THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, 'WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 1890. FEAST OF FAT flIGS, The Year 1S90 Surpasses Every Other TwelTemonili, to Date, ia Pills bur' and Vicinity. OKLY SHAEES AXD OIL WEAKER. Clearing Climbing Toward a Thousand Millions, and Declines in Stcck Trices Decentive. HO.VEi TIGUTXESS AXD JIASlPOIiATIOS Barivel Figures ca 'Clsis?, bet Etd Estate Eclds tad Wetltt AccKralitcs. "Great oaks from little acorns crow." Very few people in this city in 1S5G be lieved that the city's business would attain nearly ten times its then size in 21 years, but it Las, for although the Clearing House figures do not quite show it, the middle aged who keep tab on business progress will remember that in lFt-G there was 23 to 30 per cent of its trade represented by inflation, t'ic rin;; House figures showed exchanges in JhOO, the year after the close of the civil war, !o be 533,"ol,2i2 17. and lor thq year just ended ihey t ere over 57S4,000,OCO. As the average I'ittsburcter looks at the busiuess represented in the Clearing House, as the Egyptians do at the height of the Nile, and as the Arab does at the size of bis camel's buuip, those of 1S90 are full of comfort, especially when tile trade barometers, Dun & Co., and Uradstreet's tell him that financial skies are brighten ing, cocfi lence returning, and promise of another good year':, business in iron is seen on the horizon. The Work of the Clearing House. And clearing house reports have, from year to j ear, justified the estimation placed on them as a baromete-. as they have been large ia good years and have been shriveled like Pharaoh's ctn and ill-favored kine in years when the sound of the grinding was low. The Twin Cities seem to have been un usually blessed in basket and in store iu 1890, tor though dreams of wealth in the Argcntiue Republic came near wrecking even British stability and the great house of Baring Bros., a synonym fjr financial strength, was tossed by the hurricane until its deepest roots were moved; though the crash affected Eastern houses in our ow. country until suspensions became unpleasantly numerous, and though the farming interests suffered from cyclone, drouth, wet and chinchbug, and though slightly paraphrasing the rapt seer of Judab, the figtree did not blossom, neither did iruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive failed and the fields yielded no meat; the flock was cut off Iroin the fold, and there was no herd in the stail, yet our vessel kept on her course on even keel, and these cities were spared as were the 12 tribes on the night when from the first born of Pharaoh uuto the first born of the captive iu the dungeon were smitten and morn found them cold in death. Pittsburg Pascd by the Storm. Without irreverence, one can almost imagine that the blood of the paschal lamb bad been sprinkled on our lintels and our door posts, and in conseauence. the destroyer passed over us and struck tho West. Mount- ains have sometimes marked the borders of :i vc souii'tiuics marked the borders of pestilence, and last year the ware of panic terror seemed toex.neul its force at the cas'crn lines of i he main Apalae'.iiau chain, getting no nearer to us than Altoora. Hut all influence have not been conducive to wealth-getting during the year, which goes to prove that the bite ot Pittsburg prosperity is on rock and not sand. 1 here has been an snormoas shrinkage in natural gas stocks and In petroleum. Thu shmel m the latter ha-, not been felt on account of the great inflow of cap ital -s development attracted, but the loss on natural gas stocks, in some instances oO to 0" per cent, has been and severely, too. The locil fanner had next to nothing to elI except hav, but he felt the thrill, cither for bonus paid or oil or gas gotten, or from the employment of h's teams in hauling. Prices of food have ad vjBcea sharrly. but our people have been so well cmplojod that the) Lave not been seri ously divturbed theicby. Ihe decline in the "natural gas supply has helped a prostrated industry that of the coal -ii'ivevor, lut as an evidence that wo are not ju: mtler.n.and that ueaie still prodigally m cinetl fi,ifull so is a tic:-ted by the fact that while, as a resident of Bellevue puts it, we are -hireling in frout of fins that remind us of Colonel Hellers and his make-believe fire of a tj'lowcaiialeaet in a stove behind a mica front, two enormous gas wills nearly large enough to supply the deficiency aie lighting the heavens in the soutLwest ami wasting themselves un appreciated. In addition tu this there are scores of -mailer wells pounns fuel into tbn air. each siilEcicnt to warm Iruni 100 to 200 families. People who will tolerate such waste deserve to shiver. The Prospects With Local Banks. The banks have been somewhat parsimoni ous, of late, m dealing with customers, but now that thev have made theirstatements to the Controller of the Currency,and have made them satislactrnly, there need be no fear even though the dnlluess that follows the holiday season should be, as usual, somewhat urn. nounccd. Building has been exceedingly brisk, and it has been largely done uy person's of moderate means, who propo-e in luture to know no land lord except the tax-gather. Much is still under wy and will give considerable employment winter, provided the weather moderate so that operations can be prosecuted. Petroleum trading has almost disappeared below the horizon, but nothing else could be xpected when producers allow themselves to have but one stnn - to their bow. As 'compe tition is the lire of trade," the lack of it is its death. After all allowances aro made for the shrink age aboe mentioned the business ot the citv increased, la round numbers. S13o.000.000 over that of lbstt. the increase being nearly twice the total biiMiic.s, icpresentcd by the Cicarui" House m 1SC6, is the following comparative statement shows: Clearing House Itcport for 1890. I.xclianie. i..i Jaunary... I fhrnary . March Anrit Ma. luuc July August tSepiefflber October .... N'lveinttcr D t-ce inner. Total.... & f.S , .. - ."udllio, t 11.53,837 -'JT4.ID3S3 10.216, iS4 72 11.nij.a31 09 a.Ss7,0Jlll3 ia.aa.7 ;i 9.1.VC77r: h.CS.a5 k'l :3U,OI5 10 7.74a,S'JS -15 .oue.tni co Si,nrv,a3ir iW.40.iG3 Tu.4tI.71U til CT.Sn.135 8 M. Hi. Kb 71 7iC7h.T;j 42 fil.4Tu.iM 01 I5.ISI.I!! 14 T4.7in.Musa M 57. Dun, WO 10 PS!, 156.2:1 jo 5115,8:6,030 C3 Clearing House report lorlssJ: l-xcliaiircs. Halanccs. ? ,K33,77S.e tvcauii&i M. 353, 2)3 91 JIM.450 47 S..TA074 a; 7,!H.G--9i lU.OI5.fcM 31 10.017,:i!l4 47 auJl.SST-JO !.o!u,ulo!3 S.473.G44 40 7.7l.iBj 7i i.-uiuary.. f : a.4'5. 4ii4 -i7.lVi.SlB3 , 5735. I4U 5! . Si.Wt,!! 7 55,W.I4j It 47.ay.stl BO 57. 517. ST 09 fiO, STi. (.73 31 7iliCJt!,Irugi 1.4, :4a 70. Gi S7.9ii.;45tS SS,lM.l.Jt(4 lebrnary March April.. Mv June....-.... July.... ..... August trcpiciuber .. October , November.... .. December. Total. ?MI,l'a,SM93 111.557,719 G3 lialinccs. Sll5.lS7fi.u36 47 ltLCJU-ITCLATIOX. Kxclianzes. Total for 18) 7el.lo,i:i 40 Total lor lxS 054 05(1,330 33 111.557.719 US t.ainovcr IS 130, 175.1)70 47 Total busiucssis:) ., 7oUl bustnets J653 V. ? L3l37C S4 .90U,UH317 t7 7B5.nill70i6 Oalntn ISM tlD4,594,-J47 3I The accuracy of the hank clerks w ho transact the business of their respective banks at the Clearinz House is something phenomenal, rianager John M. Chaplin states that James II. Voung. ol thcHeconrt AationM Bank, has not had an error on hn sheets in four years. J. W ricuinr. of tho runners' Deposit National! aud C. F. McC.mbs, of the Third National, Jiava had clean sheets for three years. The largest day's business of tne tear was on July 2. when exchanges were 3,911.617 5i and the smallest, December 27, when thev were J1.72),E92 26. Though the local trade of 16S8 was regarded a enormous, it was eclipsed in 1830. I209.1S9. 