THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, FRIDAY, JULY 10, ' 189L ONLY URGENT NEEDS Are Beinir Looked After by Consumers in Turcliasing Iron. LITTLE ACTIVITY IN THE MARKET, Beyond What Affricultnral Implement Makers Are Creating. STATE OF THE FOREIGN" METAL TKADE rFPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISrATCIl.l New Tons, July 8. The Iron Age reports tho condition of the iron and steel markets ns follows: Tig iron reports from consumers fronorally indicate unwillingness on their part to do moro than purchase for urgent require ments. Tho only exceptions aro ilio juauu factmers of ncricultural implements, who report a heavy demand, and some of whom nro in the mailcct for heavy blocks. Stove jnaDnfactnn-rs have not bought for some time, and arc expected to como forward later on for larger lot3. Machinery builders ate buying sparinslv. Little activity is expected at this season ol the yenr, and the dullness pievail ing is enuring no surprise. Low otferiiifrs have been laatio lately by at le-tst one repre sentative of interc-ts. the fijruro mmKd for No. 1 foundry bcinK SIS, on dock at New York. Malleable iron woiks iu this M-ction; have reccntlv placed orders lor cnnrroal iron, one lot of SOutons being taken liv a Micli'an inrnare on the basis of $17, Buffalo. It fc leported that even this low figure war- shaded 23 cents. Southern car wheel irons are nominally held at :J!S 00 jt furnace, but thcro is little question that $!T 09 would bo promptly ac cepted. Northern brands are quoted at $16 7T1S 00 for No. 1: $1G cgifi SO Jor So. 2, and 11 OOgiH SO for jrrav lorse. Soullirm irons sell at SIC O0Ji17 00 lor Xo. 1; $15 501G25 :'or No. 2; $13 5010 W for No. 1 soft and H 00 714 .W for itray torse. ""SpieceWsen and fcrro mnnqanese The Kile reported in our last issue as having been mano by domestic nianut.iclurcrs of apiege Ieiseutoan Eastern mill, proxies to have been done bv impoi ters. Fcrro magancse is dull a M 00 4 3t for 50 per cent. liillets and l-ods The Eastern billet mar ket is quiet, the report that a baibcd wire mill in this section had purchased a few months' supply of loieiun billets forre-ex-jiort nusinet-s not being confirmed. Wo quote rods $:S at tidewater Steel rails The market continues ex trerr.elv duil. no sales of any consequence having" been reported duimg the week un der revieu. The JIarvlaud Steel Company lias been formed, nitn"F. W. Wood as Presi dent, to operate the Sparrow's Point oxten eIom of the retin'yivonia -teel Company, this form of organization haviusbcen found r.eeess.iry on account of the differences in the State laws of Pennsylvania and Mary land, and for the sake ot operating tho two plants of tho company nepimitoly. Wo con tinue to quote steel rails at Eastern mills stead at $30 75 to JS1 at tidewater. Jlail Fastenings The market is dull at 2g 2.10c for spikes, and I.70L80c for bolts and nuts, delivered. Manufactured Iron and Steel There have been co transactions of magnitude during the week under review, although current bwines- is in fair volume. Prices, however, show no improvement thus far, quotations rcmiininir as below: Angle-, l.SjJilCe; sheared plate", l.;iji.25c; tees, 2.432.75c and beams and channels, 3.1c. on dock. Steel plates are ii52.i5e lor tank 2.S2.(jc for shell and 2 3i7c lor Uangc, on dock. Bars aro 1.7 (J1.9c on dock. P0EEIGN METAL MASKETS. Home Consumption Slow and Very Littlo Speculative Interest Manifested. rFrECIAL TLLr.CKAM TO THE DISPATCH. New Yoke, July 9. Tho foreign metal markets aro thus reported by tho Iron Age; In London tho movement in prices of pig Iron warrants during the past week has been narrow and the market is entirely bare of new features. There is no outside specula tive interest, nor any attention for outsiders to take hold, since home consumption con tinues slow and the C2rport movement mod crate. Shipments lat month were only 73 -COO tons, against 114,000 tons in June, 1S90. Stocks of Scotch pig in Connal's stores hat e decreased 1,000 tons to 7il2,OC0 tons but there Is a further accumulation of Cleveland pig, the total of which amounts now to 141.0U) ions. Latest Miles of warrants were at 47s for Scotch, 40s 9d41s for Cleveland and sis 3d for hematite. The demand for steel plates is somewhat better and the market is llrmer. Otherwise tho steel trade remains dull and featureless. The offering of old iron is very moderate at present, but the demand does not im prove, and while holders show greater firm ness, no advance on actual sales has been s-cored. Pig tin prices improved somewhat early in the week under the influence of free purchases by dealers and absence of cheap outside lots. A reaction subsequently took place, due to selling, prompted by the freer Eastern shipments last month arid increase of 3S0 tons in tho visible supply. Metal Market. New YoitK, July 9. Pig iron quiet; Scotch, $21 002 50: American, $10 Oi'glS 25. Copper dull: lake. July $13 00. Lead easier; domes tic, $4 45. Tin quiet and steady; straits, $20 45. STILL ON THE DECLINE. The Coke Market Shows No Visible Signs of a Very Early Improvement ISrECIAI. TELCCR M TO THE DISPATCH.! Scottziax.3, July 9. The coko market is still on the decline, and no immediate improve ment is expected, as midsummer is nearly here and the usual dullness will set in. Tho conditions surrounding trade are about as l.ivorable r.ov. as this time last year. A good fall trade is confidently looked for. The pro duction is still being restricted to tho de mand, and operations will not be on such an extensive scale this n eek as last. l"i iek'.s Eagle, Jloi-gan, White, Summit and Kvle Works w ill be off four days, w hile their other works -w ill laj' idle only one. 31c Clure's works will be banked one day, as will some of the smaller producers' plants. Itainoy will make six daj s and -n ill have a company in the Pennsvillc. Hogsett and ?laitinlirms. The demand is still tailing off and the rapid diminution in shipments continues. The number of active plants was increased thi week by tho resumption of the Churlotte plant of 87 ovens. The total number of activo ovens is over 13 -SCO. shipments hist -week averaged over t-50 cars per day. The total decrease was bOt c.irs. The lollowing was the distribution: To points west of Pittsburg, 2.CS9 cars; to Pittiburg and river tipples, 1,673 cars; to points east of Pittsburg, .40 cars: total, 5,104 cars. Thi- is the lecord for the previous w cek: To points w est ot Pittsburg, 3,094 cars; to Pittsburg and river tipples, 1,704 cars: to points east of Pittsburg, s"0 cars; total, 3.70S cars. Prices are unchanged as follows: Fur nace coke. H SO; foundrj-, $2 30; crushed, $2 C3. There w ill hardly bo any curly change in prices. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. TVlieat Dull and Weak, With Only Local Trading Corn Still AVorse July Oats ActiTO and Steady ProvUions Tirin at Tint, but Weaken. CHICAGO Wheat was dull and weak to day, and most of the business accomplished was of a local character. The prcponder aucc of nev, s favored the bear side. Liver pool reported prices Jd lower. London quoted caigoes to arrive within one month Sd lower, while those duo in two months were IslsCd lower. The weather through out the distilets wheie the harvest is in progress "was fine. The Cincinnati Price Current, in its weekly pummary of the crop situation, leported ail the iceent favorable indications fully main tiiinrd, ..r.d that threshing was being pushed by the farmers in order to get the grain quiOXiy to market so as to taKe auvan- .-, .