Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, May 01, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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THE"' SmTSBUBG rBISPXTOH '' 3BmkY.Til&X ' 1, 189
. ,. tm j(
- IS
Is Keportcd From ltic West, Whero
Bessemer Has Advanced. - .
ConsliteraVe Fcelln? Stirred Up in the
Manufactured Trade.
JTew Yoek, Anril 30. The condition of
the iron and steel markets is reported as
follows by tte Iron Age:
American Pic The first signs of a temporary
scarcity of Iron are reported from too West,
where spot Bessemer has advanced to 17, al
though May delivery is offered at low prices,
coupled with the proviso "in case the coko
strike is settled." In this market the situation
has not chanced. Northern brands are quoted
at SlTglS for Nu.'l. S16318 50 for Na 2 and 511
14 50 for cray force. Southern iron sells at
S1G 5017 25 for No. L $15 5C10 25 for No. 2
ana S1414 SO for cray force.
Ferro Manganese and Spiegclelsen AH roan
Canilerous material is exceedingly dull. We
quote SO per cent ferro S63 50S04 OO, which Is
the equivalent of the English combination
Billets and Rods Some special slabs have
sold for early delivery at a low price lately, and
the reports from the West make prices on or
dinary billets there as low as 24 7525 00,
which is close to the lowest figure touched.. In
Eastern Pennsylvania the delivered price is
27 00SL7 75. Hods are (lull in this section.
The V et quotes $38 0036 50. Wire rods are
being offered at S33 00. at mill, by at least ono
work". .
Steel Bails The market bas relapsed into
dullness, not a single sale of anv magnitude
being reported by the Eastern mills, who con
tinue to quote $30 7j31 00 at tide water, while
Pittsburg asks SSI) anil Chicago S31 at mill. In
some cases brokerages are being paid. We
print clewherc a series of tables showing the
monthly cost oi mailing rails ai a leaoirig mm.
Manufactured Iron and Steel The trade is
agitated oer the proposed State bill relating
to iron in buildings, which is construed Into an
attack on the rolling mill interests in favor of
the arihitectur.-U iron works At the samo
time a matter has been jrlten publicity, which
bas been the subject of comment in the trade
for some time past. The leading architectural
works of the city sent a circular letter tome
time since to the structural mills, protesting
against the action of soma firms In bidding
for work over their heads, iuethelr eager
ness to secure work. The representatives of
at least two mills are said to have
gone to the customers of the architectural
works. The roajontv of the mills, however,
protect the latter. Within a day or two at least
two large contracts, involving 1,000 tons of
beams each, are to be placed. The quantity of
work in sight is satisfactory, but prices con
tinue low. We quote angles. L852.10c;
sheared plates, 2i25c; tees, 2.15Z75c and
beams and channels, 3.1c on dock, hteel plates
are -JT2.15C for tank, 2.S2.tJe for shell and 5
2.7c for flange on docs. Bars are LTtiLOo on
Bail Fastenings A meeting is being held in
this citv by the spike manufacturers, who have
endeavored to shroud their purposes in
mystery. It is understood, however, that an
etlort is being made to advance prices, and
S2 25 is snoken of as the figure to be arrived at.
The leading mills are represented, and some of
tnem have given orders to withdraw quotations.
The trade l.as been in a demoralized condition,
due to general dullness and to the struggle
between the Southern mills. The trade will
recche am announcement of an advance with
the skepticism ii hich past signal failures in Ibo
same direction warrant. A new spike mill is to
start at an early nate at Allentown. Pa. We
quote fish plates, LTOSLSOc; they have sold as
low as 1.C7C. delivered. Bolts are 2.05J25c.
Old .Material The market is litelesa. Mills
within reach of this market decline to take any
Interest, bnt intimate that their view s appioacb
221 at Jersey City. In one case an Eastern mill
h.isbid equivalent to about $21 50 at Jersey
City. Fore gn lots bete are being; held at 22 50
S23 00 and upward.
In Pig Iron Warrants Shows Up in the
English Iron Market.
New Yoke. April 30. The Iron Age thus
reports the foreign-iron and steel markets: In
London there bas been a livelier specnlative
movement in pig Iron warrants, andprices show
a further improvement, particularly on Scotch
and hematites. The turn for the better, lu
prices is due chiefly to scarcity of Scotch war
rants and consequent difficulty of operators on
the bear side to arrange settlement. There are
now 54 Scotch furnaces In blast. Export demand
U slow and home trade buying merely fair, bnt
stocks show a further decrease. Latest sales
of warrants were at 45s od for Scotch- 39s for
Cleveland and 4Ss 6d for hematite. The pig tin
market has been stronger, and following a de
cline to bS 15s. due to pressure of cash lots for
sale, a reaction to 90 10s took place The bulk
o! stock on the spot and to arrive is strongly
held. There is, however, but little outside
speculative interests at the present time. In
copper there bas been little movement, and
prices, although slightly lower than they were
a week ago. have undergone very little change
during the past few days.
The demand for tin plate has been very fair,
but wide difference betw een buyers' and sellers'
views restricts business. Although most of the
makers have decided to suspend work during
July, it is uncertain whether the agreement
will bo carried out. About one-fifth of the
makers hold aloof, although recognizing the
fact that mills must stop to prevent increase in
stocks. Some improvement, is noted in the
steel trade. Earl Dudley's works at Brlerley
Hill have been formed into a company, with a
capital of 202,000.
Metal Markets.
NewYoek, April 30. Pig Iron quiet. Cop
per stagnant and nominal. Lead quiet and
steady; domestic, $4 12. Tin Straits, 20 65.
Wool Markets.
BT. Lours Wool Receipts, 39,000 pounds.
Offerings are gradually increasing but the
market is rather dull on everything but the
best stock.
Granted to Inventors In Western Pennsyl
vania, West Virginia and Ohio.
The followinc patents wete issued to West
ern Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio and West Vir
ginia inventors tor the week ending April 25, as
furnished by O. D. Levis, patent attorney, 131
Fifth avenue, Pittsburg:
A. W. Adams. Pittsburg, can ventilator:
Frederick Bangb, Alliance, 0 molder's flask;
F. F. Bently, Nilcs, O.. roof creeper; Harvey
Brown, Brandt, 0 fence post; Hugh Burgess,
Rover's Ford P j., glass melting f nrnace; John
CoSn, Johnstone, apparatus for coat
ing wire; John Coffin, Johnstown, ap
paratus for annealing wire: Joseph Coller,
Pigeon Run. O., sash balance; Wesley
Coulter, Pittsburg, sash fastener: O. M.
Cox. Matistield, O., two-n heeled vehicles: C. A.
Iianals. Zancsville. adjustable red for holding
e'ectne lamps suspended; R. A. Grim, spring
field. O.. stove; C. W. Ham. Canaanvllle. O.,
lis j rick; It K. Hartman. Pickerinc. Pa, wash
ing machine; John Hochhcimer. Hamilton. O.,
road wagon gear: H. W. Hnffelmann. Davton.
meat chopper; Harry Nailer, Oil City, auger
handle: 1ndnn Park, Brady, Pa., window
shade: Daniel Rhodes. Altoona, nut lock; J. W.
See, Hamilton, O., magic lantern for advertis
ing purpose; H. 8, feetnmel, Slatington. Pa.,
school slates Jse Shilling, Jr., point band and
cap; S. P. Shimmer, Milton. Pa., cutter head
for wootl-norklng machines; C A. Sigelman.
New Brighton, lamp: T. A. Tatro. Beaver Fall",
device for coiling wire rods; A. J. Tschantz,
Orrvllle,-J).. oil can; W. C. Wells, Tostorla, O
chain wheel temper.
What aporporarlou Formed In Galveston
' Proposes to Accomplislu
GALVtsfosr. April 30. Articles of incorpora
tion have just been signed and-transmltted to
the Secretary of State, setting forth the ob
jects of "The Pan-American Education Promot
ing Association." lis alms are to promote and
solicit benevolent, political and governmental
aid :n the establishment of a Pan-American
university upon the coast of the Gull of
Mexico, where the-languages, habits, usages,
custom and trades of the American republics
may be lcirned.
The general offices of the association are
established In this city. lis Incorporators are
J. L. Hampton and George B. Greggs, of Ohio;
ex-Governor John Evans, of Colorado; C. M.
S'jcrraan. of Kansas; Prof. O. H. Cooper, Judge
W.' B. Lochhart. Hon. Walter Gresbam. Hon.
.F.'K.JJp.na, and Hon. It. la. Fulton, nf Texas.
aXFbo friendly relations existing between Atnerl
suroan countries 'give
rise to tbo necessity for
nr.h a.n lnHtt,tfn,
Makes an Invigorating Drink
i. ,i,r an.i nj;3r nnfr jj .ife'or.s.
Wheat Pit Quieted byiAnnouncomcht That
Hutchinson's Trades Would Bo Settled
An Early Advance and a Late
Decline Cash Corn Up.
CHICAGO Tbo official announcement on the
floor of the Board of Trade this morning before
trading hours began, that all of B. P. Hutchin
son's open trades, had been transferred to
Congdon & Co., who would settle them, bad a
decidedly quieting effect on the cereal markets,
and doubtless headed off the bear raid in
wheat and corn. Thero were no -exciting trans
actions in wheat, but the-, market seemed to
have a strong, healthy undertone. Futures
averaged a trifle' better than yesterday,' aDd,
taken altogether, it looked better, though the
market was in a much more natural position,
than It has been for some time. The heavy-;
welgbt bears were mostly on the buying side.
July wheat opened al U 041 0 and wa
strong on effect of the Hutchinson announce
ment in spite of weaker cables. The prices ad
vanced to SI 05. reacted to SI WKand advanced
to SI 05 The latter part of the Improvement
was retained for Some time, but the offerings
finally carried July back to tl 05. The decline
toward the close was due to renewed selling.
With less support the market gradually gave
There was an improved demand for cash corn
for delivery on May contracts. July started at
C2 sold to CJc. and later up to 65c.
Prices afterward receded KS'aC-
Provisions opened al yesterday's closing
prices; advanced in sympathy with light re
ceipts and higher prices for hogs: reacted
slightly toward the close, and closed at small
advances over yesterday's prices.
The leading futures rangea as follows, as cor
rected by John M.Oakley & Co., 45 Sixth street,
members bt Chicago Board of Trade:
Upen- Jilpli- Low- Clos-
AnTICI.ES. int. ct. est. lag.
