S .THE PITTSBURG-' DISPATCH, MONDAY,- MARCH 23, 189L SEMONTO STUDENTS. Baccalaureate Address of Key. A. Young to U. P. Graduates. POINTERS FOR TOUSG I'EEACHERS. Dr. Townsend on the HacQneary Terdict at Cleveland. OTHER PDLPIT TOPJCS OP TESTEEIUY Rev. Dr. Alexander Young, who has heen over 30 years connected with the institution, as its President, preacned the baccalaureate sermon to the qraduatin; class of the Alle gheny Theological Seminary, in Fourth U. P. Church, Montgomery avenue, Allegheny, last evening. Dr. Yomi; , reviewed the progress of Christianity from the time of Christ up to the present, dwelling at length on the events and causes which, at different periods, intervened to prevent it more rapid devi loptnent. For a lng period the disturbed condition of the world, due to the jtowrr of pagan Rome, prevented the t-nreau of the gopel, tut more progress was made 111 Christianity uhen the Goths and VandiU swept ovei Europe and checked to sumc extent the Hon. an sway. Another bar to the progress of Christianitv was the advent of MoLatucd. wlto. claiming uiine inspiration, put Torward the Koran as containing the law of man' salvation. Dr. louiig continued, showing that for LOOO vear the Mohai. nudar,Hi ma-sand heatiuns liad restrained the nrogre-s ot Chiistijimty u tfl Diwnc Providence raided, up men like Luther at d Call in to advance its teachings. He described ho it had gradually spread thiough the German Staie. Northern Europe, aud to Scotland, where John Knox was o in strumental m pressing it on the attention ot tfeSo'ueh aim English. Dr. Young u!-crlled liun Christianity had traveled to tins ioun try, and how rxen here, in lat'i r days, rt-Ktrieti.in were placed on IV proip s. The fir-.! Presbjtenan cliuich built in New York had heen erected for 39 years bt.fote it could establish a title to us laid. An average size congregation was, present at tne servicer. The student who succe-.full passed the written eai-iinatinn will aypear before the board of directors of the seiainar to-morrow. This twiard consists of divine from New orL, cw Jersey and lcnnshauia. The com mencement exercises will occupy two evenings, the lirst in the t ifth l". I'. Cliurrh, this cit, lo-iuortou evening, and the second la the First U. P. Chuic'i. Allegheny, on Wednesday fveiintr. The orator will be V. T. Anderson, J. L. Cook, S. W. Lv-uthett. F. Ik Foster. II. 1. Goidon, J. M. Herc. S. G. Iluev. J. H. Hutchinson. E. L. Porter, V. E. Purvcs. C. JL Richie. J. M. elh, George Whitesldcs and W. 1. Wishart- Rev. Oliver J. Thatcher, who was elected to a professorship last year w:Il be formally installed. DUTY OF EPISCOPAL HUT ISIS2S. Vr. Townsend "HUnks They Should Stand by Ke. Howard alaiOncaij. "The suspension of Kcv. Howard Mac Queary" was the topic chosen by Rev. J. G. jonnsend, D. D., yesterday. During his re mvlss the pastor said: The result of the trial at Cleveland has been announced. Mr. MacQueary has been sus pended from the minirt-y, ami if in six months lio does not iciract hi- words and sav he be lieves what he does not believe, he will be ex pelled. The expulsion of Mr. MacQueary places a grave responsibility upon the Epis co al Church. cDeciaIl upon thoe who hold substantially the sjec intellectual position with him. and that scores ot ministers and thousands ot laymen are in doctnnal accord with Mr. MacQueary, tuere can be no doubt, Hel.er Newton, who is an editorial con tributor of Vnvy. with mrself. two or the clergymen who were on the jury at Cleve land, and many more distinguished clergviuen or tnat great church, are known to hold views extremely liberal. "lhc duty of these minis ters, it seems to me, is plain. 1 hey should "show tbeir hands." They should stand bv theii suspended brother and s iv, "If he is RUi'iy, we, too. are guilty:' "If he is to be pun-l-hcd, let the same punishment fall on us." 3'hey should do more than tin. They should insist pon a reif-ion of their ancient creed. Thev-homd move their camp out of the niias. malic marshes of the S9 Articles, and pitch it upon the greeu slopes or the Sermon on the Jilnunt! The noble Protestant Episcopal Chcrch. "Christian in work aud spirit, ought also to be Christian in its creed. It oucht to make it im possible forbigotrj to silence a noble spirit who seeks, like Mr. MacQueary, to hud the truth, pud. having found it, lecd with it the hungry hearts of men. TEE SOCTHEEK PEOBLOI. An Allegheny Pastor Says It Is the Greatest One ot the Day. Rev. fa. B. McCorimek, of the Central Presby terian Church, Allegheny, pleached yesterday moraine on "The .Southern Problem." He (.aid- "There are eight .States in the Union where the colored population is increasing with iuch rapidity that it is onlv a question of a thort time until it is in the majority. They are an ignoiant, superstitious and immoral race. Hud the same man who. in the pulpit, laigbt be oue of the best of men, out of it 1 the most immoral. The question of elevating this race to education and Christianity is one that interests the entire Union. Such a large bod of people. Pi their ignorant condition, jnnst tend to injure the home, family and busi ness, and louerthe standing of the commun ity. It is an earnest appeal to the people at large to interfere and devise some wav in which this class can ho educated. If their condition is allotted to continue it will he a blow at the foundation of ihe republic, and as a nat.oc we will be disgraced in the ces or other nations. It is for the love of humanity we should do sou cluing for them. They are ihnes to ignorai.ee, suve to vice, aud, too olttn, lo their more intelligent white brother. The only ttaj to reach these people i by education. Schools and money are needed in. thl- great mi-sionary work at home. In my opinion, of the many great questions before the public to-day, the negro question is the greatest of them alL" DEKOUHCED THE MAFIA Itet. K. It. Doneltoo Points Out What May Ensue From Unrestricted Immigration. Ilex. I- R, Douehoo. preaching on premoni tions and presentiments, had this to say regard ing the New Orleans tragedv: The cowardly Mafia of New Orleans are ut terly un(lcsering of the stmiiathy now be t towed upon them by their ignorant fellow coun trymen. Without jtis.nr j mg resortto moblaflf, Itcel thatthev got only uhat they rieblv de served. America's curse and peril to-lay Ins hi the unrestrained tide ot immigration which is sweeping the debris of Europe to our shores. If these outlaws aud cut-throats are to De tole rated and suffered to i.url ochance at our con stituted authorities and strike down those who tiaie to rebuke them in tbe uaue of justice, then the scenes enacted m Ncn Orleans arc finlva premonition of what will some day ho witnessed in other portions ot our laud with thousand-fold more dire results. It is all very well to moralize about mob law. aud denounce those who result to it, but the hard lact remains that outraged iustice can onlt hold hack to a certain extent, when it will break oter alt artificial baincrs and assert lt-K-lf. just as it did in our colonul struggles. Kight or wrong, it will assert itself under ex tiewe provocation, such as the people of New Oilcans itere subjected to at the hands of the ilahajssassinsai.dthcirsjinpathizcrsthrough'. out the cout'try. We must free ourselves of this curse or it will one day prove our mm. AGAINST CATHOLICISE. Evangelist Ley den, ot liostou, Lectures to Large Crowds. Evangelist Leydcn, of Iloston, gave twoantl Cailmhc lectures at Old City Hall yesterday. The afternoon lecture was cntuled "The Daii Ecr Ahead: or, the 1'rien in Politics." In the evening he lectured on the subject: "Whv I Left the Church of Home." Both lectures were very largely attended by both ladies and Eentleme-1. Mr. Lfjiionwffl P1Te three other lectures in thl cit this cveniiis and to-morrow after noon and evening. This cteniug he will talk im the Mil.jec- -a question to Caidinal Gib bons and His Priests."' .Uaptized at the Natutorinm. Yesterday afternoon a number of converts tO' tho Church uf Christian Brothers, on Grant meet, were Lap irt-a in the large pool at the Natatonum on Uuquesne ay. The tempera ture of the water was raised to a decree more cimrortable than that of the river foracere tnony'of this kind. Sunday Serifccs at the JaiL The Sunday afternoon sen ires at the ja'l jesterdaj were couducu-d by Kev. Mr! White- wdcof the prant Street Mission, as.