42-XwpIa.v adter((cmit one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on tfui page, sueft ai ironted, Jbr fc'atc. To Let. etc ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thirty cents, top line being displaved counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSIXESS OFFICE, Cor. Smlthfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAiS OPEN. ERAXCn OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WHERE WAM-. rOR SALE. TO LET. AND OTHER 1KASIET ADVERTISEMENTS MILL HE KLCEIVL1) 0PTO9P. M. FOU INSERTION'. Advertisements thoula be prepaid unles. auver tlrs already hare accounts srith The Dispatch. OB THE M'UTHSIDE, I.O. UK CAIteON STKEE1. TELEPHONE 0. 602. FOR THE EAST END. J. V. WALLACE, 6E1 l'tNX AVE. PiTTSBUKG-ADIHTIONAL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY SoOO Butler street. EMILG. blUCKfcY, I4thtr-et and Pcnn are. AI.LFGHi.NV. A. J. KAERCHEK. S3 Federal street. H. J. McBUlDK. Market House. Allegheny. F. II. EGGl.lto A bON. Ohio and Cliestnut U. TTIOMAbJlcriEMli, Western and lrwln aves. G. W. HUGHEN Fennsylianlaand Beaver aves. FERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. 1TANTED. MaJc Hellh ASblSlANT BOOKKEhFER AND BILL clerk- one that his had experience: non other need apply. Address 31AN UFAClUUt-K, Dispatch office. JaMK -rjOY-ACOOD B0 FOR JEU LBV STORE. JJIUbout 15 rears old. Address K. fc.. Dispatch offlce. jsE-71 o ANVASSHS-INTELI.IGfcM. FOR CKN- 1CKV Iictlonarj. j I. .vnsi i nowti. JaH 43-D D KIVEK-AIM) HOUSE BOY. COLORED: white hostler. PiKEUKlu, 159 Fonnn ip. Jali-bS T RUt. fl.ERK-OF '1 O OR TnitEF. J EAKb' XJ experience Apply to jaj LAM), 61 1 ederal St., Allegheny. to JAS. R. ilCCLEL- Jai:- F IUSl -CLASS MACHINE PATTERN MAKER. Address l'ATTEKN JMAB.LU. Dlspaten oi- See. Ja.2-3 FOKLMAN-FOK I'Al'EK BON. FACTORY: must understand business thoroughly and be able to figure accurately on Jobs of both com mon and fine work: steady position for the right Iran: state wages wanted. 1HE K. I). BOX Co., Cleveland. Q. Jal7-1-D PREbbMAX EXPERIENCED CV L1NDLR job pressman tor permanent situation. Ap ply to JAMLS MCM1LL1N. Ill Third av. JaM6 SALESMFN-TOSELL ADVERTISING CARDS and nmeltlrs in Pennsylvania on commission direct lrom manufacturer: tou can make SoOper eek. Address ADVERllsINtr bl'ECIALTY CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. JaI7-9-TTS TOUNCt MAN-AS STENOGRAPHER AND assistant bookkeeper; must be good pen man and qnlck at figurtb. state experience, ref erences and salarv expected. S1ENOG KAPHER, V. O. box 181, city. JaIl-33 Agents. A GENTS TO SELL AND EVERYBODY TO . use Dr. O'Keefe's 5 cent pllli. Good as srnid Dr. O'heefc'a liver pills, cold or catarrh pills, cough pill, dl&rrbrca pill, dtepepsia pills, lhuematism pills, headache pills, skin eruption pills, worm ntlls, kidney pills, lencorrlicra pills, backache pills, eie pills teething pills, asthma pills, croup pills, sore throat pills, nerve pills, nervou debility pllla. whooping cough pills, non cathartic pills malaria pills, piles pills. Price Scents, large bottles, fl. DR. O'XEKFE A CO.. Homeopatnlc Chemists. 24 Fifth a., Pittsburg. t ill move to 70S smlthfield st. April I. JalD-14-p GENTS-TAKE NOTICE-A NEW EDITION J. ol Zell's Encyclopedia (1S?1). with new cen sus, in Svols., has Just been Issued: the latest, best and most complete encyclopedia published, embracing dictionary, gazetteer, analysis, bioc rapliv and atlas. For terms and territory address T. tL OOD ZELL. Publisher, Philadelphia. Jaa-XS GENTS-MEWANT RELIABLE MEN IN Western. Central and Northwestern Penn sylvania, who are already traveling talesmen, to carry our lubricating oil samples as a sideline; came reference and territory. MANUFACTUR ERS OIL CO., Clevelaud, O Jaa-100 GENTS-IOSLLLTHE LIFE. TIMES AND rV correspondence of the late Most Rev. John Mac Hale. Archbishop ofTuam, by Bu Rev. Bernard 0Kelll: this great work now ready In fo volumes or 700 pages each, 1. J. M.EM1NU & CO., 77 Diamond st. deSS-Twrrssu Female Help. APPRENTICES-IMPROVERS. GOOD SEW ERS, operators; also ladles and girls tolearn dressmaking and cutting. Call or write. LON DON AND PARIS DRLSSMAK1NG CO.,06Penn avenue. JaS-16-TuWTh GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; reference required. Apply 321 PENNAV., X'UUburg. JaK-5S-Ths "VOUNG LAD1 COMPANION-FOR AN I clderlv widow with two grown tons: entire charge given of elegant home. Address LOCK BOX NO. 3, Unlontown. Fa)ettcco.. Pa. Ja:i-58 Ulalo and Temale llelji. FOUK TEAMSTERS HOTEL. CHAMBER MAIDS, cooks. tlhwashcrs, dining room g rls, cook and chambermaid for small lamllv, !U house glrU, 4 colored. MEEUAN'S, S4S Grant st. Ja22-D XTlt.HT CLERK POlCTElt, LAUNDRESS XA and dining-room girls for hotel, cooks, chambermaids, nurses, houe girls, German and colored girls. larm hanas, waiters, drivers. MRS l' lHOMPaON, KB Grant st. Ja!7-MTliS Sltuatlons- RITUA1ION - AS A CARRIAGE DRIVER , and to do general work around a gentleman'! plice bv a sober, steadyvouug man of T4 (single). Address 3509 BUTLER ST. Ja21-83 SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER IN A small family, by a middle-aged lady; refer ences given. Address Oil AW EK F., Homestead, l'a. Ja21-9 rartiiers. PARTNER-WITII 5.000 TO fS.000. TO FORM a stock conipan lor a patented Invention timirlor to anjthlug heretofore lnveuted: agri cultural dairy business, for particulars address G. JALLUSZ, General Delivery, city. JaM-75 Ileal Estate. BUILDING LOT-DES UABLY LOCATED, near cable car good neighborhood: terms must be easy. Address BUILDER, Dispatch oEi-e. Jad-117 pOOD BRICK HOUSE-7 OR 8 ROOMS. NOT OT oerlS minutes from po-tofflcc; must be sup piled with modern conveniences; fan pay one fonrth down balance in one, two and three years. Address BBI'.K HOUSE 7S, Dispatch office. Ja!-117 SMALL HOUSES-2T04 IN SOl.ID ROW r OR an liueslment of trnst funds; ttatc full particulars. Address TRUSTEE, Dispatch office. Ja-117 rinanclal. rONEY-OURFACILHIES FOR FURN1SH at lNGmorey to any amount on band and mortgage arc unequaled: Ion est rates of interest and so delan. 11 Ton need money apply MORRIS i. r LKMING. lo Fourth ave. JrJ-86-TTbbu "TONE TO LOAN-ON MORTGAGES IN .. L larcor small amounts at the lowest market rales ol interest. . A. HLKRON A SONS. SJ Fourth av. Ja8-3-ih r ON FY TO LOAN AT LOWEST MAUKET rates on bond and mortiraee: no delay. KELD IS. C0"iLL4 CO., 131 i'ourtu av. dell-Trs ONEl TO LOAN ON GOOD MORTGAGE -sYA. securities, lowest rates: no delav. SAMUEL "rt. IIL M.h.4. CO, 'J9 Fourth av. Jetl-4-iThS JORTOGES ON Cm OK ALLEGHENY 1 vounn property at lowest rates. HENRY A. U EAM.R Jt CO.. 82 r ourth avenue. DbM) -OiaGAGES-MONLY TO LOAN IN SUMS M to suit at i'i. 5 and S per cent. ALLES Jb Aii't-i, id rouriu ae. lei. ltiT. apM-19-TTfc.su ri"') WAN -JjJ,l. IN AMOUNTS OF 3,0M on 5 percent. aUusmalkr amounts at 6 percent. BLACK: LAIRD. So Fourth avenue. tc:i-d."C- rjtO LOAN -JC00,0O) ON MORTGAGES flOO X and UDward at C per cent; 4W0O.OUO at per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms, s. 1L FRENCH, 1M Fourth ave. oc23-D 3IisceItancons, CUTTERS-'H 11 Y IS IT EFFORT ARE MADE to counterfeit the A. D. Itudc new method oi cutting? Did jon ever hear of anyone trying to counterlelt a bad dollar? JaS-57 171VERY LADr WISHING TO BE HER OWN .III dressmaker to call at 61G Peiin ave. (op posite Home's stores) andlnestigatc MADAME FI.LSHER's ladies' tailoring sytxm, no risk; parlies responsible: school now open. no'9-23 37LOOR l.yKGE LOOK FOR LIGHT MAN UFACTURING. Address. glTlnc location and site, M H. K., Dispatch office Ja21-98 IF YOU WANT TO BUY IN ALLEGHENY, see A. D. 1LSON. 55 i ederal su JaK-K-Ths "nENSlONS THE PITTSBURG TENSION A AGENCY OF J. H. STEVENSON A CO., 100 Ilfthav. -Pensions now had forall disabled sol- fliers, permanently helpless children and widows of deceased soldiers under late act of Congress: pensions Increased to correspond with the dl- auuii. uouniies conectea; cemacaics oi ternce procured where discharges are lost. deawS-TTP TO BUY-DRY SAWDUST FOR PACKING: a car load or less. VS. W. LAWKENCE4 CO.. Avaterst., below Penn av. Ja2S-4 TO INVEST-fj.O10TO 115,000 IN GOOD PAY ING business by a conservative and experi enced man with first-class references- communi cations strictly confidential Address BUS1N ESS, Dispatch oQce, Ja -73 Vou GET A BAKtK's DOZEN (13) OF 1 Stewart A Co. 