THE P1TTSBTJKG- DISPATQH "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER '24, 1890. 10 FEATURES OF TPiABE. Tlie Shoe Upper Industry Was Kerer in Better Condition. OXE OF OUR LEADING FACTORIES Has Eeen Months Behind Orders ill Thronsh the Tast Tear. THE OUTLOOK IX HAKDTyaEE LINES Office of fittsbui:g dispatch, i Tuesday. Dec 23. J Shoo Uppers. It is not generally known that Pittsburg has the largest shoe upper manufactory iu the United States. In the building from which The Dispatch is daily sent forth to furnish the world's news to a quarter million of readers, there are over 100 per sons, mostly girls and women, employed in the manufacture of shoe uppers, buff slip pers and wool boots. An interview with the foreman of this establishment yesterday de t eloped some facts of interest vhich are here jotted down. About 7j girls fina employ ment in the manufacture of shoe uppers, and the employment is steady and has been for a year or two past. A year ago the trade in buff slippers only called for a half year's work, while at this time there is Cwork plenty for all the j car round. The present output of butt slipers is 250 to 500 pairs daily.'and with this output it is difficult to fill orders. The weekly output of shoe up pers is about 1.000 pairs, and still tbe factory is lull three months behind orders and bas been nearlj all tbe past year. There are orders on the books for delivery next summer. Pittsburg shoe uppers arc sent to Boston, the head center til the leather trade in America, to Pacific slope and Canada and to all intervciu c points. Tbe Trench callsin sti. has the lead m the shoe upper mdui f ' . American stock is steadily gaining as of the latter is lm proung. The met-, o. shoemaking have been almost revoluf -izcd in ihe past decade. In the good old times the shoemaker made everj thing. ow the uppers arc generally pre pared bj the large manufacturer, and the shoe maker's trade is maml to fit and fasten on the Through etoluiion and improvement in machn.erv a large part of tbe old-time shoe maker's occupation is gone. Hardware Trade. The season is here when this, and in fact all jobjung trades, are at their quieted The near approach of annnal payda. together with the late stringency of the money market, causes re tail dealers to long only for immediate wants. There is at this time the customary ante-holiday lull in lines of general hardware. Trade, however, shons up as well as last j car, notwithstanding financial stringency, and al ready orders are placed for soring goods, show ing the faith of retail dealers that we are now now n to bardpan, and that aoy future changes must be toward a nigher IeeL Ordeis for bar esting machinery aim wire goods are being placed in tbe faith ot better prices the coming reason. In many lines ot hardware tbe margin to the manufacturer has been closer tbe past eacOIl than for many years. In fact, it is a matter of doubt as to whether there fias been any probt at all in many lines. Volume of trade bas shown no large in the year cast, but piofits have been light. A leading jobber said yesterdav. "Our sales this jrar were 25 per ivnt larger than last j ear. but it it is doubtful if we made as much money. The only salva tion of tiade these dats is in pushing thu,g. The smaller tbe margin the greater the necessity of driving trade and handling large tock. No loncer can the business man wait for trade to come to him. He must go for rrade, or he will very soon be left in the rear. The ear now Hearing its end has not been a good one for the manufacturer of iron and steel finished products, and many will no doubt be glad to come out c en when balance sheets arestiuck. And whether or not the deilcr mmr out ahead in tbe year's operations will largely depend on tbe amount of goods handled." MAKKETS BY WIRE. The Carrying Charges an Anomalous Fea ture in Wheat Declines in Corn, Oats and VrotlMons Local Scalpers Again Depress the Price of Corn. CHICAGO The wheat market put on an appearance of more steadiness at the begin ning to-day, inoed thereto bv a decrease of 50,000,000 barrels