- "f. LIVE STOCK BEYIEW. Proportion of Good Cattle Largo at East Liberty Yards. LAST WEEK'S PRICES MAINTAIXED. Common and Low Grade Eeeres DrajrjY at Kcdnced Prices. SHEEP STEADY ASK LAMES LOWEE OFFICK OF PITTSBBKG DlSrATCn, ( Wedmssat, Jan. 2L There were about 93 cars ofcatlle on tbe market at East Liberty this week, apaiast 100 loads last week, and SO the week before. Some reports place this week's receipts the same as last week, but as several loads were held over from last week, the discrepancy in estimates is explained. The proportion of soon heavy bectes in this week's offerings wis larccr than the late averace, but there were no strictlj prime cattlo on sale, with the exception of oneload, which cost So 40 in Chi cago. Tins lo d was seni on East for want of a customer ready to pay the price which was close to 6; per 1 ound. The best price paid at East Liberty was Jo S3 Tor a single load. With this exception tnp iirice was H Hi Markets opened Monday i.iormuK fairly steadv at lastueek's ptlce for good beeves, but 10c to 13e lower lor cominou and low srsde block, bince Slondav latter have still further weakened, and prospects are that when sold great sacrifice will be de manded. Markets have been drasgy all tbe week Tor all cattle excepting good shipping stock and liclit. moo.h butcher beeves, weigh mg 1.100 to l.O pounds such as our local trade particularly calls for. 'lhe best beeves on tno market tin: -ek were from Chicago, there be lus about M loads from that point on sale. Ssupplvof fresh cuws was small, and prices were ell maintained at a ranee of 525 to 543 per bead. Veal calies were steady at a shade high er than last week's prices, the range being 6 to 7c per pound. Sheep nnd Limbs. There have been about 19 loads on the market this week, a largo proportion of them being lambs. Last week there were about 15 loads on sale, and the previous week 10 loads. The aver age (juality of this week's offerings was about the alue as last week. There were few choice sheep oi lambs on sale. One load of natite. extra fine, weighing 116 pounds, wa old at S3 CO, but tbe general ranxe was 4e to Wjc per pound Top price of lambs was (ijC .a urup from prices of last week. The Supply of Hogs. The run has been light. On Monday thcro w ere CC loads on sale against nearly double that number tbe previous Monday. Total receipts for the week hate been between 50 ana 00 loads. 1-ast week at this time the offerings amounted to 13j loads. The number on sale this morning was M-'adsaud markets opened slow, in spite of the short surlily "I the week. Top prices ranged from S3 20 to SI 00. with very lew good enough to command the outside figure. According lo advices received by one of our leading packers from his Chicago buver receipts there were 40,000 head this morning, and top price S3 6i McCall A. Co.s "Weekly Ketlew. Tbe scpplj of cattle was liberal, good, heavy and neat butcher grades selling steady at last "week's prices while common and medium grides were very slow ard lower. "We give the following as ruling price: Prime. 1800 t- 1600 11)-. $4 7C'5 00: good. 1200 to 1400 lbs. J4 20 ! 65: good bu:cher grades. 1100 to 1300 lbs, J4 UU ?4 40: rnneh fat. 1100 to 1300 Ihs. $3 30390: good feeders. &5 to 120u lb3. $3 O03 SO: common to In blockers and feeders, TuO to 1000 lbs, SJ 23 C 9 mixed lots, cows, bulls and heifers. $2 l)0 Z CJ; fresh cows and springers, S2040 per head. The receipts of bogs on Monday were light, and the market ruled active on all grades. Yes terdays offerings were very light, and prices were about the same as Monda. To-day the supply is only lair and demand easv. selling slow at the following quotations: I'hiladel pluas, 90S! 00: best Yorkers, S3 703 75: com mon to lair light. $3 53g3 63; roughs, 53 00 3 30. 1 he receipts of sheep were light, and the mar ket was the same as last week. V qno'e as follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing hero 105 to 110 lbs. J5 25S550; good. P0 to 100 lb. $4 855 15; fair to good mixed, 75 to SO lbs. S3 75$4 25; culls and common lots, $2 oO(J3 23; good earlings, 4 75Q5 25; fair to good, 50 to CO lbs fj 754 25. Limbs Common to best. S4 25SG 50. Veal calves. 110 to 12U lbs, S3 S0g6 75, heavv calves, 52 S0Q3 5a Jiy Telegraph. CINCINNATI Hogs less active and lower; common and light. 53 H03 63: packing and butchers'. 53 5083 75; receipts. 5,100 head; shipments. L100 head. Cattle strong: common. 51 OOg.1 00; fair to choice butcher grades, 52 25 4 25: prime to choice shippers. 53 73J4 50; leceipts. 800 head; shipments 170 head, hheep firm; common to choice. 53 O03 00; rxtra fat wethers and yearlings. 5o 25Q 5 30: receipts, 250 head; shipments, none. l.aiubs in liglit supply nnd firm; common to choice botchers', 54 00g5 75; good to choice shipping, 55 25&G 00 per 100 pounds. N E W Y O R K Bee ves Receipts. a5G7 head, in cluding 101 carloads for sale. Market 10c per 180 poundsloner: native steers. 53 003 40; bulls and cows. 51 253 5; dressed beet steady at C?aSS shipments to-day, 500 beeves and 760 fiua'ters of beef: to-morrow,3J sheep. Calve i:ceipt, SUO head: market 6teady; veals. 55 ooj 7 &.I; esterns. 52 73g3 30. bheep Receipt-. 7.917 he-id, market steady; sheep. 54 O0S0 00; lanilis. 51) O0Q6 75: dressed mutton, firm at 6'Jc; dressed lambs steady at 910Jc Hogs Receipt. 4.415 bead, consigned direct; market nominal! steady at 53 4064 00. CHICAGO Cattle Receipts. U.0O0head;ship ments, 4,O0l) head: trarkct lower; steers, prime extra export, 51 950 ' 5: common to good, 53 20 S4 fcO; Mockers, t toa3 25. Hogs Receipts. 60.000 head; shipmeiits, 7,000 head; maiket slow and weak; rough and common, S3 503 25; lair to good packers, 53 45tft3 55: prune lieavv and butcher weights, t3 W53 05, light. S3 15 :i 3i cheep Receipts. 13.WW head; shipments 4 060 head; market slow; natUes, 53 75B5 25: AV esterns. 54 25S1 90; Texan', 54 25fi4 00 lxnibs. 55 005 6a OMAHA Cattle Receipts. 6.100 bead; cattle slow and 10c to 15c lower on butchers' stock; fcdcrs unchanged; faup. kl'JO to 1.7X) pound btcers, nominally 54 40So 00; prime L2O0 to 1.475 tionnd steers, 53 H01SH 60: fair to good 1.050 to 1,'KO pound steers, 52 50 1 00. Hogs Receipts, 9,060 bead: market opened slow and 3c to 10c lower and closed 10c lower: range, S2 733 50 bulk. S3 25iT3 40: pig. 51 23g2 25; lichts. U 25 2 7i; heavy, 533o3 50; mixed. 53 303 ia ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 2.000 bead; shipments, 400 head; market lower; good to fancv native steers 54 4l!fi5 00; fair to goou 5". 7uSl 4!): stockers and leeders, 52 003 40. ilogs Recemts. 930 head: shipments, 1.200 beau: market lower: fair to choice, be.nj, 5" 503 i: mixed grades. 53 203 55: light, lair 10 best, 53 20&3 S3. Sheep RcceipU, 1.200 liad: shimnenf. none; market steady: good to choice. 54 2WJ 3 30. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts, 3.C10 head; shipments. 1.920 head: market for choire steady, for others 10c to 15c lower; steers. S3 25 0,i !): cows, 51 30g270; stockers and feeders. 52 (KXT3 30. Hogs Receipts, 17.010 head: ship ment". 3.JTO head; market 5c to 10c lower; bulk. S3 2!iQr. 40: all grades. S2 90S3 65. Sheep Reccipu, L.S30 head; shipments, 710 bead; market (I1.1l bus unchanged. INDIANAPOLIS Cattle Receipts, 400 head: marki-tstcaiU and moderaulv octnc: shippers 53 23g5 00: ".uitclicrs'. SI !0s3 25; bulls. 52 00 :: 15. 1 hheep Rc-emts fail It stead v and un- liangcd; sh-ep, 52 3U4J1 25; lambs. S3 255 00. Hogs Prfce.pts, V-(K) head: markets low. closed weak and lowc", choice heavy, S3 60ST3 70 choice lignt, S.i 50&3 CO; mixed, 53 oSSS 60 pigs, 52 O03 00. BUFFALO Cattle Market steady and un changed; receipts. 91 loads through, 2 sale, hhecp and lambs Nothing doing: recemts. 27 loads through. W sale. Hogs Receipts,16 loads through, 23 sale; market active, firm aud un changed, 'eirYork Coflce Market. ShtVoek, Jan. 21. Coffee Options opened steidj. 10 points down to 5 up, closed steady 5 down to 15 tip: sales 29 500 bags, iuclndmtr Jau uary, 10 Sol7.00c: February. 10.30ia40c; March, 16 initt lb.l0e: April. 