's line cabinet photos for ft, at i and 9i i EDKKAL bT Allegheny. mvS-iMrsu FOUNIi. -pOUND-A LARGE LOT Or WINTER X clothing belonging to residents or this city was lonnd hanging In the rooms occupied by DICKSON, tie tailor, 65 Filth ave., upstairs, altered, cleaned and repaired; the owners should call for theia, as Dickson requires the room. nolS-B . FOR SALE IMPROVED REAX ESTATE, City Reaidencea. ACRE OF GROUND AND FOUR-ROOM brick home, on Butler st. extension for p.600: Just the place for milkman or bntrher. BALrENSPtUG JLK A ILL1AMS, 154 Fourth av. 1a3-8S-Tbs CENTER AY.. CITY-SPLENDID BRICK. residence with two lots: ten spacious rooms, twobath rooms with lavatorial lacllltles, furnace, natural gas. seven-foot hallway: everything In and around the premises In the most perfect order: location nnexeelled for beauty and con vcnlcnceitwo lota, 40 feet front, extendlnjrtnrough to an alley: nice plot In front, side and rear: will be sold on very nccommodatlngtcrms. JAS. W, DRAPE A CO., 13 Fourth av., Pittsburg. ja--ci o: N.LY A FEW MINUTES' WALK FROM V me court House, near imn av.. on um, small houses, with lot 7H9n ft. to Scott St.: price only fi.000; a paving Investment. (57.) See W. M tl l.-l,T,f IS v.i,SjU on L' .,K .w Jal6-90-16.19.2!24 BESIDENCE AND LARGE CORNER LOT. W ebster av. and Thirty-third St.: lot about 150 b) about SOO feet, with large residence and shade and fruit trees thereon: will be sold at pub lic sale Wednesday afternoon, January 28, atS o'clock, on the premises. Terma and lurtberpar tlculars from JAS. W. DRAPE A X). AgenU and Auctioneers, 119 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Ja-S7 TWO ACRES OF GROUND-IN THIR TEENTH ward, with three buildings, rent lnc for M.O00 per year, will be aold at a bargain. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO.. 82 Fourth av. ja2-7I TWO BRICK HOUSES-FOB f5,CO0: LOT 21x100 ft. to Spring ay.. On Llbeny av., Tenth ward. (18) See W. A. HERKON A SONS, 80 Fourth av. Ja8-:4-Th SO 000-1 K.KMS. ABOUT $1,000 CASH. BAL D? anre to suit; No. 547 Wylle avenue, between rln and Kirkpatrlek streets: two brick houses, one of four rooms and finished attic, good cellar and one of three large rooms and fin ished attic on rear property ;ls well sewered: lot ex tends back to a paved alley: alto side entrance; best bargain In town: the front house you can oc cuuTatonre: the rear house Tents lor f 10 per month. (B77.) TeL 167. ALLES A BAILEY, 164 Fourth r. JaJO-SSTuThs QQ 750-A THRIFTY GERMAN W ILL LIKE OOt this property: lfhe Investigates It he will buy and make money on his purchase: corner firoperty. 130x100; substantial S-roomed brick louse, stable lor four horses, prime order: Eigh teenth ward: very cheap: get our new catalogue, (d 53). CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Penn av. JaJ?-70-Ths QQ 300 EACH-TWO BRICK DWELLINGS O of six rooms cacn, hall, marble mantels, water and gas: lot 30 feet tront on Kirkpatrlek st. C. BER1NGER A SON, 156 Fourth av. Jal6-30-TTS East End. Residences. CYPRESS NEAR CENTER AV.. SHADYSIDE new Queen Anne frame containing 6 rooms, reception hall. bath. l.w.c,,etc:lot37Vs,00:'Tery cheap at $5,303: terms easy. M. V. H1PPI.E A CO., 96 Fonrth av. ' Jal8-67-TTBu FIFTH AV.. OAKLAND-ELEGANT NEW. Qaeen Anne style, 8-room brick dwelling, bath, inside shutters and w. c: tile hearths and mantels; speaking tubes: electric bells; art. and nat. gas; stained glass windows, etc: very complete home- lot 5xlI7,!t ft. to alley: price, p. 5(0. M. F. H1PPLE A CO., 96 Fonrth av. JalS-TTbSu' FIRST-CLASS. 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE-IN one of the best locations In East End: recep tion ball, slate mantels, etc.. bath, stationary washstand. best ot plumbing, entirely new and has all modern improvements; good lot: Is within 6 minutes' easy walk orclthcr cable, b. A. DICKIE .1 CO., Penn and Shady avs., E. E. tUCS. East End properties only. Ja20-76-TTS HOUSE-NEW 9-ROOM FRAME HOUSE IN ery good neighborhood: within three minutes of P. R. K. and six minutes of new elec tric, the tracks of which arc down: modern house, with bath. Inside closet, Inside shutters, slate mantels, tile hearths, electric lights and bells; lot 5x131. nicely graded and terraced: moderate price and easy terms. S. A. DICKIR A CO . Penn and Shady avs., E. X. 866. East End property only. JaiO-76-TTS MAIN. NEAR PENN AV.-A NET 8 PER CENT, investment, 3 houses. 1 3, SOU; loca tion is very central: street improvements made. (8L) bee W. A. HEREON A SONS, 80 Fourth av. al-25Tll OAKLAND RES1DENCE-OF EIGHT ROOMS, hall, vestibule, bath, front porch: all mod ern conveniences: fine gas fixtnres, etc.: lot 24x 116 feet: Frazler St.; prlee85.500; termseasy. C. BER1NUEK A bON, 156 Fourth av al7-S0-TT8 ON COLLEGE AVENUE-IN THEMIDST OF East End beautiful building lots, 40x110 ft.; termseasy. (81) bee W. A. IIERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth av. JaS-M-Th PENN AV., EAST END-A GOOD BRICK duelling, seven rooms, finished attic room, bath, halL dry cellar, both gases, furnace, perfect sewerage, long porch and nice plot In tront, large lot to an alley, side entrance: party moving East: Immediate possession: mortgages wanted. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrthav., Pittsburg. JaS2-87 QUEEN ANNE BRICK DWFLL1NG OF 10 rooms, reception hall: every modern con yeulencc: lot 50X140. on paved street, in East "nd: one square Trora traction rod : a positive bargain to Immediate purchaser. BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO.. lC2Fourthav. JaI8-lS7-rrssu' -VTTTEKINSBUEG GOOD HOUSE AKD V large lot, Ightlrooms. with bath, natural gas and all modern requirements: everything In prime condition: fine lot 06x132 feet: two mluutes' walk from railroad station on one of the best streets; this property can be had at a bargain. JAS. W. DKAPfcACO.. 121 Fonrth av., eltv. Ja2I-S2 VTTAUD ST. NEAR MEYKAN AV., OAK W LAND; electric cars pass the door: brick dwelling containing eight rooms, bath. Inside shutters and w c, tl e hearth, hall, vestibule, front and side porches. Southern exposure, stable, etc.; lot 27x13). M. F. UIPPLE A Co , 96 Fourth avenue. JaJO-56-TTSu Of OOO-O'HAKA ST.. NEAR FIFTH AV.. OvJ' East End New tjneen Anne lrame, slate roof dwelling, 8 rooms, finished attic, reception hall, double parlors, bath. Inside w. c. hardwood and slate mantels, tile hearths, china closet, pan try, hardwood staircase. Inside shutters, gas flxt urcs.electrlc lights and bells, handsomely papered and palctrd. range, laundry, stationary tubs, ce ment cellar, front and back porches, street sew ered: lot 48x98. WM. PETTY CO., 107 Fourth avenue. Ja20-3S TuThs" C 800-FOK A HOUSE I.N GOOD LOCA O i' 'HON In East End. near two cable lines, and within three minutes ot new electric road; six room frame and fine attic, natural gas, dry cellar; good drainage: house newly papered; slate mantel In parlor: lot 21x100: a nice home and cheap. S. A. DICKIE A CO.. Penn and bhady avs., E. E. 481. Dealers only In East End prop erty. JaIO-76-TTS PI -f OOO-COLLINS AV.. NEAR PENN, OX-L9 handsome brick residence of nine rooms, hall In center, electric light, bath. w. c. marble mantels, fine chandeliers, laundry, furnace, large cellar: in fact, every convenience: lot 56xil2; the lot alone is worth 83,000; will sacrifice above price If sold within ten days. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO.. !i9 Fonrth av. la2-9o" SO 200-FOK A GOOD LITTLE HOUSE OF 6 jLil rooms, with city water, good dry cellar, front and back porches. halL newly papered; a bargain fora borne, or nill pay at leasts per cent as an Investment: good neighborhood and within casv walking distance ot rablc line. S. A. DICKIE A CO.. Penn and Shady avs., E.E. (239) Ja20-76-TT6 S OOO-O.N WARD ST.. FOURrEENTH t J)9 ward. Oakland, two-storv brick and man sard, eight rooms, bath, hot ana cold water. In side w. c. laundry, electric bells Queen Anne porch, both zases, marble tnautels: lot 25x165: a splendid home. McLAIN A ZUGaMIlII. 437 Grant St. Ja22-65 Sir 230 NFW QUEEN ANNE FKAME ei? house of nine rooms on good 6treet; con venient to Highland av. and Duquesne Traction line: bath. . c, handsome mantels, both gases; all conveniences: a very cozv home: lot 25x100. SAMUEL, W. BLACKACO., 99 Fourth av. J.lH-90' iSIl) OOO-SOUfH HIGHLAND AV.. NEAR O -ml Walnut st.. new brick residence of 12 rooms, reception hall, electric light, bath, w. c. both gases, furnace, laundry, large front norch; splendid property; lot37"xl4Utoalley. SAMUbL W . BLACK A CO.. 99 ourth av. Ja22-90 Allegheny Residences, A RCH ST., ALLEGHENY AN EXCELLENT 1. residence contiguous to the parks, spacious double parlors, fine bedrooms, bath, lavatory, lauudry. furnace, natural gas, everything In prime order: possession in 30 days. If necessary. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fonrthav., Pitts burg. 1a2I!-S7 B1DWELL ST., ALLEGHENY-LOT 29X123; house seven rooms: price $6,000. A. D. WILSON. 55 t ederal st.. Allegheny. Ja22-I3 CHOICE PKOPERTY-1N SECOND WARD, on line or electric road, b-lck house 6 rooms; lot 20x139 to street, Tor $4,500; where can vou dupli cate this? BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO.. 162 Fourth av. JalS-136-TTSu FREEMONT bT ALLEGHENY 2-STOKY brick, 8 rooms, all possible conveniences. lot 20x160 to 4 -root street: low price to prompt buyer. BAXTER, THOMPSON A ro.. 162 Fonrth avenue. Jal8-133-MThsu' J" OCUST 51. NEAR SEDGWICK, BEST J part or the street, pressed brick house or 8 rooms, bath, range, laundry, cemented cellar, natural gas. slate mantels, inside shutters, etc: rent till April $41 60; lot 21x130 to a street: two tenement bouses could be built on rear of lot; rice (7.590 ir sold soon; terms, one-third cash, .1.1nck000 Per T"' SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth av. Jal6-75Trr' MAPLE A V.. ALLEGHENY, NEW QUEEN Anne frame dwelling or seven rooms, re ception halt slate mantels, tile hearths, fine gas fixtures, bath, stationary washstand.. etc. tront porch: lot 40x120 feet: convenient to electric line; P.r,J$5,'6?:,erm'tosult- C.BEKINGEKASON, 156 Fourth av. Jal7-30-TTS PAGE ST.-TO SETTLE AN ESTATE HOUSE 4 rooms andattlc lot 20x65 feet, and honse 5 rooms and attic lot 20x1(2. on Page St., Alle gheny. For particulars tee A. D. WILSON. Jar-12-ThS Pleasant valley-good five-koom house for $2,200: rents for $216 per scar. BALTE.NSPEKGER & W 1LLIJLJ1A lS FonTtn avenue ja22-& REBECCA ST.. ALLEGHENY-FIVE IA3T& 18 xlio feet each, with four two-story brick dwellings; pars well and must be sold. as the own S.rJl'.?Jf.moTS?.Crom theclty. HENRY A.WEA VEK A CO., 92 Fonrth av. Ja22-72 B 1DGE AV.. ALLEGHENY-LOT 78HXI32. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Allegheny. SECOND WARD. ALLEGHENx-WK HAVE a nice lying piece of ground 125x100. -with 6 room bouse In good neighborhood, that we can sell for the price of the ground alone; $3 l"- lulck salo. B ALIEN SPEHtrEK wIl.lV'MS, J ourth IT. Jl2MWJS i rOR SAXE IMPROVED REAL, ESTATE. Allecheny Residences. XIT1LSON AV., ALLEGHENY-HOUSEAND V two Iota, near electric cars and Perrys vllleav.; seven rooms, b. and c. water, bath, ball, etc.: prime bearing fruit trees and small fruits: lot 48x120 feet. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Fourth av.. Pittsburg. Ja22-87 f OOO IN CASH-BALANCE TIME TO 7U1 suit, for a choice Fremont st. property: pressed brick tront or 8 rooms. 4 on first floor, ex cellent condition, all conveniences; lot extending 160 fu to paved street: $8,000. (aa lOo). CHARLES bOMERS A CO., 313 Wood st,. 6019 Penn av. JaTO-Ths' C 500-PARK VIEW AV.-NEW FRAME OvJ? house of8 rooms, vestibule, hall, laundry, bath: all conveniences, with stable and carriage house on rear of lot: rrnlt, shrubbery: lot 48x130: terms to ault. (CP25) A. Z.BYERSACO.. S3 Federal St., Allegheny. a22-6-21.24,25 QQ 800 FOR .BRICK HOUSE: 5 ROOMS, WO' hall, etc.. larrc lot. paTed back and front, sewered, etc., on Western av. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja2M2-TUB Hazeltrood Residences. HAZELWOOD-2-STORY FKAME DWEI L INGof 7 rooms, bath, hall, laundry, bard wood finish, newly papereo. and painted. nat. gas. h. and c water. Inside w. c. sewered, etc.: lot 60x120 feet; 2 mluutes1 walk from llazelwood sta tion and Second Avenue Electric Railway: price, $S.H: terms reasonable 1HAM. BURCHFIELD, 158 Fourth av. tal3-zu Suburban Residences. FIFTH AV., SHADYSIDE-SURKOUNDED by the most costtyand desirable residences In the city: an elegant residence: late style hard wood finish: all of the most modern Improve ments: stable, outbuildings; lot 110x220 feet: at a verv reasonable price. (120) W. A. HERRON A SONS. No. 80 Fonrthav. )al6-50-16. 19.22.24 FOR SALE LOTS. CltrEots. CORNER LOT. STSW-TWO GOOD STREETS, 10 minutes from Court House; bargain. BAXTER, THOMPSON A CO., 162 Fourth av. Jal8-137-TTfeSU East End lots. ARDSHEIL TERRACE LOTS-FIFTH AND Murray Hill avs., near Roup St.. street to be laid with 'lalford road, flagstone sldewalkB, gas. water, good sewerage, etc ; house to set bck 50 feet from sidewalk making an aenue 160 feet wide; nnest residence site In the cllv; prices Ion terms to suit. M. F. HIPPLE A CO.. S Fourth av. a20-5o-TTSu Allegheny Txits. LOTS CHFAP LOTS. SECOND WARD, Buens; Vista St.. lrwln av.. Perrvsvllle av. and W Ilson av.: $000 to $750. A. LEOGATE SON. irs Fonrth av. Ja21-32 LOTS-FINE BUILDING LOTS IN ALLE GHENY'. A. D. WILsON, 55 Federal st., Allegheny. Ja22-13 Suburban Lots. XTEW FLAN OF 50 FINE LEVEL LOTS-AT JN Marlon station, eight minutes from city, on B. A O. R. It., or 20 minutes by second av.elcctrlc road: lots from $350 up. $10 down and S3 per month, without interest or taxes: come quick ir you want a bargain or tare Investment. MORRISON A BANKS, 106 Third av., cor. Wood st. Jal7-TT6 Mannfactnrlng Sites. MANUFACTURING SITES VALUABLE manufacturing plant. In Seventeenth ward, lot 100x320 ft., on which is erected large and sub stantial iron clad building, containing battervof two boilers, two heating furnaces, with first-class engine and shafting. HEN RY A. WEAVER A CO.. 92 Fourth av. Ia22-721 MANUFACTURING SITE UNEXCELLED in water and rail transportation facilities and fuel supplies: Moi.ongahcla river frontage: oO acres; rheap: get our new catalogue. (bl24-27). CHARLES SOMERS A CO., 313 Wood St., 6 '19 Penn av. Ja22-69 MANUFACTURING SITES-VERY DESIRA BLE manufacturing site in Allegheny city, containing 2$ acres, having a front on Ohio river of 200 feet, with all necessary railroad connec tions: HI sell cheap. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fourth av. JaSMr" ONE OF THE BEST MANUFACTURING sites In the cltv. containing about four acres, having a front on ilouongahela river of 300 feet, with all necessary railroad connections. HENRY A. WEAVER A CO., 92 Fonrth av. ja22-72 Farms. FARM-130 ACRES, GOOD IMPROVEMENTS. 2S miles from Alllqnlppa. 42 mluutes from city: comfortable house. 6 rooms, bank barn 30x 50. with good shed addition 16XVQ, large Donltry house, 2 orchards, abundant springs, healthy loca tion and flue view; price SG0 per acre; easy terms, or will exchange for city property. L C. BID WELL. Neville st. ja22-60" FARM-FOR SALE OR TKADE-1J5 ACRES, 7-room house barn. 2 choice orchards and stone quarry: 18 miles from Pittsburg, on Fort Wayne Railroad; only $5 per acre: lfyonwant to buy or trade for firm send for bigg' st farm and exchange list. N. F. HURST, Real Estate Act., Rochester, Pa. Also Minneapolis property to trade. Jal7-oS-TTS FARM-232 ACRES. ABOUT 30 ACRES OF this In line oak timber: land level and rich; one of the best places for crops, fruit or dairy in Westmoreland county; good two-story frame house: new barn, 80x64 ft.; short mile from sta tion, P. R. It.: small cash payment, balance long time. ED WITTISH. 410 Grant st. Ja21-o ORANGE PLANTATION -FOR SALE OK exchange: a Tery fine one of 280 acres, in Southern Florida, on which are fine buildings and a lar e orange orchard: all tropical fruits can be raised there' climate healthful: no long dis eases there or Bright's disease: vegetables of all kinds can be raised there every month or the year; price. $20,000. Apply at once to J. H. STEVENSON A CO., 100 Firth av. de!9 PLANTATION-OF 800 ACRES AND T GOLD mines In McDuffle Co.. Ga.. ou Lilt's river; 250arresNo. 