and walnut, wood and marble tops, with French bevel glass, mirror door wardrobe, chiffonier bureaus, washstands, chairs and rocker, handsome parlor furni ture upholstered in urocatelle tatiestry, rugs and plushes, leather library suite, couches, easy chair and rockor, lino upright piano forte almost new, bookcase, desks, side boards, extension tables, leather chair, dishes, toiletwaro, brnssels and ingrain car pets, linoleum, kitchen and laundry furni ture. Also nt 2 o'clock lot of notions, drygoods, millinery goods, hats, ribbons, etc Sale positive. Furniture now on exhibition. sel"-S3 HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. EDUCATIONAL. MISS McCRACKEN'S SELECT SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, No. S68 Ridge Avenue, Allegheny, Will Reopen Wednesday, September 23, 1S9L se6-71-Trhsu i ' FOR SALE. Elegant Stone Mansion. (fflLi $20,000, ON EASY TERMS. On one of the finest paved streets in the East End Electric light, plate glass, both gases; in fact, every modern convenience. BLACK & BAIRD, No. 95 Fourth Ave. CHOICE PROPERTIES. .iWV MlM . l H CHOICE PROPERTIES FOR SALE. se!7-3S-Thsu HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale. 171 Second av., city. ONE 14 KT. solid gold E. Howard St Co. stem winding and setting watch; cost originally $115. now oulv$75 at K. bralt's, 982 and 934 Lib erty, and 703, 70o, 707 Smlthfleld. SINGING birds, parrots, gold fish, small pet animals. Espich's, 640 Smithfield st. YtTALLPAPElJ V Federal st. -lc roll. Thompson Bros., 109 TOLKT. City Residences. TWENTY-SECOND ST., S. S No. 64-Honse free to October: key next door. Cutbbert, 43 Shlloh St., Thirty-second ward. t City Lots. LEVEL LOTS In Twenty-third ward. 500 feet from Second av.; streets graded, macadam ized, sidewalks, cltv water; houses built to suit purchasers on monthly payments; Second av. elec tric and B. & O. R. R. George C. Burgwin, at torney at law, 150 Fourth av. LOTS Beautiful building lots forfrom f 100 to 5300, In the Eighteenth ward; long payments: easy terms. Inquire of Chae. E. Cornelius, attorney, 400 Grant St., Pittsburg. LOTS On Wylle and Webster aves. : awav down prices. Geo. Johnston, Agent, eSFonrtb.ave.' East End Lots. PAKTKER-ln real estate business; none but a reliable and active-man need apply. M, Dis patch ofilce. Financial. 'ONEY to loan at lowest market rates on bond and raorfrarc: no delav. Reed B. Coile & Co., cor. Fourth av. and Grant st. M MONEY to loan on mortgages: lowest Interest; no delay. Black & Baird, 93 Fourth av. MORTGAGES-$100, 000 to loan; sums S500 to $5, 000 toS20.000: expenses light: money ready. S. .J. Fleming. 132 Fifth av. MORTGAGES Money to loan in sums to suit at 4, 5 and 6 per cent. Robert G. Bailey, 164 Fourth av. Tel. 167. MORTGAGES on city or Allegheny county prop erty at lowest rates. Henry A. Weaver & Co.. 92 Fourth av. QUICK loan of not over J2.500; highest Interest paid; real estate security. Address Loan, Dispatch office. Miscellaneous. , A 'GREAT reduction TA e want everybody to know that we have reduced our best $3 00 cabi nets to S3 00. Stewart & Co. . 90 and 92 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa.; diamond PhotoettesSI 00. UCTIONI AUCTION f AUCTIONPTuesday. Thursday and Saturday we buy new and second-hand furniture, stored or sold on com mission; hold sales at stores or houses; stores bonght and highest prices paid; call and see the Washington Auction Storage amd Van Co., 76 Third av., city. BOOKKEEPING We attend to the opening and closing and adjusting of-books ot all kinds; voucher system introduced and individual instruc tion given bookkeepers In same; long experience and references as to accuracy, promptness and discretion. McCaffrey & Robinson, Room 16, 95 Filth av. (JJ7 K A MONTH and expcncs for salesmen In vDt xj every comity in the U. S.; samples and outfit free: no experience necessary: j early con tracts made: finest and easiest selling goods man uixctnred. Send stamps for full particulars, E. Converse, 