iiiiiBSSBPPf f NrPnHnSiiRiiflV "- wSB8HiiS'S?raSllBB3lt -arStr .SFt, .jfjfrMJWp "B ??SFaCAHrl'" '''w't1 - STlC'V u "'""'"W'ffi''MfP jCfTi3:v7'"' - 4 r" V TJp-w " B D CT A I Ehte Seller Tt tn 1 "Best Buyers through THE DISPATCH. Investors 1 1-ead It. Bargain Hunters lor onrings. Tho Lent medium. i L - - i ' j v i i ,i.i - -m K)RTY -SIXTH DOUBLED THE PRICE A Lienor license Surprise in tlio Last Hours of tlie legislature. T EETAILEBS1 TO PAY $1,000 f rr T"-i la Cities'otlfie First and Second, Class, WMclffFakesiin Pitts- f T)nrg and Allegheny. t SENATOR KESB THE ONLY DICKER Ja tlie UppOr Branch, TTUIellt Was Eailj loaded Tkrougli the House hy aa- Ovenrhelniing Msgority. J EOADS AXD LOCiL'TREASBBttS W J Ttc Ancndf a Ballot Ef fmn ifeisnrc HU Been FlnaUjJ fassed, and Is Sow at the Disposal sflle Gowniaiv. J1SAL ACTIOS OS THE KETV TAXATION BIBTQI, rrnoji A BTATr coEnEsr0XDE.T.J Hakkisbueg, JIav2fi. There was a gen nine surprise in both Senate and House io night when the report of the conference committee of Senator Henninger'a. bill emending the Brooks law by increasing tha proportion of retail license fees to be re tained in the local treasuries, reported the follow in-; compromise measures: That all persons licensed to sell at retail any vinous, spirituous, malt -or brewed liquors or any admixture thereof In any bouse, room or place, hotel, Inn or tavern, thall be classified and required to pay jiunually for such privileges as follows: Per sons licensed to gel! by retail, resident in cities of the first and second class, shall pay The Sum of One Thousand Dollars, and in cities of the third class shall pay tho Bum of ?o00, those resident in all other cities EhaU pay $300, and those resident in boroughs thallpay the sum of $150; those resident In townships' shall pay the sum of $75 to the Treasurer of the respective counties for the use of the counties in the following propor tion: In cities the sum of $100, in boroughs and ton nships one-fifth of the amount of license shall bo paid to tho Treasurer of the re spective counties for the use of tho counties, and the balance shall be paid to the Treas urer of tho respective cities, boroughs and townships for their respective use, provided, bowover, that the money thus paid into any township treasury, shall be applied to keep- J lng the roads in good repair. Tho raising of the license foe in citlVs of tho first and second class from $500 to $1,000 was something entirely unexpected) but the roll was called and tho report concurred in "by a vote of SG to 1, Senator Xeeb casting the only vote In opposition. Bushed Through tho House, Too. It -went over to tho House at once, and v ent through with a rush, being concurred In by 136 yeas to 2i nays. Senator Flinn says the change will add $250,000 to tho revenues of the city Of Pittsburg, and over $1,000,000 to Philadelphia. The Senate substitute for the Brooks wholesale license bill was defeated in the Eenate to-night by a vote of 24 to 11, lacking two votes of the required number to pass it It was afterward reconsidered and post poned for the present. Considering the ac tion of both branches to-nfcrht in raising the retail fee in cities of the first and second class to $1,000, it is probable that the whole tale licenses will have to be increased to that figure, hich was the sum agreed upon In the House on the original bill, before it can bo passed. Hejut Ujol. TAX DISCUSSION ENDS. THE BOimt B1IX IS IfOTV BEADY FOB THE GOVEBXOB'S HAND. It Passes Both Houses Ui ely Scenes at the It Indup 'Wherry Attacks Taggart In a Highly Tragic Style The Montgomery rarmer Replies. ILinKisBuro, 3Iay 2G A t lat the tax ques tion U settled, at least, so far as the Legisla ting is concerned. AVhateier remains to be done, lies in the power of the Governor. If he vetoes the bill, tax equalization, eicn in the measure which this bill proposes, goes oierfort'no years more. Tho last attempt to galvanize the Taggart bill into life was made when the bill came up on final passage in the Senate. Senator Hall, of Elk, moved to reconsider the oto by which it had passed the prc ious reading, tho object being to cndea or to bubstitute the Taggart bilL Of courso cvervono knew that the substitution -n as impossible alter the Just action of the Senate, and without debate it "was voted down by 23 to 1L The vote then recurred on final passage. Several of the Democratic Senators gae their reasons for voting for tho bill, all to the effect that it was not what the people wanted, nor what they had been promised, tut "half a loaf was bettor than no bread," and they i; ould record their votes in its favor. On final pas-ipe the vote was 15 to I, Senator Sleek, of Center, boing tho only one who refused to come in out of the wet on the tax question. There was merry war in the House when the bill came over for concurrence. Fow, Vhcrry, Skinner, Gillan, Bamhart.all Demo crats, opposed concurrence bitterlv, the former argulnc that with 5,000,000. for schools, $1,000,000 lot bv tho Philadelphia defalcations, $500,000 1 hich had been to-day voted for the Chronic Insano Hospital, and the appropriations for charities, the five-mill rate could Jiot possibly jield sufficient rcvenuo to meet these demands. 3Ir. "Wherry said the bill was no response to tho demand oftheptoplo for equalization of taxation. It would afford them no relief. Growing dramatic, he pointed to Mr. Taggart and said "Equalization of taxation In Pennsvl- ania receu ed tho assassin's blow from the mother who nursed it. There is the man who did it. Sir, that hand is as bloody as the hand of Lady Macbeth, nnd all the per fumes of Araby will never sweeten it" This attack upon Mr. Taggart and the State Grange brought the farmer from Montgom ery to his feet, and he proceeded to dress down the Democrats in great shape. The object of Mr. FownndtheDemocrats was to deleat the bill entirely. He asktfd the House to concur, because it n ould gl e them some thing, at leat. It would afford relief from local taxation. Taking his own county as an example, he showed that from tho tax ou jnonc at interest it would rcceh e $15,000. and under the increased appropriation for J sciioois it woma receive nu,uiw. ii this would not relieve local taxa tion ho did not know what would. Ho had stood by his own bill while thero was cny hope for Its passage; he believed in the principle It embodied; he had done as much for it as had Mr. Wherry, if not more, but when 10 or the 19 Democratic Senators had voted againtt it, he had felt that tt was lost, and the next best thing must be done. He urged the House to concur in the amend ment. Tho Slate's financial officers had as eurcd him that the 5-miil rate would pro duct) revenue sufficient to meet tho $5,000,000 Get their . a ji,fm ihwii lyra j" uva- tl " 'r'W- v mm -m m'Mkmr i-m f m' ih'iftrfcT .'m. - WAN I sirf1": . -w Eeryrtnero rely on it for schools and all additional appropriations tande. ' The roll was called and the House con curred by n vote of 120 to (2. The negative votes, with but two or three exceptions, were cast by Democrats. THE AGONY IS OVER, AFTER WKEKS OF TALK, THE SENATE PASSES THE BALLOT BILL. Closing Speeches by Senators Boss, Gobln, Brandt and Critchfleld Seventeen Be pufillcans and Sixteen Democrats Tote for the Measure Allegheny County Sen ators Tote Xay. Haerisbuko, May 26. TheBakerballotblll, fcs