Twmm HKfHI WsfPfWBHT JTWlfjZtg' wym' ifT'i' 5jss- p S THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER -24, 1890. v5?skyiP2 "l V T " . WILD WEST GUSHERS Not So Substantial as Indicated by Some of the fieports. THERE IS SOME GAS IK COLORADO, Bat it is Located a Considerable Distance From Any Town, 0.LT A SUKFACE ARTICLE IN DAKOTA rSPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 OilAHA, Xeb., Dec 23. Nothing takes better among a certain class of 'Western editors than the announcement of the dis covery of natural cas. Pick up casually any nrst-elass paper of Colorado, Montana and Nebraska and the chances are ten to one that you will find a half-dozen fresh fields bub bling out the carbureted fluid at a rate which would discount the bis Earg casser in the Findlay field. But after a few time3 going the rounds of the editorial scissors these items are lost sight of in the new crop that has come on. The fact is, none of the alleged finds in the two Dakctas are genuine. A little sur face gas, which exhausted in a few hours, 'was all the substance the glittering bubble of anticipation could claim. However, there is a real belt in Colorado. In the northwestern part of the State along tbe "White river, and particularly at the mouth of Piceance creek, is a territory which promises to develop wonderfully. The First Know Indication. Along this watercourse a number of "burning springs" have been known to exist lor several years. About three years aca a cowboy was riding along the course of Piceance creek when he heard a hissing noise. Thinking it was a rattlesnake he dismounted and proceeded to investigate. In a little shallow rivulet he saw a spring bubbling up fiereely. Guessing what it was he struck a match and a blaze sprang up with such cheeriul alacrity that his whiskers had to pay tribute. Staking off a goodly-sized claim lie got a company organized and somewhat later drilling began. Two w-lls were struck to a depth of 500 feet, both of them getting gas. About the time they reached the porous rock a big cattle round-up happened in that vicinity and the proprietor wanted to help the boys out with a big illumination. He set fire to the gas. The result was lie was himself severely burned, and one of his rigs was destroyed. Since tben nothing has been done. The wells standing without proper, casing tilled up with water and are to-day valueless. "o Place to Take It. About three miles north of this, at the head of Piceance creek, is another set of springs. The same phenomena occurs along the Book cliffy, along the Bio Grande and Midland Railways, from 2ew Castle to Grand Juuction. There is just now, in view of develop ments in tue .riorerice on neid, a disposition to use this gas. But where can it be taken? The nearest point is Meeker, a little town, and it is 30 miles in a bee line. The next point is Gleuwood, but it will take 70 miles of pipe to reach it. It is also claimed in the last several days that a number of gas springs exist about 20 miles from Glenwood, at a place called As pen. They were discovered by Prof. Sad dler, of the School of Mines. The Ladies Delighted. The pleasant effect and tlie perfect safety with which ladies may ue the liquid fruit laxa tive Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to tbe eye and to tbe taste, gentle yet effectual in act ing on tbe kidneys, liver and bowels. The Unprecedented Demand for Those Loely Everett Pianos Is on the increase. Hundredsof happy pur chasers will enjoy this Christmas with mirth and music Many of them hav selected their pianos and had them set aside or Christmas delivery. "We have pianos enough to supply the demand. Our warehouse at 21 Federal street, and the two storerooms, 137 Federal street, Allegheny, and 121 Franks town avenue, East End, are all brim full of pianos; and such pianos! They are the finest ever shown in theve cities. "They are un equaled in beauty of design and variety