HH Pi-js & '5iSswiel?TfB x,' - THE " PITTSBURG DISPATCH. ''PRfb"i.T NTANTTSYi' 'V 1S9L A FEELING OF GLOOM The Prevalent One Just Now Euling the Iron Situation. SMALL HOPE FOR THE FOTDEE. Tcrj Little Business Is Being Transacted in Steel Rails. STATE OF THE FOEE1GN METAL MARKET TSrECTAX. TZLXGBA1I TO THE PIIrATCR.1 Sew York, Oan. 8. Tlie Iron Age of tins date quotes the iron and metal markets as follows: It cannot be denied that the feeling preva lent in the iron trade is one of unusual glooni. It is admitted by some of the Great est authorities that the situation, so far as the near future is concerned, shows less brightness than it has for many years past. There is a disposition among the strongest concerns to crowd the weaker into suspen sion of operations, even if it be necessary to cat under cost. A great restriction of production lias been forced or is about to come from tlio stoppage of the Alabama furnaces and through the movement of the valley men. Tins will amount to atleast 120.000 tons per montb. But tlie uncertain feature is whether the plants now idle or about to go out of blast will not promptly return to w ork as soon as tbey bavo i-ecured w hat they arc fighting for now. One danger in the more distant future is tbetpossi bility of a strike in the Conncllsville coke re gion, w here the men have tormalated demands for a heavy advance in the lace of the present depression. American pig While the market is quiet, its position has Aomewhat improved, through the fact that Southern brands are offered less urgently. It is clear that the Alabama strike is at last beginning to tell. On the other band it is reported by good authority that the lead in;; Lehigh Company arc selling on the basis of $17 50 f or N o. 1 Jonndrv. We quote standard. .Northern oranas. iio X3'i w lor lo. 1.SIUQ) 16 50 for No. 2, and $14 5015 50 for gray forge. Manufactured Iron and Steel There is the usual amount o talk concerning foreign beams, w hich is common at the beginning of the year, when the large architectural iron works make their contracts. German beams can be laid ctow n at 2.63e2.75c, while American continue lo be quoted at 3.10c, but we fail to bear that tlie figures are attractive to buyers. The figures which are now coming out concerning the prices at which tome of the elevated Mructure bavo been taken during the past feu months indicate that the lowest level has lieen reached for this class of work. Wo under stand 3.10c erected has been shaded for an important piece of work. We quote angles, 2.O5c01UOc; sheared plates, 2.20c225c; tees. 2.lc&2.75c, and beams and channels, 3.1c, on dock, fctcel plates are 2.25c2.30c for tank; 2.55c2.63c for shell, and 2.b5c3c for flange, on dock, liars are 1.75cL9c, on dock. Steel Kail Wbile the negotiations among the rail mills have nut beeu formally aban doned, there is not as much hope of a success ful issue no as there has been. In the ab sence of anv business offering the majority of Eastern niilK quote 25 and upward. There is nowcry little work going on anywhere, Ues senier pig is weak- It is stated uy the represen tative of one of the large rail mills that large orders must soon be placed. Usually the Penn evlvama Railroad by giving out its ordeis gives the signal for buying to a good many roads. Thus far nothing has been beard from that quarter. The views of buyers are indicated by offers to purchae at $26. at mill, and it is argned by them that this figure is not unrea sonable, considering the fact that soft steel billets have been sold in the Pittsburg district at $25. fcpicgcilsen and lerro The slackness of the rail trade keeps the mills out of the market longer than expected, the majority having a ronstderable supply on band. The market remains lifeless at JJ92) 50. In ferro. the urincipal feature remains the re-sales of simll lots from second bands, the amount thus still available being reported to be quite large in the aggregate. We quote SCI 50g62 GO. Uillets In domestic billets th market is quiet. So far as foreign billets are concerned, tf which manufacturers look who do are-export trade, it is reported that thero has been an advance in German, ranging from 'JgndtoSs. Only recently German billets were bought at iGs. less 2i per cent at shinning port. It is be lietedthat the firmness is'due to orders re ceived from Scotland, where the strike has practically led to a suspension of manufactur- SPECDXATI0N CHECKED. Tin Plate the Only Tliiug Active In the Lon don Market. rsrciAi.Txi.rcKAi to the dispatch. New York, Jan. S. The iron Age of, this date quotes the British iron and metal market as follows: In pig iron warrants there has been little doing tho past week. The closing of the exchanges during the New Year's bolidajs served to check outside interests more or less, and since then nothing has occurred to stimu late speculation. Scotch have sold chiefly at 4Gs3d4Gs5U, showing steadiness in the face of light trading, but on Cleveland there has been a decline to 41s 7Jjd, and hematites sold off to ES9J. Pig Tin Prices declined somewhat early in the week under the influence of pressure to realize on cash parcels bnt subsequent free purchases ot futures brought an improvement, and a reaction to 91 12s Cd!)! 15s for spot, and a.'J2 10s for futures loot place. This was helped in some degree by statistics showing a decrease of Gil tons in the visible supply last week. Aus tralian tin is scarce. To-day "the market was rather weaker. Copper warrants, after a tem porary' decline, have improed to 52 losspot on a very fair business, but while the consumption is still large, fears of beatier supplies from America restrain further upward movement of prices tor the present. Prices for furnace ma terial have been somewhat depressed by the ale of 10,000 tons anaconda matte at 10s, and 250 tons anaconda argentiferous at a low price, not made public The arrivals last month were 12.767 tons, but Fpot stocks have decreased 1,056 ton, and the visible supply was 7 tons less January I than a month previous. Chile charters the last fort night w ere 1,00J tons. Despite the intervention of the holidays there has been inrther improve ment in the tin plate market, and prices are again higher. From the United States there lias been a large demand, chiefly for Bessemer steel coke finish plates, ac up to" IS, and bnjris have manifested eagerness to secure sup)l for I livery prior to the new tariff goingiuio effect. The demand lor steel ship plates has moder ated, and makers now offer to sell at 67s Od, f. o. b barrow. For other forms of steel me in quiry is also lighter, and prices for billets and slabs aic lighter. Spiegiclsen is rather weaker. American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations. Scotch Pig Operations in warrants have been light, and pr.ces have varied but little. For makers' iron the market is ery quiet aud price- are irregular. No. IColtncss 00. OiL f. o. b. Glascow o. lSummcrlee 6Ss. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsheme 00s. 0L f. o. b. Glasgow a 1 Uingloan 00a. 00. f.o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Carnbroe.. No. lMiotts .-ols. Od. f. n. b. Glasgow .-00s. Do. f-o. b. Glasgow . OfK. Oil nt An! mean Xo. 1 Crlenganiock. So. 1 Dalinolhngton . .59s. 60. at Ardrossan. So. I Kcuiiton -lbs. od. at Ardrossan. Bessemer Pic Hematite warrants have dropped to 52-. yd., and prices for makets' iron arc rather weaker, with business moderate at the decline. West Coast brands Nos. 1, 2, 3, quoted at 53s. 6J. f. o. b. snipping point. Middlesbrough Pig Cleveland warrants havo declined to 41s. 7d.. and makers' prices are also rather lower with the market still spirit lets. Makers quote 42s. tor So. 3, Middles brouzb. tree on board. snicgeleisen Demand has fallen off. the maiker is weaker. Knglish2u per cent quoted at 97s 6d. f. . b. at works. Steel Wiie Bods Very little doing aud prices nominal. Mild steel, No. u, quoted at 8 12s. fed. f. o. b. shipping port. htccl Rails Tbe demand is not as good as it was last week, but prices are steady. Heavy sections quoted at 4 17;. 6u. f. o. b. shipping point. , Steel Blooms Demand very light. Prices lower, and the market weak. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 12. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets There Is little demand at present, and pries are in buvers' favor. Bessemer (size 2Jx2)) quoted at 4 5i f. o. b. shipping poiut. steel slabs Demand is very light, prices lower ard weak. Ordinary sizes auoted at 4 lj". f. o. h. shinning point. Crop Knds There is vcrv little demand. Run of the mill quoted atSffi3 2s. 6d. t o. b. shipping point. old lion Kails Demand is light and prices are bareh steady. Tees quoted at 3g3 2s. bd. and double heads at 3 S-.3 7s. bd. f. o. b. ' "5C,r-'P yon small demand and prices rather wok. Heavv wrought quoted at 2 5s. f.o. b, shipping points. Mauuiactured Iron Values are still in buyers lavor, and the demand shows no im provement. 