l&Slffli &S""JT ?" : ' "C "tlf'S '54 vPinl V'v 8 BSWIRiJfe tuiKia 'W! ; '" pfl7;f sff , ; 7f" THE ;' ITTSBUBQ DISPATCH, ;' SUNgTUNE ;,7, -1891 - ?v-f .'" FORCED TO GTVE IN. Women College Graduates Must Wear the Cap and Gown. THEY FOUGHT HARD AGAIKST IT On the Score of Loots, lint Were Finally Obliged to Yield. OXE MALE GRADUATE 72 TEAKS OLD rSFZClU. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 2fEv Yoek, June 6. This has been a notable year in the history of the Univer sity of the City of Xew York in two ways. The authorities have admitted -women to the law department and have recognized pedagogy as a legitimate university course of study. The commencement of the women law students passed with nothing to jar its beauty or harmony. But the women who make up the graduating classes of he school of pedagogy are not content to finish their university career thus quietly. There are two graduating classes in the school one to whose members is awarded the de gree of Doctor of Pedagogy and one whose members get the degree of Master of Peda- SK7- In the first class there are 2 women and 12 men; iu the second chss 1 man and 11 women. Two of these women are colored, one being a full-blooded negrcss, who is about as clever a woman as there is in the I . scnooi. jowue average age 01 uie ciass 01 doctors is ou years ana me women ao ineir share of contributing toward this average. Of the women of the class of masters many are not so roung as they once were, and none wears her Lair down her back. Nothing Frisky About Them. They are a sensible and staid lot. of women, but with no great friskiness, which is the ordinary characteristic of the girl graduate. Yot, strange to say and terrible to relate, a contention has arisen among them, based for the most part en the ques tion of looks. For half a century each and cverr student graduating from the univer sity has had to wear the flat-top Oxford cap and the flowing black gown. Y hen it came to the graduating women Dr. ilcUractin, who Is a bcotchman ol the ancient school, ordered that the women should graduate in gowns and cap, also. This was not an unprecedented order, as the custom prevails in a score of women's col leges in various parts of the country. Nor did the majority of these women of the school of pedagogy object. But there "were about half a dozen who did object, with en treaties that were almost tearful, while there was one who set her foot down, as it were, and swore by the honor of woman hood mat she would wear no gown ana would wear no cap. Jib Cap and Gown for Them. The wrangle was long and elaborate. The dissenting women divided into two factions, which agreed in only one point, to wit: That the cap and gown should not be worn. The first and stronger wing of the dissent ers formulated their views after this fash ion, as one of them said this evening: 'In the first place, we have bought graduating gowns. It does not come to a girl to graduate every year, and we want to make it a memorable occasion.' How, we paid particular attention to the gowns, adorning them with ribbons and laces and other fine work, which set off our appearance and showed those who saw the gowns that the wearers were girls with good taste. All this pains and beauty will be spoiled by the long black gowns." " . The other wing of the dissenters ap proached the subject from a different stand point They admit the force of some of the above reasoning, while they deplore its frivolous character. But they have reasons of their own not at all frivolous. Said one. of them: "I am a strone advocate of woman as woman. I don't "believe in unsexing myself.' And to wear a man's gown and a man's hat on a public platform is a con spicuous display of masculinity. It will not only make men laugh at us as un womanly, bnt it will make us ashamed of ourselves for having unsexed ourselves. ."We want to wear a woman's garments in public and thus appear in womanly dignity." They 1YU1 Be Worn. -ao these arguments the authorities nive answers which they deem good and suffi cient They say that there are some of the graduates who have 'plenty of money and can bur elegant gowns of wjiite and lace and ribbons for that purpose, while there are others who could only afford the simplest and cheapest gowns. As lor the caps, the authorities say that if a bang cannot be worn with the cap, then the ladies will have to display the