24 Hennon st., Worcester, Mass. Wanted Agents. AGENTS On salary or commission to handle the new patent ehemical Ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling novelty ever producea; erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasiou oi paper: 200 to M0 per cent profit: one agents sales amounted to S620 in six days; another f321ntvo hours; we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address The Monroe Eraser Mlg. Co., La Crosse. Wis. AGENTS "King's Handbook:" 2,639 illustra tions colored maps; census 1890: selling for i250:is making a great hit; agents making money rapidly: territory going fast; liberal tenni. P.J. Fleming 4 Co.. 13j Finn av., Pittsburg. STKAYKIX CTRAYED-Came to the property of Baltz Die O trich. noryP. O.. Boss totinohip, Allegheny .Pa., last r-aturdav. a black colt, with tno white hind feet and white spot on Jon head Owner canhae same by proving property and piying all damageb. SCM3IEK KI250KTS. rPHE CHALFONTE 1 ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. On thebeach,with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt -natei baths in the house. tend for circular. auM-UG-D E. ROBERTS SONS. MARINE VILLA, Cape May, N.J. Within 30 yards of tho surf. Seventeenth, season; 50 rooms added, facing the sea; eleva tor, baths, etc MRS. F. HALLENBECIC lvl-21-D Sh encil and otamis Works. W. A. gunfing, 20RfthqvAWkei5h TRY OUH LAUGHTON PADS. seS-rrs AGENT&i-toO appointment on 80 days' time, guar antee J150 profit In lour weeks or no pay. Free samples for stamp. D. Shoop & Co., Racine. Wis. AGENTS To sell pianos direct from manufac turers on salary or commission. 17 Federal, Allcghcuy. AGENTS For s oS. Call at 121 eclaltv article that sells right Fourth av., second floor. DISTRICT AGENTS-For the Citizens' Mutual Lire Insurance Association of New York. Ad dres Mnrrv A Edsall, General Agents, Fidelity building, Pittsburg. Wanted Female Help. pIIAMBERMAID-Inquire of Mrs. C. Welsser, v 4.a Market trect. during the day ; or call In thceenlngat247 Allegheny av.. Allegheny City. GROCERS will And it to their advantage to patronize Iron City Produce Co., 623 Liberty street. Choicest fruits; lowest prices. TTORSES There are still a few stalls vacant for n business men's horses at the boarding stable, 43 W. Diamond. Apply-to A. Filman, 52 S. Dia mond, Allegheny. IRAIG ST. Beautiful building lot on Craig st w uetweeu cayara ana denier ave. 50x142 feet, to a 20-foot alley, Agent, os jj ourm aye. size of lot Geo. Johnston, ELLSWORTH AV. LOT-Durlng September, magnificent Ellsworth av. lot; 25 per cent be low value; sacrifice. Dispatch office. "TTOR JJ 40x120 ft, A. Herron & Sons, SO Fourth av, SALE Wllklnsburg-Only on a gooa wiae street, S300: level lot , (W. P.) W. selO-04-Th East End Residences. TJOOUET ST.-Near Bates. Oakland, newdwell- JL lngof seven rooms and bathroom; all convex LUTHERV1LLE SEMINARY (NEARBAL TIJIOEE) for young ladies. $225 per Jrear. 39th year. Modern conveniences, arse campus, full faculty, thorough train ing, home comforts. Send lor catalogue. REV. J. H. TUENEE, A. M., Principal, Lutherville, Md. jy21-77-TT3 "VTEW RAPID PHONOGRAPHY AND -M typewriting and complete business course taught at Park Institute, 204 North ave., Allegheny. New term opens Septem ber 1. Evening sessions September 23. Cat alonues andiournal to any address free. austVrrs LEVI LUDDEN, A. M., PnnoipaL iences. R. Sledle & Sons, M Fifth av. t rpo LET East End, S30: Dries house, seven X rooms, bath, range, hot and cold water, both kinds of jras; large lot on Lang av.; location good. W. A. Herron &. Sons, to Fourth av. t Allegheny Residences. rPO LET-tM: brick, Allegheny money, w . A honse; six rooms; Stewart very good house for the Herron & Sons, 80 Fourth av. t .Business stands. BUSINESS House. 108 Market st. Stoughton & Stulten, 101 Market st. Inquire TVTE XVfor hotel purposes, capable of division into about 100 rooms, with facilities for large restaur ant and office on ground floor; steam heat and elec tric light; elevators, passenger and freight. Black & Baird, So, 95 Fourth ay. t OAKLAND-Bnlldlug lots. Federal St., Allegheny. A. D. Wilson. 