-istcd by the choir Irom the same place. lastertfde Sen ice All Week. There will bo Eastertide -services every even ing during tLis week at the First Congrega tional Church, corner Franklin and Manhattan streets. Allegheny. Services will he held by the pastor, Ker. S. V. McCorkle, and others. WOEK FOE IHE HEATHEJT. An Indian Missionary Sows Seed In Exceed Ine Good Ground. At the First Congregational Church, Alle gheny, yesterday morning, Rev. J. N. Jones, I. D.. who is at the bead of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missloni of the Congregational Church, gave an Inter esting history of missionary work in India, China, Japan, Turkey and Africa. This denomination has 50 mission stations, which reach over 130.000.OU0 peonle. The work of educating the people is progressing rapidly. There are two academies and one university, which includes a theologi cal department. In that department there are 130 natives studying for the ministry. The minhuer sang somo songs in the native language and exhibited several idols, explain ing the different modes of worshiping them. After the service in the church he addressed the Sunday school. The scholars pledged them'elves to support one native student for the mini-try and one scholar. Miss Jenrlie Calley also pledged herself to support one stu dent Dr. Jones has been located in Madura, .Southern India, for the pist 12 years, and is home on a furlough of two years. He is stop p.ng in Cleveland, his former home, whero he will remain until bis furlough expires. AGAINST PEIS0N LAB0E. Broom Makers "Want Their Work Recog nized as Against That of Convicts. The Broom Makers' Union is making an active fight to bold the market for brooms made by their organization. John Baucli has been made special agent of the union, and for the past week has heen calling on the wholesale and retail dealers urging them to sell the hroonis of the orgauiz ition. Mr. Bauch says the obstacles are brooms made at the penitentiary and the workhouse. Many of the dealers told him they thought these were union-made brooms. In order to guard against mistakes the union has adopted a red seal with the name of the union and federation in white letteis, and this is placed ou every broom made by their men. Norman, Shire Horses aud Kentucky Mnles. Forty-three head Norman and Shire draught hor-es, also ten head ot general purpose horses have just arrived at the stable of the Arnbcim Livestock Company, Lim., 2 Second avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Among the lot the celebrated draught horse Duke, weighing 2,000 nounds, which is the largest and best draught horse ever been offered on sale in Pittsburg, Pa. AH lovers ot horses should call and see him. Thev take pride in showing their stock to all who call. Among the lot are ten matched teams ofgravs, blacks and bays. Their mulepeiis are filled with choice animals of all sizes suitable for draught or pit purposes; in fact it is worthy your attention thu you can get anything in the horse and mule line at their stables. They have now the celebrated im ported Shetland pony Dandy, also the smallest mule in the country, Jewet, only 3 feet 5 inches in height. Give them a call if you want a sound and young horse or mule, as their motto is lair dealings, quick sales and small margins. Akjtheim Live Stock CosiPAitY, Lim., 2 Second avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. The People's Store, Fifth Avenue. Grand opening in millinery and cloak de partments to-morrow. Campbell & Dick. Easter Novelties In Ladies' Hats "Will be displayed in profusion on Tuesday next (March 24) at 618 Feun avenue, the date of the opening by Mrs. E. Barker, Agent This convenient stand, long ktiown as Simpson's will be completely stocked with the newest and mst becoming styles in hats and boucets. All new. No old goods carried over. A visit will amply re pay you. Tho People's Store, Fifth Avenue. Visit our millinery department to-morrow. Caufbell & Dick. Are You Going to Move? Don't bother with the bakicj during these hustling, moving and houst cleaning days. The work that you actually have to do is enough strain on your constitution. Use Marvin's famous bread and crackers. You can get them fresh from your grocer and cannot fail to be delighted with them. MWS The People's Store, Fifth Avenuo. Don't forget to pay us a visit to-morrow. " Campbell & Dick. New Goods. Easter Novelties. A series of surprises awaits all who will call at the jewelry store of "W. "W. Wattles, 30 and 32 Fifth aveoue. He has a host of new things just opened. D Home Brightening. Interior hangings; Tine upholstering. Our department will brighten and beau tify your homes at the least possible cost. Estimates cheerfully submitted and snecial designs made. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Tho Peoplo's Store, Fifth Avenue. A veritable bower of beauty, our milli nery department to-morrow. Campbell & Dick. Diamond Street Open at Last The debris cleared away you nowhave easy access to the Rustis Dairy Lunch. Our lunches as delicious as ever, and have is addition to our comfortable chairs a small table. We are ever ready to cousult the tastes and comforts of our customers. Deli cious coffee, pie, sandwiches, pure food, cleanliness, etc The Rustic, 35 Diamond street The People's Store, Fifth Avenue. Millinery, latest styles of Paris and Lon don, in our grand opening to-morrow. Campbell & Dick. 81 OO-Lntiiaiay 1-83 00. 12 cabinet photos, or one life-sizs crayon for S3 00 at Au recht's Elite Gallery. 516 Market fftrect, Pittsburg. Use elevator. MTTSU The People's Store. Tifth Avenue. See our new spring blazi-rs on show to morrow. Campbell & Dick. Lagee beer on tap nest Saturday. SPECIAL TO LET LISTS THIS MORNING. LEGAL NOTICES. INSTATE OK SARAH SMITH.DECEASED. ii Notice is hereby gn en that letters of ad ministration on the estate of Sarah Smith, de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to w horn all perous indebted to said estate are requested to make immediato payment, and thoe having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delav. 1. W SA1ITII, Administrator, No. 408 Center avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. mh!5-62-M F It HTONEIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Bakenell Law UuiMing. Pittsburg. Pa. -VUmCE-APPLIOA-lION WILL BE Jl made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, oo the 15TH DAT OF APRIL, 1S91. by Brvant 11. Blood. Joseph L. Hamilton, G. Lee Har rington. Harry N. Gaither and Frank R. Stoner, under the act of Assembly entitled: "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporatlous," approved April 2), 1S74, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to bo called The Pennsylvania Guarantee Loan Company, the character ana object of which is the engaging in and carrying on the business of tho insurance of owners ot real estate, mort gages and others interested in reaj estate, from loss by reason of defective titles, liens and in cumbrances, at Pittsboig, Pa., and for these purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, bene fits and privileges of said act of Assembly aud tho supplements thereto. F. R. STONER, mh22-7S-M Solicitor for applicants. $500 TO $500,000 nclty c mntrv property, at lowest rates. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Tel ephone No. 97a. mn'Jl-53-D SIS' Display adverttsewentione dollar per square for one inseilion. ClcusiTrd adtTerOie rnents on mis page, iuch as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, ete, ten cants per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thi) ty cents. Top line beinp displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE,' Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT. fOR SALE, TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVEKllsEMENRj WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements should bejrepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with THE Dispatch. FOR THE SOUTHSIDE. M. UU CAltoON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. 0021. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, C121 PENIS AVE. PITTSBURG ADDITIONAL. THOJ1 AS ilcOAFFREV SK ISutler street EMILG. bTUCKEY, Sh street and Pennave. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHER, 59 Fedral street. H. J. SIrURIDE. .Market House, Allejrhonv. F, II. EGGERS& tON. Ohio and Chestnut sts. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. ULEIM. Rebecca and Allechenv aves. WANTED. Male Helu. AN rXPERIENCFD DRUGHTSMAN-IN-QU1RL at the offlce or MOESER& WILSON, Architects, C12 Liberty av. mh:i-40-D BARBER-ONE FIRST-CLASS W H1TE JOl'R MVilAS barber. 57FKANKSTOW.N AVE., E. E. mIl21-32-D BOY-17 OR 18. WHO CAN GIVE GOOD relercnces, havlnjr a knowledge of the drv roods and trlnimine business. Apply o. 104 WYLIE AV., city. mhM-40 DRIVER-GOOD WHITE MAN FOR private family: must have jrooJ references: none other need apply. Call at 171 RIVER A V., Allegheny. mh22-ll D RUG CLERK AT ONCE A RFOISTERED drug clerk. Call at 1374 SECOND AV., city. mh23-44 JOURNEYMEN PATTERN-MAKERS - FOR heaw midline pattern work In Camden. N. J. tor further Information address CAM 11EN, Dispatch oSIce. mh20-74-MWisu MACHI.MSIS-A FEW GOOD MACHINISTS and blacksmiths at CONTINENTAL TURK likb, second av.. citi. mhl9-77 MAN AN Al'l IVE MAN: SALARY TO begin S70 to SS0 monthly, to represent In his own State outside large cities a responsible New York house: references. .MANUFACTURER, Lock Box 15S5, N. Y sel4-13G-M SALESMEN ON SALARY OR COMMISSION, tobandlethencw nsteut chemical Ink erasing pencil, the greatest selling noelty ever produced: tracslnk thoroughlvln 2 seconds; no abrasion or paper; 200 tooOO per cent profit; one agent's sales amnuntea to (020 iu six days, another $12 In two hours; wc.want one energetic general agent Tor each stile and Territory: sample bv mall, 33 cts. For terms and lull pirllculars, address THE M'lMijHEItAsERMFG. CO., La Crosse, Wis. mh2l-lS SALESMEN-ALSOC1TY SALESMEN, AS A sideline, to take orders for O'Kcefe's "O. K." shoe blicklng: good commissions, quick seller, nucst blncking made In the world. Ad dress DR. O'KEEFEA CO. Cliemuts. 31 Firth av,, Pittsburg, Pa. ill remove to (Blssell block) auSbinlthneldst.. on April 1. mhls-41 SALESMEN-EXPERIENCED SHOE SALES MAN. Call at LAIRD'S SHOEs STORES Jlond ly from 10 to 12 A. M. mh22-205 "V"OUNG MAN-IO ACT AS CLERK AND J make himself useful about a coal mine In cstmoreland county: state age and previous emplojment. Address WESTMORELAND. Dis patch office. mh2l-14 Female Help. c OOK-A GOOD FEMALE COOK. CALL AT 20331'ENNAV. mh3-23 Male and Female Help. CHAMBERMAIDS, LAUNDRESS. DINING room girls, nurses, cooks, house girls, Ger man and colored girls, drivers, farm hands, white and colored waiters. MRS. E. THOMP SON, Ms Grant st. Ja29-MTlis LADIES OR GENTLEMEN-TO ORGANIZE lodges for the order Golden Star, the latest non-sccretorder: no medical examination. Ad dress S. A. SMITH, Sup. Sec, Lowell, .Mass. nili22-13 MAN" AND WIFE-VEGETABLE GARDEN ER, far.n hands, blacksmith, cooks, chambermaid-, honse gills, four dinlug room clrls, dishwasher laundres-, second cook, seam-tress, housekeeper, 5 per w eck. MEEHAN 'S, o Grant street. mh23-D SItuatton. BOOKKEEPING I ATTEND TO AN YTTIIN'G In the line of intricate accounting, snch as opening and closing or books or correction or errors: also give instruction in the use of the Voucher System. A. F. kAWHILL, 1S7 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa. dc6-34-D POSITION-BY A YOUNG MAN GRADUATE of bookkeeping and shorthand. Address UEADUATE. 1U3 Market st., McKeesport. mh21-2 Boarders and Lodgers. OCCUPANTS - FOR WELL FURNISHED front room with hoard: stationary wash stand. CORNER SOUTH HIGHLAND AV. AND WALNUT ST.. E. E. mh22-9S OCCUPANT-l. OR FURNISHED FRONT ROOM aboie North av., Allegheny. Address , Dispatch office. mh22-135 Financial. -yfOXEY TO LOAN ON CITY. SUBURBAN -ltJL and iarm properties stocks, school and municipal bonds, as wcK as other securities, negotiated. ED. WlTTIsH. 410 Grant St.. Pitts burg, Pi. lel4-25-D MOlt'ICtAGES-WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN" In am amount desired, at lowes' rates, no delay. O. O'DONNELLisON, 1146Pennav. mlill-67 MORTGAGES ON CITY OK ALLEGHENY conntv propcrtv at lowest rales. II EMU A. WEAVER A CO.. 9J Fourth avenue. inh2-u T'l LOANSTCWO. 1) AMOUNTS OF f3.000 and upward on city and suburbaa property, on 5 per cent: also smaller amounts at fa per cent. BLACK. BA1RD. 'Jo Fourth avenue se21-d26-D TO LOAN S200.000 ON MORTGAGES J100 aud upward at 6 per cent: f.'iOO.OCO at4.Sj per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. ;. H. FRENCH, I Fourth ave. Miscellaneous. ALL TO USE JONES' BEUUUG PA RALYZE1I Jones' Magic Hoacli Powder: contains no poison: roaches banished oy contract: satisfac tion iriven or no pav. Prepared by GEO. W. JONES 222 Federal sC. Alleglieny. Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists. Residence No. so Mon tery st, 1v11-4.:-:mvf E VERY LADY-WISHING TO BE HEROWN dressmaker to call at 61C Penn ave. fon- poslte Home's stores) and Investigate MADAME FLLSHER'S ladles tailoring sysxm; no risk; parlies responsible: school now open. no!9-23 3T1VERYONETO KNOW THAT THEY CAN ii get their sewing machine repaired In first class Older; all work warranted at the lowest prices: genuine needles and attachments for all :akes at H. CARTER'S, Sewing Machine Bazaar, 19 sixth st., two doora below Bijou Theater. 1a22-nwp FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. A 17 PER CENT INVESTMENT IN THE EAST END-!3,000 will handle it. Particulars of T. O. BROWN & CO., 90 lourth av. inh22-125 FOR SALE OR RENT-IMMEDIATE POSSES SION, all elegaut new house of 12 rooms, all modern requirements, beautilul conservatory ad joining reception hall, ample porches and bal conies and large lot: sheltered, southeast ex posure, commanding finest view or East Liberty valley. CHAs. SHIELDS. Dithrldge St., near Centre av., or County Engineer's office. mhl9-55 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HANDSOME home In East End here Is something at Euatly reduced price. A new H-room pressed rlck house with every modern improvement: has reception ball, sliding doors, slate mantels, tile hearth hath, pantrv, laundrv, cement cellar, etc: possession April lor before If necessary: nothing but first-class surroundings; lot 40x100: easy terms, s. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady av.. E. E., 2124. mli21-33-D Ot OOO-FOR A NEW TWO-STORY AND O-J' attic rrame house, with bath, hot and cold watir, range, laundry, electric bell; very complete; all modern Improvements, flue lot, hrst-class surrounding and within two minutes or electric line, or five minutes of cable: erv ca-y terms. S. A. DICKIE CO., Penn and Shaky av.. E. E. 1612. mh21-33-D (Pk") SOO-FOR ONE OF THE NEATEST LIT CjjJ TLB homes In East End: new six-room frame, with hall and vestibule. Inside shutters, frout and back porches, pantry, citv water, good drv cellar: lot nicely terraced; gbod location; convenient to eletlilc line, lot 25x120: easyterms. S. A. D1CKIE& CO., Pcnnaud shadyavs.. E E. (451) mh21-33-n orr 000 will buy a nine-room brick jj ? houe ou paved street and on line 01 cable; has vesilhnle. hall, sliding doors, slate manttls, etc.. Inside shutters, range, bath, h. and c. water, both gases: a modern home, and very cheap. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penu and Shady avs., E. E. mh21-33-D Ilazelvvood Residences. HAZELWCOD-2-STOUY FRAME DWELL ING of 7 rooms, bath, hall, laundry, hard wood finish, newly papered and palnted.nat. gas, h. and c water, inside w. c. sewered, etc: lot 60x120 leet; 2 minutes' walk Irom Harelwood sta tion and second Avenue Electric Railway: price, SU.HX): terms reasonable. IRA Jk LURCHF1EI.O, lis Fourth av. U13-3U HAZELWOOD-SMITH ST.. NEAR ADAMS, tea-room frame house, modern conven iences; lot 55x120: price low. MURRY & EI S ALL, 34 1 Idelity building. lnhlS-W ON HAZELWOOD AV.-FIVE M1N. FROM station, six-room brick house: all modern conveniences: lot 24x100. MURKY & EDSALL. 