taS Display adecrtiscmmts one dollar per (quart for one insertion. Classified real cslate advertisements on this page ten cenis per line far each insertion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, BCSIXESS OFFICE. Cor. SiultlifloM :iurt Diamond Streets, ALW AYS OPEN. "BKAXCII OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE "WANT. TOR SALE. TO LET. AMD OTIIKR TMAXSIKXT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE DECEIVED lrP TO 9 I. M. TOR INSERTION". Advertisements should le prepaid unless adver tisers already lia e nceonnts with THE DISPATCH. FOK THE bOrTlblDE, NO. HIS CARs-ON" STREET. TELEPHONE NO. WJi FOR THE EAST END. J. V. WALLACE. Cm TEXN AVE. PlTTSIU'nn ADDITIONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Butler street. EMU, G. STUCK.EY. Hth street and Peaa aer.ne. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEHCIIER, SO Federal street. H. J. McDRIUE. Mnrket House, Allegheny. F. II. EG5 EI1S & SON. Ohio and Chestnnt streets. TUOSIAb MCHEN BY. Western and In. in at cuues. G. XV. IirGIIL. l'enns.lvaulaaud Bearer are. rniUV St. ,LK1M. Rebecca and AUcRheny are. 1- ANTED. 3lHle Ilelo. BARPER-GOOD MAN; STEADY WORK. NO. re r FEDERAL ST., Allegheny JjySO-13 -IIAR-iER- IMMEDIATELY AT NO. 12 OAR- Jy21-90 (N aT., VMithslde, cm. "1 Jl -TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE AT ,. Pittsburg. JyJl-95 Si JwJt CARBON' ST. irK O -VOl'.K IN GROCERY. Alleglieny. 50 RE9ACA lya-9 prTCHEK - GOOD IUTCHER AND MEAT JJ cnitcr. Inquire at &U FIFTH AV .Homestead, J311-"! "TYRrG CLERK-IMMEDIATELY: MUST BE X ' qualified assistant. Address It., Dispatch Jy2l-s5 "IOUrt GOOD STEAM DRILLERS-OX GRAN X, lTt jum work can And si. adv employment lv applvii.g ItVoit 2i Met ince building, corner sevfiam av. ma snutnceld st. J 19-69 TIAN-WITH PUSH IX riTTsBUHG AND .ill each town and citt of rennsvhanii and 6ur rounding state. to iutrodm to introduce tlie faste.t-sellic. Lc'isehold article on reord; sales In Philadelphia have reached a million: pas S3 50 perday. For pjrticulai address, wltli stamp. A . II. WILL IAMSON, t N. Fourtli St., Philadelphia, Pa. JV12-T0 MAX A MAX TO DRIVE AND TAKE CARE of a small place; must be white and unmar ried. M. A. WOODWARD, coracr Fifth and Aiken avs., or9 Diamond st. J 521-83 E TWO OR THREE GOOD HUSTLERS desiring t do rueii.es among business men csn find steadi work with good pay at 53 and 55 yiXTH. ItKimS. J T21-79 T r AX-ON PLACE IX StT.URBS-ACCUSS- JLtl TOMED to care of horses and cows. II, F, IiATEMAN, care of Jos IJch'iauin 4 Co., 48 Fifth ate. JV21-OU 1)A1NTEE-A GOOD ALL AROUND CAR J III .E and wagon painter. Inquire 11S3 I.IBEBTY AV. Jr2l-M 1JORTER - GOOD PORTER. SCnREIRvR JL IIOIEL, Si and30 South Diamond, Alleghen.-. jva-i CALEsMEX IV EVERT COUNTY-ri TER O month and expenses: outfit. saniDla. etc.. free, goods sold by sample; steady position to proper partv: n- experience necessarj ; full pa. llculars npon apjilicat-ion; send stamp. WORCEs TER. rEKUltEJt 3IFU. CO-. 24 Hcrmon st., AVorcester. Jlass Jylo-28-D 4JOLICITORS-FOR LIFE INSURANCE: LIB O ER L commissions; policy taiclng Itecausc most pleasing in price and plani 31UI.1.X A ED- rALu i r ioeiir nuiiaiug. ir.v27-49 CTIR BUII.DERi-FOR INSIDE AND OUT C -IDE work. Apply at once to MURPHY & DIEBOLD, West End. JJ-21-64 L-TAIR BriLDERS-TWO COMPETENT STAIR s builders w ith rclerence. Address R. W.. DIs- patch offlce. jy21-9ii OTABLEMAN AND r.RM HAND. KEY O STONE EMP. BUREAU, 4 Sixth St. Jy21-74 nxtiinTSfAKERs-io iiandtobie makersT X at s. i:uc K's. 519 Liberty st. J.r20-6 M'lNXER-A PRVITHAL TIXXER GOOD X wages and stcadv mployment to a sober man. Address JOI1X II. HOUGH, lalrmout, W. Va. J j 17-34 fPRAVELIXG SALESMAX-AX ACTIVE AXD Jl experienced salesman, w ho speaks English and German, to solicit tor a brewery; must come well recommended and give bonds, as collections are a part of the duty Imposed. EXPORT. Dispatch ofiicc Jvl'.i-ios rpYPESETTERS-S9 THIRD AV., TniRD JV21-31 floor. OUXG MAX FOR OFFICE WORK-MUST 1 1 a fair penman and quick at figures. Ad slress OFFICE, Dispatch office. Jj 21-87 "Wanted Agents. AGENTS OX SALARY OR COJIMIS'ION TO handle the new uatent chemical Ink erasing jicncil: the greatest selling noveltv ever producea; ti.R ink tnoroughly In two seconds; no abrasion of paper; 21W to 5O0per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to fS20 In six days; another f32intwo hours: we want one energetic general agent for c? h Mate and Territorv. Fortermsandfullpartlcu la's, address THE MONROE ERASER MFG. CO., La Ciosse. Is. my22-75 4 GENTS-MOST WONDERFUL ADVERTIS Jl. 1NU delee ever known; sells to every mer- ruani. nig pay; sieauy work:. .Alli;. Mtu. CO. llacinc. Wis. JylG-21-TT GEXTs-LOCAL OR TRAAELIXG. TO COL 'V. I.ECT old coins; good pay; steady work. NU MISMATIC BANK. S7 Court St., Boston. Mass. Jyll-U-TIS6U GEXTS THREE GOOD AGEXTS WAXTED -fJv Apply J. L. VINE. 93 Tourth ar. Jl9-35-rrsa Vantcd remale Help. rOIAMBERMAID-XO. lOCARsOX ST..SOUTH V SIDE. JJ-21-4J IRL AT 165 THIRD AV. CITY'. Jy21-33 T ADIEs-PAIX's I.A-T IAY"S OF POMPEII; J.. 'Wjiite.l. ladies for the MUet: M. 50, SO, .W. 50. Apply at 10:30 to STAGE MANAGER, Recreation Fari Alleghenj City. Jy21-2 n-OMAN-A. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO M go to suburbs. if Alkglieny to act av house leeper: references required. Apply 604 LIBERTY fcT., from 9 to 10 A. M. J y21-KJ '01IAX FOR GEVF.RAL HOUSEWORK IX Eat End, Roup st.: iamilv small: wedepre f rrcl: desirable homefor deservii.g person. Ad dnv P. O. iil'X 927. JV21-41 Wanted Malo and Female Help. T AUXDRES-FOR PRIVATE FAMILY", S wage. 5: chamliermaids. dining room girls, t'uks nurses, pantrj and chamber girls for hotels, Si house girls. German and colored girls, one bov, Inrni hand., drivers, waiters 3IRs. E THOJIP ON, Grant st. J)16-l rpE.VMSTERs-(4) 40 FARM HANDS. SEWIXG X girl, cooks, chnn'beru aids, dining room girls. S'J house girK 40 tor hotel-, dishwashers lauu he, colured girls, MEEIIAN "s. 543 Urant st. Jy20-D Wanted situations. POilT!OX-IX ARCHITECT'S OFFICE BY tad to raee designs and write specifications: can furnish new Ittmington tjptwriter: former experlenct; good r-ferLcu. Address BOX W. Zen.,)' P.. liiitlerCo.. Pa. Jrjlw TIOSITIOX- -AS SALESMAN ON THE ROAD: JL have traveled and can lurnish Iplter fmm nhert I haie worked. Address URIC II AN- j.'ji.i xi. .1 Auiriietn st.. southslde. Jy21-i3 1" )iSITldx-Ts BOOKIvEEPER. SALEVm.7 . or anj thing similar. Address W, Box W2.citv. . JV21-57 Wanted Hoarders and Lodgers. T ODOERS-AT ANtHOR HOTEL. 