Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, September 04, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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K..f -
They HaYe Beached the Limit of Con
cessions to Purchasers.
In Iron Circles, Although the Increase in
Easiness Js Slight.
Kkw York, Sept 3. The Iron Age re
ports the iron and steel markets as follows:
In all branches of the iron trade there
has been little actual increase in business,
but there is unquestionably a stronger feel
ing in some lines, expressed chiefly through
the fact that sellers will not at the slightest
sign of resistance on the part of the buyer
abandon the position taken by them and
make an effort to capture business by prompt
concessions. It is beginning to happen that
a seller lias an ultimatum and stands to it.
The only fact which causes uneasines' is the
report or sales of steel billets at low figures
by a leading rittsburs maker.
American rijr While there is a fair in-
Suiry tor foundry irons forgo grades are
nil. There have been soiuo sales, in round
lots, of Michigan charcoal iron on the basis
of $17 50, Buffalo Northern brands are
c Iff? 17
?15 251G 00 for Xo. 2. $15 52e16 CO for No. 1
soil, and $14 OU.fi? H no lorgray iorcc
Ferro Manganie The Joreign combina
tion has advanced the price of ferro man
ganese, and importers now quote $64 50
5 UO. Consumers, however seem well sup
plied, efforts to place ferro at the old price
in anticipation or the advance not having
led to much business. .
Billets and Rods In tho East tho market
isvervdull. The feeling is easier as the re
sult of the report Horn the west, where
wire billets are reported to have been sold
at $24 5024 75. wlnlo rods have changed
hands at $33 503i CO. Hero wo quote for
eign billets at $31 2531 50. and domestic
wire rods at $37 50Q3S 0U. tidewater.
Steel Rails Alter mauy weeks of dullness
we can now record the placing of one good
order, for about 10 003 tons, for a Southern
railroad by the Maryland Steel Company.
The feeling in the trade is hopeful, and the
appearance of some inquiries for round lots
alter so long a period of stagnation is re
garded as an earnest of the better times to
come And vet there is no serious thought
of higher prices, but it is believed that be
fore long the representatives or the mills
will come together and deal n ith a few mat
ters of detail which need adjustment. We
continue to auotc $J0 7531 00 at tidewater.
Manufactured Iron and Steel Conditions
are practieallv unchanged. There is a fair
amount of architectural work at low prices,
very active competition for bridge i ork, and
continued weakness in plates. Bars, how
ever, show a somewhat stronger feeling, and
a moderate advance is among tho possibili
ties of the near future. We continue to
quote- Angles, L90il0c; sheared plates,
LJ52 25c; tees, 2 45yi75c. and beams and
channels, 3.1c on dock. Steel plates are 1 a5
J2 15c for tank, 2 252 6c for shell, 2.42 Gc for
njuge, and 33 25c lor fire box, on dock. Bars
are J."61."te on dock Scrap axles arc quota
ble at 2.152.20c delivered.
Pig Iron Still Remains Quiet, While Copper
and Tin are Irregular.
XEwYoitK,S'pt.3. Special. The foreign
metal markets are thus reported by the Iron
Jige-. In London the pig iron warrant mar
ket has remained very quiet and stocks in
Connal's stores remain almost stationary.
The last returns shon 501,000 tons Scotch and
151,000 tons Cleveland. Firms not connected
with the "ring" remain idlo and are likely
to continue to, as those most deeply inter
ested in Scotch ecm disinclined to let the
prico fall below 47s The shipping demand
is limited. Cle eland makers are firm and
assert tint toundry iron is scarce. Latest
sales of warrants were at 47s for Scotch; 39s
TKd forCIcvelandand47s9dgtSs for hematite.
Tig tin, prompt dclhery. advanced to 92
2 6d on Friday, under the influence or the
freer demand, but a subsequent falling off in
orders led to a reaction of 17s 6d that gae
the market n e.ik appearance. Australian
tin is still a ery scarce and now cpmmands
25- premium over straitb
Copper has been irregular, ith the aver
age ot prices somew hat lowcr.and merchant
bar prompts down to 32 5 on Tuesday.
Consumers seem more inclined to buy, but
take hold -very cautiously. Tin plates arc
steadj. There is more inquiry from home
buyers for proinp; dclieries, but futures
are slow, as prices offered are not meeting
buers' views, Scotch pig iron makers'
iron is still slow of sale.and prices aro barely
A targe Increase in Shipments Shown by
the Fast Week's Business.
ScoTTDAi.t. Sept. 3 Spiol The returns
for last week ktill show the coke market to
be in good shape. The furnace men, how
ever, are stocking up and a revival in the
Iron market is all that will improve it.
Shipments iast week went several hundred
cirs ahead of the previous week, and many
of tho smaller operators are accusing some
ot the larger operators with cutting prices,
but the big fellows deny it and saythny are
maintainiiigthe regular rates. There are
about 12,730 acti e oi ens in the district,
shipments last week averaged about 1,104
cars per daj, as against 1,028 cars of the
w c k before. .The total increase wa- 450
cars. The following was the distribution:
To points west of 1'ittsburg, 3,621 care; to
1'ittsburg and river points, 2,050 cars; to.
points oast of Pittsburg, 909 cars: total, 6,629
cars. This was the previous w eek's record:
To points we-t or Pittsburg, 3,193 cars; to
Pittsburg, 2,150 cars; to points east, 830 cats:
total, 6 173 cars. Prices remain at $1 90; $2 30
and $2 C5.
Metal Markets.
New York, Sept. 3. Pig Iron dull: Amer
ican, $16 091$ 25. Copper nominal; lake,
Scptcnibcr,$12 25; do. October, $12 25. Load
dull and strong: domestic. $4 55. Tin irregu
lar, closing easj ; Straits, $20 05.
The jflnctuatlons in Wheat Rather Fre
quent, but Yerj Narrow a'ewi of Frost
ratt and to Coine Gl cs an Impetus to
Corn Oats Quiet.
CHICAGO The wheat market appeared
to have touched a price early in the session
to-day below which speculative sentiment
does not expect to And much profit in short
sales, and it took very little in tho way of
additional bull news to cause a lively re
action and put the price lc higher than it
closed j e.sterday
In spite of a ery weak cablegrams, wheat
opened at from on'yJc lower to Jc higher
than it closed 5 cstcrday. Thero were some
rather erratic performances in the prlvilego
crowd yesterday afternoon, the result of
which was the advance of the price" of calls
for to-day from $1 OlJgl 06, and even higher.
The outside oulers were principally to sell,
' and local shorts took all such offerings.
The range m price for the first hour was
narrorf, not getting below Sitjc or above
$1 O0J4, and that show of comparative calm
begot more confidence among the local
bears, who raided the price down to ISc.
After oniolight recovery a cable message
was received quoting Lnerpool 2d higher
on renewed wet weather. This immediately
set the pit here In a ferment, during which
rracticallj no wheat could be bought until
from around 99ctl 004 was being offered.
The price advanced to $1 00 bcrore t.iis
buying feer abated, and as the excitement
lessened the price began to dwindle also.
The advance had been helped by tho heavy
Atlantic clearances, amounting to 1,000,000.
Another scramble to buy in short wheat oc
curred on the rally and the price went up in
about ten minutes from around $1 00J to
SI 01
There was another quiet and draggy spell,
during which the price worked oil again to
$100,but the shorts by this time had be
come thoioughly demoralized, and it took
but a moderate pressure from the bulls to
again shoi e prices up to $1 01 and closed
Corn opened strong and higher on private
reports ot killing Hosts in the West and
Northwest, and tears that this era of low
temperature would spread over the corn
belt. The weather maps showed light: frosts
to hao ocenned in portions of Iowa and
Sonth Dakota, and killing frosts at Chey
enne, Wyo.. and Moorehead, Minn. Those
were the influences which brought out
buyers at the opening for October at from
8'53$c, compared with SSJic at the close
ot f.h- piecediug session. The prediction of
the Signal Serv ice Bureau for to-night's tem
perature, that light frosts would occur
. in tho northern portion of the corn belt and
in Wisconsin, caused a further advance,
dnrlng which October sold tip to 60Wc The
closing prices were within a small fraction
of the best of the day, October closing nt 60c
In (?ats price changes were fow and unim
portant, the fluctuations for the day -amounting
to only ($Xc
Hog products opened very Arm, and under
goodhuying the price started up and be
came stronger as the session advanced, the
latest prices being the highest of ihedav.
Pork closed nt an advance of I7K35c; lard,
10c: ribs, 10l!Kc
The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor
rected by Jbtm M. Oakley S Co.. -45 Sixth street,
mcuiueraofcvnicafro uoaruoi .irauc;
Open- High- Low- CIos-
abticlxb. lng. est, est. lag.