lofty marble of their brows and discard the trumpery of curls and waves. They further go into the esthetic features of the matter and'suggest.that- there may be connetish nudes at which cans may be laced' upon the head, and that the cap may be. maue to ennance Deauty uuu muo puunness of features. The authorities are determined and the gowns will.be worn. In fact, the rebellious Graduates have come into line, and have or ered their caps and gowns, and the making, of them is under way. In the class of doc tors is a principal of 'a Brooklyn school. He was 68 years old when he entered the school, and he is now 72, the oldest person ever graduated from a university in this, country. . . BUT AT TOOK OWN FBICE. The P. C. C. C. Are Clearing Their Counters of all Mens and Boys' Suits Goods Harked at the Lowest Prices Ever Heard of. There's a big rumpus in the clothing stores now. The P. C. O. C are selling off (as they always do at this time of the year) all mens and boys' suits at clearing sale prices. Monday we oiler 2,500 men's fine suits, sacks or cutaways, at $6, $7 and $8. Enough variety for anyone to choose from. This is the only genuine clearing sale of clothing in Pittsburg. Don't get left Call Monday and buy your clothing while this chance presents liseu. P. C O. C., PlTTSBUBG COMBmAXION' Clothing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tpipipipvKptP u (p D iptptj) VVVV VPtpP We cannot, only save you dollars, but can save and preserve YOUR EYES By wearing our celebrated BEST 51 SPECTACLES ON EAHTH. We give your eyes a thorough scientific examination and adjust to each ere the. lense that it requires.. Itisawell-knqwn fact that fully one-third of the people using glasses require a different lense for each eye. If you have never had your eyes examined you. should attend to it at once. ARTIFICIAL ETES IK8EBTED that cannot be distinguished from the nat ural. Guaranteed for one year. ' CHESSMAN OPTICAL CO., , Ho. 42 Federal St., Allegheny, ia. Je7-93-su THELOOMIS IMPEOVED WATER FILTER Filters all water for Manufacturing, Steam ing. Domestio Purposes. Call and see model in operation. Send for Catalogue and Price List Trautman&Kirk, Agents, 411 6MITHFIELD ST., 1S03 CABSON ST., Southside. apI9-132-uwrsu Don't Miss IU Getting 12 elegant cabinets for $1.00 Hendbicks & Co., TTSU- No. 68 Federal street, Allegheny. Kensington large adv't, third page. Yasd wide challi only 5c; reduced from 12yc John P. Knable Co. Kensington! Kensington! Kensington! Neapolitan awnings, absolutely sun fast, at Mamaux & Son's, 539 Penn avenue See Display Advertisement Telling about Kensington. Page 10. Spring Suitings. For a good-fitting suit go toPitcairn's, 434 "Wood street "Free TrainWednesday, June 10, To Kensington. See advt, page 3. Gyic our price forToile du Kord ginghams, genuine goods. John P. Knabub Co., 35 Fifth av. Buy a Lot at Kensington. See large advt Page 10 to-day. "We call at residence with upholstery sam ples and furnish estimates on work. Hatjgh & Keenan, 33 "Water street su Grea( Sale of Lots At Kensington, Wednesday, JunelO. KPO?l feaLEt FOR DYSPEPSIA new advertisements. Mi HI THE TRIE OF f ALES, Or how much mony he lost, You've heard enough of that .trie past week It will PROFIT you more to read PICKERING'S Sunday advertisements, which tell you how to save money when furnishing your house. That's profitable read . 4ng. .Whether you are in need of Pffil BEDROOM KITCHEN F URNiTURE Distress after Elin& Stomach Catarrh, Head ache. Heartburn, and all forms of Indigestion. Prepared from the fruit of the Papaya Melon Tree found la the tropica. Druggists sell then. 93-TTS physicians. FEICK BROS., 21 SIXTH ST. STJBGICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT. Specialties: Sclenttflo fitting of TRUSSES, appliances for DEFOEMITV and AKTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgical Instruments in Western Pennsylvania. Large illustrated catalogue free to jnhl8-99-Tlssu ESTABLISHED 1861. Eyes Examined Free. Artificial Eves Inserted. OPTICIAN, ,22 SIXTH ST. de33-rrsu J. DIAMOND, CARUSS & MANNIOIM, COKEECTING OPTICIANS, 67 FIFTH AVE. : Difficult cases s( Molted. Consult us first Prices' the lowest Artificial eyes fitted. mySl-TSrnvsu &Ji! HdHBRff'' CANCER and TUMORS cured. No knife. Send for teitlmon laU. O.H.McMlchaeL M.D.. 63 Niagara st, Bngalo. N. Y. mhiS-n-TTSsnwk You will find him 'the man content to