55 OAKLAND building lots. eral St.. AUegneny. A. D. Wilson, 55 Fed- SHADYSIDE A lot very cheap. 40x130; owner must sell: deal direct and get benefit of com mission. Address M. C, Dispatch office. Allegheny Lots. TJEBECCA ST. Allegheny building lots. A. JAi Wilson, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. Suburban Lots. "DELLEVUE Nothing cheaper in Bellcvue: X) 150 feet; beautiful piece of ground fronting 100X v nn two good streets and extending to a 20-foot alley! within one square of electric cars: only $1,900. 4-54-217. Charles Somers A Co., 129 Fourth av. FOR SALE IK acres ground, 11,500; a fine build ing site, six miles from the Union depot, near the station. avenue. (22) W. A. Herron A Sons, 80 Fourth sell-46-U,17,24 INGRAM-U3 lovely building lots. Geo. Jonn ston. Agent, 62 Fourth aye., Pittsburg. LOTS 50x150, In the Watson sub-dlvlslon. East Bellevue. P.. Ft. W. & C. B. R. ; only a ftw left. For plans, prices, etc., see John K. Ewlng A Co., 107 Federal tt. SHADYSIDE-Near Fifth av., and on line trac tion, lot 100x100, at 45 per foot; proporty on same street in immediate vicinity selling at J70 ft. Murry &, Edsall, 34 Fidelity building. STOREKOOal and dwelling corner S. Sixteenth and i-arah sts., Southside, with shelMng, count ers, tlerator, platform scales, etc.. complete for grocer" store. Apply to J. E. Roth, 1327 Carson street. t STOREROOM One new store room, three floors with elevator, good business location at 60 Frankstown a v. ; E. E. Pittsburg. VanGorder and Lloyd, 6218 Penn av.. E. Pittsburg. STOREROOM or wareuouse. no 407 Ferry st., near Liberty; rent low. Enquire at 44 Fourth st. - t rpO LET Business room, first floor, opp. the P. X. u. ; only jiu per mo, Fourth ay. W. A. Herron & Sons. 80 t MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL Eighth year. Devoted exclusively to instruc tion in shorthand and typewriting. Now open. Four expert instructors. The conductor has had an experience of over a quarter of a century as official verbatim stenographer for courts and State Legislatures. Fifty typewriters. Day and evening sessions. Three floors devoted en tirely to the use of sohool. Instruction thorough and practical. For further particulars and cata logue call on or address A. 31. MARTIN, BC1-83TTB 412 Wood street. "CURRY CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC FIRMLY ESTABLISHED. A modern school of music. Largest at tendance of any music school in the State. Equal advantages with any similar institu tion in the land. Call or send for catalogue. se5-87-TT3 SIMEON BISSELL, Direotor. SEPTEMBER 15. We can offer for sale for- a limited time a suburban resi dence of 14 rooms, with 2 acres of ground, house finished in hard wood, plate glass windows, hard wood mantels with mirrors, large porches, balconies and all possi ble conveniences that make a strictly first-class home. Photo graphs and floor plans can be seen at our office. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., sel3-183-TTSU 1G2 FOURTH AV. Estate of Rebecca Hubley.Dec'd. A fine three-story brick house, with nine rooms and n.tti h.isAmnt Irltchfm.camented . cellar, modem improvements. This prop erty is situated on "Penn avenue, Wilkins- uurg, jra., near tne i". li. a. station, ana near the trasincss portion of the town. Ground is 19ileeton Penn avenue and 256 feet deep through to Wallace street. It Is now laid out in loti and will be sold as a whole or in lots as laid out. Estate of Abbott Minors. A two-and-a-half story frame house of live rooms, situate 71 Stenben street, Southside. Front room well adapted for a "small store. Lot 0x55 through to an alley. -' - - Estate of Robt. M. Hartley. Lot 121x200 on Fifth avenue, near Shady avenue, one of the best locations on Fifth avenue for a private residence. Will be sub divided or sold as a whole. And lot 174x233 on Shady avenue, about sfcc minutes' wait from Fifth avenue. Property adjoins Beechwood Park and is increasing in value everv day. Will be sold as a whole or-sub-divided to suit. Estate Margaret L. Benham. Lot situate on corner of Fifth avenue and Shady avenue, 105 feet on Fifth avenue and 124 feet on Shady avenne. This Is one of tho finest locations for a fine residence on Fifth avenue. Estate Dan. C.Hamilton, Dec'd. Drug stock. A complete drug store, stock, fixtures and Rood will; also, a very fine soda fountain. Lease runs to April, 1893. Loca tion, No. 27 Ohio street, Allegheny. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth avenue. OU30-40-TTSU CTH AVE. LOT 40x107. A GOOD APABT3IENT LOCATION. 88,000. BUSINESS OK BLAINE. Free Boats and Cars,, Saturday, September 19, 1891. GET TICKETS AT ONCE FROM- 8CI2-53-TTS3U MURKY EDSALL, 34 FIDELITY BLDG. $15,000, EAST END, SOUTH HIGHLAND AVENUE. New modern Queen Anne brick dwelling, 10 rooms, reception hall Jaundry.bsith.nmKe. L gas, inside shutters, sliding doors, etc.; also. excellent, carnage nouse anu ataoie in rear. A very ohoice piece of property. SI. F. HIP PLE & CO., 96 Fourth avenne. Bel7-55-TTsn McNAUGHER & CO., Contractors for FarlngSldewalks TVlth Cement, Brick and Fire Brick, Concreting Cellars. 43 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. Curbstone lumished and set. aull-71-D OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Permanent income from the State. Annual revenues, $100,000. Twenty-flvo departments. Forty-three professors and assistants. Classi cal, scientific and technical courses. Ten laboratories. Doth sexes admitted. Tuition free. Send for catalogue. Jy2S-IS-ThB outtttir OAKLAND Furnished room for gentleman; nleasant corner, nice room. Call or address 3313 Forbes st. t " EOOM Large room, well furnished. In nice house: quiet; two in family; fs per month, both gases included. 25 Vlckroy st., near Chestnut, t EOOM First floor front, oiflce purposes, on good business street, centrally located. Address L. C, Dispatch office. t T) OOM Large, square, rurnisned room, j.v Mile iamuy; terms reasonaoie. i; st., Allegheny. in orl- bsndusky T T) OOMS Three nice rooms In nouse with owner; JAi no children; $15 month. 5 Vlckroy St., near Chestnut. ' t QWISSVALE-P. R. R.. Palmer Place lots; ex O ctllent level lots; two minutes from station; fine exposure, shade and' fruit trees, high ground, good drainage. Hoffman &. Baldrldge. INVENTORS-We make metal patterns and models and perfect inventions. E. P. Slentz & Co., 1S5 First av. T ADIES' and gents' XJ prompt work, and TOO Federal St. clothtnr cleaneoor dvea; Chas. Pfelfer, 443 bmlthneld. "VTATUBAL GAS-Consmners of natural gas will Xi nnd It to their advantage to cali on Jftmes Owens, of No. 100 Fourth av and have their stoves and grates arranged for the saving of gas, as this is the only way to get ahead of the gas companies. TATENTS OBTAIMSD-O, burg. TK T.pvlfl tM VAnral Solicitor, 131 Fifth avenue, next Leader, Pit ts- PATENTS-U. S. and foreign; fees pavable on success. J. II. Stevenson, solicitor, 109 Fifth ave. PUPILS wanted for Spanish, In a class or pri vately, at WSSandusky St., Allegheny. COOK for a small famllv; good reference re quired. Address P. O. Box 23 Pittsburg. COOK and chambermaid. Inquire of Mrs. S. C. fcchoyer, Dallas av.. East End. COOK-Femalc, at once. I. S. Crawford, Fremont St.. Allegheny. No. 1 GIRL Awinteglrlfor general Tiousework by a famllyoftno; good wages will be paid to the right party. Apply 4 Liberty St.. below Ferry, (i Dtlj For hoilftpwrtrlr VI fourth door from HalLet st.. Oakland. Call o. 3339 Forbes St., let ct n.ll.nH VV highest wages paid to right party. GIRL to asBist with nouscwork; no wasnlng; good wages Koerner. M Kirkpatrick av., comer B St., Allegheny GIRL For general lmntework; resJframendation required. 