1 bottom land.ralre flieat. corn. oats, sugar cane, etc; 300 acr danrt, hair cleared, raises cotton, etc: r or fruit: 2 dwelling and 6 tenant houses: lore., climate: the mines yield from $10to$J0per ton; one 5-stamp mill: price only 116,000; a rare bargain here. J. II. STEVENSON A CO., 100 ilflfi v.. Pltts burg. , Jal-13 MlscoUaueous. ' ATTRACTIVE EAST EN D l'ROPEKTIES FOR SALE. Large double brick dwelling house 2 stones, 10 rooms: lot 80 feet by 135; Twenty-first ward, near Flftnav. extension: will sell at a bargain to a prompt bujer; complete modern conveniences. Fraukstown av., near Fifth ay., 2 lots, large and eligibly located, one 40x166 feet, one 30x165 feet. On Kelly st near the above, there are a number of lots. 40x135 feet, which will be sold verv cheap. For full Information apply to J. W. ARKOTT, 533 Wood St.. orKEuLYA ROGERS, 6315 Station St., East End. Ja 17-5-TTS CORNER PROPERTY-DOWN TOWN, 60X160: almost 300 feet of frontage; all on good busi ness streets: first-class for large warehouse or wholesale business: rentals now yield a fair In come: a sho. t time hence the present price ot $Go. 000 will look Insignificant, (d 54). CHARLES bOMERS A CO., 313 W ood St., 6019 Pcnn av. ft Ja22-6 " DO NOT RENT WHEN I OU CAN BUY A strictly first-class brick residence of 11 rooms all conveniences, on Sonth Highland av.. Eastern exposure Immediate possession. BAX TER, THOMPSON A CO., 162 Fourth av. Jal8-136-18.20,22' FOR SAXE-RESLNESS. Easiness Opportunities. CIGAR STORE-FINEST PAYING ONE IN city: grocery stores, $200, $250, $500 to So.ouo; shoe store hardware milk depot, bakeries, butcher shop. HOLMES A CO., 420 Smlthfield st. Ia20-6S CIGAR STORE ON ACCOUNT OF ILL . health of owner: best location m town ou principal street. Inquire at Dispatch office. Ia20-3S LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL with annual business of $150,100, on casv terms; shoe store, $375: butcher shop. $250; tin shop, grocery stores, $500 to $5,000: restaurant, livery stable, bakeries, cigar stores, drug stores milk denols. &HEPARD A CO.,151 Fourth av. J.1I6 MILLINERY AND TRIMMING STORE A rare business chance: established 18 years; a good opening tcr anv one wishing to make money Immediately. Reasons for selling and further par ticulars. Inquire or MRS. MOHKHOFF. 1737 Car son street, s. S. - )a21-97' OFFICE BUSINE3S-FOR YOUNG MAN, reliable and energetic with best references and $000 capital; permanent position: rent and expenses Tree; salary $1,000 per vesr. bHEPARD A CO., 151 Fourth av. Ja22-89 Business Properties. BOARDING HOUSK-25 ROOMS. WELL FUR NISHED, centrally located, doing an excel lent ouslncss: good reasons for selling. Address S.. Allegheny P. O. JaIS-106' COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL-THK MOST POP ULARhotel at Ashtabula Harbor, doing a first-class buslnes.aud everything In good order, and a good barroom In connection: accommoda tions for 45 guests. C TIMMERMAN, Harbor, Ashtabula Co., o. la'S-77 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY A LARGE four-story brick warehouse: lot 20x122 feet to alley; well rented and Days over VA per cent: kuuu uarjtaiu, Jij-.afil. A, tt H.A. V I-a. dc v.w. Fourth av. Ja22-72' T IBERTY ST. PROPERTY FOR SALE-NOS, JU 1211. and 1213. Address JOHN PF11ZEN ME1EK. Bennetts, Pa, Jal5-97-TTimn THAT VALUABLE BUSINESS PROPERTY, corner Pennav. and Twelfth at., city: 50 leet fronting on sild Penn av. bylOOteet deep, running through along Twelfth st. to Mnlberry alley; a most eligible and valuable business site; to be sold at public sale on Tuesday afternoon, January 27. at 2 o'clock, on the premises. Par ticulars from J"Ab. W, DKAPE A CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fonrth av Pittsburg. Ja22-87 Q7- 800-AUGHENBAUGH HOTEL, COB 35 41 NEK Enterprise st. and P. K. K.. opposite stockyards. East End; best location for drovers' hotel in Last Liberty: an old established stand, containing 40 rooms and in first-class repair: a HrenRf, irfntn tn ..,(, i,,.l, ..a,. tlamrtnrv reasons given for selling; Immediate possession it ucsifi-u. ij. xj. i.i.c;ti, MDlxiaav., room a. jas-va-juju So, J SOO-A 15 PER CENT, NET, CITY IN- 117 , uijibii 1, on account 01 owner icaviiik uiBcikj, hnvgoou storerooms. 11 living roeunoauu packing room, with .corner lot '30x48. H. C. CLARKE. 135 Fourth v. and Edgewood. Tele. 7212, Jall-TTSV THE PITTSBimO- J-DlSPATCHFVTHTJESDilTj NUART!2)t 189C FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery ahdMetals. B ARGA1NS-IN SECOND-HAND ENGINES anrf rtnflAv..in 1?t1R nn llvU. one 10X20. onelOxte. 9x12, 8x11. 8x14. 7x12. and large stockor cmauer sizes, portables on wneeis anu ou ,.,. rumps, governors, pulleys, shafting, eto- 2J--5 ark way, Allegheny, Pa. JOHN S. YOUNG. jaa-D MACHINE SHOP AND FOUNDBY-1N fnll nnmtfnn anrl hlir T,vlnff bUSlneSSI 8 blast furnaces In same town; 7 rolling mills and is oiasi lurnaces witnin a radius of ten nines, miles front Plttsnurg on E. A P., N. Y.. L. E. A Western. B. AO. Railroads; at a bargain to close an estate. Price and terms, address U W, PALMER, New Brighton, l'a. J- ... J a3-33-3, 6, ONE SECOND-HAND PORrABLE ENGINE And boiler combined. SSborse power: also number or second-hand wood-working machines; can be bought at a low figure. VELTE A MC DONALD. Penn av. and Thirty-second st. dClS-TTS THE TAYLOR-BECK AUTOMATIC AND compound engines for electric light and rallwayserTlce: engines and boilers In every size and style: saw mills and wood-working machin ery. HABMES MACHINE DEPOT, 93 First av.. Pittsburg. Pa. dell-tKD THE PORTEKADOUTIIETTCO.. LIMDAR KAGH st. and River av., Allegheny, Pa , engines boilers and castings. Repairing promptly attended to. , Ja6-a WEBSTER'S "VACUUM" EXHAUSTSTEAM Economizer. Feed Water Heater and Puri fier, is the most perfect device kuown lor heat lngand purifying the feed water for steam boilers and manufacturing purposes, and for heating oulldlngs ot any description without back press ure on engine, returning the condensation to the boiler in the one apparatus: readily cleaned without stopping machinery: all parts accessible: furnished on trial fur acceptance; send for new Illustrated catalogue or convincing proofs. WAR REN, WEBSTER A CO., 491 N. 3d, Philadelphia. deJO-64 Miscellaneous. PIPE ORGAN-A LARGE PIPE ORGAN NOW in use In a church in Allegheny, which ts about to be torn down for erection of a new build ing, will be 60ld cheap: a rare chance for a l.irge organ cheap. Address JOHN C. McCOJlHS. No. 134 Fifth av.. Pittsburg. Pa, Ja20-40TuTh SCHOLARSHIP IN GARMENT CUTTING, tailor method. NO. 7 FEDERAL ST.. Alle gheny; lalo-l-TThbu PERSONAL. PERSONAL-CASH. PAID FOR OLD GOLD and silver: jewelry repaired: new work made to order. CHRIS. HAUCH, 541 Smlthfield st JslS-Sl PERSONAL-WAN1 ED TO KNOW THE whereabouts of Peter Call. Address his brother, ARTHUR CALL, San Luis Obispo. Cal. J (121-35 PERSONAL-FINE BOOKS-WE HAVETHE finest collection or finely illustrated books in Pittsburg: beautiful bindings; low prices; come and see them: hundreds or books for presents. LEVI'S BOOK SIORE. 900 Liberty St. del2 PEKSONAL-FORSODAYSONLY -DICKENS' complete works. $3: Shakespeare complete, 8 vo , sheep, for $1 50; watch for special drives each month during the year. FRANK BACON A CO., 301 Smlthfield st. ja2 LOST. LOST-WALLETr CONTAINING MONhYAND papers, of no value to anvone but the owner; finder will please return same to C U. WE1N HAUSS, 532 smlthfield St., and be rewarded. Ja22-79 LOST-SMALL FOX TERRIER: WHITE, with black spots: suitable reward will be paid ror return to GEO, W. GUTHRIE, 100 Dia mond st. J 321-22 LEGAL NOTICES. EDWIN LOGAN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 130 Fonrtn avenue ESTATE OF JAMES LOG AN.DECEASED. Notice is hereby civen that letters testa mentary on the estate ot James Logan, de ceased, have been cranted .to the undersigned. to whom all persons indebted to Slid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those bavin); claims against the -ante should make them known without delay. NANCY LOGAN, Executrix, 107 Boss street. ja2:-8u-Th THOMAS J. FORD. Atty-at-Law. 96 Diamond st. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE GAS JM City Mannlacturlng Co. .limited, was, on the 13th day or December, A. D. 1890. by a vote of the majority in number and value or Interest, vol untarily dissolved, and the subscribers were duly elected liquidating trustees to wind up the said as sociation, limited, and distribute the assets thereof, to whom all persons hiving claims against said association, limited, n III present the same, anil all persons Indebted to said association, llmlted.swlll make payment. GEORGE DOVEi , address 16 Decatur St., Alle gheny. JAMES B. ANDERSON, address Wllklntbnrg, Allegheny co.. Pa. JOSEPH A. KIRCHNER. address 57 Fayette St., Allegheny City. del8-73-Th WHEREAS, ALL THE PROPERTY, rights and franchises of the Squirrel Hill Railroad Company, a corporation under the act of Assembly of the State ot Pennsyl vania, entitled "An act to authorize tbe forma tion and regulation of railroad corporations," approved tbe 4th day of April. 