Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 21, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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C jmpiy i-vrir
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Vol. 6, o. 73. Entered at Pittsburg rostofflce,
NoTcrauerH. issr. as second-class matter.
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and Diamond Streets.
News Booms and Publishing House
75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street
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The Daily DifPATcn Is delivered by carriers at
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pittsburg. tuesday-, apr. 21, 189l
the library: decision.
The question of location for the Carnegie
Library main buildings was determined at
the meeting of the Board of Trustees yester
day. The decision lias been foreshadowed
for some time by the course of events. That
is that the reference library, auditorium, art
gallery and museum be located at the
Schenley Park entrance.
This action has, apparently, been ren
dered more necessary by the tact that no
other eligible site for the main buildings
was presented. The report of the Building
Committee, given elsewhere in this issue,
presents the fullest discussion of the subject
that has yet been had. It makes clear the
fact that fnll investigation has shown the
cost of any down-town site that affords
eligible qualities to be so great
that it would entail serious inroads
upon the building fund; that to encroach
upon the fund devoted to local libraries
would be to lessen the library accommoda
tions at the point where they will be of the
greatest service to the people; that the great
est popular facilities so ' secure library ad
vantages demand that an ample fund should
be devoted to the erection of commodious
and creditable library buildings in each
district of the city, and that the largest
results for the central features can be se
cured by bringing them together in a group
of buildings. All these considerations lead
up to the recommendation for the reservation
of ?300,COO to the local libraries and the
erection of the reference library, audi
torium, art gallery and museum at the park
entrance at a cost not to exceed $700,000.
This decision of the Board of Trustees
w ill doubtless cause disappointment to the
large number who bad set their convictions
on the down-town site. But two or three
considerations will do much to mitigate thai
disappointment, and perhaps even compen
sate for it in the further development of tbe
scheme. Beyond the fact that the cost of
any down-town site of attractive character
istics would have necessitated tbe abandon
ment of some of the features, there is the
consideration that this arrangement erects
the system of district libraries to the high
est possible importance. It distributes the
entire circulating department among, fine
buildings in the various districts, and while
there is no distribution of the tund to each
or the other five general departments, it
sets aside for this popular section a sum
much in excess of what any other depart
ment can get, and nearly double the average
for each. This insures that the feature of
the project closest to the masses shall be
liberally provided for.
With this preliminary decision arrived
at, it is to be hoped that progress can be
made to the realization of Mr. Carnegie's
gift. This has been long in coming, but
when it comes it bids lair to be on a scale
that will amply compensate for the delays.
A Southern Democratic paper brings out
the indictment against Mr. Cleveland that
when President "he discouraged the organi
zation of Democratic clubs by prohibiting
Federal officeholders from belonging to
them; removed Federal officeholders for
urging Democrats to unremitting political
activity; and last November took sides
against his party's regular organization in
New York City and favored the municipal
ticket supported by the Republicans."
This expression of hide-bound Bourbonism
is principally noticeable for its allegation
that Democratic club3 are "discouraged"
unless they can subsist on the salaries of
officeholders. Beyond that extremely ad
verse idea of the popular value of political
organization, the assertion that for a Presi
dent to redeem his pledges or to support any
scheme ol municipal reform that finds favor
outside the lines of bis party is the unpar
donable sin which his party cannot forgive.
To this theory that a judgment superior
to party lines is a crime, it is sufficient to
remark that, for showing exactly such judg
ment, Mr. Cleveland was elected to the
Presidency on his first candidacy. As to
the future, the fear that the nomination
may attract some outside votes betrays their
firm belief that the party ought not to have
enough votes t ever elect a President.
The most recent discovery is that the
managers of a Bellamy colony out in Cali
fornia have been making a nice thing by
getting people to live in tbe community on
cheap fare, work a long time for little or
no wages, and as fast as one set of workers
get tired they arc able to find a new lot to
take their place. This is widely commented
upon by what the socialist vocabulary terms
the capitalistic press in a flippant manner.
Of course, the fact that the theory of com
munal life has been abused by clever
scamps to dupe confiding people who wish
to try a new regime does not prove that co
operation is useless, or that the combination
of individual means and enterprise may not
build up a community in a new country
more successfully than the individual ef
forts of scattered colonists. But it does
show the weakness of all arguments in favor
of tbe community as a system that gives an
especially good field for the efforts of im
postors. Even on this point it is hardly discreet
for tbe advocates of the ttatus quo to be too
jubilant in taking tbe ICaweah humbug as
a practical refutation of Bellamyism. There
an too many magnificent cases of success
fully duping a great crowa of investors in
AVall street to permit the indisputed claim
that this sort of thing is known only in
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eiiuru wnaru cummuui&uj. uuk it is uuc i
that if communism, or even State socialism,
were given a legal status, it would give in
finite chances for clever rascals to burden
the real workers, while now the dupes must
render their service to rascality voluntarily,
whether iu the groit centers of speculation
or on the farms held out ic the light of an
early species of millennium.
The Kaweah fizzle does not prove that
there is no need of reforming society. But
it is an example ire support of the principle
that it is not necessary to reconstruct the
whole framework on an obsolete model to
accomplish what is needed.
The very exhaustive review of the canal
question in its material aspect, by an en
gineering expert in an another column, fur
nishes a valuable contribution to tbe litera
ture ot the subject The communicator
takes up the various projects for connecting
the .lakes with rivers, and conclusively
shows that but two combine shortness of
distance, feasibility of water supply and im
portance of traffic to such a degree as to
warrant giving them the dignity and depth
of ship canals.
These two are tbe Hennepin, or Illinois,
and Lake Michigan project at Chicago, and
the Beaver, or Pittsburg and Lake Erie proj
ect in "Western Pennsylvania. The first
takes its water supply from tbe inexhausti
ble reservoir of Lake Michigan, and will
serve the immense grain traffic of the north
west by a reasonably direct route from the
lake at Chicago to the Mississippi river.
Its importance and feasibility are be
yond dispute, but in these qualities the
project of this section is pre-eminent.
Its route does not depart at any
point far from an air line; its water supply
is ample, and the traffic It will serve is al
ready far in excess of other localities, with
the capability of almost infinite expansion.
The other routes noticed have their merits
considered as canals of seven feet draft, but
their length, insufficiency of water and na
ture of traffic forbid their contemplation as
ship canals.
The statement of the material advantages
of the Ohio and Lake Erie Canal project
is also very impressive. "We have laid be
fore us the fact that of the 130 miles of
water-way contemplated in this project na
ture has already provided 6 miles, leaving
only 74 miles to be constructed. It also
shows two unbroken levels one of twenty
three miles from the Davis Island Dam to
New Brighton, and another of twenty miles
on the summit level.
These unparalleled physical advantages,
together with the fact that it will command
a traffic equaled by no other transportation
route in this country, should make its early
construction a foregone conclusion.