- in' hold fcl": oo-'.aw ouscei". imt say citip no greatly enhanced prices can ce ex pected, as t!io world's supply will probably lull fc.uirt of the ordinary aggregate cen imiip'ioji only ;i per cent. St. lxu Is reported ex,'' bushel of new wlient received there to-diy. To'-do's rc-celpis were also reported heavy, wlitla Chicago got t2 cjrsot new wheat, with 63 ot them for contract. All this mad a weak market and prices finally mado a-baip decline. Tho export move ment, however. wa reported liberal, New York nlonu sending out over 00,000 bushels of wheat and (lour, while the three potts cleared over 600.000 bushels. Ihe market rallied somo about r.oor. on a report that 00 boatloads had been taken at JVow York for export. Henry Clcwa sent a telegram raying that there was no room to duubt that tho K.iasian wheat crop would hAiiVV J-rrtIt ;it :lri narlv dflT- (.tnrtnil Zn s '. v n uiA . ? ''K Idersunloadfng and stimulated the short 43. Barley nominal: No. 2 in store iKf ling. The Price Current estimates the do- Rvt rmior- n in .tnr. c- l-th','"1" ncy in tho European wheat oiopatloO,-'ady. Pork Scutember. 0 :s TJ-.i-Sv,: s that with our biir tmiiwr. tn as - show n lare deficiency. Late cables re ported some decline at Faris, but prices higher at Kerlin, and Now Yorkwired:""A good Continental demand, with unfavorable weather In Russia." Estimated rccoipts for to-morrow, indicating the forwarding of some of tho new crop, proveda check on any decided bull movement. December opened at 69541c, eased off some, but held for a long time betwoei S8Jc and 83Kc; then broke to SSc, recovered to SSiic, heldsteadv for a time and advanced lc, but weakened again and closed at 84c. Corn was weak from the start, and Septem ber sold off nearly lc from yesterday's close. The warmer weather, improved crop nros pects, and the weakness in wheat were w eakening factors. The offerings were gen erous, and while early sales were very close to the resting price yesterday, the weakness increased and buvcrs reduced their bids. Cables were reported lower, and the cash de mand les active. The market was a trifle firmer iusvmpathy with wheat, but eased off somo "toward" tho closo. September started at 52c, sold at 52f c. broke to hc, reacted to 52c, and closed at 51J-c. Oats were fairly active and steady for July, but ranged somewhat lower for August and September. Provisions started firm on some good buy ing, smaller receipts of hogs than expected, and soinendvance in prices at the yards. Later it weakened in sympathy with corn and wheal. September pork opened nt $10 SO, nndiidvanced to $10 32? It sold back to J.10 22K. nd closed at $1C 22 Tho leading lutures ranged as follows, ns corrected by John SI. Oaklev & Co.. 45 Sixth street, members of Chicago Board Trade: Open- Illsn- Low. Clos- AKTICLF.S. lug. est. est. lag. '.VlIEVT, NO. 2. Jnlv OH SI'S SO SI AllguU S!X 8S' 87" 6?;i September. 87U KH S5H W December S.'4 8H t&t S9 CORN". NO. 2. Jnh SC'f S6K S5 SSTa August UH M' S3K SSJt bepiember SOt 52'.j 51Ji 51 Oats, No. 2. Jalv 37 S! 26Si 37' August 23 21'n W 2) fceptmbcr 2SJS 235, Vb 28J Mess Pokk. September. 10 30 V SZ) 10 Z2H 10 27,"i October 10 40 10 40 10 33 10 37)4 Laud. September 6 30 6 37$ 6 30 6 K October. 0 42, 6 45 6 42 6 42JJ Skoict Ribs. September. 6 20 6 27K 6 20 6 S October 6 ZZH 6 37X 6 32)j 6 37.S Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 91c: No. 3 spring wheat, 8Jfi87c; No. 2 red, SIKc No. 2 corn 59c. No. 2 oats, 37Jic; No. 2 white, 42Mc; No. 3 white, 4t; 4lc. No. 2 rye, 76c. No. 2 barley, nom inal; No. 3. f. o. b., COc; No. 4, nominal; No. 1 flaxseed, $1 031 04. Prime timothy seed, $1 25. Mess pork, per bbl., $10 1010 12K. Lard, per ICO as, $6 15. Short rib sides (loose), $G 0"?S 10; dry salted shoulders (boxed), $5 103 1.1: short clear sides (boxed), $6 40 6 00. Whisky, distillers' finished goods, per gal., $1 16. Sugars unchanged. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was active; fancv creamerv, 1617c; fine Western, 1516c; fine dairies, 1215c. Eggs, 1516c. NEW YORK Flour irregularly active for oxport and trade; low extras, $3 S54 40; winter wheat, low grades, $3 854 40; fair to fancy, $4 303 23: patents, $5 255 33: Jlinne sorn"olear $4 4r4 90, straights, 4 1335 25; do, ?4 055 05; rye mixtures, $4 404 90. Wheat Spot market lower and fairly active; free sellers; No. 2 red. $1 03103Ji store and elevator;"! 041 W afloat; $1 03U1 05 f. o. b.; augraaed red. 99J,c$l 0GJ4: No. 1 Northern, to arrive, $1 08Jjl 06: No. 1 hard, to arrive, $1 10Js,l Y So. 2 Chicago, $1 021 02; options have been dull, declining early on free offerings of now crop and better weather west, advancing ;?.Jc on increased export busi ness and firmer cables, closing steady; No. 2 red, July. $1 001 01, closing at $1 01J& August. 97K9iJ.ic, closing at 97J,c: Septem ber, 9C9i4&c, closing at 97fc: October, 97KSJ97 li-16c, closing at 97c: November closing at 9Sjc; December, 999Jc, clos ing at 99Kc; January closing at $1 00; Slav, $1 03;1 03JJ, closing at $1 03Ji. Kye lower and quiet; Western, September delivery, 7375c. Corn Spot market lower, quiet and unsettled; , "No. 2, 70g70crin elevator, 71J 73c afloat: ungraded mixed. 7073Je; No. 2 white. Sic; options aie Jlc lower on free offerings and better weather con ditions; July. G5K66c, closing at 65Kc August, 615i62c, closfng 62Jc: September, 59);60Jic, closing at59c; October, 58 T&, closlnir:at 584c; December, 53J53Jc, closing at 33c Oats Spot maiket stronger, less active; options quiet, lower, closing steady: July, 4,K13Jo, closing at 43Jc; August, 36kffi3K.c, closing at 3Mic: Sentem- ber, 33Xg33jlc, closing at 33Jgc; No. 2 white, Julv, i747Jic; spot. No. 2 white, 474:S; mixed estern, 4147c; white do, 4Sv0c; No. 2 Chicago, 45J4c Hay quiet, weak. Hops quiet, weak. Tallow firm, citj- ($2 tor package!), 43ic4Jc. Eggs quiet and weak; Western, 17V18c. Pork quiet and steady; old mess, $10 00 11 00; new mess, $11 5012 25; extra prime, $10 50 11 00. Cutmcats in better demand and firmer; pickled bellies, 6Jf Gc; do shoulders, 5 5c; do hams, ltljc. Middles Arm: short clear. September. $i 25. Lard dull and lower; Western steam, $6 40; options; sales, July, $6 40: August, $6 47 asked; September, $6 53, closing at $6 36 bid: October, $6 67, closing at $6 67 bid. Butter qniet and easv: Western dairy, 12I4c; do creamery, HgflSc; do fac tory, HKlo; Elgin, 18c. Cneese in moder ate demand and steady; part skims, 366e. PlItLADELPniA Flour steady, with fair demand and moderate offerings. Wheat Options opened weak and fell off c, but closed steady at the decline; spot otter 'ngs moderate and demand from millers light; new No. 2 red on track, $1 01VJ: old No. 2 red, $1 05, f. o. b.: No. 2 led July, SPKSc; August, 97K97c: Septe .iber, 96'J7c; Oc tober, 97J08c. Corn Options dull and leatureless and closed nominally Jlc lower: spot lots scarce and steadily held, but local trade demand light; No. 2 mixed, in grain depot, 74sCc: No. 2 yellow, in grain dei.ot and elevator; 75c: No. 2 mixed, Julv,fi8 69c: August, 6361c; September, 60;61kc; October, 59JJiiOic Oats Car lots firm, though quiet: July options nominally un changed, while later futures declined JJc under lower leports from othergrain cen ters; No. 3 white 51c; No. 2 white. Me: No. 2 white, Julv, 474sc: August, 3637c; Sep tember, 33$34c; October, 34K35c. But ter quiet ami easy; i-ennsvivania creamery extra, lf19c; do prints extra, 21c. Eges quiet ana steady; Pennsylvania firsts, 17 17Kc ST. LOUIS Flour dull. Wheat opened easy and sold down from tho start owing to the weakness displayed by all the outside markets and absence of" buying orders. Later, on bullish advices from New York, the market strengthened and advanced c, and finally closed firm, JKc below yester day; No. 2 red, cash, 87S$STc; July, SG 6S7c, closing at 87c: September. S5 !5c, closing at isi-Kc: December, 88K'JC, closing sSJ;;. Corn declined with wheat. When wheat toned np, corn followed and re covered 14c, but closed tame and iia below yesterday;No. 2, cash, 5333c; July, 34c, closing at 54Jc bid: August, 2U"c, closing 52c; September, 50J51fc, closing at 50i4e; j ear, 339c, closing i2c. Oats easy; cash, 33Uc; July closed 3Jic bid; August, 27e bid; September, 2Sc, closing 274c bid. ISve No. 2, SOc. Whisky steady at $1 16. Provisions easier. Pork, $10 50 10 02,13. Lard Prime steam, $5 90. BALTIMORE Wheat firm; spot, $1 00?i 101; the month, 9S99c; August, 97?ia97ac; September, 9797)c; October, 9SW9SJc. Corn, spot firm, iuturcs eauv: spot OiJic: tno month. eGJJc; August, 63c: September, COJc: spot, No. 2 white, 75c. Oats stiong and higher; No. 2 white Western, 43c; No. 2 mixed Western, 47c. Bye dull: No. 2, 70 73c. Haj- firm; good to choice timothy, $12 uo 613 00. Provisions Strong and active; mess poik, $12 00313 00; long clear, bjjc; dear rib sides, 6Jc; sugar-pickled shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured smoked shoulders, 7Jc; hams, ll12c Lard Refined. 