t 8' TfiEv P&TSBTJBGr DISPATCH, ftmiRSDAT, MAY 14, 1891. ; ' ffr nrr Tvi4ATNT-nnn i rn-nm i ifr- iiruiP IM BDirr ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W PUN I f H K. 1H H LA It NLWO I IV Dnit.r. C - t: -rir---l Ot HF-Nn'TKSTOlOFMMITTIUIIIS. amf FATAL PALL E v t it ij mi iiuniwwwi o- - . , j w nflr fr uperaiors rrcscnt xtoiii aii oi me strike: - , atfSM W Pennsylvania Fields. .gran,t0 tteta ot Vt' wUlnot &a Sit -Fifty American millers liavo sailed for HE'MQ I if TlTfATirnpn PT?UMTmiT TVP.RRASKTI. a ..n.i.Mbinf IMirian Ironworkers ' m. AiiLii'ririLJi i iiuiuiuni aa j al xja.x.kiaj u v i 4 j-- 3 . ----- - -.-... m wz.m i m ...... . i.. -"nrii. wrtT, m-vt.'jl. fs r sasr m m The HcCurdy Agsin to the Front lUtn a """";,"""." v"t- r Tiiinm. nm f SSSSSft The McCurdy Again to the Front "With a Good Well, A1m) a Poor One. A TRUE BILL IX THE COXSHEACI CASE Tho PittsburgAsscmhlyof tho Producers' trotectivo Association held an important meeting last evening. There was a large at tohdanco of the loc.il producers and there ere also nrosent producers from all over the Pennsylvania Held. The officials of the assembly refused to say anything in regard to the meetintr, but it ivns learned from other sources, that the object of the lncctiug was for the purpose of taking some ticnnitc action towaru urgniuzm;; liiti-iim-pnnv, trlifrh has been talked of for the pant Msnf, to rctlnn oil. None foiv independent producers will be admitted to hold any stock. It is proposed to built an independ ent refinery near Pittsburg, and lay pipe lines wt all of the fields in Allegheny coun tv. Among those present from other fields were oi--Smtc Senator J. W. IiCe, 0. 1). Blakd lv, M. J.Welsh and G. S. Crisnell: Franklin, V. D. Kider, Cambridgcton, and J. It. Golds IOroiigh, of Bradford. Tno National Transit Company yesterday udded Beauts to the pre-ent premium of 5 coats a barrel on Bradford oil, and also placed a prrminm of 5 cents a barrel on the oil of the Allegany county (N. Y.) field. From Uie Fields. The HcCurdy field led theattcntion of the local operators yesterday, and its record was about the same as Tuesday one good and one light well Prom the present indications the producers in this field believe that it will extend through to McDonald on a 15 line. 'Jillespio Bros.' No. 3, on the Jane Kiddle farm, tipped the sand last niht and started off at 20 barrels an hour. It is located about 509 feet north of the church. Fisher & Co.'s JlcCloskcv farm well, a mile northwe-t of the McCurdv, was on top of the Gordon sand last nfghr. It has considerable gas. Tie water lias been cased off. The Bear Ci eck Befining Company and Bradley Xo. 2 Adams came in vestcrdayaiid is doing about eight barrels an hour. Black & Guffy's Ewlr.jr furni well, from which so much was expected, was drilled into the sand yeter tlar afternoon and i showing light. It was shut in until the tankage could be connected up. Black & Itmcrson are still fishing in the 3Ionku and have a bad job on hand. If they do not get the tools out in a dav or tn o the v n ill drill past tbem. JJellon i"Co.'s Palmer Xo. 4, I flow n 300 feet. TheirAo. 3 is about due. The Fisher Oil Compans Riddle Xo. 3, is down 2,200 feet, and their Xo. 2 is through the 100-foot. Guffy & Murphy's Kerr Xo. 1 is in tlio Gordon, and their Xo. 2 is through the 100 foot. Patterson & Jones' Lloyd farm w ell did not increase its production yester day. Aiken & Co.'s Xo. 2, Parson t, expects to reach the sand to-day. The Bear Creek Company and Bradlcv's Adams Xo. 1 is in the Gotdon. The Fisher well on thoStcYuvrt is dry in the third and Gordon sands and -will be drilled to the fifth sand. Tho Fort Pitt Gas Company is building a rig for its William Bams No. 2. Oporatlons at AVildnood. Wnjnvooa Ireland A. Hughes' well on the Rummer farm is 100 feet deep. It is on the extreme western edge, and their well on the Bryant is on top of tho sand and will be drilled in to-day. A vcm of gas was struck in jjover .v co.'s .s o a. Jenny, strong enougn to Clear the hole of 1,000 feet of salt water. "Will Be Shot To-Day. Moos Captain Gracs intended to shoot Ills well on the Doty acre yesterday, but be fore the arrangements were complete It was eo late that he decided to postpone it until this morning. The Hervev Oil Company is drilling lu its McCutcheon Xo. 2. The Day Well Again. WASnrsoTOx President Caldwell, of