34 Fidelity building, nibis-lt FOtt SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. AN ELEGANT PROlTTY-IN THE THIR TIETH and Thlrty-nrst wards, touthsMe: improvements are a double three-story brick house olJ3 rooms, hall and all modern conven iences: cood cellar: Revnolds heater, eic: stone prlujr house, frame carrliprc house, stable ana tenant house; four never-lulling springs ,ex ccllent water, also live hydrants supplied ov Mon ongaliela Water Companv: over 14 acres ground, soil rich: orchard or six or eight acres, choice fruits, shade and ornamental trees: the location Is one orrare beautv. commanding a imgnlncent and picturesque view of both cities, the Motion gahela Vallev and down the Ohio river for several miles: easv of access, within three minute or Castle Slnnnoii incline. live minutes or Hcventti street incline and only 20 minutes from Pittsburg poslofflce. offering many Inducements and a bar gain to parties who wish to buv for subdivision. ADPlvtoGEORGKT. ROBINSON, Robinson. Rei Mfg. Co.. 53 Carson st , or L M. PEN NOCK & SON, 147 Fourth av. mhIl-42-MWs LARGE CORNER LOT AND DOUBLE dwelling, with hall In (enter. In the eltv. contiguous to Wvlle avenue cable curs: lot about HOslUOfeet: dwelling has ten good roomsandie nlete throughout with the usual conveniences: a Tare bargain, spare to erect rt to 10 additional dwellings on same lot: a solid Investment. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., IS Fourth av.. city. j iuh21-.i2-ir Q.f 250-CL1FF ST.. A RARE UAROAIN, Ott9 new pressed brick dwelling, eight rooms, bath, w. c, estluulc. hall, slate mantels, tile hearths In parlors, front and rear stairways; nouse never oeen occupiea; nice 101: primu; -root allev: sewered. (1170.) ALLl.h UAII.EY, 1CJ I.-,,,-!, ... 1.1 lt.7 ,T,li.--(k..ltll 164 Fourth av. lei. Ib7, inh2:-So-MW-ssu Allegheny Residences. ALLEGHEN-NEW DWELLING OFTEN rooms, .having everv convenience: rooms and reception hall very bandsomtly finished In bardnoods: fine mantels anil cabinet mirrors, elaborate paper aud fresco work: butlers" pantrr, closets, etc. : bay windows and porcli facing Ihe ark; good stable, etc.: bargain If taken at once. AMUKL W. BLACK & CO., 90 Fourth av. mll22-ll4-MWF ALLEGHENY HOUSE OF FIGHT ROOMS, with bath, natural gas and all useful appli ances. ani In fine order throughout; good lot w Ith side entrance: only one square from the electric cars, above the parks. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129l"ourth av., Pittsburg. mli21-52-D SOUTH CANAL ST.-NEAR CHESrNUT ST.. Alle,'hcnyrgood Investment: two three-story brick dnelllngs on Tront and t?o two-story frames-oil the rear; lot 4SxllG to a 20-foot alley. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO., 99 Fourth av. mhlS-93-MWF Sulmrlmn Residences. i100D nOCSF-AND 2 ACRES OF GROUND UT near the city, close to railroad station: eight rooms, hall, cellar, observatory, porches, etc.: all iu prime order: unceasing supplv or good water, orchard, shrubberv and outbuildings, chicken hou e, etc , ef;. JAS. W. DRAPE &. CO.. 129 Fourth av., Pittsburg. mh.T-5J-D RUUIIRBAN RESIOfNCES AT GLENallAW, P. & W . R. It. ; two Queen Aune rrame houses, nine looms each, bathrooms, finished attics, porches, hot and cold w iter, natural gas, coin plcle ontbuildingsproperty Is almost new; lot little over an acre: seen miles Irom cityand near to railroad station. JAS. W. DRAPE&CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. mIi21-52-Dp 3 ACRES AND GOOD RESIDENCE NEAR Scwlcicley. contiguous to railroad station; a pretty place: shade and trult trees and sluubbery: in rooms and all modern Improvements In the residence: ail In prime order: outbuildings, etc., etc.: a bargiln. JAS. W. DRAPE i. CO.. 129 Fourth av., Pltuburg. mh21-52-D C! O lots, the low est 1 rices and the easiest and best terms in the county at Sheraden, lo minutes from Union statio.i; see Slieradcn berorevou buy else where. ANDREW PA1TERSON, SecrUarv. k.7 Fiflh av. re27-72-D FOR SALE LOTS, East End Lots. BOND ST. VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING lot. 40x106, one square rrom North High land av. and three minutes rrom Dnqucsnc Traction. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., IS! Fourth av. mb22-I3S-MW F I" OTS-TWO DESIRABLE. LOW ON Hl .J BECCA. near l.lbertv st.; etch have 50 leet lrontnge and g od depth: prices reasonable. MURKY AEDSALL, S4 Fidelity Building. llllll7-25 Q1 150 FOR A VERY DESIRABLE LOT IN t5X Hit Eist Eud: one square rrom Fifth av., two minutes from electric road: surroundings good: Iot37XJ20. BAXTER, THOMI'Si'.N & (.. 162 Fourth av. mh22-13S-MWF- Gl ?Cfp-LOT AT A BARGAIN LOT 40X1W. StrOU near llrushton station, in sult-ible place for a haudsome residence: price low, terms easy. HOWARD BROWN, i51 Fourth av. mhl5-85-MWF ' OO 750-MARGARETTA AND BERLIN SI'S.: O.- corner lot 50x100. (a 373.) BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth av. mli22-6 Tarmr. FA KM -WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE-A good farm of about 100 acres, near the city and less than a mile from railroad station large dwell- lng, barn, orchard, etc.: would sell the entire farm, or In two parts or 58 and 33 acres respective ly. JAS. W. DRAPE&CO., 129 Fourth av.. Pitts burg. mll-SS-D" F ARM-73 ACRES OF EXCELLENT LAND, level and rolling, coal vein nine rect thick. two orchards, good rrame house nine rooms and large barn; one-half mile from station and river, near Pittsburg. ED WlTTISH, 410 Grant st. mh22-D Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. - FOR SALE OP. rent Unfurnished hotel of 75 bedrooms, with all modern conveniences, located in the cen tral part or the city, near the beach. For Inspec tion, etc., apply to 1. l. ADAMS itu.. agents. mhSS-a,' ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-KENT OKSALE Holels, cottages and "oath houses; lots for sale In all parts ot the cltv; also South Atl intlc City. ISRAEL G. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agents Real Estate and Law Bul'dlnir rcC-'N1 TOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. B ARBER SHOP-A GOOD LOCATION-CALL at no. i; nun .av. 1x1123-34" CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING goods store In Beavtr Falls, Pa.; best cloth ing stand in the town: will sell or rent building to bujer; at picscnt doing a tearly business of be tween $25,000 and $3). CM); owner having other business cause for selling Address H. MOVER, Beaver Falls, Pa. mh-l-Iu- C0MM1SS1ON BUSINESS-WIIICH IS NOW paylrg the owner ?3. 000 per annum.and which Is lncieasing, will be soldtowner wislics to change climate. Address BUSIN ESS, Dispatch olh.ee. luIl20-riO-MWF M AGNET1C IKON AND COAL TRACT-; fine. Particulars. BOX324. Erie. Pa. mh21-9 OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE-BEST LOCA TION. In eltv; doing a business of SO to $150adav. Address LEWIS HADLEY, 158 Su perior St., Cleveland, O. mh23-l rjEsTAURANT-FINELY LOCATED. SI.8C0: b butcher shop, planing mill aud lumber yard, with annual business of $150,100, on casv terms; shoestore, tlnshop. grocery stores, J500 to s.5,000; bakeries, cigar stores, drug stores, milk depots. SHLFAKD A- CO.. 151 Fouith av. Ie25 Business Properties. FIFTH AV. WAREHOUSE, 30 FEETFKONT; occupied for 20 years as leed store good chance to get Into an established business; 8J7 50 per month. BAXTER. THOMPSON CO., lourth av. mli22-191 FINE BUSINESS PROP RI'Y-ON Fol'RTH av., city; a rapldlv lmpiovlng vicinity: values increasing largely. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av., city. mlill-Si-D" Manufacturing Sites. SHELVING, BINN'S. COUNTERS AND FIXT URES generally used In a first-class groccrv store: all new and In good condition: also a large Icechest. ANDREW WILSON, 4110 Liberty av., cor. Main St., sixteenth ward. city. mliii-H SITL'-AN ELEGANT JIANUFACTUIING slteof about live acres, Iroutlng 011 railroad and river, in the eltv. Terms, etc., irom J as. W . DRAPE&CO., 120 Fourth av city. mh21-52-u FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. AUTOMATIC HOISTING ENGINES-WORK penectly right and left, with single or double drum: second-hand boilers aud engines also on hand: general machine worK promptly executed; correspondence solicited, COMBINA TION ENGINE CO.. LIM., 4MU Penn ave., Pitts burg. delO-W-jiWS" H01S11NG ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forging, steel hoisting and guy ropes In stock: stailouan engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans." etc. THOMAS CAR LIN'S SONS, Lacock and Sandusky streets, Alle gheny. Pa. au5-35-MCTT' SLCOND-1HND EN'GINE AND BOILERS One 14x24. two 12x18, one 11x24, one 10x20, one 10x10, 9x12, 8x12 and lane lot of smaller sizes: 10-11. P. mounted portables one pair ol boilers 42x26. agent lor the Standard governor, ptiinns. sliaitlne. pulleys, etc 2.1 and 1!5 Park Way, Alle glieny. Pa. J. s. YOUNG. Jc6-U SECOND-HAND ENGINES-ONE 27 H. P. Ball pat. electric light engine, almost new; one 5x3. oue 7x7, one 5xfa, vertical engines: one heavy 14x24, one 11x12, 3 8x12 ana 2 7x12. In horl zoulal engines: all rood as new. HARMLS MA CHINE DEPOT, SSFirstav.. Pittsburg Pa. JaJO-D' STEEL 1" RAILS FOESALE ABOIJTaiTONS second hand 351b: well fit for relavlng, but pdd lengths. Address P. O. BOX 940, Pittsburg, la. mh23-7 THE CELEBRATED ACME AUTOMATIC surety engines and non-explosive boilers, lor gas or oil fuel, from one to tive-horsc power: also, the latest Improved ventilating rails; perlcct satisfaction guaranteed; by J. PKAGEIC Gen eral Agent, fco. 4 Firth av., Pittsburg. Pa. leio-iuj-Mwr- rilHE POKTEK & DDUTHETT CO.. LIM.. DAIS X KAGHst. and Klver av.. Allegheny, Pa., engines, boilers and castings. Repairing prompt ly attended to. JaG-Sb Miscellaneous. COUNTERS-TWO CAKVED COUNTERS AND glass shelving case. Inquire at 533 SMITH FIELD r. . U1I121-6P FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. norses, Velilcles, Live Stock, Etc TELIVERY WAGONS-DELIVERY WAGONSf all stvles: our own maice. v ai. un.oivr.rcx-. 