7c. Butter un changed. Eggs, 16c. MINNEAPOLIS There was a good market for good milling whent to-day; No. 1 North ern soldreadily l(glc over July, though the percentage w as small that was choice enough to bring the latter price. Choice No. 2 sold well, but soft wheat was dull. Tho bulk of No. 1 Northern sold at $1 00. Soft No 2 wueat soiu auout hoc uiosmg prices: No 1 hard Julv, $1 04; on track, $1 04UW; No 1 Northern, July, OO0! September, 84Kc: De cember, S6ic; on traek,$100X; No. 2 Northern July, 95c; 011 track, 959Sc. " ' CINCINNATI Flour easy. Wheat steadv No. 2 red, 90c. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 60 b0e. Oats In lair demand; No. 2 mixed '40fe40Jc Ryo quiet; nominal; No. 2 80c' Pork quiet at $10 50. Lard easy at $5's7k" Bulk meats and bacon steady. Wliisfcy steady; sales, 722 barrels finished goods on theb!iHisof$l 16. Butter firm. Sugar steadv Eggs firm atl213c. Cheese steady. MILWAUKEE-Wheat w eak; No. 2 sprinc L" -f -o. wi,, ccjhcjuuui, 0c: AO. 1 TOLEDO Wheat activo and steady cash JKc: July, 92Jc; August, SOc. Com dull;' cash, Clc. Oats quiet; ca9h, 3;c. Cloverseed quiet, cash, $4 30; October, $4 40; December. 1 42J ' Coffee MArkobk Skv Yoiik, July 9. Coffee options opened 13.!'5c; Sptoaibcr,15 000 15.13c; October, H.205 14 SOc; Dccomber, 13.60013 C5c; January, 13 30 013.40. Spot Bio firm and quiet; fair car goes, iso; No. 7, 17J(;17Kc. BuLTiMonc, July 9. Codee steady; Bio cargoes fain No. 7. 1735'c. A LIVELY LOCALITY. Some of the Attractions of the Law renceTille District. FINE STEEETS AND FINE HOUSES. A Great Manufacturing Center in Touch With tho Markets of the World. PROPERTY. VALUES TO SUIT THE PURSE Middle-aged people remember when Law rencovllle was a borough; now it is one of the most progressive portions of Pittsburg. Butler street is the principal thoroughfare It begins at the Forks and ends at Sharps burg bridge, a distance of about threo miles. This street is almost entirely given up to business. Some or tho side streets, notably Fortieth, Fisk and Main, aro bordered with handsome homes. Young Mr. Fuhrer is building a' fine Queen Anne residence on Fortieth, Mr. Black, President of the Keystone-Bridge Works, owns and occupies a palatial man sion on tho same street. It was built last year. Fisk is comparatively a now street, having been open but a few years. It Is devoted al most entirely to homes. This i3 one of the handsomest streets in Lawrenceville. Prop erty on the'street has enhanced 50 per cent in tho last threo years. Main street is another comparatively new thoroughfare, and, like Fisk, is largely occu pied by residences. Among many beautiful places on this street are those of George Seibeck, Mr. Fnhrer, Sr., George Folsom and Miss Sadie Wilkinson. Forty-fourth, above Butler, ia another fine street,and displays many handsome homes, among them being those of Mr. Siemen, of Siemen, Sleeth & Black, Mr. AVallace and Mr. Mitchell, who was chief clerk to Mayor McCallin. All of these streets are in the Seventeenth ward. The Eighteenth ward is building up faster than the Seventeenth, but with a cheaper class of houses. It is a great manufactur ing center. Tho Home for Incurables, founded by the late Miss Jane Holmes, is in this ward. It contains many fine residences, denoting opulence and cultivation. Residence property in Lawrenceville, as ascertained from Mr. Thomas McCaffrey, the enterprising real estate broker, can be bought at almost any price, but in choice localities it is held at pretty steep figures. A sale on Main street recently was at the rate of $200 a foot front. Cheap property is on unimproved side streets, and near the mills. Business property is strong, w ith an advanine tendency. Forty feet on Butler, near Main, changed ownership a short time ago at $20,000, or $500 a foot front. "To lets" are as scarce as in any other quarter of the city. Lawrenceville, as stated, is a great manu facturing center. Some of the most Impor tant works in the city are located here. No locality offers greater inducements to enter prise. Sites suitable for any kind of business can hn nurehnspd at moderate figures. It is in touch by railroad and river with the iron andcoalfle'dsof the country, and with all the outside markets. Business "News and Gossip. The old buildings on New Grant street, ad joining the Bindley block, are being demol ished preparatory to the erection of a flve story business house. Sbarpsburg will soon be connected with the city by an electric railway. The Citizens' Traction people are puihing their extension in that direction as fast as pdsslble. The statement of the Laclede Gas' Com pany, of St. Louis, for the month of June shows that the sales and profits increased 30 per cent over the corresponding period in 1890. Coal stocks are quiet and strong, duo to the excellent condition of the coal trade. Each of the 1,500 street cars of New York earned $20 a day last year. Plans are being prepared for two new schoolhouses in the Tenth ward, Allegheny. Work on them will be commenced next spring. The work of reconstructing the Germafila Bank building will begin next week. As stated in this column a short time ago, the new structure will, differ materially from the old. It will be of the same height, but otherwise larger and handsomer. Up to the present the Treasury has not re ceived any applications for the extension of the 4K Per cent bonds. The Schenley Park and Highland Railway Company has placed a mortgage of $50,000, with the Fidelity Title and Trust Company ns trustee, the money to be used in the de velopment of the road. The Real Estate Board of Chicago con templates the establishment of a grade of honorary membership free from any dues or fees to be given to persons who have ren dered the board valuable assistance in its work. The annual meeting of the Bridgewater Natural Gas Company has been called for Monday week. Must in hut 61 yesteraay ior unaergrouna Cable, buyer 60 days. Tho transfer books of tho Electric Com pany are to be reopened and will remain open until the 13th, to give all an opportunity to come in. Central Traction was stronger yesterday on prospects of a dividend. The $3- 50 assess ment may be postponed. The meeting will be held on Tuesday next. The National, German Fire, Ben Franklin, Cash and Artisans' Insurance Companies have declared their regular dividends. The Building Record. Permits for the erection of the following buildings were issued yesterday: Theodore Donk, frame kitchen, 8x15 feet, rear 150i Mary street, Twenty-sixth ward. Cost, $60. Sarah Gray, frame one-story stable, 16x20 feet, rear 233 Bedfordavenue, Eleventh ward. Cost, $75. Louis Funcns, frame one-story addition store, 16x65 feet, on Frankstown avenue, Nineteenth ward. Cost, $300. nermanKuhn, frame one-story store, 20x 36 feet, corner Norton and Cowan streets. Thirty-second ward. Cost, $400. Elizabeth Given, lrame two-story dwelling, 23.6x18 feet, on Ridge street, Thirteenth ward. Cost, $600. Mr. Dixon, frame tw o-story dwelling, 16x30 feet, on High street, Nineteenth ward. Cost, $940. William A. Suckling, frame two-storv dwelling. 