pw THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, . TUESDAY, AUGUST ' 4, 1891 mm IS HIS BAM. Secretary J. W. Post, of the Steel Tubular Car Company States HIS OFKIOIi OP THE AECniTECT. He Bars the letter Filched Money to Carry on His Mode of Life. THE CONCERN IS ALIVE AND WELL TO DO "For several days I linve patiently listened to the glaring misrepresentations of inter ested individuals, and now ask ten minutes of your time to consider the actual faots concerning tho Steel Tubular Car Com pany." This is the introduction to a 12-page pamphlet which Secretary and Treasurer John W. Post, of the company, sends to The Dispatch. It purports to he "Facts and Usrnres concerning the Steel Tubular Car Company, a full" and coihplete statement by the treasurer. On the title page, in writing, and signed by J. W. Post, is a request as lollows: "Having been grossly slandered for several days, now kindly listen to tho other side. All I ask is that the exact truth bo known." The Dispatch of the 22d and 23d of July contained articles in which Josiah S. Briean, a Philadelphia architect, who claimed to net for the company as the superintending architect of their new plant at Bradford, figured prominently. He invited Sir. D. I Gillespie, tho well known lumber dealer of this city, to enter into a contract, on very extraordlnary conditions, for the supply of tho lumber, but that gentleman, after an in terview with Briean, begged to be excused from having anything to do with the busi ness. BRIEAN ABRESTED TOE LARCENY. Subsequently Briean was arrested at tho suit of J. VT. Post, charged with grand lar ceny, but when brought to trial at Phila delphia, was discharged. Post failing to ap pear agains-t him. Mr. Gillespie's con nection with the affairs of the company be pn and ended with hi interviews with Briean. Ho never saw Post nor had anv liUbiness with htm. Bncan pointed out to Mr. Gillespie how he could make $30,000 bj navins J5.00J for tho nnvileco of seenrinrr the lumber contract, but Mr. Gillespie was not anxious to make so much money so easily. Another l'ittsburgor was not so shrewd and paid $3,0j0 in consideration cf obtaining a contract ostensibly worth $CT0, 000. This gentleman bus lost tiis money, and ii. content to ay nothing about it. Mr. Post, iu his pamphlet, says that he shall confine his statements "wholly within tho purview of sworn testimony by unim peachable witnesses, which, happily, is now In my possession." He says the "Tubular Car Company is a bona fide organization, and at all times acting within its chartered rights, and is entirely free from debt of anv kind. The Treasurer has the full confldenc'o of every member of the company, so far as known, and has in his possession and at his Immediate command ample funds to pur chase all the land needed for tho plant and to erect and carry on the works. When tho time came for action Sir. Post issued invita tions to all interested parties to meet at tho fct: James Hotel, Bradford, Pa., on tho 20th of July. The-e were gi en to Briean at the Astor House, New York, to mail as early as Juno 1C, l-TU. HUSTLED INTO A FREIGHT CAR. To quote Mr. Post's language: '-Somo of these he delivered to such parties as he, Bncan, himself wanted to come; some were withheld until too late, and some were never tent nt all. On July 13th following, fully a weekbefcre the expected meeting, two of our largest operators and myself went to Bradford with money, checks and drafts limply sufficient to complete the land pur chae and carry on the work until stopped by cold weather in the fall. But to our ut ter amazement we found the office deserted; the car company's drawings for which w e bold Bncin's receipts for a er $0 000 surrep titiously hi:tled into a Jreigut car, with Brican's household effects and hastily i-hipped to some unknown point. He, Brjn, to cover his leal designs, having pi eviouslycii dilated reports ttiat ho had i'ecn ordered by our company back to Phila delphia, to Johnbonburg, to Buffalo and God only knows where el-o, the conflict in his own statements proving conclusively that lie lied.- 31r. Post then described tho chase after Briean and the drawings, and how he was subsequently rnn down in Bradford. Then follows charges of immorality by Post against Bncan. EXPENSIVE DRAUGHTING BOARDS. Mr. Post continues, that while it is none of their business what Briean didalter wording iiours, when he u-cs his own money for ex jcnses. It doos seriously concern them when lie "took money iroin oar coffers to carry on las mode of living Ho has been spending at Ihorateof $1 SOOricr vear, on an income of S 1,000, of which Ins o n family, that is to sav, "w-ife No. 1, and his bov, receive less than cne-sixtcputli '" Post accuses Briean of charging the com pany $l,rn 23 foi six draughting boards that could hu e been purchased for $0), and with charging ?G,(Xi as a balance due on work worth about ?7iO Finding that Briean