m&tgsa J-ifT jf THE. PITTSBURG DISPATCH; MONDAY, ' mM0H ' 2,' 1891 AMERICA'S BIG' EVIL Second of llie Series of Sermons Upon the Cities' Ten Plasties. A5 ATTACK UPON IKTEMPECAXCE, With a Stronc Appeal to tbe Churches to Arouse to Action. DMXKIXG BTEADIM OX THE IXCEEASK frKCIAX. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Sew Yoke, March 1. Dr. Talmage con tinued to-dav the series of sermons he com menced last Sunday on the "Ten Plagues of New York and the Adjacent Cities." The plague which he places second on tbe list is intemperance, and on that subject he dis coursed this morning in the Academy of Music, Brcoklvn, and this evening in New York. At the close of the service in the New Yort Academy of Music, Dr. Talmage went over to the Union Square Theater, where his son, Mr. Frank DeWitt Talmage, was holding an over-flowing meeting, and briefly addressed the crowded house. Tbe text of the Doctor's sermon was taken from Genctii ix.20, 21: "Noah planted a vine yard; umi he drank of the wine and was drunken." This "oah did the best and the worst thine for tbe world. He built an ark against tbo de luge of water, but introduced a deluge against which th. human race has ever since been try ing v ".id an ark the deluge of drunkenness. In my texr we near his staggering stops, fchem and Japhet tried to cover up the disgrace, hut there he is, drunk on w ine at a time in the his tory of tbe world when, to say the least, there wano lack of water. Inebriation, having en tered the world, lias noijretrcated. Abigail, the lair and heroic wife, whti t.avcd the flock of NabaL her husband, from confiscation by invaders, goes home at night and finds him so intoxicated sho cinnottcll bitn the story of his narrow esiapc. Uriah came to ce Dai id, and David cot him drunk, and paved tbe way for the despoliation of a household. Even tbe church bishops needed to be charged to be sober and not given to too much wine, and m familiar were people of Bible times witn tbe stagcering and falling motion of tbe inebriate, that Isaiah, when becomes to describe the final dislocation of worlds saj: ,lho earth stall reel to and fro like .1 drunkard." Ever since annles and grapes and wheat rrcw the world has been tctupted tounhcalth fnl stimulant's. But tbe intoxicants of tbe olden time were an innocent beverage, a harmless orangeade, a quiet syrup, a peaceful sodi water, as compared with the liquids of modern inebriation, into uhich a madness, and a fury, and a Rloora, a'id a lire, and a suicide, una a retribution bale mixed and mingled. Fermentation was always known, but it uas not until a thousand lears after Christ that dis tillation was invented. While wo must confess that ome of tbe ancient arts have been ln.t. the Christian era is superior to all others in the bad eminence of whisky and rum and gin. The modern drank is a hundred fold worse than tbe ancient drunk. Noah, in his intoxication, became irn lecile. but the victims of modern alcoholism have to strutrclc with whole menageries of wild beasts and j unfiles if hising serpents and per ditions of blasnhcming demons. An arch fiend arrived in our viorid, and he built an invisible caldron of temptation. He built that cal dron strong and stout for all ages and all naions. First be squeezed into tbe caldron tbe juice of tbe forbidden fruit of Paraditc. Then he gathered for it a distillation from tho harvest fields and the orchards of the hemi: pherts. Dad Ingredients Without Xumber. Then he poured into this caldron capsicum, and conperas, and logwood, and deadly night shade, and as-ault and battery, and vitriol, and opium, and rum and murder, and sulphuric acid, and thelt, and potash and cochineal, and red carrots, and poverty, and death and hops. But it was a drj compound, and it must be moistened, and it must be llqnehed. and so the arch-fiend poured into thai caldron the tears fif centuries of orphanage and widowhood, and he poured in tbe blood of 20.00(1 assassinations. .And then the arch fiend took up a shovel that he had brought up from the furnaces beneath, and he put tbat sbovel into tins great caldron and began to stir, and the caldron began to heave, and rock, and boil, and sputter, and hiss, and smoke, and the nations gathered around it ui:h curs and tankards and demijohns and kegs, and there was enough for all. and the arch-fiend cried: "Aha! champion fiend-am " Who has done more than I have for coffins and graveyards and prisons and insane asy lums, and tbe populating of the lost world? And when this caldron is emptied I'll fill it again, and I'll silr it again, and it will smoko again, and tbat smoke will join another smoke the smokn of a torment that ascendeth tor ever and ever. I drove 50 ships ou tbe rocks of Newfoundland and the Skerries and the Good wins. I have ruined more Senators than gather tins winter in tbe national councils. I have ruined more lords than are now gathered in the House of Peers. The cup out of which I ordinarily drink is a bleached human skull, and the upbolsterv of my palace is rich .a crimson because it isdyed in human gore, and the mosaic of my floors is made up ot the bones of children dashed to death by drunken parents, and my favorite music sweeter than Te Dnura or triumphal march my faiorite music is the cry of daugh ters turned out at midnight on the street be cause father has come homo from the carousal. and the seven-bundred-voiced shriek of tho sinking steamer, because the captain was not himself when he put the ship on the wrong course. Cnamp'.on fiend am 1 1 I have kindled more fires. 1 have wrung out more agonies. 1 hare stretched out more midnight shadows I haie opened more Golgothas, 1 have rolled more Juggernauts, I have damned more souls than any other emissary of diabolism. Cham pion fiend am 1 :"' Greatest Dill of the Time. Drunkenness Is tbe greatest evil of this na tion, and it takes no logical process to prove to this audience that a drunken nation cannot long be a free nation. I call your attention to the fact tbat drunkenness is not subsiding, cer tainly that it is not at a standstill, but that it is on an onward march, and it is a double-quick. There is more rum swallowed in this country, and of a worse kind, than was ever swallowoa since tbe tint distillery began its work of death. Wheie there was one drunken home there are ten drunken homes. Where there was one drunkard's grave there are 2u drunkards' grave-. It is on the increase. Talk about crooked whisky by which men mean the whitky that does not nay the tax to Govern ment 1 tell jou all strong drink is crooked. Cloaked Otaid, crooked Cognac, crooked schnapps, crooked beer, crooked wine, crooked whisk berSU"-c it makes a man's path crooked, and his death crooked, and his eternity crooked. If I could gather all the armies ot the dead drunkards and have them come to resurrection, and then add to that host all the armies of liv ing drunkards, fiic and ten abreast, aud then it 1 could have you mount a horse and ride along that line for review, you would ride that horse until he dropped from exhaustion, and you would mount another horse and ride until he fell from exhaustion, and you would take an other and another, and you would ride along liuui .1111.