Wheat No. z. ,,
September. t 87f I 98H t , . V7h
December. 1 ni J 01', 8SX 1 JO'S
May 10b)s 10SS 1 1C1
September. 66S 7 68 67
October.... W BOH! S9 "
May .. 47S SX 4SH
Oats No. 2. . ,,
September 29 9' 25 !
October 29 -3H 2M H
Mav .1. a 33' tSh )
Mis. Pons.
October ft ZIH 10 00 10 SSH 10 60
December 10 MS 10 90 10 GOi 10 90
Jannary. 12 Si IS a 12 95 II 25
Scptc.nber 8 70 6 SO 6 70 6 80
October. TS 87f 6 7S 6 1H
Jinnirr 7 05 7 1J) 7 U5 7 14
short Rids. '
Scptemtxr. c 90 700 690 700
October. eS7H 7 IV 6 97)f 7 TOi
-Iininrv r, DO 7 tCH 6 90 7 00
tash niintxtmti vera -is follows: Flour
dull and easy; No. 2 spring wheat, 97J9Sc:
No 3 spring wheat, 8591c: No. 2
red, 97&9Sc: No. 2 corn. 66)c: No. 2 oats.
29iic; No, 2 w htte, 312Kc; No.3 white, 80
3c: No. 2 re. 87Jc: No. 2 barley, 65c;
Nc. 3, f.o. b., 3S63o; No. 4, f. o. b., 3351c; No.
I flaxseed, $1 02K" prime timotiiy seed,"
$1 271 28: mess pork, H barrel. $10 50;
lard, "H 100 lbs, $6 80; sboit rib sides
(loose), $7 0A7 05; dry-Salted shoulders
(boxed), $6 20t 25: short clear sldes(boxed),
$7 407 50; whisky, distillers' finished goods,
1 gal.; $1 18; sugars unchanged. On the
Produce exchange to-day the butter market
was sleady and unchanged; eggs, 16017c
SEW YORK Flour unsettled, closing
steady. Corn meal firm and more active;
j ellow. Western. $3 404 00. Wheat Spot
market quiet: stronger" with options: No. 2
red, $1 04V(1 fA elevator. $1 051 07H
afloat, $1 051 08 t. o. b.; No. 3 red, $1 03!
ungraded red. $1 O0l 13; No. 1 Northern
to arrive, $1 J3; No. 1 hatd to arrive, $1 16;
options opened Hc up, broke 1
l&c, advanced lj25e. declined
iiHe, andclosed steady atUc overyes
terclaj; No. 2 red, September, $1041401 0
closing at $1 06K; October, $1 05108, clos
ing nt $1 07J& November, 1 071 08 clos
ing, at $1 09; December. $1 0S;gl JL clos
ing at $110K; January, $1 10J4l 12, closing
$1 12: May. $f 141 1 closing $1 16. Rye
weak at S"c for Western ttl.' Corn Spots
higher and moderately active: chiefly ex
port; No. 2, 74W75c in elevator,75K76c
afloat; ungradeel mixed, 7276c; ODtions ad
ranced KJic. declined Ji3ic, reacted 1
le, and closed Arm; September, 7071Kc.
closing at 71Kc; October. 67K668Jc, closing
nt68ic: November, 656G3sc, closing 66JJ0;
December, 5960&c, closing at 60Uc; Jan
nary. 57Jic, closing at 57Kc; May, 55X57c,
closing at 57c Oats Spot strong and
ana nrmer;
: at 35c;
35Jic: No. 2
w litre. Sentember. STUc: snot. No. 2 white.
39U40c; mixed Western. 3339c; w hite do, 39
41c: No. 2 Chicago, 36K37c. Hay firm,
quiet. Hops quiet and weak. Tallow dull
and steady. Eggs in fair, demand and
firm; Western,lS19c. Pork .tendy,moderato
demand; old mess, $10 0010 75: new mess,
$11 5912 00; extra prime, $10 2510 75. Cut
meats firm. Middles, firmer; short clear,
September, $7 55. Lard stronger and quiet;
Western steam. $7 15 bid; September,
$7 11; October, $7 067 15, closing at $7 15;
November, $7 25: December$7 34; January,
$7 44. Butter quiet; fancy firmer; Western
dairy, h!17c; do creamery, 1523Xc; do fac
tory, 1215c;Elgin, 23c Cheese quiet and
easy; Western, 68c; part skims, 47cv
PHILADELPHIA Flour weak. Wheat
w eak and closed Jc lower; steamer No. 2
red, in elevator, $1 00; No. 2 red, September,
$1 04Ul OUi; October, $1 05K1 06; Novem
ber, $1 07K1 07K; December, $10SK1 0
Corn Options strong and higher; local -car-lots
quiet and lower; ungraded mixed In
grain depot, 73c; No. 3 yellow. In elevator,
74c, No 2 mixed do, 73K64c: No. 2 mixed,
September, 7272Jc; October. TOQTlc; No-
ember, 6667c; December. 60g61c. Oats
Carlots firm, with a good local demand;
futures dull: No. 2 mixed, 3535c; No. 3
white, 37c: No. 2 white, 3SC:. and do choice,
38Jc; No. 2 white. 37K3Sc; October, S737Uc;
November, 3733Jc; December.- 3S3S)c.
Provisions steady and in fair demand. Pork,
new mess, $13 00. Eggs firm and- higher;
Pennsylvania llrsts, 21c.
ST. LOUIS Flour quiet. Wheat The
close was lt above yesteixlay: No. 2 red,
day, declined , rallied 1 cent and closed ic
above yesterday. No. 2, cash, 5914c; Septem
ber, 59c; year, 4344c, closing at 43jc. Oats
Spoth'gher; futures strong and improved.
No. 2, cash. 2842SKc; September, 2Sc, clos
ing at 28Kc: October, 2828Kc, closing at
i9o bid. Rye Better; No. 2. S5c bid; No. 3.
82c Butter "Scarce: firm, but unchanged.
Eggs firm, 16c Provisions strong and ad
vanced. Pork, $11 00. Lard, $8 50.
BALTIMORE Wheat No. 2 red unsettled-
September, $1 04J1 04: October,
$1 05Q 05J4; December. $l-08il 0SJ:
stcamer.No. 2 red, 97if97KcCom Mixed
stady: soot, 67Ko asked;' September, 68c;
year, 55c. Oats active at steady prices:
No. a white Western, S9c asked: No. 2
mixed Western, 38c asked; receipts, 19,000:
stock, 53,900 Rye fairly steady; No. 2, 93c
nominal Hav steady; good to choice timo
thy, $1S5014 50. Provisions very firm,
unchanged. Butter firm: creamery fancy,
2324c: fair to choice, 1922c; imitation. 18c;
ladle fancy, 15I6ci good to choice, 14014c:
store packed, ll14c. Eggs active, 1920c.
CHVCINNATI Flour in moderate de
mand. Wheat stronger; No. 2 red, 97J9Sc;
receipts, 9,547 bushels; shipments. 14 477
bushels. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, 67c Oats
in good demand and steady; No. 2 mixed, 32
32Kc. Rye strong: No. 2, 90c. Pork quiet
at $10 8i. Lard qntet at $6 50. Bulk meats
qu'et at $7 007 lli. Bscoa quiet at $8 00
8 12K- Butter bteady. Eggs easier at 16c.
Cheese strong.
MILWAUKEE Flour firm. Wheat Arm;
No. 2 spring on track cash, 959SJc; ftp
tember, 95jc; No. 1 Northern, 97c Corn
steady: No. 3 on 'track cash, 63Jc Oats firm;
No. 2 white on track, 32)c. Barley higher;
September, 64c. Rye Arm; No. 1 in store 88c
Provisions firm. Pork January, $13 05.
Lard January, $7 05.
KANSAS CUT-WheaJ steady to weak;
No. 2 hard, cash, 85c bid: September, 87c
asked: No. 2 red cash, 87c bid. Corn steady;
No.2, cash, 55Vic bid: September, 54c. Oats
steady; No. 2, cash. 27Ko bid; September, 27c
bid. Eggs firm at 15c.
TOLEDO Wheat active and higher; cash,
SSUc; September, 99?c: December, $1 033.
Porn dull: cash, 05c. Oats steady: cash, 31c
Rvp steady and active; cash and September,
.MINNEAPOLIS Wheat No. 1 hard on
track 93c; No. 1 Northern, August, 91c; Sep-I
tembcr, 92c; December, 95c: on track; 92c;
No. 2 Northern on track, 8839c.
DULUTH Wheat opened 94c forSeptem
ber. sold down to 94c. un to 81;c and closed
Turpentine Markets.
New Yokk Rosin quiet and firm. Turpen
tine quiet and steady at 37K63Sc
WiLMiKOTOt Spirits of turpentine steady
at 34c Rosin firm: strained, tl 00; good
strained, $1 05. Tar firm at $2 00. Crude
turpentine firm; hard, $1 00; yellow dip
and virgin, $2.00.