15 0515.7lic; !; li4015.3Oc: J une. 1325gl5.3c: July. 15.19ei5.lic; August, li;w ; btptember. 11.30c. hpot Rio qciet nd e.sy; lair cargoes, 19c; No. 7, 17 ''-. Urygoods Market. r:vr York. Jan. 21. The demand for dry goods was fair, leading houses doing a good lnsiness ia staple as well as lancy fabrics. The mallet toneall through was steadv to firm. Asruts advanci-d the lollowmg: Lo'nsdalo Mcac'ied ilurtiag to 7J4'c, Cumberland 4-4 b.cachcd shirting to i Jc, and Cumberland X b'.cichcd sh.rting to TJic. Metal JIarket. '??r.,yoJ?E-pi:: iron quiet American, J2 5"V "PPerncglected. lake, January. 5b oU. Lead nominal; domestic. J4 40. Tin quiet and steady; straits, 2U 2a Price of Bar SLlier. T6rrCUU. TELEGKA.M TO THK DISPA.TCn.1 :;nw Yobk, Jan. 2k-Bar silver-London, 45d per ounce; IS ew York, 51 03. tTt'ool Markets. ST. LOTns-Wo.il firm and unchanged. MABKETSBY WIRE. A Setback Tollowod by a Bulge In Uie TTheat Pit Rather Finn at the Close Provisions Materially Lower All Round. CHICAGO-When trading started this morn ing there were sellers at 94c fr MT wheat, which was the condition ot the market at the close of yesterday's session. There were no buyers, however, at over SJJsC, and soon there were sellers but no buyers at that. ThUweak nes of feeling was of short duration. There was a good deal of confident buying at from 84Jic to 91Jc, and before long an advance to 9lc took place Tho foregoing changes were followed by a decline to 94Je, an advancoto 91JJC. another setback to SHc. ana" a bulge which had reached 95c'by 12 o'clock. The cablo advices indicated a hardening tendency at Liverpool, and considerable firm ness in the French country markets. The ex treme cold weather recently prevailing In England had given place to a higher range of temperature, as indicated by the weather being desrrlbed as cold and wet. The first advance was on B adttreeVt report that the visible supply had decreased 1,759,000 bushels during the week. A private telegram was recbived from San Francisco saying that only 4J inches of rain bad fallen In tbe wheat district of California against an average of It inches. Subsequently wheat sagged to 9iXc, but strengthened on reports of considerable export bosiness. " The feature of the day in corn was the taking of -profits by shorts. Schwaru-Dupoe were liberal uuyers and Pardridge, Hutchinson and a few others supplied the wauls of th pur chasers. The range in May was from 51J52c at ike opening to 51Jc then up to 52c. Mav oats opened at 45 c The price advanced to 43c, declined to 45c, reacted to 46c and closeu c above yesterday at 15C"bid. There was fair'trading. 3 The first estimate on the day's receipts of hogs as reported from the yards was 42,000 bead, witii prices 10c to 15c lower. This was enough to give the provision market a weak start at a decline from the previous dav's closing price. Tbe early weakness was added to later, when the day's receipts of hogs were reported at 50,000 head. Armour and other packers were sellers. The close showed declines of 15c ia pork, 2 5c in lard, and 7c in ribs. The leading lutures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley & Co., 45 Sixth street, members Chicago Board of Trade: Open- Uljrh- Low- Oos- Ar.TlcLES. Inc. est. est. lng. "WHEAT. o.: January S1 89S SSW H Mav 94V4 95S WJ4 95 July. 9U?, 90s 90 SUX ixmif. J.O. 2 January 48 49 481, 49 February S 49j 41' 494 ilay S1J ilH HSs Si OATS. so.i January 43S 44 43J4 431, May 4bS 4S ' 45 June UH 43 44'i 45 Mess I'ork. January f!0 ITS" 10 23 f 10 05 (10 05 February. 10 Vt 10.3 10 10 10 10 May.....'. 10 B7Ji 10 7-X 10 "M 10 60 Lahp. January 5 70 4 70 5 67 5 70 February. 5 75 573 5 7:141 5 7214 May 6 15 SIVi 6 1I 6 15 SIIOKT urns. I January 4 85 4 S5 4 Sif ! 4 M i-ebruary. 4 s5 4 85 4 Kh IKK My 5!f 5 35 SS 5 2I. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. S9e: No. 3 spring wheat. 84S6r: ha 2 red. 91J4S92c: No. 2 corn. 49c: No. 2 oats. 43J44c: .N'o.2 rye, 70c; No. 2 barley nom inal: No. 1 flaxseed. SI 16; prime timothy seed, SI 2o. Mess pork, per bbl. S10 12. Lard, per 100 lbs, Jo 70 Short rib sides (loose), 54754 S5: drv salted shoulders (boxed). 54 15 4 20; short clear sides (boxed), S3 005 10. Sugars unchanged. No. 2 white oats, 4545Ke; No. 3 white oats. 43Ug4ic; No. 3 barley. iS7 72c; No. 4. f.o.b., l70c On the Produce Ex change to-day tbe butter market was quiet and unchanged. Eggs, 2122c NEW YORK Flour steadier, qniet. Cnrn meal steidj. qniet: yellow Western. 52 S53 25 Wheat Spot market 3s)e higher, tlrm.raod erate demand; No. 2 red. l 06J in elevator, 51 08 afloat. SI 07il ( f. o. p.: No. 3 red, $1 00K1 01; ungraded red. 97KcSl 05JJ: No. 1 Northern, $1 11; No. 1 bard. "Jl 15. Options strong at c auvance on tbe increased ex port demaiid and a statement of a decrease In the supplies east of the Rnckv Mountains: No. 2 red January, Jl b5Jl C5JJ. closing at 51 03Ji: February, closing it $1 05; March, 51 0SS1 05. clo-ing. SI Oi May. 51 03 10315-16, closing, 51 03: Jnne. Jl 01il 01J4 closing. SI 0IJJ: July, 97a9Se; closing, 98k: Angust, gjawSJc, closing. 95Jc; December, 97Kr: closing, 96c Rye steady and qniet. Barley quiet and firm, barley malt easy and quiet.. Corn Spot market stronger and quiet; No. 2. fiOKc elevator; 61c afloat; ungraded mixed, 60Jff61Jic; steamer mixed, 60V61c; No. 3. 6JXig61)c. Options unchanged to ;c higher aud quiet: January, closing at COHc: Feliruary, COJigCOJic, closing at COc: March, flM?aC: May, SS&go&SJ. closing at 5i)&. Oats Spot market higher, less acUve;.opUons qulct. firmer: January, 51c; February, 51Jic; May, 5155ic; spot No. 2 white." Slc; mixed We-tern, 50i3c; white da. 525Se; No. 2 Chicago, o2c Hay firm and in lair demand. Hops weak and quiet. Tallow dnll and steady. Kegs in fair aemand and firmer: Western, 2S2SKc. Hides firm and quiet. Pork quiet and steady: old mess, 59 7510 75; new mess, Sll 3011 75: extra prime, 59 5010 00. Cut meats fairly active and firm: middles quiet aud weak. Lard freely offered, lint lower and active; Western steam, 56 07K: sales. 7.500 tierces, chiefly a &. F., 56 07J6 10; options sali-s. 7.500 tierces: Jan uary. 56 04: Febmarv, 56 076 OS, closing at SC03; March, 56 19C 21, closing at $6 19 bid; April. 56 30; May. $0 37ff6 S9. closing at 56 37. Butter weak and quiet: Western dairy. 1320.: do creamery, 1927c Cheese Ohio fiats, 7J SJic. ST. LOUIS Flour stronger and in fair in quiry. Wheat Hic higher at opening; ruled firm to the close, which was at an ad vance of Jc for Mav and a for July over yes terday; o.2 red, cash. 939C5ie: Mav. 94 93c. closing at 94c; July, M&b5c, closing at t3!,c. Corn opened ijc higher than ycsterua's closing per cent, ruled firm and ad Tanced z f urth cr, sagged slightly aud near the close auvanced again, finally losing JkTc above yesterday; No. 2 cash, 4SlSJic: May, 49 49Jc, closing at 49c: Jnlj, oOJSc closing at 503,0. Oats quiet and about steady;-No. 2 casu, 44c; May, 45J45Jic. closing at 45Jc. Rye higher; No. 2, 7072c Barley quist; Iowa, 69c Havrfufl. Bran quiet but firm: sacked, f. o. bM 9293c Butter un changed. Eggs higher. Coromeal steady at 52 6C2 63. Provl-ions dull. Pork, new mess in job lots, SI0 37JglO 50. Lard nominally lower at S3 55g5 6U. Dry salt meats dull; boxed shoulders, 1 00; longs and rib. 55 12; short clear, S3 25; bacon, boxed shoulders, S4 00: longs and ribs, 55 30g5 55; short clear, 5 6583 70. MINNEAPOLIS Cash wheat was strong and lc higher to-day; tbe offerings were about the same as they have been rnnning for some time; considerable No 1 Northern was sold early at 89c, and some fancy lots at S9Xc but after tbe first few minutes it required considerable hustling to getSSc until after the middle of the day, when tbe market was higher, in sym pathy with futures; tbe demand was mainly lrom local millers, though a good deal was worked off on outside account; elevator com panies were not In the market. Close: No. 1 hard, January, 90c; on track, 91c: No. 1 North ern, January and February, KSKc; May. 92Jfc; on track 83c: No. 2 Northern, January, 86Jc; on track, 87c PHILADELPHIA-Flonr quiet. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red. export, in elevator. 9)to; So. 2 red, J-inuarr. 99c; February. 99Xctl 00; March, SI 01KS1 02; April, SI 03K1 04. Corn firm and higher: steamer Jvo. 2 lulled, in grain depot, 59c; No. 2ellow in do and elevator, 00c: No. 2 mixed. January. o9i59c; February. 59J V3&cx Marrb. 59K60c: April, 59K60c Oa s JiGKc higher; No. 2 white, in elevator. 52c: do. 111 grain depot, 5?J3.;c: do. clipped, 3c: No. 2 white. Jannarv. 51fe51?Jc; February. 5J5i52c; March, 5-';.g5J?ic: April. 53 33Ja gg scarce and firm: Pennsylvania firsts, 2SC BALTIMORE Wheat-Western firm: No. 2 winter red, spot, an 1 January. 99Kc; May. 5103il 03K. Corn-Western firmer; mixed, spot aud January. 59c; Mav. 57Jc: steamer. 57Kc Oats hrm: Western white. 5052c: do mixed. 4a51c: graded No. 2 white, 51Jic Rve nominal; jinme to choice. 80S2c; fair to good, 7779c riay dull, ruber easy; prime to choice timothy. 510 5011 00. Provisions nominal aud unchanged. Butter quiet and unchanged. Eggs quiet, fresh, 26c LOUISVILLE Wheat dull; No. 2 longberry, 95c: No. 2 red. 94c Corn active; No. 2 white, 56Kc:No.2mixeu,56c Oats active; No. 2 on track, 47J4c Provisions higher and. brisk. Miss pork Prime, 512. hams New sugar-cured, 9K (ilUr. Bacon Clear rib sides. 56 25: bellies. 5725. Bulk meats Cured short ribs, 55 25; clear sides. So 75: shoulders. J3 00. Lard Prime steam, 56 00 in tierces; lear. 57 00. MILWAUKEE-Flour quiet. Wheat higher: No. 2 September, on track, cash. 8S69c; May, 89Xc; Nn.1 Northern. 92c Corn Arm: Na 3. on track. 4Sc OaU firm; No. 2 white, on track. 44345a Barley quiet; No. a. in store, 67Kc Re eisier; No. 1, in store. 70K7C5fc Provls. ions easier. Pork 510 M.- Iard May, Sfl 12. DULUTH Wheat was firmer and more active to-day; the opening was weak, but the close showed Jc advance for the day. Closing prices were: May. 07c; No. 1 hard, cash, 91 Kc; No. 1 Northern, cash, 6c; No. 2 Northerp. cash. S2c CINCINNATI Flour in fair demand. Wheat easier; No. 2 red, 96c Corn strong: No. 2 mixod, 5255c OaU Arm: No. 2 mixed, 47c Rve firm: No. 2. 75c. Provislnns easy. Butter quiet. Eggt dull at 22c Cheese Arm. TOLEDO Wheat firm and iighen cash, 95Kc: May. 8c: Jul v. 01c: August, E95fc. Corn dull; cash, oljjc: May. 52c Oat quiet; cash, 46c Cloveri-ed firm and higher; cash, $4 42J February, H 45: March, 54 SO. Why will you cough when Shtloh'iiCure wil give immediate reliel? Price, ia cts 53 cti. II. Bold by Jos. Fleming ft Son, 412 Market it WORKS LIKE A CHARM Ileal Estate Exchanges Give Satis faction in Other Cities. ENCOOEAGEMEHT FOR BKOKEES. Local Securities Continue to Gain Ground All Alone the I'ine. THE SEWS AKD GOSSIP OP THE CITI Now that the real estate brokers of Pitts burg have established an auction sales board a a stepping stone, it is believed, to a regu lar exchange, information in regard to the workings of the system in other cities is of peculiar ralne. A Fourth avenue broker received a letter from the President of the Chicago Exchange a few days ago', in which this passage occurred : "I would advise you to establish an exchange at once. It works splendidly. "We could not get along here without iL It does not destroy the in dividuality of members or interfere with office business. Business is prepared in the office and execnted on 'change.;' A broker who was in New York a sbort time ago gives the following account of the operations of the Real Estate Exchange in that city : 'The New York Real Estate Exchange was organized about'scven years ago. Tbo mem- bers own the building in which they meet. It is valued at 600,000. Tbe par value of tbe stock is 1100. It is quoted at 25 per cent pre mium in tbe open market. Stock brokers are admitted to membership by paying a yearly as sessment of $60. but they have no voice in the management. All the real estate business transacted in New York passes through the Exchange, including Sheriff sales. There is a lull complement of officersand a general mana ger who supervises all the business. There are several committee, the moit Important of which is that on arbitration, which settles all disputes between buyers and Sellers. . "All transactions are conducted on strictly business principles. Bogus bidders are rigidly excluded. All bids must be in good faith. Owners of property bidding it in must pay the commission the same as others. This is a pro tection toboth buyerand seller. Tbe exchange sstem has worked so well and given such satis faction to all dealers in real estate that it has become a fixture, and not one member in a hundred would vote to go back to the old way of doing business. " Business News and Gossip. The special rent lists appearing on Mondays and Thursdays in TnE Dispatch are rein forced to-day by contributions from Messrs. W." A. Herron & Sons. Charles Somers & Co. and Reed B. Coyle ft Co. These lists are a great convenience to renters. Their perusal will save much time and trouble to all in quest of houses and offices. Mr. Jacob Kaufmann, the Smithneld street clothier, was the purchaser of the Riage ave nue, Allegheny, residence mentioned in this column about a month ago. The considera tion, as stated, was '30,000. A Southside gentleman said yesterday: "I know of at least 100 houses to be built in tbo bill district the coming season. How many more will be put up I do not know, but there will be a great many." There is not a vacant lot on Wyli: avenue from tbe Court House to Fulton street, a dis tance of about half a mile. Values on this street between tbe points named are very steady. Tbe renter is once more a familiar figure on Fourth avenue. All tbe agents making a specialty of this business report a brisk inquiry for houses. Small ones are in most demand. There will be less moving in April than usual, owing to the difficulty in securing other quar ters. The largest of 31 mortgages on file yesterday was for $10,000. Each of 16 was lor less than JLOOO. One of the largest deals in coal lands for a long time is being brought to a head. Particu lars will be given in a few days. Newly elected trustees of the Dollar Savings Fund are: A. J. Armstrong. John W.Cnalfant, A. Clendenning. Utilles Baird, R. H. Boggs, J. N. Davidson, T. P. Day. James W. (Jrove, James B. Herron, B. F. Jones, A. M. Marshall, Henry W. Oliver. Jacob Painter. Jr., P. J. Pierce and C. H. Voigt. Fifth avenue, from Solio street to Oakland, on account of tbe Irregular grade, shows a ma jority of frame houses. Acbangeis apparent, Jbowever. Three three-story brick dwellings ftill be erected on the triangular strin on the corner or Boston street, early in tbe spring. Julius F. Stars sold 40 shares of Philadelphia Gas Company stock at 10. Mr. Marion F. Hippie's sickness is of a seri ous nature, but his friends are hopeful of his recovery. r The Building Record. Four permits were issued yesterday for 13 houses, as noted below: ' William Grindle, frame two-story dwelling, 14x28 feet, on Susquehanna street, Twenty first ward. Cost, i700. A. L. Watkins, ten frame two-story and attic dwellings. 18x2S feet each, on River avenue ex tension. Nineteenth ward. Cost, 9,000. G. W. Gotthart, brick and stone one-story store, 20x46 feet, on Fifth avenue, Eleventh ward. Cos:, 2,100. Margaret Van, frame one-story dwelling. 