18CS. and tbe supplements thereto, were sold by the receiver at a public sale on. November 22, 18UU. to Thomas A. Noble, as by reference to the con veyance ot said receiver.acknowledtced on Jan uary 3, 1S9L will more tally and at larfre appear: Notice is hereby given that a meeting will bo held at tbe office of Hays & Noble. N. 118 Dia mond street, Plttsburc Pa., on JANUARY 31, lS91,at 2 o'clock P.M., toorganizn a new corpora tion by electing a President and a board of six directors, adopting a corporate name and com mon seal,determlning the amount of tbe capital stock of such new corporation and transact ine such business as may lawfully romebeforo said meeting in reorganizing such company in conformity with act of assembly, entitled "An act concerning tbe sale of railroads, canal, turnpikes, bridge and plankroads." approved April 8, A. C 1561. and its several supplements. THOMAb A. NOBLE. Purchaser. jalo-22-Th AMUSEMENTS. NEVER WAS SUCH A SENSATION CREATED IN PITTSBURG OR ALLEGHENY As that produced by the famois VERESTCHAG-IN RUSSIAN EXHIBITION. Carnegie Galleries Crowded Daily. Road to Plevna. The Spy. Dressing wounded. "All quiet at bhipkal" After the Battle. Eye For Eye' Tooth For TootH "They are the works of one of tbe greatest of Hying artists." Boston Traveller. You will never have another opportunity to admire these masterly works by tbe most celebrated Russian artist. Daily. 10 A. M. tn 10 p. jr., ALLEGHENY. Ja21-47 pRAND OPERA HOUSE. ON THE WAY! U. S. MATT. r With Clever Comedians. RTitpppnJ With Lively Music STUFFED- Witl, Cuari,nc Dances- LWIth Pretty Girls. NEXT WEEK. NEXT WEEK. Matinees Wednesday aod Saturday. DON'T MISS IT. Prices 81, 75. 50 and S3 cents. ja22-22 DUQTJE&NE THEATER (Pittsburg's Leadiug Play House.) General Admission, 50c This evening at 8. Matinee Saturday. Hoyt's great comedy success, AMIDNlaHTBELL. Next week-Hallen & Hart in "LATER ON." Seats ready at theater and Bays', 76 Fifth Fifth av. to-dav. ja22-U "DIJOD THEATER TO-NIGHT J. K. EMMET. Only Matinee Saturday. Jan. 26 Mr, and Mrs. Kendal. al9-15 GRAND OPERA HOUSE-TO-NIGHT. ' Matinee Saturday. THE HANLON-VOLTEIi MARTINETTI Pantomime and Novelty Co. Next week U. S. Mall. jalS-34 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY. TOtNIGHT.. Matinees Tuesday.'Thursday'and Saturday, LILLY CLAY'S COLOSSAL BURLESQUE COMPANY. ja20-48 HARRIS' THEATER Harris, Britton&Dean, Proprietors and Managers, i Every afternoon and evening, ' DANIEL BOONE Week Jan. 26 Wilbur Opera Co. ja2H7-TTS HARRY DAVIS' FIFTH AVENUE MU HEUM and Theater. Week of January 19. LIVE ROOSTER ORCHESTRA. rUinmtd Warriors. ry Llvine Rooster Musicians. Doors open 1 to 6, 7 to 10 P. II. Admission 10c , ja!927 rpO-NlGBT-OLD CITY HALL- OVIDE MUSIN AND GRAND CONCERT CO. Tickets at Hamilton 4 Rosa' Music Store. Popular prices, 60c, 7Sc, tL ji2-91 TO LET. - East End Residences. EAST EN'D KESIDENCES-8END US YOUB name and address and we will mail you our ttPi11!? "gularly nntll April 1, free or charge. BLACK A BAIKO, 95 Fourth av, de!7-20t WALNUT ST.-NEAE IIIOHLALD, EAST END, brick house nine rooms, bath, laun dry, etc.: good sewerage; all modern Improve ments: stable, etc.: large yard: verv desirable neighborhood. 1HOS. LIGUETT, 71 Diamond st. JalS-69-TTS6Ut Suburban Residences. FFTH AV., NO. 4504 (BELLEFIELD)-THE two-story brick dwelling now occupied by the subscriber: contains 12 rooms and bas all the modern conveniences: also stable and carriage house. Inquire or WM. HOLMF.S. 10 and 12 Rood st., or at the above number. Fifth av. a21-25t TO LET. Rooms, Allegheny. Apply to addresses given: $ 221 Arch St., furnished front room; gases. 163 Jackson St., furnished front room; board if desired. 217 Federal St., furnished rooms for gentlemen. 205 .Federal st, furnished front room; gentlemen only. 32 Federal St., furnished front room; references. 30 Federal St., large front room, suitable for dentist: also furnlihed third-floor front room for gentleman. 174 North ar., furnished room; gases, bath. 43 Anderson st., furnished rooms, with board. 73 Cedar av., second-story front room, newly furnished; also rooms for light housekeeping. Rooms, Pittsburg. Apply to addresses given: 23 Eighth St.. furnished rooms. 311 Pcnn av., furnished rooms. 115 Webster av., room for light housekeeping. 440 Peun av., two rurnlshed rooms, suitable for office and bedroom: both gases. Ja22-10-ThM TO LET-SPECIAL. TOLET BY BECKFELD BRACKEN. 61 Ohio st.. Allegheny. Large store and dwelling. No. 171 Federal St., (100 a month. Large 'store and dwelling on Ohio St., near the market, 1150 a month. Brick dwelling, 10 rooms, near Charles st. , fa a month. Brick dwelling. 7 rooms ana attic, on trremom St., $77 50 a month. Farm 74 acres, two inlles from Clenfield station, 10 miles rrom clti : fruit all kinds; good dwelling 7 rooms and stable. ja!-lK-MTht TO LET BY D. BEHEN&SON. 4112 Penn av. 75-For saloon, 5102 Butler st., brick house, 12 rooms and barroom. 40 For saloon. 4616 Penn av., brick house, S rooms, attic and barroom 404427 Pennav.. frame bakery. 7 rooms, store room, bake shop, oven and stable. ;i5-Corner Forty-second and Geneva, brick, store room. 2 rooms, hall and basement. 913 Water, near O rant, brick, S rooms. 118-Corner Natchez and Bishop. Mt. Wash ington, new brick. 5 rooms, all improvements. til Plus, near Eighteenth st.,S. S.,3flne rooms, Orst floor, witer and cellar. JS edar, near Liberty av., 3 rooms in rear of brick house. 30 Pcnn, nearEnclldav., brick, 7 rooms, bath room, hall, attic all Improvements. f30 Penn av.. corner Fitch Bt., frame, 8 rooms, good doctor's office. S2o Wlneblddle and Penn av., new frame, 5 room, etc. 17 2 rooms and attic, second floor, Dauphin st. 30 Rojal. nearEaitst., Allegheny, frame but cher shop, slaughter; house and stable. 3 dwelling rooms, all implements. Good store rooms In all parts of city. Ja22-93t T O LET- BY W. A. IIERRON & SONS. EAST END HOUSES. (S3 00 Almost new, 8 rooms, nice lot. Center, neir Liberty av., Shadyslde. fit) 00 New house. 6 rooms, attic, Boquet, near Forbes st:. Oakland. 40 oo Realty st,, near Stanton av., elegant new house, stonp iront, 7 rooms. 50 00 New. very complete, rooms. Fifth av., near hoo.net St., Oakland. SGS 67-8 rooms and attic. Fifth av., near bhady Lane. 37 59-Uowe St., near Aiken av., Shadyslde, 8 rooms. 67 5u Firth av., corner Craft av., 9 rooms, with very large lot. fruit and shade trees. 35 CO -Howe St., near Aiken av., new, Just fin ished. Srooin. to oo Paclnc, near Liberty av., new, 9 rooms, large lot. 50 00 New. 8 rooms, location good, Forbes, near Boquet st. 37 50-Ellswortb av.. Shadyslde, 6 rooms, attic. These houses have all the very latest conven iences, and are verj desirably located. Also many others In both cities or suburb. Some of these can be had by a permanent tenant to April lata great reduction. Call or send for printed list, free. v W. A. HERRON SONS, Ja22-9t N o. 80 r ourth av. TOLTTT BY BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fonrth av. Collins av,. near Ilocvcler St., East End. new two-story frame. 8 rooms, all conveniences; (JO.. Emesou St., near Alder, 1 square from Firth av., new two-story frame. 8 rooms, all convenien ces: 41 67. Lang av. near Pcnn. 2-story frame, 6 rooms, water, etc.. large lot: 18. 719 Sheridan av.. 2-story framo 6 rooms, all con veniences, lot 40x200; AJ. Aiken av., cor. Elmer, Shadyslde. new 2-story brick, 10 rooms all conveniences: 41 67 Bcllcrontest., near Walnut, new 2-story Queen Anne, 8 rooms all conveniences; 27. 55UO Walnut at., cor. Bellcronte, new 2-story mansard brick, 8 rooms, all conveniences: 36. Ward street, near Zulema, Oakland, 2-story, mansard brick, 8 rooms, all conveniences: 35. Herron av., near Wylle, new 2-story mansard, 8 rooms, hall, batt. Inside w. c. etc., 825. Carbon. nearLedlle St., Eleventh ward. ncw2 story mansard brick, 6 rooms, nat. and art. gas, water, etc.. 18. 535 Iftli av., 10 minutes from Court House, new flat of 5 rooms, every possible convenience, low rent. 33 Ohio St., Allegheny, 4 rooms and attic, both gases, water. Inside w. c, etc., (21. Bellevlew. P., Ft. W. and C. 1C It, Madison av.. new 2-storv frame. 7 rooms, every possible convenience. 25. Bellevlew Home av., mansion of 16 rooms, ele gant repair, large grounds, with fruit and shade trees, low rent to a desirable tenant. 