Charleston Turpentine steady at 34c
Rosin firm: good strained, (1 25.
Savanxah Turpenflne dull at 34c
Rosin firm at $1 201 237
The Drygoods Market.
New York, Sept. 3. Business In drygoods
was fair, with a well sustained demand from
the northwest. Transactions on the spot
were unimportant, but interest increased as
the day advanced and it began to look as if
a turn in tbo tide was- imminent. There
was a better feeling all through the market.
Price of Bar Silver.
New Tonic, Sept. 3. Special. Bar silver
in London, 45 1 16d per ounce: New York
dealers' price for 1H er; 9SJic per ounce.
The Messenger Who Called for HlmWIth
s Coupe Positively Identified.
Detroit, Sept. 8. In the Joseph Per
rien case to-day Albert Hesselbacber, the
nephew of Ferrien, testified that Ed Kent
was the messenger who came for Perrlen
with a coupe the night he was abducted and
he identified Kent.
Pcrricn is the wealthy miller who was- ab
ducted last winter and kept by his abduct
ors several day s. They used him -viciously,
tried to frighten him into signing a check
for a large sum . of money, but finally let
him go home without having gained their
point. The identification of Kent, who is a
livery man here, it is hoped will lead to de
termining who were the abductors.
SEEKensington advertisement 3d page.
Failur oFthe First Attempt to Sell
the Shoenberger Property.
The Fidelity Title and Trust Company
Increases Its Resources.
Yesterday at 10 o'clock was the time set
by the Orphans' Court for the auction sale
of the interests of the late J. H. Shoen
berger as special partner in the firms of
Schoenberger& Go. and Schoenberger.Speer
& Co.,iron and steel manufacturers.' The de
cedent had a 5.32d interest in each firm, the ap
praised value of which is $208,07982. "When
Auctioneer Xeggate arose to open the pro
ceedings seven gentlemen were comfortably
seated in the oflice facing the immense plant
These included all the partners except one.
Bidding was slow. Finally Mr. Speer of
fered f 53, 000 under the impression that the
profits of 1890 were included, but on At
torney Shiras stating the sale was to date as
from July, 1891, Mr. Speerwlthdrow his bid.
Afterwaiting until nearly 11 o'clock, and
no other bids being made, the sale was ad
journed until Tuesday, .October G, at 3 r. v.
.Meanwhile the executors will receive .pri
vate offers.
The fidelity Doubles ItsiBesources.
The stockhorders of the Fidelity Title and
Trust Company decided nt a special meet-'
ing held yesterday afternoon to increase Its
capital to $1,000,020. The present stock
holders are entitled to subscribe for one
share of new stock for one share of the pres
ent holdings, with tho right of assigning the
options. Any new stock not taken by the
original owner "Mil doubtless find ready
sale The payments have been made quite
easy; 10 per cent October land 10 per cent
every sixty days thereafter. But every sub
scriber becomes liable for the unpaid bal
ance of his subscription, and upon the entire
stock being taken the company may be
fairly regarded as having a capital of $1,000,
000. Under the Corporation Act of this Com
monwealth the capital stock of a trust com
pany is taken In lieu of the bond ordinarily
given by a 1 guardian, administrator or
others; and the directors appreciating the
value of ample security recommended the
action which the stockholders yesterday
In a corporation as large as the "Fidelity"
absolute unanimity is not to be expected,
tgt out of 5,000 shares only 3S3 shares voted
against the increase. About 75 per cent of the
w hole capital n as represented.,
'It is probable the new capital will D4
largely invested in installment mortgages,
which experience elsewhere has shown tfi
be a desirable form for persons desiring to
make frequent and small payments. Each
payment being an equivalent to an Invest
ment of that amount at the same rate of in
terest as the mortgage bears, it keeps the
mortgagor's " money always actively cm-
Sloyed, Instead of lying idle, to meet one
:rge payment, or at best earning a low rate
of interest.
The Fidelity has grown to be one of the
most important institutions of Pittsburg. It
finds a constantly enlarging field of useful
ness In this city.
Meeting With Fair Success.
Subscriptions to the preferred stock of the
United States Glass Company are coming in
quite fairly. Robinson Bros, report that up
to date $320,000 of the $500,000 has been taken.
Subscriptions were from one share to 250.
Subscribers are nearly all Pittsburgers.
Ground for Encouragement.
While It is plain enough that there Is no
boom in Pittsburg real ty.tlie market is fairly
active and full of good features. It is not
oversold, and there is a good, strong Inquiry
for use and investment. Spe6ulation, like
hanging, is almost played out. The prospect
of an abundance of money for some time to
como is causing farsighted operators to turn
their attention to lands and houses, and
many of them 'have important deals under
consideration. Four or five downtown uroti-
ertles are cooking.
-in tuc ounying districts rapid transit nas
penetrated, territory "is being developed
and built up with surprising rapidity. All
things considered, the outlook Is full of en
'couragement. ' ,
A Chance for Home-Seekers.
What Is known as tho "Harris" property,
with a, large frontage on Westminster place,
near Amberson avenue, Shadyside, has been
placed In tha.hands of W. A. Herron & Sons
for sale, either as a whole or in parts. West
minster pluce is paved, and since the com
pletion of the Shad side Presbyterian
Church has become one or the most desir
able streets in the East End.
Business News and Gossip.
This will be another good week In tho
building line. Large permits are a special
A mortgage ' specialist said yesterday:
"Business is slow on account of the absence
of many of the lenders. Inquiry Is good and
the outlook ravorable for a good" movement
this fall. Very little money is offered under
6 per cent."
.It is rnther singular that whenever the
croakers exhaust the stock: of natural gas
in their minds new sources of supply are
developed. '
Tho Shoenberger Iron Works cover ten
acres of ground. This affords a pre tty good
idea of the magnitude of this great industry
In Pittsburg. '
Tho -4rnmcan.Bcmfrstates tbims counties
of Kansas the past three months paid off
$1,500 000 farm mortgages, and that it is ex
pected the payments wiU average-$1,000 000
per month for the next year.
The Williamson Manufacturing Company
has been incorporated at Williamson, W.
'Ya., to mine coal and sell lumber, iron, etc
The authorized capital stock Is $503,000.
W. L Mustin Is back from his vacation
He made himself heard on 'Change yester
day. Railroad reports continue to show busi
ness on the right side. This Is a strong bull
- The Controller of the Cnrrenev hnn n.
I- tnorized tho First National Bank of Call-
lornia, 1 a., capital sou.uw, to commence busi
ness. At the last call yesterday Manchester
Traction was offered at 38f .
.There is said to be a big deal on the carpet
for Point bridge stock.
Movements In Realty.
S. A. Dickie & Co.sold for D. J. Kennedy to
J. P. Fleming a lot, corner of Lincoln ave
nue and Lake street, 40x150 feet, for $2,600. .
Hoffman & Baldridge, Wilkinsburg, sold' a
new and modern framo honso of eight rooms
all conveniences, on Savanna avenne. Wil
kinsburg, with lot 27x120 to an alley, for
Black & Balr sold- to Mrs. Mary Dnnlevy
a small frame dwelling on tho south side of
Frazier street, Fourteenth ward, with lot 20x
100 feet, for $1,500.
JohnK.EwingACo. sold for I. G. Bohr
kaste to William S. Morrison two lots, 20x
100 each, on Shorldan avenue, Tenth ward,
Allegheny, for$550. .
Reed B. Coyle 4 Co. sold lots Nos. 129, 130
and 131 in their Glenmawr Tark nlnn nt
tHaysville, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayneand Chicago
itnuroau, oeing u leei uu merwyn avenue by
110 leet on Ferndall avenue, for $375 cish.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold at Edeewood,
Pennsylvania Railroad, in tho Wilkins es
tate, third plan, lot G4 on Hutchinson
avenue, 52xli0 feet, for $700. They roport
since the hot season is over good inquiry
for lots in this plan.
' The Building Record.
Sixteen permits were taken out yesterday
for the same number or houses, the esti
mated cost of all being $25,220.
Dr.' Le Moyne. brick two-itoiy dwelling on Bel
font street. Twentieth ward. Cost R.sco..Mrsi
Roiilfa Haddock, brick two-etory aad mansard
dwelling, on Mejran avenne. Fourteenth ward,
Cost. $6,000. Lonlt Llt, frame two-tory dwelling
on Penn avenue. Nineteenth ward. Cost, $1,150.
Edard Smith, frame two-story dwelling on
Lovell ttmt, Twenty-first ward. Cost. i200.
KlrrsBroa.. two frame two-storr flwplllnrt iui
iteDsirr street, xninccmu ir&ra. iwsi, n,(u.
