iBBIMPiPPiPIW'NP'i3W " . ' - . - M THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891 j . &, j CORA CRIES ffi COURT. Tears Brought to Miss Wyatt's Eyes by Her Lawyer's Eloquence. FITZSIMMONS REFUSES TO TALK. He Consults Bis Attorney and Keeps Off the Witness Stand. ANOTHER OF THE TRIALS ALMOST OTEE Interest in the Fitzsimmons case seems to be dally on the increase. Yesterday the criminal court room was literally packed with eager spectators from the moment the court opened until its adjournment at 5 o'clock. Fitzsinimons seems to lia o lost the bravado -which characterized him during tho opening days, and has settled down to a gnu e and attentive listener. Ho has growna trifle paler, and there is now a neriousness in his actions. Sir. and Mrs. Clark bear up well under their strain, and Cora Wyatt, who has all along put on a bold face, broke down com pletely jestcrday afternoon and wept bit terly. This lnppcncd "n lule Attorney John 1". Cox was addressing the jury. The other w omen in tho courtroom, as well as somo of the men, w ero moved to tears at Mr. Cox's pathetic appeal to the jury for the youthful prisoner. The Schmitt case is almost at an end. All that remains i the Judge's chargo to thejury. Mrs. Schaffer, who formerly lived at 133 and 133 Second avenue, was the first witness or the morning. Sue testified that Clark was at horhouseon Januarys', Sholiad known him n j ears and his reputation was good. Nlcho'as Farrcl, of Homestead, saw Clark mid dim M vattona train January 31. Ho was shoti n a bunch of kcj s taken fiom Clark, and said it was not customary for machinists to carry such kej s On going from the train on which he s i tho prisoners ho found a crowd around Sehuutt's store and heard of the roLbcrj . Dr. Osborne, of Homestead, testified to rtn.fcs.ngFitzsimonnons' wound in tho lock up. 1 he wound had been received 12 hours before, judging bj its appearance. Dr. Pcennnn. of Homestead, testified to treating Clin k lor hemorrhage of the nosO in January. Clark's reputation was good. Character M itnesses for Clark. A nnmbcr of character witnesses were ex amined, and then Clark was recalled and testified volatile to tho money orders he had received from Fitzsinimons. He said the note read "Inclosed lind $60. I will set tle for tho m-ichinc'' He denied that he had testified that he settled for the machine, and denied that ho had a jeweler's price book. Mrs. Clark was next sworn. She said she had gone to see Laura Snow den about a ma chine. Mrs. snow den talked about the Stbroitt robbery and said that Fitzsimmons had gl en her some jewelry which she sent away. Mt Clark answered that she had some of the jewelry. She was shown a ring, r.nd said she had had it on th.it day. It be longed to a schoolmate of Miss Wyatt. On crosv-examlnation the w ltncss said her visit to Mi s snoivdcn w as made on the day the detcctii es w ere at the Clark house. She said the jeweler's price list book found at the house belonged to Fitzsimmons, and she supposed Miss Wyatt had taken it to the room to write letters on Mrs. Snowden told her it she had any goods she had re ecli ed from Fitzsimmons to get rid of them, as ho was suspected of the Schmitt robbery. Miss Annie Llojd was the first witness of the afternoon. She testified to having loaned Cora Wjatt a ring which was one of the rings worn 113- Mrs Clark at the time of her arrest. 'Witness testified that she nei ersaw Cora Wvatt with a watch. Cora Wyatt was then called ner testlmon v was that her home was in Uniontown, and she came to Homestead in Juno of last year, and In ed with Mrs Clark, her sister. She came down to attend school at Curry Uni versity, to study shorthand and bookkeep ing. The watch she showed Miss Whalen and Miss Hastings w as gii en to her to carry one day It was given to her by Fitzsim mons and tho same evening she gave it back to him, as he was to get a chain for it, and that was the last she saw of Fitzsim mons until ho was arrested. 'Witness did sot know what business Fitzsimmons was engaged in, but supposed him to be ft drummer She had no knowledge of tho Schmitt Jewelry store robberj: when Mr. Murphy called at their house he asked to seo thatprettj little w atch she had. and she re plied she had no watch. Miss Wyatt denied telling Miss Whalen and Miss Hastings that the watch had been given her us a birthday present, but did say that she expected to get a watch from her mother. A hen she gave the watch back to Fitzsimmons it was in her sister's house, and her sister was pres ent at the time. Warned Not to Commit Murder. Miss Wyatt denied vcr being in Fitzsim mons' room, and never talked with him about watches orjowelry. Witness was in the house on tho evening w hen 3Ir. Clark went downstairs, and called up that Fitz fclmmons was there, and her sister, Mrs. Clark, called out, "For God's sake, Budd, go out: don't kill anyone else." Mrs. Wyatt, mother of Cora, testified that Cora was 18 years old. Witness promised Cora a gold watch when she graduated at Curry's Mrs. Ellen Clirk, a handsome and mother-lv-looking woman, testified that she lived in Cumberland, Md., and was a teacher in the public schools. Shois the mother of Charles Clark, and visited him during last Christ mas, hai tag rcceii ed word from him that he w as sick. At this point Attorney Keardon caused something of a sensation by calling Fitzsim mons aa a witness. Theiowas a hurried consultation between the prisoner and his counsel. Major Montooth, at the conclusion of whicn Fitzsimmons arose, and in answ er to Judge Slagle'u query said that he refused to be sw om. Oliver J Sturgis and Mr. Hunt testified to having known Cora Wyntt since childhood, and that she bore an excellent character. This closed the testimony After a short consultation bv the attorneys for the defense. Attorney Oox submitted some points to the Court. Ono was that a wife cannot be jointly indicted with her husband The defendants could not bo con victed of entering a building to commit a felony or larceny, because ot the mere pos session of stolen goods: again, the defend ants could not be convicted unless thej' re celled property which the knew was stolen, and there was no evidence of such. Attorney Keardon submitted two points. First: that Laura Snowden was an accom plice, and the law specifies that such testi mony must be leceived with caution, and theie can be no conviction unless it Is cor roborated. Second, that testimony or good chaiacter raises a question of reasonable doubt. Mr. Kobb opposed Mr Cox's points on the ground that both Mr. and Mrs. Clark had testified that neither had control of tho other, so that the points submitted were eliminated. As to Mr Keardcn's points, Mr. Itqbb held there was plenty or corrob prntlon. Points Claimed by the Defense. John F. Cox was the first to address tho Jury. He called attention to the fact that they bad been denied separate trials for the Clarks and Cora Wjatt. The purpose of asking separate trials was that certain testi mony w ould be olTercd that would prejudice the case against their clients. Mr. Cox maintainod that tbo Clarks and Cora Wyatt were not guilti of tho crimes charged tgalnst them. 1 he Clarks were unfortunuto in having Fitzsimmons as a roomer In their house; otherwise their lib erty would not now bo Imperiled. Fitzsimmons had come to them and thej rented him a room, not as a matter of lriendship, but as u matter of commerce. The first the Clarks knew of Fitzsimmons being suspected of tho Schmitt robbery was on the 0th of March, w hen Detectives Mur phj and Oilkinson came to their house. The speaker claimed that Murphj and Uilkinson bad no right to go to the Clark house, as they had no warrant; they were mere citi zens, w ith the woid "detective" attached to them, and their only object was to gain a