Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, April 01, 1891, Page 7, Image 7

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The Kataral Crop of Ice in This
Vicinity Is Small, I5nl
The Advance in Wheat Is Sore to Raise
Prico of Flonr Soon.
office r Prrrsnciio Dispatch, I
Tuesday. March 31.
Nature's crop of ice this season would cut
a eorry figure iu supplying the wauts of
trade iu this city. Jack IVost failed to do
anv satisfactory work the past winter in
this latitude. The only pood yield in this
line was about 200 miles north ol Pittsburg.
Said a representative of the Chautauqua
Company: "Our crop of ice from the ponds
jn this vicinity amounts to little or nothing
tins season. At Pine creek, below Sharpsburc,
ana at Lal.rvillc and Ravenna, O., where we
li ne pond-, and storage houses, the yield of Ice
from U3tur.il sources has been next to
n thine the past winter. At Chautau
q ia we hate been able to All our
li.iuse with a good ouality or ice which vanes
(romlltolS mcbes'iu thickness, bo far ne
hare been able to supply our customers with
at ; iticial ice. and do not expect to draw much
on tile natural product until warm weather."
Owing to the great scarcltj and high i rices of
ice the past lour years there has been developed
a s:mi; moenient for artificial ice. In the
tocnif there are now in operation hve Ice
pioduciug machines with a capacity ol 400 tons
oailj. Two can ago there were no ice mak
ing " m.ichinca in the city, outside of the
breweries The machines in operation now
xro not fullj ready for btismoss last summer
until tho reason ua nearly over. Non they are
fut.y equipped for turning out all the ice needed,
and will be until the hot weather. The cost nf
ice to the consumer will be ery much
less the coming seai-on than ii. was last J ear.
J-r small cellverj the price last summer was
12c per ten pounds. The coming season it will
be 8; for the same quantity. In 54-pound lots
the jince last summer was 50c per en t while
tiie cominc summer the price will be Itfc for the
ime amount. The reduced costot ice is au
important item in butchers' expenses, as the ex
po ilc of prerviug meat the coming summer
will be not above one-halt whit it was last
pcsgu. Said a Diamond Maiket butcher:
"M expenses for ice alone went up
tn 525S for a single month last summer.
1 l.en 1 paid as high as 50c per 100 pounds. Now
1 can make contracts at less than 20c per hun
dred. 1 he reduction in our ice bill, however,
will haidly offset the increased cost of cattle
since laM summer."
t lour Is Pittsburg is low as compared with
the price ot wheal, and pro-pects are for an ad
v into in price or the staff of life. It wheat
i.oeps uiii m up Hour must inevitably advance.
The niilK Ime already advanced prices so that
dealers cannot now lay down stock and sell at a
j rolit at present quotations. How far the rue
in wheat has been speculative will be de
termined within a few days. That the laic ad
vance has bad a legitimate bjtis is certain,
vpetrlators, howevcr.have undoubtedly wonted
iur bull movement for more than . as in it.
S'me fancj brands of spring patent flour are
.. lead selling a shade above our outride quo
a ions, ard Irom present outlook higher prices
v ill be established at an early day.
- to coffee the supply in this line is reported
. hint, lighter man It foa been at this time
tor "the past three years. The crop ot coffee
i s been below average for two years past.
1 i.e e is a corflu t of opinions as tn the coming
i op v b'Ch will be harvested in the next month
i iwo. The month or April furnishes the
bo L of crop.
2 here are fears of another season of short
cojis, and the next few weeliS will tell the tale.
At tae cret'i t ;oht'ers are ta:rjingvery light
s ook-. and p!ie of green coffee is within J4o
pti pound if the highest point reached iu the
past three j ears.
VVlieat Nerons and Unsettled Itnmors of
AVar Ono of iJio Leading Factors
Corn Mntslies Strung and Oats
IA c nlc Trend of Prov ision.
CHICACO On the curb jesterday afternoon
there was an advance in wheat privileges of
about lc. and the opening this morning was n
about that basis. May opened at from il 03J
tof-1 0., and July, winch closed yesterday at
f. 01-., was in demand at $1 01 to fl 01. jlay
sold i p to $1 0-j?8 before the offerings became
heavy enough to quiet the enthusiasm of buy
ers. 1 he tendencv from the time thi above
prices were paid until near noon was down
ward, with a good many minor reactions. May
Snallv struck J101'fora moment and July
SI 03i4 There were rumors of a European
war 1 he European and English grain markets
were verv strong
Finall the troubles growing out of enormous
alvauce-. by English and French capitalists to
the Argentine Republic were again referred to
in oispatches ana a clearing tendency was
uoteu in the wheat belt. These latter items of
uws were responsible for a streak ! selling
which caused the break rcterred to. The clos
ing cablegrams to tLe Board of Trade qnoted
an advance at Berlin ot from ljc to IJc per
busnel in wheat futures. Paris was up 10 to IZ
c nuuies on wheat and oO to 40 centimes ou
1' in London wheat futures wt re from Id to
j .i 1 per bushel higher, and Liverpool was
ii lOif.i ' ,J limber in all positions. Sen York,
-si L li-, Ilaluib and Chicago all reported
fc.l sol wheat and flour for export, ai d tbc-e
-Aeie the reasons assigned for a recovery to
Jl c-i, for ."ar wheat. A later reaction on
s. 1 .ngout oflines having a pi oht in them left
e pi ce or Slay at SI 04'hl 05 and July at
fl IS lud.
Ki Uerihe short interest in corn has been
emiunateO in great part, or the parlies who
w oeci puttn g prices up have dropped out.
1 , .-verv apparent in view of the present
oditioii of the speculative position of the
w. Willi only 300.000 bushels of contract
c r i store and cash corn coming forward uy
ra i --osiowli that consumers are compelled to
p i lc per bushel premium as well as the stor
rfr -ii Lhe cevatur corn to supplv their needs,
tb juice shorts might be comiielled to pay has
ji i tieally no reasonable limit. That thev arc
i i now being severely squeezed would indicate
t The concentrated holdings of a few Uajs
. h iv e been distributed at least temporarily.
J ' iMniug was excited and about le advance
- t1 c small receipts, damp weather and the
iei '- n wheat. Hie pnee was variously
t on ts3.i;yic, which proved to bo the pio
i ae ' the uji). 'there was a decline to i7Jc
ana a reactiou to Gsicat w nich I -.iter price ific
ji arl-et cl scd. beini, only 5e higher than it
ipp1 at vesterdav.
1 i trauo in oats was very dull at times.
. h- longs could do nothing unless the shorts
iv It. ght, which they refused to do. Values
u re firm earl but weak toward the close.
1 ne provision, influenced by free selling out
o' rcient X'Urchasea which were carrying a
good piofit, sold off and they c'osed at consid
riab e decline since vesterday. Tbere was
me demand at the opening, which showed ait
advan e 1.1 the prices paid of about 15 cents 011
po k but ilbs and lard were offered with great
freedom and sold oil at once. Mav pork lost
Troni IT'S to 20c; ribs 20c, and lard lOQLc.
1 In- ieauing futures ranged as miions, as cor
rected lij John M. Oaklcj A- Co.. 45Slxth street,
luemoers of Chicago Board of Trade:
I Vpen- HlcU- l,ow-! Clos-
AKT1CL2S. ins. fal. ! est. Jug.
v tiEvr. M).: ; i '
v, r)i i 1 f 4 ' ?! tcs, ;iij
I-V 1 OVij iiit 1 (H3,
lu,i lWSj I04S IWJli 1C3
.11. . o. z 1
.1 n ra rn'j1 r.n me:
v . , I8 OHji (iTs. j,i,
uii, .; 1 toj.i a
ATs. ,0. 1 ,
ss w),l sih,, ms
54- :hs TV, m
' ........ H Wh oiti hiyt
vikss pons. :
' 'J 00 ill on i- 60 f 12 ij
13 50 13 0 I 53 00 13 117),
t-l K11 itr IS V) 13 30 J3 .V 13 60
'! 7 CO , TKK 6 n7s, 90
'I' TrTS T30 . TIVj 7 IS
i-t,.t 'i'i-- 7i; I i3 I 1 7 10
-Hour 1SIBS. 1
x'"v .... 6J1 ! JTS 6 05 I 6 10
'u v em isi 6 xre.) 6 4JS
re, tiinoir . (JO I tio 6 70 I 6 75
1 .-D ijuutat'ons were as rollows:
1 1 quiet but llrm. No. 2 spring wheat.
fitfl, N.e2r. U 04510434': No. 2 corn &sjfc:
No -oa'S. 5ijJ .,i.,-; .. 2 Khite, 54;;55!c;
N o 3 white, lliS rfi j,.; Xo. 2 rve. fc5ejssbc
No 2 barter nominal: -Sou 3, f . o. b.. 7J73c:
' t ' ill. tS73c; No. 1 flaxseed. 5120
, tue timothv seed. SI LTfil 2S. Mess pork.
!ier bbl. S12 5'J. L.ird. periUO lbs J6 75. hhort
1 nos (lnoso) J5!n6i.j; irv salted snoul
jers (boxed). 15 O0&5 10; short clear sides
.ox-in. J6 2()g6 25. .Sugirs unchanged. On
. I'ruvluce Exchange to-day the butter mar-
" lower; extra treairtrv, 2027c; extra
srs 23gl"5c: flrstN IS20c: 'extra dairy, 24(?
. oMratirsts, 20i22c: hrts. lClSc Eggs,
NEW YORK Flonr Generally steadv; more
vVheat Spo; market higher, "irregu-
. oniet: Ne 2, red, S117117 elevator:
4 afloat; Jl loKSl 20Ji. t b.: Xo. 3. red.
iingradeil. r-d, Jl CCKgl 17I; No. L
liem. S124K; No. 1. liard, $127i:
1 i-i is opened Js5ie higher on foreigi.-
rs buviac. declined Q- on local realis-
i iu and closed KQJsC over yesterday and
lirm, through resumption or bull speculation.
1 ae narket vas also influenced early in the
day for a short while by the depressed finan
cial news from France: No. 2 red March.
$1 17 5-lGjl 17J& April, closing at Jl 17J:
Mav.Sl 12 lS-lGai 13, closing $1 13H; June.