amended, passed the S nate to-night after the waste of a great deal of valuable time to no perceptible purpose. It certainly had been discussed all it would stand, and an in finite dealmore than it was worth, and yet half a dozen or more Senators felt Impelled, to take up -an hour in going over the old staff again. One pertinent suggestion wAs made by Senator Boss, who, in replying to the argument in favor of Constitutional re form made yesterday ty Senator Gobin. said that such'Teform cbuld "not possibly! take effect" "before 189and"it wasimnlvi potpon)ng..the. Issue to hand the matter5 overr to. a..rpavent!on. The bill, mutilated andaeforjoedns.it was, still took one step -In the direction of an honest election nnd a, fair count, something that had not been in Philadelphia .for years,. Senator Gobln wanted to know whether the emergency was so great that theStato should be asked to spend $500,000 or more for the mere experiment m ballot reform, whiehr-' the bill would give. The booths alone would oost $100,000, and Unnecessary printing, etc.. mtn tho bill for a constitutional convention now In the hands of the Governor, whv vent ure upon a change which might last only two Senator Brandt, of Greene, denied that the 51 met the public demand. Ho wanted a olll whioh would allow the poor evicted (""Ijwb iu ,t esirooreuina county xo voco without fear of the Carnegies and Pricks. Senator Critchfleld knew of no demand among his constituents for the bill. On tha contrarr,allofthetnwho had seen him, on ""jquestion wero opposed to its passage. The roll was called, and tho Tblll passed finally by a vote of 23 to U. The yfcs were senators Bates, Becker, Crawford, Cronse, Grady, Harlan, Lemon, McCrearv, Mylin, F acker, Penrose, Porter, Robbins, Robinson. Smith, or Philadelphia: Thomas and Thomp son, Bepublican; and Brown, Dunlap, Green, Honnlnger, Herring, Hlnrs, Laubach, Lloyd, Logan, McDonald, Markley. Monaghan, Rap fher, Booney, Boss and Sloan, Democrats. Messrs. Critchfleld, Flinn, Gobin, Keefer, Mehard, Xeeb, Newell, Osbourn, Showaltor, Smith, of Lancaster; Steel, Upperman, Will iamson and Woods, Republicans, voted nay. ALL DECLARED lOTOCEffT. Lytlo and Bitter Cleared of the Bribery Charges Against Them. HAMtisBtTEo. May B8. The committee ap pointed to investigate the charges of bribery made in connection with the Lvtle insur. nnce bill met again, fo-day. Mr. Boynolds, the insurance nsmt making the charges, and who yesterday could not state whether.it was Mr. Ly tie or Mr. Bitter who made the alleged corrupt solicitation, appeared, and by his attorney, Mr. 8. J. McCarroll, offered to state definitely which one had made the proposition. The committee re fused, however, to permit him to chango his testimony as given yesterday. Messrs. Bitter and Lytle both took ths stand an 1 denied under oath the charges made. The correspondents present when Mr. Reynolds admitted that Mr. Bitter had not made the alleged improper offer wero sworn and cor roborated Mr. Bitter's testimony. To-night tho committee made Its report, It closes by saying that the committee is of the unanimous opinion "that the rumors of bribery or of corrupt solicitation of members or the Legislatu.-e by agents of insurance companies, or by any other persons whatso ever, to insure the passage or defeat of House bill No. 128. known na tho r.i-tu (n. wsranoe billr-are unsupported by-anytestli mony taken before, vnnf mmmittoA .mi "without foundation. Your committee unani- uuusiy uctiuro mat arom- tnq testimony taken it appears that the rumors or charges affecting the Integrity of any member of tho House aro absolutely false, unwarranted and calculated to Injure tho reputation of honest legislators, who are entitled to the fullest confidence of their constituents and the re spect of the nouse. Your committee fnlly acquits any members whose name3 may have been mentioned In connection with such Tumors or charges of any improper conduct in connection with tho same." Theieportwas unanimously adopted by the House, and the matter ends. rurnNG them theotoh. The House and Senate Calendars Cleared or r . a Number of Measures. Harhisbcro, May 26 The following bills passed the House finally: Making appro priation to Huntingdon Reformatory for the erection of a home for training in speech of deaf children before they are or school age; authorizing the election ofChief Burgess for three years intoronghs; extend ing the disabled soldiers' peddlers' lawtoall soldiers, sailors andjnannes who are un able to procure a livelihood by manual labor; extending tho net to prevent persons from unlawfully using or wearing insignia or rosettes of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion and other orders, to include the badge or shield of the Sons of Veterans. in tue senate among the Dills passed final ly were the following: To relieve clerks, mechanics, laborers, etc., from prosecution under the old conspiracy laws; making ap propriations to the general hospital ofBea ser county, Southside hospital, Pittsbure: State Normal School, California, Washing ton county; Allegheny General Hospital, Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg; Aged and to firm Colored Women's Home. CARE OF CHRONIC INSANE. The House Finally Passes the Bill for a Hos pital to Cost 8500,000.' HAltniSBUBG, May 20 James B. Scott, of Pittsburg, member of the Stato Board of Charities, arrived hist night, and at his re quest Mr. Wherry this morning moved that the House reconsider tho voto by which tho bill to appropriate $500,000 for the erection ota hospital for the chronic insane was de feated. It was opposed by Messrs. Tow and Tag gart, but Mr. Wherry made a strong appeal for the bill, and it was reconsidered and then passed by a voto of 113 to 10. TO APPEASE GOTTRLBY. Flinn Amends the Charter BIB to Protect the Mayor's Powers. HAitnisBnto, May 26. Tho Senate passed finally the Congressional, judicial and repre sentative apportionment bills. Flinn amended tho Pittsburg charter bill by pro viding that the Mayor shall be stripped of none or his powers. It will be reached on final passage to-morrow. Senate Districts Changed. Harrisbcrq, May 2a On motion of Senator Showalter tha follow ing changes wero made In the Senatorial apportionment bill to night: Thirty-seventh district, Armstrong and Indiana; Thirty-eighth, Jefferson Clarion, Forest and Elk: Fortv-seventb. Butler and Lawrence; Fiftieth, Mercer and Crawford. These changes were agreed upon by the Bepublican Senators and were in corporated in the bilL V The Governor WUI Appoint Harrisbcbo, May 20. In the. House, bill to create a State Banking Department was amended by conferring on tho Governor the power to appoint the Bank Examiners. For the Homeopatlilc Hospital. Habbisburo, May 26. Among the last bills passed finally wore those making an atmro- priation to tho Homeopathic Hospital and j uuicu9aij, luiauuig. SheU Fish AU the Year. Habrisbcro, May 28. In the Senate, bill -allowing oysters nnd clams to be sold all tho year, passea nnaiiy. No Female Notaries Just Yet Harrisbvbo, May 86. Tho House defeated J " .ivtr - - ' , ,...' -. m , , -" SB YEAR. ... - PITTSBTJKG, WEDXJSBg&x, MA.Y 27, 189L tuj: JiflNTS4 J ! 5 " - i -. B - 'X. " M "Lh BB htutv. Tt ! .