20663. Something as to Stocks. JfothwlthsUnding the desuetude into which local stock traningbas fallen nearly all sure dividend payers aro higher than they were a year ago. This, of course, does not include some very popular ones at that time and yet some of these aro now paying better than they did 12 months ago. homo of the natural gases are paying as much as they did then and selling at 33 to 50 per cent of what they did at that time. The causes of the decline need nut be recapitu lated here. The late stringency in the money market explains much ot it in the selling value of others which are really worth 10 to 15 per cent mnro than they wcro attbeopening of the year. While people have ceased to wonder at Cuartlers Valley Gas being quoted at 10 bid. against 55 bid early in January and the fame of Philadelphia and some other gaso they know, as F. L. Stephenson says, that Citizens' and Pittsburg Tractions are making more money l uniting at5 ceuis than tney did at 10 cents for through irips. jet Citizens' has dropped fromTUK to IG. a decline of 23 points, or more than CO uer cent. Pittsburg Traction has cropped from 49 to 82 and has been but rarely quoted for a month past. Ot course wars and rumors of wars, etc, have had much to do with the decline in these stocks, especially, etc Pleasant Valley has only declined between 2 and 3 points since March, while since theu Cen tral Traction has dropped about 25 per rent, though it is said to be making money and "its growth ot patronage Srom year to jear for a longtime to come is assured. In dismissing the subject of stocks it may be said that there has been a general decline all along the line save in a few instances, aside from bank stocks, which are uniformly higher. Monopoly's Feast in the Oil Business. The power of tho Standard Oil Company to squeeze its lemons is stiown by the record of clearances of the Pittsburg Petroleum Ex change for the year 1830. Tho year's work amounted to but little more than that of an average week in tho days when the big monop oly allowed 'he '"high rollers" to paw in the valley and rejoice in their strength, thinking their necks were clothed with tnunder; when they ald among the trumpets, "Mia. nal" ana studied the battle afar off. "tne thundering ot the captains and the Routing." And ye' if one had only known, you know, he might have cnjuod a least of fat things, a feast of wine on the lees, of Jat things lull of marrow, of wine on the lees, well rennetl. Had lie, as Captain Harbour remarked, sold 10,(CO barrels on January 21 at Si OS, and covci cd it December S atulc. his proa:, with carrying added, would have been 1 1,000. and a high roller might have made ten or twenty times that much, although the business of the year was less than one-fifth of that f 18S3 and "less than one-sixteenth of that tif 18SS. Clearances for 1SU0 were: January. Kibrii.iry..... .March ... April My lit nc... July August Mpti'mber October Nociuber. December . naxooo . 6.7-UOCO .14.7C.rfU . fl.Ln.oai G,5Sl.iU . 4. 814. 033 . 2.44U . 3, 7!". 000 . 1.74S.I-X) . 77il,CO0 . 915. ao . oSiOUO CI, 41X1,000 For 1SS9 clearances were 32S.002.000 and for ISbS, 9s3.0u2,o00 bairels, and this latter year was regarded as very dull. The changes have been ring so often on the reasons assigned, manipu lation, Lima od competition. Russian compe tition and general uncertainty, that it is un necessary to discuss them here. A DAY IN THE COURTS. The Criminal Court Grind "Was Very Small and Mostly Acquittals AValtcr Harring ton Anxious for a. Pardon Tho City sued for S3, 000 Damages. John Thompson, Jr., was acquitted of the charge of larceny by bailee. The informa tion was made by Colonel J. "W. Echols. It was stated that Colonel Echo's had pre pared an article of association between Thompson and other parties and that Thomp son borrowed the paper and refused tore turn it. Mary Burklc pleaded guilty to selling liquor without a license and on Sunday. Jesse Pollet was convicted of the larceny of a pneketbook from G. H, Uillman. He was sent one year and six months to the workhouse. ''Jauics Davis is on trial on a charge of receiv ing stolen property. W. it. ihacKcrv was acquitted ot renting house for lmrnnrat purposes but was ordered to pay the costs. TO APPLY P0H A PARDON. The Friends or "Walter Harrington "Work ing for His Release. A C. Herron. of the Clerk of Corn's office. "cenlay prepared a copy of the record in the ' ca"e of Walte Harrington to bo forwarded to ' tbe lardoa Hoard at Harnshurg? Harrington wasfonticted with Jacob Lobbsin the May anuivan casa ox scottoaic liouns was sentenced live years to the penitentiary, but was pardoned a few days ago, and Harrington was sent there for three year?. Harrington's friends intend taking his case tothoPaidon Board also, and a copy of the record was made out j estorday for that pur pose. Sues the City for Injurlo. Itcccited. Maggie Bonner, yesterday entered suit against the city of Pittsburg for f 5.O0C dam ages. She stated that on May 18, 1SD0, -while walking along Denniston avenue, she stepped out in the street to avoid a tree that had fallen across the sidewalk. She stepued into an exca i atinn that was not guarded iu any way and was severely injured. The Grand Jury Hearing Witnesses. The grand juryyestc-day continued the hear ing on the petition for the incorporation of McKee's Hocks into a borongb. The hearing of witnesses in favor of having a borough was concluded, and the witnesses opposed to the measure commenced with. The case will re quire a couple more days to finish. To-Day in Criminal Court. Commonwealth vs F. SI. Stewart (5), Curtis "Wcssner, C. W. Barton. M. Borenstein. It. Brown, C. Coleman, alias Colbert, Isaac Fem burg, Joseph Miller, George Rosser, P. Boyce (I), Johu Boyle. V. Quirrley, Josephine Dem ling (C). W. J. McGregor. Isaac Wonnser, Joseph Wonnser. Notes of the Courts. Judge Stowe yesterday approved the bonds of County Commissioners-elect Jlcrcer. Weir and Boyle. The County Commissioners met yesterday and re-elected Stephen A. Geyer countv so licitor. William A. Hcrriott was elected "mer cantile appraiser. Peecipes were filed yesterday in suits for rtamasesby Jacob Emanuel, Jr., and Jacob Emannel, Sr., against Henrv Peckman. No statements of the cases wero tiled. THE GOOD SAEAEITAir. A Sick Colored Woman Cared Utter Stranger. for "by an A sad case of destitution was reported to the Eleventh ward station last night by Officer Terry. The caso is that of a colored woman named Blanche Coleman, about 33 years old, who is said to he dying. The woman was found on Monday night wandering about the streets sick and almost exhausted. Mary Leonard, also colored, . who resides in the rear of 37 Wylio avenue extension, took the woman in and provided for her yesterday, but her means are limited, and she was com pelled to apply to the authorities to take charge of tho woman- Miss Coleman claims tobaveno friends in the city, and has no money with whicn to procure medicine, or even tho neces saries of life. The case will be reported to tho Department of Charities, and an effort made to have the un fortunate woman sent to the Poor Farm. Druggists say they can't sell any other liniment since the introduction of Salvation Oil. Pure and Healthy. All merchants engaged in the liquor- ousiness owe a special uuty to tue puDlic in seeing that the articles offered for sale are pure and healthy. How many of those who do this the people can best judge. It is only well-established firms, who have a name and chararter to retain, can be relied upon in this respect One of these we can cordially rec ommend to the general public, namely, the old nnd favorably known house of T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty street, corner of Tenth. ' -w-su SlLVEB-PLATED novelties reduced CO per cent. Sterling silver novelties reduced 25 per cent Selling everything off to-day. Get your pick early. JOS. HOKKE & CO.'S Petui Avenue Stores. Special Inducements In seal plush sacques, plush jackets, new markets, cloth ana stockinette jackets and children's wraps, as we want every garment closed out before taking stock. H. J. Ltxch, 438-410 Market street. VTSU MAT EEDUCE