535 Flrtb av., storeroom about 29x60, plate-glass windows, cellar, c, low rent. Lombard st., 10 minutes' walk from Court House. 2-storv mansard brick. 8 rooms, hall, vestibule both gases, inside w. c, bath, etc , 25. 38 Windsor St.. near Allegheny av.. 2-ttory mansard brick, 8 rooms, bail, vestibule, bath, Inside w. c. gas. etc , 83. After February 1 will have large list. Send name and adilrcss andwe will mall list as Issued, BAXTER, THOMPSON CO., 162 Fourth av. Ja22-5t ' TO LET BY CHARLES SOMERS & CO., Real Estate Agents. F1TTSBURO. Cltv Bluff and Magccsts.. house of 10 rooms, bar and bar fixtures, large dining room, cemented cellar: possession on two weeks' notice; 75 per month. Cltv No. 967 Liberty st., three upper floors, each 22x113 feet; f&o per annum. City No. 937 Liberty St., four-story brick ware house: 2,500 per annum. City No. 25 beventu St., large second floor room, good light, easy entrance by wide hall and stnlrwav; possession April l; 20 per month. City No. 165 1 enter av., storeroom .31x38 feet. In good repair: 25 per month. - city No. 26 Federal St., three-story brick house 11 rooms, vestibule, hall, both gases, laundry, summer and winter kitchens, b. and c. water, slate mantel, hard wood finish; tile hearths, speaking tubes, dumb waller; everything first class; $60 per month. Cltv No. 4616 Penn av., storeroom 17x21 feet, with 7 rooms ucr store, hall entrance, city water, both gases: good repair: 10 per month. City No. 320 Liberty St., store SxK) feet, with city water, both gases, dry rellar; 7U) per vear. Cltv Nos. 101 aim 102 Water St., third, fourth and fifth floors, 27x70 leet: good repair; elevitor: third floor. 35 per month: fonrth floor, 30 ptr month; fifth floor, 3 per month. EAST END. East End Lenora St.. near Larimer av., two story frame house, porches, city water: 12 per month to April 1, 1891; 13 per month thereafter. East End De boto St., near i mil a v.. three new Drlck houses. 8 rooms each, baths, laundries, ranges; all conveniences; possession April 1; JOO per annum. East End Howard St., near Highland av., two 'storyf tame honse. 6 rooms, hall. bath, natural gas. h. and c. water, laundry, stationary wash tubs, porchesr front and rear; 25 per month; possession April 1. 1891. East End Beatty st.. two-story frame bouse, 5 rooms, hall, porch, hydrant In yard: 18 per month. ALLEGHENY. Allegheny Near California av., 3 rooms, two on first floor aud uncon second floor; 10 per month. Allegheny Montgomery av., two-story brick hou e of 8 rooms and finished attic, bath, Inside shutters, large double parlors, both gases. Inside -w. c., paved jard. side entrance; possession at once: 700 per auuum. Allegheny No. 215 Ohio St.. -storeroom 17x38 feet, with two show windows; edwelling rooms over tbe store: city water, both gases; Sjo per month. Allegheny Alpine av., near Arch st. three .brick houses, 3 rooms each, bath, laundry, city water, both gases, all modern conveniences; 15 per month. SUBURBAN. Brushton Keller St.. new frame honse, finished attic, natural gas, slate mantels, tile hearths; 30 per month. Brushton Corner Park and Bennett sts., new frame bouse of 9 rooms, halls and porches, large cellar, prime condition: convenient location: (25 per month to April 1, 1891; 30 per month there after. Wllkinsbnrg Hill st, near Wooa. two new .frame houses 7 rooms, each, all modern improve ments: will be ready April 1; 30 each per month. Wllklns'jurg Wood st. between Hill and North sts., two new brick houses. 8 rooms each, finished attics, natural gar. electric lights; all modern conveniences; ready April 1; fto per month. WIlKlnsburg Ella st., near Franklin, new frame houseor 6 rooms and finished attic natural gasi five minutes' walk from electric cars; U per month. llazelwood No. 334 Lvtle st, two-torv brick residence or 9 rooms, "all conveniences, pleasant situation : 34 ner month and water rent. Also a number or farms and other city and suburban properties, fully described tn our weekly bulletin. CHARLES BUUEliS & CO., Ill "Wood it, soiePena ar. jaS2 TO LET. , City Residences. BLUFF ST.. NEAR.MAR10.N-D WELLING. 8 rooms, "bath, gas aod tall conveniences: possession at once"; HENRY A. BREED, 516 Market st Ja20-51t DWELLINGS-IN ALL PARTS. OF THE city and subnrbs! send us your name and address, and we will mall you our rent list regu larly until April 1 free of charge. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth av. del7-20t FOURTH AV. NEAK SM1THFIE1.D ST., city, opposite new Government Building A large dwelling with oBlces. JAMES W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av Pittsburg. . Ja22-82t HOUSE-POSSESSION AT ONCE-8 NEABLY new brick houses on Forty-sixth and a half st; one minute from Butler st cable cars: newly F minted Inside andout;cvcryrooinnewlypaperen: uslitcshntters: water In kitchens; good cellar and private yard to each bouse: 0 room In 4 honses and t small room extra In others; will be rented nt (20 per month to good tenants only; houses can he seen at anv time. Inquire O. G. O'BRIEN, 392 Flrthav., PlttSbnrg. or It. MCCHESSNKY, S'llffler Bridge Works, Forty-eighth at. and A. V. It It Ja22.TTfct PENN AVE -THREE-STORY DWELLING. 10 rooms, 0i4 Penn st, near Ninth St.: good location for a physician or dentist. Apply to VICT O It WEISS. 510 Pcnn st Ja21-24t -I Q-SITUATK IN THIRTEEN! H WARD, ijJlO corner of two streets, a o-room dwelling, with attic, water, etc;.: large lot shade trees, grape arbor, etc: will sell cheap. SI. F. HIl'i'l.E CO.. 96 Fourth av. JaI8-5-18, 19,22t Allegheny Residences. DWELLING-A NICE BRICK DWELLING 'of 7 rooms; bath, natural gas, etc.; near the parks and electric cars. Allegheny; rent (425 on a3or 5 years' lease. JAS. W. DUAPEiCO.. 123 Fourth av., Pittsburg. Ja22-82t BWH.I.1NGS-IN ALL PARTS OF ALLE OIIK.N Y and suburbs: send us your name and address and we will mall you our rent list regu larly until April 1 free of charge. BLACK & B A IRD, DSF'onrthav. dc!7-20t TORKS AND BUSINESS BOOMS IN ALL parts of the two cities and suburbs: send your name and address and we will mail you our rent list regularly until April 1, free of charge. BLACK & BAlHD. 95 Fonrth ay. del7-20t Business Stands. BUILDING, WITH OR WITHOUT POWER, In the center of Allegheny City; size of floors, 50x100: elevator, steam hear. For further Infor mation call upon BLACK 4 BAIKD. 95 Fouith av. ja21-49t GOOD LAKGEBASEMENT WELL LIGHTED No. 12 Federal street, cor. Isabella St., Allegheny: onivSlOO per year, BeeW. A. nEK KON & SONS, 80 Fourth av. Ja22-loO-MThFt 1 ARGE STOREROOM AT 75 (DISPATCH Xj building) Diamond st : next store but one to Smlthfield; size abont 20X100. and widening to 30 feet lp the rear; steam beat electric light and rear entrance for waeous and goods; power can also be supplied if needed. Apply to J. L. CLARK, room 26, Dispatch building. To, 77 and 79 Diamond t. Ja22-D7t T ARGE AND SUBSTANTIAL THREE-STORY IJ brick building, suitable for warehouse or for light manufacturing: Nos. 189. 191, 193 and 197 First av. Inquire or H. W. VEKNER, No. 8 Wood st,' room 4. Ja:0-52t SITE FOB. BAKBER SHOP AND BATH rooms A splendid basement on Firth av., 30 xl20 feet suitable for barber shop and bath rooms; best location" In Pittsburg, For particulars, address BOX 733. Ja22-99t THESIXTH FLOOR OF 75. 77 and 79 DIAMOND St. will be to let from April 1. with possibly possession to lessee earlier: dimensions 60x90 leet; lighted upon all four sides and also from large central well; suitable for large wholesale warerooin or light manufacturing: both passeu- f;er and freight elevators, clcctrit tight and stenni teattng and power suoplied If necessary. Apply tn J. L. CLARK, room 26, 78, 77 and 79 Diamond st Ja22-98t "Q WYLIEAV. -Large store room and cellar; OO counters and shelves; Immediate possession; call at once. 1a22-81t Ttooms. Q-in OAKLAND AV., OAKLAND, ONE iUl square from caDlc cars Two nicely furnished connecting rooms, single or en suite. Ja22-lt Offices. Desk Kooui, Etc CHOICE OFFICES IN THE NEW SCnMERTZ building, corner Water and .Market sts.; steam heat, elevatorand Janitor services free: low rent togoud. steady tenants: offices single or In suites. BLACK & BAlltD, 95 Fourth av. Ja21-49t OFFIt'ES-lN IRISH. PENN. EISNER. EX CELSIOR, Schmertz, Kuhn and otherjiulld lngsand In other good loctlltles: send us your name and address and we will mail vou our rent list regularly until April 1 free or charge. BLACK & BAIKD, 9$ Fourth av. JalS 63f OFF1CES-1N GKKMANIA SAVINGS BANK Building. Wood and Diamond sts.