THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY,' FEBRUARY 24, 189L A PATRIOTIC PLEA J The Immortal George Washington Held Eesponsible for the LACK OP A QUORUM IS COUNCILS. Chief J. 0. Brown Tnrns in the Eeport of llis Department AKOTHEE MEETLNG TO BE HELD FEIDAI Councils were called yesterday, but did cot come. At least, not enough to make a quorum. The brazen clamor of trumpets, the rum ble of drums, and above all tbe radiant hues of the Stars and Stripes as they fluttered in the breeze aud flashed a laughing defiance to that welcome stranger, the sun, proTed too strong attractions for the city solons. They could not immure themselTes in the gloomy Council chambers and listen to ordinances for sewers, street paying and such, and they uidn't. President Ford, of Select Council, was on hand at 2 o'clock. A few minutes later one or tiro members dropped in, but no quorum was in sight when, at 2:40, Mr. Ford in structed Council Clerk Martin to call the roll. The following gentlemen answered to their names: Messrs. Binder, (Jollins, D. P. Evans, Fitzsimmons, McCurry, Perry and "Warren. As this was 11 short of a quorum, President Ford declared the meeting ad journed, and the members trooped lorth into the sunshine like school boys who had un expectedly received a holiday. In the Honor of "Washington. After disposing of Select Council, Clerk Martin rushed over to tbe Common branch. President Holliday was not there, so J. L "Wright assumed the chair in an informal manner and instructed the clerk to call the roll, to which the following gentlemen re sponded: Messrs. Dunn, Ferguson. Gal lagher, King, MacGonigle, O'Connor, O'Donnell. Shannon, Stewart, Taggart and "Wilson. This was barelv half a quorum and the chairman was about to declare the meeting offwhrn Mr. MacGonigle arose. "I move," lie said, "that this meeting do now adjourn out of respect to the memory of the immortal George Washington, the an niversary of whose birth is being celebrated to-day." The motion was carried unanimously without waiting for the chairman to put it or bothering In the least with parliamentary rules, and the members hied themselves to the front steps of Municipal Hall, there to dispute with their brethren of Select Coun cil lor tbe best vantage ground from which to view the parade. Councils will probably meet agan on Fri day alternoon. In the forenoon the Depart ment of Awards will open bids for making alterations in the City Treasurer's office, and will consider the Poor Farm matter, and put it in shape !or councilmanic action. Department of Public Safety Report. Chie Brown, of the Department of Public Safety, turned in bis annual report to Coun cils. The reports of the bureaus which oc compnny it have already been published. The Chief refers to thein and the work of bis department generally as follows: riTTSUUKG. Feb. 1. 1S9L 1o Select and Common Councils of the City of ntttburg: UEMXnMUN As Chief ot the Department of 1'ubiic fcafet 1 UaTe the honor to submit my third Council report, being for tbe 3 ear ending January 31. ltflL I have had the superintendents and officers connected w ith the various branches of the at pirttneut make full and exhaustive statements of all tbe operations f the respective offices, and cxeinpiity at length all matters pertaining thereto, dwelling at length upon the needs ami wants of the several bureaus, and have had tliem attempt to give you a general and clear ou.Iiue ot everything embraced ttithin their st-oje and sphere. To these leports I would respectfully-call our attention, and ask a careful perusal aid larRtrt stud of the same. As chief and head ot the department I cheer fully assume personal responsibility lor all acts of omission and commission that have oc curred during the scar, whereby tbe govern ment ot your city was. or ought to have been, improved, so far as the Department of Public balety is concerned. For the measnre of its successful administration 1 ask no praise; and as for its shortcomings I desire to say that the magnitude of the work to be performed and the endless variety of details involved, requir ing so much thought and attention, is my apology therefor. Thanking jou for your cheerful compliance with all requests made of you, and for your help and support, I am very respectfully, J. O. ilEOWS, Chief Department Public Salety. A SEW CHUECH AT HOMESTEAD, Together "With a Parochial School Shortly to Be Erected. The new German congregation at Home stead has completed all the necessary ar rangements with the ground on which a new church and school are to be built as soon ac possible. The deed has just been made out in tbe name of the Bishop of the diocese. The work and care of the new congregation is in charge of Father Duffner, of St. Peter's, on the Soutiiside. The new church is to be 80x35 feet, and the scboolbonse OOiL'4 feet, and as both are to be lrame buildings it is expected they can be finished in three months. Meantime the church and school will be held in Schu chuinanus Hall. There are already 70 chil dren attending the school, which number will be doubled as soon as the new building is finished. A Veil or Mist Rising at morning or evening from some low land, often carries lu its folds tbe seeds of ma laria. here malarial fever prevails no one is sale, unless protected by some efficient medic inal safeguard, liostetter's Stomach Bitters i both a protection and a remedy. No person v.iio inhabits, or sojourns in a miasmatic region ol country, should omit to procure this fortif 1 lngag"iit, which is also the finest known rem edy tor i spepsia, constipation, kidney trouble and rheumatism. KKSTAUKANTS RUSHED. Herbetter's Serie Over 800 Meals. No better indication of the great number of strangers in the city yesterday could have been giten l.uiu the rushing business done by hotels and restaurants in supplying food to the hungry visitors. While the demand was excessive, there were none who failed to receive tavory lunches or well-prepared meals at Herzberger's restaurant. No. 074 Liberty street. A reporter who dropped in Jast evening lound everyone connected with the place tired and worn out with the bard work; tbe larder was empty, and tbe waiters glad closing time had come. The proprietor elated that ovir 800 meals had been served yesterday! Best ot all, every guest had been well satisfied. UPRIGHT PIANO, S3 15. Upright Piano, S20O. Square Vinlio, S150. One of the finest upright pianos of full iron iramr, rxcellent tone and handsome case for S215 This instrument was. used only a short time. Also an excellent up right piano witti an easy action at $200, and c first-class square piano, in good condition, only 5150. Three rare bargains at the music store 01 J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smith field street. Fine assortment of the celebrated Sohmer p juos, and the superb Colby pianos and facbubert pianos. The People's Store. Just opened and on display, an elegant line of new spring and summer dress trim icings, embracing all the newest novelties, both toreign and home manufacture, in silver and gold tinselF, jet and steel combinations, crotched ornaments, buttons to match. Nobby and stylish. Call and see our dress trimmings. Campbell & Dick. Opening of new dress trimmings at 710 Pcun avenue. Reining & Wilds. still liveson water. Elmer Collins Again Loses riesh on His Light Diet Vesterday's Official Bulletins Sample of Some of the Young Man'i Correspondence. Elmer Collins, the faster, has Spain begun to lose weight. He passed ft quiet night Sunday, and did not awake until 6 A. M., yesierday, when three ounces of water were given him. At 9:15 A. m. be rose and en joyed a sponge bath,. of alcohol and warm water. He wai much refreshed, and had almost completely got rid of his cold. Be tween 9 a. 21. and noon he drank nine ounces of water. At noon he. was examined by Dr. McDonald, when his condition was reported as follows: Weight, 135 pounds; pulse, 78; temperature, 98."G; respiration, 18. This showed a falling ofl in weight of three-quarters of a pound. At 