PRICES. Wire Manufacturers Meet to Discuss the Condition of Trade. THEY WILL FORM AK AGKEEMEKT. Homestead Steelworkars Submit to a Kednction of Wages. COEKWOKKEKS WANT AN INCREASE An important meeting of wire manu facturers was held in the office of the Ilrad dock Wire Company yesterday. There had been a meeting of the stock holders of the Ilraddock Wire Company, called for the purpose of increasing the cap ital stock froni S300.000 to $300,000, in order to conform with a change that had been made in the St Louis company. But-within the past few weeks the feeling of a necessity for having some understanding with each other in regard to prices has been growing among the manufacturers. Yester day's meeting was called to discuss this question, and the meeting of the Braddock Wire Company's stockholders has been postponed until after the other manufact urers finish their business. Among those present yesterday were O. M. Gregg, a barbed wire mauulacturer of Crawfordsville, Ind.; C. P. GarVey, of the Wire Kail Works, Anderson, Ind.; J. E. Ashley, John Lambert and T. H. Con nell, Joliet, 111.; B. Crane, Crawfordsville, Ind.; J. p.. Thomas, Xiles, O., and W. G. Eose. of Cleveland. George T. Oliver, of the Oliver & Koberts Wire Company, and J. G. Gates and W. H. Howe, of theBrad dock "Wire Company, were the local repre sentatives. TWO LONG SESSIONS HELD. The first session was held at the Monon gahela House in the morning. The after noon meeting was held at the office of the Braddock Wire Company, and continued until nearly 7 o'clock last evening. Although the gentlemen present refused to say much about tbe object of tho is stated upon cood authority that tno manufacturers have come together for the purpose of cither reducing the output or decreasing prices. It Is well known that for some time the wire industry has Decn only in a fair condition. Prices have reached such a leviI that jobbers and retailers, whonever place their or ders until after the first of the year, have al ready taken advantage of tho prices, and have giren their orders. From this fact alone mills have been kept moderately busy, but at the present rate, it will not be long until they will nave nothing to do. Mr. Gregg, of Crawfordsville, presided at yesterday's meeting and was seen after it ad journed. He said the manufacturers expected to be here for two or three days, and nothing would be given out officially for Duplication until they get throush. It bad bee'n reported the manufacturers were here for the pur pose ot forming a trust, but Mr. Gregg denied this, saying that no such thing had been even hinted at by any of those present George T. Oliver was also seen. He said: "There is really nothing that can be said of the meeting at present We aro not thtnkinc ot forming a trust or combinatiou of any. kind. We are merely talking over the condition of trade, and will, not arrive at anything definite for a day or two." COUSIDEKIUG AJT AGREEMENT. From another source it was learned that an agreement on prices for wire, barbed wire and wire nails had been presented by one of tbe manufacturers for all to sign, and that it is under consideration. This agreement it i.s un derstood, contains a reduction on some things, and particularly on wire nail. the sale of which has been hindered somenhat by iron and steel nails being placed on the market for less inonev. For mauy purposes wii e nails are pre fened to any other, but their higher price tre qucntly prevents their usc Alex. Clark and C. It Talbot, two agents from Cincinnati, were at the Monongahcla House last night. They sanftfcey had no fear of a trust being formed as tbe attempt had been made and failed. Thev exoect an agree ment to be made on prices, however, that -aill stimulate tho trade in apiue way, and make the industry more profitable than it has been for the past eight months. U0T SEEKI5G OFFICE. Itobert Tfatchorn Resigns Office Because of Ill-Healtii. Robert Watchorn. Secretary of the United Mine Workers' organization, went on to Phila dclphialast night. He joiuedMr. Powderlyon the express, which ran as a section of tho fast limited. Mr. Watchorn said his resignation as Ssecrcsarv was still In the hands of the Presi dent, and had not bee-i accepted. Ho had made up Ins mind to withdraw from the office owing entirely to ill health, against which he had struggled for the last two mouths. He was on bis way to Philadelphia for a month's rest Ho had not the slightest idea regarding what be would turn his attention to. Any leports respecting his seeking political office wero without foundation. Mr. Watchorn as very clear that a uuitea and successful atterapt to obtain an eight-hour work day would be made by tho miners on the 1st of March, HE WAS N0H-C0II2UTTAL. President Eherhtirdt Kefuses to Be Quoted on tho Jeannette-Matter. President Eberharat, of tho Winflow Glass workers Association, was seen yesterday in re gard to the circulars said to have been sent out to tbe membership in reference to employment at the glassworks of Chambers & McKee, at! Jeannette. Although insisted upon for an ex pression on tbe matter, ho would say nothin" either in support or against the statement. ' "1 do not want t say anything about it for publication. I want no controversy with Mr. Chambers. When the association has any business to transart with bim it will be done in some other way than through the public press. I do not deny the story printed in The Dis patch, nor do I affirm. I simply do not want to say anything." The mannerin which Mr.Eberhardt answered tbe interviewer's questions led the latter to be lievo he was trying to evade the iS3ue. A SLIGHT EEDTjanOH. The Quarterly Adjustment of tile Home stead Sliding Scale. The quarterly adjustment or the sliding scale at the Homestead works of Carnegie, Phipp3 & Co., has resulted in a rednctinn of about 9 per cent over tho wages paid during the quar ter ending to-day. The pay will bo based 'on E27 per ton, which is less than it has been dur ing tbe year, although it is 10 per cent above the base of the scale. This slidimr agreement will remain in force until July, 1S02, and the men aro thoroughly satisfied with it, as it is believed to be the most equitable wage arrangement that has been op erated in this branch of the industrial world. F0WDEELT A PASSEKGEB. He Passes Through Trom Louisville on His Way to Philadelphia. General Master Workman Terrence Powdorly was a passenger on the Eastern express last night from Louisville to Philadelphia. He ex pressed a decided disinclination to talk for pub lication, and would make no reference cither to the condition of the Knights of Labor or tbe pretensions of the Farmers' Alliance. Begardmg the latter new-found aggregation he said be supposed they were maturing their plans for securiug such legislation as they de manded. He declined, however, to become their spokesman, as he had not been so author ized. THEY WAKT AN ADVAKCE. Local Corkworkers Will Ask for a Ten Per Cent Increase. 'The Corkworkcrs' Assembly, K. of L, has a committee appointed to prepare a list of de mands to be presented to their employers to morrow, asking for an increase in wagei The highest wages paid any corkworkcrs is $2. It is intended to ask for an advance In all de partments. Armstrong Broa cfc Co. employ the largest number of this class of workmen, and the demands will be nrest-nted to that firm. The advance asked for will average about 10 percent. M0BE CONTRACTS AWARDED. A Plttsliurg Man to Construct Approaches to the New Postoffice. After a careful examination ot the bids for the construction of the approaches to the new Pittsburg Government building, which wero published In Tjie .Dispatch the other day. Supervising Architect Wlndnm, awarded the contract to George Fritz. ofPittsburc. Mr. Fritz's bid was $2S.