$1 11K0I UK, closing at Jl 114': July, tl 033-18
1 IU 9 It closing at, SI 09K: August, SI 04K
1 C5J5. closing at Jl 05-X: September, SI 04
1 04JI, closing at 51 04; December. $1 06H
1 O&Mc, closing at $1 OO74. Barley steady
and quiet: No. 2 Milwaukee, S2QS3o: un
graded western, 77Ji85c; Canada, SSSMc
Corn Spot market weaker and moderately
active; No. 2.79K0Sle in elevator, SOKfiSlKc
aflmt; ungraded mixed. 79QS2c; steamer mixed,
79KeSiJic:No.a7SSM5. OptiousKSKc higher
and slow, tho strength coming more lrom light
offerings and contract needs: March, SOKc;
April, TSKc: May, 74Ji75Kc, closing at 74c
Jnly. 71J372Jic. closing at 72c Oats Spot
market unsettled and weaker. Options quiet
and woafcer: April, S"ic; Mav, 59Ji60K& tlos
lngatSPJc: July. oSSoSJic, closing at oSJc:
spot No. 2 white. CtPiQ02e; mixed Western. 5!0
02c; white do, 60(iOc; No. 2 Clncasro, 60M
61c. Hay steady. Hops dull and steady. Tal
low quiet and lirm. Egs in fair demand and
firmer: western, 21c Hides quiet and firm.
Pork In fair demand and tirm; old mess 81175
R12 25: new mess. Si37514 00: extra prime,
$ll5012t!Q. Cut meats quiet and hrm: middles
firm and quiet. Lard lower and woak, quieter;
Western, steam. S7: Anril. S7 07: Mav. S7 14.
closing, S705; Jnne, S7 20: Jnly, S730g7 40, rins
ing, 57 30; August, J7 5007 54. closing, 57 45;
September. $7 63, closing, 57 US. Butter quiet
and lojv cr; Western dalrv. 13026c; do creamery,
20;9r: do factory, 13CJI6C: Elgin, 30c Cheese
in moderate demand and Arm; skims, 810c;
Ohio flats. Sjjllc.
ST. LOUIS Flour verv firm: XXX J3 10
3 25: fa-mly, S3 40.l 50; cholca, 53 753 90;
lancy, 54 30S4 43; extra fancy, 54 C04 75.
Wheat Opened lc higher than yesterday's
closing figures, ami closed Jdlc above ye
terdav; trading active; No. 2 red. cash, 51 04
1 05; Mav. 51 04JiSl OS?, closing at 51 04J;
Jnlv, nSB'99ic. closing at 9SS?4C: Angii-t.
SBHsW'fe: closing at 9CJic Corn was :
higher at the opening and closed Q above
yesterday's last sales. No. 2, cash, 6llSJG5te:
Mav, 64JG5e, closing at 64c July.bMJie
C5c, closing at tHJc Oats higher early, hut
eased off later. No. 2 cash, 54 .
54c; May. 54S3ic closing at 54c
Rte n0min.1L Barley strong: Minnesota, 75c
Hay Timothy higher at 512015 for prime to
gilt edge: prairie unchanged. Butter quiet and
unchanged. Eggs steady at 14c Provisions
quiet and not as strong as vesterday. Pork
standard mess, J12 2512 50. Lard Prime
steam. 56 65. Pry alt meats easier: boxod
sbouldcrs. 54 50S4 75: longs. $6 000 10; ribs,
S6 05g6 Viyt; short clear, 56 106 25. Bacon a
shade higher; boxed shoulders, 55 00; longs
f6 K; ribs, 56 S7K6 50; short clear, 56 50
6 6.
PHILAOELPHIA-Flour firm but quiet.
When 5lc higher; No. 2 red, in export eleva
tor, 51 USX: No. 2 red. March and April. 51 0D
1 0!: May and June. 81 UJJQ1 12. Corn Ha
higher under bullish manipulations in other
grain centers: ungraded mixed, in grain depot,
7Se; steamer No. 2. low mixed, in grain depot,
7bc; steamer No. 2 white, in grain depot, 79c:
No. 2 mixed, in grain depot, 78c; No. 2 white, iu
grain depot and elevator, 79c; No. 2 high mixed,
on track and in grain depot, 79c; No. 2 high
mixed and yellow, on track. SOc: No. 2 mixed.
March and April. 75K76Kc; Mav. 7474c:
June, 72g72c Oats strong and JXc, higher
in sympathy with the advance in corn; No. 2
white, regular. WKg6Ic: No. 2 white, March
and April, COgeOXe; May. 6101J4c; June 61
01c Bn'ier lower: Pennsylvania creamery,
extra, S03"llr; do pnnr, extra, 3537c Eggs
quiet aud easier: Pennsylvania firsts, 18lSc
MINNEAPOLIS The features in this market
to-day were about the same as yesterday.
There was good demand for wheat, with hold
ers asking lc over May for cash. Prices were
about lc higher than yesterday, in sympathy
with the strength in futures. No. 1 Northern
sold mainly from 51 V2H to 51 03. and No. 2
Northern at 51 00!iSl Oik. with the bulk at
51 OL Local millers were the principal buyers,
with a fair outside demand. Closing prices:
No. 1 hard. March, 51 01; on track, 51 05 No.
1 Northern, March and April. 51 01; Miy, Si 01
I 02; on track, 51 02KS1 03; No. 2 Northern,
.March, 9JKc; on track, Jl 001 01; July, 51 01.
BALTIMORE Wheat Western firmer: No.
2 winter red, spot and March. 5110ffill0;
May. 51 lil lli"; Julv. 51 061 06J; August,
Jl 03bid. Corn Western steanv; mixed
spot. March. April and May. 73373ie: July,
7171'c: steamer, 71c oats firm: Vfiitern
white, g63(-; do mixed. CtiiJClc: graded No. 2
white, G:2ftGl?: do mixed, 6161c Rye dull;
choice, ibegll 00: good to prime. 950Sc; com
mon to fair. 75fi90c Hav Arm. Provisions
active; mess pork, old, 512 50: new, 514 00.
Hams, small, lOJc; large. lOJc Lard, refined,
7JJc; crude, 6Jic Butter weak, creamery
fancy, 30c: do fair to choice, 2S29c Eggs
steady at l"c
CINCINNATI Flour quiet. Wheat in good
demand aud higher; No. 2 red. 51 07. Corn
scarce and higher; No. 2 mixed,73c Oats scarce
and higher; No. 2 mixed, 58c Rye in good
demand and higher: No. 2. 9293c Provl.ions
easier. Pork, 512 25. Lard. So 37. Bulkmeats
50 25. Bacon. 57 23. Butter firm. Eggs firm at
15c Cheese firm.
MILWAUKEE Flou- quiet Wheat ner
vous: No. 2 spring, on track, 51; May,
51 VOiix No. 1 Northern, 5100. Corn firm; U o.
3, on track, 70c Oats quiet: Xno. z wiilte, on
track, 5c Barley firni;-Not '2, in store, 7IJ
672c. Rye easier; No. L 111 store, 87c Pro
visions hmher. Pork. May, J13 17.
DULUTH Wheat opened strong at 51 00
sold up to 51 07. back to 51 0G!, and closed at
51 07; Mav No. 1 Northern opened at 51 04: sold
down to 51 a ud to 51 04, back to 51 03 and
closed at tl 04: cash whe it elofd. No. 1 hard,
$1 01; No. 1 Northern, $1 03? No. 2 Northern,
KANSAS CITY Wheat steady; No. 2 hard,
cash aud March, 91c asked; No. 2 red, cash, 97c
bid. Corn higher; No. 2 cash. 65c; March, 64
G4a Oats stronger: No. 2 cash, 51Kc biu;
52c asked. Eggs active at 12c
TOLEDO Wheat easier; cash. 51 07; May,
SI 0S; July, 51 OJJi; Angust, l)9;c Corn
steadv and firm; cash. 73c; May, 70c Oats
quiet; cash, 54Kc Clovcrseed active; cash,
54 52.
Wool Markets.
St. Louts Wool Receipts, 17,210 pounds;
steady and unchanged.
New York Wool dull and firm; domestic
fleece, 31fi37c; pulled. 26g33c; Texas, 17034c
Puh-adelmiia Wool market dull: Ohio.
Pennsylvania and West Virginia XX and
above, 32g34c: X. U0S2e; medium. 37S9c;
coarse, SbJjJTc: NewYoik. Michigan. Indiana
and Western fine or X and XX S30c; me
dium, 3jp37c; coarse. 355 7c; fine washed de
laine, X aud XX. 34038c; medium washed
combitig and delaiue. 4J43c: coarse do dodo,
O0g3Sc; Canada do do. 3436c; tub washed,
choice 3740c; fair, 3537c; coarse, 3333c;
medium unwashed commng and delaine, 2!l
31e; coarse do do do, 272Sc; Montana, 204J
Boston The demand for wool has been fair
and prices have been steady and firm. Ohio
aud Pennsylvania fleeces have been rather
quiet at 3lS32c forXXanu 32Q33 for XXX and
above; Michigan X can be bought at 20c, 1 hough
some holders quote 30c: combing aud delaine
selections have been firm and in steady de
mand; No. 1 combing selling at4042c: Ohio
hno delaine at 3G57c and Michigan fine de
laine at 358Sbo: '1 crntory wools have been firm,
selln.g at b005c clean, tor fine: 5SG2c for
fine medium and 5557c for medium;
Texas, California and Oregon wools
keep sold up and are firm: pulled
wool continues 111 good demand, with choice
snpers selling at 401V: fair to good supers at
303Sc and extras at2232c Australian wools
have been active and firm at 3444;asto
quality. Foreign car) et wools have been firm.
The Price of Bar Silver.
New York. March 31. Bar silver in London
44d. New York selling price, ai reported by
bullion dealers, 9Sc Gold Talue of silver in
the standard dollar. 50757. There were no de
posits or withdrawals of silver at the Mercan
tile Safe Deposit Company, and the amount on
band remains 5H)d.'2l2 ounces, and certificates
outstandlug 5.898.
Cofice Market.
New York. March 31. Coffee Options
opened steady, unchanged 10 5 points advance,
closed dull, unchanged to 5 points up; sales,
10,750 bags, including April, 17.4017.45c; May,
17.3"c; June. I6itt10.95e; Jnlv, 16.75c: heptcm
lii'i. la.!)5&lGc; October, 10.3510.40c; December,
1450::spo R.o. quiet and easj; fair cargoes,
20c: No. 7. lhc
Metal Market.