; t zz ri.- n,...-. ... . -4 ""'-- "
Mrs. Ida Kerr, frame two-tory dwelling on Shet-
lanq sin
J. Godfi
land street. Twenty-first ward. Cost. n.jm. n
J. Godfrey, frame two-story dwelling bnWebster
street, Thirteenth ward. Cost. $3,500 Charles C.
Kaufman, frame two-storr dwelling on Frazier
street, Fonrteeth ward. Cost, 11.485. W. F.
DIeterle, frame two-story dwelling on Mary street.
Twenty-fourth ward. Cost. (l,!oo. SeTeral others
were taken ont for small structures ranging from
Paper Closely Scrutinized, But All Good
Borrowers Readily Accommodated.
Local monetary conditions contlnuo favor
able to business expansion. Paper is care-fl
fully scrutinized, but none that is all wgnt
Is thrown out. The market was easy yester
day, w.itb, a moderate call for loans, which as
n rule were made on the "basis of C7 per
cent, anything loss being exceptional. Bank
clearings were $2,233,767.40, and balances $435,-
The Wall Street JYrea remarks: "Events
point to the realization of our predictions,
made some weeks ago. that the early part of
tho present month would witness tho begin
ning of gold Imports on a large scale. At tho
rate at which exchange has been declining
during the present week, it will not. tako
much additional pressure to reach, tho gold
importing point. That pressure is being
supplied by the,enormous foreign buying of
stocks. The coming exports of grain would
render gold imports inevitable; But tho buy
ing of onr securities by foreign interests, on
the scale they are now taking them, makes
assurance doubly sure."
At New York yesterday money on call was
easy, ranging from 2J to 3K por cent; last
loan 3, closed offerdd at 8. Prime merenn
tilepaperr57. Sterling exchange quiet
and steady ai $4 82 lor 60-day bills and $4 85
for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4s rrg ua'i
do 4s coup. ...... .1171
do 2sreg 99)4
Pacific 6s of '95 :109
Louisiana Btsrapeil4sS5!
Tenn. new set. esHa
do -do 5s ....10Q
do do S3.. .. 69M
Canada So. Ms VM
Cen. Pacificists 100
Denver & R. G. IstslHS
do do 4s. 79V
Eric Ms 102
II. K. & T. Gen s., 77f
do do i 5s.. 42
Mutual Union 69. ..,107
N. J. C. Int. Cert.... 110
Northern Pac lsts.,115
do do 2ds..mX
do Debentures .10S
St. L. A I. MJ3en.5. 90
St. L. & San Fran.
Gen. M JOJ
St. Paul Cousols 121
St: PauJ,Chic.&Pac.
lsts iH'112
Tex. Pac. L. G. Tr. ...
Rets si"5
Tex. Pac. B. G. Tr.
Beta A '".-SK
Union Pac lsts loolj
est Shore 10L1
Bank Clearings.
-St. Loins Clearings, $3,844,862; balances,
$3S6,324. Money, 73 per cent; exchange on
New York, 25c discount.
New Orleaics Clearings, $393,239.
Memphis Exchange selling at $1 00 pre
mium. Clearings. $180,171; balances, $55,081.
Chicago New York exchange steady at 70c
discount. Bank clearings. $17,119,567. Money
steady ntG per cent, for Doth call and time
loans. - .
. New York Bank clearings, $131,249,312; bal
ances, $6,4-23 319.
Bostoh Bank clearings, $15,868,041 bal
ancances. $1,932,993. Bate for money S4
per cent. Exchange on New York, 1720o
discount per $1,000. '
Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,677,847; bal
ances, $322,625. Money, 6 per cent.
rniLADELPiiiA Bank clearings, to-day were
$11,153,698 and balances, $1,670,033. Money, 5
per cent.
Various Rumors Concerning Union Pacific
Have Their Effect Burlington Also an
Element of Weakness No Interest in In
dustries Hallroad Bonds DulL
New York, Sept. 3. The stock market con
tinues to show a steadily decreasing volnme
of business, and to-day the trading was only
moderate outside of the half dozen stocks
which still remain prominent in the market
The buying power seems to be checked for
the moment, and the bull leaders are letting
the market take care of itself apparently.
In to-day's market Union Pacific was still
the prominent object of attention and tho
rumors were still thick, the one concerning
the application for a receiver at Omaha mak
ing most mischief. Official denials which
followed each ono as Issued seemed to have
no material effect, hut the stock was not as
weak as yestei"uay, and late in the day the
interest in its fluctuations was in great part
transferred to other securities.
More pressure as brought to bear upon
the Grangers, and Burlington and Rock
Island especially bore the brunt of the
attacks, and at times exhibited considerable
weakness. The general list was very quiet,
and tho extreme fluctuations in but few
cases reached' 1 per cent.
The opening was comparatively quiet and
heavy to weak, Union Pacific and Burling
ton each showing declines of per cent
from last night's figures, and in the early
dealings, which were principally affected by
tlje reports of frosts in the Northwest, caus
ing selling for Western account, there w ere
fuither recessions in almost all the stocks.
The Grangers' weakness encouraged the local
beai clement, and they hammered the list all
along the line. The reactions were in no
case of importance until the last hour, when
the losses In the Ynnderbilts were largely
made up, Canada Southern rising oyer 1 per
cent from its lowest fignres.- The dealings
In the Industrials were of no interest. ..
The market continuetLto settle away slow
ly in most-stocks, but rapidly enough in the
leaders, until the last few minutes' trading,
when the usual attempt to cover by the
room traders resulted in a small rally, and
the close n as quiet but steady to firm at the
recoveries from the lowest points. The ac
tive list, however, shows invariable losses,
w ith Rock Island and Beading down 1;
Burlington, and Canada Southern, l:st.
Paul and Missouri Pacific, 1: Northern
Pacific preferred and a, C, C.'A St. L.,1J,
and Atchison and New England, 1 per cent.
Railroad bonds also showed a loss in inter
est, and while there were a large number of
Issues traded in the total transactions were
materially smaller than thoso of the last few
days. The tone of the market was heavy to
weak, and many of the activo bonds scored
important losses. Total sales, $1,108 000.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks In the N ew York Stock Exchange yesterday.
Corrected dally for.THE-DisrATCH by Whitxev
STErnEsox, oldest Pittsburg members of the
New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenne:
O I s
4 x 9
American Cotton OH
American Cotton OU,pfd,
Am. SiifrarRefinlnr Co...
Am. S. Kenning Co.t pfd..
Atcli.. Top. x . x
Canadian Pacific
Canada southern ,
Central of New Jersey.....
Central Pacific,
Chesapeake and Ohio
C. AO., 1st pfd 4..
a 40 , 2d pfd
Chicago Gas Trnst.,
C, Hur. i. Qulncy
C, till. &Su Paul
C, Mil. & St. Paul, pfd....
C.St. P.M. AO
C.ht. P. M. 0.. pfd....
C. A Northwestern
c c, c i :.
Col., Coal A Iron. ...A.....
Col. Hocking Val.......
Del., Lack. & West
Del. & Hudson
Den. ft Rio Grande
Den Klo Grande, pfd....
E. T.. Va. ft Ga
Illinois Central
Lake Erie ft Wist
Lake Eric A West., pfd....
Lake Shore ft M. S
Louisville ft Nashville
Michigan Central
Mobile ft Ohio
Missouri Pacific
National Cordage Co
National Cordage Co., pfd.
National Lead Trust
New York Central
N.Y., C. ft St. L
00 8
02 V!
1 an
.31 ii
N. Y.
N. Y.
C. ft St. L., 1st pfd.
C. ft St. L., 2d pfd.
L. K. W
L. E.&W.. nfd....
N. Y.,
64 V
N. Y.
&N. E ,
. O. W
N. Y-.
Norfolk ft Western
Norfolk ft Western, pfd,..
North American Co.i 1
Northern Paiilfie - '
Northern Pacific pfd
Oregon Improvement.
Pacific Mafi
Pco Dec ftErans
Philadelphia ft Reading....
Pg.. Cln., Chicago ft ht. L.
P.. C. C. ft St. L . pfd....
Pullman Palace Car., jr....
Richmond ft W. P. T
33 i"
Richmond A W. P. T., pfd
St. raui 45 uuiutn
St. Paul, Minn, ft Man..
Texas Pari lie ;....
Union Pacific
Wabash, pfd
Western Union
Wheeling ft L.E
Wheeling fti. E., pfd ..
103 , 107
Boston Stocks.
Atch. ATop . H
lloston & Albany.. ..202
Calumet A llecla 255
Franklin 17-
Huron l'i
Boston & .amine 1741
Chi. Unr. U,ulncy. 85X Kearsarge 15S
FltchburgK. R 731 Osceola". 3SS
Flint & PercM 23 Qulncv .: 110
Flint ft Pereil.prd 78
.Santa Fe Copper. . .
Mass. Central.
Tamarack 170
Mex. Cen. com....
N. Y.&N. Eng...
Old Colony.........