(M0. Work on the con tract is to be bogun at once. PRESENTED WITH A WATCH. Superintendent Murphy, of the nttsbnrg Tube Works, Betires. Superintendent 15. Murphy, of the Pittsburg Tube Works, was presented with a diamond studded gold watch yesterday by the employes of the works. James Flinn, in an appropriate speech, made the presentation. Mr. Murphy has been Superintendent of the tube works for thrco years, and in that time has made hosts of friends among those with whom he has been in contact Ho retires from the position bu the first of tbe year, and the watch was a farewell gift His successor is a Phlladclphian. Industrial Notes. TnE Columbia Iron Works are shut down for a two weeks' rest The plate mill of tho Republic Iron Works has been shut down while a new engine is being put in. State Factokt Isrsr-ECTOR Maktin will be here Friday to attend the hearing of the Wormser Bros., indicted for employing child labor. i The annual midwinter exposition of table glassware manufacturers of tho West will be gin in a tow days, and will take place at the Monongahcla House. Carnegie, Pmrps & Co. have placed an order for an appliance known as the Harrison conveyor, utilized in conveying coal to furnaces nd ashes from lurnaces. pits, etc. Three hundred incandescent electric lamps were removed from the Exposition building yesterdav for use elsewhere, owing to tho light company's inability to make enough burners to supply the demand. The hanger fitters employed at Jones it Laughlin's mill demanded an advance of 10 per cent yesterday, and were discharged. The mat ter will probably be taken up by the Amalga mated Association. Captain It D. Moup.ow. connected with the Tennessee Navigation Company, is atthoDn qucsne. Be says hundreds of families are lo cating along the Tenuessep, and intimates that an iron mill will be built there shortly by Penn sylvania capitalists. SOME SAMPLE SERMONS Preached by Theological Students Before tho U. P. Presbytery Energetic Meas ures Needed to Collect Necessary Funds Date and Place of the Next Meeting. Yesterday morning's session of the Mo nongahela Presbytery of the TJ, P. Church, held at the Wylie Avenue Church, was de void of special interest llev. Dr. W. J. Ilcid, the financial agent of the Presbytery, presented his report. It showed that the total quota of all the churches of the Pres bytery nas S18.S59. The total amount paid was only J9.H0 31. The amount was to be divided among tbe foreign, home and frecdmen's mis-ions and boards of church extension, edu cation, publication, ministerial relief, as sembly fund. Synod fund and Presbyte i inn fund and Westminster College fund. The individual reports of tho ministers were then 'made, and nearly all of tliein referred to tho creat difference between tbe quota and the amount received. Many of the clergymen pro posed that more energetic measures be taken to collect the amounts. They were of tbe opinion that every member of the church, youncor old, should be required lo pay somethinc and not allow the head of the house to pay all tbe money. After lunch the first business was the elec tion or delegates to the General Assembly, which meets at Princeton. Ind., oa the fourth Wednesday of Mav. 1S9L Those elected were; Ministers Rev. John G. Brown. D. D.. Rev. J. D. Turner, Rev. J. W. English. Rev. D. S. Lut trelt D. D.. and Rev. R. A Elliott. Elders William Hill, of Mansfield; S. IS. Donaldson, ot Wilkinsbnrg; S. II. Sturgeon, of Oakdale; James Campbell, of McDonald, aud JohnMc Bride, ot Allentown. Rev. Dr. John G. Brown was appointed a member of the General Committee on Home Missions. Two students of theology, Messrs. Hart and Bailey, preached sermons as sneclniens of pro cress. A vote of thanks was tendered tho ladies of tho WvlieAvcnne Church for tho substantial lunch furnished the Jresbytery. The Prebvtery adjourned to mrrt on tbe last Tuesday in March, in the Sixth U. P. Church. Pittsburg, at which time the new pastor, tho Rev. R. N. Rus'cll, will be installed. At the morning session the Rev.'KJB. Efwing, at his own request, was granted a certificate of ministerial sianding and a transcript of the records in his case. These documents show his exact standing as a minister io relation to the Monongahela Presbytery aud all the proceed ings of his trial. ALLEGHENY SUEVEY COMMITTEE. Numerous Ordinances aud Petitions'Cousid ered by It Last Night. At the Allegheny Survey Corumitteomecting last night a resolution to widen Perrj sville ave nue to an 80-foot street was adopted. An ordi nance to widen the same street, a remonstrance against widening. nd an ordinance for chang ing tho grade of the same, were referred to a sub-committee. The following ordinances were ordered to bo printed for tho use of councilst For the filing in tho Engineer's office of dupli cate reports of viewers on public improve ments, changing the grades orportiocs of Wil son street. School street and Ellis street and widening Kreiling street Remonstrances against tbe ordinances establishing the grades of Frederick streetand Williams street; against the viewers' report in the chango of the gtade on Superior avenue, and against the widening of Hen street were ordered to be filed. The pe titions for the widening of Lincoln avenue. Eleventh ward, -and Wheeler avenue, and tho ordinance for the opening of Carpenter alley were referred to sub-committees. Plans of lots of Columbia Park, Tenth ward, by Jacob Roth, of Mechanlcsville. Eleventh ward, and by J. J. Christian and others. Eleventh ward, were approved. Sent His Mother Adrift on Christmas. Mary Ann Probert, aged 7S years, was yester day given a ticket to reach her husband a: Maynard, O., by tho Department of Charities. She said her son had driven her from bis home in Homestead on Christmas. Change of life, backache, monthlr ir regularities, hot flashes, are cured by' Dr. Miles' Nervinp. Free camples at Jos. Fleming & Son's, Market st. w Overcoats Almost Given Away. We are offering for to-day the greatest bargains in overcoats ever known. This is no boast, but real solid facts. Head what we have to offer: Meu's heavy storm ulster?, worth S8, for 52 33. Men's heavy chinchilla and cassimcre overcoats, nicely made, worth S12, for 54. Men's all-wool blue fur beavers and chin chilla ulsters, with heavy all-wool cassiiuere linings, worth 51G, for $7 2$. Men's imported chinchilla overcoats, in blue and black, either with satin lining throughout or with fine cassimere lining, a very stylish garmtnt: worth $20, forSS 90. Children's cape overcoats, worth $5. for 51 65. Kemember our store is closed all dav New Year's. P- C- 0. C, PlTTSBUItG COMBINATION Clothing Company, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the Court House. Heavy Reductions In Men's Winter Under wear. Men's undershirts and drawers, including our entire stock of best Scotch natural wool and sanitary wool, have all been marked down to-day to prices that make them great bargains to purchasers. Full assortment of sizes. Jos. Horne & Co., 609-621 Penn Avenue. - We have no desire to be egotistical in valuing our own goods, but we assure the public that a trial of our old "Log Cabin" rye whisky will give complete satisfaction. Put up in full quarts at 7fic or in cases containing one dozen bottles 8 00. T. D. Casey & Co., 971 Liberty street, VSa ' Corner of Tenth. Big Bargains To-Day in Ladies' Knit and WoolUnderwear . And union suits. Marked away down to sell them quickly. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Tho Winter Term At Carry University opens January 5. Classical, normal, English bookkeeping, shorthand and typewriting, p CSDlsslay advertisements one dollar per tquare for one insertion. Classified advertise me7its on this page, such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inscr 'lion, and none takm for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BUSINESS OFFICE, Cor. Smithfield and Diamond Streets, ALWAYS OinN. BRANCH OFFICES AS FOLLOWS. WIIEKK WANT, roil SALE, TO LKT. AND OTUEIt TKANSIENT AUVEIiriSEMEATs WILL HE ltEUKIVEl) OP TO 3 P. M. FOIt INSERTION. Advertisements should be prepaid unless adver tisers already have accounts with The Dispatch. FOK THE SODTHS1DE. NO. 1112 OAltbON STREET. TELEPHONE NO. KE2. . FOK HIE EAST END, J. . WALLACE, C121 PENN AVE. PiTTSB U MJ-AD DITION AL. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3000 Butler street EMILG. tTUCKLY, Hth street and Peunavc. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHEK. 9 Federal street. H. ,1. McKRIDIC Market House, Allejrticnv. F. H. EUGl.'RS & SON. Ohio and Chestnut sis. THOMAS ilcHEN KY, Western and Irwin ave3. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. PERKY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Male HeiC. A SSISTANT BOOKKEEPER ATONCE. MUST J. bo rellahle aud experienced. AUaressH.3, Ulspatcli olllcc. dc3l-2) 33 ARUEIt AT 30SS CARSON SI'., bOUTHSlUE. lu at 2 o'clock-. WeilnesJay. iicji-'J7 BOILERMAKERS-FOUR HOOU M"-N. AF l'LY at once to EN'I'EKPRISE BOILER CO., xotingstown. O. No strike; steady work. dcSO-GS BOY-A GOOD. STEADY BOY TO TAKE care of oflices and make himself useful. Ad dress, statlnj: ace, I 5, Dispatch office. i!c31-!3 CABINET MAKER-ONE WHO UNDER STANDS making picture frames: married man who can speak German preferred: steadr itnitlon loanoodinan. Apply to SHANAHAN TRANSFER CO.. 101 Forbes t city. drSl-lS CARRIAGE DR1VER-A KEMABLF 31AN TO take care of two horses and one cow: refer ences required. Apply to JOaEl'H WALTON, 131 Water St., Pittsburg. de3l-I DRAFTSMEN-FOUR GOOD MEN AT ONCE, on general machinery: Klvc references and salary expected. JiUCYKUS S. S. & D. Co., Bncyrns, O. dc31-9 POKTER-UIIOII PORTER AT SCHUEiBER'S HOTEL, 3oand3G South Diamond St.. Alle gheny. de3MG PRINTER-ONE WHO HAS l'KFSS AND type for sile and can mamjre a small printing offlcc. Address I, 3, Dispatch office dc33-K SALESMKN-ON SALARY OR COMMISSION to handle the new patent chemical Ink eras ing pencil: the greatest selllnir novelty ever pro duced; erases Ink thoroughly In tno seconds: no abrasion of paper: 200 to SCO percent profit; one aircnt's talcs amounted to $20 in six d-ivs; an other $32 in two hours: we want one en'c petic general ajrent for cieli Mate nnd Territory: sam ple by mall. 35cts Fortennsand full particulars, address THE MONROE ERASER MFG. CO.. La Crosse, XVI. dcW-13 SALESMEN TO SELL LINE OF GENTS' furnish I hi; coods on commission, in fconthern and Western Pennsylvania: references required. Afldress WILLIAM G. KLEMM, K!N. Tlilid bt., Philadelphia. Pa. dc31-6 SALESMEN-THREE CLOTHING SALESMEN with flrsl-class experience and recommenda tions: permanent positions. Address BllON N KK BROS.. Bnflalo. N. Y. dc3l-51 STENOGRAPHER-STATE SALARY WANT ED: also ace ot applicant. Address 1. 7. Dis puted office. dc31-31 T IYPESETTEKS-91 THIRD AW, THIRD noor. de31-o0 Agents. AGENTS-TO SELL THBPINLESS CLOTHES line; the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes without ntns; a perfect success; patent recently issued: sold only by agents, to whom the exclusive right Is given; on receipt of 50 cents we will send a sample Hue bv mall: also circulars; price list and terms to agents: secure vourterri lorvatonce. AddrC6STIIE IMNLESS CLOTHES LINE CO., 17 Uenuon street, Worcester. Mass. OC9-63-WS AGENTS EVERYWHEREBY THE TEA planters of Ceylon desired under a strictly co-operative plan: liberal Ideas, new principles; a strong company. In the success of -nhlch each acent shares: responsibility an ab-olute necessity. THE CEYLON PLANTERS' TEA COMPANY, 4 E. Twcnty-ccoitd St., New York, 1S Filbert St., Phila., Pa. dc31-7 ,- - - FoinnlcBclp. GIRLS-TWO FOR SMALL FAMILY". ONE to do cooklnjr and washing, the other to mirscchilit 1 earnld; pood wages paid. Apply 213 CUAKT1EKS bT Allegheny. dc3l-IO Gr IRL-FOR GENEKAL HOUSEWORK-AP PLY 6321 HOW E ST., East End. dc31-5 G IRL-FOR GEN KRAL HOUSEWORK. AP PLY WM. BUHL, 202 Forbes st. de3MS LAD1ES-25 LADIES TO SIT FOR SPECIMEN photos this week at AUFEECHT'S ELITE GALLERY', 5i6 Market St. dc30-gl rpELEGRAPH OPERATOR-A LADY WHO JL can take charge of a branch office; one who can operate typewriter preferred. Addes H. 4, Dispatch office. dtS9-G3 Blale and Pcmaie Help. COACHMAN-FARM HANDS. WOODCHOP PERS. cooks, chambermaids, house girN. cook and chambermaid for small family; child's nurse, nurse gnl. colored girls, dishwashers, pantry girls. 4 cleaning girls. MEEllA.N'S, 545 Grant st. Mel. M. de29-D Situations. POSITION-BY YOUNG MAN WITH FIVE v ears' cxocrlcnce as bookkeeper: will start on moderate salary: good relcrences lnruMied. Address G, fi. Dispatch office. de30-35 POSITION-AS GOVERNESS -JO CHILDREN by an educated German lady. Address 11. 2, Dispatch office. deJ0-I2 Sl'lUATlON-A RELIABLE YOUNG MAN, welt acquainted with tne notion and grocery business, wants to sell that clas of goods (also specialties) to the retail trade of this city for a couple of firms on commission. Address I. 4, Dispatch offlcc. da3J-21 SITUATION-Bi-EXPEBTSTEVOGBAFHEE; tlirce years' experience. Address I i Dis patch office. ilcM-91 Financial. MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY countv propertv at lowest rates. liENRi" A. WEAVER ,fc CO.. 9J Fourth avenue. mb2-D MORrOAGES-LAEOE AND &MALL, AT the lowest market rates of Interest. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avc. no5-23-w PUT YOUR MONEY INTO REAL ESTATE We have for sale a number oflols at Brush ton, In good locality and less than neighboring property. BROWN & SAINT, 512 binlthlicld st. deOs-42 TO LOAN $200,000 ON MORTGAGES ?100 audunward at 0 per cent; SSOO.000 at 4)4 per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. FKEACH, 12o Fourth avc. oc23-D LOAN &500,OW, IN A310UN-IS OF J3.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 5 per cent: also smaller amounts at s per cent, BLACK J; BAlRD, Da Fourth avenue. EC21-d26-D Miscellaneous. ALLTO USE JONES' BEDBUG PARALYZER Jones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no ? olson: roaches banished oy contract; satlsfae lon given or no pay. Prepared bv GEO. W. JONES. 222 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists. Residence No.80Mon tcry st. jvll-42-Jiwp EVERY LADY'-WISHING TO BE HER OWN dressmaker to call at 610 Penn avc. (op fosltc Home's stores) and Investigate MADAME LESUER'S ladies' tailoring sysm; no risk; parties responsible: school now open. nol9-23 I70R A CHRISTMAS PRESKNT-NOTHING ? would please so well as a light rnnnlngNew Homebewlng Mach ne: vou want the best, and the New Home nils the ideal every time; wii! wake a special reduction until Christmas: open even' n .ht, at II. CARTER'S. 19 sixth St.. twodbors below BIJou. deK-'S-itWF PERMJNS-WIIO ARE WILLING TO QUAL IFY' themselves for positions as stenograph ers and typewriters. Address or call on MAR TIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood st. dc3I-37 PUMPING OUTF1T-1.2C0 FEETOF TUBING and sucker rods: state price and location. Address H. 10. Dispatch office. dejl-12 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. City Residences. SO 750-NO. 359 MAIN ST., NEAR' PENN O' av.. Seventeenth ward. Phil Lange's beautiful brick residence of hall, vestibule, ten rooms and bath: both gases; all modern con veniences: let 48x100; $4,000 cash, hal. to suit: reason for selling, owner leaving city, see THOS. MCCAFFREY, Sola Butler St. del4-146-wssn Cj-I 730-ON HOLMES ST., NEAR FIFTY 3JJL9 FOURTH, lot 20x100: new frame house of o rooms, hall and finished attic; side entrance, porch: wortn 2.2C0: terms $200 cash, balance 25 monthly: no Interest or tares to pay. See THUS. McOAt FREY, 3509 Butler st. 1 800-WICKLOW ST.. VALLEY VIEW OJL? place. Nineteenth .ward, tno-sturv frame dwelling of four rooms, hail, front porch, etc. : lotsoxioo to an alley; !300 down, balance on easy paynicnts-llkercat. A7. BLACK & BaIKD. 