New York Pig iron quiet: American $1600
i7 00. Copper nominal; lake, April. J13 75.
i.e.Kl stea.h: domestic, 54 37. Tin quiet and
firm; strait-, 520 3a
Drygoods Market.
Nr.w York. March 31. Business in drygoods
at first hands was unchanged in character.
Changi: 01 life, backache, monthly ir-
rcgiuariues, uu uasnes, are cured by Dr.
Wiles' Nervine Free samples at Jos.
at Jos.
Fleming & Son's, Market St.
The People's More, Firth Avenue.
More than 5.000 curtains from l'f to ZH
yards long, 25e, 38e, 50c and uii. Best
bargains in curtains we ever sold; also
complete stock of fine curtains as high as
$80 per pair. Campbell & Dick.
When baby vvas sick, we gave her Castorla.
When sho was a Child, sheciiedfor Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Cluldremsbe gave them CastorU
Railroads -Preparins: to Handle a
Larger Vol nine of Traffic.
Sickness Among ileal Estate Agents Dis
closes Tbeir Importance.
It is understood that the Baltimore find
Ohio Railroad will soon begin the erecting
of a roundhouse, shops and offices on the
ground recently purchased at Glenwood.
The Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston
road is building machine shops and making
other improvements at the new town of
Dawson. It was mentioned a few days ago
that a locsl railroad bad purchased a tract
of land near the city for yard and switch
purposes. Although nothing definite has
leaked out in regard to this deal, the road
in question is supposed to be the Panhandle
and Sheridan station the place. Considerable
significance attaches to these movements. The
fact that the railroads find it necessary to en
large their facilities to meet the growing de
mands of business, is satisfactory evidence of a
prosperous condition of things in Pittsbnrg
aud of confidence in tho future.
Purchase Money Mortgages.
There are people who look npon a mortgage
as the last resort to obviate disaster. Just as a
ship's crew sacrifice everything to save the
vessel going down in the storm. This is true
when the mortgage is placed to raise money to
engage in hazardous buslness,or in speculation,
but not otherwise. There is very little of this
kind ot indebtedness in Pitt6bnrg or Allegheny
county. Purchase money mortgages are poor
men's investments. In placing them they an
ticipate the capital which they represent. The
cost Is met from the increments of business or
labor, and the principal forms a fund to fall
back on in case of -need. Such mortgages have
a market value the same as bonds or stocks,
for they represent substantial improvements
in the way of new buildings or betterment of
old ones, and in this way promote the pros
perity ot the city. The money thus invested Is
fixed capital, and not subject to the exigencies
ot ordinary trade. A purchase money mort
gage is not in the true sense an increase of in
debtedness. The man who, by such means,
changes his position from tenant to proprietor
cannot justly be said to have added to his bur
den. On the contrary, be has put himself in a
way to own the roof over his bead as a pro
vision against sickness or old age. Purchjs:
money mortgages are all right. They are
transforming Pittsburg into a city of homes.
Ileal Estate Agents.
Probably halt ot the real estate agents of
the city are suffering from the grip. Some are
confined to their homes, and others are barely
able to be about. Some of them feel like
hustling. This accounts for the paucity of
transactions during the past few days. Tbere
Is nobody to riush business. What could bet
ter set forth the value of the real estate agent
to the business interests of the city than the
fact that even his temporary retirement from
active duty restricts the volume of trade?
Were he to withdraw altogether real -estate
would soon cease to be a leading interest.
Some people go upon the principle that agents
are not essential to transfers, and that property
would be bought and sold without them. That
is true to an extent only. The agent has bis
list of buyers; bo makes a business of it, and
saves the buyer the trouble and time involved
in going from house to house for something to
suit him. This expedites business. The tact
that nearly all the business in real estate is
now transacted through agents proves their
importance to the community. The real
estate agent is doing a good work, and he is
here to stay.
Business News and Gossip.
There were ten rainy days In Starch.
Contracts for hve business houses on Franks
town avenue and Station street. Hast End,
were signed at the office of Black & Balrd yes
terday. The owner is Miss Mary P. Hemple.
T. C. McKce Is the architect.
Plans are being discussed for two school
houses in the Fourth ward, Allegheny.
The firm of C. Beringer & Son has been
changed to W. C Beringer A Co., the former
senior putting bis son at the head, to as to give
bim opportunity to devote more time to bis
peisonal interests.
An excursion train, under the direction of J.
F. Baxter, ot Baxter, Thompson & Co.. will
leave this city on the evening of the 7th. con
vey ing a large number of Pittsburgers to Syla
cauga. Ala., to attend the opening sale of build
ing lots at that place on the 9th inst. Low rates
have been secired.
Reed B. Coyle A Co. are about closing a 510.
000 deal in coal land.
It Is understood that before the Boston di
rectors of the Switch and Signal Company left
for home thev made an offer to sell their stock
10 the Westinghouse people, and that this is
now under consideration.
Ira M. Bnrchfield made a short move. He
did not change bis number, but traded up
stairs for downstairs rooms, which are nicely
fitted up.
The Building Record.
The following permits for the erection of
new buildings were issued yesterday:
W. B. Kubn, brick, one-story and basement
store, 30x60 feet, on Penn avenne, Twentieth
ward, cost 54,000.
Charles Flynn, two brick two-story and
mansard dwellings. 17x34 feet each, on Wjlie
avenue. Thirteenth ward, cost 53.831.
Mr. Oldenhausen, two frame two-story dwell
ings, 14x32 feet each, on Mignonette street.
Twentieth ward, cost 51.850.
Jacob PfeiL brick addition, two-story store,
15x24 feet, 011 Bradford street. Twenty-ninth
ward. Cost. 5900.
Chailes Kittner. frame two-story stable, 22x
25 feet, rear Lenningion avenue. Twenty-first
ward. Cost. 5500.
Richard Neill. two brick two-story dwellings,
15x31 feet each, on Erin street. Thirteenth
ward. Cost. 53,000.
Randolph Dew aid. frame two-story dwelling,
20x32 feet, on Dauphin street, Nineteenth ward.
Cost, 51.500.
Richard Sinkenbrink, frame two-story and
attic dwelling. 20x32 feet, on Dauphin street.
Nineteenth ward. Cost, 51.500.
Oito Groman, frame tvio-story and attic
dwelling, 20x32 feet, on Dauphin street, Nine
teenth ward. Cost, 51.500.
Henry Auction Co. remodel brick three
story business house. 40x60 feet, on Ninth
street. Fourth ward. Cost, 54,500.
T.J. Johnson, frame ono-story stable, 20x15
feet, on Cabot way. Twentieth ward. Cost, 550.
Movements in Realty.
A. Z. Byers & Co. sold for Jennie R. Coltart
and Jessie C. Sltaco to Joseph Huttinger.a two
story brick house of nine rooms, hall, and fin
ished attic with lot 33x60 feet, being the prop
erty No. 61 Erie street, corner of Alontgoinery
alley, Third ward, Allegheny, for 55,250.
Black A Baird sold for Mrs. Almee Lambie
to A. B. Kerr a property on Main street. Seven
teenth ward, on tho corner of Gordon alley,
with lot 57xS5 feet, and three brick buildings
thi-reon. for 56,500 -pot cash.
S. A. Dickie A Co. sold for W. E. Ray to
Homer Bowes a lot in Bank of Commerce ad
dition, on Kelly street, Brushton, 40x137 39-100,
forSbOO. t,
The Story of the First Quarter of the Present
The record lor the first quarter of 1891 was
made up yesterday. As compared with 1S90, it
shows a deficit, that for the month jus: ex
pired amounting tn almost 510,000,000, aud the
total to nearly 530.000.00a
It should be remembcicd, however, that 1890
opened with a boom and closed in disaster. It
put its best loot foremost. The reverse of this
is true now. The first thrco months of 1891
have bocn full ot distrust and foreboding. That
business has held up so well is not a little sur
prising. The steady improvement noted on
several occasions lately indicates that the worst
is over and that the impulse from this time
forward will be in the right direction.
By going back to 18S9 It will be seen that
business of the two periods shows very little
difference. The bank clearings for aiarch of
the former year were 552,735,140 51; this year
tbey are 552.578.S00 73. Clearings or January
and February of that year, as compared with
the same months this year, snow a small bal
ance in favor of 1891. This fact Is sufficient to
show a healthy state of affairs, since 1889 was
conceded to be the best year in the history of
the city up to that time.
The causes for any depression that "may exist
have been pointed out so often as to bo well
known and understood. It would be unreason
able to expect greater activity than exists with
half the people sick and the other half com
plaining. It'a a long lane that has no turn. In
the nature of things there must be a change
for the better bctore long. Courage and per.
severance will bring tbings around all right.
Tho following is the Clearing House report
fo-the day and month, with comparisons with
1890 and 18S9. There is nothing In it to cry over,
but much, when everything is coasidered. to bo
prond of.
Exchanges for the day 1 1,779,641 45
... 3(17,745 47
... 52.578,800
... 9,033,409 M
... 62,431.465 5
... 1Cl.29G.5M
... 62.735,140 51
(Balances llarch. 1S9U
ucnauges March, 1839
Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy, ranging from 2 to 4 per cent, last loan
2; closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile
paper, 57c Sterling exchange quiet and
steady at 54 85 Tor 00 day bills and 14 SSJ for
Closing; Bnmi tjuotatlons.
IT. S. 4 reir. 121
JI. K. T. Oen. 5j.,
Mutual Union 6s...
.N.J. U. Int. Cert.
Northern 1'ac lsls.
Northern i'ac. 2ds.
Northw't'n oonsolt,
Nortw'n deben's 5,
U. 9. 4S, COUP 1 J
u.s. 4s, rex'..... '-
U. S. 4VCG,coun 102
Pacific 6s of '! 110
Louisiana stampedu 01,'i
Missouri os.....
lenn. newtec Gs.. 102
Ore on & Trans. 6s.
lenn. new act. 5S....101H
M. L, & 1. Jl . ocn, es.
ht.I.. S.K.Oen.M
aenn. newsel. as.... 7l'4
Canada So. Ms 97
Central Pacific lsts.ltS
Den. & It. U. lsts...n8
Den. 4 K. (J. 4s. .... 82ej
It. O. VVcetlsts 76J,
Eric ids IK)
11. K. x T. eieu. (.. ;74
SI. Paul consols...
St. P. Cht&Fc. lits.
