THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, SUNDAY, MAECH 15,, 189L MPiinu &a .rirflRw U ,pplLS The question of free text books for the schools of Tittsburg, has often been dis cussed, but last Tuesday it was brought home direct when the Text Book Committee of the Central Board of Education was empowered to investigate the ad visability of introducing the system here. The adoption of it does not at all depend on the passage of the free-text bnok laws now before the Legislature. There is a law now existing which makes it optional for a district to have free textbooks or not. During the week Superintendent Lucfceybae sent out circulars asking each school principal how manv books are used in his building, m that the Text Book Committee cn make an estimate of what tbe cost will be to supply tbe Pittsburg schools with free text bookv Several well-known school principal' were aked for their views on the question yester day. The principal", wbile in favor of free text bouts, are not in favor of the State sup plying tbem. Pror. S. A. Andrew said it would throw a much greater responsibility on the teacher. For daces where the people owned their own homes it could be put into tiperation. but where there is a floating popula tion ir mould lieaclifficultthingtnkeen trace of the school books for home study is necessary f-rtbe cramroar grades of the city schools. Vndcr the provisions of the law nnwinex-i-:-nre there i no need of children being kept out of school for the want of books, as the local bonds have the power to supply all indi gent children. Prof. 11. V. Fisher said: "I am rot in favqr of free text books. I think we appreciate tnot hicnlv that which costs u a struggle to obtain. A a fulc I find the text book bought by the niipil is kept in better condition than that given him." Pror. J. K. Bane is in favor of the plan pro vided it can be put into operation in an bonest wav. "I am in favor of free text books." Prof. J. 51. Logan declared. Mr. Charles Tamter, a member of the firm of Tainter Bro., publishers of New York, was at the Central Board of Education ror.111 yes terday. He hadbea-dof tbe move Pittsburg n contemplating. This firm now supplies the Fittbuigtraue. and he came telooic after the interests of his arm and put in a bid for sup plying tbe free text books. 5Ir. Tainter has been in Harnsburg and was before tbe Book Trust Investigating Committee. He thinks it should be lelt to each district whether it snail have free text books or no:, just as it stands at present. He is much opposed to a State com pulsory free text-book l.iw. Ho considers it a step toward socialism. Free text books be said, are also apiomoter of disease, as book cannot he fumigated. He thought the idea of liavirgtbo books at home, instead"! leaving them in the schoolroom, has an educating in fluence on tbe home. I " I Pror. Delos Fall, of Albion College, gave an Instructive talk on "Method-" to the teachers of Pitt-burg yesterdiy morning at the Butler 51. E. Church. He paid a high compliment to the reputation Pennsjlvasia has for its insti tute work. A class in physical culture followed, prefaced bv a dainty little talk by Miss Nellie Nicbol-. teacher of physical culture in tho S:erret scLool Her system is the Em erson or the Dclsarte made practical. The exeicies by the pupils embraced those to develop the chest, waist, lungs, bead, neck and circulation. Lea'tli as well as grace being considered. All tin movements were of tbe slow, gliding motion. -Miss Belle Stoner was to preside at the piano, but owing to some misunderstanding there was no piano, 5Iiss Nichols couuting lor the movements. Tbo teachers were delighted with 51iss Nichols class and she had many requests to instruct a class of teachers who desira to intro duce the exercises into the schoolr cm. The following are the names of the pu pils who took part in the physical class drill: Viola Stevenson, Grace Keller Grace Elberty, Joe Lindsav, Daisy Wilkins. Mattie Patterson, Stuart JIcKaig, John Thompson, Clarence Preston, Willie Salsbury, Frank Smith, Alice Bradlev. Leone McMasJers, Daisy Hutchinson. Beta Falinestock, Sadie Aber, Maggie Robert, Grace Alter, 51ay Alter, Amelia Beckwith. Becky Freshwater, Malcolm Stevenson. John Bruce, Alfred Pollock, Willie i-chojer, Cadmaii Orr, ItutherloidDavis, Willie Rutsell, Jiary Irwin and Sara Ferguson. There took part in the chorus drill Friday night, at the Butler M. E. Church. Ella R-ed, Libhie Gel-ton, Annie Laiig. Horcnco Bell, Bessie H err, Nellie Nichols, Hay Quartz, Iva Cox. JIartb 1 Sabick. Katie Jlorris, Ida Shep pard, Elta Lewis, Millie Ferringer, Grace 51a gune, Lillian Molvneux, Minnie Bell, Laura Watson. Sophia Crothers, Bertha .McCanlev, Helen Irwin, Lottie fecbreaker. Estella E. Gardner. Sarah E. Black well. Birdie H. Koeh ler, Hester W. Johns Allie King, Clara Llojd, Florence Llo d, Ida riaccus, Madgo McKinnon, Ella 31. Wilson, fetclla A. Stewar, ilyrtle M. Evans. Net ie fcchrott, Minnie Rogers. Willie leonard, George Fetzer. Victor Kennedy. John J). Bailey. James L. Libber, Burt Moke, Nelson Black. Roy James. Fred Heck, Thomas Cox, Arthur is. Jaques, Eddie Leslie. Frank A. Rob ertson, Joseph 5IcKtnley, Hentv Fetzer, Charles S. Crothers, Fred ltui. -te, Fred Najlor. Fred Henmnger, George ... Allison George Dick:e. Miss Jean Longhridge has been elected to succeed Miss Re burn in the O'Hara School, The grip is in the schools. Whooring cough Is prevalent among tbe younger children in some of tbe East End districts. In the Liberty district the attendance has been lowerea,many ot the pupils having colds. Tbe grip also pre vails among the older people to some extent. In the public schools colds predominate. The directors of tbe Humboldt School have bought tbe adjoining lot to the present build ing, and propose to erect a three-roomed addi tion, which the increased attendance demands. The directors have presented the school with a complete set of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica. (r Miss L'zzie Gardner, who has so long and so successfully taught step one in the primary de partment of the BloomSeld School of tbo Six teenth ward, has tendered her resignation to tate effect about April J. She will be married shortly to a gentleman of Baltimore. The school board as well as the patrons ot this school are exceedingly sorry to lose the valua ble service of Miss Gardner, as she bas long been recognized as one of the very best teacberr in that grade in the entire city. The board has in preparation a handsome testimo nial of her great worth as a teacher. A special meeting will be held Tuesday even ing next to elect a suceesior to Miss Gardner. w Miss Eugenie Reyburn, who has been teach ing in the O'Hara School has been elected writing and drawing teacher in the Park bchool. Sixteenth ward. This is the position recently vacated by Miss Jennie Bostwick. The increase in tbe attendance at the Bloom, field school, of tbe Howard district, has been so great that the board has been under the necessity of fitting up an additional room in the basement, which will be ready for occu vancr about Apn 1, and an additional teacher has been granted for the same. IsTOTICK Harding Kimherland tab, Having sold out my entire interest in the firm of Kimherland fc Co., and having started in tbo wholesale lumber business for mvself.I am now fully prepared to furnish on short notice West Virginia Oak Lumber of any size wante'l. I am also connected with a large Arm of Michigan pine manufacturers, and am able to furnish large quantities in either rough or dressed white and Norway pine on short notice. Telephone SSL HARDING KIMBERLAND. ROOil 23 JACKSON BUILDING, mhH-S Bixth St. and Penn aye., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTFno:fE SIAN EVERY VVkiN A li-' country town, to sell CUner portable foot warmers on commission: I will ship one dozen or mora to any responsible man end take my pay when they are sold; no more cold leet. H.H. HAYES. M3fi Penn ave. jaH-32-sa B3 Display adperffrcnienfi one (foliar jxr square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page, such at Wanted, For Bale, To Let. etc. ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSIXJ2SS OFFICE, Cer. Sroithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WANT, rOK SALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT AllVEUlTiESlENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 91". M. FOB INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch. KOK THE SODTHSIDE, NO. 1412 CARSON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. COT!. FOR THE BAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 031 l'ENN AVE. PITTSBURG ADDITIONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY K09 Bntler street. EMIL G. STUCKEY, nth treet and Tenn art. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. II. J. MclIRIDIi Market House, Allegheny. F. H. EGO Kits .t bON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. THOMAS .McHENRY, Western and lnrln aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. ULE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. WANTED. Slale HelD. TJAKER-FirtST-CLASS BREAD AND CAKK halter, at HARRIS' BAKERY, Wllklnsbnrg, l'a. mnj-ii BLACKSMITH-GOODMAN TO 1)0 IIOItSE SHOKIGand ccncral wagon work, best of wares paid to the richt parly. Apply to GEO. HOFFMAN, McKee6port, : ira. luhi:-o BOY WHO CAN FEED AND5IAKE READY on lob presses- pood wares to competent hand. JotfES & CROWE, Fifth St., Sontlislile. mhl5-123 BOYS-AT OJCCE-TWO STRONG AND IN T LL1GEM boys. 13 or 16 3 cars old. Ap ply at NO. 54 NINTH ST., l'lttsbnrg. Pa. mhl5-: C AltR'.AGE BLACKSMITH HELPER C. WEST &. CO.. 4MDuquesneway. mhl5-l c OAT MAKERS TWO GOOD MEN IMMEDI ATELY. THOJlASMOhGAN, balem, O. mhl5-U DRUG CLERK-REOISTEREO DRUG CLERK One who can give good references: state with whom last employed and what salary ex pected. Address PERMANENT SITUATION, Dispatch offlce. mhlO-9-TuTlisu DRUG CLERK MANAGER GOOD POSI TION to rli-ht nartv. Address with rcftr j encc. D, Dispatch office. mhlo-18 DRUG CLERK-QUAL. ASSISTANT AD DRESS, with refei ence, C, Dispatch office. 111I115-IS TT1NEKGET1C. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN JQi 'lo sell a n'ew and rapld-selliur speclaltr lispd in nrprir nffirp pays 5 per day. Call at ROOM 6. 42Silxthst. mhlS-lCS (1 ARDENER SINGLE MAN FOR PLAIN KX gardenlnraiiil keeping place in order: mnst be sober and Industrious. Call or address JOHN L. MOORt, Hazelwood. mhl5-M rACHlXI'-TS-A FEW FIRST-CLASS JIA- jyi CHINIS'I'S for engine work, tools and erectlne floor: yood place. THE BALL ENGINE uuira. l, i-ne, 1'a, mho-: MAN CAPA15LE OF PROCURING LOCA TIONS for our elegant, bronzed onc-cenj welching machines In the most prominent and desirable places In Pittsburg and Allegheny City: good pav to right party. Address '1'HE NATIONAL AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO., 60 and C2 Murr.y St.. New York City. mhl4-43 SALESJT.N ON SALARY OR COMMISSION to handle the new patent chemical ink eras lnc pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever pro duced: erases ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion of piper: 200 to 500 percent profit: one agent's sales amonntea to $620 in stxdays: another SJ2 lu two hours: we want one energetic general agent fordach State and Territory: sample by 2ilail35cts. For terms and lull particular! ad dress Til.". MONROE ERASER MFG. CO., La Cross, Wis. mh!4-2ii SALESMEN (2) EXPERIENCED FURNI TURE and carpet: permanent situation to rlzht men: none need nnply but experienced men. Address U.. Dispatch office. mhl5-3J TRAVELING SALESMEN TO CARRY SIDE line for pain and plumbers' supply trade: light sample; blc commission state territory cov ered. FAMOUS MAN'F'G CO., 1100 Ohio av., St. Louis, Mo. Ill ll 1-65-su TRAVELING SALESMAN HAVING SOLD for lhe wholesale hardware or grocery trade; best of references needed: pe mncnt position. Address McD.. Dispatch office. mb!5-43 -TT7"i01WORKER-TO WORK ON BUGGlEf, II coacues, top wagons ana spring wagons. Apply to CHAS. J. ELIG & CO., No. 937 Mark e: St., Wheeling, W. Va. rahl5-110 YOUNG CATHOLIC MANTO COLLECT one living In the East End preferred; 6e cnrltv required. Address F. P. M., Dispatch office. mhl4-7 YODNG MAN AS SALESMAN AND driver for dellverv wagon: must know all thectrp'ts In Pittsburg and A ilegheny; tloo cash security requl.ed;nj other terms: call beforj 10 a. ax ai Londav. C F. KNIGHT & CO., 141 ltot'lu- son st.. Allegheny. mhl4-140 YOUNG MAN -A THOROUGHLY' COSIPE TKNTvoungman ai.aslst.iiit In onr Gents' Fuml-hing Department. DANZIGElt'S. Sixth sf. and Penn av. iuhl5-52 OUNG MAN AS STENOGRAI"HEIt-ONE preferred who has had experience with iron concern. ApplvP. O. BOX721). mlilO-KH YOUNG 51A.N AIN;musth -TO AITEND SODA FOU.NT- hare exncrlenceand referenrf s. KENNLDY. No. 2SIxth st. mhlo-35 .1 gents. AGENTS-TO SELB THE NEWEST AND best subscription books npon the market: the most recent additions to our list are The Mom Engine," by Daniel Klnnear ClarK, Hon. Member Am. Society Mech. Engineers1 "The Family PhyIclin." by J. McGregor-Robinson, ot Glasgow University -Irish Literature" and Davenport's -'Condensations" or the best litera ture 01 all languiges and ages. P.J. FLEMING & CO- 77 Diamond st. mhto-TuWThrssu AGENTS-IN EVERY TOWN AND COUMY in th. United States: per day paid to men and women who are willing to canvass from house to house, we have the fastest money-making agen cy In the world; ourptanare new. and salesare made at sight. HoBIl'S MEDICINE CO., 415 Dearborn st.. Chicago. 111. mhl-87-sn A GENTS-WRITE QUICK FOR SPECIAL Xi. terms and sample map of Rand. Mc.Vally 4 Co.'6 Indexed Alias of the World for 1891: new population figures; 10.000 sold alreadv: popular price S3 75; unequaled value, unrivaled demand. HAND. McNALLY 4 CO., 32J Broadway. New Y"ork City. mhI5-23 AG KNTS-TO SEND 35 CENTS FOR TH E OUT FIT of our grand new book. "Life and Deeds of General Sherman," GUCpages; sellsat tl 50: latest and best: circulars and terms free, but better order outfit at once and emmcnce work. I- GATKLY4 CO., 25 Federal st- Alle gheny. Pa. inl5-S Ac GENTS-SEND50 CENTS FORTHEOCTF1T . of General Sherman's Memoirs, written hv himself, with an appendix by Hon. James G. Klainc; retail price, f-: tills Is the onlv authentic life of General Snennan. CHARLES L. WEB STER & CO., 3 East Fourteenth St., New York City. mhl0-9l A GE.NT-RLSI'ONSIBI.E AND ENERGETIC Xk oeaier or agent In this city to canvass and sell our Chicago Check Perforator, the best and cheapest device ofltsclas. on the market: alive man can make big profit. Address THE B. F. CUMMINS CO., proprietors, Chicago, 11L mh!5-2I AGENTS-WE HAVE THE BEST 10-CENT article on earth: 300 per cent profit; (1 an hour easily made: two samples, post paid, 10c; circular free. NOVELTY CO.. Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. inhl4-51-W6Su AGENTS-NEW CIGAR LIGHTER: EVERY cigar smoker buvs; lights In wind or rain; sample 15c two for 25c. tl dozen by mall; stamps taken. STAYNEK A CO., Providence, K. I. fcl9-C5 K GENTS WANTED-NF.W THING; WRITE J. to-day. GLOBE NOVELTY CO. , 224 Clin-mh!3-9S ton St.. Chicago. -l ENERAL AGENT-FOR WESTERN PENN JT SYLVAMA, new oyetem watch clubs. Ad dress S. N., Dispatch office. mhl4-43 rernnle Help. -IRL WHITE GIRL "PROTESTANT" FOR JC eeneral housework in family ol three, must be a rood washer and Irouer and do plain cook lnc: to a competent clrl a srood place is assured. Apply -Monday or Wednesday at 5426 WALNUT SI., shadyslde, nearAIkcnav. mbl4-80 GIRLS-NOT UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE IN courectlonery work. C. F. KNIGHT 4 CO., 141 Robinson St., Allegheny. mhl5-l41 LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME at their own homes will make cood wapes. Address, with self-addressed, stamped envelone. MIS EDNA I S5IYTHE. South Bend. lnd.. pro prietor ot the Famous Gloria Water for the com plexion. mbl5-ll LADIES-ATONCE FOB HOUSEWORK. 