the People's Light and Heating Company, said j esterday that the Day well was now in the stray aboi e the Gordon. He claim it is a bona fide 20-barrel Ganti sand well. It is an edge well in his opinion, as it is only 75 feet from the Clark gasser. The People's Company made thre new locations on sen prate firms yesterday in order to hold their leases. Xoblestowx Murphy & Jennings' well back of Xoblestown is good for 25 barrels, piuiiplnsf naturally. Operations Down the IUvc-. St. 3LS.BTS The well on Friendly Island, Hvo miles above St. Marys and owned by Johnson, Storey A Duel, is making 15 barrels a day. it w asunder watcc foe ten months. They arc preparing to pump it. Considerable Actii ity at McDonald. McDonald A large numler of rigs are go ing up in this vicinity and the indications are good for acthjs operations all summer. The Bobb well has been shot and is doing 25 barrels from the Gordon sand. The Sauters well is making 1G0 barrcla. Wildcats in Armstrong AnsiSTnoiG IV. H McKec & Co. are drill ing a wildcat ell a milo and a half north of Armstrong's Run. Moore & Thomas struck some gas in their ildcat at upper Ilillville, t wo miles northeast of Armstrong's Kan. They failed to get oil to any extent, but will bhoot it this week. A Well at Hannoinllle. HAitsroiiViLLE Tho tools have been gotten oit of the James McBoberts well. Oil -was struck in but the well is nor.- being drilled deeper. The Carbon farm well of Smith & Havden, "back of Temperanccville, is down 1,400 feet. Tliat Alleged Conspiracy. Meadville The grand jury returned a true bill yesterday in the case of J. C. Mc lrinuey ct al vs Barney Forst and C. D. Greenlee. At the instance of the defendants the case was continued until the September term of court. The plaintiffs allege that the defendants obtained money by false pre tenses by mii-rer.i-esenting the Value of oil ' dwells in the Wildwood field for which the plaintiffs pjid defendant?, Forst and Green lee, $42,000 for a half interest. At tho time of tho deal the plaintiffs owned the other half of tho v. ells in question. Feature i of Yesterday's Market. Tlio only market for oil yesterday was a bid of 70'Sc for cash Tho option Mas neg lected. Xew York was the highest of the 'o'ltsMe exchanges with 71Jcbid for cash. K'-llned at New lork, 7.20c; at London, 5 11-lBd; at Antwerp. lGJf Average daily nm, 71,282: average daily shipments, 01,653: average daily chatters 27,SC9. Oil Citv, Slay 13 Xatlonal Transit certifi cates opened at 71c; highest. 71Kc; lowes 70c; closed. 70)ic, sales, ll.frjO barrels, clearances, 72,050 barrels, charters, 88,0i Iwrrc's; shipments, 57,701 barrels, runs, SS'SM bariels. Bradford, May IS. National Trars'i cer tificates opened at 71c; closed at 70c: high est, 71c; lowest, 70Jc; clearances, iiJ.COO bar rels. Snv Yor.K, May J2. Pcti-oletim opened steady and advanced lc on the increase of Be in tho premium for Bradford oil and the reports of damage by the foix-st tires, but re ceded again, then became dnll and remained so until tlio clone. Pennsylvania oil Spot, opening, 70c: highest, 7lc; lowest, 70Kc; closing, 71c. June option Opening, 70,'c; highest, 71e; lowest, 70c; closing, 70;c JAioa oil Xo sales. Total sales, 20,000 bar jels. GItAXD HALF K.4.TE "CXCCKSIOX To Norfolk, Virginia, the Coming Me tropolis, By Baltimore and Ohio, on Monday and Tuesday, May 18 and 19, on account of auction sale of lots by Port Norfolk Land Company, two days following. ihsu KEAL ESTATE SAYKTGS BAJfK, LEtt. 401 Smlthfield Street, Cor. rourth Avenue. Capital, S100.000. Surplus, 09,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent tts Pennsylvania Lines. Commencing May 17 the Sunday train leaving Pittsburg Union station at 820 A. M. central time and arriving at 825 p. m. will run to and from ltock Point. Trimmed Bonnets and Hatu For the Hay Festival. Largest assortment at Bosenbaum & Co's. Two iitodeed akd FirTr pieces best moquetto carpets in Hartford & Smith's makes, at apnee, at "Welty's, 120 Federal street, t5, Ct, 69 and 71Park way. axs Granlto cutters of BatTC, Vt, wuinot strike. Fifty American miUers bavo sailed for Europe. A general strike of Belgian ironworkers is in prospect. Texas is holding its 'World's Fair Conven tion at Forth Worth. United Mine Workers of Illinois are in session at S treator. Salvador has appointed a commissioner for the World's Tail-. Wclsh