in the amount of wheat on passage. The Liverpool market was quoted easier at Jd decline, but Jlcerbohin reported the cargo trade good and lceling strong. The carrying charges are a most anomalous feature of the business at present. Hero December and May keen about 9 cent apart; at Mil waukee the spread is about 6 cent; at St. Louis it is i cent; at Toledo 5 cent, and the December were to-day being sold in Sew York at the same price. The spread at Minneapolis is about 7 cent and at Duluth9 cent. The opening price was S,i cent, ana trading for some time after the start was light and tbe fluctuations narrow, ranging from SSoentto ycj cent. It was not until near 12 o'clock that thebulls lost all hope of a rally and that busi ness began to increase in volume. The decline was nut stopped until the price bad declined to IT cent, or li.c lower than jesterda's closing Ji'iires. At the close the trading was at 97Ja 97 cent. Hie corn market was again left to the tender mciciesof the local scalpers, who arc bearish, and in consequence prices declined. There weie selling orders lrom St. Louis. The first suppoitgnen to values' came from the buying against puts, from which cause there was a temporary reaction, hi t it was not of long con tinuanetflhemactint; m the demand lor cash corn was the nrmcipal depressing influence. rso.Scorn was sold for January deliver at 4k, and So. 2 as nominally worth 4Sc early to4Sc at the close. May corn opened at olJhc declined to olJc recovered to rilKff-JlJsC. declined once uioic'gctting down to os6c before there was mucUicaction. Oats snlleicd a further decline. and closed c loner than on tbe previous day. The inai ket attracted a larger number of traders and showed rather more than tbe usual amount of business. First sties ot May were at a decline of Kc, tbe priee being 43jC. An advance fol lowed to USlliffje. llien the price declined to E"Jc hut hardeneu to 43)GloJic bid on the Uum December and January remained dull and inactive. The p'oviion market was fairly active at times, bat prices were again lower, nackers nn both siues ol the market buying fanly aLd sell ing later. The lard and ribs deals were nar iow and dull. The fluctuations weie con lined to about 2c, but tbe feeling was heavy and tbe tendency downward. The actual de cline in price to-day was slight. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oaklej & Co., 45 Sixth street, members Chicago lioaid ot Trade: upen-.lllph- Low- Clos- AltTICLES. inc. j at est. Inc. miilat. o.: December 93 90 S8 e55 Januarj IMS SO'S M Wa ilav 9SJ S5,'s 87 S7& cons. o. : Dicilnber 41 49 4S 4S January 49H "' 4S54 4jV -Mar ! 51J, olt Mlt blM mts. .o. : Decunber 4CJj sill SDt, 40 January I 4'J', 40i 40H Jlav K 44 Si 43Vj Alnss pons. 1 December. ?: Gin J7 2!f ?T SO 7 CJ Januirv OS) 9SS 9 70 N Mar '10 65 10 So IU K7Js 10 75 I. Ann. January I sTI'i 5 72ti S 70 S72' FehruarT ' 3 91 i 5 :0 5 871. 5 90 ilav.....' t35 0 35 6 30 b VOX MIOUT MBS. I January 485 485I4S0 4 65 ieliruary. i 5 rcH 5 tCK S IC4 icz'i ilav ! iii i iij 5 51 5M Cash quotations were as follows: Flout unchanged. Kn.2 spring wheat. SSc; No. 3 spring wheat. S0S6c: No. 2 red, bajJQDOc: No. 2 corn.4Se: No. 2 oa s. 40340iic: No. 2 t e. b5K 66c: No. 2 barlev70;72c: No. 1 flaxseed, il 13K: prime timothy seed, fl 17 1 IS. Mess pork, per bbl.$7 0a Lard, per 100 lbs So 60. Short rib sides (loose). S4 7a Drv salted shoulders (boxed). 214 35; short clear sides (boxed), Jo 00 6 10. Sugars unchanged. On the Produce Ex rbauge to-dav the butter market was steady. Eggs steady at 22Q23c NEW YORK Flour weaker and more active, chiefly home trade; sales, 24.150 barrels. Wheat Spot market dull and unsettled: No. 2 red. SI 0 delator: SI 06 afloat; SI 05J1 07 f. i. b.: No. 3 led. fWK'-i ungraded red, SI 01 1 O.'U: do. 1 northern, jl 07Jl 07?: No. 1 hard, SI lzyjSl 12". Option-a.uanced c, but bc CAiuc weak and fell &lic closing easy on tbe increasing offerings and absence of export demand. No. 2 red. December, SI 041 OIJ-X. closing at S1C45J; January, SI 03K1 04 7-10, dosinc at Si 03: February closing at SI 04: March SI 05KS1 06, closing at l05H;Mav. SI 04Jil Ooi, closing at $104; Julv. 1)SS99 7-16C. closing at 98c: Detember, SJ999Jc, clooing at 99J4. Rye dull and steady; Western, 77S0c Barlev weak and quiet: Nn. 2 Milwaukee. S0SS2c; un graded Western, 75366c; Canada Ho. 1, 95c: No. 2, 67c; Ko. 2 extra, 80c Barley malt quiet,and easy; Canada, country made SI 001 15. Corn Spot market lower, qniet weak: No. 2. 