TVitXAT, 0.1
April. 105 SU061, S105X tlMX
slay 1 85 1 07 1 05)4 1 05
July.... 10114 105V 104i 104
COlUf, XO. X
April. 69 69M CSS 68V
Alay. - 66M 60S UV 66S
Jiiir sm tsh s:m em
Oats. Ho. 2
May 51V &H 51V K
Jane 50V 52V 50V 5IH
Jnlr. .. , 47M 4SS 46V 0i
Aixss Ponx.
May ft: 70 fit KK fit 67 fi: 75
Inly 1Z02K 13 is w 02S 13 cs
September .. 13 45 13 47.4 13 S7 13 42W
l.AED. ,
-May '.
July .... 7 0IH 7 05 "7 00 7 02
September 7 02) 7 32 7 574 7 27X
May ,. 6 30 130 6.22)4 6!7
July..,..,..., t6H '6 60 6 37H 6 57K
beptember 6 30 6 S2K 6 87,4 6 W
Cash quotations were as rollows:
Flour steadv and unchanged. No. S spring
wheat. Si 05V; No. 8 sprine wheat, S8Kc;
No. 2 red. SI 05K1 C7K; No. 2 corn, btic;
No. 2 oats. 62Kc: No. 2 white, 657c; No.
S white. JJo0c No. 2 rye, ST,c. No. 2
barley nominal; No. 3, f. o. tu. 7278e; No.
4, f. o. b.. 70e: No. 1 flaxseed. SI. lSJfc
prime tlmothv seed. SI 2431 25. Mess pork,
per bbl. S12 75. Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 75S 77J
Short ,rib sides (loose). S6 20tf SO; dry'
salted shoulders (boxed). 15 2005 25; short
clear sides (boxed), $6 7566 So. Sugars un
changed. On the Produce Exchange to-day
the butter niirket was weaker aod bit lower.
Eggs, 1313Kc
NEW YORK Flour dull and depressed and
lower to sell. Cornmeal steadv and quiet.
Wneat Spot market weaker and fairly active;
No. 2 red, Si 18 In store, SI 18K afloat. SI 18
1 19Ji f. o. b.; ungraded red. SI 171 20?i:No. 1
Northern, 1 28K: No. 1 hard. SI S0
I 30K: options opened KK lower on Hutch
inson's trouble and weak cables, but
rallied and advanced lKlc on the
report that a party West had assumed
all Hutchinson's contracts: from this
there was only a slight decline with th' close
steady at lcover jesterdav: No 2 red, Mav.
SI 15431 1K. closine at SI 16; June, SI ISJi
1 li)i, closing at SI 14Jfc Jnlv. SI 111 12K,
closing at SI 12K; August, SI 07W1 0! clos
ing at SI 08 September. SI OSfti U7X. closing
at SI CTJi, October, SI 0CK1 U7J closing at
81 07J; December, SI 06Jil lisS, closing at
II CSK- May. 1S92, SI lOfell HJi closing at
SI UK Barley firm and quiet; bar
ley malt dnll. Corn Spot market dull
and weaker; No. 2. 81c elevator; 82c afloat;
ungraded mixed, 7QS2Kc; steamer mixed.
7S79c: options folloued wheat through thn
dav and closed yMVtfi above yesterday: Mav.75
75 J.closincnt7oXc:Jtine,7154e72c. closing 72c:
July. 6870Kc. closing at 70c; August, 6S
69Jc closing at69Jic. Oats Spot market quiet,
1c higher and scarce. Options stronger and
moderately active: May, 57i4S5isWc, closing at
S&". June. 66)57Vc, closing at o7c; Julv. 55V
5lyc closing 66Hc: Na 2 white. 61K62c;
mixed Western, 57jG2c; white do, bu70c
Hay quiet and steady. Hops quiet and itrm
Tallow steady. Egcs firm; Western. IJSfc.
Pork quiet and steads; old mess, $12 00l2o0
new mess, S13 75314 50; extra-prime, Sll 76
12 25. Cut meats quiet and unchanged.
Middles firm. Lard stronger and quiet; Wet
.erji steam. S7 U0 bid: May, S7 00; June. $7 12;
Julv, S7 196)7 23. closing at S7 24 bid; Aurust,
S7 23 bid; September, S7 47, closing at S7 60
bid. Bntter active and firm; Western dalrv, 13
24c; do creamery. 2228c; do factotr, 1324c;
Elgin. 27K2Sc Cheese quiet and steady; fancy
new. UJiSllJic: skims, 69e; Ohio flats, sjifQ
PHILADELcHIA Flour nominally un
changed. Wheat Options opened a shade
w'eaker. but afterward recovered and 'closed
X'c higher; high grades scarce and firm; No.
No. 2 red. April. SI 21l 22: .May. SI 2C.81 21:
June, SI 141 15: July.Sl 11X1 12K- Corn
Strong and higher; No. 2 yellow, afloat, 81c:
ungraded yellow. In grain depot. 81e; No. 2
hlgn mixed, in grain depot and elevator, 82c;
No. 2 mlxed.Anrll.80Slc; Mav.76a77Kc June
72373c; July. 71KS72HC Oats Futures strong
aud higher; car lots Bnu; No. 2 white. 60c: low
No. 3 white. 59c: No. 2 white, 60X662c:No.2
white, April, 6061; May. 69e6l)c: June, 60S
60Vic; July, 60OXc Eggs steady; Pennsyl
flrsis, 14J4Xc.
MINNEAPOLIS-No. 1 Northern wheat sold
fairly to-day, but lower grades were very dull.
Elevator companies were the -main buyers of
No. 1 Northern at about 20c under Jnly. Local
millers also bought some wheat on.the same
basis. The outslue demand was rather small.
Sales ot No. I Northern were principally made
at SI 0601 OCX Borne fancy cars f. o. b. brought
SI U7X- Closing quotations: Na-1 hard. April
SI Oi: on track, SI 0SX61 09: No. 1 Northern;
April and Mav. SI 06; July. SI 08: on track. SI 06
U 0si;0iQ' 2 No"bern' AprI1' n ontrack.
BALTIMORE -Wheat Western steadier:
No. 2 wintor red, spot, SI 14X; May. SI V&
1 14K; July. 11X1 HX: ugusCsi (&
1 08. Corn Western firmer; mixed, spot, 7bc;
May, 5Xc; July, 70c Oats, firmer arid un
changed. Rye dull and unchaneed Hay
steady; prime to choice timothy. J13 COL Pro
visions unchanged. Butter very scarce: cream
ery fancy, 2SS29c; do fair to choice. 26E27c: do
imitation, 2425c; ladle fancy, 24c; do good to
choice, 2223c: rolls, fine. 22c; do fair to good.
1820c; store packed, 15320c. Eggs steady at
CINCINNATI-Flour In moderate demand.
Wheat stronger: No..2red. SI llkl 12. Corn
active and higher; No. 2 mlxsd, 7273c Oats'
firmer; No. 2 mixed, 55c Rve quiet; No. 2
93Q91C Provisions Bteady and firm. Butter
steady. Ergs stronger at 12X13c Cheese
scarce and firm.
MILWAUKEE Hour easier. Wheat unset
tled! July, II 04. Corn steady; No. 3. on track.
0969Xc. Oats steady; No. 2 white, on track.
6&S56XC- Barley firm. Provisions firmer. Pork
-July. S13 07X- Lard-July. S10 WX.
KANSAS CITVWhpf nl. -M o i
cash. 9bc; May, 99c asked: No. 2 red, cash, 11 oj
u vx. uvru ttkrouKer; ro. , casn. ooc; May,
BJXc Oat weak; No. 2 cash, 62c asked; May.
50c bid. Eggs firm at lie
TOLEDO Wheat lower; cash and May.
SI 12; July, SI 0 August, SI 02; December.
Si 03JJ. Corn dull: cash, CSc; May. 69Jic
Oats quiet; cash. 55Kc Cloverseed steady; Cash
and April, St 15.
Drygoods Marker.
Nev YoEE,AprIl 30. Trade In drygoods was
fair. There were no new developments as to
demand, but there was an appreciable improve
ment in ibetoueot the market, not so much
in the direction of advanced price as in a ret
coveryfrom tho extreme uncertainty and ext
pectations at one time entertained in respect
to cotton goods. Tt Is now doubtful It thero
will be many downward revisions. In a few in
stances already there has been a recovery from
previous decline. Four-yard sheetings are
firmer, and. to-day agents advanced amoskoag
and stark grain bags He The outlook for fall
trado is regarded, as showing Improvement
every day, and operators .for shipment by
water routes only await a definite arrangement
as to freights.
Turpentine Markets.
Chaeleston, April SO. Turpentine steady
at .15c F.osin firm; good strained, SI 40.
Netv Yokk, April 3a Rosin firm and quiet.
Turpentine dnll aud easy at 39S9Xc
WrxMisoTos.April SO. Spirits or tnrpentlno
Steady at Soa Rosin firm; strained, f 1 27k(
godd strained, SI S24. Tar firm at II 33. Crude
turpentine firm; hard, SI 40; yellow dip and
virgin, 12 25.
Coffee Markets.
New York. April 30. Coffee option opened
steady, o points down to 5 up, closed steady at
5 points down to 20 up; sales, 21.750 bags.
Including May. 17.75817.o0c: June. 17.7017.75c:
July. 17.60eei7.65cs August, 17.20817.260: Sep
tember. 16.60816.63c: October, l&G5l6.l6c;
November, 15.45c; December, 15.15c Spot
Rio quiet and firm; fair cargoes, 20c; No. 7,
isKo- ,
Ccrfleo Markets. '
Baltimore, -April SO. Coffee firm: Bio
argots fair at MKi'LJn 7. 184fSi'Jjf.
Pitisburj's Colonics Large Coatribu
- tionsto Her rosporily.
The Old llorelana llesldenca-in the East
End Changes Hands.
East End real estate continues to move.
Joseph Loughroy, the Wood.street saddler,
has purchased from, O. H. Onnsby the
property known as the old Moreland resi
dence on Forbes street, hear Craiy, for $15,
000. The lot fronts 72 leet on Forbes and
runs hack 100 feet. The house is a large
two-story and mansard brick. The price,
something over S20Q a foot front, it considered
cheap tor that locality.
Development In the Outskirts.
