m&&&. r effTWTT' !P' 739 i'-r ;- x THE " - PITTSBURG DISPATCH. . MONDAY, MAT 4, . 189L WILL LEAYE THE CITY Dr, J. G. Townscud ttesigns His Pas torate to Go to Jamestown, X. T. ME. 1IACQUEARI MAT BE CALLED. Lines of Analogy Between the San and the Spiritual World's Center. OTHER PDLPIT TOPICS OP IESTEEDAI Her. J. G. Townsend, D. D., at the close of his sermon yesterday morning, tendered his resignation as pastor of the Unitarian Church, as stated several days ago in The Dispatch he would probably do. The congregation very reluctantly accepted the resignation. Dr. Townsend will leave June 1 for Jamtstown, U. Y., where he will be come pastor of the Independent Congrega tional Church, of which he was the founder. The Unitarian congregation is considering several new pastors. It is thought the choice nay fall on Kev. Howard MacQueary, now of Canton, O. Dr. Townsend preached yesterday on "The New Birth." He said: "I invite your Attention to a simple, calm statement of the genesis of the new birth. There are more mystical, nebulous statements of the new birth than of any other doctrine of Christianity. It is supposed to mean that the old and depraved nature is taken out and a new nature riven to the soul, or in other words, there is an organic change ol faculty. The new birth in the old teaching is a real miracle. It starts upon the assump tion of total depravity, which is a medieval mystery. The new theology shows the two fold tendency in man the spiritual and animal tendency. This is taught by Paul, and by Shakespeare in that beautiful drama, "Prospero and Caliban." Prospero shows the higher, Caliban the lower tendency. Man's true life is found in obeying the higher sentiments ol his nature. The mission of the seed is not to live only in its roots, but to rise in the sunlight, and by lovely habit, build its beautitul architecture of stem and leaves and buds and flowers. It is man's nature to rise into the realms of art, science, literature, religion, goodness. "When he is governed by the law of love, he is among the twice-born ones. The new birth should be taken out of the magic or miraculous realm and shown to be as natural as the growing of a stalk of corn. "Kor do I deny the place of the di vine. In the transitions of the plant do I deny the ministry ol the sunlight? I rec ognize the wind of the spirit which bloweth where it listcth and listeth to blow into the sails of every noble purpose, on whatever soul-sea the sails are spread. As out of the depths of immensity come influences from star and far off nebula;, so from the great storm throne of the Eternal blow those as pirations which change at last society, cnurcn ana nations. '1 well remember when a child how the doctrine of the new birth was taught, so harshlv and unnaturally. It was some thing I was very much afraid to have ffnd very much nfraid not to have. I didn't then se how natural and beautiful the transition was. Suppose it stated in this way. Except a man works he cannot come into the kingdom of ncnlth. I say to the lotebuil, unless you open and blossom you cannot come into tlic kingdom of roses. Un less a irati becomes good he cannot enter into the Kingdom ol Heaven." THE GEEAT 6PIEITUAI. CEHTEB. Christ tho Attractive Force of tho Universe of Intellect. Communion services were held yesterday moruincm the First Congrceiitioual Church, Manhattan and Franklin streets, Allegheny, and seven new members were received. The subject of llev. S. W, McCorkle's sermon was "Christ, the Central Sun of the Spiritual Universe," and Ins text was the "Son of Itightcnusness shall a:ise with healinc; in His winjs." lie first outlined the history of the prophesy and followed with the state ment that not only was Christ to arise at tho dawn or the Christian era, but He now arises and dawns ou the world of men as the center of the spiritual universe. "There is a beautiltil and strikinc anal. ory," said he, "between Christ, the spiritual sun, and the natural sun of the universe. In the world of rilural science there is noth ing more wonderful than the attraction of one bodv for anot'.ier, or the law of gravita tion. The sun holds in pcrlect control each of the 130 planets with their moons by means of invisible bonds. Each one through ages has swung in its orbit without a single colli sion, bee tuse held in leash by the sun's power. In the ame manner." Christ, the great center of attraction of the realms of the m:nd and soul, with powers of omnipo tent God, holds the greatest and the least of His children. He expressed His power as a tenti.il sun when He said: 1, it I be lifted Bp, will draw all men unto Me.' As the sun shines through the mists, so Christ Bhines through the churches. There is alo a lesson in contrast. The luel of the sun must be constantly replenished, while the power of Christ, the central sun, is ever the sjme and the fuel is love. Xo other is needrd, and after sun and systems have served their uses and decayed God's love will remain as mighty as at the first. "As the Min by its power on the earth has stored up all its sources ot heat and light, so is found in Christ the sources of wisdom, justification, sanctification and redemption. The sun shines not alone on the mountain peak but in the dark vallev, the desert, the swamp and the thistle. "So the blessed Ciirist shines on all alike. He does not pass a sinner to shine on a saint any more than the sun neglects the thistle to bathe in sunlight the beauties ot the rose." THOU SHALT MOT STEiL. Kev. Charles Edwatd Lecko on Ono of the Ten Commandments. A large congregation, which crowded every part of the Smithfield Street Metho dist Episcopal Church, last night listened with close attention to a practical sermon by the pastor, Ecv. Charles Edward Locke, on the bubject, "Thou Shalt Not Steal." The speaker, in introducing his subject, said: "Jloses did not get the Ten Com mandments from Bnddha, a has sometimes been charged, for Buddha lived 800 years alter the great leader o Israel. He did not set it from the wisdom of the Egyptians in which he was versed, for the principles ot the decalogue had not been hinted in E-vp-tian philosophy. They must have come from God, for as the natives of the world move majestically up the slopes of Sinai they reach altitudes ot justice and equity enjoined and promised iu the decalogue. The right to live is inherent, but it has only been as the light from Sinai's gliatenin summit breaks out over nations thaj any proper estimate is made of life. Suttee is abolished, as India catches a glimpse of the divine purpose. "The sixth commandment forbids taking life by insufficient precautions. It forbids duels, prize fights, gladiatorial shows and pit games which are a menace to human life. It would be interesting to know just now lar me siztn commanuinent interdicts England's game of football and our national game 01 baseball. Let the games go on, but such adjustments ought to be made as to protect Ine and health: It forbids homicide and suicide. Capital punishment does not transgress this law, for God Himself has fixed the forfeit of life as the ouly adeouate punishment for taking life. "The day will come n hen the wars be tween the men of muscle and the men of money will be superseded bv arbitration. I h.ive genuine sympathy for the 25,000 men who are seekine, by the" present methods, to secure what they claim to be their rights. But when we shall have entered upon the era of the arbitrament of antagonisms between capital and labor