-1 uuui, iii.u uay aiier uay, ireat uost, in regiments, in brigades. Great armies of them. And then if jou had voice stentorian enough to make .hem all bear, and you could give the command, "Forward, march!" their first tramp would make the earth tremble, I do not care which way you look in the community to-day, tbe evil is increasing. I call attention to the fact that there are thousands of people born with a thirst for strong dtink 4 fact too often ignored. Along some ancestral lines there runs the river of temptation. There are children whose (-waddling clothes are torn oil the shroud of death. Many a father has made a will of this sort: "In the name of God, amen. I bequeath to my children niv houses and lands and estate: share and share shall they alike. Hereto 1 affix my hand and seal in tbe presence of witnesses." Aud jet perhaps that very man has made another will that the people nave never read, and that has not been proved in the courts. That will put in writing would read something like this: "In the name of disease and appetito and death, amen. I bequeath to my children my evil habits, inr tankards shall be theirs, my wmecup shall be theirs, my destroyed repu tation bhall he theirs. Share and share alike shall they In the infamy. Hereto I affix my hand aud seal m tbe presence of all tbe ap plauding harpies of helL" The Expenditure of Money. Gather up the money that tbe working classes hat e spent for rum during the last SO years and I will build tor every workingman a house and laj out for him a garden, and clothe his sons in broadcloth and bis daughters in silks, and ttandat bis front door a prancing span of sor rels or bays, and tecuro him a polfcy ot life in surance so that tho present home mav be well maintained ficr he is dead. The most per Fistent. most overpowering enemy of the work ing classes is IntoncaMng liquor. It is the An archist of the centuries, and has boycotted, and la now boycotting the body and mind and soul of American labor. It annually swindles industry out of a large percentage of its earnings. It holds out its blasting solicita tions to the mechanic or operative on his way to work, ana at the noon-spell, and on his way borne at eventide. On Saturday, when the wages are paid. It snatches a large part of the money tbat might come to tbe family and sac--rifloes it amoag the saloonkeepers. Stand the saloons ot this countryside by side, and ft is carefully estimated tbat they would reach from .New Yo"rk to Chicago. This evil Is pouring its vitriolic and damnable liquors down tbe throats of hundreds ot thou sands ot laborer;, and while the ordinary strikes are ruinous both to emplOTers and em ployees, I proclaim a universal strike against strong drink, which strike, if kept up, will be the relief of the working classes and tbe salva tion of tbe nation. I will undertake to sav that there is not a healthy laborer in the United States who. within the next SO years, it he will refuse ail intoxicating beverages and be sav ing, may not become a capitalist on a small scale. Oh. how many are waiting to see If something cannot be done for tbe stopping of intemper ance, auousanusnt uruuKarus waning woo cannot go ten minutes in any direction without having the temptation glaring before their eyes or appealing to their nostrils, ther fighting against it with enreebled will and diseased ap petite, conquering, then surrendering, con quering again and surrendering again, and crying: "How long, oh! Lord, how long before these infamous solicitations shall be gone." And bow many mothers are waiting to see If this national curse cannot lift. Ob, is tbat tbo boy who had tho honest breath who cnme home with breath vitiated or disguised? What a change! How quickly those habits of early coming homo have been exchanged for the rat tling of the night key in the door long after the last watchman has gone by and tried to see that everything was closed up for tho night. Duty of the Churches. The Protestant and I toman Catholic Churches to-day stand side by side with an impotent look, gazing on this evil, which costs this coun try more than Sl.000.000,000 a year to take care of the 800.000 panpers, and the 315,000 criminals, and tho 30.000 idiots, and to bury the 75,000 drunkards. Protagoras boasted that out of the CO rears of his life -10 years he had spent in ruining youth; but this evil mav make tbe more infamous boast that all its life "it has been ruin ing the bodies, minds and souls of tbo human race. Put on vonr spectacles and take a candle. and examino the platforms of tne two leading political parties of this country, and see what they are doing for the arrest of this evil and for the overthrow of this abomination. Reso lutions oh! yes. resolutions about Mormonisml It is safe to attack that organized nastiness two thousand miles away. But not one resolu tion against drunkenness, which would turn this entire nation into one bestial Sale Lake City. Resolutions against political corruption, but not one word about drunkennes. which would rot this nation from scalp to heel. Reso lutions about protection against competition wl h foreign Industrie', but not one word about protection ot family and church and nation against the scalding., blasting, all-consuming damumg tariff ot strong drink put upon every financial, individual, spiritual, moral, national interest. 1 loot in another direction. The Church or God is tbe grandest and most glorious institu tion on earth. What has it in solid pbalanx accomplished for the overthrow ot drunken iiess? Have its forces ever been marshaled? No. not in this direction. 2Jot long ago a great ecclesiastical court assembled In Now York and resolutions arraigning strong drink were uucieo, anu clergymen witn strong ctnnKon their tables and strong drink in their cellars de feated the resolutions by threatening speeches. They could not bear to give up their own lusts. Itell this audience what many of voumaynever have thought of, that to-day not'in the millen nium, but to-day the Church holds tho balance Of power in America: and ir Christian people the men anil tbo uonien who profess to love the Lord Jesus Christ and to love purity and to be the sworn enemies of all uncleanness and de bauchery and sin if all such would march side by side and shoulder to shouloer this evil would soon be overthrown. Tbi-k of three hundred thousand churches and Sunday schools in Christendom marching shoulder to shoulder! How very short a time it would take them to put down this evil, if all tbe churches of God, transatlantic and cisatlantic, were armed on this subject! FEATUfiES OF" TRADE. rirst Arrival of Fruit From Gult of Mexico This tVeek Dairy Products Tend. Up ward Receipts of Grain and nay Light and Demand Also Light. OFFICE OF FrrTSBUEG DISPATCH, Saturday. Feb. 2s. j In Produce Lines. Among the features of the past week has been the arrival ot new strawberries and cu cumbers from the Gult of Mexico These first arrivals are somewhat ahead of tbe average time, a fact no doubt due to tbe mild winter. In the line of dairy prodncts .prices are steadily hardening ot late, especially for high grade creamery butter and good cheese. Stocks are very light in the hands of jobbers, and pros pects are good for further advances in price. New York prices of Elgin creamery butter and fresh eggs have been below those of Pittsburg for several days past, whereas tbe difference is usually tbo other way. .Fresh eggs have been higher in Pittsburg tne past few days than any where else in tbo land. In Cincinnati aud St, Louis the jobbing price has ruled 3c to 4c per dozen lower than here. This has been partlv due to the floods in the Ohio Valley, whence a large part of our supplies come. Large quan tities are awaiting the first opportunity of ship ment, and there will no doubt be plenty the coming week and lower prices. But as to choice dairy products, there is no fear of an over supply, and tbe drift is sure to be toward higher prices. There has beon a good movement of potatoes the past week at outside quotation?. In other lines of vegetables the situation has been favorable to the buver. Cabbage and onions are particularly quiet. The same is truo of apples. The high price of ap ples has very much curtailed demand. With tropical fruits so abundant and low as they have been the past winter, there has been a very light consumption of tbe dear domestic article. Cereals and Groceries. It will be seen by reference to domestic mar ket column tbat receipts of cereals have been light tho past week. Demand has been also light, but priceB are firm with corn and oats higher than tbey were a week ago. There has been little life to bidding at the Gram Ex change,tbougb stuff has been offered at prices as low as at sources of supply. Since the stoppage of street improvements by the decision of courts, the retail trade has perceptibly de clined. Retailers are evidently buying only to supply immediate wants. The feature of tho week in grocery lines has been tbe upward movement ot sugar. At the beginning of the month the general expectation was that prices would steadily move downward until April 1, when snear goes onto the free list. And in this expectation jobbers were carrying light stocks. Now it xceins there is danger of a scarcity the coming month, and hence prices are tending higher. Green coffee advanced o per pound the past week in Eastern markets, but tbe advance fails to reach tho roasted arti cle as jet. Package coffee is relatively 1c per pound lower thin tbe green article. The pork pack ers of the city agreed on a redaction of c on hams, and Kc oft bacon, shoulders and sides at their regular meeting to-day. The Illda Market. Tho stronger tone to light hide market noted aueekago. has developed Into an advance of lie per pound, and our quotations are advanced accordingly. Steer hides are fairly steady, but prices are unchanged. The same is true ot calfskins. Following are prices paid by tanners and hide dealers: No. 1 green salted steers, CS pounds and over 7JJ o 1 green salted cons, all weights & io. 1 preen salted hides 40 to 60 pounds.. 