Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 15, 1891, Image 1

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'j!iiiP4 7 " WANTS pSX "
' V M I II bo' " tho Bst Advertising
Si W IM . B L 11 M 1, Medium for Employer and Employed,
Qr '' 'M ' as It Circulates Everywhere.
. -3 5
R P A I Egt5to Seller Get their
flCnL BeiitBuTers throiurhTHE
DISPATCH. Investors Everywhere
rad It. TtArfmln ITnntpra mlv nn It
i . . . r . r.
: lor oucnnjs. xne Dest Medium.
Verdict of tlie Coroner's Jury
in the Case of Ameer
Ben Ali, Better
2ew York's Police Seenuto Have
Solved the Mystery That Baffled
London's Detectives.
Ihe Knife Identified by a Kumber of Wit
nesses, While Others Saw Him 1111
the Murdered TVomtn.
It Was Fabricated by the Barkeeptr After the
Tragedy Was Discovered in Older to
Satisfy the Police -Rules.
Xew Youk, Slay 14. Coroner Sehultz
nnd jury announced this evening their ver
dict that Ameer Ben Ali, otherwise George
Frank, otherwise Frenchy No. 1, was
guilty of the murder of Carrie Brown,other
wise Shakespearj, in the East Kiver Hotel
on the 21th of April. The witnesses have
been for the most part from the slums of
the Fourth ward or from the Queen's county
jaiL The women who appeared on the
witness stand to-day had divided their time
between the river front and BlackweH's
They were careful to refer to each other as
"lady friends," and none of.them was kindly
disposed toward Frenchy, who sat in the
prisoner's pen and seemed to be wondering
v hat it was all about. At times, when some
of the many flippant remarks that the
lawyers on both sides took delight in fling
ing at each other raised a laugh from the
crowd that filled the Coroner's courtroom,
Frcnchy's eyebrows wrinkled together and.
he looked up with a start to see what the
fun was. He can neither read nor write.
Impatient for His Freedom.
During the recess, when addressed in
French, he answered questions readily, and
was impatient because he hadn't been et
free long ago. He said that when he went
to his room in the hotel on the night of the
murder he did not notice the number of it.
He was tired and Tie locked his 3oor.
"If 1" cut that woman up as they say I
did," he added, "why was there no blood'
on my wrists and the wristbands of my
shirt? I didn't kill that woman, and they
lie if they say I did."
There wa a crowd on Sccpnd avenue to
see Frenchy when he arrived at the Coro
ner's office, and the windows opposite were
filled with faces. The day opened with the
cross-examination of Dr. Edson by Lawyer
House about the blood in the arteries of the
human body after death. Dr. Edson said
that there was not much blood in the arter
ies after death. If the cuts in Shake
speare s body had been made before
death the blood would have spurted out In
difierent directions. Frenchy's shirt was
produced again, and Dr. Edson explained
that Hood stains on the left shoulder were
smears, not spots. He could not tell
whether the stains on tlie front of the shirt
liad been made from outside or the inside,
but those on the back liad been made on the
The Registry Made After Uie Murder.
Mary "Uiniter, in a white and brown check
gingham, told the jury about meeting
Shakopearc at the hotel on the night of the
murder. Shakespeare came first into the
box w here the women got their drinks. A
man-of-warMnan was in the box treating.
Shakespeare -went out again and came back
with the man. Neither registered, and the
name "C. Niclo" was not entered on the
register until after the murder had been
discovered the next day.
No one ever registered nt that hotel, and
Bartender Thompson liad suggested writing
"C Niclo" opposite the room number to
make it appear all right to the police. It
was 9.50 wncn Shakespeare first appeared at
the hotel that evening. Sho got a drink and
went out. At 10 40 sho returned, accom
panied by a man. Mary Mlnlter was sure
that thN man was not Frenchy. It was a
man about 32 jcars old, with a light mus
tache. Alice Sullivan looked a little cleaner and
ounger th.iu the women who preceded her.
"llaxe jou ever seen this man in company
n ith any woman?' asked Assistant District
Attorney Wcllmaii, pointing to Frenchy.
"At o'clock that Thursday night," she nn
fiwered, "at tho corner of James and Oak
streets I ki w Frenchy and Shakespeare talk
ing to eacii other. As I passed I heard
Frenchy s-ay: 'I slecpa to-nighta in Fort
Warda Hotel."
Identification or the Knife.
Smith, Gil way and Miller, threo men who
are doing time in the Queens county Jail,
&w ore tlsit Frenchy carried a knife like the
one found. When the knife that it is sup
posed Carrie Brown was murdered with was
tJiou n them, Smith said that it had the same
shaped blade as the one Frenchy carried.
Miller said that he remembered the cuts on
the handle, which had looked to him as tf the
handle had been wound with twine.
Detective Connor, of Brooklyn, testified
that on January 7 lie had arrested Frenchy,
or Ameer Ben All, as he was then known,
for larceny on the complaint of tho real
"George Frank." When the prisoner was
searched a knifo was found In his pocket
and Connor produced it. It w ns a common
case knife with a black handle and about
the length of the one found at the Faurth
tard Hotel. It had been sharpened to a
point from both sides of the blade, however,
Instead of diagonally across like the murder
er's knife.
The oheath that went with It was a rudo
all.ur made of two thin strips of board
wound with coarse string. While the Jury
was out Frenchy smoked a cigar and talked
ith an one who addressed him in French.
When the jury returned Foreman Brennan
read thi- verdict-
The Verdict of tho Jury.
"We, the Coroner's Jury, find that Carrie
Brow n, alias Sliakcpeare,caine toiler death
by asphyxiation at the hands of Ameer Ben
Ali, nlias George Frank, on or about the 24th
day of April, at tho East River or Fourth
Watd Hotel, corner of Water street nnd
Catherine slip, New York City."
ncn tins was translated to Frenchy he
l.m- l. ,..., j "- .. I ."
ucau. , ci j mum u.i.uiveu ana waateu hj i
know if they were going to take him right
out and kill him. He asserted that lio had
had no opportunities to defend himself, and
said that all the women who had testified
against him did so because they hated him.
It was some time before he could bo quieted.
Coroner Sehultz committed him to the
Tombs without bail. Tho examination of
Ameer Ben Ali is set down for to-morrow
morning before Judge Martine. His counsel
will, however, waive examination.
Much Suffering Among the Settlers Along
the Lines of Railroads It Is Not Be
lieved That Any lives Have Been Lost
Rain Badly Needed.