32V327 LIB J.J ERli st.. cur. Tourth; lodging per night. S3- 35C. 50c; per week. 1 25, ?1 75. S2. ii J16-2 IODGERS-AT 167 FIFTH AV. j floor: beds 15 cents to 31 cents. SECOXD JyiG-16 OCCUPANTS - FOR NKEI.Y FURNISHED rooms -with boarding. 174 ROBINSON ST Allegheny. Jy21-T3 OCCUPANTS FOE FURNISHED ROOMS wlth board. 92 ARCH ST.. Allegheny. Jy21-52 -JERSOXS IX THE CITYDKMrTni. COUNTRY X boarding ran be accommodated braddressinff MRS. J. . ROGERS. New Bi-dlord; Lawicnce co.. Pa. Jy2i-7b-TT Vanted Hoarding. TOARDIXG-BY MAX AND WIFE IN TRI X VATEfamilj: AUeghi 11 j preferred. Address T. C. Dispatch ofliee. Jy21-97 ITInanclal. - rONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST MARKET Uli. rates on bond and mortgage: no delay. It LED IS. COVLE JL CO.. cor. Jfourth av. and dell-TTS O rant st. MONEY TO LOAN OX GOOD MORTGAGE securities l"wet rates: no delav. SAMUEL W. 11LACK A CO., VS Fourth a. 'dell-4-TThs jNt ONET TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES; LOW ES riuterest: no delay. ULACK A- Raittti l'onrth av. apll-H-TTS TTOICTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN ST'MS J.TA. iosultat 4, and 1. per cent. ROBK'n u. jlAll.i.1. i"K 1 ourtu av. 'iu. 157. apl4-l!-TT;.tu Tl rOUTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLr.GIIEXY 111 counti propertv at lowest rates. 1 l s -.riif j n i. i7a..i. ... Ul-SlilA. lnl-D MibCPllHneous. B OOKKEEP1XG - WE ATTEND TO THE openrp and closing and adjusting of books of kinds: w iier svstem introduced and lnritii.1- all UB. instruction givin bookkeepers in same: Inrt. CMiCrtmceand reference,, as to accurac, pronint iic nnd discretion. McCArFERTY.t ROltlX SON. Room 1C. ', Fifth ai, JeSi-Wt-TTS TAIIKs AND GENTLEMEN TO LEARX Xj shorthand: da-, and cei:ingtv'osl,-.ns; Graham :!.! PItiuan sj sti ins- leading t pewriters: individ ual Instructions: fall term oiunejten:lierl. Call oradaross PRIVATE SHORTHAND INS1ITUTE. 2s7 Fifth ay. Jyl6-!5-TTsu M ACJJIN'ISTS-TO NOTICE THAT THERE IS Works, now oivrated by the Oil Well snpplv Co., becoad ave., l'lttsburj. tvie-sc-riiissu Miscellaneous. -rEMRERS OF LODGE NO. 52. N. A. MA Ji. OHIN1STS. to attend a special meetlnc at tlii'irliali, lie Fourth av., on AiunuAl !..' ijmi, s r. M JU1J 25, ISLIl JVM-3o-TTS PATTERX MAKER'S -TO KNOW THAT there Is a strike pemliutr at the Westlnghouse Eleetric Company. 1MTTJLUX MAKERS' AS0 CIATION of PlttsburKandMclulty. jyl.i-5a rpO BUY COUNTRY STORK OR LICENSED X hotel. KEYSTONE l..ur. jiUMlAU, 4 MXU1 jyil-75 fctrect. TRUNKS HAULED TO AND FROM EAST END 1 for Joe. CAMPRELL JL DAVIS, 15 Severn!, a v. Telephone 276. Jyl7-90 VOtr TO KNOW THE PITTSBURG CLEAN' X Towel Company will fumUh yuu elegant oak cabinet mirror, coil. bruh, whlsV and lour clean towels for 2" cents per week, ti WYLIE AV. lylS-43 --OU TO KNOW THAT THE HOOKS OF X Southern 11. & L. As'n arc now open for stock at IV, Filth av. (room SOI): charter received. JAMEs A. MAGILL. Secretary Jyl6-S7 rOR SALE EUFKOYED KEAL ESTATE. City Itesiilences. BUTLER ST., XEAR FIFTY-FIRST ST.-GOOD brick building of 13 rooms, storeroom front, elegant business location; house has marble man tels, both gases, good cellar, etc. ; lot SOxllO to a senered abd payod alley; immediate possession. SAMUEL W.TJI.ACK. & CO., 89 Fourth ay. Jyls-26-D T?ORSALE-300DOWX: A GOOD COR. BRICK L house, eight rooms; modern Improvements (in first-class order): location central; 1317 Syca more St.: price ?2.300; remainder In monthly In stallments of $20 (347.) see W. A. HERROX & SONS, 80 Fourth av. Jy7-M-7.14,21,23' POR SALE TWO BRICK HOUSES, SIX rooms each, (5.500 for both, on Elm 6t.. near Wylie av. (9J). W. A. HERROX & SON'S. 80 Fourth av. j J 14-58-Tu TDORSALE-?1,100-HOUSE. FOUR ROOMS. LOT r SOxlW ft.. Orleans St., Thirteenth ward. (64.) W. A. HERROX & SONS, 80 Fourth av. Jv7-2-7,14,21,2b East End Heslilences. POQUET ST.- OAKLAND SQUARE-TWO Aj admirably arranged and commodious new bouscb are now- finished and ready for inspection on Boquct st., adjoining Oakland Square; as phalt pavement Just completed and houses ready lor occupancy: the lots are within 300 feet of the prettiest part f Schenley Park, a full view of w hiih is commanded from these houses; grounds sewered, streets paved and the houses the best and most conenieatfy arranged luilie market at the pri c: f'i.OOO. on terms to suit purchaser. Apply to 0. II. CHANCE. No. 18 Oakland square. J e23-52 T)OQUET ST.-IF YOU ARE THINKING OF JO having a house of rourown take a look when you go to Schenley Park at the two elegant and commodious stone front residences on Boquetst., adjoining Oakland Square: these are all that now remain undisposed of out of the seven which were finished la6t winter: rooms commodious and con venienl.dlstance to Schenley Park but twomlnutes. Price. flO.COO: termito suit purchaser. Apply to BLACK A 1IA1UI). Fourth av. Jei-53- FOR SALE-PRICE VERY REASONABLE 6.500 In midst of East End, on Edwin, near S. Highland av: s rooms, modern improvements: lot 50x13) ft.: all In first-clas order: Immediate pcwsesslon. (01.) W. A. HERROX SOXS. SO Fourth av. J 14-31-14,21,2!. STAXTOX AV.