430 FIFTH AV. . mhl5-109 TWO GIRLS TO SEW CARPETS; ONLY those with experience need apply. W. H. KEECH, 923 Penn av. J mhl5-50 Partners. GOOD PARTY WITH 3.000 CASH, TO IN VEST wiicrc no risk Is Incurred aud take management of our business at PlttsDurjr at sal ary ortlOO per month and such Interest as will pay f2, 0C0 per year profit: we rcrer to mercantile agen cies and require Al reference: state religion, age and when ou could begin. Address THE B. L. MFG. CO., Cincinnati, O. mhU-20-WBn PARTNER WHO CAN COMMAND 120,000 capital: la a thorough, live, experienced business man and identified with this community: to such a party a one-half Interest will be offered in a first-class, old established cash furniture and carpet house in the heart or the city, with the understanding that the business be conducted on the easy payment plan. Address SAFE BUSI NESS, Dispatch offlce. mh 15-42 T-lARl'NEK-FOB AN ESTABLISHED MANU- J FA'TUHINO concern In this city: capital reqmrea f iu.u.u. Dispatch office. For particulars address GLASS, inm-M PARTNER AN ACTIVE BUSINESS MAN with 5, 000 capital to take one-third Interest in manufactory to extend It. HOLMES 4 CO.. 420 Bmlthfleid. mhlt-73 WANTED. Situations. POSITION AS TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR an iron and steel Arm: have had 15 years' ex perience in thij line, and am well acquainted with the trade: best of reference. Address SALESMAN. Dispatch office. mhl3-19 0S1T1ON-FIRST-CLAS3 POSITION. BY man SO years of age: railway position pre- lcrrcd; 15years experience as telegraph operator, bookkeeper, shorthand clerk, etc. Address NAMARA, Dispatch office. mh3-lll-su POSITION-BY YOUNG MAN OP SI; EX FERIENCED stenographer, typewriter and telegraph operator; best or references. Address TELEGKAPIL Dispatch office. mhls-51 0S1T1ON-BT PRACTICAL ACCOUNTANT and D. E. bookkeeper: 12 years' experience; food correspondent: best city reference. Address 1, Dispatch office. mhl5-59 SITU ATION-BY A GOOD CUSTOM CUTTER: Is married and ot temperate habits: prefers a nice country town or small city of 10.000 or H,0oo. Auufcsa xujk.iD, franklin, venansocouniv.ia, nihl4-3l QITUATION-BY YOUNG MAN, AS ASSIST s ANT cutter or trimmer In merchant tailoring establishment. Address TRIMMER, Illspitch office. miiis-a; SITUATION-BY A THOROUGHLY RELIA BI,E meat and pastry cook in hotel. Apply at HOTEL HAMILTON, city. mlil-6 SITUATION-IN OFFICE. II., Box 107, Bennett, Pa. ADDRESS MISS mh 15-32 Itooms. , FLAT-BY A YOUNG COUPLK, A FLAT OF 4 or 6 rooms: must havehot andcold water, bath and gas and location strictly first-class: references exchanged. Address S, M. L., Dis patch offlce. mhlJ-lM "DOORKEEPER OITY REFERENCES RE J QUIRED; state salary expected. r Address P. O. BOXG3S. rahl5-142 TCMIRNISHED ROOM-IN DESIRABLE LOCA- JT TION ill Allegheny or Pittsburg. S. A.. Dis- patch office. mh 13-82 EOOM-UNFURNISHED. WITH BOARD, IN OaKland. by single KCDtlcnuu. Address C. B. Q., Dlsnatch office mhl4-Thssu Boarders and Lodgers. OCCUPANTS-FOH FURNISHED OR UN FURNISHED rooms, with orwithout board; both gases, clectrio light, bathroom, etc FORBES ST., opposite foot Dllhrldge, Oakland. mh 15-30 Financial. MONEY-OUR FACILrriES FOE FURNISH ING money to any amount on bond and mortgage are uneqnaled: lowest rates of interest and no delav. II vou need money apply MORRIS FLEMING, UH Fourth ave. Jy27-8G-TTSsu MORTGAGES-WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN In auv amount desired, at lowest rates; no delay. C. O'DONNELLiSON, 1146Pennav. mhlI-67 TV I OKTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS JVI to suit at 4f. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES A .1A1I.KV. lt)4 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl4-I9.TTssu MOlrTGAGrJS-SlONEY TO nmonnt desired: no delay. & SON, 1143 Penn av. LOAN IN ANY C. O'DONNELL mh!5-48-su TO LOAN MONEY WE HAVE OVER ONE million dollars to loan on cltv and suburban firopcrty at i per cent; no tax: we will also oan money on Improved farms In Allegheny, Beaver, Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties; any marketable securitv taken for loans or any amount. BLACK & BA'IRD, 95 Fourth ave. 3c3-a9-su Q1 f 000-TO BORROW tl0,000 AT 5 PER O 1V79 cent for G years on citv real estate worth .T0.C0O. Address CONFIDENTIAL, Dis patch office. lahI5-S9-Tnsu Miscellaneous. BUYERS-FOR 1 CENT A BOLT, WRITE BACK wallnaper: better grades 2c, SJaC 3c: Sold 3J(c. solid gold 6c; embossed gold 6c: gold order Icji vardi samples mailed free. REED, wallpaper Jobber, Rochester, Pa. mhI5-22 EVERY LADY-WISHING TO BE HER OWN dressmaker to call at 616 Penn ave. (op posite Home's stores) and investigate MADAME FLESULR'S ladles' tailoring system; no risk; parties responsible: 6chool now open. no!9-23 PORCHASER-FOK STANDS. CASES AND other composing room furuiturenow stand ing on upper floor of No. 90 Fifth av., soon to be vacated: countrv newspaper or other cas-h buver will tlni this a rare chance. Call on BUSINl'-SS MAN AGERTHL DISPATCH.SmlthCeld and Dia mond sts., between the hours of 3 and 5 p. M. fe20-ll7 YOU GET A BAKER'S DOZEN (13) OF Stewart & Co.'s fine cabinet photos for 1, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. mv2S-i9-TTSU FOR SAXE-OIPKOVED KEAL ESTATE. City Residences. T5LUFF ST.. NEAR COLLEGE-NEW BRICK JL house 8 rooms, bathroom, tile hearths, slate mantels: all late Improvements. ROBER1 COW- Jk KM, jj iiun st. mh4-33-3tWFSu' G IONGRESSST.. NEAR FIFTH AV.-BHK'K bouse o room?, etc: lot 20x90 it. fb1271 ALLES 4 BAILEY, 161 Fourth av. Tel. 167. mhl4-18-wssu N rrO. 46 LOMBARD ST. BRICK HOUSE FOUR 2x80 ft.: perfectly level; price S2.100: terms $1, 000 cash. (B62) ALLES i BAILEY. 164 Fourth av. Tel. 167. mhl4-S3-MWSbU "XT0- M LOCUST ST., PITI'SUURG--ROOJtED 1 pressed brick front bnnse. laundrv, bath, in side w. c, etc C. H. LOVE. S3 Fourth av. mhl5-83 VALUABLE DOWNTOWN PROPERTY. ON Penn av., 60 feet by 180 to ally; 2 large brick buildings on lot: good Investment; sure of en hancement In price: to quick buyer an opportun ity seldom offered In this locilltv. See ALLES 4 BAILEY, 161 Fourth av. Tel. 167. (bSO). lnhl5-73-MWESU WOOSTLK ST., BETWEEN WEBSTER AND Wylleav6., new mansard hrlcfc dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, hall, etc.; lot 20x55 n. : also un Porter St.. mansard brick dwelling. 5 room; and finished attic, hall, etc.: lot 2ii.i5 Icef.: desirable purchase (II116-S3) See ALLES A HAILKY, 164 Fourth av.Tel. 167. inhl4-ls-wssu -rrrrYLIE AV.. NEAR KIKKPATRICK ST. -YV Frame dwelling five rooms and bath:nlcely papered and painted throughout: porch: lot per fectly level. 24x100 ft. to Hill St.: desirable dwell ing at a very reasonable price: possession April 1: price J3.100. (BI2I) ALLES 4 BAILEY. 164 Fourth av. Tel. 16T. nbl4-32-TTSSu" Ol OOO FOR ALL: NEAR THIRTY- J1VJ M INTH St.. 7 brick honses. each bouse has 5 rooms, finished attic. Inside w. c, gas, good cellar; flag-stone pavement: good Invest ment properties: lot 50x110. (C52.) BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth av. mlll5-58 0T 50O-KIRKPATRICK AV. NEWTHREE- ijtj7 nory oncK. eignt rooms, bathroom, two w. c.'s. n. and c water, slate mantels and tile hearths cemented cellar wlih lnundry; corner lot, 17X110. UL.U.1.I a. VV., .- CUJlllldY. UJlli-,1' C4 20O TWELVE PER CENT OT MENT; 15 minutes' n-om P. O. INVEST IIOLMKS mhl4-7 4 CO East End Residences. 100D 10-EOOM HOUSE. NO. 811 ROUP ST., VX East End. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth av. mbl 3-70 SI 5i OOO ELLSWOlrrH AV.. NEAR ROUP 9 St.. fine two-storv int mansard hrlek dwelling of ten room, reception hall having n-iruwooa minteis wun mirror, tile hearth and facing, elega t staircase, sliding doors between Jiarlor and dining room and parlor and reception talk complete bathroom, electric bells, towel and medicine closet on second floor, nickel plate grates and art fire linings speaking tubes, bur glaralarm. range, laundry with stationary tubs, wide rront porch, slate root cemented cellar. Fine lot 60x140. to alley, (a 372). BLACK 4 BAIRD, 85 Fourth av. mhl5-5S Ql f 300-LARIMER AVE. AND AUBURN O LvJ st., fine lr.unc dwelling of 13 rooms s rooms, hall and pantrv on first floor; 5 rooms. sewing room, nan auu nttnroom on second Iloor; 2 large attic rooms cedar closet, line mantels, stone and tl!ebcarths. range, botn gases, electric light, laundry with concrete floor and slate tubs, slate root: fine lot covered with fruit and shade trees, (a 363.) BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. mhlS-53" S6, OOO 3IEYRAN AV.. NEAR LOUISA ST.. a two-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, ball, bathroom, w. c, hot and cold water, both gases,slate mantels, tildlne doors be tween parlor aud dining room, gas fixtures and chandeliers, inside shutters, cemented cellar. Eorches etc: lot 22x141: adjolnlnjr lot can be ought for $2,200; very desirable location, (d 116). BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 fourth av. inh 15-53 Qrrr ooo-fifth AV.. CORNER NEVILLE Civ St.. a substantial two-story and attla ones. uwemiiK wi anout i. rooms, nail, oatnronm, w. c. range, both gases, lumace. laundrv, fiorchcs. and all modern conveniences: a fine awn covered with shrubbery: this is one of the most pleasant residence locations on Fifth ay.: lot fronts 204 leet on Filth av. (a92.) BLACK BAIRD.95 Fourth av. mhl5-58 OT 300-WINEB1DDLE AV.. KAR LIB 0i i ERTY av.. a frame dwelling of 13 rooms, reception hall, two bathrooms, four w. cs.. range, uotb gases, hardwood mantels, lunrire, nice laundry, beautiful chandeliers, all modern conveniences, fine Iront porch: bouse wired for electric llcht: lot 1C0x200: frame stable. (a26I.) BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. mhl5-5S rjrT OOO-OAKLAND AV.. BRICK, EIGHT 3 t ? rooms, finished attic 'large vestibule, bath, w. c hot and cold water, larze range, both gases, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, newly papered throughout; lot 21x100 to alley. SLOAN 4 CO., 127 Fourth av. mhl5-74 QD 500-ATWOOD ST.. BRICK, 7 BOOMS. u)OJ fin. attic large reception hall, large front and rear porches, bathroom, h. and c. water, both gases, slate mantels, tile he.irths, nicely papered and finished; corner lot. 50x100. SLOAN 4 CO,. 127 Fourth av. lnh'5-74 dd 800 MEYRANT.V. NEARKORBESST.. u3V' two-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, bathroom, w. c, range, both gases, slate mantels, laundry, porches and all modern conveniences: lot 22x142. (d 215). BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. mh!5-5S CQ 800 BROAD Sr.. NEAR FAIRMONT O st., two-story frame dwelling off rooms and finished attic balL bathroom, w. c, range, natural gas, front and rear porches, house well papered: lot 25x120. (a 376). BLACK 4 BAIRD, fe Fourth av. mhl5-58 CQ a50-BOQUET8T.,NEWFKAMEHOUSE, 4109 5 room, finished attic front and rear porches, both gases, range, h. and e. water, bath room, w. c; lot 21x12); terms easy. SLOAN 4 CO.. 127 Fourth av. mh!5-74 OOO NIXON ST.. FRAME. 3 BOOMS. i) nat. gas. water, etc.: lot 20x120 to alley. SLOAN 4 CO. , 127 Fourth ay. mla-; FOK SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East En Residences. Qtr 500-IVYST., NEAR ELLSWORTH AT,, ii3cl) 2-story frame dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, both tases, porch; lot 60x120; a very desirable location, (a 273). BLACK & BAIRD.OJ Fourth T. mh 15-58 CO 500-BLAINE ST., NEAR BOQUET, Ol loi 24x130 to alley, with two frame dwell ings, one of four and other three rooms: rent lor (M4 per year. SLOAN CO., 127 Fourth av. mh 15-74 Hazelwood Residences. HAZELWOOD-I-STOKY FRAME DWELL ING or 7 rooms, bath, hall, laundry, hard wood finish, newly papered and painted, nal. gas, h. and c water, inside w. c. sewered, etc.: lot eaxlMleet;2 mluutes' walk ft-om Hardwood sta tion and Second Avcnne Electric Railway: price. 10.800: terms reasonable IRA M. EURCHFIEUD. 158 Fourth av. ialS-SO S5,' 00-REDUCEl) FROM S1.500 FOR TWO weeks onlv. a nlr.RnpwOnpen Anne frame dwelling on Hazefwood avenue: only one square jrom toe station ana irom line or electric ou, contains six rooms and twoattld rooms reception hall, with pretty staircase and art glass window on landing, sliding doors between parlor and hall and parlor and dining room: fine slate mantels and tile hearths, chandeliers and gas fixtures; backstairs, pantry and laundrv; nice lot 36x103 feet. (D13). BLAOK & BA1RD. No, 95 Fourth avenue. mh!5-58 Allegheny Residences. BARGAINS IN EITHER HOUSES OR LOTS for Investments. A bargain 5 brick houses, good as new, fronting Sarah street, Allegheny, and 6 frame houses lacing Ilarlnnd avenue, on electric line; good investment for quick buyer. mhlo-76 fS1 500 BUhNA VISTA ST., SECOND Otjtt ward. Allegheny, frame dwelling. 7 rooms and attic hall, bath, h. andc. water, pantry, lauudry, Kood cellar, rront porch: house finished in hard wood: lot -WxlOO: easy terms: possession at once. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., IG2 Fourth av. mhlS-101-TTSStt CI f 000 LOCUST ST.. FINE PRESSED OJLvJ brick house with stone trimmings, of 8 rooms, bath, IialL both gHSes. state mantles. In side shutters, with all conveniences: also two new brick houses on rear oriot of 6 rooms each, w 1th all conveniences; well rented. A. Z. BvERS A CO.. S3 Federal bt., Allegheny. mhlo-76 OT O OOO-BF.ECK ST., A GOOD THREE OJLli STOtcY brtck dwelling or nine rooms, bath, hot and rold water, w. c., both gases, stationary washstaiids, etc.: house In good con dition and repiir: lot 20x100. (b23). BLAUK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth av. mhl5-58 CO 500-MONTEREY ST. -PRESSED FRONT OO brick dwelling, eluht rooms, bath, h. and c. water, both gases. large cellar with lanndry; newly papered throughout: lot 20x110 to allev. SLOAN & BO, 127 Fourth av. mhl5-74 S4, OOO-PARK VIEW AV. NEW FRAME house of 6 rooms, hall, vestibule, erases. Inside shutters, good eellar, slate mantels, slldlnt: doors: lot 21x100. A. Z. BYEB3 i CO., 9J Federal St., Allegheny. mhl5-76 QR OOO BOYLE ST., BRICK, 7 ROOMS, stationary )J7 nn. attic, nan, uatn, w. c. washstand. h. and c. water, both cases, ceiiieuted cellar: lot 21x90 to alley. SLOAN &Co., 127 Fourth avenue. mhlo-74 rr 500-NORTH CANAL ST., NEW 31AN l ) SARD brick, 8 rooms, hall, both gases, slate mantels, bath, h. and c water, range: lot 22x75. SLOAN & CO.. 127 Fourth av. mhI5-74 OQ 650- OO' fin, lot, 20x50. -ARCH ST.- FRAME, FIVE ROOMS attic, hall, nat. gas and water; corner SLOAN & CO., 127 Fourth av. mhli-74 Suburban Residences. TTOUSE-AT CRAFTON EIGHT BOOMS, stable and near st.i. Address XX large lot. WILSON HEN RY. Box 236. city. mhl2-60-ThESu VTT1LK1NSUURG HOUSE NEW, 6 ROOMS. T T nuisnea attic, reception nan. bath.naoered. nat. gas. city water, beautiful lawn. lot 50x122, lour minutes' waiK from station: ;.,ooo, halt casn, bal. to suit. MAGAW & GOFF, LIm.. Hi Fourth avenue. mhl3-53-TuFSu I f TO 12 PER CENT PROFIT GUARANTEED LKJ In wayorrents ?3.950cash will buy valua ble propertv worth 81.300 to f4, 500 If bought not later than 20th Inst,: rental can be had at once; will be worth $5,000 In a year or so: glass worts and other works near; excellent reasons for sell ing: town building up: most valuable location 111 vicinity. Address SAFE INVESTMENT. Dis patch office. mhls-24" SA 500-EDGEWOIlD, P.R.R.. BOUNDARY tfc? 5', near Walnut st., a new frame Queen Aiincdwelliugof 8 rooms, reception hall, bath room, hot and cold water, gas. slate mantels, all modern conveniences, snlcndld cellar, front and back porches: lot 50x130: terms to suit. (k6.) BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourth av. mhl5-58 S OOO-KNOXVILLEBOROUGH.JUCUNDA tJ9 St.. near Knox av., two-story and attic brick dwelling of 6 rooms, hall, bathroom, range, natural gas, lanndry. front and rear porches, good eellar; lot 25x100 to alley. (1170) BLACK 4 BAIHD, 94 Fourth av. mhI5-58" Q- SOO-BELLEVUE. P. FT. W. 4 C RY., OX Howard street, near New Brighton road, frame dwelling of six rooms well water, porch, natura gas. ctr.; lot 50x141. (h6I). BLACK 4 RA1RD, 95 Fourth av: mh 15-58 FOR SALE LOTS. Allegheny Lots. -IT'BEMONT STREET-FINE BUILDING LOT. P jix)w leet. toanaiiey. a. zi. J3I.E.KS & t -u.t :deral St., Allegheny. mh!5-76 93 Federal .VTICE KUILDING bITES-875 UP-NEAB a rapid transit, on and neir Perrysville road. ALGEO, 204 Federal st. mhl4-15 QO 500 WILSON AV.. ALLEGHENY. O-J near Drum st. and Perrvsvllle avenue, 3 lots, 20xll0cach, will sell separate or In two 30-foot lots, as buyer may desire, (b 206). BLACK 4 BA1RD, 95 Fourth av. mhl5-58 Enst End Lots. Jm OTS NEAR HOMEWOOD DRIVING PARK J cheap for cash. Call on M. GALLINGER, Y'oder Law Building, elevator. Telephone, 1707. mhl5-80 Q- .Tr-PER FRONT FOOT FIFTH AV., C l O near Ivy St., fine vacant lot 263x220, to Arabella St.: or will sell 120 reet deep for 8150 per front foot. (a374) BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth av. mh 15-58 fCQ 740-SYLVAN AV., NORTH OF HAZEL tJOJ WOOD av.. a plot of ground, 187x110, or will sell in single lots 31x110, for 320 each, (d 58). BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth av. mh!5-5S Suburban Lots. -VTOS. 176, 177, Z7, 228 IVANHOE-P. & L. E. R. XM R. ; terms easy, and lots very cheap; 14 new houses built last few months, Address J. P. L, Dispatch office, mh!4-42 CM 0- FLEMING PARK STATION. 