5 No. 1 green salted hides, 25 to 40 pounds.. 5! No. 1 irreen salted bulls S. Jo. 1 xreiu malted callklns 7 Ao. 1 preen salted veal kips. 5 Io. 1 jrrccn sailed runner Mps 3 So. 1 jtreeu teerb. ,o pounds and over.... 7 Ao. 1 preen cows. allweUhls 44 'o. I preen bulls 4 Jo. I preen lildrs. Ji to B0 pound's 414 No. 1 erecu hides. Zitottnounds 4W o. 1 preen callsLlus 6 So. 1 preen veal Lips. each 03 No. 1 preen runner kips, each CO bheepskilis 15c3l2D 'iallow, prime 4 These prices subject to cliaupe without notice. Kcductlun lor No. 2 stock Uc per pound on steers and Ilpht hides: lc ou bulls aud 2c on calfskins. Leather. The Chicago Shoe and Leather Beview has this to say of the situation: There is noticeable a decided improvement in and about the leather marts of trade. Tan ners and dealers aro comparatively happy, and co about tbe streets not as mourners, but with an independent, go-as-you-please sort of an air. The replies to trade-paper interviewers are not as long drawn out as formerly, but crisp and to the point. "Trade Is fairly good," they say; "there is more inquiry and more goods moving every day than has been the case since the new year came in. Prices are firm and there is less disposition to beat down, and tbe outlook is quite eucouraging for future business." Oil Markets. New Yokk. Fell. Lb. Petroleum ws neg lected and cut a transaction in either cash or options. Brokers hid 75Jc for March option at one time, hut thi-re were no offers. BnAirroRD. Feb. 28. National Transit Cer tificates opened at ToJc: closed at 76Jc; highest. 76Kc; lowest, 5ic; clearances. 29S.U00 barrels. Olt, City. Feb. 28. National Transit Cer tiflcates opened at75Jic; hiebeit.76:: lowest, 75J4c; closed. 7&Kc; sales, 251,000 barrels; clear ances, 62,000 barrels; charters, 162.697 barrels; shipments, 81.023 barrels; runs, 111,816 barrels. Metal Market. New York Pig iron steady, .quiet; Amer ican, 5 60QI7 6a Special To Let Lists This Horning. DOMESTIC MARKETS. A. Quiet Close to a Quiet Uontb. in Country Produce Lines. BDTTER AKD EGGS STILL FIKM. Corn and Oats Are Tending- Upward at Sources of Scpply. nOG PRODUCTS FIND A LOWER LETEIi OFFICE OF FlTTSBUEQ DISPATCH, 1 SATDKDAT, Feb. 28. Country Produce Jobbing Prices. February wound up its careor in a storm, but trade was quiet in lines of country produce. Usually tho short month is the dull month of the year, and there is no exception to tho rule this year. Commission merchants all report slow trade for the past few weeks. The recent cold wave has checked the slownward move ment of eggs and markets are firm at outside quotations. There will, no doubt, be plenty in tbe market and lower prices in tho next few days. Advices from the West point to higher prices for creamery butter the coming week. Tho stock or choice grades of cbeese Is very lichtin the bands of jobbers and an advance is looked for at an early day. Tropical fruits show an upward tendency tho past few days. Oranges and lemons are a shado higher. All things in the vegetablo line go slow, with tbo exception of potatoes, which are active and firm. Apples ti 506 50 a barrel. Butter Creamery. Elcin. 3233c: Ohio do, 27028c; common country butter, lu15c; choico country rolls, lS20c; fancy country rolls, 23 25c Beans New crop beans, navy. 52 302 35; marrows. J2 332 40; Lima beans. 5S6a Beeswax 2830c?l lb for choice; low grade, 222oc Cider Sand refined, $10 0012 00; common. to 506 00; crab cider. S10 O0S11 OU 1 barrel; cider vinegar. ll15c V gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, lie; New York cheese, llUc: Litnburger. 13X14e; domestic Hweilzer, 11015c; Wisconsin brick Swcitzor. 15c; imported Sweltzer. 2GKc Cranberries Cape Cod, $3 751 00 a box; 11 5015112 00 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 GU3 75 a box; Sll 001I 50 a barrel. Drkssed Hogs Largo, 45c ft; small. 56c Kqgs I718c for strictly fresh. Featuers Extra live ireese, 5(60c; No. L 4045o; mixed lots, 304f35c ft. 11ojky New cron white elovcr. 2022c W ft; California honey, l"15c J ft. MArtE SYRnr New. WkGSl 00 p gallon. New Maple Sugar 10c $ E. Nuts She! bark hickory nuts J150l 75 a bushel: peanuts, SI 501 75, roasted: green, i J6o p ft: pecans, I6c S ft; new French walnuts, 710c V to. Poultry Alive Chickens, 7590c a pair; turkevs, 1213c a nound; ducks. 8090c a pair; geese," choice. $1 00 a pair. Dressed Turkeys, i6S17capound:dncks.H15capouud; chickens, 1415c: geese, DjJIOc. Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 5c Seeds Recleaned Western clover. SI OOfi) 6 15; limolhy. SI 50I 55; blue crass, 82 853 00; nrchatd grass, SI 85; millet, 7590c; lawn grass, 25c lb. Tropical Fruits Lemons, $3 50; fancy, S4 00; Jamaica oranges.JOgG 50 a barrel; Messina nrances. S2 503 00 a bjx: Florida oranges,$3 CO 3 50 a box; bananas, fl 75 firsts. SI 25 good seconds, fl bunch: Malaga grapes. S7 O0U12 50 a halt barrel, according to quality; figs, 1516c V Jb: dates, 4KHic $ ft. Vegetables Poutoes,$l 10ffll20 $ bushel; Jersey, S3 5003 75; cabbace, t34 f? hundred; German cabbaee,J12)13;onions.S4 0Uffl4 25fl bar rel; celery, 75cSl O0adozenbunches:parsnips, 35c a dozen: carrots, 35c a dozen; parsley, 15c a dozen: horseradish, 507oc a dozen; turnips, 75cSl fl barrel. Groceries. Sugars are very firm at the recent advance. Green coffees aro higher in the East, hut roasted coffee fails to respond to tbe upward movement. The upward movement awaits the action of one or two leading firms, bnt must come before lone. Tbe movement of groceries is slow as it always is immediately prior to monthly settlements. Green Coffee Fancy, 2425c; choice Rio, 22K23j;c: prime Rio. 23c; low grade Rio, 20H21Kc; old Government Java. 2930c; Maracaibo, 25K27Kc; Mocha. 30S2c: Santos, 222Gc; Caracas, 25027c; La Guayra, 2b27c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands,24Jc; high grades, 2730c: old Government Java, bulk. 3133Kc: Maracaibo. 282Uc; Santos, 2C 30c; peaberrv, 30c: choice Rio. 25Xc; prime Rio, Z4c; trood mo. Z3$c: oruinarv, zi&zzc hncES (whole) Cloves, 1516c: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 75S0c Petroleum (jobbers prices) 110 test, 7ic; Ohio, 120. SK headlight, lo0, 8c; water white. 1010c; globe, 1414Kc; elaine. 15c; caruadine, llc; royaline, 14c; red oil, Ullc; purity, 14c: olelne, lie Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, S9llc $t gallon: summer. S335c; lard oil, 555Sc Syrup Corn syrup, 2730c; choice snear syrup, 3136c; prime sugar syrup, 3233c: strictly prune, 3I3oc. N. O. Molasses Fancy, now crop, 42c: choice, SS40c; medium, 3336c; mixed, 34 36c Soda Bi-carb in kegs. 3KS3Jic; bi-carb in Ks. 5?ic: bi-carh, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda, in kegs, l$c; do granulated, 2c Candles btar, lull weight, 9c; stearine, $ set, 8r: paraffiue, Il12c Hici; Head Carolina, 7lr: choice, 6 65c; prime. CgOJjC; Louisiana, 5ji6c isTARcn Pearl, 3c, com starch, 66c; gloss starch, 67c Foreign Fruits Laver raisins. 2 Co: Lon- don layers, S2 75; Muscatels, 2 25: California Muscatels. J2 152 25: Valencia. 77Vc; Ondara Valencia, SVsjc: sultana. !S20c; currants, 55Kc: Turkey prunes, TJJSSc: French prunes, 10K(llKc: Kalonica prunes, in 2-ft packaces,9c; cocoaouts. 100. ?6: almondsy Lan., fl ft, 20c; do Ivica, 17c: do shelled, 40c; walnnts, nap., 13 14c; Sicilv filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1314c: new dates, 566c: Brazil nuts, 18c; pecans. 14 llic: citron. 1 ft, 17fi'lSc; lemon peel, 12c fl ft; orange peel, I2c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, lie; apples, evaporated. 1415c; peaches, evapo rated, pared, 2SQ30c: peaches. California, evap orated, unpared, lSii21c: cherries, pitted. 31c; cherries, unpitted. 