1x., I'c iu.it.ks.
fx.. I'c. li H.Tr.Its.
Union Pacific lsts.
West bnore
Bank Clearing.
CHICAGO-Bank clearings, 511,927,500.
x ork exchange, 70c discount,
Rates for money
steady at b per cent.
.new yure Bank clearings, ss,57oi; oai
anres. 55.739.364.
Boston Bank clearings, 512.709,917: balances,
51.271.455. Rat for money 5 per cent. Ex
change on New York, 15I7o discount. For the
month Clearings, 5359,614,811; balances. 53S.
877,059. The corresponding month in 1890
Clearing.. 5405.400.3!7: balances, S44.418.15S.
Philadelphia Bank clearings, 59.713,944;
balance. 1,274.982. Money 45 per cent.
Baltimore Bank clearings, St,911,5Sl; bal
ances. I7fWQ'2. Monpv fi Tier runt.
Memphis New York exchange selling at 51'
premium. Clearings. 514,bU6: balances sios.aoo.
New Orlkans Clearings, 53,386,145.
Cincinnati Money 67 per cent. New
York exchange, 40c discount. Clearings. II,
863,400. For tne month of March. 553,469,700;
corresponding month last year, 531,781,900.
A Slow Market, With Firm Values and a
Few Gains Electric the "Weakest Spot
Friends of Switch and Signal
Are In Good Spirits.
The sessions of the Stock Exchange yester
day were the lean interesting for a long time.
The first two calls passed without a sale and
there were only two at the third 110 shares of
Electric going at 11J. The expense for chalk
was very light.
While the feeling was rather offish there was
very little sagging of prices, the only thing; sub
mitting to a material concession being Electric
Phiiadelnhia Gas, Switch and Signal ?nd Lus
ter added small fractions to their credit, and
the rest of the list about held its own.
News was as scarce as business. Switch
and Signal affairs were mentioned in a guarded
sort of way, the bulk of opinion seeming to
tavor the idea that the action of the meeting
would strengthen the company. This feeling
vras reflected in a slight advance in the stock.
As to Electric nobody professed to know
anything not already laid before the public
No movement of any sort is looked for before
the 20tb, at which time it is expected, and with
a good show of reason, that something will be
done by somebody to bring matters to a bead.
The strength of the stock shows that holders
hare faith in the result. Bids and offers were:
Balances for thedav
Kxchanges Tor the month ,
Kalances for the month
Exchanges Mareh. IfiQfl...
P. P. S.A M.Ex.
Earn, ot Pitts....
Citizens Nat. lik.
Liberty . B....
Motion. at. Bk.
Third National..
P.M. G. &P. Co
I'lnla. Co
. . 440
... 101
100 1B0
... 21
'ii "ii "loV'iiK
'"8Vis:! ..'" ""
57,'i 58 .... 57
... 24M
"if "is '.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.
30 4 30 ....
13V 15
1?4 Vi
11 12 11 lie;
91.,' .. . 9)4
UH 11
11 15j
ISM 20 -....
.... 21H
50 55
.... sej
35 40
U( 15
is. ....
11 HH
Wheeling Gas Co
Tuna Oil Co
Central! ractlon
Citizens' Irac'n.
Pittsburj: Trac.
Pleasant Valley.
Second Ave
Hidalgo .Mlnlnir.
LaXorla MVCo.
Luster Alinlnc.
Mlvcrton Mln'g.
hterlliiKb.il. Co.
Cbtlushouse K.
U. b. .t s. Co....
Stan. Un. C. Co.
The total sale of stocks at New York yester
day were 127,032 shares, including Atchison,
3.900: Lackawanna, 3,605; Louisville and Nash
ville. 4,400; Missouri Pacific 3,410: Northern
Pacific preferred, 5,715; St. Paul, 16,650.
Another Day Goes by TTItbont a Trade
in OIL
There was no trading in oil yesterday. The
market opened nominally at 72 bid, and
closed offered at 72. The May option, which
comes on to-dav, closed at 73J- bid. Refined was
marked up bait a point at Antwerp.
Daily average runs were 75,627; daily average
shipments. 65,259; daily average charters, 33,
981. Refined at Antwerp, 16f: at London,
5d: at Liverpool, 5d: at Bremen, G.25f; at
New York, 7.20c Cases, 9.S0.
New York, March 31. The feature of the
petroleum market was the switching of April
into May options, the longs paying a premium
of c to have the option extended. The mar
ket opened steady, but fluctuations were con
fined to c all day, and the closing was dull.
Pennsylania oil. spot opening. 73c; highest. 73c;
lowest, 73c; closing, 73c; April ontion, opening,
72c; highest. 72Jc; lowest, 722c: closing,72c
Liuia oil. no sales. Total sales, 2S6.000 barrels.
Grangers and Industrials Monopolize the
Interest In Share Final Changes
Slight, Dnt In tho Direction of
Lower Prices Bonds Lively,
New York. March 31. To-day's stock mar
ket soon became a repetition of those of the
past two weeks, and all the interest in it was
confined to the Grangers and Industrial', the
strength in the latter Deing accompanied by a
rumor that pools in them were preparing for a
bull campaign. The rise in Sugar, based on
the supposed deal by the trust with the Sprock
ets, collapsed upon denials of the story, but,
like all other stocks, there was no real weak
ness displayed in it, and the greater portion of
the advance was retained.
The Grangers were still the prominent group,
and the fluctuations in all of them were con
fired to very small limits, but outride of Wheel
in and Lake Erie preferred and one or two
specialties, tbere was no marked changes in'
values during tun euurc uay, mo nuctuaiinns
being confined to the smallest limits and the
instances where the extreme was 1 per cent
are very few. The opening was made ou a
spurt of activity and strength, and with first
figures slightly higher, furtuer small gains
were scored in the early dealings, while
Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred rose ljjj
per cent to 73. The reof the market, however,
felt the want of support, and realizations
among the traders followed with the result of
bringing prices over the entire list slightly be
low those of the opening. The market then
baited, but developed a firm tone in the after
noon, without material change in prices, and
only a portion of the morning's loss was recov
ered. Money showed a slight hardening tendency
in the last hour, and heaviness again marked
the dealing?, the close being rather heavy but
dull at closo to the lowest prices of the day,
which, however, was only small fractions be
low those ot last evening. The final changes
in all cases are for small fractions only, thougb
generally in vne uirecuon 01 lower prices.
Railroad bonds were a little more animated,
and displayed In general a steady to firm tone,
most of the final changes ot note being ad
vances. The sales reached 51.122,000, out of
which Atchison incomes furnished 5122,000.
The advances include Cleveland, Columbus,
Cincinnati and Indianapolis consols 2, 10 121."
rhe followlni table snows tne prices of active
slocks on the Mew York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally lor the Dispatch by
uitney & biKMiUf box. oldest Pittsburg mem
bers or the .New Yortatock Fxchange. 57 i'ourth
ing Ilia.
In c
Am. Cotton on 235,'
Am. Cotton till Trust.. 24)4
Atch., 'Iod. A a. r 27 'a
Canadian l'aciac 78,4
Central or i)ewJereey.ll6e
Central facinc
est, 24
est. 21
Chesapeake & Ohio .
Chicago eras trust...
C. llur. A Uulacy. ..
C. Sill. A St. I'aul..
C. Mil. st. t. or.
C Koctl. A P.
c. at. P.. m. &o....
. 17
. 41
. 8014
. o?j
. :o
. 24
56 i
c. su p.. .m. a u. ni.
, S3
C AMorttiwestero.
U. .N. VV. Dl
C . u. x 1
c. c. c. a i.nrcr..
.. 60
Col. Coal & Iron 36
Col. A Hocktnc Valley ....
Ches. A Ohio 1st nrer.. bti
dies, a Ohio 2d pref.. 31ft
Del.. Lack A Wesi..isjt
1)CL A Hudson UM
Den. A Klo Orande
Hen. a Klo Grande, nt. iSH
K.T.. a. A us
Illinois Central
LM Erie" Vt est IOJ
date Kne A West pr.. 57 H
Lax Snore AM. S 110
. 19
35 H
71 H
.uicninn central
Missouri racinc 67!
National i.eid Trust... 13?
ew iorx Central 103b
X.W. C.bt.-. 13t
N. Y XJ..R, a W 19M
N. Y.. U E.A W. pd
. LtJl.t 35
N. Y.. O. AW 18
Norfolk A Western.... 15'
Norfolk A Western Dr. 54'
Northern Pacific 27H
Northern Pacific nr.... 72
Ohio a MlssUelnDi
iireeon Improvement. 23
Pactilc Mali
Peo.. Uee. Kvans.... 19,'
Pnliaael. AKeadinr... 31 H
Pullman Palace wr- ....
Klchmond A W. P. V . 177
HichmondAW.P.I.M ..-.
bt. rw a Dnlntn
St. Paul ADulutD ur.. 80
Sit. 1'.. Minn. A Man
St. L ASiniT. lstnt
Texas Paclne, IVt
Union PaclVs 45'i
Western Union SI
Wnecltnsr A u. is. 31V
Wheeling L..l5.prer.. 7IH
orth American Co... 174
P.. C, C. ft !-t. L 14's
I .. C, C A St. L. prf. 51Ji
2S' 27X
19 V
17X 1714
Boston Stocks.
Atch. A Top U6.7s 27(
Boston AAlbinv....2G3
lioston A .Maine ...216)4
C. B. AQ 79
Bisternli. K. 6s 121
Mlnt&Perc 11 la
FllntAPereM. pre. 81
L. K. A Ft. S 9"H
Mass. Central J8"4
Mex. Cen. com 19)
N. Y. AN. Km 35S4
N. T. A N. Enc. 7S..121
Old Colony ISO
Wis. Cen. common. 1HH,
AllouczM.C'o(uew). 4(
Atlantic 1VH
lioston A Mont 45!j
Calumet A Hecla... .274)4
Franklin 18)4
Huron 3
Ke&rsarce , 15
Osceola. 39
CJulncy lr
Santa Fe Copper.... 60
Tamarack 160
Boston Land Co... . 51
San Ulego Land Co. 20)i
west r.ucl i.nnd Co. --,1
Hell Telephone 198
Lamion Store S 15
Water Power 3
Centennial Mining. 17
.".. sens. Telephone, toft
liutte AlJost.copper 1CH
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue Members New York Stock Lx
change: KM.