The esteemed New York Telegram essays
to answer The Dispatch's inquiry why,
if the reduction of sugar duty was a free
trade reduction, all the free traders opposed
it, as follows: "The reason, gentle pupil,
was that our protection friends, knowing
precisely what they wanted, went and did
it. They took off a few duties which were
producing a good deal of customs revenue,
without much inconvenience to the public,
in order that they might have a show of ex
cuse tor piling up prohibitive duties." But
as the professed uecessity for revenue re
form, as stated by President Cleveland's
message, which opened the fight, was that
tbe revenue must be reduced, this seems to
make tbe diflereo.ee between the protection
ists and the free traders that the latter did
not know what they wanted and did not do
it. They started out to reduce the revenue,
but when a reduction was proposed that
would reduce it and take off tbe burden from
an article of universal consumption, they
opposed it with all their might. Now, when
they find the reduction is popular, they turn
in and claim that the measure they most
strenuously opposed is in accordance with
their own principles! In that case, were
they not false to their principles?
The Legislature of Minnesota may be a
little wild on tbe snbject of tights and
signed newspaper articles, but it has set an
example to other legislatures by proving
that it is possible to pass an appor
tionment bill without even an at
tempt at a gerrymander. The bill
making the Congressional apportionment
was introduced by a Democratic Senator,
advocated by the Alliance members and
voted for by tbe Republicans. According
to the vote of 1888 six of the seven districts
would be Republican and one Democratic;
according to that of 1890 four are Demo
cratic and two Alliance. It is hardly to be
predicted how they will vote in 1892, but no
one has thought of claiming that any party
has not been treated with perfect fairness.
This proves, what The Dispatch has
often contended to be true, that it is entirely
possible to draw up an apportionment bill
based so clearly on the principles of an even
division of population and the grouping of
territory, that it will -appeal to the judg
ment of every fair-minded man. If it were
possible to enforce such & rule, it would be
well to forbid any one, while such bills are
pending, from figuring out how the party
vote will stand in the proposed districts.
But as long as there are partisans such cal
culations will be made. They can, how
ever, be overcome by making the division
of districts so obviously what is called for
by natural requirements that no unpreju
diced mind will object to it
If tbe Farmers' Alliance movement can
secure the general adoption of this example
it will confer such a benefit on tbe country
that its other vagaries may be forgiven.
The regular baseball season opens to
morrow and judging from indications, tbe en
thusiasm of the devotees will bubble op like
champagne In a newly uncorked bottle. Big
promises are made, great victories predicted,
and ajeuccessful campaign seems certain. Tbe
only drawback is that things were ever thus.
At tbe first ot every season things were seen
as through rose-tinted glasses, bnt too often
ere tbe autumn had gone, they were seen as
through classes of a decidedly yellowish hue.
The blame for this state of affairs need not be
placed, nor need there be any serious, misgiv
ings as to tbe coming conflicts. In another
part of the paper will be found material from
which everyone interested can construct hopes
to suit himself. The average Pittsburger will
find himself able to Bwear by his home team,
just as be has been for years past at the open
ing of the season. It remains for the players
to determine whether or not he shall swear at
them when tbe season is over. Play ball!
The coke regions have up to this writing
experienced forty-eight hoars of comparative
good order. It is to be hoped that the results
will prove bo satisfactory that quiet will be
maintained permanently without any farther
need of calling out tbe troops.
The assumption of the Chancellorship of
the Western University yesterday by Dr. Hol
land marks an important period in the history
of that famous institution. Tbe late Chancellor
Gofl, by bis n Ise policy, raised the university to
a standard unexcelled by any similar school in
tbe country, and there Is reasou to believe tbat
Dr. Holland will maintain it in Its present
proud place. A ban of great erudition and
acknowledged executive ability bo Is singularly
fitted for his new position; and, as be Is com
paratively a yonng man, a long and successful
administration is confidently expected.
Whether the Hon. Constantine Bucka
lew Kllgore, ot Texas, was predominant In tbe
Western Commercial Congress, there is no
question but that the minority was able to get
awav when it wished to.
These is'a report that efforts are to be
made to boom candidate Alger at tbe Bepub
lican club convention this week, by securing
tbe election of Clarkson as President of the
National Leagne of Republican Clnbs. If the
movement should be successful it might be an
open question whether Clarkson wonld prove
the greater weight to Alger, or Alger the heav
iest burden to Clarkson.
WHILE the transmission of missives be
tween tbe Italian ana American Governments
costs SLOOOapiece, the cable companies would be
willing to see the present controversy continued
It is rather striking to find the Boston
Serald writing down Senator Peffer as "a first
class specimen of a demagogue," and in the
same column attacking tbe Republican leaders
in the Massachusetts Uousebecause "they have
determined to defend tbe public bar bill." It is
a fair conclusion that demagogy is not con
fined by sectional divisions or party lines.
It seems tbat the quarrel between the
Emperor of Germany and hS Empress was
started by her refusing to recognize bis divine
right to rule her.
The fact that Stanley was able to take
away 100.000 of American money, asa result of
his lecturing tour, gives a good reason why lots
of people wonld be willing to earn fame In
African exploration. Bat none can fill the bill
which Stanley has already furnished as the first
man to cross these unknown regions.
That verdict on the victims of the More
wood riot is emphatically of tbe compromise
kind tbat does not hurt anyone.
The Governor of Georgia took pleasure
ity showing that he had more to say to the
President of the United Statos than to Jay
Gould? Whether he adopted the form of con
versation credited to his neighbors of North
and South Carolina Is left to tbe imagination.
A pictukb of one of the Anneke Jans
heirs may yet displace the anchor as the emblem
of Hope.
It is now a subject of debate among the
Republican organs whether they are to creak
the Italian correspondence as '"Secretary
Blaine's triumph.1' as one paper puts it. or as
an exhibition of "true Indiana grit" as claimed
by the President's especial family organ.
Feom indications it would seem that
winter has finally lost its grip.
Me. Hexei Watxebson' Is working up
to the point of seriously warning those quar
relsomo Infants In the Democrat!; family,
Cleveland and Hill, tbat If they do not stop
fighting neither shall have any of the Presi
dental cake they are quarreling over.
Eaknell, the Irish leader, has a brother,
John H-, living in West Point, Ga.
Louise Michel has started a sohool in
London, where she gives free instruction to 40
poor children.
Miss Emma Eaves, the young Ameri
can singer, Is, it is whispered, engaged to Julian
Story, tbe artist
Baeox Bothschild, who recently lost
$40,000,000 in speculation, told a friend that bis
opinion ot himself could not be put into words.
The Earl of Lonsdale has sold at auction
the horses used by him in bis recent driving
match with the Earl of Shrewsbury. The ani
mals fetched 1359 guineas.
Me. Nebekek, the new Treasurer of the
United States, is a short stout man, with a
round and rather florid face, marked by a black
mustache. He is about 40 years old.
John Philip Sousa, the soldier who
directs tbe United States Marine Band, is a
composer. In addition to a numDer of sym
phonic compositions he has written two operas.
W. BOUBK.E Cockean, the great ora
tor of Tammany Hail, now abroad, is a large
and stout man, with a massive head and com
manding manner. He was once a clerk in A
T. Stewart's store.
Geant Allen; the English novelist and
essayist is a thin and intellectual-looking man
of 49l His eyes are light bluo and his hair gray.
He was born in Canada, but has passed tbe
greater part of his life in England.
Kino Cablos, of Portugal, is 27 years
old. He Is a blond, unlike tbe majority of his
countrymen, and is a man of education and
of graceful bearing. He talks well, speaks
French, and is a clever artist In water colors.