- Tlmt A ,1 vrrtUlru "SH tw WE I MS' -: ! Mmf JLJLM!3m3 MMfMJLL 2JJLZjJm&jLmK,m.m S?5""dJfn,ployed' 1 the bill, making women eligible as notaries public C0MPULS0EY EDUCATION. The BUI Providing for It Is Passed Finally by the Tipper House. Habhisbubq, May ai The Senate passed finally the compulsory education "Wll, whleh requires children between 8 and 12 years to attend school at least IS consecutive weeks each year. A CLASH OF AUTHORITY. THERE WILL BE A LEGAL FIGHT OVEB .' BABDStKY'S StJCCESSOB. '. Politics Will Play a Part-Oellers Elected by Councils and the County Commis sionersAnother Loss of liardslej'e Straightening Out State Finances. ' rSPICUL TELZGBAU TO THE CISPATCir.l Philadelphia, May sebat there is to be a fight in the court f6&rn&uocessorship to Bardsley's unetfjiWaitcttf',as fClty Treas urer is 'now perfectly clearand It lfl equally, clear that the opposing hostsarctobenri rayed on political lines. Richard G. OeUers I was elected City Treasurer to-day by .the two Republican County Commissioners. Ho !! be elected again by City Councils on Thursday and the Republican bosseB mean to liayChlm id office before the, endlBfthd weeK. The State Legislature is .to adjourn on Thursday of this week and the Govprnor can-then annolnt without the consent of the ,Sonate. , i . xne i;onnous' committee, which is mvesti. gating the affairs or the City Treasury, struck some very interesting information to day. George A. Huhn, a member of the stock brokerage firm or Robert Glcndinning Co., after much hesitation and many eva sions, testified that at the, time of the great slump In December last City Treasurer Barusleywas carrvingwlth them between $500,000 and $600,000 worth of stocks, and was closed out at a heavy loss. A dispatch from Harrisbnrgsays! Auditor General McCamant to-day sent the Governor the following reply to his requestor yester day: 'I am in receipt of your favor of tha 25th Instant, desiring certain information as to tho amounts duo and remaining "unpaid to (.lie iommonweaiin ior tfcxes or licenses, etc., for the years lS89andlS90. In reply thereto I have to say that it will take time to prepare this statement, and I shall place a force of men at work on it at once and give it to you at the earliest date I possibly can." It is said that it will take a week at least to make out this statement, there being be tween 80,000 and 100,000 accounts to begone over. The Auditor General and State Treasurer Boyer olso sent the following let ter to-day to David C. King, chief cleric to City Treasurer Bardsley: "Mr. Bardsley's resignation as Treasurer of Philadelphia takes effect on the 30th instant. He promised us within threo days thereafter to furnish a statement, showing his collections of revenues of the Common wealth fiom January L 1891, to May SO, 1891. As Mr. Bardsley is sick in bed, and owing to the present disturbed condition or affairs, he may be unable to furnish this statement, we will request tho same of you. We want this statement verified by you, and by our agent, J. uamcy uunsicker, ana also oy sir. Bardsley, if he is able to do so." Treasurer Boyer had a consultation with the Governor to-day and proposed to pre pare and make public a full statement or tho condition or the State funds. The propo sition or Mr. Boyer met tho approval or ths Governor. RET.IKViO) OP MLLTTAEY DUTY. Company E, of the Tenth Kegiment, Haj Been Ordered Home. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Motnrr Pleasakt, May 28. Company E, of the Tenth Regiment, N. G. P., which has been on duty since April 3, will be relieved at midnight in consequence of the following order: "' HAltBiSJiCTio, Pa., May 26. Captain James A. Loar. Company E, Tenth Ecgl .ment, N. G. PIt. Pleasant, Fa,: . As Sheriff Lucien Clawson has officially no tified this department that the neoessity has ceased lor the continuance Of the military on -dntyln Westmorelairicounty,5ou will, upon recps oi inmreueve your-company rrom further duty. The Governor directs me tQ commend the soldierly record or the officers and men or Company E. This is universally conceded. The duty was a delicate one, but you have more than met tho hope of all, and nave added to the favov in which tjie Na tional Guard is held throughout the State, As previously stated, you will at once for ward to this department all bills for which the State is liable. i William McClellaitc), Adjutant General. The praise of the Adjutant General is un doubtedly merited. v The members of the company will give a reception to their friends this evening, and to-morrow will return to their various occupations here. THE WEST WANTS BLAIHE. According to Senator "Wolcott, Harrison Is Very Unpopular There, fSrZCTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.) Boston, May 26. Senator Edward Oliver Wolcott, ot Colorado, Is making a short stay in Boston. Ho made n few revelations about Western politics, which differ somewhat from tjie views obtained by President Harri son on his lecent excursion. Said Senator Wolcott: "Out in our section wo are all op posed to Harrison, owing to his attitude on public questions affecting the West. The ovation which has been accorded him was not meant for Harrison personally, but for the President While Mr. Harrison has been cordially received by thepeople of the West, I dare say that If Grover Cleveland or Blaine were to iollow niter mm they woma receive such a reception as would make President Harrison hang his head in shame. Every body out in my way on the Bepublican side 1s for Blaine, and we ure earnestly praying for his recovery. Mr. Blaine has given us a splendid administration." When asked if tho force bill would bo an Issue in tho next campaign. Senator Wolcott replied: "Thcforcj bill Is as dead as Julius Caesar." He further said. "The .new third partvls a myth, and will not be in existence in 1892." ' SUING TOR POKER MONEY. A Brewer Lost 82,373 to a Slick Young Man "Who Wants tho Cash. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DI3rATCH.J New York, May 26. Michael Groh, a pros perous hrewer, wiuie at Hot Springs, Ark., last month, met the usual smooth young man, who had been at BChool with his son. This necessitated a poker game, whioh re sulted in Mr. Grab's signing a cheok in favor or the young man for $2,27l Mr. Groh, by telegraph to his son hero, succeeded In stop ping payment on the cheek. The sharp, however, had sufficient cheek to bring suit for recovery of the amount through A H. Noues. - George Flammer, who is counsel for the brewer, demanded hi court the occupation and nddress of Noues' client, whose name is given as Frank Goodwin. This Noues was unable to give, and the case was stayed. IDENTIFIED THE PHOTOGRAPH. Yideto Will Have to Explain His Connection With the Tobin Murder. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Franklin, May 26. Photographs sent from Erie were circulated to-day of Daniel O'Brien, alias Smith, alias Sullivan, from Syracuse, N. Y. Ho professes to be a peddler and was thought to be the partner at Franklin of Frank Videto, who was arrested in Chicago for Tobln's murder. No one has yet been found there who identifies the photo. Sheriff Ray will leave to-morrow or next day for Chicago to brbig Yideto to Franklin. He t ill be tried there for stealing a suit of clothes, and in connection with this trial will be made to show where he was at the time of the Tobin murder and before and afterward. Though he denies ever having been in Franklin at all several citizens have positively identified Ids photograph. GONE TO THE JURY. Tho Fato of Dr. Garrison Abides With the Twelve Good Men and True. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO Tnx DISPATCH. Wheelio, May 2a Arguments in the Gar rison case were concluded this evening nnd to-night the Instructions were submitted and the Jury returned to their room atS o'clock. At 10 o'clock the came back with out having agreed upon a verdict and court adjourned until to-morrowmorning. There were largo crowds about the court rooinuntila late hour, and the trial is the only topic of conversation. HLTTSBUKG, WEDKESpAY, 'SUIClBia? A CfiEft Cruel Treatment at School Drives a .-earOll GirHo Desperation. PUPILS AP.TEACHERS TO BLAME. x The.1 Shocking hut' Certain Method Adopted ' to Insure Death. , ' PEOtfLIiE FEATURES OP THE TRAGEDY' BT DDSLAP'S CABLB COMPANT.l Loxdox, May 26. Particulars of the sad suicide of the 12-year-old child, Kate Hughes, plainly indicate the motive for the act, and display a sensitiveness in the child that is most unusual. Katie, it seems, was a natural , child, hec father and mother are both living, but for the past five years she has remained with a sister of lier mother, the wife of a police constable -by the name of Williams. Williams and his wife treated the child with the greatest kindness nnd consideration. They had children of their own and she was regarded by them as a sister, partook of all their pleasures and until reoently wnsol "most unconscious of the stain upon her birth. 'Until I7 weeks ago. Williams ad lived in a rather obscure place a "short dis tance from Worcester, but realizing that Katie had reached an age when she should attend school, her moved with his family nearer to town and Katie was admittedto ono of the local schools. By some means, how has not yet been; dis covered, the teacher and scholars became acquainted with the facts concerning Katie's birth, the teaoher became "unjustly severe with every offense, she committed, and the scholars made cruel and unjust remarks that causedhergrcatuneasiness. She finally became so affected by this treatment that Officer. Williams decided to send her to ani other school, and had her remain home for a week, thinking It would quiet her mind. Last Friday afternoon her aunt sent her out in the fields to pick clover for at pet rabbit. The child left the house and tho next seen of her was by the engineer or the Hereford and Birmingham express while approaching the Western Railway embankment two miles from Worcester. The engineer says as he was coming along at a high rate of speed he saw ft child; come out of the toll grass grow ing along the road and climb up on the em bankment. She was entirely naked and stood for a moment on the track looking at the approaohintr train. She then deliberately laid down with her back to the engines placed hor neck on the track, and a moment later the entire train had passed over her. When she laid down the englno was only 150 sards away, the brakes were put on and every effort was made to stop the tram, but it was impossible. As soon as this could be done the guards ran back to where tho body lay, and in search ing about, as has been already told in these dispatches, her clothes were found-neatly Slled up at the foot of tho embankment neof the guards ran toward a number of nouses tnatwero standing near to secure aid, and on the way met n policeman, whom be told or the circumstances and returned with him to the track. Singularly enough the officer was Williams, and when he re turned to the scene ho was horrified to find that it was his Katie who had killed herself At the Coroner's inquest Williams testified that Katie had no other reason for the act than tho reproaches heaped upon her in the school, and he bad never heard tha matter mentioned before that time, and was at v, loss to know bow the scholars learned of It Tho Jury found no evidence of insanity. THE PARIS CAB DEJVEES' STRIKE. A Blot FoHowed Quipkly by a .Bald by the Police. Paris, May 26. The strike of the stage drivers continues to-day and is causing great excitement throughout, this city, Ureai crowd? of people, the. majority of ..whom ore. in, y&rta sympathy jrtjb,,. th"a atriKers, surrounu me uopoxs oi ino omnious company,. During tho night and this morning the company's depots and offices wero guarded by strong forces of police and detachments of troops. There was no serious disturbance last night, but rioting was renewed early to-day, when the stage company, assisted by the po lice, made an endeavor to run several stages. No sooner wero tho stages well out or the de pots when they were greeted with volleys or stones. Thouzh the stages were escorted bv fiolicemen the strikers watched their oppor tunity and, nt a signal agreed upon, charged furiously upon the stages, swept away the police lines, dragged the drivers from their boxes, pounded them vigorously, cut the traces or tho horses, and, in several cases, overturned and seriously damaged the stiges themselves. Tho police were unable to successfully re sist the mob. Atone timo it was thought that the troops would b8 called upon to take action, but the authorities, in vie w of the re sentment which was arousedby the slaughter or the men by the soldiers at Fourmies on May Day, are not expected to order the troops to fire upon the people unless abso lutely compelled to do so. ON THE OTHER SIDE NOW. A Gladstonlan Taken Into Court on a Litter on a Serious Charge. tBT DUKLAP'S CABLE COMPAKT.! Croydot, May 26. Mr, Charles Allan Fyffe, tho Gladstope Liberal candidate for member of Parliament for Wiltshire, surrendered this morning on a charge of assaulting a boy in a train on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, en route to Brighton. The court room was crowded when the pris oner arrived in an ambulance and had to be carried on a litter. He nppearcd very weak, not having Tully recovered rrom his at tempted suicide, his throat being still ban daged. His advent caused an exciting scene in the court. , After the Dean of Westminster, 8Ir Horace Davoy, Sir John Whittaker Ellis, Sir Charles Grove and others had testified in favor of tho prisoner's hitherto high character and attainments, he was hold by tho sitting mag istrate,' Mayor Devlzeo, for trial. Among tho audience were a large number of men piominent in the political noild. DETECTIVES IN CHURCH. A Threat to Assassinate an English Bishop by Some Bloodthirsty Unknown, BT DUNLAP'S CABLE COMPANY,! London, May 2a Considerable excitement has been Caused by an anonymous letter re ceived by Dr, Fredenok Temple, Bishop of London, on Friday last, threatening him with assassination during the ordination seryioesat St Paul's Cathedral on Sunday last The writer said that not only would the Bishop be assaulted by others, but that he would shoot himsolf. The letter was placed In the hands or the ?iolice, and on Sunday a large number or de ectlvcs were distributed about in the sacred edifice, but no attempt was made. In spite of the failure of the writer to make good his threat, the police consider the case a serious one. MRS. O'SHEA NOW FREE. The Decree In the Divorce Case Against Her Finally Made Absolute. BY DCNtAP'S CABLE COMPANY. London, May 2a In the probate and di vorce division of the Supreme Court of Judicature this morning the decree in the case of O'Shea versus O'Shea, In which Par nell is co-respondent was made absolute. As the proceedings were entirely formal, mone oi tne parties to tne suit wero present or represented by counsel. SCOURGED BY THE GRIP. An Alarming' Epldemlcof the Malady Is Sweeping Over Newfoundland. 