1' 4 0 L. P. Ifv-- frnnllnf. rnllroart nhnnt ton acres of ground lu good oil territory; has a stone ouarrv. which is leased at 200 ner vear. Will sell two and one-half acres having a irontage of 570 leet on railroad, and being 2C0 leet deep, for f:,500. (1 159). BLACK 4 BAIRD, 95 Fourth ay. lnhl5-58 OO 100 TO 2.300-W1LK1NSBURG. PITT ST. O4 between North and Wallace, 4 lots 60x100 each, extending back to 20-loot alley. (k5) BLACK i, Aiau, do t ounn av. mnio-os' Farms. FABM-I00 ACRES OF LAND. WITHIN ONE mile of railroad station. 4J acres of which Is good white oak timber. For particulars address or call on J. Q. TRUXAL, breensburg, West moreland co.. Pa. mhl2-13 Q 330 ACRES OF LAND IN KANAWHA O? V V.UUUI1, SI Call T (t illllAf 1I111V.9 11UIII Ciiarletun. contalulnc valuable timber, naiuelr: IVnaf TTIi.i,lla 11 nltiM ru, Oak, wild cherry, walnut, poplar and hickory: sev eral veins of coal and iron ore; the above land is located In the oil belt, between Jiljr Sandy creek and Elk liver: abstract of title will be furnished to parties desiring to purchase; price. flO per acre fnrafchort time only. Address JSKsHI'iT&DK VINF lteal Kstate Agents, 1739 Market tt., "Wbcellnp. V. Va. mlilO-Il Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.-HENT OR SALE Hotels, rottaces and oath houses; lots for sale in all parts of the city; also South Atlantic City. ISRAEL G. ADAMS & CO.. Real Estate Agents. Real Estate and Law Building. fe8-90 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING goods store in Beaver Falls, Pa.; best cloth ing stand in the town: will sell or rent building to buyer; at present doing a j early business of be tween 725.000 and 30.000; owner having other business canse for selling. Address H, MO YER, Beaver Falls, Pa. mh4-13 RUGSTORE - CENTRALLY LOCATF.D Rarc chaffce for a young man. Address PHARMACIST, Ulspatch office. mhl5-134 TTILOUR. FEED ANDGRA1N BUSINESS-OLD J? esubllshed and flourishing, of years stand ing, on the Sontlislile: will investigation, bargain to quick buyer. ALLES4 BAILEY, 164 Fourth av. Tel. 167. iniU5-7.-MWSsu GROCERY STORE-ON CARSON ST.. S. S., complete In alt respects and ready for busi ness: 4 dwelling rooms and storeroom: rent, 40 permonth, Including nat. gas and waterreut: will sell at a bargain. TRESSEL 4 TENER.115 Fourth av. Telephone 40. mhl3-50-13.I4.15,17,19.21 GROCERY STORE-fl.OOO -SPECIAL BAR GAIN: others (500 to 5,000; general stores, feed stores, shoe stores, drug stores, cigar stores, bakeries, restaurants, meat markets, etc. PKR CIVAL 4 CHAPMAN, 439 Grant St. mhI5-107 GROCERY DOING A PAYING BUSINESS, will be sold cheap for cash. Address G.. 24, Dispatch office. mhl5-135 ONE-HALF INTEREST IN E. E. REAL ES TATE office, grocery stores, cigar store, milk depots, fish market, clearing (80 per week. HOLMLs 4 CO., 420 bmlthfleid bt. mhl4-72 KARE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR sale or rent one of the best storerooms In the best little village in Eastern Ohio: no dry goods store here: no better point in the State of Ohio to sell goods. For particulars write to JESS KEPNER, New Garden, O. mht-85-rrhS6u RESTAURANT-FINELY LOOATED, 11.800: butcher shop, planing mill and lumber yard, with annual business or 1150,000, on easy terms; shoestore, tlnshop, grocery stores, (500 to ai.000; bakeries, cigar stores, drug stores, milk depots. SHEPARD 4 CO.. 1M Fourth av. fc25 NEWS- gross profits r oath nnlv. For information call a.ter 6 r.K. at 86 ANN ST., Pittsburg. mh6-U7 VALUABLE MANGANESE PBOPEKTY-IN S. Carolina, For particulars call on J. S. WALK Seventh Avenue Hotel, city, mhl5-29 FOE 8AMJ-BTJSINESS. Business Opportunities. BAKERY-SITUATED AT 27 SOUTH PARK av., Warren, O.: building 18x78; lot 22x255; Sood oven; price. f4,5u0t also, stock and fixtures. I. S 273. Park av. . Warren, O. mh!4-39 BUSINESS - WELL-ESTABLISHED. LIGHT mauniactnrlng business. Any person wish ing to make a profitable investment may address P.O. BOX No. 448. inh!5-5 BUTCHER BUSINESS-AN ESTABLISHED stand with good shop trade and wagon route; engine, boiler, machinery of all kinds, horses artd wagons, Stevens cooler: average weekly sales six head of cattle, and all small stock obtainable. For Information apply ROOM GVOBankof Com merce Building. mhll-59-WTSu CHEAP - STOCK AND FIX'I URE3 OF A first-class drug store, also buildings: will be sold separately. If desired: owner wishes to retire from tho business. Address CHARLES T. COOPER, Scwlckicy. Pa. mhl5-6(S-TuTliSu DRUGSTORE A GOOD FAYING CITY stand; cheap to a quick buyer: owner in other business. Address U. D., Dispatch office. mhl4-9 Business) properties. LIBERTY ST.-OUTSIDE THE FLOODED district, N01. 1211 and 1213 Liberty St.. COxlCO to alley. J. PFITZENMEIER. mh-27-WTSU THE ANCHOR ROLLER FLOUR MILL-CAPACITY 100 barrels floiiraml ten tonsfeed. this Is the most completo roller mill In the State! and trade fully established: siding to mill door: satisfactory reasons for selling: none but those meaning business need address ARNOLD. Dis patch office. rc22-90-wsu ST 000-3702 liUTLER ST., COR. THIRTY I ? SEVENTH St.. late Anton Engel's prop erty, lot 32 5-6x104, with frame business house and dwelling, containing two stores and 11 rooms: onc-halfcam, balance to suit: this must be sold to close up ths estate. TH03. MCCAFFREY, 3509 Butler st. mh8-l5t-wsu Q1 Q OOO-SECOND AV., NEAR SM1TH-OJ-O? FIELD -street, a three-story brick dwelling of 14 rooms, bathroom, w. c. range, both gases: lot 20x80. (gl8). BLACK 4 BA11JD, 95 Fourth av. mhl5-5S Manufacturing Sites. MANUFACTURING S1TF, 120x120, WITH railwav switch, corner Bayard St. and P. & W. Ri K.. s'lxth ward, Allegheny: only O.oOO, which is a bargain forsneb a property; look at it Immediately. A. LEGGATII 4 SON, 103 Fourth avenue. mh!4-3G FOR SALE ailSCELLANEOCS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc BUGGY TWO - WHEEL TOP BUGGY (Spronl manufacture), nearly new; owner hasnonse for It and will sell cheap. Anply SS1I BUTLER ST. uihl5-51 CHEAP PACING nol!SE-MUST PACE BE LOW2150. H.H., Dispatch office. mhl5-45 TvOG. ONE LIGHTWEIGHT BULL TERRIER XJ dog. Address BOX 21 1, Coraopolls, Pa. mhl5-43 HOKSE-CHEAP-AS I HAVE NO TIME TO manage him. Aldlne. 4-year-old chestnns trotting stallion: No. 13.390 standard, under rule (G). registered In Wallace's Trotting Register, vol. 9. Foaled and raised In Iowa, Is large, rangy and very pure galted and promising. Is now In charge of John Collins, andean be seen at llrnshton station, on Pennsylvania Railroad, East End. Will take one-half of purchase money down and give long time on balance. For pedigree and particulars call on or address JOHN COLLINS, Pars: Place Hotel. Brushton station: or ED. PHiLLlPS, 83 Twenty-fourth st S. S.. Pitts burg. Pa. mhlO-52-iThSSU -T-ARE-CHEAP BAY MARE loi HANDS JJL high: can trot better than 2:50. Address G. F. BRUNT, East Liverpool, O. mbl5-14 TWO FINELY BRED GELDINGS: 5 YEARS old: onp seal brown. 16 hands, by Moody, 2:18, hebySwlgert; one bright bay, 16J hands, bv HotFpur. Jr.. dam by Powell's batellle: have never been bandied lor speed. Address, A. J. CARY, Salem. Col. Co., O. mhl4-29 WAGONS.HARNESS, TARPAULINS, ETC. One single and one double platform spring wagon, two sets single harness, four tarpaulins and will sell cheap. GEO. S. MARTIN 4 CO., 529 Liberty st. mhl3-2 Machinery and Metals. ENGINES. BOILERS AND CONNECTIONS, 'with freight elevator, tormlng part of dupli cate plant heretofore kept In building No. 99 Fifth av. for use In emergencies by The Dispatch; bar gain to quick buyer. Call on BUSINESS MANA GER THE DISPATCH. Smlthneld and Diamond sts., between the hours of 3 and 5 r. 21. fe20-117 QTEEL BOILER, ENGINE AND STEAM kJ pipes for beating three large rooms; boiler Is 9x3 feet, built last year; engine. 