12x 24 leer. n Rowan avenue, Twenty-first ward. Cost, 150. Movements in Realty. Thomas Liggett closed a sale for J. J. Pritch avd to J. P. Bailey of a tract of land adjoining Park View place, lor a price approximating 110,000. It will be plotted into 30 lots and put on the market at once. James W. Drapo ft Co. closed tbe sale of. a house and lot at Shadvside. eight rooms and lot about 40x120 feet, for 6.000 cash: also a Col lateral interest in two pieces of realty in the citv and Homestead of $8,000. Reed B. Coyle ft Co. sold for William O. H. Scully a tract of land in the Twenty-third ward," containing seven acres, more or less, for $12,500. Black ft Baird sold to George Kettenburg for William G. Gray a lot on Niagara street, Oak land, near Craft avenue, in size 32x95 feet, for J1.S50 cash. iraM. Burcbfield sold a lot, 60x100 feet, front ing on Fifteenth avenue. Homestead borough, for SO0. HOME SKOTJSITIES. lively Trading and a General Improvement in Yalnes Good Undertone. Trading in local stocks was of good propor tions yesterday, total sales being 1,041 shares. All of the Westinghouso interests improved their standing, and there was a feeling of con fidence that they had started on tbe road to permanent recovery. All the news in regard to financial movements of the company was favor able. Electric was worked up and down with a rapidity quite unusual, and denoting a very un settled feeling, but on the whole it uasstronger. Philadelphia Gas added a large fraction to its credit and finished at the top. Switch and Signal was notably strong. It, too, c!oed at best. Airbrake caught tbe infection and closed a point better than on Tuesday. The street railway group developed consider able strength. These interests have been un accountably neglected for months. Some pre dict that tbey are on the eve of an upturn. There was a littlo bulge in Columbia Oil which carried it to (3 00 and none offered. Manu facturers' Gas was offered at 23. Consignee weakened a little, bat Luster was decidedly stronger. Bids, offered and sales follow. TIIIUD CALL. U A P. P. 8. 4 M. Ex German .N. Bank Masonic ltink., Monon.Is.Bank. Union Ins Allegheny Heat. CV. Gas Co 55 Sl Mau'tAct'sG. Co Ohio Valley P. N.G. il1. Cu l'liila. Co Wheeling Gas Co B.. . 10 ua ... 1341 3 .... iix"si Columbia 1)11. Co Wash. UU Co.... Onlnil Tractlou Citizens' 'iTac'n. 1'ltu. Traction.. Pleasant alley. Conslgaec Mln'K Luster jMlulntr. . Westlnchousc E. U. S- s. Co.... West'nouse AH. P. Cycle Co Pitts. Plate G. Co Pltts.l'.G.C pfd 24H 24 35 .... Wi a) sj,.... 10 11 91 .... :::: '& 310 .... Sales at first call were 20 shares Citizens' Na tional Bank at 66, 500 Electric at 9 and 10 at 0. Sales at second call were 100 shares of Phila delphia Gas at 10. 7 Electric at 9 and 2 Wheel ing Gas at 13. Sales at third call were 25 Elec tric at 9, 30 at 8, 250 at S and 100 at 8 The total sales ot stocks at New York yes terday were 115.623 shares. Including: Atchison, 15,660: Louisville & Nashville, 3.325; Northern Pacific 4,057: do preerred, 6,060: Richmond and West Point, 3,762; SL Paul, 4,412; Union Pacific, 8,310. rlUST SECOND CALL. CALL. BAB A SS5 400- ISO .... 57 127 17 82 SJ,' 12 .... "in "in "'cii'"ii 9H 10 9Ja lu 13 II!, U'A na V." '.'.'.'. ".'.'. "S5 1 20 18 II s; sa 33 .... 33 .... 2IU UH 24!4 Wi 30 .... liM 20 Wi SO bj 9 8-4 9 10 10)i 10), 10 W .... 01 85 IK.... .... 200 .... 190 THE ' PTfTSBURG- "DISPATCH. M0ITExJtABXET. Funds Still Accumulating and General Trade In Good Shape. News gathered at the banks yesterday was to the effect that money was. if anything. In ex cess of tbe demand, Routine business was good, depositing especially showing a favora ble condition of general trade and satisfactory collections. Clearing were larger than those of the previous day. aggregating $2,351,010 68. Balances were $218,826 6a Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ran cine from 2 to 3 per cent, last loan 2, closing offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper. &38. Sterling exchange quiet and steady at $4 84Ji for CO-day bills and 4 87 for demand. Closing Bont Quotations., V. 8. 4s. nz. 120 M. K. AT. Gen. 5s.. 4114 U. 8. is, coup 120 Mutual Union gs... U.S.4XS. rcc. 103 N.J. C Int. Cert. U. S. 4Ss, coup 103 Northern l'ac. lsls.. Pacific 63 of 'Si. ira northern Pac. Ms,, Louisiana stamped4s S3 Kortbw't'n console. Mlisonrl Bs Nortw'n deben'S S, 102 1W4" 115), 112 137 107X lenn. new set. 6s... 0iH Oregon Trans, ss. lenn. new sit. 5s.... 03 Ht.LAI. M. Gen. 5s. KH Tenn.newset. aa.... C9 st.1. b.r.uen.111 Canada So. 2ds S1H at. l'anl consols..., Central l'aclllc Uts.lM st.1, ClilAl'c. lt, llpn. A IE. fi. lstft. . US It.. Pt L,.ft.Tr.K. IDS 121 114 8S' Den. 4 K. G. 4s..... SIX Tx.. Pc. K O.Tr.Ks. 33S IJ.tK U. westists. Union racine isu. Eric ids B8 West bhore 109' 101.H M. a.x.uen. 63.. Tin Chicago Rates for money were unchanged at 67 per cent. Clearings. $12,715,000. New "xork exchange wasat 40 cents discount St. Lotrrs Clearings, $3,583,765: balances, $449,731. Money 78 per cent. Exchange on New York 25 cents discount. Memphis New York exchange selling at par. Clearings, 570.874; balances, $162,975. New Orleans Clearings, $2,604,948. New York bank exchange, par. Commercial paper, 25c per 31,000 discount. New York Bank clearings, $103,693,991; bal ances. $5,631,107. Boston Bank clearings, $14,499,895: balances, I1.514.S91. Money. 4K5 per cent, texebange on New York, 10 to 15 cents discount. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $11,919,590: balances. $2,098,593. Money 6 per cent. Baltimore Bank clearings, $2,301,228; bal ances, $330,032. Money 6 per cent. STILL SLOW. Only One Trade in Oil and Only One Quotation. There was a very light movement in oil yes terday. Orders were scarce. There was a sale of 1,000 barrels at 7 which was the only busi ness transacted, and tbe only quotation made. Refined declined at London and Antwerp. Average run, 87,531: average shipments, 81,771; average chariors, 29,063. McGrew, Wilson 4, Co., Eisner building, quote puts, 72S?2c; calls, 7575"4c Oil Markets. Bradford. Jan. 21. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 78c; closed at 73c: high est, 74c; lowest, 73c: clearances, 242,000 bar rels. ' Oil City, Jan. 21. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 73c: highest, 74c: lowest, 73c: closed, 73c bales. 126.000 barrels; clear ances, 228.000 barrels; shipments, 61,858 bar rels; runs, 45,770 barrels. New York, Jan. 21. Petroleum opened steady, advanced slightly, then became dull and remained so until the close. Pennsylvania oil spot: Opening, 73c: highest, 73c; lowest, 73c; closing, 73c. February option: Opening, 73c; highest, 73c: lowest. 73c; closing, 73c Lima oil, no sales. Total sales, 57,000 barrels. MW Y0KK STOCKS. The Dullest Day for Weeks in tho Share Market Industrials the Strongest Fea tures, Led by Chicago Gas A A Dearth of Speculation. New York, Jan. 2L The stock market to day has again been very dull, the business ot the day being the smallest for a fnll day for many weeks, while the fluctuations were strict ly in harmony with the trading.and again there is not a single change of note from yesterday's figures. The speculative spirit, for the time being, seem' entirely dead, but money is ex tremely easy and tbe banks have accumulated a suplus which would insure ease for months to come: and with such an' amount of money lying idle, there is likely to be a renewal of tbe spec ulation before the April settlements come along. London came lower this morning, and in the absence of any demand from domestic sources, although London was not a seller here, tbe traders who now control the making of quota tions opened the market off from H to per cent, with considerable pressure upon a few leading stocks in tbe early dealings. There was a dearth of offerings, however, at the prices established, and there was an effort to get back the stocks put out. which bad tbe effect of stiffening pp tbe temper of tbe mar-. get immediately, and, except lu a lew stocks, tbe early losses were regained. The Industrials were the most prominent features, and Chicago Gas for a time displayed some strength, rising per cent, tbe moving force being the reorganization and compromise with tbe city. This failed to furnish vim to the stock after 12 o'clock, however, and all the Improvement was lost, with something ih addi tion, the stock becoming quite weak in the last hour. Lead was also sold down late in the day. New England was, if anything, the strong point in the railroad list, while considerablo pressure upon Atchison forced it off a fraction. One of the features of the day was tbe offering down of San Francisco 1st preferred to 59 bid. It later sold at 61 against 70 last week, but a later sale was made at 62. The rest ot tbe list were very dull and featureless throughout, and the market at the close was steady tor the general list, while displaying some weakness among the leaders. Railroad bonds to day were relatively more active than stocks, but the business of the day amounted to only $1,160,000, which was divided among a large number of issues. There was also more streogth displayed than in shares, and while the important changes are few in number, tbey are generally in the direction of higber prices. Ine following table shows the prices of active tocks on the J ew York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for TUB Dispaich by Whitmky & SjTitPHENSOJt. oldest nttsburg mem bers or the Sew lorl, stock. Exchange, 571'ourtn avenue: Clos ing llld. 18 ass i5l 2. 