Mes. Mabtha Stbickland, teacher of
parliamentary law, lays down the rule that in
all cases when the speaker is uncertain whether
the lady in the chair is married or single, she
should be addressed as Mrs. President 8he
also advances the broader plea that no adult
woman should be addressed as "Miss."
Two Views of Our Minister's Success In
Getting It Into Germany.
Berlin Vostlsche Zeltung.3
Three hundred American oxen, we just learn,
were quietly landed at Hamburg a few weeks
ago, after Mr. Phelps, tbe American Minister,
bad succeeded in securing tbe permission of
tbe Government to try the importation into
Germany of American cattle. The business -is
said to have been conducted very quietly, and
to have been known only by tbe Minister, the
German customs and tbe Hamburg authori
ties. It looks as if the possibility of a miscar
riage of tbe experiment bad been feared and
disinclination felt in lomo quarter to enlighten
the public on the matter. Meantime, success
as far as American beef is concerned has dis
pelled all these apprehensions. In Berlin Mr.
Phelps has At his table, repeatedly afforded to
a number of invited guests proof of the excel
lence of American beef;and in Hamburg costly
arrangements bave been made, after tbe model
ot the new Paris abattoirs, with tbe view of
furnishing tbe beef, after careful examination
of American cattle by veterinary surgeons, di
rectly to the butchers for sale.
D. C. Irish, of New Castle; and Mrs.
Irish, are registered at the Anderson. Mr.
Irish owns the Penn building and tbe property
in which Danziger'a store is located. Rev
George B. Van Waters, of Portland, Ore., is
also stopping at this house.
W. P. Cooley, General Eastern Agent of
the Chicago. St Paul and Kansas City road,
left for Philadelphia last evening. He says
the west-bound business for the last month has
been good.
J. H. Logan, of Philadelphia, came in on
the limited last evening. He has not given up
hope of making a big oil strike at McDonald,
though the field has been umpromislng so far.
General Passenger Agent C. O. Scull, of
tbe Baltimore and Ohio road, was In tbe city
yesterday on one ot his regular visits to the
local office.
J. P. Ilsley, of Philadelphia, a heavy
stockholder in the Birmingham electric road,
and W. B Day, of Canton, are at the Du.
J. M. Warner, a Philadelphia iron
broker, and Andrew H. Hogg, a New York
glass man, are stopping at the Monongahela
Mr. Thornton, a California horseman,
passed through the city last evening for New
York with ten promising colts.
M. W. Hazelton, of the Chicago Tripod
Boiler Company, Is at tbe Anderson.
Alonzo Loring, of the Benwood Iron
Works, was in the city yesterday,
Herman Berghoff, the Ft Wayne brewr,
is at the Seventh Avenue Hotel.
Senator Mehard, of New Castle, returned
to Harrisburg last evening.
Free Advice to Radiul.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat J
Premier Ro'dint had better quit exchanging
letters with Secretary Blaine and open a corre
spondence with some man of bis own size
Private Dalzell, for instance.
Various Phases of It 111 nitrated Confidence
of Men In Tbelr Jewelry What the
Envy of Women Will Do Devotion to a
Life Work Foibles of Both Sexes.
A writer In tbe New York Bun Illustrates one
phase of human nature by telling the following:
"Now, gentlemen," said the man with the
checked suit on, as be briskly entered tbe wait
ing room, where more than 20 of us were sit
ting, "I have no time for foolishness. Life Is
short, and the man who expects to get there
must buule. I don't have much to say, but
what I do say is straight up and down and good
as tbe late Thomas Jefferson's affidavit I bave
here a liquid compound of my own discovery.
It is called The Fraud Detector,' and can be
relied on every day in tbe week, Sundays in
cluded. One drop placed on a bogus diamond,
a rilled watch case or a rolled plate pin imme
diately exposes thn cheat and protects you
from Imposition. Who takes the first bottle at
25 cents?"
No one spoke, while everyone seemed to hold
his breath, and after looking over tbe crowd
the fakir continued:
"You've been swindled And imposed upon,
and you hesitate to buy a good thing. There
are at least 15 watches and half a dozen so
called diamonds In tbls crowd. Who'll be tbe
first to pass to pass up watch, pin or ring and
let me test it!''
Not a leaf stirred, and two-thirds of the
crowd actually turned pale.
"I'm waiting," remarked the man,as be stood
before us.
Everybody looked at tbe opposite wall, and
everybody wished he had that chap out in the
woods for about three minutes.
"Oh, well," he continued, "if you are all built
that way of course I can't expect to make any
sales here. I thought there might be one or
two of you with straight jewelry, but as there
isn't and as I don't want to squeeze you too
closely, I'll pass on."
It was a great relief to everybody when be
walked out, and the next five mtuates were
spent in sly glances at each other. By and by
I got up and walked out, stared at by all tbe
others. I found the agent outside on a box
laughing until be could hardly sic up.
"What kind of a guy Is that?" I asked.
"Best In the world. That's simply a little
cold coffee in the bottle, but it never fails to
work. Tried it from Maine to California, and
it always scares a crowd to death. Lands! but
tbe whole convention of you turned whiter
than snow ha! ha! ha!"
And the man the infernal wretch of a man
tba hyena in human form went off into such
a fit of laughter, that he fell off the box and
rolled against a crate of cucumbers on their
way to early market
Envy of Womankind.
"I once saw a young lady refused a position
for a peculiar reason," said a drummer to a
Chicago Herald reporter. "I was In one of the
retail stores on State street talking trade with
the manager of the glove department It
seems he had advertised for a young lady to fill
a position at tbe glove counter. Several bad
been solected from among tbe number that
had responded to the advertisement and sent
to htm that he might choose tbe one whose ap
pearance and qualifications suited him best
One of them seemed to please his fancy, her
appearance and manner indicating that she
would be the right one for the position,
Presently ho said:
"Remove your glove and let me see your
band, please.' She did so and displayed one of
the smallest, whitest, prettiest hands I ever
looked upon. 'A very beautiful hand,' said he,
as she daintily extended it tor inspection, 'but
I cannot give you the position asked. You see
no lady with ordinary looking hands wonld be
satisfied with them when contrasted with thn
smallness and beauty of yours. Envy would
cause her to think that the gloves made ber
hands look large and she would be dissatisfied
and go aw ay without making a purchase. If
your hands were larger and less beautiful I
should gladly give you tbe place.' And as she
went away with a downcast look I wondered
how many women there are in the world who
would it tbey could trade hands with her."
Living In the Past
I met Schliemann, the archaeologist, one day
on board a steamer in tbe Gulf of Corinth,
says C. K. Tuckerman in the Jfew England
Magazine. He was pacing the deck, apart
from the other passengers, absorbed in perus
ing a book. I asked bim what he was reading.
"An account of the naval engagement," he re
plied, and went on with bis reading. He
seemed to think that the "naval engagement"
was all tbat it was necessary to explaln,and I was
left to my conjectures to determine whether he
was interesting himself with an account of the
battle of Trafalgar or some other modern
achievement Soon after he came up to me, as
I was seated some distance from him on the
main deck, in an excited manner, and ex
claimed: "What a wonderful man he wasl Was he
not 7"
"Who was?" I asked.
"Why. Themlatocles. What foresight! What
astonlshingpower of conception and adaptation
to circumstances!"