had disnpneared with the drawings. Post post poned the meeting of Julj 20. Then Post cburges that Bneau, :i day laborer of Phila delplua and a contractor on lion w ork, none of whom held a dollar- worth of stock m the concern, cnlled a meeting of "the Tubu lar Cai Comrnny'" at the St James Hotel, Bradlord. Tai- meeting Post calls "a con tpirnc, engineered by Bncan to concoct, if icsible, forae plan of bliickmailing me." Jr. Post wants to know, further along in his statement, if Briean was working for and u-ith his company us charged, wliv, when Briean was "selling my stock in Philadel phia and letting contracts to do our work, did he not allow tho gentlemen who pur chased it to have a personal interview with me, instead of operating on a forged pow er of attorncj, and telling them that I was sick iu X York and could not bo seen, when lor weeks at a time I was btoppmg at the Washington Hotel withinastone's throw of t hcpirtiis he w a swindling? And w hv w as it necessarj forhim to lorgemy nametoletters, i-tntcnient!-, etc., when I was nght there, and could hae signed any proper insti u mcntmjsoir?" THEY HAVE THE MONEY TO DO IT. Mr. Post say that for months before Briean becamo their architect he was living on boTowed money, instead of being as wilthj as he claims to be, and that the first iiOOho paid him in July, 1S00, saved Briean Irom being sold out by tho hhenff. Briean pretends to be an architect, says Mr. Tost, mid doe ckitv on the business, but he hfrnq boj s to do the w ork, while his own timo is Kiven up "to flirtation and outside swin dles." The pamphlet concludes with an as turaiico that "notwithstanding all that has lecn or can be said regarding the car com panj and all the vicious, puerile and pigmy Hurts to crush it oi its projector, both w ill continue togo on jut as siuoothlv, success Jully and suiilinglj as the world rnoves after Kittling thunder storm, and wnen this dingy mist ha xiassedaway no one will eer mistrust that cn thing unusual has hap pened and each stockholder will yet have abundant reasoA to bless the day he Joined the company; for, as already stated, wuhave pot the money to do it, the disposition we have always had, and both thebhopsnnd the cais will be built .substantially according to original plaiib." Mr D. Ju Gillespio wa seen yesterday in j-ogard to his connection w ith tne company. He had nothing more to add to the Intel view with him published in the issue of the ItulofJuly. Mr. Gillespie showed tho re porter the document on which lie had based his opinion of any company with which Mr. Briean might be connected. Ho thought it Mixpicious that a company should be doing busines with $4,S55,Onj of assets while the liabilities were i enrcscnted by seven ciphers. ABOUT THE ENGLISH SYNDICATE. In tho prospoctus $CO0,(JO0 w ere put down as the i alms of "gas privileges," but be could 3iot K.-e how that sum could be arrived at as an estimate before any well had been sunk on tin- property. Again the prospectus had S2.JKM,onu of stock as mild tnau English syndi cate ot w inch JJS.OOO only had bcenpiidup. lie thought that a small sum Tor an English hysidicnu: to py down for such a block ot btock. He also tnought It odd that 5,150 uciesof the hind purported to beheld by the Tubular Cnr Comptny should lie put in the title of the Chaiuiouy hand and Im provement Compmy thus liveing it from the liabilities of iho lormer concern. Mr. Gillespie had been invited to tako ttoek in the concern, but ho declined for tho reason given above. When he met Briean 5n Philadelphia ue was placed on his guard by a remark dropped by Briean. "nave any other contracts been let?" Mr. Gillespio inquired when discussing the lum ber contract "Yes" Raid Briean, "we havo let tho misonry." "To whom? I w ant to see that man," said Mr. tjillosp.e. . Yon mnnt talk to biin." said Briean. ' IV c don't naiitJiimtoknnivycuarcgettiiig tho lumber, as he wants it for a friend, and w e don't like his friend." "Putting two and two together," said Mr. Gillespio yesterday, "r concluded I didn't like tho thing, and wouldn't touch it;" .and he didn't. Stop that constant hacking by removing the irritation in the throat, and subduing any inflammation that may exist there, by using Dr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, a long established remedy for throat and lung troubles, of 50 years popularity. Visitors Visitors Visitors To the city do not fail to visit "The Lead ing Drygoods House." YouTvill bepleased and if you buy now during these great bargain c!caring-out sales you will save money. Jos. Hobne & Co.s Penn Avenue Stores. 