95 Fourth av. deC-5-S, IS. 3l Allejrneny Residences. i2 300 CASH-FOK GOOD FRAME HOUSE, JPX9 4 rooms and attic, In Allegheny; level lot; owner needs money, must be sold in ten days. JIALTENSPEKOER & M ILLIAMS, 154 Fourth avenue, dc3i-K OFFICE BOY-FOU NIGHT WORK-MUST live wltb-parents and Iihvc references. Ap ply to-day from I to 1 o'clock only at DlSl'AT till MAILING KflOM. No. 75 Diamond St.. asklnw for BUSINESS MANAGER. dc31-I17 FOR SALE-IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. . U , . East End Residences. H OME DKS1RABLEIIO3IEOF10KOO31SON . South lllirhlind av.r all modern conveni ences; hai'dsoinelv papered; Immediate posses sion. jiA.vj.Li:, Tiiuauiiu: & t,o., ic I'ourtn aenuc. . deM-100 SHADYSIDE QUEEN ANNE BRICK, 11 rooms, bath. Inside w. c., nat. and art. cas. h. and c. water; electric bells, tile- hearths, art grates, plate glass windows, front and rear poK'hes: house has bay end and tower, handsome reception hall, laundrv.wlth extra flue plumbing, stone walks, etc.: Iot3-Jxi:xi: easy terms. BAX TE1!, auoMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth av. deiS-SS-MWSn SJ 300 W1NEBIDDLE AV. A NEW OXJ' superbly built, modem house of ninn rooms, bathroom. Inside closets, range, hot aud cold water, both gases: electrical attachments to all rooms: HO feet from Liberty av.: lot 42Jxl25 lect; four minutes' walk Irom lien Venue sta tion; 10 minutes from house to Union depot via P. it. It.; 20m!nntc3from house to Market si. by Penn av. cable line: easv term. Call onorad rtres, OWNER, 210.1 Pcnu'ave., 7 t9 a ji.; bamc hours evening. de3I-H-WThsu OOO SOMETHING RARE- A rlMlllE '? Oakland nroDertv. at less than llrst cost: almost new house, handsome nressed brick, two- storyand mansard, finely hnUhed. eight rooms, hall..h.itli, laundry and every appliance louml In a -modern house; this is not oue ora row, but a detached, ivcll-cousiructcd building; tli! situa tion, on yieyranav.. near cables, will please you: an examination will show It to bo bargain. tlHARLEs SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood bt.: COM Penn av. FOE SALE LOTS. liast End Lots. B 1PPEY ST.-NEVR N EG LEY A V. -VERY desirable building lot. iiOxllin feet: neigh borhood unsurpassed. BAXTER. THOMPSON & CO., 162 fourth av. deiS-W-Towsu QQUIRREL HILL ONE ACRE Of THE FIN UKSI' lying land In the Twentv-thlrd ward, suitable to lie subJlTiried Into lots'anil sold at treble the nrlec th it It can be bought for. IRA M. BURCHF1ELD, 153 Fourth av. del2-SG-l Allegheny Lots. SECOND WARD. ALLEGHENY SMALL lots at auction: on Tuesd.iv. January G, at 4 o'clock will be sold on the premise, 4 lots. 21x73, ou Bueua Vista st. above the public school: also, in rear or the above, 3 lots, 22x73, lronllng on the Perrysvlllefoad: suitable lorclieap liouscsteisy terms. Particulars of A. LEGGATL' . SON, Auctioneers, 108 Fourth av, de31-3j" Ql O OOO-A BOUT THE MOSP DESIRABLE Ottv5 lares piece ol property in Allegheny; this property is worth S70.0UO. Address OLDTlilFR, V. 8, Dlpatcn office. dc30-77 Farms. FARM 230 ACRES. VERY BEST OF S"IL. good frame house, targe, new bim and other buildings, fine fruit and water; no better place In every respeet: on Pennsylvania road: one-half mile from good town and station ED. WIlTlslI, 410 Grant St.. Pittsburg. dt2G-I ORANGE PLANTATION-FOB SALE OR exchange; a very fine one of 2S0 acres, in Southern Florida, on which are fine buildings and a large orange orchard: all tropical fruits can be raiser' there: climate healthlul: no lung dis eases there, or Bnght's disease: vegetables of all kinds ran bu raised there every month of the year: price, $'0,(100 Appiv at once to J. II. STEVENSON & CO.. lOOl-lrih av. de'.9 TOR SALI-B1JSINESS. Business Opportnnitics. COAL FLOAT-W1TH VERY LARUE CITY tratle, tlnshop. grocery stores In both cities. .m to S3. 09): restaurant, livery stable, bakeries, cigar stores, drug storis, butcher shop, shoe stores, book and stationery store, milk de pots. SHEPARD & CO.. 131 Fourth av. de20- GROCF.RY-ONEOF THE BEST LOCATIONS In the city. 1,X0: cigar stores, notion store, shoe stores, drug stores bakeries, etc. 1'ERI'I VAL &. CHAPMAN. 439 Grant St. dc3I-41' GROCERY STORE-CIGAR SI ORE, HARD WARE and tin store, bakeries, milk depot. HOLMES & CO., KOSnilthfield St. dc3C-5J MEAT MAKKET-FVIST-CLAS STAND IN Youngstown, o.. doing-53.roo or rish busi ness monthly. Address NO. 6 W. HAZEL ST.. Youngstown, O. de31-17- SnOK STORE-IN ONE OF THE JIfST LOCA TIONS in the two cltleB. now doing a trade o'Ohflperday: present stock about i3.000:thest(jrc will be solo lo the right man on easy terms: this is a fine opportunity for anyone wishing to go Into business: the best reasons given Tor selling. Call on A. 1. SCOTT CO., No. 110 MarfcU St.. Pitts burg. de.11-43 Business Properties. BRICK nOTEL-IN EASTERN OniO. OF about 40 rooms and fully furnished: bar sales, .0O0 per year, and other receipt. T7.000 per year; good-slcd barn, tec house, and all conveniences: price 925,000: might take some good real estate in part pay. J. H. STEVENSON i CO., 100 Fifth avenue. noiS" BUTLERST.-NO. C705. FIFl'EENTH WARD the best business location In the ward: lot 21X100 ft-, with large store building: at present occupied by Geo. Uelz as shocstore; frame dwell ing on rear or lot: this v.uua&lc property will be sold vcrv low and on easv terms. Particulars or THUS. MCCAFFREY 3519 Butler. selO-13-WS. VALUABLE BUSINESS JJEOPERTY-COR-NE1C LIbertv av. and .Main st.. Sixteenth ward, frontlug Liberty 59 feet and entire length on Main st- to alley. Inquire on premises or owner, S. O. McKEE. dtSl-tC Manufacturing Sites. FREE-BUILDING SITES TO MANUFAC TURERS who will erect thereon works within six montlH. Address LOCK BOX 1C4. Al liancc. Ohio. dc2l-!2 TOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc BAY MARE-PACER, (AGED). 5 HANDS; can beat 2:20: sound, great road mare: must be sold: hav trotting marc. I rears, 15 hands, trot 2:35: single, great pole marc: must be sold; both at great sacrifice; letters Inquiry must coulaln sell-addressed stamped envelope. 11. C. GRAFF, Kensington, O. dc31-53 DELIVERY WAGONS-DELIVERY WAGONS all styles; ourown make. WM. BECKERf, 340, to 311 Ohio sticet, Allegheny. Telephone. 34J0. JC1I-7S-JIWS- NAHEAGANSETT TURKEYS-BIG GRAY breed: greatest turkey on earth: never roam or stray; raised In snail lnclo?urc: mammoth weight. 55 to 60 poinds the pair adult. H. C. GRAFF, Kensington, O. dc3I-53 Maclimery and, Metals. AUTOMATIC HOISTING ENGINES-AVORK perlectly right and lert. with single or double drum: second-hand boilers and engines also on hand; general machine work promptly executed: correspondence solicited. COMBINA TION ENGINECO.. LIM., 314J Penn avc., Pitls aurg. delO-WJ-MWi" BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND ENGINES and boilers, one 14x20 in., one 12x21 In., one 12x13 in., two 10x20 in., one 12x12 In., one 10x12 In., four 9x12 In., und large lot or smaller sizes; mounted portable engine' S to 12 b. p., shifting, pullevs. pumps, governors, etc. J. S. YOUNG, 2J-25 Park way, Allegheny. Pa. oc30-D CtASING-ALOTOF SECOND-HAND 5-INCH and CM-lnch oil or gas well casing. Appiv to G EORGE L. LEE. 313 W ood St. dc31-21- HOISTING ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forgings, steel hoisting and guy ropes iu stock: stationary engines anil boilers, shears, clay and ore pans. etc. THOMAS CAR LIN'SSONS, Lacuckuud SaudusLy streets. Alle gheny. Fa. au5-35-MWF MOTOR-A SECOND-HAND. ONE-HORSE power Spraguc electric motor. In first-class condition. Answer J. a. Dispatch office. de3I-43 THE TAYLOR BECK AUTOMATIC AND compound engines for electric flight and railway service: engines and boilers in every size and style: saw mills nnd wood-working machin ery. IIAR31ES MACHINE DEPOT, S9 First a v.. Pittsburg. Pa. no2U-l rTTHE PORTER & DOUTHETr CO.. LIM.. DAR JL RAG1I st. ami River av.. Allegheny. Pa., engines, hoilcrsand castings. Kepalrlnsj.roraptly attended to. dc-2 ' JL HAND, e-peclally the uueqnaled Reming ton, at lowest caHi prices, or on the lnsl-illment plan. A. .11. 31ART1N, 412 Woodst. de3l-37 WEBSITE'S "VACUUM" FXHAUS1' STEAM i-eouoinfzer Is the most perfect device known for heallngand purifying the feed water for steam hollers and manufacturing purposes, and for heating buildings ot anydescrlptlon with out back pressure on engine, returning the con demnation to the boiler In the one apparatus: read ily cleaned without stopping machinery: all parts -,-:!lilp. fTiileliPil nn frlnl I'mi- nni,ii.ii. send forncwlllustriied catalogue of convincing proois. 