miners have resolved to continue the eight-hour agitation. Gold shipments continue at tho rate of from $2,000,000 to $1,000,000 daily. The number of striking Iowa miners is estimated at from 7,000 to 10,750. All Hebrows nro beiag expelled from Kussian territory beyond tho Caspian. Tho present crisis in Portugalis said to be entirely financial and non-political. The Portuguese Government will pro vide an abundant supply of small coin. Mmo. Boulanger's application for a de cree of separnto estates lias been granted. Six soldiers were killed at Massowah Tuc-day by tho collapse of their barracks. Coal miners in the Iowa regions are'pre pariugto hold a scries of great mass meet ings. Tupper proposes tho compulsory ins-pec--Hon or all sailing vessels registered in Canada. Medical Student Harris, who poisoned his wife in Xew York, has been indicted for murder. Deaths from the grip in London last neck, 11821 moro than tho highest grip record in ikju. The Mafia is rcsnonsible for the murder of a family of four near Carrientes, Argen tine Kepiiblic. Tho Belgian Government has warned General Boulanger to keep his mouth shut or leave the country. Californians are quietly working to lo cato the next Kepublican Xational Conven tion in San Francisco. Tho grip epidemic has created a panic among the Indians in Washington State, and they are fleeing to Idaho. The steamer Lucy Howe, reported lost In the Pacific ocean, has arrived safely at her destination, the Queetsche river. The bill in the Massachusetts Legislature Prohibiting the use of fireworks on the ourth of July lias been defeated. Sovcrly, the defaulting Treasurer of Chippewa cour-ty, Wis., has Deen sentenced to tw o years' imprisonment. He pleaded guilty to making way with $20,000. Secret enmity is said to exist between the Brotherhood and tho Order of Locomo tii e Engineers, which will probably set tho tw o organizations by the ears again. The Florida Horticultural Society has protested against the appointment of Max w ell, of California, as superintendent of -the horticultural department of the World's Fair. During anti-European riotsat Woo Hoo, China, the' natives burned the Catholic mission and many European dwellings. Woo Hoo is a treaty port on the Yungtse Kiang. Prof. Harper, of Yale, who becomes president of the new University of Chicago, will be succeeded in his professorship oy Edward L. Curtis, of tho McCormick Theo-t logical Seminary, Chicago. Tho decision of the United States Su preme Court, holding that Pennsylvania can tax tho Pullman Car Company on its mile age, w ill result, it is said, in tho collection of about $25,000 of back taxes by the County Treasurers of Iowa. Four attachments aggregating $27,765 were granted yesterday against Levy Bros. & Co., clothing manufacturers, Xew 1 ork. It is understood that A. H. Levy hasbeen made insane by his financial troubles. Liabilities estimated at $750,000. The application of Martin A. Frank for an injunction to prevent the consolidation of the Edison Electric Light Company with the Edison General Electric Light Company lias been denied by Judge O'Brien, of the Xew York Supreme "Court. The duel w hich was to have been fought on Belgian soil betw eon M. Henri Koch efort apd M. Isaacs, the sub-prefect who ordered the troops on May Day to fire upon the riot cis at Fourmies, has been abandoned, owing to the vigilance of the Belgian police. A little Lockport, X. Y., gill mado faces at lie ? priest. Father Darcy, as ho passed by. The divine chased the child into the house and t hipped her In the presence of her mother, to teach her better manners, he said. For this offense the priest was ar rested and convicted of assault. Mr. Tate, who moved to impeach Sir Hector Langevin' and Hon. Thomas Mo Grcvv, in the Dominion Parliament on Mon day, Is reported as sa3-ing that ho held back some of the most damaging testimony against them and will make further dis closures when tho case comes bofore the committeefor investigation. Mr. Tate says the result must bo one of two things the expulsion of Sir Hector and McGrevy from the House of Commons by a vote of Par liament or the downfall of the Government if Sir John Macdonald attempts to condone tho offense. It is a good thing, during the heat in sum mer, to give your children a good anti-acid and strengthening medicine, in order to pre vent fermentation of food in the stomach, and the indigestion, fever, diarrhoea and other attendant evils, which are so apt to follow. For this purpose you will not be disappointed in the use or .Dr. D. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge an excellent anti-acid, a strengtheuer of the best description for cither young or old, pleasant to the taste, and withal not expensive. Its timely use may save anxiety, expense, and possibly the loss of a child. Sold by all druggists. ABE TOU THLVKEXG OF BUYING A PLXO ? "What Arc the Three Kings? Decker Dros., Knabo and Fischer. Tlicy are kings among pianos, and can be purchased at prices ana on terms to suit you at Hamilton's, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. The Best S10 Men's Suit in America. Corns and take your choice to-day out of 5,000 men's stylis'h spring suits in" all the new shades and patterns for a 10 bilL P. C. C. C, PlTTSBUBG COMBIXATHMT Clothing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets. AU-Wool rrench ChaUies, Only 35 Cents, In dark and light grounds; also 100 pieces at 40 cents and several hundred pieces at 50 and 53 cents. This is the" place to buy your challies. Jos. Hobne & Co., C09-621 Penn avenue. "Wanted! Carpenters! Stonemasons ! Bricklayers I and in fact every man to buy a pair of my good solid shoes at 1 25 and SI 50. You will save money. 'At Simen's, 78 Ohio St., Alle gheny, Pa. TTh rrency Organdy Very rakhlonable For summer dresses latest styles here in our wash goods department. JOS. HOKNE&Ca'S Penn Avenue Stores, Summer Shoes ! ! Boys', men's and youths' tennis shoes, new colors. Boys and men's baseball shoes. At G. D. 'Simen's, 78 Ohio si, Al legheny, Pa. TTh Tiventt thousand shades at a price, at "Welty's, 120 Federal street, 65, 67, 69 and 71 Park way. us 53 50 is what we sell ?6 men's suits for to morrow. "Workingman's Day" at Sailer & Co.'s, corner Smithfield and Diamond streets. 'Quod ab Omnibus Quod Ubioue." British Medical Joanul. ' Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." "Delightful and refreshing." British Medical Journal, SOLE EXPORTERS: THE APOLLINARIS CO.. iD., LONDON, ENG. , The test of the tauaauiffl Tl Kitchen is the true test of Tea. Practical House keepers find in HE-NO Tea, MORE STRENGTH!. ' MORE QUALITY! 'MORE FLAVOR! Don't buy teas to look at, but to drink. The value of He-No is only appreciated when it comes on the supper table. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. MARTIN GILLET & CO., (Established iSu), Exchange Place, Baltimore, Md. V.Vl fg'G-' W j Vs m mmp- y m FOR TOURISTS! Opera, Field, Marino Gla&sesandTcleseopes. A large inportation just received. OTJH 8PECIAXiTY: 7eCTACi-. rTvimsr? 'V .' ORDERS In, . rO. SMTHFIELO STJ' WM. E. STIEREN, Optician. ESTABLISHED 1861. Eyes Examined ITree. Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DIAMOND, SS& de23-Trsu - FOR DYSPEPSIA Distrees alter Eating; Biomaca uaiarrn. Mead ache, Heartburn, and all rorms or indiRestion. Prepared from the fruit of tho Papaya Melon Treefoundia the tropics. Druggists sell them. -03-rrs nAPOID TABLETS-FOB DYSPEPSIA. SOLD BT JOS. FLEMING & SOX, 412 Market street, mhl9-82-TTSu Pittsburg. tJ tAlTIMCK A tttKmirtCi 1 aS55f"t3 . I fr jWckly reliev- AjJJw J SfW, and a Per f W(Wnent cure Sji M IVu5mg4lrj w 3t ft i .s Vfflfi mk . iiuvu o .. t, r sz .o K T y-V feSLElS THE BABIES. Bless their little hearts ! A few words to mothers about ' Infants' Outfits. Nothing could be nearer the word "perfection" than our matchless col lection of Infants' Wearing Apparel. " It. is a superb stock, indeed, and em braces every article necessary to dress the little folks out in style. GamliriG ana NamsoqK Dresses forCliilttren, 2 and 3 -years, in immense variety. Better or more perfect fitting children's dresses are not made. All trimmed with handsome, dainty embroidery, with fancy tucked or Embroidered waists, full sleeves, and plain, hemstitched or tucked skirts. AVe cannot say too much in praise of this superior line of oods. They bear the most critical examination. Prices are from 85 c to JS5 50 and every intermediate price. Y Length or First Short Dresses for Babies, finished in the same elegant manner, Cambric or Nainsook, from 95c to $1 50. Infants' Long Slips in Muslin at 250,38c and 50c, in Cambric and French Nainsook, up to 7 25. It is a pleasure, indeed, for one to examine this line. Such