1313c raft. berries' evap orated, 3233c: blackberries, lI0c; huckle berries. i5c. Sugars Cubes. 7Kc; powdered, 7c; granu lated, 6c; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A, u?2 cull, nunc, V74!vgi . jciiuw, cnoice. KHQi CHc: yellow, good. oJj5K-; yellow, fair, 6 5Jic; yllow. dark. bbic Pickles Medium, bhls (1,200), ES 00; me dium, half bbls (000). 1 50. Salt No. 1 fl bbl. SI 00. No. 1 ex. V bbl, $1 10: dairy. V bbl, $1 20: coarse crystal. bbl, SI 3): Higgins' Eureka, 1-hu sacks, 82 80; Hlg glns' Eureka, 10-11 fi packets, S3 00. Caused Goods Standard peaches, f2 SOS) 2 00; 2nd. f2J02 CO; extra peaches. S3002 3 10: pie peaches, 1 85; finest corn. 1 3ol 60: Hfd. Co. corn, 05c31 15; red cherries, 51 10 1 50: Lima beans, SI 35; soaked do. 80c: string do, 756'JOc: marrowfat peas. SI 101 25; soaked peas. &"75c; pineapples. $150IC0; Bahama do, S2 55; damson plums. SI 10; greengages. SI 60; eee plums, $2 20; California apricots, S2 25 250; California pears, (2 75: do greengages. SI 90; do etrg plums, SI 90: extra white cherries, $2 85; raspberries, SI 1001 16; straw berries. SI 3001 10; gooseberries, SI 10(3)1 15; tomatoes, 95c!l: salmon. 1-ft, $1 301 80; black berries, SI 00; succotash, 2-S cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-fi. SI 26I 60: corned beef. 2-fc cans, SI 90; 1-ft cans, SI 00: based beans, SI 100 1 50: lobter, lft, S2 25: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled. Si 50; sardines, domestic. Jis, ti 501 60; sar dines. d"metic is. $7 00: i-ardines lmnorted. 6J4 sott white, ciiBGJSc: yellow, choice. 4, Sll 50312 50; sardines, imported, jjs, SIS; snrdines, mustard, SI 50: sardines, spiced, SI 25. Fish Extra 'No. 1 bloater mackerel, J20 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do mess; $2850; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore. $2100: No. 2 shore mackerel, 522: large 3's, $20: CodBsh Whole pollock, 5c V ft; do medium, Geonre's cod, 5c; do large, 7c; boneless hakes. In strips, 5c; do George's cod, in blocks, Gffl7Kc Herring Kound shore, $5 50 bbl; siilu. Mi 50: lake, $3 25 ?1 100 ftbbl. Whltelish.S700IO0-ftbalf bbl. Lako trout, S5 50 "fl half bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c $ ft. Iceland halibut. 13c f) ft. Pickerel, half bbl. H 50: quarter bbl, SI 60. Holland herring,' 75c; Walkuff herrinc. 90c Oatmeal $0 506 75 $? bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. There were no sales on call at tho Orain Ex change. Receipts as bulletined, 22 cars, of which J2 cars were by PitlsDurg. Ft, Wayno and Chicago Hallway, as follows: 1 car of middlings, 1 of oats and rye, 1 of rye. 1 of bay, 1 of bran, 1 of flour. 3 of barley. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 4 cars of bay, 2 ot bran. By Pittiburc and Lake Erie. 1 car of bay, lot oats, lot wheat, lot flour. Receipts for the week ending February 27, 1S91, 194 cars, for the previous week, 205 cars; for tho corre sponding week last year, 235. Cereal markets remain essentially the same as at last report. Prices are steady to firm. While corn and oats are not quotably higher here, tbey are bizher at sources of supply and It is only a question of short time- when prices here must advance. Prices lor carload lots on track: Wheat-No. 2 red, II 0201 03; No. 3. 9793c Corn No. 2 yellow shell, 6162c: high mixed, 5960c: mixed shell, 57Q57Kc; No, 2 yellow ear, 6364c; hich mixed ear, 61661Xc; mixed ear corn, 5959Kc OATS No. 1, 63k54c; No. 2 white, 52K53c; extra. No. 3, 50K51c: mixed oats, 4950c. Btk No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 8889e; No. L Western. 878Sc Flour Jobblnc nrices Fancv snrinc and ,s winter patent flour, tS 75S8 00; fancy straight J winter, $1 S55 15; fancy straight spring. H S5 25 15; clear winter. S175500: straight XXXX bakers'. S01 75. Ryo flour, Ji 004 25. Buckwheat flour. 2K3r $ ft. MlLLFEEri No. 1 white middlings, S23 50 24 00 ft ton: No. 2 white middlings, S21 OOiJ 22 00; brown middlings, 820 50ffl21 00; winter Wheat btan. 21 50ffi22 00. Hay Baled tlmotbv. No. 1, 19 6009 75: No. 2 do, $8 50S9 00; loose from wagon. $11 00013 00, according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay, $7 253 7 50; packing do. SO 757 00. , Straw Oat, J7 W)7 75: wheat and rye, J7 25 7 50. ' Provisions. Hams are reduced c and breakfast bacon, shoulders and sides Jc as our quotations will disclose. Sugar-cured hams, large, 8c; sugar-cured hams, medium, 9c: sutrar-cured hams, small, 940; sugar-cured breakfast bacon. Sc; sugar cured shoulders, 5c: sugar-cured boneless shoulders, TJc: skinned shoulders. 7c; skinned bams, 10jc; sugar-cured California hams, 6K; sugar-cured dried beof flats, 9 sugar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sucar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c; bacon, shoulders, 6c; bacon, clear sides. 6Jfr: bacon, clear bellies. 6c; dry salt shoulders, 5)c; dry salt clear sides. 5-c. Mess pork, heavy. $11 50; mess pork, family. $11 5a Lard Refined, in tierces, ojic; half barrels, 5Kc; 60-ft tubs, 5c: 20-lb pails, (SKc: 50-lb tin cans. 5c; 3-ft tin pails. 6iic; 5-11) tin pails, 6c; 10-ft tin pails, 6c Smoked sausage, lone, 5c; larce, 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Bono less bams, 10c Pigs feet, half-barrels, II 00; quarter-barrels, $2 15. NEW YORK STOCKS. Pacific Mall and Burlington Again Drop, the Latter to the Lowest Point for Ten Tears The Share Market Other wise Featureless. New York, Feb. 28 Tbo stock market was again dull aud stagnant for the general list, but was relieved from entire monotony by tbe bear movements in Pacific Mail and Burling ton, which, however, monopolized all the inter est taken In the dealings. Tbo room was In clined to be bearish upon tbo expectation of a material decrease lc tho surplus reserve in tbe banks, as tbo statement to-day reflected all the gold which has been exported. The statement, however, was something of a disappointment, as tbe loss was only about bait that anticipated, and the expected decline did not follow, al though its early publication gave ample oppor tunity for such i demonstration had it been deemed advisable. The opening, however, was steady, but Bur lington was selected for a vigorous assault, con sidering tbe extent of the speculation and tbe pressure actually forced it off per cent to 79 the lowest price the stock has seen in ten years, and below the lowest point of the No vember drop. The action of tbe House, in amending the postal subsidv bill was regarded as dangerous to tbe bill, and Pacific Mail was knocked off after tbe opening from 38 to 37, a partial recovery following. Tbe rest of tbe market was absolutely devoid of feature, though the Grangers sympathized slightly in the wcaxness of Burlington. The close was dnll and rather heavy, generally at Insignificant fractions under first prices. The final changes are of no importance, except in Burlington, which is down , and Pacific Mail 'Ine follnwlnp table snows tne prices of active stocks on the New York Slock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for THE Dispatch by Whitxiy & STiCPHENSox. oldest ilttsburp mem bers of the New York Mock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: ClOS. Low- me est. Bid. 20 4S 22J6 26JI 2Sf 7ni 764 .... 50J4 .... 1IC 29 18 4254 ti 79 79h H S5)n .... 112! 67 67 UM 83 106)4 106)4 Open, nieh tne. est. Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton on orer... .... .... Am. Cotton Oil Trust. Atcb., Top. AH. F..., Z7ii 70), 27H T6J4 Canadian 1'icinc Canada Southern Central or NewJcrsey. Central faclnc Chesapeake & Ohio.., Chicago Uas Trust. ... C. Bar. Oulncv. ... C Mil. St. faul.. . :.. Mil. &. M. v.. Dr.. . 424 . 80U . 5iH 42', son C. Kock 1. A 1. 67)4 7j C. St. P.. il. & o C. St. 1'.. M. ao. ni C s. Nortnwestern. .. I06K C. N. W.nt 133 1MV C C. C. 1 6-JK eia C& C. C C. & l.prer..... 95.U 03H 0li Col. Coal & iron Col. Hocklnc Valley Chcs. Ohio 1st Drer. Ches. Ohio 2d prer Del.. Lack & West.... .137tf H7ji 13714 Del. & Hudson , Den. Jt Ulo Grande.... .... .... .... Den.Altioiiraude.pl K.T.. Vs. Jt Ua Illinois Central 61H 4 fe 35 20 SI 31 J37 IU 18 59)4 SS 95 14 56V 111)4 14 90S 3SU 67 19 MK M)i 51 36)4 lf 13)4 ' 274 7I4 17)4 23)4 S7"4 IDS 390 ISM 74K 25 85 104 8.1)4 14)4 43H Lake Erie ft West 14 unto Erie ft West Dr.. &64 Lasosnore 4t M. a... .111H LoulsvIUeftNashvllle. li'i II S6t' 111)4 67 vix 36)4 sili 273 71, iis'is 38)6 14 S6V 111)4 743, 3814 67 19 5i 36" Micuteran central MoDile ft Ohio 28)4 Missouri faclnc (7 National jieadTrusL.. 