rW"i 8 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY. APRIL 26, 1891.. A NEW PARISIAN Y1CE They Are Sow Hittlns the Kaplitlu I'ipe in ibe Gay City. DELIGHTS THAT LEAD TO DEATH. The DIacoTerer of the Xow Intoxicant De scribes Its Effects. OIL AS A SIBSTITUTE FOE OPIUM irfCTAL TELEGRAM TO TIIE OISPATC1I.1 SS New York, April 25. "Wilmot J. Wrcofli a chemist, of Dresden, who has late ly been with an nil manufacturing firm at Baku, Kussia, has related to me an interest ing circumstance in connection with the queer uses to which the products of petro leum are put. Mr. "Wycoff thinks that pe troleum from Pennsylvania, Ohio and Rus sian fields enters into tne manufacture of not less than 200 articles which are in daily use. Lately it is figurine; in medicine, and'he thinks we will hear more of it in this con nection. But decidedly the oddest use to which he knows it to be put came under his observation in Paris last month. Mr. 'Wycoff stopped there two weeks on his way to New York from Baku, and while there investi gated a rumor that the girls employed in a factory were inhaling the iumes of naphtha, which they found to be a mild intoxicant. He satisfied himself that in one factory where naphtha was largely used it was by no means an uncommon practice. The naphtha is kept ia reservoirs and is drawn off through pipes as it is wanted for use. By accident perhaps some of the female operatives made the discovery that the funies from these reservoirs had a peculiar and pleasaut effect upon them, and from this the initiated fell into tbe habit of going regularly to the valves and inhaling the fumes. "I ventured upon the experiment myself," said Mr. "Wycoff, "in order to help along my investigations, and I am quite sure that if persisted in it would have the strange effect ascribed to it. I hunted up one of the girls, who I was told would not hesitate to tell me all she knew about the alleged prac tice. Lffectn of Xaplitha Inebriation. "She was not over 38 years of age, very bright and intelligent, and at one time had been a nurse in a hospital. She had fre quently witnessed the operation of etherii jng a patient, and it is not unlicely that she made the discovery concerning the naphtha fumes and got the idea from ether or some 6uch substance used in the sick room. She said the knowledge regarding the naphtha inebriation was not general among the girls in the lactcy.but probably a dozen congenial spirits knew of it and availed themselves of it quite regularly. One or two young men whom she knew in the factory were not above indulging in the mild drunk enness. For herself she felt no ill effects from the habit, but she believed some of the more delicate girls had. She did not think it would injure her in any way, and had not thought about quitting it. The foreman, she thought, did not know that the girls in dulged in tbe habit, or if he did, He had uiade no attempt to stop it. The girls took the draught on the sly and usually just be fore going home, although two or three times a day, if the opportunity offered, they would take what in English would be de scribed as 'a little nip.' " The French girl described to Mr. "Wycoff how the naphtha fumes affected her, and the sensation seems to be something akin to hasheesh or opium. The girl said she had taken hasheesh a lew times, but liked the naphtha fumes better, because they were easier to take. All that was necessary was to inhale them from the' pipes and the work was done. Besides the latter cost nothing, which Was an important item to a girl on small wages. . As Mr. "Wycoff understood ihe girl's de scription, a languorous and pleasaut sensa tion came over her, and when she would drop off to sleep very delightful visions was the result. She did" not live far from the factory, and just berore starting home she would' indulge freely in the naphtha fumes, and by the time the effects of the draught were coming on she would be in her