-St. Paul, May 14. Dispatches from tho dis
tricts affected by forest fires show that the
situation, while not at present threatening
to railroad companies, is most crave. Super
intendent Klmberly states that the greatest
damage to Northern Pacific property was in
the vicinity of tho Northern Pacific J unction,
where several miles of telegraph lines were
destroyed.' Tho lines have been repaired
and are working this morning. This morn
ing the fires were still raging, but at a dis
tant remote from railroad property. General
Superintendent Scott, of the Omaha, thinks
that all danger to that company's property
is past.
East of Ashland, the fire is raging this
morning. Back firing and cutting have been
resorted and at 0 o'clock last evening tho
flames seemed somewhat subdued. At 8
o'clock. Just as darkness camo the wind
freshened and the blaze burst out afresh.
Two miles east of Ashland the forest is a
seething mass of fire. Fierce fires can also
be seen over the bay where last night it was
reported danger was past. Railway officials
state that the losses to the companies will
be not worth mentioning but that tho loss to
private property holders along the roads
will bo terriblv heavy.
Thomas M. Costello, an extensive lumber
ownor nlong'the line of tho Omaha, places
his loss at $200,000. Mr. Costello camo down
from Duluth this morning. For three days
he has been right in the edge of the fire and
ho thinks the only thing to prevent a spread
of tho flames Is rain. The distress among
settlers along the lines of the railroads is
great. Although many families havo stayed
by their homesteads until the flames were
at their back doors, it Is thought that no
lives have been lost. Duluth. Ashland nnd
Superior are full of people driven out of tho
Tho Daughter of a Crimean War Hero Falls
Heir to 8250.OOO.
Buffalo, May It Alico Victoria Mnrphy,
daughter of Captain Mnrphy, once secretary
to tho Prince of Wales and a favorite of
Queen Victoria, has fallen heir to $250,000
while following the humble occupation of
governess and seamstress in this city. She
is a tall, handsome brunette. While Miss
Murphy was quite young her father quar
reled with her mother. The mother then
went, to AustraliaAn company with a wealthy
brother. Last January she died, and Miss
Murphy has Just received word from the at
torneys in England stating that she is one of
four heirs to a fortune of about a million
During tho Crimean war, Miss Murphy's
father saved tho life of Sir Thomas Trow
bridge, Baronet, by carrying him from the
Hold of Alma, where his legs were shot off.
Sir Thomas became the warm friend of
Captain Murphy and gavo him a handsome
legacy. Later in the war the Captain was
wounded in tho shoulder and sent to the
hospital at London, where Queen Victoria
visited him several times. On one of these -visits
the Queen said to the Captain: "If you
ever have a daughter I want you to name
her Victoria." When Miss Murphy was born
this request was obeyed. Miss Murphv has
a piece of embroidery made by the Queen
nnd presented to herJather. After the war
Captain Murphy became the private secretary-to
the Prince of Wales, which place he
held for several years.
What Dr. Baird Said to Sirs. Baker After He
Was Shot.
Wheeling, May 14. InthoGarrisonmurder
trial to-day the counsel took up about two
hours in arguing a motion by the defense to
shut out the testimony of Mrs. Fannie Baker,
who was in Prager'a paper store when Dr.
Baird opened the door and came in after he
was shot. The testimony was finally allowed,
and Mrs. Baker testified to Dr.'Baird opening
tne door, coming in and saying Dr. Garrison
had shot him. In response to an inquiry by
witness, deceased said: "Dr. Garrison shot
mo; It's nothing, it's nothing." Later he satd
ho would go to the rear of the store where
the cro-vd would not see him, and he took a
seat there. He took off his gloves and wiped
off his ejes with a handkerchief and then
unbuttoned his overcoat, which was but
toned up to the chin, nnd bathed his eyes in
n bucket of water. He then said he would
lio down, and got on a table, where he died
In a few minutes.
The Assistant City Clerk testified that Dr.
Garrison had threatened in tho Citv Clerk's
office that Dr. Baird would Insult lfim once
too often, and that would end it. W. C
Beans, city editor of the Register, testified
tliat about the lBtli of Jauuarv Dr. Garrison
had said that Dr. Baird's insults had tp end, .
he had stood It a longas he intonded to, and
if Dr. Baird insulted him again he would "fix
him" or "kill him." TheState win probably
conclude by noon to-morrow.
Senator Cameron and His Committee to
Begin the Work Soon.
Washisgtos, May 14. Senator Cameron,
chairman of the Senate Committee on Naval
Affairs, is making calculations upon the
scope of the investigation -to be made by his
committee under resolution of the Senate
authorizing the committee to sit during the
recess and to gather information relative to
naval matters generally, and especially as to
the conduct of affairs ut and needs of the
various naval yards.
Senator Cameron docs not sharo tho belief
that this resolution comprehends a general
roving about all over the world, as has been
suggested, but he does consider it an in
struction to the committee of the broadest
general character, and he intends to begin
woik at once.
His Senato Committee on Immigration
Short of Funds.
WASHiMiTOjf, May 14. Senator Chandler,
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Immi
geation, finds himself hampered in the work
imposed upon hU committee by a resolution
of the Senate, to make a thorough investiga
tion of Immigration affairs during the ensu
ing summer.
The amount of money appropriated for the
payment of expenses or the investigating
committee is too small to go around, or to
enable the several committees to make
effective the investigation with which they
were-charged by order of the Senate.
A Bcaier Falls Negro Who Claims to Bo
114 Tears Old.
Beaver Falls, May 14. Richard Reddlck,
a negro living at Bridgewater, near this
place, has papers in his possession that
prove him to be 114 years old. The papers
state that he was born In Richmond, Va.,
nnd was set freo by his mistress at her
He uses tobacco occasionally, and takes a
drink of liquor whenever he can get it He
has been making garden this week, Is as
f pry as a man of 60, and says he expects to
live nntil 200 years of age.
A 3Ian In Custody Who May Prove to Be
the Defaulter.
Lokdojt, Kv., Slay 14. Aman was arrested
In Leslie county yesterday and brought to
this place to-day and lodged In Jail. He Is
suspected of being Edmond Stlcott, the de
faulting assistant door-keeper of the Fiftieth
tho prisoner says that he is not Silcott-
Trmf. hnf; life nflmAlalfnTntiul. .... ,... l...
- . - .! -T ;--" -""WB1I, Mlli HUH, UO
naus irom i;umDerianQ uap. '
Ho "Will Soon Be Well Enough to Return to
His Washington Duties.
New York, May 14. Secretary Blaine
passed a comfortable day to-day, propped
up in bed. His doctor told bim to get up if
he wanted to, but Mr. Blaine preferred to
rest In the evening Mrs. Blaine said the
Secretary was getting along nicely, and ex
pected to leave the city soma day this week.
Ho was perfectly able to go to Washington,
she said, but would probably not
fo, as It was very warm there,
le may go to Elsworth, Me., for a few days.