5111 Lincoln av East End, Pittsburg. GIRL To dogeucral housework, at 223 Emerson st.. East End. GIr-000!? feeJer' Novelty Printing Co., 77 Diamond st. PURCHASER With a capital of $30, COO or up ward, for an Interest In a large manufacturing bnstne's; credit and business standing of present firm Is good: a business of no less than 52,000,000 an nually, with exceptionally large profits, is what we guarantee; we are prepared and will offer to one qualified to assist in conducting a substantial bus iness enterprise an extra inducement beyond ex pectation; to those about to engage in a new or change their present business, who think favorably enough of this to correspond, trill do us a favor by calling in person; parties from a distance need not hesitate to come, as all expenscsfor same will be clMerfully refunded if not found as advertised. Fell particulars at private oflice, 190 Robinson st... Allegheny, Pa. TinLKINSBURQ LOTS-Cholce residence lots, I flagstone sidewalks, excellent location, five minutes Trom station; size 50x130 feet to alley. Hoffman & Baldrldge, VVilklnsburg, opposite depot. Cemetery Lots. LOT 18x8), Allegheny Cemetery. B. Errett, Bakeweli building. Address W. Mannfacturlng Sites. MANTJ FACTORY SITE-Best location on South side, Pittsburg; both- railroad and river frontage; paved streets; near all freight depots; price low for location. Black & Baird. No. 95 Fourth av. FOB, SALE BUSINESS. BAKERY An established stand doing a good business; good reasons ror felling. Address Wm. Schempp. cor. Sycamore and Wyoming sts., Mt. Washington, city. pARBERSHOP-First-class barbershop cheap, if JJ sold at once; cauoe, leaving tho country. Ad dress C. B. S., Dispatch office. PURCHASERS ai.d sellers of stores, business clianccs. 'business properties, real estate, etc. call on Woolsey & Co., 510 bmltliaeld st. TO buy gents' saddle and bridle; good condition cbeap lor cash. Address Saddle. Dlsnatcli omce. rno SELL 375 double barrel breech-loading shot X guns at prices ranging from tS 60 to $30; each gun sold is warranted to give entire satisfaction. K. bmit, 033 and 031 Liberty St., and 703, 705. 707 bmltbfield. TRUNKS hauled to and from East End for 60c. Campbell & Davis. 12 Seventh, av. Telephone FOB SALE-niPKQVED REAL ESTATE. Uazelwood Residences. KAZELWOOD $2,500 Two-story frame cot-..E6- ?'x rooros, hall, porch, etc.. slate roor, ot Mxl2u: Immediate possession; term $500 cash, balarce long time, fcamuel W. Blach& Co.. 89 Fourth ar. BUSINESS CnANCE We have an cxiellent business chauce for a good man with $10, 000 to $15,000 cash in one of the best manufacturing con cerns in the conntry: large profits and business the year through: the office of general superintendent iw w uuu mm hhiw salary: 11119 is a cooa op nortunitvfor a man 'nantfnffn flrcf-Mnaa hiicinpss already established, managed by the best of men of uiu vuiiiwcn,im Bwuuuig: in answer to tnis par ties must call In person. OttKe 190 Robinson St., Allegheny, Penna" T OOM Large, well-lnrnlshed rront room, X suitable for two or three gentlemen. 167 Wylle av. t ROOMS Some unfurnished rooms, suitable for housekeeping. Inquire on premises 44 Fourth st t TOOM A second-story front room rurnlshcd. lv 83 Washington St., Allegheny. t E OOM Nicely furnished front room; ootb gases; use bath. 210 Dinwiddle st. t R" OOMS Two unfurnished second floor front, 43 Fourth av. near Market. t T OOMS Two good rooms, unfurnished, 5171 Xi Pennav. t TWO rooms on first floor in two-story frame 4.&nin. .... Unit. .11.. nA.H TTIW-A Ot B. Ity Title and Trust Co., 121 and 123 Fourth av., city. t UNIVERSITY, SIXTH ST. Thlr.r T.o,a ff aiinooa, TPi.ll .tlloiVtn ta courses. Normal, Ladies' Seminary, English, Hechanical and Electrical Engineering De partments. Conservatory of Music, School of Elocution, Night School and Saturday .Normal Classes. Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Typewriting. Opens Sept. 1. Send for catalogue. H. Jl. ROWE, Prest. aulS-D S WITHIN C. SHOETLIDGE'S MEDIA. PA.. ACADEMY, near Philadelphia; choice school for boys, number limited; mild winter climate; health record has few parallels; fine buildings; steam heat; electric light and gas; gymnasium with swimming bath regulated by 6teara; ample grounds; teachers men and college graduates; spe cial attention and private tutoring for backward boys; single or double rooms; fits for college or business; superior English department; library; complete laboratory with dynamo,motor, etc.. etc.; boys' workshop for mannal training in wood and metal; Media has seven churches and a tempcr anee charter. SWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGE, A.M., (Harvard graduate). Media, Fa. auEHJJ HOMER MOORE Will receive a,limited number of pupils in vocal culture and singing. Until October voices tried free. Call at 607 Penn av. sel7-89 HELLO, CENTRAL, GIVE ME 199. Hello, Whiteley, send for my shoes and fix where needed and return them as quick as possible. A. WHITELEY, Pittsburg Shoe Repairing Factory, 13S-130 Third ave. Second floor. myl2-73-TT Charles Somers & Co., 129 Fourth Ave. gel5-96-TT $5i750 Is all we ask for one of those finely finished, modern improved NEW 7-F.OOJI BRICK HOUSES 03 NORTH OAKLAND SQUARE, FOURTEENTH WARD. Con be reached by electric or cable cars in 15 minutes from the postofflce. STREET ASPHALTTJMED. FRONT PORCHES AND YARDS, Within five minutes' walking distance of CARNEGIE LIBRARY or SCHENLEY PARK. You can secure one of these beautiful bomes'on a SMALL CASS PAYMENT, And pay the balance in installments. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., selo-63 39 Fourth av. ASPINWALL X)TJG2,TJESIsrE Conservatory of Music. A now school of music on the modern con servatory plan. Special advantages. Special rates of tuition. Anew departure. A school of musio with advantages second to none in the State. The teachers of each department are masters of high standing. Among the teachers engaged are Charles Davis Carter, Carl Rotter and Ad. 31. Foerster. Send or call for prospectus, MR. CHAS. DAVIS CARTER, Manager, Daquesne Col lege Building, corner of Diamond and Ross streets. selO 15-d PERSONAL. LADIES Have your bangs cat by the Parisian hair dresser at Miss M. Landers, 25 Firth av. PERSONAL Artists' goods and materials of all kinds; 60 to 75 per ccutreduction. Frank Bacon & Co., 301 Smlthfleld st. PERSONAL Wall paper Bros., 10!) Federal st. lc roll. Thompson PERSONALCash paid for old gold and silver; Jewelry repaired: new work, made to order. Chris. Haucb. 541 bmithfield. TTvRUG STORE-The best opportunity in Western JJ Pennsvh anla ; dally sales $25. AddrcssM.D., Dispatch omce. DRYGOODS and mlUinervstoreielegantstaud; light manufacturing business $350; uvery busi ness In good town; grocery 6tores $300to$G,000; general stores, shoe stpres, clgtr stores, confec tioneries. Perclval & Gaston, 4 Grant st. PEEEDOM BOATYARD Containing about four acres; 700 feet river front; switch connecting with Pittsburg.- Ft. Wayne and Chicago R. R.; elegant location for manufacturing site. Geo, Johnston, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. GROCER1 For sale or exchange, in city, doing a large, profitable business; uses 2 wagons; store fitted up in good shape; estimated at $i000; will sell at Inventory or trade in part for real estate. MagawAGoff, LIm.. 145 Fourth av. LICENSED HOTEL-Dolng good business: 24 bedrooms; large new stable for 16 horses: good livery business can be done; situated on the corner of two main streets la thriving town of GOO inhab itants, within 45 miles of Pittsburg; price only i-Ua $6,000; good reason for selling. Black' 90 f UUllli UV, Baird, No. LICENSED saloon and restaurant, doing a flrst class business; selling on account of sickness, inquire at 3350 Penn av. LIVERY business Horses, hearse, surrey, cotches. buggies and wagons, etc. Keystone stabks, iso SanduokyBt., Allegheny, x PERSONAL We"have Doots. and iojs of them; largest old bookstore west of the Allegheny Mountains. Levi's. 900 Liberty st. 1JERSONAL Aland, the Tailor, 131 Fifth av., has the latest fads in suitings and tl10 finest styles In overcoatings at very