reward offered by Mr. Schmitt. Tho speaker held that Laura Snowden, who had turned traitor, was a self-confessed criminal, and likened her to Judas Iscai lot. Mr. Cox closed with a most pathetic appeal for Cora Wintt, which caused that girl to cry bittcily and brought tears to others in the room, as stated above. Attorney William Keardon followed in bchairof the ClJiks and Cora Wyatt. He covered about the nme points as Mr. Cox, and raised some laughter by characterizing Cl.irk as u chattering fool. Ho said that under the law Laura Snowden, becauso of her testlmonj tor the Commonwealth, le a free woman, ana c.tcda decision of the Su preme Court to sustain him. A Defense nf Ootcctiios. Attorney John S. Kobb, who has conducted tho case for the prosecution, opened with a defense of detectives and officers in general. Mr. Rob'u then took up the testimony in de tail and made a masterlv Htvumpnt to thi Jury. He claimed that Laura snowden had been corroborated u oery particular. In ery particular. In j speaking of the Clarks he remarked that it was very singular that they never had any conversation with Fitzsimmons about the robbery. Their testimony, he claimed, was Jalsehood from beginning to end, and he dwelt on the Clarks' receiving money orders from Daniel Jackson, who w as none othor than Fitzsimmons, from Rochester, N. Y. The speaker claimed that Fltzlmmons was simply away selling the stolen plun der and sending them money for their part of the "swag." As to Cora Wvatt, her story that she only had tho watclig"lvcn her by Fitzsimmons for ono day was proven to be false by competent witnesses who saw it with her a week before berbirthdayanaaweek after Fitzsimmons had left the Clark house, and that the same watch was among thoe found buried under the Clark bouse In a glass Jar. Mr. Robb concluded bv asking the Jury to find the prisoners guilty as Indicted. Judge Single will deliver his charge to tho jury this morning. SEVEKAL OF THEM GOT AWAY. Quite a Number of Acquittals In the Crim inal Court. In Judge Collier's branch of the Criminal Court yesterday Augusta Dombrowski was tried for assault and battery on Augusta Katcr, May IS, but was found not guilty and the costs divided. Michael and Catharine Ilenko vltz w ere tried for selling liquor with out license nt Biaddock, on information of George C. Wllcher. They wero found not guilty, but woro ordered to pay tho costs. Louis How e was acquitted of tho larceny of two caiiB of milk from Thomas J. Schneider, of Allegheny. March 10. John Krohmaly was tried for assault and battery on J. Kerntz, at Braddoek. April 27. He was found not guilty and the costs divided. Abraham Haivcv was convicted of im propercondnct with Mary Watts, of Wilklns burg The information was made DyJohn Cox. Jacob Wcsler was tried for nssault and battery on Fred Jenny March 9. He w as foundnot guilty and tho costs divided. Thomas K. Hill, a conductor on tho Pleasant Vallev line, was tried for aggravated assault and battery on Christian Gelb. Ho was chirgcd with knocking Geib off tho car. Hill claimed that Geib was Intoxicated and ho only tried to prevent him getting on tho car and Geib felL Hill was found not guilty, but was ordered to pay the costs. Suing for Damages to a Store. Wagner Bros., shoo dealers on Main strcot, Sharpsburg, yesterday entered suit against A M. Chal.'ant and Julius Lauterbach for $2Mdamages It was stated that Lauterbach, whose store was next door to the plaintiffs', had a sign extending from the street to tho house and supported by a post at the curb. May 2, 1S91, w hen Chalfant drove up, his wagon collided with the post, knocking down the sign and breaking the plaintiffs' plate glass window, valued ut $1C0, and destroyed some shoes. To-Day's Trial 1,1st. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs. John Welsh, William Miller, Harry Lewis, Daniel Gunther, Amos Peckroth, J. R. Truell, Wes ley Richardson, Joseph Karchufski, narry Cohen, Joseph Kramer. Joseph Alexnovitcb, Teufcl Klneznaskle, M. McCumlskov. Jo seph Ogonowskle. John McKee, rt illiam Staley, Thomas Blushford, John Hanker, James Johnson, Alex. Dugan, John Moran. Executions Issued Yesterday. Executions issued yesterday were: R. and W. Jenkinson vs W. W. Calder, $147 72; W. E. Schmcrtz & Co. vs II. Whlto,$970 03; Stewart, Hacket & Co. vs. H.Whlto, $270,10; X. France A Son vs W 11. Mohrman, $S30 4S; Borgs & Buhl vs Ella M. Valentino, alias Smith, $151 SO: J. A. McCullough and G. M. Hill vs A. J. Nellis Manufacturing Co., $312 42; J. Murphy & Co. vs J. F. Bentel, $481 7L END TO NEEDLESS JAIL VKITIHG. County Officials Restore a Rule That Had Been Somewhat Kelaxed. An end has been put to indiscriminate visiting at the JaU. Heretofore thero have been regular visiting days, and any person who looked at all respectable eould get a card of admission at tho County Commis sioners' office. Tho numberof visitors, how ever, grew so largo that it became a nuisance to the jail officials and endangerd the safe keeping of the prisoners. A few days ago Judge E wing, Sheriff Me Clcary and Commissioner Boyle paid a visit to the jail and investigated the matter. As a result of the trip it was decided that heie after all unnecessary visiting at tho Jail shall be stopped. 1 Friday Poor Man's Day at the P. C. C. C. To-dayls the day for the poor. People that have but a little money can buy what clothing they may need, release note the prices: 285 men's broadwale, black worsted sack suits, all sizes, for f 2 60 ISO men's cassimere sack suits in neat checks at .....S3 00 200 men's cutaway cassimere suits in dark and medium colors at 5 00 300 boys' neat cheviot suits, pleated or plain (sizes only from 4 to 11) 95c 250 boys cassimere suits, sizes from 4 to 14 very substantial, for 51 35 400 pairs men's striped worsted pants, strongly made, in nice dark colors.. 78e 600 pairs men's dress pants, 10 differ ent styles; ctripes and checks, for...fl 25 Cut this out and bring it with vera. P. C. C. C, Pittsburg Combination Cloth ing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. Steamer Mayflower. There will be a grand half-holiday excur sion on the steamer Mayflower to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon down the beautiful Ohio. Forty miles' ride 25 cents. Good music and dancing. Boat leates Market street wharf at 2 o'clock, Locust street, Al legheny, 2:30; returning 7 p. M. To-Day at the Cash Store And to-morrow at the Cash Store, chenille portieres fringed on both ends and dado, i3 98 a pair; new goods. Curtain pongee, 32 inches and onejard wide, 5c nnd6c, not "Jc, as elsewhere. Full yard wide challie, 5c; 100 pieces to-morrow, think of it, just opened. Two hundred all-silk gloria umbrellas, 98c, 26 inches, oxidized handles; 150 dozen 50c tinsel tidies at 19c; SI 25 black hcurietta at 69c; 50 pieces Si 00 plain silks, 49c; all-silk rhadame at 49c; 50 pieces myrtle green alpaca, 19c. Every item a bargain at our Friday and Saturday sale. Thornton Bros., Allegheny. Excursion to Atlantic City. On next Thursday, July 16, the B. & O. B, R. will run their second excursion of the season to Atlantic City; rate, 510 round trip. Tickets good for ten days, and to stop at "Washington, D. C, returning. Pullman parlor cars on day trains and sleeping cars on night trains. Leave B. & O. B. E. depot at 8:15 a. m. and 920 p. m. B. &B. Lot ladies' percale wrappers to-day at 75c each, ready-made. Boggs & Buhl. Cresson and -Ebensburc SpeciaL The Pennsylvania Railroad announces that on and after July 11 the Ebensburj and Cresson special will leave Pittsburg every Saturday at 2:45 p. M. for Cresson, Ebensburg and principal intermediate stations, returning will leave Ebensburg at 7:05, Cresson 7:35 A. M., on Mondays only. n. & 11. Ladies' colored braided jerseys, high cost goods, all jto at ?1 each to-dav, Remnant Day. Bog gs"& Buhl. As A summer drink Iron City Beer stands first. Telephone, 1186. Slmcn's Bargains! Best black diagonal cloth top, finest don gola foxing. Misses' spring heel button shoes at ?1 50, 11 to 2, A, B, C lasts. Man ufacturers' price, 1 60; my price, $1 CO. SlMEN's. 