iu cases; while the more important part," tbe tone and action, is all that the most exact ing musician can desire In point of dura bility they are absolutely unsurpassed. Every piano is warranted for seven years. Purchasers who want lull value for every dollar they spend for a piano will get it in the Everett Our system of buying and sell ing in large contracts, 350 pianos at each purchase, guarantees a lower price than it is possible to get from retail dealers. "We pro vide methods of payment to suit every one. If you want a piano delivered tor Christmas, come early and make your selection. Our wagons are very busy now, and we will have to increase their number to accommodate our holiday trade Alex. .Vss Music House, 137 Federal stre-, Allegheny, 121 Franks town avenue, -C-u'.Emi, Pittsburg. "Why Not Keep Warm? Several hundred ladies' newmarkets, jackets, etc, in medium and winterweights, just reduced to fully one half and one-third former price. You can have your choice from goods that sold all through the fall at 56 to 530, now at 53, 55. 58, 510. Bibek & Easton. SeaIi cans and gloves. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue. "With fine well-stocked warerooms, com prising a complete assortment of foreign and domestic wines and liquors of the best brands known to the trade, the house of T. D. Casey & Co. offers to its holiday patrons an opportunity of purchasing genuine pure liquors at a moderate price Call at 971 Iiiberty street and examine the stock, wsu Fikdixg one afternoon each week for the .sale of diamonds not sufficient to supply tee demand, I have decided to devote the hour between 3 and 4 P. si., daily, for the fcile of diamonds at auction at 533 SmithCeld ctreet. Christinas Say Hendricks & Co.'s photograph gallery will be open all day to accommodate their many friends. Bring the children and come. 6S Federal street, Allegheny. Holiday Excursions via the Pennsylvania Lines. Excursion tickets will be sold at reduced rates at all ticket stations of the Pennsylva nia Lines west of Pittsburg on December 21, 25 and 31, 1890, and January 1, 1891. Tickets will be good returning until Janu ary 5, inclusive wrhsu Tine Diamond Jewelry. An immense stock of diamonds in all variety of mountings. All first-class goods fet extremely low prices. Hatch's Jewelry Stobe, 295 Fifth avenue. Call and examine our Turkish leather conch; it cannot be surpassed iu the city for beauty and durability." MlCUIGANFUKirnUEE Co., 137 SmithCeld street. Xjias gifts in workboxes, umbrellas and parasols, ladies', 'gents' jnd children's un oerwear, blankets, bed covering!, etc, at Arthur Schondelmyer & Co.'s, 68 and 70 Ohio street, Allegheny. Gkeat reduction in prices of fur capes. J50 to closs out regardless of value, from $3 Up, at Xosenbaum & Co.'s. Ladies' seal c.ipe-. Smiley iz Co., 28 Fifth avenue. Ova stores will be kept open every even ing provlous to Christmas. BlBEB ASX01T, INDEPENDENTS ACTIVE, THOUGH STILL KKKPIKQ THEIR PLANS TNDEE COVER. The Significance of the Position Taken by Lee, Phillips and Others The Latest In telligence From tho Important Field Centers. The significance of tbe independent pro ducers' meeting last night iu Pittsburg, as previously outlined In The Dispatch, is drawing the oleaginous interests of the entire oil regions to a just conception of the real state of affairs. There are many who feel slighted because they have not been invited to participate in deliberations which have followed. The reason ascribed for this is that the originators don't propose to take into their councils in the be ginning of the new scheme those who are not fully identified with the independent movement. It is no idle thought to assert that the movement wb!ch has been inaugu rated will be ultimately consummated. We draw this conclusion from the caliber of those who are identified with the new order ot things. This forenoon a number of the committee of the P. P. A. and