A number of callers came to the house dur
ing the day, but only a- few saw the Secre
tary. Dr. Dennis said to-night: "The report
that Mr. BInlnois worso than has been stated
by members of his family is entirely without
foundation. He was simply taken with an
attack of indigestion w hich, as you know,
will lay ono up, especially a person of ad
vanced years. Mr. Blaine is overworked
and needs rest. If ho takes good care of
himself for the next few weeks, avoiding as
much oxcitement as possible, he will be as
well as over inn short time,"
Mr. Blaine's son-in-law, Walter Damrosch,
sailed for Europe this morning, to be absent
for a short time. Had Mr. Blaine's condition
been serious Mr. Damrosch would have post
poned his trip. Should the Secretary return
to Washington to-day or to-morrow he will
probably look after such affairs as reqniro
his immediate attention, and then take a
brief vacation at his summer homo at Bar
In Convention Insist That Tariff Reform Is
the Great Issue.
Louisville, May 14. The Democratic State
Convention continues in session to-day. Its
platform adopted to-night says: "We insist
that tariff reform is tho paramount-question
beforo tho American people, and denounce
the McEinley bill as the most outrageous of
taxation ecr passed in the American Con
gress. It has increased the burdens already
too great upon the necessaries of life, and
reduced taxes on luxuries that are most able
to bear them.
Recognizing the fact that tho United Stat 63
is the greatest silver producing country la
the world, and that both gold and silver
were equallv the monev of the Constitution
from the beginning of the Republic until the
hostile nnd fraudulent legislation of tho Re
publican party against silver, which unduly
contracted tho circulating medium of the
country, and feeling that the great Interests
of the people demand more money for use In
the channels of trade and commerce, we
tender our gratitude to the Democrats in the
last Congress for their almost unanimous
vote in both Houses In favor of tho free coin
age of silver, and demand restoration to the
position of equality beforo the law given to
it by our fathers.
WlUiamsport Preparing to Accommodate as
Big Army of Veterans.
Williamsport, May 14. The coming sum
mer encampment of the Department of
Pennsylvania, G. A. R., will be held In this
city July 11 to 18. Department Commander
George G. Boyer has notified Chairman
Dinan, of the Committee on Encampment, of
the dates fixed upon, and the G. A. R. men
of this city are already moving in the
matter. The encampment will be held on
the Packer farm, on the same ground mado
use of by the National Guard a few years
ago. Electric lights and city water will
supply the camp, and it is probablo that tho
street car line will bo extended for the ac
commodation of the crowds.
It Is expected that fully 20,000 spectators
will be present, not Including tho 8,000 or
6,000 Grand Army men sure to be here. This
will be one of the largest gatherings of the
Boys In Blue over held in the State, as turf
facilities for getting them here are unsur
passed, and there Is a strong feeling in G. A.
R. circles for niaklnc the cncainninent the
most snccessful over held.
A, Short-Lired Show,of Yflilpb. Ho Wastne
Star Comes to Grief.
Philadelphia, May 14. "Elmer A. Collins,
the Pittsburg faster, broke his expected 30
days of total abstinence from food last
evening and at the same time a specialty
theatrical combination broke ranks. The
manager, J. N. Corsair, took tickets at Harry
Da vlsY Museum during Collins' fasting per
formance there, and was so pleased with the
faster's maiden success that he engaged him
as star attraction of a motley variety com
pany which he managed to collect.
The show began at Dobbins' Hall, Monday
evening, but the audience, all told, num
bered but 19. Tuesday nisht, out of 14
spectators, all but one was a deadhead.
Collins felt that he wo Id starve at this rate
of fasting, and tho rest of tho company were
of the same opinion.. The show broke up to
night for lack of box office receipts, and Col
lins made haste to break his three days' fast
on a corn-beef sandwich.
Delegates Being Handsomely Entertained
by the People 'of Louisville.
Louisville, May 14. Tho Scoch-Irish Con.
gress met here to-day, the number of dele
gates present being larger than at any pre
ceding gathering. Their welcome was most
hospitable. Tho members of the Congress
are in charge- of a local committee, and
cvervthlng possible is being done for their
comfort and pleasure. An interesting pro
gramme for their entcrtninment has been
prepared, so that when the Congress is not
in session the members will be given an op
portunity of seeing tho sights.
To-day's session was devoted to tho wel
coming of tho delegates by the Ma or
In the- name of the city, followed by
other addresses. There was also considera
ble preliminary work done. President Bon
ner presided, and to-morrow tho Congress
will get down to solid work.
Elect James Lappan, of Pittsburg;, Pres
ident of Their Organization.
St. Louis, May 14. At the morning session
of tho American Boilermakers' Association,,
several important matters were considered.
Tho report of the Committee on Uniform
Inspection recommending that efforts be
inade to secure tho passage of a national in
spection law and in tho event of ,a failure in
that direction the passage of 'state laws
classifying boilers In rout classes, brought
on nn animated dlscussfon. The report
Tho following officers wore chosen for the
ensuing yean President, James Lappan,
Pittsburg; First Vice President Philip
Rohen, St. Louis; Second Vice President,
James Kinney, St. Paul; Third Vico-President,
Charles Kioeschell, Chicago; Treas
urer, Richard nauimond, Buffalo; Secretary.
E. D. Mejr, St Louis. "
The Grip Was Too Much for James Flem
ing, of Titnsville.
TrrusviLLE, May 14. James Fleming, an
old and respeoted lesident of Hydetown,
three miles north of this city, shot himself
last night The ball passed entirely through
his body Just below tho heart. He died In
a few minutes.
He had been suffcrin&irom great depres
sion owing to an attack of grip. He was 45
years of age and leaves a wife and three
grown children.
F. A. McCabe Mysteriously Disappears
From an Atlantic City Hotel.
Atlantic Crrr, May 14. Proprietor H. D.
Eastman, of tho Aldine Hotel, reported tlie
mysterious disappearance of F. A. McCabe,
of Pittsburg, at police headquarters this
morning. Ho registered at that hotel Tues
day afternoon and has not been seen since.
Hurbaggago is still unclaimed.
He is described as a middle-aged man, of
medium height, stout build nnd well dressed.
Awful Crime of a Twelve-Tear-Old
Boy In Arkansas.
Little Rock, May 14. Tom Pago, 12 years
old, struck his mother on the head with a
garden hoe, killing her instantly, at Benton,
Ark., this mornlnir. Mrs. Puirn was trvlm
to chastise tho boy. '"
The Last of His Powerful Followers
to Desert His- Standard.
The Uncrowned King Soon to Be-Shorn of
Throne and Scepter.