Pittsburg Is peculiarly fortunate in her sur
roundings. Her numerous colonies are not
only self-sustaining, but contribute to the pros
perity of the parent city. All the surrounding
boroughs and towns are full of enterprise and
industry. Obtaining their supplies from Pitts
burg, their' value toner as sources of wealth
can hardly be estimated.
That these towns have sprung up In response
to the necessities ot the people, and are not the
outgrowth of a speculative boom, is clearly
seen in the fact that several others have been
projected and will, no doubt. In time, become
important centers ot trade and social life to
Urge numbers of people, who will spend tbelr
money In the city and enjoy the .proceeds at
home. Every snb-dtrlslon on the market rep
resents an embryonic aggregation ot consum
ers. Some cities' are drained by their offspring.
They cost more than they Come to. But the
contrary Is the case here, where, without ex
ception, they are a benefit Tbey not only aug
ment consumption, bnt open new avenues for
the expansion ot business, which otherwise
would be too crowded for comfort. They have,
also, a strong tendency to keep down land
values by enlarging the area on the market.
This is helpful to home-seekers.
Business News and Gossip.
There were 20 fair days last month. Snow
fell on the 4th, 5th and 6th.
Railroad stocks are in better demand on pros
pects of heavy crops.
The Farmers' Deposit National Bank has just
thrown open to the publlo its large burglar and
lire-proof vault and is now ready to receive all
kinds ot securities and valuables for safe-keeping.
Wilklnsburg butchers will begin demanding
cash for meat this morning on account of the'
The proposition to cheapen Exchange mem
berships was sat on very heavily yesterday, the
negative vote being practically unanimous.
The principal objection was that it would de
tract from the dignity , of the Exchange and
lead to a bucket-shop business. The change
w:tf. supported by I. K, Johnston and opposed
by W.LMustln, John D. Bailey, Henry M.
Long, J. D. Barbour and others.
A gentleman bought a bushel of potatoes the
other day and counted them as be transposed
them to the cellar. There were 158- He paid
VS1 35. or nearly a cent apiece.
W. A. Herron & Sons have opened np plan of
lots No. 3. Wilklns' estate, between. WiUtlns-burg-and
Edgewood. Eight lots were spoken
for yesterday, showing a good demand tor
It appears that the report that a special meet
ing ot the Chartlera Gas Company had bean
called is Incorrect, an official saying yesterday
that no such notice bad1 been issued.
Bond quotations: Citizens' TractlortSV, 1MX
bid. 103 asked; Pittsburg Traction, 102X bid.
103X asked.
Henry M.Long raked in 225 shares of Pleas-1
ant Valley stock at the uniform price of 24.
Fred Rlnebart keeps a elose watch on the
movements of Electric in Boston.' ' '"
The Building; Record. ,
Permits for the erection of the following
buildings were issued yesterday: '
Alex. Black" Coal Company. Ht uuclftJ two
story stable and office, 67f x2Q4 feet, on Liberty
avenue. Sixteenth ward. Cost. $2,500.
William M. Bell, frame two-story dwelling,
23x45 feet on Baum street. Twentieth ward.
Cost. 12,600.
D. G. Stewart, Ironclad one-story grain ele
vator, 60x84 feet, Carson street, Thirty-fourth
ward. Cost, S20,000.
Joseph Laurent, frame two-story dwelling,'
6x80 feet, Lenora street, Twenty-first ward.
Cost, S700."
Nicholas Dlnesn, frame one-story and base
ment dwelling, 16x17 feet, Newton street.
Twenty-seventh ward. Cost. S700.
Good Hope Bautist Church, frame one-story
charch, 45x60 feeton Mulberrystreet, Fifteenth
watd. Cost, S6,000.
J. 8. McCormlck Company, Ironclad addition
one-story factory, 43x100 feet, on Twenty-nfth
street. Twelfth ward; gravel roof; cost, S1.000.
C. H. Olnhausen. frame two-storv stable, 16x
20 feet on rear Harcum's alley. Twenty-fifth
ward; cost, S150.
R, J. Lockbart, frame addition two-story
stable. 18x20 feet, on Liberty avenue. Sixteenth
ward: cost, SIOO.
Edward Dunn, 'frame addition one-story
wagon shed. 20x30 feet, Forbes street, Sixth
ward; cost. 850.. - - -
Margiret Zll. frame addition, two-story
dwelling, 14x14 feet, rear Seventeenth street.
Twenty-eighth ward; cost, $200.
Movements InTtoalty. '
S. A. Dickie & Co. sold lor W. A. Dickey and
J. C. Alrlch to James T. Swain, a vacant lot on
Conrad street, Twentieth ward, 41x133 feet, for
Reed B. Coyle fc Co. sold two more lots in
their Marion place addition, Nos. 204 and 205
being 0 feet fronting on Parnell street and ex
tending back an average depth of 160 feet, for
Black & Balrd sold for Robert Thompson a
lot on the east Bide ot Oakland avenue, 25x130
feet, with a small frame house thereon, for.
82.750. -v ..-'
J. C. Relllv sold for John Messar tnVT.
Russell lot No. 34 In the Homestead Bank plan,
on Whipple street. North Homestead, 60x120,
for SS00, on easy payments.
Thomas McCaffrey sold. for W. J. Bona to Mr.
Imboa a propertyuon Butler street, MIHvale
borough, lot 22JxlS0 feet, with a frame dwell
ing, for?L750; al.o. for A. C. Houston to W. J.
Wright a property on Holmes street, near
Fifty-fourth street, lot 20x115 feet, with frame
dwelling, for SL700.
George Schmidt sold a lot corner of Miatna
avenue and Alllquippa street, being lot No. 48
in bis Eureka place plan, Oakland, to Mathlas
Henke, tor $550.
Liggett Bros, delivered the papers in the sale
of a lot 25x108, with a ten-roomed brick house,
situate on Penn avenue, near Atlantic avenue,
Twentieth ward. , It was sold for Mrs. Mary
Elder for $5,800 cash; also, in the sale of a lot
27x103, corner or Penn and Atlantic avenues,
adjoining above property; sold for Charles
Buckley for $2,700 cash. Both properties were
purchased by a prominent business man as an
Four Months' Exchanges Compared With
the Same Time Last Tear.
Borrowers had no trouble yesterday to secure
all the funds for which thev had acceptable
collateral at 67 per cent, the outside figure
being exceptional. Checking and depositing
were liberal, showlnr a 'fair trade' movement.
Exchanges wero $2,405,263 71 and balances $305,
270 80,
The Clearing House report for the month
shows exchanges aggregated $61,896,143 82,
against $70,442,710 81 last year, showing a differ
ence of $8,516,000 in round numbers in favor ot
the former. This Is a better statement than
was expected some time ago. It is an Improve
ment on April. 1889, When tho. exchanges were
oiilylbS.BOO.OOO. All will remember that 18S9
was a good year ail through, and so long as the
city keeps ahead of it it cannot be doing badly.
It would be unreasonable to expect that, with
a bad start, the pace of 1890 cuufd be kept up.
Business is getting there, however. 'Exchanges
for the first third of tho year, with comparisons
with 1SW:
156.112,839 78
SS,4SS.Sl2 24
52.674.800 73
Bl, 896,145 82
63,431.4(5 69
70,442,710 SI
These figures show a decrease tor the four
months, as compared with the sdnie period ot
the former year, of $36,149,000 in round numbers
quite a large sum. but uot t,oo much to be made
good in tbe remaining eight months ot the
year, with splendid crop -prospects, an abund
ance of fnnas, and a general disposition to use
tbem as soon as the labor trouble is settled.
Money on call at New yc-rl: yesterday was
ealy, raugiBg Jrom tyitto 8pir cent, last loan
8, closed offered at&- P:1me mercantile
P'pyr 50 SttrrlJng-'exc.liaMee quiet bgt
i rtofri'mmimmHtifcrfriiA niiiiiiii irrMiiTMB-Mrwraiiiw xr
. f . r- . . ... , .,c. JX.. i. . . ..i- .. AT MM I II I ' In la illl Mil I l' IiISM Mill ' 'M h'l fe!OC9-..V.. Jf5VT Alt ' &. . .jl .
firnratlKS5K'fe60-ay -bills and $4 80 for
Closing Bonit Quotations.
P. S. 4s, ...,
J. 21. ts, eon p.,
U. U. 4s, re.
V, S. iUi. coon.
M. K. AT. 2d UX
Mutual Union Cs...l05
N.J. C Int.- Cert. .111
Northern fae. laU..U7j
Northern l'ae. :ds..li)H
Northw't'n eensoli.ltS4
Nortw'n deben's 6s. 101)4
Orttba & Trans. 6s.
Bt.Lfcl.M. (Jen. &, 89
St.L. A S.F.O.u.M.106
. loo
raciscesor 'M
Louluanastampedt 9
MliWuri 6s
lent), fie set. 64., I02K
lenn, newitt, m....iuu
Tenn. aawset. Ss.... Tl
Cauda Bo, 2ds.....KY
tit. Paul oniols..,.124
St. P. Chi Ate. Ills, lis
central 1'aclne lsts. 107
Den. 1K.O. lits.,.120
ix.. rents wx
1)I.SK U. 4a..,.. KW
Tx..-le.Zds iVi
JtU. WcsllIU
, 77
union racine ua ..iosh
West Suore..... 102V
arte Hi
H.K.tr, lsts.
Bank Clearings.
Naw Yonz Clearings, $118,625,648; balances,
New Obleans Clearlncs, $1,601,836.
Bostoh Clearings, $15,910,229! balances, SL
7C6.001. Bate of tnonev, 67 per cent Ex
change on New York, 17 cents discount,
Philadelphia Clearings. $8,45,011; bal
ances.SL499.114. Money, 5M6 percent.
BAinitOBE Clearings. $L860,272k balances,
$192,383. Rate, 6 per cent.
MEUPHIS-rCleatings, $271,056; balances,
$84,346. New York exchange selling at pre
mium. , ,
CHlbAOO-Clearlngj, $13,091,000, New York
exchange was 40c premium. Rates for
money steady at 56 per cent. Sterling ex
change was steady ami unchaneed.
St. Louis Clearings. $3,116,812: balances.
$395,098. Money, 6Q7percenr. ExchangeonNew
York. 00 cent premium. For tbl month
Clearing. 3SS 499,582; balances. S9.908.220. For
Anril. 1890 Clearings. $93,455,536; balances,
$16,019,294. Clearings this month, as compared
with April last year, show a decrease of $3,955,
954, or 4.23 per cent.