Pennsylvania Kallroad 51
Heading 15
buffalo. New York and Philadelphia 8 '4
Lenlgh Vailev 47)4
Lehigh Navigation 4")'i
Northern pacific common 27
Northern Pacific preferred 714"
Mining Stocks.
Nbvt York. March 31. 41lce, 150; Adams
Consolidated. 150; Belcher. 260;Best and Belcher,
725; Bodie, 110; Gould and Curry, 350; Horn
Silver. 285; Mt. Diablo, 175; Plymouth, 180; (sav
age, 275; Sierra Nevada, 325; Standard. 120;
Yellow Jacket, 300. Union Consolidated, 375.
Condition of Markets at East Liberty Stock
office of Pittsburg Dispatch.
Tuesdat. March SL
Cattle ReceiDts. 525 head; shipments. 460
head: mirket firm at yesterday's prices; no
cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts. 1.000 head; shipments, 1.000
bead; market firm: Pbiladelphias, 55 00
5 10: good mixed, $4 8005 00: best Yorkers.
54 754 80: common and fair Yorkers, 54 50
4 65: pigs. 54 004 25; 1 car hogs shipped to
New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts. 1,200 head; shipments, 600
head; market slow at about yesterday's price:.
By Telegraph.
OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 2,700 head: mar
ket active and fully 10c higher on desirable
hooves and Anitcher stock: others steady to 10c
higher; good feeders in demand at strong
prices: poor ones neglected; fancy 1.400 to
1,600-pound steers. 54 S0S5 60: primo 1,200 to
1,475-pound steers, 54 25i4 U5: fair to good
1.050 to L350-pound"steers, 53 004 4a Hogs
Receipts, 3,200 head: market ai-tive and
510c higher: all sold; range, 54 354 55;
bulk, 54 504 60: pigs. SI 003 50: Unlit lights,
53 504 25: light, 54 354 00: heavv, 54 5ol 75;
mixed, 54 504 60. Sheep Receipts. S00 bead;
market steady: choice muttons tn demand; na
tives, 52 7505 10; Westerns, 52 5064 95.
CINCINNATI Bogs in good demand and
firm; common and light, 54 004 65; pack
ing and butchers, 54 G05 15; receipts, 170
bead; shipments. 1,720 bead. Cattle active
and firm: common. 52 0o3 25; fair to
choice butcher grades, 53 505 23; prime to
choice, 54 7505 50; receipts, 240 bead; ship
ments, 470 head. Sheep in fair demand and
steady; common to choice, &' 5005 75; extra
fat wethers and yearlings, 55 7506 00; receipts,
80 head; shipments, 360 head. Lambs in fair
demand and steady: common to choice
butcher, 565008 00 per 100 pounds.
CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. 5,000 bead; ship
ments, 2,000 head: market slow and weak;
.steers top prices, 56 10; others, 53 7o5 90;
crifts and heifers, 51 504 15. Hogs Receipts.
18,000 head; shipments 12,000 heao: market fair
ly active and steady; rough and common. 5350
1 50, good mixed 53 754 90; prime beavvand
butcher weights, S4 955 15; light, 54 602$4 80.
Sheep Receipts, 6,000 bead: shipments, 2,600
head: market fairly active and steidy; native:,
St 5035 75; Westerns, 55 S05 75; Mexicans,
54 80; lambs, 55 5005 75.
NEW YORK Beeves Receipts, L100 head,
all for exporters and slanzhterers; feeling firm;
dressed beef steady, TJiaSXc per pound. Ship
ments to-morrow, 3.030 quarters of beef.
Calves Receipts. 1,910 head; market steady,
veals, 54 005 75 per 100 pounds. Sheep Re
ceipts. 1,777 bead; market firm; sheep.
55 006 40: lambs, 56 007 25; dresed mutton
firm at 79c: dresed lambs steady at 8K
10c Hogs Receipts, 8,228 head continued
direct; market nominally steady at 54 2504 55.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 1,500 held; ship,
ments, 400 bead: markot higher; good to fancy
native steers. 55 0005 95; fair to goouVS4 20
S 00; stockers and feeders. 53 0004 23: Texan
and Indians, 53 2j05 40. Hogs Receipts, 4,400
head: shipments, bOO bead; market higher; fair
to choice heavy. 54 855 00: mixed grades,
54 604 90; light, fair to best, 54 ro4 85.
Sheep Receipts, 100 head; shipments. 100 head;
market strong; good to choice, 55 0036 00.
BUFFALO Cattle Steady for fat stockers;
others dull; receipts, 22 loads through,
140 sale. Sheep and lambs steady for wool;
stock not very good here; receipts, 3 loads
through. 2 sale; sales, fair sheep, 55 5006 00;
best, 56 1006 25; lambs, 56 507 60. Hogs
stronger, all sold; receipts. 8 loads through, 7
sale; medium and heavy, 55 1505 25.
KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts. a370 head:
shipments, 760 head; mltrket strong and 100
15- higher; steers, S3 8506 15; cows. 52 250
4 35; stockers and feeders, 53 0004 25. Hogs
Receipts. 8.990 head; shipraent,650 head: mar
ket 10015c higher: bulk, S3 2003 60: all grades,
53 2003 75. Sheep Receipts, 1,000 head; mar
ket steady.
INDIANAPOLIS Cattle Receipts, 200 head.
Market fair and steadv; shippers, 53 5005 75;
butchers, 52 0004 50; bulls. 52 0004 00. Hogs
Receipts, 5,000 head. Market active and ad
vancing: choice heavy, 55 002J5 25: choice light,
54 6004 75; mixed, 51 5005 00; pigs, 53 2503 75.
A Coalboat Sank by the J. F. Walton, at
The Hudson will leave at 4 p. m. to-day for
The marks on the Monongahela wharf
showed 9 feet 8 inches and rising slowly last
The M. F. Allen departed for Wheeling at
noon yesterday and the H. K. Bedford arrived
last evening lrom Parkersburg at Patterson's
wharf boat.
The Andes arrived from Cincinnati at 4 p.
H. yesterday, 18 bours late, having been de
tained by heavy fog two nights on the up trip..
sue got ansy at miumgnt, witu a lair trip, lor
Captain Jaiies Elliott, an old-time river
pilot who has been superintendent of the
marine ways at fiorth Bend, Ind., for some
time, has returned to this city, having resigned
bis position as superintendent, and will make
bis home in this city.
The J. F. Walton, of this city, with a tow of
coal, struck a pier of the Newport, Ky., bridge
yesterday morning .and sunk a coalboat con
taining 25 000 bushels of coal and a luel fleet,
causing a loss of 57.500. She proceeded witb
the remainder of her tow.
Sleepless nights made miserable by that
terrible cough. Shlloh's Curo is the remedy for
you. Sold by J. Fleming &. Son, 412 Market st.
Avoid, draughts and sudden changes of tem
perature. Do not discard your warm winter clothing too
soon. It is better to suffer a little inconveni
ence than to take cold.
Remember that one is especially liable to con
tract a bad cold or chill at this season of the
A cough or cold contracted between the sea
sons is the most annoying kind, and may last
through the summer.
If you feel a cough or a cold coming on take
a drink of pure whiskey at once. It will keep
the blood in circulation and is the best pre
ventive against,the diseases of the season.
Remember that only pure whiskey should be
taken. Duffy's .Pure Malt Whiskey has tho
strongest recommendations trom the leading
scientists and medical men. It Is the only
standard medicinal whiskey. Take no other
from your druggist or grocer. W
Louisville ANashvllle,
Hen Fruit and Orpamery Kntter
Tending tf a Lower Level.
Cereals Strong All Along the Line and Corn
Is Advanced.
Coantry Produce Jobblni; Pricos.
The Elgin creamery butter market Is weak
and prices show a dovrnward tendency. The
olferings at Elgin were small on Monday, but
in spite of small offerings, drift of markets all
the week has been toward a lower leveL A
decline of 2c per pound will be duo hereon
Friday. Tho egg market is weak with a ten
dency toward lower prices. At Cincinnati eggs
are now 15c per dozen and at St. Louis 14c per
dozen. A 15c market is looked for by dealers
before the week is out. Qood cheese is good
stock at present prices. Supply of maple
syrup and sugar is in excess of demand, aud a
drop in prices is likely to come with the fall in
sugar. Potatoes of good quality are firm at
quotations. Other vegetables are weak and
APPLES 56 6037 00 a barrel.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 31032c; other
brands, 28029c; common country butter, 15013c;
choice country rolls, 18Kc; fancy country
rolls. 28030c.
BnANS New crop beans, navy. 52 3002 35;
marrows. 52 3o2 40; Lima beans, 56c.
Beeswax '.'8030c W S I or choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, 59 5010 00; common.
55 506 00; crab cider. 512 00013 00 $1 barrel;
cider vinegar, 14016c $) gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, 1111c: New York
cheese, HKc: Limburger, 13014c: domestic
Svveitzer, 15016c; Wisconsin brick Sweitzer,
15c; imported Sweitzer, 27K028e.
Cranberries Cape Cud, 53 2503 50 a box;
Jll 50012 00 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 50 a hox.
Dressed Hogs Large, 44c V &; smalL
Eggs lSe tor strictly fresh: goose eggs,
80c; duck egg, 40e.
Feathers Extra live geese, 50060c: No. 1,
40045c: mixed lots. 30035c V a-
HONEY New crop white clover, 20022c ft.
California honey, 12015c $ ft.
Maple Syrcp New. 85090c $ gallon.
New Maple Sugar 9Je a.
NUTS Shell bark bieKory nuts, 812501 60 a
bushel: peanuts, 51 5001 75, roasted; green, i
436cP Si; pecans, 16ctfi.
Onion Sets Fancy Erie, $7 5008 00 per
bushel; Ohio and Pennsylvania, 56 0007 00.
Poultry Alive Chickens. 750b5c a pair?
turkeys, 13011c a pound; ducks. 80090c a pair;
geese, choice. 51 00 a pair. Dressed Turkeys,
18020c a pound: ducks,15016c a pound; chickens,
15016c: geese. 11012c.
Tallow Country, 4jc; city rendered, 5Kc
Seeds Recleaned Western clover.-55 (W8
5 20; timothy, SI 50ijl 55; blue grass, 52 850300;
orchtid grass, 51 85; millet, 75090c; lawn grass,
25c V ft.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, 53 25; fancy,
53 75; Jamaica oranges.6606 50 a barrel; Messina
oranges. 52 00300 a box: Florida oranges,S3 50
03 75 a box; bananas, SI 75 firsts. 51 25 good
seconds. ! bunch; figs. 15016c H) ft; dates, 4K
ctAc ft; pineapples, 30040c apiece.