Loxdox, May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Davitt,wlth two children and a nurse, em
barked this afternoon at Liverpool in the
steamer Polesnia for Montreal. Mr. Davitt
says that he Is merely taking a six months'
trip for the benefit of his health. He intends
to proceed to Winnipeg, Vancouver and San
Francisco, wherehe willmakeastay of three
months, thence he will go to Yokohama,
Sydney, New Zealand and home by San
Speaking to a representative of the press,
Mr. Davitt said he was convinced of the
ultimate success of home rule, but that Mr.
Parnell conld never again obtain tho leader
ship of the Irish party would be seen within
a week. Tho chief supporters of Ireland
havo deserted the Parnellito cause. In
Dublin parties are excited about a report
that Important Parnellites were about
to desert their leader. The names of
Mr. T. Harrington, Colonel Nolan, Mr.
Richard Power and Mr. E. D. Gray, tho son
of the former owner of the Freeman' t Journal,
ore mentioned as the probable recreants.
The Report Founded on Fact
An Associated Press cabldgram from Dub
lin says: The announcement made yester
day that a prominent person rho has hither
to been one of the warmest supporters of
Mr. Parnell had decided to secede from the
cause of the deposed Irish leader wouldJ
Beem to do founded on fact. The National
JPras, the McCarthyite onran. announces to
day that Mr. E. Dwyer Gray, formerly mem-
uer oi .rariiament lor Dublin and the holder
of half of tlie stock of the company owning
the Freejnarts Journal, of this city, tho-EYei!-ing
Telegraph, of this city, and the 'Morning
Jtews. of Belfast, has seceded from Hm nnw
very slender party which still calls Mr. Par
nell Its leader.
Mr. Dwyer Gray is the son of tho late Sir
Jnn Gray, formerly member of Parliament
Jr Kilkenny. Ho wns born in Dublin in
1845, and married Caroline Agnes, daughter
' "j' "uu .aire, vuroiine unisnoim, Known
as the "emigrants' frieud," in 1809. Mr.
HS7eJ.Gray was Lord Mayor of Dublin in
1880, High Sheriff in 18S2, and Chairman of
the Dublin Mansion House Committee, by
which $900,000 was collected In 1830 for the re
lief of distress In Ireland.
A Fatal Blow for Parnell.
A dispatch to tho Times says: "What Is
left of tho Parnelllte organization in Ireland
is to receive a fatal blow within tho next
few days. It Is said that the two Harrington
brothers have decided to givo in to the Na
tionalist party. TImotny, tho report says,
will make.tlio first move. The two brothers
have been tho most formidable of Parnell's
friends, because they controlled the ma
chinery of the old National League. Unless
the Parnelllte envoys in America hurry
home they will find themselves without
enough colleagues to fill comfortably the
outside of a car on their return.
At a meeting Inst night of the electors of
North Wexford It was resolved to stop pay
ment of the salary of John E. Redmond, wUo
represents North Wexford in Parliament,
and to devote the money thns saved to the
relief of evicted tenants. Mr. John E. Red
mond, it will bo remembered, Is one of Mr.
Parnell's envovftnow tn thtvirniri cfna .
xollect funds for.tM5ltaneUtWttfiaT -
Mr. Parnell, In atrtnterviow In tho lobby
of the House of Commons last evening, said
that he had received atelegram fromMr E.
.Dwyer Gray denying the report that hi had
seceded from the Parnellito party. Mr Par
nell said" ho faOew nothing about the other
rumors, but ho admitted that several of his
followers had decided to retire at the end of
the present session. Others, he added, had
anticipated the general election and were of
no further use to Ireland.
She Boldly Stands Up For America, That
Gave Her Dollars.
Glasgow, May 14. The Circassia, of the
Anchor line, which arrived here last even
ing, wns the scene of a very Interesting epi
sode during Its trip over. Among tho pas
sengers on the Circassia were the members
of tho Royal Edinburgh Concert company,
of which Miss Edith Boss, tho contralto, is
regarded as the shining light. After tho
essel had got well out to sea the usual no
tice was posted of a concert to be given on a
certain evening for the benefit of the Homo
for Aged Mariners in London. The officer
who had the matter in charge called upon
Miss Ross, who acted for tho entire concert
company, for her aid. She refused to ap
pear, and when asked for her reason, said:
"I have been on a tour through tho United
States, and I am going homo to Scotlarid
with some Amorican money in my pocket.
This steamer that I am on is kept afloat
by American dollars. Y"t on a steamer, de
pendent on America, you got up a concert
exclusively in English interest and ask us to
help yon. Now, is it fair?" This sentiment
was received with w arm applause. Finally
Miss Ross withdrew her refusnl. nnrl nirnwl
to sing, as she did later, upon tho condition
that the next time sho crosses on the Cir
cassia a concert shall be given and the
entire proceeds shall go to America.
He Is Rapidly Recovering From His At
tack of the Grip.
lokdoit, May ll. Mr. Francis Russell,
Clerk of the Peace for Kent, died this morn
ing of congestion of the lungs, following an
attack of influenza. -By inquiry at Marlbor
ough House this evening it was learned that
tho Indisposition of the Prince of Wales is
very slight, and that he had arranged to at
tend the theater this evening.
At noon to-day Mr. Gladstone continued to
progress favorably, his temperature being
rather lower. Aniongthose who called this
morning to mako Inquiries were Prince
Christaiii and William Henry Smith, First
Lord of the Treasury. The Queen last night
Tecelved a written report of his condition
from Mrs. Gladstone.
King Charles Willing' to Abdicate if It Is
Deemed Necessary.
.Madrid, May 14. Sensational reports in
connection with tho situation of affairs in
Portugal are being circulated In this city.
The Justicia, the Republican organ, publishes
to-day telegrams from Portugal which statc9
that King Charles has called a meeting of
his Council of Ministers n order to confer
with the Council upon the financial and po
litical situation.
The Justicia adds that the King of PortugaV
is disposed to abdicate tho throne should tho
Ministers como to the conclusion that such a
step is necessary.
Strong Measures Still Being Used by the
Moscow Authorities.
St. Petersburg, May 14. General Gressner,
chief of the St. Petersburg police, has re
ceived instructions to rigorously enforce the
anti-Hebrew measures of the Government
It is stated tho expulsion of Hebrews from
Moscow, which wore renewed after the
Rothschilds withdrew their offer to place
the new Russian loan, are carried on less
overtly in order not to cast gloom over tho
festivities attendant upon the advent of thei
now Governor of Moscow, the GrandDuko
Duke Michael and His Bride May Be Re
stored to Imperial Tavor.