a committee of the independent producers held a confer ence at the Duquesne Hotel. It was the ob ject of this meeting to ascertain the views of Mr. Phillips regarding the present independent movement. Mr. Phillips when called upon by a Dis patch reporter said that he was simply in the hands of the producers and if they concluded that he was not eligible to their councils he had nothing more to say. Continuing, "My past history should show where I stand and you can always count me on the side of the independent producer. Hon. J. W. Lee who was a conspicuous figure iu tbe conclave, was interrogated, but said it was folly to divulge their plans and intentions to tbe enemy. Tbe inference drawn from those hieh in authority was that the old P. P. A. would be reconstructed and gentlemen placed at the helm whose ability and integrity would assure tbe success of the undertaking. Just whether Mr. Phillips had been reinstated by the Executive Com mittee of the P. P. A. was not decidedly learned. The supposition, however, is that he is to be retained. It is claimed that while Mr. Phillips sold his interests out to the Standard Oil Company, that he did not sell his individuality or his right of fran chise. It has also been hinted that Mr. Phillips is resdv and willing to dispose of his Trust Company stock at any time In speaking of the late independent move ment it has been authoritively stated by a prominent Bradford producer that Dan O'Dayand Joe Seep have joined the fortunes of the McKinney Bros, and forsaken the Standard. Another meeting of the produc ers and the Executive Committee ot the P. P. A. will couvene in this city in a short time News From the rields. "Wildwood Griffiths & Forest Oil Com pany's No. 4, is this evening doing 75 bar rels per hour. Phillips, Dunn & Company's 2fo. 4, on Dr. Smith farm, came in to-day and is doing 30 barrels per hour. Griffiths & Forest Oil Company's So. 3 came in at 6 o'clock this evening and is flowing at the rate of 1,550 barrels per day, from the top sand. It will be drilled deeper to-morrow. The same company have located Nos. 5 and G on the Smith farm and Nos. 9 and 10 on the Whitesell farm. Griffiths & Miller and Forest Oil Com pany's No. 2, on Kinghisen farm, is down 1,400 leet and No. 3 is down 800 feet. Mc Dcvitt & Co.'s No. 1, on the Enoch Gayton farm, are on top of the sand. They have burned the crown sheet out ot the boiler and cannot go on until the boiler is repaired, which will be several days. Patterson "and Forest Oil Company's Ho. 4, on Young farm, have a socket in the hole on top of a full string of tools. The well has stopped spraying oil and the fishing job looks a little serious at this writing. The McCaw well No. 1, owed bv Griffiths & Co. is now spraying about five or six barrels of oil per day. The gas is diminishing somewhat A general howl went up lately, owing to the shortage of gas in the Semple Statio i Company's line from Bryant lot well, occasioned by the line freezing up, there being no drip at the well nor on the line. Calhonn & Patterson located No. 1 on the Silas Semple farm. Tbe rig will be built and operations-cornmenced at once Nine out of every ten peoplb use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup when they have cold. 25 cents. Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad Excursion Kates. On December 21. 25 and 31 and Januarv 1 excursion tickets will be sold at rate of one fare and one-third between all stations on this line; to all points on the N. Y., L. E. & W. B. B. between Salamanca, Cleve land and Davton, inclusive; to all points on the L. S. & M. S. K. K. between Erie and Youogstown, and between Cleveland and Toledo, inclusive; also to Franklin and Oil City. Tickets will be sold locally to all points on the P., McK. & Y. and McK. & B. V. divisions from December 24 until January 1, inclusive. All tickets will be good until January 5, inclusive, for return passage. 