Ke was reading from the original Greek the
account o( tbe battle of Salamls, ana was as
much excited by it as if for the first time In his
life he bad become acquainted with an histor
ical fact with which be was really as familiar
as a child with his a b c.
Habit Beat the Bishop.
The Washington correspondent of tbe Boston
Gazette says that during tbe session of tho
Methodist Conference one ot tbe ministers
went into a drugstore about dusk on a chilly
evening and asked the proprietor for a good,
mild cigar. After paying for it he added:
"Is there any place around your store where
I can have a quiet smoke? Our Bishop has
just been preaching pretty sharply against the
use ot tobacco, so I don't want to smoke 'round
the house where I am staying, nor out on the
street on account of the bad example I might
set But a mild cigar does rest one so!"
The druggist quite agreed with him and said:
"Step behind my prescription counter, sir;
yon will bo unseen there."
Two minutes later another good minister
came into tbe store,' bought a mild cigar and
asked it he might be permitted to smoke in the
store, because:
"Our Bishop has just been preaching against
smoking." he explained, almost in the exact
words of bis predecessor.
He also' was sent behind the prescription
counter. The screen hid the two dominies from
sight hut It did not slid t out the peals of laugh
ter which arose when minister No. 2 encoun
tered minister No. L
Overreached Herself.
According to the Grand Almanack Francois
a dutiful husband wished to give his wife a
handsome lace scarf for a present and, to
make sure of getting one to her liking, he
asked ber to buy one herself on the pretense
that it was for a lady friend of theirs. The
finest Honiton, Valenciennes and Brussels lace
goods were spread out on the counter, but
madamo thojgbt to herself:
"What is the use of spendlug so'much money
on a present for Amelia?"
Some embroidered lace was shown next
Even those were too dear. At length she se
lected a very plain and ordinary scarf.
"Quite good enough, too," she thought, and
took it home to her husband.
"Have you chosen something pretty?" he
"Oh, yes. very pretty."
"Is it just what you would bave chosen for
"1 he very thing."
"Then, iny dear, you may keep It I in.
tended it for your' exlalmed her husband, de
lighted with his littlo scheme. Curtain.
'Old Hutch's Business Principle.
Benjamin Peters Hutchinson, says tbe Chi
cago Post, bought one of thoso little nickel
plated savings banks which will not open until
you have deposited 50 dimes within them.
Every time he made a winning on the Board of
Trade he salted away 10 or 20 cents, and yester
day he found tbat his total savings amounted
to 2 10. Then a man camo along and presented
for payment one of Mr. Hutchinson's I O TTs
foj 52. It is said that tbe liability was con.
Iracted during tbe course of a poker game, but
that's neither here nor there. ,
"I'll pay It" said Mr. Hutchinson, "if you'll
lend me $2 80 in dimes so tbat I can get this
52 10 out of this pesky bank."
So tbe man lent him S3, and the two went to
the bank to get it changed into dimes. The 29
dimes went into tho bank and Mr. Hutchinson
thoughtfully put tbe odd dime into his pocket
As tbe bank was now foil it opened automat
ically aud deposited 50 dimes in vMr. Hutchin
son's palm.
"How, then,"said Mr.HutchInson,"hana over
The man banded it over and Mr. Hutchinson
carefully tore it up.
"I always like to do business on business
principles," he remarked.
Then he paid-over tbe 82, asked tbe man to
count it and see It it was right, and when tbat
bad been done politely said, "Good morning,"
and started to go.
"Hold on!" exclaimed tbe man. "Excuse
me, but you've forgotten to return the 13 1 lent
" "Um," said- Mr. Hutchinson, "1 don' know
anything about that Hare Jou gotanlOU
for it?"
"Why. I jnst now lent It to you."
"Did your' faid Mr. Hutchinson, blandly,
"I don't remember it. You shouldn't have lent
it to me if you did lend it to me as you say ou
did without security. That's not business.
Alway do business on business principles, my
Inn. ftnnri hmratnp'1 ' 1
Bear, Bees, Man and Horse Mako Things
Exceedingly Lively.
Scbantox, April SO, George Phillips, of
Locust Rldge,pst a hive of bees in the bind end
ot bis light spring wagon and started for bis
son-in-law's along tho old Sullivan road. While
ascending a bill in the Spencer Woods Phillips
heard something scratching around the end
board, and looking back be saw a bear in the
act of clawing the hive from tbe wagon. He
gave tbe thievish brute a smart cut with his
whip.and it backed off with a snarl of pain, bnt
continued to follow him to tbe top of the bill.
When tbe wagon struck the down grade the
bear rushed forward and again tried to pull the
beehive out, but another cut of the whip sent
It growling into the ditch, from which it soon
waddled and made its third attempt to get its
claws on the hive. Mr. Phillips then whipped
up bis borse, and the bear chased the wagon to
the foot ot the hill, where it made a lunge for
tbe bive once more. Tbe bear's persistence
angered Mr. Phillips, and stopping tbo horse,
be stepped over the seat and laBhed tbe boar'
around its head and neck until it was glad to
get beyond his reach. Ic went growling into
the bushes by tbe roadside, and Mr. Phillips
started on again, thinking tbat he bad at
last got rid of tbe troublesome beast.
No sooner had he urged his nag into a trot
than tho bear dashed from tbe side of tbe road,
arose on its haunches, and made a break for the
hive over the off hind wheel. Its paws landed
between tbe spokes ot the revolving wheel,
the bear was thrown forward, all tbe spokes
were broken out by the bear's legs, the bnb
struck the ground, tbe bebive rumbled out on
top of the bear, and then tbe wagon stopped
suddenly. The hive was cracked by the fall,
and tbe angry bees poured out and went to
stinging the bear; the bear bellowed, took to
tbe brush in a hurry, and tore through it ap
parently in great naln, and Mr. Phillips de
serted his wrecked rig and legged it down tbe
muddy road to a safe distance.
Pretty soon the old nag began to snort and
act as if something was bothering him. In a
moment be kicked up his heels and tried to run
away, bnt tbe bub dragged in tbe mud and kept
him from getting under good headway, and be
finally broke loose from the wagon and raced
down tbe road toward where Mr. Phillips was
resting on a log fence. Scores of tbe enraged
bees were darting at the old nag's neck, but
Mr. Phillips didn't try to stop tbe horse on tbat
account He galloped clear down to Horace
Woods' place, where he turned in tbe barnyard
all out of wind and leaned against a stack of
straw for support Mr. Voous found the old
nag covered with mud, and there wasn't a bee
near him. but he had been badly stung on his
neck and breast while he was cantering along
tbe road.
Mr. Phillips reached Mr. Woods' 20 minutes
later, and he and Mr. Woods took rifles and
went back to hunt for tbe bear. Tbey traced 1t
to the edge of Owl Swamp, where they found ic
wallowing in a mud puddle, and they bred three
bullets into its head, killing it before it had
time to crawl out
Not So Favorable.
.Berliner Tageblatt
"Farewell flesh," was the cry on February 10;
"Welcome flesh" is tbat of to-day. But one
must first bave his Easter lamb before be can
eat it and the price is not yet very cheap. Tbe
American Miuister's banquet made a good im
pression on the participants. Nevertheless no
one doubted before tbat there were very good
cattle in America, and one meal "does not make
the goat fat" The 300 oxen which came across
the ocean to Hamburg as an experimenc did
not rise to tbe pinnacle of an ancient Greek
becatomb, because then the gods had the fat
tbe priests the "tidbits," while tbe common
folk received all tbe rest; but at tbe testing of
the 3'X American cattle tbe working people
who for tbe present since Windthorst is dead,
are the lords of the world were not in tbe
feast at all.