Handsome Embroideries! Just the patterns for Babies' Wear and such goods, and fin ish are not often seen. Infants' Cambric Underskirts, plain, tucked and with inserting from 50c to $2. Full line of Flannel Skirts, Barrocoats and Bands. Cashmere and Flannel Sacques and Shawls, plain, hemstitched and embroidered. Infants' Kid Booties in black, white and tan the cutest, most babyish things you ever saw at 50c, 62CC, 95, arid 98c, Chamois Booties at 25c, Knit Booties at 10 to 75c, Knit Silk Booties at gi. Infants' Fine Cashmere and'silk undershirts, long and short sleeves, heavy, medium and light weights Orders taken for Infants? Baskets, and trimming for which we have ex ceptional facilities done on short notice. ' Strictly reliable goods only are ever found in our Infants' Outfitting De partment. - '. 510-518 MABKET STREET. ISPECIAL BARGAIN India Silk Skirt Chemise, in lilac, creamt light blue and pink, trimmed handsomely with val. lace and ruffle, at oniy $4 85. According to Homer, lestor, the old war rior and wise counsellor of tho Greeks, had ruled over three generations of men, and was vriso as the Immortal gods. S J7 Has been the. foremost tailor In America for moro than a quarter century, and is re garded uv the recognized authorities as the Nestor of Merchant Tailors. OUR STOCK OP SUMMER-SUITINGS Is now complete. SERGES Hi MDHAIRS Apiienr to liavo tho pop ular favor. AVehave them in all tlio known shades. Suits to Order ' From $20. Trousers to Order From $5. Samples and self-measure rules mailed on appli cation. 400 SMITHFIELD ST.' -myU-i0 AMUSEMENTS. MAY MUSIC , FESTIVAL TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. Mechanical Hall, Exposition Buildings, May 12, 13, H, 15, 10, Matinees Thursday and Saturday. Festival will open on TUESDAY. Prices Reserved seats, single concert Par quet, $3 and $2 50; balcony. $1, $1 GO and $2. Single scats in private Ibox, $3; season, seven performances, $18. General admission 25 and 60 cents. TICKETS ON SALE at Hamilton's Musio Store, 91 and 03 Fifth av. The Stoinwny & Son piano used exclusively at all the Festival concerts. GILMORE'S BAND Wednesday, May 20, Matinee and Night. myll-ll TJTJQ,TJE SITE. Pittsburg's Leading Theater. To-night Only Matinee Saturday. MRS. JOHN DREW, Supported by Mr. EBEN rLYMPTON and a superb company, In tho i "SCHOOL FOE, SCANDAL." MONDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEKj Tho Great Scenic and Realistic Production, "THE PATROL." Tho best melodrama since "Lights o'Lon don." Sale of scats and boxes begins to-day at Theater and Hays', 75 Fifth av. my 14-20 TO-NIGHT: JANAUSCHEE ESSEX. Only matinee Saturday, NEXT M'EEK. COMMENCING MONDAY, MAY 18. MATINEE SATURDAY ONLY. FANNY DAVENPORT, IN SARDOIPS CLEOPATRA, ' Supported by Melbourne McDowell, under tho direction of Marcus E. Mayer. Prices, $1 50, $h 75e, 50e and 25c. Seats now on sale. myl4-29 BIJOU THEATER-TO-NIGHT CUAS. T. ELLIS in CASPER, THE TODLEE. Matinees ATednesdav-and Saturday. May 18 Tho Midnight Alarm. myll:12 HARRIS' THEATER MRS. P. HARRIS, R. L. Britton, T. F. Dean, Props, and Mgrs. Every afternoon and evening The Comedy Drama, A BARREL OF MONEY. "Week May IS IRISH LUCK. myl2 99-ns H ARRY WILLIAMS ACADEMY To-night Matinees Monday, Tuesday, SHERIDAN & FLYNN'S my3-48 . OWN GRAND COMPANY. , my 12 J An "Evening Leader" (Grand vRapids) Newsboy Sustains Serious Injury. Brief History of a Brave Little Fel low's Patient Suffering. It will be a year in November since ono of the brightest faces among the Evening Leader's throng of happy newsboys was snd denly missed from'his regular daily visits at tho counting rooms. His rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes, full of fun and enthusiasm, ntensified by tho knowledge that he was earning money by his own efforts, made him a conspicuous figure anions his host of little competitors. By inquiry it wns learned that the little business man (whoso name is Gilbert C Mc Donald) had sustained painful and probably fatal injuries by falling from a fence post, striking heavily upon his head and hip, whilo playing near the home of his father, John McDonald, at 437 South Ionia street. Since that timo.up to last March the little sufferer had grautially lost the use of his limbs and body, finally becoming a con firmed and helpless invalid. In vain did anxious parents seek the medical profession for