Rutland common..
Rutland, pTd .....
Wis. Cent'lcom...
Wis. Cent'ln'Pd..
AnnlstonLanaxo.33 ,
Boston Land Co 5V
West End Land Co.. laii
Bell Telephone 178
Lamson Stores t 20K
Water Power 2X
Cent. Mining....... 19
AHouez Mln.Co.new, 2!f
Atlantic 16
Boston &Mont ...... 48J4
a..b. jeiep.c xeieg. w
Butte ft Boston Cop. 18$
Philadelphia Stocks. a '
Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers, Ko. 57
Fourth avenue, members of New York Stock Ex
change. Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad 63
Reading Railroad 17 1-18
Buffalo, NewOTork ft Phlla. 8M
Lehigh Valley.- 60
Northern Pacific ...... 2S!
Kortbern Pacific, preferred TOM
Lehigh KavlgaUon 48)2
Philadelphia and Sri
Philadelphia Ga Leads in Activity Strong
Buyers In the Market Airbrake Climb
ing Better Jnqulry for the Tractions
No Change in Switch and Signal.
There was considerable buying In specu
lative circles yesterday and trading as
sumed resp'ectable proportions... Sales were
445 shares; of which 280 were Philadelphia
Gas. H
Tho course of this stock is hard to under
stand. It's ups and downs are beyond calcu
lation. Conditipns have been ignored so
Tong that they have almost ceased to be a
factor. Bnt a change appears to have taken
place, and the statement of the company
that they will have plenty of gas for tho
winter has doubtless had some effect Some
strong buyers aro in the market, and orders
are said to bo coming in from Philadelphia.
The stock was strong yesterday and closed
better than the opening pn comparatively
heavy selling. There was vague talk of a
dividend In October.
Electric held advanced ground, selling at
14, and finishing strong at that figure. Buy
ers wero largely In the majority. Airbrake
continued its upward movement, adding
half 6. point to its credit. The tractions
were practically unchanged, but there was
more inquiry for Central and 'Pleasant Val
ley. The meeting of the Switch and Signal
Company was held too late .to Influence the
market. Sales were:
First cnll-30 Phlladelpha Gas at 1 50 at
11. 15 Luster at 12.
Second call 100 Electric at 14, 50 Luster
at 12.
Third call-200 Philadelphia at 11.
Bids and asking prices at each call are appended:
I FIRST skcoxd third
Alfy Nat. Bakn. .... 63
Boatman's Ins 33 ....
Western Ins. Co - , .... 50
Manfg. Gy 25 ...
P'plesrN.G. CO 12 .... 12 .... 12 ....
P. N. G. 4.P. Co .... -8 .... 8
Philadelphia Co. 11 11)4 Wi UH
Wheel's Gas Co. 20 20 21 20 ....
CentralTractlon. ISM KH....
Plttsb'gTractlon 22 22 22K 22 224 ZH
N.Y.'b.G.C.Co 371.... Zl'i.... ....
Point Bridge 10 .... 10 .... 10 ....
Hidalgo JlTn.'Co ....
LaNorla31ln.C. 30
Luster Mln. Co.. 12 12 .... lljf 12
West'g'se El't'c. 13 13V 14 .... 14 ....
U.S. S. Co 7 8 1.... 7 ....
W. Airbrake Co. 107 110 103 U0, 107)....
Standard U. C.Co 81,f
""At New York vesterdav the total sales of
stocks were 360.(90 shares, including: Atchi
son, 52,925; Canada Southern, 3,280; Chicago
Gas, 4,175: Del., Lack, and Western, 8,020;
Erie, 7,005: Louisville and Naslrrille, 12,875;
Missouri Pacific, 10,160; Northwestern, 4,760;
North American, 3,291; Northern Pacific
preferred, 6,330; New England, 1 304; Reading,
8.020; Richmond and West Point, 3,760; St.
Paul, 57,170; Union Pacific. 35,680. , r
Electric Stocks.
Boston, Sept. 3. Electric stock quotations
here to-day were:
F-astem Electric Cable Co.( pref....$ ....
Thomson-Houston Electric Co 43 50
Thomson-Houston EIectrlcCo.,pfd. 24 87)
Ft. Wayne ElectrlcCo 12 75
Westlngkouse Trust Receipts 14 CO
$51 12
48 75
25 00
13 25
14 lZtf
Mining Stock Quotations.
New Your, Sept 3. Alice, 160: Adams
Consolidated, 175; Deadwood T., 150; Gould
and Curry, 160; Mexican, 200; Ontario, 3,700;
Ophir, 340: Plymouth, 175; Savage, 260; Sierra
Nevada. 290: Standard, 110: Union' Consoli
dated, 210; Yellow Jacket, 135.
Receipts, Shipments and Prices at East Llb-
crty and AH Other Yards.
Cattle Receipts, 1071 head; shipments, 878
head: market nothing doing, all through
consignments. No cattle snipped to New
York to-day.
Hoas Receipts, 1,450 head: shipments, 6 00
head; market slow;' Philadelphia $5 605 70;
mixed, $5 505 55; corn Yorkers, $5 405 50;
grassers pigs, $3 504 50; no hogs shipped.
Sheep Receipts, 900 head: shipments, 1,200
market dull at yesterday's prices.
By Telegraph.
Chicago Cattle Receipts, 16,000 head; ship
ments, 4,0S); market steady; good to choice
natives, $5 755 85; no prime or extra
-steers on -iale: others, $3 7505 25;
Texans, $2 2.1(33 25: , stockers, 12 2563 25;
Tezans, i 253 25; stockers, $2 253 25:
prime rangers,' $4 004 65; butchers'
cows, $2 733 55. Hogs Receipts, ' 25,000
head: shipments, 13,000 head: maiket slow
and irregular; rough and common, $4 G01 75;
mixed nnd packers, $4 605 05; prime heavy
'and butchers' weight', $5105 25;prime light,
S5 30ffl5 35. Sheen Recelnts. 9.000 head:
shipments, 3,500 head; market fairly activo
$5 055 30: mixed, $1 754 80; Westerns, $4 25;
lambs, $3 505 50,
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 851oads through,
six sale; steady for good grades; common
quiet and easier; no very good cattle here.
Hogs Receipts. -47 loads ttnough, 8 sale; 10
15c lower and slow: heavy grades cornfed,
$5 505 60; medium weights cornfed, $5 50
5 70. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 14 loads
through, 8 sale: firm for sheep and lower for
lambs: sheep, extra fancy, H 905 00; good
to choice, $4 254 75: lambs, good to choice
natives, $6 006 25; common to fair, $5 25
5 75; Canada, $6 006 40- for common to
New York Beeves Receipts, 19 head; no
trading; feeling Ann! dressed beef firm at 7
9Jo per tjoniid. Calves Receipts. 882 head:
market steady; veals, $6 008 00 per 100
ponnds:erasors,$3003 50; buttermilk calves,
$3 574 00: no Westerns offered. Sheep Re
ceipts, 7,2 0 head; sheep firm at $4 005 40 per
ICO pounds; lambs steady at $5 5007 12J;
dressed mntton firm at 89c per pound;
dressed lambs steady af 910c. Hogs Re
ceipts, 4,511 head; good cornled firm nt $5 50
6 00; pigs, $6 15; grass hogs dull at 5 005 25.
St. Louis-Cattle Receipts, 2,900 head;
shipments, 4,700 head; markenojwer; good to
choice native steers, $5 005 35; fair to good,
do, $3 Q05 00: Texans and Indian steers, $2 40
3 25; canning stuff, $1 602 35. Hogs Re
ceipts, 4,300 -head; shipments, 1,800 headi
market lower: fair to best heavy, $5 15a
5 25: mixed grades, $4 05 15; light, fair to
choico, $5 005 20. Sheep Receipts, 900
head; shipments, 2.SM head; market stronger;
fair to good, $3 004 80.
Cincinnati Hogs, ample offerings easy;
common and light, $3 755 30; packing and
butchers, $4 505 25; receipts, 1,020 head; ship
ments, 977 head. Cattle easier; fair to choice
butcher grades, $2 504 25: vp rime to choice
shippers. $4 005 50; receipts, 1,021 head; ship
ments. 183 head. Sheen in light demand nnd
r easy; common to choice, $2 004 50; extra fat
wethers ana yearlings, ioao w. j-nmos in
lair demand nnd firmer; common to choice
shipping, $3 256 50.
Omaha Cattle Receipts 1.200 head; mar
ket about Bteady on nil grades of beeves and
butchers' stock. Steersft 255 55; butchers'
steers, 3 754 50. Hogs Receipts, 2,530 head;
fairly active; light hogs were 5 cents and
heavy and mixed hogs 510c lower. Price
ranged $4 705 10; hulk. $4 50i 90; light,
$4 855 10; heavy, $4 755 00; mixed, $4 80
4 90. Sheep Receipts, 375 head; nn
cm.nged: natives, $2 504 50; Westerns,
$2 254 25; lambs, $3 755 00.
Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 4,860 head;
shipments, 5,280 head:mnrket steady; steers,
$3 255 GO; cows, $1 803 25; stockers and
feeders, $2 404 00. Hogs Receipts,- 5,210
head; shipments-400 heau: market steady to
10c low en bulk, $1 855 OOjlall grades, $4 00
5 05. Sheep Receipts, 1,300 head; shipments,
670 head; market strong.
Indianapolis Cattle Receipts, 300 head;
market steadv:quotatIons unchanged. Sheep
Receipts, 300 .head; markot indifferent, ex
cept on best grades; sheep, $3 004 50; lambs,
$4 255 35. Hogs Receipts, 3,0.M head; mar
ket slow: choice, heavy. $5 155 25: choice
light, JS-105 25; mixed, $5 10o 25; pfgg, ?2 50
4 00.
That Is the Cause That Led a Would-Be
. Society Leader to 'Suicide.
WiLLiAMBPOirr, Sept. 3 Special Alfred
T. Travis, a well known young man of this
city, was found dead at 6 o'clock this morn
lrtg upon a pile of rocks on the river's bank.
A coroner's inquest was held and it was
Jound that Travis had committed suicide by
taking poison. Uls clothes were wet and it
is probable, that after: taking the poison he
started to drown himself, bnt, after getting
wet, his nerve failed him and ,tho poison
did its work.
A letter was found on him, saying that he
-would be found dead this morning because
lllehadnocharmsforhlmand ho was dis
gusted with hishome. Itwashisdeslroto be
a leader In society, butnot having the neces
sary -money ho became disconsolate: Ho
also had an idea that it was a disgrace to
work. When he committed suicide an
assembly was being held by the elito of the
city, which he desired to lead.
For the'Tlred Brain
From overexertion. Try It:
See Kensington advertl3emerft-3d.xiage.
Brings Oleo to the Front Again, and
Dealers Are Awaiting tne '
Large Supply of Peaches, out Demand Good
for Good Stock.
OttiCE or PrrrsBUBO) Dispatch, I
Thursday. Sept. 3. (
Country Produce (Jobbing prices)
Eeceipts of peaches to-day were the largest
this week, the total being above-15 carloads.
Notwithstanding liberal receipts, demand
was good for all good stock at prices quoted.
Other fruits 'and melons go slow and are
likely to until' the great peach crop is
worked off. In vegetable lines we haye to
report continued dullness. Tomatoes, cab
bage and sweet potatoes are a. drug, and
prices are merely nominal. Strictly fresh
eggs are tending upward, and, as will be
seen, our quotations, are advanced. The
supply of strictly choice creamery hutter is
still short of demand, and markets are firm
enough to advance within a few days. With
the upward tendency ot butter, oleo begins
to pnt in its yearly appearance, and is al
ready selling freely for what it Is not,
namely, hutter. Jobbers In dairy product
lines anxiously await the decision of our
courts as to the lawfulness of oleo selling.
This decision will have a very important
hearing on the butter trade this fall and win
ter. Butteb Creamery, Elgln,27)42Sc: Ohio brands,
C425c: common country butter, 1816c; choice
country rolls, 1718c,
BEAKS New York and Michigan pea. 82 352 40;
marrow. 2 50(32 80; Lima beans, 5Ji6c.
Bexswax-t35c ttt for choice; low grade, 22
CIDER Sand refined. $8 5010 CO; common, (5 60
(SO 00; crab cider, 12 0013 00 $ barrel; elder vine
gar. 1415c.
CiraE8E Ohio cheese, new, 93Mc; New York
cheese, new, 9J(10c; Llmburger, lie; Wisconsin
aweiizer, luucream, latguc; imponea Dweiizer,
18c for strictly fresh nearby stock;
Western eitgs. 18Mai7c.
Southern and Western eggs, IS1
Ffathebs Extra live ffeee. 5;358c: No. 1. 430
50c? lb: mixed lots. 8040c $ lb.
Fbuit Apples, .tyawc per bushel, tl 2V31 50 per
barrel; peaches. 65'5c per basket, 81 00(31 25 per
bushel; pears, 75ctl 00 per basket, (3 004 00 per
barrel: plums Damson, 82 iSOS 50 per bushel:
huckleberries, 81 00(S1 25 a pall"; grapes, 10-pound
hasket. 3040 po3 50 a stand: Siberian crabs,
83 504 00 a barrel; elderberries, 50C a palU
Hoxet New crop white clover, 1829c; Califor
nia honey, 1215c lb.
Maple sybcp 7500c gallon.
'Melons Anne Arundel cantaloupes, 82 753 00
a barrel; JeonyLInd cantaloupes, 84 00 a barrel;
watermelons, f 10 001511 00 a hundred.
Maple Sugab 10c a lb.
Poultby Allre Chickens. 6575c a pair; spring
chickens. 4050c a pair. Lire turkeys. 7c g lb.
Dressed Turkeys. 15c ?' lb; ducks, 1213c ? lb;
chlckns, 121 ie $ lb : spring chickens, I415c f lb.
Potatoes In carload lots, fl25150; from
store, (1 502 00 per barrel: Southern sweets, 82 60
2 75 per barrel; Jerseys, 84 254 50.
SEEDS estern recleaned medium clover Job
blnjr at ?l'9.-; mammoth, 86 25; timothy. Jl 5o for
prime and f 1 60 for choicest; blue grass, 82 852 80;
orchard grass, tl 75; millet, tl 10: German, 1 25;
Hungarian, tl 10; fine lawn, 25c ! ft; seed buck
wheat, 81 401 80.
TALLOWCountrv, 4c city rendered. 5e.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, 84 755 00; fancy,
MO0A50; Sorrento oranges. 83 5034 00 per box;
Kodl oranges, 85 005 60; California peaches, tl 50
2 25 a box; California plums, tl 602 S a box;
bananas, Jl 25151 60,firsts. 7octl 00. good seconds
9 bunch; California Bartlett pears, 82 252 73 a
Vegetables Cabbage. 2530c a bushel basket;
Southern onions, 83 003 50 per barrel: tomatoes.
3040c per bushel; cucumbers. XVHWc per bushel;
celery, 2030c per dozen; eggplant, ft 10 a piuhei
basket; roasting ears, 5075c a bushel -basket.
Predictions of yesterday are verified a to
advance on sugars. Our quotations are
raised c per pound on granulated and soft
wtjite sugar, and markets are firm at the
rise. Foreign and canned fruits are slow,
and our quotations in this line are reduced
in accordance with the markets.
Obxex Coffee Fancy, 2423c; choice Bio, 22
a23:c: prime Rio, 23c; low grade Rio, aOJaHUc;
Old Jjoyernmeut Java,330c: Maracalbo. 2o27c:
Mocha. 2931c; Santos. 21)25Hc; Caracas, lVi
2SXc;La GuaTra, 25M26Xc.
Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 23c;
high grades, 25H28Mc; Old Government Jara,
bulk, 30S33c: Maracalbo. 2fl29c: Santos. 24
28c: peabcrry, 29c; choice Rio, 24c: prime Itlo,
23cigoodlo, Sc;trdlnary, WKjaMc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 15l6c: allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c: pepper. 12c; nutmegs, 75S0c.
1'ETKOLECJl uooDers- prices) utr test, one;
Ohio, 120, 7e; headllght,.lS0. V,is; water white,
SKSS'ic; git
lie; royall
olelne, 14o.
9'-!c: elobe. imWAc: elalne. 15c:
lie; royallne, 14c; red 1
oil, lO,Sllc:
purity, 14c;
Miw.ns Oil Vn. 1 winter strained. 43&t4c7L
gallon: summer, 3537c:lardoH. 5558c.
Sybcp Corn syrup. 2932c: choice sugar syrup,
STffMDc; prime sugar syrup, 3135c; strictly prime,
N. O. Molasses Fancy new crop. 45c; choice,
42Mc; medium, 3840c; mixed, 353Sc.
SjODA Bl-carb., In kegs, SffiSVc: bl-carb in
Ks,54c:lit-carb., assorted packages. 5X6c; sal
soda. In kegs, lMc: do granulated, 2c.
Caudles Star, full weight, 9c;stearlne.perset,
8)c: parafflne, ll12c.
ltlCE-Head CaroUna, 6X7)c; choice, VMfiHX
Louisiana, 51t(S6c.
Stabcii Pearl, 4c; com starch, 66c; gloss
starch, 07c.
