"W il iWliMIW kbMyhMWMHHft 'hi ' 'it nh ' ' ' Hi l,nrn Em&m MAKI1G RYE CHEAP, Signs That Chancellor Caprivi Weakening and Will Suspend the Dnties on Grain. Is HE DISTRUSTED THE EEICHSTAG. The Emperor's Bill Against Drunkenness Stands a Poor Chance of Passage Though Not Severe. A COMPROMISE IS N07 LOOKED FOE. Tortus Fair Commissioners TTorMng Enropc Well for the Big Show. rcon niGirr, isn, nr the netttokk associated TBESS.3 Berlin; Aug. 29. Orders have been i-tied by the Prussian Government, calling upon the agricultural district officials to re port as to the condition and the probable yield of wheat and rye. These reports are to be made before September 8. Further reports concerning the potato .crop are called for and thee must be in the bands of the Government before September 20. The Oovcrnments of the other German States iaealso been directed by the Imperial ttuthorites to expedite reports as to the con dition and probable yield of the crops in their respective States. Numerous returns liave alrcadv reached Her Von Bcrlepsch, 3hniMcr of Commerce, and the data de rived from them have been submitted to the Etnpcror. .Tndging from the altered tone of themem bcrs of the official circle, a suspension of the import duties on grain is becoming a recognized necessity. The Ministers will not wait till November to submit the ques tion to the Reichstag, but immediately upon the conclusion of the gathering and digest ing of the t-tatitics will declare the dnties. fcuspended. THE KEICHSTAG TOR rROTXCTIOS'. The yirth Gentian Gazette published an article on the subject, in whicb.it avowed that the main reason for the Go eminent hitherto refusing to lessen or suspend the duties was the fear that the Reichstag would, once they were abolished or reduced, never jillnw them to be restored or raised again. This statement raised a storm of protests in which the agrarian journals joined. The notion that a suspension of the duties meant their permanent abolition is denounced as nbsura, in view of the fact that the Beich Mag, which has yet three years to live, is clearly a protectionist one, ready to reim oe the duties when the Government de fcires. In the meantime, what measures are pos Mble will be taken to lighten the hardships resulting from the dearnes of rye. Market peculations are ternl discouraged. The jnees of rve hhow a fractional diminution binee Mondav. The lleichshank has been authorized to make advances up to two-thirds of the value of cram placed in depot. Importers have laade every exertion to supply the depots. Vntil joterdaj, when the Russian competi tion came into force, the frontier railways did acreat carrying tiade. The mixing of lye with wheat has already been largely re torted to, and nothing but this mixture is :iow ii-cd for making bread for the army. AGITATION IS PERMITTED SOW. Xo precautions are nowtaken to arrest iheiiopuUr agitation for the suspension of jrrain duties. To-morrow public meetings will be held here, in Hamburg and in other populous centers At these meetings the Socialists are uniting to prepare memorials' to the Government expressing the great ne cessity of taking immedicte action looking to a reduction or suspension of the duties. The Fremnnujc Zetivng has decided to op pose the main clauses of the Government's bill for the repression of drunkenness. The ultimate failure of the measure may be pre dicted, as it is modeled after a billof simi lar import which was introduced in the Reichstag in 1881 and which was dropped in committee. The leading Ministerialists are theonly suppoitors of the present bill, and their support is due simply to the fact that the Emperor, who is the father of the hill, is in earnest in his efforts to suppress the growing evils of intemperance. rCATdtES OP THE TEMPERANCE HIM. Yet the proposals contained in this bill cannot strike foreigners, who are accus tomed to liquor legislation, as being severe. The measure provides that retail liquor dealers mint supply food besides spirits, and are forbidden to sell Honor to persons under 16 cars of age. They must not serve a visibly drunken person or one who is known to be a confirmed drunkard. They must see that drunken persons are guarded to their homes or protected by the police, and thev must not Mipplv liquor on credit. The most drastic clauses of the bill pro vide for the forcible committal of confirmed inebriates to an asylum; for