THE PTTTSB1JRQ- DISPATCH, FBIDAY, FEBRUARY .20, 1891, DESIGNS THE CHAIE. Ingalls Abdicates as President Pro Tempore of the Senato TO AVOID ANY EMBARRASSHEKT. Gorman a Fresidental Quantity and Is Entered in the Kace WITH A SOfclD MAKILAXD DELEGATION trnOM A STAFF COKBESrOXBSST.J "Washington, Feb. 19. When the In dian claims bill was taken up in the Senate to-day, Mr. Ingalls, who was presiding in the absence of the Vice President, arose and tendered his resignation as President pro tern. He said: Four Tears aco, on the 25th of the present month. 1 was chosen President ol the Senate pro tempore and by subsequent election was continued in that station until the "d of April last, when, under a resolution of March 12, precedinc, I was unanimously desiccated to preside d urine future absences of the Vice President and at the pleasure of the Senate a function not previously exercised by any member of that body during the century of its existence. The Senate bavins been formally notified that my services hero will end with the close of this Congress, in order to avoid em barrassment and to afford opportunity for de liberation, 1 now tender my resignation as President of the Senate pro tempore, to take eifect on the election of mv successor in office. It would be an affectation of indifference unworthy of the Senate, unworthy of myself and unworthy of this occasion, were I to pre tend to be unconscious of the distinction that 'has been conferred upon me by the suff races of the Senate, and I should bo alike wanting in sensibility and deuute of sratitude were I to withhold the expression of mv grateful ap preciation of the confidence and the consider ation, so long continued, with which I have been honored by the most disnihed, the most important and the most influential legislative assembly in tbe world. Gorman a Presidental ijuantitj. Senator Gorman will be in the race for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, and Maryland will send a solid delegation to the convention (or nim. One of the local Dapers here last night printed a story, pur porting to come from Congressman Busk, of Maryland, in which Busk stated that Sen otorGorman was not in the race and that Maryland would send a Cleveland delega tion to the convention. The article also stated that Congressman Bust had been in structed to manage the boom for Cleveland, but to-day Mr. Busk took occasion to deny the story in toto. He said that such publication was unau thorized and that he had never made such a statement. Mr. Busk said that while Sen ator Gormau had not announced himself as n candidate lor the nomination, there was little doubt in his mind that he would take it w ere It offered nim. He added that be thought the streugth of the Maryland delegation would be thrown to Senator Gorman, and in the event of his running he would make a strong candi date. Trouble Over a Contract There is a hitch at tbe War Office concerning the award of the contract for removing tho islauds in the Delaware river. There arc three companies who bid upon the work: Tbe Pcnn Dredging Company, the American Dredging Company and another company. When the bids were opened tbe Penn Company bad. ap narently, a higber bid than any of the others; but that is just where the bitch came in. Under the terms of the specifications, pro vision is made that the ground removed from Hie islands shall be deposited at League Island, as a manner of improvement. The American Dredging Companv and the other one bid merely upon removing the islands. The Penn Company, however, combined tbe two and it claims now that its bid for tbe two branches of the work is tbe lowest, and that it is entitled to tbe contract. Major Raymond, Chief of En gineers at Philadelphia, has decided that the American Company is the lowest bidder. The Penn Company was afraid that the con tract would be awarded before an investiga tion was made, but General Casey says that the matter would be looked Into and the contract awarded some time next week. In the Penn Comnanv are Dr. Philbert, Charley Porter and James V. Latta. Congressman Mariner's Amendiaeut, Congressman Ilarmcr. who never lets a day tro by without scanning the columns of The Dispatch appeared to be very much pleased or amused at the political paragraph in the po litical notice, "Only so many tiats more of "Wagner, bad temper and bad gas." He said: 'I can improve on that, and I think that the improvement will be indorsed by not only my constituents, but nearly the entire country. If 2 were putting it in I would say: Onlj II days more of Reed and bad politics and the country will then have a rest. The threatened disaster by high waters in the vicinity of Pittsburg has caused Congressman Grosvenor to bestir himself concerning his re port