Foreign Fbcit Layer raisins. 82 00: London
layers, 82 5; Muscatels, tl 75: California Musca
tels, tl0l75: Valencia. 55Xc; Ondara Va
lencia, 63'c; sultana, iol5c; currants. SKSc;
Turkey prunes, 66l(c; French .prunes, 89)c;
Salonlca prunes. In 2-lb pacLarcs, 9c; cocoauuts,
?ioo, to 00: almonds. Lan,, t ib, Sc:do Ivlca.
17c;do shelled, 40c;walnnts. Nap., I314c;Slcllv
filberts, 12c; Smyrna. Aks. I3l4c: new dates. VAQ
6c: Brazil nuts, 10c: pecans, ll18c: citron, ?tt,
1718e;lemon peel, 12c ? lb: orange peet, 12c.
Xjbied Fruits Apples, sliced, 119 ft; apples,
evaporated, 1314c: peaches, evaporated, pared,
SOOUlc; peaches, California, evaporated, unpared,
13lCc; cherries, pitted, 25c; cherries, nnpltted, 8c;
raspberries, evatrarated, 2324c; blackberries, 6)4
7c: huckleberries, 8c.
bUGABS Cubes,4rc; powdered.c; granulated,
4c: confectioners' A. Die: soft wlilte, 4'i(34Uc:
yeiiow, cnoice, axartc; yeuow, gooa. j,hc(3W'4c;
yellow, fair, 3(ffi3Xc.
Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200.) IS 50; medium,
half bbU (600), S3 50.
Salt-No. 1. $ bbU 81 00: No. 1 extra, J bbl,
tl 10; dairy. bbl, tl 20; coarse crystal, $ bbl,
tl 20: lupins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Biggins
Eureka, 1614-ft packets. 83 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. 81 902 00;
2nds. tl 60(31 CO: extra peaches, 82 202 30; pie
peaches, 900JC llnest corn, tl 251 60; Hid.
Co. corn, tl 001 15: red cherries, tl 20B1 30: Lima
beans. 81 35: soaked do. 80c: string ao. 65070c:
marrowfat peas, tl 10l 25; soaked peas. 6S70c;
pineapples, tl 601 CO; Bahama do, 8 55: damson
Blums, tl 10; greengage, 'tl 50: egg plums, tl M:
alifornla apricots, tl S02 10; California pears,
82 Z52 40; do greengages, 1 80: do egg plums, fl 90;
extra white cherries. 82 85; raspberries, 9035c;
strawberries, 95ctl 10; gooseberries, tl 031 05;
tomatoes, H035c; salmon, 1-ft, tl 301 80;
blackberries. 80c; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 99c;
do green. 2-lb cans, tl-25l 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans,
51 SHebl 90; 1-ft cans, ti 39; baked beans, tl 40
60; lobsters, 1-ft cans, 82 25; mackerel. 1-ft cans,
boiled, tl 60; sardines, domestic Ms. 84 OV3M 15;
H. 87 00; sardines. Imported. Ms. til 50 12 50:
sardines, imported. Us. 18 00; sardines, mustard,
83 65; sardines, spiced, 83 75.
FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 30 00 T bbl:
extrt No. 1 do mess, 823 60; No. 2 shore mackerel.
$20 00; No. 2 large mackerel, 818 00: No. 3 large
mackerel, $14 CO; No. 3 small mackerel. 810 Co.
Herrlnr-Spllt, ss 50: lake, 83 25 f, 100-ft bbl.
White fish, t4 75 ? 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout. 85 60
H half bbi. Finnan baddies, 10c ? ft. Iceland
halibut, 12c? ft. Pickerel, half bbl, M 00; quarter
bbl. 31 60, Holland herring, 76c. Walkoff her
ring. 90c.
Oatmeal (5 506 00 fl bbl.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
The only sale recorded at the Grain Ex
change to-day was a carload of oat straw at
$6 50,' spot. Receipts as bulletined, 29 car
loads, as follows: By Pittsbnrg, Ft Wayne
and Chicago Railway, 2 cars of feed, 3 of rye,
8 of flour, 1 of middlings, 1 of straw, 3 or hay.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars
of oats. 1 or hay. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2
cars'of oats,3 of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake
Erie, ljcar of rye, 1 of hay. 1 of oat9, 1 of
middlings. By Pitt6burg nnd Western, 1 car
of oats, 1 of middlings. Cereal markets give
no signs of improvement, but the reverse.
Corn nnd oats aro a shade lower, as our
quotations will disclose. Wheat and flour
are barely steady. Rye has Improved- in
price 'within a few days. Mlllfeed is firm,
and so are choico grades of hay.
Following quotations are ror carload lots on track.
Dealers charge an adrance on these prices from
WHEAT no. area, uiai ui.
GS&mMc: mixedcar, SSKKCOc.
OATS-No-1 oats, 38a"jSjC; No. 2 white. 35y36c;
extra. No. 3 oats, 3o).H'jc; mixeu oats. iM'itJ-s.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvaala and Ohio, 9485c
FLOUB-Jobblng prices Fancy spring patents.
80 C06 25; fancy winter patents. 8ff605 75; fancy
straight winter, 85 00i a; fancy straight spring.
K-OTM 75: clear wluter. 84 735 00: trafrhtXXXX
lakers'. 84 7o5 00. Rye flour. 85 0O 2.
MILLFEED No. 1 white middlings, 82S 00(523 50
B ton; No-2 white middlings, 823 CO23 60; brown
middlings, 820 0021 50; winter wheat bran, fl5 00
13 60.
HAT-BaleJ timothy, choice. 812 6013 00; No. 1,
III i0512 00: No. 2 do. 810 00310 60; clover hay,
$9 ooau 50; loo from wagon, til 0013 00, accord
ing totiuallty; new loose nay, til 0012 00; packing
Hay. 83 60(39 00. '
SrBAW-Oats, 83 25S 60; wheat and rye, 83 00
6 23,
Sugar cured hams, large. t UK
Sorar cured hams, medium UK
Sugar cured hams, small 12
Sarar cured California hams 84
sugar eared u. bacon.... 10
Extra family b." con, per pound.... 10
Bngv cured skinned hams, large 12
Sugar cured skinned bams, medlam 12
8ugar cured shoulders 1H
Sugar cared boneless shoulders 8H
Bacon shoulders.. 7)i
Dry salt shoulders ejj
Sugar cored d. beef.Tounds 14
Sugar curedra, beef, sets 12
Sagarcnredd.beef, flats A 11
Bacon, clear sides 9
Bacon, clear bellies .'.."..... 8
Dry salt clear sides, 10-ft average..... IH
Dry salt clear sides, 20- average 8J
Mess pork, neairy..... .13 03
Mess pork, family. 13 00
Lard, refined, in tierces tH
Lard, refined. In half barrels H
Lard, refined, BVlb tabs 84
Lard, refined, 20-lbpalls 1
Lard, refined, 56-B ttneans "
Lard, refined, 3-lb tin falls Vi
Lard, refined, 5-lh tin palls 7
Lard, refined, 10-lb tin palls eat
The Gandaur-Hanlon race Is off.
Typhoid fever is raging in Wheeling.
New York expects to have anew $1,000,000
The German-Government ie buying up
rye and wheat.
Chattanooga has raised its popular fnnd
for a steamer line to St. Louis.
The forts at Freidichsort, Germany, will
be protected by submarine mines.
A physician or Glade Springs, W. Va
will be prosecuted for salivating a child.
The closing arguments are now being
made in theDavis will case at Butte, Mont.
Rumored that a tin mine worth $53,000,000
will be opened in the town of Hot Springs,
Oklahoma will ask Congress to nassa
Statehood enabling act to cover tho whole
Guthrie, Okla., has sent to Chicago a
train load of wheat and watermelons as an
The first shipment of tho new pearl-gray
postal cards has been made from the factory
at Mt. Shelton, conn. .
It is said that systematic, Burf! robberies
have been going on for some time"" on two
West Virginia routes.
A tornado played havoc with tho cotton
crops around Independence, Tex., Tuesday,
besides doing other damage.
' Judge Johnston was unanimously nomi
nated at the Republican Judicial Conven
tion at Warren, O., yesterday.
Burglars ribbed Harry Gibson's hat and
men's furnishing store at Jeannette Wednes
day night, of about $150 worth of goods.
It Is reported that Russia has dispersed
the Balkan war clond by advising Scrvia
to postpone military maneuvers until spring.
The Fourth National Bank of New York
has adopted the European plan of lending
money without interest toJmporters of gold
while tho gold is In transit.
Seventy-five men in the Forest mine,
near Masslllon, quit work yesterday morn
ing because the superintendent refused to
remove a breaker from tho screens.
A rumor was rife yesterdav that appli
cation would be made for a receiver for tho
Union Pacific Railroad, but Sidney Dillon
declared it to bo "confounded fudge?'
There is a Free Methodist revival at
Sydenham, Orft. A big bonfire was started
on a vacant lot, into which the women threw
their corsets, crying "Wo will die as God
made us."