8FECIAL TELEUBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Lamjoine, N". F., May 2a An Jalarmlng epi demic of the grip is sweeping over this part of Newfoundland, and hundreds of people are affected. Tha doctors are unable to at tend to the victims and in some cases the doctors themselves are vkry siok. The mor tality at Burin, Placentla and Fortune Bay is really terrible and grief prevails in almost every household, Honors for a Hero. BY DCNLAP'S CABLE COMPANY. London, May 2a Lieutenant Grant, the J bero 6f Manipur.bas been gazetted with tho brevotrankof Major, andller Majesty, the Queen, has conferred unon him the Victoria Lross for conspicuous bravery in the neia. AK0THEB OF PINTER'S HAULS. Aa Old Case in Which He Secured 600 Sovereigns Brought Against Him. tBT DDltLAT'fl CABLE COMTAirr.J Losdott, May 26. At Marlborough Tollce Court the case of Streeter against Edward Pinter again came up for hearing to-day. Dr. Dupre, theT analyst was cross-examined, bnt nothing of any importance was elicited. Mr. Avery, who was prosecuting on behalf of Mr. Streeter, ihe Bond street jeweler, was about tp call a witness in relation to another case of a similar-case whicn happened at Liverpool ten years ago. In this case it ap pears that the prisoner obtained 600 sover eigns from a gentleman on this same gold scheme, fcr which he is now being prose cuted. Mr. Abrahams suggested that it would bo better to conclude the case in which Mr. Streeter was concerned before going into another. This was agreed to and the case I was again rurther adjourned. TWO DISTINCT .BATTLES. Latest Phases of the Trouble In Africa Be tween England and Portugal. Losrx)3f,May26. The conflicting accounts of tho Anglo-Portuguese South African troubles received here and at Lisbon lead to the belief that there wero two dlstinot con flicts, the first being a collision with the British South Africa Company's polioe at .Mutassa, resulting In thovdefeat of Portu guese. The Portuguese are then thought to have marched to the coast by the Pungweo river,route, a movement which resulted in their comintr into conflict with the force of pioneers who, under command or Commis sioner Johnson were opening a transport route. The Times does not 'consider that the tronblo in South Africa will be allowed to interfere with the arrangement of satis factory relations between Great Britain and Portugal. ONLY A PLAIN LADY. The Infant Female Fife Cannot Bank as a Princess of the Blood. fBT nUNLAP'S CABLE COMPANY.! Lowdot, May 26. After muoh deliberation It has been decided that tho daughter of the Duke and Duchess or Fife shall bear the rank nnd titlo or the daughter or a Duke only. It is understood that the highest legal advisors of the crown" are of the opinion that she ought to rank as a princess of the blood, but Her Majesty, whose decision is supreme on such points, decided otherwise. It will be remembered that, failing the Duke Clarence and Prince George, who is still unmarried, and the Duchess or Fire her. self, tho Infant is heir to the British crown. PLENTY HORSE'S FATE. THE GOVEBNMENT BESTS ITS CASE AGAINST CASEY'S SLAYER. AA Eloquent Opening Address for the Pris oner by the Attorney Defending Hlin Tho Government's Indian Policy De nounced. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH. Siocx Falls, S. Dak., May 2a Plenty Horse's trial is gradually coming to a close. To-day the Government rested its case, after introducing the testimony of Broken Arm, a Sioux Indian policeman; Bear-That-Lays-Down, an uncle of the prisoner; Ricard, the hair-breed son-in-law or Red Cloud (all these were eye-witnesses or tho murder), and Tom Flood, the official interpreter at Pino Ridge. Broken Arm amused the spectators when he Was asked of whom he obtained'hU tickets for rations on cross-examination. . "The soldier father gives them tons," re sponded the d risky savage. "Who gave, them to you previous to the trouble at Pine Ridget'vvras then asked. "Ugh, a little, short feian: no good, poor Soldier," said Broken Ann. , ThA inrtfft ntirlfihfi fmmftflllltelv tanrlpr. 'Aooditbatithe,, Indian meant' Dr,-Boyer, wlmsftVfllf-lifc frftin Vinn'-THiitm.iii.lrntSvrnln- the "public. D. E. Powers delivered the open ing address for the prisoner, declaring- that Plontv Horse never denied killing Cnser. The lawyer completed his address by say ing: v While Plenty Horso and Casey were rid ing together Casey dropped some remark, from which the prisoner infened that the Indian camp was to bo attacked and its members killed. To save his people from such" fate, as a patriotic act, crazed by the wild orgies or the ghost dance, driven mad by the terrible .recollections of Wounded Knee, he killed Casey. Place tho responsi bility of Casov's blood where it belongs, not upon this deluded child of the forest, but upon the damnable system of robbery and treaty violations which brought It about." American Horse, chier or tho Ogallalas, nnd William Thompson, of FtTCeough, were tho only witnesses examined by the defense, after which court adjourned until morning. ALL RECORDS SMASHED By the Supreme Court in the Cases Dis posed Of During This Term. Washington, May 26. The Supreme Court, during the term ended yesterday, completely smashed tho previous highest record of cases disposed of atone term of the court, settling 017 cases, against 470, which had heretofore been the largest number passed upon at a single term. The number of cases presented was unusually large, but of them only 15, which have been argued, go over until tue next term ior a decision, ana it is probable that the opinions in these cases will be written during the summer recess for announcement soon arter-the court con venes. , Among the important suits finally decided during the term aro those of Pennsylvania and other States against the Pullman Palace Car Company, by which the company's ears are made liable; the State or Massachusetts against the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, in "n hich the company's property is held to bo subject to taxation; the Duncan case, in whioh an attempt was made to overthrow the whole penal code or the State of Texas; a large number of Chinese exclusion cases: the Northern Faciflc Railroad land case, involving title to $5,000,000 worth of northwestern lands; the Juglro, Wood and other New York electro cution cases; tho Kansas liquor case decided yesterday; the applications of the Navassa lioteis for habeas corpus writs; a supposedly final decree in the famous Myra Clai k Gaines litigation; two important army decisions construing the terms under which private soldiers enlist. A BURGLARY FOR REVENGE. The Strange Story Developed Yesterday in an Indiana Court Boom, Indianapolis, May 26. The trial to-day of Lemone E. Reinhold, a young attorney of this city, charged with conspiring to bur glarize the lesidence of Hilton U. Brown, city editor or the Newt, brought out sensa tional evidence. Frank Thorn nnd Harry Horton, two famous housebreakers,recently convicted in the same cdurt.testified against him, and incidentally revealed the opera tions of the Horton gang