room, and, throwing herself on the bed, would ex perience whatever pleasure there was in such a strange debauch. The sensation re sulting from a good pull at the pipes would usually last three-qu irters of an hoar. Delightful Visions unci Languor. In most cases the narcotic influence of tlr fumes would produce sleep which would cover half of this time, but although there was not absolute sleep tbe condition was closely bordering on slumber, and the effect was about the same. Tbe same delightful visions were present and a delicious languor possessed the mind and body, which the de luded victim ot this vice persisted in believ ing could not be otherwise than a good thing for her. Other girls who indulged themselves in this method of "hitting the pipe" confessed to about the same experience, and none of them would admit that theyhad at any time felt any ill effects Irom it From a physician Mr. Wycoff learned, what might be expected, that naphtha fumes, when habitually inhaled, will produce all the horrors of opium. The physician had been called to attend a woman witn an ag gravated case of hysterical convulsions. He found her eyes wild and staring, her face and limbs swelled and with a high fever. She had been suffering with hysteria for seme weeKs before be was called to attend her. He found that she had been a victim of the naphtha habit and had indulged far beyond her strength to endure it. She was removed to a hospital, but in spite of all that could be done for her, her symptoms grew worse and finally developed into epilepsy in its worst form. She was still alive when Mr. "Wycoff was in Paris, but there was but small hopes that she would ever be well, Her brain was badly affected and she was little better than a mental and physical wreck, and resulting, as the physi cians believed, from inhaling the fumes of naphtha. Crude Oil as a Beverage. A tramp who was given employment about a well in the Armstrong Ban district, near Brady's Bend, Pa., was known to take regularly a drink of crude oil fresh from tbe well. It was in the stipulations that tbe tramp was not to invite his soul with whisky while employed, and as it seemed to be necessary that he should have something to brace up on he had recourse to' the oil, which, when taken Iresh from the pipes, was stronglv impregnated with gas. This, he declared, was a very good substitute for rum, but no one else on the job cared to verify his statement by drinking it. He took his libations alone and in silence, and so far as anyone could see and we used to watch him pretty closely for results was entirely satisfactory to nim. It produced in his system a mild exhilaration which seemed to better reconcile him to lingering in this vale of tears. As to the taste of the oil, he said he did not mind it it was not the taste he was after. E. TV. Cbiswell. BARGAIN LIST 0. B. FOR KERVOTJS DEBIMTr Use Horsford's Add Phosphate. Dr. H. T. Turner. Kasson, Minn., says: "I have found It very beneficial in nervous debil ity, from any cause, and for Indigestion." 75c BEST A1X-WOOL INGEAIN AT 58o Where? At J. H. Kunkel & Bro. '3,1347-1349 Penn avenne. All other carpets in proportion. IiOCHnfVAB Awnings At Mamanx & Son's, 539 Penn avenue. Pianos! Organs! EASY l'AYMESTS! EASY PAYMENTS! Boardman & Gray piano 5 25 00 Nivin& Clark piano 40 00 Bradbury piano 75 00 Chickering& Sons piano ICO 00 Lynch &Gomien piano 175 00 Schomacker piano 185 00 Hallet & Cumston piano 225 00 Charles H. Stone & Co. piano 225 00 Kranich& Bach piano 250 00 "William Knabc & Co. piano 250 00 Prince & Co. organ 20 00 Mason & Hamlin organ 20 00 New England organ 25 00 Shoningcr organ ,. 30 00 Sterling organ, 8 stops 35 00 Bay State organ, 7 stops 35 00 Estey organ, 5 stops 40 00 Burdette organ, 9 stops C5 00 Keystone organ, 10 stops 65 00 Bstey organ, 10 stops.. C5 00 Clou'gh & Warren organ, 7 stops.... 70 00 Mason & Hamlin organ, 10 stops... 