-. singly or In suits: all modern Improvements and low rent. Inquire at THE BANK. oc23-49t Miscellaneous. BRICK-YARD PROPFRTY BOILER. EN GINE, etc.. on Bedford av. near Erin 6t. Thirteenth ward: good clay and all down, grade hauling. Inquire or 1. It WHU'AKKi;, IM Flrthav.. clt. Ja22-59t PKOPEBTY-BY JOHN K. EW1NO &. CO.. renting agents. 63 Federal st. Call or send for printed list. Free. JalS-H3-18.22.26t , OFEICIAIErTTSBTJTtG. Department of Public Safety, i Pittsburg, Jan. 22, 1S9L ( SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of tho City Controller until February 2. 1891. at 2p. at, for remodeling and refitting building No. 416 Liberty street Specifications and all information can be obtained from Charles Bickel, Architect, Hamilton building, 91 and 93 Fifth avenue. Proposals must be accompanied by bond in double tbe amount of bid, with two sureties, said bond to be executed before the Major or Cltv Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tho right to reject any or all bids - J. O. BROWN, Chief Department of Public Safety. ja22-18 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe office of City Controller until SAXURDAY. Jan. 31, 1891, at 12 o'clock 3f., for furnishing lonr wedge gates, two fur in fluent and two for affluent chambers, Highland reservoir. Plans and specifications can be seen at the offioe of tbe Superintendent of Water Sup. ply and Distribution. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, with two sureties, double the amount of the estimated cost, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. Tbe Department of Awards reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. PrTTSBTOO. Jan. 20. 1S91. ja21-Il SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the oflice of tho City Controller until SA1 UKDAY, the 31st day of January, A. D., 1891, at 12 o'clock if., for tbe furnishing of the following: One Brennan stone crusher, four (4) street sprinklers, five (5) street sweepers, one hundred (100) brooms for street sweepers, twelve (12) dozen band brooms, four (4) two-horse wagons. six (6) carts, five (5) sets double harnes", niue (9) sets cart harness, to be delivered f. o. b. cars Pittsburg. One 2o-horse power engine, to be delivered at Schenley park and placed on foundation pre pared therefor. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can be obtained at the Gen eral Oflice, Department of Public Woiks. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond in double tho amount, with two sureties, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tbe right to rejeet any or ail bids. KM. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public WorU. Pittsburg, Jan. 20, 1891. ja21-31 PROPOSALS FOR SALE OF A TRACT or tracts of land to tbe city ot Pittsburg. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the terms of an ordinance of the city of Pittsburg, entitled "An ordinance directing advertise ments for proposals to the city of Pittsburg for the salo to the city of real estate to be used for tbe relief and employment nf tbe poor, and also providing for the reception and opening ol said proposals and subsequent action in reforence thereto, and also providing means for tbe pavment of gnch purchase That tbe City Controller of the city of Pittiburg will re ceive sealed proposals until 3 o'clock F. M. on Wednesday. January 28, 1891, tor the sale tn the city of such a ttact urtrai ts of land.wbicb scaled proposals hali be In writirisr, executed and acknowledged by tbe owner or owners of the tract or tracts proposinc to bo sold, and agreeing to sell said tracts ot land to the city of Pittsburg, and to convey the same to said city in feo simple, clear of all incumbrances, and by a deed of general warranty, aud for a sum stated iu cash. Each of said proposals shall give to the city of Pittsburg the option, for SO days from its date, to buy or refuse to buy said property at tne price named. The land em braced fu any of the tracts so offered for sale to tbe city of Pittsburg shall be located within tbe county of Allegheny, and shall front upon a river, and shall have railroad facilities lor ready access thereto and therefrom. The right is hereby reserved to reject any and all proposals made in response to tbfs ad vertisement, and noapproval of purchase made by the officials of tbe city of Pittsburg, as pro vided in tbe third section of the ordinance hereinbefore referred to, shall be binding upon said city of Pittsburg until the same shall have been approved by re-plutlon by the Councils of tho city of Pittsburg: as provided bylaw. R. C. ELLIOT, Jal7-2Q.n Chief ofDepartment nf Charities. AF. S.AWHILL. ,,, ACCOUNTANT. 1S7 Federal street, Allegheny. Pa. Attends Jo opening or closing books, correc tion of errors, or anythiug in the line or accounting. de6-54-D -$500 to $500,000 to loan oa mortgages, city or country property, at lowest rates. JA8.W. DRAPE & CO.. lajonrtli TT,.PiHSbur& Telephone No. 975. BUSINESS CHANGES. IT ANSON W. ROSE, HARTLEY B. ROSE and George P. Rose bae ibis day been ad mitted as members ot our firm. JAN0AEY2.I891. J. D. BERND & CO. jal8-38-MW TMSSOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE IS J hereby given that tho business rela tions heretofore existing between A. Lobeyde and the undersigned have been dissolved by my -withdrawal from the business heretofore carried on at No, 73 Frankstown avenue, and tbat said Lobeyde bas no authority to use my name in any business matter whatever, and that be alone will be responsible for any mer chandise hereatter purchased by him. LEWIS CRIST. PrrrSBtTBO. Jan. 14. 1891. Jala-St-Th ELECTIONS. The chaktiebs Valley Ga Company. J. PtTTsnrmn Pa Jannarv 1G. 1891. ELECTION NOTICE THE ANNCAL meeting of the stockholders of this coin Dany will be beld at tbe oflice of the Company, Garrison building; corner Wood street ami a bird avenue. Pittsburg, Pa., on THURSDAY, January 29. 1691. at2 o'clock P. M.. tor the elec tion of a Board of Directors to serve for tbe ensuing year, and for tbe transaction of such other business as may come before tbe meeting. ja!7.16-D F. J. TEN EIL "Secretary. VTOTICE A MEETING OF THE STOCK il HOLDERS of the Pittsburg. Allegheny aod Manchester Passenger Railway Company will be held by order or the President and di rectors at tbe oflice of the company, at tbe cor ner nf Market street and Liberty avenue, on SATURDAY. January 3L 1891. between tbe hours of Zand 3 o'clock In the afternoon, for the pnrpose of holding tbe annual election Inr tne officers of the company and the transaction ot such other bnsiness as may properly come be fore tbe meeting. A. M. NEEPER, PrrrsBUBO, Pa., Jan. 19, 1891. Secretary. ja20-8.D DIVIDEND. Office Armenia Iksubanck Co., ) No. 65 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, January 15. 1891. ) D1VIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this coinpanv have declared a seml-anncal dividend -ot THREE DOLLARS PER SHARK payable on demand. W. D. McGILL. Secretary. ja!7-33p NOTICES. MEMBERS OF AUGUSTA COUNCIL NO. 393, Jr. O. U. A. M are hereby requested to meet at their haU,3S08 Butler street, to attend tbe fuueral of our late beloved brother, John V. Keecb, on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Respectfully. STANTON ROSS. Attest: Councilor. A. GRANT COOPER, Sec'y. ' ja22-17-ThSn rKOPOSAXS. TT S. ENGINEER OFFICE CHARLES LI . TON, Kanawha, W. Va., Jan. 9. 1891. Proposals for the iron work for the anchorage and fixed parts for two movable dams on tba Great Kanawha river, embracing about 91,000 pounds ot wrought iron and 353.UC0 pounds of cast iron, will be received at this office until FEBRUARY 10. 1891, i P.M.. Standard Eastern time, and then publicly opened. The attention of bidders is called to the acts of CongTess. ap proved February 28, 1885. and February 23. 