it will, be regarded as one of the greatest ol anomalies that vorkinirmen ever Inst .i rlnv'. vork whiledifferences were beiugadjuited." EETEIEUriON ATTEE DEATH. Future Kctvards and Punishments for All Upon .Earth. Kev. E. E. Donchoo, at the Eighth Pres byterian Church last evening, preached a vigorous sermon, taking Matthew xxiii., 33 as his text, aud saying, during the course of his remarks: "Hell ii is sot a pleasant word in ears polite, nor is the idea sug gested a congenial one. A generation ago hell was a verr familiar word to church goers. A minister felt it incumbent on all occasions to hold his congregation generally and severally by the nape of the neck over the mouth of the fiery gulf. It is comfort ing to leel that it is not the hell of the hymn writer or theologian, the he'l or Dante or Milton, which should so much concern us, as the hell of the Bible. It is well to know just what the Bible has to say on this unpleasant topic, a thought which has filled many a timid snnl with the greatest distress, and possibly driven many to profess religion, not through any par ticular love for its services, but rather through a wholesome dread of "hell fire'' aud its attendant horrors of adamatine chains and wrathful demons. In the Old Testament the word sheol is translated ,hcll in 31 passages. Hebrew scholars agree that sheol, in the thoughts of the ancient people, was simply the underground world, where everything mortal descends, the gathering place of the dead, irrespective ot character or deserts. Hades, in the New Testament, is a word of similar import with sheol, and is translated hell in 10 pas'sacps. Gehenna is found 11 times in the New Testanient.nnd translated by the word hell or bell lire. The use which Christ makes of this word evidently refers to a retribution after death, the extent, or location of circumstances of whih not being precisely defined. Peter once used the word tartaroo, which is sim ilarly rendered. "This thine of constructing a hell out of our own feelings of revenge or prejudice and holding it np as a terror before the eyes of the timid is prolific of no possible good! This much we are plainly taught .by Christ; that there is a place of future rewards and punishments. The abodes of the righteous and the wicked are separated by an impass able gulf which only God's mercy can span. This place of punishment will be banish ment from God's presence and from the company of the Godly. However long or short this punishment may endure, it is suf ficiently revealed to warn any and all from trifling with God's mercy, and sinning away their day of grace. Only one fair oppor tunity will be given any to flee from the miseries of hell, and we who have had abundant opportunity in this life need hope for no opportunity when this probationary state is ended." Pulpit Filled by a Kentucklon. The pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church, Dr. Purves pastor, was filled yes terday by Key. W. C. Young, D. D., of Center College, Danville, Ky. Dr. Young preached two powerful sermons that wero enjoyed by large congregations. A Enyman Occupied the Fntplt. 'William C. Lilly, Eq., delivered au ad dress on the "Zeal ol John," at the Second Congregational Church, North and Grant avenues, Allegheny, lat uight. IMPRESSIVE TESTIMONIAL. Thousands Follow the Hcmatns of Edwnrd Armstrong to the Tomb All the City Officials Present Many Floral Designs IVere Contributed. The largest funeral cortege ever known in Allegheny was that which followed the re mains of Chief Edward Armstong to the grave in Uulondale Cemetery. There was an immense crowd present at the house. Only a few eouldgain admittance. All the members of both branches of Councils, together with many ex-members and almost all of the city officials, were present A Inrg. number of city employes were also among the other personal friends of the dead chief. The remain were laid out In a black cofiin in the front room of his late residence, on Taylor avtnue, Allegheny. The house was scented through and through with flowers. Many handsome floral tributes had been sent by friends. There were harps and lyres, columns and pillows, together with hundreds of roses sent Irom the city conservatories. Rev. AV. F. Conners. of tho Arch Street M. E. Church, conducted the servicas, and was assisted bv Iter. J. L. Fulton, of the Sixth Presbyterian Church. W. F. Con ncrs made the first address. He referred to the sterling qualities which had built up for Edward Armstrong his reputation and position. Then he spoke of the great work just begun and how the city would lose in the death of so able a man. Itev. J. L. Fulton, as a personal friend of Mr. Armstrong, then made an address, in which he paid that while Allegheny had many things in the past of which she was ashamed. Chief Armstrong had just inaug urated an era of better days and better gov ernment. Allegheny had just begun to feel that Edward Armstrong would place the city among the best citie? of the country, but God had ruled otherwise, aud thejeity must bow in submission. At the conclusion of his address.a hymn was sung by the choir of the Arch Street M. E. Church and the body carried out. The pallbearers were Mayor AVvman, John Murphy, Chiet the Department of Public Safety; Barton Grubb, Chief of the Depart ment of Charities; James Lindsay, Presi dent of Select Council; Thomas Parke, President of Common Council; Andrew Armstrong and Harry Pratt, of the Depart ment of Public "Works, and Thomas Brown, a. life-long friend of the dead Chief. FOE UNITED STATES C0TJEZ Deputy marshals Bring InaGancof Pris oners. The United States District Court will have plenty of criminal, cases to attend to during the May term. Quite a number of prisoners are already on hand and others are cominj. Deputy Marshals Baring and Yeap;cr came from the eastern part of the State yesterday morning with a ganc of subjects for the court's consideration. They were taken to the county jail. Anion;; me prisoners was au old man named John Carr, of Kienzi, Bradford county, charged by Postoffice Inspector Mc Cready with sending postal cards with ob scene printing upon them through the mails. "When broucht into the iail he carried a couple of canvas bags which he was loth to surrender to Warden Soffel before being placed behind the bars. The bags contained a number of bottles of liquids which the old man said were his stock in trade, he be iug a regularly registered physician. Isaac Cratzer, a Williarasuort letter carrier, charged with stealing money from letters in his care, and Michael Day and Daniel Kamaski, of Scrantnn, charged with selling liquor without a United States license, were cnmpHtiions of the Doctor ou the trip to the jail. Michael Katellus was ouo of the party also. He was brought from the Northum berland county jail ou a writ of habeas corpus as a material witness agninsl Kam aski when the laltcr's case comes up for trial. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit lax ative, Sjrup of Figs, under all conditions, make it their favorite remedy. It Is pleasing to the eyo and to the taste, genile yet effectual in acting on tbo kidneys, liver and bowels. Hero We Come . With another bargain. Ladies' pebble grain solid leather button shoes at Jl, at G. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, P. . awr The People's Store Fifth Ave. Ladies! Don't buy your shoes before next Wednesday. Our new shoe depart ment opens on that day. Campbell & Dice. Little, the optician, fill Peon arcane. D THAT ALL MAY BEAD The Allegheny Connty. Bible Society Famishes the Word. ITS SEVEKTT-SIXTH TEAR ENDED. Report of the Secretary, Showing the Ex tent of tbo Wort Done. GOSPEL PKIKTED JN ALL LANGUAGES. The seventy-sixth annual meeting of the Young Men's Bible Society of Allegheny County was held last night in the First U. P. Church, Allegheny. After the opening prayer, President Miller made a few re marks on the object ot 'the society. E. S. Gray, Corresponding Secretary, read his annual report and the report of the Treas urer and Librarian. M.r. Gray opened by reviewing the origin and work of tho Bible societies in this country and in England, and especially the history of the local organization. Extracts Irom his report follow: "The following statistical table will be of interest as showing the aggregate amount of work clone in the 75 years just passed, ar ranged by quarters of century; the amount of remittances representing the cost price of Bibles and the sums donated; the number of volumes representing the number of Bibles and Testaments distributed by the agents: Remittance'. First qoarterof century.. .S 9.806 01 Second quarter ot century. 5!).(S9 8i Third quarter of century.. 73,310 (SJ No. VoR in.518 71,810 58,590 Total, 75 years (116.836 51 HQ,95i Increase In the Demand for Bibles. "One hundred years agp lesi than 4,000, 000 Bibles were in existence in all the earth. To-day there is probably more than 210,000, 000 in circulation, while 6,000,000 are being published year by year.. The increasing de mands upon our own society is further evi dence ot this interest, and we see our field enlarging, by reason of large-increase of popnlation, especially of the foreign ele ment, in far greater proportion than we have the means to meet the opportunities. "During the past year Bibles have been placed in the following places: West Penn Hospital, Dixmont Hospital, Passavants' Hospital, Homeopathic Hospital, Women's Christian Association, Y. M. C. A., citv; Lawrenceville Y. M. C. A., Tarentum Y. M. C. A., W. C. T. TJ., of Bellvne; P. & L. E. K. E., P. K. It., B. & O. E. E., So ciety of Improvement of Poor, Mouongahela House, Industrial schools, besides a num ber of mission schools of all denominations. S"Of languages, English, German, Italian, French and Hungarian were distributed. The total number distributed during the year, 1,850; the highest number in any one month, September, 240; smallest number, February, CO. Helping the Foreign Element. "In Pittsburg there are 10,000 Italians. With the exception of a mision in East End, there is practically nothing being done, as far as we Know, to bring to them the Bread of Life, and the same can be said of other nationalities, with the exception, perhaps, of the Frcneh, and the much but wrongly despised Chinese. Strange as it may seem, it is a fact, over 30 per cent of our Chinese population are to-day using the Bible alone as the only text-book in acquir ing a knowledge ot onr language. "Should time and space admit, many incidents could be told of the marvelous power "the Word" has had in giving light to those who were sitting in darkness. Ought not this society make a special effort to place the Bible in their own language in the hands aud homes of these strangers within our gates? Never before was there such nred as now for some restraining, Christianizing influence to subdue the vio lent inclinations of many of these foreigners in our centers of labor and other places." Tho Treasurer's report shows the receipts for the year $1,702, and the balance from last year made the lotul $1,926 18. The dis bursements wero $1,132 33, leaving a bal ance of $703 83. Itev. J. T. McCrory made the address of the evening, giving some interesting facts on the subject of Bible work. NEEDED IN PIITSBtJEO. A Now York Architect Consulted About Dulldlnc Apartment Houses. Georgo E. Harding, a New York archi tect, who planned the new Holland Hotel on Fifth avenue, aud has made a reputation tin building apartment houses, was at the Dnqnesne yesterday. He met several wealthy Pittsburg gentlemen, whose names could not be learned, at the Dnquesne Club, on Saturday, to discuss a scheme to erect several large flat or apartment honses In this city, on an elaborate scale, with restaurant, etc., attached. Mr. Hard ing returned to New York in the evening, but declined to talk about the project, or even hint where they would be located. "When W. H. McCreery sold his stock in the Pleasant Vallev road a few years ago he had in view to build A $600,000 apartment house in Pittsburg, but so far no signs of such a buildiuc have appeared. That such bouses would pay in this -city there is no doubt. Once Acaln India Silk Bargains. Extra fine, printed Iudia irlt's, $1 25 quality go at 75 rents a yard. See these great bAgains before buying. JOS. HORNE & CO., 609-621 Penn avenue. A Great Chance 37-Inch White Indlas at GOc. Just the thing for underwear. Can't be duplicated at this price. JOS. HOENE & CO., C09-G21 Penn avenue. Llttlo OlanUI Forstrength and durability my youths'and girls' solid leather button shoes at $1, at G. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny, Pa. MWP Two Bargain Lots India Silks, SO and 75 c a Tard. You have paid $1 25 for worse goods. This is the time to make a cood bargain purchase. Jos. Hokne & Co., 609-621,Penn avenue. Tho People's Store Fifth Ave. Visit our new shoe department on Wed nesday, the opening day. Campbell & Dick. m.wTnnn.M ,,, i -r .. I THIRSTY people all praise Iron City iircwerys beer, baloonists are quick to discover this tact. Telephone 1186. Stylish Suiting. " The largest stock suitiugs aud trouserings at Pitcairn's, 431 Wood street. Little, the optioiau, fill Penn avenne. D TWO GREAT MINDS AGREE. Sir Morell Mackenzie and x Professor Koch, thp highest authorities in Europe, unhesitatingly recommend the Soden Pastilles (Troches) for all Throat, Lung and Catarrhal diseases. Against Malaria and other atmospheric influences these troches are without equal. Bevvare of imitations. The genuine must have the testimonial and signature of Sir Morell Maokenzie around every bax. Price 50c. royix IJUSNER fc MENDELSON'S J SODEN' PASTILLES SOLO BY JOS. FLEMING & HON, IU Market sr Pittsburg, Pa, OS-Display advertisement! one ftollar per tquare for one insertion. Classified advertise ment on this paae, such at Wanted, For Sale, To Let. etc, ten cents per tine or each inter Hon, and none taken for leu than thirty cents. -Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE, Cor. Smithfleld and Diamond Streets, ALWAYB Ol'flK. BRANCH OFFICES AS rOLLOWS. WHERE WANT. fOK SALK. TO LET, AW) OTHER TKANB1ENT ADVEliriSEMENrs WILL BE KECJK1VED UP TO 9 P. M. FOU INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already hare accounts with Tm Dispatch. KOK THE SUCTHSIDE. NO. MB CAUSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. OE2. FOR THE EAST END, J. W." WALLACE, 6111 PENN AVE. priTSBUH-ADDlTIlNAL. THOMAS McCAFFKET.. M09 Butler street. EMILG. STUCKEY, IUh trecl and Pcnnava. ALLEGHENY. A. j. KAERRHEK. K Federal street. H. J. McUUIDK, Market House. Allcittienv. F. H. Eon Kits A BON, Oblo and Chestnut its. THOMAS McHENRY, Western and lrwln ares. G. . HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaveraves. PEKKY 11. GLE1M, Rebecca and Allerfien v aves. WANTED. Male HolD. rARHEK-AGOOni!ARHER-JIl l'ERWEF.K; also hoy to learn the trade, at FRED JEN NEY'S. 1139 Liberty st. Piy4-9 B Altlir.lt