4 P. M. Collins drank three ounces of water, and at 6 r. M. was again vtsited by Dr. McDonald. The official bulletin then issued read: Pulse, 72; respiration, 18; temperature, 98.6. Collins wis in excel lent spirits, aud looked for better than be has done since the fast started. Dr. McDonald, who has been looking up authorities on the subject, claims that not only Succi, but Tanner also, increased in weight several days alter the opening of their fasts. The doctor states that be wonld not be surprised to see Collins' weight go up again before it begins on its final descent. Collins is daily receiving agreat number of letters and postal cards from cranks ot all sorts. The following gem arrived abont noon yesicday, under a Greensburg post mark: Mr Elmer Collins, stick to it old Boy I alwas scd my bovs was a eeten to much now i'm goln to set era all fasten 30 days if you getthroui kin make over COO on that ennyhow so ageu I sayl STICK. Frum your trend. The handwriting of this epistle is in itself a regular curiosity. F0UBTEEN BEAUTIFUL PICTUHE8 Received by rather Slolllngcr to Adorn His" N ew St. Anthony's CbapeL Father Mollinger, the world-renowned healing nriest, of Troy Hill, has just re ceived the fourteen new "Stations," or the so-call "Way of the Cross" pictures, for his new chapel which be is building in honor of St. Anthony. These pictures are not sur passed by any stations in any church in the "United States, and are said to be the finest oil paintings in the world. They were made in Germany atan enormous cost. It required the work of about half a dozen artists over a year to make them. The fourteen pictures are alike in size, each being seven feet high and four feet wide, and each rests in a niche in the side wall, seven on each side. They occupy tbe entire space of the walls of tbe chapel, which is nearly 70 feet long. Hundreds ot people are flocking to the new chapel to see the handsome stations. It was the intention of Father Mollinger to have the pictures put in place, if possi ble, during the holy time of Lent. The work on the chapel is all finished, and from now until it is to be blessed it will remain closed all tbe time. The exercises of bless ing the new church will take place on Satur day, June 13, which will be on the least day of 1 St. Anthony. The occasion will be one cl'tlie most important that has been held on Troy Hill. It is expected that there will be at least three bisbops and more than 100 priests present. BOOKING ATTRACTIONS. A Theatrical Man Says Alvln Joslyn Will Certainly Build Here. "Alvin Joslyn certainly intends to build a theater in Pittsburg," said a theatrical man yesterday. "If he doesn't, why wouM he book two cf the best attractions on the road for next season, Jeflerson and Florence and Mrs. Langtry? I understand his New York agent is grabbing the test companies right and left, and this looks like business. I think, too, that his house will be gorgeous. "By the way, this has been a bard season on oper.i companies. With theexception of Francis Wilson's, none of them have made money. The business is very irregular, one week good, the next bad. DeWolf Hopper will end the season with not a great deal of extra cash in his pocket." Don't Cough. Take Kemp's Balsam, tho best cough cure. Sample bottles lree of druggists. Large bottles 50c, tL DO TOD WANT A PIANO? The Remarkably Easy Way In Which Tou May Possess1 One Do you want a fine piano? If you do, the Everett Club or Co-operative System offers the following inducements, if you wish to pay cash: By becoming a member you will save 575 in the price of the piano and get it at once. If yon cannot spare the cash, you can get your piano any time on payment of $25 cash and $2 50 per week, no interest, and still save $75 in the price. If you cannot pay so last, by waiting until your number is drawn you will get your piano on payments of SI per week, no interest, and save $75 in the regular price to our retail trade. Think of thisl Our club is composed of 350 members, each paying $1 per week. Thus you see tbe members are buying for cash, and one piano is delivered to the member whose number is drawn each week until all are supplied; or, if one-half of the members take their pianos and pay 2 50 per week, we deliver twice the number, uiid get double tbe amount of cash each week, and it leaves only one-half the number to be drawn on the SI weekly payments. It is a simple business problem. We are saving our members the difference in price by con tracting lor 350 pianos at one time, and on a cash basis. We are now delivering two pianos per week, on the SI weekly payments, to Clubs A and B. There are a few memberships not yet taken in Club B, so call at once or send for circular to the manager. Alex "Ross, 137 Federal street, Allegheny, Pa. The club pianos this week are: Club A, certificate 19; ClubB, certificate 298. Names withheld by request. tt Tho People's Store. Just received, a large lot of black silk gimps, different widths and a great-variety of patterns. Choice of this lot for 25c; worth twice the money. Campbell & Dick. HEAL. ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, UQL 401 Smlthfield Street, Cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, J69.000. Deposits of ?1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4. per cent. tts The People's Store. Ladies' muslin under-garmenti. night gowns, chemises, skirts, corsets covers, pan telettes. Well made and richly trimmed in lace, embroidery and ribbons. A little odd lot of about 500. All at one price SI 00 each; worth SI 50. First come, first "pick. Campbell & Dick. The newest dress trimmings will be found at 710 Penn avenue. Ekining & "Wilds. Hotel Spencer, Corner of Diamond Square, Youngstown, O., now open to tbe public ou the'European plan. Nicely furnished room.i, and large sample rooms on first floor. Kates ?1 per day and upward, for gentlemen only. a M. Spencer, "Proprietor. The People's Store. Kew laces, new drapery nets, new em broideries, new veilings. C00 yards full skirting embroidery at 50c per yard. "Will last only a few days. Campbell" & Dick. 8100-TJnUl May 1-83 SO. 12 cabinet photos, or one life-size crayon for S3 50 at Aufrecht's Elite Gallerr, 516 Market street. Pittsburg. Use elevator. tS"Display advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classifiedtadvei-tisc-mentt on this page, such as Wanted, For Sale. To Let, et, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE, Cer. Smlthfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OPEN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. TVHEKK WANT. rOK SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER TRANSIENT AUVEK1TSEMENTS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOH INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers alrcady-have accounts with Tn DisrATcrf. FOU THE SOUTIISII1E. NO." HIS CAltoON STREET. TELEPHON E N O. 60. FOR THE EAST END, J. W. WALLACE, 6121 PNN AVE. PITTSBUKG-ADD1TIONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY S309 Butler street. EMILC. STUCKEY, !h Mrect and Tcnnave. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHKK. S3 Federal street. H. J. JICBKIDE, Market House, Allegheny. F. H. EGGERS& SON. Ohloand ChestnntsU. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERRY M. ULE1M, Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male Help. B OY-A GOOD, SMART BOY. INQUIRE AT iu o-ciock. a, M.air-,1, (.;uAlt;.ta himi-.i.. fcIl-Sl ClANVASSERS-FEW GOOD MEN; SALARY, 'commission or both: reference required. WHKK.LER A WILSON MFG CO., 6 Sixth St. re:4-svTThs C1ANVASSER-lNTELI.lUr.NT. FDR CEV i TURV Dictionary. II. WATTS, 1 Wood st. fClS-K-D GENERAL AOENT-FOR THIS VICINITY wanted by a flrst-class life Insurance com pany, offering special features that are very tak ing: an unusual opportunity for a cood partr that ran handle local agents. Address O.T. 11UNGER FOKU. room 70, 115 Broadway, N. Y. fCl9-15-TT8 GENERAL BOOKKEEPER-BY A LARGE manufacturing firm: most be thoroughly conversant with the voucher system of accounts. Apply, by letter, to A. B., P. O. Box 106i city. fc24-tt GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS-IN SURROUNDING towns to handle fist selling book; right par tie can make big money. ROOM 1, ixcelslor building, cor Grant and Sixth av. tcli-62 MAN-THOROUGHLY ACQUAINTED WITH the tin plate and raeta' business, to travel Ohio. Kentucky and Jjstern Indiana. Address, stating age and present occupation, DEAN, P.O. Box 933. Baltimore, Md. fe2I-ll MAN-TO CANVASS CINCINNATI OR Pittsburg: must be an F. A A. M. Apply for twodavsNO. lUEIUHTHST. from 9 to 12 or 2 to 5. There Is "In It" Sl,200 clear a year. IcZi-lZ MAN-A KETIRKO ARMY" OFFICER, CA PABLE of doing easy ork four hours a day; compensation liberal. 