13 l-2c Kcduccd From 25c. Ladies' fine hand embroidered handker chiefs, genuine Irish goods; all white. See window display. A. G. Campbell & Sons, 27 Fifth avenue. Tour Picture Free And handsomely framed given away this week by Hendricks & Co., popular pho tographers, 2Xo. 68 Federal street, Alle gheny, with every dozen cabinets, 51. ttssu THE GENUINE JOHANN HOFFS MALT EXTRACT Is the best nutritive tonic in cases, of dyspepsia, for the weak and debilitated, and during convalescence. Al ways ask for the genuine "Johann Hoff's," which must have the signature of "Johann & SfH 'Sff-niui-l SjEjjjjjjjrt Hot!" on the neck of every bottle. au4 0PERSiLD- GLASSES. TELESCOPES A Largo Importation Just Received. T'Vmz sESS J WILLIAM E. STIEREN, JySO-TTS 544 SM1T1IFIELD STREET. CARUSS & MANNION, CORRECTING OPTICIANS, C7 FIFTH AVii. Difficult cases so licited. Consult us first. Prices the lowest. Artificial eyes fitted. my31-7&-Tursu FEWK BROS., 21 SIXTH ST. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT. Spec'uilties: Scientiflo fitting of TRUSSES, appliances for DEFORMITY and ARTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stoolc of surgical instruments in Western Pennsylvania. Large illustrated catalogue free to mhlS-99-TTS3u physician. OTEL V u 1, Centrally II All the Lattw! I Located Improvements, f Broadway & 41st St., New York. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. e27-4C-TT3 AMTJSEMENTS. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII. RECREATION PARK. Double Display of Fireworks. Medallion of i MAJOR WILLIAM McKINLEY, Tho Tariff King. CHARIOT RACES! LOOK OUT FOR CHILDREN'S HOT! AUGUST 6. Admission, OOo. Reserved Seats, 75c Private Box beats, $1 50. Tickets on sale at Hamilton's, B. &. O. ticket olhces, Allegheny street car offices, Max Klein's, Ross' music store, Allegheny. 3-Ilear in Mind, Only in Fair Weather. au4-94 IDTTQ, TT IE SIsTE Pittsburg's lenuinE: theater, David Hender son and John W. Noiton, Managers. Greater success than ever Theater crowded from pit to dome. THE GAKROW OPERA CO. in tho BOKEMJAX OXICI. Prices during the engagement: Parquet,; Toe; parquet cucle, 50c; balcony, 25c Thursday, Friday and Saturday, THE MIKADO. Onlv Satmday matinee, aul-93 s The Fall of Pompeii is said to be a grand spectacle, but the fall in prices at these stores interests the masses a great deal more. Daily arrivals of fall importations are crowding us, and room we must have immediately. Prices on summer stock have consequently been cut unmercifully, and the chance of the season is' now offered to securegoods at one-half their actual value. The" reductions are so sweeping that the average reader mierht con sider them exaggerated. Convince yourself of the accuracy of every statement made by cutting out the following list and asking for the goods as advertised. Of course, one-tenth of the bar gains can't be enumerated here : HOSIERY. French Fancy Lislo Hose, 29c; for merly C2c Fiench Fancy Lisle Hose, 35c; for merly 75c Full Regular Balbriggan Hose, 12c; formei ly ISc Full Regular Black Hoso, 16c; for merly 25c. Fast Black Cotton Hose, 12c; for merly 18c. Misses' French C G. Hoso, 25c; for merly 45c. WAISTS. Ladies' Percale Waists, 33c; for merly t5c. Ladies Percale Waists, BOc; for 4 merlv 05c Ladies' Percale Waists, 73c: for merly $1 25. Boys' Star and Acme Waists, 80c; formerly $1. BLAZERS. Fine Wool, $1 50, $2 50, $3; ere $3 to $6. 2Bargains in Laces, Handkerchiefs,. Corsets, White Goods, Cur tains, Trimmings, etc., to close them out quickly. bfeib&vm 510-518 MARKET STBEET. SUMMER KKSOKTS. TOURISTS CAN OBTAIN INFORMATION1 as to rates and accommodations of many resort, hotels and cottages by applying at THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE. Atlantic City. TnE chalfonte ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On thobeach.with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt water baths in tho house. Send for circular. jeS046-D E. ROBERTS & S0S3. HOTEL IMPERIAL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Maryland ay., directly on the beach, facing the ocean. Handsomely deco rated and furnished. Capacity 200. strictly first-class. Prices: By tho day, 2 to $S: by the week, $10 to $13. G W. KlXDHICK. J 9-93-D ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The largest hotel. Open all tho year. jell-11 CHARLES McGLADE. Cape May. HOTEL CHALFONTE. CAPE MAY. N. J. Greatly enlarged since lastseaion. All modern improvements. Jy4-22-D ' H. W. SAWYER. M ABINE VILLA, cape may, . J. Within SO yards of the surf. Seventeenth season; 50 rooms added, facing tho sea; eleva tor, baths, etc. MRS. F. UALLENBECK. Jyl-21-D HOTEL COLUMBIA. Cape May, N. J. All modern improve ments, popular prices, special rates by tho week. H. W.SAWYER. Jj4-21-d THE STOCItTON HOTEI CAPE MAY, N. J. Now open for the fourth consecutive sea son of present management. Greatly im proved. Cuisine unsurpassed. aul F. T. WALTON, Proprietor. Other Eesorts. T ONG BRANCH, N. J. United States Hotel, Select family and transient hotel, directly on the ocean; GOO feet frontage; $3 and $3 00 per day: reduced -weekly rates to families. J. a VAN CLEAF, Prop Mansion nouse, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y., di rectly opposite