'Stafford, ord. marked bars: If. o. b. Ipool) 0 0s.0d. 9 Os. Od. common bars.... 6 Its. Od. 0 CB.0U. , , . black sheet singles 7 10s. 0d. 0 0s. Od. Welsh bars. f. o.b. Wales. 5 17s. 6d-fe 6 0s. Od. Steamer Freight Glasgow to Sew York, nom. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Pig Tin Tho market is stronger and business has been rather more active until to-day, when a reaction took place. Straits quoted at 91 5s. for spot; futures (3 months), 91 17s. 6A. Copper Prices have been irregular, but the market was stronger until tho close of the week, when demand was less active. Chile bars quoted 52 for snot, 52 15. for future delivery. Best Belected English, 59 10s. Lead The market has been quiet and nrices have ruled lower. Sol t. Spanish at 1217s.Gd. Speller The demand is slow and prices are again in hovers' favor. Ordinary Sllcsian qnntod at 22 10s. Tin Plate A large business has been done and the market Is strong at a considerable ad vance on last week's prices. I. C charcoal, Allaway grade, f. o. b. Liverpool 19s. 0d.19s. 3d. Bessemer steel, coke finish 17s. 9d.l&s. 3d. Siemens steel, coke finish IS-. Od.felSs. 6d. B. V. grade coke. 14x20 17. 3d.017s. Gel. Dean grade ternes 17s. IklglTs. Od. STILL BASKING OVENS. Tlie Coke Outlook Not Very Satisfactory Demand for Production Falling Off The Car Famine nt Last Overcome A Material Increase In Shipments. SrlCCIAt. TSLEGUAM TO TBI DIgrATCO.1 ScoTTDAiiK, Jan. 8. Iu the face of the in creased shipments the past wetk the outlook is less satisfactory. Quietness pervades the mar ket, and the indications are that conditions will be further provoked by the blowing out of a number of the valley furnaces. It appears that the f urnacemen are content with the con cession of a25-cent reduction" by coke opera tors, but are dissatisfied with the treatment of their crievanees at the hands of the rail road companies, and will likely shut down 10 or 12 furnaces in conformity with tbeir threats. The coke region, though, will be the principal sufferer, and already the notices are pouring in for the banking ot more ovens. The car famine, which his been a serious barrier to the smooth running of trade, has at last been overcome, due to the drop in demand, and all railroad officials report an ample supply for all requirements. Since the operators have been utilizing the lay off by the shipping of stock coke to the market, the yards of the region are becoming pretty well cleared. The demand for production is steadily falling off, and there arc no sicns visi ble for an early improvement. Consumers nre ordering savingly, and operators are gauging the output in accordance. While over 40 per cent of all the ovens in the region are cold, there are' not sufficient orders for the productive capacity, and the works are making but fonr and Ave days per week, "he outlook is indeed gloomy in this section. As per announcement, the Frlck Coke Com pany shut down 1,130 ovens in the region this week. Their distribution among the various places was mentioned in the last re port. The Adelaide plant of 250 orons lias been closed entirely. The Schoonmaker Company has also posted the notices that will dampen 25 per cent more of its interests In the district. The ovens to bo effacied are divided as follows: Ninety-eight at Jim town and Sterling. Ill at Redstone, 60 at Younzs town, SI at Mutual, and 75 at Cen tral. Superintendent Hawkins, of the Cal umet Company, has given notice that the company will shut down 25 per cent of its plants, which will be about 75 ovens. The Southwest Coke Company has also served the notice for the closine of 25 per cent more of its whole number of ovens. The ovens ther will bank are located thus: lG2at Southwest No. 1; 100 at Southwest No. 4, and will close the B shaft entirely. Stauf fer, Keister. Wiley, and a number of other independent operators have also closed 25 per cent uf their ovens, and it will net be long until 50 per cent of the whole region will be out of blast. The McClnre Company is the only one of tbe larger companies that has not yet given notice of, further intended shut downs. The works ran lire days last week, and will make abont the same time this week. The Frlck, McClure, Schoonmaker. Southwest, Cambria and tbe other large companies all laid off New Year's. The year just closed has been an eventful one in the history ot tbe trade. Excellent prices prevailed and trade was briskly active in all, sze two months, when a perceptible decline was noted in tbo demana. The car famine was tbe main disturbing element of the year, and reduced shipments materially. The price of furnace coke was S2 15 during the en tire 12 months, sate the last week, when it was cur down to 190. The outpnt in tons for the year reached over 6,900,000. The wage problem will hardly interfere with trade. A satisfactory solution is looked for. The Idle list of ovens iu tbe region now aggre gates over 6.000. U.hls number will be aug mented to G.000 before the close of the week. The Charlotte plant here is still idle. Cars were in plentiiul supply last week and shipments took a spurt upward, in creasing several hundred cars. Shipments last week averaged 1,024 cars per day, as against olS cars for the previous week. Tbe increase was 1.230 cars. Following is the record of con signments. To points west of Pittsburg, 2,850 cars: to Pittsburg and river tipple-, 1,940 car-: to points east of Pittsburg, 1,350 cars; total, G.I40 cars. This was the record of the pn-ceding week: To points We ss of Pittsburg; 2,710 cars: to Plttsburgand river tipple, 1,400 cars; to points east of Pittsburg, SOU cars; total, 4.910. Prices are as follows: Furnace coke, SI 90; foundry. J2 30; crushed, S2 C5-all f. o. b. cars at ovens per ton oi 2,000 pounds. Freight rates are as follows: To rittsourg. To Mahoning and Mienango Valleys To Cleveland. O ToUutUlo. .Y To Detroit, Mich To Cincinnati, O To Louisville, Kr To Chicago. Ill To Milwaukee Wis , Tott. Louis. Jlo 'loEas.M. Louis 'lo JIaltftaore To Boston i SOTO 133 1 70 2 a ZXi 2B5 320 . 2 75 2 85 3 3a 3-20 2 17 4(10 Metal Market. New York Pig iron nominal. Copper nominal; lake, January, 114 GO. Lead dull; domestic, JiOO. Tin dull hut easier; straits, 420 10. Trice or Bar Silver. rsrrciAi, telegram to the disfatcii. New Yobk, Jan. 8. Bar silver London, 4Sd; New York. II 04. TEICKS OF TEADE. How Grease Is Foisted Onto East Enders for Family Butter. The opportunities for fiand in butter are great, ,A thief in farmer's garb has been around in the East End with an lS-pound crock of fancy conntiy butter, ot Lite, proffering to sell at 25 cents per pound. When fancy country bntter is worth 35 to 40 cents per pound, as at the present time, thero are usually victims to be caught with the bait of 25 cents per pound. A farmer-like looking individual victimized one at least with an lS-pound crock of tbe very best country butter at 25 cents per pound. On the top of tbe crock was a two-inch layer of tbe very best butter that could be made. Under neath was a mass of grease, wottb about two cents per pound. It is safe to say the crock will not be called for. The victim is disposed to say little concerning tbe butter deal. When choire country butter is selling at 35 to 40 cents per pound, the fellow who can sell it at 25 cents has some trick on tap by which to take in strangers. How many victims were taken in by the but ter trick no roan can telL but one reiall grocer or the East End was certainly victimized to the extent ot $5 within a few da s. Brygoods Market. New Y0RK.Jan. 8. Tho demand for dry goods was of an improvingcharactcr. The mar ket is well tilled with buyers, and a good deal more interest has developed. Wide sheetings, cambrics and the bleached shirtings, just re duced, in prices, were active. Following yester day's movement in bleacbcd shirtings, agents to-day made the lollowing changes: Frmt of the Loom. 4-4. SJJc: Hero, 4-4. TJc; Farmers' Choice, 4-4. 6c. Clothing woolens wero mak ing lair proeress. witb a good outlook. An auc tion sale of 5,000 pieces of Trenton Woolen Company's cassimercs, light and beavr weights, is annonnccd for Wednesday, the 14th instant. New York Coffee Market. New Yoke, Jan. S. Coffee options opened steady. 5 points up to 5 down, closed steady. 5 20 points np. Sales. 14.750 bags, including Jan uary. ia2516.30c: February. 