the keeping of public bonses closed until 8 o'clock in the morning and fixing the minimum quantity of spirits to be sold at half a liter. It is not expected that the Government will persist in passing the bill in its integ rity. If the Government can get a measure of kindred nature tp those accepted by the countries where there are temperance re forms, it is known the Emperor will be sat isfied. THE OlTICIAI, WAR SCARE. The revival of the war scare is not re echoed in official quarters here. The "War Olhcc lb ready to face surprise from any suie. Bering in tne interests ot peace, Chancellor Von Caprivi and Count Kal nokv, the Austro-Huugarian Prime Minis ter, nave joined in asking the Turkish Gov ernment to intervene between the two Balkan States. Advices received from Constantinople to-night are to the effect that the 1'ortc has sent a note to Servia in re gard to the massing by that country of troops on the Bulgarian irontier, ostensibly for maneuvers. The note calls upon the Servian Government to hold the maneuvers in the interior and not on the border line of Bulgaria. The intervention of Turkey in tins matter is based upon tier rights as suz erain to protect Bulgaria. Prmces-s Bismarck made her first appear ancc in societv since her illness at a dinner given by "William "Walter Phelps, the United States Minister, at Homburg last night. The Princess sat between Mr. Phelps and the Earl of Cork. THE WORLU'S FAIK 3IISSI0NABIES. Messrs. Handy, Peck and Butler, three of the members of the foreign World's Pair Commission, who have been visiting vari ou. RuNSian cities, will shortly arrive in Brussels. They have described "their recep tion by M. De Giers, the Russian 'Prime Minister, as being of the most cordial na ture. Tiic commissioners covered 3,000 miles of Russian territory in a single week, working dav and night in the interests of the exhibi tion. SL Vishnogradsky, the Minister of Finance, promised that he would at an early date appoint an imperial commissary to attend to all matters pertaining to a proper representation of Russian art, indus try and manufactures. It is probable that a w arship will be detailed to convey the Russian exhibit to a port in the United States. Mr. Handy, in referring to the experience of the commissioners in Austria, said that whatever opposition there had been in Vienna to sending exhibits to Chicago was fust disappearing. The committee had suc ceeded in disabusing the minds of the manu facturers who were prejudiced on account of the McKinley bill. Herr Wermuth. the Imperial German Commissioner, will sail with the commi'sion for the United States Septcniler 15. The 11 days tour of Messrs. Grosvenor and Lindsay in Switzerland covered every industria1 center in the country. The last place they visited was St. Gall, the chief seat of the great embroidery industry. Everywhere they were told that they could rely upon an ample representation ot Swiss products. A KASCAIiI,T EX-CJONSCL. Percy Tighlman, who at one time was United States Consul in this city, but who subsequently became notorious for his swindling operations, has been at his old tricks again. He called upon the Iandrys, bankers at The Hague, and stated that "he was the American vice consul at Sheffield, England. He negotiated a draft for $200, drawn on a house In "Washington. The Landrys knew Tighlman when he was in the consular service at Rotterdam, and they, therefore, cashed his draft, which subse quently proved to be spurious. The police are looking for Tighlman. A SEQEHCY IN 2B0SPZCT The Enter of n Great German Principality In a Very Bad Way. Ixwdoi. Aug. 29. One of the most se rious problems in Germany, according to a Berlin dispatch, is the oondition of the Grand Dude Meklenburg-Schwerin. This prince, although but 40 years of age, is lit tle more than an animated corpse. He has been often thought to be dying, but he lives on, enduring great pain, and utterly useless as a ruler over one of the most important principalities in Germany. He is the prondest of German sovereigns. Being married to a Princess of Russia, he has al ways been more Russian than German in his' sympathies. It is now seriously proposed to appoint a regent of the Grand ljukedom, but no one has cared to suggest the matter to the Grand Duke. His son and heir is about 9 years of age. The Duke's brother, Paul Frederick, has been spoken of as regent, but is said