London, May 14. The Morganatic Russian
couple, the Grand Duke Michael and his
bride, Countess Sophie, of Merenberg, are
now staying at the Isle of WIgnt, anxiously
awaiting the result of the visit of Anastasia,
Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, to
St. Petersburg. The Duchess is Duko
(Michael's sister. The Merenberg family Is
exceedingly anxious about the delicate posi
tion which the Grand Duchess Michael finds
herself placed in, and it looks to Anastasia
tp influence tho Czar to recognize '.the mar
rlnge and remove the "ban placed upon
Now that the Grand Duchess Olga is dead
and the Czar's most formidable opposition
Is thus lemoved, it Is thought that beforo
long the autocrat ma relent and Michael
oo restored, to his station. ,
Claims to Estates "Which Have No Exlstenpe
in Great Britain Only Schemes to Bob
Foolish People" on This Side of tho
LoifDOx, May 11 In spite of the repeated
warning which has been sent out from timo
to time by the Unfted States legation here
and by the press of America concerning the
fraudulent character of so-called English
estate agents In America, recent develop
ments have shown that the warnings have
been unheeded, and that the number of
dupes is increasing instead of decreasing.
During- the past few weeks more letters than
ever beforo have been received from Ameri
ca inquiring after Imaginary estatestar fabu
lous sums awaiting the writers In the Bank
of England. This correspondence, as fat
back as Mr. Lowell's time,grew to such enor
mous proportions that all letters of this de
scription had to be answered by printed cir
culars. Mr. Lowell, in his-circular, said: "The pre
tended prosecution of theso pretended
Amorican claims to English property is
carried on with such persistence by the men
engaged that we despair of being able to
make their credulous victims understand
what an utter imposture and delusion the
whole business 6. I cannot too strongly
advise you, since you have addressed us on
tho subject, to have nothing' to do with such
schemes, and especially to remit no money
to their agents.'f
In the case of many estates, such as the
Jennings, Lawrence-Town ley or Chase
Townley, Hydo. Home, Bradford, Hedges
nnd others, special circulars have had to be
Printed to nnswor tho numerous applicants,
he plan generally adopted by the estate
agent is to insert advertisements in the
country papers to the effect that a large
property has been left by a person of the
same name as that of some well-known
familyof the district with some exceedingly
common name likely to occur anywhere.
During Mr. Lincoln's term of office as min
ister hcie, nearly all the letters have come
from small country towns, showing that the
agents find them the most profltablo fields.
Texas, Kansas, Iowa and the far west seem
to be especially productive for them, al
though letters are received from all parts of
the United States.
Mrs. Duncan, of Baltimore, the Victim of a
Mysterious Assault
Losdos, May 14. A despatch from Chester
states that a Mrs. Duncan, of Baltimore, Md.,
has been found shockingly injured in the
Snowdcn mountain, near Bettswycoed, In
North Wales, a favorite resort of summer,
tourists. It is believed in police circles that
Mrs. Duncan has been tho ' victim
of foul play, and that some per
son has attempted to murder her.
The local authorities aro investigat
ing the case. Mrs. Duncan is so severely in
inred that sho has not yet been able to givo
ler version of the affair. Though the theory
of a possible attempt at murder is being fol
lowed out in the Investigation being made,
the fact is not lost sight of that every year
during tho tourist season a number of peo
ple sustain more or less severo injuries by
falling down the mountainous slopes when
the mtlimvs ft ro. obscured bv the densa
jogs wbich.--preTalrfai" thai scotlon of thj
There seems to be no doubt that Mrs. Dun
can's injuries aro not the result of anacci-
UEUfr, us Duma (CU;JO uw ills, aujjjjvacu. X UU1
physicians nre in constant attendance upon
her, but in spite of the fact that everything
possible is being done to save her life 13 is
not expected that she will "recover from the
assault mado on her. Mr. Duncan, the lady's
husband, who from tho first was suspected
by the police of having attempted to murder
her, has been placed under arrestand is
held to await the result of his wife's Injur
ies. A later dispatch states that Duncan
finally confessed that he had battered his
wife's head.
By the Grip Microbe and Sulphur Candles
Are Continually Burned.
London, May 14. The theory that the
Hou30 of Commons is infected by tho mi
crobe of influenza finds everyday additional
proof, by the fact that its members continue
to be stricken with the disease. Seven new,
cases wero added to tho list to-day, which
now numbers 77 victims, or about 17 per cent
of tho English members, who are HL The
ranks of tho Irish party arc not thinned off
to anything like- the samo extent, as there
are only five members of that faction who
are ill and there are 103members who sit as
representatives for tho Emerald Isle.
Another proof of tho belief in the microbe is
furnished by the fact that although it was
decided to havo the House thoroughly fumi
gated with sulphur during the recess, it has
already been deemed necessary to put this
heroic treatment into execution:
Last week a large supply of sulphur was
got In nnd it was Durned in pans in the vari
ous rooms. Tho members, howover, found
this unbearable nnd preferred to risk tho
chance of inhaling the Influenza microbe
than getting sulphurous acid fumes into
their lungs. In looking round for a substi
tute, sulphur candles were proposed for tho
plain substance. Those are manufactured
by an American named Slabury, who is also
the inventor of them. He has nresented n.
largcnumber and now hundreds of candles 1
are aiignc in tne iiouse oi commons which
presents very much tho appearance of
somo Continental cathedral on a great foto
He Elopes With the Actress Wife of an
Invalid Husband.
Stockholm, May 14. Society here is agog
over tho sensational elopement of Count
Von Rosen, an officer of hussars, with an
actress named Hartmann. Mme. Hartmann
is tho wife of an old nnd invalid husband,
of whom she is tho sole support. The elop
ing couplo traveled via Copenhagen to
London, where they expected to meet Mrs.
Moore, a wealthy Amorican lady, and a
relative of the Count's, whose oousin, Baron
Carliton Bildt, married Miss Mary Moore, of
It Is understood! that Mrs. Mooro proposed
to furnish tho elopers with money where
with to continue their flight to New York,
where Mrs. Hartmann hopes to succeed in
obtaining a divorce. Meanwhile Connt Vnn
Jtoscn's brother has started in pursuit and is
urging tuo auinoriues to pumsu ais Drotner
for desertion
He Issues His Long Expected Encyclical
Which' Displeases the" Loaders.
London, May 14. His Holiness the Pope
has Issued his long expected Encyclical on
tho labor question. It is a document of
about 1,200 words, and is given in full in the
evening papers. It treats of the labor
subject very judiciously, but discreetly, nnd
not at all to tbo satisfaction of tho labor
Theso leaders are now considering, and
from expressions they havo made, it is be
lieved they will tako issue with some of its
It Is Infected, and tho Court Decides
Against Its Use.
Cologne, May 14. Tho C6urt of Appeals
has Just decided that 200 tons of pork of al
leged Amorican origin, that had been smug
gled Into Germany from Holland, must be
destroyed. There was no evidence that the
pork came across tho Atlantic, but ns 5 per
cent was found to bo infected with triohinjte
the court decided that the United States was
the only country it could como from.