Tire schooner Pinrionta, which left the
Marshall Islands May 1 for San Francisco,
with 12 persons aboard, was wrecked on tho
northeast of the.Hawalin Islands, and all on
board were, lost.
A freight train on the Panhandle Jumped
the track early yesterday morning In the
mouth, of a tunnel at Bloomueld station,
derailed 11 cars and blocked the main track.
No one was injured.
1 The Berlin TotHche Zeitung thinks that If
the Dardanelles report is true, an English
fleet may be expected in the Dardanelles to
perform sentry duty which, according to
the treaty, is.Turkeyrs business.
The Davton man who claimed to h RnH.
fert Wieland, son of the millionaire brewer,
the late John Wieland. of San Francisco, is
jjruuuujiueu un impostor m tne latter city,
since the true Robert Wieland is n rnrli.
I bad, Germany.
William Allen, a negro who killed the
marshal of Guyton, Ga., was taken from
the officers and lynched Wednesday night.
When asked If he had anything to say, he
prayed that God would aestroy the world
ana blot out humanity, and then told the ex
ecutioners to go ahead.
While the six Nicaragan exiles, two of
whom were ex-Presidents of the Republic,
were being escorted to the frontier, a mob
of sympathisers at Corinto fired upon the
guards, killing seven men, including the
Governor of the District and the lieuten
ant commanding the troops.
B. R. Musgmve, the- fugitive forger and
life insurance swindler, cleverly deceived
the public into believing he bad perished by
the burning of a log cabin recently near
Terre Haute. It has been discovered that
he was in concealment in Chicago for sev
eral days, but fled Wednesday night.
It is rumored that in view of recent start
ling disclosures. Premier Abbett has called
upon Secretary of State Chaplean to resign"
It is said Lord Stanley has been urged by
Lord Salisbury to dismiss his government
and dissolve Parliament In view of the
startling revelations made at Ottawa, which
have shown clearly tho fact that Sir John
Macdouald purchased with money dishon
estly take:: out of the pockets or the people
of Canada the small majority ho had In tho
present Parliament.
An astonishing revelation of cruelty at
the St. Vincent De Paul Penitentiary has
come to light through a discharged convict,
who limped into a hotel in Montreal, and,
taking off one of his dusty shoes, took from
It a letter from James Ferry, now serving a
saven years' sentence in that Institution.
Out of the four years Ferry has served, this
wretched convict has spent, he declares, no
less than 24 months in the black hole. This
pnnisbment cell is a portion of the cellar ot
the penitentiary, and is so closely shut with
iron doors that daylight never reaches the
cells In it as long as the convicts are there-
Coffee Markets.
New Yonx, Sept. 3. Coffee options opened
barely steady, 15i5 points down: closed
steady. 520 points down: sales 43,470 bags,
including September, 14.7014.90c; October,
13.7013.85c; November, 12 6513.00c; Deceni
ber.12.7512.90c; Jannary, 12.65 12 75c; March.
12.C012.65c: April, 12.70c; May 12.70c. Spot
Rio dull and nominal; fair cargoes, lSKc; No.
7, 16KC
Baltimore, Sept. 3. Coffee steady; Rio
cargoes, fair, 16JJc: No. 7, 19c
St. Louis WpoT'r'fteceipts, 14,115 pounds;
shipments, 52,641 pounds; steady, quiet and
Full of trouble
tho ordinary
pill. Trouble
when you take it,
and trouble when
you've got it
down." Plenty of
but mighty little
With Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant
Pellets, there's no
trouble. They're made to prevent it. They're
the original little ''Liver Pills, tiny, sugar
coated anti-bilious granules, purely vegeta
ble, perfectly harmless, the smallest, easiest
and best to take. They cleanse and regulate
the whole system, in a natural ana easy
way mildly and gently, but thoroughly
and effectively. One little Pellet for alax
ative three for a cathartic. Sick Headache,
Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion,
Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of .the
liver, stomach and bowels are prevented,
relieved and cured.
They're the cheapest pill you can buy, for
they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or
your money is returned.
You pay only for the value received.
Can you ask more!
Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only.
Transfer Agent, General, Cold,
5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storage space. "
Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of '
oil. Separate rooms for storage of household goods. Lowest insurance ratesv
not only speaks
for itself, but baa '.
thousands of peo
ple to speak for it. The testimonials
that have been riven in its favor by
people who have been cured by it "
would fill pages of a newspaper. Kb
other medicine has been so thorough- "(
ly endorsed' by the public Here is a
sample of
Disinterested Testimony.
Kev. M. B. 'Wharton.pastor of the First Bap
tist Church, Montgomery, Ala., writes: "1
have seen Swift's Specific used, and have
known many cases of the worst form of blood
disease which have been cured by It. I know .
the proprietors to be gentlemen of the high
est type, and of the utmost reliability, f
reco mm end it as a great blood remedy use
qualed by anything that I know of." '
Books on Blood and Skin Diseases Free.
THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G& i ?j
Whitney &Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
-.Ar favMv an-ntn. n Am Da
4 President. Asst. Sec. Treas
per cent Interest allowed on time de
sosits. OC1540-D
Httsburg, Allegheny and Manchester
Traction Company
40-year 6 per cent bonds, free of tax; fo' .
sale at 103 and interest.
' feU-U-JCW
JohnM. Oakley & Co,' P ,
, 'i
Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. ir
Private wire toNewioreanu. umcagsb . j
a SIXTH ST.. rittSDurg.
As old residents know and hack flies at'
Pittsburg papers prove, is the oldest estab
lished and most prominent physician in th
city, devotingfpeclal attention to all chronia
sponsible MrQXnilQ ana mental dl
persons. I it. 11 V UUO eases, physical de
cay, nervous dehility, lack of energy, ambi
tion and hope, Impaired memory, disordered'
sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness,
sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, impover
ished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption,
unlltting the person for business, society and
marriage, permanently, safely and privately
eruptions, blotches, falling hair, bones, pains,
glandular swellings, ulca rations of tho
tongue, mouth, threat, ulcers, old sores, ars
cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly
eradicated from 1 1 Dl M A R V kidney and -the
system. UnlUnn I I bladder de
rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal
dicharges, inflammation and other painful ,
symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures. ,
Dr. whlttier's life-long, extensive experi
ence Insures scientific and reliable treatment
on common sense principles. Consultation,
free. Patients at a distance as carefully
treated as if here. Office hours, 9 A. X. to S
p. x. Sunday, 10 a. m. to lr.x. only. DB
WHITTIER, iU Penn avenue, Pittsburg, PaJ
as-U-bsuw I
Gray's Specific Medicine '
VniT. nehilltv. Weakness uf BodV
hmitiih umTimind Mind. Dermatorrliea. and
Impotency, and all diseases that arise from orer
indulgence and self-abase, as Loss of Memory and
Power. Dimness or Vision. Premature Old Age.
and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or
Consumption and an early grave, write for our
PAt&ressGRAY3IEDICINE CO., Buffalo. N. V.
The Specific Medicine Is sold Iy all druggists at ft
per package, or six packages for S3, or sent by mall
on receipt or money, tiir GUARANTEE
and with every .W.fcUV..riJ3Jpt
order a cure or money reftiudea.
490n account of counterfeits we hare adopted
the Yellow 'Wrapper, the only genuine, bold In
Pittsburg by S. S HOLLAND, cor. Smlthfleld and ,
Liberty su. Je3-9l-MWreosu
SPECIALISTS in all cases n
quiring scientific and confi
dential treatment. Dr. S. K.
Lake, M. K. C P. S., Is the old
est and most experienced ipe- i
cialist in the city. Consulta
tion free and strictly confi
dential. Office hours 2 to i and 7 to i r. it
Sundays. 3 to t r. if. Consult them person
ally, or write. Doctors Laxx, cor. Penn ay.
and 4th st, Pittsburg. Pa.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently RESTORED
and all the train of erllj, the results of overwork,
sickness, worry, etc. i nil strength, development,
and tone guaranteed In all cues. Simple, natural
methods. Immediate Improvement seen. ITallur
Impossible. 2,000 -references. Book, explanations
and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Addres .
Sufl ettsg feoss. ..
ine enects OJ
youthful errors
A rolendld medical work: ; should be read by every .
. - n.iium anil rik1 Itt4cu4 A .ta
CUUl WIIU i UCilUUS Ms usuuawkt. A.UUXVHU
pro. F. - FOWLEB,aroodas, Coaa-
de3-8l'.Dsnwk . t
yo-athfnl color and beamy by
amor. JJoesnot lUln gfcm or
nen. pmPAien,mcncicnmjarrimu'K. launiMWb
Sold by JOS. FLEMING f; SONS, and drug
gists. my25-32-wr (
VJf( TriMnt Spprptnrw' and TrpAmwf. "
Bonded and Yard Storage, -
3 '-
4 M
' 5