to be objectionable to the Czar, who, on the ground of relationship, is tak ing great interest in the matter. Much auxiety prevails in Mecklenburg. DfCITED PEOPLE TO REVOLT. President Sacasa of Klcaraugna.. .Explains Wiry He Expelled Statesmen. Granada, Aug. 29. President Sacasa issued a proclamation yesterday, giving his reasons for expelling from Granada e President General Chamorro, ex-President General Joaquin Seavala, Don Anselmo Rivas, editor and proprietor of the Diario Xicaraguerue, the leading newspaper of Nicaragua; Don Enrique Guzman, a son of General Guzman, and Don J. D. Rodriguez, formerly attached to the Kicaraguan Lega tion at Washington, who afe accused of be ing the ringleaders in the riot which took place last Sunday, in which the chief of police ana six otnsr men were tilled. The President says that he was forced to expel these gentlemen, all of whom are prominent, and some of them v ery wealthy, because they hv.s been plotting against the Government, seeking its overthrow; excit ing the people to rebellion; intriguing to disturb the good feeling with the neighbor ing States; and because of unpatriotic con duct. Thirty New Houses for the East End. Building permits were issued yesterday to Mellon Brothers for 30 two-story brick dwellings on Park street, Twentieth ward. The cost of thewhole number will be 30,000. DO "YOU EAT? Send for New and Eevlsed Price last. Jnst Out. If you never had my list, send for it, and be Bnrprised and delighted at the amount of good it will do you. If you read carefully and carry out the instructions in it, it will start a bank account for you or add to the one you have been trying "to start. Every article must be first-class. If not your moneyviil be refunded. I will give with -all orders of 510 and upward the benefit of the following prices: 2ocans sardines, in oil... ....$1 00 25 lbs white coffee sugar 1 00 2iyi lbs granulated sugar 100 4. sacks good grade family flour. 4 90 4 sacks best Minnesota flour 5 80 20 lbs California grapes. 1 00 30-lb pail apple butter 1 90 5 cans California cherries 1 00 5 cans California peaches 1 00 5 cans California apricots 1 00 5 lbs tea (in all varieties) 1 00 3 lbs 50c tea fall varieties) 1 00 8 lbs best California prunes 1 00 15 lbs good raisins 1 00 7 lbs roasted coffee (fresh ground) 1 00 4 lbs chewing tobacco 1 00 4 lbs Weyman's tobacco 1 00 8 lbs white clover boney(strained) .... 1 00 50 bars family soap 1 00 Large family scales l 95 30 bars soap (5 cents size) l 00 8 lbs dessicated cocoanut 1 00 10-lb kit mackerel. 95 10-lb kit lake herring. 59 3 cans table peaches (yellow) 25 2 lbs white clover honey (in comb) .... 25 6-foot step ladder, complete 98 1 clothes horse ( 4 wines. 6 feet 85 1 gallon New Orleans molasses 30 2-lb can best baking powder in United States for 20 Goods delivered to all parts of two cities. Tojmrties living out of the city will prepay freight on all orders of $10 and upward. Send for price list before ordering. Jas. J. Weldon, Xo.201 Market street, cor. Second avenue, Pittsburg. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy Is famous throughout the United States for its prompt cures of diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and cholera morbus. It is pleasant to take, and can always be depended upon both for children and adults. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale by druggists. wsu When you were away you didn't find ice cream as good as Kennedy's, now, did you? Geeat hit The Dunlap hat at Smiley's. Fall Sailings. Stylish suitings, trouserings and over coatings at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood street Dnnlap & Co.'a Fall Hats At Smiley's. See them. Nervous Dyspepsia in severe form, tired and languid, no ambition, sleep irregular, no appetite this was my condition when I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. From the very first it seemed to be Just What I Needed. The nervous dyspepsia has now entirely gone, my appetite is excellent, I can eat heartily without distress afterward; I sleep well, and can now go about my work with out having That .Tired Feeling so frequent before I began taking the med icine. I recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla as the King; of Medicines." .1. J. Scullv, President Seaman's Union, 256 Catherine troet, Detroit, Mich. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Is tho most successful building-up medicine and blood purifier. Be sure to get Hood's. Patterns in cool, light-weight suitings and trouserings. The largest selection obtainable. TJfcxo Correct Stylos, H. & C. F. AHLERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, 420 SMITHFIELD STREET. Telephone, 1389. Jeil-TT33a THE BACK AT CAPE MAY. President Harrison Takes Up IaTe Again at His Seashore Cottage. CSPEC1AI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Cape Mat, K. J., Amr. 29. President Har rison is onco more at his seashore cottage, where ho Is enjoying tho pleasures or do mestic life. The "special train on whioh he came arrived at Capo May at 8 IS this after noon. Rain began to fall when the train had reached Millville, and when it arrived at tho Shore if was fairly pounnjr, and as a consequence there were few to meet the party and the family did not even venture to come over to tho station, but remained on tho piazza of the cottage. The President expressed himself as highly S leased with his trip, nnd especially with is reception at Proctor last night. Tho Pullman car will remain hero until Monday. when Mrs. Harrison and other ladies will go in it to New Tors, to meet Mrs. Russell Hnr- nson ana airs. J. it. .ucn.ee, wno are pected from Europe. ex- Harvest Excursion to tho West. The Ohio and Mississippi Railway will run three of its popular harvest excursions from Cincinnati to all points in the West, Xorthwest and Southwest, at low rates, leaving August 25, ' September 15 and 29, 1891, tickets good for return 30 davs after date of sale, with stop-over privileges in territory reached by these excursions. See that your tickets read via O. & M. Ry., as it is the only line running a passenger train from Cincinnati to St. Louis by which all passengers can go through "without change of cars and by which baggage is not transferred at way stations. If you are going West on these excursions or simply . desire tickets one way. call on your nearest ticket agent, ask ing for tickets via O. &M. Ry., or address C. W. Paris, Central Passenger Agent Ohio and Mississippi Railway, 48 W. Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Marriage licenses Issued Yesterday. Name. x Residence. J .Ticob.T. Xlt Allegheny (May frlnlger. Reserve township ( Paul Bachmann Allegheny 1 AnnaKozler Allegheny ( Joseph Korobczyk. ...Mansfield ( Mary Gajdo Mansfield J John Uskowekl - -,.,,. Bendllng I Magdalcna Trac Bcndllng J Patrick Connors Pittsburg ( Fannie Brennan Pittsburg I Nicholas Rlrallnger. Pittsburg I Lizzie Blchler Pittsburg Peter Huttlnger Allegheny (Louisa 11 rush Allegheny Edwin Thompson TarAitujn 1 KstellaU. Leep Tarentum 5 Adam Zukowaki Pittsburg (Anna PletrowsL.1 Pittsburg J James Fan-ell Sbaler township ( Catherine Kancy Pittsburg J Frank Lesh Allegheny 1 Magdalena Bronorlc Allegheny MAKIttED. REYNOLDS GRADY At the church of the Immaculate Conception, Connellsville, on August 27, by the Bev. Father O'Connoll, Mr. SI. P. Retrolds, of Adcla'de, ana Miss M. E. Ghadv, of Pittsburg. . DIED. AGNEW On Friday, August 23, 1891, at 11 A. M. jEirare IlAiitLTOs, wife of Samuel Agnew, in the 40th year of her age. Funeral from her lato residence, 59 Clifton avenue, Allegheny, on SujfnA.v at 2 p. si. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend. 2 BALDENHOFBR On August 23, 1891, at 11:30 x. 11., AM.iK.wife of Christ Baldenhofer, aged 37 years and 9 months. DIPPEL Friday. August 28, 1891, at 1 SO a. m., CnmsTiNA DiprEL, aged 30 years, 2 months, 23 da 3. t Funeral on StrnxiT apterhoon, August 80, at 2 o'clock from her late residence, 21 Franklin street, Allegheny. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. HOLTZMAN Maitd M only and beloved daughter of Henry and Mina Uoltzman, in the 18th year of her age. "Where'er wo see a smile too sweet, A heart too pnro for taint of vice. We take them to that world of light To dwell in Paradise." Services on Moxtuy at 2 p. m., at parents' residence, corner Chartiers and Locust streets, Allegheny. Interment private at a later hour. 2 LEWIS Thomas C, on of tho lato James and Margaret Lewis, at Muskegon, Mich., Tuesday, August 25, at 10 A. K. Funeral took place there TmntSDAY, Au gust 27, 1831. LTJSK On Thursday evening, August 27, at lli35 o'clock, after a bi lef illness, JIis. Delia B. Luse, in her 81st year. MAXWELL On Friday, August 23, 18H1, at 10-20 o'clock p. ir., Willie It, only con or William J. arid Annie F. Maxwell, aged 1J montns. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Twenty-ninth and Smallman streets, on Stjs d vy, August 30, nt 2 o'clock P. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited toattend. McINTYRE Snddenlv Friday, August 23, at 6 p. m., Daniel McIstyhe, iu nis 40th year. Fnneral from St. Paul's Cathedral this AFTEni.oojat2r. sr. Intertnent private. MCLAUGHLIN On Friday night, August 23, Maktik MoLAConLnr, aged 60 years. Funeral from his lato residence, Sweet briar street, Duqucsno Heights, this aster woox at 2 o'clock. OWEX At her residence, No. 290 East street. Twelfth ward, Allegheny City, Emma Sophia, eldest daughter ot Sophia and Thomas Owen, in her 25th year. "Notice of funeral in Monday morning's papers. liunalo papers please copy. RAINEY At Maniton Springs, Col., on Wednesday, August 26. 1891, Robert T., eldest son of Lizzie L. and the late Samuel M. Kainey, aged SO years. Fnneral services at the family residence, No. 301 Sheridan avenue, East End, on SIos day, 31st inst, at 2 30 p. it. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 WEBER On Thursday, August 27, 1891, at Stateville, X. C, Charles G. Weber, of Pittsburg, Southside. Notice of funeral hereafter. WILBERT At New Florence, Pa., Thurs- fan A.irv.,. TT lQOl a Ifi . .r Tr . . ..w. . wile of Jacob Wilbert, nee Littlehales, in her 41th year. Funeral will take place from residence, Laurel avenue, Sixteenth waid, SrranAYat 2 p.m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 ANTnONY MEYER, (Successor to Meyer, Arnold & Co., Lftn.,) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residence, . 1134 Penn avenue. Telephone connection. mylS-Si-stwrsu JAMES M. FULLEKTON, UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, Ofctoes: No. 6 Sevexth Street and 6234 PEK Avura, East Esd. Telephone U53. myl0-126-wpsu EXCELSIOR EXPRESS AND STANDABD CAB CO. Furnishes carnages for funerals, etc. OFFICE, UNION STATION, 1LU Liberty avenue. Telephone 1156. aul6-5-wpsa ' X "3To-o- Have Malaria or Piles, Sick Headache, Costive towels. Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach and Uelchlns; If your food does not assimilate and you have no appetite, Tutt's Pills will core these troubles. Price, 23 cents. au24-TTSSU "OUT ON LONG ISLAND!" ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE BOOK OF ALL THE RESORTS ON LONG ISLAND, N. Yi Issued by the Long Island Railroad Co. for season 1891, nnd pamphlet of hotels and boarding cottages. Send 5 cents in stamps to H. M. SMITH, Traffic Manager L.LE.S., Long Island City, N. Y. auS-13-su T. W. HAUS,, Designer and contractor in all kinds of GRANITE. Cemetery vaults, statuary and large monu ments a specialty. Call or write for designs and prices before contracting. Office, room C13, Penn building, Penn a v., Pittsburg. A jau-;u-su PITTSBURG DISPATCH NEW ADVEBTISEMENT& THE Gheval MIRROR. A delightful trimmer to go with brass beds for modern fur-. mtbt'no- Manv odd pieces in nsMitintt. tn nur regular line of furmiure, now reaayjoi jau in spection. auSO-wsu $10 PLUSH SACQUES $10. To have your Plush Sacquo reshaped and cut oyer into new fall style, and have plusb. renewed by our new process, bring them to us at once, as this price will prevail only duricg the summer months. Plusb. gar ments rellned. Also seal garments refitted and reshaped correspondingly low. WIEX-iR, & CO., New firm in the old stand, 445 WOOD ST., third door from Fifth avenue. au2-su MME. RUPPERT SAYS There would be no tanned or freckled faces at the seashore if everyone would use my Face Bleach. It will clear the skin of all blemishes such as pimples, roughness, eczema, blackheads, or any skin disease. Is not a cosmetic, as it does not show on the face, but is a thorough tonie for the skin. $2 per bottle: 3 bottles, $5, tho usual amount reouired. Call or send 63 postage for my new book, "How to Be Beautiful.'' BOOM 203, Hamilton Building, 93 Fifth ave., Fitts burg, Pa. au2-9-su KENSINGTON. See 3d page. an30-83 CALFSKIN SHOES. CALFSKIN SHOES. This material is known to possess the substance required for rough usage as a school shoe. No better selection could be made. Jl Show these goods in button, lace, spring heels and all widths. Every argument why these shoes should have the preference is based -on good grounds. .They are serviceable, they are water proof, tfiey retain their shape, they are stylish, they cost less in proportion than any other shoe. The selection is by no means confined to this line. Choice goods in all grades. Remember our fitting this is a great point for you to dwell on which we claim is perfect HIMMELRiCH'S, 430-436 MARKET ST. Braddock House, 916 BRADDOCK AVE. auSO-wrsu Free Transportation. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., au26 S9-D 129 Fourth Avenue. LA Ml Jl ' iSr h') HIMMELRICHS SUi?nAT XuCrbor - su. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MESFIT 516 Smithfleld St. Special Announcement to the Clothing Wearers of Pittsburg and Adjoining Cities, That we are now fully equipped, with an elegant assortment of men's fashionable and durable MERCHANT TAILOR-MADE GARMENTS for the Fall and "Winter SEASON OF 1891 AND 1892. Never were such goods sold before by any one, and the money we get for this modern Mnltum in Parvois simply wonder ful, when you come to realize the fact that they are gotten up and put together with an experience and skill that is EQUALED BY NO OTHERS THAN THE FINEST OF MERCHANT TAILORS. They Wear With Ease. Strong as Gibraltar. Durable as the Pyramids. Economical as an Ant. Prices Moderate. Stylish as a Fashion Plate. Our reputation as dealers in STRICTLY MERCHANT TAILOR-MADE GAR MENTS is so world-wide that it would be simply farcical to dilate on it here, as w have sold these goods from Hudson i Bay to the Straits of Magellan. GLITTERING GENERALITIES. Permit us to say that we ore not accus tomed to tooting our own bazoo, and would not do it, but our professional trumpet;r has a boil on his nose and will not be on his base till next week. Under these de pressing circumstances we will have to say that we are the ONLY HOUSE IN THE CITY that sells Merchant Tailor-Made Gar ments for One-Half the Price That They Were Originally Made Up to Order For. ANIMATED THINKERS BUY OUR GOODS, But It Takes Glib Talkers to Sell Others. t3T" Alterations, when so required, made free of charge. IN OUP. 1 JDenart "We have an Elegant Variety of Nobby English TOP OVERCOATS. Take eleva tor to third flopr. Next to Mjsllons' Bank. au30-93 i Cent a Word Advertisements may be Inserted In the Want, For Sale, To Let, Lost, Found nnd Personals in Tax Dis patch. Sundays, the same rate applies. Payable In advance. au2S-117 DO NOT BE WITHOUT RENOOT'S Curling Fluid, as It will keep your bangs or curls In from one to three weeks, and does not atfect the hair In tho least. At all drug gists. 60o B, Bottle; 65c by Express. E. B, RENOUF, 24 SIXTH ST., PITTSBURG, PA au23-10i-Thsu Quality Counts In everything. The best Is always the cheapest. In advertising In Tot Dispatch's Cent-a-'Word Columns every advertised gets the best me dium and tho lowest price. au2S-117 Tripod Boiler. Three Points of Superiority GuararAeed: Safety, Economy, Low First Cost Repeated tests prove that It is absolutely Non-Explosive and . the most Durable ever made. 'Stronor testimonials from hun dreds of users in all parts of the country. bizeaiutoi.uwii. tr For full information address. HAZELTON TRIPOD BOILER CO. 809 Monon Block, CHICAGO, ILL. Wants.... Of every sort are quickly supplied when advertised in The Dispatch's Cent-a-Word Columns. This price includes Miscellaneous Wants, as well as Help Wanted, Situations Wanted, Boarders and Lodgers Wanted, Agents Wanted, Partners Wanted; Booms To Let; Personals; Lost; Found, and Miscellaneous. For GUtWAMS Wttfp Ml, VI P1 " i su t r.f mm Sales. . OU2S-117 xoyi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SCHOOL SUITS! "VT EW Fall Styles are on the shelf and such im provements in value top notch qualities, stylishly made, that will wear like oak and at prices that you'll relish. ?3, H and 53 buy better Suits thau ever before. A special lot of Suits at $i.oo. Boys' Cloth Hats at 35c, WORTH SOo. Boys' Waists at 25c, 50c A2fi ireso. Our Fall Styles of Men's Stiff Hats are now open ask to see the "Alvin" and the "Harrington." Exceptional values in Light-Weight Overcoats and Middle-Weight Underwear for these cool morning and evenings. MMIR. oSjPH CLOTHIERS, TAILORS AND HATTERS, 161-163 Federal St,, Allegheny. FALL OPENING! -0- R. DUNLAP & CO. D. D. YOUMAN'S SILKURBY HATS CHRISTY & CO. CELEBRATED LONDON HATS THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. J. G. BENNETT & CO, Leading Hatters and Furriers, COB. WOOD ST. AND rflFTH AVE. au27-r Frea