16x30 feet, on Cedar street, Twen tieth ward. Cost, $1,000. Owen Hart, frame two-story dwelling, 17x 32 feet, Carnegie street. Eighteenth ward. Cost, $1,100. Bemai d Korns, brick two-story addition store, 24xS6 feet, 333 Carson street, Thirtieth ward. Cost, $1,6C0. James Whalcn, frame two-story dwelling, 20x32 feet, on Dearborn street, Nineteenth waid. Cost, $1,800. Siemen, Sleeth & Black, brick one-story addition to machine shop. 29xS0 feet, on Fortv-second street and Allegheny Vallev railroad, Seventeenth ward. Cost, $2,500. Reuben Miller, four frame two-story dwell ings, 16x32 feet each, corner Reed and Ward streets, Thirteenth ward. Cost, $3,500. R. M. Pyatte, brick two-story dwelling, 27x 42 feet, on Amber street, Twentieth waid. Cost, $5,000. Movements In Realty. Black & Baird sold to George R. Hopr lot No. 1 in the J. Walter Hay plan of Haywood place, Thirteenth ward, for $515; they also sold to Mrs. J. u canui lot No. 142 in the Alta Land Company, on Duquesne Heights, for $25 cash. Reed B. Coyle & Co. sold lots Nos. 51 and 52 in Glen Mawr Tark plan, at Haysville, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, being CO teet on Rivcrview avenue, and ox tending back 110 feet, preserving the same width of 80 feet throughout, for $200. Peter Shields sold tor the Schenley Park Land Company to John Regan two lots, 23x50 each, on Haldane street, lor $900. Mugaw & Goff, Llm., sold for Thomas Smith to II. T. Galey two lots, each 25x100, nt Oak station. Pittsburg and Castle Shannon Railroad, for $300. TheBurrell Improvement Company sold the following lots at Kensington yesterday: To Joseph and George Wachter, of Alle gheny, lot 51 in block 8 for $600; Jacob Pur kowske. of Pittsburg, lots 125 and 126 in block 6 for $862 60; Frank Zilensky, of Pitts burg, lot 149 in block 7 for $276 25; Wicontz Kncmaizky, of Pittsburg, lot 148 in block 7 for $276 23; John Zilensky, of Allegheny, lot 147 in block 7 for $276 25. John IC Ewlng & Co. sold for $275 cash, lot No. 33 in Oakland View plan, near terminus of East street electric cars, Allegheny; also placed a loan of $3,000 for three years at 6 per cent, on ACKley stroet, Second ward, Al- ic lcgheny. IN BETTER DEHAKD. More Inquiry for Money by the Commercial Element Rates Steady. The local money market wan moderately active yesterday. There was a hotter feel ing for commercial paper, denoting more activity in business lines. Tho abundance of funds precludes the possibility of any thing approaching a stringency. Rates wore steady and unchanged. Exchange and cur rency were at par. Bank clearings weie $2,533,023 46 and balances $180,688 02. At New York yesterday money on call was easy, ranging from li to 2per cent, last loan 2, closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper 67. Sterling exchange qniet and firmer at $4 84 for tO-day bills and $4 86 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. V. 8. 4s reg.... do 4s coup... 116 116 N .J. C. Int. CertIOSH Northern Pac lsts. ..114 do do 2nds..ll2 Northw'st'nCons'lslS do Debent ures ! Orpo-nn A Trans 6s... qo 48 reg.. 100W do 4KSCOUD 1O0W Vfis jLaciucosoi "M uu Loulslana6tampcd4s SI Missouri 6s Tcan. new set, 6s. ...100 do do 5s.. 99V do do 3s.. .. 67H Canada So.2nds 97M Cen. Pacific lsts 107 Den. & R. G. lsts....U4H do do 4s 79 D. & R. G. West 1st. Erie 2arts..... 97 M., K. &T. 6s 76J do 2s 33 Mutual Union 6s. ...101 St.E. &IronM.Gen. St. L & Sau Fran. Gen. M JW St. Paul Consols.. ..121 St.Paul,Chic.& Pac. lsts in Tex. Pac. lsts J7K do 2nds SOU Union Pac. lsts 106 West Shore 1W( R. G. W. lsts 74X Bank Clearings. St. Loots Clearings, $7,614,698; balances, $312,366. Money 68 per cent. Exchange on New York, 90c premium. Chicago New York exchange, par to 25c gremium. Money steady and unchanged, ank clearings, $14,039,000. Nrw York Clearings, $96,925,812; balances, $4 575,933. Bostou Clearings, $H,760,5S9; balances, $1,498,771. Money44K percent. Exchange on Uew York 17o to 20o discount. Philadelphia Clearings, $10,188,064; bal ances, $1,644,209. Money 4 per cent. Baltimore Clearings, $2,009,852; balances, $356,410. Money 6 per cent. HOME SECURITIES. A -WAITING MARKET AND BROKERS GENERALLY ON THE FENCE. Moro Gains Than Losses but Changes Con fined to Fractions Street Railways in Better Favor Holders Too Confident to Make Concessions Electric Reorganiza tion. The local stock market was unusually quiet yesterday. The first two calls passed without a sale; at the last 20 shares of Pleas ant Valley Traction stock changed hands at 23- Neither bulls nor bears displayed any courage. At no previous time, perhaps, has the market been more distinctly a waiting one. Almost every broker has orders, but is unable to placo them. Every fractional ad vance encourages sellers to hope tho mar ket is coming their way, and they raise the price; and, on the other hand, buyers inter pret every trifling slump as the precursor of a general catastrophe and hold off to get the benefit of it. These tactics, while safe, are death to business. In tho general list thore were more gains than losses, but they were restricted to small fractions. Insurance shares were in good request. Philadelphia Gas improved J. It was said a few buying orders wore re ceived fiom tho East- Central Traction was stronger, and Pleasant Vallev J. Tho startinir of the main mill forced Luster up nearly a point, with small offerings. Elec trio was dull but steady. If It holds Its own until the outcome of the meeting bo known it will do well. As holders are indisposed to incur any additional loss, it is pretty-safe to say the stock will hang aroundpresent fig ures until after the 15th. Mr. Westinghouse returned to the city yesterday in good spir its. He expressed absolute confidence in the success of the reorganization plan. Switch and Signal was a shade stronger on tne'bolief that tho company is considering measures to improve its financial position. Underground Cable advanced i at the last call. There appeared to be a better feeling for the unlisted Tractions. The prophecy that they will eventually be the leaders of the market is in course of fulfilment. Some one of the many plans for preventing accidents will be adopted. Speed will be increased where lacking. For Manchester 38 was bid yesterday for a 100-share lot, and VM for SO Duquesne. Henry M. Long bought $5,000 Birmingham bonds at 93 flat. Bids and asking prices at each call are appended. THIRD CALL B A EXCHANGE STOCK. P. P.S. &M.Ex. Exchange N. Ilk m tier. iat. uanic.. Liberty Nat. Bk MonongahclaN B Work'mans Sav. Boatman's Ius.. Birmingham Ins. National Ius. Co. Peoples Ins. Co.. Tcutonla In. Co. Union Ins. Co... Mrs Gas Co Peoples N. G. Co Philadelphia Co. Wheeling Gas Co 11s 19J ij coiuinDi.1 uu uo. Central Traction. Cltlzens'Tractlon Pitts. Traction.. Pleasant Valley.. Second Avenue.. Alleghenv Valley P.. V. & C. R. R. 1 Vi lex.... '34"'.: 23 24 X 60 Pitts., AV'g & Ky iiiaaigo juin. uo. Luster Mln. Co.. SIlvertonMln.Co Westinghouse E. Monon.WaterCo. U. 8. &Slg. Co.. West. Airbrake. Stand. U. C. Co. 123 13 'ii '!" "tx'"'W 94 95 60 65 At Now York yestorday the total sales of stocks were 115,011 shares including: Atchi son, 8,813; Chicago Gas, 9,450; Louisville and Nashville, 12,620; St. Paul, 24,100; Union Paci fic, 3,360. SPECULATORS HOLD l!ACK WALL STREET NOT INCLINED TO BE VENTURESOME NOW. Stocks on the Down Grado Most of the Day Cordage Makes a Bad Break Toward the Close Foreign Selling of Louisville and Nashville. New York, July 8. Notwithstanding the abundance of money available for specula tive purposes, togethor with the bright pros pects of the coming season, there seems for the present to be no disposition to enter into any ventures in the stock market, and dullness, narrowness and general stagnation still mark the trading. To-day there was a reversal of yesterday's movement, and frac tional losses were the rule, though only among a few stocks was there any percepti ble tendency in prices. The rate of the Bank of England re mained unchanged this morning, and the best observers proclaim that there is no indication of a further shipment of gold this week; but the traders thought they de tected a selling of Louisville and Nashville for foreign account, and they attacked that stock with some effect. The Grangers came in lor some of the same kind of attention, and especially St. Paul and Burlington weakened under the pressure. The re mainder of the market was, as a rule, devoid of feature from the opening to the closo, though Jersey Central lost a portion of its late advance. The traders, who