23,24,30,31 To obtain good values for his money is the object of everyone who invests in any article ot merchandise The old and well-known establishment of T. D. Casey & Co., whole sale liquors, 971 Liberty street, offers special inducements to its patrons for the holiday trade Call and see them. wsa Fob beauty and durability, our line' of tu" "u panur sum cannot oe neat in this city. Store ODen in the evening. Michigan Fukitituee Co., 437 Smithfield street. Handsome linen sets, with cloth and napkins to match, from 58 up. Beautiful towels, with embroidery and fancy borders at 25c to 50c eacn. Linen and silk scarfs and covers, all sizes and prices. Bibeb & Eastok. ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE Of Umbrellas. Choicest goods in the city. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue. A feast of holiday bargains in fancy sets, furnishing goods, plush lacks, muf flers, handkerchiefs, etc., at Arthur Schon delmyer & Co.'s, 68 and 70 Ohio street, Allegheny. Nickel-silteb stem winding watches at ?4. Hauch's, No. 295 Filth avenue. 1,500 doz. Jcid gloves for presents, cheap est at 1'osenbaum & Co.'s. A Special Offer. High grade Alaska seal cloaks at $150. Bibeb & Eastow. Ladies' and gentlemen's umbrellas for holidays. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenue CUKES SUKELY, SPRAINS. Ohio & Miss .Rail way. Office President and General Manager, Cincinnati, Ohio "My foot suddenly turned and gave me a very severely sprained ankle The application of St. Jacobs Oil resulted at once iu a relief from pain " W.W.Peabodt, Prest. & Gen'l Man'gr. BRUISES. 716 Dolphin Street, Baltimore, Md, Jan'y 18,1890, I was bruised bad. ly la hip and sldo by a fall and suffered se verely. M. Jacobs Oil completely cured me" W C. Harden, Member of State Legislature. oil NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PSORIASISJO YEARS Body a Mats of Disease. Suffering Fearful. All Thought He Must Die. Cured In Six Weeks by Cutloura Remedies. I have been afflicted for 0 years with in obsti nate ekln disease, called by some M. D.'s Psori asis, and others Leprosy, commencing on my scalD; and. In spite of all I could do, with the help of the moat skillful doctors. It .lowly uutsnrelr extended, until a year niro this winter It covered rav entire person In the form of dry scales. For the last three years I hive been unable to do any labor, and sunerin g Intensely all the time KTery morning there could be nearly a dustpanful or scales taken from the sheet on lay ben, some or them half as large as the envelope containing this letter. In the latter part or winter my skin com menced cracking open. 1 tried everything, al most, that could be thought of. without any re-. Her. The l!th of June I started T est, In hopes 1 could reach the Hot springs. 1 reached Detroit, and was bo low I thought 1 should have to go to the hospital, but finally got as far as Lansing, Mich. . where I had a sister living. One Dr. treated me about two weeks, but did me no good. All thought 1 had but n short time to live. 1 earn estly prayed to die. Cracked through the skin all overmyback, across my rlos, arms, hands, limbs; feet badly swollen: toe nails came off: finger nails dead, and hard asa bone; halrdead, dry, and lire less as old straw, o my God ! how I did sufler. My sister. Mrs E. II. Davis, had a small part of a box of CUTiciraA In the house. She wouldn't give ud;siI3, "We will try Cuticura." borne was spoiled on one hand and arm. Eureka I there was relief; stopped the terrible burning sensation from the word go. Thry immediately got the CTJTICHBA. Cuiicuba KksolVkjct ana Soaf. 1 commenced by taking one tablespoonful of KB SOLVKNr three times a day, after meals; bad a hath once a dav. water about blood beat: used CtrricURA SOAF freely; applied cuticoba morn ing and evening. Kesult: returned to my home In Just six weeks from the tlm I left, and my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. HIKAM . CARPEN1EK, Henderson, Jefferson county, H. X. Cuticuka. Remedies are sold everywhere Price Cuticura, the great bkln Cure 0c.; Cuti cura fcOAP, an exquisite Bkln Purifier and Beau tiller. c : Curccui A Kesouvent. the new Blood Purifier, 1L POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL COR PORATION. Boston. 