-NEW TWO STORY BRICK OF nine rooms finished In hardwood, hardwood mantels with cabinets, china closets, combination chandeliers, in fact everv possible convenience; front and rear porch: grass plot with flagstone sidewalks: lot 40x140; Immediate possession. BAX TERTHOMPsOX CO., 162. Fourth av. Jj-21-43-21-23-24.a 300-BAUM GROVE, CORNER TWO GOOD 1 streets, one square from Duqnesnc Trac-handsomenewl2-room pressed brick house. tlon. reception hall, bath. Inside w. c. wasbstand. elec tric work: finished throughout In hard wood; nice china closet, handsome corner mantels; large, deep closets, cemented cellar, laundrj. fine porches, a complete house; lot 40x103 to alley, SAMUEL W. BLACK i. CO.. 99 Fourth av. Jvls-20-D QTilfi CASH. AXD BALANCE MORTGAGE J jj to suit purchaser, will secure a fine new ten-room house In irood location lunrtv In , lwtrlc ten-room house In good location, handy to ilectrlc line; has large cstTbulc, sliding doors, slate man- tels, ranee, bath, hot and raid water, both case: a verv complete house, with lot 13x162, at the low prlca or $4,300. s. A. DICKIE A CO., Penn and Sha'ras.. E. E. 12M. jilS-I7-l Q7 BOO -FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR D I 5 unimproved property, a lirst-clasi new ten room houe with all modern Improvements; every convenience In it that could be desired; loratio-i Al: close to railroad station and to Duquesnean) Until aic lines. DEXNISTOX. ELDERKIX & CO., LIM., 6232 Penn ae. Tel. 5327. Jyl7-33-TuFSu Q9 600 FOR A VERY COMPLETE SUC-ROOM C) 5 and finished attic frame house, in good locality, handv to P. It. R. and electric, papered and painted throughout: two porches, natural gas, good dry cellar; terms arranged to suit purchasi r. s. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady avs.. E. E. 522. JylS-17-D' QO 300-XEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. JUST 0J. completed: good dry cellar, citv water, fine location, near electric road, and only two minutes to P. R. R.: lot 25x125; ven cheap and desirable. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Pcnn and STiady avs.. E. E. 540. Jyl8-17-U Allegheny Residences. (CALIFORNIA AV., ALLEGHENY NEW j house, eight rooms, IiaU, lauudrv, bath; lot 25 x 140 feet, for 17.500. see A. D. AVItsON, M Fed eral St., Alleglieny. jy21-46-TT6 T) EVIDENCE THE HANDSOME THREE JlV STORY" press-hrlck. No. 20 Marion av., front ing West parks, at a greatly reduced price; lmrnedl ate possession: tor card of admission see JOHN K. EWING CO., 107 Federal st. jyl9-127-TTS- M 200-AVILL RUY" HOUSE, SIX ROOMS. O-Jj hall and cellar, porches, etc, at Bellevue. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. J5-21-47 Suburban Residence. TDORSALE-OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROr J; ERTY: a beautiful suburban home: line brick house; nine rooms: two acres land; fruits of all kinds lif abundance; on Chartlers K. R., near Can nonsuurg. Pa; price oulv 85,000. (92.) W. A. UERRON A SONS, BOFourth av. Jy7-G2-7,1J.21,23 SEWICKLEY" RESIDENCE NEARLY" XEW; two minutes' walk from station; 10 or 12 rooms: wood and slate mantels, tile hearths; nicelv painted and papered: bath room; w. c.:hot and cold water; electric light; natural and artificial gas; lot 95x174; nice neighborhood, price fkOOO; if sold quick; easy terms. SAMUEL W. BLACK A Co., 99 Fourth av. Jy21-K-TT& I'OR SALEi LOTS. Eust End Lots. -17AIRMOUXT PLACE-LOTS FOR 3ALE; J. choice lots, elegant location, with abeantllul and commanding new or the whole East Liberty Vallej. located on Falnnount av.. two squares from Penn. and one square from Xegle v av. : can b reached bx cable and electric cars. 'Inquire of STR AUB A- MORRIS, corner Wood and Third st. mj-29-lO-D' LOTS-IIEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS FOR from J100 to S30i. in the Eighteenth ward: long eavments: eas terms. Inquire of CHAS. E. ORNE1.IUS. attornev, 408 Grant st.. Pittsburg, or go to his ufllce Morniugsldcai ,, on the grounds, and see his agent, T. Ed. Cornelius. myi9-45-D 5i7nn-I'OTS::0XI0()-ox A SEWERED AXD iD JJ block stone paved st. ; convenient to P. R. R. and cable cars; cheape-t lots in the city. SAMUEL W. ULACK A CO., 99 Fourth av. JylS-20-D Alleglieny Lots. BUILTUXG LOTS OX FAYETTE ST., ALLEGHENY-; theonl; lots 011 Favettest. for sale. A. D. WILMIN. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. J.V21-4S-TT6 Ifl ACRES OF GROUXD-FRONTIXG OX Tenth ward. Allegheny CitV. Which Can be subdivided InfnhPMnHfnl lug lotbt price below market value if sold soon. Z. BY'ERS & CO., S3 Federal St.. Alleshenv. U11Q- A. Jyl4-g-TTS Suburban Lots. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS AT LAUREL stMlon, P. T W. C. R. W.: unrtialcd In scenery, convenience and location; special sale Thursday. Jnlv St. on the plan: prices from W00 to 1M. A. . BY'ERS & CO., 9J Federal st. Jy21-76 I?OR SALE-CHEAP-EASY- PAYMENTS-AT " Edgewood, P. R. R.. beautiful level lots, well drained: near station: good wide streets, 40x120 feet: .12x120 feet: In Third Wllkins' plan. W. A. HERROX Jt SONS, SO Tourth av. Jv21-4S-tu LOTS-OX GLEN WOOD AV.. COXVEXIEXT to H. & O. station and Second av. electric road; avenue gradod.macadamlzed, sidewalk, city water; houses and lots on verv easy terms: monthly parments If desired. GEOIHJE C. 1SUKOWIN', Attorney-at-Law. 150 Fourth ay. Jyl5-47-TTSBu SUBURBAN PROPERTY THE LARGEST lots, the lowest prices and the easiest and best terms In tlie conntv at Sheraden. 15 minutes from Union station: 6ee'Sheraden before vou buy ele- where. ANDREW Fifth av. PATTERSON. 5e27-7i-D 99 PER CENT INVESTMENT NEAR THE sZd city- splendid new property; chance for ln- SeeM. F HIFFLEJtCO., 86 Fourth av. lvI9-53-TTsn FOR SAXE-BUSENESS. rinslnesa Opportunities. 4 X ESTABLISHED BUSINESS: INCOME M.500 A. tojisooa 3 ear; less than SLOCK) will buy It If taken soon by a good party. Address A. W. II.. uispaicn ouice. J.V15-.T, DRUGSTORE - DOING GOOD BUSINESS well located; SWi1! Orson St., S, S.. cltv: rea- son for tilling to settle up the etate: terms reason ame. Apim to Mi,lA.NUi uaiib, Adm., at store, or u. it. jLiau, -Auy , -a, urau. st, iyli-W , city. IX)R SALE-S1.3J0 OR INVOICE, GROCERY ' stand doinKianre business, mostly cash; cheap rent: others fiuo, (o00 to SlO.uOU: cigar store, res taurant, shoe store, rth market, machine shop fine milk depot. HOLMES A CO., 43) Smithfleld street. jei; T IVERY 11USINESS-IN TOWN OF 10,000 IN Xj HABITANTS: book and stationery store, grocery stores, tVM to $3,000; drug stores, ciirar (tores, baken, f-Wi: restaurant, boardinjr house PKRCTVAL GASTON. 