Transportation. CHARLES SOJIEBS 4 CO., au2S-89- 129 Fourth Avenue. "W,t m IT'S THE GREATEST, GRANDEST SALE YOU EVER SAW: MEM'S CLOTHING, LADIES' WRAPS AND CLOAKS ALMOST GIVEN -AW AY I Continues this week his great closing grandest offering in clothing that has enced by local buyers. The sale is a positive closing out p " Ul UUl C11U1V- OHJUXV Ul 1IJ-W " .iw..", -..i ...w,, Cloaks, Jackets, etc. Keech needs the room iox Furni ture and Carpets, and is sacrificing the entire $30,000 worth of garments in order to close out' this department No clothing store in the city can offer you anything like such values as Keech does. Hundreds during the past week have taken advantage of this great sale. Don't put it off, but come at' once, for the stock can't last long at the prices offered. Our Fall Stock of Furniture and Carpets Is now complete, and embraces all of the newest and best designs. KEECH 5S STOCK IS UNSURPASSED. From the lowest price to the ' highest you1 can be suited, and, while you save 25 per cent on each and every purchase, you're getting true value for your money and a positive guarantee of its worth. See Keech before furnishing your home and save money. Examine this week our display of NEW DINING ROOM SUITES -all finishes. NEW BED ROOM SUITES-all fin ishes. NEWFOLDJNG BEDS-all finishes. And our unsurpassed line of Ingrain and Brussels Carpets. CASH OR CREDIT, J 923, 925, 927 PENN AVENUE, - NEAR NINTH .ST. '' - OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 10 P. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THELARGEST.'ioLEADING millimeryhqijseih westerhpehha. DAY BY DAY SHOWING FORTH THE WISDOM OF SELLING FIRST-CLASS New and Attractive Merchandise, Also 'Novelties Pouring Daily Into Our Various Departments. Come and Share the Bargains This Week. INTERESTING EMBROIDERY DEAL. Under pecnliar circumstances' we've got possession of a notable Swiss importer's entire stock of Embroideries: they're new styles, fresh and clean. In fact, just such Embroideries as the First Ladv in the Land would use for trimming or flouncing purposes, and all Much Less Than Half Former Prices. 25 Specially Pretty Patterns Hamburg Edgings for 5c a Yard. 25 Different Patterns of same goods for 7c a Yard. 50 Very Fine Patterns, will sell for 10c a Yard. Medium Widths, Suitable for Sham Edges. 50 Different Patterns of each, price, 10c, lie, 14c and 15c a lard. 50 Different Patterns of wider ones for IGc. 18c and 34c a Yard. WIDE FLOUNCING FOR SKIRTS. 25 Patterns Each of following prices: 32c, 34c, 39c, 33c, 39c, 44c and 49c a Yard. SWISS EDGES, in narrowest to wide a most elegnnt selection at 5c, 9c, lie, 15c, 32c, 34c and 29c a Yard. With above will be shown an eleeant line of WHITE OEIENTAL LACES ' From 5c a Yard Up. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, DANZMR'Sl MIDSUMMER BARGAINS PATENT LEATHER SHOES, KANGAROO SHOES, FINE CALF SHOES, ELEGANT DONGOLA SHOES, all at greatly reduced prices. Laird's Shoe Stores, i 406, 408, 410 MARKET l"l I ' GOODS, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR BIG STORE, AT PRICES COMEATABLE BY ALL. Basement Hustlers, and They're Dandies THE 53.00 "Superior" Clothes Wring ers, have best steel springs and white rub ber rolls, guaranteed for five years. Well, our price this week will be 91-74 Each. And tho 54.00 "Xoveltv" Clothes Wrineer, has hard rubber rolls; we also guarantee it for five vear. and will sell on Monday For 2.09 Each. 15c, nicely decorated imported Willow t Splash Mats, also plain ones for decor- ating, Monday, Tor 9c Each. 10,000 pounds, in all sizes, Polished Sad Irons; on Monday we'll sell them For 3c a lb. Another 500 of those wonderful Stand Tables in cherry and oak, with shelf underneath; they're the 51.30 tables; we bought to sell 'em At 99c Each. There's about 100 of a smaller size, but finer table, with polished top 52 tables Monday for $1.34 Each. Artistically beautiful and pre-eminently handsome, the lovely Bronze Figures we've secured to sell you for far less than half the regular dealers' prices. Come in and see them. The prices will be this week $3.99, $4.49, $0.99 and 99.9S Each. Perfect gems of beauty are those lovely cherry andoak screens at half usual prices. On Monday we'll show them at $3.99, $5.99, !$S.49 and $10.74 Each. SIXTH ST. AND PENN AVE. ST. and 433 WOOD ST. au3-xwi3a out " sale. It's the ever been experi 3 CASH OR CREDIT. m i ..,. .,- ' , '