60c elevator: 61 afloat: ungraded, mixed, "iSSOOJc: steamer, mixed. oSJigOOKc: op tinns quieter, K6Jo lower, weak on increased offerings of new"; December, oSJgOOc, closing atOOc: January, 58Ke5!Kc. closing at Rbc; May. oTJiGZShc, closing at 5c Oats Spot market dull, lower and unsettled; options quiet and weaker: Jannarv. 4S 1.164SJc, closing at 4iJc: May, 49J4l,;e, closing at 49Jic: snot No. 2, white. 4b4SKc: mixed West ern. 4B50c: white do, 505oc; No. 2 Chicago, 49S495c Hay quiet and slcadv. Hops quiet and steady. Tallow strong. Eggs quiet and teadv; Western. 23C6o. Pork steady and quiet: old mess, 110 OOffill 00: new mess. Sll 00 4J12 00; extra prime. $9 5010 CO. Cut meats 3 met and weak. Middles dull and easy. Lard nllandlowcr: Western sieam.SS 00 bid: sales. 1.551 tierces at G 006 05; January. S6 02iJ)6 IB. closing at S6 1-2: February, S6 IB. closi gat SO lo bid: Xfarcb. SS 290 Si, closing at SO 2Sbid: May. SO 49. Butter iu moderate demand and weak; Western dairy, ll20c: do creamery, 2029c: Elgin, 29QWC Cheese strong and m moder ate demand; light skims, 4KGIc; Ohio flats, ST. LOUI3 Flour Inactive and unchanged. Wheat The opening a as e down fur May and ic lor July. May, the lavonte, weakened, and sold JgC down during the first half hour, at the end ot which tune thero was a recoverv. and Ihe market ruled strong till about 10.30. when prices sagged and trading bocame languid. Just after the noon call there was a rush to sell, the market became unsettled and prices broke sharplv, but recovered a fraction later, though the clo-e was at a decline, of J5lc for Mav and ljgc for Julv, as compared with yesterdai's final nriccs; No. 2 -ish. 9.c; January, 93c: Mv,97c; July. STJc. Corn After-opening Kl,ic aoovo jestoidaj's close, the market weakened, but straggled later in sympathy with wheat and continued firm for a while, when there was a second decline, and the close was at a loss of KQlc from Monday's last sales; No. 2. cash, 4(Kc; December and January. 46e: Mar. 4!c: Julv. Soc. Oats weak and lower:No. 2 casd, 41c asked. Rve, nothing done. Barley inactive; Minnesota. C2bSc: Iowa, 65c Flaxseed steadv at $1 15. Provisions very dull. Pork. S3 75. Lard. S3 60. BALTlMORE-Wheat-WesternweaV: No. 2 winter red. spot and December, 9o95;c: January. 5i95Kc; May. S1 O21 K- Corn Western steadv; mixed sDot and year, 56j457c: Januarv. 656r: Mav. 50J4ffi56Kc Oats weak; Western while, 5050Kc: do. mixed. 49 49jc: graded No 2 white. o0Jc; do. mixed, 49Jc Rye slow; choice, 60C8S1C: good to prime, 77&79c: common to fair. 7476c Hay quiet; choice timothy, $10 5011 00: good to prime, S9 50!0 00. Provisions quiet; niesspork. $14 50: old, S12; new bulkmeats, loo-e shoulders, 5jC; long clear ribs, sides and sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar cured smoked shoulders, 7c; hams, lojc small; lnlc large. Lard Ro nned, 7c; crude, (ijc Butter active and firm: creamery, fancy. 2sc: do fair to choice, 2426c; do imitation. 24c: ladle fancy. 2223c: do good to choice, 1621c: rolls, fine, 18c; do fair to good, 1410c. Eggs dull; strictly fresh, 25c; icehouse. 13JS20C NEW ORLEANS-Flour firm: fancv, SI cO; extra fancy, $4 70; patents. So 155 25. Corn meal strong and higher at S3 00. Corn-dull and lower; carload lots. No. 2 sacked mixed, C4 65c: ellow, 65c Sugar quiet and weak: open kettle, choice, 3c: strictlv prime, 3 11-lGc; prime to fully fair. 3 9-lbS3c; good common to good fair. 33c; common, 33Jc; in ferior, 2K3c: centrifugal plantation granu lated, ji.?s59-lbc: ff do. 5Jc; choice white 5 5 1-lb: ott white. 44 15-lbc; gray white, i 4 13-lGc; choice jellow clarified, 4JJ4 13-loe; jinmejellow clarified, 4 ll-lG4c: off, 4JJ 4 11-lGc: seconds, 3c Molasses dull and lower; open kettle, strlctlt prime, 2526c; good prime, 25i2Gc; prime. 