of tbe Iliver and Harbor Committee, pro viding for an appointment of the committee to visit Pittsburg and other points for tbe pur pose of investigating the statements that man ufacturers are using the river as a dumping place for their refuse. Congressman Grosvenor thinks that there is scarcely any chance of its passage this year, but ho ill try to push it at the beginning of next session. When this session closes, there will be 1.3U0 bills left on tbe calendar, to be cone through with next session. Lightxec SEEKING A COMPEOMISE. A Settlement of the Silier Qnestion Being Urged in tbe llonse. Washington, Feb. 10. There is an earnest effort on tbe part of a number of members of the House to secure a compromise on the.silver question, based primarily on larger purchases of silver. It is sought to have this compromise measure adopted by a majority of the Coinage Committee at its meeting to morrow as a substitute for the Senate unlimited free coinage bill. Those who are urging the compromise are carefullv canvass ing their strength before they finally determine to nring it forward in the shape of a bill, and unless asured of a good following, will abandon it. It is understood that the measure will not be pushed unless an understanding can be reached with the free coinage Republicans in the House that they will not bring up a free coinage amendment, but some of the unlimited Mlver men have already stated that they will not enter into any such agreement. INDIAN CLAIMS BOX. It Is Passed Ity the Senate and Sow Goes Into Conference. "Washington, Feb. 19. Tho bill for the ad judication of claims arising from Indian depre dations was taken up, the pending question be ing on Mr. Edmunds amendment to strike out Section 3, which provided that no claim by In dians shall be allowed by the court on the un supported testimony of an Indian. Agreed to. Mr. Hoar moved to strike out tbe clause pro viding for the aajnaication and payment of claims by Indians who have suffered loss of property through w hue men or Indians of other tribes. Agreed to. , Various other amendments were offered and agreed to and the bill was passed. A conference was asked on the disagreeing votes of tbe two houses and JIessrs.Moody, Paddock and Faulk ner, were appointed conicrees on the part of the Senate. WANTS ITS OWN BILL. Tlio House Torclgn Affairs Committee Op posed to a Senate Amendment, Washington, Feb. 19. The House Commit tee on Foreign Affairs to-day decided to recom mend that tbe House concur in 11 of the IS amendments made by tho Senate to the con sular and diplomatic appropriation bill, and that it non-concur in the remaining one that relating to the Hawaiian cable project. The House committee bas already reported a Eepara'e bill for the charter of this company, with a Government guarantee, which was pre pared with great care and caution, and which the committee regards as a more practical proposition than that attached by the benatc to tbe appropriation bill. SPEAKEB HEED EECOVEBED. 'Democrats Punning a Policy of Obstruction in the House. Washington, Feb. II Speaker Reed hav. i ing recovered from his temporary indisposi tion, called tbe House to order this morning. The action of the Democrats in demanding tbe yeas and nays on every motion was consid ered on both sides of the House, as an obstacle io tho patsage of tlio snipping bill the object being to rciain control ol the appropriation bills, so as to use them as weapons against the measure. Pension for Admiral Porter's Widorr. "Washington, .tfeb. 19. A bill was Intro. duced in the Senate to-dy gTanticj: a pessioqj a year to the widow of Admiral OPPOSED TO FBEE COINAGE. A Montana Silver Producer Who Does Not Believe In It. Washington, Feb. 19. There was a very noticeable lack of interest to-day in the pro ceedings of the House Coinage Committee, now that it bas been decided to close the hear ings to-morrow, and only three members of the committee were present. W illiam H. Beck, who it engaged in silver mining in Montana, opposed free coinage, on the ground that he believed tbe present law, which took 51,000,000 ounces of silver annually out of the market and absolutely locked it up, was a better thing for tbe silver miner than free coinage, under which all tbe silver would be on tho market. He read a letter from ex-Governor White, of Montana, expressing gratification at tbe fact that free coinage could not pass this Congress, and declaring that free coinage would be a great disaster to the silver industry. The sentiment of tho people, thn letter said, was changing. If Congress were to pass a free coinage law, be insisted that it should be provided that gold dollars could bo exchanged at the Treasury for silver dollars and vice versa, and that if either metal went up or down the Government should bear tho loss. J. S. Moore, tbe "Parsee Merchant," made a statement to tbe effect that it was not the de monetization of silver by the United States which caused the decline in value of silver, but a smaller demand for silver in India. SOKE CENSUS FIGUEES. The Population of Tennessee and West Vir ginia by Races. Washington. Feb. 19. Tbe Census Burean to-day announced tbe population of tbe Stato ot Tennessee by races as follows: White. 