A Good Business Movement, With Better
Prices in Some Cases Natural Gassers
and Tractions Stiffer A Scheme
to Boom Electric Nipped.
There was no Speolal inspiration in the local
stock market yesterday, bnt trading was the
beitot the week and prices well sustained.
Total sales 'were 1,081 shares, furnished by
Electric, Pleasant Valley, Philadelphia Qas,
Commercial National Bank and Luster.
The features of roost local Interest, perhaps,
were the strength and activity of Pleasant Val
ley. It advanced to 24 on good selling, Henry
M. Long taking 225- shares at that price'. Citi
zen's Traction advanced to 05 bid. Pittsburg
tell back a little, but developed no signs of per
manent weakness. Jcls said' these securities
aro being sought as investments by those hav
ing faith in their ontcomc
In the natural gas list. Manufacturers' ad
vanced to 22JJ bid and 25 asked. Wheeling was
stronger. Philadelphia held Its advance of the
previous day, holders refnslng to make con
cessions. Tbe scare under the pressure of
which these securities gave wav during the
winter seems to have subslde'd altogether.
Many think they are a good purchase at pres
ent prices, bnt It is not easy to get them.
Button boomed Electric in the morning, but
weakened in the afternoon. It got above 15.
but tbe last sale was at 14, and closed at 14
bid,' offered at 14JJ. Here the highest sale was
at 15. The bottom fell out in tbe afternoon, and
tbe close was 14, offered at 14
Tbe early bulge was the result. It appears, of
a maneuver by Eastern bulls. Loaned stock
was called in all along tbe line. In expectation
that shorts would be compelled to buy. But
they got tbe stuff by hook or by crook without
going on the market for it. When It was found
the scheme wouldn't work most of the calls
were canceled, the effect being In the nature of
a noomeraoK. aue utters were nitten.
There were not a few who took stock In the
story originating in tbe Boston Iraveller that
Mr, Westinghouse had made a deal with the
leased companies. This is probable, but as It
lacks official confirmation it is open to doubt.
True or false, it is probably at the bottom of
Eastern bnylng, and the principal prop in sus
taining prices, lie outcome oi next Monday's
meeting may dispel tbe fog and let light in on
tbe vexed question. Sales were:
First call 105 Electric at 15, 10 at 15, 200 at 15,
Second call 60 Pleasant Valley at 25, 55 at 24,
10 at 24, 100 at 24. 100 Philadelphia Gas at 13, 60
at 13. 10 at 13. 1 at 1 100 Electric at 14
Third call 35 shares Commercial National
Bank a". 92, 10 Luster at 12, 200 Electric at
Bids and offers at each of the three calls are
P. P. S.A tl.Ex.
Diamond M.BV..
lluquesnc N. Bk
Uerman NaLil'k
MarIue:.Nt. il'k
Masonic Bank..
Chartiers V Gas
Man'rrs u.co
Ohio valiev...
P.i N. U. A P. Co
rnua. co
Wheellne O. Co.
Central Tracttou
Cltliens' iTac'n.
Plttibure Trae..
Pleasant Valley.
Second Ave
iiatid St. uringe
Point Bridge....
LaNoria.it' it Co.
Luster Allulne..
Sllverton M. Co.
Weat'house K...
Motion. W. Co..
Stan.U. CCo....
At Now York yesterday the total sales of
stocks were 340,161 shares, including: Atchi
son. 12.780; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western,
15,772; Louisville and Nashville, 5,950; Mis
souri Pacific, 11,410; Northern American, 4.935;
Northern Pacific, preferred, 22,000; Reading,
21,400; RIolimond ana West Point, 6,195; St.
Paul, 61,610; Onion Pacific. 15,000.
Nothing In the Oil Pit to Break the
Oil was still in the rut yesterday. There were
no sales.. It was weaker. It being the last Jay
of the month May and cash were even. The
only market was 67 bid.
Refined made bo movement tap or down.
Averago dally runs were 78,029; average dally
shipments, 54,781; avsrace dally charters, 31.766.
. Tracy. Wilson Co., 90 Fourth avenue, quote
puts, 66c; calls, 66c; on June option.
Other Oil Markets.
' Nsrw YORK, April 8a Petroleum opened
firm, but gave way under forced liquidation
Caused by the maturing of May contracts, and
those options declined 1c in the early trading.
Later tho market rallied slightly aud closed
steadv. Pennsylvania oil. May option: Open-lne-.67c;
highest, 67)c: lowest, (6Xc; closine.
86Jc TotalTsales, 196;000 barrels.
Shares Show Inherent Strength and Ad
vance Coalers Again at the Front
as Leading Features Slight
.. Bait in the Last Hoar.'
NSW Yobs, April SO. The stock market, to
day was in marked contrast to that of tho last
few days, in tbat It showed again the inherent
strength which has become such a character
istic of the trading and the result of tbe day's
operations is to leave prices materially higher
than last evening. The event of the day was
the bringing forward ot the coal stocks again as
prime favorites in tbe speculation, and the
very marked gains scored'by both Lackawanna
and Reading, the old-time favorites, haila most
ravoraoie innuence upon me remainder of -the
The resctlon from the depression of last
evening wai continued by opening the market
from ii to X higher than last evening's figure?.
Thore was tue Usual manipulation of Cordage
and its kindred shares, but thoso in tho mineral
list reached as high as 2 per cent in somo
specialties, and Northern Pacific preferred
again came to tbe front late in the.day with a J
iianasomo. aavance. .there was a snsnt naitiii
the last hour, owing to the realizations on the
rise and a flurry in money rates due to the
shifting ot loans on the last of the month, which
sent call loans up to 6 per cent at the close, but
tbe market Anally closed active and stroiyrat
about the highest prices of 'the day. The final
changes are all in tbe direction of higher
figures, and Cordage is un4. St. Paul lfi.
Northern PaclSo preferred 1. Burlinirton 1)4,
tbo Wheeling and Lake Erie stocks IK- Rock
Island li and Sngar and Louisville each 1 per
cent. Railroad bonds were also more active, the
sales reaching 523,000, and with a firm tono
throughout small points were scored all over
the list,
The followinc table shows the, prices of active
stacks on the New York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for THE Dispatch' by
WurncxT A3TitrnEXE0X.- oldest Pittsbarg mem
bersofthe Jltw YorkStock Xxchanze, 67 Fourth
avsnnei rf
tKi h. open.
( ? ? f rn.
Am. Cotton Oil. 27.
Am. Cotton oil urer... 50-
Am. cotton on '.Trust;. ar
Atch,,1op,S.-Pl.... M;
Canadian PuqI6cj,....T9;
f --ana tla southern
Chesapeake A ohlo.j'l'- 9
V. Bur.'A Qulncv..e. 893-A.l l
X, illl. A bt. Paul,... M ' (S
tt ABA.
50 .,,, ,,;, ,,,,
es .: ...; -..
..i :. ,,..-
55 .... M ....
185 .... 178 133
KX 25
"iJV'is "" ""
15X.... HX....
19 19X 19 19X
65 .... 64..
34 .... 34 ....
2434 24 24 24X
5a .... so ....
37 40
"i2jc"is "i2X"i2S
"m'iiH "ii"ii
27X.... 27X 28
90), 92
HIrn. Low iae
est. esc- jttri.
28M 27 28X
Slil 50 61
' 27HV zi 27 '
-S4. 3H 33V
'W J X 72
I .... 51H-
1 iM8 'ria
ktX t-RA 'ASM
iiig) tSts
i lUUf ARU ' . j . .J5. sr.
434 ,
.4 i
ureuon lmorovement. n
Paclilc Mall
Peo.. lies, A Evan
1'nlladel. AKeadlnr...
Pullman Palace dr...
Ulchmona A w. P. V .
St. Paul & Dumtn
St. Paul A Dulutb or..
St. p.. Minn. A Man..
Texas racine...
Union PaclSe..
Wabasn prercrred
Western Union
Wneellni AL. JS.
North American Co...
r., c, c. A St. L....,
P., C, C. 6 St. L. prf. 63)4
Boston Stocks.
Atch. A Ton 1..U.79 34
Uoston A Jlalne,...19j
C B. AIJ 90
PltckburclC U.. ... S3S
Mais. (Antral Ilk
, SK
Kearsarse n'X
Osceola 3S),
QiUncy... , 108
anta Fe Cotitiar 33
Mex. Con. com 22)i
N. Y. AN, Eni..... 41S
Tamarack-. 1C0
AnnlstonLand Co.. 40
Boston Land Co. ... SJ(
San lllcso Land Co. 22
West End Land Co. H
Hell Telephone 20M
Lamson store a..... 16
Water Power........ i
Centennial Mlnlnc. IS
N. Enr. Telephone, tl
Butte A Host, copper KH
x. i. An. tne. 7s..i2ij
Old Colony 183
Kutlandcomraoni... 3
lintland pref. 62 H
Wis. cen. common. 21 X
Allouez M. Co(new). 3!4
Atlantic jb
Boston Mont 42
Calumet AHecla 2G3
Franklin ,. 17X
Philadelphia Siocks.
Closing quotation! of Philadelphia stocks, iur
nlshed Bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, no. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New XorK stock Kx
chancet !. Astert.
Pennsylvania ltallroad.,,, ,,. S1K 33
Iteadlnir 173-18 17M
buffalo. New York and Philadelphia SU S4
LenUh Vailev 48K UH
LehtrhNavlxatlon $ 43s
Pniladclpbla and Erie 20'4 30H
Northern faclnc common 27U 774
Northern Paelttc preferred :.. 72ii 72J,
Mining Stock Quotations.
New York. April SO. Alice, 155; M Adams
Consolidated, 150; Aspen, 850: Bodle, 115; Con
solidated California and Virginia, 1400: Dead
wood T., 110; Gould and Cnrry, 315: Hale and
Norcross, 825: Homcstake. 850; Horn Silver, 340;
Iron Silver. 1C0; Ontario. 8S00; Ophir, C75; Ply
mouth, 185: Savage, 300; Sierra Nevada, 325;
Standard, 100.
Condition of Markets at East Liberty Stock
ornos ot FrrrsBtnto dispatch, i
Tiiuksday, April 30.