10 h. p.: all In splendid condition: will be sold, low to prompt cash buyer. E. F. ANDERSON, 99 Fifth av. mlil5-61 rilUE PORTER 4 DOUTHETT CO., L1M..DAR- JL KAG11 St. and River av.. Allegheny, ra.. engines, boilers and castings. Repairing prompt- ly attended to. jai-ao Miscellaneous. CLOCK-A HIGH (EIGHT FEET), OLD FASHION ED eight-day clock: a good time piece: In good order: handsome. Address L. II., box 155, Meyersdale, I'a. m u 10-44- COMPOSING ROOM FURNITURE. SUCH AS stands, cases, trucks and chases; desiring to quickly dispose of the duplicate plant now standing on upper floor of No. 99 Fifth av., no reasonable offer will be refused. Call between 3 and 5 r. M. on BUSINESS MANAGER IHE DISPA1CH. bmlthneld and Diamond sts. 1C20-117 ENTIRE FIXINGS OF A LODGE ROOM, IN CLUDING chairs, tables, etc.. all In good condition. Inqulreat5K PENN AVE. mhl3-18 FURN1SHMENT ENTIRE-OF 4-ROOM FLAT at one-half price; bv buying furultnre you can rent finest flat In city.' DIXON 4 CO.. 112 Fourth av. mhl5-113 S ECOND-H ANDS1X-POCKET POOL TABLE 5x10: will sell cheap for want of use. W. H. WATT, 411 Wood st. mhl5-6D TO LET. City Residences. CENTER AV.. NEAR DINWIDDIE ST.-2-story mansard brick dwelling, 9 rooms, ball, veTtibnle, bath and all conveniences: S3750 per mo. BAXTER, THOMPstlN 4 CO., 1C2 Fourth av. mhlS-lOO-MWFSut FOUR NEW CHOICE MANSARD BRICK houses. 7 rooms, will be finished March 18: all modern conveniences, water closets and water In the house, both gases, mahogany finish, 8 min utes' walk from postoffice; rent (25 per month. In quire of W. B. KNOLLE, No. 26 Wylle av. mh!5-82t -VTO.81 LOCUST ST.-8-ROOM PRESSED BRICK .U! -front house, laundry, hath. Inside w. c. etc C. H. LOVE, S3 Fourth av. 111 h 15-8 J t I rpH REE-STORY' DWELLING. NO. 9 PENN Dr. Emmerllcg. Apply to VICTOR WEIsS. 52u Penn av. mhi5-95t East End Residences -lOLLEGE AV.. NEAR ELLSWORTH: 2- Kj STORY frame dwelling: lidiuc nvcuiLijtj u iuuiusi nil uuu- veniences; 2o. BAXTER, TMOIII'SON 4 CO., 162 Fourth av. mhl5-97t GOOD 10-ROOM HOUSE, NO. Sit ROUP ST., East End. C. II. LOVE, 93 Fourth ar. mhl3-70t MEADOW ST.. NEAR LARIMER STORY brick dwelling: 9 rooms AV.. 2- all eon- veniences; moderate rent. bON 4 CO., 162 Fourth av. HAXTER, THOMP- nini-90-MTUsuT -TTTAI.NUTST. NEAR FIFTH AV., SHADY TT SIDE, two-storv mansard brick dwelling. 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, b.ith: all conveniences: f30. UAXlElt, THOMPSON 4 CO., 162 Fourth avenue inhl5-ioo-MWFSut Business Stands. FLOOR 10x40, WITH OK WITHOUT POWER, suitable for light manufacturing. Inquire of PEARL LAUNDRY, 25 Federal St.. Pittsburg. . mbl3-42t BOTEL-FUBN1SHED-S1'. JAMES HOTEL, Warren, O., In good order and doing a good ness: good bar and poolroom attached. Ad dress ST. J AMKS HOTEL, Warren, O. mhlS-5.1t LARGE STOREROOM AT 75 (DISPATCH building) Diamond St.: next store bnt one toSmlthtleld; size about 20X100, and widening to 30 leet lu the rear: steam heat, electric light and rear entrance for wagons and goods; power can also be supplied If needed. Apply to J. 1 CLARK, loom 26, Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond st Ja22-97t SECOND. THIRD AND FOURTH FLOORS over drug store, corner Fourth av. and Smlthfield st. C H. LOVE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. inh!3-47t STORES AND BUSINESS ROOJ1S IN ALL parts of the two cities and suburbs: send your name and address and we will mall yon our rent list regularly until April 1, Tree of charge. BL.ACK 4 B. IRD. 95 Fourth av. del7-20t 1ORER00MS-1N NEW BLOCK. CORNER OF Wylie and Sixth avs.: all modern lmprove- menu. E. KELLY. JR. 161 U II til av. UHU5-t4T -- THE SIXTH FLOOR OF 75.77and 79 DI ABIOND st. will be to let from April 1, with possibly possession to lessee earlier: dimensions 60x90 leet: lighted npon all four sides and also from large central well: suitable for large wholesale wareroom or light, manufacturing: both passeu- cr and freight elevators, electrli light, steam eating and power sunplied If necessary. Apply to J.L.CLARK, room 28, 71, 77 and 79 Diamond st. Ja22-S8t WAREHOUSE WOOD STREET WARE HOUSE, four stories and cellar: good ele vator, etc. BAXTER, THOMPSON 4 CO.. 162 Fourth av. inhl5-10O-JlWFSUt SO SCO-FIFTH AVENUE BUSINESS PROP O ERrv a big bargain: only one square from Court House, having erected thereon a brick house of 5rooms and storeroom: good investment: lota. 6x112. For rurther particulars call on HUM PHREY 4 WHITE, 635 Grant St. mhl5-H7 f-rqfr AND 537 FIFTH AV.-FINE NEW OtJO storerooms: plate glass fronts, goodcel- ars: low rent eleirant lor&tlon for erowlnpor anv J "retail business. BAXTER, THOMPSON CO., KClK -IFTH AV. -WAREHOUSE; 33 FEET 0JO front; occupied for 20 years as feed store, f:ood chance to get into an established business; ow rent. BAXTER, ' THOMPSON 4 CO.. 162 Fourth av. inhl5-99-MTnThsnt Miscellaneous. DWELLINGS. STORES ANDOFFICES-U PON request we will mall you our rent list reg ularly nntll Aprlj 1. free of charge; wrBe your name plainly and give full residence address street and number. BLACK 4 BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue feS-71t TO LET. AHeChcny Residence. BRICK HOUSE-EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH: butcber shop, slaughter and Ice house, stables and paint shopat ireand Ullaggart st. Apply to WM. S. KOTHBUM, 107 Jackson st-, Allegheny. mhll-18 BY JOnN K. EWINO & CO., S3 FEDERAL st., (at reduced rents) No. 97 Fremont st., 8 rooms: 107Bldwell it., 8 rooms; 117 Juniata St., 8 rooms: 32 Fremont St., 6 rooms: 30 Taggart St., 9 rooms: CO Sandusky st., 9 rooms; 71 Man hattan St.. 6 rooms; also others; send for list. ' . mhl5-S8t "VTO 151 LOCUST Sl- II ROOMS. BATH AND jtS laundrv: low rent to good tenant. Address ALirv-- ItEKiis.fcSoN. Allegheny. Pa. mhl4-25t Q-f -NEAT SIX-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, OJLO nicely papered: Yale st.. Second ifard, Allegheny: hill district; nice little home for gen teel family: only snch will be considered. A. LEG GATE 4 SON, 108 Fourth av. mhl3-CQt Suburban Residences. CHARTIEUS STATION. P. A L. E. K. R.-TEN minutes' walk Iroin station: double house containing 13 rooms: stable and two acres of ground. Inquire at 233 ALLXGUEN Y AV., Al legheny. mBlo-tOt TTITCIIT-IUIOMED HOUSE IT. WAYNE I JDj Railway, six miles from city, five minutes' w.ilklrom Laurel station; rent low. T. H. IR- rahl5-47t WIN, 171 Fourth av.. Pittsburg. FURNISHED DWELLING - CONTAINING seven large rooms; also servants,' bath .and small room, large ball anil reccntion hall, bay windows, pantry, three stairways and porches, screens for enure house: this dwelling Is mr nixhed handsomely throughout: also nice stable with room for man servant: handsome lawn; lot 240XJOO: nice large fruit shade trees: everything Is in excellent condition; will rent for one year; situate right at Gleufled station. P. F. tt . & C. R. R. Inquire of ANDREW FISHER, 161 Fifth av.. Pittsburg. mbl4-22t WILDWOOD STATION. A. V. R. It. ONE mile from city line 1 house 9 rooms.Si5 per month: 2 honses 5 rooais, ?-3 per mouth; 1 house 5 rooms. ?6 per month: 1 house 9 rooms. 