Vegetables Potatoes, 51 3001 35 jfi
bushel; scrd potatoes, 51 50 1 bushel; sweet
potatoes, S3 5003 75; cabbage, 5506 ty hun
dred; German cabbage, S1O012; onions, S4 35
04 50 a barrel; celery, 50c a dozen bunches;
parsnips, 35c a dozen: carrots, 35c a dozen; pars
ley, 15c a dozen: horseradish, 50075c a dozen;
turnips. 7Jc051 9 barreL
New Vegetables Cabbage, 52 250250 for
small crates, 52 7503 00 for large; kale. 75cSl
a barrel; spinach, 51 2501 50 a barrel; beans,
S3 a bushel: beets. 50065c a dozen: asparagus,
40050c a bunch; cucumbers, 52 0002 25 a dozen.
Sugar quotations are reduced on an average
2c per pound, a fact due to the drop of the
Government tax due April 1. Granulated
sugar should from now on retail for from IS to
20 pounds for a dollar. Coffees are firm enough
to go up higher. Corn syrup shows an upward
tendency, owing to high-priced corn. The
movement ot general groceries is more active
this week than last, but, with the exceptions
noted, prices are unchanged.
Green coffee Fancy, 25026c; choice
Rio, 23)i21f c; prime Rio. 23c; low grade Rio,
2122c; old Government Java, 30031c;
Maracalbo. 26&28c: Mocha. 3Oi032JJc: Santos,
22K26Kc; Caracas, 25fS27c; La Guayra, 26J J
Roasted (in papers) Standard brand.25Jc;
high grades. 27K4I31C: old Government Java,
bulk, 3-'034Kc; JIaracaibo, 28K03Oc: Santos,26
30Kc; peaberry, 31c; choice Rio, 16c; prime
Rio, 25Je; good Rio, 24c: ordinary, 22023c
Spicks (whole) Cloves, 15016c: allspice, 10c;
cas&ia. 8c: pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 75080c
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc: headlight, 150, 8c; water
white, I0(ffl0$c; giODe, iiffimc; eiaine, 10c;
carnadlne. 11&;; royaline, 14c: red oil, llUc;
purity. 14c: olelne. 14c
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 39041c
fl gallon; summer, 33035c; lard oil, 55058c
SYRUP Corn syrup, 3l033c; choice sugar
syrup, 31036c; prime sugar syrup, 32J3c;
strictly prime, 34035c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 42c:
choice, 38040c; medium, 33036c: mixed, 340
bODA 15i-carb in kegs. 30'5J$C; bi-carb in
Ks, m c; bi-carb, assorted packages 5306c: sal
sada, 111 kegs, ljc: do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, lull weight, 9c; stearine, Tfl
set, 8c: parafline, 11012c
RICE Head Carolina, 77c: choice, 60
6c; prime, 63tKc; Louisiana, o06c
Starch Pean. 4c corn starch, 66c;
gloss starch, 67c
Foreign Fruits Laver raisins. 52 65; Lon
don lav ers, S2 75; Muscatels, 52 00: California
Muscatels, 51 600190: Valencia, 607c; Ondara
Valencia, 7Kc; sultana. 18020c; currants,
4X05c: Turkey prunes, 7?408c; French prunes,
lOgllXc: Salonlca prunes, in 2-6 packages.Uc;
cocoanuts. "fl 100. 56: almonds. Late. $? ft, 29c:
dolvica, 17c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 13
14c; hiciiv filberts, 12c: hmyrna figs, 13&14c:
new dates, 506c: Brazil nuts. 12c; pecan.
16c: -citron. t ft. 17018c: lemon peel, 12c V ft;
orange peel. 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. lie;
apples, evaporated. 1415c; peaches. evaDO
rated. pared, 28030c: peaches. California, evap
orated, unpared, 17020c: cherries, pitted. 31c;
cherries, unpttted, 13s)13c raspberries, evap
orated, 39031c: blackberries, 901Oc: huckle
berries 15c.
Sugars Cubes, 5Jc: powdered, 5Jc; granu
lated. 4Jic: confectioners' A. 41ic: standard A.
4'ic: sort white, 4K04ic: yellow, choice, 4J0
4Kc: J ellow, good, 44c: yellow, lair, 3'S
4c: yllow. dark. 30 c
PICKLFS Medium, bbls (1,200), 58 00; me
dium, hilt bbls (600), 54 5a
SALT No. 1 9 bbl. 510a No. 1 ex. V bbl,
51 10; dairy. ?1 bbl, 51 20: coarse crystal. bbl,
51 20: Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu sacks, $2 80; Hig
gins' Eureka, 16-14 ft packets. 53 00.
Canned Goods standard peaches. 12 709
2 SO; 2nd, 52 4002 30 extra peaches. S3 03(21 141:
10 peaches. 51 7001 SO; finest corn. 51 3501 50:
fd. Co. corn, 51 0001 15; red cherries, 31 3a
1 40: Lima beans SI 35; soaked do. SOc; string
do, 70080c: marrowfat peas. 51 1001 25; soaked
peas. lt$7oc; pineapples, 31MJJJIWJ: uahama
do, 5255; damon plums, 51 10; greengages, 51 50;
egg plums. 5190; California apricots, ii 100
250; California pears. 525002 75; dogreengages.
SI 90; do egg plums, 51 90: extra white
cherries, S2 85; raspberries, SI 3501 40: straw
berries. 51 Wiijl 40; gooseberries, SI 1001 15;
tomatoes. 91C0S1; salmon. 1-ft. SI 3001 80; black
berries SI 00: succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked. 90a;
do green, 2-ft. 51 2501 60: corned beef. 2-ft cans,
51 90; 1-ft cans 51 00: baited beans, 51 4001 50;
lobster, 1ft, 52 25: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled,
51 50; sardines, domestic Ks, S4 5004 60; sar
dines, domestic Ks. S7 00: .irdines, imported,
lis. 511 50012 50; sardines, imported. , 18;
sardines, mustard, S-l 60: sardines, spiced, S4 25.
FISH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 520 p
bbl: extra No. 1 do mess, 528 50; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 524 00: No. 2shore mackerel,
522: large 3's, 520. Codfish Whole pollock. 5c
) ft; do medium, Georrc's cod, 5c; do large,
7c: boneless hakes, in strips. 5c; do George's
cod, in blocks, 607c Herring Ronnd
shore, $550 $ bbl; split. 5650: lake, $325 M 100
ftbbl. White fish.5700?110O-ft half bbl. Lake
trour, S 50 ?) half bbl. Finnan baddies 10c f)
ft. Iceland balibut, 13c V ft. Pickerel, half
bbl. S4 50: quarter bbl, SI 60. Holland herring,
75c: Walkoff herring, 90c
Oatmeal 56 5006 75 ft bbl.
Grain, Plonr and Feed.
Salesvm call at the Grain Exchange: 1 car
sample middlings, 524, 5 days; 1 car mixed hay.
57 50. 5 days: 1 car No. 1 timothy bay. $9 75, 5
days; 1 car choice timothy. $10 25, 10 days. Re
ceipts as bulletined, 36 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft.
Wayne and Chicago Railway. 1 car of hay, 5 of
oats, 5 of flour, 1 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis. 6 cars of corn, 2 of hay,
4 of oats, 1 of middlings. By Pittsbnrg and
Lake Erie, 6 cars of rye, 1 of wheat, 1 of flour.
By Pittsburg - and Western, 3' cars of bay.
Cereal markets are strong all along the line
Corn is particularly firm and prices are a shade
higher than they have been for a few days past.
Wheat also shows an npward teudenrv, aud it
is only a question of short time when flour must
go up higher. Already fancy brand of flour
are selling at a shade better prices than our
outside quotations. 4
.'Prices ror carload lots on track:
WHEAT No. 2 red, $1 0701 OS; No. 3. 51 030
Corn No. 2 yellow shell. 76077c; high
mixed. 75076c: mixed, shell. 74075s; No. 2
yellow ear, 77073c: high mixed ear. 75076c;
mixed ear corn. 74075c
OATS NovL U06OXc: No. 2 white. 59a50Kc:
extra. So. 3. 57058c; mixed oats. 5656Kc
Rte No. 1 Pennsylvania and Michigan, SL 00
01 02; Nc L Western. 98C0S1 00.
FLOUE Jobbing pnce Fancy spring and
winter p itent flonr, ii 7506 25: fancy straight
winter. J4 8505 15; fancy straight spring. $4 83
05 15: clear winter. 54 7505 00: straight XXXX
bakers'. $4 5001 75. Rye flour, $4 7505 00.
Buckwheat flonr. 2Ji2Ke ? ft.".
MlLLPEED No. 1 white middlings. 524 50Q
25 00 i? ton: No. 2 white middlings. 524 004?
24 50: brown middlings, 533 00023 50; winter
wheat btan. 22 00S22 50.
Hay Biled timothy.No. L 59 75010 00:No. 2.
do, S3 7529 OB: loose from wagon. 511 00012 00
according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, 57 250
7 50: packing do. 57 5008 00.
Sthaw Oat. $S 0008 50r wheat and rye, 17 00
7 50.
Sugar-cured hams, large, 95c: sugar-cured
bams, medium, 9c: sugar-cured haras, small.
9Jc; sugar-cnred breakfast bacoo. 73c; sugar
cured shoulders. 5c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. TJciskinnedsnoulders.BJic; skinned
hams, 10c; sugar-cured California bams, 6c;
sngar-cured dried beef flats, 9Ke: sugar-cured
dried beef sets, iuc; sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12Jc: bacon, shoulders 5Jc: bacon,
clear sides, 7c: bacon, clear bellies. 7c; dry
salt shoulders 5Jc: dry salt clear sides &Vc
Mess pork, heavy. S12 50: mess pork, family.
S12 SO. Lard Refined, in tierce". 5c; half
barrels, 6c; 60-ft tubs, ojc: 20-ft pails. 6c;
50-ft tin cans. 6c; 3-& tn pails, 6c; 5-ft tin
fulls. 6c; 10-ft tin pails 6c Smoked sausage,
nng, 5c: large, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Bone
less hams, 10c Pigs feet, half-barrels, S4 00
quarter-barrels. 52 15.