throughout the country. Through clever detective work the entire crowd was bagged after the city had been the scene of numerous robberies, Reinhold was the attorney for the gang. Recently his wlfe'commltted sutoide, nnd in commenting upon the act the News severely reflected upon tho attorney's homo rela tions. -This so incensed him that, in a spirit or revenge, he planned the robbery of Brown's house. He called upon Horton to do tho work, but both or tho burglar's at tempts were unsucccssiui. A WITNESS WHO WAS WANTED, Leon C. Burthe, Who Has a Connection With the New Orleans Case. New Orleans, May 2a Some time ago Fer dinand Armant, an attorney, was indicted as one of tho men who attempted to "fix" tho Hennessey jury after be had been in dicted. .White, a deputy sheriff at the parish prison and a brother-in-law of Sheriff Villette, was indicted for attempting to per suade a witness not to testify. It-was devel oped that the witness whom he desired not to testify was Leon C. Bnrthe, whom Armant, it was alleged, had attempted to bribe. White was clamorous for an Immediate trial and his caso was called for to-day, bnt Leon Burthe, the principal witness or the State, was not on hand. Inquiry at his father's residence developed the fact that Burthe had to-day telegraphed to his father from St Louis saying he arrived safe. 1 uurtne naa ueen summoned and knew that he was wanted as a witness against White. mm JUDGES MEtJ. John JI. Kennedy, S. A. McClung and W, D: Porter Land the , Plums. ONLY ONE DEMOCRAT IN THE TRIO. C. L. Magee Takes It as a Graceful Compli 'ment to Republicans. SKETCHES OP THE BUCCESSFUL MEN Governor Pattlson sent a message to the Legislature last evening, appointing John M. Kennedy President Judge, and Samuel A McClung and W. D. Porter Judges of the ad ditional Court of1 Common Pleas for Alle gheny connty. All the nominations were confirmed, and the successful men are open to the congratulations of friends and roes alike. Two things were & big surprise to the peo ple; the -fact that the new Judges were named so soon, and the selection of the local J, M. Kennedy. lawyers. The Governor had given out that he was bewildbred by the failure or the Democrats to agree on anybody, and he thought qf waiting for the choice of tho people. For this reason, though everybody was deeply Interested, the appointments were" not anticipated for some time to come. How tho Pool-Makers Were Left Persons who. had pools on the issue found that the outcome was as uncertain as the average baseball combination. In- one in stance where three persons had gambled on the result they all agreed that Mr. McClung would bo one of the men, bnt as to the other two Judges they were wide of the mark. People generally figured that T. C. Lazeac was well up in the race, and would suely be one or the appointees, since ho was a good Democrat, "but In this case as with Marshall Brown, who was excellently recommended, the calculations were all wrong. The' political status of the men is well known, and shows that the Governor was in fluenced with the compromise offered by tho Republicans that if a certain division were made the electiqn of a Democratic judge would be assured at the next election, and that nnder the circumstances it were better to enjoy a part of n loaf fdr ten years th4n eat- a HUUiDuuowajrciuauuniiiui. Tf.x.-Tijr ter ls simon-pure Republican, one of the stal warts of the stalwartithe Republican chairmancr VABegneny "countyriis' he worked .bard for the election "of Delamateiflast fall against Pattlson. He was one oflhe few local Republicans who re- raainea true to tne party during that mom orable revolt which ended in a great victory for Pattlson. Why Mr. Porter Was Selected. . The reasons given by friends of the Gov ernor.for Mr. Porter's appointment are that Mr. Porter was an open and avowed candi date forjudge; that he is an astnte politician and strong enough to break any slate which ignored him, and that if all Democrats were appointed that Mr. Porter was sure to defeat one of them at the next election. He was, therefore, named to get rid of the most for midable man after a judgeship C Mr. McClung may bo classed as a Repub lican who votes as ho thinks best He be longs to tho Independent school In politics wuu AcpuuLiuuiiuuiuiauvus, Air. aicuiung, however, takes Uttle active Interest in party work, and is one of the lawyers who leaves politics alone to attend strictly to his busi ness. John M. Kennedy is the only out-and-out, straight-cut Demoorat in the party. The fact that he twas made President Judge tells the story, and he should have the. position also from his senior ity in years. The appointment of Judge Kennedy is pleasing to the rank and flle of the Democracy in thecoun. ty. Owing to the lateness of tho hour at which the list waS sent to the Legislature by the Governoryit was impossible to see lawyers or political leaders for the expres sion of their views. What few Demoorats were interviewed indorsed the selection of Mr. Kennedy, In his early days Mr. Ken nedy took an active Interest in politics, but in recent years lie left the hustling to the boys, and acted as a sort of sponsor to the voting men, Me ojways contntratea to the Demooratio campaign fund, and has been recognized as an earnest Democrat, ever ready to do what he could for the good of the party. How the Nominations Were Becelved. A telegram from Harrisburg states that C. L. Magee, who is in that city, expressed himself as well pleased with the, appoint ments! although ex-Judge Fetterman was his first choice, and he would have pre- TT. V. Porter. From s photograph taken seren years ago. ferred to see him made one of the Judges. All of the gentlemen named for appoint ment were good men, and the Governor could not well have gone wrong in the matter. He thought the Governor had done a graceful act in appointing two Republicans. Senator Flinn was os- Seclally pleased with the appointment of W. '. Porter. He was also fully satisfied with the choice of Messrs. Kennedy .and McClung and thought the new court would have ox ceptionally strong Judges. Senator Neeb said: "The Governor could not have found a better Democrat than John M. Kennedy in Allegheny connty. He is a jurist and a gentleman. POrtet has been my candidate from the start, and while I-do not know Mr. MoCIungas well as I do the others, I regard him as a very able man." Senators Upper, man and Steel also expressed themselves as very wpll pleased with the Governor's ap pointments. .... George H. Welshons, of this city, was also appointed and confirmed as Fish Commis sioner yesterday, to fill the vacancy caused, by the appointment of James Verner Long as consul to Florence. Mr. Welshons was. born at New Florence about 33 years ago- He graduated at Washington and Jefferson Col lege, and for a number of years was con nected with Thb Dispatch. His signature, "St Geo," is known to most of its readers. In fact, he is one or the best known news paper men in the State. Sketches of the New Judges. John M. Kennedy, the new President Judge, was born in Chester county, this 8tate, in the year 183S, of oldMaryland stock. He graduated from Jefferson College, Canonsburg, in 185S, and afterward taught school In Itlssourf. He studied law with Judaje Miller, of Missouri, and was admitted to the bar of that Stato in 1863. Mr. Kennedy came to Pittsburg