19 -N. I- C.XSU L.... N. Y L. 1H W 1SK N. V., L. E.ft W. pd. .... H. K. ftN. E. 36)4 N.i.. O. ft w Norfolk ft Western Norfolk: ft Western nr. 54!4 Nortbern raciflc 17)4 Northern I'aclnc of.. 7IJ Ohio ft Mississippi Oregon lmurovement. 20 Sl! 27S 71J4 28 37 PacineMall 3si Fee, Dec. ft tvans fullman Palace Car... Richmond 4 W. P. T . Aichmond ft W.F.'i.pi St. faul ft Dulutn St. Paul ft UulutD or.. St. P.. Minn, ft Man.. Suarar Trust. Texas Paclnc UnlonPaclPs Wabash Wabasu nrererrea Western Union. Wncellneft L. E. l"H 18H 18)4 83Vi 144 45)4 is" 8114 32 83 M 8.1 UH 14t. 43 43)1 18)4 is ' 1H 80f 32H 8l-7 72 72 18)4 Wi IS'a sou 31 71 1SX 14 43 Whectlufrftl..lc.Drer.. 1i North American Co... 13)4 P.. C, C. ft St. L P., C, C. ft St. L. pr Closing Bond Quotations. IT. S. 4s, ree. 120 V. S. 4. conn 121 M. K. IT. Uen.59.. 40K Mutnul Union 6s. ..104 M.J. C. Int. Cert.. UGH Northern Jrac. lsls.,115 Northern I'ac. ids.. 113 Nortliw't'n consol.136S$ Kortw'n deben'sSs.lO'M Oregon & lTans. Os. St.L41. il. Gen. 5s. 93 St.L. & b.jF.Uen.M.lG7 St. Paul consols 122 U.S. 4a, ree 101JS u. a. 414s, conp 103 Pacific lis of '9-5 no Louisiana stamped45 92 Missouri Gs lenn. newset. 6s.. 103 Tenn. new set. 5a. ...103 Tenn. newset. Is.... 70y uinaaa so. as vn;s Central Pacific lsts. 108)jj St. F, Chtttfe. lits.115 lx.. Pc L.G.Tr.Rs. 87K Tx.. l'c K G.Tt.Kj. 32 jsen. a rt. K. jsb..u( Den. IK. O. 4s 82Ji I). tit. (i. Westlsts. Erie MS 100 M. K.T. Oen. 6a.. 77 Union I'aclnc I9U...III1 Wt Shore lO-'W Ulo Grande W. lsts. TCJs Philadelphia Stocks. Closlnjr quotations of Phlladelphli stocks, fur nished bv Whltner i Stephenson, brokers. o. 57 Fourth avenue. .Members Mew Iotk stock Ex change: Eld. I'ennsvlvanla ttallroad. K Kcarilns 16! huffalo. Ncw.York and Philadelphia '3Ji Lenlirh Vailev .10 Lenten f ftvijratton I7) Philadelphia and Erie .Nortnern Pacific common 'I7 Northern Pacific preferred ',. Sale. Astel. 51 16'4 iili 475? 30 I7K Boston Stocks. Atch. ft Top L.G.Ts 263 Kearsarjre.. 13 Boston 4 Albany.. ..203 Osceola..... 37K C IJ. AQ 79ft liulncy 95 Pltcl.huricJt. Ik. ... 83 Santa Fe Copper.... 65 3faas. Central 19 Tamarack 145 -Mex. Cen. com :iJi Boston Land Co SK X. Y. N. Ens. .... :-' San Diego Land Co. 21 Old Colony 1G7 West End Land Co. 21H Wis. Cen. common. 20 Bell Telephone 14J AlIouezM. Cu.(iiew) 27s Lamson Store S 2lJi Atlantic 15 Water Powor VH Boston & Mont 42 Centennial ;iilnlnr. 15Vj Calumet & llecla....:J N. Ens. Telephone. 50H Catalna 25 Butte Bost.copper 15H Franklin 17 HOKE SECTJBITIES. Electric Winds Up Weak and Neglected Waiting for tho Promised Statement. Interest In stock trading durine the week was largely devo'ed to Electric, but toward tbe close Philadelphia Gas came to the front and claimed recognition as an active interest. Total sales were S.7S7 shares, against 7.H02 tbe pre vious week. Electric sold to ibe oxceut of 820 shares, while of Philadelphia Gas 1JS0 changed hands. Tbe majority of changes, as compared with the close of tbe previous Saturday, were small trains. Electric was dull and weak, both hare and In tbe East, Saturday. There were no orders for it. and no disposition to trade either way. Everybody was waiting for the arrival of Mr. WeBtinghouse and the aDpearaccd of the promised statement. It is thought It will be fortbcomlng on Monday or early in the week. Confidence in tho stick seems to be somewhat sluken, and quite a number ot early sub scribe! s tn tlio preferred have sold our, Mit all this maybe changed by the figures which will be presented by tbe beail-ot'the cmnpanv. There u as a nood demand in Philadelphia for Philadelphia Gas Company stock, and orders were sent here to buy jt. .There was no per ceptible home inquiry. It closed steady. Sev eral thousand shares of It have been sold here within the last three or four days nearly all on Eastern account. Luster closed steady at tbe best figures of the week, due to the division of tbe proposed is sue of stock, which will be at S10. 1 Switch and Signal more than held its own during tbe week, closing at the highest point bid. This was due to tbe expectation .of an early dividend, though upon what ground is not known. ? People's Pipeage was in demand and mater ially stronger, advancing without sales be tween two and three points. It has never passed a dividend. There is one due in April. Tbq Tractions shoved little change either. way. There was the 'usual inaulry for bank stocks, in gome eases at higher figures. In surance interests'were neglected. Sales were: Philadelphia Gas 200 shares at 13 50 at ISVf 50 at 15 10 at 1 50 at 13. Electric iu shares at UK. After call 20 shares of Electric at 1 30 at HK.10atllf. Electric scrip S94 at 48. $400 at 60. M. F. Hippie A Co. sold tp J. P. McCrea lot No. 44 in the Baum Grove plan, on Centre ave nue. Twentieth ward, 50x150 feet, for $3,500. S. A. Xlickie & Co. sold to F. B. Lewis two lots on Brushton avenue. Bank of Commerce addition plan, 50x130 each, for 12, 400. MWTEY MABKET. February's Record Good Enough to Afford Encouragement to Weak-Kneed People. Taking it all in all and making necessary al lowances for unfavorable influences coming over from tbe old year, February made a good record for business, and closed with a favora ble outlook. Yesterday's movements in financial circles were characterized by a fair demand for loans, plenty of cash to meet it, and a good run of counter business, at which depositing was tbe feature. Tbe last item reflects an excellent condition of general trade. Interest rates ruled steady at 0Q7 per cent on all classes of loans. The prospect of business expansion leads some financiers to auticipate something of a stringency in the money market during tbe season. There is nothing uncomfortable about this. It is better to have capital employed even to the extent of tightness than be idle and hawked about like common merchandise. Saturday's exchanges'. J 1,953,357 66 Saturday's balances 4 59. Z3S 31 f.ichanres for week (five days) 11, 736, W9 08 Balances for week . 1.898. 2)1 43 Mxchanges for month Balances for month Kxchan jrcs for rebruary, 1891. Balances for .February. 1890..., 49, 409, 793 02 8, 14a 793 79 !B,C4j,C77 02 8,974,193 83 MAEKETS BY WIRE. X.ower Grain Markets in the Face of Bullish Cables Reports of Damage to the French Wheat Crop Re peated Provisions Depressed. CHICAGO Tbe cables came easier for wheat from English sources, continental dispatches were bullish in tone and the weather was cold. Undor tbese influences there was a general de sire to buy wheat when the market opened, and quite a number of transactions were effected at 07cfor Jlayat the first brush. Thi desire to buy was immediately succeeded by efforts to unload, and weakness took the place of strength. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley Co., 4a Sixth street, members Chicago Board of Trade: Open- High- low- Cloi- Abticles. Inz. eat. eat. lng. WHEAT, O.S February 91 9( 8.1rf 3Si May ST n Mifj tii July. 93i V3.S KH S2.H COUK. XO. 1 february H n 53' 3.1V J1.1V X'i 56i S5M iH JlIlT Wi M.'j I3!i 53J, OATS. NO. J May t, 8S GH tl4 June 47J,, K 46, A&H July 43 J( 43)j 43i MSS POKX. Alarch 89 60 S9 63 9 52H V i-H May 90 9 95 SKS 9 83 July 10:5 10 30 10 ny 10 17M Lard. March 362 5M 8 H 5 KM May 5 67K 5 90 iW HI July 610 eio emu 6 07K Short Kins. March 4 63 4 70 4J 4 62 Mar 4 Kii 4 Viy, 4 85 4 S7i July. 310 5 ZO 5 K 5 15 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm; winter patents, $4 005 00; spring patents, $4 601 90; bakers. S3 303 75; No. 2 Sonne wheat. 93J91X" No. 3 soring wheat, 8786c; No. 2 red, 96c: No. 2 corn. 5AKc: No.2 oats, 46c: No. 2 rye, S6c: No. 2 barley nominal; No. 1 flaxseed, SI 20; prime timothv seed, SI 251 28. Mess pork, per bbl. SS 50 9 55. Lard, per 100 lbs. So 62 Short rib sides (loose). SI 554 65; dry salted snoulders (boxed), S3 954 05; short clear sides (boxed), SI 804 9a Sugars unchanged. No.2 white oats, 4718c; no. o wane, iofcic; no. 3 uaney, 1. o. a.. 6171e: No. 4, f. o. h., 6361c. On tho Produce Exchance to-day the butter market was firmer; extra creamery. 2S29c; extra firsts, 2o26c; firsts. 