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa, B. B. To-day second floor 75c figured drapery silks, 50c a yard. Remnant Dav. Boggs"& Buhl. Iron Crrr Beer builds up trade wher ever placed on sale Telephone, 1186. Remove the causes that make j our hair lifeless rABBta'sUiNCEiiTwHic cures inward palm. uu gray wim irAiuis-B HAIR liALSAJt. J9- Display advertisements one dollar per square for one motion. Classified advertise ments on this page, such as Wanted, Far Bale, 2b Let, etc., ten cents per lineor each insertion, and none takenor leu than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE, Cor. Smlthfleld and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCn OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT. FOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisement ilionld be prepaid unless adver tisers already hare accounts with TIIE DisriTCH. FOR THE SOUTOSIDE, NO. 1U2 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. MS. FOR THE EAST END. J. W. WALLACE. 8121 TENNAVE. riTTSBURG ADDITIONAL. rHOM AS MCCAFFREY, 3500 BnUer street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, 2Uh street and Tenn avenue. ALLEGHENY. A. J. K AEECHEB, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Market House. Allegheny. F. H. EGGERS SON. Ohio and Chestnut streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin avenues, G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver ays. PERKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ays. TYAKTED. Male Hell). A RELIABLE AND STEADY CANDY MAKER Must be good on stock candy and counter coods; steady work guaranteed to the right mm; reference must bo given. Address JORDAN HINCIIMAN. Johnstown, Pa. Jr9-9l BENCH HANDS-SIX GOOD EXPERIENCED bench hands nt MURPHY & DIEBOLD'S PLANING MILL, Wabash av., Thirty-sixth ward. JylO-Ki : B READ BAKFRs APPLY TO R. B. WARD & CO., sa: Liberty av. J yiiMio COLORED DRrVER-TO TAKE CARE OF horses: must be single and have reference. Apply DKS. McCARRELL, 67 Bldwell St.. Allegheny. JylO-31 CUTTERS AND TAILORS WANTED-OVEB 1.TC0 have adopted the A. D. RurteNew Method; nninbers of them are leading cutters of this conti nent: others are on thewa to fame and fortune. Taught at CLEVELAND CUTTING SCHOOL iel7-3-wnhFS PIRST-CLAS3 WHrTE BARBER: GOOD JOB: no Sunday. FRANK P. SMITH, Salem. O. JJV9-93 MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF A LUMBER yard; must understand grading and piling and be willing to work: best references required. Ad dress LUMBER. Dispatch office. Jyl0-70 PAINTERS-EIGHT HOUSE PAINTERS-APPLY JOHN F. TODD, 905 Carson St., S. S. Jr9-W . )ATTERN MAKERS TWO FIRST-CLASS men. Apply atSMDUQUESN'EWAY. JylO-SJ SALESMAN A NO. 1 SPECIALITY SALES MAN; one having experience with the retail grocer trade in Western Pennsylvania preferred; no applicants considered, only those stating In de tail what territory thev have worked, how long, what line of goods sold, and the average amount of sales per month, with references. Address GROCER, Dispatch office. JyS-M SALESMAN AMONG STEASI USERS WANTED by non-resident firm: mut ha e references and a llttfe money to cover advances. FINE OPPOR TUNITY. Dispatch office. JylO-69 OALESMEN FOR READY SELLING ARTI- O CLES. either on salary or commission KINGS MEDICINE ICINE CO., 7MDuquesne way, niisDurg. JylO-73 SCROLL SAWYER NONE BUT EXPERIENC ED men need apply. EVANS. CUNNINGHAM & JONES, Seventh av. and Grant st. JylO-71 SOLICITORS-FOR LIFE INSURANCE; LIB ERAL commissions; policy taking because most pleasing in price and plan. MUR11Y S. ED SALE, 31 Fidelity building. mv27-49 STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRITER willlng to "be useful In general office work; ad dress In own handwriting, stating experience, references and salary expected. E. & C. Pltts hurgPostoffice. j10-2 WORKMAN A GOOD GENERAL WORK MAN In marble; one that can letter and do light carving; send reference. J. B. WILLIAMS, Frostburg. fid. JylO-ol -yOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE ASSISTANT WHO X can operate typewriter; one experienced In Iron and mill business preferred. Address PER MANENT, Dispatch office. Jy8-0j VOUG MAN WHO CAN USE REMINGTON 1 typewriter; must be good at figures; state sal ary expected. Address O. H. S., Dispatch office. ' JjlO-oS Agents. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION TO handle the new patent bemical Ink erasing pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever producea; erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion of paper; SOO to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 in six daysr' another fdntwo hours: we want one energetic general agent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particu lars, address THE MOJi ROE ERASER MFG. CO., La Crose. Wis. my22-75 AGENTS-FOR A LDnTED. NUMBER OUT FITS of the Monroe erasing pencils; will sell cheap; come quick. At951PENNAV. J3-23 Female Help. GIRLS-TWO RELIABLE GIRLS IN SMALL family at bhad) side; one as cook who under stands plain cooking thoroughly (no washing! and the other as chambermaid: must understand laun dry work and assist with washing and ironing; wages to each, $4 per week; permanent place for right persons; reference required. Address G. V. M., Dispatch office. Jy9-50 LADY OPFRATORS ON SINGER MACHINES. J. D. CHANTLER Jt CO., 704 SmithHeld st. J) 10-52 Male and Female Help. iT ONCE-COACHMAN: 25 PER MONTn; J J.X. leamsiers, ariners, inoorers, aw nousc gins, 100 for hotels, summer resorts, boarding houses. resiauranis; noieicooK, ?iu per weeK; second cooks $ per week; sewing girls, J)1..UAJX 'S, M) Lirani si., xciw, Jy6-D CHAMBERMAIDS. DINING ROOM GIRLS, cooks, nurses, laundresses. 200 house girls. fie voung girls, 30 German and colored girlsTporters, waiters, gardeners, tarm hands. MRS. E. THOMP SON, 603 Grant st. JclS-D Situations. POSrnON-IN GENERAL ACCOUNTING OR bookkeeping, young married man; practical experience of ten years; satisfactory reference from present employers and reasons for change. Address P. O. Box 927, city. ap5-io POSITION-BY BOOKKEEPER OF SEVERAL years experience: turnlsh best of references. Address F. B., Dispatch office. Jy9-C2 SITUATION AS STENOGRAPHER BY LADY with two years' experience In a railroad office; can furnish callgraph and give good references. Address "Y. Z.," Dispatch office. yJ9-94 Boarders and Lodgers. BOARDERS-FOUR, OR TERHAPS SIX. adults can find boarding for the summer In the suburbs of Meycredale, Pa. For particulars address lOX 155, Me ersdale. Pa. JV9-23 Financial. MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY county property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92Fourth av. inh2-p Miscellaneous. PIRAYON PORTRAITS FREE DURING JULY L at STEWART A CO'S.. photographers. 90 and 92 Federal st.. Allegheny, Pa. Come and see them. Jy8-H-WFSu RIVATE LESSONS-TO LEARN CRAYON work, sketching, etc. ; teacher must be a first class artist. Address J. L. KELLY, 31 Mlltenber gcr st.. city. j 10-55 TO BUY SECOND-HAND COAL WAGON. Apply ROOM 32. 77 Diamond st. J) 10-37 USE JONES' BEDBUG PARALYZER-JONES1 Magic Roach Powder; contains no poison; roaches banished by contract: satisfaction given or no pay. Prepared by GEO. W.JONES, 222 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. Sold by all tirst-class druggists. my3-131.