Cattle Receipts, 720 head; shipments, 588
bead: market steady at yesterday's qnotatlons;
1 car cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 1,000 head; shipments, 700
head: market fair: Phlladelpblas, So 255 30;
best Yorkers and mixed, 84 755 15; pigs, J4 00
04 50; no bogs shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,100 bead; shipments, 1,000
head; market nothing doing; all through con
signments. Following is report of transactions at these
yards for tbe week past: .
d, KockL f. 78
C . r M. 0 26),
C at P.; U-a PI
C. ArlortHwestern. ...110)4
CAN. W.PI .-..131 .
t. :., c. x 1 HK
C.. C I). & LDrer...., MK
Col. CoI Alrou, ... 34ft
Col. A Uocklna- Valley 28
dies, a Ohio 1st Brer.. W
Ches. x Ohio 2d pref.. 33
Del.. Lack West..-.. 13SV
DtL &. Hudson 1J!j
Den. a itia Grande.... lX
Don. A UioUraude.pt. 614
K.T.. v. A Oa. ....... -..
Illinois CenthU.i,....
Late Krle b West MM.
Late Erie A West pr.. 01M
LskeShore&Jl. B... .1124
l.oulsvllleft.lashvlllc. 81M
Michigan Central ,
Jiooiie soiiio , 44
Missouri faclMc 724
National i,ea Trim... KU
New iore Oentr&l.....UB!4
X.. iDt. ..,. I1JS
x c &st.f,.Mtpr ....
N.L.usst. i.. :dnr ....
M. Y..1 IE. W -.. 22!
N. .. L. JE.W. pd.,615,'
. . Jfc.N. .., 40
N.I.. O. &W H
Norfolk m Western,.,, 16!
Moriolk ft Western of. 58
Northern Paciflc tl
Northern Paclflc or.... 71 H
Ohio AMlstlMlppi..... 18K
Thro'. Local.
Wednesday. .. 11 131 3
Thursday ........... .. SI 18 -11-
Friday.. 16 18 5
Saturday , 20, 45 11 e
feunday:.-:.. .;:.:.... 48 s 83 is
Monday ,. II 11 . 0 3
Tuesday 3 .. 8 s
Total cars 83 . IIS . 100 43
Last week 128 56 125 85
Wednesday 12 218 137
Thursday - 187 329
Friday 487 97
Saturday ... 1(3 23
Monday 1,223 1,526 1,623
Tuesday 219 210 2,411
Total head ITS 2,789 4,670
List week 941 4,421 4,173
By Telegraph.
fJMAHA Cattle Receipts, 1,250 bead; mar
ket active on everything: beeves were active
and 10c higher; butchers' stock strong, with
feeders steady; fancy 1,400 to 1,600 pound
steers, of which ttinro are liberal reoeipts, are
quoted at So 205 75; prime 1,200 to 1,475
pound, steers, ii 2o5 3-5; fair to good 1,050 to
1,350 pound steers. S3 254 65. Hogs Re
ceipts. 3,000 head; market active and lOe higher!
quality poor; all sold: rough, S4 55J4 80; bulk,
84 0004 70; lights, 84 55Q4 75; heavy, 4 704 80s
mixed. S4 651 7a Sheep Receipts. 177 head;
market active and firm; natives, S3 005 75;
Westerns. S2 50o W.
CINCINNATI Hoes In better supply and
steady; common and l.'ght, S3 905 00; packing
and butchers. S4 855 S5; receipts. 2,100 bead;
shipments. 1.070 head. Cattle in fair demand
and steady; common, 82 503 75; fair to
choice butcher grades S4 O0S5 65: prime to
choice shippers, So 00o 75; receipts, 1,040 bead;
shipments. 150 bead. Sheep in good demand;
common to choice sheared, S3 505 25; extra
fat wethers and yearlings, J5 255 50; receipts,
800 head; shipments, 860 head. Lambs Steady
for -spring, with fair offerings common to
choice, S7 009 00 per 100 pounds.
CHICAGO Cattfe Receipts. 9.000 head;
shipments. 3,000 headi market active and
strong: prime steers, $6 25; good to choice.
So 756 00: others, S4 755 50; heifers, S3 80
5 00: cows. S2 50Q3 75. Hogs Receipts. 18,000
bead; shipments, 10,000 head; market strong;
rough and common, S4 004r 60; pack
ers, S4 654 90: prime heavy and butcher
weights, J4 93o 10: light, l4 9oQ5 5a Sheep
Receipts. 6,000 bead; shipments, 4,000 head:
market steady; natives, 84 75JS5 65; Westerns,
?5 506 60; Texans, 55 0005" 55; lambs, 37 00
7 SO.
NEW YORK Beeves Receipts. 964 head,
all for slaughterers aud exporters; no trade;
feeling firm: dressed beef steady at 8K10o
for native sides: shipments td-'day. 20 buves
and 10 sheen: to-morrow, 470 -beeves. Calves
Receints, 1.209 bead;-market ii lower; veals,
85 O0625: buttermilks, S3 50SJ75. Sheep Re
ceipts, 1,296 bead; sheen Jc hlgherflambs firm;
unshorn sheep, S6 757 01J; clipped do, f5 00
5 75: unshorn lambs $7 008 05: clipped do.
$0 O06 25. Hogs Receipts, "4,481-head. con
signed, direct; nominally steady at S4 405 65.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipt?. 1L00O held:
.shipments, 600 bead: marker steady; good to
lancy.natite sreers, jo wya vo; tair to good
84 005 10; Texans and Indians, S4 80
3 25. Hogs Receipts. 6,600 bead; shipments,
1,700 head: market stronger,; fair to choice
heavy. 14 80(24 95: mixed Grades, S4 4004 90;
light, fair to best. J4 00i 75. Sheep Re
ceipts,'' 400 bead: shipments, none; market
st rorrg; good. S4 4C5 80; lambs. SG 00.
BUFFALO Cattle Reeelnta 7n Inn.l
through, 7 loads sale: market steady and firm;
receipts good. Mixed sheep and lambs Re
ceipts, 7 leads through, 7 sale; sales of wool
Iambi, good to choice. S5 70428 00; common to
fair. SO z57 00: wool sheep, 5 0OS6 75; clipped,
-SI 753 70:'ill sold. Hogs Receipts; 23 loads
through', 7 sale: with 8 cars. held.
KANSAS CITY .Cattle- Kseeiots.L430 head:
iShlpmenw, 4.780 head; market active and
strung, to 10c nignerj steers, 53 votes uo: cows.
S2 40; stackers and feeders, $2 4065 Oa Pigs
Receipts, 4,770 bead; shlpments,8.800 head;
market active and 10c higher; bulk, S4 5024 75:
all grades, SI 504 85. Sheep Receipts, 520
bead; market strong.
INDIANAPOLIS Cattle Reoeipts, 803 heau:
markets unchanged and firm; shippers S4 603
6 00; botchers. S2 251 25: bulls, S175Q3 50.
Hogs E ceipt", 5,700 head; market slow and
bai ely steadv: choice heavy. S4 60Q5 00; choice
light. S4 754 90; mixed, S4 8504 95; pigs. $2 50
S4 25.
Price of Bar Silver.
New Yqek. April SO. Bar silver In London.
i4d perH ounce: New York selling price,
as reported by bullion dealers, 97c. Gold
.value of silver In the standard-dollar." $0753.'
When bab'y'was sick, we gave her castoria
'Wht Rlin Trail a CJillil unAnriAl fnTnarnFl!,
..When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When s4wtoWiCliil4r&H.s Irave them Caettfrla
.:&' -ft 1stt,4 .itSjLiJ . - -M
. 'A I-3J- V .
Eggs Bicber In Plltsbarff Tlinn at
Oilier Trade Centers.
creamery mtm IS ADVANCBD.
Cereals Qaiet and General Sitnatloa,
faror of Bayers.
Office of PrrTSBTjRo Dispatcit. i
Thursday, April 3a
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Egg market here continues strong, and prices
are higher here than in New York, when the
rule is thatthey aro lower. The top of theNsw
York market yesterday was 14c, whereas 16c
was the top in Pittsburg. Receipts at the
metroDolIs were 16.000 cases vesterdav. an
amount more than double the average dally
receipts. Our quotations on Elgin creamery
butter are advanced. Markets are very firm at
the advance, and supply Is not up to demand.
Dealers have not been able to fill orders for
creamery of high grade this week or two past.
Country butter is coming in freely, and only
the' best sells "at outside quotations. Old cheese
is out of tho market, and supply of new Is not
np to demand. General produce trado Js quiet
Quality of Soutb.cn vegetables offered is not
the best. Cabbage particularly is coming in of
late in bad shape, and Is a drug on he market.
Choice potatoes are firm at quotations.
Apples S6 007 00 a barrel.
BtrrrKU Creamery, -Elgin. 3331c; other
brands, 2526c; common country butter, 15c;
choice country rolls, 18c.
Beaks New crop beans, navy; S2 S0Q2 35;
marrows, $2 352 40; Lima beans. 56c.
Berries Strawberries, 2ogSS0c per quart
Beeswax 2830c 9) & for choice; low grade,
.Cider Sand refined, S9 &0Q10 00; common,
$5 506 00; crab cider. $12 0013 00 $ barrel;
cider vinegar, 1415c $1 gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, new, HSHKe; New
York cheese, new. ll12c: Llmburger, 18HO
14c; domestic Sweitzer. 15Q16c; Wisconsin brick
Sweitzer. 16c; Imported Sweitzer. 27K2Sc
Cranberries Cape Cod, S3 253 50 a box!
Sll 5012 00 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 50 a box;
Eoos lB16c for strictly fresh; goose eggs.
3035c: duck eggs, 16lSc.
Feathers Extra live geee, COgOOc: No. 1,
4045c: mixed lots. 3035c V ft.
Honet New crop white clover, 18020c ft;
California honey, 12Q15e V ft.
Maple Syrup New, 8590c ?1 gallon.
New Maple Sugar 10c V ft.
Nuts Shell bark hickory nuts, SI 251 60 a
bushel; peanuts, SI 501 75, roasted; green, ii
6c a; pecans, 16o ft.
Okion Sets Fancy Erie, (8 0O9 00 per
bushel: Ohio and Pennsylvania, $7 00S 00
Poultry Alive Cbickens,Sl 00QI 10 a bair;
turkeys, 13c a pound; ducks. "OctiJl a pair:
geese, choice, SI 00 a pair. Dressed Turkeys,
18c a pound; ducks. 1415c a pound, chickens,
H15c: geese. ll12c
TAT.LOW Country, 4Wc;clty rendered. 5Vc.