820 per month: farm 75 acres, 15permontb: good board walk from station toe.ich house, natural gas and spring water. T. S. KN AP, 3313 Penn av. inh!2-19t Rooms. BOOM-IN SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY: large, well furnished alcove front room for gentleman: batb: Doth gases: good supplv of towels and bed linen; everything kept in first class order: cable cars pass the door; fine loca tion for snmmer; reference. Address L. M., Dispatch offlce. mhI5-16t EOOM-LABGE. WELL FURNISHED FRONT room, with board, near parks: cars pass tbe door: everything first-class. Address K. P., Dis patch office. rohl5-136t KOOM-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, WITH or without first-class table board (6 o'clock dinner), at 'THE CHELSEA. " 417 Penn av. mhl5-131t THREE ROOMS, city. APPLY AT 56 SIXTH AV., mhl5-132t Offices. Desk Room. Etc OFFICES-IN THE WESTINGHOU3E BUILD ING, the handsomest and best equipped offlce building In Western Pennsylvania; thor oughly fire-proof: electric light, heat and Janitor service Included lis rent: rates lower than any other first-class building In the city. For partic ulars apply by letter or otherwise to AGENT WEST1NGHOUSE BUILDING, room 52. fe5-7-Thsut OFFICES-IN IRISH. PENN. EISNER. EX CELSIOR, Schinertz, Kuhnand other build ings and In other good localities: send us your name and address and we will mail you onr rent list regularly until AprUl free of charge. BLACK 4 BA1UD, 93 Fourth av. JaI3 63t OFFICE-GOOD LARGE OFFICE. ON SEC OND floor, front. No. 100 Third av., good light, etc. C. H. LOTE, No. 93 Fourth avenue. mhl3-47t OFFICE-LARGE OFrlOE ON FIRST FLOOR Shannon building. 108 Fourth av.. now occu pied by F. Finswalte, broker. Inquire ROOil 44. mh4-32t TO LET SPECIAL. TO LET EAST END HOUSES. 845, Shetland av.. on line of electric road, fine, large brick. 10 rooms, attic 2 pantries, both gases, h. and c. water, H acre ground, stable, fruit. 58 83, Penn av.. H-roora brick, all modern con veniences; an elegant home. 60, Flavel St.. 9 rooms, large grounds. 115. new 6-room houses. Uartman plan. $18 to $26, 3 new brick houses, 1 minute from Uomewood station. SIS, Breed's Hill St.. near Rebecca, new 5-room honses. well finished and very desirable. ", Frankstowh av., new brick 9 rooms, all modern improvements. $11 66, Lincoln av.. frame 7 rooms, fin. attic bath, h. and c. water, electric lights, natural gas, 2 porches, bay windows, washhouse, large grounds. , $25, Firth av., near Frankstown, S rooms, water, natural gas. paved and sewered. DENNISl'ON, ELDEKK1N & CO.. LIM. 6304 Peon av. Offlce open evenings. Tel. 5324. mhl3-114-wgn PERSONAL. FERSONAL-TRAMF write me? TIME. -WHY DON'T YOU mbl5-60 JL7 andsllver: Jewelryrepaircd:newworkmade to order. CHRIS. UAUCH, 541 Smlthflcla st. JalS-Sl PERSONAL REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE. MYER GALLINGER, Yodcr law building, cor. Filth and Wvllc avs. Telephone 1707. m lis-li) PERSONAL WEBSTER'S LARGE QUARTO Dictionary, 82 50: special bargains lu oUand new books during this mouth. FRANK BACON 4 CO.. 301 bmithfield st. mh!2 PERSONAL V RINKLES-WITH ALMOND Nut Cream you can positively rub them away: scaled particulars 2c. MARY E. S1URRAY, 1059 Washington boulevard. Chicago, 111. Agents wanted. mhl5'75 PERSONAL FINE I100KS-WE HAVETHE finest collection of finely illustrated books In Pittsburg: beautiful bindings; tow prices: come and see them: hundreds of books for presents. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. 900 Liberty St. del2 TTJERSON AL- RELIEVE THAT TIRED, ST aching feeling nbout the eyes bv having oroper glasses auinsiea uy luc-sjia. s- jiAa NION. 42 Federal St.. Allegheny. Best fl spec tacles on earth. Artificial eyes Inserted. . fes-113-TFsn T7Z. .:,.' ........ ....... -. ..... PERSONAI-INFOBMATION WA NTED Mr. A. C. Mabry, of 445 Ella St., Bloomfield, left his home Sabbath morulug: his height Is 6 feet: had on brown overcoat, soft felt hat, dark bl.iepants. was50ycars old, sandymustachc dark brown with considerable gray hair; was slightly demented. Any Information concerning him will be gladly received M-THK FAMILY. mhl5-93 FOUND. TTIOUND-TA-VA-ZON LUNG COUGH SYRUP JL best ror colds, pneumonia, sore throat, weak lungs, etc.: 25cts.. VJ cts. 81. DR. GRIFFITH CO., third and Grant, J'lttsbun mb!5-l35 FOUND-A RELIEF FOR MY HEADACHE BY having proper glasses adjusted by the ex perts lu lenses, CHESSMAN & MANNION, 4.' Federal St.. Allegheny. Best fl spectacles on earth. Artificial eies Inserted. le8-113-TPSu LOST. LOST-ON THURSDAY MORNING, A GRAY parrot from the residence of ROBERT BCOTT, 178 Bedford av,, city: reward If returned, mh 15-137 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE Of the entire fnrnishment of the ten-roomed residence. No. 86 Fayette St., Allegheny, TUESDAY, M AKCH 17, AT 10 A. M. Fine hair cloth parlor suit, Chickerin; piano, cost 700; parlor mirrors, pictures, dining-room chairs, exten-ion table, sideboard, chamber snlts. ball rack, Brusscl carpets, ball and stair carpets, lace curtains, kitchen fnrnitnro and utensils, line oak writing desk, etc., all in ex cellent condition, and will be sold without re serve. House open for inspection from 8 o'clock on morning of sale. . ROBINSON k CO., 628 Smitbneld St., Auctioneers. mliS.84-,16 TTALTJABLE FARM FOK SALK- Iwill sell at, the Court Hnnse in Wellsburf-, Brooke county, W. Va., on SATURDAY, MARCH 28. 181)1. At" 10 "o'clook. the farm known as the Snyder farm nwnpd by the Cove Mining Company, con taining Z50 acres, sltnated nearllolliday's Cove, three milcx from Steubenville, O. The P. U. Sc St. L. R. R. runs through the land one mile. Seventy-flve acres bottom land; two brick honses; three coal veiDs: two veins of fire clay, buildinrr. flag and limestone in abundance. Title perfect. Terras, one-third cash, balance m one, two and three year' with interest. W. J. W. COWDEN. Trns-.ce. ,fe22-?9-wsa Wheeling. W. Va. Extraordinary Opportunity. lhe only WHOLESALE SfOCK of jewelry ever offered to the citizens of Pittsburg and Allegheny at AUCTION. Diamonds, watuhe, 'clocks,' jewelry, silver ware, tine onyx clocks, bronzes, safes, show cases and offlee fixtures, etc., etc. Must close out by April L Come early, everybody, and secure rich bargains. Sales dally at 10 A. 21., 2 P if 7 x w "' ' JOHN O. BLEMMONS, Wholesale Jeweler, No. 77 Fifth ave., Jlellor AHoene Building, second floor. Sale begins MONDAY, March 9. mbS-67-Sa J. A. McKELYEY, Auctioneer. Household furniture, property and live stock. Offlce 84 Frankstown Av.. East End. Terms upoa applictlon. mhS-H AUCTION SAXES. AUCTION SALE-THE COMPLETE AND handsome fnrnishment of an Allegheny residence at auction TUESDAY MORNING. March 17, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms No. 311 MARKET ST. Owners are leaving city and everything mnst be sold. Fine curtains, pic tures, bric-a-brac, piano, very line tapestry par lor suit, art table, far rue, piano lamp, elegant ball, room and stair carpets, handsome cham ber suits, decorated toiletware, hair and husk mattresses, bed springs, bedsteads, bnrean, washstands, chiffonier, wardrobes, bed lounge, hall rack, china. closet, leather chairs, odd rockers, dishes and glassware, sideboard, ex tension table, laundry and kitchen goods, horsa blankets, driver's far robes, rape and whip, etc. Also tbe last of those very elegant parlor suits consigned to ns by an Ohio manufacturing firm who have gone ou: of business. HENRY AUC TION CO.. Auctioneers. inhla-122 5IEBTING5. NOTICE THE REGULAR ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Amer ican Preservers' Company will be held at the office of tbe company in the city of Pittsburg, on WEDNESDAY.the ISth day of ilarcb.1891, at 2 P. M. B. E. RYAN. Secretary. mh8-13 KE5IOVALS. Pittsburg National Bank of Commerce, March 10.SS9L THIS BANK HAS REMOVED TO riv new banking room in Bank of Commerce bnildinp-. corner Wood st. and Sixth av. mbll-35 C. L WADE. Cashier. CHARLESSOMERS&CO., DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE. Will remove their central offlce, No. 318 Wood street, to No. 129 Fourth Ave,, Directly opposite tho New Postoffice, ON APRIL 1st mbl4-37 ZESrOTICIE- The M. & M. Insurance Co. WILL BE FOUND AT No. 82 Fourth Avenue, Under the Fourth National Bank, Where business will be transacted is usuaL CHARLES W. BATCHELOR, President. WILLIAM T. ADAIR, Secretary. AUGUST A1IMON, General Agent. mhl4-47 CHOICE PBOPEKTTES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOB BUSINESS PROPERTY On PENN or LIBERTY AVS.. in Sixteenth or Nineteenth wards, two very tine frame houses, ouo new, seven rooms, ball, attic, bathroom, cellar, inside shutters. Eliding doors, water, porches, well finished; and frame house four rooms, porches, ball, attic, cellar, etc Lot 52x100 feet, corner of Fortv-fiftii and Geneva sts. Price J5.7W), or will exchange separately. D. BEHEN & SON. nibl5-3-15,22.25 H12 Penn ar. CHEAP, DESIRABLE, SUBSTANTIAL. 