2123c: extra dairy, 24026c: extra hrsts, 2022c; firsts, I618c Eggs, 15ai6Kc NEW YORK Flour dull and unchanged Cornmeal dull; yellow Western, $2 S53 35. Wheat None spot: spot market dull and weaker; No. 2 red, SI 1001 10Vi in elevator; SI HJi afloat: SI 111 12J f.o.b.: No. 3 red, n0il4lO5H: No. 1 Northern, 81 17K: No. 1 hard, SI 201 21. Options early advanced Ji4c on foreign buying, declined Kc on realizing, closed weak; No. 2 red March, SI 091 10. closing SI 09 May, SI 05 15-161 06 916, closing at SI 06; June. SI 03?iJl 0li. closing at SI 03?i: July, SI 00 13-16SI 00, closine at 1 00: Aurust. V6 97c, closing at 96jc: September, BS14Q 97Kc doling at 96Jc; December. 98?;JSKc. closing at 9SJc Rye quiet, nominal. Barley quiet and easy: No. 2 Milwaukee, 8082c; ungraded Western, 7781c. Barley malt nom inal; Canada country made, 11 001 15. Corn Spot market weaker; moderate business; No. 2, 65c elevator. C5K66c afloat; un eroded mired, 6466ic; steamer mixed, 6l865c; No. 3, e3c-. options dull l,eM lower and weak; .March, &Jg64c closing at 64c; May. 6162c, closing at 62c: June. 60 gtSlc, closing at 60c: July. 6o60c, closing at 60c Oats Spot market dull and weaker; options dnll, heavy and lower; May, 53Hc. cloiine at 53Kc: Julv, G2Jc; spnt No. 2 white. 51?i55c: mixed Western. 6356c: white do. 556.!c: No. 2 Chicago, 56c. Hav dull and weak: shipping, 40c; good to choice, 5560c Hops quiet and easy; State, common to choice, 2231c; Pacific coast, 22 31c. Tallow quiet and firm; city, 411.16c Eggs firm, fair demand; Western, ISSlSKc Hides firm and qniet; wet alted New Orleans selected, 45 to 75 pounds, 78c; Texas selected, 60 to CO uounds, 6Sc. Pork steady; moderate demand; old mess, SO 2510 00; new mess, 81050 11 00: extra prime. 9 O09 50. Cm-meats in active and steady; middles quietand easy. Lard about steady and dull: Western steam, 8 00; March. 85 97 bid; Anril. S6 01 bid; May. S6 09: July, S6 31 asked. Butter good demand and firm: Western dalrv. 1423c; do creamery, 2231c: do factory. ll23c;EI:in. 32c Cbeese stronc; wanted; light skims, 59Uc; Ohio flats, 810Kc. ST. LOUIS Flonr firm and quiet. Wheat opened Arm at Qc up, but immediately started down rapidly and became panicky near the close, last sales being SWifJSKc lower than Friday: No.2 red. cash 9697c; Slav. 9797c, closing at 9797c asked; July, '87K87c, closing at 87Ko hid; August, 85t!6Hc, ch.s ing at 85c Corn was quiet to steady and He higher at the opening, but quickly weak ened, and prices gradually gave way till tbo close, which was o lower than yester day; No. 2, cisb. 52H52Jc: May. 72$73c; July, 51KK52lc closing 51J51c bid. Oars weifc ami lower; No. 2 casu, 46c; May, 47 47c, closing at 47c Rye in demand and higher: No. 2, 85c bid. Barley quiet and un clianged. Butter firm and active; creamery, 2325c; separator, 2628c; dairy, 2223c Eggs highor at 14c Provisions firmer but trading light- Pork higher at $10. Lard, 85 40. Dry salt meats Boxed shoulders, S3 75: longs and ribs, $4 75; short clear, $4 87K4 90. Bacon- Boxed shoulders, $4 50: longs and ribs, (5 15 5 20; short clear, $5 2o5 3a PHILADELPHIA Flour weak. Wheat Op tions dull and lower; high grade scarce and steadilr held; No. 2 red, February and March, SI 0501 05H: April and May, $1 0bJil 00. Corn steady: No. 2 high mixed and yellow on track and iu elovator.&lc; do do in grain depot, 64c; No. 2 mixed. February. March and April. 6vJ04c; May, 61K62c. Oats weak: specula tion quiet: No. 3 white, 54c; No. 2 white, recu lar, 54c: do, choice. 55c; do. fancy, 53X55c; do, clipped, 67c; No. 2 white. Februar3 51j o4Xc: March, April and May, &i51fc Butter firm with very small supplies; Pennsylvania creamery, extra, 31c; do, extra, 3336c. Eggs scarce and firm; Pennsylvania-flrsts, 17c MINNEAPOLIS The cash market for wheat was less active to-day. with prices about as highasuual. Tho feeling after the first was weak. Receipts for tho week were 626,730 bushels; shipments 218,400, making a necessary decline in stocks lor the week as the mills ground some 500,000 bushels. Closing quota tions: No. lhard, February, 96c: ou track, 97c; Nc 1 Northern, February and March. 93c; May, 91Kc; No. 2 on track, 45c; No. I Northern, February, 92c MILWAUKEE Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat auiet: No. 2 EDrlne. on track, cash. 9105c: May, 92c; No. 1 Northern. 98c. Corn steady; No. 3. on track,54c Oats quiet! No.2 white, on track, 4Sc Barley firm; No. 2, in stoie, 67c Rye steady; No. L in store. 87c Provisions quiet. Pork May, $9 95. Lard May. $5 92 BALTIMORE-Wheat-Western easy; No. 2 winter, red. spot and February. SI 02; May, $1 Wl OlJi. Corn Western easy: mixed, spot February aud March, 62Ki May and steamer, 61c. Oats firm and uncnauged. Rye quiet. Hay firm. Provisions dull. Butter active, scarce and unchanged. Eggs strong; strictly Iresh. 16c TOLEDO Wheat dull and lower; casb, 99c: May. 81 00:' August, 90c Corn dull and steady: cash and May. SSJc Oats quiet; casb, 49c Cloverseed active aud steady; cash and March, $4 601 DULUTH Wheat opened strong but closed weak and Mc lower. Closing prices were May, 99c; No. 1 hard. 94c: No.-l Northern, 91ct No. 2 Northern, 87Jc Drygooda Market. New York, Feb. 28. Business in drygoods was fair. The condition of the market was un changed and prices remained steady In spite of the plea of cheap cotton. Soectal To Let Lbts Tbjj MornIn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m Ml -Vf- -AWM rJr.?J sn Child. "Everybody lovesyou, gran'ma; Iwish everybody would loveme." Mrs. Pixkhaji. "Everyone will love you, my child, if they can confide in. you." The above dialogue tells Its own story; even the littlechild,"ivlthont knowing why her grandmother is so universally loved, sees in her face a light of intellectual sympathy that satisfies her. That sympathy has ex tended itself all over the world, for wherever civilized women exist, Mrs. Finkham is known and reverenced. Send stamp for "Guide to Health and Etiquette." LYDBA E. PBMKHAIVi'S vegetable Is the only Positive Cnre anil legitimate Remedy COMPOUND for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. " It cures the worst forms of Female Complaints, that Bearing-down Feeling, Weak Back, Falling and Displacement of the Womb, Inflammation, Ovarian Troubles, and all Organic Diseases of the Uterus or Womb, and is invaluable to the Change of Life. Dis solves and expelj Tumors from the Utenn at an early stage, and checis any tendency to Cancerous Humor. Subdues Faintness, Excitability, Nervous Trostration, Kxhau'tion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Dtbility, Indigestion, etc., and invigorates the whole system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of cither 6ex, tbe Compound lm no rival. T .All Druggists sell it as a utandard article, or sent by mail, in form of Fills or Lozenges, on receipt of frl.OO. LVDIA E. PIMKHAM MED. CO.. LYNN. MASS. A CHANCE FOE- IHV2ST0BS. Stock of tho American Soda Water Com pany on tho UlarkeL Messrs. S. V. White A. Co. offer for subscrip tion the securities pr '' American Soda Foun tain r-mnanr. r- -1 Tnoratd under thi laws of the State New Jersey. Tho capitali zation is 3,750.001, tliu ..! company is formed for tbe carrying u. o the manufacture and sale of soda water apparatus and supplies and bottling macbinery In all its branches. It has acquired and consolidated the business and plants ot tho following concerns: John Matthews, Now York; A. D. Puffer & Sons' Manufacturing Company, Boston; James W. Tufts, Boston, and Charles Lipplncott & Co., Philadelphia. Tbe capital stock is divided into 12,500 sbares of first preferred cumulative 6 per cent stock; 12.500 sbares of second pre ferred cumulative 8 per cent stock, and 12,500 sbares of general common stock. One-half of each of tbese classes of stock is offered for pub lic subscription at par, the par value of sbares being $100. There are none of the features of a "trust," so called, about the new company. Tbe certiflflQ aggregate sales for the past four vears have been $10,162,151. or an average ot $2,(38.037 per annum. Tbe net profits for tbe same period have been $1,677,609, or $119,402 yearly. Suhscriptton books will bo opened simulta neously in New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and San FranciscoQon Marcb 9, and win ueciosea on March 11, uvi.; LOCAL LIVE STOCK. Condition of Markets at East Liberty Stock Yards. Offics or Pittsburg Dispatch, I 8ATURDAT. Feb. 28. Cattle Receipts. 