1VAUHL.-I, W.iisar.l & . u., -TJ1 ?. 3.J, Philadelphia. deai-34 Misceilanootts. s LEIGH BELLS-INQUIRE AN NO. 195RIVKR a v., Aiiegiieiiy - ncou-iii T.05T; LOST-ABOUT DECEMBER 12, ONE LARGE red cow. with a tlirie-cornercd while star on the forehead and white spot on the end ot" the tallr owner wilt nay liberal reward. FRANK. BAR LIK, Grocer, Lciscnrlcg No., Faclteco.. Pa. Je31-3 LOST-SATURDAY AFTERNOON-1N OPERA House or- between opera house and Rnseu banm's, small alligator pocketbook. containing slx'rlugs. two Bcllcfii'lil club tickets nnd a small sum or money. Finder will be suitably rewardeil bv leaving the sarat at EsPY'S DRUG SIOR1, SIS Market St.. Piitshurg. dc3i-95 PERSONAL. 1-ERSONAL-IHU,IDAY HOOKS-ARK YOU In It for speclat bargains? Come and he con vinced. FRANK BACON ti CO., cor-sinlthfleid st. and Third av. de!4 -OEliSONALFI.NE BOOKS-WE HAVF.THE. jl unest collection oi nr.elv illustrated books In Pittsburg: beautiful bindlugs; low prices; come and see them: huudrcdsof books for presents. LEVI'S BOOK STORE. SCO Liberty sU dell FOUND. F OUND-A -LARGE LOT Or WINTER dotblng belonging to residents of this citv was fonnd hanging in the rooms occupied by DICKSON, the tailor, 65 Filth ave.. upstairs, altered, cleaned and repaired: tbe owners should call for them; ' as Dickson requires the room. . no'3-p TO LET. City Residences. DWELLINGS-IN ALL PARTS Ol" THE. city and subnrbs: send us your name and address and we will mall yon our rent list regu larly until April 1 free of charge. BLACK & BAlRD. 85 Fourth av. dcl7-20t "RESIDENCES-; MINUTES' WALJCFROM JL1 postofficron Fifth av.: cars; 2 rows of ele gant stone houses 9 large rooms, reception hall, lront porches-, and all the latest Improvements: handsomely papered. BLACK & BAlRD, 9i Fourth av. dett-11-ut East KntI Residences. E AST END KESIDENCES-HEND vS YOUR name ami address annVwe will mail Ton our renttlt regularly until April I, free of charge. BLACK & BA1ED. 95-ionrtll av. del7-20t Allegheny Residences. CHARLES ST.. ALLEGHENY A BRAND new liou-e: inside shutters. Inquire at No. SI CHARLES S r. del0-30t DWELLING A GOOD TWO-STORY FRAME house or seven rooms, with wide hall and summer kitchen, nnd both gases, at No. 139 Mar ket st.. Allegheny, at 25 a month. Inquire of M. A. MUbsLLE, No.W Llbertyst., Allegheny. dcJ0-67t "f-WI.I.IN'S-IN ALL PARIS OF ALLE JL G II EN and suburbs; send us your name and address and we will mail yon our rent list regu larly until April I lree or charsc. BLACK B.IR!. 95 Fourth av. del7-29t r.-irms. T7IAEM 210 ACRES IN PLUMB TOWNSHIP. JC one of the lie-it farming dis-rlcts or Allegheny countv: good dwelling: very large barn: near A. V. V.. It. : rent JI00 per vear ana taxes. See W. A. HERRON i- SONS. 80 Fourth av. dc2C-83MWt Rooms. Houses. Etc. SEVERAL SJIALL DOWNTOWN AFPAET MENIS and dwellings; Immediate possession H desired, s. nd for list. W. A. HEREON SONS, 80 Fourth av. deSO-ct Business Properties. FORTY (40) ROOM HOTEL KEAUY FOE OC CUPANCY: unfurnished: alsosome unfur nished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire of S. MUSGRAVE, on premises', corner Fourth and Liberty sts. de2S-75t STORES AND BUSINESS ROOMS IN ALL parts of the two cities and suburbs: send your name and address and we will mail you our rent list regularly until April 1, free of charge. JiljACKJt 1SAIRD, 95 Fourth av. dc!7-20t Oflices, Desk Room. Etc OFPICES IN GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK Building. Wood and Diamond sis.: singly orin suits: all modern improvements and low rent. Inqnlre at THE BANK. oc2J-49t OFFICES-THEMOST DESIRABLE IN ALLE GHENY: opp. the P. O.. lii-lhc "Sterrlt i;nllding;"good size, well lighted" on Id noor; heat and janitor service furnished. Sec W. A. jii'.ki.-u.n mi.s. bo Fourth av. e-.T-7-wsT MBETINGS. CENTUM. MASONIC HALL ASSOCIA TION OF PITTSBURG. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of Central Masonic Hall Association orPittslmrjr will he held at Central -Masonic Hall, Collins av., Monday. January 5, 1831. convening at 7-"A) o'clock P. zt., at which time tbe election ot a hoard of nine directors to serve until the first Monday after the first davin Jantarv. ISO", will take plice. A. K. HENDERSON. de31-15-r Secretary. "VroTH.E THE MEMBERS OF ZENO Lodse No. 713. I. O. O. t, are. earnestly rtqucsted to meet at "Weber's Hall, corner Twentv-seventh and Sarah st.. Southside. city, on THURSDAY MORNING. January 1. 1831. at 7 o'clock sharp, for the purposa of attending the funeral of our late Brother B. B. Brashear. A special car has been chartered by the lodge for its members and will leave Ornisby station, P., V. and C R. R. at 7-o5 A. sr., and will pro ceed to .Brownsville, Pa., where the funeral will take Dlare. R. H. HARTUNG. '. G. JOHN A. SN YDER. Sec. di-31-59 NOTICES. CO.MRADES TAKE NOTICE-IF THIS should meet the eye of any com rade who served in Company li. Third Uni ted States Infantry, in the Mexican war. will he please send his name. Address to Nn. 161S Third av., Beaver Falls, Pa. de3l-63 STEAMBOAT -MEN ATTENTION THE outh, or McKpcsport side, channel of tne Rirerton will he closed with falsework. Please take the north, or Dnnneqne side, channel. PENCOYD BRIDGE COMPANY. de3'-100-D DIVIDEND. CENTRAL HANI. i Pittsburg. Pa.. Dec. 3u. 1S90. DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this bank hai this dav declared a dividend of ONE ANDONE-HALF (IK) FEU CENT out of tho earnings of the past three months, pavntilo forthwith at tbe banking house. No. it Fifth avenue. d 31-31 C. C. DAVIS. Cashier. BUSINESS CHANGES. TkTOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: IM On Dec 31. 1830, tho "Bruce Crystal Ice Company" will be dissolved by limitation. All persons indebted to the company will make set tlement at once, aud those having; claims aerainst the company will make them known without delay. "BRUCE CRYSTAL ICE COMPANY." WM. BUNTON. Treasurer, No. liohmithfield treet. ie2S-ll LEGAL NOTICES. -VTOTICE MY WIFE, .MARGARET-JANE JlN Brockinan. liavinj: left ray bed and board without reasonable or justifiable cause, all per sons are hereby notified not to trust ray said wife on iny account, as I will pay no hills of her ontractinjr. J. B. BROOKMAN. Claysviixe. Pa.. Dec. CU. de27-a)-u In the Court of Common Pleas No. 1, of Al legheny county. Iu the matter of the dis-" solution of the Youih-1 iogheny and Ashtabula ;-No. 255, March T, 1S0L Coal and Coko Coin) a ATOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHE S YouKliioRheny and Ashtabula Coal and Coke Company tiled its petition in the Court of Common Pleas No. I. of Allegheny county, on December 23, 1SS0. praying; for a decree cf dis solution, and that tne Conrt have fix I JAN UARY 21. 1S31. at 10 o'clock A. 31.. for hearing said application for dissolution, w'.en and whero all persons interested can attend it tbey deem it cxpedienr, and show cause against the qrautin;; of the prayer of said petitioner. J. H. & E. G. FERGUSON. i dt31-01-w Solicitors for Petitioner. S. A- & M. JO HNSTON, Attorneys at Law, N". S3 Diamond street. VTOTICE-API'LICATION WILLBEMADE Jl to the Governor of Pennsvlvanla on the 22d day of January. 1S91. by Daniel Jlurley, Robert JIcMunn. PressiyMcMunn.Christopher T. Durham and John Lee, under tho act of As sembly entitled. "An act io provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corpora tions,'' approved April 23, 1871. and the supple ments thereto, for tho charter of an intended corporation, to be called The Cbartiers Electric Light Company, the character and object of which is the supply of liht to thu public by means of electricity at the town of Chartiers, in Stowe township. Allegheny county, and to such person, partnerships and corporations re siding; therein and adjacent thereto as may de sire the same: and for tlie'e purposes to have and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplement) there'o. S. A. M. JOHNsi ON, de31-19-w Solicitors for Applicants. JILECTIONS. Office ok jionongahela navigation company, PlTTSBUUO. Dec 17. 