It Is very important In this age of vast ma
terial progress that a remedy be pleasing to the
taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to
the stomach and healthy in Its natnre and
effects. Possessing theo qualities. Syrup of
Figs is the one perfect laxative and most gen
tle diuretic known.
Special Inducements
To intending purchasers of pianos or or
gans at the new music house of J. S. Brown
& Co., Limited, 181 Lacock st, Allegheny.
Lowest prices. Easiest terms. Best goods.
Caligraph Writing Machine is the best
for telegraph purposes. N eTer out of order.
Is an important factor in keeping
good health; if it does not act in the
way intended by nature, its functions
are performed by other organs,
the Sidneys and the Lungs; and the
result is a breakdown of general health.
Swift's Specific
is the remedy of nature to stimulate
the skin to proper action. It never
fails in this, and always accomplishes
the purpose.
Send for our treatise on the Blood
and Skin Diseases.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
412 Market street,
mh 19-82 Pittsburg.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
rlllllLu O gl FOURTH AVENUE,
Capital. $300,000. Surplus, 55L670 29.
4 President, Asst, Sec Treas.
percent Interest allowed on time deposits,
Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man
chester Traction Company
40-year 6 per cent bonds, free of
tax, for sale at 103 and
Fidelity Tiile and Trust Xo,
Stocks, Bond. Gram, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago,
41 SIXTH S', Pittsburg.
Sj behednle in esret January 4, Its I, Easterm
Ifor Wasnlngton, u. cu
Baltimore, Pb 1 1 a d etoma
and .New xorlc, 7: a. ni
and "V:3)p. m.
lor Cuinberlind, "7I251.
m., Jliia, :2u p. m.
For ConneilJTlIIe, M:3.
7i- s. m.. :l:U, 34.-W and
"3:31 p. m.
i'or Unlontows, Si3a,
"Iii-a. in., 411I1) aa ;4:00
p. m.
!iir CnnnptlavlIlA ani
Unlontown, 55:13 a. in.. Sunday onlv.
Tot lit. Pleasant. Mijo a. m. and i7:Ka.m. ana
ID a ad tl:0J p. in.
i'or V MiilUKtun. Pa.. s.ftS. 43:30 x. zm. "JiJi
yuo and 7:45andll:i5 p. m.
For Wbeellnji s:05, sua; . m n:S&. 7iU and
HUM p.m. .
For Cincinnati and St. Loan, "8i a. nu. 17:4
p. m.
iiur Cincinnati. 111:55 p. m.
For Columbus, 'o.tti . m., J7:4Jand lll:53p. m.
For .Newark. "3:03, a. m, 7:15 and 111:33 p. m.
For Chlcajro, 's and "7:45 p. m.
Trains arrive lrom .New York, Philadelphia.
Baltimore and Washington, 11:45 a. m,, ": J) p.
m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago,
tl:25a. El.. "9:(l0 p.m. From VVlieella& "srji,
lti-53 i. in., tS:0u, "9:0(1 p. m-
Parlorand sleeplnjt ars to Baltimore, Washl ac
ton, Cincinnati and CalcaK.
Dally, tlially except Sunday. Sunday only.
(Saturday only. lUally except Saturday.
The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call or
andchocK bigyape from hotels and residences
uponorderslcit.it B. &. O. ticket office, corner
Fiitliave. and Wood St., or 401 and SS9 bmltnnell
' j!t. uuklu chas. o. scull.
General Manager. Oen. Pass. Azent.
COMPANY. Schedule In eircct December 14.
1110. Central time. P.4L.E. K.K. llicrjiRT-For
Cleveltnn. 4 3u."S:00a.m..'l:i5.4i2u."9:4ip.m. For
Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louls.4:30a. m.. "1:33,
"S(:45 p. in. For Dullala. 8S0. a. m 4:20. "9:4i
p.m. For Salamanca, "8:00 a. m.. "1:35 n. m. For
Youngstown and New castle, 4i30, "S.Oo. 10:011 a.
m "1:J5, "4:20. "9:45 p. m. For Beaver Falls,
4:3i 754. "0, 10:O0aVm., "1:35. 2:ja, "4:20, 3:20,
9:4.", p. m. For Chartlers, 4i 15:33 a. m.. 5:15,
V:'A 7:00, 7uu, 38:(M..1:u.. 3:10, 10:00. 11:35, a. m..
lt:2u?12iH M!:4& 1:40, JrJO. :5i "4 .-.3. 1CM, 4:43,
:."). 'S-oa 1J:. 10:30 p. m.
AKRIVE From Cleveland. '8:40 a. m.. 12s O.
5.40. "7:50 p. m. from Cincinnati. Chicago and -t.
Louis, 10:0V a. m "7:30 p. in. From Uaffa o
S:40a.m.. 12:30. 10;03 p. m. From SaUmin-a
'10:00 . m., "7:5ii p. m. From Youngstown
and New Castle, tiiiu, "10:00 a. m.. "12U0, 5:H
70, 10-03 p. in. From Bfaver Falls, Si2H '8:40,
7:20, "10100 a. m, "12-JO, IOD. 3:40. "71. 10.-O3D. m.
P C Y. trains for AlaaJllcKl. 7init5a- m..
j.5 p. m. For Espies and Beecnmont, 70 a.
m.. 3:53 p.m.
P.. C. Y. trams from 3IansHeld. 7J1 1UT0
a. m.. 3:43 p. in. From Beecnmont. J:ui 11:30
"pileK. Y. K. B.-DirAST-Kor New Ha.
Ten, 10:10. 17:10 a. m.. "3.00 p. m. For West New
ton, 17:40, io:IO a. m.. "1:00. 33 p. m.
ABBITa From New Haven, "3:00 a. m.. 4:H
p. ra. From West Newton. C13, ":0O a. m
4:10 p. m.
For McKeesport, Zllzabetn. Monongahela City
and Belle Vernon, ,6:43. 17:3, usO a. m.. 13:00,
3:30p. m.
From Belle Vernon. Monongahela City. Eliza
bcth and McKcesport, 7:43, VJ:00-m., l'-:. UH
4:40 p. ra.
Dally. ISundayj only.
Cllr'UcketUffice. 639smlthfleld StreeU
Trains leaveUntln station (Eastern Stand
ard lime): East Brady Ac. 6:55 s. in.: Niagara
Ex.. dally, 8:13 a. m. (Arriving at BuQalo st
6:45P.M.); Klttanning Ac, 9.00 a. in.: Hulton
Ac. 10:10 a. m.; Valley Camp Ac. 12o p.m.;
OU City and DuBols Express, 1:30 p. m.: Hulton
Ac. :00 p. m.: Klttanning Ac. 35 p. ra.:
Brneburn Ex.. 4:53 p. m.: KltUnnlng Ac, 3:30
p. m.: Brseburn Ac, 8:20 p. m.: Hulton Ac, 8:00
B. m.; BuHaloEx.. dally. 8:45 p. m. (Arriving at
nIfslo7:20A.M.);HnltonAc, 9:40 p.m.r Valley
Camp Ac. 1H30 p.m. Lnnrcn trains Emlcnton.
9a. ra.; Klttanning. 12:40 p. m.: Braeourn. 9:W
p. ra. Pullman Parlor Can on day trr In sand
Meenlnff Car on ntrht trains between Plttinnrv
ana Bnltalo. JAS. P. ANDEltbON, 6. X, Ail.: I
DAVID licuAKItO. Gen. aun. -I
Oil AND XTIZa DKCJCMBEB 29th, 1890.
Trains will leave Union Station, PitUbars,
as follows (Eastern Standard Time):
ew Tort i Chicago Limited or Pullman Vestt
bnle cars daily at 7.15 A.M.. arriving atHarrls4
bnrg at 1.53 p. m.. Philadelphia 4.45 r. M.. e
York7.0O p. it.. Baltimore 4.40 r. H Washlni.
tons 55 p. x.
Atlantic Lxpress daily at 120 A. M.. arriving' at
HarrlsburslOSOA. K.. PhlladelpliU 1.23 F. M.,
Jierr York 4.0i r. M., Baltimore 1.13 r. M.,
Washington 2.25 p. M.
Mail train dsily etccpt Sunday. 3.33 A. M., ar
riving at Uarrinburg 7.00 P. M., i'hlladelphia
10.65 p.m., Baltimore Jr. It. Sunday JlaU"
8.40 A.M. , ,
Dav Express dally at S.oo a. M.. arriving at liar,
rfsbnrg 3.20 p. m.. 1'lilladclphia S.50P. v.. New
York 9.35 p.m., Baltimore 7.00 p.m., W'astalui-
n 8. 13 p. M.
Mall Express dally at 1.00 p. Jl.. arriving; at Har
rlsbnrg1 10.45 p. .. connecting at Uarrisbarf
with Phllalelplda Exnress.
Philadelphia Exprcs daily at 4.30 p. M., arrivlns
at Harrisburs LOO a.m.. Philadelphia 4.25 a.
ji.. and New York 7.10 a. m.
Eastern Express at 7.15 r. m. dally, arriving Har
rlsbur 2.23 a. M., Baltimore 6.20 A. M., Wash
ington 7.30 A. Ji.. Philadelphia 3.25 a. m. sad
New York 8.00 A. K.
Fast Line daily, at 8.10 p. m.. arriving; at Harris
hurg 3..11 A. M., lbiladelDhit 6.50 a. m.. New
York 9.30 A. M.. Paltlmore 6.20 a. H.. Washing
ton 7.30 A. M. .1
All through trains connect at Jersey City wlttx
boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, .N.
Y., avoldlngdouble ferryage and Journey througli
SewYort Cltv.
Johnstown Accom.. except Sunday. 3.40 p. m.
Ureensburg Accora., 11.15 P. M. week-days. 10.3)
P. M. Sundays. Ureensburg Express 5.10 p. jr., -
exceptSunday. Derry Express I1.00A.M.. cz
ccpt Uanday.
Wall's Accom. 6.15,7.20,9.00, 10.50 A. M.. 12.15.
2.00. 3,20. 4.35. 5.30. 6.25. 7.40. 9.40 P. M-. and 12.19
A. M. (except Monday. Sunday, 12.10A.M...
12.23,2.25. 6. 40 and 9.40 P.M.