immediately, afterward, 'and was admitted to practice here in the year following. From 1871 to 1878 he served as Select Councilman from the Sixth ward. The -newVudge's practice has been almost entirely confined to civil business, in which he enjoys a large and lucrative practice, and was concerned in extensive cases under the bankrupt's law of 1867. Judge Kennedy married, in 1E68, a daughter of Judge Miller, of Missouri, and has a family of three boys and one girl, his eldest son being at Princeton and preparing to .study law. A sister of the Judge's mar ried Dr. Sterrott, a brother or Judge Ster Tett, or the Supreme Bench. Judge Ken nedy is a Democrat in polities, but has not taken any active part in them during late years. The Only Bcal Alleghenlan.. Judge S. A McClung was born In Alle gheny county in 1815, and is consequently 46 years old. His rather was the late Rev. S. M. McClung, a noted Presbyterian divine. Mr. McClung was educated at Wasbfeigton College, rrom which he graduated in 13C3. He read law with Klrkpatrick Mellop, and was admitted to the bar in 18C8. He wns at one time associated with Charles W. Robb In a law firm. Mr. McClung was never elected to any-political office. Although a Republi can, no has been known to be very Independ ent In his nollev. nnd that has hitherto ' f -ly Interfered with his" chances ror po- -preference-. However, he was very ZyVriQbQH tb6 convention in which f jIimJx m Jo vh vteen verrpopular - IliMlinnM Itn.. . o man and has a Locust street, nv. z.tr . W. D. Porter was At. r dinner last even ing and did not rctnrnhwme until ery late. Whenie did arrive ha found sm, ernl newa- "paper" men awaiting him. The Dispatch was tue nrst to announce to mm that he is n Judge of the new court. Mr. Porter was somewhat surprised, he said, as his last news froni the capital was that the appointments would not be made for some time. He re ceived a telegram from" George M. yon Bonn horst announcing that he had been ap pointed and confirmed. One of the Judges a Bachelor. Judge Eorter was born in Porter's Land ing, hear New Cumberland, W. Va., In Janu- l ary, 40,year3 agp, and thus far In lire has re- """vw, vwu bUAtuio j tUO AUU1O0 1U4UM UAA- marricd. He now resides on Union aveuuer Allegheny, with his sister. Mr. Porter came- & A. McClung, to Pittsburg in September, 1S&8, and studied law in. theolBco-of Collier, Miller A liertride,. the senior member' being tb-Spnt.Jadge Collier. He was admitted ta the bar in January, 1872. Mr. Porter has always been a Republican. His first active participation in politics was in 1S77, when he worked in the interest of his old pre ceptor, Jacob Miller, In his contest against Judge Fetterman for the judicial nomina tion on the Republican tiqket Ever sinco that time Mr. Porter has been more or less actively engaged In political work on be half or his party. In 18S3 Jie was elected District Attorney and was re-elected In 1886, He retired from tho 'office the "first Monday in January, 1890. In 1889 he was made Chair man of the Republican County Committee, This was after the famous "Home Rule"' contest for tho control or the committee and Mr. Porter was agreed upon by all the leaders of the party, Mr. Porter still holds the position of Chair, man of the Republican County Committee, but will resign nis position to-day. WHAT THE MISSIONS ARE DOING. The Baptists Receive Reports From Their Workers in Foreign Lands. Cincinnati, May 2a The fourth session of tho American Baptist Missionary Union was held to-day. Reports of committees on the various mission fields were made. Dr. Strong reported on place and preacher. The decision is for Philadelphia next year, Rov. W. W. Boydm, D. D., or New Jersey, to be the preacher, Rev. J. Buldwin, of Ohio, al ternate. Rev. Dr, Gifford, of Massachusetts, pre sented the report on Burmab. Of Burmese there aro 6,.jOO,000; or Shores, 2,000,000; of Karens, 700,000; others, 300,000. The Shores are open to the gospel. The Karens are giv ing the gospel to the Katchins. Rev. Dr. Mable introduced Missionary W.H. Roberts, of Northern Burmab, a'Burme-c. The Japan mission was reported on by Rev. Taylor, of Indianapolis. Tho Japanese bave become conscious of their own strength, said the speaker. "Japan for the Japanese,'" is tho theory. This has proved a hindrance to missionary work, but Is not altogether an evil. Rev. E. C. W. Clement, of Japan, made a short address. Rev, Dr. Mohouse, of the Home Mission Society, was called on to speak concerning the academic school project for Tokio. Rev. Dc. John Nelson Murdock, -n bo has served as secre tary since 1863, was made honorary secretary. He is to write the history of nis years of service. SPLIT ON TEMPERANCE. Quakers and Quakeresses Cannot Agree on The Subject of Wine. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH, New Yore; May 26 Tho New York Society of Friends will continue theirannual session until Thursday afternoon in their meeting house. The meeting is conducted with the women in one room and the men in another. Each meeting Is supposed to concur with the other, but in the matter of wlne.the women don't see it in that way. They thought that tho discussion or the tempcranco ques tion -n as strict enough in their discipline book, but the gray-hairedoldmen.su-piclous that spirituous liquors wero used by their wives for medicinal purposes, wero firm in ordering a change in tlte society's rules, so as to prohibit the use or intoxicants in the most extreme cases of exhaustion. The women's meeting was secret to-day, bnt nt 4 o'clock an elderly woman In black, with a frill under her bonnet, entered the men's room, leaning on the arm or a younger Quakeress. She mounted tho platform, and, as a delegate from hor side of the house, announced that tho women had decided to leave the settlement of tho proposed re vision of the temperance clause to" their Discipline Committee, which will confer with a like committee from the men. The Joint committees will meet on Thursday afternoon. BREAKING MARRIAGE BONDS. The Courts of Lackawanna County Are Helping Along in Divorces. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! ScBAiTON, May 2a Tho divorce courts of Lackawanna to-day ground out 11 divorces and more are under consideration. The number of unhappy marriages brought to tho attention ot the courts of this city is phenomenal. One of tho cases argued to-day, that of G. S. T. Alexander against Nellie Alexander In volves a prominent and wealthy family. The wife while in New York a few years ago, fell Sossionately in love with a street car con uctor named Hoag, a man greatly her in ferior socially and intellectually. He is named as co-respondent This case has created a sensation. F '! f-5r - ' ' rk ' ft THE'NEEDOFAREED Shown in th& Election of a Senator in' the Florida Legislature. ATTEMPTS TO BREAK A QUORUM. Memuers Flee From the Capital and Po3 Biblj Out of the State. CALL CLAIMS TO fiATE BEEN OHOSEf SPECIAL TELEORAM TO THE DISPATCH. TALLAHASSEErFLAMSy2a "King Canons" dicdlast night after two ballots, when it was decided by a vote of 40 to 47to adjourn sine die of ter 00 ballots had been taken in a vain at tempt to dpfeat Wilkinson Call for United States Senator. This settled the mattor,.and the antl-Callites knew that Call would go iu with a rush at to-day's Joint session. This morning wild rumors of all kinds