810 1 head; shipments, 567 head: market nothing doing, all through con signments; three cars ot cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 3,000 bead; shipments, 2,850 head; market steady: medium and selected, $4 004 05; best Yorkors, S3 90Q4 00: common and fair Yorkers. S3 753 85; pigs, S3 503 70; three cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 2,200 bead; shipments, L800 head; market slow and unchanged. By Telegraph. CHICAGO The Evening Journal reports: Cattle Receipts. 500 head; shipments, none; market about steady; steers, prime to extra, to 00540; others, S3 501 95: cows, SI U0260: stockers, $2 253 25. Hogs Receipts. 20.000 head; shipments, 10,000 head: market active and steady to strong: rough and common. $3 35 3 40: mixed and packers. $3 45Q3 50: prime heaw and bntcber weights, S3 653 65; light, $3 453 60. Sheep Receipts. 2.000 bead: mar-, ket strong, with scarcely sufficient sales to make a market; natives S4 001 75; native lambs, 85 503 75; Western wethers, $5 40S 05. OMAHA Cattle Receipts, L30O head; mar ket active and 510c higher on best grades and steady to firm on others; feeders slow: fancy 1.400 to 1,000-pound steers, $4 505 25: prime i.jju to 1.40-pouna steers. $4 uuu bo: fair to good 1,050 to L350-pound steers, $2 75 4 15. Hng3 Receipts, 4,650 head; market ac tive and higher; heavy hogs a shade to 5c higher; others 3c bleber; all sold: range. 83 15 3 50: bulk. $3 853 45; pigs. $1 502 50; light lights, S2 503 00; lurht. S3 153 40; heavy, $3 303 50: mixed, $3 253 45. ST. LOUIS Cattle Recelnts. 800 head: market steady for good to fancy natives, steers, fair to good natives, 33 904 65; stockers and feeders, $2 503 60: Texans and Indians, 83 004 10. Hogs Receipts, 1.100 head; ship ments, 3.500; market steadv; fair to choice heavy, S3 50Q3 65; mixed grades, $3 253 55; light, fair to best, $3 303 50. Sheen Receipts, 1,000 head; shipment;, none: market steady: good to choice, 84 005 35. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts, 1.290 head; shipments, 620 bead: market strong to 10c higher; steers, $3 356 35: cowt. $1 D0483 85; stockers and feeders, $2 553 85. Hoirs Re ceipts, 2,960 bead; shipments, 2,630 bead: mar ket steady to higher; bulk, S3 203 55; all grades, si ousfw w. sneep receipts, i,3UU head; shipments, 560 bead;" market strong and un changed. BUFFALO Cattle steady; recelnts, 75 loads through. 1 sale: Receipts lambs 20 loads sale; firm and bleber: lambs steady. Sheep Choice to extra, $5 705 90; good to choice, $5 3oS 5 03. Lambs Choice to extra, $6 S06 75; good to choice. $6 206 45. Hogs steady and un changed; receipts. 23 loads throneb, 25 salo; mediums, heavy and mixed, S3 7503 oU New York Coffee Market. New York, Feb. 28. Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged to 10 points ad vance, closed firm, 1530 points up; sales, 10. 750 bags, including March. 17.6517.70; April, 17.2017.35; Mav. 17.0017.10; June, 16.6016.75; Julv. 1G.2016.30; August. 15.75; September, 15.2015.35; December, liOo. Spot Rio steady and quiet; fair cargoes. 1919&r; No. 7. 18i4c When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children.sbe gave them Castoria anl-77-MWirsn BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. myl DFflDT T'fi SAVINGS BANK. X ElUriiEl O 81 FOURTH AVENUE. Capital. $300,000. Surplus, 851,670 29. ' D. McK. LLOYD, EDWARD E. DUFF, 4 President, Assr, Sec. Treas. per cent Interest allowed on time deposits, ocl5-40-D Pittsburg, Allegheny and Man chester Traction Company 40-year 5 per cent bonds, free of tax, 'for sale at 103 and interest. Fidelity Title and Trust Co,, 121 AND 123 FOURTH AVENUE. felH3-MWF JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKBHS AMD BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Petroleum. Private wlra to New York and Chicago, 16 SIXTH ST PitUburg. a CONFIDENCE BEGETS LOVE." Child. " Gran'ma, kiss ime good-night. Sister is asieep,but we so love tohearyou tell of all the ladies that call you Mother." Mrs. PiNKnAjr. "Yes, darling, when you are older perhaps you may do as I hare done," 37IDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., ? 121 ami 123 Fourth ate.. Capital $500,000. Full paid. INSURES TITLES TO REAL ESTATE. Acts in all fiduciary capacities. Deals in relia ble investment securities. Rents boxes in its superior vault from $5 per annum upward. Receives deposits and loans only on mort gages and approved coll itcraK JOHN B. JACKSON. Pres'L JAMES J. DONNELL. Vice Pres'L fe84-M C. B. McVAY. Sec'y and Treas. We mako more porous plasters than all other makers in this country combined, because the public appreciate the mer it that exists in our goods. BENSON'S is the only me dicinal plaster for house hold use. all others being ' weak Imitations. Get tho Genuine. fe2-M-89 3IEDICA1. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 l'ENN AVENUE, PITTSBURG, PA. As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove. Is the oldest established and most prominent: physician in tbe city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SpTrsCsNOFEEUNTILCURED MC RVfll Qanl mental diseases, physical llL.fi V UUO decay; nervous deoility. lack ot energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sieur, self distrust, bashfnlness, dizziness, Sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?&; blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIDIMARV Sidney and bladder derange U 111 ll rfl I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and otber painful symmoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief an,l real curei. Dr. Whittler's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliablo treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours. 9 A. 31. to 8 P. it. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. 11R. WHITTIER, 811 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jaS-19-DSUwk MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANATIVO," the Wonderful Spanish Remedy. Is sold with a WrittenGnarantee to cure all Nervous Dis eases, such as Weak Memory, loss 01 uraia Power, Headache, Wakefulness, Lost Man hood, Nervousness, Las situde, all drains and loss of power ot the Generative Organs, la either sex. caused br Before & After Use. Photographed from life. over-exertion, youthful lndescretlons, or the excessive nse of tobacco, opium, or stimulants, which ultimately lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Put up In convenient form to carry in the vest pocket. Price 11 a package, or 6 for 15. "With every $5 order we give a written guarantee to cure or refand the money. Sent by mail to any address. Circular tree. Mention this paper. Address, MADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for U. S. A. 417 Jleirhorn Street, CHICAGO. ILL. . FOR SALE IN PITTSBURGH, PA BY Jos. Fleming &. Son, 410 Market St. Duqueone Pharmacy. 518 SmitMeld St. A. J. Kaercher, S9 Federal St., Allegheny City, fe2S-2u-MTbS DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re quiring scientific aud confiden tial treatment! Dr. 8. K Lake. M. R. C P. 8., Is the oldest .and most experienced specialist In the city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. OfHce boon 9 to 4 nd 7 to 8 p. 3L: sunaays, a 10 k. jt Consult them personally, or write. Doctor LAKE, cor. Penn ave. and 4th St., Pittsbur& Pa. Je3-72-DWk TO WEAK MEN: Suffering front the enecta ox vouthful errors early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, et&, I will send a valuable treatise (sealedl containing full particulars for home cure, FKEU of charge. A splendid medical work; should be read by every man who la nrvon and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. FO WLEIt, Mooduo, Conn. de2-8M)SuWK "Wood's :Pl3.os;p23-OCi i-ne. THE CHEAT FAOl.ISH REMEDY. Used for 33 years br thousands suc cessfully. Guar anteed to cure all forms of Nervous Weakness. Emis 01 Youmrui roiiy and the excesses of later year. Gives immediate strennth andvia- or. .A ftJcdrnggista sions, Spermator- rnea, imooiencr. and all the effects. ttelure Alter. lor wooaernos phodfne; take no substitute. One Pbo:o from Life. package,!! Write for pamphlet. Address in ve., Detroit, inch, JS-Sold in Pittsburg Pa., by Joseph Flemin A Sou. Diamond and Market sts. OC3-83-MWFS-WkEOWk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEBIU TY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. full particulars Iu pamphlet sent free. The genuine liray'l bpeclss sold br druggists drily In yellow wrapper. Price, ft per ;wv"?!' ,, pfelnt o( nrlee. dv aUdresj. tt THF. GHAT MKDICINK CO, Butialo, X. X Sold lnlMttJbarjr byS. S. HOLtANii. corner Bmltufleld and Liberty su. mlll7-a-DWt PChlcheater'a Eacllth Dumoad'Braad. ENNYR0YAI PILLS W STW Orffnal mad Only weanlne- r"'- ---'' ., j mond Brand in Ud and Gold muHla boxes. teald with blue ribbon. Take oo ther. JUfuMtdonairmu auUtit rtton and iwtftation. AtDrartitM-aTtnA&A " In itMDpo tor prttLirt, tertiiaoaids u4 " Rrllef for tdl,w in Utttr, by ntmm Ml trail Local OnftW a?UladjL.Ftb U ecu-Miff S Better than Tea and Coffee for tbe Nerves.S I Van Houten's GqgoaI I " Best & Goes Farthest." SAskyourQrocorforlt.takanoother. 