Wall street ferry. joU-15-rra HOTEL WOPSONONOCK, Wopsononock Mountain, 2,650 feet above ocean level. UNQUESTIONABLY the finest location on the AUeghenies. For rates and circulars write to M. O'BRIEN, Proprietor, Jy4-23-TT3 Altoona, Pa. BEDFORD SPRINGS, BEDFORD, PA. Hotel Opens June 13. Hotel open until October. Wrile for pamphlet on this great Resort, and the famous BEDFORD SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. L. B. DOTY, MANAGER. au4-93 EUREKA MINERAL SPRINGS, SAEGERTOWN, PA. Analysis of the Chalybea3 (or iron) Spring Water, by R. A. Robertson, A. B., of the University of Glasgow; M. D. of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons at London, Eng., ana late of Philadelphia, Pa.: Specific gravity, 1004 5, one gal. of which contains of sodium sulphate, 2.BS4 grains; of potassium sulphate, 5.W0 grains; of calcium sulphate, 2.610 grains; of calcium carbonate, L9CW grains; of magncsinm carbonate, 2.043 grains; of ferric carbonato, 20.607 grains; of sodium chloride, 2.250 grains; of aluminum silicate, 3.570 grains: of organlo matter (vege table), 0.496 grains: total, 42.S17 grains. Vol ume of gases in cubic inches: Carbonic acid gas, iu.577; suipnerettsa nvarogon, iijsuj total gases, 30 6fa3 cu. in. We respectfully submit tho abore to all intelligent phy Bicians. jy4-Tns BLOOD Nature's triumph over disease. Without an equal, without a rival. After 300 years' ex perience in Brazil and two years' medical test in this country, acknowledged the first and only purely vegetable and effective neutralizcr and eradicator of scrofulous and specific blood poisons known. No mineral, no failures, no re!aDes. Sold by JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Drug gists, 412 Market St., Pittsburg. jeU JERSEYS. Cream fine Cashmere-Jerseys, 50c; formerly $1 75. Black fine Cashmere Jerseys, $1 0; formerly $2 50. .Black fine Cashmere Jerseys, $2: formerly $3. SUITS. All our Suits at half cost. GLOVES. Extra quality Black Taffeta Silk Gloves, 25c; worth 50c Mosquctaire Suede. 75c: worth $1 25. Mosquetairo Kid, 80c; woith $1 25. HATS. This season's shapes, prices next to nothing, 10c, 15c, 25e, 3Sc, 4Sc. FLOWERS. In hunches, ISc, 25c, 38;, 53c aul-Trssu fliiff 1 UIIL. 1 m NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 HE WHO COURTS PUBLIC PATRONAGE MUST MERIT PUBLIC FAVORS. PxnasTcoPiKH"T gCfrgg' I ', Money makes money. When we offer our $15 suits for $12, do you know what we are doing? We are virtual ly giving away $5. It looks as though it is not a true problem in arithmetic, as $12 and $5 would make $17; but, remember, our suit at $12 to-day is equal to any offered at $17 elsewhere; hence the saving of $5. That is what we mean by saying, "It is money in your pocket" We have had a good deal of experience with bargains, but we have never seen these figures paralleled. See our grand bargain coun ters. Clothiers, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers, 954 and 956 LIBERTY ST. au2-38-Trsu Ask my agents for W. Z Douglas Shoe. If not for sale in yonr place ask your dealer to 0nd for catalogue, secure the agency, and get them for yon. 3-TAKE NO STTBSTITtnE-Sa WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOB GENTLEMEN The Best Shoe in the World for the Money? 11 is a seamless snoe. nn no cacKS or wax mreaa to hurt tho feet; made of the best Dae calf, stylish and easr, and because we make more shoe of this grade than anj otuermannfacturer. It equals hand Bcwed shoes costine from 4 00 to 85 00. QK 00 GENUIKE HAND-SEWED, the flne6t vDO. calf shoe ever oflered for $ 00; equals Vrench imported shoes which cost from S3 00 to 112 00. CJ 00 HAND-SEWED 'WET,T SHOE, fine calf, Ot. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price; same srrado as custom-made shoes costing from $5 00 to & 00. 6 SO rOLICESHOE: Farmers, Railroad Men (IDO. and Letter Carriers all wear them; line calf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. (go 00 FINE CALF; no better shoe ever offered tjyu at this price; one trial win convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CgO S3 and $2 no WORKINGMAN'S shoes are tDi. very strong and durable. Those who hare given them a trial will wear no other make. 5fYVQ' f200 andtl 75 Bchool shoes are worn JJulO by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the Increasing sales show. I A TiTTT'C f3 "O HAND-SEWED shoe, best JS-UXJ2jiJ Dongola, very stilish; equals French Imported shoes costing from 4 00 to $8 00. LADIES' 51 50, 2 00 and SI 75 shoe for Misses are the best fine Dongola. btvllsh and durable. CAUTION-See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. Sold by D. Carter, 79 Fifth av.; E. C. Sperber, I32U Carson St. ; H. J. & G. M. Lang, 4301 Butler St. ; J. N. Frohrlng. 