9 " "
Gourley Toole the Mayoralty, While
the Others Put Up the Price.
The Constitutional Convention Scheme
Through the Senate.
Harrisburo, May 14. Senator Flinn's
serene disposition underwent no apparent
change when he saw in The Dispatch to-day
Mayor Gourley's strictures 6f tho men whom
he charges with tho exercise of an offensive
power in the management of tho municipal
government of Pittsburg. The Senator was
unable to discern in the Mayor's criticisms
anything that could bo twisted into refer
ence to him, and he read the more salient
features of the correspondence with evident
While he alluded nibst pleasantlyto the
Mayor of Pittsburgho, said he was a mem
ber of tho same alleged ring which ho now
arraigns for 15 or 20 years, and that it had
him nominated and eleoted to the position
he now Alls. The accomplishment of which
letter result involved tho expenditure of a
large campaign fund, $20,000 of which was
expended in portraying his merits. As to
the charter which now governs the city of
Pittsburg, Mr. Gourley, while Chairman of
Select Council, voted for it.
Knew What He Was Running For.
When running for tho office of Mayor he
was fully acquainted with the duties and
power associated with the position, and con
sequently was not in a good position to com
plain because he had not sufficient munici
pal sway. As to tho statement that the se
lection of legislators wns controlled by a
Pittsburg political syndicate, he declared
that could not apply to him. His success
was due to himself and the people In his dis
trict, who had elected him by nearly 7,000
majority, as against an ordinary Republican
majority of less than 3,000.
So far as the alleged controlling Influence
oi tne cnieis oi aepanmenis over uouncus
was concerned he did not believe it existed;
but as between having them or theUayor
exercise this power he preferred the former.
Portions of the letter to the Governor he
thinks ought to havo been addressed to the
Legislature, as they suggest modifications of
the proposed new charter.
Ex-Speaker Graham thought it very singu
lar that Mayor Gourley should denounce the
men who had brought him out as a candi
date for the office lie holds and expended
large gums of money to elect him. But he
added that Mr. Gourley had developed much
more abllitv than howassuDooscdtohave
when he was made the Republican candid
uaie ior .mayor.
The Attitude of the Mayor Peculiar
Representative Graham had not read the
letter addressed to the Governor when he
made these remarks, but had heard the gist
of his criticisms. Representative Richards
Isinaocordwiththosontiment of Mr. Gra
ham that the attitude of the Mayor Is pecu
liar in view of the friendly relations that
heretofore existed between the men whom
he denounces without naming them and the
fight the latter mado in his Interest as a can
didate for Mayor.
The proposed new city cnartcr was re
called from the Governor to-day,to relievo it
of the objection that it contains two snbjects
and consequently might be regarded as un
constitutional by the Governor: That por
tion of the bill referring to the Issue of evi
dences of indebtedness will be elimiuated
from it and a bill introduced by Mr.
Flinn treating on the same matter will be
altered so as to roake ample provision for
the exercise of tUiSpowe....,, .
ThK??Ufc-ltatO'rafodea..by the
House, and the amendments were non-concurred
In by the Senate to-day In order that
a Conference Committee may bo appointed
for-the purpose of conforming tho measure
to existing requirements.: Heby Hall.
Senator Grady Thinks AU Bills Will Fall
Because of Them.
HARRianuRa, May 14. Senator Grady, Chair
man of the Senate Finance Committee, who
has thrown tho weight of his Influence
against the favorable consideration of the
Granger tax bill, and who was delegated to
report the Boyer bill as a substitute for tho
other tax measure, expresses doubt as to
the passage of his pet schemo through
the Sennte. But while he believes the
Boyer bill is in danger, he Is nnder the im
pression that a sufficient number of votes
cannot be secured to pass the Taggart bill.
He thinks the friends of the Granger tax bill
will control enough votes to substitute tho
latter for the bill roportod by the Finance
Committee, but further than this they will
be unable to do. Tho Senator hinted that
neither of the bills might become laws as a
resMlt ofthcdlverso views as to the kind of
tax legislation needed.
Mr. Grady offered a resolution Tecrairinor
reports to be furnished to the Department of
Internal Affairs showing the actual value of
real estate td personal property. Action
was postponed in order" to have the resolu
tion minted. Ssnator Gobin does not take
kindly to the Bcheme of Senator Grady. The
Senator from Lebanon thinks it would In
volve an expense of $100,000.
The" New One Will Pass as, a Substitute for
' the Old One.
Harrisburg, May 14. The now bill pre
pared by tlie road commission will come in
as a substitute for the Western engineers
bill, introduced by Mr. Stewart, which is
now on second reading, postponed for the
present. This bill was recommitted to-day
for the purpose of substitution. The lead
ing features of tho substitute are a cash tax
and authority to townships to issue bonds
for road improvements or a vote of tho
people. NoStatoaidis provided. The pro
vision for the election of supervisors, who
aro to bo paid $1 50 a day, for the timo neces
sarily employed, and the provisions for the
collection of taxes, timo of payment, etc.,
lire much like those of the vetoed measure.
Tho bill permits the letting of contracts
for road improvements, and provides for a
road bed at least 15 feet wide, higher lathe
center than at the sides, for unobstructed
ditches and for culverts of wood, iron, stone
or.terra cotta across the road whore neces
sary for drainage purposes. Corporations
possessing tho right of .eminent domain are
only to be permitted to enter on the road
nfter giving bond, and then only under the
direction of tho road supervisors.
When AU ElseFalled They Voted for a
Constitutional Convention.
Harrisburo, Mny 14. Tho Democrats of
thojenate carried out their purposo to-day
by voting for Senator Robinson's Constitu
tional convention bill after they had ex
hausted their power to amend. The bill as
passed finally will give tlnj Republicans
about 84 district delegates and 18 delegates
at large, and the Democrats 66 district dele
gates and nine delegates at large.
Senator Dunlap, of Beaver, and Rapsher,
of Carbon, made an abortive attempt to get
a few political concessions to-day. The bill
retains tha feature allowing voters to decide
at tho same time delegates to tbo conven
tion are to be chosen whether one is to be
called. ""
He Explains His Reasons for Wanting a
Late Date-Set
Harrisburg, May 11. Representative
Jones, of Allegheny, filed his reasons to
night for voting for a lato adjournment date.
Ho saysTils course was dictated by a desire
to have finally considered ballot reform, con
stitutional convention, tax equalization, bi
tuminous mine ventilation, Allegheny county
salary and conspiracy bills.
BUI Appropriating S400.000 for a Site
( Passed by tho Senate.