There are many who would doubt the com
petency of Mr. Phelps' guests to decide tbe
question wnether these S00 weieflt tor tho
nourishment of plain people. First they had
at tbo banquet only a small part of the in
voice, and that specially chosen from the Ham
burg slaughter bouse. Next the mode of
preparation was such tbat a social democrat
who troubles bimself more about tbo effect
than about tbe pots and pans that prepare the
food, could scarcely be expected to be "up" to
it We hear tbat there was served a beef
tongue "a la Deroulede," an "Entrecote dis
cont de Boetticher," a "Cotelette plnible a
l'Imperatrice," a "Fapricon jaloux Bis
marckien," etc. It was all very good eating,
but tbe doubt whether all American cattle are
like these 300 which have been swallowed np
in this Thermopylae will certainly be raised by
our farmers, who are opoosed to American
The Kansas Congressman Learns Something
About Hotels.
Hew York Bccordcr.l
Let tbe Hon. Jeremiah Simpson relate the
incident as it occurred, and no more will the
Kansas farmer fear him or scorn him because
be was tbe guest of a SO-a-day hotel.
When the weary statesman hungry because
he had been boarding for a week in New Eng
land dropped his carpet bag on the floor of
(he New York Hotel be said to tbe clerk:
"How much for room and board?"
"Six dollars."
"Does tbat include washing such things as
soc hose and so on?"
"Launary charges are extra."
"Guess I can stand it," mused Jerry. "I
never got ic for less than S4 in Kansas." And
down went his name, and several admiring bell
boys took him in charge.
By the dim morning light as Jerry lav in half
sleep and wondered why he heard not tbe
clarion call of the feathered Alliance songsters
of his native State, his eye tell upon a legend
tbat brought blm to hi? feet:
"This room SB a day."
"And I thought it meant by theweekl" he
groaned, and when breakfast was over he paid
his bill and went away a sadder and a poorer
A Lycoming County Huntsman Captures
Two Fine Fighters.
WlLLIAMSPORT, April 20. While trout fish
ing a few days ago G. A Sheets, of Quigelville,
had tbe novel experience of witnessing a fierce
combat between a golden eagle and a hawk.
Botb birds were of immense size, and the fight
was to tbe death.
At a favorable opportunity Mr. Sheets sprang
from his place of concealment and succeeded
in capturing the birds. The talons of tbo eagle
were so firmly imbedded in tbe flesh of the
hawk tbat it required great effort to separate
them. The 'hawk only lived a few moments,
but Mr. Sheets succeeded In getting tbo eagle
home, where he Is keeping it captive.
The eagle measures seven feet from tip to
tip and has talons eight inches in length. From
bead to tall it measures two feet The hawk
measured four feet four inches from tip to tip.
The golden eagle is a very scarce bird in this
section of tbo State, this being tbe first one
seen for many years.
An Owl Story.
Atlanta, Ga April 20. This morning
while Officers Powell and Waits were patroll
ing their beats on Peters street a very large
owl flew down and perched itself upon Officer
Waits' shoulder and began booting. Officer
Powell put the owl in a sack, threw tbe sack
over bis shoulder, and brought tbe prisoner to
tbe station house.
Pennsylvania Soldiers Unreliable.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
In caso of a war with some' foreign country
tbe Pennsylvania militia could not be relied
upon. Tbey would have to be at home sup
pressing labor riots.
Daniel McCaine.
Daniel McCaine, a pioneer resident of
Uraddock, and a veteran bridge builder, died
lliere yesterday. He had been 111 bat a week with
the grip. He was 81 years of ace. Ho had re
markable mechanical ability, and was considered
the best authority ill the Stale on structural work.
He was superintendent of the construction of
the Mtff Brichton bridge oyer the Heaver river in
1837, and In 1806 bnllt the Kinlenton brldee over
the Allesheny, and the Sixteenth street bridge In
PlUsbure In 1806, and the Portv-thlrd street
bridge In 1871. He followed bridge building for
nearly a half centurv, but lately has devoted his
time to repairing bridges for the county.
Anna Magdalena Gerst.
Mrs. Anna Magdalena Gerst, aged 72
years, widow of the late Colonel Georre Gorst,
died yesterday at her late residence, 173 Madison
avenue, Allegheny. Funeral services will be held
M edaesday afternoon.
Obituary Notes.
CnABLES T. GAINon, freight claim agent ot
tbe Baltimore and Ohio Ballroad Company, died
at his home, 843 Howard street, Baltimore, after
an illness or several months.
congressman M. H. jtobd died ot apoplexy
yesterday at Grand Rapids. Ho retired in his
usual health at midnight but was found Insensi
ble In his bed t 7 yesterdny morning, and re
mained in that condition until his death.
Dn. James K.Tiiaciiei:, professor of physiol
ogy lu Yalo University, died suddenly yesterday
mornlnir or pneumonia. He was a son of the late
Prof. Thomas Tbachcr, and graduated at Yale in
the class of 1WS. His invcMliMtlons in compara
tive anatomy of Ashes In 1877 gave him a Euro
pean reputation, and formed the basis of the mod
ern theory of vertebrate evolution.
The Academy of Sciences and Arta Nomi
nate Candidates for Office Asking for
Accommodations in the Carnegie Li
braryApril Weddings Social Gossip.
At a special meeting of the Academy of
Sciences and Arts last evening, tbe following
officers were recommended for re-election at
the annual meeting In May: President, Dr.
W. J. Holland; First Vice President George
A. Macbetb; Second Vice President John A.
Brashear; Secretary, George H. Clapp: Treas
urer. W. S. Bell; Councillors, to serve three
years, Messrs. C. C. Mellor, fl. Dupuy, J. W.
Caldwell andC. W. BcoveL
A committee was appointed by Dr. Holland
to examine a recently discovered Indian village
curiosity, .consisting of Dr. Dupuy, Cleman,
Drs. Allyn and Hazzard and Mr. George H.
Clapp. On motion the President, Dr. Holland,
was added to the list
On motion the chair appointed a committee
to confer with tbe Carnegie Library Commis
sion in regard to accommodations for the socie
ties forming the academy, composed ot Messrs.
John A. Brasbear, W. L. Scaife, George E.
Clapp, C. C. Mellor and George S. Orth.
John A Brasbear lectnred upon "Diffraction
Gratings," the process of manufacturing which
be fully explained. Prof. Very followed with
an account of the Lippman process of color
photographs. Prof. Speer took np the matter
and fairly deluged ProL Very with statements
of his mental difficulties in comprehending the
The old Courtney home, at Emsworth, will
take a new lease of life again this summer and
resound with childish voices throughout the
long summer days. Tbe ladles of tbo Alle
gheny Fresh Air Society bave secured it for
their use thl season, and bave already in
stalled Mrs, Earns there as matron. Mrs.
Karn3 had charge of tbe little folks last year
atSbousetown, and by the 1st of June will be
ready to receive ber tiny boarders. The borne
will accommodate 40 guests at a time, and
it is safe to say its accommodations will
be taxed to tbe utmost the entire season.