make a small profit and give you a chance to save, too. Wholesale Prices for Cash ! -:- -:- Lowest Retail Prices on Credit ! THAT'S OUR MOTTO. PICKERING, The House Furnisher, COR. PENN AVENUE AND TENTH STREET. KEPT IN. Teacher Johnnie, you must remain in the school room during the noon recess and finish the composition that I haye waited three days for. Johnnie (considerably perturbed) I have tried hard to write the composi tion, but cannot find anything about the Liberty Bell. I have looked in all the books we have at home, -and asked pa and ma to tell me something about it, but they don t remember. Teacher Oscar Green and Willie Stowe have their compositions finished.. Johnnie Yes, their fathers bought the Encyclopedia Brittanica, paid nearly two hundred dollars for it, and they find everything in it. Pa says he cannot afford to pay so much' for books. Teacher Why, my child, your father can buy the Encyclopedia Brittanica complete in 30 volumes from The Henry G. Allen Co., 68 Sixth Avenue, for 45. ' Johnnie Well, I shall take my pa to see it, and if it is the real Brit- tanica, I am sure he will buy it for me. Then-1 will show Oscar Green and Willie Stowe who is the smartest boy in our class. Je7-58-su HP NET? ADVERTISEMENTS. PEAE IMS Are "on top" this season,- and RUBEN Is right "in it" as usual. THE PEARL SCHENLEY, i oo, $a -3,0, $a do. Bead -what this month's Hatter and Fur rier says: "Natural Pearl is the announced city color for light stiff hats, and a beautiful hat it is. It is shown by all the leading re tailers, and will go if any light color does. It is hardly to be expected, however, that it will meet with any hea'ry demand outside of the large cities, as it takes at least one season to get a new thing started in the hat trade." Pittsbnrtrers are. alwava m to the k latest, 'especially if they buy their hats from R U BEN, The Hatter and taisher, 421 and 423 SmiMeld St Mailorders promptly filled. Je7-wwu WM. GRABOWSKY. Hats and Bonnets renovated and shaped into this season's styles. Good as new. OVER 50 NEW SHAPES For Tour Selection. Promnt. neat work a sneelaltv. Ostrich Tips and Flumes cleaned and dyed, - Satls iacnon given always. WM. GRABOWSKY,- 707 Penn Ave., Opp. Penn Building. . Mail orders promptly filled. myM-wsn HERBERT WALKER. ARTIFICIAL EYE MAKEE, 55 Ninth Street. The cnlv manufacturer of artificial human eyes in the city. myI0u R HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK At THE HOUSEHOLD CREDIT COMPANY, 723 AND 725 LIBERTY STREET. I00 CHAMBER SUITS, (00 Consisting of Bed Dresser, Washstand, 2 Chairs, 1 Rocker, '1 Stand, 1 Spring, 1 Mattress, 1 Pair Pilfows, 1 Bolster, 12 PIECES I ' 12 PIECES I ' ' ' 7- -FOR .. .. $32 Thirty-Two Dollars, $32 ;' . v'.0N'EASY PAYMENTS, AS YOU LIKE THEM. btt r imiBiiway, ooJ"'l flg-ffvasasaxixisixiefg-. fit u 4a je sl I j-L-.--'ti-"' ' 1 " - Iritt,4- II 1 iSSf tf"5k )S K ESHI 1 "" I aga REMNANTS OF CARPETS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. HOUSEHOLD CHI 1 723 AND 725 LIBERTY STREET, , Corner Eighth, HeacKof Wood Street, PITTSBURG'S LEADING INSTALLMENT HOUSE. je7-20 NOBBY DRESSERS WHO WANT THE UTEST SHIES -IN- 1ITE OR FANCY VESTS, Should see our im mense variety. Noth ing in this section of the country com pares -with it. 85c buys your choice of about 200 different new patterns in sin gle - breasted fancy Linen Duck Vests. 95 c buys your choice of a complete line of double - breasted Linen Duck Vests. From $1 25 to 8 we show everything that's fine, novel and de sirable in Marseille Cords, Linen Bro cades, Flannels, Cash meres, Mattalasses and Silks. iiSir U II ji THE BEST FITTING -AND- MOST STYLISH PANTS, Should see our exten sive line. At 5, 6 and $ 7 we show an assortment of Im ported Dress Trousers which are equal to anything produced by the finest Merchant Tailor in Pittsburg. At $4 we give you over 250. different pat terns to select from, and nearly double as .many at $3. Every pair, too, warranted strictly all wool and tailor made. A' BIG LINE OP OUR MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT Will cheerfully an swer all communica tions in regard to the ordering of goods. All orders promptly and carefully filled. OTHER DEALERS MAY IMITATE, But they can't equal our bargains. Opposition we have" plenty ; competition we have none. .0 PITS AT $2. ! Kaufmanns FOR MONDAY ONLY Stylish Hats for Half Price. $2 HATS FOR $1. This