11. it. FOSTER, 17 Seventh St., Pittsburg. fe24-43 PATTERN MAKERS- T ON UK- FOURGOOD men. Address THE BUCr BUS S. S. A D. CO.. Bucyrns, O. fe20-33 ORTER-A GOOD PORTER: MUST GIVE city rclerence. Apply at KAUFMANNs'. fe24-W SALESMEN WE MAKE A LIBERAL OFFER to traveling and local salesmen in every State who call on retail grocers. GLUTEN ENTIRE WHEAT FLOUR CO., 133 Lake St., Chicago, 111. felO-62-Ttt SHOE SALESMAN-BY A JOBBING BOOT and shoe house, an experienced traveling shoi salesman on commission, with established trade. In Western Pennsylvania and E&slcrn Ohio. Ad dress, with rclerence. WHOLESALE SHOE HOUSE, S13 Hamilton St., Allentowu, Pa. fcH-49 SINGLE MAN-WHO UNDERSTANDS CARE of horses, carriage, cow, etc,: German pre ferred: willing to make himself generally useful abou tthc place. Address, with rclcrences from last employer, BOX 43, Allegheny. lclt-1 YOUNG MAN-ABOUT 19 OR 20 YEARS OF age as fireman for stationary boiler: bring recommendations. ROOM, 30 Fidelity Building. feJ4-80 YOUNG MAN-17 OR IS YEARS OF AGE for real estate bnslness: a hard worker: good chance. . it.. Dispatch office. fe24-67 Agents. AGENTS-TO SELL THF. MOST UNIQUE literary production or modern times: liar enport's Condensations of the Best Fifty Books ot the Greatest Authors from Homer to Lew Wal lace." Intended for tbe use or busy American people: sold onlr bv subscription: price S3 7oln cloth binding. P. J. FLEMING CO., 77 Dia mond t. fe21-TWTrssn AGENTS-NEW CIGAR LIGHTER: EVERY clear smoker buys; lights In wind or rain; samnlelSctwo for2oc. 31 doxen br mall; stamps taken. bTAYNER&CO., ProUdence, R. I. Iel9-ss , -- AGENTS-ST. PATRICK'S DAY ORNA MENTS, as worn In Ireland: sample mailed Sc: big profits; Immense bales; investigate now beloi e too late.' M. EKNST. Cleveland. O. fe22-91-TTSSU-ma6,S,10,l- Temnle Help. APPRENTICES-IMPROVER.-", GOOD SEW ERS, operators: also ladles and girls tolccrn dressmaking aad cutting. Call or write. LON DON AND PARIS DRESSMAKING CO..9061'cnn avenue. Ja8-I0-IuwTh 1 IRI.-G00n GIRL TO TAhE OAK OF XX children. Apply at 116 SHEFFIELD ST., Allegheny. fe24-40 ADY AGENTS-THHEE DOLLARS CAPI TAL will build up a business paying S25 U) veekly selling our novelties In ladles' and chil dren's wear; our child's combined waist and bose supporter Is the en test little garment ever Invent ed and sells at sight. Address with stamp. MRS. G. CAMPBELL, 4S4 W. Randolph St.. Chicago. Ja27-70-Tihsu Male and Female Help. MAN TO DRIVE AND WORK ABOUT place: farm hands, woman cook. ?7 per week: chambermaids, dining room girts, dish washers, laundress, house girls, colored girls, houskeeper. MKElfAN 545 Grant st. Ic'iS-D Situations. BOOKKtEPING-I ATTUNDTO ANYTHING in the line of lutrlcstc accounting, such as opening and closlug of books or correction of errors: also give lnstrnctlons in the ne of the Voucher System. A. F. SAWHILL, 1S7 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. ' de6-54-D POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER AND typewriter by a lady of largo experience in business: can furnish firsi-class references owns typewriter. Address 515 SMITHF1ELO ST., Eccond.floor. fe24-43 S1TUATION-BY YOUNG MAN IN SOME business house where he coulu wore himself tin: speak i and writes German and English. Ad dress S- Y., Dispatch office. fe24-50 SITOATION BY EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER and correspondent: can give best of rclerence. Address R. II., Dispatch office. fe24-74 SITUATION-BY AlOUNG LADY AS COM PANION ornnrse to elderly lidy. Address D., Dispatch office. fe?l-3 Itooms. TOOM-FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING; 1 neighborhood or Seventh Avenue Hotel pre lerrcd; should not be less than 31x50: with or with out power. Address MANUFACTURE!:. Dis patch office. fe23-24 Partners. PARTNER-ACTIVE OR SILENT PARTNER wltn 55.000 to 10.C00 lu an established and paying manufacturing business In this city. For Interview address W. S. K., Dispatch office. fe-24-85 Financial. IF YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN money on mortgages, buv or sell real estate, we have the very best of facilities for handling Sropertles and placing or moneys promptly. ICLA1N &ZUG5M1TH, 437 Grant st. lelo-M MONEY TO LOAN "N REAL F.STATE-IN Allegheny. Beaver, Washington, Butler aLd Westmoreland counties: also, stocks and sc-curltlc-i negotiated. ED. WOTISH. 410 Grant St., Pittslmrg.Pa.,and Beaver Falls, Pa. fell-25-D MONKY-OUR FACILITIES FOR FURNISH ING money to any amount on bond and mortgage are unequaled: lowest rates of Interest and no delay. 11 von need money aDPlv MORRIS i. FLEMING, 1US Fourth ave. Jy27-S6-TTS3u MONEY LOAN ED-LOWEST RATES OF IN TEREST, according to amount and loca tion: no delay. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth av. sc30-59-Tu3Su MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST MARKET rates on bond and mortgage: no delay. KKED B. CO YLK & CO., 131 Fourth av. dell-TTS MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD MORTGAGE securities, lowest rates: no delay. SAMUEL .- UI.ACK CO.. 99 Fourthav. dcll-4-iTlis TITORTGAGES-WE HAVE 5.O0O TO DIVIDE iJL Into JJOO, fsuo or Sl.ouo loans: ti0,oou to divide Into two mortgages. SG.00U and SLOW: also have 11.20 S4.50O and S5.O00; expenses very light; nioner ready on approval of title. S. J. FLEM ING A CO., 152 Fifth av. Tel. J772. fe7-17 MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY county property at lowest rates. HENRI A. WEAVER CO.. 92 Fourth-avenue. mlri-D "kfTORTGAGES-MONKY TO LOAN IN SUA13 li to suit at -I'i'. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLKS JAU.UV. 164 Fourth vre. Tel. 1G7. apl4-19-TTSsu TO LOAN S50O,-XIO, IN AJIOUNTS OF 3.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 5 per cent: also smaller amounts at 6 per cent. BLACKS liAll'D, !b Fourth avenue. se2l-diS-D TO LOAN rSKkOCO ON MORTGAGES T10O and no ward at 6 per cent: 500,000 at4X per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. . H. FRUNCH, 125 Fourth ave. OC23-D Miscellaneous. YOU GET A BAKKR'S DOZEN (131 OF btcwart A Co.'s tine cabinet photos for SI. at 90 and 92 FEDERAL 8X Allegheny. mv2S--TTSB WASTED," Mloceimneous. EVERT LADY-WISHING' Td I!E HER OWN dressmaker to call at 616 Penn avc. top ?osite Home's stores) and Investigate MAOAME 'LESHER'S ladles' tailoring system; no risk; parties responsible: school now opeu. nol9-23 HORSE OWNKRS-TO KNOW THAT OUR stable is above high-water mark; a few stalls empty. Address for terms PFLAUM & CO., las Second av. ft22-85 PENSIONS THE PITTSBURG PENSION AGENCY OF J. II. STEVENSON & CO., 100 Fifth av. Pensions now.had for all disabled sol diers, permanently helpless children and widows of deceased soldiers under late act of Congress; pensions Increased to correspond with the dis ability: bounties collected: certificates of service procured where discharges are lost; de20-i2-TT PURCHASEK-FOR STANDS. CASES AND other composing room furniture now stand ing on upper floor of No. 99 Fifth av., soon to be vacated: country newspaper or other cash buver will find this a rare chance: Call on BUSINESS MAN AGERTHh.DISPATCH.Smlthfleld and Dia mond sis., between the hours of 3 and 5 r. M. - - feIO-117 FOR SAME TJlTnOYED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. CLIFF STREET-NEAR SEVENTEENTH ST. Incline, only three squires from ylle avenue cable, two-story brick house of six rooms, ball, finished attic cemented. cellar, city water, natural gas, all conveniences: lot 67)4x122 feet to a 20-foot alley: nice yard containing shade trees, shrubbery, etc., and inclosed with ornamcutal Iron funce: "KkGOU. oae-thlrd cash, balance time to suit. (1-3-20) CHARLES SOMEH8 A CO. fc24-52 GREEN ST NEAR ('ENTER AV.. 2-STORY brick dwelling and brick stable Tor $1,500: easy payments. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fc22-7l-tTsSu KOHERT3 SI. -A VERY N1CC BRICK, dwelling o 5 rooms and finished attic all re cently papered and put In good order, front and side euirancc and alley in rear: cheap to a quick buyer. C BERlNGi.ll Si SON, IW Fourth av. fe22-70-Tihsn WYLlKAV.-fiOOOCASH. BALANCE AT 4a per cent. Tor three-storv brick business house storetootn and eight dwelling rooms; Wv lle. near Washington tt. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth av. fe20-63-TUFS C2Q 300. BELOW-COST-AIiUOSTNEWliltlCK OO' dwelling. Main sL. one minute from Penn av. cable cars, containing ten rooms, bath. In side w. c, both gases, electric bells aud wired for electric light, slate 'mantels, tile hearths, range. Inside shutters and double parlors, cedar elosets, wire screens throughout, awnings for front doors and windows, cemented cellars, heater, handsomely papered throughout, wash house In rear, with store and w. c., shade trees In front, large corner lot 43x100 feet. M. F. HIPPLE A CO., 96 Fourth av. fc22-6.'-Tusu Cf "J O00-GLENOOD,SECONDAV..FINE 3 1.0 brick dwelling of 8 rooms and finished attic; 3 acres of ground: has a frontage of 385 feet on second av.: only live minutes' walk from sta tion: the property Is well adapted, for manufact uring purposes, (d 112) BLACK & BA1RD, 95 Fourthav. rcl5-42-5, 18,24 f) SOO LIBERTY AV., N EAR. SEVEN- Ji TEENTHst., two-story brick dwelling of 15 rooms; also, house of two rooms In rear; lot 12x50x24. (C99) BLACK & BA1RD, 9T Fourthav. fel2-15-12,6.2 East End Residences. EAST END -HASTINGS AV.. NEAR REYN OLDS av., new frame hou6uof five rooms two halls, slate mantel in parlor, good, dry cellar; on a large choice lot affording abundant room for additional building on the front; very cheap at 83,000; 8500 cash, balance In small monthly pav ments ir desired. (2-8-56.) CHARLES SOMKRS ACQ. leJ4-52' FORBES ST.-OAKLAND, AN ELEGANT brick dwelling containing ten rooms, bath. Inside w. c-, fine mantels and chandeliers, laundry, wide hall, china closets, cupboards aud pantries, large porches, just the place for a home, must be 6ecu to be appreciated: large lot 105x127 leet: terms easy. M. F. HIPPLE A CO.. 96 Fourth av. fc22-62-Tusu 1" AKGE HOUSE ON ALDER, NEAR SHADY J ar.. large house of It rooms, modern fixtures, Iotllxl201t. (56) See W. A. HERRON &SONS, 80 Fourth av. fel2-40-I3, 17.20, 24' OAKLAND-VERY CHEAJ.- HOUSE. CON TAINING 10 rooms. In splendid repair, wltn all modern conveniences: lot contains about one and one-quarter acres of ground, onoromlncu. street, near cable and Dnqucsne electric roadi; good reasons given lor selllns. Inquire of W. H. WAIT, 102 Fourth av. la27-83 OAKLAND-CO It. OF ATWOOD AND HATLS St.: a cry des .-able 2-story and mansard brick dwelling; 7 r -o -is. bath, hot and cold water, slate mantels, tile hearths, bath gjsos. Inside w. c. : a verv completr home; lot 50x100. J. C. REILLY, 77 DUm ! street. fe22-73-TTSSn 430 BUYS A NEW fRAMS HOUSE OF if J9 7 rooms: ball, bath and attic. Inside w. c:. both gase and wate. electric light, slate man- icis, cnina ciosei. iront.ana rear porcnes, siaic root; large lot. only one-half a square from cable cars. K. K.; Immediate possession: easy terms: positive bargain: must sell l;y 31areh 1. JOHN K. EWING & CO., 89 Federil 6t. re22-8-TT3Su DO 700-WILKINSBURO-SW1SSVALKAV., f5u9 east of Rebecca St., two-story rrame dwell ing of C rooms and hnisbed attic, hall, bathroom, range, natural gas, electric hells and light front and back porch: lot 40x125. (K72) BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. fc7-40-7, 13.21 Allegheny Resilience. ALLEGHENY MARKET STREET: A VERY cheap property: two-storv brick dwelling of four rooms and finished attic, hall and kitchen, dry cellar, clothes presses and cupboards In every room, side entrance, outside bake oven, good stable, nice vard with' grape arbor, etc. : lot 22x120 feettoaparcdallev:S3.500, $1,800 cash, balance to suit, (g 56-251) CltARLES SOMER3. fe24-52 BEECH ST.. ALLEGHENY'-OLOSK TO parks,substantlal brick dwelling of 9 rooms, with bath, inside w. c, laundry, hall, front and back stairways, etc.: very choice location, with lotBOxlOO feet; carriage house in rear: price, S12. 000; terms easy. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 Fourth avenue. fe22-62-TuSU -TTtLEVENTH WARD. SHADY AV., ALLE JJJ GUENY.a nice little home at small cost; two story frame house of 5 rooms, finished attic, good dry cellar, side entrance, all In excellent repair: lot 40x118 feet to a 20-fuot alley: 82,800: Sl.ouo in cash, balaucc to suit, (g 3I-I5U) CIIARLKS SO M KKS & CO. fc24-52 SHERMAN AV., ALLEGHKNY-TWO-sTORY and mansard brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, h. and c. water, both gases, laundry, cemented floor, good location: possession April J. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth av. fc22-126-rT6u VETO ST.-BItICK HOUSE. FIVE ROOMS and hall, in good rcoalr: one square from North av.. Allcghcuy. a snug little home for any one looking fora small house; lot 20x50. HOW ARD BROWN, 131 Fourth av. fe2o-4S-TIFS Q OOO-OHIO ST.. ALLEGHENY. THREE Ov)9 STORY brick, storeroom with two ware ruoius and eight d welling, roomsr also frame bonse in reir; gas, h. and c. water, w. c. ; all in good order; rented for $780 per year. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., loil-'ouTtli av. fe22-120-TuIhSU ' HnzelwOocl Residences. HAZI'LWOUD SECOND AVENUE: A WELL finished, convenient and attractive home: two-story (selected) brick-bouse of seven rooms, two flue attic rooms, vestibule, -two halls, bath, liotand cold water, both gases, basement, pantry, speakiug tube. marble mantel, finely painted and grained inside and newly painted without; house stands back 25 feet In a l.lce lot 50x130 feet: concrete walks, grapevines, etc.; 86,000, on easy terms, (aa 46-116) CHARLES SOMERS A CO. fc24-52 HAZELWOOD-2-STORY FRAME DWE. L INGof 7 rooms, bath, halt, laundry, hard wood finish, newly papercd-and painted. nal. gas. h. and c. water, luside w. c. sewered, etc. : lot 60x120 leet: 2 minute' walk from llnzelwood sta tion aud Second Avenue Electric ltallway: price. 86,801): terms reasonable. IRA M. UUKU1I FIELD, 15b Fourthav. UI3-30 Subnrbau Residences. CRAFTON RIGHT -K EAR THE Sl'AIION. 2-story frame dwelling, 8 rooms, bath, laun dry and two finished attics, hall and vestibule, heater in cellar; fruit of all kinds: good spring house and cistern: front and back porches, hav ing all the comforts of a nice country home: one acre of ground goes with this property. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fc22-73-Tissu EMSUORTH-A LARGE- NEW RESIDENCE with all modern improvements, near the sta tion and on elevated ground. . Willi nearly two acres of ground planted in shrnhberv, etc. C. BER1N Gr.R & SON, 156 Fourth av. 41 fe22-70-TThSU INGRAM P. C AND ST. 1,-Ml. R.. ONLY 15 minutes ride from the cltvand 6 cents fare, a limited number of fine buHdinglots, streets sew ered, ranging lu price from t45t' to 8300, terms 825 cash, balance to suit, this is an excellent oppor tunity lo get a good lot cheap. V, BERINGKR SON, 156 Fourth av. 1c22-70-ttusu SEW1CKLEY PROPERTY GOOD FRAME house, 6 rooms, on 40-11. st.: curbed and Faved: lot 40100 to an alley: prlcc'Sl,o(0. New rame honsc 5 rooms: good location: lot 50x100 It. ; 82,500. Brick house. 7 rooms, 1 minutes from statlun; every convenience: lot 72x60. corner lot, fitux): brick hoiioe, 7 rooms, water and gas, lot 50x150 to a 40-rt. St.: WOO. Brick house, 9 rooms: Beaver st-: modern Improvements: lot 55x400 to a 50- ft. st.; 86.000. New frame house on Thorn st.. 8 rooms, finished attic; every conveni ence: good neighborhood. 