BKED3 Recleahed Western clover, S5 bu
5 20; timothy, SI 5501 65; bine grass. S3 50Q1 00;
orebard grasJ.ll 75; Millet, S1Q1 25c; lawn crass,
Tropical Fruits Lemor.,f4 &05 00. fancy,
S6 00; Messina oranges. S3 25Q3 75 a box: Florida
oranges, $4 004 25 a box; California oranges,
S3 003 25 a box; navel oranges, $4 5035 U0:
bananas. S2 75 firsts, 52 00 good Seconds.'))
bunch; figs, 1516e ft ft; dates, 45Uc V b;
pineapples, 152Sc apiece.
Veqetablks Potatoes, SI 801 35 V bushel;
seed pntatoes,Sl 502 W bushel; sweet potatoes,
fj 00S3 25; cabbage, S506 ) hundred; yellow
danver onions. $8 006 60 a barrel: celery, 75c
S1 a dozen bunches; carrots. 35c a dozen; pars
ley. 15c a dozen; turnips, 75cSl per barrel.
Nzvr Vegetables cabbage, si 602 00 for
Small crates, 52 0002 25 tor large: kale, 75cQtl
a barrel; spinach, SI 21 &)a barrel: beans,
S3 a bushel: beets, 5005c a dozen; asparagus,
4o45c a buncb; Bermuda onions, 52 75 a bushel:
Bermuda potatoes, $8 50 per barrel: tomatoes,
Ji 60 per case; lettuce, 60c a dozen; radishes, 85c
a dozen; rhubarb, 25c a dozen; onions, 25c per
The movement in this line ot trade continues
active, without any change In the price ot
staples. Sugar is now In ample supply for all
demands, and markets are easier.
Gbeen Coffee Fancy. 24fJ23Kc; choice
Rio, 2324c; prime Rio, 22KC; low grade Rio. 21
22c; old Government Java29K30Xc: Mara
calbo. 25Ji27Kc; Mocha, 3032c; Santos. 22
26c: Caracas, 25Q27c; La Quayra, 2627c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands
25c; high grades, Z730Kc; old Government
Java. bulk. 31K34c; Maracaibo. 2SS0c;
Santos, 2630c; peaberry, 30c; choice Rio,
26c; prime Rio, 25c; good Rio, 24c; ordinary,
Spices (whole) Cloves, 15lCc; allspice, 10c;
cassia. 8c; pepper, iSci nutmeg. 75tj80e.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test. Tlfc:
Ohio. 120, 6Kc; headlight, 160? 8Jc: water
white. lOglOifc; Rlobe, 1414Kc: elalne. 15c:
carnadine, 11K; royaline, 14c; red oil, HQllKc;
purity. 14c; oleine, 14c
MINERS' OIL No. 1 water strained. 4dQ42c
per gallon; summer, 8335c; lard oil, 55Q58.
SYRUP Corn syrup, 354337c; choice sugar
syrup, 8739c: prime sugar syrup, 3135c,
strlctly prime, 354SS7C
N. O. Molasses Fancy, bew crbp, 45c;
choice, 4213c; medium, 8840e; mixed. 35633c.
SODA Bl-carb In kegs, 3K3c; bl-carb In
3, 5c; bl-carb. assorted packages, 5g6c; sal
soda, in kegs; lC; do granulated, 2c '
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, per
set, 8Kc: parafnne, ll12c.
Rice HeadCarolina, TH&tUe: Choice, 6tfa
6Jic: prime, 66Kc; Louisiana, 5K6c
StabCH Pearl, 4ci iorn starch, 66U"c;
gloss starcb,67c.
FoBEloirFBUrrs Layer raisins, ti 50; ton-"
don layers, 52 75; Muscatels, SI 75; California
Muscatels, SI 601 75; Valencia. 67c: Ondara
Valencia. 7Kc: sultana. 12QI0c; currants.
5ViSkc; Turkey nrunes.7Ji8c; French prunes,
10KllKe; Salonlea prunes, in 2-ftpackages.9c;
cocoanuts. V 100, S6; almonds, Lan., f) ft -29c;
do Ivica, 17c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, hap.,lS
14c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna tigs; 13&l4c:
new dates, 6Kt 6c; Brazil nuts, 10c;pecans,-14i
610c; citron, W fi, 1(1Sc: lemon peel, 12c .1 ft
orange peei. lis-
Dried FsurrsS Apples sliced, per &, lie;
apples, evaporated, 1415c: peaches, evapo
rated, pared, 2426c: peaches, California, evap
orated, unpared, 16318c; cherries, pitted, 31c;
cherries, unpitted. ll12c; raspberries, evap
orated, S031c; blackberries, 8KQ9c; huckle
berries. 12c
SUOARS-Cubes. 5c: powdered, 6Je; granu
lated. 4c; Confeetlooers A. 4JJc; soft white.
4K4e; yellow, choice. 4Ji4c; yellow,
good, 4XS4c; yellow, lair,1 44c; yellow,
dark. 3K4c
Pickles 11 edlnm, bbls (1,200), 58 00; me
dium, half bbls (600), S4 50. ,
Salt-No. 1 )1 bbl. SI 00. No. 1 ex. bbl,
$1 10; dairy, fl bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal. bbl,
SI 20: HIggins' Eureka, 4-bu sucks, S2 80; Hlg
glns' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches S3 70
2 80;2nds, 52 402 50 extra peaches S3 003 10;
pie neaches. SI 7001 80-. finest corn. SI S5l 50:
Htd, Co. corn, SI 001 15; red cherries, $1 35ffl
140: Lima beans, SI 35: soaked do, 80c; string
do, 70S0c: marrowfat peas, SI 1091 25; soaked
peas 6575c; pineapples, 81 601 00; Bahama
do, S2 55; damson plums, SI 10; greengages SI 50;
egg Plums 81 00; California apricots, 12 10Q
2 60: California pears, S2402 60; do gfeengages
SI 90; do egg plums, SI 00: extra white
cherries. 12 85: raspberries. SI 351 40: straw,
berries, SI 301 40: gooseberries 81 10 1 15;
tomatoes. 93cSl; salmon, 1-fi, SI 301 80: black
berries. 90ci succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, SOc;
do green, 2-ft. SI 251 50: corned beer. 2-ft cans.
SI 90; 1-ft cans SI 00; baked beans, SI 401 50;
lobster, 1 ft, $2 25; mackorcl. 1 ft cans broiled.
SI 60; sardines, domestic, Us, S4 40Q450; sar
dines, domestic. Js, 57 00; sardines, imported.
i, Sll 5081250; sardines, imported, ks, SIS
sardines, mustard, $4 60; sardines, spiced, S4 25.'
riau isxtra .no. v uioarer macaereJ, 9JJ fi
bbl; extra No. 1 do mess, $28 50; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore. 2i 00; No. 2 shore mackerel,
S22; large ffs, S.U Codfish Whole pollock. 6c
18 ft; do medium, George's cod, 5c; do large,
,7c: boneless hakes, lu strips, 5c; do George's
cod. In blocks, CJ7Jc Herring Round
shore, S5 50 bbl; split, $fl 50; lake. S325100
ttbbl. While fisb. $700 100-lb half bhL Lake
trout. Jo 50 1 half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10s
ft. Iceland halibut, 13c VI . Pickerel, half
bbl, S4 50; quarter bbl, SI 60. Holland herring,
75c; Walkoffherring. 00c
OATHEAL 18 65685 fl bbl.
Grain, Flonrand Iced.
Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, 1 car 2
y. e-.corn, 85c, 5 days; 1 car coarse winter wheat
bran, S22 25, 5 days; 1 car sample timothy bay,
S12, 5 days; 2 cars No. 1 timothy hay, 112,5 days;
1 car sample oats, 68c, May. Receipts a's bul
letined. 21 cars. By PlttsbUrp, Ft. Wayne and,
Chicago Railway, 19 cars, as follows: 6 cars ot
hay, 10 of oats, 3 or flour. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis, 1 car ot oats, 1 ot bay.
Tbte are few encouraelnj; signs for bull in
the cereal situation. While there hs been no
marked change in values since our last report,
markets are generally weak. At tbe Grain Ex
change dealers were inclined to light shy ot
futures. The'situatlon contiunes ravoraule to
tbe buyer all along the line. .
Prices for carload lots on track:
Wheat No. 2 red, SI 1381 14; No. 3. II C8
109. r
COBS No. 2 .yellow shell, 77077Kc: high
mixed. 768Wke: mixed Shell. 75375kc; No. 2
yellow ear, 8e4j66c-high Mixed ear.-SlgSSc;
mixea.ear cort
QAtS-No. 1,
WXn No. 3 white. 585ecf
e; mixed oats, BOijaTi. '
extra, wo.3.
' Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and ,Mehlfa, S8e
Sjpvs wriid. 1 nsmni, hjssuuu, - ' '
rLOEB jooDin priecs raaey sfriBg-a
wKtter"paet iear.le 268 50; faacy Kraigst
winter; 16 75J6 00: fancy straight nrtag. to 75
6)6 00; clear winter, SS 59435 75; straight XXXX
bakers'. 13 5985 75. Ry floor, 16 2606 80.
MlLLFEED No. I white middlings, S27 0648
28 CO V ton; No- 3 white middlings S25 008
6 00; btpwn middlings 828 60024 00; winter
Wheat bran. 822 50923 00.
HAT-Baled timothy. No. L 112 OOtfU 50; No.
1 da, S10 OOaiO 60; loose from wagon. S14 00
16 00, according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay,
IV OU44SJ to; oacKir.e un, u oun 10.
Straw Oats, J7 5096 00; wheat and rye, S7 60
87 74
Busar cured haras. tir?e ..
SU);ar cured bams medium
Sugar cured hams smalt
Sugar cured California hams
Sucarcurcd II. bacon .-..i... .......
Sngar enrod skinned bams lara-e
Sujrareur'd skinned hams medium ,
Surar cured shoulders
Sugar cured boneless shoulders......
Sugar cured skinned shoulders
sugar cureq paeon shoulders...,
Buear cored dry salt shoulders. 1
sugar curea 11. Deer rounds .........
Bucar cured 1). beef sets ,
Hnj-ar cured 1), beef flats ,
Hacon. clear sides
Bacon, clear .bellies
Dry salt clear sides 10-tn are' j. ......
llry salt clear sides20-tb ave'K ......
.Mess pork, heavy
' IE.
', 13 60
.13 50
. -x
: I
Mess pork, family
j.arq, rcnneo,;in tierces. .....