special Hat Sale, which is for one day (to-morrow) only, includes none but strictly relia ble, latest spring styles, in black, brown, tan, pearl, smoke, tobacco and stone. Choice, $i. M H Chi I 670-len's Si, Me" of AND THEREBY fATALE- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. T CHS HREE , it on (it m I An honest tak that speeds best being plainly told. Listen: Sometime ago we heard ofthe embarrassment of a large New fYork importing house of Scotch CJeviots. At the time the house in Question carrietl an immense stock of Imported Piece Goods, which it was compelled to convert into cash to meftt matured obligations. We boughtr 2,500 yards (double width) of choicest medium' and light colored Scotch Cheviots, valued at $2 50,- for only Si 10 per yard. 375 yards of this purchase were placed in our Mer chant Tailoring Department for cus tomfwork; the balance (2,125 yards) wepad made up in New York City, ana the result is 670 of as fine and fash ionable Scotch Cheviot Suits as were ever shown in Pittsburg, and, which, weshall offer during the next 3 days at 119 FOR CHOICE. GENTLEMEN, genuine Imported Scotch cheviots. t,rrr rfff ni(iiHiMMiniiiifjtm iiVilmA'PKijI'KiT'iiriM MjM ifti tyi yiHj nTinifii mmi'i nil tlutfK YVV'y''Yt' $1 Hals for 50c. These are fine Crush or Travel ing Hats, in large and small, shapes, and in all different colors: Black, blue, brown, tan, pearl, etc Your choice for one day,-to-tnorrow, only, at 50c Take our advice, and don't be slow in availing yourselves of this most ex traordinary and remarkable offering. Never in the historyof our house have we been fortunate enough to present to you a similar chance. The suits are cut in latest sack and frock styles, , and they fit like a glove. The pat terns are novel plaids, stylish checks, new mixtures and handsome plain col orings, mostly light shades ' of beauji ful designs, such as only the "Land of the Thistle" can weave. We doubt whether ready-made suits have ever been shown in materials so fine. There certainly is no merchant tailor in either city who will take an order for a suit from these goods for less than 32 or 35. Owing to the cir cumstances under which we bought the goods,however,we can and hereby do offer them during the next three days at only ,17 FOR CHOICE Y STILL GOES FREE! With ivery suit costing gio or more. REMEMBER, thisis no cheap, trashy present, but the most useful book ever putf ( , lished in this'country. It, contains 1,280 pages and is handsomely bound. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DIGTIOiR The Only Complete Outfitting establishment for Men, Women and ) Children in Pittsburg,- and ONE PRICE TO ALL. " ' s0 THE Lowest Price House In Both Cities. FIFTH AVE. Smithfield St. FINE READY- FOR SPRING.' TV )x -MADE 18 genuine Parisian Costumes, imported for copies by a well known New York manufacturer; they are made of finest French Cloths, with fancy combination silk trimmings, and cost the importer from $40 to $50 per suit; we will close them out at ONLY $25. Herd's another good thing: ,50 beautifully figured, fine India Silk Dresses, black, blue and brown ground with white figures, very stylishly made arid trimmed; original prices were $22 arid 125.- Now, however, we have con cluded to offer choice ONLY $15. DRESSES FOR SUMMER 100 neat Percale Suits, in pretty light patterns, pleated waist with belt; skirt with deep ruffle; in tended to be retailed for $j and 8, will goat ONLY .$5. Next come 75 French Gingham Suits, waist made with vest, col lar and cuffs of fine Pique; a bargain, in deed, at $8 50, but dffered now at " ONLY $6. Finally, we would call attention to our grand line of Sum mer Dresses in Chal lie, Sateen, Gingham, India Silk, Black Lace, etc., from $2.25 to $25. Kaufmanns f!l Mammoth Housefurnishing Goods Department jrC for this fine Corrugated 03 Opal Glass Lemonade Set, -handsomely formed pitcher, 12 tumblers and silvered tray; would be cheap at $1 50 One of these handsome Lemon ade or Water Sets should be in every house., Who- can afford to do without it AT 65 CENTS? BEST WINDOW SCREENS, 28c We have received a carload of the celebrated "Ideal" hardwood adjustable window screens, sold everywhere for 50c; our price 28c. Jewetfs Patent Filters and Coolers at $5. First-class z'rgallon water coolers, charcoal filled, fancy decorated, at $r. I A kmmmfr k3t-MSt& IJfetste&ifeaiiiitiiMiiBBMKSHHBMW