1,132, 712; colored, 131,300; Indians, 173; Uhmese, 01; Japanese, 10: total, 1.767.51S. The population of West Virginia is given as follows: White, 729, 262: colored, 33,50b; Indians, S; Chinese, 16; total, 702,791. NOT ON THE PBOGEAMME. An Officer Rises in Prayer Meeting and Levies on Church Furniture. Chicago, Feb. 19. Trouble still continues in the Euglewood Presbyterian Church, from which Rev. Mr. Williams was deposed a few weeks ago after a long and sensational trial. Last night Rev. John Weston, who had been appointed by the Prcsbjtery of Chicago, con ducted the prayer meeting. While tbe meeting was in progress. Deputy Sheriff Galpm put in an appearance and pro ceeded to read a notice of levy on the church carpets and furniture to satisfy judgments amounting to several hundred dollars, to the somewhat surprised worshipers. The services were allowed to proceed, but at their close tbe deputy took charge of everything in sight, the building was locked and the deputy took his departure, leaving his custodian in charge. What action will be taken by the trustees or the congregation is not knowu. BnEUMATisai cannot resist the power of Salvation Oil long. Price 25c a bottle. ALL READY FOR BUSINESS. Lots of Dry Bargains Hero Stock Clean and Fresh. Some few lots of soiled goods to be closed out cheap. Jos. Hoene & Co., 609-621 Penn Avenue. THIS MORNING, Between tbe Hours of 8 and 13 O'clock, We will sell boys' fine casslmere suits, neat nnd stylish designs, at $2 40 each; sizes 4 to 14. Only 300 on hand and they will go quickly. P. C. C. C, PniSBUBG Combination Clotkino Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the Court House. A hioh-oeade beverage is the Pilsner beer, brewed by the Iron City Brewery. Kept at first-class bars. We invite you to inspect the advance styles in spring jackets which we are now showing. Jos. Horne & Co.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Excursion to Wheeling Next Saturday, February 21, via the B. & O. B. B. Bate 2 the round trip; tickets good to return until the 23d. The flood is over and we are selling all goods at a discount. Bosenbatjm & Co. Only pleasant results follow the use of ales and beers of the Iron City Brewing Co. All dealers keep them. B.&B. To-day one case scarlet blankets, full siie and good; ?2 a pair to close out. Boggs & Buhl. urmrl according ia Directions w.Ui eac Bottle OMfflLOT YiD'jNDS.Clns. Swellings THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. STATE LSNE TO Glasgowuondonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool & London. FROM HEW YORK. EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin Passage, $35 to $50, according to location of stateroom. Excursion, S3 to S95. Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO., General Agents, 53 Uroadway, Now York. J. J. Mccormick. sel-l-D Acent at Pittsburc. -TTTH1TE STAli LIN br- FOB QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Koyal and United Slates Mall steamers. '.Majestic, Feb. 25, 7 a m '.Majestic Men. Adriatic March 4. 12 m Germanic April 1,10:30am Teutonic MclilL6:3uam 'Teutonic April S. 5arn liri tannic. .Mcli. 18.1 p m Britannic. April 13.11 am From White atar dock, rootoi West Tenth iU Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates. f 50 and npw&rd. Second cabin. $35 and upward, according to steamer and location of berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, f20. White star dratu navable on demand la all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap ply to JCUN J. McCOliMlCK, CM and 401 smlth neld St.. 1'lttsbursr, or J. UltUCE 1SMAX, Gen eral Agent. 41 Broadway, New York. le23-r ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. Cabin passage to Glasgow or Londonderry. fSO and (80. Wound trio, 890 & $110. Second clats, 533. Steerage passage, ?20. MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. New York to Gibraltar and Naples direct, S. S. Iteigravla, Wednesday, Feb. 25. Cabin, J30 to $100. Steerarc SB Travelers' circular letters of credit and drafts for any amount issued at lowest current rates. For books or tours, tickets or further information apply to HENDEKSON IIROTHEHB. N. Y., or J. J. MCCORMICK, 633 and 401 Smlthfieldst.iA. D. hCOREKASON, 415 Smlthfleld St., Pittsburg; F. M. BEMFLE, UOFedesal St., Allegheny. OC30-S9-MWT NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD S. S CO. Fast Line of Express steamers. New York to Southampton (London) Bremen. SPRING SAILINGS, 1891: Havel, Elbe Eider. Trave, Fulda, Stale, Tues. Anril 14 Eider. Sat., May 13 Tues., May 13 Wed., May 20 bat., Mav 23 Tues., May 28 Wed., May 27 Sat., May 30 Tnej., June 2 Wed., June 3 Sat.. June 6 Tues., June 9 Wed., Sat.. 