87.5U0: also, a number Of fine places with large yards and abundance of sna e trees at rcasonaoie rates. COTTON & WHITE, 157 Lacock St., Allegheny. fcll-25-TTB PERSOJfAJ. PERSONAL-GOOD TIME FOR LABORERS and domestics from South. PJiREURlNO," 159 Fourth av. fe24-61 I" JERSONAL-CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD . aud silver: Jewelry repaired: newworkmade to order. CHRls. HAUCH, 541 smlthflclrt st. - JalS-81 PERSONAL-ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAN NI CA. 824: Chambers' Kncyclopedia, 81U. All others at half prices for ;odars onlv. FRANK. BACON i. CO., 301 Smlthfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. fe4-58 PERSONAL FINE BOOKS-WE HAVETHE finest collection of finely illustrated books In Pittsburg: beautirul bindings: low prices: come and see them: hundreds of books for presents. LEVI'S BOO.K STOKE. 900 Liberty st. de!2 PERSONAL-RELIEVE THAT TIRED, aching feeling about the eyes by having proper glasses adjusted by CHESSMAN & MAM MON. 42 Federal St.. Allegheny. Best t spec tacles on earth. A rtlflclal eyes inserted. fca-113-irsu FOR SA1.E lOTS. Citv tots. CARSON AND TWENTY-FIRST ST.-A VA CANT lot 44x120, suitable for a business house: verylnw price. SAMUEL W. BLACK Jfc CO.. 99 Fourth av. fc20-6S-TuFS" Q5r30-LOTS 54x100 FKKT; EASY PAYMENTS iJ IT desired; among the best In the market tor the money; on (Wylie av.)Trac- line. North Thirty-third st. (64). W. A. HLRRUN & SON'S, 80 Fourth av. fe3-74-Tu East End Lota. T OT-101X107 FEET FOR 86,000; VERY CF.N JLJ TRALLY located at Sbadyslde, fronting two streets. (911 sce .w. A. HERRON SON'S. 80 Fourth ay. fcl2-39-l2, 16. 19,24 LOTS-VERY NICE ONES ON BEI.LEFONTF, . st.. near Ellsworth avenue, 25xl0 each. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. fer-73-TTSSu Q- 200-FINE LOT. 241126 FEET, ON U l? Euclid, near Station av Nineteenth ward. East End. (Il). W. . I1ERRON A SONS. 80 Fourth av. ' fe3-74-Tu Allegheny Tots. EASTST., ALLEGHE.NY-aX) NICE BUILD ING lots, S175pcrMot: easy terms. GEO. maaatua, Agent, ea jounnav. ic-i4-i-Ti &- EASTST.. ALLEGHENY-200 LOTS, ?I25 PER lot: easy terms. GEO. JOHNSTO.N. Agent. 62 Fourth av. fe24-72-TTS-a EAST ST., ALLEGHENY-200 LOTS: BEAU lIFUL:t5cash. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent. 62 Fourth av. je2l-7J-TTs- Suburban Lots. XfEW PLAN OF 50 FINE LEVEL LOTS-AT X Marion station, eight minntes from city, on B. ft O. R. R or20mlnutes hysecond av.clcctrlc road; lota from 8350 up:? 10 down and S5 per month, without Interest or taxes: come quick if you want a barg-iln or sare Investment. MORRISON & BANKS, 105'liilrd av., cor. Wood st. Jal7-TTS Farms. FARM-63 ACRES: GOOD HOUSE AND TWO Darns: land well watered and productive; choice fruit, for dairy or garden stuff; and near good markets: none better: would exchange for town property. ED. WITTISU, 410 Grant St., PltUbnrg. fc21-D FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. BUTCHERSHOP. 8175: PLANING MILL AND lumberyard, with annual business of 8150, 0C0, on casv terms: shoe store, 8375; tinshop, grocery stores, 8500 to 8.5.000: restaurant, livery stable, bakeries, cigar stores, drug stores, milk depots. oHKPARD A CO.. 151 Fourth av. fe3 BUTTER, EGG AND POULTRY STAND Allegheny market. Address G.W., Dispatch office. fc24-49 DRUGSTORE GOOD LOCATION: PWILL "sell at invoice or lump It: cheap rent: good reasons for silling. Address DRUGS, P. o. Box 143, Allegheuy. fc20-97 DRUGSTORE - A GOOD PAYING CITY stand; cheap to a quick bujer; owner in other business. Address G. D.. Dispatch office. fc24-8S XTF.WS DEPOT AND STATIONERY STORE J in large town; splendid chance for live man. SHEPARD & CO.. 151 Fourth av. fe20-64-THFSu' SHOE STORE-AT A DISCOUNT: GOOD LO CATION and trade: grocery storei. 8500 to (5.CC0: general stores, country stores, cigar stores, notion stores, bakeries, meat markets, newspaper routes. PERCIVAL A CHAPMAN, 9 Grant st. re.M-66 TURKISH BATH FIRST CI ASS IN ALL details: man of business capability can make $40 to $60 per week; owner has other business re quiring bis whole attention: cost 83,900: will sell lor one-half and on easy terms. For full particu lars call on ROSS W. BLACK, 819Llhcrtv st. fc22-136-TUSU Business Properties. FACTORY THE LARGE THREE-STORY factory now occupied bv the Carriage Mfg.Co., Latrohc la., will be ullcred at public salcsaturday, February 28; the building covers entire lot 50x100; Is convenient to P. R. R.; natural gas aud water In building: Is suitable for light mrg. S. E. SHIELDS, Latrobe, Pa. fe20-69-TTPS -rTTATER POWER FIRST-CLASS SlTU YV ATED at Ballston Spa., N. Y.; must be sold: new dam 16 feet, full of water. Address GEORGE W. MAXoN, Attorney, Ballston Spa, New York. fc21-l-D r 500-A 15 PER CENT, NET. CITY 1A (3o VESTMENT, on account or owner leaving the city; two good storerooms. II living roomsand packing room with, corner lot 3ux4S. 11. (. CLARKE, 135 Fourth av. and Edgcwood. Tele. 7212. ' 1-H4-TT6 FOR SAEE MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc. COW-PUKE-BRED JERSEY COW AND calr: very hat.dsome: at a bargain: also fine saddle horse. Inquire JOS. IIlTE. 199 .Main st., Allegheny. Ie24-69 HORSES-JUST ARRIVED A CARLOAD draught horses, weishtng from 1.400 to 1,650 ponnds: all young aud sound and good workers; can bo seen at Elmore & Murray's sales stables, Duquesnc way. U. II. CUNNINGHAM, Marion, O. fc24-5S -pONT A VERY FINE BAY PONY. 5 YEARS JT7 old, warranted sound and perfectly safe for a Child to rlins or drive; a perfect beauty. Can ho sen'at 215 FIRST AV . above Grant st. fc24-79 WAGONS-TWO FIRST-CLASS PLATFORM spring ice wagons: Inside measurement: lengths 8 ft. .10 In. : width. 3 rt. 101a.; height. 5 ft.;almos; new. inquire WAGONER, Dispatch office. fel4-15 Blaclunery and Metals. ENGINES. BOILERS AND CONNECTIONS, with freight elevator, lormlng part of dupli cate plant herctolorc kept In building No. 99 Fifth av. furuse In emergencies by Ine Dispatch: barr gain to quick buyer. Call on BUSINESS MANA GERTHE DISPATCH. Smlthfield and Diamond sts., between the hours of it and 5 r. u. fc2M17 ONE SECOND-HAND PORTABLE ENG1NE Antl boiler combined, 35 horse power: also a number of second-hand wood-working machines; can be bought at a low figure. VELTE A MC DONALD, Pcnnav. and Thirty-second st. "" de!5-TTS SECOND-HAND ENGINE AND BOILERS One 14x24. two 12x18, one 11x24, one 10x20, one 10x16. 9x12, 8x12 and lame lot of smaller sizes: 10-11. P. mounted portables, one pair of boilers 42x26: agent for the Standard governor, pumps, 6haltlng. pulleys, etc 23 and 25 Park Way, Alle gheny, Pa. J. S. YOUNG. fc6-D- SECOND-HAND ENGINES-ONE 27 11. P. Ball pat. electric light engine, almost new; oncSxS. one 7x7, one 5x6, vertical engines: one heavy 14x21. one 11x12, 3 8x12 and 2 7x12. In hori zontal engines: all good as new. HARMES MA CHINE DEPOT, 93 First av., Pittsburg. Pa. Ja30-D THE FOLLOWING MACHINERY WILL BE offered at public sale Siturday, Feb. 28, at factory of Carriage Mfg. Co.. Latrobe, Pa.: 1 25 horse power engine, 1 30-horse power tubular boiler, shafting, conntcr shafts and pulleys, band saw, Inns, portable forges, emery wheels, drills, hub boring machine, anvils, wedges, bar Iron, steel tire,-wheels, 2.000ft. 3-lnch dry vellow pop lar, 4,ouort. -tncli dry yellow poplar, 3.oyo ft. 1H. 2and3-lucli dry ash plank; new and sccoud-baud carriages, buggies, buckboards and spring wagons. CARRIAGE MFo. CO., Latrobe, Pa. te2O-09-Trrs rilUE PORTER A DOUTHETT CO., LIM..DAR JL It AG II st. and HIvcr av., Allegheny, Pa., engines, boilers and castings. Repairing prompt ly attended to. Ja6-86 Miscellaneous. BILLIARD TABLES. PIANO,SAFE,ETC., AT nucllou at central Hotel. North Diamond, Allegheny, on Wednesday, February 25. at 10 o'clock. In connection with sale or furniture, carpets, etc. A. LEGGATE & SON, Auctioneers. fe21-25 COMPOSING ROOM FURNITURE. SUCH AS stands, cases, trucks and ciiascs; desiring to quickly dispose or the duplicate plant now standing on upper floor of iio. 99 Filth av., no reasonable offer will be refused. Call between 3 and 5 P. M. on BUblNl-S MANAuElt II IK DISPA'l CU.