help; the best talent was powerless. Times -without number were tho heart broken parents and sympathizing friends called to watch tho terrible agony of the lit tle wasted body, expecting every moment to see their precious ono torn from them by the dread destroyer. It was with tills knowledge of the case, together witli tho fact that this same littlo boy is now a happy youth among his play fellows that tlio Leader, -n 1th a natural in terest for one of its many newsboys, gives Its veadors a brief history of his terrible sickness and miraculous recovery as related by his parents and their neighbors. THE MOTHEK'S STOUT. Mrs. McDonald -n as seen at her home yes terday, and that lady told the story of her son's sickness and final recovery with that Interest only to be found in a mother's heart.' Gilbert was .present, and apparently en Joyed a retrospective history of himself: "Gilbert will be 12 years old In October," said Mrs. McDonald, "and wero you familiar with his past sufferings, you would consider it a miraclo that he is with us to-day. His sickness was caused by the accidental fall from a post, striking on his head and hip, last Novembor. After the accident he grad uaUy lost tho use of his limbs untU ho was unable to move hand or foot. AVe employed several good physicians, but he grow worse, becoming perfectly paralyzed; there was no feeling in his limbs. The doctors run pins into his legs and arms and ho could not feel it. His hair stopped growing, became dry, teeth loose, and his tonguo became swollen nnd speechless; he could not even move his eyelids. He would go Into convul sions for hours and suffer tho most terrible agony. Shortly bofore we employed the doc tors who finally cured him he went into a convulsion at 5 o'clock In tho morning, last ing until 9 o'clock at night.' I sent lor -my husband at tho cablo company's power house, and wo looked every moment to seo him die. That night my husband noticed In tho Evening Leader the advertisement of the Electrical and Medical Institute, and al though ono doctor told us that electricity would kill him he resolved to try it, as every other resourco had been exhausted. He went down and consulted with tho medi cal director of tho Institute The doctor c&me and examined the case and informed us that if the brain was not too badly af fected he could cure him. For ten days be fore the doctor came he had been entirely speechless and as a dead person, at no time giving any signs of recognition. That night the doctor treated him, and the next morn ing he was better, speaking for the first time in ten days. You may well lmagino my feel ing of gratitude and joy as I saw my boy re turn to consciousness- Tho next day the doctor said: 'Your boy will play ball in throe months from now.' I cherished that Firomiso closo to my heart and watched its olfillment. He grew better right along, his mental and physical strength improvednom the very first treatment, and now ho plays ball wifh his associates and has been up since the first of June. Tho doctors com menced treating him about the first of March." TIIE JMTHEH TALKS. The father, John McDonald, is a black smith in the employ of tho cablo company. "As often as every other day I was tele phoned to como home, expecting every time to see him die. 1 gave up all hope of his lccovery. It wns heartrending to hear his pitiful moans nil through tho night and day. I read in the Leader that tho Electri cal and Medical Institute treated diseases of thisnaturo and consulted with them: von know the result. It is most wonderful, and 1 snail never cease to inanKtiiemiorwnat thov liavo done for us." Eveninsr Leader. Grand Rapids. Mich. ' THE INSTITUTE referred to in the" above is at present treating from 100 to 200 people daily which was established two years ago on tho same basis that tho ELECTRICAL AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE now located on the corner of Fifth street and Penn avenue, nnd liavo in operation tho 'saiue MEDICAL ELECTRIC INDUCTION BAT TERIES AND APPLIANCES which are PATENTED and used only in these INSTI TUTES. This treatment, combined with medicine and surgery, whio i are all supplied in tho In stitute, has proved successtul In such dis eases as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Diseases, Locomotor Ataxia, Catarrh, Dyspepsia,- Liver and Kidney Troubles,. Blood and Skin Diseases, And all morbid conditions peculiar to either sex arising from debility of tho nervous sys tem, produced from whatever cause. Braces and instruments for all deformities supplied. -No matter what ails you call nnd procure a diagnosis of your case TREE OF CHARGE, or communicate a description of your case by letter. Advice in ail cases willbe strictly honest and based on knowledge and experi ence. Male and female attendants. Free consultation and examination. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 r. si. and 7 to 8 p. r. Address al! communications to tho Electrical and Medical Institute, 442 PENN AVE., COKNEB PLTTH STREET, m PITTSBUEG, pa. N. B. Diagnosis and medicines must be procured at the hands of the medical di rector. mj O-TTS , FEICK BROS., 21 SIXTH ST. SURGICAL INSTRUMENT ESTABLISHMENT.. Specialties: Scicntiflo flttine of TRUSSES appliances for DEFORMITY and ARTIFI CIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgical instruments in Western Pennsylvania. Large illustrated catalogue free to mlll8-99-TTS8U physicians. SPEING SUITINGS! Including the leading FASHIONABLE PATTERNS for gentlemen. Imported and domestio cloths. LATEST STYLES. H. & O. P. AHLERS, MERCHANT TAILORS, 430 Smithfield street. Telephone 1389. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ALLEMCO Why do you .wear Eastern made trashy tenement house clothing? ' Call on us to-day and get one of our strictly home made suits at $15 and a $2 HAT FREE. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Hats and Furnishing Goods at unparalled low prices, 240 CHILDREN'S SUITS At $2 50, Worth $4. K3 Baseball Outfit or Garden Set Free In Our Children's Department. To Save Money Call on Us To-Day. SKUXUf Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Sts. mylirrs TTELLO, CENTRAL, GIVE ME 199. XX Hello, Whlteley, send for my shoes and nxwhero needed and return them as quick as possible. A. WHITELEY, Pittsburg Shoo Repairing Factory, 123-130 Third ave. Second floor. myl2-73-TT OIL WELL SUPPLIES. Artesian Wells. For household and mechanical purposes. Prices on application. DARRAQH PURE WATER CO., Ja31-43-D 107 First av., Pittsburg. M. V. TAYLOR, Oir WELL SUPPLIES. The Celebrated ALLISON TUBING AND CASING 1 ALWAYS IN STOCK ROOMS S5 and 38 Fidelity building. Phone 797. my7-D HAYS & TREES, Contractors. We make a specialty of building NATURAL GAS LINES AND WATER MAINS;. KOOMUO HAMILTON BUILDING, PITTSBURG, PA. Correspondence solicited. Telephone, 51. fe2t-55-Trs 01 WELL SUPPLY CO., LIMITED, 91 and 92, Water Street, PITTSBUEG, PA. J1053-TTS-E03U IEELA1 & IBIS, FORGE MD - MACHINE AND MANUFACTURERS OF Oil and Artesian Well Drilling and Fishing Tools, Corner Twenty-6nt Street and A. V. R. R. Tolophone -No. 1222. PITTSBURG, PA. jal-3-D MAX ENGINES -AND- The best Oil "Well Machinery in the world. All sizes of Engines and Boilers. Also all sizes Stationary Engines and Boil ers. 'Write fdr prices. Offices in Pittsburg, Washington and But ler. Always write or telegraph to Corry Office. JAMES M. LAMBING, SOLE AGENT, CORRY, PA. Pittsburg offico telephone No. 296. mh5-D OIL CITI BOttI US. - L ANCFACTURERS OP UE MB STATIONABY MGINES -Asn- ! BOILERS. Works at Oil City, Pa, t ff.'8. WATSON, tycui. FFIGE, 109 FOURTH ME, PITTSBURG, PA. Cofcrcspondcnco solicited. Prices on ap- COREY BOILERS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KAUFMAN N ys The Heart and Soul of LOOK m 1 11 IJuJa1 lar price 2, AT $1 25. Ladies' French Kid Slippers, assorted as the foregoing, regular price $2 50, at $1 50. Ladies' French patent leather vamp and ooze calf tops, regular price $3, at only 1 50. Ladies' French patent leather vamp and alligator top Nilsson Slippers, regular price $5, AT $3. Misses' Pebble Goat and Glazed Dongola Spring Heel Shoes, sizes n to 2, rafetfe in a first-class manner, solid as solid can be, regular price $2, AT ONLY $1 25. Youths' Calf Lace and Button Shoes, plain and tipped, sizes 11 to 2, regular price $2, at ONLY $1 25. Boys' Lam Teis Sloes ESf al Oily You can't buy them anywhere for less than from 75c to $1. Men's BasoM Sloes "ST at Oily They're the same for which other dealers ask $1 25. TaUiQQ' IMiIb Emm FiIY at flnlv 7 UU.U1UU JJIU.UU.IU imyyuiv Of course, it is needless to say that we're the big shoe headquarters of Pittsburg, With us, once a customer means always a customer. Will you give us a trial? :) II bumpers, and first-class in every respect. $3 75 buys a canvass covered full Saratoga trunk, sheet iron bottom, malleable iron corner bumpers, white 'metal lock, tilting tray, and very substantial. , mmm , WAAf La&J MlfcAA abASAA3 AAWW ..