-MWF FOB SALE IMPROVED REJL ESTATE. City Residences. BUTLER ST., NEAR FIFTY-FIRST ST. GOOD brick building of 15 rooms, storeroom front, elegant business location; house has marble man tels, both gases, good cellar, etc. ; lot 20x110 to a ewerel and paved alley; Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. ,, 1 ) 10-57-D FOB SALE-$l,G00-HOUSE OF FIVE ROOMS centrally located: lot 20xlto feet, on lmproied street. (93) W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. Jy3-19-F I7RANKLIN ST.. EIGHTH WARD-BRICK . dwelling 6 rooms: on rear lot: lot24xS5; price reasonable (B32) ALLES &, BAILEY, 161 Fourth av. TeL 167. J55-16-WFSU NO. 5216 HOLMES AV., EIGHTEENTH WARD new frame dwelling, 3 rooms; also in rear lramc house 3 rooms, etc.; lot 20 feet by 105 to Lotus 20-foot alley: rental 18 per month: price. S2,CO0;12s percent Investment. (B39). ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth av. Telephone 167. J J-9-52-9, 10, H, 12, 15, IS Y1CKROYST.-FIVE MINUTES FROM COURT HOUSE Good brick house, six rooms; $2,800. BALTENSPERGER 4; WILLIAMS, 143 Fourth av. Jvio-ir East End Residences. CQ OOO-BAUM GROVE, CORNER TWO GOOD S)U) , streets, one square from Duqnesne Trac tion, handsome new 12-room pressed brick house, reception hall. bath. Inside w. c, washstand. elec tric work; finished throughout In bird tood;nlcc china closet, handsome corner mantels; large, deep closets cemented cillar. laundry, fine porches: a complete houc; lot 40103 to alley, bAMUKL W. BLACK . CO.. 99 Fourth av. J5 10-57-D JO 300-SLX ROOM AND ATTIO NEW 3 frame; In good neighborhood; house is well built, has front and back porches, slate mantels; Is very conveniently arranged: a neat, cozy home; fine lot: we can arrange terms to suit. fc. A. DICKIE A CO., Penn and Shady avs.. E. E. (471). Jy7-83-ruwf FOK SALE IMPROVED ItEAl ESTATE JTOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. TO LET. . '"""" "!rr,V,.? . "'""' ...- T0QUET ST.- OAKLAND SQUARE-TWO A) admirably arranged and commodious new bouses arc now finished and ready for Inspection on Boqnet St.. adjoining Oakland Squaro; as- J iha.lt iaement lust completed and houses ready or occupancy; the lots arc within :00 feet of the prettiest part if bchenley Park, a full lew of which Is commanded from these houses: grounds sewered, streets paved and the houses thebestand most conveniently arranged In the market at the grl e; $8,000. on terms to suit purchaser. Apply to . II. CHANCE, No. 16 Oakland Square. JeSS-K "POQUETST. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF X having a house of your own take a look when you go to Bchenley Park at the two elegant and i ominodlous stone front residences on Boquet St.. adjoining Oakland Square: these are all that now remain undisposed of out of the seven which were finished list winter; rooms commodious and con venient, distance to Schenley Park but two minutes. Price. SIO.COO; terms to suit purchaser. Apply to BLACK BAIKD, Fourth av. Jc28-S3 17 AST END AVENUE TWENTY-SECOND J ward, near Brushton station, line two-story frame residence of seven rooms, bath, halk natural gas. electric lights, h. and c. water, three porches, likely pipcred and pilnted; comer lot, 50x130 feet; a cozy home; close to Duqnesne Traction cars; this proprrtvean be bought cheap by a quick bujer. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth av. JyIO-57-D IXRSALE-IN MIDST OF EAST END, NEAR . South Highland, W.60U, aeood house, eight rooms, large lot. (61.) W. A. HERKON & ON S, 80 Fourth av. Jy7-G3-7, 10, 17. M' ATORTH OAKLAND SQUARE-WHY PAY 1 rent Is aqucstlon which may well be asked when such neat, commodious and attractive bouses can be had for to.TSOamlon terms so easy as those Just finished and now oflered on North Oakland square; this Is admittedly one of the prettiest places In the county: it lsdlvlded only by a ravine from the most beautiful part of Schenley Park, of which It commands a superb view; the street cars pass with in a few hundred feet; the bouses will be appreci ated at ouceuprn examination, having excellent arrangement of looms, hay windows, wideporches, handsome stairway, tile hearths and electric ar rangements all through ; in short, all modern im niovements: only?l,MX) cash, balance upon long time as may be required to suit purchaser; streets paved with asphalland stw creel: time from post ofliceoy Pittsburc Traction orDuqucsne cars or B. & O. Railroad less than 3) minutes. Auplr to C. H. CHANCE, No. 16 Oakland square. Jj 4-15 19 ISOO-tlCO DOWN, BALANCE ON TFP.MS tiDj) to suit; monthly If desired; new frame house, 6 large rooms, hall, vestibule, attic, double frontdoors, f. and b. porches, nice pantry, slate mantel, slate roof; all papered; good stonewall under whole hou6e; sewered complete: wired for electric light; water In kitchen; on a good street and near R. R. st itlon; is well finished throughout and will enhance In alue. DENN1STON, EL DERKIN&CO.. LIM., 6223 Pcnn av. Tel. 5327. JjlO-M CJC 300-FOR A NEW SEVEN-ROOM FRAME wO) with three finished attic rooms; sliding doors. Inside shutters, bath, hot and cold water and all modern lmproements; lot 34x100; excellent lo cation and handy to rapid transit. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady avs., E. E. (1649.) Jy7-SS-TUWF 2flfl 0AS11 AND S500 rER YEAR WILL tfi)0JJ buy a new frame of 8 rooms one squaro from Negley and Highland ays. : Immediate pos session. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO.. Ib2 Fourth av. ay5-35-uwr Allegheny Residences. AT A BARGAIN-NEW QUEEN ANNE FRAME dwelling, Ferrvsvilleav.. Allegheny; location very choice; containing eight rooms, bath, 2 w. cs.. slate mantels and tile hearths, reception hall. porches, etc.; hardwood finish and grained throughout; now renting for fa's per month; lot 37X leeiironi, running tnrougn 10 unncrsny av, See M. F. HlPPLE & CO., 90 Fourth av. JyO-i MWFS BARGAIN-3 BRICK HOUSES-NOW RENT ING for $943 per year: a good navine invest ment. See A. D.VILSON, 55 Federal St., Alle gheny. Jy5-27-MWTS BLOCK OF 5 BRICK DWELLINGS. WELL located; good Investment. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st , Allegheny. j55-27-Mwrs ONLY $1,500 LOT 20X100 FEET; HOUSE, 3 rooms and kitchen; on Sarah st., Allegheny. A. D. WILbON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Jy5-27-MWTS OPLAR ST. BRICK HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, for 3,850. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. J5-27-MWFS FOK SALE LOTS. City Lots. LOTS-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS FOR from f 100 to $300, In the Eighteenth ward: long payments; easy terms. Inquire of CIIAS. E. CORNELIUS, attorney, 406 Grant St.. Pittsburg: or go to his office. Mornlnesideav., on the grounds, and see his agent, T. Ed. Cornelius. myl9-45-D CJQA PER FOOT-CENTER AV., CORNER (IPOU Dithrldgest.:lot 130x140; will sub-divide nicely at a handsome profit. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. Jyi0-57-D East End Lots. I7AIRMOUNT PLACE-LOTS FOR SALE; ; choice lots, elegant location, with a beautiful and commanding view of tho whole East Liberty Valley, located on Fairmount av., two squares from Penn. and one square from Negley av.: can be reached bv cable and electric cars. Inquire of STRAUB & MORRIS, corner Wood and Third st. .my28-10-D TDOR SALE-S550-A VERY GOOD LOT FORTnE JC money; 2-1x120 feet; near paved street and cable line; only a fewmlnutes walk from Wood St. T61). W. A. HEBRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ay. Jy3-32-F I70R SALE AT SHADYSIDE; LOCATION ? first class. Lot 25x107 feet $1,500 a quick sale desired. (91) W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth av. J yV8-6, 10, 14, IS Allegheny. MAYFIELD-BUILDING SITES IN SIZES TO suit; Perry sville av., one mile from Carnegie Hall. Pleasant Valley Electric Line. Inquire of THE OWNER, Room 205, Bissell block. Jy9- Suburban Lots. FOR SALE-r00-LOT 52X120 FEET ON nUTCH IN&ON av., Wllklnsburg: a good lot at a low price. (W. plan) W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth av. Jy3-33-F' SUBURBAN PROPERTY TIIE LARGEST lots, the lowest prices and the easiest and best terms In the county at Sheradtn, 15 minutes from Union station; seeSheraden belore vou buy else where. ANDREW PATTERSON. Secretary, 127 Fifth ay. fc27-72-D QQ ACRES AT SHERIDAN, ONLY TEN MIN OO UTEb' walk from station, about 25 acres per fectly level; nicely located for subdl ision; Just the thing for a small syndicate; price tl8 000: one-third caslK balance on long time. See JOHN K. EWING & CO.. exclusive agents, 107 Federal st. Jy8-97-8, 10, 12, 14, 10. 