are in com plete possession of the market, such as it is, after being scared into the covering of their shorts, havo discovered that the expected demand for stocks has not materialized, and aro again encouraged to put out the stocks so lately covered, ont only a few shares ate deemed vulnerable enough to make the risk in, and tho market, therefore, continues to be all in the lew shares w hich have of late been most prominent in the dealings. These to-day include only St. P.iul, Burling ton, Louisville, Atchison and Chicago Gas, but the last named was the strongest of the lot, without news of a character to havo much effect. The opening was heavy and extremely dull, and under the pressure the leading stocks made considerable progress toward lower figures in the first hour. The declin ing tendency was unrelieved by any feat ure of note until late in the day, when Cordage again gavo way, dropping iyt per cent and recovering only a small portion of tho loss. Tho three or lour active stocks showed losses of something over 1 per cent at tho lowest prices, and with some covering in tho last hour a shade was recovered. The close was very dull and stagnant, with tho activo shares at close bottom figures. The final changes are in almost all casee insignifi cant, but Wheeling and Lake Erie lost 1; the preferred, 1; Cordage, VA Burlington, Vi; Missouri Pacific, 1, and St. Paul, Union Pacific and some others large fractions. Railroad bonds give about the usual amount of business, and displayed rather a stronger touo than stocks, but felt the weakening influence and failed to 6core any material change. A largo number of issues were traded in, but the transactions were without importance and the fluctuations hardly perceptible in most of them. The business of the day reached $767,000. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for The Dispatch by whit key & Stefiienson, oldest Pittsburg members of FIRST SECOND CALL CALL B A B A 335 400 'jid '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'. 102i 130 125 80 .... 31 .... 31 .... 49 50 60 .... 60 .... .... 40 56 59 45 23 11 .... 12 .... 11M MX 11 11 19i 215 19K 21U "iiii'.'.'.'. "is "" 65 34 .... 34 .. 23,.... 23K.... 60 3 45 60 .... Vi 12 .... 12!,' 13 1 2 11 12 11 12 30 ' 7,'S S'A 7 8M 90 5JK 65 the New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: American Cotton Oil American Cotton Oil nfd... Am. Sugar Refining Co.... Am. S. Refining Co., pfd.. Atch. T. & S. .... ........ Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Central of New Jersey Central Pacific Chesapeake and Ohio C. &U.,lstpref. C. & O.. 2d pref. Chicago Gas Trust C, Bur. &(Hlncv C, Mil. & St. Paul ..... C, Mil. & bt. Pul, prer... C, Rock I. &P..... C, St. P., M. &O C., St. P. M. & O., pref... C. &. N orthwestera C. &, Northwestern, pref... C, C. C. & I '..'. Col. Coal&lron Col. Allocking Val Del., Lack&West Den. Jt Rio Grande, pfd.... E.T.. Va. AGa....... Illinois Central Lake Erie & West Lake Eric & West., pfd.... LakeShore&M. B Louisville ft, Nashville Michigan Central Missouri Pacific National Cord'ige Co Nat. Cordnge Co., pfd N atlonal Lead Trust New Jforfc Central N. Y.. ('. & St. L N. Y., C. & St. L. 1st pfd. N.Y., C. &St. L. 2d pfd. . N.Y.L.E.& W....:..... N. Y..L. E. & W. pfd.... N. Y. &N. E N.Y..O. & W Norfolk & Western Norfolk & Western, pfd.... North American Co Northern Pacific Northern Pacific, pref. .... Oregon Improvement raclflc Stall Peo., Dee. A Evans Philadelphia & Reading ... rullman Palace Car Richmond &W. P. T Richmond A W. P. T.,pre. St. Paul A Duluth ..... St. Paul A Duluth, pref.... St. Paul, Minn. AMan St. L. A. San Fran. 1st pre Texas Pacific .. Union Pacific Wabash Wabash, pref. AVcstern Union Wheeling A L. E Wheeling A L. E., pref.... Offered. 22 22!$ 22 21 41 82 88 32,1! 81 43 113M 30 16 40 26 50 86( 64 HIS 72!$ 23 80 1045 132 60M 31 24 134K 47Ji 5tf 93 13 56S lOS 74H 87 67M Ui 103 18 9"! 12 65 25 19 43K 33S 16 14 50 1SK o U-78 26 35 4 16J SSM 180 37 97 103 69 13tf 41)4 10 22 79 32 ' 43 AS4 82, 2i 89 32 89 32V S) 3274' mx 112 50 87 65 50 87)a 4!S M-fi lio 112 112H 112- 73 73 mi 133 133 133 603 3IX 61H 3IM 21 COM ;i 24 134! 24' 134i ia 03 14 93 14 90 14 57M 108M 74i '67 h 57W lOS'A 75M 57H 108M 75J "68" "cs" lSVf ioog; 18K 100 18Jf: luu 33,"4 33 33 15 66 "359i; 17 29M 15)6 23 Wi 17 205 'iijfi 15 2JX 65 35, 17 29M 'l4 4tH 104 79.8 33 44K 10M 43 S 1UH n 7Jf 32 74 75 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, members New York Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad 50K 60H Reading 14 7-16 14)i Huttalo, New York A Phila 6H 7 Lehigh Valley 46ij Northern Pacific 23 23 Northern Pacific, preferred MH 65JS Lehigh Navigation 46M 47 Electric Stocks. Boston, July 9. Electric stock quotations here to-day were: Bid. Asked. Eastern Electric Cable Co. pfd 51 00 Thomson-Houston Electric Co 41 75 42 00 Ft. Wayne Electric Co 11 87H 12 CO Westinghouse Electric Co II 25 11 75 European Welding Co 50 00 .... Mining Stock Quotations. New York, July 9. Alice, 150; -Adams Con solidated, 180: Aspen 200: Chollar, 200; Con solidated California and Virginia, 675; Dead wood, 125; Gould and Curry. 140: Hale and Norcross, 180; Homestnke, 1100; Horn Silver, 310: Iron Silver, 100; Mexican. 200; Ontario, 3800; Ophir, 300: Plymouth, 475; Savage, 150; Standard, 100; Union Consolidated, 193. GOOD OIL WELLS AT MOON. THE SPOTTED TERRITORY IS BEING SOMEWHAT DEFINED. The Western Edge of the Pool Has Been Struck on the Meeks Farm Several Wells Due in the McCurdy Field A Butler Wildcat. The Moon field rather redeemed itself yes terday. For a week or two every well which has been drilled in the field has been small or dry. Yesterday W. L. Mellon drilled in his No. 4 on the Meeks farm and is showing for 100 barrels at least. It has mado several good flows. It is located about 450 feet west of his No. 3 on the same farm, which was dry. His No. 1 on the Meeks was expected to reach the sand last night. He has a rig np for hi No. 5 on the Meeks, and is rig ging up his No. 1 on the Rouser. Tho Orion Oil Company's No. 2 well on the Doty ten acres, was shot, and is flowing at the rate of 175 barrels a day. The Hervov Oil Compnnv's No. 4 MoCntcheon is due to-day. The Kana wha Oil Company expects to get the sand in its No. 2 on the Hood to-day, and No. 2 On stott to-morrow. The same company's No. 5 on the Meeks, due south of Mel Ion's Meeks No. 4, is exnected in the first of the week. Mellon & Gniley's No. 1. on the Wilson Onstott eastern farm, near Sharon, is due to-morrow. Boden & Co.'s No.l, on the Chapman lease, Sam Stevenson farm, will bo completed next week. Their No. 1 Sam Stevenson is down 1 500 feet. Their two wells on tho Hood farm are down 1,000 feet each, and their two wells on tho Phil Stevenson lower farm are each 200 feet deep. Work Around the Church. McCcrdt Mellon & Wilson's No. 4 on the Palmer farm is due to get the sand to-day. His Jane Riddle No. 1 is 2,100 feet deep. It was reported last night that Switzer & Co.'s well on the Shaffer farm, half a mile east of the parsonnge, was a good well. This could not be conflrmed. Tho Fisher Oil Companv and others have located a well on the school house lot. Now Work Going On. Coraopolis The Forest Oil Company has rebuilt the rig on the Hogbar. The Cora opolis Oil Company is building a rig on the John Watson lot. Gailoy Bros.' well on the Cooper farm is due to-day. They havo located on the T. F. Watson farm, and W. P. Black has a rig up on the T. F. Watson. He has located two others on the T. F. Watson and one on the C. A. Watson farm. A Well at Mnrdocksville. Mtrr.DocKsviLLE The Raccoon Oil Com pany drilled in its No. 9 on tho Armor farm last night. Now WHdwootl Work. Wildwood Fincgan, Downing & Co. have located their No. 2, on the Wallace heirs'. Evans & Mandoville have commenced to drill their Marks 4. The Roth Oil Company win case ineir wen uu me xruiiiup 10-uay. The French Territory. McDonald The Ogale Oil Company is down 1,500 feet on the Baldwin farm, .which is located between tho Butler and Matthews wells. Forst, Greenlee & Co. have just put the second string of casing in their well on the Miller farm. Reports From a Wildcat. SAXOKBtmo It was reported last night that Webber Bios 'wildcat on the Webber farm was good for 200 barrels a day. This could not be conflrmed. It is located between the Thorn creek extension and the Gold field. Guffey & Queen's venture on tho Glasgow farm, between the Gold field and Bakers town, is said to be a well. Testerday'g Local Markets. There weie no bids for oil yesterday, but tho feeling was a trifle stronger on light buy ing in New Tork. There was no important news to inflate or depress the room traders. Beflned in New Tork, 7.10c; London, 5 9-16c; Antwerp. 