3S3 Fifth av. ; Henry Kosser. Ve gbeny. E. J. Hollman, So. 72 Rebecca e tree t, Allegheny, Pa. TTS PRESERVE YOUR EYES By -wearinpr Chessman's celebrated. BEST $1 SPECTACLES ON EARTH. Each pair is carefully adjusted to your eyes, and guaranteed for one year. to-GY ICANNOTBE DISTINGUISHED $ rrvusi xuu hhi unnu.u CHE5SMyPTICnLC0,NAincy?lp Leading optical experts of Pennsylvania. Jyl9-Tuysu ESTABLISHED 1S0L Eyos 3D2cn.mln.ccl ITree. Artificial Kycs Insertod. J. DIAMONDS TICIAH. ST. d02S-TTSU hmMmrt)ivmi: a - s"- - i E ass c$apir 5 SEW ADVKBTISEMENTS. THE PEOPLE'S STORE FIFTH AVE., Pittsburg. a a This old adage is applicable to all phases of life. Never more so than it will be in our store during this month of August. You go to every department, and at every one of them you save money. You save fifty cents here and a dollar there, and when you have finished ,the sum total of your savings makes a very re spectable showing. You can buy your whole outfit here, from shoes to mil linery, and if you buy during this month you save money on everything you buy. The rea son ? Why! it's the finish of the season with us. There's still two months of warm weather for you, but we have to make room for the coming fall goods. WASH GOODS. The values in this department are unparalleled, most of the goods are half price, some even less than that. Cheap enough to buy for next spring. DRESS GOODS, Etc. You can- pick up some nice bargains in this section. Many nice novelties that would make you a fine fall suit. You save from 25 to 33 per cent by buying now. SILKS, Etc. India Silks are sliced away down. The dollar qualities go at 68c. Other grades in proportion. That tells its own story. Come in and verify t our statements. Wraps and Jackets. For the cool fall evenings, why not buy a Jacket now ? New and pretty styles, but with about 30 per cent clipped off the prices. Then, Wash Waists and Wrappers have had the prices cut, too. MUM. All trimmed aud untrimmed millinery goes at half price. None more than that, some even less. CARPETS. We've never offered such val ues in Carpets as we're offer ing now. All makes and grades of Carpets at absurdly low prices during this month. SHOES. Have you children to shod ? We're offering a lot of Misses and Children's Oxfords and Shoes that were 1 25 at 75c. Then, for yourself. We can sell you a nice, solid leather shoe at $1 00. Isn't that low enough. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, Trimmings and Notions, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ETC. Hundreds upon hundreds of really extraordinary bargains. It won't take all day to name them. Come and see them for yourself. Visit all these, departments and see how much you can save at each. You'll be astonished at the sum total. CAMPBELL&DICK 83, 85, 87 and 89 Fifth Ave. au4-rrs OIL WELI. SUPPLIES. STANDARD" OIL C0 PITTSBURG, P.A. ' BRANCH OFFICES: Standard Oil Co, VVTieellng, TV. Va, Standard Oil Co., Cumberland, Md., Standard OU Co., Altoona, Pa., Capital City OU Co., Harrishurg, Pa. We manufacture for home trade the finest erodes of lubricating and illuminating oUa, Our facilities are such that our statement that we furnish all oils standard for quality everywhere cannot he disputed. OUR REFUTED OIL LISTJ Water White, 12X Prime White, ISO. Standard White, 110. Ohio Legal Test. Ohio Water White legal Trt. Carnadlne (red), ISO lest. Olite, U0 Test. OUR NAPTHA LIST: Deodorized Naptha for Tarnish makers, painters and printers. Gas Napthas for gas companies. Deodorized Stove Fluid for vapor stove burners. Fluid, 74 gravity, for street lamps, burn ers and torches. Gasoline, 88, 83 and SO gravity for gas ma chines. OUB LUBRICATING OIL LIST Includes the finest brands of Cylinder. Engine, and Machinery Oils. Spindle, Dynamo, 200 Mineral Seal, Neutral Oils. Miners Oils, Wool 8tocks. Parafflne Oil, Parafflne Wax. Summer and Cold Test Black Oils. Signal and Car Oils. Mica Axle Grease, Railroad and Mnl Grease and Arctio Cup Grease. Where it Is more convenient, you may order from our Branch Oulces, from which points deliveries will be made. STANDARD !L COMPANY, nor. DuQucsue Way and Eighth Street, mj PITTSBUBQ. PA OH. "WTXI, SUPPLIES. M. V. TAYLOR, OIL- WEJIvr 4StXEIIvIE;S. The Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING ALWAYS IN STOCK. ROOMS 35 and 30 Fidelity building. Phone 797. Jy25-1-D MAX ENGINES -AND- Th best Oil Well Machinery la thi world. All sizes of Engines and Boilers, Also all sizes Stationary Engines and Boil' era. Write for prices. Offices in Pittsburg, Washington and Bufr ler. Always write or telegraph o Corry Office. JAMES M. LAMBING, BOLE AGENT, CORRY, PA. Pittsburg office telephone No. 298. mh HAYS & TREES, Contractors We make a specialty of building NATURAL GAS LINES AND WATER MAINS. Boom 410 Hamilton Building, PITTSBURG, PA. Correspondence solicited. Telephone, 31. my23-16TTS OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., 91 and 92 Water Street; PITTSBURG, PA. noS-53.Tr: I k FORGE AND MACHINE SHOP AND MANUFACTURERS OF , Oil and Artesian Well Drilling and Fishing Toois, Cernr Twenlj-Bril Strstt and A. V. R. Jl. Telephone No. 12ZL PIXTSBUEG, PA. tal-3-D RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in Effect 12:01 p. m., Jdlt 19tii. 1891. Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg, as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New Yort and Chicago Limited of Pullman Vestibule Cars daily at 7:15 a. m.. arriving at Ilar rlsburgatl:55p. m.. Phlladelpbia4:43n. in.. New York 7:00 p. m., Baltimore 4:40 p. m., Wosblogton 5:55 p. m. Keystone Express dailr at 1:20 &. m., arriving: at Harrisburg 8:25 a. m., Philadelphia Il:2 a.m., Mew York 2:00 p. m. ?H Atlantic Express dally at 2.30 a.m., a.-t lying at Harrlsburg 9:20 a. m., Philadelphia 12:15 p. m.. New York 2:30 p. m., Baltimore 12:00 p. m., Wash ington 1:03 p. m. Harrisburg Accommodation dally (except Snn dav) 5:25 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg 2:50 p. m. Day Express dailv at 8:00 a. m., arriving at Har risburg 3.20 p. m.. Philadelphia 6:50 p. m.. New York b:35 p. xn., Baltimore 6:45 p. m., Washington 8:15 p. m. Mall Express dally at 12:"i0 p. m., arriving at Har risburg 10.00 p. m., connecting at Harrisburg with Philadelphia Express. Philadelphia Express daily at 4:30 p. m.. arriving at llarrlbburg 1:00 a.m., Philadelphia 4:25 a. m and J ew York 7:10 a. m. Eastern Express at 7:15 p. m. dally, arriving at IIarrisburg2:25a. m.. Baltimore 6:20a. m., Wash ington 7:30 a. m., Philadelphia 5:25 a. m. and New York 8:00 a. m. Fast Line dailv, at 8:10 p. m arriving at Harris burg 3:30 a. m.. Philadelphia 6:50 a. m.. New York 9:30a. in., Baltimore 6:20 a. m.. Washington 7:30 a. m. AH through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex. " for Brooklyn. N. Y.. avoiding double ferriage and lournev throu? b Nor York City. Cresson and Ebensburg Special 2:45 p. m., Satur days only, Johnstown Accom., except Sunday, 3:40p.m. Greensburg Accom., 11:15 p.m., week days: 10:30 p. ra. Sundays. Greensburg Express, 5:10 p. m.. except Sunday. Derry Express, 11:00 a. m., except fannday. Wall Accom: 6.00, 7:30, 8:00. 10.30 a. m., 12:15, 2:00, 3:20, 4:55. 5:40, 6:25. 7:40, 9:40 p. m., 12:10 a.m. (except Monday). Sunday, 10:30 a. m., 12:23, 2:30, 5:30, 7:20 aud 9:40 p.m. Wllklnsburg Accom. 6:10. 6:40. 7:20 a. m., 12:01, 4:00. 4:35,6:20, 5:30.5:50. 6:10. 10:10 and 11:40 p. m. Sunday. 1:10 and 8:15 p. m. Braddock Accom.. o:50, 6:55. 7:45. 8:10. 9:50. 11:15 a. m.. 12:30, 1:25, 2:50, 4:10, 6:00, 0:35, 7:20, 8:25, 9:00 and 10:45 p. m week days. Sunday, 5:35 a. m. SOUTH-WEST PENN RAILWAV. For Unlontown 5 JO and 8:35 a. m., 1:45 and 4:3 p. m. week days. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. On and after May 25th, 1891. For Monongahela City, West Brownsville, and Unlontowu 10:40 a. m. For 3Ionongahela City, and West Brownsville 7:35 and 10:40 a. ra., and 4:50 p. m. On Sunday. 8:55 a. m. and 1 :01 p. m. For Monongahela City only, 1:01 and 5:50 p.m. week days. Drarosburg Accom., 6:00 a. m. and 3:20 p. m. week days. West Elizabeth Aceom. 8:35 a. m., 4:15. 6:30 and 1:35 p. m. Sunday, 9:40 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. On and after May 25, 1391. From FEDERAL STKEET STATION. Allegheny City: ForSprlngdale, week days. 6:20, 8:25, 8:5a 10:40, 11:50 a. m., 2:25, 4:19. 5:00. 6.-05. 6:20, 8:10, 10:30 and 11:40 p. in. bundaysl 12.3.5 an 49:30 p. m. For Butler, week dars. 6:55. 8 JO. 10:40 a. m.. 3:15 and 6:05 p. m. For Frecport, week days, 6:55, 8:50, 10:40, a. m., 3:15. 4:19. 5:00, 8:10. 10:30 and 11:40 p. m. Sun days, 12:35 and 9:30 p.m. For Apollo, week days, 10:40 a. m., and 5:00 p. m. For Ulalrsville, week days, 6:55 a.m., 3:15 and 10:30 p. m. Tlie Excelsior Baggage Express Company will call for and check baggage lrom hotels and residences. Time cards and full Information can be obtained at tbc ticket offices No. 110 Fifth ave nue, corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union Station. CHAS. E. PUGH. J. K. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l. I'u't. Agent. PrrTHBTJRQ AND I.AKE TTK1E RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule In effect June 14, 1801. central time P. & V. E. K. IS. Depart i'or Cleveland, 4:30, 8.00a.m.. 1:50, 4:, 3:43 p. ip. For Cincinnati, Chicago and bt. Louis, 4:30 a. m.. 1:50, 9:4o p. m. For liufl"4lo, 3:00 a. m., 4:20, "a.! p. in. yor Salamanca, '11.00 a. m 'l-M, 9.45 p.m. ForYouniretownandNew Castle, 4:10, '8.00, 9:' a.m.. l!S0, "4:3). :45 p. in. For Hearer FalU, 4:30, 7 rtW, "8-00, 9:55 a. in., 'ISO. 3:30, '4:20, 5:30, 9:43 p.m. For Chartiers, 4:30. 3:30, 3:33. TCiiS. 70. 7:35, 7:50. j:00, 8:45. 9:10, "J-J3 a. m., 12:10, 112:45, 1:30. 1 .55, 3:30. 4:25. 14:30, 4.35. 5:20, '5:j0, 6:25, '8:00. J!9:4-S. 10:J0 p. m. , , ARRIVE-From Cleveland. 0:40 a. m., I2dX 8:40. 7:50 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and fet. Louis. ': a. m., 12:30. 1:1 p. m. From BufTalo, '6:40 a. m., 12:30. 10:0j p. m. From Sail manca, '100 a. ra., 7rt0 p. iu. From Youn town and Xew Oastlo, "8.40, '10:00 a. in., '12:30, 6:40. 