4SJ Grant st. Jya-82 ISusIuess Properties. nOTEL-A THREE-STORY BRICK HOTEL with restaurant, lunchroom and bar. In a cltv of 7,000; only retail license In the place; the hotel has one oftfie best locations in the citv; has about the best bar trade; and, toaliiemau, isabarealn must be sold to close a partnership, AddresbM. Dispatch office. JylSl-TG Business Properties. A GOOD STOREROOM IX A GOOD LOCATION In the hast End; tine room and low rent; long lease. DEXXISTON. ELDERKLX CO., LIM., 62K Pcnn aTe. Tel. 5327. Jyl7-53-Tursu HOTEL-'THE XEW PALACE" IX JOHN'S TOWN A flrst-clas hotel of 17 bedrooms; has a licensed bar; lease has 8Jf years jet to run; will sell the fixtures and furniture, which Is new. or the building, or will sell bothWether; situated on Washington St., opposite the B. & O. depot; terms reasonable. Address BOX 57, Johnstown, Pa. JvlG-75 "rou'SArE3iiscEr.EXXEOCsr Horses, Vehicles, live Stock. nORSE AND DELIVERY WAGON-GOOD draught horse, 5 ears old, and harness; horse weighs about 1,601) pounds; perfectly sound and funic: w ill sell separately. Can be seen at 307 ,.U'KEL AV., East End. Will sell at a bargain lor want of use. Jy21-ar Machinery and Metals. I7XGIXES AND BOILERS-SECOXD-HAND; It laigest stock of all sizes; 161.3U, I2i3l, i:18, 10 xau, 10U6, 10x12. 9x12,8x12,7x12, Gxl2: mounted port able engine, boilers of all sizes, shafting, pulleys. Sumps, governor, etc. Telephone, 3401, 2 and H'arkWay, Allegheny, Pa. J. S. YOUNG. apll-D' milE BECK AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHT JL engine; engines, boilers and sawmills and woodworking machinery. IIARMES MACHINE DEPOT, 99 First av., Pittsburg. my7-I) Miscellaneous. CORLIS SAFE-WITH TIMER. THE MEDIUM or popular size; In u.e but lour years, good as new, perfect in c erv particular: having quit busi ness will sell at a bargain. Address BAXKER, Dispatch office. Jj21- I ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANXICA AMER Zi ICAN reprint (Stoddard coition) at half price; this superb edition, the only one printed in this country from regular stereotyped plates.madc from setup type, and the only exclusive subscription edition in the market, is now complete and ready for delivery to subscribers at f2 50 per volume: po sitions open to gentlemen of education, to whom exclusive territory will be ghen. MAXWELL SOMMERVILLE, "Publisher, :35 Fifth av. jeH-TUWThFSSu M ODENS-AT951 PENN AV. Je3-17 TO T.KT. City Residences. HOUSE NO. 951 PEXN AV.; 11 ROOMS AND baement: good condition; cheap. Address A. W. H. quick at 951. Jyl7-53t East End Residences. TRVIXG PLACE. SHADYSIDE-TWO-STORY X brick nine room&: verv complete; immediate possession. BAXTER, THOMPSON .v. CO., 162 Fourth av. Jyl6-3i-Tursut Allegheny Residences. 17IGHT-ROOM BRICK DWELLING WITH li all modern improvements Second ward, Al legheny on line of electric cars; rent, U0. Ad dress It. L. R., Dispatch office. Jy21-33t HOUSF.-GEXTLEMAX GIVING UP HOUSE KEEPING will sell furniture cheap and lease house. 30 per month, five rooms, bath, best part Alleghcuv, or will rent house furnished. Address ALLLGHEXY, Dispatch office. j)21-29t Suburban Residences. i-iiTnrrsiiF.n dwelling -FOR 4 OR 6 JJ weeks: within few miles of the city; refer ence given and required, patch office. Address F. J. SI.. DIs-jj-21-81t Rooms. -nomiLK PARLORS-FURNISHED FOR OF- U FICE: alo third story front furnished. 132 ROBINSON S.T., Allegheny. jy21-67-TTSUt TJOOM ERIE ST., ALLEGHENY. NO. 23, J.V. furnished room on first floor, with board; suitable for man and wife. JVZl-l-TTllT FIJRXISHEDROOM-FORLADYORGENTLE-MAX; also nice unfurnished rooms: bath and all conveniences; rent moderate. 144 .IACKSOX ST., Allegheny. J)21-S(-TTSut FURNISHED ROOM-SUITABLE FOR TWO oung men; also two unfurnished rooms. 77 LOCUST, corner Jlagee St., city Jyl9-S3t I TiURXISHED ROOM-SECOND FLOORFRONT; suitable for two gentlemen. 42 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. Jy21-68 FURNISHED ROOMS-103 LOCUST ST.. NEAR Court House; rent 83 per month; suitable tor tw o gents. J19-S3t I BURNISHED ROOM-SECOND STORY FRONT; both gases. 164 ROBINSON ST., Allegheny. Jl"Jl-72t T) OOM-CORN ER ROOM FURNISHED. GRIF JLV FITH'S PHARMACY, Third and Grant. Jv21-99t I?URXISHED ROOM ? 50C PEXN AV. SECOXD STORY RACK. Jy21-69t LARGE FRONT ROOM-SUITABLE FOR TWO or three gentlemen; twobeds. 177 WYLIE ST. Jyl9-84-Tnsut -VTICELY FURNISHED ROOMS-34 NINTH ST., 1 city. Jy2I-65t aiWO OR THREE UNFURXISHED ROOMS FOR . light housekeeping, with use of kitchen, lauu drv ami bath: board furnished if desired. 339 WEBSTER AV. jvl9-S2t TWO rURXIHED and second floors, gheny. ROOMS-FRONT: FIRST 213 ROBINSON ST.. Alle-Jy21-70t riY rWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS OXE i front. 216 ROB1XSOX ST., Allegheny. Jy21-71t Business Opportunities. SALOOX GOOD LOCATION BUILDING with stock and flxtures for sale; building con tains scien Uilng rooms. Apply to WILLIAM BELLIXGHAM. the Chedworth, opposite Valley depot. Canton, O. jyl9-137t ISnslness Stands.- rPO LET-HANDSOME STOREROOMS. NOS. X 78 and 80 Diamond St., just nboxc Smithfleld St., In new Dispatcu building; well lighted ele gantl fitted up, centmlly located and having everv convenience: these rooms arc admirably suited for insurance, real estate or other office business. For further information applv, after 2r.M.. to BUSI NESS MANAGER, 'ilie Dispatch, Smithfleld and Diamond sts. ap29-U7t TO LET CHOICE OFFICES OX SECOND and third floors orTho Dispatch business otuce building, corner Smithtield and Diamond sts. : these are in suites of two or four rooms, as desired, and have every convenience: centrally located, well ar ranged and lighted; there are no better offices tor professional men In the city. Apply, after 2P.M., to BUS. MGR, DISPATCH, on the premises. ap2MKt LOST. LOT-GOLD RING BETWEEN" PEXX IX CLIXE and Trinity Church, ruby set between two jwarls. Finder will please leave at 40 WY'LIE AV. and get rew ard. Jj-21-30 T OST-A DAISY-SHAPED PEARL AXD DIA- XJ MOND pin on Sundav, 19th Inst., between Union M. E. Church and Windsor St., Allegheny. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at 30 WINDSOR ST. JV21-39 PERSONAL. PEHOXAL-A 20 1'l'.II CENT REDUC J IOX OX all old bool.3 sold this week. FRANK BACOX CO.. 301 Smithfleld St.. city. Jy21 PERSOXAL-WE HAVE HOOKS. AXD LOTS of them : largest old bookstore west of the Alle gheny Mouutatus. LEVI'S, 900 Liberty st. Jjl9 PERSOXAL CASK PAID FOR OLD GOLD and sliver: jewelrv repaired; new work made to order. CHRIS. HACCH, 541 smithfleld st. JJ17-13 PEHOXAL-WHEX JULES VERXE'S TOUR ISTS took their trip to the moon they bought trunl.s, traveling bags, etc.. at ACHE'S HAR NESS AXD TRUXK EMPORIUM, KC, and 423 Wood St. Everything first-class and the prices well, come a.id see tor yourselves. Jyl9-ll PERSONAL REX IIUR NEVER WOULD have won the great chariot race but fortlie fact tin this harness wj.. bought at ACHE'S HAKNKSS AND TRUNK EMPORIUM. 42! and 42s Wood st. Plenty of duplicates, also trunks, traveling bags, etc., all first-class and at very lowest prices. JV19-11 PERSONAL WHEN I U'AS A SMALL HOY my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a great big man, DICK SOX, the well-known tailor, li Filth av cor. Wood at., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all my cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. Tel. V&). my 15-stO-p MEETINGS. TOTICE THE MEMBERS OF LODGE 45, i F. and A. M., are requested to meet at Freemasons' Hall, Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, on WEDNESDAY, July 22, at 1 o'clock sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother, P. M. John Fox. Members of sister lodges aro invited. By order of tho V M. jy21-3S MASONIC NOTICE SUDDENLY, AT HIS residence In Elizabeth, Fn., on Julv 19, lKtl, Mr. James Donaldson, in his 72d year. Members of Stephen Bayard Lodge, No. 526, F. and A M.. arc requested to meet in their hall at Elizabeth, Pa., on TUESDAY, July 21, 1891, at 1 o'clock r. m., sharp, to arrange for funeral. Members of sister lodges are in vited to meet with us and attend the funeral. 2 o'clock r. st. Bv order of W. M. J y 21 42 WM. BARCLAY, Secretary. A3IUSEMENTS. DUQUESNE PITTSBURG'S LEADING Theater David Henderson and John AV. Norton, Managers, Preliminary season, boeinning SATUR DAY, JULY 25. THE GARROW OPERA COMPANY, In an elaborate production of Lecocq's Charming Opera, GIROFLE-GIROFLA. Tho prices during this preliminary sum mer season will be the popular ones ot 50o and 25c. Jy21-6 HARRIS' THEATER Mrs. P. Harris, B. L. Britton, T. F. Dean, Proprietors and Managers. Every afternoon and evening tho greatest of all labor dramas, THE LONG STRIKE. jy21-B8-TTS THE FIFTY-NINTH SEMI-ANNUAIj statement of the FITTSBURG BANK FOR SAVINGS, No. 60 Fourth avenue, Pitts burg: ASSETS. Bonds, mortgages, time loans and other valid securities $1,529,513 Gt Mortgage interest due 6,433 43 Accrued interest 6,801 0 Demand loans with collateral 513,632 71 West Penn Railway Company 6 percent bonds 1,500 00 W averly Coal and Coko Company 6 per cent flrat mortguge bonds. 10,000 00 Mansfield Coal and Coke Com pany 6 per cent first inortgago bonds... .... 24,094 83 rittsburg, New Castle and Lake Erie Railway Company first mortgage bonds, 6 per cent 805 00 People s Park Place Passenger Railway Company first mort gage 5 per cent bonds 5,000 00 The Point Bridge Company, two Gpercent bonds 2,000 00 Little Sawmill Run Railroad Com pany 6pcr cent bonds 1,000 00 Third ward school district, Alle gheny City, two bonds, 4 iier cent.. 2,000 00 Ten shares of the capital stock of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company 1,000 00 Thirty-five shares of the capital stock of Citizens National Bank 2.310 00 Cityof Pittsburg 33,590 77 Banking house (60 Fourth ave.l... 41,238 95 Ileal estate 29,49.124 Furniture and fixtures 6,750 OS Cash on hand and in national banks. 523,771 01 $2,754,035 05 LIABILITIES. Capital stock (paid in) i Surplus fund Undivided profits Due depositors $2,471,141 45 Six months' interest credited to account of dejiositors 44,510 35 75,000 00 75,000 CO S8.3S3 25 2,515,651 80 $2,754,035 05 Present number of depositors, 3.937; aver age amount to credit of each, $633 72. C. G. M1LNOK, Treasurer. Pittsburg, July 3, 1691. AVe, the undersigned committee, having counted the cash and compared the same, together with tho bonds and mortgages, stocks, bills, notes and other assets of the bank, as called for by the statoment of the treasurer, find them to agree with said statement. July 3. 1891. TIIOS. C. LA7.EAR, ) J. K. DORUINGTON, Committee. L. M. PLUJIER, ) jyl6-13-TT8 STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF the People's Savings Bank of Pittsburg, at the closo of business July 16, 1891, pub lished in accordance with section 9 of char-' ter. RESOURCES. Mortgages, demand and time loans on collateral and other . valid securities $1,659,621 32 Corporate, school and borough bonds 176.069 77 National bank and other stocks... 70,155 25 Real estate, including banking house 133.444 20 Expenses and taxes paid 3,477 89 Cash on hand and in National banks 2.10,276 01 $2,273,016 44 LIABILITIES. Capital stock 300,000 00 Surplus fund $51,670 20 Undivided profits 56,310 04 $ 103,010 33 Dividends unpaid 1,014 00 Teller's checks 509 75 Due depositors 1,863,422 36 $2,273,046 44 State of Pennsylvania, County of Alle gheny, ss: Betoro mo, a Notary Public in and for said county, personally came Edward E. Duff, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer of the People's Savings Bank of Pittsburg, who, be ing duly sworn, deposes and says that the above statement is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDWARD E. DUFF. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 17th dav of July, 1S9L AUGUST AMMON, ,1ylS-19-TT3 Notary Public AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE, TUESDAY, JULY", 21, 1891. at the rooms of the Henry Auction Co., No. 311 Market street. Fine furniture, carpets, office safe, bicycle, three pianos, two sewing machlnes.drygoods, etc. Handsome chamber suites in oak and walnut, mirror door wardrobes, fine plnsh couch, parlor furniture upholstered in tapestry, urocatelle, plush and largo rug suites, sideboards, re frigerators, bookcases, toilet ware, easy chairs, rockers, desks and ofllco chairs, springs, bedsteads, mattresses, bureaus, dishes, kitchen and laundry furniture. Carpets Brussels, velvets and ingrain, new and second hand, for rooms, halls and stairs. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. jyl9-113 LAW OFFICES OF CHAS. F. McKENNA, 135 Fifth avenue. -ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF TWO DWELLING HOUSES. Pursuant to in ordor of the Orphans'Court at No. 181 June Term, 1891, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, No. 32 Webster avenue, Filth ward, oity of Pittsburgh, at 2 o'clock v. si., THURSDAY, the SOth day of July, A. D. 1891, two dwelling houses erected on all that certain lot on Webster avenuo, between High and Tunnel streets, city of Pittsburg, fronting twenty three (23) feet four (4) inches, and in depth one hundred and ten (110) feet to an alley. Said lot is sub ject to giound rent of $23 33. TERMS OF SALE. One hundred ($100) dollars cash on day of sale; one-half the purchase money on con firmation of sale and delivery of deed, and the balanco in ono year thereafter, secured by tight bond and mortgage, with interest semi-annuailv. JOHN WHITNEY, Executor. JOHN C. REILLY, Real Estato Agent, No. 77 Diamond St.. city. jyll-35-TT STOCKS! STOCKS! Paying Handsome Dividends. But a limited amount for sale of the FLOR ENCE INVESTMENT CO., of Florcnco, Ala. Registered by tho Industrial Title, Trust and Savings Company, of Philadelphia, Pa., which is the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the company. A SURE INVESTMENT. Yielding 9 1-3 per cent per annum. See W. A. HUDSON, Room 49, Fidelity Title and Trust Company's Ruildiug, 121 Fourth av. Releiencc, John W.Herron, of W. A. ner ron & Sons. Je2-57 ECONOMY IN FUEL Hot Water Heating Apparatus for Residences, Etc. ALSO, Ventilating Fans for Cooling, Etc. M'GINNESS, SMITH & CO., OS Voter St. Je6-55-TT3 VTOTICE JOHN COX, Artist in stained glass for church and do mestic purposes in beveled, opalescent, on doyant, Venetian and corrugated glass, etc., etc. Designs and estimates free of cost on application. Repairing done. Office and showroom, Penn building. Room 708, Pitts burg, Pa. Memorial windows and mirrors a specialty. jyl9-89 TO LOAN $1,000, for one year, at 6 per cent. 51,250, for two years, at C per cent. 52,000, for three years, at G per cent. MORTGAGES WANTED. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 129 FOURTH AVE. jy!9-C6-D Ci ! I C. w. fe oiencn and otamD Works. W. 21. Sunfind, 20 Fifth vgi'MarkeiSi Try Our Lauohton Pads. 1y2 PATENTS. ' O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth av., abovo Smithfleld, next Leader office Ji'odejay. Established 20 years. se2 JEFFERSON ACADEMY,, CANOXSBUBG, PA. Principal, C. M. Des islets. Ph. D. (Prince ton). A home school; open September 16. 1891; thorough Instruction; college preparation a spe cialty; experienced teachers; has educated many of the ablest men or tlie South and West. Send for handbook. Jel3-43-TTS Pennsylvania Hollldaysburp;. Hollldavslnirg Seminary for Y'onng AVoincn and Girls. Thorough Instruction. Methods adapted to the indlilduallty of each pupil. Home com forts. Location exceptionally healthful. Malaria unknown. Address .MRS. R. B. HITCHCOCK. . Jell-17-TTS Harcourt Place Seminary. A school of the highest grade for young ladies and girls. Established upon original lines, its success has been remarkable. For catalogue, address the principal, MISS ADA I. AYER, II. A., Gambler, Ohio. Jol5-9-TT3 WESTERN UNIVERSITY" OF FEXNA ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS, Sep tember 14 and 15. $100 in PRIZES for best entrance examin ations. For particulars writo to W. .7. HOLLAND, Pres't, Pittsburg, Pa. Jei-9S-TTS Kenyon Military Academy. This old and remarkably successful school provides thorough preparation for College or Business, and caretul supervision of health; habits and manners. For illustrated catalogue, address LAWRENCE BUST, LL P., Rector, Gambier, Ohio. Jel5-9-TTS 3EA.rIt IXSTITCTE, 204 North Ave., Allegheny, Pa., Prepares'for college and business. German nnd French, Shorthand and Type writing. NexttermoDensSeptembor2. LEVI LUDDEX. A. M., Principal. Jy9-83-TTB -IITASHINGTON FEMALE SEMINARY y The next session opens September 16. For catalogues or information applvto MISS N. SIIEURARD, Principal, or KEV. JAS. I. BKOWNSOX, D. D., Fres. Board of Trustees, Washington, Pa. jy4-33-TUS LUTHEKV1LLE SEMINARY (NEAR BAL TIMORE) for young ladies. $225 per year. 39th year. Modern conveniences, large campus, full faculty, thorough train ing, home comforts. Send tor catalogue. REV. J. H. TURNER, A. M., Prlnofpal, Lutherville, Md. Jy21-77-Trs CHELTENHAM MILITARY ACADEMY Ogontz, Montgomery Co., Pa. Unex celled in beauty and healthfulness of loca tion and surroundings and in buildings, equipment and all other requisites of a flrst clais school. Number limited to 60. For illustrated circular address JOHN CALVIN RICE, A. M., Principal. myl5-77-D CURRY UNIVERSITY, SIXTH ST. Fall Term Ooens September 1. Thirty years of success. Unsurpassed fa cilities. Five departments and three special schools, eacli with its own faculty an'd apart ments. Business college and school 01 short hand. Hundreds of graduates placed in positions yearly. Jyl5-D H. M. HOWE, President. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE FOR Women. Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs of Pittsburg, away from city noise and dust. Unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness. Excellent facilities for study of natural sciences, classics and mathematics in short, every department well equipped. Season opens Sept. 9, '91. Early application is desir able. For catalogues and turthcr informa tion, apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLE TUEAU, President, Pittsburg (East End), Pa. jy4-5-Tus HOLY GHOST COLLEGE. Next session opens September 2. Now stu dents should come to be oxamined August 31. Special Business Department for Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Ger man and Elocution free of charge. For cata logue and further particulars address REV. JOHN T. MURPHY", C. S. Sp., President. Night School opens October 5. jyl4-65-TTS PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Academic, Normal, Commercial. Students prepared for advanced classes in the best colleges, for teaching, for buslnoss. Young Ladies' Seminary Department. Fall term opens Monday, September 7. 1891. Office days Wednesdays nnd Saturdays. Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, President Board of Trustees. For catalogue address J. WARREN LYTLE, Principal, No. 7 Fourth avenue. Jy9-81-TUTh8 PBOPOSAXS. -TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PRO 1 POSALS will be received for the paint ing of roof nnd Tallies of Wickersham School, Twenty-fourth ward, Pittsburg. Two (2) coats of pnint oxide of iron, linseed oil and Japan drying. Proposals will be re ceived no later than SATURDAY, 25th Inst.: are to be given sealed to SYLVESTER DALY, Sect., 2823 Carson St., S. S.; also tho repairing ot blackboards in eight rooms. For particulars see JANITOR during the week between 9 and 12 A. at. Jy20-7 LEGAL NOTICES. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LE? TERSof administration, C. T. A., on the estate of Dr. Josiah F. Roberts, late of the city of Pittsburg nnd county of Alle gheny, have been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estato will make immediato payment, nnd those having claims or demands against the same will present them promptly. G. W. WILLIAMS, JelO-40-TU 81 Diamond street,Pittsbnrg,Pa. ESTATE OF PETER M'CLAREN. DE CEASED Notice is hereby given that lottersof administration, on the estate of Peter McClaren, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediato paymont.and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay. WILLIAM A. THOMPSON, Administrator. Address 827 Liberty street, Pittsburg. Jy21-33-Tu JAMES A M'KEAN, Attorney at Law, No. 85 Diamond street. VfOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE X made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 13th day of August, 1891, bv Joseph Z. Wainwright, Harris E. Wainwright, Edwoy Z. Wainwright, Samuel J. Wainwright. Jr., John E. Wainwright and Abigail E. Wain wright under the act of Assembly entitled: "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," ap proved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, lor tho obarter of an intended cor poration to bo called "Wninwright Brewing Company" the characterand object of which is the manufacturing and browing of malt liquors at Pittsburg, Allegheny county, Penna., and for these purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges ot said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. JAS A. M'KEAN, Solicitor for Ap plicants; Jy21-3I-Tn DR. HARRIS CRAMP CURE -FOR- Every Ache and Pain FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES. Manufactured by L. H.HARRIS DRUG CO., Nos. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenue, JC30-D PITTSBURG. PA. TO LET! Rooms With Power. Part of tho three floors formerly occupied by THE DISPATCH, In POWER nALL, DIAMOND ST. For par ticulars see tho reading notice in this issue. POE S-A.LE BEAUTIFUL LOTS, Cheap ! Easy Terms ! Level, well drained; near station; location the best; prices $100 to $1,000, according to size. At SWISSVALE, P. R.R., (N. Plan). W. A. HERROX & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. jylS-30-w HELLO, CENTRAL, GIVE ME 199. Hello, Whiteley, send for my shoes and flx where needed and return them as quick as possible. A. WHITELEY, Pittsburg Shoe Repairing Factory, 12S-130 Third ave. Second floor. myI2-73-TT TOURISTS CAN OBTAIN INFORMATION as to rates and accommodations of many resort, hotels and cottages by applying at THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE. Atlantic City. THE CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY, S. J. On thebeach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Suit water baths in the house. Send for circular. Je3040-D E. KOBEBTS & SONS. HOTEL IMPERIAL, ATLANTIC CITY, X. J., Maryland av.. directly on tho beach, facing the ocean. Handsomely deco rated and fnmished. Capacity 200. Strictly first-class. Pilces: By the day, $2 to $3; by the cek, $10 to $18. G. W. KKNDKICK. Jy9 93-D TZb-e ZMIa:n.so:n- ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Tho largest hotel. Open all the year. joll-11 CHARLES McGLADE. 4) Cape May. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. J., SEA SON 1S9L Hassler's Celebrated Orches tra. Opens June 6. J. F. CAKE. my26-60-TTh8 HOTEL CHALFONTE. CAPE MAY. N. J. Greatly enlarged since last season. All modern improvements: Jy4-22-D H. W. SAWYER. HOTEL COLUMBIA. Cape Mat, N. J. All modern improve ments, popular prices, special rates by the week. H. W. SAWYER. Jy4-21-D MARINE VILLA, Cape May, N.J. Within 30 yards of the surf. Seventeenth season; 50 rooms added, facing the sea; eleva tor, baths, etc. MRS. F. IIALLENBECK. jyl-21-D THE STOCKTONHOTEL CAPE MAY, N. J. Now open for the fourth conseetive season of present management. Greatly improved. Cuisine unsurpassed. J 016-49 F. T. WALTON, Proprietor. HOTEL ZaVAAYEnTTje, CAPE MAY, N. J. JOHN TRACY & CO., Proprietors. Located directly on the beach. Elevator and all modem improvements. Address JOHN TRACY, Proprietor, Washington Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Cape May. jyl Other Resorts. THE "HOTEL OLIVER," ELLWOOD CITY, PA. In the midst of magnificent scenery. Table and attendance unsurpassed. For rates and any additional information address Jyl9-36 GORDON H. MULLIN, Manager. DILL PARK, A family summer resort on the banks of Lake Eiie, now open. Terms very reason able tonormanent boarders. ROBERT DILL, Proprietor, Northeast, Pa. jylS.96 HOTEL WOPSONONOCK, Wopsononock Mountain, ocean level. 2,650 feet above UNQUESTIONABLY the finest location on the Alleghenics. For rates and circulars write to M. O'BRIEN, Proprietor, jy4-23-TT3 Altoona, Pa. T ONG BRANCH, N. J. United States Hotel, Select family and transient hotel, directly on the ocean; 500 feet frontage; $3 and $3 50 per day; reduced weekly rates to families. J. C. VAN CLEAF, Prop., Mansion Hotise, Brooklyn Heights, N. V,, di rectly opposite Wall street ferry. jell-15-TT3 BEDFORD SPRINGS BEDFORD, PA. Hotel Opens June 13. Write for pamphlet on this great Resort, and the famous BEDFORD SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. L. B. DOTY, MANAGER. my30-30-TTS EUREKA MINERAL SPRINGS, SAEGERTOWN, PA. Analysis of the Chalybeate (or iron) Spring Wator, by R. A. Robertson, A. B., of tlie University of Glasgow; M. D. of the University of.Edinburgh, Scotland, and Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons at London, Eng., and late of Philadelphia, Pa.: Specific gravity, 1004.5, one gal. of which contains of sodfum sulphate, 2.864 grains; of potassium sulphate, 5.968 grains; of calcium sulphate, 2.640 grains; of calcium carbonate, 1.900 grains; of magnesium carbonate, 2.043 grains; of ferric carbonate, 20.607 grains; of sodium chloride, 2.250 grains; of aluminum sllicato. 3.570 grains; of organic matter (vege table), 0.496 grains; total, 42.347 grains. Vol umo of gases in cubic inches: Carbonic acid gas, 19.577; sulpheretted hydrogen, I1.086; total gases, 30.663 cu. in. We respectfully submit the abovo to all intelligent phy sicians. Jy4-Tns CnOICE PROPERTIES. HOME SEEKERS SHREWD INVESTORS Should not fail to investigate the opportunities offered them by the OPENING BBINTON PLAN OF LOTS Near BRADDOCK and adjoin ing tho EDGAR THOMSON STEEL WORKS. Full information on applica tion to EAST PITTSBURG IMPROVEMENT CO., No. 417 Wood Street, Pittsburg, Pa. N.o. 402 Burton Street, Braddock, Pa. Braddock Avenue, Brlnton, Pa. Bank Building, Wilmerding, Pa. H Jyl0-C2-Tn INVESTMENT. Three two-story mansard dwell, ings of eight rooms each, with all conveniences. Lot corner of two paved streets in East End, on Uno of Duquesne Traction. Rented for $1,380 per year. Price, $15,500. BAXTER, .THOMPSON & CO. 16: FOURTH AVENUE Jyl9-121-TUThsu McNAUGHER & CO., Contractors for Paving Sidewalks With Cement, Brick and . Jfire lirICK, uoncreunjc lyenars. 110 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY, PA. Curbstose furnished and set. (e7-S8- J OAKLAND SQUARE. fifteen minutes from the city by cable or electrio cars. Pine view of Schenley Park; overlooking Carnegie Library and Art Gal lery. Newseven and eight-roombrick houses, hall, bath, w. c, washstand, both gases and electrio lighting, slate mantels, tile hearths, laundry, cemented cellar, porches; streets asphaltum paved and sewered. Small cash payments; balance long time. SAMUEL TV. BLACK & CO., jyl9-71-D 99 Fourth avenue. HAVE YOU SEEN KENSINGTON, THE NEW MANUFACTURING CITY ON THE ALLEGHENY RIVER AND ON THE ' ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. ONLY 18 MILES FROM PITTSBURG? Do you want to make a first-class investment? ' Do you want to get three dollars for one? Do you want to start into business where you will be suc cessful? IF YOU DO BUY A LOT IN KENSINGTON. REMEMBER THIS IS IT A 01 FAGTOBY TOE ffn Mb Six Large lailcto Now, ill For Plans and Free Apply at the mi nun Rooms 30, 32 and 34, No. BLAINE: ON THE MONONGAHELA. THE CITE THE CHOSEN SPOT. FREE RAILROAD TICKETS. No new town or plan ever attracted wider or livelier at tention, and none ever deserved better than Blaine, pos sessing as it does every element necessary to insure a phenomenal and substantial growth Natural Gas, Coal, unexcelled shipping facilities by water and rail, free manufacturing sites and beautiful build ing lots, bounded by an old town with many firmly established industries, churches, stores, hotels, post, telephone and telegraph offices, schools of a high character, electric lights, stone and board walks, and all the conveniences of the city, except rapid transit, and this will follow the completion of the new bridge about to be built over the Monongahela from Blaine, and the immense works of the American Vault, Safe and Lock Company, now under contract. Lots Here at $150 to $500 Will -yield a liberal and quick profit to early purchasers, and the widespread knowledge of this fact has created an unprecedented demand for them, evidenced in the largest opening sales of the season thus far reported. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 129 Fourth "-M". v FOR LEASE. TWO HANDSOME STOBERQOM?. Nos. 78 and 80 Diamond St., la neT Dispatch, Building; choice and central location high ceilings, good light, tile floor, good entrances, elegant windows for display; every modern convenience. Apply after 2 P. M. any day to BUSI NESS MANAGER DISPATCH. Je24-U7 S5,000, Five minutes from Kensington station, A T. R. R., five (5) acres of nice, level ground that will subdivide into thirty-five (85) forty foot lots that will readily sell at $400 each. SAMUEL YT. BLACK & CO.. JylS-27-D 99 Fourth avenue. t Round-Trip Tickets Office of the 96 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. jy21-63-T OF INTEREST. Avenue. JJ1MB i ci, M .-- ,"Vb. 9i "