10Kc Daily averago runs were 65,992; daily average shipments, 6S.358. Cleveland, July 9. Petroleum easy; 110 6Wc; 63 naphtha, 6e. j , Nkw Yokk, July 9. Petroleum opened steady for August option, no trading being done in spot, but soon became dull and re mained so until the close. Pennsylvania oil. spot ,salcs none; August option Sales, 11,000 barrels; opening, CTJc; highest, GTJJc; lowest, luc; closing 67JJC BRAoronD', July 9. Opened. 63cji; highest, 67Kc; lowest, 66c; closed, 67c. Clearances, 44,000 barrels. Oil City, July 9. Opened, 67c; highest, 67Jc; lowest, 67&C; closed, 670. Sales, 9 OX) barrels; clearances, 22,0rt) barrels; shipments, 89,852 barrels; runs, 79,113 barrels. Turpentine Markets. New Yobk Bosin quiet and weak. Tur pentine quiet and steady at SlZSc. Wilmington Spirits of turpentine dull at 31c. Rosin firm; strained, $1 20: good strained, $ I 25. Tar firm, $2 00. Crude tur pentine Arm; hard, l 40; soft, $2 43; virgin, $2 40. CHAKLrsTON Turpentine steadv at 34c bid. Bosin Arm; good strained, $1 25. Savakwah Turpentine steady at Zic h id. Rosin firm at 1 321 S5. Tho Price of Bar Silver. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBS DISFATCH.l New York, July 9. Bar silver in London, K'iA per ounce: New York dealers' price for silver, 1 01 per ounce. OHIO CHEESE PLENTY. Jobbers, However," Are Buying Freely ' intheFaithofaEise( EGGS NOW FIND A LOWER LEVEL. Corn and Oats Are rirm.andAll the Cereals Incline Upward, SUGAE STEADY AND COFFEE QUIET Office of PrrrSBrnto Dispatch, t Thursday, July 9. CoTOTitY Produce (Jobbing Prices) Eggs are lower, as our quotations will reveaL Tho top of the market is 18c per dozen, a decline of nearly 2c from prices of last week. Ohio cheese is still in plentiful supply, but the general view is that prices are at bottom. In this faith jobbers are laying in heavy supplies. Creamery butter of choice grade is fairly firm at quotations, and demand for country rolls is improving. Supply of ber ries is not above demand, as was the case for a day or two past, and markets are a shade higher. Watermelons are abundant and de mand is slow at a decline from last quota tions. Southern potatoes are weak and prices are lower. Cabbage is firm and good slock readily brings outside quotations. Among the new arrivals in fruit lines are wild plums and Jamaica oranges. California oranges nro about at their end for this season. The untimely cool weather of July has checked the upward movement o"f lemons. Apples-SI 00 a bushel. S2 50(5)3 00 a barrel. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2C21c: Ohio brands, 18lc: common conntry butter, 12c; choice coun trr rolls, 15c. Beans Navy. ?2 302 33; marrow, 2 502 60; Lima beans, 56c. BERKIES-Cherries, $1 501 75 a bushel; goose berries, 78c a quart; raspberries, 9010c a box; red raspberries. Hiau2c a box; huckleberries, 910c; currant!.. 810c; blackberries. 89c. Beeswax 3032c a for choice; low grade, 22 25c. CIDER Sand refined, t9 5010 00; common, JS 50 6 00; crab cider. $12 0013 00 barrel; cider vine gar. 1415c gallon. CHEEPE-Olilo cheese, new, 7Ji(S7c; New York cheese, new, a9Mc: Liniburger, !)ae; domestic newSwcltzer,13Jt14c: Wisconsin brick Sweltzer. Iai2c: imported sweltzer, 27)iaac. Eggs 17lScfor strictly nearby stock; Southern ana Western eggs, 16Sf17c; duck eggs, 2021c. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No.l, lb; 45c: mixed lots. 3035c Ji ft. Honey New cron white clover. 1820c ?40 California honey, 1215c? lb. Maple Syrup 75.90c gallon. MELONS-Cantaloupcs. 2 503 25 a crate; water melons, SlSti a hundred. Peaches ?1 001 50 a half bushel basket; wild plums, ?I 00 per box. Maple Sugar 10c f, 16. Poultrv Alive Chickens. 7075c a pair; spring chickens, SOgfcOc a pair. Live turkeys. Sc a lb. Dressed Turkeys, 16c lb; ducks, 1213c 9 lb; chickens, 1213c fl lb; spring chickens, ljlbc 1 lb. 1 allow uountry, 4c; eny rendered, 5c. oranges, f5 0n5 50: California oranges, fi 001 50 a box; apricots, 81 60 a box; California peaches. SI 501 75 a box: California plums, S2 0C2 25 a box; bananas, 2 002 2" firsts, ?1 75 good seconds. bunch; sugar-loaf pineapples, SI5 0020 00 ICO. Vegetables Cabbage, S2 00225acrate; beets, 4050ca dozen; asparagus, 340ca dozen; South ern onions, ihi per Darrci; fcoumern pota toes. 2 753 00 per barrel; tomatoes. SI SOtJl 75 per basket crate; lettuce. SOc a dozen; radishes, 1520c a dozen; rhubarb, 2530c k dozen; cucumbers, 75c (541 OOacrate; green onions, 1520c a dozen: peas, ?1 00 per half-barrel basket; wax beans, I125150; green beans, St 231 50 a box; celery, 2535c per dozen. Groceries. The visible supply of coffee is much less than it was at this time last year, and latest news from Brazil indicate s that Jcrops will not be as large as was anticipated. Coffee markets are still slow in spite of these bnll symptoms. Sugars are unchanged. Whole sale grocers report' an active movement of staples at prices which have ruled for a week or more. Green Coffee Fancy, 2425c; choice Bio. 22K ta23J:c; prime Rio, 22c; low grade Eio, 20,'i21lc; Old Government Java, 2330c: Maracalbo, 2270; Mocha. 29331c: ; Santos. 2l)j CSc; Caracas, 24,'i 5fiUc; T.a (fuavra. 2iWf512Se. Boasted (in papers) standard brands, 24Kc; high grades. 2629'4c; Old Government Java, bulk, 30K33Mc; Maracalbo, 2729c; Santos. 2529o; pea berry. 30c; choice Bio, 25Kc; prime Rio, 24c; good Bio. 23c: ordinary, 20K21&c. Spices (whole) Clones, I5l6c: allspice, 10c; cas sia, 8c: pepper, 12c; nutmeg, 7680c. Petroleum. (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, 6;c; Ohio, 120. 7$c: headlight, 150. 7c; water white, 99)sc; globe, 14M)$c:clalne, 15c; carnadlne, llo; royaline, 14c; red oil, UVllc; purity, 14c; oleine, 14c. Miners' Oil No. 1 water strained, 4244c per gallon; summer. 3537c; lard oil, 555Sc. Syrup Corn syrup, 2832c; choice sugar syrup. 37(3J39c; prime sugar syrup, 3435c; strictly prime, 3537c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 43c; choice, 42l3c: medium, 38a40c: mixed, 8533c. SonA Bl-carb.. In kegs, 3!4iffi3Jjc; bl-carb.. In Hs. 5Vc; bl-carb., assorted packages, 546c; sal buna, in Kegs, i?)c; uu vraiiuiaieu, uz, Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, per set, Wc;paraf!ine, Il(Sa2c. Bice Head Caiollna. 7!4!S7M': choice, 6,S6Jfc; 8! nrime. 6K6Mc: Louisiana. 5&ia6c. starch rean, c; corn siarcn, ty6Wc; gloss starch- 6ra7c. Foreio.y Fruits Laver raisins, $2 Z3; London Iaycrs.$250; Muscatels, fl 75; California Muscatels, Si COai 75: Valencia. SS5&c; Ondara Valencia. OH&lc; sultana, li'31Sc: currants. SJiffiSJic: Turkey prunes, 7ki8c; French prunes, 910,r4c; Salonlca prunes. In 2-lb packages, 9c: cocoanuts, ij 100. J6; almonds, Lan., ?t lb, 3c: do Ivica, 17c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1314c: Sicily filberts, I2c; Smyrna llgs,13r314c; new datc,56c: Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans. 1416c; citron. T9 lb, 1718c; lemon peel, 12c 'S lb: orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced. ? lb, lie; apples, evaporated, 1314c; peaches, evaporated, pared, 200121c; peaches. California, evaporated, unpared, lValdc; cherries, pitted, 25c: cherries, unpitted, 8c: raspberries, evaporated, 2324c; blackberries, 6 (37c: huckleberries, 8c. SUGARS Cubes. 4c; powdered. 5c; granulated, 4Jic; confectioners' A, 4?c: soft white, 4'(a4!4c: yellow, choice. 