prevailed as to the intentions of "antis." By -noon it was known that some 20 "anti'' Senators had disappeared into the. "bush," and. "ant is" of the Lower House were hard to find, Tha President of the Senate issued orders to the Sergeant at Arms to organize a strong posse immediately.and institute a thorough search for the fleeing Senators and when found to arrest them and bring them forthwith to the Sonate Chamber. "Do this," he said, "In a quiet way if they offer no resistance, but IT needs be, should oub forcibly resisted, use force to compel them, precisely the same as would any other authorized officer of law.'" Shoriff Broward, of Duval county, and a posse of ten started out also. Rumors were rife upon the streets. Some were to the effect that it was the intention of this re- I- belling wing of the Senate to put themselves outside or an reach as soon as possible by crossing over Into the State of Georgia. Others said that they took their lunches along, and were only going out to spend the day fishing on the lake at Jaokson. The Final Joint Sea.ion. At 12 o'clock the members or the Senate, who had remained in their seats all the morning, entered the House of Representa tives and then the two Houses were called to order in Joint session by the President of the Senate, Jefferson B. Browne. Here an other of the tactics of the opposition to "Senator Call wasr manifested. The clerk commenced calling tho roll and not a single anti-Callman present would answer to his name. When their names were called down would go the heads of the "antis" and a sickly smile would play over their faces. Fifty four members were declared to be present and the President declared a quorum pres ent Ex-United States Senator Charlie Dougherty, the "omnipresent" and inde fatigable hater of papers and reporters, ap pealed from tho decision ol the Chair al though he had refused to answer to the roll call to show that he was present. This anomalous position brought forth peals of laughter rrom all and "the tall Cypress of Halifax" suddenly sat down. The rote was then taken, and announced as follows: For Wilkinson Call, 51; for Mains, 3. The President of the Joint session an nounced that as Wilklnion Call had received a majority of vtites cast in Joint session, a quorum or both Houses belngpresent, he was thereby declared elected to serve the people of Florida In the. United States Senate for a term, or six years, beginning on the 4th day or March, l&L Senator CaH Beceives an Oration. Immediately a deafening yell of applause went up from every nook and comer of the hall, while the members wildly waved their hats and handkerchiefs, and the throng present added to the excitement by yelling lustily for ten minutes. This was kept up, the uproar being intensified by the antl Callltes retiring in a body from -the hall. Senator Call was sent for, and he recelved'a grand ovation. He thanked the meoben for- -the honor, and pledged himsolf to w6rk far Florida's interests. f - , ifChexity is wild t&nlght, and "bands Of politicians are out an all slues discussing the result as the "antis" threaten" to keep up the flffht and do all nosslble to keen Call I one oi nis seat -tsanas are out serenading mil to-night, and Ills friends are celebrating the victory in grand style. Thus ends one of the hardest-contested Senatorial contests ever known in the his tory of the. United States. The resnlt will break tho Democratic ranks for awhile, and the Alliance men, who have as manv troubles to patcli up as "antis," have made this the effort of their lives and staked all. Call had the Governor and his Influence and all the members of the State Democratto Committee to tight, fend yet he conquered. Telegrams are pouring in to-night from all parts of the country congratulating the Senator upon his victory, CLEVELAND IN OIL. A Portrait or the Ex-President That Is Said to Be Somewhat Flattering. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, May 26. Congress a few years ago appropriated the sum of $2,500 for the purchase of an oil painting of ex-President Cleveland, to be hung In the White House with the portraits of his predecessors. The commission was sent to Eastman Johnson, of New York, and the picture was hung to day Jn the outer corridors of tho Execntive Mansion, over the mantel on the left of the main entrance. The artist undoubtedly feels conscious of having made a picture that will be satisfactory to Mr. Cleveland's admirers and w orsbipers, but bis work will hardly be commended by impartial critics as a faithful likeness. Mr. Cleveland is represented as sitting in a chair, with his right arm and band resting on a table. The pose is fairly good, and the figure below the neck would readily pass for that of the late Daniel Man ning, as the attitude Is the usual one as sumed in the portraits of Mr. Manning while Secretary Of the Treasury. In painting Mr. Cleveland's head, the art ist was apparently governed altogether by a desire to make his work acceptable to the persons most directly interested. Its pres ent resting place in the vestibule is to be only temporary, it Is understood, and the large painting will soon be removed to the inner corridor, to take its place with those of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Garfield and the other great men who have preceded Mr. Cleveland. NO USB FOR CLEVELAND. Ex-SenatorBeaganSays the West Does Net Want Him for President SPECIAL TELEORAM TO THE DISPATCH.l" Washington, May 2a Ex-Senator Reagan, of Texas, who is in Washington, says: "When the Texas.delegatlDn goes to the next Democratic nominating convention Its mem bers will demand tho selection of a Western man for President, and whom do they desire? That is not deflnitely'settled, but Gray, ot Indiana, would be a good man, or Morrison, orVDon Dickinson.- I would like to see Vilas nominated if it were not that he agrees with Mr. Cleveland on the silver question and if Cleveland Is nominated I suppose he will get the eleotoral vote or Texas and of Arkansas, but these are the only two States West of tho Mississippi that he can carry. "If the Eastern politicians do not know this now tbey will nnd it out when they try the experiment The rank and flle of the West do not want Cleveland. They are tired of the dominatlonof Wall street and will see to it that this is a Government of the peoploandnot of the moneyed interests of the, country.'' KANSAS FARMERS' ALLIANCE. They Are Preparing to Have a Grand Time at the Conference. Topeka, May 2a The Farmers Alliance oT Kansas Is making preparations for a grand meeting at the conference. It is not to be in the old-time way of a mass meeting with brass bands, orators and a torchlight pro cession, but at the regular meetings of 8,000 sub-alliances of the State this week and next, the work of the Cincinnati conference will bo discussed, and the various planks of the platform will bo separately considered; a vote will then be taken on the platform as a whole, and the report will be forwarded to headquarters and to reform papers. The object of this form of ratification is to show the other.States.the loyalty of Kansas to tho third party movement The Alliances are charged to be very deliberate In action, and to give every proposition a thorough examination aqd discussion, and net to take the vote until tho work has beea thoroughly canvassed. i I &&