40,000, terms to suit purchaser, will buy that elegant and substantial dwelling, located in tbe East End, corner of Fifth avenue and Shady lane; contains IE rooms and all the con veniences: is finished throughout wltn hard woods; has the southeastern exposure and honse alone cost $32,000 to buildr lot 148x170 feet; this property is worth every cent of $35,000, but tbe owner being in poor health and obliged to leave the city, has decided to take the above figure. For permit to examine premises, sen W. C. STEWART. 137 Fourth av. mhl5-17Su $22,500 END RESIDENCE! EAST New 11-Room Queen Anne Urlck Dwelling, With All Conveniences. ONE AND THREE-QUARTER ACRES, With good stable and carriage house; also, number of beautiful forest andshade trecs.situ ate on aspbaltum pjvert street, one sqnare from Dnqnesne Electric road, also convenient to P. RR. Positively not built for sale. Owner is moving from city. Terrai to suit. JL F. llIPPLE A CO., mbl5-5C-wsu OS Fourth ar. INVESTMENT. Two new 2-story mansard brick dwellings of 8 rooms each with all conveniences, and a 2 story Queen Anne frame dwelling. 8 rooms, with every convenience. Lot corner two good streets in Sbadyslde on line of Duquesne trac tion. Will nearly rent for $1,200 a year. Price 11,000. Full particulars from Baxter, ihompson&Co., 162 FOURTH AVENUE. mbl5-102-TTbasn $35,000. City Business Property. GILT EDGE INVESTMENT On prominent business street, new three-story brick builillntr, with lot 30x100 feet, now rent ing for 5,000 per annum. This property is en hancing rapidly in value. JL F. HIPPLE & CO.. mhl5-124-Tnsu 90 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE. An-11 Per Cent Net Investment. A frame honse six rooms, and brick shop of' two rooms, renting for S276 per annum. A good paving place for man of small capital. This property Is on Cliff St., near Ppnn Incline and Wylle avcnne cars. Price 52.150. Easy terms. D. BEHEN fc SON. mhl515,22,25 4112 Penn ar. mllE BOARD OF TRADE J OF JEANNETTE, PA., Solicit correspondence from parties desiring advantageous real estate for manufacturing purposes. Liberal Inducements offered as to land, nat ural gas and railroad facilities. Address FRANK B. POPE, Secretary. mhlS-oT-wrsu Jeannette. Pa. FOR RENT. (600, ten room dwelling known as No. 3704 Forbes street, Oakland: would make an ex cellent business stand: will alter for this pur pose It desired. W. C. STEWART, 137 Fourth avenue. mbl-17sa $10000. BUSINESS-PROPERTY, FIFTH AV NEAR MILTENBERQfiB ST. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING AND STORE ROOM, With lot 20x120 feet to Ann street. This prop erty Is enhancing rapidly In value. mhl5-125-Ttuu 1L F. HIPPLE k CO. CHOICE PROPERTIES. Partial List of Properties - In Allegheny or Sale by F. HIPPLE I CD., 96 Fourth Avenue. S2.500 Rush street, 7-room frame, dwelling! u tiflcial and natural gas: doss to car line lot 22x11 J2.900 Wilson avenue, close to PerrySTille ave nue electric cars; neat 5-room frame dwell ing. with lot 21 feet front; more ground id joiningif desired. $4,700 Close to Federal streetnew Queen Anna frame dwelling containing 6 rooms, bath, inside w. c. reception faalL china closets, eta. slate mantels, laundry, stationary tubs, front and rear porches, large lot. $8,000 Irwin avenue, 6-room brick dwelling; attic, artificial and natural gas. range, hos and cold water, inside w. c, bath; very com plete. fS.000 Sheffield street, elegant 8-room dwell ing, attic, batb, etc.: all modern conveni ences, with 2 lots 24KX19 feet. 19,000 Ohio street, 3-story brick dwelling of 7 rooms and storeroom, hall, stable and wagoa 'shed; well located for bakery or boarding house. 112,000 Locust street.28-roomsddwelIings.batb. water, gas, etc.; lot 41x118 feet; will sell separate. 118,000 Locust street, elegant modern 10 roomed dwelling, with all conveniences, stable and carriage honse; all in first-class order. 113,500 Fremont street, handsome 10-room brick dwelling, artificial and natural gas, laundry; newly papered and painted; lot 30x 140 feet. Manufacturing site on West Penn Railroad; 200 feet railroad siding, buildings, etc.; lot 2Wx 390 feet; best of locations. mhlG-oT-lvsa "Shirley Dare recommends farming, both from financial aud health standpoints." Sea her argument In to-day's Dispatch, then GET OUR LIST OF FARMS or EVERY SIZE AND VARIETY. Situated on railroads and rivers, con venient to Pittsburg and ranging from 10 to 200 acres, at lrom SOU, on easy terms, up. Fruit ana (Men Farm?, Dairy ami Poultry Farms, Stoc! and Grain Farms. Some of them to be secured at figures scarcely covering the cost of improve ments, and Desirable Investments From a purely speculative point of view. Thoroughly equipped, pleasant, health ful, quiet homes, wheru bounteous na ture provides for all the wants of man. CHARLES SOMERS & CO. mbl5-78-TTSU FACTOR! PROPERTY FOR SALE TO CLOSE M ESTATE, Tie undivided half interest of the plant ot the Whitney Glass Works, situated at Glass boro, N. J. This is one of the oldest and largest glass manufacturing plants in tbeUnited States (has been in operation over 100 years), la very favorably located, having' two lines of railroad entering tbe factory premises. The plant consists of four large factory buildings: Stone building (43x144), which contains grind Inc. engine, mold and pot rooms and all tho necessary machinery. Two 40-bnrse power boilers, and one 50-norS9 power engine. Large stone saw and grist milL Large stone store and office. Two larze packing bouses, wareshed, etc About 1C0 dwelling houses. Tbe whole property is in good repair and oo enpied, under a lease, which expires August L. 1892. mhl40 FAHNESTOCK PLACE, HOMEWOOD. LOTS! The most beautiful plan of lots, without ex ception, in tbe East End. Best neighborhood, churches and scbools in the city. Best Talus for the money. Not a lot but has fruit or shade trees. P. R. R. with 45 trains each way daily at one end and Dnqnesne electric at other end of the plan. We ar offering lots in this plan at from $30 per foot front upward accord ing to location. Don't buy elsewhere until you see us. You can get better value for your money nere tnan anywnero else. L1GGF.TT BROS rabll-74 71 Diamond St. FOR RENT The County Commissioners offer for rentth building on corner of Ross and Diamond sts., and known as tbe "University building." Sealed proposals in wntii g will he received for the same in terms of five, ten, fifteen or twenty years until FRIDAY, MARCH 20, at i o'clock p. 31. Bids must be addressed to the Controller of Allegheny county. For further intormation apply to tha County Commissioners, who reserve tbe right to reject any or all bids. JAMES A. GRIER, mbll-99 County Controller. AWAY BELOW COST. $5,000 Will buy a 12-Roomed Frame Dwelling, bath, inside, w. c, wide hall, laundry, elegant cellar, beater, eta, together with five lots, suitable for two families, near Thirty-third street, and close to cable cars and P. R. R. M. F. HTPPLB & OO., mhl5-55-TTSa 55 FOURTH AT. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Have for sale a number of the choicest pieces of property in Pittsburg, suitable for wholesale and retail business; can be pur chased at reasonable figures and on easy terms. W. C. STEWART. 137 Fonrth av. f e&SO-Stt CHEAP LOTS. $750. Terms: 550 cash, and t2 60 a week, will buy a large and elegant lot, desirably located in the heart of the East Knd, on line of new elec tric road, near the main entrance to Scbenley Park. These lots lie beautifully; are covered with large forest trees, and are bound to bs worth double tbe money iu a short time. For plans and particulars see W. C. STEW ART. 137 Fourth av. fe22-eo-Sn i CHOICE HOMES. Have for sale several new substantial and at tractive dwellings desirably located fa the heart of the East End, ranging in price from K.S0O to $30,000. which can be pnrobased ou terms to suit buyers, and at right figures. W. C STEWART, 137 Fourth avonue. mhl-u-Sa T 4 1 j i I