364c; yellow, good. 3M(&3c: yellow, fair, 33c. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), 1650; medium. halfbbls(600).S375. Salt No. 1, bbl. SI 00; No. 1 extra. B bbL $1 10; dairy, TH bhl. SI 20: coarse crystaL $ bbl. SI 20; Higgins' Eureka. 4-bu sacks, 82 80; Hlggras' Eureka, lb 14-lb packets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peache, 82 40(3250; 2nds, 82 10S2 25: extra peaches. S260a2 70: pie peaches, SI 50(31 60; finest corn, jl 2i(3i60; Hid, Co. corn, SI 00(31 15; red cherries, $1 20(31 30: Lima beans, 81 35; soaked do, 80c; string do, TOBSOc; marrowiit peas, ?1101 25; soaked peas, 6575c; pineapples, 8150(31 60: Bahama do, 255; daiii?on plums. 81 10; greengages, $1 50; egg plums. SI 90; California apricots, S2 OOtgc 50; California pears, 82 ivai4C; do greengages, $1 90; do egg plums, II 00; extra white cherries, 82 85: raspber ries. SI 10(31 20; strawberries. SI 1.V31 25; goose berries, 81 10(31 15; tomatoes, ajcgsf 00; salmon. 1-lb, ?1 30(31 8: blackberries. 80c; succotash. 2-ffi cans, soaked. 99c; do, gieeu, 2-Ibcans, 81 251 50; corn beef. 2-tb cans, S2 20(32 25; 1-lb cans, 81 30; baked beans, 81 401 no; lobsters. 1-lb cans, ?2 25; mackerel, 1-lb cans broiled, 51 50; sardines, do mestic, Ms. 84 404 50: fis, 87 00; sardines. Im ported, us. 511 5UV1 ou; sardines. Imported. )4s, 18 U0; sarllnes, mustard, ft 50; sardines, spiced. 4 25 Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 820 CO ? bbl; extra No. 1 do mess, 82S 50; ettra No. 1 mackerel, shore. 824 00: No. 2 shore mackerel, 822 00: large 3s, 8J)tX). Codfish Whole pollock, 5c ? lb; do medium, George's cod, 5c; do large, 7c; boneless hakes. In strips, oe; George's cod. in blocks, 9U IHc. HerriiiK Rornd shore. 85 50 ?! bbl: sDlit. 86 50; lake, 8J25Ml-lb bbl. White fish, $710 ia 100-lb half bbl. Lake trout, 85 50? hair bbl. Fin nan haddles. 10c 3 lb. Iceland halibut. 13c )lb. 1'IckereL half bbl, 81 00; quarter bbl. 81 60. Hol land herring, 75c. Walkou herring, 90c. OAT3IEAL-S7 60(37 75 jj bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at tho Grain Exchange: 1 car sample shell corn, 67c; 1 car 2 wh te oats, 46c, 5 days; 1 car same, 46c, 10 days. Receipts as bulletined, 32 cars, of which 21 were by Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as follows: 4 cars of corn, 5 of hay, 1 of feed; 1 of bran, 1 of wheat, 6 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of oats, 3 of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 2 cars of hay, Oats and ear corn have moved up ward, as our quotations will disclose. Wheat and flour aie steady, and hay is weak, with a downward tendency. Following are quotations for carload lots on track. An advance on, these prices is charged fiom store: Wheat No. 2 red, fl 02S1 03: Xo. 3. 04ft5c. C'ors No. 1 jellowbhell, 0aesS4c;Nr. s yellow 6lifll. 6763c: high mlieu. 66ic: mixed thell. 6.-j6ac:o. 2 yellow ear. Gobbv; high mixed ear. 0X35c; mixed e:r, 0364c. OATS No. 1 oats. 4ij47c: No. 2 white. 4fValJc; extra No. 3 oats 45)-4oc; mixed oats. 44'i(3)iic. BYE No. 1 rViinsyivauU and Michigan, S990c; No. 1 Western, BfigSlc. Flour JohbingpricesFancr spring and winter patent Hour. 5 SftJUi 00; fancy straight winter, J5 25 5 3); fancy straight spring, 5 505 73; clear winter, (5 O05 25: straight, XNXX bakers' $5 003 S3 2. lire Hour, 4 75- 00. JIILLFEED N o. 1 wnlle middlings, ?25 0025 60S ton; No. 2 white middlings. 83 lU23 50; brown middlings, $16 0u17 00; winter wheat bran, 16 (XXa 16 50. Hay Baled timothy, choice, Sll 00U 60; No. 1, f) 5(10 ou: Xo. 2 do. ?3 (was 50; clover hay, JS 0J 3S 50; loose from wagon, 811 Mai2 (K), accorulng to cjuality; Xq. 2 packing do. 7 50(da 00. bTRAW Oats, $6 75g!7 0U; wheat and rye, (6 25 6 50. Provisions. Sugar cured hams, UrKc Sugar cured hams, medium Sugarcured hams, small .' bugar cured California hams Sugar cured h. bacon Sugar cured skinned hams, large burfarcuiedsklunedhams, medium Sugar cured shoulders Sugar cured boneless shoulders Sugar cured skinned shoulders Sugar cured bacon shoulders bugar cured dry salt shoulders 10H 10'4 1MJ IX 9 11 II M Sugar cured d. beef round! 14 Sugarcuredd. heefsets 12 Sugarcuredd. beef flats H Bacon clearsldes "H Bacon clear bellies 7U Dry salt clear sides, 10-Ih average V, Mess pork, heavy 13 00 Mess pork, family .'. WOO Lard, refined, in tierces... 6V Lard, refined. In half barrels 6i Lard, refined. In 60-lb tubs 6'A Lard, refined, la 20-tb palls 7 Lard, refined. In 60-tb tin cans . M Lard, refined, in 3-lb tin palls , ' 7 Lard, refined, in 5-lb tin pans 6 Lard, refined. In 16-th palls 7 LIVE STOCK MARKET. Receipts, Shipments and Prices at East Lib erty and All Other Yards. Office of Pittsburo Dispatch, ) Thursday, July9v ( Cattle Keceipt3, 4S3 head; shipments, 3S0 head. Market nothing doing; all through consignments. No cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Keceipts, 1,250 head; shipments, 900 head. Market firm. Philadelphia?;. $5 03 5 15; best Yorkers and mixed, $4 005 CO; common to fair Yorkers, $4 604 80; pigs, $4 004 50. No hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 2,500 head; shipments, 2.0CO head. Market firm at yesterday's prices. Following is the report of transactions at East Liberty Stock" Yards for the week past: RECEIPTS. CATTLE. HOGS. SHEEP Thro' . Local . Wednesday. 51 1 21 8 Thnrsday 69 .. 19 H Friday 27 .. 22 9 Saturday 11 23 41 10 Sunday 27 62 25 25 Monday 12 9 n 12 Tuesday 3 3 17 8 Total cars 200 98 156 83 Last week 153 76 176 94 Wednesday. 17 112 69t Thursday. .. 127 427 Friday .. 8U 183 Saturday .. 57 325 Monday .. 1,346 1,214 4.311 Tuesday 187 189 2.610 Total head 1,550 1,788 8.653 Lastweek 1,230 2,446 10.372 By Telegraph. Chicago The Evening Journal reports: Cattle Keceipts, 10,000 head; shipments, 4 000 head; market active, strong to higher; prime to extra native, $6 00ii 25; others, $4 755 95: Texans, $2 90(g4 CO: stockers. $2 90 Z 85: cows and heifers, $2 25t 00. Hogs Receipts, 25,000 head; shipments, 13,000 head; market active and higher, closing steady: rough and common, $4 354 50; mixed and packers, $4 754 90: prime heavy and bntch ers' weights, $4 9v5 05; light, $4 705 05. Sheep Receipts, 8,100 head; shipments, i 000 head; market fair: mutton stock steady; native ewes.'W 35Q1 25: mixed and wethers, $4 505 10; Texans, $3 75t 50; Westerns, 4 SO; lambs, $4 90S 50. New York Beeves Receipts, 530 head, 11 for export; no trade, feeling steady: dressed beef firm at 8K9Kc. Calves Receipts, 360 head; market c lower; veals, $5 006 50: buttermilk calves, $3 403 75. Sheep Re ceipts, 5,723 head; sheep, firm: lambs a shade higher; sheep, $4 254 75; lambs, $5 005 50; dressed mutton steady at 910Jc; dressed lamb3 firm at 1112c. Hogs Receipts, 4,317 head, consigned direct; nominally steady at $4 305 35. Cincinnati Hogs easier; common andb'ght, $4 05 05: packing and butchers', $4 805 05; receipts, 1,930 head; shipments, 420 bend. Cattle steady; fair to choice butcher grades, $3 C04 65; prim e to choice shippers, $4 505 50; receipts, 4f0 head; shipments, 70 head. Sheep steady: common to choice, $2 754 50; extra fat wethers and yearlings, $4 755 00; receipts, 5,900 head; shipments, 6,900 head: lambs easy; common to choice, $3 756 30 per 100 lbs. St. Louis Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head: shipments, 2,900 head; market active and firm; fair to export natives, $5 O05 75: ordinary to good do, $4 005 10; Texans and Indians $2 691 30. Hogs Receipts, 3,400 head: shipments. 00 head: market higher; fair to choice heavy, $4 S5l 95; mixed graaes, 4U(g4 so: ngntiairto Dest, ?4 80 4 90. Sheep Receipts, 1,700 head; ship ments, 1,00 neau; :narKet lirm; gooa to choice, $3 004 60. Buffalo Cattle Receipls, 51 loads through, 5 sale; market steady and un changed; no good cattle here, nogs Re ceipts, 32 loads through, 10 sile; market slow and easier; mediums, $5 05Q5 10; mostly $5 10. Sheep and lambs Receipts,28 loads through, 6 sale; market stronger for sheep: sales of good at $5 005 40; common to fair, $3 50 4 73; lambs Steady at $5 506 75: extra, $7 00. Kansas City Cattle Receipts, 4,600 head: shipments, 2.390 head; market strong to 10c higher: steers, $3 955 90: cows, S2 00(3 55; stockers and feeders, ?2 454 00. Hogs Keceipts, 8,820 head: shipments. 