7:ri0, 10.-05 p. m. From Bearer Falls, 5:20, 0:4&, 7:J0, '10.00 a. in., 12:30, 1:20, 5:40, '7:30, 10rt P1.'C. & Y. trains for Mansfield. 7:35 a. m.. 12:19 4:35p.m. ForEsplenand Beechmont. 71 a.m., :f.?!.a'Y. trains from MansScId, 7:05. 11:"0 a. m.. 4:25 p.m. From Beechmont. 7:03, 11:7) a. m. 1! McK.A Y. B. B. Depart For N'enr Haven. T8:'J0, 10:10 a. in., "3:00 p. iu. For West Newton. T8:20. 10:10 a. m., 3:00.3:23 p.m. ABKIVK From 2uw llaren, 9-0O a. m., 'owo p. m. From West Newton, b:15. 9.0O a. m '0:23 P'l()r McKecsport, Elizabeth, Jlononfrahela City and Belle Vernon, 11:43, U:C3 a. in., 4:00 p. m. From Belle Vernon. Monongahela CItr, Ellzioe'" and McKeesport, V:'S. "7:40 a.m., 1:20, 4:05 p. m. Dallr. HSundajTB only. City ticket office. 39 Smithfield street. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE 8IIANNON Tt. B Summer Time Table. On and after June 7, 3891. until further notice, trains will run as fol lows on ever' dar, except Sunday. Eastern, standard time: Leai Inr PlUsburn-:ii a m, 7:la m 8:00am, ;a m, niJOiira, i:pm, a:pui, B-Jop m, 5 pin, 190pm, 9,30 p m, 11:30 pm. Arlington-5:40 am, 6;aia m,7;10a in.8.-fl0ain, io:25am, 1:00pm, 2:40pm. 4'J0 pm, oSXJpm. 50 Dm, 7115pm. I0;. pm, Sunday trains, learlm Pittsburg WiWJ am, 12:55 p in, 233 pin. 5;10 pm, :30pm. Arllugtou K.l a m, u;io pu, IiWpu. Oil BOILERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ARE YOU LUCKY? The People Whose Names You Read Be low Thought They Weren't, but THEY WERE. One and AH Got Their Purchases Free at KAUFMANNS Yesterday. : : : "W. McGeerv, 162 Fourth ave., city. E. Clair, 2 Wilson st., city. P. Schaff, St. Michael's St., 27th w' Miss J. E. McCullough, 2"-'37 Center ave., city. Mrs. M. Cummings, 84 Magee st., city. Miss C. E. Graham, Braddock, Pa. Mrs. M. Cummings, 81 Magee st., city. 31. Lavender, 440 Penn ave., city. Mrs. M. McMahon, Butler, Pa. H. Geyer, 18 Lowrie st., Allegheny. S. Bevan, Dnquesne, Pa. Mrs. AV. T. Wallace, 130 Center avevcity. Mrs. A. Young, 33th ward, W. E., city. Mrs. M. Kivakosky, 03 Spring Garden ave., Allegheny. Miss C. Newell, Ethel Landing, Pa. Mrs. H". Atkinson, Mansfield, Pa. J. F. Stroble, Bulger, Pa. Miss C. Voskamp, 171 Center ave., city. Miss C. B. James, College ave., city. Det Forsyth, Burgettstown, Pa. Mrs. J. T. Chambers, Blair, Pa. Mrs. E. McGraw, 20 Anderson st, Alle gheny. Miss J. Taylor, Homestead, Pa. B. Brunner, 4 Mifflin st, city. Mrs' J. H. Amend, Wilkinsburg, Pa, Miss L. Mullen, Boquet st, city. Miss O. Moorhead, 125 Denniston ave., city. D. Cupples, 153 Meadow st, city. Mrs. T. McGinty, 3473 Carson St., city. B. T. Moyer, Dreyden st, 32d wM, city. Mrs. S. H. Cargo, Chartiers, Pa. Mrs. A. K. Pershint, Chartiers, Pa. Mrs. M. Cnrry, Lucas station, Pa. V. Eifler, 5 Angle st., city. J. Downall, Keareage and Virginia aves., city. J. D. George, Vcnetia, Pa. Miss J. Falkner, McClnre ave., All'y. R. Arter, 113 Henderson st, Allegheny. Every 5 Minutes This Week a Pur chase Will Be Given Away. Almost 2,000 people have thus far received their purchases free of charge. Are you one of them? If not, get your name on the lucky list at once. Better late than never. Come to-day. STRAW HATS DUMPED At Ortaiter, Oie-TM ai Oi-M Former ebb! This morning we will place on sale for immediate clearance 1,800 MEN'S $1 STRAW HATS, 2,100 MEN'S 75c STRAW HATS, 2,400 MEN'S 50c STRAW HATS, 2 AT ONLY The season has too far advanced to permit of trifling with a big stock of Straw Hats like ours hence the above unequaled reduction. Now, come on gentlemen; bring in your quarters and take away our Straw Hats. This is no meaningless splurge, but a genuine sacrifice sale. The above Straw Hats consist of the latest styles, including the popular Sailor and Yacht shapes, in white, black, blue and fancy braids. 1,500 Men's Derbys at $1. They are the remnant of our $i 50, $1 75, $2, $2 25 and $2 50 Stiff Hats, in black and all different light and tan colors. Any one for Si. Jijooo more of those very pretty YACHT CAPS for ladies, in plain light colors or fancy striped cloths, were 40c and 50c, at only 25c KAUF Fifth Ave. and KAILKOADS. From Pittsburgh Union Station. ennsylvania lines. Trains Run by Central Tuba. Soutlmcat Systni-PaB-lTandleIlOBte Depart for Columbus. Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis, points intermediate and beyond: 2.10, 7X0 a.m.,8.4jp.m.,,l 1.15 pjn. Arrive from szma points: 1.05a.m.,6.C0a.m..5J5pjn. Depart for Columbus, Chicago, points intermediate andbeyond: 3.10 a.m., fl2.u p.m. Arrive (mm same points: 1.05 a.m.,f3.05 p.m. Sforthwpt System Fort TVayne Houte Depart for Chicago, points intermediate and beyond: 35 a.m., 7.10 a.m.t 1Z20 p.m., 1.00 p.n.. Ill JO p m. A rrivr from same points : 12.05 a.m., f 1Z40 a.m . &35a.m., 600 p.m., S.oDp.m. The Philadelphia and Sew York Ztmi1 departs for Chicago S.45 p.m. Arrires from Chicago 6.00 a.m. Depart for Toledo, points Intermediate and beyond: T.10a.m.,rZ2),1.00p.m.,yi.20p.m. Arrive from same points: tl2.40a.m8J5ajn.,6.00pjn., 6.50 p.m. Depart for Clereland, points intermediate and beyond: tf.W a.m., 7J0 a.m., fl2-45 P-"1 1105p.m. Arrive from same points: oJJOa.m., t-13 p.m., COO p.m., f'.OO p.m. Pullman Sleeping Can and Pullman Dining Cart run through. East and West, on principal tnuna of both Systems. Time Tables of Through and Local Accommoda tion Trains of either system, not mentioned aboye, can be obtained at 110 Fifth Avenue and Union Sutton, Pittsburgh, and at principal ticVet oflicea of the Penn sylvania lines West of Pittsburgh. Dallr. tEx. Bandar. JEx. Saturday. tEx. Monday. JOSEPH WOOD, E. A. FORD, flearm laaagtr, Genail lasongsr Igss PTTTSBUItmi, PKIS'A. PITTSBTJRO AND WESTERN BATLWAY Tralns(Ct'lStand'd time). Leave. , Arrive. Mall, Butler, Clalron. Kane.... 60 a m 11:20 a m Akron. Toledo and ureenvUle.. 7U a m 7a0pm Butler Arcommodatlon ' 9rUa m 3:T pm Greenville, New Castle, Clarion 1:40 pm 9:15 a nt Chicago Express (dally) 12: V pm 12:10 pm Zelleuople and llntlcr 4r23pm 5:30 am Butler Accommodation 'Sao pm 7:20 a m Flrt class Ian; tuC'lilcigo, $10 50. Second class, V M, I'uluuaa bullet .Iceyiigt car tu CU.agodaUy PI if J. C. McGinnis, Wall station, Pa. Mrs. J. Clifton, Glenshaw, Pa. Miss A. Socker, 4235 Fifth ave., city. G. L. Kreps, 70 Fifth ave., city. F. E. Jones, Mansfield Valley, Pa. W. L-Hudsworth, 225Lacock st, All'y. Mrs. M. Pierce, Beech Cliff, Pa. W. L. Hudsworth, 225 Lacock st, All'y. B. Beynolds, Bellevue, Pa. A. E. McMurray, P. L. E. depot, 4aty. A. Davis, 404 Atwood st, city. H. Kearney, 693 Fifth ave., city. J. Zieger, Chartiers, Pa. Miss L. Fessner, Beaver Falls, Pa. J. W. W. Breedon, 165 Arch st, All'y. T. F. Hoggs, 639 Smithfield st, city. Mrs. M. Lewis, Saltsburg, Pa. D. K. Davis, 41 Superior st, city. A. Powell, Mansfield, Pa. AV. M. Harper, 5517 Howe st, city. Mrs. S. Dobson, AVilkinsburg, Pa. D. E. Davis, 41 Superior st, city. Mrs. S. Dobson, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Miss N. Wade, 718 Penn ave., city. AV. K. Watson, 508 Smithfield st, city. P. Saunders, 0108 Broad st, city. Mrs. A. Wetzel, New Brighton road, Allegheny. Mrs. M. HilterhofT, Eeservelwp., Pa, Mrs. A, Alland, Fulton st., Allegheny. O. H. George, 312 Park ave., city. Miss A. Dndnet, 64 K.Diamond st. All'y. Mrs. S.McClmtock, Violet st,36th w' Mrs. AV. Oskin, Braddock, Pa. Prescott, 19 Isabella st, Allegheny. Wright, 16 Craig st., Allegheny. Greenwald, 19 Perry st, Allegheny. Mrs. G. Etzel. 13 Charles st, Allegheny, Miss S. Newell, Ethel Landing. Pa. Mr3. J. Cadamore, McDonald, Pa. M. Hood, 106 Bidge ave., Allegheny. W. AVard, 81 Tannehill st, city. Mrs. West, Homestead, Pa. 5 O FOR CHOICE. Smithfield St. KAXLKOAIJS. BAT.TTMOBE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Schflnlr In effect May 10, 1391. Eastern tlma. rw Traaainrion, v. i.. Baltimore. Philadelphia, and New York. SiMa.m. and "9 r20 p.m. For Cumberland, SJi a. m., MHO, tM p. m. For Conneilsvllle, ;40, 8:15 a.m., Jl:10. J405 and 9j20p.m. or Unlontown. :40. r8-"15 a. m.. Jl:10 and U:li p. In, For Connellsrllla and UnUntown. 8-35 a. m.. Sunday only. ForMt. Pleasant, 43:40 a. m. and a :15 a. m. and For "Washington. Pa.. liZ). S3J0. Oa) 40, 5 3D, and Vip. m. ....,., For Wheeling, XliS. JSdO. :30a. m.. UM. mtt For.anclnnatl and St. Louis. "l3 a. m. iC P. m. For Colnmbns. liSi a. m. 7:45 p. m. For Newark, "7S0 a. m.. 7:45p. m. For Chicago, 7:20 a. m. and "7:43 p. m. Tralnj arrive from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. G:20 a. m.. 1X p. m. From Colnmbu. Clu'tnnatl and Chtcaro. '3:i a. m., 80p. m. From Wheeling. '8J5, 10:4 a. m.. J4:40. 'SOO, 59:3 p. m. M . Dslly. Dally except Sunday. SSunday only. ISiturday onlr. iDally except Saturday. Parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore. Washing ton. Clnrtnnatt and Chicago. The PltLiburg Transfer Company will call for anil check tiagg-ijre from hotels and residences npoii orders left -it B. A O. ticket office, corner Firm avenue and Wood street, or 401 and 639 Sinlthlleia street. .. J.T. ODELL. CHAS. O. SCULL, General Manager. Uen. Pats. Agent, LLEG1XENY VALLEY RAILROAD-; Trains leave Union station irjsiern iimoj a. m.: Vslley Camp Ac.. 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBols Firpresi, 1 JO p. m.: Valley Camo Ae..Sj J.m.; Klttauulng Ac.. 3:53 p. m.; Braeburn tx.. A5p. m.; Klttauntii7 Ac.,Si p.m.: Braeburn Ac. 6:W p. in.;Ilmton lAc. 3:CO p. m. : Buffal Ex.. dally. 8:43 p. m. (arriving at BnrTalo 7:3) a. m.): llullon Ac. 9-0 p. m.; valley Camp Ac, !!:. p.m Church trains Kmlenton. K a. m.j Kltlannlng. 12:40 p. m : Braeburn. 9.50 p. m.; I'ullmau Parlor Cars on dav trains andSleeptnjj Cira on night trains, between ,Fltlsbijrs Lata Chautanoua and Biiirito. JAS. Y. ANDMCKUI, U. X. Agt: DAVID ilcCAKUO. Uen. Buui. MANNS ! I SSMiXfelik..?-... r. ZbR&L- ' &..K?2 :& 'm Cf-f