2023c: common to good fair, lo19c: centrifugal, strictly prime, 15c; good prime. 1213c; prune, lie: common to good fair. 910t; common, be; mieiior, 7c; syrup, 20 23c PHILADELPHIA Flour quiet but steadv; Wheat Options quiet but steady; choice mill ing grades scarce and firm, though quiet; No.2 red. December. 9Sa8Kc: January, 9y.9:2c: Feoruari, $1 OOi01 00-;i; March. SI Oitfl 02i. Corn steady: oiu No. 2 vcllow. in grim deput, 60c; old No. 2 mixed, in Twentieth street eleva tor. 59c; new No. 2 low mixed, in grain depot. 57c: new No. 2 jellow, in grain depot. oSc; No. 2 yellow, on track, 58c: No. 2 mixed, in export elevator. 57c; steamer, in do, 56c, and No. 3, in do. biy,c; No. 2 mixed, December and Januar5,56Ji57c: February, 5S55iC: March, 5!jS59c oats Car lot-. c lower: futures dun: No. 3 white, 4SJc; so. 2 white, 49Kc: No. 2 white. December. 4&?-4'fi49Jc; Januan, H 491 c: February. 39549Jc Eggs firm; Penn sylvania firsts, 25c MINNEAPOLIS There was afair call for spot wheat to-das, and in the bulk of business the figures showed a lower average, though with about the same general range. Buying was by the ditlercnt classes of buyers that are usually in the market. Local millers were the most tiroimnent in the buying, with shippers and local elevator people in the market. There was Mine frosted w beat w ith h No. 3 inspection that -was bard to sell at any fair price, but milling wheat went well at the figures it would bring. Closing quotation: No. 1 hard. December and January. b9c; oa track, &Xc; No. 1 Northern, tbe: Januarj, 87c; May, 91c CINCINNATI Flour in fair demand. Wheat dull and weake-; No. 2 red. 97c Corn in light demand andlowcr- No 2 mixc:, 51 51c Oats weak and lower; No 2 mixed. 4J lHn. Re dull and nominal: Nu. 2, 73c Pork dull: new- mess. $9 50. Latd slow and barely steady at $5 525 '"H- Bulk meats dull and lower to sell; short rius, S4 754 S7. Bacon dull; short clear. S6 00. Butter easier. Eggs quiet at 20ffi21c Cheese firm. MILWAUKEE Flour quiet. Wheat quiet; No. 2 tpring, on track, cash, S5SS7c;.Mav. 9oJic: No. 1 Northern. SSc Corn lower; No. 3. on track, i'iic Oats easier; No. 2 white, on track, 4I41Mc Barley qniqt; No. 2, in Horc, 65c Itje firm; No. 1, in store. 6b)c. Provisions quiet. Pork January, $970. Lara May, Sb3Jj. DOLUTH The wheat market was dull and we ik and prices declined lc during tbe day. Closing quotations were as follows: Decem ber. S9c: January, 89Jc; May, 0S)e: No. 1 hard, S9c; No. 1 Northern. o5c; No. 2 Northern, bOc, TOLEDO Wheat dnll and lower: cash and December, 91e: Januarv. 96: May, f9J. corn easier; cash Si May b2ii. Oats qm t: cash 46. Cloverseed dull; cash $4 15; February, 125;iIarchSI3a -Wool. PniLADELnilA Wool qniet and nominal. NetvYokk Wool dull and weak: domestic fleece, 31QS9c: pulled, 2731c: Texas, lb2oc Boston, Dec 23 The demand for wool has been fair and the volume of trade of average proportions. In Ohio and Pennsvlvania fleeces there have been sales of X at 31g32c, and of XX and above at 33A4c Michigan X can be bought at 29c and some choice lots are held higher. In washed combing anu delaine fleeces there havo been sales of No. 1 combing at 3942c, of Ohio fine delaine at 36i7c, and ot Michigan fine delaine at Sl35c: un washed combing wools arc offered at2GQ2S for one-quarter blood, and at 2930c for three eighths blood. Territory wools ate selling principally at 60c clean, for bne:at575Sc for line medium and 555Gc for medium. Texas, California and Oregon wools are in fair request at previous prices: pulled wools have been steady but quiet, with sales ot choice super at 4045c; fair to good super at 3u39c and of extra at 2230c Forcignwools firmer and unchanged. New York Coffee MarkeL Nrtv York. Dec 23. Coffee options opened steady, a points up to 5 down; closed barely Mcadv, 5 up to 5 down. Sales, 32,000 bags, in cluding December. 17.417.55c; Jamnrv. 16 60 nn.65c; February, 16.20;: Match. 