15.85c; March. 15 5015 55c; May. I5.1015.15r; Julv. 14.606 11.70c; September, 14.05c; December, 13.20c; spot Rln active and easy; fair cargoes, 19c; No. 7. 17Ji17Kc 2 rSOH THE EIVEES. News of the Movements of the Packets and Coal Boats. The river registered 5 feet 6 inches yester day, and the rapid fall continues. The Hudson aid not get out for Cincinnati until 4 o'clock yesterday morning. The next boat out on tne Pittsburg and Cincinnati Packet Line will be the Scotia to morrow. The Batchelor will go out on Mon day. The towboats down yesterday were the Josh Cook, a. D. Wood, Princess and Two K0.?..er, Tne amount of coal out was about 140,000 bushels. CKOUP,.whoopIog cough and bronchitis im mediately relieved by Smlon's Cure. Sold by Jos. Fleming & Son, 412 Market .St. Ir.os City beer is a very popular brew. Unexcelled for purity and nourishment Physicians recommend it. Dealers keep it. A FOBWARD IMPULSE. Business Men Making Haste Slowly to Avoid Entanglements, ALL SIGNS POINT TO A GOOD IEAB. A Better Fcelinj mons the Speculators, Denoting a Tarn in the Tide. THE KEWS AXD GOSSIP OF TUB CITI That business is not rushing along at the high pressure speed of last year should rot throw anyone into a fit of the dumps. There are reasons for moving slowly. The year ended under circumstances of grave con cern and danger to the busiuess interests of the country. Tne monetary stringency was intense. The banks fortified themselves lor emergencies, aud refused to lend except to their regular customers, and to these very sparingly. This was good policy. It com pelled caution and prevented many a man from going to the wall. Although the clouds arc breaking away and confidence re turning, tbe banks are still pursuing a con servative policy. They are not free lenders. Hence trade, deprived of sufficient stimulus for the time being, shows less vim and aggres sive force than at the corresponding time last year, when the "shiews of war" were abundant and easily obtained. IJut, as previously pointed out, there is no reason to apprehend that the comparative de pression will be of long duration. Conditions are healthy and favorable to expansion. Tbe banks and other financial institutions aro well supplied with money, and with the full return of contOence it will bo released. The legacy of caution from last year is serving as a break water against undue speculation on the one hand and premature expansion on the other. It is giving peoplo time to tabc reckonings to ascertain the drift of the tide and to prepare for new moves. They are making haste slowly. A good General never goes into battle until he is ready. Prudent business men act on tbe same principle. That the year will be a good one there can be no doubt. All things are shaplne themselves to this end. Tbe country is full of energy and recuperative power that cannot be held iu abeyance Pittsburg is one, of the strongest financial points in tbe coustry. This is shown in the recent bank statements. There is no money famine here, but it is carefully guarded as a protection to established Industries. This should inspire confidence. Indeed, it has al ready had this effect. Money is easier than at tho first of the year and business men feel safer, as if tbey once moro stood on solid ground. Tbe forward Impulse will continue to gain strength, until in a short time, unless the unexpected happen, the volume of trade will reach if it does not surpass that of 189a There is no ground for any other conclusion. Business News and Gossip. All classes of business men are hopeful. This is balf tbe battle. W. C. Stewart expects to have bis contracts closed and work begun on his Liberty street honse inside often days. It is understood that the King estate will commence building about tbe same time. Baxter. Thompson & Co. are rearranging their office to accommodate Increasing busi ness. The largest of 20 mortgages on file for record yesterday was for $32,666 purchase money. The real estate brokers will decide for or against regular auction sales at the meeting this afternoon. Opinion Is divided on the question, and discussion promises to be lively. Speaking of the option reported to have been secured on Sixth and Liberty streets, a busi ness man said yesterday: "There is no better location in the city for a hotel, and from what I know about it I think tbo deal will be a go." Railroad earnings: Ohio Kiver. fourth week of December, net Increase, f 179. Baltimore and Ohio. Southwestern, fourth week of December, net decrease. $6,179; month of December, net decrease, $5,754. Tbe garden farm at Bennett, sold for S125 an acre, is on the hillside. Farms near the station are worth more money. The Bollding Record. The gentleman who dispenses building per mits did a lair day's work yesterday. Eight were issued, all for structures of small cost. The list follows: Dr. W. N. Miller, frame addition two-story dwelling, 12x16 feet, on rear Carson street. Twenty-sixth ward. Cost. $150. John Ruckert, frame one-story wagon shed, 14x20 feet, on Lawson street, Thirteenth ward. Cost, $30. Anton Papp, ironclad addition one-story shop, 24x18 feet, on Carson street. Twenty eighth ward. Cost, $150. Eagle Transfer Company, Limited, frame ad dition one-story stable. loxbO feet, on Second avenue. Sixth ward, Cost, $50. Anton Ponte. brick one-story dwellinc, 16x30 feet, in rear Allequippa street, Thirteenth ward. Cost, $300. It. Dnmonico, brick one-story dwelling, 16x35 feet, in rear of Allequippa street. Thirteenth ward. Cosr, $300. John Quinn, frame two-storv dwelling, 17x 30 feet, on Dearborn street. Nineteenth, ward. Cost. S1.300. George Swartz. frame one-story kitchen, 16x IS feet, on Washlugtun avenue, Thirty-first ward. Cost, t200. Movements in Ttealty. As showinsr that holders ot property havo confidence in the stability of the market, Mr. W. C. Stewart had this to say yesterday: "I have orders for ten high-class properties on my books, but am unable to fill them for the rea son that owners will not accept what is con sidered a fair market price. For example. I made a man an offer of $30,000 cash for a prop erty, which be refused. All he ever asked for It was$33,009 I mado another man an offer of $10,000 cash for a property which be held at $11. COO. It cost him $9,000 a short time ago. This shows that owners have more confidence In realty than in any other security, and hesi tate to sell unless they can get f nil figures." Improvements are going right aluug at Wil klnsburg. Patton Brothers have begun tearine down the old framo bouse at the corner ot Penn avenue and Wood street, preparatory to the erection of a business structure for tbeir own use. Caldwell & Graham have started tbo foundations lor a good business house on Penn avenue, and Fred Lohrman is putting up a dwelling and store on Penn avenue, near the bridge. The Lohr block and Odd Fellows' Hall are nearing completion. George Schmidt sold, tbrougb Baxter.Thomp son & Co., four lots having a frontage of bO feet on Hcrron avenne ana extending uack 125 feet to Wandless street, to Jacob Lang for $4,000. W. C. Stewart sold for Philip Wagner two acres on Lemington avenue, Tweuty-flrst ward, to J. R. Clark for $1,000 cash. Black Batid sold for John Dolan and Pat rick Galligber three lots on Whitney street. Fourteenth ard, being Nns. 25, 26 and 27, in the M. G. Arthur plan, for $1,000 rash. V. E. Hamnelt fc Co. sold a lot in Wilkins burg to David Smith, Esq . for $350. W. A. Herron t Sons sold No. VC6 Fifth ave nne, near Oakland, a brick house ot six roouis, for $2,500, on the easy payment plan. This is the last house out of four adjoining each other, all of which have been sold lately. A. Z. Bycrs A Co. sold for Renben Miller, Esq., to Mr. Z. Vaudevoort, a vacant lot. hav ing a frontage of 25 feet on State avenue and running through to Filth avenue a dlstanco of 167 feet, being lot No. 6 in Rueben Miller's Coraopolis plan, for $300 cash. MONEY MARKET. Fewer Complaints of Stringency Heard From Applicants for Loons. Money was in moderate demand and fairly easy yesterday. Few complaints were heard of tight money. Clerical business was brisk, de positing showing up handsomely. Clearings were $1,945,555 52, and balances $236,639 05. A financier had this to say: "There is only one dark clond banging over the city, and I think it will soon be dispelled. Its removal will leave nothing to disturb business. I think things are getting in shape for a season of great activity." Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ranging from 3 to 4 per cent, last loan 3, closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper 7S8. Sterling exchange active and strong at Si &iyi for CO-day bills and $1 86 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. V, S. 4s. rec... U. 8. 