840 to 344 Ohio street, Allegheny. Telephone. 3420, lell-76-MWS' HOME NEW TWO-STORY URICK. RECEP TION hall and three rooms, first floor: Tour rooms second and three rooms mansard; hard wood mantels with cabinets first floor, balance slate; sliding doors between reception hall, parlor and dining room: irood lot: location, Hlppey st. se agents. BANTER. THOMPSON & CO.. 162 Fourth av. m1i22-is8-Mwr TO LET. City Residences. HERRON V-NEAR WYLIE AV. CABLE cars: good frame house of S rooms, porches Iront and rear, good stable, etc.: lot GoxlTo: rent $100: possession March 20, 1891. See THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler si. le226-MWSt TO LET-CHEAP-A FINE LARGE HOUSE, 12 rooms modern fixtures; No. 437 Liberty, nr. Firth St.: SSOper 1110. : send ror list. W. A. HERRON A. SONS. 0 Fourth av. mhl9-86-JITIlFt S3 fT-SO-CENTER AV., IJINWIDDIE ST.. 1 i Knn in.(tiin innonir1 hfIiL O ifmnc every convenience.. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 ourth av. mh22-l9lt East End Residences. STANTON AV.-NEAR NEGLEY AV., FINE new residence of nine rooms, hall and rront porch: every convenience; will be handsomely pnpcrcJ; good ruruace and electric light; rent low. BLACK. A BA1RD, 95 Fourth av. mh20-55t TO LET-537 50; MCE CORNER IKHP-E: SIX rooms, attic bath; modern fixtures: all In first-class order: Ellsworth av.: street paved nod sewered: Shidvsldc: send lor list. W A HER RON & SONS, 80 t ourth av. inhl9-86-ITliFt TO LET-SJt', REDUfJEll RENT.PERMONTH, modern house, eight rooms, lu first-class order, nice yard, location aood: Haum st.. Sii idv sldo: send lor list. W. A. HERRON JL SONS. SO Fourth av. mh22-133t TO LET-NO. 321 I DW'IN ST.. ONE SQUARE rrom South Highland av., six rooms, attic larxu porch, nice aid. S35 per lnoutli: send for list. W. A. HERRON SONS, 89 t onrth iv. nih20-73-MFt TO LET-$37 50 PER MONTH. ONE SQUARE rrom Highland av.. No. 337 Edwin st.. six rooms, bath, attic late Improvements: send lor list. W. A. HLRRON & SONS. SO Fourth av. mh22-ri3t Qn PER MONTH-WALNUT ST.. TWO- OvJ STORY mansard brick, eight rooms, all conveniences: two squares irom Firth a v.. neir Aiken. UAXIER, THOMPSON & O., 162 Fouith av. nih22-191t Q-J Q ROUP SI".. NEAR WALNUT -BRICK OJLO bouse 01 10 rooms. Inquire or THOS. 11ACKETT, Chamber or Commerce, or on prem ises. mli5-95-MTht Alleciieny Residences. HOUSES-TWO LARGE. WELL-FINISHED dwelling houses or 11 rooms each, situate at Nos. 5 and II North avenue, near Allegheny avenue. Second ward, Alleglienv city, with all modern improvements: rent, $800 per annum: also, two elegant new brick dn-elllng houses ori2 rooms each. Just completed, at Nos. 40 and 42 Beach street, near pirks. with all modern lm proe1nents: rent, $900 per annum. Inquire of WM. F. AULL, Agent, No. 60 Third av., Pitts burg. mli20-t J"ICE FIVE-ROOM DWELLING FEDERAL JL?t st. extension: store and dwelling. Chestnut it., Allegheny; six-room dwelllug, Sedgwick st. Inquire of J. K. McKEE, 70S Penu av.. room 611. fe7-04-MWSt ECOND AND THIRD FLOORS-61 RIVLIR av., Allegheny; gas and water; 63 Klrkpatrlck av., Ailegbenj, six rooms, hath, w. c. etc. . W. MCNEILL, 152 Fourth av. mh20-63t SIX-ROOM HOUsE-HALL. BOTH GASES, NO water rent, newlv papeed, Rldgewood av., close to i leclrlc cars, Allegheuy: rent low. BAL UENSI'ERGER & W 1LL1AMS, 154 Fourth av. mh22-7t THAT LARGE. AVELI-AFFOI.NTEDTHREE-SIORY b'rick dwelling with Iront porch, situate No 20 Bldwell st., near Western av., Al legheny, contains 14 rooms and all the modern improvements. Inside bathrooms and iv. c., ser vants' w. c. In basement, Llevilor. elegint laun dry, porcelain tubs: will be rented rca-onable to a first-class tenant. Inquire at No. 809 LIBERTY SI'.. Pittsburg, Pa. iuhl7-)7t TO LEI" ALLEGHENY HOUSE. NO. 177 Bldwell, near Franklin St., nice houso. file rooms. SO per month: also. No Si Hemlock st.. nctrEast pirk, eight rooms, modern fixtures, ?E! per month, send for list V, . A. 1IFURON & SONS, SO Fourth av. lllll22-134-JlWt TO LET-IN ALLFGHEN Y. S25 Ph.ll MONTH, a good house, fire rooms and attic. No. 202 I ranklln st. ; also No. 88 Hemlock St., llilld ward, eight rooms, modern fixtures, ?30 per month; send lor list. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth av, mh20-79-MFt 2 NICE NEW BRICK HOUSES-OF 8 ROOMS each. Willi bath. w. c. natural gas. etc.. in Allegheny: So5 per mouth; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av.. city. mh21-5i-lt Suburban Residences. AT LAUREL STATION. FORT WAYNE Railroad, six-room house, 1S: also ten room house, with extensive grounds ana orchard, at iiasouable rent. Apply to C. S. HUDDLL STON. nih23-15t CliAFTON-NEW HOUSE NIN'EKOOMS.TWO porches: finely sltaatcd: tlrtee minutes from station; rent 22 50 ptrmonih. J. R. MURPHY, opposite station, tratton. Pa. mlU7-5t)t HOUSES-OF SIX ROOMS. IIALI POUCHES, natural r.is. large lot, with Trult and fine water; quite close to North Mansfield station. Panhandle K. R.; low rent- JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av., Pittsburg. mb21-52-Dl WILD WOOD STATION. A. V. R. 1L. ONE mile rrom city line 1 nouse 9 rooms,?I5 ner month; 2 houses 5 rooms, ?3 per mouth, 1 bouse 5 rooms. $6 per month: I house 9 rooms, $20 per month; farm 76 acres, $15 per month; good board walk from station to each house, natural gas aud spring water. T. S. KNAP, 3313 Penn av. mhl2-i9t 20 ACRES OF LAND AND DWELLING V7 near City View. Reserve township, above astst., Alleglieny. JAS. W. DRAPE&CO., 129 Foarthav., Pittsburg. mhJl-52-ot nooms. KOOM-ON SECOND FLOOR; SIZE 18x75. with good north light: rent low to right p irties. Inquire at ITIA RLES REIIIIEL'S. cor ner Federal and South Diamond sts., Allegheny. mli2J-2t EOOMS-TWO LARGE OKFURJISHEI) rooms and bath, near parks, Allegheny. Apply 30 LINDEN SI'.. Allegheny. mh23-22t TWO WELL-FUKMSHED ROOMS. ALL conveniences, very cheerful: house faces east park; nomeals. 10ULDAKAV., Alleglienv. mhZMOSt Farms. FARM OF 135 ACRES-WITH DWELLINGS and outbuildings, etc.: on line of railroad. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 iourth av., Pitts burg. mh2I-52-Dt Offices, Desk Room. Etc OFF1CES-1N" IRISH. PENN. EISNER, EX CLLSIOR, Schmertz, Kuhnand other bulld lugsanil In other good localities: sendusyour name and address and we will mail jou our rent list regularli until April 1 lree orcharge. BLACK a. DAittiA no rotiriu av. jais 63t vFFICE-lakgeofhOE on first floor V Shannon building. 108 Fourth av.. now occu- pien oyr. rinswaue, proser; also otner oiiires, singly or en suite. nih21-47t o FFICES-DESIRAI1LE OFFICES IN THE ricr.s-iir.siKAUL.fc offices iz Sale Deposit Company Building. A IFF1CE OF THL COMPANV, Fourth Apply at tli .av. the OF mhl2-.W-Dt TDOOMS-FOURTH AV.-IN NOS 129AND13I, JLv suitable ror lawyers, doctors or ofilccs or.iny kind, opposite new postoIEce: most central loca tion in the uity. CHARLES SOMLRS .fc CO. mli21-t,St llusmess Stands. E LEGANT STOREROOM WITH PLATE glass rront, 287 Ohio st. ; good business loca- tlon. Aiply to J. 11. AIKEN & CO., 100 Filth av. mli2I-:-Dl 17 FLOOR-iOxtt, WITH OR W1IHOUT POWER, suitable fur light manufacturing. Inquire of X'KAltL LAUNDR. 25 Federal St.. Pittsburg. .i,i j-. nihia-42t STORES AND BUSINESS ROOMS IN ALL parts of the two cities and suburbs; send your name and address and we will mall yoa our rent list regularly until April 1, tree of charge. BLACK. & BAIRD. SB Fourth av. del7-20t prop; FIFTH AV.