74)1 5(1 1131; Open In c .. 18S Hltth. est. Low est. 18 Am. Cotton Oil Am. cotton oil nrer.. Am. Cotton oil Trust Atch., loo. ia. r... Canadian i'aclttc Canada southern . 30X 30 29H 50!l WH IM 50 113 V Central or .New Jersey. IH uentrai racine , Chesapeake & Ohio ChlcaEO Gas trust 4G), C. Ilur. A OuincT 91 a. MIL i.SU Paul.. .. 54 18 4: 9C(: MS 110 69 :!t 81 -100 134 63 94 36 H 40U 3iiH 13S'i 1X )9'4 Ml, 97 -H'i 57 307 M n 91 23 55H 1914 1014 ISU V'4 51 S 377, It-S 18 S3 S75f 71 13 'Jl 34 17K 32 Ji 187 X, 17 71H 24 88 ivzu 77" IS 451' 10 IBS' 7(H 3 IS 70S IG'j 1434 61 47, 43K 90V MS 70" C. Mil. 4 St. t. nr.. C, Kocki. & P, C, St. P.. M. U 701, 70S C, St. P.. U.IU Pt C. A Northwestern. ...ics CiA. W. Pi .-. c 1;., v. x 1..., , .... C ti. C. & t-prer. Cot. Coat & Iron Col. & lloctlne Valley 27 Cues. & onio 1st orer. dies. Ohio 2d prei". Del., Lack & Vesu...I33 Del. A Hudson Den. Klo Grande.... 13'A Den. Si ttioGraude.nl JCT.. Vi.iua Illinois Central ,. I0U6 Lake Erie & West H'a uaKe Knee West pr.. 57 Lase Shore & M. s Louisville Aftashvllle. 77), Mlcnlran Central .iioBUe &OU10 Missouri facltle b$H National .eid frost... 20H Jlcwiork Central 102J -N.I.. CrSt. Ij .V Y 1,. F, & W 20 N.Y.. L,. E.&W. pd JM. r". K. E. 37)1 N. X.. O. AW JOS Norfolk A Western Noriolt a Western Dr. S5' Northern Pacific 2S Northern Pacific nt. .. 70S Ohio Mississippi Orczon imoroyement. I5J4" Pacific Mall 24 Peo.. Dee. A Evans f nliaaei. a Keadlnc. .. Z2H Pullman palace Oar.. ,190V ItlchmonaA W. P. T . I7JS Richmond AW.P.'i.D! .... St. Paul A Uulutn St. Paul A Uulutn or. St. P.. Jhlnn. A Man, 106 1381, 19H 100H" '4 S1H 100 57 77 Ji 101 1, 6 102' IW MX" 38X 1634 iili 28 H 715, 34 3J" 190X Z1H 1S k" 27 7u3 3!X 1S7 17S St. L San jr. litnt., 61 Suear'l'rust. rK 77', 15 45H 10K 19 7U KH 7IH HS IP 45K ioh itm 79 zz 71 IS lexas Paclnc. Union PaclPc Wabash , Wabasn nrererred Western Union. Wheeling A b. K. , WheellugAUJcprer.. North American Co... p., c, a & st. u P.. C, C. ibt. Upr.. 15j m 10' 19V 78H is Boston Stocks. Franklin Atch. A Top lOH Bestou A Albany. ...a Boston A Maine. ...an C 11.1U 91 Eastern it. K 121 Eastern K. K. Ss 24 KllntAPere Al 3) Macs. Central 19V Mex. Cen. com "iH M.V.45. Eni, .... Kh Old Colony 183 ltutland preferred.. 64 Wis. Cen, common. V4 Allouez Mg. Co..... Ih Atlantic 5 UostonA Mont-.w... 40. Calumet AHecla....I53 .. 17 .. 3K ,.. 15 .. 4 ... 89 .. 47 ..14 Huron Kearsarce Osceola , Qulncy Santa Fe Copper., Tamarack tjoston Land Co, ... 0 san DIcko Land Co. ZiH west End Land Co. zzs Dell Telephone 01 Lamson Store- 3 Z2 Water Power 35 Centennial Mining. 16 N. Ene. Telephone. 51 Butte A Bost. copper 14K Pblladelphlafltoekj. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, tar THURSDAY, ' JANUARY nished bv "Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New Xork Stock Kx chanm Hid. Asked. Pennsylvania RaUroad. 517,.. B Keadlnr r. 16 7-U Wi UutralcNewYorkandPhlladelnhla 8 8 Lenlrt Valley SOS" LehtKhNaviiration 47 Nortnarn Pacifio common I7 Northern Pacific preferred 71 50 J 48 I7 7W Sflnlng Quotations. New Tobk. Jan. 21 Alice, 180: Amador, 100;Aspnn. 575; Colorado Central. 100; Home stake, 850; Horn Silver, 295; Mexican. 210; Ontario, 3000; Ophir, 300; Plymouth, 125: Sav age. 200; Sierra iNevada, 175: Standard, 140. HEW PATENTS IBSTJED. Ingenious Inventors at Nearby Points Re ceive Dne Protection. O. D. Levis, patent attorney. 131 Fifth avenue, furnishes the following list of new patents granted to persons in "Western Penn sylvania, Eastern Ohio and West "Virginia during the week ending January 20 : J. H. Allison, New Vienna, O., broom holder; Louis Bernbard, Eloomsburg, Pa., fountain pen; Alfred Bonner, Paulding. O., hub boring machine: C. C. Clary, Elmhurst, Pa., nut lock; ". w. Cllunenson, Honey Brook, Pa., pencil bolder: J. C. Cross, Mansfield. O., bow socket for buggy tops; C. A. Qloekler, Pittsburg, latch; J. H. Graham, Warren. Pa., oil burner; C. W. Hubbard, Pittsburg, manufacture of axes; Augustus Leonard. Newell's Run, O., potato digger; W. V. Packer, Canton, clock winding mechanism: J. L. Sbiring, Allegheny, hydraulic beer pump; J, C. Stokes, Condui', O., bolt or rod cutter; John J. Taylor. Warren, Pa., bottle corking machine; J. w. Thompson, Salem, O.. wire nail machine; Mordecal Turton, Lima, ap paratus for removing paraffine from the pipes of oil wells; John Voting, Pittsburg, air beating furnace; A. J. Mason, Korrisville, Pa., washer punching machine; A. G. Barnmelster, San dusky, turning machine: A, R. Baker, New Brighton, Pa., nut lock: James P. Harrison, Morgantown, drinking cup; Charles Hoyt, Al toona, woven tape; Ell S. Reed, Freeport, Pa., car coupler. FROM EAXAEATJA'S KINGDOM. The Kins of Samoa Expels From His Realm All Hawallans. Sax Fkakcisco, Jan. 21. The steam ship Australia arrived this morning in a little over six days from Honolulu. Ha waiian papers of the 14th inst. express gratification at the attentions which have been shown King Kalakana in California. No intimation appears to have reached the islands that his Majesty was enjoying other than his usual health. Several Hawaiian residents of Samoa re turned to Honolulu on the steamship Zsal andia on the 10th inst, King Malietoa hav ing issned a proclamation for all Hawaiians to leave Samoa. WOBKIKGMEir TOO PBSVI0TJS. They Flock Into Chicago to Work on the World's Fair Buildings. Chicago, Jan. 21. Chief of Police Marsh estimates that there are between 4,000 and 5,000 men in the city unable to obtain work. Host of them are artisans who come here in anticipation that work on the World's Fair buildings would begin here before this time. He fears that many of them will be driven to crime through want BOODLE ALDEEMEN ESCAPE. Nolle Prosequis Entered in the Detroit Bribery Cases. Detroit, Jan. 21. The Detroit boodle Aldermen will escape without a trial. Pros ecuting Attorney Burroughs has entered a nolle prosequi in the cases against Presi dent Jacob of the Conncil, ex-Aldermen J. B. Lauder, James Tierney, and J. P. Martz. This settles it, so far as the court is con cerned. FOUR SUCCESSIVE BANK FA1XUBES. A Kansas County Evidently in a Bad "Way Financially. Atchison, Jan. 21. The Cawker City State Bank has failed, and is in the bands bf a receiver. The liabilities and assets cannot be ascertained. Tbisamakes the third bank in Mitchell county that has .failed this week, and the lourtn witnm a week. WITHDRAW OB BESIGIT. These Are Alternatives Offered by the Soo to Its Operators. Babkon, Wis., J.tu. 21. The "Soo" line has issued a circular to all telegraph operators and agents on that line, requesting those who belong to the Order of Railway Telegraphers either to withdraw from that organization and sign an agreement to that enect, or resign their positions. LATE SEWS IN BRIEF. Several stores and a bank at Hlllsboro. N. D.. burned yesterday morning. Loss about 5u.wu. Dillon and O'Brien have gnno to Boulogne to meet Iri-h members of Parliament and per haps ParnelL Tho run on the Kansas City Safe Deposit Bank has about ceased, and confidence is nearly restored. Nine stores In Houstonia, Mo., burned Tuesday. Loss, 20,000; insurance, 0,000; cause, a gasoline explosion. Maggie Mitchell's company lost some properly in the burning of the opera house at