4s, coup.., C.b. 4Hs, reg... L'. S. Ss, conp 1'aciflcfls of sa. 13) ril 103 103J4 M. K. iT. Oen. Sds 40i( Mutual Union 6s. ...97 M.J. (X lut. Cert.. 108 1 Northern Pac lsts..lll Northern Pac. Ids.. 1 104 Norihw't'u consU.137 Nortw'n dehen's 53.106 Oregon S. Trans. OS. .st.L 1.31. Oen. 5s. KU SI.L.& S.F.Uen.M.lfW iw Louisiana stampedls 91 juissuun os........... Tcnn. new set. 68....HJ lenn. new tit. Ss....lM Tenn. newset. x.... 69 Canada bo. ids S7 Centrari'acilic lsti.IWX tit. 1'anl consols.... i Bt.P. CM A t-c. lits.lt: 1x.. Pe. L.O.Tr.K. fa UCU. A JW I. Ists.. .lib lien. &U. 1. ..... SO D.&B. O. Westlsts. Tx.. l'e. B G.'fr.Ks. 33)4 Kne ttfs Si it. K.CX. Gen. 6s 77J West Shore. loi; New York Bank clearings to-day, $122,921,. 577; balances. $5,687,696. Bostox Bank clearings to-day, $15,639,415; balances, $2,039,626. Money 3 per cent; ex change on New York, par to 10c premium. Philadelphia Bank clearing to-day were $11,406,491; balances. $1.561,b31. Money 6 per cent. Baittkore Bank clearings to-day were $2,252,970: balances, $327,149. Rate 6 per cent. ST. Louis Clearings, $4,340,078; balances. $669,953. Exchange on New York 90 cent premium. Money 68 per cent. Memfhib New York exchange selling at par. Clearings, $690,390; balances, $118,855. HOME SECURITIES. Philadelphia Gas Abont Holds Its Own and Electric Moves Up. There was a better feeling among room trad ers at the Stock Exchange yesterday, bnt it was more apparent in sentiment than in Azures, although the latter, taken altogether, showed somo improvement. Total sales were 270 shares, against 231 the previous day. Philadelphia Gas about held its own, while Electric gained 2 points over the previous close. Citizens' Traction also improved its standing, bnt Pleasant Valley submitted to a slight con cession. Switch and Signal and Wheeling were weak through neglect. As before remarked tbe feeling was more buoyant. This was based on the belief that bottom bad been really reached. A broker remarked: "It is a marked charac teristic of the market just now that investors want things at their own figures, thus occupy ing substantially tbe dual position of buyers and sellers. Holders object to this, and, as but few ot them are compellod to realize they are keeping tbeir stuff out of tbe market. This is cood policy, and if persevered in will force an advance." nnST SECOND THinD CALL. CALL. CALL. IS A 11 A U A 1. &G. 1. SB'k .... 140 Masonic Hank.. '.... 64 31. & 31. Aat.il b6 r.- UddFel. Siv. 15. 69 Safe Deposit Co G7 31. & SI. Ins SO .... Allegheny Heat, SI Clurtlcrs V Gas 10 K 10ii.... P. y.d. JLP. Co 7.... 7K 9 7M n J'lula. Co 10 10 10 W B'a 10 Wheelinr UasCo .... 1034 12 13 12 UH Columbia oil. Co '-H 3 Citizens' Trac'n. CO 63 60 112 60Ji iV'i Pitts. Traction ?i Pleasant Valley. IS i5J 25 2SJ 24JJ.... becond Avenue.. ii -V V. & C.U.UC 37 Consignee 3lln'R 2o'A , lildalKO.UIninir 2 2K .... TA LaNorla 31'jtCo 20 Luster 31lulng.. 19j(.... W 19,' 19 19 WestlncbouseK. 9 OH 9 95i 9 10 U. S. 3. Co.... 8 11 9 IV 8$ 10Ji W et'house A It 103 Pitts.PlateU.Co IPS .... 195 Sales at the first call were 50 shares or Elec tric at S. 20 Philadelphia Gas at 10. 45 at 10 and 10 at 10. At second call 10 Luster sold at 19J. At third call 100 Monongahela Water went at 2 10 Philadelphia at 10, 25 Citizens' Traction at 6U and 10 at 61. Tho total salixof stocks at New York yester dav were 240.021 shares, including: Atchison. 5.870: Lackawanna, 33,731; Louisville and Nash ville, 15.4(j5; Missouri Pacific 3.200: North Amer ican, 9,875: Northern Pacific, 10,710: do pre ferred, 13,709; Reading, 7.259; SU Paul, 32,032; Union Pacific, 13,925. STILL CLIMBING. ' Oil Approaching the Dollar Line by Easy Stages Light Trading. Trading in oil was of small dimensions yester day, but tbe price continued its upward move ment, showing that bullish conditions are hav ing theirproper effect. The lowest sale was at 75c, the opening, low est and closing figure, and tho highest at "ojc, with nothing done outside of these extremes. This is the. best price since last October. There was no change in refined. Average runs were 76,179; average shipments, 80,134; average charters. 6,17a McGrew, Wilson & Co., Eisner building, quote puts, 73732c; calls, 7676c Other Oil Markets. Bradford, Jan. 8. National Transit Certifi cates opened at 74c;closed at74c: highest,. 75JJc; lowest, 74c; clearances, 362,000 barrels. Oil. CiTT. Jan. 8. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 74c; highest, 75c: lowest, 74gc; closed, 7JJfc Sales, 10S.UOO barrels; clearances. 218.000 barrels; shipments, 79.447 barrels: runs, 76,478 barrels. Carrying. 4550c. Buckeye No sales; runs, 45,219 bar rels; shipments, 26,172 barrels. New York, Jan. 8. Petroleum continues dull and tbe volume of business small. Tbe opening was firm at an advance of e in Feb ruary options, but tho price sagged off slowly and tbe market closed steady. Pennsylvania oil Spoi, openinc 73c; highest, 73c: lowest, 73c: closing, 73K0- February option: Open ing, 75c;iighcst, 75c; lowest, 74Kc; closing, 74Kc Lima oil Opening, 21c; highest, 22c; lowest, '21c; closing, 22c Total sales, 42,000 barrels. jnew'tobk stocks." An Unusual Demand for All Kinds of Bonds Cold Weather Sends Coal Shares Up Other Advantgj Are for Small Figures. New York, Jan. 8. The stock market to day was still strocg, bnt there was a waiting disposition manifested by the local operators, pending the result of tbe meeting of the Presi dents in this city. Tbe general opinion was that a favorable result would be obtained, and the market exhibited considerable strength until it was known that the meeting had ad journed without doing any thing of Importance, when dullness again marked tbo dealing. Tbe faature of tbe trading, however, was the demand for all kinds of bonds, even the low priced bonds beginning to join in the active in vestment demand. The coal stocks and tbe in dustrials were also features of tbe market, as the continuance of the present cold weather has brought in a more confident buying, and today Lackawanna rose nearly 4 per cent, tbe others following. Sugar Refineries was prominent all day long, and strong, especially in the forenoon, though there was no news of a kind to favorably affect the stock beyond the postponement of the Cam eron suit. The day began with all tbe conditions favor able, the reduction of its rate of discount from 5 to 4 per cent by the Bank of England being one of the most influential. The opening prices were, therefore, fractionally higher, and witb the coal stocks in the lead further advances wete made all along the line in the forenoon. The fluctuations outside of the stocks before mentioned, however, were slight, and while a firm tone prevailed there was little vim in tbe market. Dullness became the ruling fcatn re, and continued so until tho close. The trading element was inclined to race advantage 01 this apathy to hammer stocks, their operations re sulting in a partial loss of the early gains. There wer strong spots here and there In the list, however, and no material impession was made upon prices. , The market finally rloscdi quiet and firm, generally at something better tnan the opening figures. The final gains of importance com prise Lackawanna, Z: Sncar, 2; Delaware and Hudson, 3. and Jersey Uential, ljf, Railroad bonus were again more active but failed to display as strong a front as during tbe past few days, although few losses resulted. Tne transactions foot up $2,430,000, but or that amount Atchison incomes contributed $572,000; Northern Pacific 5s, $134.000, .and Texas Pacific income-, $103,000. Among the important ad vances arc Worth and Denver, which rose 2 to 104, and New York Northern .scconds,2 to 7. Thei'ojt says: 3'he reduction of the Bank of Eugland rate to-day was probably a surprise to some peoplo who thoiiEbt themselves well informed as to the monetary situation there. They did not expect it, because it is pretty well understood that more gold will have to so to Germany, and also that the 3,009,000 of the Bank of France to tbe Bank ot England will have to be paid in less than a month. These, in fact, are good reasons for expecting that the present extreme low rates for money in the onen market in London will not continue. Nevertheless, the Bank of England directors are undoubtedly prepared for the withdrawals of gold for Berlin and Pari. They would not have reduced the rate if they thought thoy would bo compelled to put it up asain very soon. On the whole, it shows a great improve ment in the monetary situation iu Loudon. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the hew York Mock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for THE Dispaich by Wuitjjey &. STKrHEXSOK. oldest Pittsburg mem bers or the 'ew York Stock Ixchange,57Fourth aie:uic: Clos ine Hli. IS 23 13 K I9JS 73 49 115 2a 1SK 3i 90 ' 62b 106 69 3 UK 62 97 SlV 27M 47 SI 137 135 IS", MA 7 S8K H KX :u:s I6H Open- HI;h- Low lne. est. est. Am. Cotton on laK laif is Am. cotton (merer... :o4 Ki.S 38 Am. Cotton (IU Trust.. 3) :u. 19J.I Atch., Top. ft 8. 1' 29H 29H 29t Canadian Pacific Canada Southern 49tt 4iTJ 9J4 Central of NewJeney.lH lic; 114 Central Pacific Chesapeake A Ohio ... 19 1J 18X Chicago uas Trust 3V 37 36 C liar. A Uulney... . j-M Sm 0C! C Mil. St. Paul.. . 03JJ .MH 2tt C. 3111. St. I'., or.. 107 107 1US C, itock x. ft P. 9U 70 60)4 C. St. P.. 31. ft 0 23f 23j 23H C, SU P.. 31. ft U. pi. SJ SO 79 C. northwestern. .. IjCH IU65 iwH C ;., cj ein c mm C. C C. ft l.pref..... 97 97 97 Col. Coal ft iron ti'4 3SK 34W Col. ft llocklnz Valley 27V 23 27H Ches. ftUltlolstorer.. 49 4a. 43 flies. unload prer.. i 31V 31 Del.. Lack ft Weu...lS 13s 13434 Del. ft llnnsou 133 135V 133 Uen. ft Klo Urande.... lb4 IS'J 184 lien, ft K10 Urande. nl. 6& COS so K.T.. Va. ftoa 7, 7H 7 Illinois Central OJij 98V 9S' Lake fcrle ft West lH 14k 1 L-aKcKrleft West pr.. 67 57 H KH Lane Shore ft it. a 10714 loS JWji LotusvlueAKashvllle. J4,H Wil 75 Mobile ftllblo Missouri t'acinc National i.eadTrnst. New xorc Central..., N.Y., CxBl. I. M. i. L. E. ft W N.Y.. L.E.&W.PU K. t. AH. E. N. V.. II. A V . 63! ' tin , MM . 49U . MK . 15Ja 63V la's ii'4 MH SO KH 15; wk 6) 18H iili 19 41Jf 15K MH 23 67 ISJi 102 TSU IPS 49 36 144 U'4 UK 7 iHi 34 H 34 l!tt 18 70! 22 S 101 em 14H 43 9K 17 77i 33 70 15V MM 48M Norfolk 4 Western Norfolk ft Western nC Mu; Northern fflfii 23 Northern Pacific or.... etii Ohio A Mississippi Orecou improvement. l)i l'acltte3laU 3A Peo.. Dec. ft Evans 1'nllaael. ftReadlmr... 34M Pullman Palace car Klcbmona ft W. P. T . J07i Richmond ft W.P.'x.pl 69jj St. Paul ft Uiilutn St. Paul Dnlutli or. St. i Minn, ft 31an..lC2 SuearTrust. 59 Texas 1'acmc. H Union Pscife 45i mi iili 34X 34" 16 69 17 103V CH 145, 48 S3H 7IK 16i 55 14 43 17 77J 33 71V vraoasn. Wabasn preferred Western Union. Wneellneft L. . Wheeling 1.. K.pret. North Amerlean Co... P., C., C. ft St. u P.. C, C. ft St. Upr., 78 33!4 71 i 15 Boston Atch. ft Top MJ Boston ft Albany.. ..195 Uoston ft Maine. ...203 C. 11. AQ 90 Eastern K. K. 6 153 Flint ft Pero 11 21k Flint ft Perell. pre. 81 L. it. ft Ft. S. ...... Ql)i Mass. Central. 18 Mex. Ccn. coin kk N. Y. &N. Kne..... 6! N. Y. ft N. Enc. 7S..IKJ4 Old Colony 16S Itutland preferred.. 63 H Is. Cen. common. 19 Wis. Central pi 45 Alloucz .Mg. Co 24 Atlantic I-JJi Stocks. Boston & Mont.., 41X SW 25 17K ', UM 36?. , 85 40 145 5 16 M Calumet ft Hecla CatalDa Franklin Huron Kearsarxe Osceola Qulncy Santa Fe Copper.... Tamarack Uoston Land Co... . San llleso Land Co. West End Land Co. Hell Telephone lamson Store S Water Power Ceutennlal JilnlnK. N. Enjr. Telephone. 51 Philadelphia Stocks. Closluir quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished nv Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue, lumbers New lork Stock Ex change: IIM. Pennsylvania ltallroad 5"H llcnillnr 'M buffalo. New York and Pjiliadelpoia 8'i Lenlgh Vatlcv 495 l.elilRh Navigation 4a Philadelphia and Erie 30 Nortnern Pacific common 53U Northern Pacitlc preferred 67 Aske. Ml 17 1-Ib m 50 it" 21 i 68 Dllnlng Quotations. New Yobk. Jan. 8. Amador, 100; Adams, Consolidated. ISO; Aspen, 575; Cbollar. 185: Con Validated California and Virginia, 300; Dead wood T., 100: Homestake, 00; Horn bilver, 310; Plymouth, 100; Hierra Nevada. 170; Savage, 150: Standard. 110; Union Consolidated. 150. RUDYAItD KIPLING has written a series of seven letters on America for THE DIS PATCH. Tlie first lr the series will appear in NEXT SUNDAY'S ISSUE. LOCAL LIVE STOCK. Condition of Markets at East Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE OF THE PlTTSBlTRO DISPATCH, i Thursday. Jan. & ( Cattle Receipts. 1.170 bead; shipments, 1.023 bead. Market hrui at unchanged prices. Two cars cattle snipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 4.400 head: shipments, 3,100 head. Market s'ow; Philadelpblas, f3 904 00; mixed, $3 753 85: heavy Yorkers, 3 O04J3 70; light Yorkers. S3 403 63: pigs. S3 003 25. Ten cars hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 1,200 bead: shipments, 800 head. Market slow at yesterday's prices. Following is report of transactions at these yards for the week past: CATTLE. nOOS. SHEEP Thro'. Local. Thursday '930 10 4.500 L540 Friday 280 ... 3.2S 110 Saturday 40 an 3,975 880 Sunday 860 8,025 2.310 Monday 500 5,95 2,090 Tuesday 40 20 2,250 2,090 Wednesday 490 .... 5,025 830 Total 1,800 1.650 32,925 9,900 Last week 2,720 1.SO0 81,200 8,360 Prevlousweek.... 4,030) 1,640 24.095 10. 510 SALES. Thursday .' 2.883 219 Friday 15 4,:s.i 41s Saturday 5 2.ISI 103 Monday 1,550 11,302 2,014 Tuesday 65 1.454 LJ92 Wednesday 7 4,120 37 Total ,. .... uex 26Tl23 iTisi Lastwcek 1,493 ;i,770 2,718 Prevlousweek.. . .... 1,643 16,972 4,25.1 By Telegraph. CINCINNATI Hogs stronger; common and light. S3 0003 60; packing and butchers', S3 60 3 90; receipts, 5,700 bead; shipments. 2,700 head. Cattle firm; common. SI 0002 00; fair tochoice butcher grades, $2 2ol 00: prime to choice shippers. S3 754 50; receipts, 500 head; shipments, 400 head. Kbeep steady and strong: common to choice, 82 504 75, extra fat wethers and yearlings. $5 005 50: receipts, 203 bead; shipments. 600 head. Lambs Spring in moderate supply and strong; good to choice shlpninsr. So 256 00: common to choice butchers', SI 005 75 per 100 pounds. CHICAGO Cattle Receipts, 23,000 head; market fairly active and steady; steers, 4 25 5 50; butchers' stock, SI 253 7.1: stockers, $2 00 3 23. Hogs Receipts. 43.000 head; ship ments, 8,000 bead; market lower; rough and common light. S3 5063 60; prime mixed and packers, S3 6503 70; prime, heavy and butchers' weights, S3 703 80: light. S3 M3 7a cheep Receipts. 13,000 head; ship ments, 4.C00 head; market steady; natives. S3 75 5 23; Westerns. S4 405 00; Texans, S3 20 55; lambs, $3 756 25. - ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 1,200 head: shipments, 700 head; the market wat steady to strong; good to fancy natives, S4 505 10; fair to good. f4 004 BO; stockers aud feeders. 52 004 30; Texans and Indian steers; S2 30 3 00. Hogs Receipts, 9,700 head; shipments, 4.bC0 head; tbe market was easier; fair tn choice heavy. S3 503 70; mixed grades. S3 25 3 65: light, fair 10 best. S3 333 60. Sheep Receipts, 700 head; j6blpment. 200 bead: the market was strong; good to choice, 51 4025 50. NEW YORK Beeves Receipts, 56 head, all for exporters and slaughterers direct; no trad ing; feeling Arm; dreied beef steady at 6JSc. Calves Receipt, 29 head; market steady; veal. S6 00S 00: grassers and Westerns, $3 00 3 80. Kheep Receipt. 4,956 head; mirket tirm: sheep, S4 00Q5 75: lambs. S6 007 50; dressed mutton firm at 79c: dressed lambs steadv at OSlOJic Hogs Receipts. 5,979 head: convened direct; market nominally firmer at 53 404 25. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts. 3,050 head; shipments. 7,510 head; the market was strong to 10c higher; steers, S3 555 10: cow, SI 75 3 50; stockers and feeders. S2 253 25. Hogs Receipts. 13,770 head: shipments, 4.140 head; tbo market 'as 515c higher; bulk, S3 303 50: all grades, S3 003 70. Sheep Receipts, 1,270 head; shipments, none; tbe market was steady and unchanged. INDIANAPOLIS Cattle Light receints on a steady, fair market; shippers. S3 004 75; butchers'. II 60&2 73; bullsSA 003 15. Sheep Firm market: few receints: sheen. SJ oOiSS IS- lambs S3 75550. Hogs Receipts, 7.500 head; active, strong market; choice heavy. S3 704 3 80: choice light, S3 4503 60; mixed, S3 60370; pigs. 12 003 00. BUFFALO Cattle Peeling firm; receipts. 107 loads through, no sale. Sheep and lambs active, firm and unchanzed; receipts, 105 loads tbrougb, 23 sale. Hogs Receipts. 10 loads through, 40 sale: market slow and lower; me diums, heavy and mixed, S3 934 00. KUDTAKD KIPLTNG has written a series of seven letters on America for THE DIS PATCH. Tho first in the series will appear in NEXT SDNDAX'S ISSUE. The prudent always have Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup on hand; Costs but 25 cents a bottle. Rack ale is preferred by many. Try Iron'City Brewery's make. At best bars. arwp B.&B. All at one price 10 cents a yard to clear out 20,000 yards medium aud fine narrow embroideries to-day come promptly. Boons & Buiil. Bt calling "Hello, 1186," you can order the finest ales and beers for your family's use. Ikon CitxvBp.etving Co. MOT TJse liO''shoeblackins. where. 