-FINE NEW SIORKROOM: Out) plate glass front, good cellar: very low rent; elegaut location tor grocery or any retail Ull5iness. JJAAIEH, THOMPSON X CO., 1S2 1 ourth av. mill :-191t Atixnllaiieou5. DWELEINGS.SroRESANDOFFICES-UPON request we will mall jou our rent list reg ularly until April 1. iree ol charge: write vour name plainly and ghc lull resilience address street and number. BLACK i. BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. ics-7lt PERSONAL. I3ERS0NAL-CASH PAID FOR OLD COLD and silver: Jewelry repaired; new work made to order. CHRIS. HAULTL 541 Smithfield st ( JalS-al PERSON AL-REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE. MYER (.ALMNULK, Voder law building, cor. Filth and Wyliuais. Telephone 1707. inhS-Uj PERSONAL-WEBSTER'S LARGE QUARTO Dlctlonaiv, $2 50: special bargains lu olJniid liew hnnLs Huri'niy tlilc in. mth h'l(Ak IIACON r i it tut i . ..a.. i.i .. ...i.t v v.., mil fnuiLllllClU di. lull 12 PERsONAL-THE MANUFACTURERS OF email who desire to receive samples of email work in old country stylo may send steel objects to G. D., 150 Lytic St., Fostorla. 0. mli'22-197 PERSONAL UN E HOOKb-WE HAVETHE finest collection ol finely illustrated hooks In Pittsburg: beautilul bindlugs; low prices; come and sec them: hundreds ol books for presents. LEVI'S HOOK STORE. 900 Liberty st. dell FOUND. F iOUND-A LARUE LOT OF WINTER clothlnir Lelomrlnfrto residents dT this cltv was iound hanging In the rooms occupied by DICKSON, the tailor. 45 Filth ave.. upstairs, altered, cleaned and repaired; the owner should call lor them, as DlLfoou requires the room. nol3-D TO LET SPECIAL. rrtoj BY BLACK Jb BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. PITTSBURG. 10 Fourth av., three-storv brick dwelling of 13 rooms, bathroom, range, both gases; 775. 50 and 52 Bluff St.. twn-storv aim mansard stone front dwelling of S rooms, both gases: S37 .At. 212 (Jenter av., a two-story and attic brick dwelllngof 8 rooms, bathroom, water, both gases, etc.: 826 33; good location. 569 Fifth av.. near Gist St., two-story and man sard brick dwelling or nine rooms, bathroom, range, both gases, water, etc.; ill 67. 129, 131, 133, 135 W ooster st.. near Wylle av., two-storv and mansard dwellings of seven rooms, bathroom, water, both gases, etc.; ?23. Dinwiddle St.. near Firth av. new row or ele gant stone front dwellings of nine Urge rooms vcstloule, reception hall with cornerflreplaceand hardwood mantels surmounted with French plate glass mirror, fine marb e mantels on second floor, tile be irthslaundrvhasthreenlce stationary wash tubs with hot and cold water, range, batlirooui with all conveniences couipleta electric work. ce mented .cellar, beautiful tront porch and lawn, good sewerage, etc.; $41 66. SOUTHSIDE. 3T Twentv-sixth St.. two-story and mansard brick dwelling or eight rooms: etc. ; S23. 163 Plvmouth st., Dnqnesne Heights two story brick dwelling of six rooms, natural gas, city water, etc; I7 50. ' ALLEGHENY. 183 Kcbccea st , two-story brsck dwelllug offour rooms, water, etc. : good location; 517. 8-1 Decatur st.. near Bldwell st., two-story and attic brick dwelllngof six rooms, water. etc.:S-,C. 178 Grant av.. neir North av.. two-story frame dwelling of six rooms, bathroom, natural gas: f. 170 An h st.. near parks, two-story and mansard brick dwelling or eight rooms, bathroom, range, both gases: pleasant location; S45. 64Nortnai., corner Grant av.. two-story frame dwelling or seven rooms, bathroom, ranse. both gases etc. : good locatlou; C 222 Alleirlienv av.. near North av.. aihree-storv bricK dwelling or 10 roams, reception ball, bath room, range, both gases etc.; most complete house In Allegheny; 70 Si. 30 Sherman av., a three-storv brick dwelling or 10 rooms, bathroom, range, bolh gases, all con veniences 01 a modern home: $70 84. EAST END. flSimen av.. Boulevard place. East End, nice two-storv and mansard frame dwelling of 10 rooms, bathroom, rane, both gases, etc.; ?!7 50. Aorth Oakland souare, near Atwood St., two story and mansard dwelling or 7 room, bath room, range, both gases slate mantels, tile hearths, etc. fW 50. Stanton av., near Negley av.. two-story brick ilnclliniror nine rooms, bathroom, range, both gases, and all modern conveniences, S50; will paper aud put in rurnace and electric light. BUSINESS PROPERTY. 122 Third av., near Wood St.. three-story brick bulldlug with office on first floor; will sell boiler and engine lor l00: $300. 570 Filth av., near Gist St., large storeroom. ?360. OFFICES. Schmertz building, cor. Water and Market sts. Penn building. No. 708 Fnn av. Eisner building, cor. Firth av. and Wood st. Excelsior building, cor. Grant st. and Sixth av. 2 Ninth St., cor. Duquesne war. eight office rooms on second floor; will divide to suit tenant; $70. Sl Water st., rour choice office rooms on second floor, natural iras. stationary washstands, plate glass Iront; S160; cood location. MANUFACTURING PROPERTY. Eagle power building, Sandusky st., floors with power. Selbert bulldlmr. Hope St., floors with or with out power: rent low to good tenants SEND OR COMPLETE LIST. Onr entire list being too large to publish in full in thu papers (it would occupy an entire page of The Dispatch) we will mall copies to all appli cants, send us your n tmcandaddresson ap .tal card and 3 ou will receive our large, complete list, free orcharge, until suited. mb23-18 BLACK i. BAIRD, 93 Fourth av. TO LET BY VAN GORDER & LLOYD. 6218 Penn avenue. Telephone 5138. 7 rooms, laundrv. bath, 215 Locust st., near Pride st., Sixth ward; f!l 50. 14 rooms, with lirge lot, on Lincoln av. and line or Duquesne Tractioa Company, good place ror boarding house; $70. 10 rooms. Center av. near Craig st.; house just bciug finished, all conveniences: first-class sur roundings, $02 50. 10 rooms onMurtlanri st., Dallas station; large grounds; $28. 9 rooms and laundry, 131 Denniston av. ; $4583. 8 rooms. No. 150 Flavel st., near St itlon st. and Frankstown av.: good brick house: $35. 8 rooms. No. 4 inland place. North Hlland av.: excellent locatlou: all com enlen.cs; $41 67 and water rent. 5 rooms. 6121 Penn av. : stable In rear; $40. 7 rooms. 6J4 Wblttler st., near Larimer av.; large lot; $25. 6 rooms, 114 WInslow st., near Larimer av.. Twenty-first ward; $20. 6 rooms. Bond st. aud Sheridan av.; bath and natural gas; $30. (rooms 114 Church St., near Frankstown av.; 5 rooms, Bellwelrst., Dallas station; $18. 5 rooms, Hastings St.. near Firth av., Twenty second ward: new house: $14. 3 rooms 659 Lenora St.; $1. 3 rooms Wotilslalr av., near Thirty-seventh St.; $9 25. 4 rooms Portland st.. Nineteenth ward; $13. . lnh23-35t TO LET-' BY HOKN'BEROER tCO.. HAZELWOOD. House eight rooms, batb. etc., nice yard, on Second av., Hazelwood; rent $J2. House six rooms, batb, etc., lot ;0xl50,on Hazel wood av., rent $25. House ot eight rooms near Hazelwood Station: rent $28. House six rooms, large garden, near Hazelwood Station; rent $2J. Ho'tse seven rooms, near Hazelwood Station; rent $18. House scven,rooms. nearly one acre ground, three minutes irom Hazelwood Station: rent $J0. Houses four rooms aud finished attic, $12. iuh23-25 rrio LET X BY W. A. HERRON S. SONS, SO I- ourth avenue. EASI'ENDHOUSE8. Stanton, near North Highland av a fine house 16-ooms, large ground; fi-1 31 per mo. St. Clair, near Penn, modern house 6 rooms; nice yard; $.'6 per mo. Potter St., Shidsftle, good house.8 rooms; mod ern hxtures; $7o per; rr. Also others, large and small. Send for list. mliiJ-19 T O LET- . BY W. A. HERRON SONS, 80 Fourth nv. DOWNTOWN HOUSES. No. 59 Center av. ; location first-class; modern brick house; 9 rooms; $10 per month. No. 47 Liberty, ucar Fifth St., lurze house; 12 rooms: $80 per month. No. 10 Cliff St.; new house; 4rooms; $13 per month. Also many others. Call or send for list. mli23-19 NOTICES. Office of CONTEOLLER OF ALLtOIIENT CoUXTr. :oBXTT. 8. 169L S PITrsBDEQ. pa., March 18, -VTOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR THE JLl office of toiler Inspector of Allegheny county. Pa. The Hoard of Commissioners for tho exami nation of applicants for the position of lio'ler Inspector of AHecnetiv countv. Pa., will open their sessions o.i THURSDAY. March 20. 