1S3Q. ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of tbe stockholders of the Monongahela Navigation Company for the election of officers and managers for tho ensuing year, and other business, will be held on THURSDAY, the 8th day of January. 1891, at 2 o'clock, P. jr., at the office oT said comnanv. No. 8 Wood St.. Pitts nurcr. . BAKEWELL, Secretary. delS-O-D I7LECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING li of the stockholders of tho Northside Kri'lgo Company for the election ot a Board of Directors will be held at the office of Wm. B. Rodders, E-.. No. 0j Diamond sr,. on Tuesday, January b', 1831. at the hour of 3:30 o'clock p. is. Transfer books closed from January 1 to Janu ary 10, IfcM. JAS.H.LLNDSAY,President. de31-8 TUE KEYSTONE BANK OF PITTSBURG The annual election for Directors of this bank to servo during; tho ensuin; year will be held at the banking house. 100 Fourth av., Tuesday. January 20. 1831, between tho hours of 11A.3I. and lr.JL J. H. HAYEs. Cashier. de20-22-D FHisT National Hank Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Dec 11. 1800. ELKCTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION of nine directors for the bank, to serve fpr the et.suinir year, will bo hold at tho banking; bouse, corner Wood street and Fifth ave., Jan. 13, 1SBL between the hours of 11 o'clock A. 21. aud 1 o'clock p. 31. J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. de!2-S-D Mercantile Libkary Hall Co.. i FlTTSBUIiG. Dec 24, 1890. ( ELECTION THE ANNUAL .MEETING of tbo stockholders of ibis company for tho election of directors will be held on MON DAY AFTERNOON. January 5, 1831. between the hours of S and 4 o'clock, at the office of Whitney & Stephenson, No. 51 Fonrtli avenue. WM. R. THOMPSON. tle27.23-Mv- Secretarv. PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS. Solicitor ol patents, 131 Fifth, avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader oflicn. No delay. Established SO years. se26-13 CHOICE PROPERTIES. LAJNDLORDS! Landlords will find it to their interests to place their property in our hands for renting We guarantee first-class tenants, prompt col lections and monthly settlements of rents. VILIiIAM PETTY & CO., de28-32 107 Fourth Ave. AUCTION SAXES. ENTIRE STOCK OF A DRYGOODS HOUSE AUCTION. Commencing WEDNESDAY MORNING, De ccmber SI, at 10 o'clock, and continuing each day until all are sold, for account of whom it may concern, at 311 Market street. Fine dress goods, trimmings, notions, fine underwear lor ladies, gents and children, etc, etc HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. de30-78 AUCTION SALE H. B. SMITHSON, Real Estate and General Auctioneer, room 58, Eisner building. Fitth and WoocLstreet. Sales of jewelry and merchandise at stores. Furni ture at residences promptly attended to. rte"-6-r PROPOSALS. Office of "l ALLEGHENY AND PEKRYSVUXE ' lURNPIKERoADCOMrANY. f ALLEGHENY. PA, Dec IS. 1S90. J SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE CEIVED by this company until DECEM 1SER 31 for tho delivery of sixty thousand (CO.000) feet, face measnrc.tbree-incli white oak planks, eight (M leet long, suitablo for plans road purposes. Said plank to be delivered during the months of April, May or June. 131. on tbo Allegheny wharf, free of wharfage and measuring. The company reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. N. DAVIDSON, de24-16-D Secretary and Treasurer. TO Butchers and Bakers. Sealed proposals will be received at this office nntill o'clock P. jr. FRIDAY, January 2. 189L for supplying Allegheny Countv Jail with bread and meat from January 15, 1S3I. to July IK, 1831, JJread to be of good quality wheat bread. Proposals for meat will be: First, good qual ity boiling beef, not to contain more than 2o per cent bone; second, to be free from bone and fat, and accompanied with such amount of soup boneas the warden shall direct. Tbe board re serves the right t consider either proDosition in tho interest of the county, all supplies to be subject to the anproval of the warden, and bo furnished in such rjnantities and at such tinea as he shall direct. For further information in quire at tbe county jail. Tho board reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. JOSIAHSPEER. dc30-i0 Countv Controller. AMUaliMENTs. BIJOU THEATER. "WEEK JANUARYS. JIatinces "Wednesday and Saturday. THE DISTINGUISHED ACTRESS, FflABGARET frlATKER. REPERTOIRE: Monday and Tuesday. JOAN OF ARC. Wednesday Matinee and Satnrday Night, AS YOU LIKE IT. "Wednesday Night, Thursday Night and Satur day Matinee. ROMEO AND JULIET. Fridav. LEAH. K3 Sale of seats commences this morning at 0 o'clock. dc3i-4'J DUQUESNE THEATER (Pittsourg's Leading Theater.) To-nighr. Matineo New Year's Day and Sat urday. William Gillette's comrjamoa play t tho "Private Secretary.' "ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME." By Mr. Cbas. Froliman's Comedy Co. Seats at Theater and at Hays'. 75 Fifth av., 2uc, ,50c. 75c. $1. General admission, SOc Jan. 5 The American Extravaganza Co. ia the "Crystal Slipner." de31-5S BIJOU THEATER To-Night. V. A. BRADY'S CO., IN "ATTKJl DARK." Matinees Wednesday. Thursday and Saturday. Jan. 5 MARGARET MATHER. de23-5 GRAND OPERA HOUSii TO-NIGHT. Matinees New Y'ear's Dav and Saturday. ARONSON'S COMIC'OFERA CO., POOR JONATHAN. Next week Hands Across tbe Sea. de29 H ARRY WILLIAM'S ACADEMY. To-night and at four Matinees this week. Tuesday, 'lhursday, Friday and Saturday. llAKUX KUKLh'a HIGH-CLAHS VAUDEVILLE. de39-3S HARRY DAVIS" FIFTH AVENUE MU SEUM Commencing Monday. Dec 23. Borland's School ot Educated Go.its. HALF HORSE. HALF MAN. All new features. New Year's Day open at 0:30 A. 31. Admission 10 cents. de29-2S PRINCETON UNIVERSITY GLEE. BANJO AND MANDOLIN CLUBS "Will give a roneert in Carnegie Hall.AIlegheny, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 3, At 8 P. jr. Tickets lor sale at Hamilton's. 31 and 33 Fifth av. de'JS-44 LAST TWO DAYS BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG! (Cyclorama). corner Bcecb st. and Irwin av., Allegheny City. Open daily (Sundav excepted), from 8 A. 31. to 10 r. ?I. Admission. 25c; children. 10c deSl-16 PROF. BROOKS' (Member of tho American Society of Profesorsof Dancing. New Y'ork), DANCING ACADEMY. Liberty Avenue and Sirth Street. For ladies and gentlemen will com mence Monday, January 5, at 8 P. jr. For misses and masters Saturday, Jan uary 3. at 3 o'clock p. jr. de28-5 REMOVAL. :r- o miller, House and Sign Painter, has removed from, 135 Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVBKTJS. Opposite Third Presbyterian Church. Special attention given to the handling of plato glass, cutting and drilling. Repairing windows, sky lights, etc House painting ana glazing in all its branches. ocl3-G3-D LAP WELD FOREMAN WANTED. We want a man of experience to take charge of our lap weld department- Also two lap welders. None but first-class men wanted. Ap ply at once. THE TYLER TUBE AND PIPE CO. de30-83 Washington, Pa. PIANOS, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments HAMILTON'S. oc23-C8-r Fifth avenue. AF. SAWHILL. ACCOUNTANT,. 1ST Federal street, AIIegben3972. Attends to opening or closing book correc tion of errors, or anything in the Una of accounting. deo"-54-D & DOWN, IStrous & McAteer 643 LIBERTY ST. sonl-23-jiwi' TOP COATS AND ULSTERS Made to measure. Specialties in Imported coods for such wear. Correctly cut in prevail ing fashion. H. & C. P. AHLERS, - "' ; MERCHANT TAILORS. 420 Smithfield street. Telephone 13S9. dc23-TTssn eat ier JITCKNIGHT fc VICTOR I. PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Dealers in Gxs Fixtures, LAMPS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, HOSE, ETC. Special attention given to Natural Gas Fitting US SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG. PA. Telephone 759. ja7-fltf-rnh .-:' i 4 -v &J: nKlPBBBWWWWWWBMWLEBPL1iBsBBBWWBWipB .. EJr jfS?JlMMBOBHplliTp " WflM3ffiPspB w BBHpsWiWWWpiy