'lues.. Wed., Sat.. April 15 April is; Trave, Fulda, Saale, Spree Werra. April 21 April 22 Apnis April 28 April 29 Mav 2 May 6 Boree. Tues. Aller, Lahn, Kaiser, Ems, Havel, Elbe. tterra.. Wed., Aller, Lahn, Sat. Wed., Sat.. lues.. .ms. Havel, Mar S May 12 eu., dune iu Sat.. June 13 xaoe. Wed. May 13 Eider, 'lime from New York to Southampton. 7k days.- mpti . 21 i from Sotithiinnton to Bremen, nrso hours, i rriimSonllMiupiuu tc Loudon, bv Southwestern Hallway Co., 2& hours, 'train every hour in the summer season. KaMway carriages for London await passengers In Southampton ijocks on arrlv- alot iMpress steamers irom jew xorK. Tbe6e steamers are well known for their speed. comfort and excellent cuisine, MAX 3CHAUMBEKU&CO., C27 BmlthDeU St LOUI3 HUfisEB, m guUtbAtM st. Jai-lW-jJvtl of 52,600 Porter. kJt ere cured bu J& &r according ia J 1 Entitled to the Best. All are enbtleo to the best that their money will buy, go every family should have at once a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale In 60c and 81 00 bottles by all leading druggists. ButhoYuii, Wellington, Bismarci, Kings and Queens innumerable, nearly all the minds that have changed the course of affairs in the world tor centuries have been to Carls bad for bodily aid. Not everybody can go even in these times of fast travel, but everybody can have tbe benefits of Carlsbad at a small cost at home in tbe Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from the Sprudel Spring and con tains all tbe solid constituents of tbe water. The gecnine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt is a nat ural remedy which is always effective in all disorders of tho stomach, liver and kidneys; for habitual constipation, gouty and rheumatic affections it is without equaL Bo sure to ob tain the gennine article, which bas the seal of tbe City of Carlsbad and tbe signature of "Eis ner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, 6 Barclay St, N. Y.," with every bottle. T Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites Of Lime and Soda. There are emulsions and emulsions, J and there is still much skimmed milk xrliich masquerades as cream. Try as they tclll many manufacturers cannot so disguise their cod Ureroil as to make it palatable to sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion of PURE NOltlFEQIAN COD LITER OIL, combined with Hypophos phites is almost as palatable as milk, for tills reason as well as for the fact of the stimulating qualities of the Bypo plwsphlles, Physicians frequently pre scribe it in cases of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, BROXCIIIT1S and CHRONIC COUGH or SEVERE COLD. All Druggists'sell it, but be sure you get hwj fcMuiie, u were arc poor xmitations. SCOTTPS 1 Fmulsion IMPOSSIBLE To Beat the Low Prices we are offeringr this week in New S-pz?DLg 3Dz?ess G-oodLs- J5c per yard for choice of a lot of new Check. Plaid and Striped Dress Goods, 36 inches wide. They are very pretty and worth 35c 39c per yari we will sbow you some nobby styles in Flaid Dress Goods, !S inches wide, regular price, 60c. 50c per yard for choice of 100 styles of the very latest novelties in Check and Plaid Dreu Goods, S3 and 44 inches wide, well worth 65c 60c per yard we have an immense assortment of India Silks, elegant designs, beantltul coloriucs, 22 Inches wide, regular 65o quality. (1 25 per yard, extra fine Black Silk Warp Henriettas. They are 40 inches wide and worth $1 75. New Dress Ginghams and White Goods at prioes that make it to your interest to deal at ZDOUGKLS & MAOKIE'S, 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY. fel6-xvrr THE STANDARD COCOA OF THE WORLD. PURE- SOLUBLE- Rich. Digestible. Stimulating. 'Nourishing. Having a peculiarly delicious flavor a food and drink combined at a half cent a cup and fit for a prince. "BEST & GOES FARTHEST." S3- VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA ("once tried alwayt ued ") tru invented and P&tented and Is made In Holland It ii acknowledged by the mosn eminent doctor And analysts that by the special treatment Van Houtes's Cocoa ha undergone, tbe solnblllty of the flesh-forming constituents Is Increased fifty per centt while the whole of the fibres are softened and rendered more palatable and digestible. 'Largest sale in the world. AsU for Yak Houten's and take no other. 