18 Farms. YTESTERN FARMS-1N SIZES TO SUIT. FOR 1 1 sale or exchange. Inquire ROOM 209, Bls stll block. jy9-6 FOK SALE BUSEN"ESS. Business Opportunities. CALIFORNIA-ESTABLISHED WINERY AND distillery for tale: vendor has made his ior tune and returning to France; brick buildings and entire working plant of highest ciass; can crush 1,000 tons grapes per season; over 200 acres land; Elentv of water: 800 orange trees. J. B. BA1N R1DGE, Redlands. Cal. JylO-59 COMPLETE RESTAURANT OUTFIT FOR sale cheap; range, boiler, steam table, tables, chairsand crockery at a bargain, and store build ing, 546 Wood street, for rent. Inquire ROOM 209, Bissell block. Jy9-6" FOR SALE-tl,200 OR INVOICE. GROCERY stand doing large business, mostly cash; cheap rent; others 300, ?500 to 510,000: cigar store, res taurant, shoe store, fish market, machine shop; fine milk depot. HOLMES & CO., 420 bmithfield street. Jen LIVERY EUSINESS-IN A LARGE THRIV ING town; grocery stores 400 to ?S,000: cigar stores, (250 to 53,000; shoe store, $2,000; stationery store, bakeries, confectionery, restaurant. pER C1VAL & GASTON, 439 Grant St. J J 10-19 PAYS 15 PER CENT RARE OPPORTUNITY to buy a splendid manufacturing business; pays 15 per cent per annum on the Investment: good reasons for selling; one of the best -water powers; sales of products amount to about f 10,000 per year; trade established manv years. Address POST MASTER, Sugar Run. Bradford counly. Pa. JylO-60 RARE CHANCE-GROCERY STORE, nORSE and wagon; good stand. Address M. M.. DIs petch office. Jyl0-72 Business Properties. A SUBSTANTIAL PLANING MILL PROP ERTY lncludlngthe necessary buildings and complete outfit of excellent machinery, engine and boiler, planer, matcher, inolder, saws, turning lathes, shafting, pulleys, etc., etc.; cervthlngin first-class order; vtlll sell the entire building and machinery together, or will sell the machinery separate and apart from the buildings; the plant is located In a prosperous Manufacturing town on line of railroad; a splendid stand for the business; will he sold on 1 erj favorable terms. Particulars from JA8. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents, 313 Aood St., Pittsburg.. jjlO-SJD" BRICK rLANT-CONSISTING OF GRINDING pan. engine, boiler, etc.; engines, boilers, clay and ore pins, and 4 brick Aard supplies. TlfOSIAS CARLIN'S SONS, Lacockand Sandusky streets, Allegheny. iel7-siwr I EXCELSIOR FLINT GLASS CO.'S WORKS, u corner of Gist st. and Forbes ave., for silc or rent. Inquire at CO. OFFICE, corner of MUten berger and Ann sts. J v9-5o I7URST-CLASS HOTEL IN GOOD TOWN doing good business; one mlnnte's walk from depot; good reasons for selliug; rent reasonable. Address H. O, Dispatch office. Jy9-55 fplIE ANCHOR ROLLER TLOUR MILL-CA-X .PACITY 100 barrels orflour and ten tons feed; this Is the most complete roller mill In the State, and trade fully established; siding to mill door; sat isfactory reasons for selling; none hut those mean ing business need address ARNOLD, Dispatch of flce. JylO-45-FSn FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. ENCYCLOPAEDIA BP.ITANNICA AMER ICAN reprint (Stoddard edition) at half price ; this superb edition, the only ono printed In this lountry rrom regular stereotjped plates, made from setup type, and the only exclusive subscription idltion In the market, Is now complete and ready for delivery to subscribers at $2 50 per volume : po sitions open to gentlemen of education, to whom exclusive territory will be given. MAXWELL bOMMERVILLE,Tublisher, :35 Fifth av. Jel4-TUWThFSSU ' M ODENE-AT951 PENN AV. Je3-W A COACH TOP WAGON-IN GOOD CONDI TION for one or two horses; suitable for baker or butcher hnslnnu. At No. 153 STEUBEN ax., nnrty-slxth ward. JJ- I7INE BAY SADDLE AND DRIVING HORSE, ' also light Jump seat barouche, harness and 1690 Columbia, safety bicycle: barzatn: party going abroad. "FRANK," Dispatch office. JyO-76' ORSE, BUGGY AND nARNESS-FINB driver. Inquire at 801 LIBERTY ST. Jy4-14 SADDLE HORSE-LADY CAN RIDE; BUCK WAGON and pony cart, cheap. BAYW OOD STABLES, 5995 Center av. JylO-30 TEAM-AN EXTRA FINE MATCH TEAM OF rich bay drling horses, C years, 16 hands, welt built, safe, handsome and without fault or blemish; or will sell sepirate a perfect road or family horse. BOX 203. Allegheny, Pa. Jy7-47' Machinery and Metals. ENGINES AND BOILERS-SECOND-HAND: largest stock of all sizes 16-u 12x24, 12x18, 10 v"ll In.Ta .rt , n ..n s ,0 in et.,ninintnlMIPt- able engine, boilers of all sizes, shafting, pulleys, i pumps, governor, etc. Telephone, 3401, 23 and 25 Pork Way. Allegheny. Pa. J. S. YOUNG. apll-D TPHE BECK AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC LIGHT X engine: engines, boilers and sawmills and woodworking machinery. HARMES MACHINE DEPOT, 99 First av.. Pittsburg. my7-D' THE CELEBRATED ACME AUTOMATIC safety engines and non-explosive boilers, for gas or oil fuel, from one to five-horsepower: also, the latest lmproed ventikiting fans: periect sat isfaction guaranteed; by J. PRAGER, General Agent, No. 4 Fifth a., Pittsburg, Pa. roy25-MWF MEETINGS. !ALLEGHENY CODNTY REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. An adjourned meeting of tho Allegheny County Republican Executivo Committee will he held in Common Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, Pittsburg, on SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m. , JOHN GRIPP, Chairman. GEORGE W. MILLER, Secretary- Jya89 PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS will Too received by the Repair Commit tee of Bedford sub school district, Twenty ninth waid, until July 16, for repairing and reslatlng blackboards, and also for repairing school ard. Details of work to bo dono can be had from, and all communications should be addressed to GEO. SMITH, SR., JylO-30 No. 105 Eleventh St., S. &., city. "VrOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ESTI JLl MATES will be received by George Bradley, Secretary of Board, at City Hall, Pittshurg, for the erection of the Homewood public school building until July 13 at 4 p. M. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all estimates. Tho plans and specifica tions can be seen at tho office of J. P. Bailey, aichitect. By order of the Board. JAMES A. TYSON, President. Jy9 08 GEORGE BRADLEY, Secretary. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED up to 12 o'clock noon, July 25, 1891, for tho furnishing of nil material and erection of a brick church, corner Main and Butler streets, Plttsbur, Pa. All bids to ho marked, proposals for St. John's P. E. Church. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The successful bidder will he required to givo a bond equal to thoamountof contraetwith twoapproved sureties. Plans and specifications can be seen at tho office of William Kauffman, Architect, No. 801 Lowis Block, Pittshurg, Pa. Address all bids to H. W. VERNER, Secretary, No. 223 Forty-fourth street, Pittsburg, Pa. jy9-90 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Estimates will be received for the erection of a public school bulldlngfor the Allen sub BChool district, Tliirty-llrst ward, Pittshurg. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of J. P. Bailey, architect, said esti mates to ho left with M. M. Garland, Presi dent, No. 511 SmithHeld St., Pittsburg, room 7, or the architect, liot later than t o'clock JULY 20. The board reserves the right to reject any or all estimates. Bv order of tho board. M. M. GARLAND, President. E. L. THOMAS, Secretary. Jy9-69-MThp Office of the Controller of Allegheny County, PiTTSiiuno, Pa., July 7, 1S9L '. Notice to Carpenters, Painters, Furni ture Dealers and Contractors for Street Paving. Sealed bids will bo received at this office until 1 o'clock p. sr , MONDAY, July 13, 1891, for the following work: For the carpenter work necessary for tho completion of court and jury rooms for Court of Common Pleas No. 3; alterations and changing In Orphans' Court rooms and Prothonotary's offices. " Also for the painting of the front corridor walls, third floor, office Prothonotary Supreme Court, Supremo Court Judges' con sultation room, law library. Also for the furniture for Court Common Pleas No. 3 court room, J udges' chamber and Jury rooms. Also for the paving of Ross street, from Diamond to Fifth avenue, with noiseless pavement. Also for the paving of tho open aiea around the Court House. Separate bids for each kind of work will be required. Bid must be accompanied Dybidders'bond, with two sureties in one half of amount of bid. Plans and specifications can bo seen at tho County Commissioners' office, where addi tional information can bo bad. The Commissioners reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. JAMES A. GRIER, JvlO-38-p County Controller. NOTICES. rpiIE ARCANUMBUILDING AND LOAN X Association, 01 Aiiegneny county, Hav ing completed the fourth year of its exist ence with wonderful success In providing homes for many of its stockholder, and as sisting others in their business, has deter mined to issue a fifth series of capital stock, first payment on which can be made on or before July 14, 1691. Information in reference to the workings, and full statements of the association, can he had on application at their office, room 421 Standard building, Nos. 531 and 533 Wood street, Pittsburg, wbero subscriptions to stock in said series can also bo made. By order of the board. WM. K. GRAY. je24-94-MWP Secretaiy. Office of the Westinohouse Electric) and Manufacturing Company, V Pittsburo, Pa., July 9, 1891. ) To the Stockholders of the Wostinghouse Electilc and Manufacturing Co.: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting of tho stockhold ers of the Wostinghouse Electric and Manu facturing Company will he held in the city of Pittshurg, in room 64 of tho Westlnghouse buildingcornerof Penn avenue and Ninth street, on WEDNESDAY, July 15, 1891, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to consider nnd take action uponthe plan of reorganization adopted and approved by the Board of Di rectors of tills company by a resolution adopted April 7, 1891, a copy of which Is herewith enclosed, and also to consider and act upon such other matters or business as may arise in connection with the considera tion of and action unon the said nlan of re organization. The transfer books of tho company will he closed at 5 o'clock on Mon day, July 13, and remain closod until after this meeting. By order of the Boaid of Di rectors. GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE. Jr., C. A. TERRY, President. Secretary. Jy9-2 BUSINESS CHANGES. IHE PARTNERSHIP KNO"i N AS DER . RICK & SIMON, fruit dealers, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business will bo continued at the old stand, Diamond Market, Pittsburg, by John Dcrilck, who will nay all debts and collect all money duo the llrm. JOHN DERRICK, ALBERT V. SIMON. Fittsbup.0, July 9. jvlu-12 OWING TO THE DEATH OF ANTHONY II, EUWER the co-partnership of Euwcr & Karslakc, n holesale lumber dealers, Alle gheny, Pa., is dissolved. The business ot the late firm will he settled and all ugiccinents nnd contracts mado by the lato firm earned out by me as surviving paitner. S. KARSLAKE. Tho wholesale lumber business w ill he car ried on by mo its herotofoio individually. S. KARSLAKE. Datfd July 1, 1S91. jy8-95 WM. L. CHALFANT, Attorney, 149 Fom th Avenue. "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT Xi a meeting of the shareholders of "Tho Spang Steel and lion ComDany, Limited," held on the 1st day of July, 1891, it was, by a vote of a majority In number and value of interest, determined to dissolve and wind up said partnership association, limited; nnd tho undersigned wore elected by the members of said association, limited, liqui dating trustees thereof, with full power and authority to windUD the concern and dis tribute the net assets thereof among the members according to law. CAMPBELL B. HERRON, JOHN C. PORTER, WALTER C. STEELE, Jy5-18 Liquidating Trustees. JJ eight rooms: bath. gas, etc.: house In good iniiaitiMQ n.1 iuu uuioio-ivi, m 516 Market st. Jy9-79t NO. 10 FOURTH AV.-L ARGE THREE-STORY brick dwelling, 13 rooms, gas. water, bath room, large hall: rent only S60 permonth;good location and In heart of city. BLACK BAfRD, 95 Fourth av. Jy7-15t East End Residences. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED nOUSE ON HneorFlfth av. cable cars, Bolleficld, East End; house stands alone with one-half acre Wirn and shidc trees; Immediate possession. Address G 478, Dispatch office, or telephone residence. 4024. J57-C5t Allegheny Residences. TO LET-J19 PER MO. A NEAT BRICK noUSE. five rooms; location first-class. No. IS) Bldwell St., Alleghenj, W. A. HERKON & SONS. 80 Fourth av. Jy8-6-wrt Subnrban Residences. BELLEVUE-CORNER EUCLID AND TAY LOR avs.; nice frame bouse of nine rooms; tile vestibule and hearths, slate mantels, electric bells, spciklng tubes, both gases, water and range In kitchen, front and rear stairways, lnsldo shut ters, brass gas fixtures, cemented cellar, three porches, screens for all windows and doors, con crete walks, etc.; choice lot. 115x114 feet, with fruit, shade, vines and shrubbery: S25 per month. CHARLES SOMEKS & CO.. 129 Fourth av. ly3-S0-MWTt Business Stands. TO LET-HANDSOME STOREROOMS. NOS. 78 and SO Diamond St., Just above Smlthfleld St.. In new Dispatch building; well lighted ele gantly fitted np. centrally located and hiving every convenience; these rooms are admirably suited for Insurance, real estate or other office business. For further In formation apply, after 2 P. at., to BUSI NESS MANAGER, Tho Dispatch, SmlthfleH and Diamond sts. ap29-117t Offices. Desk Boom. TO LET-CHOICE OFFICES ON SECOND ind third Boors of The Dlspitch business office building, comer Smlthfleld and Diamond sts. : these are In suites of two or four rooms, as desired, and have every convenience; centrally located, well ar ranged and lighted; there are no better ofiices.for Rrofesslonalmen In the city. Apply, after 2 P. 11., BUS. MCfR, DISPATCH, on the premises. apJM17t PERSONAL. T)ERSONAL-CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD jl. auu snver; jewelry repairen; newworh.maue to order. CHRIS. HACCH. 541 Smlthfleld st. apl9-134 PERSONAL-DO YOU WANT TO SAVE money? If so, buv your books and stationery from us: midsummer sacrlficesalcnow on. FRANK BACON &. CO.. 301 Snilthfield st. Je4 PERSONALA FINE CRAYON PORTRAIT free will be given during July with every dozen of pur best finished cabinet photographs. Come and see them. STEWART & CO.. W) and 92 Federal St., Allegheny. jy8-21-WF8u PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS WE HAVE THE finest collection of finely illustrated books In Pittsburg; beautiful bindings: low prices: como and see them: hundreds of books for presents. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. ECO Liberty st. dcl2 PERSONAL WHEN I WAS A SMALL BOY my mother always repaired my breeches and Jacket, but since I got to be a greitbigman. DICK SON, the well-known tailor, 65 Fifth av., cor. Wood ot., second floor, has been substituted, who now does all lny cleaning, pressing and renovating In great shape. Tel. 1558. myl5-S0-D LOS1. LOST-PACKAGE-FROM JOSEPH HORNE'S. containing light bine gingham dress pattern, white linen, white silk, yellow silk elastic, three kinds of pins, etc. Liberal reward for return of same to I). MAHAN 'S. 43 Fifth ay. . city. , JylO-40 DIVIDENDS. Office of the Gekmait Fike Ins. Co., ri HO. 6U1 WOOD ST., Pittsbcbo, Pa., July 8. DIVIDEND NO. 65-TnE DIRECTORS OF this company have declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($2 50) per sharo (5 PER CENT), payable on and after July 13. r. Ij. gross. J y 10-27 Secretary. Office of the Cash iNstraiANCECoMrorr, i, PITTSBUIIO, 1'1 July B, 1881. TMVIDEND NO. 47 THE BOARD OF JL RECTORS of this compnny have this day declareda semi-annual dividend of 4 PER CENT (?2 per share), payable on demand. JOSEPH T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Jylo-34-D Office of the Allemannia Fire Ins. Co., No. 528 Wood Street, PlTTSBDRO. Pa.. Julv 8. 189L -fy YIDEND NO. S5-THE DIRECTORS OF 1 this eomnanv have this dav declared a dividend of $2 PER SHARE (4 percent), payable on and after Monday. Jnlv 13. jyl0-32-D G. W. HAMMER, Secretary. Humboldt Fire Insurance Company, Alleoheny, Pa., July 6, 1891. DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this company have this day de clared a dividend of $1 50 PER SHARE on tho capital stock, payable on demand. jy9 63 A. II. TRIMBLE, Secretary. Nations Bank for Savinos, 1 110 Federal Street, V ALLEonEY, July 1. 1891. ) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS rf this bank have declared a dlvldond of THREE (3) PER CENT out of the profits of the last she months, payable forthwith free of tax. jyl-16-D JOHN F. MORTON, Sec.-Treas. Office of the Teutonia Insurance Co., No. 206 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa.. Julv 7. 1891. DIVIDEND NO. 37 THE DIRECTORS OF this companj- have declared a dividend ot two uueiijAits per snare (iour per cent). payable on demand. C. W.lililiWlU, JJB-OU Secretary. Office of Allfoiieny Insurance Co., J No. 67 Fourth avenue, , Pittsburo, Julv 6, 1811. ) DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT ($1 50) PER SHARE, payable on and after the 10th inst. JyU-19 C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. Office Union Insurance Co., ) Nos. 168 and 170 Fourth avenue, V Pittsburo, Pa., July 6, I89L DIVIDEND THE BOARD HAVE THIS day declared a semi annual dividend of THREE PER CENT, payable forthwith. j7-43-p J. W. J. McLAIN. Secretary. BANK STATEMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF tbo City Savings Bank of Pittshurg, Pa., at tho close of business, Tuesday, June 30, 1891: ASSETS. Loans and discounts, time $426,"771 16 Loans and discounts, demand 77,000 00 Banking house and other real estate 76,396 76 Corporate stocks and bonds 101,667 50 Overdrafts 494.23 Cash on hand and in solvent banks. 80,420 10 $762,949 73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock ... $JOO,000 00 .Surplus fund 40,003 00 Undivided profits 2,465 48 Unpaid dividends 5,355 30 Deposits 615,128 97 $762,949 75 The above statement is truo, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Subscribed and sw ora to before me this 1st day of July, 1891. W. J. WHITE, Notary Public. Attest: C. O'DONNELL, JAMER CUR BAX, P. KANE, Directors. jy9-51 LEGAL NOTICES. LEGAL NOTICE. To Whom it May Concern: Notico Is hereby given that the Columbia Iron and Steel Company and Charles A. O'Brien have made application to the Court of Common Pleas No. 3, or Allegheny, for an order directing said assignee to reconvey the estate assigned oy said company, and a final hearing w ill bo had on snid application on SATURDAY, July 11, at 10 o'clock a. m., in said court. j5-80 MARSHALL BROWN, Attorney at Law, No. 157 Fourth a e. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN JLi application will be mado to the Gov ernor of Pennsylvania August 3, 1891, by R. A. Carter. Robert G. McKibben, Robert Mc Donald, Percy Pi cston, W. Y. Humphreys, William McKee Lorcnz, G. O. Morgan, James Lappan, W. M. McCoi mick, Thomas M. Rees, II. P. Simpson, J. L. Lewis, C. 31. Bnehunan and others, under the Corporation act of April 29, 1874, nnd supplements thereto, for the charter ot an intended corporation to ho called the Monongaln-la Iron and Steel Com pany, tho object of which is themanulactuio of iron or, steel, or both, or oi any othor metal, or of nny article of commerce from metal or wood, or both. MARSHALL BROWN, Solicitor. jylO-23-F M. MAY, SONS & CO. FINE DYEING AND CLEANING. 60 Sixth Avenue, nbl9-68-TUThs Pittsburg, Pa. PURE BUTTER, Made at Our Own Cream ery, In WASHINGTON COUNTY. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., JelO-uwy Sixth avenue. TOURISTS CAN OBTAIN INFORMATION as to rates and accommodations of many of the hotels here advertised by applying at THE DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE. Atlantic City. BIRMINGHAM COTTAGE ATLANTIC City, N. J. 509 Atlantic av.,below 31ass., opposite Hotel Albion; terms moderate. Je23-34-MWFSu MRS. E. C. DERR. Prop. SHACKAMAXON HOTEL, 14 Arkansas av.. Atlantic City, N. J. First-class accommodations. Terms reason able. BERNARD CONWAY. Je20-10-MWF HOTEL IMPERIAL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Maryland av. directly on the beach, facing the ocean. Handsomely doco rated and furnished. Cipaclty200. Strictly first cins?. Pi Ices: By the dav, 2 to Z: by the week, $10 to $13. G. W. KENDRICK. Jj9S3-d THE CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY, X. J. On the beach.with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt water baths in tho house. Send for circular. JC30-45-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. Tlxe 3VCa.xi.soxi. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. The largest hotel. Open all the year. Jell-11 CHARLES McGLADE. Cape May. HOTEL CHALFONTE. CAPE MAY. N. J. Greatly enlarged since last season. All modern improvements: Jy4-22-D II. W. SAWYER. the; stocktonhotel CAPE MAY, N. J. Now open for the fourth consectlve season of present management. Greatly improved. Cuisine unsurpassed. JeIfi-49 F. T. WALTON, Proprietor. HOTEL LAFAYETTE, CAPE MAY, N. J. JOHN TRACY & CO., Proprietors. Located directly on tho beach. Elevator nnd all modern improvements. Address JOHN TRACY, Propiictor, Washington Hotel, Philadelphia, or to Capo May. jyl M ARINE VILLA. Cape May, N.J. Within 30 yards of the surf. Seventeenth season; 60 rooms added, facing the sea; eleva tor, baths, etc. MRS. F. HALLENBECK. Jyl-21-D HOTEL COLUMBIA. Cape May, N. J. All modern improve ments, popular prices, special rates by the week. II. W.SAWYER. Jj4-2I-d Other Resorts. THE TREMONT SEA GIRT, N. J., Now open. All rooms have ocean view, music, billiards, pool tables, barber shop. Telegraph office in house. MRS. G. PARKE. myl5-54-MWF3u TRAVELERS' REQUISITES i GDNVENIENGES Lap tablets, portfolios, fountain pens, hand bags, dressing nnd toilet cases, drink ing cups and flasks, sketching outfits, artists' umbrellas, easels and stools, playing cards, checkers, chesi, crihbage, etc.: fine station ery take a supply with you or order it sent to your summer address; engraved cards, orders executed promptly and sent to any aaaress. jumuiuauji a: uu., Je3-37-MWF 48 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL, BLOCK ISLAND, R. I., OPENS JUNE 27. 