Lard, refined, In hair barrels..
Lard, refined. In 60-lb tubs....
Lard, refined. In 20-I& pills....
Lard, rennets. In 50-B tin cans..
Lard, re lined. In Vlbtln palls
Lard, refined, In S-tb tin nails .,
Lard, re lined. In 10-B tin palls .
Down by the Little Rivers.
The Scotia will leave to-day tor Cincinnati at
4 p. jr.
The H. K. Bedford will leave at noon to-day
for Parkersburg.
The rivers are getting so low tbat In a short
time It will beimpossibleforthepacketstorun.
The marks showed 2 feet 10 inches last evening.
Is an important factor in keeping
good health; if it does not act in the
way intended by nature, its functions
aro performed by other ( organs,
the Kidneys. and the Lungs; and the
result is a breakdown of general health.
Swift's Specific
is the remedy of nature to stimulate
the skin to proper action. It never
fails in this, and always accomplishes
the purpose.
Send for our treatise on the Blood
and Skin Diseases.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
4iz Market street,
Whitney & Stephenson,
' 57 Fourth Avenue.
CapIUl.S300.OOa Surplus S5L670 23.
4 President, AssL Sec. Treas.
percent Interest allowed on time deposits.
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man
chester Traction Company
40-year 5 per cent borids free of
i fax, fbr sale at 103 and
Fidelity Title and Trust Co.
Stock. Bonds. Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
tt SIXTH HZ, Pittsburg.
From PIHstdfs) Qle SUWesu
ennsylvania Lines.
TralM Rn yeetrl llsasu
orjTHWxarr sxsxsui-rAMUAMDLis iu trxn.
Leave lor i;incianitti anu Ob ijuu, sjuts. m.,
d Jiltt a. ra., il83 andd llilSp. m. Lennlsoo, SsU
. a. Chicago, d 1:13 a. m. and 12:05 p. m.
Wheelaav 'US. a. m 12:03, t:10p. m Steaben
villa, J Jit. m. Washlncton, eili, s:ss a, m.. LJJ,
1:30, 4:45. 4:Un. ra. Bulger. 10:18a. in. horietu
town,' tf 11:33 a. m.. lOi p. m, aUnsfleld, 7:13,
S:SU 11.00 a. m.. 15, 6:30, dmS. lirldsevllle.
10:10 p. m- McDonalds, d -4:1s. 1314S p. nu. a lOrOI
'tbaWS ABSIT front the West, d S:10. dt.-OOs.
m., JKJ5, d5:55p. m.Uennlsou, 9:30 a.m. aten
bent Ule, S:OJ p. m. WheellOjr. 2.-10, 8 .15 a. m..
SMS, t:Sip, m, Uurtnttstown. ":1S . m., 3 Sail
a. m. Waihtntnon. S:S5, 7:&0. 8:40, M-2S a. &
J:Sa,e:t3p. m. Mantfleld, 5:30, && 8. Ili40 11.
nuT 1I:5, 3:55. 10KTJ and S'C:30p. m. UaUeA l:sf
P.O. McDonalui, dia. m- dSKp. m.
Leave lor Chicago, d 7u0 a. B, d 13i2Q. d 1:00, 4
4:45, except Saturday lliJ) p.m.: Toledo, Jtiaa.
ra.. d 11:21 ili.-oa, and except Satnrdy 11:2) D.nx:
Crestllne.S:4Sa.m.,ClveUnd,e:10am.:12:4Sd 11:01
p.m.. and 7:10 a.m.. via P., Ft-W.iC.KT.:New
Castle and lonngrtown. 7r!0 a. m., '120, S:Mp.
m.: XounKStown and Allies, d 12r2 p. m.:Mead
vllle, Krie and Ashtabula, 7-..-0 a. ru., i:-.31 p. in.:
HV.tt and Jamestown, 3i& p. ra.; Alliance, 4:U
?. m.; vtnttuag, kna seuaire, suo a. m.. lziu,
ip. m. ; Beaver Falls, 4:00 p. m. ; Beaver Falls.
KSrJba.ra.: LeeUilalc. 5:SOa.ra.
Dipabt rnou ALLxauxxr Uochester, 3 s.
m.i Beaver Falls. s:15.11a,ra5:hp.m.: a 4:33
S, id; ; Knon. 3-00 p. in.: Leetsdale. SfflO, SKXX
0, 11:15 a. in.: 1:14. 2aa 4:3a 4:45. 5:30, :U,
7:30. KX) amis 8:30 p. m.; Conway. W:M p. to.:
ralruaks a lli40 a. a.
lltaiNS iBEivsljnion station rrora Cblcaxo,ex.
ccpt Alonrtar, 1:50, d 6KO, d 6:35 a. m., demand
1 C:50 p.m. : Toledo, except Monday, liM, dSiUa.
m S:tt and 6:50 p. m.j Crestline, 12:30 p. m,;
Yonncstown and Sew Castle, 0:10a. m ISO, itSt,
15U5p.m.i Xilles and Younitstown, OSOp. m.;
Cleveland, (15:50 a. ia., 220, 7 -CO p. m.; Wheellne
and liellalre, 9:00a. m., 20. 7:M p. m.: Erie aae
AshUbnla, 13 10:13 p. m.; Alliance. 10Ka.m.;
Kile and Jamestown, 8:10 a. nut Beaver Falls,
fitoa. m B S:25 p. m.; Leetsdale. 10:40 p. m.
ABRIVX ALLXQIIEXT, from non, S.00 a. n.
Conway e. 40 a.m;l(ocnester,9. 40a. m.;Beaver Falls.
7.10 a. ru. a 12: JO, 1:00, i.3u ami 3 8:15 p. m.: Leets
dale, 4.30, 5.30, 6.15, b.50, 7.43 a. ra., b.OO, I2.4S.
IrOats, s's.&5 a. m. p
a. aauy; s. snnaay oniyi owes- irmiaa, except
Snndar. -
JlWKl-H WOOD. General M.-inii-.
' . A. FOltU. Ui-ncral rassenxer A re at,
Address. fituburc. 1'a.
Tfalili leive Unl'n station (Eastern Stand
ant time): "Ea.il Brady Ac Su5 a. in.: Niagara
Kx.. dally, . S:15 n. m. (Arriving at Buffalo at
tr.iTir. it); 'Kltunnlha- Ac, iM a. in.: lloltou
Ac, 10:10 a. ra. ; Valley Camp Ac. 124k p.m.;
UH City abd DaUols Lxpress, 1:30 p. m.: Haltoa
Ac' 3.-W p. m.: hlttahnlnc Ac. 3-J3 p. m.:
Bruehum Ex., 4:53 p. ra.: Kltunnlnir Ac, J0
p. rfl. ; Itrachani Ac, C:20p. m.t Hnitoa Ac, SM
S. m.T Bnllalo x.. dally. S:li p. m, (Arriving at
arralo73A.3f.):HuttonAc., s:40 p.m.; Valley
Camp Ac, li:30p.m. Church trains Emlenton.
Sa. m.;Klttaiinlntr. 12:40 p. m.t BraeDura. :
p. m. fallman 1'arlor Cars on day tr Mas ana
Bleeping Car on n)sht trains between l'lttsonrr
ana iiunaio. J AS. 1'. AM)hi:siN. (J. x, xzu:
'trains (Ct'l SUn dtime)
Leave. I Arrive.
Mail. Butler, Clarion. Kane
Day Ex., Akron, Toledo.
Bntler Accommodation
C:V) a m 4:55 p m
70 a m 7:30 p m
8:03 a m;lli20 a ta
1:4U p mi 3 J5 p m
2:15 p m1 11:03 a m
Greenville Hurt Bntler x....
Chicago Express (dally) '
Zelienoble Aeeom
u-. a -..... I E.WI ul M
4s p m' atMi a
suuu AKuui.....,. ...... ..1 m;-k. a. in- tiMi m ia
First class fare to CaJesra, lo 54. SceonO class,
So. rullman Banet sleeplug Clr to Uileag-
. Winter Time Table. Un and alter March 3B,
1890, until farther notice, trains will ran as lot-,
lows on, every day, exceptsnnday. Eastern stand
ard time: Leaving L'ltubut-6r a. m.', 7:10 a.
in., sioua. m., 9:30a. m.. 11:30a. m 1: p. a.,
S:4ip.m.,S:iap. in..Sd0n.m.,S:3Op.m..S-.36s,ni..
Half p. m. Arlington a:4Q a. m tea a. m.. 7: W
a. m.j SrtiO a. m., K:50 a. ra., l.-OOp. ra., 2:40 p.m.. .
in.. a:aop. in., siv p. ra.- iuu'
annday trains, leaviaac sVlttsbur v -ra.. , W
svtihi; jriLfSBi&fT w sura..
. sue b.jbst s-Jo -. ,i
Zl n.
is i.
i-aw a.
12:10 n. i..l p.m., 4:se
tijr Asro Arrxn UxcxxBznsotb. uso.
Trains will leave Union station. Pittsburi
as follows (Eastern Standard Timel:
New York Chicago Limited of Pullman Vwtl.
buie eirs-dailyjitl.MA. .. arriving atHarrU.
bnrg at 1.53 p. ji., Philadelphia 4.43 r. u.. Men
York 7.0O r. It Baltimore 4.40 F. 3L. washing.
Atlantic Express dally at 1.20 A. v.. arriving at
HarrtsburjclO.SOA. j... fnUadelpbU L23 r. J
ew Yorfc 4.0i p. m., Baltimore LU r. it.
Washlnziot2.35r. u.
Mall train dally, except Sunday, S.S0 A. Jr.. tr.
riving at Harrisbnrg- T.00 F. jr., PhHadelDbl
10.5JP. 11., Baltimore 10.40 r. u. SauoayMat
1.40 A. II.
Day Express dallyatS.OOA. v.. arriving at Ha
rtsbnrgZ.2aF.11.. Philadelphia uu. v., New
Yorks.33r. u., Baltimore 7.00 r.u.. Walking'
Mall Express dally st LOO F. it. arrtvlnr at Has.
rlsbnrg 10.43 r. m.. connecting at HarrliSnn
wifci PblladelphU Exoresj. -b7
llilladelphla Express daily at 4.30 p. It, amvlnf
at HamsbnrzLOO a. k., Philadelphia 4.S3 a,
M., and New York 7.10 A. K. v
Eastern Express as7.1S r. x. dally, arriving liar,
risbnrg 2.25 A. JC, Baltimore e.2S a. u.. lTua--,
Ington 7.30 A. is.. Philadelphia S.I5 A. M. andtj
Fast Line daily, at 8.10 P.M.. arriving at Harris--?
bnrg3.33A.it., Philadelphia 6.50 a. M., New
io:K,wjua,, uaiumorc .ai a h. nasnina
ton 7. 30. A. u.