67 yjsrrsgr POSITIVE CLOSIKG-OUT SALE! Everything Has Got to Go to Satisfy the Creditors. 500 dozen best Crystal Gut Glass Pattern Tumblers, 42c dozen, worth 85c. 75 Ten Sets. 56 pieces, best English decorated ware, warranted not to craze, at ?2 98, worth U 50. 50 Dinner Sets, 85 pieces, English porcelain, nnderglaze decoration, warranted, $5 78, worth ?8. 112-piece English Stone China Decorated Dinner Sets, $7 20. 12-piece English Stone China Decorated Chamber Sets, S3 70. Also, a fall line of Frencb China Dinner and Tea Sets, Ice Cream Sets, Fancy Bric-a-Brac, etc. Remember, only a few weeks more to close out tbe entire stock of the TAMER GHDTA CO., 38 Fifth Avenue. felS-WFSn THIS IS THE - OF 20 er Cent Discount Now is the time to buy. A clear, clean saving of 20 per cent. No restrictions. No reservations. Everything in our store is on the same basis. The best Black Dress Suits share the same discount as the Everyday Trousers. This is an unusual opportunity to provide Clothing for needs in the time to come. Spring Overcoats on the same basis 20 off Men's, Overcoats, Storm Coats, Fine Dress and Everyday Suits, Trousers from $3 I to $ 1 o, Boys' Clothing made to measure all" and everything at 20 per cent less than regular prices. COR. SIXTH-STVAND RENNAVL NEW ADYERTISESLENT3. THE BEST, CHEAPEST, LAEGEST -AND- , MOST RELIABLE CASH -AKD- CREDIT HOUSE WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA -IS- KEECH'S 923, 925 and 927 PENN AVENUE, Near Ninth St fe9-MWF THIS CUT IS NEITHER A Joke nor A Cartoon BUT THE TRADE MARK OF OFFMAN'S ARM LESS EADACH E POWDERS. Positively the Best. Absolutely Htrmleit. rwwwwwj CHEAP TEN'S COCOA LAST WEEK - in great variety, Clothes J&r,f MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SPRING CARPETS WALL 'PAPER! 1 In Carpets we show a very fine line of Koyal Wiltons, Axminster, Velvet, Body Brussels, Tapestry and all kinds of Ingrain in style, quality and price. Just what you want Wall Paper for rooms," ceilings and halls, in choice styles and artis tic colorings, and all the new Ideas in the market You are invited to inspect our stock. Geo.W.Snaman, 136 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. feld-MWF PARLOR, LIBRARY, BEDROOM, KITCHEN FURNITURE. Fancy Rockers, Bookcases, Pictures. Parlor Suites, Onyx Top Tables. Desks, Chiffoniers, Cabinets, Mantel Figures, Wall Pockets. Everything in Furniture, and Carpets. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. 307 Wood- St. vrv McNAUGHBR & CO., Contractors for Paving Sidewalks With Cement, Brick and Fire Brick, Coneretlng Cellart, 110 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY. PA. Curbstone furnished and set- ft7-5S-D Oil. WELL SUPPLIES. Artesian Wells. For household and mechanical purposes. Prices on application. DARRAGH PURE WATER CO., ja31-43-D 107 First ay.. Pittsburg. IRELAND & HUGHES, FORGE AND MACHINE SHOP -AND MANUFACTURERS OF Oil and Artesian Well Drilling and Fishing Tools. Corner Twenty-first Street, and A. V. R. R. Telephone No. 1222. PITTSBURG. PA. jal-3-D AJAX ENGINES -AKD- Corry Boilers, The Ajax is the strongest, quickest, most durable and economical Oil Well Engine ever made, and is the only engine having tbe right to use tbo Bliss patent positive reverse gear. All others using such reverse are infringing upon our rights. OVER 5,000 NOW IN" USE. The Corry Boiler is the largest, strongest, best-constructed and most economical in the oil country. We use only the best material and workmen, and guarantee our work. Over 2,000 in use without one blowup. Offices in Pittsburg, Washinzton and Butler. Always write or telegraph to Corry Office. JAMES M. LAMBING, SOLE AGENT, CORRY, PA. fe-U-D MANUFACTURERS OF TUBING, CASING, LINE PIPE, STEAM PIPE -AMD- BOILER TUBES W. S. WATSON, AGENT, OFFICE; 108 FOURTH AVE,, PITTSBURG, PA. Works at Oil City, Pa. Correspondence Solicited, Prices on Application, iieiBKiCo Oil City KM Co. . jde3l-28-snrr - AMUSEMENTS. ZDUQTJ-ESlsnEi, Pittsburg's Leading Theater. TO-NIGHT AT 8:00. . Postponed Family Matinee Given To-Day. BESTSEATS AFloodofFnn. E AND WEST'S 50 CTS. Recular Matinee To-llorrow. Next Attraction Hoyt's "A BRASS MON KEY." Seats now on sale. fe20-93 RAPIDLY DRAWING A CLOSE. THE MARVELOUS RUSSIAN VEHESTCBMN EXHIBITION, Carneele Library, A You will bo im pressed as yoa never were before." Allegheny. 0 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. SO and 25 cents, fe!7 THEATRE Week February 23. Matinees Wednesday and Satnrday. ARCHIBALD CLAVERING GUNTER'S GREAT PLAY, MR. BARNES OF NEW YORK, Under the management ot Mr. FRANK W. SANGER, of the Broadway Theater, Now York. Seats now on sale. f el9-24 GRAND OPERA HOUSE. One week, commencing Monday, February 23, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, J. C. DUFF OPERA Monday, Tuesday, THE Wednesday, RED Matinee and HUSSAR. Evening;, COMPANY MARIE TEMPEST From the LYRIC THEATER, LONDON. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, DOROTHY. Matinee and Evening, CHORUS OF 60. ORCHESTRA OF 25. Seats on sale Thursday, 9 A. M. Prices, SI SO, SI, 75c, 50c, 25c. felB-59 a 5ts? RMdrT jr 3 'v?J I Doll and Bon Bon Matineo to-day. Regular Matinee Saturday. Feb. 23. "Mr. Barnes ot New York." fe20 GrJ&JLliTJD OPERA HOUSE ALL WEEK. MATINEE SATURDAY. MCCAULL OPERA COMPANY. Saturday Matinee, BLACK HUSSAR. Friday and baturda' SEVEN SUABIAN! I Next Week Duff Opera Co. Ie20 HARRY WILLIAMS' AOADEinr. TO-NIGHT. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE RENTZ-SANTLEY NOVELTY AND BURLESQUE COMPANY. fel6-SS HARRY DAVIS' FIFTH AVENUE MU-SEUM-Week of Febrnary 16, First and Only Troupe of SAMOAN WARRIORS. Elmer Collins Is coins 3u days without food. Admission. 10 cents. f el5-Sl B UTTERFROM STEVENSON CREAMERY, In 3, 4 and S pound cases. GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., jy&38-jrwF Sixth avenue Z'S CELERY SAUCE Contains all the medical prop erties of the FRESH CEL ERY PLANT, which has long: been recommended as a BRAIN and NERVE food. NO LOVER OF FUSE TABLE DELICACIES. WILL BE WITHOUT IT IT THE APPE- TITE AKD AIDS IN. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. H. J. HEINZ CO., f eie.74-JtV6, PITTSBURG. PA. RAILROADS PITTSBUBO AS1) LAKE KIttE KMMtOAU COMPANY. Schedule la eirect December 11, 1590. Central time. 1.&L.K. DKPAitT-For Cleveland. 4:JO,S:0Oa.m..,l:33.4:2u. "9:43 p.m. For ClnclnnatUClilcaftoandSt. Louls.4:30a. in., 1:33, 9-45 p. m. For Buflalo. 8:00. a. m 4:20. "9:43 n m. For Salamanca, "3:00 a. in., '1:33 d. m. For Younestown and New Castle, 4:30, S:0o. 10:00 a. m 1:55. 4:SCL 9' P. m. For Heaver Falls, 4-30. r 11:00. 10:00 a. m., 1:35. 3:30, '4:20, 5:20. 9-43 n. m. For Chartlers, -1:3.1, 5:W a. m., 5:i), :55. 7:00. 1M. ;S:0n.i:i4. 3:I0, 10:00. 11:35. a. m.. ji:-io7lSl4), l-::45, H40, 3:38, 3:35. M:S5. 14:30, 4:43. 6-2JL 'S:uO. V':4J. 10:30 p. EL. ARRIVE From CUvelind. "C:W a. in.. 'i::T0, 5-4U. "i :30 p. in. irom Cincinnati, Clilcaco and St. Louis. 1U:00 a. in., 7tJU p. in. From JlaUalo, 3H0a. m 12:30, 10:05 p. m. From Salamanca, 10:00 a. m., 7:50 p. m. From Yoanzstown ana New Castle, "6:10, W:00 a. m.. '12:30. 5:4-1 SjiSOl 10:05 p. m. From Beaver Falls, 5i20, MM0, 7:24 "lOlOOa. m- 12:30,1:20. 5:40. 7:50. 10:03 0. m. J? C & Y. trains ror Mansneta. 7i30. 11:35 a. nu, Ido p. m. For Esplcn and Beecnmont, 7:30 a. ""p . ( 3s' ?I trains from Mansfield, 7:02, 11130 a. in,. 3:45 p. m. From Beec&mont, 7:02, 11:30 Fm'lIcK. T. B. K.-Dipart For New Ha. ven,' 10:10. VMOa. m.. 3:00 p. m. Tor WestKew ton? 17:W, iu:10 a. m.. 3:u0. 5:23 p. m. " V7 T. m XTn. tl... n.m . w AKBIY''-- Vm A.C" ,U, ir.l-V a U. 1.LJ, p. TO. ..I .In r m. From west ricwion, 6:ia, -:i 1:00 m.. 19 p. Ul. h'..r fr.f.panort. .llzaoftll. Mononsrahela Cltr and Belle Vernon, 6:13. 17:40, 11:20 a. io., 13:00, 3:50p. m. From Belle Vernon, llononcabela Cltr. EUia betb and McKctsport. 7113. 19:00 a. m.. 12:40, 14110. 4i40 n. m. "UailT. ISnndaTi only. , CUT Ticket VQce. 39 Bmltnfleia Street, - 1 B H t g I 6 ..&? r to (ir ..-iWjr frs f MS3V E S J KV AS iSr -- -' 5Sr jHmf IliiSS pa KEYST0EJ3 TOBffinajjainsgl 1 i i in1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CHINA THAT'LL. SURPRISE ALL HOUSEKEEPERS, for two I TO-DAY I FRTW0 days only. AND TO-MORROW days only. KAUFMANNS Will offer, in their Popular Housefurnishing Goods Department (basement of store), the ' following unheard-of bargains: 229 FINE ENGLISH rate! lir Sets at $6.58. fell Each set consists ofsii2 pieces, every one guaranteed first-class ware and perfectly matching, fine finish and new square shape; same as retailed by crockery dealers for $12. 95 VERY FINE DIMER SETS AT $10.88. These Dinner Sets are choice ware,being hand-decorated in light spray designs and tastefully trimmed in gold. Na crockery store in either city can match these goods below $20. Our price only $10 88. 100 English Decorated China Chamber Sets, Complete in every particular, good.reliable ware, sold by other dealers at $3 and over, for ONLY $U75. Now, remember, this sale is for the next two-days-only-It will close at 10 p. m. to-morrow. KAUFM Eifth Ave. and Smithfield St. BAIIJtOADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. OS XSD AFTIB DECEMDEB S8th. 1300. Trains will leave Union Station, Pittsburg. as follows (Eastern Standard Time): MAIN USE EASTWARD. New York & Chicago Limited of Pullman Vesti bule cars daily at 7.15 a.m., arriving at Harris burn at 1.53 P. II.. Philadelphia 4.45 r. v.. New YorK7.00 r. M., Baltimore 4.40 r. jr.. tVashlnx ton5.55P. M. Atlantic Express dally at 3.3) A. M.. arrlvlnjr at 1'lilladclplila l.M p.m.. New York 4.00 F. Ji., Baltimore 1.14 r. M., Washington 2.25 P.M. Mall train daily, except Sunday. 