1,720 head; market steady to 3c lower; bulk, St 52 1 65; all grades, $4 004 65. Sheep Re ceipts, 1.510 head; shipments, 140 head; market strong: lambs 10c higher. Omaha Cattle Receipts 1,650 head; active, steady to strong; good to fancy steers, $4 25 5 80: butchers, 43 754 80. Hogs Receipts. 700 head; market active and steady: prices ranged at $4 554 75:lmlk, $4 50i 65; light, $4 554 65; hoavy, fl C0g4 65. Sheep Receipts, 114 head; market active and firm; natives, $2 755 05! Westerns, $2 505 05; Iambs, $5 00 6 25. Wool Market. ST. Louis Wool Receipts, 97,045 pounds. There is an improvement to the demand for Texas and Territory wools, especially for low, sandy and heavy descriptions. The Drygoods Market. New York, July 9. The drygoods market was without any new features, and prices ruled steady. B. & B. Cloak Room Remnant Day To-day 25 children's tan blazers, 4 to 14 years, gold cord and anchors, 51 30 and ?2; half prices. Boggs & Buhl. THE DUQUESNE RYE AND BARLEY MALT WHISKY Is sold by nearly all legitimate dealers. Each bottle has a sworn certificate from the distiller certifying to its absolute purity. It is sold by dealers at $1 25 per fnll quart. Guaranteed only when the fac simllo of my signature appears on every bottle. HVE-A-IX: ZKZXjjEIILSr, 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. Send for complete catalogue and price lfrt of all kinds of liquors. jelO-irwir BLOOD BBS ' At once the newest, oldest and hest blood purifier known. S00 years old in Jlrazil, two years'tet in this country, and without a rival in the cure of skin diseases and rheu matism, eating ulcers, boils, tumors, king's evil, white sw elling, hip disease, and all dis orders from the poison taint of scrofnla and specific disease. No mineral, no failures, no relapses. .Sold by JOS. FLEMING & M)N Druggists, 412 Market St., Pittsburg, mj 27 -a is i s iri s JAS. M. SCHOOXMAKEIJ, JAS. McCUTCHEOX, SAMUEL BAILEY, Jr., President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer. . UNION ICE M'F'G COMPANY, Pure Ice made from distilled water for sale at wholesale only. UNION STORAGE COMPANY, Transfer Agent, General, Cold, Bonded and Yard Storage. 3H ACRES YARD STORAGE. 5 WAREHOUSES, containing 2,300,000 cubic feet of storage space. Railroad siding to each warehouse. Brick warehouse for exclusive storage of oil. Separate rooms for storage of household goods. Lowest insurance rates. PRINCIPAL OFFICES Corner SECOND and LIBERTY AVENUES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF, only speaks i! for itself, bnt has Ii thousands of peo ple to speak for it. The testimonials that have been given in its favor by people who have been cured by it would fill pages of a newspaper. Xo other medicine has been so thorough lyendorsed by the public. Here is a sample of Disinterested Testimony. Rev. M. B. Wharton,pastorof the First Bap tist Church, Montgomery, Ala., writes: "I have seen Swift's Specific used, and have knownmany cases of the worst form of blood disease which have been cured by it. I know the proprietors to be gentlemen of the high est type, and of the utmost reliability. I recommend it as a great blood remedy una qualed by anything that I know of." Books on Blood and Skin Diseases Free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Br.OKEKS-FLNANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. ap30-33 nrnni pc savings bank, itUrLt D SI FOURTH AVENUE, Capital, $300,000. Surplus $51,670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD E. DUFF. 4 President. Asst. Sec Treaa, per cent interest allowed on time de oosits. OC15-10-D Pittsburg, Allegheny and Manchester Traction Company 40-year 5 per cent bonds, free of tax, for sale at 103 and interest FIDELITY TITLE 4 TRUST CO., 121 AND 123 FOURTn AVEXUE. fell-43-HW John M. Oakley & Co., BANKEES AND BEOKEE3. Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petrolenm. Private wire to New York and Chicago 45 SIXTH ST.. Fittsburz. 1LED1CAL. DOCTOR WHSTTSER 814 PENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA. As old residents know and back flies of Pittsburg papers prove, is the oldest estab lished and most prominent physician in tha city, devoting special attention to allchronio &sesre-N0 FEE UNTIL CURED sponsible Air;pnilQ and mental dis. persons. Ill Ln V UUO eases, physical do cay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambi tion and hope, impaired memory,- disordered, sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimple3, eruptions, impover ished blood, failing powers, organic weak nes-, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, unfitting tho person forhusiness, society and marriage, permanently, safely and privately SradnBL00D AND SKlfeS! eruptions, blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tha tongue, month, throat, ulcers, old sores, ara cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from 1 1 P I M A D V kidney and tho system. U 111 linll I j bladder do rangements, weak back, gravel, catarrhal dicharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whlttier's life-long, extensive experl ence insures scientiflcandreliabletreatmentj on common sense principles. Consultation, free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours, 9 a. m. to r. M. Snndav, 10 a. m. to 1 r. x. only. DK, WHITTIEK,"8U Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Paw Ja3-4!)-Muwk WEAK MEN, YOUR ATrENTIOH IS CALLED TO THE ORE AT EXGH3II REM EOT, TUBE MARK TRAQtWftR Gray's Specific Medicine voiis Debilitv. Weakness of Bodr BEKTiiiitt. imi Tims. and ?.IInd. Mennatorrhea. ana Impotency. and all diseases that arise from OTer iadnlfccnrcandseir-abuse, as Loss of Memory and 1'ower. Dimness of VIlon. Premature Old Aga. and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early grarc. -write for our pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo. N.Y. The Specific Medicine is sold by all drujTKists at 31 per package, or sl packages for . or sent by mall oa receipt of money, wir- GUARANTEE and with every w " vwniJ-j. order a cure or money refunded. 485f"On account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow AVrapper. the only genuine. Sold la rittsburg by a. S. HOLLAND, cor. Smithfteld and Liberty sts. Je28-91-MTrreosa DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re auinng scientific and conflV ential treatment. Dr. S. K. Lake, 31. K. C. F. S., is the old est and most experienced spe cialist In the city. Consulta tion free and strictly confi dential. Otnce hours 3 to 4 ana jioor. it; bundays, 2 to 1 r. m. Consult them person ally, or writ. Doctors Lake, cor- Fenn av. and 4th St.. Pittsburg, Pa. i eJ-72-Dwk VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Quickly, Permanently RESTORED. WEAliXEd:). NEKVOUa-NEoS. UEUILITY. and all the train of evils, the results of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full strength, development, and tone guaranteed ln all cases. Sim pie. natural methods. Immediate Improvement seen. Failure Impossible. 2,(W) references. Uoofc. explanations and proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address EKIE 31EDICAL CO, 1UJEFALO, N. Y. ielO-M I Suffering from the clTccts ol i b 8 yoatnrai error! early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, eta, 1 will spn'l avaluable treatiso (valed) c-atalnhig full particulars for home cure, FltEE of charge. A splendid medical work . should be read by every man who t- nervmw Bnrt debilitated. Address, Prot. F 'J- FO WLliU, Moodus, Cona. dei-Sl-Dsawk or FADED HAIR GESTOSES to youthful color and beauty b nj. tins' Ham uriiTH. lie- mores dandruff and scalp humors. Toe not sxabi skin or linen. Het. pares, moss ciemT urrmK- iruKKJifc UlIB' EILL10K.1S1.I1U " narl,i:- f ala. WarrmitW sold by JOS. FLEMING & SONS, nnd drug gists. niy25-33-WT Jy6-I5-icw KJ" - sea not f tSoJ rajy Ta.?7 fbjEJI f i.a.fc-w.r