10 cts. everv- More Pilsnereer is sold each year by the Iron City Brewing Company. Order by mall or telephone 1185. MWFSu When baby was sick, we gave ber Castorla. Wheu sbe was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When hhe had Chlldremshe gave them Castorla DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cold Weather Has Kcdnccd Supply of Fresh Nearby Eggs, AHD DRIFT OP PfiiCES IS DPWAED. Cereal Eeceipts Ire Light, and Tone of Markets Improves. CHOICE, HAT AXD FLOOR ARE FIEMEK orriCE or Pittsbubg dispaics, i Thuesday, Jan. 8. $ Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Trade in this line is quiet. Commission men are carrying light stocks. Since apples and oranges are sellingnearly at the same figure, prico of tbo former has weakened. Markets aro well stocked with potatoes, and demand is less active than it was a few weeks ago. Fancy stock, however, holds up to old prices. The recent cold snap has bad tbe effect of reducing supplies of fresh nearby eggs, and markets are firmer. Western and Southern eggs are also looking up. Creamery butter is lc lower than at the beginning: of tbe week. Country butter is slow for anything below fancy. Apples S3 0005 50 a barrel. . Bctter Creamery, Elgin. 31c; Ohio do, 2S29c;common conntry butter, 1015c: choice country rolls, ISfiKOc; fancy country rolls, 23 25c. Beans New crop beans, navy. S2 30Q2 35; marrows, S2 332 40; Lima beans, egec BesswaX 23S30C if) ft for choice; low grade, 2225c - ClDEK Sand refined, S9 O0.10 00: common. $5 50S 00: crab cider. $10 0U11 IX) V barrel: cider vinegar. 1415c per gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, lOffllOKc; New YorP. cheese, 10Jillc; Limbnrcer. 135 14c; dome: .ic Sweitzer, 1214c; Wisconsin brick Sweitzer, 14c; imported Sweitzer, 27Kc Cbanbeiuiies Cape Cod. S3 75JJ4 00 a box, $116012 00 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 t03 75 a box, Sll OOiSll 50 a barrel. UBhssED Hoas Large, 45c fl lb; small. EOGS 24025c for Western stock; 2829c for strictly fresn nearby eggs. Feathebs Extra live geese, 50S60c; No. I 40 15c: mixed lots, 30035c 3) fi. Honey New crop white clover, 2022c p lb. California honey. 12I5c fl lb. Maple sybup 75&95o a can; maple sugar, 910c tt. Nuts Chestnuts, S5 0005 50 a bnsbel;wal nnts. 70075c a bushel: shell bark hickory nuts Si 501 75 a bushel; peannts, SI 501 75 roaated: green, 4JCc ?1 ft; pecans, 16c ) lb, new French .Walnuts, 10lbc $ ft. Poultry Alive ChicKens, young,; 33ffl50c: old. 55065c: turkeys, 13011c a pound; ducks, 60 675c a pair: geese, choice, SI 251 30 a pair. Dressed Turkeys, 1315c a pound; dncks, 14 15c a pound: chickens. 11012c: geese, 89c Tallow Countrv, 4c: citv rendered. 5a Seeds Recleaned Western clover, 85 00 5 25; countrv medium clover, 54 004 25; tim othy, Jl 501 55; bine grass, S2 853 00; orchard grass, SI 50; millet, 7075a Tbopical Feuits Lemons, SI 50: fancy, So Ot'05 50; Jamaica oranges. SS 0006 50 a barrel; Florida oranges, S3 7504 00 a box; bananas, 52 50 firsts. SI 50 good seconds, 3? bunch; Malaga grapes, 57 00312 50 a half bar rel, according to quality: tigs. 15016c $1 ft; dates, 4Jb5c lb. Vegetables Potatoes 81 001 25 bushel; Sontbern sweets, 2 252 75 barrel; Jersey, S3 504 00; kiln dried. S4 00 a barrel; cabbage, J7 5008 00 $ hundred: onions. S3 00 a barrel; celery, 40bCc a dozen bunches; parsnips, 35c a dozen; carrots, 35c a dozen; parsley, 10c a dozen; spinach, 7oc a bushel; horseradish, 50 75c a dozen. Groceries. Orders are coming in freely, but prices are unchanged. The year so far has been spent by wholesale dealers mostly in stock taking. Prices remain as tbey have been for a number of weeks past. J Green Coffee Fancy, 24K25ic; choice Rio, 22K23Kc; prime Rio, 23s; low grade Rio. 2u21c; old Government Java. 29K30c; Maracaibo.25K27c: Mocha, 80032c; Santos, 22026c: Caracas, 25j27c; La Guayra. 26027c: Roasted (In panersj Standard brands,24c; bigh grades, 2730c; old Government Java, bulk, 31Q33Kc: alaracalbo. 282c; Santos, 280 30c; peaberry, 30c; choice Rio. 25Kc: prime Rio, 24Kc: good Rio, 23c; ordinarv, 216!22c. bPlCES (whole) Cloves, 154516c: allspice.lOc; cassia, 8c; pepper. 13c; nutmeg, 7580c Petkolecm (jobbers' nrices) .10 test, 7c; Ohio. 120. 8JJc; headlight. 150, Kc; water white. 1010Kc; globe. l4311c; elaine. 15craf nadine, UJJc; royaliue, 14c; red oilr11011c: purity, 14c. Miners' Oil Nal winter strained. 4043c; fl eallou; summer, 35037c: lara oil, 5553c Syrup Corn Syrup, 28030c; choice sugar syrup, S6SSc; prime sugar syrup, 3233c; strictlv prime, 31035c N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 42c; choice, 4Cc:medium, 3538c; mixed, S4Q36c. Soda Bicarb in kegs, 33c: bi-carb in s, 5-c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine. yl set, 8Kc; parafine. ll12c Rice Head Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6K 6c; prime, G6Kc; Louisiana, 56c STARCH Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 6J7c; gloss starch, 607c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, 2 75: Jlu-catels, 82 25; California Muscatels, $2 152 25; Valencia, 77c: Ondara Valencia, 88c: sultana, 1820c: currant', 55c: Turkey prunes, 7J8c; French prunes, lla&13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 9c; cocoanuts. p 100. S6; almonds, Lan., $1 ft, 29c; do Ivica, 17c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 13 014c: Sicilv filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs, 13014c; new dates. 56c; Brazil nnts, 18c; pecans, 14 16c; citron, ft ft, 1920c: lemon peel. 12c fl ft; orange nee!. 12c Dries Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, lc; apples, cvaporared, 1415c: peaches, evapo rated, pared, 2S30c: peaches, California, evap orated, un pared, 20023c: cherries, pitted. 31c; cherries, unpitted. ld13Kc: raspberries evap orated, 32033c; blackberries, 910c; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes, 6c; powdered, 6c; granu lated, 6c: confectioners' A. 6c; standard A, oc; soit wnite, oswosfcc: yenow, cnoice, ogz? o;c; yeuow.gooa, oswoe; yellow. lair. Sriin flKi JOIIUW, KUVU, oKc: yellow, dark. 5i0ojic . OWOIOMC pickles aleaium, nbls(l,200l,S8cO; medium, half buls(600).S475. Salt No. 1 f) bbl.. Si 00; No. 1 ex., W bbl., SI 10: dairy, V bbU, SI 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl $1 20; Hlgcihs' Eureka. 4-bu. sacks, 82 80; Hig gins' Eureka, 16-14 ft packets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 80 2 90; 2nds, $2 5002 60; extra peaches, S3 OOgg 3 10; pie peaches. S2 00: finest corn, SI 3501 SO; HM. Co. corn, 95C0S1 15; red cherries, SI 40 1 50: Lima beans, SI 35: soaked do. 80c: string do, 75090c: marrowfat peas. 31 1001 25: soaked pea9.7tl0SOc: pineapples, SI 3001 40; Bahama do, S2 55: damson plums, SI 10; greengages, 51 50: egg plums, S2 20; California apricots, 52 5002 60: California pears,. $2 75; do green gages. S2 00; do egg plnms, S2 00; extra wbite cherries, $2 85: raspberries. SI 4001 45: straw, berries, SI S01 40; gooseberries, SI 101 15; tomatoes, 85090c: ' salmon. 1-fi. SI 3001 80; blackberries, SI 10; succotaMi, 2-S cans, soaked. 90c: do green. 2-ft. SI 2501 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans. S2 00; 1-ft cans, SI 00; baked beans. SI 40(31 50: lobster. 1-ft. S2 25: frmackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI GO; sardines, do mestic, i-is, S4 lo4 2o; sardines, domestic, s, S6 50; sardines, imported. s. 11 50012 50; sar dines, imported. lAs. S18: sardines, mustard. S3 tO: sardines, spiced, SI 25. Fisn Extra No. 1 bloater, mackerel, S20 $ bbl.: extra No. 1 do mess,S2S50; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore. S24 00; No. 2 shore mackerel. S22: Urge 3s. S20. CodHb Whole pollock. 5c V ft; do medium. George's cod, 5c; do large, 7c; boneless hakes, in strips, 5c; do George's cod. In blocks, 6X7Kr. Herrincr Round shore, S3 50 1 bbl; stillr.SS 50; lake. S3 25 ft 100-fi bbl: White fish, S6 SO $1 100-fi half bbl. Lake trout. $5 50 3? halt bbl. Finnan haddies, 10c 9 to. Ice land halibut. 13c ?1 ft. Pickerel, balf bbl. S3: quarter bbl, SI 35. Holland herring, 70c; Wal ton herring, 90c Oatmeal $7 007 25 bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. There was one sale on call at tbe Grain Ex change, viz., a car of 2 white oats, 51Xc, free in elevator. Receipts as bulletined. 22 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, 3 cars of hay, S of oats, 1 of middlings. 2of barley, 2 of flour. 1 or bran. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 8 cars of corn. 1 of bran, 2 of hay. The tone of cereal markets is stronger, and general drift is toward higher prices. Re ceipts have been light all this week, and there is firmness all along tbe line. Choice bay is steady. Flour Is firm in tbe Northwest, and bicher prices are snre in the near future. Prices for carload lots on track: Wheat-No. 2 red, SI 001 01; No. 3, 970 93c Corn No. 2yellowheH. 5S359c: high mixed. 57058c; mixed shell. 5556c;No. 2 yellow ear, 6i3c; high mixed ear, o9KW)c OATS No. 1. SlKSo; No. 2 white. 5151K extra. No. S, 4949Kc: mixed oats. 4747Kc " Rye No. 1 FemiKVlvania and Ohio, 7ba77c; N". 1. Western. 74375c Flour Jobbing prtcs Fancy spring and winter patent flour, 55 7506 00; fancy straight winter, $1 855 15; fancv straight sp-lng. S4 85a 5 15; clear win'er. SI 7503 00: straighOXXXX bakers'. $4 504 7i Kve flour, SI 004 25. Buckwheat flour, 2KQ3C V & Millkeed No. I whitu middlings, S21 SMS 25 00 ton: No. 2 white midrtlinzs. $21 000 22 00: brown mtddlin:, S20 50021 00; winter wheat bran, S20 50021 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. S10 50010 75; Nn. 1, $9 50010 00; No. 2 do. (8 0008 50: loose from iiran S12 nuBi no according to nnalltv: jsoriuern. January oje; ou ijjn;.ou5(jni. iua.o-i.-wj ju. No. a prairie bay. $7 2507 60; packing do. J7 00 CINCINNATI Flour steady. Wkeat stronger: T A TT-T7!Ci7BIN-oXiDEPlLl.Sar.rJ 07 25 No. 2 red. 98c Corn firm and higher; No. i LADLES sunerlS Mnnyw7"o 3 KTKAWflit S6 &O07 00: -wheat and rrn. mixed. S4c Oats in cood demand: No. ! uniT: mrHmiiri. ir. n.ittKKim. kittm; -"M Provisions. Sugar-cured bams. large, 9c; sugar-cured bams, medium, 0-Xc; suiar-cured bams, small, 10c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon. Pyc: sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. TJic; skinned shoulders, 7Hc;skinned bams, 10c; sugar-cured California hams. 6c; sugar-cured dried beef flats. 9c; sngar-cured dried beef sets, 10c; sngar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, c; bacon, clear sides. 7c; bacon, clear beillef, 6c: dry salt sbouhlers, &c; dry salt clear sides, 6c Mes pork, heavy, Sll 50: mess pork, family, Sll 50. Lard Refined, in tierces. 5c: half barrels, 5Jic; 60-ft tubs, 6c: 20-ft paili. 6Jic; S0-& tin canx, ojic: 3-ft tin pails. 6c; 5-ft tin pails, 6s: 10-ft tin palls, 5c Smoked sausage. long.5c;iarire. 5c Fresh pork links, 9c Bone less hams, 10kc Pigs feet, half-barrels, H 00; quarter-barrels. $2 15. MAKKETS BY WIBE. TVhcat Hardens on Easier Money Corn Stronger Oats Run Up by tho Shorts, "Who Engage in a Lively Skir mish rrovlsons Weaker. CHICAGO Tbe market for January was local fr character and fluctuations were nar row. .Easy money and a good demand from abroad for floor on tbe one hand were holdmg prices np. while oa tbeotber. Snow and Pard rldge tried to keep them down. There was an advance ot about VAa In the May future and lc in tbe price for Jnly. Tbe Government crop report was alternately speculated upon as likely to favor tbe bears, ana again, to be on tbe side of the bulls. One estimate made tbe total for tbe year 400,000,000 bushels. Tbe New York advices were that considerable Inquiry was in progress thero by forelin houses, but only 1 boat loads was sold for foreign ship ment to-day. The range irt prices was narrow. Tho lowest price was 9Gc for May. and the highest, 970y7Jc The last quotation was 97c There was alack of animation in tbe corn pit during the day which- was enlivened only during the time theoats crowd was threatening to become hysterical over a Jfc advance in that cereal. May corn opened at 52Jc being c de cline since the previous afternoon, and it sold at 52c sparingly soon after. It advanced by slow degrees In sympathy with oats until 53;c was paid and then iold oil to 53c, recover ing to and closing at 6.3J-JC Tbe liveliest business done was among tbe oats dealers. A somewhat sudden and material advance brought ont tbe fact that Pardrldge was by no ratians the only short in oats. Ha and his co-unfortunates made a lively 'hustle'' to fill their shorts, and they were only supplied when tbey had offered a satisfactory premium to a certain astute old speculator, who has for some time back been quietly gathering in the slack of the rope at which be so vigorously tneged to-day. May started ac 45JJc sold to 455c, advanced to 46Jc declined to 46c and hardened to46c on the close, indicating Jc advance. The opening prices in provisions were at a decline of about 2c from the closine quota tions on Wednesday. The result of the trading was a slight decline in the speculative articles. The estimated receipts of bogs for to-morrow are 35.000 head. The leading tntures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley fc Co., 45 Sixth street, members Chicago Board of Trade: Open- llljrli- l,ow- Clos- Abticles. lut. est. est. lug. WHEAT, .NO. 2 January 90 90tf 90 9uH May v.... 96V 37 1164 91H July r. 9z tat K 93". COKN. iiO. 2 January 43 4DV4 48V 49 1'ebruary 4!)J, 50H 43-V 4'J3i May s:h 53 '4 lir, It OATS, 0. 2 January au m H May 4jti 46j 1., 403, July 45Ji 45, 4i 45J Mess Pobs. January 10 85 J10 85 510 70 flO 70 February. 10 90 10 80 10 80 10 80 May 1132)4 UQ II 27,'S 1130 LABIt. Januarr J92J, 4 KSj s so sso February sent fl 02)5 6 03 SCO May 64ZS, 6 45 6 40 6 43M bHonrltme. January 5 ai S 10 S 20 February. SQ SSI!'. 5 30 5 33 May 57a t;j" 5 68 5 70 Cash Quotations were as follows- Flour quiet and steady. No. 2 spring wheat. 9OK09Oc: No. 3 spring wheat. 8486ic: No. 2 red. 91K'0292c: No. 2 corn. 4I4c: No. 2 oats. 43Jf 043Kc: No. 2 rye.68K(S69c: No. 2 barle v nominal: No. 1 flaxseed. 81 19j; prime timothv seed. SI 24 0123. Messpork,perbbI.SI0 62Ki07S. Lard. perlOOlb", S59O05 92. Short rib sides (lnoe). 50 1005 20; dry salted shoulders (boxed). S4 200 4 30; short clear sides (boxed). So 3505 40. Sugars unchanged. No. 2 white oat 44Ke: No. 3 barley, f. o. b.. 63070c; No. 4. f. o. b.. 685c On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter market was slow and easy. Eggs. 2224c NEW YORK Flour firm, moderatelv active. Cornmeal dull and steady; yellow Western. S2 8503 25. Wheat Spot market stronger and dull;No.2rert.Sl Bi'i In elevator. SI 05Ji afloat. 51 O5Ji01 06 r. o. I..: No. 2 red, SI 0OK; un graded red, SI O4V01 05: No. 1 Norihem, SI C7J: No. 1 baru, SI 12Ji; No. 2 Milwau kee si 01. Oottons early were exsy and dull at K04C derllne, bnt became strong and advanced JsQKc on crop estimate of the Cincinnati price current ana rumors of ex port: No. 2 red, January, closing at SI 03K: Feb ruary closins at SI 04; March closing at SI 05: July, 99099c. closing at 99c: Aneust. 970 SS'Ac closine at 98Jc; December. 99c0Sl 00. closing SI 00. Rye quiet and steady. Barley firm and quiet. Barley malt qnietand easy. Corn Spot market firm and dull; No. 2. 59WQ 69Kc elevator. 60c afloat; ungraded, mixrd, 61Xc: steamer, mixed, 69SG0c: No. 3. G&MdcSc. uptions were siow. out ruled strong through tbe day and closed Jic up oil UK" lubtiur movements; January. 5959ic, closing at 50c; February, 5SU59Jic closine at 59JJc: March, closing at 59c; Slay. 59G0c, closing at 59c Oats Spot market firmer and fairly active: options quiet and firmer; January, closing at 60c; February. 51Jc: March, 52c: Mav. 5152c closing at 52c; spot. No. 2 wbite. 5152&.; mixed West ern.49a52c; white do, 5257c; Nu.2Chicago.31 Mc Hops firm and quier. Tallow firm and quiet; city (12 00 for packages). 4c asked. Eggs quiet and weak; Western. 2u27c. Hides qnlet and firm. Pork dull; old mess. Sll: new mess, Sll 5012 00; extra prime. SO 50010 00. Cutmeats inactive and steady; pickled bellies, 5c; pickled shoulders, 44c; pickled bams, 7K7Kc; middles easy; short clear. So So. Lard opened weak, and closed firm and dull; Western steam, S6 274 bid; sales, 1.250 tierces. 6 2806 30 Options Sales, iOOO tierces: January, S6 28; Februarv, Sfi 34; juarcu, to so, closing, to -u; April, to u: May. SS 646 67. closing at SS 65. Butter State dalrvin best demand and firm: Western dairy, ll20c; do creamery, 1923c: Elgin, 29c. Cheese firmer and in good demand; light skims, 4eicx Ohio flats, 69Jic ST. LOUIS Flour firmer and prices un changed. Wheat Tbe market opened JiSJe down, and there was a still further decline of lAi: soon afterward; large buying orders later advanced prices, and a firm to strong feeling prevailed until 10 o'clock, when a slight sagging movement took place, but a recovery immediately followed, and tbe market ruled firm to the close, which was Jc above yester day: No. 2 red. cnh. 9595ic: May. WJgt 96Kc closing at 96:; July. S7J88c, closing 87. Corn was I l-loo lower at tbe opening, but soon strengthened and fluctuated within a small range till near tbe clo-ie when a sharp advance brought prices up to JrQKc higher than yester day; No. 2 casb, 484Kc: slay, 5050Kc. clos ing at 60K July, 51Ji5IJic closing at Slz bid. Oats firm and higher: No. 2 casb, 44c; May, 45K46c, closing at 45Jc. Rye firmer; No. 2, 67c bid. Barley higher and offerings firmly held: Wisconsin, 60 71. Flaxseed quiet, but firm at SI 2a Butter Demand lighter and values weak: creamery, 2122c: separator. 