3-Sendfor "How to Cure Skin Diseases," M pages, SO Illustrations and 100 testimonials. PHI 111 and ollv skin cured bv Cuticura Boa p. 11 .VU ttlanV haast 4 plnirh ohinnarl HOW MY BACK ACHES! Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and Weak- Jncsi, Soreness. Lameness, Strains, and J Pain RELIEVED IN ONE MINUTE by the CUTICURA ANTI-PAIN PLASTER. wssuwk EAELY BUYERS HOLIDAY GIFTS Will find our stock well assorted and very easy to make a selec tion from. The largest and choicest assortment to be had ot FINE FANCY GOODS IN PORCELAIN, BRONZES Plush and Leather; Cases, Fine Leather Goods, Desks, Portfolios, Photograph Albums, etc. Open every evenlne until Christmas. JOS. EICHB AUM & CO., 48 Fifth Avenue. de9-99-D GIVE YOUR BOYS A USEFUL PRESENT. Press anfl Outfits $1.75,2.50,5.00 7.50, 10.00, 21.00 to 31.00. Send Ec for Catalogue W.A. BUNTING 20 Stick. .4L.-V7-0. PITTSBURGH, PA. d el(i-G6-lU, IB.20,21,23,21 rfp DOUGLAS MACKIE. Grand Wind-Up ! Most Successful Holiday Trade I Phenomenally successful lias been our Christmas trade iu all departments AVe de termined from the start that not a fancv article should be left over, and to that end. marked everything in the line of Dolls, Games, Books, Dishes, Plush Albums, Toilet Cases, Dressing Cases, Jewel Cases, Manicure Sets, and in fact every article in our fancy departments, AT PEICES NEVER BEFOKE HEARD OF IN THE HISTORY OF HOLIDAY GOODS THE TWO CITIES O'ER. COME EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. Open Every Evening Until Christmas. IDOTJO-XjA-S & 3A.OICIEa 151, 153 and 155 FEDERAL ST., ALLEG-HENY. . de22.MWF :rEiEi WE THIS DAY offer for sale at our new warehouse, Nos. 1040 and 1043 Penn avenue, our entire Btock of Cigars, Plug Tobacco, Smoking' Tobacco, Pipes, etc, amounting to over 850,000, all more or less damaged by fire or water, at 20 per cent of original cost Must be sold at once. R. W. JENKINSON, Nos. 1040 and 1042 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. YOURSELF AND COMPANY Are cordially invited to call at once and examine our massive display of Holiday Gilts. We can show you gifts snitaule for tne old and youne, and at the very lowest prices. Onr line of watches Is unexcelled by any house in this city. Diamonds in enormous qnantities,and Rings, Eardrops, Lace Pins, Cnaius. Bracelets, Charms, Silverware olevery description, Clocks and Bronzes, at unhcard-ol low figures. Remember the name and numbers. . SIM-IT. FIVE STORES IN ONE. 932 and 934 Liberty St and 703, 705 and 707 Smithfleld. - de20-24.Tbsu GHEISTMAS GIFT BUYING MADE EAST BY EEECH'S EASY CREDIT SYSTEM. Thousands of Fancy and Plain Rockers and Odd Chairs, Wardrobes, Bookcases, Secretaries, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, Sofas, Divans, Couches, Parlor Tables, Bric-a-Brac, Clocks, Lamps, Cloaks, Cloth- , , ing etc.. at positively low prices. FOR CASH OR ON CREDIT. KEECH'S, 923, 925 AND 927 PENN AVE. 0je?i till p d clock every - MEW ADYEItTTSiOIEItTS. GAEPETS, WALL 7 PAPER! New Styles, Choice Colors, low Prices. Pine, medium and low price Car pets in all the new ideas in color and styles, at prices that will please you. WALL PAPER All the new styles in Decorations, from 5o a bolt to $15 a bolt We carry a large line of all kinds of Wall Paper, and our prices are away down. Don't buy a Carpet, a bolt of Paper, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Linoleum or anything in our line until you see our stock. It will be money to you. Geo.W.Snaman, 136 FEDERAL- STREET, ALLEGHENY. Je29s.irwr -AT- "The Famous Shoe House." 