Winona. Minn., Tuesday nigut after the per formance. Loss, $7,000. A mob of regulators battered the door of a Little Rock colored man named Jim Black burn, but were mot by the discharge of a shot gun, killing one of their number and wounding another. Blackburn fled, but afterward re turned and surrendered to the authorities. The legal heir to 1.500,000 and the title of Earl of Tyrone has been found in the person of an obscure Keutueklan named Talor. The estate was confiscated to the Government for 100 years on account of a former Earl's com plicity in an insurrection, but the period of confiscation has just closed this year. In France 50,000 persons have been thrown out of emplo mont by the almost unprecedented severity of the winter. In Austria many trains and plows are fast in tbe snow. In Holland fishermen cross the Zuyiler Zee on the ice for tbe first time since 174a In Algiers whole tribes are renorted to have perished. When Wrinkles Seam the Brow, And the locks grow scant and silvery, infirmi ties of age come on apace. To retard and ameliorate these is ono of the benign effects ot Hostetter's Stouiach Bitters, a medicine to which the aged and infirm can resort as a safe solace and Invlgorant. It counteracts a ten dencyto rheumatism and neuralgia, improves digestion, rectifies biliousness, and overcomes malaria. A wineglass before retiring promotes slumber. Special To Let Lists To-Day. Homeseekers will find both rooms and houses oQered in abundance to-day. Lager Beee Nourishing, refreshing. Try ours. Iron City Brewery. 'Phone 1186. White China' i For amateur decorating. Oar annual clear ance sale is now 00. We offer special bar gains to close all our odds and ends for a fen days only. Many things at less than half price. Come early. Chas. Eetzenstein, 152, 151 and 15C Federal st , B.&B. Chenille table covers, 6-4, $1; 8-4, S3 each; hundreds of bargains in this curtain depart ment. Boogs & Buhl. Use only the best beer. Iron City Brew ing Company. Telephone 1186. 1 00 Until May 1-S3 BO. 12 cabinet photos or one life size crayon for 53 50 at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market street, Pittsburg. Use elevator. SIC HtAUACHt.,,, utUeUTerl.uu. 6ICK HEADACHE.,,,, imIe Uver Puli. SICK HEADACHE0lrter,1 Lm UTermit SICK HKADACHE..,, uia Uy Pm - ' noiS-TTasn .22, l'Sflj DOMESTIC MARKETS. Quietness Still Prevails in Lines of General Produce. POULTiir OF Ml KINDS GOES SLOW. Better Tone to Cereals, and Corn arbats a Shade Higher. SUGARS AKB ADVANCED OJfCB AGAIN j Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. Wednesday, Jan. 21. s Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Eggs have recovered from the drop noted yesterday, and holders have grown firmer lu their views. Price of country butter is merely nominal. Choice creamery is steady, and cheese is firm, with a tendency to higher prices. Pout try is qniet, supply being In excess of demand. Geese are lowr than at any time for months past. Potatoes are in bountiful supply, but prices are maintained on choice stuck. Since the first arrival ot German cabbage a couple of weeks ago, markets havo'declined on liberal receipt. Bananas and lemons are scarce and firm. Produce commission men report quiet trade all alung the line. ArPLES to 00Q5 50 per barrel. BtJTTEU Ureamery, Elgin, 3031c; Ohio no, 282)c; common country butter, 1015c; choice country rolls, lSS20c: lancy country rolls, 2t 25c. Beaks New crop beans, navy, S2 300233; marrow, S2 3j2 10; Lima brans. 5&&6C. Beeswax 2S3UC S & for choice; low grade; 2225c Cider Sand refined, 10 00 12 CO: common, 5 506 00; crab cider, 10 (XXfSll 00 $1 barrel; cider vinegar. 1415c gallon. CncESE Ohio cheese, fall make, lOQIOVe; New York cheese. 10jllc: Limbnrger. 13X He; domestic Snelizer. 12llc; Wiscon-InbricK Sweitzer. lie; Imported Sweltzcr, 27c. Cranberries Cape Cod, 3 7501 00 a box; $11 C06H2 00 a barrel; Jerseys, 3 UU3 75 a box, $11 U011 50 a barrel. Dressed Hoos Large, 4goc 9 : small, S6c. Egos 2o26c for Southern and Western stock: 2b27c for strictly fresh nearby eggs. Feathers Extra live gree, 60gfi0cr No. 1 404oc; mixed lots. 3035c $) ft. Honet New crop white rlover, 2022c ?! Ik; California honey, 1215c"fl ft. Maple Strup UocSl 25 H gallon. Nuts Shell bark hickory nuts. 1 50 1 75 a bushel: peanut. SI 5051 75, roas.ed; green. 1 6c $1 ft; pecans, 16c ft ft; new French walnut.-, 10Klbc ft. Poultry Alive Chickens, young, 35Q50c: old, 5565c; turkeys. 1012c a pound: ducks, 00 75c a pair; geese, choice, "SI 00 a pair. Dressed rurkeys, il15c a pound; docks, UQ 15c a pound; chickens, 104812c; geese, 8'Jc Tallow Country, lc: city rendered, 5c Seeds Recleaned Western clover. S5 50 5 75; country medijm clover. $4 0001 25; timo thy, $1 501 55; blue grass, $2 853 00: orchard grass, SI 35; millet. 7o90c; lawn grass. 25c $1 ft. Tropical Fruits Lemon, S3 00: fancy, S3 50; Jamaica oranges, S6 0O6 50 a barrel; Messina orange. S3 00 a box; Florida oranges, S3 50 a box; Vitar California pears, S3 50 a box: bananas. 52 00 firsts, SI 25 good seconds, bunch: Malaga grapes. S7 00312 50 a half barrel, according 10 quality; figs, 15fi)16c ?! ft; dates. 4K5Kc ?! ft. Vegetables Potatoev SI 001 25?! bushel; Southern sweets. $2 252 50 ?! barrel; Jersey, S3 504 00; Kiln dried, j4 00 a barrel; cabbage, 17 MJj 8 CO ?! hundred; German cabbage. SI6 00 18 00: onions, S5 00 a barrel; celery. 3510c a lozen bunches; parsnips, 35c a dozen; carrots, 35e a dozen: parsley, 10c a dozen; horseradish, 500175c a dozen; turnips, SI 25 a parrel. Groceries. A second time this week sugars have ad vanced, and our quotations are moved up in accord with facts. Tbe present lay-down price of granulated suear is Gc, trie price at which we have been quoting since Monday. Coffees are steady, and canned tomatoes are very firm. Green Coffee Fancy, 24X25Kc; choice Rio, 22K2ic; prime Rio, 23c; low grade Kin, 20JS21c; old Government Java, 29K30c: Maracaibo, 2273e: Mocha, 3032c: Santos, 2226c; Caracas, 257c; La Guayra. 26Z7c. Boasted (in papers) Standard brand9,24Kc; high grade. 2JK30c: old Government Java, bulk. 3133Hc; Maracaibo. 28S29c: Santos. 26 30c: peaberrv. 30c: choice Rl". 25c; prime Rio, 21Jtfr: good Rio. 23Kc; ordinary, 2122c spices (whole) Cloves, 1516c: allspice, 10c: cassia, 8c; pepper. 13c; nntmeg, 75080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio, 120. 8H; headlight. 150, SJc; water white, 1010c: globe, 1414c; elaine, 15c: camadine, llc; royaline, liu; red oil, 11 llc: pnritv, 14a Misers' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 4043c ?) gallon: summer, 3537c: lard oil. 555Sc SYRUP Corn syrup, 2830c; cboice suear syrup, 363Sc: prime sugar syrup, 3233c; stnctlv prime. 3135c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crnp. 42c; cboice, 40c; medium, 3533c: mixed, 3436c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3K3c; bi-carb in s, 5-c: bi-carb, assorted packages,Ji6c: sal soda in kegs, c do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, ?l set. 84c;pirafHne,ll12e. RlCk Heau Carolina, 77c: choice, 6 6r: prime, 6GKc; Louisiana, 5X6c Starch Pearl. 4c; corn starch. 6J7c; gloss starch, 67c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don laiers, S2 75; Muscatels, $2 25: California Muscatels, S2 154i!2 25; Valenlca.77c:Ondara Valencia. SigSKc; sultana. 1820c; currants, 55Xc: Turkey prunes, 7J8c: French prunes, llQlJc; Salonica prunes, in 2 ft packages, 9c: cocuanut!, ?! 100, SC: almonds. Lan., ?! ft, 29c; do Ivlca, 17c, do shelled, 49c; walnuts, nap., 13 gllio: Sicily filberts. 12c: Smyrna tigs, 1314c: new dates, 5K6c. Brazil nuts, ISc; pecans, 14 lbc; citron, ft, 1920c; lemon peel, 12c ?! lb: orange peel. 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. He; apples, evaporated, 14415c; peaches, evapo rated, pared. 2830c: peaches, Calitornia.evapo rated, unpared. 2023c: cherries, pitted, 31c; cherries, unpitted, l.i13c; raspberries, evap orated, 3233c; blackberries, 910c; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes, 7c: powdered, 7c: granu lated. 