1801, in the grand jury room of the Court House at 10 o'clock A. jr., of which notice is hereby given all applicants. By order of the board. J. A. MCCORMICK, mhl9-34-MTli3 Chairman. Secretary's Officii, National Asso--i ciation of Machinists, I Pittsburg Lodge. No. 52. .March 21, 1S31, f Headquarters 102 Fourth avenue. J Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, to remove Irom our midst, after a brief illness, our late brother, 11. Ik Love, and Whereas, Tho Intitnato relations long held by our deceased brother with the members of this lodge reuaer it proper that we place on record our appreciation of his Services; there fore, bo it Resolved. That in the death ot Brother Love this lodge loses a faithful and zealous member, who was always prompt to advance its inter ests, and whoso virtues endeared him not only to his brethren of this Iodite, but to all bis fel low citizens; therefore, be it Resolved, That this lodge tenders its heart felt sympathy to the family and relatives of onr deceased brother In this theirsad affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of this lodge, and that a copy of them be sent to tha family of our de ceased brother. Pittsburg Lodgf. No. 52, N. A. of M. G. W. KIRK. 1 M. J. GARN1ER, Committee. rah23-9 THOS ANDERSON. ) OFFICIAL-PITTSIJURG. office ok the uity t rcasuelk, i Municipal Hall. Sjhtiifield St. ( "VfOlTCE IS 1IEREBI" GIVEN THAT ALL 1.A owner (whether resident or non-resident of the city of Pittsburg) of drays, carts, wagons, carnages, buggic, eta, to pay their licenses at this office lorthtvitn. All licenses not paid on or before the first Monday in March, 1891, will be placed in the hands of vehicle officer for collection, subject to collection fee of 60 cents on each license. And all persons neglecting to pay cm or before first .Monday In May, ISM, will be subject toa penalty double the amount of tho licences, to be reentered before the proper legal authority of said citv. The old metal plates of tart year must be returned at the time licenses aro taken out, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rate-t of license: Each one-horse vehicle. So': each two-horse vehicle, ilO; each four-horse vehicle. 12: each four-horse hack, $15; oiuni busses aud timber wheel, drawn by two horses, S1U. One extra dollar will be charged for each ad ditional horse used in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON. feC-SlfD City Treasurer. AUCTION SALEs. AUCTION SALE -oa- TUESDAY, MARCH 24, At 3 O'Olook P. M., ON THE PREMISES, No. 12 Eiercer St., EIGHTH WARD, CITY", Lot 25x75 feet, on which 13 a good two (2) story brick house- containing: seven rooms, attic and cellar, convenient to Wylie atenne cable cars, and only about 8 minutes' walk from the Court House: desirable investment; sale posi tive to close up an estate, I. M. P5NN0CK & SON, mhlO-IO-MTTS 117 FOUP.TH AVE UCTION SALK OF JAPANESE GOODS At No. 628 Bmithtield street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Entire stock, comprising over J25.000 in value. We hezl to nnnonnce to the nubile that our JAPANESE WARE DE PARTMENT, which has beeu a feature in our business, having; been attended by almost every ladv in the two cities and th surrounding; country, will be DISCONTINUED in the fut'ire. Our room on second floor, devoted to the sale of these poods, will Iih used for other pnrpo-.es. Our annual Holiday Displays will undoubtedly he missed by a number of our patrons, and we would therefore advise you to attend our sae and jje yonr pick out of .one of the largest and most complete lines of Japanese goods in the country, sale beginning Mundav, March 2, at Ma, m.. and 2 P. M.. and Satur day, 7 P. 11- aud continuing until all goods are disposed of. Goods delivered. WM. HASLAUE & SON. J. A. Robinson, Auctioneer, C-6 Smithtieid streer. ml2-26D BULLETIN OF SALES BY THE HENRY AUCTION COMPANY" .MONDAY", March 23, sale of boots, shoes, notions, etc., at the rooms. No. 311 Market street. TUESDAY. March 21, sale of household goods and carpets, at residence. No. 1 Arch street, Alleciieny City. TUESDAY", March 21, sale of fine line of carpets and furniture at our rooms. No. SU Market street. WEDNESDAY. March 25. sale of upright pi mo, furniture and carpets at No. 11 Stockton avenue. Allegheny City. THURSDAY. March 2B. sale at our rooms. No. 311 Market street, of unclaimed freignt packages of Amencan Express Company. TH URSDA Y. March 20, sale at residence No. 22 BidnelH. street, Allegheny, paintiugs, car pets, bric-a-brac and furniture. FRIDAY, March 27, sale of elegant furniture, carpets and household goods, at our rooms. So. 311 Market street. MONDAY. March 30. sale at No. 521 Shady lane, household goods and carpet. TUESDAY. March 31, hall, room and stair carpets, full line uf furniture at the rooms. No. 311 Market street, city. Also, same date, at store, sale of tailors' judgments. mb22-170 UCTION SALE Elegant Furniture, Carpets. Upright Pnno, Silverware, Hedaing, Etc., at the residence, 11 Stockton av., Allegheny City, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 25, 1S9L at 10 o'clock A. 31. The entire elegant furnithment of 11 room?, embracing haudsoino silk plush parlor suit, fine upright piano. bric-a-brac,ornanients.book-case, fine oak hall rack, center tables.portieres. window shade3 and lace curtains, handsome chamber furniture, fine bedding, bed snrings. hall, room and stair carpets, rugs, etc., fine sil ver tea set. dishes and jtlaisware. laundry tubs, wringer, hose and stepladdcr, dining-room sideboard, exteuslon table and chairs. Goods may be examined after So'clock morn ing of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO.. Auctioneer'. mh22-132 A UCTION SALE ELEGANT FURNITURE. HANDSOME CARPETS. Costly bric-a-brac, lino paintings, at the resi dence, 22 Eidwell .. Allegheny City. THURS DAY, March 2C. 1SD1. at 10 o'clock A. M. Handsome floor cabinet, ornaments, vases, fine steel engravings and oil paintings, genuine Turkish rug", silk tapestry, parlor suit, very fine carpets on all the room?, halls and stairs, stair rous. fastenings and pads.Mnetablcs.hand some bookcase and hallracK, table linens, bed clothing, snrings and mutresses. line chamber suits, wardrobes, bedsteads, bureaus and wash stands. White Sowintr Machine, almost new, six leather diniug chairs, cost S125, handsome sideboard and china closer, silverware, delf and glasware, extension table, reLitrerator. cook ing utensils, tubs, wringers, hose, stepladdcr, eta, etc Goods may hu examined after 8 o'clock mnrnh'g of sale. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. mh22 131 IjlLEGANT PARLOR AND CHAMBER li suits, fine library, office and dining room inrnitnre, kitchen and laundry goods, hall, room and stair carpets, etc., etc.. etc, AT AUCTION, TUESDAY MORNING, March 21 at 10 o'clocr:. At the rooms. No. 3ll Market street. Solid walnut, oak and cherry wardrobes, hall racks, bookcases, bedsteads, bureaus, wash stands, chamber suits, chiffoniers, tables, chairs, rockers, china closets, sideboards, ex tension tables, folding beds. Clipboards, etc: handsome English rug, tapestry, brocatelle and hiir cloth parlor suits, easy chairs, lounges and rockers, decorated toilet ware, bedding, mat tresses, springs, curtains, cornices, shades, picture', clocks, rugs, mats and linoleum, body brussel'. velvet, moquctteand ingrain car pets, fine silverware, aishe, glassware, cook ing utensils, laundry goods, etc. etc HENRY AUCTION CO., mh22-129 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE AT RESIDENCE. NO. 1 ARCH STREET. ALLEGHENY TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, AT 10 O'CLOCK, The entire furnishment, embracing chamber suits, mattresses, bedding, springs, bedstead-, bureaus, washstands; pictures, curtains, stove, laundry and kitchen goods, tables, chairs, rockers, hall, room aud stair carpets, cutlery, dishes, itc Hou'O will he opened up after 8 o'clock morning of the sale. Evervthinirniustgo. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. mh22-130 FSJHNITUHE, CARPETS, Etc., AT AUCTION. RESIDENCE, 949 PENN AVENUE. THURSDAY, .March 20, 10 o'clock A. Jr., the furnishment of above named dwelling will he sold, consisting of (3) fine parlor suites, walnut and oak chamber set, dressing cases, ward robe", washstands. bureaus extension table, lounges, nail rack, brussels carpjts, dining room, kitchen and laundry utenils. one base burner stove, etc. II. B. bMITHSON, rab22-53 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE, 16 CHURCI A.V.. ALLEGHENY, FRIDAY, JIARCH 27. at 10 O'clock, a. jr. Cffice Furniture and Fixtures AND BAKNE.S SAFE, Six Mules, Six Horses, Harness, and four double and five single deliv ery wagon. Wicke's refngera'or. steam boiler, milk utensils, tanks, cases, cans, bottles racks, wiro brackets, etc., eta S. A- DUNCAN, As signee Sewickley Dairy Company. JOHN FEDEUKIEL. Auctioneer. mh21-23 MARSHAL'S SALE-BY VIRTUE OF A writ of venditioni exponas issued out of tne DNtrlct Court or tho Unitod States for the Vestern District or Pennsylvania, in admiralty, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at the United States Mar-dial's ofEc. in the city of Pittsburg. Pennsvlvaiiia. on .MONDAY, the 30th day of .March, lS'll. at 11 o'clock A. 3t., the steamboat James Giltunre. her luachlnerv. tackle apparel, furniture, etc.. libeled, seized, attached and con.leninn I in ald rourr. J. R. HARRAli. U. S. Marshal. JIaeshal's Office, Pittsburg. Pa. mhl8-9j.D AUCTION SALE OF Boots, shoes, notion?, toys and fancy goods MONDAY MORNING, March 2M, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Markot street. The euiiro.outiit of a country store will positively be closed out to highest bidder fur cash. Henry Auction Co., Auctioneers. mh22-128 ' J. A. McKELVEY, Auctioneer. Household furniture, propcrtvandlive stock. Office 81 Frankstown A v.. East End. .Terms upori appiistlon. mbS-143-o AUCTION SALES. I)Oi;lNSON ds CO, 628 SMITHFIELD i STREET, lurnish experienced auction eers for sales of REAL ESTATE. FURNITURE, At residences, closing oat stores, etc Terms reasonable. Ie27-71-D 4 UCTION SALL 11. B. SMITHSON. .1 Estate aud General Auctioneer, room. S?, Eisner building. Filth and Wood street. SaleJ of jewelry and merchandise at stores. Furnt , ture at residcuces promptly attended to. .Ie5-C6n CHOICE PKOPERTTES. FACTOR! PE0PERTI For Sale to Close an Estate. The undivided half Interest of the plant of the Whitney Glass Works, situated at Glass boro. N. J. Thra is one of. the oldest and largest glass manufacturing plants in the United States (bas been in operation over 100 years). Is very favorably located, having two line3 of railroad entering the factory premises. The plant consists of four large factory buildings: Stone bullding(45xlll). which contains grind ing, engine, mold and pot rooms and all tha necessary machinery. Twoln-horse power boilers, and oneod-horsa power engine. Large stone saw and grl't mill. Large ''tone store and office. Two large packing bouses, waresbed, eta About ICOdneiling bouses. The whole property is in good repair and oo rupied. under a Ieae. which expires August L ISfi. THOMAS ANNADOWN. J. P. WHIT NEY. Executors, Glas-horo. N. J. inhll-oO POSITIVE BARGAIN. Two new two-story mansard brick dwellings of eight rooms each, with hall, vestibule, bath, in fact every modern convenience, including electris light; also, a two-story Queen Anns frame dwelling of eight rooms, with every con venience; good lot. corner of two good streets. In Shadyside, on line of Dnqnesne traction-aud two squares from Fifth avenue. Will ell all for $11,000; will pay It) per cenU Investigate. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO, 162 Fourth avenue. mh22-l!W-MTTSa LOTS. LOTS. ONLY $2,000 EACH. On Boquct street, Oakland: size 30x120; street paved aud sewered; electric cars pass these lot, and they are beyond a doubt the cheapest lots on the street. See REED B. COYLE & CO, Corner Fourth av. ana Grant St. mb22-79 MWSa IFOIR, SA.LE3. Fifth, Near' Highland Av., EAST END. That fine residence and property of William G. Johnston. E'q. Will sell as a whole, extend ing back to Howe St., or in parts to suit the purchaser. Tbe house contains 16 room, with modern fixtures. See W. A. IIERKON & SONS. 80 Fourth av. mbll-7u-ll.lS.23 BUSINESS CHANGES. "VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE IS Li hereby given that tbe partnership be tween John Uetchcnroether ami Christ Detzel, under the llrm name ol John Ilercbenroetber & (.'., dealers in ice. was dissolved on March 10, 1891. by mutual consent. All debts due the said partnership are to be paid and those due Irom the same discharged, at No. 191 Ohio street, Allegheuy. Pa., where the business will be continued bv said Christ Detzel. JOHN HERCHENROETHER, CHRIST DETZEL. mh21-44-D PKOPOSALS. CONTRACTORS AND MANUFACTUR ERS will find proposal advertisements of Natioial, State and Municipal authorities and of building committees, as well as important news of projected work in all parts of the United States and Canada not elsewhere pre viously published, in THE ENGINEERING P.ECORD. (nrior to 1SS7 The Sanitary Engi neer), New York. On sale Mondays in this city by R. S. DAVIS & CO.. 86" ifth ave. nolB-lOTlt OFFICE Or CONTltOLLEK OF ALLrOIIEXV COBXTT, PITTSBURG. PA.. March 19 1891. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this oflice nntil 4 o'clock P. JL 1UESD A Y.March 21. 1S91. for surfacing and sodding areas about Court House. Bids to be by the lumpsum for work complete. Thesuccess f til bidder will be required to give bond in double tbe amount ot tbe bid for tbe faithful per formance of contract. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Specifications can bs seen at the office of County Engineer. JAS. A. GRIKR, County Controller. mb 19-33 Office of Controller of ) allfgiikxy county. riTTSBUKO, Pa.. March 19. 1S9L J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED afthii office until i o'clock P. 1L. xJESDAY. March 21, 1891. for cleaning and restoring soldiers' monument on MonumenC 1II1I, Allegheny. Bids to bo by tke lump sum complete, aud to be finished on or before May 20. 1S9L Bidders will give bidders' bond with two sureties in double the amount of the bid. Specifications can be seen at the offlce ol County Engineer. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. JAS. A. GRIER, mil 19-33 Connty Controller. PROPOSAXJ FOR MATERIAL-UNITED States Engineer Office. 121 Frauklin street. Buffalo, N. Y., March 20. 1891. Sealed proposals in duplicate, for furnishing stone, sand, pebble", cement and iron moorinzs. re quired at Buffalo Harbor. N. Y.,will be received at this office until 2 P. JL, on Monday, the20lh day of April, Wl, and opened immediately thereafter in presence of bidders. The atten tion of b.dders is invited tn Acts of Congress of February 20. 1SS and February 23. 1SS7. voh 23, pigexa. aud vol.24. pagelll.StatutesatLarge. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, conditions of qual ity aud price import duties included being equal. Specifications, general Instructions to bidders, blank forms of proposals, or necessary information, will b.- furnished on application to this cffice. The United States reserves tha rislit to reject any or all proposals. AMOS STICKNEY, Major of Engineer-. U. S. Army. mli23-8- REMOVALS. C. H. DIETRICH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Leather and Shoo Findings, Will remove about April 1st to mblR-SO-Jtwy 970 Liberty Street. W. J. EAST, Architect, Has removed from Federal St., Allegheny, to offices located in WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING. mb4-12-JIWF PlTTSBCRO, frji. GEORGE TCAJPTEX,, TUE MUSIC DEALER, Will remove to his new granite building; S"A SMITHFIELD ST.. On or about April L mhI6-7-MWF REMOVAL. :r c. iivcillieir, House ana sign Painter, has removed from l.V Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVENUE. Opposite Third Presbyterian Cburcb. Special attention given tn the handling of plate glass, cutting and drilling. Repairing windows, sky lights, etc. House painting ana glazing in all its branches. cl9-63-D CHARLESSOfelERS&CO., DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE. Will remove their central office, No. 313 Wood street, to No. 129 Fourth Ave,, Directly opposite the New Postofflce. ON APRIL M inhll-37 KE&OETS. THECHALKONfE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Halt water baths In the house. Send for circular. fel-90-n E. ROBERTS & BOSS. ITADDON HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J Now oppn Hot and Cola Sea Water Baths in tha House. f cG-91 LEEDS 4 LIPPINCOTT. KDECATIONAL. St, John's Military School, MANLIU3. N. Y. SUMMER SCHOOL, lt. Kev. F,D. HUNTINGTON. 3. T. O.'. Presi dent. Apply to Lt. Col. WM. VKKUKCICSnpU ' " mhl-lii-iiw 1 .i!i