52 Sixth Street. ' Christntas Slippers in endless variety for La dies and Gents. Prices ranging from 50c to $5. del7-TVFSu de23-G5 nighfyill - Christmasx SUBSTANTIAL SENSIBLE 01 OFFERINGS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MOST PEOPLE Find It difficult to select suitable presents for men. Below we enumerate a few, any of which will surelv prove acceptable. Our well-known double texture Mackintosh Coats, in all tho fashionable shades. Umbrellas for men and boys from $1 to SIS. Walkinjr. Sticks in alfthe newest designs. Still Hats, 2 to So. Soft Hats, 81 to 85. Silk Hats, S3 56 and 8. Opera Hats, $7. Imported Leather Hat Boxes, S5. Seal Gloves, $10 to 318. Seal Caps, So to SIC Fur Carriage Robes from ti to S25. As we make all our own Umbrellas on the premises, we can save you 25 per cent, and eivo you a perfectly made article. Select j our own head from- our large stock, and we will make up the umbrella in one day. PAULSON BROS., Expert Furriers and. Umbrella Mers, No. 441 Wood St. del7-D Goods That Are New, Beau tiful and Sensible. Fancy Rockers, Bookcases, Pictures, Parlor Suites, . Onyx Top Tables. Desks, Chiffoniers, Cabinets, Mantel Figures, Wall Pockets. Everything in Furniture. CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. 307 Wood St. do 17-WP H0LIDAI PEESBITS ! Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Opera, Field and Marine Glasses, Binocular Tele scopes, Grapuoscopes, Magic Lanterns, Stere optlcons. Microscopes, Barometers, Thermome ters, Photographic Outfits, etc BEST ASSORTMENT, LO WEST PRICES, at KORNBLUM'S OPTICIAN STORE, NO. so FIFTH AVE., NEAR WOOD ST. dell BLUE LABEL naii HOW CHEAP, frUTTTflW W I" Donglm Shoes aro UXIU AlUll warranted, and every pair kas his name and price stamped on bottom. 8oo. 'JADlES Vnn 5135 L. $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Flno Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence and rearing qualities of this shoo cannot be better shown than by the strong endorse ments oC Its thousands of constant wearers. SdOO Gcnnine Haml-sewedt an elegant and O stylish dress Shoe which commends itself. SX .CO lland-Bewed Welt. A fine calf Shoo fr unequalled for style and durability. SQ.BO Goodyear Welt Is the standard dress 3 Shoe, at a popular price. SQ.50 Policeman's Shoe is especially adapted O for railroad men, farmers, etc All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2SHOESlafdi1s. haye been most f a-rorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior tn flu V fthnfin Hold an these prices, ma If hn palm Ask your Dealer, am bo cannot supplyyou send iplyyo I price Dostal for order blanks. oirect V3 xaci enclosing advertised price, or W. I. DOUGLAS. Brockton. -Mass. "or sale by H. J. & O. M. Lang. Forty-fifth and I Butler su. J. H. jrrohlng, SSSJtifth ave. 1). Car- jer, v jiuca aye. x;. v. sperDer, iko lArsonsc i ave. . V. Uoerber. Iks canon sc I Alleenenr OUT. H-Kosr. loa -federal St.. andal mmm iiniM iSfipi II HP Ill ilssiMA not IfftnrnriTrflTff'li BUT Ulni H0W G0I)I) IPlCurtiCB Brotte' Co. 1 Minify 1 XLM' I'lJ POCHESTER.'N. Y. -Uil lU no25-91-irwr COkBWS 1 rtll Jffx-T ' T rLU"i1. -. 350iiltyL "'flffitft 3r. itimi ,- iW( mpu?B0Y5 &flgi--HWJyl.K 65S?- W. L. DOUGLAS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS. BULLETIN NO. 6. FOR 1 GENTLEIM. UR first list of furniture suitable for a gentleman suggested a Library Lounge, a. Lhittonier-Wardrobe, a Med icine Closet , and a Library Easy Chair. We to-day suggest a few more articles from our exten sive Holiday Bazar, a more complete catalogue of which, entitled, "What to Give" (64 pages), will be given on appli cation. Nothing in the whole range of fur niture is more a p p r opriate for a gentle man, or can surpass in in trinsic value, the Secretary Bookcase of the picture. The four book shelves behind the glass door, the three drawers, the cabinet top with beveled mirror, the carved drop lid concealing the writing