0c; confectioners' A. GJgC; standard A. CVic; sott white, 6S6V, ellow. choice. 5Ji oc; ello, good, 55c; yellow, fair, 6- 5Jfe: yellow, dark, 55&c Pickles .Medium, obis (1,200),S8 50; medium, halt bbls (600). S4 75. Salt-N... 1 ?! bbl. SI 00; No. 1 ex. ?! bbl, SI 10; dairy?) bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal ?! bbl. 51 20; Higgiun' Eureka. 4-bu sacks. S2 80; Hig gins' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. S2 800 2 90; 2nds, S2 502 CO: extra peaches, S3 OOig 3 10; pie peache-. $2 00: finest corn, SI 35QU 50; JIM. Co. corn, 95cSl 15: red cherries, SI 4042 1 50: Lima beans, SI 35: soaked tin. 80c; string do, 7590c; marrowfat peas. SI 101 25:soakea peas. 70&0c; pineapples. SI 3001 40; Bahama do, S2 55: damson plums. SI 10; greeugsge", St 50: egg plum. Si 20: California apricots, 52 502 bO; California pears. S2 75; do green gages, $2 00; do egg plains, S2 00: extra whito cherries, S2 85: raspberries, SI 401 45: straw, berrie. SI 3001 40: gooseberries, $1 lOffil 15; tomatoes, 9095c: salmon, 1-ft. SI Gftg'180; black berries, Si 10: succotash. 2-ft cans, soakd, 90c; do green, 2-ft, S125l 50; rorned beef, 2-ft can. 2 00; 1-B can. SI 00; naked beans. SI 40Q1 50; lobster, 1-ft, (2 25: mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled; SI 50: sardines, domestic, Js, S4154 2j: sar dine", domestic, s, S6 50; sardines. Imported, Ks,S11501250; sardines, imported, V. SIS; sardines, mustard, S3 60; sardines, spiced. S4 2a. Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $20 ?! bbl; extra No. 1 do mess, S2S 50: extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S24 00: So. 2 shore mackerel, S22; large y. S20. Codfish Whole pollock. 5c ?! ft; do medium. George's cod, 5c; do large, 7r; boneless bakes, iir strips, 5c: do George's cod. in blocks. 6M7Kc Herring Round h re, 15 50 f bhl: split. t6 50: lake. 53 25 ?! 100-2) bbl. Wbitn fish. J6 50 ?! 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout, S5 50 ?! b.lf bbl.. Finnan baddies. 10c ?! a. Ice land halibut. 13c ?! ft. Pickerel, hair hbl. S3; quarter bbl, SI 35. Holland herring, 70c: Wal koff herring, 90c OATMEAL-S7 O07 25 ?! bbL Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at tbe Grain Exchange. 1 car 2 y. s. corn, 55c, spot: 1 car middlings, 120 25, spot. Receipts as bulletined, 54 cars, of which S3 were by the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chi cago Railway, as follows: 10 cats of. oats, 7 of hay, 3 ot bran. 4 nf barley, 1 of malt, 3 or rye, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 1 cars of oats, 1 of wheat, 1 of corn, 1 of mid dlings. 1 of hay. By Pittsburg aud Lake Erie. 1 car of coru, 2 of rye, lot malt, 2 of hay, 3 of oats, 4 of wheat. Corn aud oats are a shade firmer at Chicago, and tbe effect is felt here In firmer markets and better prices than have ruled for a few ihiys past. The fetllng 1 that bottom has been touched and that future changes must be toward a higher level. Price for carload lots on track: Wheat-No. 2 red. SI 0001 01; No. 3, P7 9Sc Corn No.2yelIowsbelI.5b$S57c:hlgh mixed, 5558c: mixed shell. 54JW55ct Ko. 2 yellow ear. 59C0c; high mixed ear. 5S59c Oats-No. L iie51Ke; No. 2 h!te. 5050c: extra. No. 3, 4949Kc: mixed oats. 4SQ18c RTE No- 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 7&Q7Scj No. L Western. 75077c Flour Jobbing price bancy soring and winter patent flour, $3 75 00; fancy straight winter, 4 85o 15; fancy straight spring. S4 859 5 15; clear winter. 54 7535 00: straight XXXX bakers'. S4 504 75. Urn flour, SI 00O1 25. Buckwheat flour, 23c ?! ft. MILLFEED No. I white middling. 24 500 25 00 ton; No. 3 white middlings, $21 00 22 00: brown middlings.. S20 50021 00; winter wheat bran. 120 60ffl21 01' HAT-Bale.l timothy; choice, 110 25910 SO; No. 1. f9 0000 50; No. 2 do. 13 0088 23: loose from wagon, (10 00 12 0U, according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, $7 Z3Q7 50: packing do, $7 00 87 2i 8tsa"W Oat, $7 23Q7 60; wheat and rye, f7 00 07 5a Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, Dc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 9c; sugar-cured bams, small, 10c; sugar-cored breakfast bacon, Sc: sugar cured sbonlders, 6c; augar-cured boneless shouIderr.Tc: skinned shonjders. 7K?;sklnned bams, lOJc: sugar-curea California bams, bc; sugar-cured dried beef flats,- 9c: sngar-enred dried beer sets, 10c; sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon, shoulders, Kc;. bacon, clear sides, 7c; bacon, clear bellle. 6Jfc; dry salt shoulders, 5r; dry salt clear siues, 6c; Mess pork, heavv. Sll 50: mes pork, family, Sll 5a Lard Refined, 1 tierces. 5Kc; half barrel. 5Jic: C0-ft tnhs. fie; 20-ft pails. 6c; GO-ft tin can. 5c: 3-ft tin paiLs. 6'Ac: 5-ft tin pails, 6c; 10-ft tpi palls, 5Kc Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large. 5c Fresh porklinks, 9c Bone less hams. lOKc Pigs feet, half-barrels, SI 00; Quarter-barrels. $2 15. Lumber. The expected quietness of trade is now fully on. Little movement is looked for nntil a month hence. Tbe outlook is good for a pros perous rear to come, as it has been tbe year past. Prices are as quoted last week. TIKE raPLANED TAKD QUOTATIONS. Clear boards, per M J5i W.55 no Select common bo-Tas, per Jl. 30 0 Common boards peril 20 00 Sheathing , M 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 O0Q27 00 bhlnjrles, Ho. L IS In. peril 4 75 Shingles, -No. z, 18 in. per SI 2 50 Lath. too HARD WOODS YAKD QUOTATIONS. Ash. J to 4 in ltlack walnut, green, lofrrun HI ck walnut, dry, lojrrun Cherry Green white oalt plank, 2 to 4 In..., Dry white oak plank, 2 to -tin Dry white oak boards,-lln West Va. yellow nine, 1 Inch WestVa. yellow pine, 1 Inch West Va. yellow poplar, H to 1 In.. Hickory, Jto3fn.. - Hemlock bnltding lumber; pcrM. R,.V -.11- ,...j4ooia.-..oo ... as ooaso 00 ... aiavanoo ... 40 ooaso 00 . 20 00(0125 00 . 21 00(323 00 ,-.. 20 00(325 00 ... 20 twas 00 ... 23 OOfSx 00 ... IS 00(525 00 ,... 13 0UB25 00 15 00 14 00 14 00 18 00 Boat tuddlne".V.""".".'.".!.I!!'.".!I.. Coal car plank - l'LANXD. Clear hoards, per 31 S tsnrface board JO Clear, K-inch beaded celling Partition boards, per SI Flooring, No. 1 noorln. Jfo.2 , lellow plnenooriug.. 30 Weather-boarding; moulded, Ko. 1.... Weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2 Weather-boardlnx. ii-lnch HAltD WOODS JOEELNO PRICES. Alh S3) Walnut log ran, green 25 Walnut lofr run. dry .. 53 White oak plank, green 17 White oan plank, dry .' la White oak boards, dry IS WestVa. ycllowplne. lln 19 WestVa. yellow pine, lJi In JO Yellow poplar 18 Hickory, 1$ to i In 30 HemlocK 11 Bunk rails Boat stnddlnjr. Coal car plank so 00 00-15 00 20 00 25 00 MOO 25 00 00040 00 30 00 25 0O UiOO 00(345 00 ooaoo oora.5000 0OS119 0O C0OJ2 00 OS&23 00 oora2ioo 00S25OO 00(0123 00 Oua25 0O S0&12GO 14 U) 14 00 15 00 'lilSTEN to the prudent advice, which urges you to the immediate treatment of that rasping cough by the use of Pr. D. Jayne's Expectorant, the best of medicines for coughs and colds, and an approved standby for all pulmonary troubles and throat aiK jjp9IEgS Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUIOH OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de - pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is thetnost excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and 8TREMCTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DWQCIST FOR JS"TJttU.tJ to35 3T3IC3-S MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOUISVILLE. AT. NEW 10HK. . V. . j9377.Tr -3 'Thank7ou,iio other dreesinj for me bat Wolffs Blacking Ujonand joar czstcmen are dissatiafied with it, tt iS bec&O&o 70a did not Jipouf how to km i.n jt a,r ti Ak in Paint, Drun and Route Tvmuhixg Starts wF pac-Bcc, tchuh will Stain Old & ncw FunmTunc Varnish will Stain Glass and Chinawahc a t.a will Stain TiriwAnc mntne willStain.tour Old Baskets time Ki'U. Stain Bast's Coach and ON rtr 7. "WOLPP & HANDOLPH, FbHadelplila. SKII DISEASES SWAYNE'S fllMTUCMT ABSOLDTELT CURES. '" "lt.II I The simple application or "Swayxe's Oint mekt" wltnoutanr Internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Ktielfcn. Hlnuworm. Vlles. Itcli, bores, fimplcs. Eryslpelai, etc.. no matter how obstinate or long standing. Suld by- ctriifr Itlsti, orsentby raall for Sorts.: 3lioxcs(I Zi. Ad dress DlCBWAiM; SON, l'hiladi.