15 miles at sea; steamboats daily to and from New London, NewportandProvldence; telegraphic communication. For terms, cir culars, etc.. address CUNDALL & BALL, Managers. my22-76-MWF DEMMLER BROTHERS, 526 AND 628. SMITHFIELD STREET. Summer Goods Pocket Stoves, Lemon Squeezers, Ice Picks, Oil Stoves, Refrigera tors. Je3-35-MWF MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CRESSON SPRINGS. Main line Fenna. R. IC; all trains stop. On the Summit of the Allegheny Mountains. Will open June 25. For circulars and infor mation address WM. R. DUNHAM, Supt., Cresson, Cambria, myl5-73 Co., Pa. Farmers' Deposit National Bank. CO Fourth Avenue. Store your valuables for safe keeping be fore leaving for seashore or mountains. Boxes rented, $5 00 and upward. jyS-SS-'MWF MONMOUTH HOUSE, SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. SEASON OPENS JUNE 27, 1891. HOUSE ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Particulars on application to L. U. MALTBY, Hotel Lafayette, Fhila., or Monmouth House. Jell 16-D TAKE A CAMERA. With you, and the place to get It isatW. S. BELL A CO.'S. Amateur outfits a specialty. All Photographic Novelties on hand. 431 Wood street, Pittsburg. Telephone 1205. Je3-36-MWF ARGYLE HOTEL, BABYLON, L. L One hour from New York, Long Island R. R. Casino, music, ladies' billiard room, bowllnjj alley, tennis courts, fine drives, fishing and bathing. Weekly rates, $17 50 and upward. JC26S-MWF ROGERS & FISHER. WEST END HOTEL, ASBURY PARK, N J. It has the finest location of any along the coast. It has been beautifully decorated, and contains all modern improvements. Inquire J. S. RIPLEY, Proprietor. Jell-12-D BEFORE LEAVING TOWN Tourists should procure Feather-weight Crush Hats, Sun Umbrellas, Hammocks.Gos samers. Hat Cases, etc., etc., at C. A. SMILEY & CO.'S, 28 Fifth avenue. Je3-34-itwF HOTEL ALLAIRE SPRING LAKE, N. J. Directly on beach. Flrst-clas throughout. Artesian water. E. M. RICHARDSON, m, 31-59-M WF AUCTION SALES. $Y A. LEGGATE & SON. SMALL HOUSE AND LOT, SEDGWICK STREET, ALLEGHEfT, AT AUCTION. On SATURDAY, July 11, At 4 o'clock, will be sold at auction, on tho premises, the property No. 40 Sedg ick St., Fifth ward, Allegheny. Lot 17v?2, with brick house of six rooma. Immediate pos session. Good chance to buy a cheap houso. Easv terms. A. LEGGATE .t SON. jy7-53 . Auctioneers, 103 Fourth av. UNDERWRITERS' SALE 500 Barrels of S. S. Marvin & Co.'s Crackers (Assorted), To-Day, July 10, at 1 0'Clock, At Henry Auction Company Rooms. 311 Mar ket street, will bo sold for cash, without re serve, in lots to suit dealers. Bv order of the Underwriters. jylO-67 HENRY AUCTION CO. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1891, At tho rooms of Henrv Auction Company, No. 311 Market street. Fine parlor suites in tapestry, brocatello and haircloth. Cham ber suites cak and walnut. Ofiico chairs, leather dining chairs, sideboards, center tables, toiletware, extension tablesj bed lounges, couches, fancy rockers and ofiico desks. Carpets, new and second-hand, for rooms, halls and stairs. j y9-ll BLAIUB PRESENTS AT THEOTJTSTART, Without Tax or Special Levy, 1 Schools, churches, stores and hotels. 2 Telephone, post and telegraph offices. 3 Electric lights, stone and board walks. 4 Grist, caw and planing mills. 5 Boat yards, producing tho istes8 steamers. C Inexhaustible supplies of coal on every band. 7 Natural gas wells in sight, rivaling the best. 8 Connections with the frn o greatest rail road systems. 9 Uninterrupted river navigation all tha year. 10 Abundant and cheap building mate rials. 11 Highly fertile and productive country surrounding. 12 Spring and well water unexceUed any where. 13 MANUFACTURING SITES being oc cupied to the la-.t ncre. II RESIDENCE LOTS that for beauty, healthfulness, convenience of situation and certainty to appreciate cannot be duplicated. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY HERE For homeseekcrs, manufacturers and all in quest of safe, sure and quickly profitable in vestments. FREE railroad and steamboat tickets, maps, printed matter and full particulars from Charles Somers & Co.,129 Fourth Av. Jv9-87 PENN AVENUE LOTS OXI.Y $JO PER FOOT. We have a few of these desirable lots left at above price, and they are the cheapest in EAST EXD. Stono sidewalk, sewered and curbed. FIRST-CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD. S. A. DICKIE & CO., 'j... PENN AND SHADY AVES., EAST END. jy7-s9-Tuwr TOGOOD TENANTS, Legal or Mercantile, Will be leased, on fair terms, CHOICE OFFICES, With overv convenience nnd good light, on second and third floors of Dupatcli Business Office Building, DUmond street, cor. Smith field street. Apply any dav alter 2 p. m. to BUSINES3 3LANAGER DISPATCH. . je24-117 FOR SALE $4,500 CHEAP. $J00 DOWN, REMAINDER ON EASY PAYMENTS. AT SHADYSIDE, Neat honso of 7 rooms. Lot M vlOO 1 1. Location good. (99). W. A. HERRON & SONS, iO Fourth ar. jy4-33-TUF3 $5,000, Five minntcs from Kensington station, A. V. R. R , five (5) acres of nice, level ground that will subdivide into thirty-fivo (35) forty-foot lots that will readily 'sell at $400 each. SAMUEL W. BLACK .t CO., Jy9-83 19 Fourth avenue. FOE SALE! (OAKLAND.) $4,000 Frame house, Boqnet street, "rooms, B. R., open fires, slato mantels, modern con veniences. Lot 21.3xU0. MURRY & EDSALL, jylO-13 34 Fidelity Building. HOTEL FOR SALE. On account of the death of the proprietor of the Hotel Windsor of Youngstown. O., the houso will be sold at a bargain. Forty fivo well furnished rooms; a first-class bar, well stocked with liquors. Will be sold lor $3,500. Address JyS-14 A. GARNIER, Youngstown, O. MURRY & EDSALL, FIDELITY BUILDING, PITTSBURG. Jy3 ED UCATIONAL. ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOL, MANLIUS, N. Y. Under thevisitation of tho War Department. Military under U. S. Annv olhcer. Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, &. T.D., President. Apply to Lt. CoL WM. VERBECK, supt. myi7-120-MWF CHELTENHAM MILITARY ACADEMY Ogontz, Montgomery Co., Pa. Unex celled in beauty and healthfulness of loca tion and surroundings and in buildings, equipment nnd all other requisites of a first class school. Number limited to CO. For illustrated circular address JOHN CALVIN RICE. A. M.. Principal. invl5-77-i Gas and Electro-Combination Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants, Por tables, Etc., Designs and finishes not obtiinablo In any other stock in tho city. We deal in nothing but tho best grades of goods, ye5 our prices are low cr than asked for inferior goods elsewhere. Our effects are artistia and always undertaken under guarantee. Wenrolna position to fit up all classes of residences, and we refer with pleasure to a majority of the finest residences in Pittsburg and Allegheny as to our ability to furnish something out of tho common order at a minimum price. If you have gas fixtures too good to throw away we can alter them into electro-combinatiou or straight electrio effects, and caniefinish them In any color with most pleasingresultsat very littlo cost. We are always glad to furnish special de signs nnd special effects on application. As wo deal exclusively in goods mentioned we can nssuroyou better results than can be obtained elsewhere. Trado solicited for all classes of dwellings, stores, public buildings, etc., etc. 'G. C. Vankirk & Co., Standard Building, 531-533 WOOD STREET, Rooms 30s, 309, 312 and 313. Jel9-30 DR. HARRIS' CRAMP CURE -pon- Every Ache and Pain FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES. Manufactured" by L. PI. HARRIS DRUG CO., N03. 46 and 48 Seventh Avenue, Je30-D PITTSBURG, PA. ,, STOCKS! STOCKS I Paying Handsome Dividends. But a limited amount for sale of tho FLOR ENCE INVESTMENT CO.. of Florence, Ala. Registered by the Industrial Title, Trust and savings Company, of Philadelphia, Pa-, which is the Registrar and Transfer Agent of the company. A SURE INVESTMENT, Yielding 9 1-3 per cent per annum. See W.A. HUDSON. Room 49, Fidelity Title and Trust Company's Bnilding, 121 1 ourth av. Reference, John V. Ucrron, of W. A. Her. ron & Sons. Jei-5I I DDrotrwro t TtrnnTiTOTADT V i m m 1 4