Harrisburo, May 11 The following bills
wereiassed finally by tho Senato to-day:
Authorizing' County Commissioners to re
build and chango bridges crossing streams
between adjoining counties; appropriating
$100,000 to provide a site for the chronic in
sane; appropriating $15,000 for the erection
of a homo for the training in speech of deaf
children before they ore of school ago.
It Decides the Present Arrangement of Con
gressional Districts Is Good Enough,
With Some Changes Philadelphia and
Allegheny County Get the New Members.
Harrisburo, May 14. The House Congress
ional Apportionment Committee has taken
another flop. Tho bill lcreportod a few days
ago excited the lively opposition of promi
nent Republicans in varions sections of the
State, and. th'jy protosted in person and by
letter against the proposed arrangement of
districts. The Snyder Congressional appor
tionment bill introduced also failed to give
satisfaction, and tho committee this evening
decided that the present apportionment was
good enough, with a few changes, rendered
necessary by the Increased population of the
State, entitling it to two additional members
of Congress. Ono of these is given to Phila
delphia and the other to Allegheny county.
Under the proposed arrangement of dis
tricts. Washington, Fayette and Greene will
constitute a district. It now takes in a part
of Allegheny county. A prominent Republi
can member said to-night that, In his opin
ion.a great political mistake had been made,
as the Governor wpuld veto tho bill, for tho
ostensible reason that the requirements of
the Constitution as to apportioning districts
had not entered into the preparations of a
Congressional bill.
Senator Georgo Handy Smith has called a
caucus of Republican Senators for Monday
afternoon. The purpose of tho meeting is to
ueciuo on ay -i policy to De pursnea uy
the party
tionai jo
- ballot .reform bills
and to taki
0(j- 'lio the business
of theSenatfc-
NEEB'S HtoStoii,
It Goes Through tho House -, ".
age With Several OthersT
Harrisburo, May 14. At the session oi tho
House this afternoon the following-Senate
bill passed finally: Authorizing salaried
officers of private and business corporations
to concurrently serve as directors; to pro
vide for the organization, support and main
tenance of associations formed for tho pro
tection of human life and of property in
cities of tho first class: Neeb's bill making
eight hours a day's labor In penal Institu
tions under control of the State
The bill was defeated authorizing school
boards to pay the actual expenses ot school
directors incurred for attending the annual
and triennial conventions of school directors
out of the funds of the respective districts.
The Senate Finally Decides That May 28
Is the Proper Date. )
Harrisburo, May 1L Mr. Biter called up
the resolution for the final adjournment of
the Legislature in the Senate. He fixed the
18th of May, and Brooks.of Philadelphia,sub
stttuted tho 28th Inst. Biter proposed an
amendment providing for adjournment
June U. Taggart moved to postpone the
Siuestion for the present. The latter was de
eated yeas, 81: nays, 88. Another motion
to postpone until next Tuesday was also de
feated. Consideration of theadjournment question
was resumed at the night scssionand amend
ments to adjourn on June U and 4 were de
feated by a large majority, and the 33th of
May was fixed for final adjournment
Neeb's Bill-to Have It Occur In Penltcn
tikrle Postponed for Awhile.
HAERisncKa,- JMaylt In the Senate Mr.
NeebHr'blll to bang murderers 'in the peni
tentiaries, whfcli Is on' second reading, was
postponed for the present.
Tho following Senato bills passed second
reading: Requiring all warrants for pay
ment ol appropriations to be countersigned
by Auditor General; fixing the ratio of
representation In Common Councils in cities
of the second class.
It Falls On the Bill for the Sale of Dissolved
Corporation Property.
Harrisburo, May 14. In the Senate a veto
was received from the Governor of the bill
to provide for tlie sale of real estate and
mining rights of dissolved corporations.
The Governor says he has approved a bill
similar to tho one vetoed during this session.
Two Democrats Made Happy.
Harrisburo, May 11 Mr. Lawrence having
resigned as Harbor Master at Philadelphia,
Robert S. Patterson, whose nomination has
been hung up in the Senate for a few months,
was confirmed, ns was the appointment of
John Lynch, as Judge of Luzerne county,
under arrecent act Both are Democrats.
Giving Women a Chance.
Harrisburo, May 14. In tho House Senate
bill making women eligible as notaries publio
was reported favorably. Similar action was
taken on a bill to prevent aliens from hold
ing state, county or municipal offices.
A Caucus on .Ballot Reform.
Harrisburo, May 14. The Democratic Sen
ators will likely hold a caucus early next
week, to fully decide as to the amendments
they may want to have incorporated In the
Baker ballot reform bilL
Semi-monthly Pay Bill Passed.
Harrisbubg, May 14. The Honse semi
monthly pay bill, which provides a penalty
for tho violation of the net; passed the Sen
ate by almost a unanimous vote.
Tho Rodents Strip a Sick Horse of All His
Somerset, May 14. A strange story comes
from the home of Mrs. McAdams, five miles
out on the Bedford pike. The woman has 'i
large family, some of whom areunfortnnato
ly afflicted, and they nro In very poor
circumstances. Last night a hordo of rats
attacked a sick horso In the stable and de
voured nearly all the flesh of the animal be
fore daylight. The horse had lain down, and
was unable to got up.
The woman has other stock, which she has
not been able to feed well enough to keep
them in condition, and she has been obliged
to take them In the house In order to save
them from tho rodents. The case is being
First Cast of Pig Iron for Over Four Months
at the Shenango.
Sharon, May 11 Tho first cast of pig iron
In the Shenango Valley forover four months
was made in tho Sharon Iron Company's
furnace last 'night The big plant was put
under way yesterday, and wUl rnn as long as
coke can be secured.
The furnace has a product of over 100 tons
per day. Tho mill belonging to the samo
company, which has been running on half
time for want of iron, wUl go on fuU tune
next week.
Two Convicts Do a Neat Job in tho Indi
ana Penitentiary.
Jeppersonville, May 11 Two convicts es
caped from tho Jcffersonvillo Penitentiary
last night They were Frank Burns, a 15
vear man, sent up in 1883, for murder, and
Harris Burns, a short-term man.
Thoy sawed through tho cell bars, then
cut a hole In the roof. Thence they lowered
themselves to tho ground by a rope. They
have not been captured.
Three Men Killed by an Explosion.
Piedmont, May 11 By the explosion of tho
boiler at Wilson's sawmill, at Wilson's sta
tion, on tho West Virginia Central Railway,
yesterday afternoon, threo men wero killed
and the mill reduced to a total wreck, -
Little- Credence for the Story of the
Sinking of the Itafew
TheEntire Mexican Coast Watching for tho
Expected Battle.
Crrr op SIexico, May It The Government
denies that any Chilean ship touched at a
Mexican port up to a late hour last night, or
that any conflict took place near San Bias;
as rumored and published by the Anglo
American. A delayed telegram from Aca
pnlco states tftt tne Esmeralda had left
that port after having sought several favors
wTiich were refused. The Esmeralda is well
armed and equipped. She received tele
grams from the United States and then went)
to meet the Itata.