All through trains connect at Jersey City with
uuais ut "AriwiiTn Annex" xor jsrooaiyn, j(.
Y avoiding double ferry age Sndjourney thronga
Johnstown Aeeo&u. exceot snndar. 3.40 r. k. :
OreensbargAccoia.. 11.IS r. st. week-days. 10.39 e
except Sunday, llerry EXpresj U.CO A. u.. ex
cept aunday.
Wall's Accom. 0.15. 7.201 .0a 10.30 a. 3L. I2.1S. ,
2.0a S.20, 4.55, 5.30, e.23,-7.40. .40F. IX.. and 12. id kl
a. ji. (except aionuayj. au.iaay. 12.10A.1C.SI
12.25. 2.25. 0.40and.40Vl!. U
TV Uklnstmrz Aeeom. coo. . 40. 7.00 a. it. rz.ct.i
4.00, 4.JS.a&.20, 5.40. S.5a 6.10, 10.10 Sad 11.40 F. aCi
Sunday. 12.40 anda.lt F. li. -sQ
Braddoct Accom. S.S0. 6.SO, 7.40, 8.10, e.59. 1LB
A. M . 12.30, 1.23, 2.60, 4.10, COO, 6.30. 7.20, .25, .,' I
i.OOand 10.43 p. u. week days. Sunday. 5.3 A.1L ",
For (Jniontown S.30 and 8.3 a- m., 1.48 and 4.3 '
F. k. week dars.
For Mononaahela City. West Brownsville and t, i
Uhlontowttl0.40A-jr. For Monongahela City '
and West Brownsville 7. Hand 10. 40 a. x.. anj.;
4.50F.H. Un3anday, 8.53A. 1L andl.OlF. jc it
for Monongahela City only, 1.01 and ,5.50 P. V. v '
week days, llravosbnrg Accom., 6. CO a. X.
and 3.20 p. jr. week days. West Elizabeth Ao--com.
8.83 A. jr., 4.15, 6.30 and 11.33 r. 3tv Son I
Oay. 9.40 r. m. -
Mall train, ror Walrsrlllo... CHa. JC "-l
Express for Blairsvllle, connecting for t.
Butler....... ..... ur, M-i I
Bntler Accom 6.20 A. L. 2.25 and 3.r. L?j i
BprlngdaleAccom.9.04ll.50A.u..3.30and s.aiP.aV3,'!
Clareinont Aecom ..., 1.30 P. JL.
Freeport Accum 4.15, 7.50and ll.tOP.Jt..
On Sunday 12.33and t.Jor. x.
Apollo Accra , ...11.00 a. x. and t.out:it.iJ
Allegheny JnnctlonAccom 8.20a. X. 1?
Blairsvllle Accom 10.3O p. x.
& The Lxcclstor Baggage Express Coropanyp" )
will call for and check baggage from hotl abdi
residences. Time cntii and full Information can' ' i
be obtained at the Ticket Offices No. 110 Filth :
avenue, corner Fourth aveuue and Try street,
and at Union station. '
General Manager. Gea'lPass'r Agent. '
XT COMPANY. Schedule in eirect December 14.
SraOL Central time P.4L.K. It-K. DarAKT-For
Cleveland, 4.3Q.S-O0a.m..M3.4ai:43D.m. For
Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Loals.4:30au in.. 1:35,
8:15 p. m. For BuSalo, SifXX. a. m 40. 9M3
p.m. Fot Salamanca, "3KO a. m., 1:35 n. m. For
xoungstown and Kewcasue, 4:8c S:0a, lorto a.
rn., 1:35, a4i2o, 8t5 p. ra. For Beaver Falls.
iO flOO, ISn. lOHMa.nu, 1:35.3:30, 4r20, 3:38,
Oii.p. rn. For Chartiers, 4:s ISO) a. m.. 3:33.
VlSS, 730, 7C0. 5S.-Oa,S:05, 3:10, IBM). 11:38. a. mZ
iiiS, 11140, 112:43. 1:40, 3:30. 1:3. 'ill, 14:30. 4:4$
HA "saio, 1i4J. lOiao p. m.
Abbitx From ClevettnO. "6M0 a. n., Tlj-a.
t.4U,"70p. nu From Cincinnati. Chlcaxoand su
LoaU, 1U:0V a. ra., i-40 p. m. From BarTa.o
S:40a.m 12::0, 10)3 p. m. Frost Salaman:a
10:00 a. in., 1'jn p. rn. From Xoangstowa
ana Sew .Castle, !, IOiCO a. m.. 12i ii
iSO, MiOSp. m. From Heaver Falls, 5i2n, S:40.
jita, "lOiOOa. m m-.xx, loo. S140. i-u. lo.osp. m.
P.. C. Y. trains lor MansSela. 7i3iv IIOJ . m..
3:55 p. m. For Fjplen and Beecnmont, I JO a.
nu. 1:33 p.m.
P.. C. Ji Y. trains rrora MansBelO. 'Oix not
a,m.. 3:43 p. m. From Beechmont, 7rtciiyo
P., McK. Y. K. K.-OTPABT-For New Ht. '
Ten, 10:10, 17:4a- m.. S.-COp. m. For West Dew
ton. 17:40, 10:10 a. m.. "SaiO. Sss p. m.
AnaiTX From New Haven. "rf)0 a. m., 4:11.,
p. in. ..uiu fcs. iiGwwo, o:u, -vw a. ".,
:10 p- m.
rnr JlaK
For MaKeesport, Elisabeth. Mononrabela City
to City
. :
and Belle Vernon, 6:45. T
to. Ilea a. m.,
3:50p. m.
From Belle Vernoa. Mosonnhela City. Eliza.
bctb and Mch.eesport, 7:15, 13:00 a. m., 12:10, V.IL
4:40 p. m.
Dally. .ISundaysoaiy-
City 'ticket Office 639 smtthfleld Street.
Ecbttfale la tUtct January 4, 1391, Eastern
For tvainlngton, a
Baltimore, PbJlaaetDau
and Mew York, Its a. m. i'
and iiao p. ra- - i-
For Cumberland. Vesa, '
m.. tluo. 11:20 p. m.M J .
For Conntilsrule. 4,.
JCJ a. nu, tl:la, M) aad
9:20 p. rn. .
For Unlontown. SSiSO, .'
I'-Sa. ra., una aaf UM
It fit 4T viwaBlt arrltTs savvii
uuivusvnu, xrisu. ma., saaaaj ontr.
'mr. W JfJS.t'iZ- W,:0a- ffl-andt7r23a.ni.anl
slO a nd 34nM p. m.
For Wasnington. Pj.. 'S.OS. 39:30 a. m- 1-JS.
$5iJ0 and7:45ndlll:ii p.iT'
lllliap. m. -.,,
j or ununnati ana St. Loula, " a, ab.
II. Bl
For Cincinnati. Ill.in. m.
ForColumbas. . nu, 17:43 and IU p. ra.
For-NewarK. 3:05, a.m- iiil and Ul:J5p7 m.
or cnicago, -niua ana "7:45 p. m.
Trains arrive rrom l,ew York, Philadelphia.
Baltimore and ashlnj-toa. 6:45 a. ra,, :20 p.
m. Prom Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago.
8:25 a. n.. "3:00 0. m. From Wheellax, S:
10-J3 a. m., 25.-03. ":oop. m.
Parlor and -sleeping ears to Baltimore, Washing
ton. Cincinnati and Chicago.
Dally. JDally except Sunday. SSundayonly.
ISaturoay only. IDailv except Saturday.
TbePlttsharg Transfer Company win call (or
and check baggage from hotels and residences
upon orders leit at 15. Ji o. ticket office, corner
Fifth ave. and Wood St., orloiand C3S SmlthflelJ.
General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agent. "
, As old residents know and back files of Pitts.
Dur papers prove, is the oldest established ..
and most prominent physician in tbs city, de
voting; special attention to all chronic diseases. -
MLTQWnilCand mental diseases, physical '
IMCn V UUOdecay.nervousdeollity.lackof
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, faillnir uowers. oriranlo weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
I Sinn Akin Oliai diseases In all
dluuu tmj ar m su?,. .motion -njt
blotches, falllnr hale bones, cams, elandnlar.-
swellln'T'. ulcerations of tonime. mouth, throat. i
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood -
puiaona fcuuuuujjr uiouicaiea irom mo systous.
IIRIMARV Sidney and bladder derange
Unillrtll lrments.weak back; gravel. ca
tarrh ai ulscbareea. Inflammation and nth.-.
painful aymotoms receive searchlnr treatment; '" .4
prompt relist and real curo- v jM
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience. - J
insures sclentittc and reliable treatment oa '
cotamon-sensei principles. Coosultauon tree, "-a?
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It
here. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 p. X. Sunday, t
10 A. M, to IF. M. only. DB. WH1TTXER. 814
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. JaJi-49-DSuwk , j
SPECIALISTS in all cases r9r"
qnlrlng sclentlflo and confiden
tial treatment: Dr. S. K Lake.
JL R. C. P. HL. is tho olden and.
most experienced specialist Ut
the cltr. Consultation free aad -'
strictiv ermfidentlaL OSes'
Mrstl" t4 andVtoSp. x.t Sundays, 2to4P
X. Ooasuit tbem personally, or write. DocTOa
XAxx, cor. Penh are. and 4th st, Pltuhaiv Ps.
ScuTermg trosa
the effects ot
youthful errors i
early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, eta,
1 wilt send a valuable treatise (waled) contalnbsg'
fnllpartlculan for coma cure, FREE ox charge, c
A splendid medical work: should be read, by every '
man who is nervons and debilitated. Address,
jrjrva. a? v mt w ma -asvaB. DaoueifttsH vn
. de2-8L 248871;
lkWJWW f W MEstcMY
tun nssmealan M npM
sent free, 'ilia natoi Grays
Ti ' Qnyuss ofttyna
. F?
package, or six for Sty by matt,
on recelnt At nriM. m aiiilrmi.
EmlthOerdanaUbertrsii. mtUT--itksd
? ,