Applications bave arready begun to flow in
from the Allegheny mothers whose children
enjoyed the hospitality of Shousetown last
year, for a similar courtesv, and ere many
weeks the spacious lawn at Emsworth will be
fall of romping children, and the ancient stone
edifice will forget its centurv age, and renew
its youth in tbe contemplation of childish
sports. A fair for tbe benefit of the fund has
been proposed for tbe near future, but as Mrs.
Harry Darlington is at Atlantic City, and one
or two other members of the committee are out
of tho city, no definite action has been taken
on tbe matter. It is the intention of the ladles
to purchase a home as soon as a suitable one
canve found.
Little "Japs" to tbe number of 450 will be
made bapoy next Christmas by tbe energetic
efforts, this year, of Mrs. W. B. Scott's band of
petite "King's Daughters." A Christmas box,
containing 450 articles warranted to delight a
little Japanese heart has jnst been dispatched
o New York, and from there will be shipped,
tbe 1st of July, to Miss Nellie Cuthburt'a
school in Japan, which it will reach in Decem
ber. Forty-eight little girls bave been instru
mental in the packing of tbe box, and beside
numerous pretty little trinkets of their manu
facture, tbey placed in it any amount ot bot
tled up sunshine from their own merry heart,
which will go straight to tbe sensibilities of the
little pagans. Tbe last meeting of the band
for this year was an informal reception held at
the residence ot Mrs. Scott. Souvenirs of the
occasion were pretty little china jugs. In
which each member will place a penny every
day until next Christmas, when tbe jugs will be
cracked and the proceeds devoted to mission
ary work.
THEBElsone serious disadvantage in a non
co-educational school, and that is the utter ab
sence of girls when occasion demands their as
sistance and co-operation. The students of
tbe Western University bave lately realized
this disadvantage, and have been compelled
nartially on account of it to abandon the pres
entation of a play which tbey were contem
plating. Tbe cast required no less than five
feminine characters, and after a fruitless
search for suitable performers, the play was at
last given up in desperation, and as the time
before tbe close of school was so vary short
the Dramatic Club decided to rest, the re
mainder of the season, upon laurels already
won, and not attempt a play in which femi
ninity was ignored, as was proposed.
Harold McDonald, Superintendent of the
Laflin 4 Hand Powder Company, of this city,
departed last evening for Peoria, 111., where he
will be wedded to Miss fclllie M. Day on tbe
23d of the month. Miss Day is a popular and
talented young society lady, and will be a wel
come addition to tbe circles of Freedom, Pa.,
wbere the young couple will reside after an
extended- Southern trip. Dr. Frank Mc
Donald, of Penn avenue, the groom's brother,
will officiate as best man.
The various Protestant hospitals of the city
will be called upon shortly to make a company
bow and say "Thank you" to the Woman's
Home Missionary Society of tbe Allegheny
North Presbyterian Church. The society in
tends to devote one whole day sewing for each
of the hospitals, and with this sewing will close
a season full ot charitable and philanthropic
The sixth annual reception of General
Thomas Circle, No. 24. of tbe Ladies of the
Grand Armv of the Rennbllc. was held at Odd
Fellows' Hall. Soutbslde, last night About
75 couple were present Dancing was the
principal amuement, and refreshments were
prepared fdr those who wished to partake.
Social Chatter.
The Yonng Women's Christian Temperance
Union of Wilkinsburg was pleasantly enter
tained last evening at tbe residence of Dr.
Stephens, on Wood street. An interesting
urogramme was rendered.
Rev. J. A. BALI.ASTT5Z will lecture on
Thursday evening on "Glimpses Abroad" In
the Bingham Street M. E. Cburch, corner Thir
teenth and Bingham streets, Southside.
Mr. and Mes. James W. Drape, of Arch
street Allegheny, were last evening pleasantly
anrprised by a party of friends, upon the twen
tieth anniversary of their wedding.
The Ladies' Health Protective Association
will meet this morning in the ladies' room of
tbe Mercantile Library building.
The Idlewood Methodist Protestant Church
will give this evening a sapper, bazar, musical
and literary entertainment
E. A. Kxox, Chairman of the Carnegie Li
brary committee, has departed for an Eastern
business trip.
The Twelfth Night Euehro club will be en
tertained this evening at tbe residence of Miss
Librarian Steyekson spent the Sabbath
in Washington. Pa.
To Say Nothing of the Higher Class of
Drama, Popular on the Stage.
Dlgby Hell, in New York MorningJournal.j
Comic opera of tbe day? There is no such
thing. Musical extravaganza, that ! what is
masquerading under tbo name of comic opera
nowadays. This thing that is, by courtesy,
called comic opera is no more like pure opera
comique than is "Tbe Old Homestead" with
Its double quartet
It is a hybrid, a cross between farce comedy
and spectacular burlesque. It is just wbac the
people want, however. The public .wants to
laugh prodigiously, and to bave its ears tickled
with sweet melodies, and a mere sonpeon of
tho latter is all that is necessary. This desire
to be amused, to laugh with but littlo effort '5
a natural growth.
His Death Foretold;
Denison, Tex., April 20. 0. A. Love, a full
blood, who lives in Jack Fork count). Choctaw
Nation, is in the city to-day. Love is 99 years
old and still enjoys perfect health. When a
boy the medicineman of tbe tribe told Love
tbat he would livi to the age of 113 years, when
he would die seated in a chair.
Truth, 'TN Truth.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
The early National Convention which some
Republicans demand may be desirable, but it
is less important than a good nomination and
an Inspiring policy.
Friends,. do you know how a bear tamer's pet
Is taught to dance so bP.ll never forget?
Into a big caldron the bear Is invited.
And under the caldron a fire Is lighted.
Awheezy hand-organ the sentiment voices;
"Bejolge in life;" and the bear rejoices."
With angnlsh poor Bruin begins to prance:
He can't stand still and therefore must dance.
Whenever he hears that tune at the gateway
A. dancing devil possesses him straightway.
Once sat I myself in that caldron, mocking;
The music played and the heat was shocking.
My sklu was blistered -ami more. 1 resret It;
But never, ah. never shall I forget it
Whene'er offbose days an echo has found me
1 instantly felt the hot caldron around me.
Then remembered anguish I can not but nurse
Straightway sets me dancing on feet of verse.
The Present Trouble in India.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
The DlSFATCn of the 17tu instant attributes
the present rebellion In India to the dislike tbe
high caste Hindoos have to the opium traffic
The opium traffic has nothing whatever to do
with tbe present uprising, as tbe major por
tion of those who cultivate tbe opium are Hin
doos, and it being an article from which they
reap much gam. It wonld not seem likely tbat
they would look with favor on its discontinu
ance. Especially is this true of the high casto
Hindoos, who have tbe means to cultivate the
article without the assistance of tbe Govern
ment, and consequently reap larger gains from
the crop than the lower class, to which the
Government furnish tbe means to irrigate, till
and fertilize tbe soil, and holds a lien on the
crop, which is harvested and disposed oLunder
tbe supervision of tbe opium officers of tbe
British Government, and all money advanced
by the Government deducted. It is not at all
likely, tben, tbat those who enjoy the greatest
benefits of tbe cultivation and traffic in opium
should make it tbe prime cause of tbe present
The true cause is in tbe enlightened and in
telligent condition that tbe natives have at
tained. The advantages for education for the
past 25 years have been excellent ana the
schools and higher institutions of learning
have brought tbe native population up to a
standard of intelligence far above tbat of many
other nations.