15 7017.40s; May, 15.3516c: June. 14.U5c; July, 14.90c Spot Itio quiet and firm; fair cargoes, 19c Drygoods. New Yoke, Dec. 23. A holiday feeling dominates the drjgoods market, and demand accordingly tends to increasing quiet. The leading fcatnrcs arc deliveries on account of or ders, a good condition as to supplies and a very steady tone prevails. Price of Bar Silver. TFrECIALTKLEOKAMTO TUB DISPATCH.! New York, Dec 23. Bar silver London, 47Kd; New York, 51 01,'. Metal Market. New York Pig iron nominal. Copper nom inal: lake, December. Sll 75. Lcati unchanged; domestic, S4 12li. Tin more active at tbe de cline; straits, S20 05. riexiblo Curry Comb. The currying of a thin-skinned horse is often an operation as trying to the temper of the groom as to the hide of the animal, and a considerable amount of practical philan thropy is embodied in such inventions as a flexible curry comb, which has recently made its appearance. This comb has a leather back and teeth made of coppered wire. The points ol the teeth are rounded and flexible, and thus, while effectually cleaning the skin, they obviate the excessive irritation suffered by many horses. It is claimed that by this construction all tbe good points of the softest rubber combs and those made -with sharp teeth are combined, and thus one comb will take the place of two. It it universally admitted that a mother should, if she is able, nurse her child. If she cannot, or if for good reasons it is not advisable, then Mellin's Food, which has been proven to correspond physiologically with mother's milk, should be used. Geeat reduction in prices of fur capes. ISO to close ont regardless of value, from $3 up, at Bosenbaum & Co.'s. ANXIOUS TO. COME IN. Inquiries From Outsiders Wanting to Locate in Pittsburg EECEIYED BY ALMOST EVER! MAIL A Picture of the Scwickley Taller Drawn in a Clergyman's Study. TUB MEWS A1.D GOSSIP OP THE C1TI It is a fact that cannot be repeated too often that Pittsburg would increase in pop ulation and wealth much faster if outsiders who want to locate here could be housed. Additional proof of this has just come to hand. The first mail received by Messrs. Black & Baird yesterday contained in quiries for stores and dwellings from Cin cinnati, Louisville, "Wheeling, Cleveland and New York. That front Cincinuati a fair example of the rest reads: "Wo want you to secure for us a good storeroom, as wo are anxious to locate in Pittsburg."' These inquiries are but a few of tbe many of the same purport received daily. That these people cannot be promptly accommodated does not speak well for the foresight and enterprise ot local capitalists, builders and owners. To redeem their credit and give tbe city a chance to expand, they should take immediate step to supply the demand for business stands and dwellings. Each or the letters received by Messrs. Black fc Baird referred to THE DlsrATCH as the paper from which they obtained their informa tion in regard to the prosperous condition of Pittsburg. The Sewickley Valley. Rev. A. M. Campbell, in his handbook of the Sewickley Valley, mentioned yesterday, says: "This valley lies along the Ohio river, a few miles below Pittsburg. It can bo said to oeein just below Hajsville and extend at least across Big Sewickley Creek, or to Economy, th&homo of an industrious, peaceable and enterprising German communal society. "In the summer timo tbe drives down the valley are very fine. Ihey run along banks. In broad wajs, through avenues of trees, under overhanging oaks, elms and walnuts, beside flower yards and stono walls crowned with honejsuckles. past residences of extensive pro portions and elegant appointments. In sum mer evenings the drives are used by vehicles of almost every sort, and wheelmen find their hearts' desire. "In the dajtime Sawickley Valley is quiet It is a land of commuters.. There is some stir, but it is little for the population. -There is no factory lifo here. There are no mills. It is not a place of indnstrial activity. But it is a valley of home, elegant homes, restful homes, with plenty of room, having all the accommodations of the city with the quiet ot the country. "Scwickley is the chief boint in