5.S0 A. M., ar riving at Harrisburg 7.00 F. It., Philadelphia 10.55 r.M., Baltimore 10.4J F. it. Sunday Mall Bay Express dally at S.0O A. M-arrivlne at Har rlsburK 3.20 P.M.. Philadelphia G.50.P. Jr.. New York 9.35 P. M., Baltimore ..00 F. M., AVashlne ton8.15p. M. , . . Mall Express dally at 1.00 P. M arrlylnz at Ilar rlsburz 10.45 P. M.. connecting at Harrisburg with Philadelphia EiDress. Philadelphia Express dally at 4.30 P. M., arming at Jlarrlsbure 1.00 A.M., Philadelphia 4. a. m., and New York 7.10 a.m. Eastern Express at 7.15 F. M. dally, arnrlng Har rlsbure 13. M., Baltimore 8.20 A. M., Wash ington 7.30 A. M.. Philadelphia S.2j A. M. and New York8,WA. M. Fast Line dally, at 8.10 P. M.. arriving rft Harris burir3.30 A.M., Philadelphia 6.30 A.M.. New fork 9.30 a. it.' Baltimore 6.20 a. m., Washing ton 7.30a.m. . . ,. All through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y., avoldlnsdouble ferriage and Journey through New Yort City. . - , Johnstown Accom.. except Sunday, 3.40 P. M. UreensborgAccom.. 11.15 P.M. week-days. 10.30 F. M. Sundays. Oreensburg txpress.10P. M.. except Sunday. Uerry Express 11.00 A. M., ex cept Sunday. Wall's Accom. C. 15, 7.20, 9.0O, 10.30 A. M.. 12.13, 2.00. 3,20. 4.55, 5.30, 6.1 7.40. 9.40 P. II.. and 12.10 A. M. (except Monday). Sunday, 12.10 a.m., 12.25, 2.25. 6. 40 and 9.40 F. M. Wllklnsburg Accom. 6.00, 6.40. 7.00 A. M., 12.01. 4.0O, 4.33. 5.20, 5.40. 5.50. 6.10, W.lOand 11.40F. M. Sunday, 12.40and9.lSP. v. Braddock Accom. 5.50, 6.50, 7.40, 3.10, 9.50, II.1 A. M.. 12.30, 1.23, 2.50, 4.10. 6.M). 6.35, 7.20, 8.25. 9.00 and 10.45 P. M. weekdays. Sundav. 5.35 A.M. SOOTH-TVEbTFENN RAILWAY. For Union town 5.30 and 8.35 A. M., 1.43 and 4.25 F. M. week days. MONONOAHELA DIVISION1. Tor Monongahela City, West Brownsville and Unlontownl0.40A. M. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville 7.35 and 10.40 A. M.. and 4 50 r. M. On Sunday, 8.55 A. M. and 1.01 P. M. for Monougahcla City only. 1.01 and 5.50 P. Br. week days. Dravosburg Accom.. 6.00 A. M. and 3.20 p. M. week days. West tllzabcth Ac eon. 8.35 A. it., 4.15, 6.30 and 11.35 P. M. Sun day, 9.40 F. M. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDEKALSTKErr STATION, Allgheny Mafi'traln. for Blairsvllle 8.53A.SI Express for Blairsvllle, connecting for Hurler 3.15F. M. Butler Accom 6.20 A. M.. 2.25 and 8.45 P. M. SprlngdaieAccom.9.00,U.50A.M.,3.30and 6.20 P.M. C'larcmont Accom 1.30 P.M. Frceport Accom 4.15, 7.50and 11.J0P.M. On Sunday 12.35aml 9.3JF. M. Apollo Accom 11.00 A.M. and 6.00 P. jr. Allegheny JunctlonAccoin ,?,-2!i- ?J Blilrsville Accom 10.30 P.M. XJ3- The lixcelsior Baggage Express Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and rp.tdenccs. lime cards and full Information can be obtained at tbe Ticket Offlres-No. 110 Fifth avenne, corner Fourth aveuue and Try street, and at Union station. CHAS.r-PUOH. J. B. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent. L.LEOHEN Y VALLEY KAILKOAO Train. leaveUnttn station (Eastern Stand ard time): East Brady Ac.. 6:35 a. m.: Nlagar i J ;,.ii k-is a. in. (Arrlvlar at Buffalo at M3P M.5: Klttannlne Ac, 9rf a. m.: Ui a'c 10:10 a. m.: Valley Camp Ac. 12:ft p, Oil City and UnBols Express, l:J0p. m.:Hi ' "'V .-... ., .. .flrt "- , . ll..ltn n. m.: llulton Ac Sim P. m.: Miianninc ac. v p. m Vaiicv Camp Ex., 4:5 p. in. : Kltunnlng Ac, 5i30 p. m.: Braeburn Ac. 6:20 p. m.: Hultou Ac, 10 i, m llulljlo Ex.. dally. 8:45 p. nu (Arriving at Buffalo 7S a.m.); llulton Ac. 9:40 p.m.: Brae burn AC lnSO p. m. Cnurcn trains Emienton. 9a m?: Klttannlng, 12:40 p. m.: Braeourn. 9:40 i m Pullman Parlor Carj on daytrrlnsana SieeDlng Car on night trains between PlttsDurg lnaPButtaio. J AS. P. ANlJElJO. U. X, Act.; i)AVU MCCAJtao. Uen. Sup. hutanning Ac. 3vs p. iTrSBCP.G AND CASTLE SHANNON E. R. Winter Time Table. On and after March 30, 1S90 until lnrther notice, trains will run as fol lows on every day, exceptSunday. Eastern stand ard time: Leaving Plttbburg-6ri). a. m.. 7:10 a. in.. b:0Ja. in.. 9:30a.m.. ll:3Ja. in., 1:40 P. m.. 3-40 n in. .5:10 p. m..5:30 p.m., 6:33 p.m., 9:3u p.m.. 11-30D. m. Arllngton-5:4Ja. in., COa a. in.. 7:10 a. m.. 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., l:00p. m...2:40 p.m.. 4:20 p. m . 5:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m.. 7:10 p m., 1030 p. m. sunday trains, leaving Plttsburg-10a.m.. I2:W p. m.v 2:30 p. m., 5:10 p. m.. 90 p. m. Arungton4l:10a. m.. 12:10 p. my 1:50 p. m.,aa p. m., 6iS0 p. m, JOHN JAHN, Supt, SALE KAILROADS. From Pltlsbara Ualoa Statloa. lifBnnsylvaniaLinBS. Trilct Ran by Cialral Tlnj. BOtlTHWESTSYSTEM-PANHANDLEKorrra. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, d 1 US a. m., d 7tio a. m.,d85andd U:15p.m. JJennlson, 2:15 p. si. Chicago, d 1:15 s. in. and 12:05 p. m. Wheelng. 7tiu a. m.. 12:05, 6:10 p.m. Steuben Tide. 5:o5a. m. Washington, 6:15, 8:35 a. m 1:5. 3:30. 4:45, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:10 a. m. Burgetts town. S 11:35 a. m.. 3:25 p. m. Mansfield, 7:15, 8:30 11.00 a. m.. 1:05, 6:30, d 8:35. Brldgevlile. 10:10 p. m. McDonalds, d 4:15, 10:45 D. ttu, SlJ:Ukl P-m- . Tbains Annmfrom tho West, d 2:10, d6:00x, m 3:05, d 6:55 p. m. Dennlson, 9:30 a. m. steu benvllle, 5K6 p. m. Wheeling, 2: 8:45 a. m 8.-05. 5:55 p. m. Bnrgettstown, 7:15 a. m.. 3 9.-0I a. m. Washington. 6:55, 7M. 8:40, 10:25 a. m., 2:35, 8:25 p. m. Mansfield, 5:30, 3u3, i-M. 11:10 a. in.. 12:45; 3:55. 10:00 and S 6:Xp. m. Bulger. 1:13 p. m. McDonalds, d 6:35 a. m d 9:00 p. m. NOirTHWEST SYSTEM-BT. WAYNE route. Leave lor Chicago, d 7:10 a. in., d 12:20. dl:0O,d 1:45, except Saturday 11:20 p.m.: Toledo. 7:10 a. m., d 12:'JJ, dl:00, and except Saturday 11:20p.m.: Crestllne.6:45 a. m., Cleveland, 6:10am.;12:45d 11:05 p. m.. and 7:10 a. m., via P.. Ft. W.iC.Ky.: New Castle and loongsiown, 7:20 a. in.. 12:20, 3:35 p. m.: Youngstown and NUes. d 12:20 p. m.;Mead vlile. Erie and Ashtabula, 7:20 a. in.. 12:20 p. m.: NUes and Jamestown. 3: p. m.; Alliance. 4:11 p. m.: Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10 a. m.. 12:45, 3:45 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 4i00 p. m. : Beaver Falls, S8:20a.m.: Leetsdalc, 5:30a.m. Dbpakt from ALLEOUKMr Kochester, e:W a. m.: Beaver Falls. a:15.11:0ua. m..5:Lp.m.: 3 4.31 p.m.: Knon, 3:00 p. m.: Leetsdale. 5:00,9:00, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.: 1:15. 2:J0. 4:3a 4:45. 8:30, 6:13. 71, 9i00 amis 8:30 p. m.; Conway. 19-M p. m.: Fair Oaks 8 11:40 a. re. . 'inriT-vit Aniiivicijnion station from Chicago. ex-. tent Jlonday. liSO, d 6.-00. d 6:35 a. m., d 5:55 and cept Monday. 1150, mwnni-ii., ojhhh 16:50 p.m.: Toledo, except Monday, 1:50, d 6:35 a. n., 55 and 6:50 p. m.: Crestline, 12:30 p. m.; foungstown and New Castle, 9:10a. m.. 1:25, 6:50, m.. Ynnnsr.tnwn s in.iin m . Nll and YmtniratQWll. Al 6:SOTl. m; Cleveland, d 5:50 a. m., 20, 7-OOp. m.; Wheeling and Itellalrc 9:00 a. m., 2:20. 7:30 p. m. : Erie and Ashtabnla, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.: Alliance. 10:00a.m.; NUes and Jamestown, S:10 a.m.: Beaver Falls, 7:30a. m., S 8:25 p. m.: Leetsdale 10i40p. m. AltrxiTE ALLEOHEXT, from Enon, 8.00 a. m. Conwaf 6.40a.m;Kocnester,.40a.m.;BeaverFalIs, 7.10a.m.. 812:30. 1:00. 5.30 and S 8:15 p. m.: Leets dale, 4.30, 5.30, 6.15, 6.50, 7.45, a. m., 12.C0, 12.45, 1.4573.30, 4.30. 6.30, 9.01 and S 6:05 p. XCS Fair Oaks, -S 8.56 a. m. d.-dally; s,' Sunday only; other trains, except Sundsr. JOSEPH WOOD. General Manager. E. A. KOI1U. General Passenger Agent. Address, PUtsbnrg. Pa. aLiISIOKB AND OHIO KA1LKOAU. Schedule la, effect January 4, 1891, Easter ume. For Wasnlngton. D. O. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, "7i-i a. m. and "9:20 p. m. For Cumberland, "7:25s. a.. MilQ, "9:20 p. m. For ConncUsvlIIe, 130, Tr- a. m., tl:U, 44:00 and "9:20 p. m. For Union town, $6:30. 7i25x. m., 41:10 an4 tl:00 p. m, ! ur Conncllsvlllo and Unlontnwn. S:25a. n.. Sunday onlv. For Jit. Pleasant, WiTOa. m.andi73a.m. ana 10 and (4:00 p. m. For Wasnlngton. Pa.. "3:C5, 43:30 a. s. "3:38, 45:30 and "7:45andlll:5r p. m. For Wheeling, "3:05, W, a. ra "305, l-M and til :55 p.m. fc For Clnannatl and SU Louis, "8.-C5 a. m,. V: p. m. For CInclnnatL Utp. m. For Columbus, "3:05 a. m., V:45andlll:55p, nu For Newark. "3:05, a. m, i:4o and 1 11:55 p. m. For Chicago. "3:05 and :45 p. m. Trains arrive irom New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washln jton. "6:4", a. ra., "J:20 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago, :23a.i.. ":DO p.m. From Vteetla& "S3. jOii". a. in.. 43:00, "9:uup. m. Parlor and sleeping ars to Baltimore, Wabhlng ton. Cincinnati and Chlcag. Dally. 41'aily except Sunday. JSnnday only. Saturday only. TUally except Saturday. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will eall rbr and check baggage from hotels and residences npon orders left at B. Jb O. ticket office, cornec Fifth ave. and Wood St., or 401 and 639 SmlthneU street. J.T. ODELU CHAS. O. SCULL, General Manager. Uen. Pass. Agent. nTSBuna and westekn kailwax Trains (Ct'l Stan dtlmeH Lea'vc I Arrive. Mill, llntlcr. Clarion. Kane.' (!:V D.iv Ex.. Akron. Toledo 7:3) Butler Accommodation 9:00 Greenville .mil Butler KX....1 1:4U Chicago Express (dally) ' 2:15 Zellenople Accom 4:25 Butler Accom.. I 3:30 a m 4- p m a m "::) n m a m 11:20 a m p m 3:35 p m p m.iiioa a ra p m 720 a ra First class tars to Chicago, 110 50. occuno. tuasm,i car to CWcagSii i. Annmaa iiunet tieepins . -!