Tbey are to-day the mental and moral eauals,
and in some cases superior, to those who are
placed by the Government over tbem. A large
number of educated natives fill important posi
tions nnder tbe Government, both in tbe
gazetted and non-gazetted lists, and tbey feel
tbat tbey are being held under control by a few
foreigners, while tney themselves are fully
capable of sell-government and the yoke is
daily becoming more galling and tbe desire to
throw it off greater. Naturally an Intellectual
and ambitious race, they bave been educated
to tbat degree where they see their own capa
bilities, and are ready to declare their ability
and determination to govern themselves.
A residence in India for over a quarter of a
century and an intimate knowledge of tbe
situation very clearly demonstrates to the
writer tbat this is the truo cause of tbe present
trouble, and tbat tbe British Government will
have to encounter the same spirit tbat it did in
1776 with the American colonies a spirit of
freedom tbat is constantly growing and cannot
besubdped. B.H. G.
AXLEOtfEKY ClTT, April 18.
A Kick From Second Avenue.
To the Editor or The Dispatch:
As a resident of Second avenue I would like
to call tbe attention of tbe Department ot Pub
lic Works to the manner of cleaning this thor
oughfare. Tbe other evening the sweeper was
on tbe street but did not use tbe "sprinkler"
and raised the dust so much that we could
hardly breathe, and I am of the opinion that
the street is not in any better condition now
than when tbey began to clean. It is a regular
nuisance, and I do not see any use to discrimi
nate Detween us, in regard to the sweeper ana
also in regard to the electric light, and any
otber part of tbe city, and 1 think it is time
something was done. Citizen.
Pittsburg, April 18.
Concerning Naturalization.
To tbe Editor of Tbe Dls paten:
A foreigner coming to this country under age
can take out bis first and second papers at one
time. Does it mean under 18, as I have heard
people sav, or does it mean under 21 years?
Pittsburg. April 18. W. E. L.
Persons under 18 years of age when coming
to America need not take out the first papers
and givo two years' notice. All others must do
The Death of King James.
To the Editor of The Dispatch:
Will you kindly inform me through the
columns of your paper what the age of King
James I. ot England and Scotland was at the
time of bis death. A Reader.
Pittsburg, April 19.
King James L of England and VL ot Scot
land died March 27, 1625, at the age of 59 years.
The Magnificent Tapestries Owned by a
Perhaps the rarest collection of tapestries to
be found in America is that owned by Mr.
Charles M. Ffoulke, who for tbe last 15 years
has made the collection of these works of art
bis special mission in life. Two of the fine
large tapestries which now adorn tbe walls of
tbe gallery, bnllt especially for this purpose in
the Massachusetts avenue residence of tbe
owner, are valued at JS.0C0. Tbe landscapes
represented are essentially Roman.
' These tapestries were made at the Pontifical
manufactory founded by Cardinal Francois
Barberlnl at Rome. Tbe cartoons were painted
by Nicholas Poussin and the tapestries woven
nnder the superintendence of Jacques della
Riviera. In tbe top borders of all, these tapes
tries is a cartouch inclosing the laughing face
of Bacchus encircled by garlands ot flowers. In
the lower borders Is a cartouch with a medal
lion center supported by two young satyrs. The
medallion incloses three bees, the emblem of
the Barbenni family, encircled by a wreatb.
Tbe side borders are composed almost entirely
of magnificently sculptured caryatides holding
upon their heads vases filled with flowers and
standing noon pedestals ornamented with
sphinxes and beads of tbe sacred Egyptian
ram. These caryatides are modeled after the
idols consecrated to tbe Egyptian goddess Ar
temis, sister of Apollo.
Jupiter's Double .tloon.
Scientific American.
Tbe Lick telescope is tbe most powerful glass
in the world. It Is reported that tbe observers
at Mount Hamilton have lately kept a sharp
eye turned upon tbe shadow of one of the
moons of tbe planet Jupiter. This shadow
seemed double, indicating that tbe tiny moon
wblchcastit is also double. Since the first
hint of tbe discovery many observations have
been made through the Lick glass; all tending
to confirm the original impression, to wit: that
this particular satellite of tbe greatest of tbe
planets is double a dot of a mcon revolving
around the main moon.
Sure About the Latter.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Secretary Foster undertook two jobs at once
booming Harrison for renommation and di
recting the finances of the nation. He is about
equally industrious iu both, and it is not clear
which be considers tbe more important Tho
Treasury's interest may not suffer; the Presi
dent's certainly will not
Meant for His Victims.
Chicago Tribnne.3
jay Gould has some reason to be displeased
with his photographs, but no satisfactory way
of photographing a man so as to make his ears
less prominent than nature made them has
been discovered yet
Aeguing from the measurement of the
fifty-second parallel of north latitude, between
Valentia, Ireland, and Orsk, Russia, tbe con
clusion is reached thatthe earth's surface on
this parallel is not that of an ellipsoid ot revo
lution. This confirms ibe conclusions reached
in this country when tbe forty-second parallel
was measured, and shows that tbe earth is not
a perfect spheroid.
An apparatus called a lactorite has re
cently been usea by French chemists to sep
arate greasy matter from milk. It consists
of a steel barrel rapidly revolved, and if a
certain temperature is necessary for tbe reac
tion, tbe barrel is placed in bot water until tbe
required degree of beat is attained.
A irnw system of house wiring for electric
lighting consists of fitting tbe building with
continuous tubes of Insulating material, throuch
which the wires are drawn. The tubes are
made of paper soaked in a hot bath of bitumin
ous materia), and are said to be bard, strong
In France a new "magio mirror" has
lately been introduced. It consists essentially
of a glass plate coated with a film of platinum
so thin as to be transparent to light coming
through from behind, while being a true mir
ror or rtfiectur to light impinging on it from
the front.
In Prussia it has been recommended to
abolish thenso ot gunpowder and other slow
explosives in fiery mines, but tbatadynamlte be
used, provided tbe proportion of fire-damp
present does not surpass tbe safety limit as
shown by the safety lamp.
The former idea that a connection exists
between an earthquake shock and tbe height
of the barometer has been proved by Prof.
Mlene to be incorrect. He bases bis statement
on the observation of 531 earthquakes recorded
in Japan.
It is well known that vegetable and ani
mal niN are uusuitablo for cylinder lubrication,
and recently in France where colza oil was ui-il
it was found necessary to burn out tbe deposits
in the ports of the locomotive cylinders.
The system of riveting by hydraulic
power Is being successfully applied to tbe shell
plating of vessels in course of construction on
tbe Tine.
A very strong emetic is made from the
Miuonrl buys her convicts 57,000 worth
of tobacco a year.
More water is consumed in Philadel
phia than in London.
The silver in the world is valued at
2,000,000,000 If tbe price is SI an ounce.
The St3te Department's answer to Italy
cost tbe latter for cable message t337 50.
A Chicago paper, in advertising a big
footed woman, pats great stress on the tact tba)
she is from Ohio.