75 00 Keil organ, 11 stops 75 00 Every instrument warranted. Stool, cover and book given with each. IiKCHNEK & SCHOENBEKQER, No. 69 Fifth avenue. General agents for the famous Kranich & Bach, Stultz & Bauer and James M. Starr pianos and Miller organs. 75c BEST AIX-TVOOL, INGRAIN AT 58c. "nhere? At J. H. Kunkel & Bro.'s. 1347-1349 Penn avenue. .All other carpets in proportion. Go Any Place You want, you can't find men's fine suits to equal the ones we will sell Mondav at $7 50. P. C. c. c. Jimp Awnings At Mamaux & Son's, 539 Penn avenue. Befreshino and tbirst-quenching. Iron City Brewery's beer. Telephone 1186. Sicilian Awnings At Mamanx & Son's, 539 Penn avenue. Overcomes "spring fever" Iron City beer. Families supplied direct. Telephone 1186. Go Any Place You want, you can't find men's fine snits to equal the ones we will sell Mondav at $7 50. P. c. c. c. Lucerne Awnings At Mamaux & Son's, 539 Penn avenue. And Chronlo Dis eases. Their cure by CI "William L. Fleming, (i M.D..1T32 Broadway, (. KewYork. Pamphlet ) mnt.Mnlnt Infnrmft. " m--rR-m---rtT tt m. v uon oi Ticai import- v Tuberculous sSeo?frerer8- V-C-C-2 Cancer Tumor mh29-135-su ESTABLISHED 1861. Eyes Examined Preo. &lEm, S25i? Artificial Eyes Inserted. J. DIAMOND, ."EK aezo-TTsa ST. ggjEK HERBEET WALKER, jjS Artificial 5jf), ,5 NINTH bT.' 'rfuf The only manufacturer of artificial human eyes in the city, m 1)22173 NEW ADVEKTEMENTS. The Largest and Leading Milliner House in Western Penna, LEADERS IN FINE MU IF I ' LEADERS IN FINE im in Attractive Bargains in Every Department of This Big Store. Ladles' and Misses' Blazers! Ladies' and Misses' Shirt Waists! Our garments are marvels of fasJiion. The workmanship is unap proachable, and our prices, Always the Cheapest. Children's Gingham Dresses, immense assortment, 59c to $4 24. Ladies' Calico, Percale and Gingham Wrappers, neat, serviceable and Btylish. We carry the largest stock of these goods'in the State. 90c to $3 50. Millinery News, Eyer New Snrprises In Hat ai Bonnet Fashions! Beautifully Trimmed Hats and Bonnets to look over and pick from, and at very reasonable prices, 84, 84 49, 84 G9, and up to 812 and 815. STRAW SHAPES IN UNENDING VARIETY! 24c, 29c, 33c, 49c, 59c, G9c and upward. We make no charge for tnmming.when material is bought here, "MVvn -n-r n -n g 3CHXLexy I Is a specialty with us; we show the largest line of popular-priced Mourning Bonnets and Veils in the two cities. ZMZ-AIT IMITTSIC FESTITAL. Orders booked now for our Artistic Evening Hats and Bonnets. Children's Millinery a Special feature atDanziger's. FLO WEBS Velvet Roses, Blossoms, Clover, Lilacs and other choice fine flowers. You know our motto is, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS. We've loads of dainty things for the WEE ONES in the family, little elegancies that'll dress them from top to toe, diminutive garments replete with all the fashions in babyland. Children's Wrappers, at 24c, 39c. 49c, 69c, 74c, 99c, and upward. Children's White Dresses, plain and embroidered, 49c, 74c, 99c, SI 24 and on up. Children's Hats and Caps, corded, shirred and embroidered, in Silk, Mull and Swiss, from 12c up to $ 99. Ladies, you will be interested in our Bargain Prices during Our Special Sale of Handkerchiefs. 350 dozen of Children's Handkerchiefs, AT 2c EACH. 800 dozen ladies' neat and pretty bordered Handkerohiefs, AT 5c EACH. 515 dozen ladies' ohoioe fancy bordered Handkerohiefs, at 9o, lie, 14o each, worth double the prices we ask for them. 1,000 dozen ladies' fine embroidered Handkerchiefs, at 25c each, other stores ask 50o for no better. Another lot of those Ladies' Pure Silk Handkerchiefs, AT 21c EACH. Special Bargains for Monday, and during the week, in Hosiery, Lisle and Silk Oloves, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Silk, Lisle and Gattze Vests. HOUSEFUBJflSHIXG DEPABTMENT-Basement brimful of startling bargains. You'll find it pays to trade at ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST SIXTH ST AND PEMAYE. SP23-29 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ONLY ME OUNCE Is the weight of PW CRUSH HAT, THE CUCKOO. The acme of lightness, ease and comfort haB been attained in the prodnctionof the CUCKOO, which, for positive coz.ness, ex ceeds all other crush hats now in the market. It is suitable for street wear, the office, or traveling, and as soon as its merits become fully known will certainly achieve a de served popularity. We have them in the following colors: Bine. Black, Chocolate. Pearl, Beaver, Steel, Maple, Coffee and Russet. RUBEN, The Hatter and Furnisher, 421 and 423 Smithfield St. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. ai2G-WFSa WE GRABOWSKY, Fashionable Hat and Bonnet Bleacher And Feather Dyer. 50 New Shapes bare been added to onr great variety ol fashions In ladies' and Children's Headeear. Wo show everything that is new. Onr store is crowded from early moraine till night. Onr good work brings tbe people that admire near, tasty and prompt retnrn of goods. Brine your Hats and Bonnets now and have them renovated into any of oar new shapes. It is a great saving for you. as we return your hat as good as new in every respect. 1 ry ns. It you want to bave your Ostrich Tips or Plumes cleaned, or dyed any shade, bring them to us. We are tbe only correct Feather Dyers. Take your work always to tbe Old Keltaole Bleacbcryof WM. GRABOWSKY, 707 Fenn av opp. Penn Bmldine. Mail orders promptly filled. apl9 mclB-M-TThss FEICK BBOSJ, 21 SIXTH ST. Surgical Instrument Establishment, Specialties: Scientific fitting nf TRUSSES, aDpliances for DEFORMITY and ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Largest stock of surgi cal instruments in Western Pon. Large illustrated cata logue free to physicians. NEW ADVEBTTSEMEMS. We Trust You! You Trust Us! 1 THE HOUSEHOLD CREDIT CO;, 723 AND 725 LIBERTY STREET, Never- push an account if the parties should be sick, out of work or on a strike. WE NEVER GRIND AN HON EST MAN DOWN. You can always trust us to sell you reliable goods; you can always trust us to have the lowest prices for the best goods; you can always trust us to give you more value for your money than any house in the world. BARGAINS EE EQUALED I ni' Ifi T j Jgg I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I This suit always makes our competitors squirm. $24, $24, $24, FOR 7 PIECES. $8 DOWN. 81 PER WEEK FOR BALANCE. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No house in the city , sells this suit for less than Fifty Dollars. ' OUR -PRICE $30, $30, $30, OX EASY PAYMENTS; Mil! II I III I I I I I INI Mill HOUSEHOLD CREDIT HUNT, 723 and 725 LIBERTY STREET, Cor. Eighth, Head of Wood St. Pittsburg's Leading Installment House. apIS-H EVERYTHING SOLD AS ADVERTISED. KAUMAfflS' Special and Startling f-Price Sale all Of Genuine r AGATE m GRANITE ENAMELED IRON WARE WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL Tuesday Even'g This Granite and Agate Ware makes the best cooking utensils, as every housekeeper well knows. Among the goods still left are Milk Pans 1 Coffee Pots 1 Preserving Kettles I Tea Pots ! Pudding Pans ! Tea Kettles ! Dish Pans I Sauce Pans ! Slop Pails 1 Wash Basins I All these goods at or about Half Regular Prices. Another Novelty IN THE HOIS' DEPARTM'T. The Little Senator (With vest to match) AT $3. These suits are made of fine All-wool Scotch Cloths, in fashionable plaids and checks. They're the equal of anything shown else where at $$. FREE A regulation ball and bat given away with every Boy's suit KAUFMANNS' Wonderful sale of Spring Hat AT 90c TO-MORROW ONLY. No old hats these; no defective goods; no trashy qualities. No, sir, none of these! They're as good, as fine, as desirable and as fashionable Spring Hats as are 5 old in this city every day for $i 50, $1 75, g2,$s 25 and $2 50. The reason why we can afford to sell them at 90c is because they have been consigned to us by a