-Smlthlleid and Diamond sts. Iei0-li; HOTEL, FURNITURE-THE CONTENTS OF the Central Hotel, North Diamond. Alle gheny, will be sold on W odnesday, Feb. 25, at 10 o'clock, at auction: In addition to the furniture, carpets, and utensils aru billiard tables, safe and olflcolurnlture, piano, etc A. LEGGA'lE A SON. Auctioneers. - fe20-U6 LOST. LOST-ON SATURDAY. A POCKETBOOK, containing $1010, between Roberts' jewelry store, ou Fifth av., and Joseph Home A Co.'s. on Penn av. The finder will be liberallr rewarded by leaving at the DISPATCH OFFICE, corner Smlthfield and Diamond sts. ft-24-59 F0U2OJ. FOUND-A RELIEF FOR MY HEADACHE BY having proper glasses adjusted by the ex perts in lenses, CHESSMAN & MANNION, 42 Federal St.. Allegheny. Best $1 spectacles ou earth. Artificial eyes Inserted. feS-113-TFSu FOUND-A LARGE LOT OF WINTER clothing belonging to residents or this city was lound hanging In the rooms occupied by DICKSON, the tailor, 65 Filth are., upstairs, altered, cleaned and repaired: the owners should call lor them, as Dlcksou requires the room. no!3-D NOTICES. VTOTICETO GARDENERS -AND FLOE IX ISTS St. Marl's Cemetery will lease for a term of three years, freo of rent, a corner lot. 48x110 feet, situate on f'orty-aixth street, be low tho cemetery Kate, on which to erect a frreenhonse for the propagation ot plants and flowers to be disposed of to lot owners in the cemetery and others desiring to purchase. For any further information apply to the under signed at his office. 45:4 Penn av., Pitlsbtir;:. JAMES S. DEVLIN, Superintendent, v felS-22 PROPOSALS.. PROPOSALS HEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of Uio, archi tect from now until 4 r. M. FRIDAY. March. 6, 1SU1, for the erection of a two-story brick V i-uhoo) buildlnc to be built at Idlewood station, (rannanuie Railroad) cnartlers towusuip. Allegheny county. Pa. Plans may be seen at tho office of James N. Campbell, architect, room 814, Penn building, Pittsburg, Fa., to whom all bids must ha ad dressed. The Board of School Directors re serve tho right to reject anv or all bids. W. M. SHERIDAN, JR.. JNO. HAYS. Secretary. TTesiaent. fel9-86-rrhs TOtET. City Residences. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE-ALL MODERN IM PROVEMENTS, No. 34 Ferry st. Inquire B. OFI'ENHEIMER. 7I3Liberyst. fe21-Wt HOUSE-POSSESSION AT O.NCE-8 NEARLY new brick houses on Forty-sixth and a half St.; one minute from Butler st. cable cars: newly painted Inside and out: every room newly papered; Inside shutters; water In kitchens; good cellar and private yard to each house: 6 rooms in 4 houses and i small room extra in others: will be rented at 820 per month to good tenants only: houses can he seen at anv time. Inquire O. (J. O'BRIEN. 29i Fllthav.. Plttshurr. or R. MCCHESSNEY, ShllHer Bridge Works, Fortr-elghlli st. aud A. V. R. it. , Ja22-TTSt N' OS. 5S AND 58 CENTER AVE. TEN ROOMS each; all modern improvements: good neigh borhood: one square from ca'ile c-irs: low rent to desirable lc tenants. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agt.. 62 Fourih av. fe24-71-TTSt NO. 8 GRANT ST.; EIGHT I'OOMS AND store room. GEO. JOHNSTON. Act.. 62 Fourtli avenue. fc23-71-TTfet TWO NEW BRICK HOUSES WITH 8 ROOMS, containing bath-laundry, large pantry; one with hall, one without: both gases, range, hot and cold water, etc., etc.: rent 25 and 10 per month: houses arc on paved street; neighborhood good: 10 minutes' ride from Wood aud Fifth av.; Central Traction line on Webster av.. one i-quare from cable, lnqalre HARDY & HAYES. Ml Smlthfield st. - fe21-46-TTSt East End Residences. A FINE LARGE RESIDENCE PROPERTY located on the corner of Penn and Dallas avs.. East End, Pittsburg, Pa. For Information inquire on the premises, or ofTHE SAFK DE- l uaii uojua. l, oi i uisuurg, execmur oi co late of Clement V. McKalg, deceased fe rn. reIl-26-TThBt A PRIL I. "A SUBSTANTIAL TEN-ROOM . r brick h onse on N evllle st. : Dunucsne Electric cars will pass the door. Inquire of A. ft S. WIL SON, 211 Third av., or SAMUEL wilson. uraig St. near Bayard st. fc4-6j-TTSt EASTEND-8G5 PER MONTH. ON WALNUT St., near South Highland, brick honc; every convenience; large lot. THOS. LIGGETT, 71 Diamond st. fe20-85-Dt ITlASTKND-fn 50PEKMONTH, PENN AVE.. 11 near Rebecca st., SbricK houses of 6 rooms and bath each. THOS. LIGGETT, 71 Diamond st. 1C3J-60-IJT FURNISHED ORUNFURNISHED-A VERY desirable and complete dwelling of" rooms, finished attic, laundry and bathroom, located on Craig st., near Firth av. W. A HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth av. fc24-63t HOUSE-A BEAUTIFUL HOUSE ON HIGH LAN Dav.; will sell the carpets and furni ture; rent ?350. Address SPRiNGTISIE, Dispatch office. fe2t-75t POSSESSION CAN BE HAD MARCH 1 IF DE SIRED: modern bonse, 6 rooms, attic, latent Improvements; Ellsworth av., Shadyslde: send for list. W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth av. fe2I-51-mst WALNUT ST.-SHADYSIDE-HOUSE OP ten rooms; all modern Improvements. GEO. JOHNS'ION, Agt., 62 Fourth av. fe24-71-TTSt Allegheny Residences- A RCH ST. BETWEF.N OHIO AND PARK Xjl way, Allegheny Citv. desirable dwelling ot way, Allegheny Citv. desirable dwelling of Brooms. iUJUr-i.! &auA,-ilii., it auerman ar, Allegheny. , fe5-8St mjlij-.l'.r ivU-VJJ-. i' auermanav.. XT- 1 MONTEREY ST., ALLEGHENY Ji eleven rooms; all modern improvements; convenient to parks. tlEO. JOHNSlON.t Agent, 62 Fourth av. fe24-71-TTSt NOf 36 ESPLANADE ST.-SEVEN ROOMS; rent, 830 per month: good location. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, 62 Fourth av. fe24-71-TTbt Suburban Residences. ETNA-ON P. A W. R. R., OR WEST PENN R. R., four miles from citv, only ?I2 50 per month, elegant brick houses six rooms, water aud good cellar; cheapest reut and best houses ever ottered for tbe money. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. fe4-5J-nt HOUSE-FROM APRIL 1 TO OCrOBER 1, furnished house, 9 rooms, tucluding billiard room, three minutes1 walk lroin Edgcwood sta tion: fruit and Bhade trees. Address B. 14. Dis patch office. fe2t-27t Atlantic City. ATLANTIC CITY". N. J.-RENT OR SALE Hotels, cottages and jalh houses; lots for sale In all parts of the city; also South Atlantic City. ISRAEL O. ADAMS A CO., iteal Estate Agents, Real Estate and Law Bulldlug. CC6-9J Offices. Deslc Room. Etc D ESK ROOM-AT 62 FOURTH AV.; PLEAS ANT omces. GEO. JOHNSTON. lC23-71-TTSt OFFICES IN IRISH. PENN. EISNER. EX CELSIOR, Schmertz, Kuhnand other build ings and in other good localities: send us your name and address and we will mail you our rent list regularly until April 1 free of charge. BLACK A BAIRD. 95 Fourthav. Jal8 63t OFFICES SEVERAL GOOD OFFICES, slngleand connecting rooms, at low rents. In the Garrison buildings, corner Wood and Water st., and Third av. and Wood St. Apply to A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., Nos.10 and 12 Wood St. Ja31-17r OFF1CE3-1N GERMAN1A SAVINGS BANK Building. Wood aud Diamond sts.-. singly orln suits: all modern Improvementssand low rent, lnqulre-at THSHANK. - uc23-i9t OFFICES CHEAP; CALL OR SEND FOR printed list, tree.- W. A. UKRHUN A SONS. 80 Fourth av. fe3-74-Tnt ENN. NEAR FIFTH ST.-DOUBLE PAR LORS suitable for physician or dentist's office. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fdlfrth av. fe24-71-iTSt VERY PLEASANT OFFICE ON SECOND floor front. No. 69 Water st. GEO. JOHN STON, Agt., 62 Fourthavenue. fe23-7I-TT8t Business Stands. ttandsome .NEW STOREROOMS WITH XX dwellings attached, ou Frankstown av.. between Penn av. and Station St., East End; re ; very reasonable; long lease will be given to de sirable tenants. Sce W. A. HERRON & SONS. No. 80 Fourth av. fc2I-50-Turst LARGE STOREROOM-AT 75 (DISPATCH building) Diamond St.: next store bnt one to Smlthfield: size about 20X100, and widening to 30 feet in the rear: steam beat, electric light and rear entrance for wairous and goods: power can also be supplied If needed. Apply to J. 1.. CLARK, room 26, Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond st. Ja22-U7t LOFT-W1TH OR WITHOUT STEAM POWER Large loft for light mannfacturlug; long lease if desired, inquire of PEA.RL LAUN DRY. Nos. 25 and 27 Federal st., Pittsburg. Ja27-93t STORES AND BUSINESS ROOMS IN ALL parts of the two cities andsuburhs: send your name and address and we will mail you our rent list regularly until April 1, free of charge. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. deI7-20t THE SIXTH FLOOR OF 75. 77and 79 DIAMOND st. will be to let from April 1. with possihiv possession to lessee earlier: dimensions '60x90 leet: lighted upon all four sides and also from large central well: suitable for large wholesale wareroomor light manufacturing: both passen ger and freight elevators, elcctrle light, steam heating and power supplied If necessary. Apply to J. L.CLARK, room 26, 79, 77 and 79 Diamond st. Ja22-Mt TWO NEW STOREROOMS-535 AND 537 FIFTH av.; plate glass fronts: elegant location for fine grocery or drygoods store. BAXTER, THOMPSO N A CO., 162 Fourth av. Ja3g-72-Dt THREE-STORY BUSINESS HOUSE-NO. 601 Fifth av. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agt.. 18 Fourth avenue. ie23-71-TTSt VERY FINE FOUR-STORY WAREHOUSE ON Fourth av.. near Market st. GEO. JOHN STON, Agt.,62Fonrthav. fe2i-71-TTSt WAREHOUSE THREE-STORY NO. 112 Water st. Apply to EST. JAMES WOOD, 800 West Carsou St. fe20-34t WAREHOUSE NO. 155 FIRST AV.: OF FICES in front and rear; lot 3UxG5 It. Ap ply to F. MCGOW1N, Room 62, Westlnghousc Building. fc24-47t Mlscellaneons. DWELLINGS. STORES ANDOFFIUES-U PON request we will mall you our rent list reg ularly until April 1. free of charge: write your name plainly and give full residence address street aud number. BLACK A BAIRD. 95 Fourth avennc. fes-7rt 1' ODGE ROOM HANDSOMELY' FUR J N1SIIED. conveniently located, inquire of GILBERT A. HAYS, 09 Fourthav. fe24-44-Trt fjPACE-LARGE OR SMALL SPACE ON 2D O or Sd floor fur light manufacturing or storage: good light, convenient for shipping and rent low. Address or 1 inqnirc ox w. j. i-rt tuiu, uj Alain st. Allegheny City. Pa. Ir24-8st REMOVAL. JEl. O. MILLEB, Honzs null Hin Painter, baa removed from 135 Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVENUE. ' Opposite Third Presbyterian Church. Special attention liveutn the bandllngof plate glass, cutting and drilling. Repairinc'windows, sky lights, etc II cruse painting ana glazing in all Its branches. oclU-63-D -T jsiay, aostco, , Fine DYEING AND CLEANING. 6 Sixth Avenue. mbl8-S0-TTS . Pittshu rg.Pa Herman Helm LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Laying out of lawns, draining and pruning all hinds of trees. Personal supervision. ELLSWORTH AYE.. EAST END nol-54-Tus LANDLORDS, YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR RENTS PROM1TLY, SAVE MONEY And be furnished With mOathly statements or your accounts by employing us to manage your property. We civ this onr personal attention. COTTON -& WHITE. jalT-Uvrra No. 157 Lacock su, Allegheny, AUCTION SAXE5.. AT AUCTION. MARIE - PLAGE, Head of Boyle Street, AUeshony. . SATURDAY, February 28, 1891, AT 3 P. M. '5 7 New Brick Houses, Each bavin;: four rooms, and finished attic pood cellar, sink with city water, natural pas and insido w. c. ' Are worth J2.u00 each, butmnst be sold and any reasonable oifer will be accepted. Will be sold separately or lozether. 3-A ItARE CHANCE to secure a nice lit tle home in a good location. 00 cash, balance on a 3 years' mortgage. BLACK &' BAIRD, 95 Fourth Avenue. . fe23-2-TUFS CONTINtJED CLOSING OUT SALE of the Liberty Furuitnro Co.. of Cincinnati. O., at our rooms.No. 311 Market st Pittsburg, Pa. TUKSDA Y MOKNINO. Feb., 21, at 10 o'clock. -Many of the very fine solid walnut and oak chamber suits, folding bed", chiffonier, ward robes, bookcases, de-ks, hallracks,Piller exten sion tables, china closets, sideboards, center tables, parlor suits, fancy chairs and rockers are still left, bnt the finest of the parlor furni ture has never been opened until now. The elegant parlor suit display in our window, of fivo pieces, made to order for JS75. In the finest of French brocatelle. is only one of the many beautirul suits in English rug. silk and satin tapestry. One plushes and hair cloth. All spring edges, and latest styles. Notwithstanding all tliis, tbey must be sold with the rest of tbe goods to settle up the firm's business. We offer at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, lot of miscellaneous household goods, fine hall, room and stair carpets, linolpnm. etc. HENRY AUCTION CO.J Auctioneers. fe22-96 AUCTION SALE. PRESSED BfjiCK DWELLING, NO. 91 FREMONT ST., ALLEGHE Y, THURSDAY, March 5, 1881, at 2 P. M., on the premise;!. Hall, vestibule, parlor, library.-dlning room and kitchen on first floor, three bedrooms and bath on second Boor, large finished attic, slid ing doors between parlor and library, marble mantels, both gassed, h. and d water. laundry, good celler: lot 20x160 feet to paved street. Terms, one-tbird cash. Possession April L Call at office for card of admittance. TRESbEL & TENER, 1621-13 115 Fourthav. AUCTION SALls H. R SMITHBON, Real Estate and General Auctioneer, room 5S, Eisner building. Filth and Wood street. Sales of jewelry and merchandise at stores. Furni ture at residences promptly attended to. di-5-66r KESORT& rpHE LEHMAN , Ocean end of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Enlarged, improved and heated by hot water. ia31-S9-TTSSu F. W. LEHMAN. THE CHALKONTE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. On the beach, with unsurpassed ocean view. Salt water baths in the bouse. Send for circular. fel-90-D E. ROBERTS & SONS. H ADDON HALL, ATLANTIC CITY', N. J.. Now open Hot and Cold Sea Water Baths in the House. IY6-91 LEEDSALIPPINCOTT. LEGAL. NOTICES. ESTATE OF CHARLES S. McCARGO, deceased. Administrator's notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Charles S. McCargo, late of Allegheny City, JAllegheny connty, Penna., de ceased,jave been granted to tbe undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to HARRISON V. MASON, Administrator. 162 Ridgo avenue. Allegheny. if elO-3-Tn JOHN C. SHOEMAKER, Bakewell Law Building. ESTATE OF WILLIAM O'HARA SCULLY, deceased. Notice is hereby giVen that letters testamentary on the estate ot William O'Hara Scully, late of the city of Pittsburg, connty ot Allegheny, and State qf Pennsyl vania, deceased, have oeen granted to the un dersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known with out delay. AMANDA W. SCULLY', Execu trix, Westminster place, Pittsburg. Pa. fel7-34-TU ESTATE OF JOHN V. KEISLING. DE CEASED Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate of John D. Keislinz, late of Collier township, Allegheny connty. Pa., de ceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make them known without delay to SAMUEL KEISLING, Administrator. 1109 Carson st, Pittsburg, Pa., or FERDINAN YETKA. Collier township. Pa. fel'-54-Tii OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Ofitck of the City Treasurer, ) Municipal Hall, hmxtbtieiji St. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL X owners (whether resident or non-resident of the city of iittsbnrg) of drays, carts, wagons, carriages, buggies, etc., to pay their licenses at this office forthwith. All licenses not paid on or before tbe first Monday in March, 1S9I. will be placed In the hands of vehicle officer for collection, subject to collection feoof 50 cents on each license. Aud all persons neglecting to pay on or before first Monday In May, lS9L-will be subject to a penalty double the amount of tho licenses, to be recovered before the proper legal authority of said city. The old metal plates of last year must he returned at the time licenses are taken opt, or 25 cents additional will be charged on the license. Rates qf license: Ilich one-horse vehicle. Stf: each tw"-horse vehicle, 10; each fonr-horso vehicle, (12: each four-horse hack, S15; omnl busses and timber wheels, drawn by two horses, 310. One extra dollar will be charged for each ad ditional horse nsed in above specified vehicles. J. F. DENNISTON. ieG-81-D City Treasurer. No. 23U. AN ORDINANCE-ESTABLISHING THE grade of Mi-rrimac street, from Grand view avenue to Virginia avenue. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsbuig, In select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the grade of tbe west curb of Mcrrimac atrcor, from Grandvlew avenue to Virginia avenue, be and the same is hereby established as follows; Beginning at the south curb of Grandview avenue, at an elevation of 117.76 feet; thence falling at tbe rate of 8.70? feet per 1C0 feet for a distance of 450 feet to a P. C. at an elevation of 375.59 feol; thence by a concave parabolic curve lor a distance of 200 feet to a I. T. at an elevation of 367.02 feel: thence falling at tbe rate of ZS3o feet per 100 feet for a distance of 217.93 feet 10 tbe north curb of Sycamore street at an elevation of 360 feat: thence level for a distance of 22 feet to the south curb of Sycamoro street at an eleva tion of'LGO feet; thence falling at tho rate of 4.833 feet per 100 feet for a distance of ZS7.9S feet to thcjiorth curb of Virginia avenue at an elevation nt 311 feet. Sec 2 That any ordinance or part of ordi nance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be aud the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 9th dav or February, A. D. 1831. H. P. FORD. President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Select Coun cil. GEO. lx. HOLLIDAY, President of Com mon Council. Attest: E. J. MARTIN, Clerk of Common Couitcil. Maor'. office, February 12, 1S9L Approved: H. L GOURLEY, Mayor. Attest; ROBERT OS.TEUMAIER, Mayos's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book. vol. 7, page 636. 20:h day of February, A. D. 1S9I. TROUSERINGS n AND SUITINGS. Medium-weights. Exclusive specialties in patterns and: fabrics. Latest correct styles. H. & O. P.- AHLBBS, MERCHANT TAILORS. 420Smith field street. Telephone 1339, ja 28-TTS3U TN1TIAL RINGS A complete stock of initial rings, both with and witbont diamonds. Fine quality and low prices at WILSON'S; 81 Fourtb, aV. Fine watch, repairing a specially. Iel9-na CHOICE PROPERTIES. BEN-VEN.UE. A new Queen Anne frame dwelilig of 11 roonit and laundry, state roof, etc Tnis bouse is very well built and of a particularly beauti ful design, has square reception hall with arched alcove, wide vestibule, tu open hart! wood staircase with large art glass staircase window, large parlor opening through archway to reception hall, extra large dtningroom with bay window and china closer; kitchen wains coted throughout, and has improved nat ural gas ranee, hot and cold water and largo pantry with drawers and shelves; linisjied laundry having stationary tuba with hot and cold water, eta: batik room is finished in solid walnut and white nine, having marble top washstand, large tub and improved Detroit sanitary w. c: nice back: stairway from second floor to kitchen: wide ornamental front porch; also nice porch at kitchen door; slate mantels of latest design with tile hearths' and art natural gas grates throughout entire bonse. art-brass chandeliers and gas fixtures, electric door bell, servants' and dlnincroom call. Bpeakmg tubes, etc.; all woodwork i3 beautifully finished, and bouse is complete in every particular; lot is 50xl20to an alley. This homo is located but three minutes' walk from Ben-Venne station or six minutes from Shadyside station, and ocenpies one of the prettiest sections in the well-known Ben Venue place. Price only $8,500. (a3r BLACK A BAIKD, 95 Fourth av. Xe8-1K8. 18,21 , $13,000. Elegant New Queen Anne Stone and Brick Residence, Containing 11 rooms, reception hall and vestl bnle. bathroom, 8x10, flnisned in hard wood fixtures in bathroom alone cost 500 front and -backstairs and porches, hardwood and slate mantels. Mosaic hearths, plate and Cathedral glass window., oxidized silver chandeliers, electric lights and bell", speaking tubes, very complete cellar and laundry with cemented floors, flagstone sidewalks around and In front of bouse, lot 57 leet front, more ground can be bad it desired, elegant paved and sewered street: close to JJuqnesne Traction and adjacent to Fenn avenue. Terms, M.C00 cash, balance to suit at 5 per cent. See M. F. HIPPLE & CO.-, 96 Fourth Avenue; fe22-63-TUSu TTTE OFFER FOR SALE A TWEXTY-ACRE ORANGE GROVE, With house of eight rooms and kitchen, good stable and other outbuildings, good water from tubed well 00 feet deap. House stands on a high hlU'overlooking a large clear water lake, and on tbe opposite side a view ofithe St. John's river. TbU is tho best location in the State ot Florida for A SANITARIUM. Price, 310,000 if accepted soon. Photograph of the honse may bo seen at Dr. Harris' office. Several other groves are offered for sale1. One of three acres, which yielded a net profit of J1.500 the past season. Is offered for 57,000-, Lo cation one of tbe best in the State. Good ho. el, f good store, weekly newspaper and daily mail. L. n. HARRIS DRUG C0 NOS. 46 AND 48 SEVENTH AVENUE. PITTSBURG, PA. fe!3-D BARGAINS Are offered on every band, but when we come, to investigate most of them are quite tbe con trary, or ve.-y bad bargains at best. Hence, we' abjure "bargains" and. say, not without reflec tion: Surpassingly Cheap, In the full assurance that we state a fact patent, to anv one who will look and think. vVevefrr to WINDSOR PARK. East End-a tract of 20 acres of elevated, beautiful bolldingzronnd,j adjoining the Plttsbarg Driving Park, which, we are authorized to sell for 25.000. Properly handled tt will yield profits in tAo or three years exceeding tbe cost. Lying Idle and un developed it will return an enormous percent age. We say it is the cheapest vacant property in this vicinity, toe surest to enhance, aud the best investment in realty offered to-day. ( E-71) i CHARLES SOMERS & CO. ie24-53 TWO-STORY AND ATTIC FRAME HOUSE Supplied with all modern conveniences. LOT 50X120. Street is sewered, locality first-rate and with in three minutes of Fifth av. cable. A bargain $6,000. S. A. DICKIE & CO., PENN AND SHADY AV., E. E., Dealers in East End property only. feSJ-WYS A BRICK HOUSE ON SOUTH HIGHLAND AV., At a Price CLEAR BELOW VALUE. If yon are looking for a nice home, wltn alt modern improvement', in a very desirable neighborhood, and at a low price, here is your opportunity. THIS 13 A SPECIAL OFFER. TVe have PRICE AND TERMS that will make a QTJICnC SAJLJZ. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shadv avs., E. E. Dealer in East End Property Onlv- fe24-6C Tnwr FOR SALE, CHEAP! A Very Handsome Residence. Brick, 7 rooms, elegantly finished, besides bath, attic, outside laundry. Everything flrst class. Lot 40x140 feet. CRAIG, NEAR FIFTH AVENUE. Street and sewer improvements made. Worthy an examination. See W. A. HERBON & SONS, rel9-8-TTS SO FOURTH AV. FOR SALE. FIFTH, KEAR HIGHLAND AY., EAST ZEjUSTZD- That fine residence and property of WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON, E3Q. Will sell as a whole, extending back to Hows St.. or in parts to suit the purchaser. The house contains 16 rooms, with modem fixtures. See W. A. HEBRON & SONS, ' f e20-78-Tn 80 Fourth ar. FOB S-AXjIE, Only 838 per Front Foot for 328 Feet Frontage, On a prominent street, within 2C0 ft. from cor-, ner Stanton and North Highland av Nine teenth ward; a bargain for investment or im proving. Call at once. W. A. HERRON & SONS, fezl-61-TT3 SO FOURTH AV. . TO LET. Six Eight-Roomed Brick Houses In desirable location in Oakland. MODERN CONVENIENCES. STRAUB A MORRIS, fo21-22 106 Third avenue, corner Wood. ATLANTIC AVENUE. , New Queen Anne brick dwelling; 11 rooms, with reception hall, parlor, library, dlnic room and kitchen on first: floor: every modern, convenience, including electric light. large lot; only a, few minutes' walk from Duquesne traction. Immediate possession. A bargain at tbe price. Easy terms. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO,, fe22-123-nsa 162 Fourth an -is? ..3 i .1