2425c; choice to fancy dairy. 2022c: Northern roil. 1517c Eggs hlgber at I9Kc Cornmeal. S2 552 t. Provisions Tbe mirket was firm at 990; trading moderate. Pork, nsw mess, 510 75. Lard, J5 755 SO. Dry salt meats steady; feoxeu shoulders, S3 b7X4; longs. S3 25; ribs. So 25: short clear. J537i. Bacon quiet aud firm: boxed shoulders, (5 CO: longs and ribs. $5 700575: short clear, to 805 5. Sugar cured hams, S3 75 11 75. T PHILADELPHIA Flour quiet bnt steady. Wheat steadi ; No. 2 red January, SI 001 00; February. SI 011 01; March. SI 03JS1 0.1,; April, SI 051 05K. Corn weak and lower) No. 3 yellow in grain nerot, GCj6Ic: steamer No. 2 low mixed In do, b0c; steamer No. 2 mixed in do, 6101Kc: No. 2 je-Iowin do, 62K; No. 2 mixed anu yellow in do, 62c; No. 2 white in do. 6uc: No. 2 mixed, January. 5960c; February, 0ilg60c: March". COgOOkc: April, 60Ka01c Oats firm; No. 3 while, 5051c:No. 2 wnite, 51 51c; do clipped, track, c3c: No. 2 white Jan narv. 51i51Xc; February. 52Ji52Kc; Marcb. 5253c; April. 5353c Eggs dull aud lower; Pennsylvania, fresh, 30c BALTIMOBE Wheat Western steady: No. 2 winter, red spot and January, ab?97r: Febru ary, 97c: May. SI 02JiJl 03. Com Western steady:. mixed, spot, &oc: January, 58c bid; May, SiJiSSc: steamer. 56c bid., Oats fairly active. Rye scarce and firmer.' Hay firm; choice timothy, SU 00; good lo prime. S10 COS 10 50. Provisions steadv. Bntter quiet: cream ery fancy, 27Q2t!c; do fair to choice. 2i25c; do imitation. 23c: ladle fancy. 22c: du good to cboire, 1520c; rolls, fine. 17018c; fair to good, 12016c Eggs steady: fresh, 273.Sc: Ice house, 20c. MINNEAPOLIS Casb wheat was In good de mand to-day, witb local millers and elevator men the principal bnysrs. Two or tbree of th elevator companies bad representatives in the market buying tor their bouses. Receipts were only 258 cars, and with the demand it sold off early, excepting floor samples and lots that bad arrived late in tbe session or some that was beld above tbe market. Clo-e: No. lbard. Jan uary. 91c;on track, 92c; Nn.-l Northern. January. 88c: February 89c: May 94c; on track.S!)Kc; No. 3 Northern, January 85c; on track 85K3ic. CINCINNATI Flour steady. Wkeat stronger: No. 2 red, 98c Corn Arm and hlgber; No. 2 mixed. S4c Oats in cood demand: No. ! nixed, 45Kc Bye quiet; No. 3, He, Pork barelv steady at S10 5a Lard in fair demand ac ) S5 8005 85. Bntkmeats firm at S3 1005 2a Bacon barely steady at SC 25. Better steady. ) Kegs firm at 22c Cheese strong. MILWAUKEE Flour unchanged. "Wheat qniet; No. 2 spring, on track, cash. 85087c; May, IKKc:Nn. 1 Northern, 90c Corn nriu;No.3, on track. 4!;a Oats steady; No. 2 white, on track. 4616Kc Barlev firm: No. 2. in store. 68c Rye firm: No. 1, in stori-. my.c Pre visions quiet. Pork May, SU 32Jf. Lard May. 6 40. TOLEDO Wheat dnll and firm: cash and January, 93c; May. UOKc; Jane. SI 00; July. 93e; August. 92c Corn dull and steady; casb. 61c: May. 53Jc Oats quiet; casb. 41c Clorerseed active and steady: casb and January. S4 40; February, S4 42K: March, S4 52- OULUTH 'Wheat opened at 99c for May. sold down to 38)c and closed at 90c Business dull. Closing quotations, casb. wero 90Kc for No. bard; No. 1 Northern, 87:; No. 2 Northern, 82"f. Advertising it is said -will sell anything, this is true in a measure; but for staying; qualities,- merit is the test Extensive advertising may sell anything -where it is new or unknown, but after it" co.ss into general use, it is judged according to its -worth. The continued and steady growth of Swift's Specific is the best evidence of its excellence. It is most popular where it is best known. Every bottle sold, sells ten others. Every one that takes it be comes its friend, and recommends it to their acquaintances. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE-:-HOUSE,' Embroidery and White. Goods Department-, direct importation from tbe best mannfaoW tnrers or St. Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Edg- , lnes. Flonneines. Skirt Widths and Allovers. ) Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncmgs. Buyers f win una tnese goons attractive com in pries and novelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE. PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in dado and plain or spring- fixtures. Lace Cur-' talus. Portieres, Chenille Cnrtains, Poles and Brass Trimmings; Floor. Table and Stair Oil Cloths in best make. lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESS FABRICS. The largest variety from which to select ' Toll Su Nords, Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersnck-1 ers. Imperial Suiting. Heather fc Renfrew Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginsbams. Wholesale Exclusively. jalS-P UKOlvEIW-FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. my3 PVilPT T7'C SAVINGS BANK. rjjUriala 3 81 FOURrH AVENUE, Capital. S300.000. Surplus. S5L670 29. D. McK. LLOYD, EDWARD E. DUFF. 4 President. Asst. Sec Treas. per cent Interest allowed on time deposits. OC15-10-D 0RYIS BROTHERS & CO., 41 BROADWAY, SEW YOEK, f New York Stock Exchange, Members I New York Produce Exchange, ( Chicago Board of Trade, Invite Speculative Accounts for cash or on liberal margins. de24.2l.-nnr JOHN H. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Grain. Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago, si SIXTH ST.. Pittsburg. 0C22-53 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PENN AVENUE, PrrTSBURG, PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in tbe city, de voting special attention to all chronic diseases. emprXnn;N0FEEUNTILCURED MCRnilQa"d mental diseases, physical V C 11 V U U O decay, nervous desility. lack of aergy. ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfttlness, dizziness, sHeplessnos. pimples, eruption, im poverished Mood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN&StSft blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swelling", ulcerations of tonsne, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. IIRIM ARV k'iney and bladder derange Unillttn I ments, weak back, grave). ca tarrhal discba.ges, inflammation and otber painful symotoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cure'. Dr. Whittler's lire-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. OElce hours. 9 A. 31. to 8 P. lc Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 814 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. ja8-49-D3uwk TO WEAK ftSEN Suffering from the effects ot youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for homo cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work : should be read by every man who pt nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. FOWLER, flXoodnsComu Olici- EStWK DOCTORS LAKE KPWti T.TRTS tnqlt i Tm quiring scientific and ronfldan- Jl. R. C. P. S.. is tbe oldest and! uiosc experienced specialist iuj the city. Consultation free and awr- 9iiui.ij cuuuutuwi. ww EOUH 9 to i and 7 to 8 P. jr.: Sundays, Zto4 P. . M. Consult them personally, or write. DOCTOE Laes. cor. Penn ave- and 4th st, Pittsburg, P je3-72-DWk: "Wood's irosili.odLisi.e. THE GREATEiGLlsIIJtlSMBOlf. Used ror 35 years by thousands uc-4Araliv- Guar of Youthful folly and tbe excesses of later yearsi anteed to cure all forms of Uervous Bins xmmeaxaio strength andtrfow or. Ask drugtrtsts Weakness. Fmls slons, Spermator- ror wooa's taot phodlnettakena substitute. One) rnea. impoiencx. and all the effects Hcir Photo from Life. package, tl; six. $5, by mail. Write forjjamnhlet. Address The.Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward ve . Detroit, alien. WSoMln Plttuhnrci P tTJ-05ntt nemlsj 8a. Ulamond aud r&g.KWTSWkxowk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS DEB1 LI TY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY, full particulars In ptinphlei sent free. The. genuine Urcya bpeelScsold by drnaglsu only la yellow wrapper. Price, 1 pee package, or six for S3, or by mall on recelot of nrire. bv address IBS THE GKA.X JituiuiE CO, uun-aio, a. I Sold in Pittsburg by 3. 3. HULL. AN II. corner Bmlthfleld and Liberty su. mbi7-(-DWK jPj rawm talari .4 Alltr. wS !" I" p F" to every man, young.mlddle-aged, g n C EL and old; postage paid. Address ' 9 Dr.H.DuMont,3SlCoIumbusAve.lBoston,aass 1 1 Ja3'ttWifr'