FIRST-CLASS MAN. W. SCHM1TT. 64 Federal St.. Allegheny. mj-4-31 BOOKKEEPER EXPERIENCED IIOUBLEr ENTRY bookkeeper; one understsndlng lumber preferred. Apply, giving reference and salarr expected, toll. LUEB, Dubois, Pa. nryl-27 TOY TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE AT J t A. HAUSENSTEIN'S, 1515 Sirsll St.. S. city. inyt-13 rlOATMAKER A GOOD COATMAKhR! ' prices (3 to (7. Call on or address W. L. THOMPSON, llediord. Pa. myl-158 COLLECTOK-EXPEIUENCEU COLLECTOR: innst lie able to tnake cash deposit. Apply 9 to lz. itooM aw, i3S Firth av. my-f-ii ENOAUEME.NT-BA8S SOLOIST OPEN FOR engagement In church choir. Address MARRY M. MAYS, 160 Carver St.. city. my4-30 ENOINEER-A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT man; one who has had experience running a dynamo: city references required. FLEISHMAN & CO., 604. ai6 and 503 Market st. my3-81 MAN WE HAVE AN FXCELLKNTOPEM 1N(1 for a good, reliable business man. one who Is active aiW In good standing, that can com mand from S3.O0O to $20,000 in ready cash: the busi ness we oiler lias no superior in the State, the parties Interested aro all well-known business men of high commercial standing, and we do not hesitate In saying that any gentleman wishing a good, substantial and good paring business will And onr statement truthfo: by taking the trouble to Investigate; wepreterthat parties wishing full particulars to call I in person at private otnec. tao corner Sandusky, Allegheny. . ap27-I7 ItOIIlNSUN ST., yfAN AN ACTIVE MAN: SALARY TO 11. begin S70 to (30 monthly, to represent In Ills own State outside large cities a responsible New York house: references. MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 1585, N. Y. se4-13G-5I PAINTER A FIRST-CLASS UNION painter. SPALTER NOLL. C5 bmilh field street. , my3-58 SALESMEN-ON SALARY OR COMMISSION -. to handle the New Patent Chemtcil-Ink Erasing Pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced: erases ink thoroughly in two seconds; no abrasion of paper: 2io to sooner cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to (320 In six (lavs: another (33 In two hours: we want one energetic general acent for each State and Territory. For terms and full particulars, address THEMONROE ERASER MFG. CO., La Crosse, Wis. my3-2 QALESMEN TO SELL GOODS TO MKK- IT! CI IHANTS bv samnle: new ironds: hiirnirior workers: permanent situation: chance tonnllda fine trade: exclusive territory. MODEL MFG. CO .Ml' A. NY, South liend, Iud. my4-S3-MWr SHOVEL PLATE POLISHERS (4J-1IY ST. Louis Shovel Co., St. Lonts, Mo.: none but experienced hands wanted: good pay and steady employment to right men Address by mall, for two days, L. BYRNE, JR., care Hotel Anderson, Pittsburg. Pa. my3-3 OLATEH- ATONCE. A rRACTIOAL HLATEH. Cl who Is also a good tinner: work all the time at good wages to reliable man. J. J. DICKSON, Washington, Pa. ap29-29 OOLIC1TORS-FOR CHEAPEST AND PEST CJ life insurance pulley. MUItKr & EDSAI.L, IJSAI.L ap21-76 ei r lucuty iiuiiuing. TAILOItS-TUREE FIRST-CLASS ITAll.OltS to work on repairing andaltcrlng. Apply to JAMES DIClibON, M Fifth av., second floor, at once.. a pll-D TAILORS-THREE FIRST-CLASS TAILORS to work on repairing and altering. Apply to JAMES DICKSON, C5 Fifth av., second floor, at oncn. ap2l-p TINNER-GOOD PKACTIOAL TINNER, FOR all kinds of work: good chance for right party: steady work. Address JAtf.f. WILI.I.V MS. Wasulnglon, Pa. my 3-89 YOUNG MAN-Wrrit ONE OR TWO YEARS' experience at Job printing. SMITH RHUS., 77 Diamond st. ray3-87 A cents. ORGANIZER3-BY THE FRIENDLY All) Societv: navs Its members tioo ttverv sir months: In paid (300. oat In benefits; rrfserve and benefit fund held lu Irust by the State or Massa chusetts: terms liberal. Address FRIENDLY All) SOCIETY. Waltham, Mass. tnyl-18 Femnle Help. COOK-A FEMALE COOK. APPLYG1RARD HOUtFE, a Fcdoral St., Allegheny City. my4-20 GlhVLS-EXPERIENCED GIRLS ON FINE custom pants: wsges from M to to per week. Apply at 10 and 12 SIXTH ST. my4-14 rjIRL-A GOOD REI.IA RLE GIRL 11IMED- KA iA'Jtl tATELY. Annlv 1 REED ST. corner Fulton. m)4-ll GOOD COOK-ALSO CHAMBERMAID. AP PLY at 140 SHEFFIELD ST., Alleghenv. my4-33 MILLINER ONE FIRVT-OLASS MILLI NER. Apply to W.CBEENENDl.cor. Thir teenth and Carson sts., S. S. my3-133 Blale and Female Help. CROOKS CHAM BEHM AIDS. NURSES, j laundresses, dinlngroom girls. Mo bouse girls. fiAevoupg girls, German and colored girls, drivers, farm bands, gardeners, white and col ored waiters. MRS. L. THOMPSON, 608 Grant street. ap3-D M EAT CARVER. CARRIAGE DRIVER, 0 farm hands, blacksmith, tintxi ennir dUhwasncrs, dining room girls, second cook, housekeeper, seamstress, child's nurse, cooks, chambermaid, house girls. MEEHAN'S. Hi Grant st, Tel. 90. ray4-D Situations. BOOKKEEPING-1 ATTEND TO ANYTHING In the line of intricate accounting, such as opening and closing or books or correction of errors; also give instructions In the use or the Voucher System. A.J". SAWHILI 187 Federal st.. Allegheny, Pa. des-54-D POSITION-IN GENERAL ACCOUNTING OR bookkeeping, young married man: practical experience of ten years: satlsftclorv reference troin present emnlocrsand reasons for change. Address BESSEMER, Dispatch, office. ap25-30 1IOSrTl(.-AS ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER . orofflceclerk; three ycirs' experience; best city references. Address A. Z., Dispatch office. mv3-HJ SITUATION-BY DRUGGIST -SIX YEARS' experience: out of eitv preferred: registered manager: references. Address DltUUUIST. liox is. O'urnsville. fa. inyJ-2 T RAVELING COMPANION-A YOUNG LADY desires a position as traveling companion for a lady ora family; has had experience and can give good references. Address E. M., Dispatch offlc-'- ray4-30 ' Partners. . TJAltTNER-WlTH (2.000 TO INVEST IN X responsible theatrical enterprise. Address' - - Kyjnmtinu muainrai enterprise. Aaurcss lor ten days, HARRISON WOLFE, Youngstown, my4-J5 Hoarders and Lodgers., OCCUPANTS FOR PLEASANT room, with bo rd. Cor. H. UK FRONT HIGHLAND : reference rent my3-4i-MTWThrsu , financial. MANUFACTURERS DESIRING MORE CEN TRAL location, free Iud, increased facili ties and additional capital will learn something to their advantage by addressing the undersigned company, who are operating In the natiiralgas belt or Indiana. HATHA VA INVESTMENT CO., Z5 Exchange St., Rochester. N. . ap23-a) MORTGAGES ON CITY OK ALLEGHENY ..county property at lowest rates." HEN It v A. WEAVER CU v., v. eourin avenue. mli-D miscellaneous. BUYERS-FOU 1 CENT A BOLT. WHITE HACK, wallpaper; better grades 2c. 2Kc 3c: cold 3Xc: solid gold 6c 1 cmbotsctl gold Cc: gold bord r Ic a vard; samples mailed free. RtEl), wallpapcrjobuer. Rochester. Pa. myJ-105 LADIES-TO ATTEND -THE SCHOOL OF Design and Dress Cutting for a thorough course of dressmaking. NO. 031 PKN,N AV. m)3-l PERSONS CONTEMPLATING I'UKCUAS- t1- .. 1::.V.:Y5" mcatcu 101s ror nomes to call on E. D. WINGENROTII. No. 100 Fourth av.. lor plan or Nadlne Park:, prices are S.TCO, only 1 pet rent cash: fl per week; uu interest and no taxes. in2-2l TTSE JONES' BED1IUG ir' Maile KiLieli I'o PAItALVZER - U Jones' Magle itmch Powder: contains no poison: roaches banUhcd bv contract: satisfaction given or 110 pay. Preparedliy GEO. W. JONE.". ta Federal t:. Allegheny, Pa. Sold by alt Drat. class druggists, iny-iu-uwr I . t FOK SALE IMPROVED KEAL ESTATE. City Residence. GIBBON BT.