The ping hat is said to be rapidly re
placing the native headgear among the man
darins of China.
An aerolite exactly the shape ol a hu
man foot is reported tu bave fallen from the
sky near Macon, Ga.
The Model Coffee House, Philadelphia,
which has a seating capacity of 2,000. is the
largest in the country.
The aggregate number of wife murders
by drunken husbands In tbe United States since
January L 1&89, is 3,004.,
A mule belonging to a farmer near Bel
ion, Tex., ate his owner coat in the pocket ot
which was an envelope containing 1512.
The railroads of Brazil and other South
American countries are said to pay much larger
wages than the railroads of this country.
A Connecticnt man has gone into the
business of propagating sewer rats. He sells
their skins to "kid" glove manufacturers.
A farmer of Henry county.'.Ga., claim
tbat for 15 years be has partakfen of nothing
in tho shape of lood or drink except butter
milk. Four colored men, three Chinamen, a
Malay, a Maori and three Mexicans, all natural
ized citizons.of course, served on a Texas jury
In a murder case recently.
An Indian chief visiting Chicago was
so impressed with tbe beauties of false teeth
tbat he bad his sound natural ones extracted
and a complete false set inserted.
The juice of half a lemon to each pot
f ul is recommended to editors as good for pre
venting the solidifying and caking of paste. It
some cotemporary will try this and let us know
tbe result we will be obliged.
Native amateur photographers are said
to be very plentiful in Slam. So plentiful are
tbey, according to tbe report that it is con
templated to pass laws for tbelr suppression,
making their amusement a capital crime.
A small iron safe containing about
512, CC0 worth of diamonds and otber precious
stones was dredged up from thebottom of the
bay at San Francisco tbe otber day. The
settings of the jewelry are in the sixteenth
century style.
At the bottom of an "Indian" monnd
recently opened near Wooster, O., there was
found a musical instrument closely resembling
the modern mouth-organ. As tbe mound was
built by prehistoric men, the discovery is of
great interest
Chloride of gold is used to produce the
beautiful purple of Cassias, a compound of tin
and gold of uncertain composition, but yield
ing a magnificent ruby color when melted into
glass. A hundredth of a grain will deeply color
a cubic inch of glass.
The valne of sealskins shipped from
Alaska to London during the 23 years of Ameri
can occupancy foots up nearly 833.000,000, while
tbe total value of all otber products during the
same period does not quite reach $30,000,000, of
which more than one-half, or 916,000,000, repre
sents furs of various kinds, chief among wbloh,
Is tbat of the sea otter. ,
Italians stand pre-eminent in Enrope in
thenumberof killings. Taking the convictions
for homicide in Italy during 1SS9, the last tabu
lated, there were 8.05 for every 100,000 Inhabi
tants, wbile In Austria there were but 2:15: la
Germany. 0.80 and In England 0.40. Ten Italian
murders for every German and 20 for every
English is certainly a remarkable showing.
A resident of Cambridge City, Ind.,
labors under the hallucination that It is sinful
to talk. Coming into possession of a farm be
sold it for $2,000 and invested the money in
pocket editions of the Bible, and be gave
copies to every person whom he met until all
were gone. To any question his answer will
be, "Lord's willing," "So be it" or "Be it so."
The average number of American pat
ents issued yearly is about 20,000. Compared
with the number issued in any other country
this is very large. England, which comes near
est to us, only Issues about 4,900 to 5,01X1 a year,
and its system is very much more lax than ours.
Patents are issued without any conditions as to
novelty or merits, and not 2 applications in 100
are rejected. In Pruisia the number granted
annually is less than 100; in Belgium 1.500 to 2,000.
The importation oi rongb and uncut
diamonds in 1880 amounted to 8129,207 in 15S9
to $250,187, and the total for the decade was
$3,133,629, while in 1SS3 there were imported
5443,908 wortb. showing that there was 94 per
cent more catting in ISS9 than in 1880, but
markedly more in 1892 and 1833. Tbe imports
of diamonds and other stones not set, during;
the past four years are given as follows: 18S6.
9 254.43S:lSS7,S10.eia,4U3; ISStJ. 510,223,630; I8S9,
A railroad of international importance
has been projected, the funds for building
which will be derived in large measure from an
enormous concession granted by Mexico. Tbe
plan is to bnild from Doming. New Mexico, 40
miles from the international boundary, to some
port on tbe Gulf of California; also to extend
the line from Darning via Albuquerque to Salt
Lake City. Utah. Mr. John W. Young, son of
Brigbam Young, who has for many years been
a railroad builder, has tbe concession, and will
undertake tbe enterprise, backed, it is said, by
a British syndicate that has contracted to ad
vance 550.000,000 as the money may be needed
on the bonds ot the companp.
The employes' relief tund of the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company In 1890 had tbe
large income of 5531,554 11, in addition to 5149.
156 86 already on hand. Of this grand total of
5080,720 97 there was disbursed to the families
of employes In death benefits and for sickness
ana accidents tbe sum of 5466,204 11 and for ex
penses 569,833 OUeaving a balance of 5144,58885.
Tbe company contributed 575,511 and the re
mainder of tbe receipts were from the small
monthly fee paid by tbe employes and from in
terest on investments. The number of persons
receiving death benefits was 841, making an
average in each case of 5560 23- There were 22,
984 members of the fund at tbe close of the
A great amount of railroad building
is going on all over Switzerland, sparing no
mountain, no valley, and it is surprising to find
that this most difficult of all countries for rail
road engineering, sbonld possess relatively
more railways than the New England States.
In the latter there Is one kilometer of railways
to every 17 square Kilometers of land: in Switz
erland one to every 13 square kilometers: la
other words, tbe New England States are four
and a bait times larger than Switzerland, and
have but three times more railways, although
in Switzerland one-half of the country is oc
cupied by tbe highest mountain ranges of
Europe. The receipts average in tbe New
England States abont 53,000 a year per kilo
meter; in Switzerland, 55,500, which difference
is mainly due to summer travel.
Yankee Doodle went to Eome,
Biding on a pony;
He stock a feather in bis cap
And ate up JlaccaroaL . -
i'no lork Bun, ',.
Griggs What's np, Diegs? I thonfht'.
you were Miss Sharp's suitor .",
Dlggs No, she's mine. She wants 8,000 for a,
breach of promise. Chicago Times.
Boston style. Arabella During yonr
visit to Boston did you encounter Cupid's darts?
Bertha Boston Cupids do not use darts.
Arabella-What then, do tbey use?
Bertha,- Bean-shooters. Puck.
Waiter I expect you to pay in advance,
Uuest-What do yon mean, sir!
Waiter-No offense, sir, whatever; but the last
gentleman who ate shad here got a bone In his
throat and died without paying, and the boss
took it out of my wages. Texas Sitinge.
"Can you support my daughter in the
style to 'which be is accuitomei?" asked her
'1 can, but I won't" returned the careful
young man. "I'm not extravagant" Uarptft
While mothers are in every clime
Extolled in verse lrom time to time,
AY ho plod with nary a rhyme?
Your father.
Who Is It pats the kev at night
Beneath the mat Just out of sight,
And In tbe hallway leaves a light?
Your father.
And when you seek the burlesque show
And want a seal la tbe front row, '
Who got the last au hour ago?
Your father.
DttToit Svat