The Anglo-American print3 a special from
San Bias, on the Pacific coast, stating that -coastwise
chooners which arrived here yes
terday reports having sighted two unknown
vessels about 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon
and another abont dark somo distance off
the port, both going south and steaming
fast The captain of the schooner was una
ble to make out their names owing to tho
distance. There Is a general belief In San
Bas that the vessels sighted were tbe Itata,
first and the Charleston chasing her. If this
is the case, tho Charleston is between four
and five hours behind.
There were persistent rumors in circula
tion in this city to-day that the United States
cruiser Charleston had overtaken tho
Chilean vessel Itata on the high seas and a
naval engagement had been fought, in
which the latter vessel was worsted and.
blown ont of the water. Whether she ex
ploded her magazines or was sunk: by tho
cruiser Charleston Is not stated. Tha
rumors fail to state where the engagement;
was-fought. Inquiries at the War Depart
ment failed to bear out the street reports,
though some maintain that they have fnsido
Information to that effect. A special at 4 p.
ii. to iheiAnglo-Amencan from Acapulco
states that neither the Itata nor the Charles
ton had been sighted then, though there is a,
vigilant watch maintained at the signal sta
tion for them. The greatest excitement pre
vails In commercial circles in San Bias, tho
merchants believing that a naval battle will
be fought off that port.
A dispatch from San Francisco says:
Itumors coming from the City of Mexico
to the effect that tho cruiser Charleston hail
overtaken the steamer Itata and had fired
on that vessel, are regarded as having no
foundation. The Charleston passed San.
Diego Monday. The Charleston was steam-ing-at
the rate of 15 knots, and was seen to be
moving out of her course to Inspect passing;
vessels, nnd even though pushed to tho
highest point of speed, could not reach.
Acapulco before to-morrow, and any news
therefore of her operations could not be re
ceived through Mexican sources beforo her
arrival there to-morrow.
The National Convention Receives
Important Reports.
Indianapolis, May 14. At the session to
day of the Charities and Corrections Conven
tian, the Committee on Reports from Stated
made a lengthy report.. The committee con
sists of L.C. 8torrs, Michigan; H.H. Hart,
Minnesota, and A. O. Wright, Wisconsin.
The report contains a large amount of infor
mation in relation to criminal and charita
ble institutions from nearly every State in
the Union. This was followed by the reporo
of the Committee on Immigration, S. C.
Wrighllngton, of-llassachusetts, Chairman.
It reviews congressional legislation-nport
the subject and makes some pertinent sug
gestions. The report of the Bureau of Statistics of
theTreasury Department, savs the commit
teo, tabulates the arrival of 455,302 alien im
migrants from foreign ports, other than
those of Mexico nnd Cn-nn.tln. tn-nnrta tt fht
'United States for the vear endlnz June 30.
1890, divided as follows: At the portof New
York, 864,086; of Portland, 531: of Boston, 29,
813; of Philadelphia, 22,658; of Baltimore, 27.
178: of Key West, 2,482; of New Orleans, 3,878;
of San Francisco. 3,606; of all other ports,
1,070. These numbers, not including tho ar
rivals by water from Mexico and tho Domin-;
ion of Canada, as was the custom prior toy
1885, might be considerably increased by
adding thereto such arrivals, which, nt Bos
ton alone during the past year, number 19,
781 immigrants, and from whom no headV
money was tftacted.
Major John D. Adams, of Little
Forced to the WalL
Little Hock, May 14. Tho largest indi
vidual failure that ever occurred In thU
State was announced to-day. It was the as
signment of Major John D. Adams for
tho benefit of his creditors, principally in
Little Rock and Memphis. The deed of
assignment designates Frederick Kramer as
assignee, who was appointed receiver and.
gavo bond in the sum of 200,000. 3fnJor
Adams' assets are $400,000 and tho liabilities
about $300,000.
The property assigned includes four valu
able cotton plantations, stock and imple
ments, real estate in Arkansas city, miasm,
Prairie and Cleburne counties, 125 shares of
stock in the Arkansas and Gulf Railway,
1,450 In the Arkansas Petroleum,
1,250 shares in the Kentucky nnd Ar
kansas Land and Improvement Company,
500 shares hi the Battopilas Mining Company
nlso 3,019 shares in tho Pulaski Gas Light
Company (Littlo Rock), and 4,040 shares of
stock in the Memphis and Arkansas City
Packet Company, pledging $21,846 to James
Rces of the same company.
The Mystery Surrounding the Death of HU
Johnstown Spouse.
Johnstown, May 11 Tho body of the wifa
of Joseph Jackson, who died under sus
picious circumstances and was buried hur
riedly, was lifted this morning nnd the doc
tors hold an autopsy. A Coroner's Jury has
been summoned, who wUl hear the evidence
this afternoon. The brothers of the woman
are here and are determined to investlgato
tho matter thoroughly. Jackson is under
arrest, having been found in an old stona
quarry yesterday.
It is learned that Jackson had another
woman In Allegheny with whom he had
been living, and an information of bigamy
had been made against him two months ago,
which was settled by the payment of $150.
Recently he had been living at Turtle Creek:
with the woman. Dr. Hammer, who at
tended the woman in her last illness, now
thinks there may have been something
She Has Not Spoken Nor Eaten Since Last y
Sunday Week. A,
Mc'Keesfobt, May 11 Last Sunday a wees: '
ago Blanch, a 4-year-old daughter of J. P. ;-
Bnrgnist, took sick with an ailment
of tho back and head similar V
to spinal meningitis and fell Into '
a sleep, or a sort of a stupid slumber, and
sho has so remained, without speaking or "'
eating since. She can only be roused by
luting ner ou tne ueu, unu men sne merely
opens her eyes, but soon closes them again.
If she is not moved sho will lay day la
and day out sleeping. It Is feared that she
will remain in this condition untU she dies,
as there is no hope for her recovery.
Shows That It Is an Important Power In the
Methodist Church.
St. Louis, May 11 Tho Board of Control of
the Epworth League, which began a three
days' session yesterday, met at Union
Methodist Episcopal Church yesterday.
After devotional exercises Jthe report of tho
Corresponding Secretary,Rov. Jesso L. Hurl
burt, was read. The report was very en--
conruging, showing that 3,703 chapters had
been added during the past 15 months, mak
ing a total of 5,577, containing over COO.OOO
young members.
Rev. James M. Freeman, Treasurer, in Ms
report shows that 'tho League Is still in debt ,
for about $1280, bat which is In a fair way ol
vvui iuu ut a iir wkujls.
.J-.,. .