-GOOD TWO-STORY BRICK dwelling, six rooms, large cellar, (rood lot; vory low price tor qnlck. sale. BAXTER, THbMFSON A CO., 162 iotirtli nvc. niy3-76-jiwr "VyEW. WELL-FINISHED BRICK HOflSE-OF Xl 7 rooms, bathroom and nnlslied attic both pases, city water, rood cellar, outside wash liouse; large lot planted In grape vines, 'shrub bery, etc.; side entrance, cement walks, street paved, sewered and sldcwalkcd; Killer street, between Center and tJolwell; KM. (1-7-33). CHARLES SOUERS & CO., 129 Fourth at. ap30-32-D PENN A V. CORNER PROPERTY, WITH two-story frame, IS rooms: house In Al con dition: stable In rear: larsroloU See BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth av. my3-76-wra CJf) 800-FRAME HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS. (iPJf hall, llnlslicd attic, inside shutters, hard wood mantels, tile hearths, electric bells, city water. front porch, pood cellar; corner of Breen and Wandless streets: easy terms: a cheat) nron- crty. (I-IQ-KH. CHARLES SOMERS CO.. 129 Fourth av.' apM-S-D' East End Residences. CONVENIENTLY SITUATED AND pleasant East End home at a low nrlce and on easy terms; Carver street, between l.arlmer av. and Ashley st.. close to' Dnqnesne electric line: nf&riv n,w two-story Quwn Anne irame house of 6 rrtVma halh , hall, laundry, cltv water. natural gas. front and siJe 'porches. dry cell nr, well sewered: lot 47x70 feel: 11.5U). (2-12-88). WAllliU 3UMEK3 wM vn i ourm av. an30-32-D HOUSE AND LARGE LOT ON CKA1G ST.. llcllefleld. between Fifth it. and Forbes o... cjKiit ruuins Willi Dam, nAiurni kbb not naui cold water, porch front and rear, line lot ancf lawn alt around the house: very desirable loca tion: will sell ata reduced price: Immediate pos session. JAS. W. DRAPJfi ft CO.." 313 Wood St., city. myi-45-D' EAT KAST END RESIDENCE WITH JJf large lot. lawn front, side and rear, trult and shade trees; 0 rAoms. hath. Iaraiory; natural gas ami all other modern appliances, and In prime order In cverv particular; very convenient and deslrabre location: near to the cable eirsof both llecs. and contiguous to railroad station; this property Is worth looking at. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 313 W ood st.. city. niy2-4G-D PENN AV.-COME AND I.ET US SHOW YOU this property, east of Point Dree7c, amid tlic largest dwellings and well-kept grouuds la city; a beautiful brick of 11 rooms: of course. It lias all latest improvement!!; lot 51x330. with line large shade trees: convenient" to P. R. R. Get price from BLACK. & BA1KD, 93 Fourth av. (ail) my:-3I-2,4,8 Alleslieny Residences. FINE LARGE RESIDENCE. WITH SPACIOUS hallwav In the center, in Allegheny, near the parks. 12 elegant rooms all In prime order throughout, the entire residence being fitted up with every necessary modern appliance; ono of the most complete and perfect homes in either city, and occupies the centerof a beautiful lot about 60x3u feet: stable and carriage house, etc., thereon Further particulars and a permit to ex amine the premises can be obtained at our office. JAS. W. DRAPE&CO., 3!3 Wood St., adjoining fourth av., Pittsburg. , mv2-45-D HOUSE AND LOT IN ALLEGHENY-NEAR to the parks and electrio cars; eight rooms and hall, all in good order, being remodeled and fixed up throughout: will be ready for occupancy in a lew weeks; fine lot fronting on two streets: plenty or room for another house on the unoccu pied end of the lot. JAS. W. DRAl'Ei CO.. 313 Wood St.. Pittsburg. inyZ-45-D' CM 500-FREMWNT ST! GOOD BRICK u't house of six rooms and all conveniences, Willi lot 20x139 to allev. A. Z. RYEKS & CO.. 93 Federal St., Allegheny. my3-iar Suburban Residences. DO YOU WANT A HOUSE WITH AS FINE a view as there Is In Alleghenv countr, cov ered with I iry and Virginia creeper, and2 acres of ground covered with apple, peach, pear, cherry and plum trees, choice grape vines and shrubbery, good out-bulldlngs. all within: 8 minutes' walk from Ingram station. Smiles from the Union station on the P. II. R. K.? If so, call onllLACK JbUAIRD, 95 Fourth av. (1178) my3-5S-4,8, ir J 71DGEW001) STATION, ON THE P. R. it. -IS i recognized as one of the choice residence Points for a suburban home; ata reduced price, 8I.2U0, we offer an excellent property: flne lot. 50x130. with modern bouse of seven rooms, bath nndalt conveniences of a first-class city house: good sidewalk direct from station; beautiful view: easv terms: look at It. (4-23-97) CHARLES SOMERS &CO., 12 Fourth av. ap29-58 EMS WORTH - DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE: twoacrisrorest. excellent brick dwelling. 13 rooms: msgnttlcent views; only (13,000, a bargain; A. LEGOATE & SON, 108 Fourth av. my3-25 Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITV, N. J.-KF.NT OK SAI.E Holds, cottages and bathhouses: lots for sale in all parts of the city; also South AtlanHc City. ISRAEL O.ADASlS CO., Real Estate Agents. Real Estate and Law Building. myl-M FOB SALE LOTS. Citv Lots. 2 CHEAP BUILDING LOTS-40X120 FEKT. ON Cohden - and jUlover sis., Twenty-seventh want, S. S to be sold at Orphans' Court sale, on JVednesdav, May 0. at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A Co.. MS Wood St., Pittsburg. mv2-47-uws' East End Lots. BAUM GROVE LOT-FULLY IM0 CHEAPER than any other lot In s.ild plan: considering location this Is offered at a bargain, because owner has left city; call soon. ULACK t B AIRD, No. 05 Fourth av. (a243.) myI-40-MTUF T?OUR LOTS-40.T.150, ON A GOOD STREET ' quite near Urushton station: the price I havo on them is very low: a purchaser Is sure to double ins money very soon. J1U1VAK1J-JIKOWN, 151 Fourth aye. myS-80-MWF LOT-THIS IS UIIAT WE CALL A CHEAP lotto build on. and if you wish to build a house to live In or sell, come and lei us show you a lot, f 0x150 to an alley, convenient to cable and electric cars, also P. R R., for only 13.750. (a 402). BLACK 4 HAIKU. 95 Fourth av. myl-ss-D Two large lots, wilkinsburo or chard plan, a few minutes' walk from railroad station, 60.T.124 feet to an alley: fruit trees thereon: can be bought cheap. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 313 Wood st., adlolnlng Fourth av., Pitts burg. my2-45-D' Suburban Lots. XTAD1NE PARK-LOTS AT WILDWOOD ON J2N the A. V. R. R., 30 minutes from the Union beautifully situated: prices average f.100: cr cent down: ?1 per week; no Interest: no onlv I taxes, l'laus. etc., irom t. u. WINUENROTH, 100 Fourth av. mj-i-21 SUBURBAN PROPERTY THE LARGEST . . lots, the lowest prices and the easiest and best terms In tlic county at Sheraden 15 minutes from Union station; see Sheraden before you buy else where. ANDREW PAWERSON, Secretary, 127 Fifth av. - feW-72-D Q.-l T WILL BUI A LOT. 40x150, WITHIN Otfc ItJn short distance of ilrushton station, adjoining lot sold for 5700: persons desiring a cheap lot Bhould not fall to see this grand bar gain, no WARD BROWN, 151 Fourth av. ap2B-83-MWS farms. J T7ARJI-ELEOANT FARW FOR SALE OR 1 1? trade, IM acres; new slate roof house, new barn, two orchards, stone spring house, coal bank, four miles from Rochester: ouly Si5 per acre; sell on your own tlmo or exchange; send for farm aud exchange list. N. F. HURST. Real Estate Agent. Rochester, Pa. apio-52 FARM-145 ACRES. GOOD BRICK HOUSE, burn and all out-bulldlngs: thick vein of coal, limestone and tire clav: fine orchard: at sta tion on Onto river: would exchango for citv property: excellent for dairy or coal works. ED WI t'flSH. 4J0 Grant st. ioy3-D' "VT1CE FARM-ABOUT 96 ACKEs-1! MILKS -LX from the city, within 1 mile ot railroad sta tion; adjoins the borough of Coraopolls; good dwelling and outnulidings; orchard, etc., etc. JAS. VV. URAl'E&CO., S13 Wood st., Pittsburg. mv2-4G.D FOR SALK BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. -rjAHBER-SHOI'-A OOOO PAYING BARBEIN for selling. Address S. K., Dispatch office. nrj:-7r DRUGSTORE IN THE CUT-ON ONE O main avenues. Pnnlculurs from JAS. V DltAl'K4 CO., 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. my:-47-MWS GRAIN M1LI.