-lphlvfa. Ask yoar druzxlst lor It. no:o$-TTS LADIES ONLY Female Beans, the most powerful female regulator Per. fectlrsife. Merer fslUS2)Posrpaid. Send aclsismp) for particnlsrs. Address LION DRUG CO., Euffilo. N.Y. Sold by JOS. FLEMING t bUML;Markot at. at)17-10-Trs ELY'S CREAM BALM "Will euro CATARRH. Price 50 cents. Apply Balm Into each nos tril. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St.. N. Y., EHe309 I m ILADIHI R ps lit Iv vF hi iwls& Ul&K J SHOESf ilVt I A YjS V tf llj lw 1 wl III I ' ' I! 'i.air'-r '' sbbIbI BIs M A PAtttT THAT omt k m kan jrx MrteirAjr.m 'tm aTJaJ MsTl FHOLESALK-:-HOUSE,, JOSEPH HORNE & CO. Embroidery and Wblta Goods Department direct Importation from tbo best mannfao tnrers of St. Gall. In Swiss and Cambric Ed; lncs, Flonncincs. Skirt Widths and AlloTers. Hemstitched dgings and Flonncmpj. Bayers will nnd these poods attracttTo both In, pries and novelties of design. Knll lines of New Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DC PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades la dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Car tains, Porttpfes. Chenille Curtains, Poles and Brass Trimmincs: Floor. Tablo and Stair Oil Cloths In best rnilte. lowest price; for qnality. wash drksjS fabrics. Tho lareest variety from which, to select Toil Da Lords, Chiton Cloth. Baih Seersuck ers, Imperial Suitings. Heather & Renfrew' Dress Uinzhams, Fine Zephyr Glnzbams. Wholesale Exclusively. laU-D Ul:OKi:ilS FINANCIAL, Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. my3 PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. 81 FOURrH AVENTja Capital. SmiXXX Snrnlns, S51.L70 29. D. McK. LLOVD, EDWARD K. DUFF. 4 President. Asst. Sec Treas. percent interest allowed on time deposits,. oclo-lU-D JOHN R!. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks Bonds. Grain. Petroleum. Prirate wire to New York and Chieaso. It SIXTH bT Plttsbors. oe22-S3 MEDICAL. WHiTTIER 814 PENX AVENITE, PITTSiJURG, PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts bur papers prove, is the oldest- established anil most prominent phvsieian in tbe city, de votin: special attention to all chronic diseases. FibrpSonniNOFEEUNTILCURED Mrpy rl 10 and mental diseases, physical IN Lll V UUo decay. nervoasdeoillty, IackoC energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disnri ered sizhr. self distrnsi, bashfnlness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruption., im poverished blood, failinjr powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN.s'.ViK blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swelling, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, aro cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIMADV kidney and bladder derange Unilirtri I ments. weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal aiscbaige. inflammation -and other painful symotoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cure. Dr. Wblttiei's life-long, extensive experienca insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients ata distance as caref ullv treated as if here. Offlce hours. 9 A. JL to 8 p. jr. Sunday. 10 A. 3f. to 1 P. 31. only. DR. WH1TTIER. SU Penn avenne. Pitrhiirs'. Pa. jiS-iti-risnwfc gig Sofferlns froa Si the effects ot Q a Touthfnl error early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc I will send a valuable treatise (aled containing full particulars for home enre. Fit EE of chaise. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every man who Is nervon and debilitated. Address. VroC F. C. FOWLEI1, mooting. Conn Ut-L-o!.Ds tiV K DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS mail cases re quiring scientific aud confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K Lake. M. R. C. P. S.. is the oldest and mott experienced specialist ia the city. Consultation free iml sinctlv lontldential. Oifica hOaMill to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m.: Sundays, 2 to I P. M. Consult them personally, or write. DocTOtta Lake. cor. Kenn are. and 1th sL, Pittsburg, Pa. je-7iDWk KERVEJND BRAIN TREATfflENTJ Spedfle for Hysteria, razzlaiest, Fits 3.enrae!a,Walie lulness. Mental Depression, bofteninrf ot the Brain, re sulting1 In insanity nnd leading to misery deca- ana death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness. Loss or Power In either sax. Involuntary Lostes,and Sperm atonnce: caused by orer-exortioa ot the brain, self-abuse or OTer-indnljrenee. Eachi box contains one month's treat ment. St a box, rix for S, tent by mail prepaid. With each order for six boxe. -will tend purchaser jruarantse to refund jdotv If tbe treatment fails to en inrv-f-t "iir oldonlyby EMILG.STUCKY, Druggist, 1701 and 2101 Penn ave., and Comer Wjllo auil Kulton bt, PITTSBURG. PA. mvl51-TTS3a ELEOTRICBELT WEAK5B. InMKNdebiUUtst tbroagh disease or otherwise. WB 'feO!?!5 aUAlVNTKEtit,UnEbytblsewl3ieittVEU SLKCritiP l-KLT or iusFu-ND -MONEY. Made lor thl perm- rnrpoe. Core o- Physical W eak ness. irlvine Kreelr. JUKI, boothln?. tontlnuoas Currents or Electricity thronicli all weat ; parts, restoring tliem to HEALTH and MGOKoUJ blKENtirir. Mertrlc current lelt Instantly, or we forfeit M.0 In cash. lttLrCoinpieteoanl np. Worit' casi-s l'ermanently Cured In thres months. Seiied pimphlets free. Call on or ad dress SAXOEN ELLCIiaC OIL. 819 Broadway, Hew York. mjS-U-Ttssa Chlclit.tr' E.aU.h Diamond Brand. Orfdnal and Onlr Genuine. sarc. alirsjf rfllsble. laoics ssz t Pra$Hst fcr CMchutert EualUJk Dia-C tvunui Brand la Ked sad Md mculUsV boxes, sfaled wlta blae ribbon. Take tions nndimitdcumt. AtDra$xist9.6rsn14a. in stsmpo for psrlenisrt. settimoDisls sal Keuer lor ldlen,"tnltlr,bretant f 11.11. xi'.vuiv leiaioaiKis. ivants rapcr. Cblebeter Chemical CowMndluinSflnnr.v CoUIrj Local Dmuliu. PUIadsv, Pa. deOM-MTH3 oolsi's CortCMa. SOOti COMPOUND .Composed of Cotton Root, Tansy and Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an old Dhvsiciaz. Is tucccarfuLlu used raonthJif-Safe. Effectual. Price JL by mall, sealed. Lad'es, ask your drniglst for Cook's touon coot ompouna nna tase no suosutute. or inclose 2 stamps for scaled particulars. Ad dress poni lily coauAirv. No.s Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave. Detroit. Mich. S-Sold In Pittsbnrs, Pa by Joseph Flora ngidoo. Diamond and Market sts. se2I-l7-TrsuWTEOw-K NERVE BEANS C9v Strtrntrthen Nerres. Brala and i other organs. Clear Clotidy urine, cure aYcwionio society, unDleasantdxeaais.lossofmem. 4 ory, and all nerrous diseases. ,ro5 core ior ail nwe na female wealcnesi. Prire. f r. " AddressNerTeBeanCo..Baftato.N.Y. At Toseoh Fleming Sc Son's, xia Market S-, ad all leading drnguts. FOR MEN ONLY! II rUOl I IBS oeaeralandNEaVOUS DEBILITY I TTT "D "P "Weakness of Body and Mind; Effcetj J U JAiJ-l ofErrcrscrEicessesinOMorTonn?. Kobnst. XobtoSlIllOODri!IrRnUrM. HowtoEalsm ano) Stm$llirn1TEiK,CXnKVi:UIPIOOIlGtSIi?atrrSrllODT. absolat.lrnBfsltlNr 1IOSX TRIUT31K3T BVnefllft bf a daf. Srn Utllfy rrM 41 SlslM and Forvln tM.ntriM.Toa eanwrit. Ibnn. Rook, fnll oxolSRstlon. and prenf s BtiUrd (traldl x Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y,, tai-Se-TTSsa WEAKFREig -Witt Mis fiOE bealea Treatise, einlalnlns ahso (I.Jtf.ifi hitc and perfect CURE without NT antyJ'lomach Jrussln;, for Lost ilan w nUInOhood. Nervous Debility. Larlc of VlRorand Development. Premature Decline, Func tional Disorders. Kidney and Bladder Diseases, etc iddrta TU iiiSm CO., 13 Part Pita, Sew Tort, S. T. OCll-TTSWlt ABOOKrOBTHEMlLLlDN rHEET 0M TREATMENT , VYIin MtUlUAt. LLtlttll-IH Tor all CSROTflC. OEOAKIO aaj lrERVOTJ8 DISE1SX3 in both sexes. Bitm R.M Ull vonrvftdthlahoer. Addmrn PERU CHEMICAL CO.. MllWAOlU,! TTJa w Vo a Jtv5 lC5f7PC ostnsid. THK i tt; jf,.