low prices. PERSONA1. If Herbert A. Davis Is In the city will he please go home or write to his father? Ir he Is not will any one knowing of his where abouts please be so kind as to Inform A-. P. Davis, Vine andReed, cltv? URSULINE ACADEMY, OAKLAND. Boarding and day schools. Reopens Tuesday, September 8. Terms For boarders, session of flvemonths,$150. Children under 12yearsof age, $126. Day schools for girls. Pupils taken from theage of 6 to 18. Terms varying from $13 to $35. Tuition Includes all branches of an English education, with French or Ger man, elocution, vocal music, calestbenics, outline drawing and fancy work. Private lessons in music, French, Gorman, drawing and painting, at moderate terms. For fur ther particulars apply to Mother Superior. aul3-S9-TT3 PERSONAL When 1 was a small boy my mother always repaired my breeches and jacket, but since 1 got to bo a great blgman, Diekson, the well known tailor, 05 Fifth av.. cor. Wood ot., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and 'renovating In great shape. Tel. 155s. PERSONAL We wish to call attention to sports men that we now offer for sale a complete line of breeehloadlng shotguns and rifles, both ham mer and hammerless, embracing such celebrated makes as Colt's, Parker, Larever, Smith, Ithaca, New Baker, Winchester. Marlln. etc., at prices 20 per cent below the regular market prices: call and be convinced. K. bmit. 032 and 034 Liberty ft., 703, 705, 707 Smlthfleld st. N.' B. Open even lngs until 9 o'clock. LOST. LOST-On Fifth av., below postofflce, aringwlth two pearls: $5 reward if left at Durbin & Mc Watty's, 53 Fifth av. LOST Or rather found that vou can buy a Flobert rifle for 2 at K. Smlt's, 833 andH34 Liberty St., and 703, 705, 707 Smlthfleld. NEW BUILDING ID LOAN ASSOCIATION. Grand opening of a new Jluilding and Loan Association will be held on SATURDAY EVENING, September 19, at 7:30, in the Ein bracht Hall, corner Butler street and Penn avenue, Pennsylvania Bank building (for merlv Lawrence Bank). The Columbus Building Association No. 3 will there bold its first business meeting; will also make first assessment and hold election of officers for the ensuing year. Whoeverneeds money, wants to build or wishes to save money, should not hold back, but avail himself ot this opportunity. By order of the committee JOHN M. STAUB, sol7-75 President pro tern. DR. HARRIS' CRAMP CURE -FOH- Every Ache and Pain FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES. Manufactured by L.H. HARRIS DRUG CO., Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenna, SIX MILES FROM COURT HOUSE AND JUST OPPOSITE H1IMD PARK AND RESERVOIR, 'The most beautiful of any of our suburban places, is not located in a wilderness, in a swamp nor on a mountain. It is well situ ated within easy reach oi the two cities. It has the advantages of a city, yet the pure air of the country. It is free from floods' and malaria. Best value for the money in the country. m A8PINWALL m Electric Line- Within a Few Minutes of the Place. Never-Failing Artesian Wells of Pure Water, Streets Piped for Gas and Water. Excellent Railroad Accommodations. Beautiful Broad Avenues and Shaded Sidewalks. THE ASPINWALL COMPANY L-Are now completing.a substantial brick SCHOOL BUILDING and TOWN HALL, and have a charter for bridge, extending across the Allegheny river to Hiland Parle ASPINWALL LOTS ' Range in size from 25x100, 50x100 and. 100x140, running in prices from $300 and upwards. These are a good investment; and constantly increasing in value. THESE ARE NOT BOOM PRICES IN MUSHROOM DISTRICTS. Thirty new homes already erected and occupied, and many others in course of construction. For Prices, Plans, etc., inquire or ASPINWALL LAND CO., ASPINWALL STATION.W. P. R. R., -OR OF- samuel Mcknight, No. 169 Lacock st, Allegheny, Pa. .. H. J. HEINZ, ' - No. 199 Main st, EDWARD FORD, Creighton, Pa. L. H. SMITH,- ' , No. 909 'Liberty st, 630-D FIXTSBUBQ. PA. 1 Pittsburg, Pa. Allegheny, Pa, M17-43 - J 3 ft i -',