-A NO. 13 RICHMOND GRAIN mill, capacity 10 hu. per hour; at'a haraaln. H. F. DUNHAM, 109 Main St.. Allegheny. , myl-lOO-D 1ICENSEU HOTEL-BUSINESS LARGE AND J increasing: reason for selling, poor health. Call on or address JOHN MCDONNELL, 'lltns Vl'le, Pa. . ap-2s' SALOON-ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED and stocked In Eastern Oblo: ceutrallv located doluir a blir business reason for selling. 111 health. Addrcssat'once THOS, v.. JvELFKIC, my3-3i canton, o. OALOON-A FlltS'I -CLASS SALOON; GOOD 1 main street: dwelling ronmi In O location on a main street: same bulldlug: rent cheap. Address VV. II., !30 W. Tus. st.. Canton, O. mp-a' DHOE STOUE-l,- GOOD TOWN NEAR flue restaurant: croccrv stores, stvo-tn O city: fj.uo'j; inilk route: paper route: cigar store: llsh market: machine shop; drugstore; atone quarry. HOLMES A CO.. 42Jsmithhcldst. ap2' WELL-ESTABLISHED HAROWARE AND housc-furnlslilng business In a thriving manufacturing town on line of rnllroad; business Is In a highly prosperous condition: prodti last year HOUO, and ludicatlous point loan increase this year; almost no opposition; best of reasons forsell.ng. Particulars confidentially from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., SID U ood stadloliilng Fourth av.. Pittsburg. uiy.'-lS-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. AUTO.MAT1C HOISTING ENGINES-WORK perfectly right and left, with single or double drum: scrohd.band boilers and engines alto on hand: general machine work promptly cxccutcn: correspondence solicited. t'OMltl lAlkUWIjlUltC3IIUIIUI.-NkG HllblKU, WUJ1UI.1A HUB UIUIACUU,, Lin., Jiw l'enn are., 1'ltu burg. -i- deio-eo-jiws' 171NGINES AND BOlLF.ItS-SECOND-HAND: 'all sties: mso. Vliii. I2v.ift.in Sll largest stock ofall sites; xSO, 10x18. 10.12,0x1 8x12, 7xli tell; mounted Port able engine, hollers 01 all sties, shafting, nullevs. pumps, governor, etc Telephone, iUut. z and tf &t IT ay, Allegheny, Pa. J. S. YOUNG. aWl-D OB SALE MTSCELLANKOIJS. Machinery njitl Metals. H01S11NG ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forcings, steel hoisting and guy ropes In stock: stationary engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans. etc. THOMAS CAR ua'SBuas, LacucKani' sanuusKy streets, Alle- Kiteur, l'a. nu5-35-JIWJ s ECOND-MANI) ENGINES-ONE 17 H. P. Ball pat. electric IlKht engine, almost new: one ma. one 7x7, one axe. vertical ensrlnes: one heavy Hx2t. one 11x12, 3 8x12 and 2 7x12, In hori zontal cnclnes: all jroodasnew. H ARM ES MA CHINE DEl'OT, SSFlrstav., Pittsburg. Pa. Ia30-D THE CELEBRATED ACME AUTOMATIC safety engines and non-explosive bolters. jur gas or on met, irom one to nre-norse power; also, the latest Improved ventilating fain: perfect satisfaction guaranteed; by J. FHAKER. rnarnntced: by J. PR Ueu- erat Agent, No lo. 4 Fifth av., Pittsburg. P.i. relo 5-103-MWF Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc DELIVERY WAGONS-DELIVERY WAGONS all styles: ourownmake. WM. BEUKEirr. 310 to 344 Ohio street, Allegheny, 'telephone. 3C0, Jell-'S-Jiws GREY HOUNDS BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN grey bounds, males, females and punplcs; the handsomest tov dogs living; write quick. K. M. CHOKER. Oinonshiirg. l'.i. apJO-71 PERSONAL. TEK50NAL-r-CASII PAID FOR OLD GOLD jl una silver: u to order. CHRIS, Jl. and silver: Jewelry rrpalrcd; new work made 13.-IIAIICH, 541 sniltbllcld St. npi'j-m PERSONAL-WEBSTER'S LARGE (JUAETO Dictionary, !2 50; special bargains In ol.1and new books during tills mouth. FRANK.BACON A CO.. 301 Smltlifleld St. mhI2 PERSONAL-FINE 'BOOKS-WE IIAVETHE finest collection or llnely illustrated books In Pittsburg: beautiful bindings: low prices; come and see them: hundreds of books for presents. LEVI'S BOOK SIORE. oop Liberty st. de!2 PERSON All JOHN FINK. A SHORT, heavy-set boy, about llyears old, wearing red stockings, ellowlsh pants and congress gaiters, ran away from his home about three weeks ago. Any information as to his where abouts will tie thankfully received by Ills father, JOHN FINK. Salem. O. mv4-4 MEETINGS. OFFICE OF MONONOAHELA iVATER CoMPANT. 1113 Carson Street, Second Floor. OOR. f 0. 1891.J piTTsnoKO. pa.. April 20. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders ot the Monnngahela Water Company will be held at the company's office, 1113 Carson street, rionthside, Pittsburgh Pa., on TUESDAY. May 6, 1S91, between the hours ot 3 and 5 o'clock p. M., for the purpose or electing; a President aud eight Managers to serve for the enstiinir year. ap25-45-i MARTIN PltENTER. Secretarv. PROPOSALS. PROPOSAL FOR FRESH BEEF COM. MISSAKY'8 office. Allegheny .ArsOHat, Pittsburg. Pa., April 30, 1891 Sealed proposals in duplicate will ba received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M., JUNE 1, 189L" for furnishing the fresh beet reqnired by the Subsistence De partment, U. 8. Army, at this station during the fiscal year ending June SO, 1S92. The Govern ment reserves the right to reject any or all bids Full information can be obtained by applica tion to this office. Envelopes containing, pro posals must be marked "Proposals for fresh beef," and addressed to A. 8. SL MORGAN, Capt. ana O. S. K., A. C. S. ap3u-3-ap30.nivl.2.4.'.'9.30 BUSINESS CHANGES. D 1SSOLTJTION NOTICE Br the death ot Mr. Charles Arbuckle on thn 27th of March last, the firm or Arbuckles Co. as previously constituted ceased to exist, and from and after that date the business of said firm has been, and will be. continued nnder the same name (Arbuckles fc Co.) by the under signed partners. JOHN AKUUCKLE. WILLIAM V. It. HMITh, JAMES N. JAUVIE. WILLIAM A. JAMISON. Notice Is hereby given that the firm1 of Ar buckles it Co., Limited, doing business as Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Roaner. Is this day dissolved by a vote or tho majority of the members in number and interest. Arbuckles A Co., the successors ot said limited partnership, will assume all its liabilities and collect all debts due it. ARBTJCKLES 4 CO., LIMITED.. PlTTSBPRO. PA.. May 1. 1891. mylg-p LEGAL NOTICE. CASSIDY S RICHAKDSON, Attorneys-at-Law, i 135 Fourth arenuo, Pittsburg. T78TATE OF HENItY 8UTMEYER, DE. Ill CEASED. Notice Is horeby given that letters testamentary on the cstato ot Henry Sutmeycr hard been granted to tho under signed, to whom all persons indebted o said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the same should make thorn known without delay. EL1ZAUETIIA SUTMEYER, Executrix. (JO Resaca Btreet, Allegheny City. aplZ-113-M GEORGE CALVERT LEWIS, Attorny-at-Law, No. VI Diamond street. VTOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE xM made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 19th day of May, 1881, bv D. O. Mbever, James E. Rogers, George B. Roesslng, Henry F. Weaver and Samuel Kelly under the act or Assembly entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corpor ations." approved April 9, 1874, and the supple ments thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation, to be called the Savlnes Fund Building and Loan Association of Pittsburg Pa., the character and object of which is the accumulation of a land by the periodical con tributions of the members thereor and of safely investing the same at Pittsburg, Pa., and for these purposes to havo and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplements tboretn. GEORGE CAL VERT LEWIS, Solicitor for Applicants. ap26-2ta TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS X No. 1. of Alleghenv countv. So. 08 nf June term, 15'Jl. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court on the 3d day of May, 1KI1, at 10 o'clock A. ar.. under the act of Assembly entitled: "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain cor porations," approved April 9. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended corporation, to be called Ht. George's Protestant Episcopal Jllssion, or Pittsburg, the character and object of wblch is the support of the public worship of Almighty God, in accord ance with tho constitution, canons, doctrines, discipline and worship .of tho Protestant Episcopal Church In the Diocese of Pittsburg, J auu in me unucu estates ot America, and tor these purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of .said act of Assembly aud the supplements thereto. W. HOWARD FALKNER, my3-133-M Solicitor for Applicants. KESOETS. tT ADDON HALL. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J Now open Hot and Cold Sea Water Baths in the House. rcft-91 LEEDS 4LIPPINC0TT. HOTEL SITCKNEY. KENTUCKY AVE NUE, Atlantic City One hundred feot from the sea; steam heated, sun parlor. Terms, 82 to $2 50 per day day: J9 to S14 per week. L. V. STICKNEY. , apl2-ar.':MWF SEABRIGHT, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Now open. Finest location on the island. Sun parlor overlooking tho ocean; unobstructed ocean view. MRS. L. REPP. ap21.43.jiwr THE CHALFONTE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ' On tho beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt wata.-.Oailis in tho house. Send for circular. ap30 92-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL In the mountains. 'The great health and pleasure reort of Pennsylvania, will open May 30. Hotel bandsomoly furnished; Dist class Hoard. Water unsurpassed in America, is hlghlv recommended by physicians. Delight ful walks, boating, fishing, etc. Snd for cir cular. F. GROSCH. Cold Springs, Ney P. 0.,Lebanou conntv. Pa. niyZS-MTfcs MOUNTAIN tfUNSET HOUSE. WER NERSV1LLE, Pa. 1,300 feet abovo tide water. A delightful health and pleasureresort. Air, water and scenery unsurpassed, steam heat. Large, comfortable room. Accommtxl.itiona fur over ZOO guests. Grand hop every Saturday. Seud for circular. F. GROSCH, Proprfetor. ap26 6-MTliS CHARLES S0fflBH8 & CO,, 129 FOURTH AVE. '(Telephone 1773) Real Estate and Mortgages. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. PROPERTIES FOR RENT. " - ' ' RENTS COLLECTED. ap2S-T7-D , PATENTS. O. JD. LEVIS, Solicitor or patents, 1Q1 CKth avanti .hAOinlltl.M.I.I a. 1 J office. No delay. Established 20 year; ttig to let; East End Residences, mo I.rTFHRMSHKD HOUSE AT SHADY- JL SIDE: 12 rooms, all conveniences: street paved convenient to traction lines and P. It. R. W, A. HERRON a. SONS, 80 Fourth av. myJ-Slt Q- Q ROUP ST.. OlO house of 10 ST.. NER WALNUT-BRICK if 10 rooms. Innnlre of THUS. HACh-ElT, Chamber or commerce, or on prem ises. mhi-W-JITlit Allegheny Residences. TCTICE FIVE-ROOM DWKLLl.NO-FEDEKAL ls st. extension: store and dwelling, fhostnnt St., Anegheny. Inquire of J. K. McKEE. 708 l'enn av., room 611. fc7-64-MWSt 140 K1DGF. AV., ALI.EOUENY-NIOE brick. 8 rooms, bath, nantrr. range. srase. ?ood rell&r; rpnt 2n & inn. Annlvtft v. W. LAWRKNC'tS A CO., Water St.. below penn av.. I'lltsburg. apIO-oO-jlivrt SuburT-an Residences. TJELLEVUE REilDENCE-13 ROOMS AND i is acres;, abundance of frnlt: will rent b v year or season, avenue. A. LS.GGATESON, 1M Fourth my3-C2t Itooms. K OOM-FtfRNlSKED FRONT BOOM ON third floor. 433FENNAV. lny4-:it Itusiness Standi. BRICKYARD-IN FIRST-CLASS WORKING condition, with kiln walls, machinery, etc.: terms to sutt lessee: situated at llraddock. be tween Seventh and Eigbtn sts.: also Tor sale, lire llrst-class draft horses, two lip wagons, one cart and tire sets of harness. Inquire orvkll.L 1AM DUNN, on the premises. , apSo-Iit TO LET-HANDSOME STOREROOMS. NOS. 78 and 80 Diamond St.. Just above bmlthfleld St.. In new Dispatch bnllding: well lighted, ele gantly flttcd up, centrally located and having every convenience: these rooms are admirably suited for Insurance, real estate or other noire business. For further Information apply, after z r. M., to HUMNES3 MANAGER, The IM.patrb, Smithfield aud Diamond sts. ap29-II7t , Offee. Desk Knmn. .etc. TO Licr-CHOICE OFFICES on SECOND and third floors of The Dispatch bnslncss office bnllding. corner Smltlifleld and Diamond sts.; thesoarein suites of two or rour rooms, as desired, and have every convenience: centrally located, well arranged and lighted: tbereari- no better offices for professional men In thecltr. Apply, after :r. M., to UUS. MGR. DISPATCH, ou the premises. ap2v-U7t AUCTION SALES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE stock of the following stockholders in tbo Pittsburg Ramie Manufacturing Company will be sold at public auction by John 1). Bailey, at room 9 of the Pi:tburc Petroleum Stock and Metal Exchange. No. 115 Fourth avenue, city of Pittsburc.Pennsylvaula, on .WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of May, 1S&L at 4 o'clock p. M., on account of tho failure of said stockholders to pay the installments due on said stock, viz: Shares Joseph T.NevIn -. 50 R. J. Cunningham 20 William H.Mown.. 20 Joseph L. Hunter. 20 JobnS.Dicksnn '. 20 Thomas Rodd 20 C. B. Shea 20 R.P. Nevin, Jr 20 George O. Cunningham. 20 W. D. Cunningham 20 J. H. "xse,,, 20 Jesse Garrett 20 H. M. Curry 20 William L. Abbott. , 20 H. W. Borntraeser. 40 Charles H. McKee 60 George li. C. Williams. 50 Andrew Peebles... .st. 50 Frank Hrotr...; 50 Charles F. Foster 40 J. C. Uoldthwaite 60 W. D. Baldwin 50 J. A. McCormlck. 20 Henry llrann : SO George Gibson 20 A. M. Irwin 20 Morris Cohen 20 John B. Hcnlosser 20 W. H. Maguire. 20 George A. Mctein 50 Minor Scnvol 20 William Phillips. Jr 20 GEO. R. SHIDLE. Secretary. ap26-Z0-H MOORE A M'GIRR. Attornev". 4IB Grant turner. ORPHANS' COURTi HALE-ESTATE OF Jane Kennedy, deceased By virtu re nf an order of tho Orphans' Court of Allegheny enntv. Pa., at No. 137 Jan uary term, 1891, I will expne at public sale on tho premtsos. No. 152 Ellsworth street, Second ward, Alle-.'henv City, TUE3 HAY. May 18. 1891, at 3 P. M., the following de sirable real estate: All thatccrialn lot or piece ot ground, situate in the city of Allegheny, be ginning on the south stde ot Ellsworth street, formerly Benton alley, at corner of ground of Patrick McOurgan; thence along the line of Ellsworth street eastwardly 10 feet 6 Inches; thence bv a line running at right angles with Ellsworth street southwardly 90 feet: thence wnstwartuy 10 feet s inches to line of Mc Gurgan'slot: thence along the line of said lot northwardly 90 feet to Ellsworth street, at the place ot beginning, having thereon erected a two-stocy frame dwelling bouse. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash on delivery of deed and confirmation of salo, Dalanco in three equal an nual payment with Interest, to be secured by tight bond and mortgage on the premises. T0BIA8 KENNEDY, Administrator. A. J. PENTEPOST, Auctioneer and Real Estate' Agent, 413 Grant street. . rayS-3-M AT AUCTION. Fine furniture, carpets refrigerator, pianos, etc,. TUESDAY. MAYS, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms of the HENRY AUCTION CO., 311 JIarket street. Chamber f urnltnre in English oak. Sixteenth century and walnut. Fine oak sideboards, bookcases, desks, chiffoniers, wardrobes, bureaus, washstand, chairs, rockers, hair and busk mattress, toiIetware,etc.,handsotue parlor suits in brocatclle tapestry, rugs and plushes, leather couch and chair, extension tables, cabinets, brussels. velvet and ingrain carpets, lot of notions and dry goods, cloths, etc. Goods now on exhibition. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. , my3-116 AUCTION SALE-AT THE RESIDENCE. Fine furniture, carpets, bookcase, bedding and household goods at the residence, corner Lincoln avenue and Lyric St., E. E., WEDNES DAY. May 6. at 10 o'clock. The entire f urn lshment. Fine parlor suite, secretary, book casc.cbamber suitesin oakandwalnnt.bareans, washstands. bedsteads, hair and husk mat tresses, bedding and springs, chairs, rocker and lounges, extension table, decorated dinner set, dishes and glassware, laco curtains, velvet brussels and ingrain carpet on rooms, hall and stairs, ball rack, rugs, stepladder, refrigerator. jtove, cooking utensils, laundry fixtures, etc Goods can be seen at 3 o'clock morning of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. my 3-1 15 Auctioneers. UCTION SALE At Warmcastle's Livery Stable, cor. Penn and Shady avs.,E.E.. on WEDNESDAY MORN ING, May U, 18UI, of the following articles: Ono bay carriage team, one lady's saddle horse, six-seated carriage, four-seated bTouzham, road wagon, slcigb. double and single harness, robes, blankets, etc. Sale positive. Ownerleavingcity. The above may be seen at Warmcastle's stables. ray3-9 BY JAS. W. DRAPE A CO. IUF.NITURK CARPETS. ETC.. AT AUC ' TIO.V. at i09 Lai-ock street. Allegheny. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, May 7, at 1 o'clock. There is parlor, dining room ani bedroom furniture, carpets, sewing machine, roller top writing desk, cooking stove, queensware, tin ware, etc., etc. Term rash. Positive sale. JAS. W. DRAPE fc CO., Auctioneers, mv2-4S-MWThS 313 Wood street, Pittsburg. J, A. McKELVEY, Auctioneer. Household furniture, property and live stock. Office SI Fraukstown Av East End. Terms upon apnlictlon. rob8-143-D DR. HARRIS' Cramp Cure FOR EVERY ACHE AND PAIN, FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGSTORES. MANUFACTURED DT L H. HARRIS DRUG CO., NOS. AND l3 "SEVENTH AVENUE. PITTSUUHG. PA. myfrn H. O. HOWARD, CONTRACTOR FOR ravine curbing, setrerlng and concntlnc cel lars, and repalrlnR brick and stone work, and buildlm; engine and boiler foundations. (Jfflce: 108 FOURTH; AV. Telephone, Ilea apt-23-D CHOICE PROPERTIES. FOB SALE! That Desirable and Centrally Lo cated Property Known as the Fort Pitt Glass Works. COEXER OP Washington and Franklin Sts., Seventh Ward. The owners having removed to their neir Works at Jeannette, ia. Lot fronts CS6 feet on Washington street by 133 on Franklin street, and is thoroughly sew ered. It is abont 00 feet from Fifth avenne and 300 from Wjlie: is splendidly located for either residence or manufacturing purposes, and would be particularly well adapted tor ski apartment buildinz, beint;only8 minutes' walk: from Postoffice and but 4 minutes by Pittsburg or Central Traction. The buildings are of a very substantial char acter, and can be utilized for any manufactur ing purpose with llfle or no alteration, or tbo large amount of building material can be used, to excellent advantage in rebuilding. This property will be sold at a mnch lower price than anv well situated piece of ground in Pittsburg. For price, terms, etc.. see BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 102 FOURTH AV. mjilliMWsaa 10,500 Investment in Second ward, Allegheny, tbrea new brick dwellings, pressed brick fronts on good pared and sewered street, one square from electric cars. We invite your inspec tion; the property is now paying 7 per cent set. M.RHIPPLE&CO., 96 Fourth Avenue. my2-25-D SUBURBAN PROPERTY. THE BEST INVESTMENT you can make is a judicious purchase of good suburban prop erty. The best advice you can follow in mak ing a selection is: Do not buy anywhere at any price or on any terms until you know wnac other eligible property in the vicinity U selling for. If you think of having in the vicinity of Sheraden, on the Panhandle R. R.. get the Sberaden Land and Improvement Company's new man and price 1I of over 200 "Little Farms" (as compared with a 23-foot lot) which that company has still for sale at its old prices, unaffected by the "coming boom." They may be had at 127 Fifth avenue or at Mberaden Sta tion, where the undersigned will meet prus pector every afternoon. ap2f8i-MWS A. PATTERSON, Sec FOR SALE. Elegant Forbes St. Property, ADJOINING "SCHENLEY PARK." OYER 5 ACRES of LAND, With choice shrubbery, forest and fruit trees. A moat charming suburban home. A large part of the ground can be sold in lots at great advantagoand profit, there brini 450 ft. front on the entrance to the pari;. Xeo W. A. MERRON SONS, my3.82.JlW3 IK) Fourth av. EDGEW00D RESIDENCE FOR SADE. .A. BAEGAI1TI On accouat of the removal of owner. Five and one-fourth acres of land, beauti fully situated, within two minutes of Edge wood statiou, P. It. R., with dwelling of 12 spacious rooms; all modern conveniences, sta ble, etc. It Is a choice property. Wo Inviie in spection. Information trum W.'A. HEBRON & SONS, my3-82-MWS 80 Fourth a v. F OR SALE- EAST END PROPERTY. MURRY & EDSALL, mh25-01 34 FIDELITY BUILDING. lSUMOVAL. W. J. EAST, Architect, Has removed from Federal St, Allegheny, to offlcen located in WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING, mh4-42.MYvT Pittsuop.o. h. GEORGE- KAPPEL, THE MUSIC DEALER. Has removed to his new granite bnllding, 534 SMITHFIELD STREET. ap2L'-8S-MWF DR. J. O. BOCKSTOCE, DENTIST, Removed to 438 Penn Avenue. apl2-19orwr BUS? BEE His? has removed from corner Sixth and Lib erty to 38 Wylle ave nue, one sxnare from Fifth avenne. Dolls and other presents girpn to purchasers. apJI-MWF HARTLEY ROSE BELTING CO, REMOVED TO 634 SMITH b'lEID ST. apliai-MWF MB. HENRYS. SWEITZEB Has been admitted to an interest in the Insur ance business of GEO. W. DEAN it CO., and firm name changed to DEAN & SWEITZER. The contlnnation of our former patronage Is respectfully solicited. my&9 McNAUGHER & CO., Contractors for Paving Sidewalks With Cement, Brick and Fire Brick. Concreting Cellars. 110 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. PA. Curbstone furnished aud set. leT-OS-n AROUND THE WORLD FOR S6C0.D0. There are still several vacant rooms in the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY'S third steamship, tne "EMPRESS OP CHINAr" Urss and secoud steamships now on voyage, every berth taken. The third and last of these steim shlpa leave Liverpool about June 15. E. V. SKINNER, 303 Broadway, New York. myl-39-M-WF MAimvTIOAREftW C08T1LESCENT 'Will please remember that they can use no better stimulant tbau Fleming's 0!d Export WHISKY. Used as a Medicine it materially aids digestion. Builds up the enfeeblod system. Is a splendid Invigorating Tonic, and, being old and palatable, Is suitable to all Tastes, Age and Condition. SOLD ONLY BY JOS. FLEMING- &.SON, Wholesale aud Retail Drucslsts, tl2 Market st, cor. Diamond. FltUDur&Pa, In , Full Quarts at $l-JEacJi, er Six for $X. - ' .3 aplS-rrssa- . ,,, ..'V.' u jisiVlkjfiS iU