63 r mmM Mjs$ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. V. WHITE & CO.-, BANKERS, New York and Chicago, ARE AUTHORIZED TO OFFER FOR SUB SCRIPTION THE UNDERMENTIONED SE. CUR1TIES OF THE American Soda Fountain Co., (Incorporated under ihe laws of tho Stats of New Jersey.) CAPITAL STOCK, 83,750,000, DIVIDED INTO I2.W0 JiHAKES KH&T 1-KEt'EKltKD CUMULATIVE 6 PEIt CE.NT. STOCK. 12.5C0 SHAKES SECOND PltEFEKIIED CUMULATIVE 8 I'hU CENT. STOCK. 13.500 SHAKES GENE1IA1. (COMJtON) STOCK. PAK VALUE OP ALL SHAKES; 1100.' Dividends on the first and second preferred slock will be payabts in February and August of each year. Dividends on the common stock will be declared and paid only at the end of each fiscal year. a.:xotj:vt ofpeiied. One-Jiair of cacli ot" tlio nbovo securities Is ollfercd. for irubxlo. atzbhorlptlon at par. Subscriptions will' be payable as follows: lOPEltCENT. ON APPLICATION. 30 1'Elt CENT. ON ALLOTMENT. 30PEUCENT. MAKClKd. 1891. 30PEKCENT. AIT.11,9, 1S0L THE SUUSCHIITION LISTS WILL BE OPENED SIMULTANEOUSLY AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. ON 310NOAY. MAItCII a, 1831. AND WILL CLOSE ON OU BEKOKE 3 O'CLOCK P. M. ON WEDNESDAY MAKCH 11, hffll, ATTHlS OFFICES OF , S. V. While & Co., 36 Wall St, New York, and 4 Shorman St, Chicago, III. Chatham National Bank, Now York City. ' Blackstona National Bank, Bo tor. Metropolitan National Bank, Boston. National Bank of the Republic, Phila. Northwestern National Bank, Phila. First National Bank,.San Francisco, Cal. ., John H. Matthews, 333 East 261h St, N. Y. Janes W. Tofts, Boslon or Now York. Charles Lippincott, Phila. or Chicago. Alvin D. Puffer, Boston or New York. From TThom prospectuses and forms of applies- . tlon-can he obtained. All shares Issued will be full-paid stock. Stock holders will have no personal llabllltr. mere is nomortirajre on any property of tha company, and the by-lairs provide that no bond or mortgage can he created wltbouithe consent oTnlnetyper cent or the preferred stockholders, and that this provision cannot be altered except bv the like afnrmatiTe vote. This company Is formed to take orer and carry on the bnslness of manuf.icturlnx soda-water ap. paratusanAuppiles as hitherto conducted by tho. following establishments: Tie Firm of John Mate. N. Y Established 1832. A- D. Puffer & Sons' MTs CO.. Boston. Established 1842.- James V. Tofls. Boston. Established 1863. Cliarles LiupiBcott & Co., Pliila. Established 1832,. The business transferred In each case Is takeilg over from Jan. 1, 1S91. The company has no dabti or liabilities of any description whatever except obligations necessarll v Incurred in the conduct or business since that date. ' Registrar of the Stock. BOSTON SAFEDEPOSIT& TEUST COMPAUT BOSTON. Transfer Agents in New York. MESSK3. S. Y. WHITE 4 CO. Auditors. , HART BP.OTHEKS.TIBBETTS & CO., LONDOlf AND NEW YOKK. Direotors. JAMES W. TUFTS. President. ALVIN O. PUFFEK; First Vice President. ALFKKD H. LIPPINCOTT. Second Vice Freil. dent. , JAMES N. NORTH. Treasurer. JOHN H. MATTHEWS, of Ihe firm of John Mat, thews. ' FKANKLlN W. HOPKINS, or the Arm of S. Yr Whlte & Co.. hankers. 1 WALTER 3. BLANCHAHD, President of t&eV Metropolitan National Bank, Boston. The business of the corporation will be man aged by JAMES W.TDFT3, JAMES N.NOKTH. ALFItEO H. LIPPLNCOTT. F. HAZAKD HP P1NCOTT. DANIEL, J. PUFFEK,and LUTHEBl W. PUFPEK. Each and everyone of ihe present vendortji whether employed In the new corporation or not so employed, have signed a contract not to; engago or compete in any similar business. STATBMKNT OF VENDORS. NATURE OF BUSINESS.-The business of these concerns consists of tbe manufacture and I sale of sodawater apparatus and supplies, and bottling machinery lu all Its branches. In which, department or Industry they constitute the prln- clpal establishments In the World. PI'.OPERTY CONVEYED.-The oroperty con veyed consists of real estate, free and clear of In cumbrance: the entire manufacturing plant of each of the several concerns: their large stocks of goods, manufactured and In process of manufact ure: materials, machinery, apollauces of all de scriptions, letters pateut of the United States to the number of more than one hundred aud forty, and the good will or all the old concerns; bllla re ceivable held by the several vendors are also In cluded, to theamonnt ot"?JOO,oa. Tbe payment of each of these Is guaranteed to the company by the vendor in whose business It originated, and. working capital will thus be provided equivalent to S30O. 00O In money. The property conveyed to the company may be) thus summarized: Real Estate $ 147,869 73 Stock on hand at Cost 1,332,130 22 Manufacturing Plant, at much below cost 200,000 00 Working Capital to be provided as above 500,000 00 $2,200,000 0O Tbe above Includes nothlne fortlie patents by which the (roods manufactured oy the retiring firms are nrotccted or-lor the Rood will which, with respect to each concern, represents a contin uously successful business career, extending, as tor two or them, for more than fifty years, and. as toj the other two, for considerable more than a quar ter of a century. The books and accounts of each of the vend ors have been submitted to Messrs. HART BROTHERS, TIBBEITS & COMPANY, iha well-known expert accountants, from whoss certificate, which is aat forth In full in tha. prospectus, the following is an extract: "THE AGGREGATE SALES FOR THE" "PAST FOUR YEARS HAVE BEEN Si0,J' "152,151.66, EQUAL TO AN AVERAGE OF" "J2,538,037.9I PER ANNUM. ' "THE NET PROFITS FOR THE SAME' "PERIOD HAVE BEEN $1,677,609 56, OR" "AN AVERAGE OF J4I9.40Z39 PER AN." "NUM." "The profits for the last twelve months show" a considerable Increase over those of any' former year, and the sales have progressed" steadily, as evidenced by the following state-" ment covering the period under eiamina-' "lion: "1387. .Total Salee $2,427,439.11"' "1888.. " 2,5I2,329.95' "1389.. " 2,580.954.11" "1890.. " 2,831,428.49''' "$IO.I52.i5L6? (Signed), "HART BROS.. TIBBETTS & CO." It will be seen that the average yearly profit fo the past four years has been SH3.-KC3D. Taking; this aa a basis aud deducting Six per cent, upon $1,250,000. First preferred stock... $75,000.00 Eight por cent, upon $1,250,000. Second preferred stock..., 100,000.00 And salaries of Six former owners, who remain n Managers .'. 30,000.00 THERE REMAINS APPLICABLE TO DIVIDENDS UPON THE COMMON STOCK THE SUM WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO 17 PER CENT PR ANNUM. TUE VEXDOKS JKJKUE TO RETAIX tto otcnfitMp for fi-ct ieart or more of at leatt 10,000 HJJAliEtl of the aiMfiiiivj't unci, reortienting at par $1,000,000 ant connstlna of 3,000 stuirei of Common Muck and 3.000 l hares or SeconaPre femd Stock. These tecuritiet wilt be placed thepoesntton of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company for the period mentioned. Messrs. S. V. Whits & Co. and Walter S. Blanehard.Eiq., President of the Metropolitan National Bank of Boston, have investigated tho business affairs of the several vendors 'and recommend the securities offered aa entirely ' worthy of publio confidence. PROSPECTUSES AND FORMS OF APPLI. CATION MAY BE OBTAINED AT THE VARIOUS OFFICES. WHERE SUBSCRIPT TIONS WILL BE RECEIVED. SUBSUKIWIO.V LISTS WILL. CLOaM WU2JE3DAY, MAKCH 11, 1S0L maJ-C-jnrT 3 1 &., XbaJBiV'VvVBvaiBHBfliSflliBLBBT BBpipiBBBaWBMBalaMBBMBBMBBBWWMlB ftftBf3tmSB9fffffffff9UtfflVtf rffBiWirn'?""''"fc