Wllkinsburg Accom. COO, 6.40. 7.00 A. M., 12.01,
4.00, 4.3." 5.20, 5.40. 5 50. 6.10, 10.10 and 11.40 F. M.
Sunday. 1L40 and 9. 15 P. M.
Braddock Accom. 5.50, 6.90, 7.40, S. 10, 9.50, 11.1 J
A. M.. 12.30, 1.25, 2.50, 4.10. 6.00. 6.33, 7.29, 8.25.
S.OOand 10.45 p. M. week days, bnndiv. 5.35 A-Mv
For Unlontown 5.30 and 8.3 A. M., 1.45 and 4.2S
P. M. week days.
For Monongahela Cltv. West Brownsville and
Unlontown 10.40 a. M. For Monongahela City
and West Brownsville 7.35 and 10. 40 A. M., and,
4.50 r. M. On Sunday, 8.55 a. m. and 1.01 p. M.
For Monongahela City only. 1.01 and 3.50 p. M.
week days. Dravosbnrg Arcom.. 6.00 a. m.
and 3 20p. M. week dais. West Elizabeth Ac-,
com. 8.35 a. it., 4.15, 6.30 and 11.35 P. M. bun
day. 9.40 p. M.
Hall train, for BlairsvlIIe 6.33 a. xc
Express for BlairsvlIIe, connecting for
Butler 3.I3P. M.
Butler Accom 6.20 a. M.. 2.25 and 5.45P.U.
SprlngdaleAccom.9.00,I1.50A.M..3.30and 6.2UP.M.
Uareinont Accom 1.30P.M.
Frecport Accom 4.15, 7.50 and 11.40p.m.
On Sunday 12.35and 9.30p.m.
Apollo Accom 11.00 a. M. and 5.00 P. M.
Allegheny JunctlonAccom 8.2oa. m.
BlairsvlIIe Accom 10.30 P.M.
JBi- The Excelsior Baggage Express Company
will call for and check baggage from hotels and
residences. Time cirds and full information caa
he obtained at the Ticket Office" No. 110 Finn
avenue, corner Fourth aveuue and Try street,
And st Union station.
General Manager. Genl Psss'r Agent.
From Pittsbiri Ualaa SUHei.
lliennsylvania Lines.
W Trains Ria y Central Tlnr.
Leave for Cincinnati and at. Louis, d 1.15a. in.,
d 7:10 s. m., dsaiandUllilip. in. Dennlson. :!&
p. m. Chicago, d 1:15 a. m. and 12:05 p. m. i
Wheclng. JrliJ s. m.. 12.05, 6:10 p.m. steaben
vllle, 5:iia- m. Wsahington, 6:13, 8.35 a. in.. 1:J5,
JJO. 4:45, 4:35 p. m. Bulger. 10-10 a. m. Burgetu
town. S 11:35 a. su 6:23 p. m. Mansileld, 7:15,
9:30 11.03 a. m 1:05, 6-30, d s-35. BrldevIIle. !
10-10 p. nu JlcDonalUi. d 4:13, 13:43 D. su, S 10:01
Tnaras ABnivifron the West, d 1.10. d6:00v,
m Jrt5, d 6:3.5 p. m. Dennlson, 9:J0a.m. stea
benvllle, 3-03 p. m. Wheeling, 2:10. 8-43 s. m..
3.D5, 5:33 p. m. Burgettstown. 7:15 a. m.. 3 9-0
a. ra. Washington. 6.55, 70. t:40L 30:25 a. m.. ,
2:33. 6:23 p. m. Mansfield. 5:30, 5:53, 830. 1I40 a. i
m 12:43, 1:35. 10:00 and 3 6:20 p. in. .Bulger, l:Ul
p. ex. McDonalds, d 6:35 a. m.. d 9-00 p. m.
NoirniWEST sYsTEM-rr. wayne koute.-.
Leave lor Chicago, d 7:10 a. in., d 12:2-1. d 1:00. 4,
1:46, except Saturday 11:3 p.m.: Toledo, 7:19 v I
m.. d 12:20, 4 1KJ0, and except Saturday 11:20 p.m.:
Cre tllne.3:45 a. m., Cleveland, 6:10a m.:I2:43dll:0j
p. m and 7:10 a. m.. vlaP.. Ft. W.JtCKy.: Seiri
Castle and Youngstown. 733 a. in.. 12:20, 2:35 p..
m.t Youngstown and Nlles. d 12:20 p. m.;Mead
vine, Erie and Ashtabula, 7:20 a. in.. 12:20 p. m.:'
Nllea and Jamestown, 3:3 p. m.: Alliance. 4ill
p. m.: Wbeeling and Bellalre, 6:10 a. m.. 12:4.3.
J 43 p. m. : Beaver Falls, 4:00 p. m. ; Beaver Falls.
h8:Ma.m.: Leetsdale. 5:30a.m.
Dipabtpbom alleoubnt Kochester. 6:10 .
m.: Beaver Falls. o:li.llrfa. m5:Io p.m.: 3 4:19
p.m.: Knon. 3K)0 p. m.: Leetsdale. 5KXk 90,1.
100,11:45 a. m.:lll 2S30. 4:30. 4:45. 6:30, 6:14. j
7:30, 9:00 and 3 3:30 p. m.; Conway. 10:30 p. m.;.
Fair Oaks 3 11:40 a. m.
Trains AKRiVELnion station rrom Chicago, ex
eept Monday. 1:50. d 6:00. d 6:35 a. m., d3-J3an4
dC:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 10. d:35a.(
m., 5:5 and 6:o0 p. ra.: Crestline, 12:30 p. m.;
Youngstown and Seir Cssile, 9:10a. m.. 1:2 6:50.
I0il5p.m.: Mies and Youngstown, a 6:50p.m.;
Cleveland, d 5:50 a. in., 2:20, 7-00 p. m.; Wbeeitnc;
and Bellalre, 9:00 a. m., 2.23. 7:30 p. m.; Erie au3,
Ashtabnla, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.: Alliance. 10.-00a.il.;
Mies and Jamestown, 910 s. m.; Beaver Fatls,'
7:Wa- m.. S SS p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. j
Abbivx ALLxailE.-rr. from Enon. 8.00 a. m.
7. 10a.m.. 3 12:30, l.co, 5.30 and 8:15 p. m.: Leetw,
dale, 4.30, 5.30, 6.15, 6.30, 7.45 s. m.. 12.00, 12.1a,
1.43. 3.30, 4.30. 6.30, 9.03 and S 6:05 p. re; Fair
Oaks, B 8.5a a. m.
d. dally: s. Sunday only: other trains, except
JUSEL'tf WOOD. General Manager.
E. A. FOHD, General Passenger Agent.
Address. Pittsburg. Fa.
Winter Time Table, on and after March 30,
1830, until further notice, trains will rnn as.roU
lows on every day, exceptsundav. Eastern standi
ard time: Leaving Flttsburg-6:20 a. m.. 7:10a. I
m 8.00s. m., 9:30a. m.. 11:30a. m.. 1:40 p. m.,
3:40 p.m. ,5:10 p. in. .5:50 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m..
11:30p.m. Arlington S:40 a. m.. 6:20s. m.. 7:19
a. in., 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. in.. 2:40 p.m..
4:20 p. m . 5:10 p. in., 5:50 p.m., 7:10 p m., 10:CJ
p. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a.m.,
12 .50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.. 3:10 p. m.. 9:30 p. in.
Arlington 9.10 a. m U:i0p. ra.. 1:50 p. in., 4.-29
p. m., 6i3Jd. m. JOHN JAUN. Supu
'lralns(Ct'lstan dtlmell Leave. Arrive.
MalL Butler. Clarion. Kanci
Day Ex., Akron. Toledo.
Butler Accommodation
Greenville and Butler Ex....
6:50 a m 4-35 p m
7t30 a m 7:30 p m
90 a m II :20 a at
1:40 p m 3:35 p m
Chicago Exnress (dallr) I 2:1a p m II:lo a ra
Zellrnople Accom J 4:25 P m 5:30 s m
Butler Accom , 5.10 p ra 7SJ ia
First class fare to Chicago, 310 30. Second elait,
f 50. Pullman Bullet sleeping cir to Clilcajj
d.-.nv. . '
As old resident-) know and back fl!es of Pltt4.
burs papers prove, is the oldest established,
and most prominent physician in the city, do-,
votine special attention to all chronic diseases,)
MCDfl lOand mental diseases physical i
llCfl V UUO decay, nervous dcDiiity, laclcoC
enercy. ambition and hope, impaired memory,'
disordered sicbt, self distrusr, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing; powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un-i
fitting the person for business, society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. ,
blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular,'
swelling, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cureii for lif. and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 DIM A RV kidney and bladder derange
UnllNMn T j ments, weak back, gravol. ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and -other
painful symotoms receive searching treatment, -prompt
relief and real cure.
Dr. Whlttier's lire-long, extensive experiencs
insures scientinc and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients ata distance as carefully treated as If
here. Office hours. 9 A. JL to 8 P. X. Sunday.
10 A. M. to IP. M. only. BE. WHITTIER. 8U
Penn avennr. Pittsbnrg. Pa. ja8-49-TJSnwk '
tjPECLALISTS in all cases re.
qniring scientinc aud confldea
fial trcatmentt Dr. S. K"Lak3;
JL R. C P. S.. is the oldest anoL
moit experienced specialist In
the city. Consultation free and
stricrlv confidential. Offlca
hOrtM J U i and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundays, 2 to i P
Jc. Consuls them personally, or write. DoctobI
LAKE, cor. Penn ave- and 4th st Pittsburg. Pa,
Euffermg: front
the effects of
vouthful erron
early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc-
1 will seua a tbiusuib ueouw WWCUl tuuuuuuia
fall particulars tor home cure, FREE o( charge.
A splendid medical work; should Be read by every
man who le nerrons and debilitated. Address,
Pro. F. C. FOWLEB, Sloodaa, Cons
Full Dartieulsrs la paraphle
rent ITec The genuine Orara
bpeclflc sold by druggists onlyla
yellow wrapper. Price, n per
package, or six for i or hr moU
on recelnt ot nrlrc bv address
Hi THT". SRAt 11EDIC1NE CO, Buaslo, JL x"
Tild in Plttsourg byd. a. HOLLAND, corne
Bmlthileht and Liberty u. mhl7-94-pwlt
U2 Market street, Plttibmfc
.Wit . -.,; ,?4t-w