-.... .v. --pxnTTNn? ATTTfiATm? (TT.TrR "RAGS, leather lined and covered, nickel lqek, from $2 50 up. Good leather bound telescopes or sam ple cases 'from 65c up. Best quality leather bound, riveted edge sample cases, with 3 strong leather straps, from Si 75 up. HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS 1 Our big, light and airy basement is given up to this branch of our business. Whatever a housekeeper may need can be found here at a price far lower than at exclusive stores. Just take a walk through, and be convinced. To give you an idea of what you may expect, it is but necessary to say that l.OENT BUYS- A dozen Clothes Pins, A paper of Carpet Tacks, A Glass Tumbler, A Tea Strainer, A dozen Brass Head Tacks, A Mustard Spoon, A Pepper Box. 5 CENTS BUYS A large box of Bird Food, A large Scrubbing Sponge, A large bottle Howell's Ammonia, A Clothes Rack, A bottle Family Glue, A decorated China Dessert Saucer, j pound Moth Balls. 10 CENTS BUYS 4 A beautiful Japanese Teapot, A fine China Cup and Saucer, A French China Decorated Plate, A Decorated China Soap Dish, An imitation Cut Glass Berry Dish, A Dover Eggbeater, A Garden Set of 3 pieces. Nickel-plated Lamps, with dome shade and central draft burners. Half dozen Rogers Bros. .1847 Silver Tea Spoons. Clothes Horses, 6 feet high. Solid Oak, Hand carved Picture Easels, 6 feet high. 8-quart, granite enam eled Tea Kettles, Handsome Blacking Cabinets. FOE 111 x for any of the above articles promptly filled, save C. O. D. charges we would adyise cash to company order. K AUFMANNg FIFTH AVE- AND SMITHFIELD ST. A0TU ri BLOOD. GUR& Koch say3 lupus (eating nicer) la tuber cle, and lymph cures it. No substance In existence cures lupns so rapidly as Cactns Cure. No failures, no relapses. The same with all. scrofulous nnd specific diseases, -whose names aro lesion, first and only ourelv and vegetable blood purifier known. Sold bv JOSEPH FLEMING SON, Drug gists, li Market st, Pittsburg. 6 ' myl2-TWTs s I i Pittsburg Commerce ! TO YOUR SHOES, If your shoe is too large it trips you, if too small it pinches. Science and common sense have combined to save you from either horn of the dilemma provided you buy shoes of the right people. Our sales corps is trained to fit each foot with shoes of the correct size, and, as we continually keep on hand every length and width of each shoe we handle, you are bound to get a comfortable fit here. Ladies coming in this week will find the following interesting bargains: Ladies' Kid Slippers, French heel or opera toe,plain heel and common sense toe, regu WEB. ui vmj i uimiuj - ( T Can be found in our TRUNK-SATCHEL DEPARTMENT. Next to the "almighty dollar" good trunks and satchels are required by the tourist. We have the best solid leather steamer trunks, as well as the cheaper grades; $1 98 buys a fancy crystal cov ered trunk, has large box, set up tray, cov ered hat box, reverse slats on top and good lock; $2 50 buys a fancy crystal covered barrel top trunk, full Saratoga finish, cov ered hat box and covered tray, white metal 85c buys an imitation Alligator aatcnei ciud Dag style; Si 39 buys an extra quality grain leather club "Unrr iT-lt-K CtrntlfT TlinVpl -nlstPfl lfirlf- 25 CENTS BUYS A Decorated China Cup, Saucer and Plate, A double Dinner Bucket, A granite enameled Wash Basin, A large Japanese Cake Plate, A large hand painted China Breach Plate, A Decorated China Cuspidor. 50 CENTS BUYS A 6-quart painted Sprinkling Can, A set (doz.) Steel Knives and Forks A beautiful Framed Picture, A dozen of blown Glass Tumblers, A gold decorated China Cream Pitcher, An extra large and deep granite ware Roasting Pan. 75 CENTS BUYS An Ansonia Nickel Alarm Clock, A French China Cracker Jar, A 25-pound Flour Can, A fine Silk Fringe Piano Lamp Shade, A 4-quart Granite Coffee Pot, A set of Sensible Sad Irons, cont sisting of 3 irons, handle and stand. AT THE TOPI And 'my aim is to keep a little ahead, es- -pecially in FINE WALL PAPERS.;; jw-f LOOK AT THE3L .&? cr WM. K .ATTEST,. 617'Woodst. : : MoarFifth'ave. . 1 To ac- "' v j Ion.. JI-2-TTS L lass JK&W',,?, fjssisiamKmmii WTfsmMGmFi SfcS'S,