manufacturer who is anxious to convert them into cash as quickly as possible. Get one at 90c to-morrow, as they can be had on Monday only. KAUFM A N N S urn at mum fiTnmi fiblAlj TIM bli I SALE! We have the best and choicest line of men's suits ever shown for the money, embracing,as it does, all the best and finest goods manu factured in this country,and not a few nobby imported things. As regards fit and make they certainly are a decided improvement oyer any $20 suit you may find outside of our house. The styles are latest cutaway and patch pocket sacks,one, three and four - button frocks and Prince Alberts. We show men's dress suits practically the same in every way as those which most merchant tailors turn out at $30 or S35. The only difference is that ours are not made to order. They are made of fine imported materials exclusively, such as Scotches, English Home spuns, Clay Diagonals, French Worsteds, Bradford Cassimeres, etc lljlanff j9 Want a fine and nobby SPRING OVERCOAT? Only about 5,000 here to select from. Tell us what style you fancy light or dark,short or medium, plain or stitched, silk-lined or silk-faced, English Box or Chesterfield, and we'll show it to you at a lower figure than anywhere. Try and see. MEN'S FINE PANTS. They're not the finest WE have, though they're right up in quality .and style to other houses' finest, for which from $4 50 to 5 is asked. We've always tried .our best to show a grand assortment of dress pants at S3, but our present line eclipses them all. FANCY DRESS VESTS, in the grandest variety; linen or silk; prices reasonable. Tai on Deiar iiimi In Onr Hne Mercbant You will find a large and elegant variety of Imported Spring Suitings and Trouserings. If you conclude to leave your measure you can rely on getting a perfect fit and effecting a saving of from $10 to 15 on a suit, or from $2 to 5 on a pair of trousers. LOWEST PRICE HOUSE IE PITTSBURG. KAUFMANNS' Welcome every lady wishing a fine hat or bonnet at' a low price to their grand Excitement! IN OUR NEW MBjiBT Pate New styles received by express every day. They come just as quick as steamer and rail can bring them from Paris, London and New York, and, together with our own pretty styles, they form the grand est variety of FINE MILLINERY ever displayed in this city. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Lies Flip: Best quality Biaritz gloves; black, tan, slate, pearl with black stitch ing, etc., at 98c Ladies' silk mittens and gloves, black, slate and -tan, from 25c to 98c. Ladies' fast black hose, Herms dorf or onyx dye, at 25c Ladies' fancy or black lisle thread hose, plain or drop stitch, at 50c Shoe Parlors, Not only excitement, but the biggest sales in the history of the depart ment. That's the record of the week just passed. And .all on account of the big sale of the P. COX SHOE MFG. CO.'S, Rochester, N. Y. KAUFMANNS' Were first to show the new r Entire stock of 'rMa Ladies' and Children's FINE We are selling these goods as we bought them, viz: for less than two-thirds actual prices. Nearly one-half of this big purchase (it amounts to over $2 1,000) was sold last week. It won't take us long to sell the bal ance. If you're shrewd, you'll come to-morrow and thus make sure of getting your share of the bargains. HUSSAR SKIRT JACKET, Very stylish in the East, and des tined to become very popular in Pittsburg. This Uovely jacket is made' of cheviots, chevrons, camel's hair cloths, diagonals and fine im ported broadcloths. PRICES 7.50, $12.50 and $18 We also-exhibit the most exten sive disDlav in this citv of latest spring novelties in jatkets, reefers, Diazers, traveling wraps ana Uonne maras, tan-cloth circulars and Lon don capes. As regards nrices. thev'll be a source of much surprise and satis faction to you. MAILORDERS MAILORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PROMPTLY riLLCU. IPc AUFMANNS KAUFMANNS FIFTH .AVIElsrTJIEJ AND CI'I'BIFIEXjID street.