con veniences within, all unite to emphasize its large utility for the low price of $22. It is a combination of three pieces for the price of one. This leather covered Easy Chair, with frame of tique oak an is only $16, or with plat form rocker $17- Associated with dressing gown and slip pers and home comfort, is a Foot Rest The one of our cut covered in leather, tapestry or silk plush is $5, With brass "claw and ball" feet $ 1 additional lhis Punjab Stand of golden bronze frame work and shelves cor ered with "melon seed matting," is most useful as .a holder of magazines, music or bric-a-brac. Price, $4. k in 33 FIFTH AVE. de22 The finest meat-fi.avorino stock LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. USE IT FOE SOTJPS, Beef Tea, Sauces and Made Dishes. Genuine only with fac-similo of Justus von Liebig's STGNATUEE "IN BLUE INK Across label. Sold by storekeepers, (rrocers and druczists. LIEBIG1 G'S EXTRACT OF BEEF CO.. Lim- ited. London. se6-59-WS HOLIDAY PRESENTS. GOLD SPECTACLES, 5 and Upward. GOLD EYEGLASSES, With Chain Attached, Z5 and Upward. PEAEL OPERA GLASSES, S5 and Upward. FIELD GLASSES. J. DIAMOND, Optician, 22 Sixth Street, Fittsbure. NOTICE Every person presenting this (Dis patch) advertisement will be entitled to 10 per cent discount on all goods purchased. de9-D OH. WELL SUPPLIES. AJAX ENGINES -Aim- Corry Boilers. The AJax Is tbe strongest, quickest, most durable and economical OH Well Engine ever made, and is the only engine having the right to use the Bliss Patent positive reverse gear. All others using such reverse are infringing upon onr rights. OVER 5,000 NOW IN USE. The Corry Boiler is the largest, strongest, best-constructed and most economical in the oil country. We use only the nest material and workmen, and gnarantpo onr work; Over 2,000 in uso without one blow up. Offices In PHuburg, Washington and Butler. Always write or telegraph to Corry Office. T A TVTCG JLV1jD M. LAMBING, SOLE AGEM, COBBY. PA. Tif& 1& Mb i--f i IU odd V5' BRr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4f MV77 ' KAUFMANNS' Open To-Night Till 11 O'Clock. CLOSED TO-MORROW, ALL DAI HK"&-"' Us THE LAST DAY The Greatest Day The Best Day M Ff FA KAUFMANNS' will offer any Man's or Boy's TO-DAY TO-DAY TO-DAY TO-DAY TO- ! rn UIEQIID In Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Silk Suspenders, Jewelry, Dressing and Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Smoking Sets, Traveling Sets, Pocketbooks, Smoking Jackets, Night Robes, eta TO-DAY, IMMENSE REDUCTIONS In the prices of China, Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Art Pottery, Vases, Figures, Bric-a-Bracs, Clocks, Pictures Candelabra, Onyx Tables, Lamps, Glassware and TOYS, TOYS, TOYS of every kind and description. KAUFMANNS' FREE GIFTS Our English P1 m P- 5- WITH rriCC CLOTHING OR CLOAKS, OF Sio, OR KAUFMANNQ' t Fifth Ave.andSmithfielLSt. - -' .. BEFORE XMAS, Yet For Bargains ! For Free Overcoat in their stock at about 50c on the dollar. KAUFMANNS will offer any Man's or Boy's Suit or pair of Pants at away below the usual price. KAUFMANNS' wiU offer any Lady's Cloakj "Wrap, Jacket, Cape, Muff or Shawl at half the regular price. KAUFMANNS' will offer any Girl's Cloak, Jacket, Eeefer, Cape, Fur Set, etc., at froin 33 to 50 per cent below all competition. KAUFMANNS' will offer anything you may select in their Shoe or Hat Depart ments at an unprecedented reduction. REDUCTIONS TO-DAY ONLY With every purchase of $12 (or more) of Boys' Clothing we will give this WATCH FREE. It is a stem-winder and stem-setter, has second hand and first-class movement, and is guaranteed to be a reliable timekeeper; with all smaller purchases in the Boys' or Girls' Department we give our grand Christmas book FREE OF CHARGE. Gloria. Umbrella EVERY PURCHASE OF OVER. ..-Tf.SomanJKjet&vsii. sJait-corjiwj;'3iT' tJL... .... . ttfltffri-fi- -V-- am ,hs rS CMBLES-ti.V0uELEB.C0.. Baltimore. Mt ftai-'