1887, vol. 23. page 332. and vol. 24, page 414, Statutes at Large. AH necessary information can be had by application to ADDISON M SCOTT, Resident Engineer. WM. P. CRAIGHILL, Colonel of Engineers, U. S. A. Ja20-87.2u. 31 AUCTION SALES. EINE BRIC-A-BRAC. CARPETS. FURNI TURK grape, canned goods, lemons, eta, etc., at auction, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market st Moquette, body brussel., velvet and ingrain r.arpeis for rooms, balU and stairs, pictures, line umbrella stand, fine bric-a-brac, vases, clocks and ornaments, verjr fine dishes, hand some toilet sets, tine parlor and chamber suits, bed springs, hair and bnsk mattresses, dining room sideboards, leather chairs and extension tables, pier mirrors, ball racks, bookcases, desks, etc Also. lot of lino canned goods, gum coats, drygoods, MMaca grapes and notions at 2 P. M. HENRY AUCTION CO.. ja22-l Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE H. B. SMITHSON. Real Estate and General Auctioneer, room 58, Eisnerbmlding. Filth and Wood street. Sales of jewelry and merchandise at stores. Fnrnl ture at residences promptly attended to. ilej-CC-D TO LET, BUSINESS HOUSES. SMITHFIEJoP ST. Large house, S stones. Pear First av. WATER ST. Large building, i stories, ele vator, near Market s. FIRST AV. Good building, 2 stories, near Wood st PENN AV. Near Seventeenth st , good store room and dwelling. WOOD ST. Large second story, near Third av. FIFTH AV. Large second story, bef. Wood and Smlthfield sts. FIFTH AV. Near Court House, large 3-story building. Also others, send for list Also OFFICES FOR RENT. W. A. HERRON & SONS. jal7-n-TTS 80 Fonrthav. TEMOVED. samuel Mcknight, TEMPORARILY TO 169 Lacock Street, Allegheny. On account of fire at my old stand, 61 Federal street, I have removed to above address; where I have transferred my large stock of hardware, cutlery, tools, eta, which were slightly dam aged by'water only, aud will be disposed of at a SACRIFICE IMMEDIATELY. I am fully prepared to supply tbe wants of my customers and all mall orders will receive my usual prompt at ten tf on. ja22 74 TJEMOVAL. LH. HARRIS DRUG CO.,' Nos. 46 and 4S Seventh ave. Wo respectfully announce tbat we have secured the largo and substantial buildings of the BINDLEY HARDWARE CO.. Seventh avenue, opposite New Grant street, to which location we hare removed our office and such goods as have arrived since tbe destruc tion 01 our Liberty street warehouse by fire. We are not yet fully prepared to suDply the wants of our customers, but hope to be able to do so in the course of a week or ten days. In tbe mean time, if our friends will intrust their orders to us, we hope to be able to supply their more pressing needs without delay. L.H. HARRIS DRUG CO., NOS. 46 AND 43 SEVENTH AVENUK Pittsburg. Pa.. January 1.1S3L jal-4D Columbia Iron and Steel Co. Stock for Sale. Ten shares. Par value $100 each. Apply to John Snidcr's executors, or to EDWARD C4.MPBELL, Attorney at Law. jal9-8 Uninntoan. Fayette co.. l'a. REMOVAL. House and Sign Painter, bas removed from 13o Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVENUE. Opposite Third Presbyterian Church. Special attention given to the handling of plate glass, cutting and drilling. Repairing windows, skv. lights, eta House painting and glazing in all its branches. ocl9-63-o ThcSnppIyManufacturingCo., 100 and 102 W, 00D ST. Heavy or Light Machinery Made to Order. PROMPT ATTENTION To Electric Railway and Electric Light Ma chinery and Repairs. BIVEB HEADLIGHT PLANTS AND REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. Supplies of all kids furnished. de6-TT3 TOP COATS AND ULSTERS Made to measure. Specialties in Imported goods for such wear. Correctly cut in prevail ing fashion. H. & O. P. AHLERS, MERCHANT TAILORS. 430 Smlthfield street. Telephone 1388, de23-Tisu- CHOICE PROPERTIES. 6 ELEGANT Stone Front Dwellings -IN- OAKLAND FOB SAiE, 1 Models of beauty, of com-. fort, of excellence; 9, rooms, hall vestibule, pantry, laundry, bathroom and linen closer. Location has every advantage, obtainable in Pittsburg. Paved street, good sewerage, fine surroundings, splendid views," pure air and rapid transit. See BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth Ave. jal8-61.18.Z3 EAST END HOUSES. New, line appearing, all the modern improvements. 1 6,000 8 rooms. 2 iquares from. Fltttt or Ht Iand avs. (71) $6,500 9 rooms', shade and fruit trees, near Fifth and Aiken avs. (139) $0.000 7 rooms, near Center and Liberty avs.. Shadyslde. " C99) $9,000 9 rooms, outbuildings, ou South Hiland avenue. (137 j $10,000 9 rooms. Fifth av.. between Shady and Hiland avs. (149) $5,2007 rooms, Howe, near Aiken av. (13) Also Others Terms Easy. - Send for list. W. A. HERRON A SONS, jal"-44-TTS SO Fourth ar. EOR SALE OAKLAND DWELLINGS Some on very easy payments. 49,000 Meyran av., new brick. 8 rooms, finely finished, latest improvements. (51) . $6,b00 Coltart Square, new brick, 9 rooms, the very latest improvements, stable. (141) $6,500 Meyran av, 2 brick' bouses, i fonnis each. (49) $11,000 Forbes, yery handsome brick house. H rooms, well finished and all the very latest improvements, a good location for a physician. (71), , $5,750 Meyran av., 7 rooms,, latest improve ments. (53) These arc very desirable homes. ALSO OTHERS. SEND FOR LIST. W. A. HERRON & SONS, .' 80 Fourth Avenue. j"al8-20-19,22.27,30" For Sale S5.000 Ele cant new trick dwell iujr. 8 large rooms, hall, vestibule, double par lors, li fi. lnsulew. c.. stationary washstand, slate mantels through our, tile hearths, china closet, pantry, back stairs, inside shutters, gas fixtures, electric bells, bardsomely pa pered and painted, both , eo.s. ranze. laundry, with stationary tubs, front and back porches, shade trees, street sew-, ered and paved, stono. sidewalks, lot fenced anJ every'hine com plete; only tei minutes' ride from the heart ot the city. This is an ex ceptional bargain and, well worth Investlcat inz. WM. PETTY & CO, 107 Fourth ar. -ja22-84-Tbssu $1,000 CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT PURCHASER. MARCH AND STREET. DESIRABLE EAST END DWELLING, Near the corner of two prominent asphaltum, paved streets, and close to Dnquesne electric. Fifth avenue and Fenn avenue lines, and East Liberty station. Modern frame honse eljrht rooms, with all conveniences; shade trees and front and side porches. Anyone deslrins a comfortable home in ft , first-class location should see this property. VAN GORDli & LLOYD, 6218 PENN AV., EAST END. jaO-19-TTS TO,REAL ESTATE OWNERS. From tbe establishment of our business in 1883 we have made tbe LEASINO CND MAN AGEMENT OF PROPERTIES, in both cities and suburbs, a special feature, and we offer our service! to owners of real estate, believing we can save them the many annoyances con nected with RENTING and COLLECIING RENTS. W. A. HERRON & bONS, Real Estate Agents. No. 80 Fourth avenue. a23-2,5,8,10,13,16,19,22,2I FOB S-AXjIE- 7-Vear Leasehold and Buildings. On Lot 96x120 Feet. Corner Twenty-flfih st. and A. V. R. R., with switch connections. Main buildinz. 64x120 feet, with addition 36X 50 feet. An excellent opportunity for a manufactnr. inE business. Can bo bought cheap. McCUNE COULTER. Aeents, ja22-76 MS Fourth ar. PROPERTY OWNERS, Who have lost money in attending to their own. property and have also bad the worry and an noyance of poor tenants, will save money, se cure prompt payments and receive monthly . statements of their accounts by placing their property in our hand. We give this matter our personal attention. COTTON fc WHITE. jal7-ll-TTS No. 157 Lacock St.. Allegheny. FOR SALE. A HANDSOME HOME, FOR $6,S00-A BARGAIN. Very easy payments but little more than a. good rent. , Brick lions, latest style, 9 rooms, beautifully, finished, modern improvements. One of tbe best locations In Oakland. (141)' See W. A. HERRON & SON?. 80 Fonrth ar. jalti-49-16,19.22.:S A HANDSOME SHADYSIDE MANSION Corner two prominent asphaltum paved and sewered streets, close tn Duqnesno Electric, fifth avenao cable and P. R. R. An eleganc new and substantial Queen Anne style. 13 room brick dwelling, containing every modern con.j veniencc. Any one desiring a beautiful binr, should not fail to see this propertv. M. F. HIP-. PLE & CO., 96 Fourth ar jalS-6S-TuTlSu FOR SALE. Handsome Suburban Home,, Queen Anne bouse 10 rooms, with most all tha, improvements ot the modern city honse. 1i. acres of ground, beautifully located, forest trees, Swissrale, P. R. R.. at a greatly reduced price. See W. A. HERRON 4 aON. 80 Fourth ar. Ja8 7.Th TEW'GaOTi&7S:RRIVING"DAlLYCOHI2 JLN and examine our stock or gold and silver wauires, docks, diamonds, jewelry and silver, ware, etc; lowest prices in the two cities.. At WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ar, Pittsburg; flaJ witch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. . .. Jl3-TTS . 1 i f