the valley. It is tbe largest town between Allegheny and Rochester. Rapid improvement is being made and builders are busr. The houses erected in these days are mostly ot a tasty and substan tial sort Broad lawn", flower gardens, and glass houses are common. Sewickley streets are mosily linel vvitli trees. The. pavements are and must be of smooth stone, bruit, or as phaltum, with a grassy margin next the curb." Business News and Gossip. There are 13 bouses in course of erection in Baum's Grove. None of them will costless than $4,000. The statement that the Kasino Mus-inm property was sold a few months ago for $5,500 a foot is incorrect An option was taken on it at that figure, but the sale was not made. This leaves the price received for tbo Tradesmen's Bank property, $4,400 a foot the highest ever realized for real estate in Pittsburg. An addition is being built to the Cambria Club House at Johnstown at a cost of $15,000. A business block is going up on Main street same place, that will cost $23,000. Seventeen of 26 mortgages on file yesterday were lor purchase money. The largest was for $12,000. The poor ye have alwavs with yon." They should not be forgotten this bappy Christmas season and the will not be, for Pittsburg is behind no city in ber charities To-morrow being Chrftmas "the gladdest davof all the year" the banks and Exchange will be clesed. There is no lack of inquiry for real estate, bet it is difficult to close sales on account of the nearness of the holidays. This .obstacle will soon be ont of the way. The Schenley estate is covered by abont 1.200 leaseholds, lesstban one-tenth of winch expire next April, and a majority of theso will be re newed. A Philadelphia telegram received yesterdav says Barker Bro- & Co. will probably resume business soon. Tho paper granting the firm one year's extension has been circulated among the creditors and all have signed it. V. W. Chaplin will mot likely be elected Secretary and Manager of the Exchange Clear ing House. "The good gray head'' of Captain Barbour will be missed. The Building Record. Three permits were taken ont yesterday for houses of medium sizo and cost. They follow: M. Schultz, Jr., frame two-story and attic dwelling. 24x33 feet, on Oneida street, Thirty fifth ward. Cost, $3,000. Mrs. Mary Howard, frame two-story dwell ing. 1Ss32 feet, on Forbes street. Fourteenth ward. Cot, S600. Mn. Mary Hone, frame two-story and attic dwelling, 18x32 feet on Harvard street, Nine teenth ward. Cost, S1.800. 3Io ements in Xioalt'. Black t Baird closed the sale of another prop erty in BcllUcld to a prominent business man on Smithficld street at a figure approximating $14,500. The purchaser will occupy it as a resi dence. They also sold another new Queen Anne frame house, being u th west side of Summorlea street, near Ronp station, with lot HxlOO feet to an ally, for Si,2o0. Tho purchaser was George W. Lang. H D. Wingenroth sold lot No. 51. in his plan of Nadine Park, fronting 25 feet on Poketo avenue and extending back 110 feet to Osage alley, to James V. Shaffer, for300. A. Z. Byers fc Co. sold for tbe Ridgevlow Laud Company to John C. Anderson, lots Nos. 115 and 116 in their plan, being In size 25x160 feet each, running through from Florida to Alaska street on lino ol the California avenue electric road. Eleventh ward, Allegheny City, for $700. HOME 3ECTTEIT1ES, Stock Trading Drops to Zero, but Values Show Little Change. Stock trading was on a holiday basis jester day, sales being cut down to 40 shares. No one was anxious to buy, and thero vras no pres sure to sell. It vras a standoff between the two factions. That a weak feeling should bo uppermost under such circumstances was quite natural. But this was more noticeable on tbo floor than on the board, figures being practically the same as those of the previous clne. Such conces sions as were made were for small f tactions. Things are so cheap tbat now that tho finan cial tension is casing up buying orders are bound to increase after the holidays. Av ith tho inevitable) result of lifting values o jt of tbe rut. rlllsT SECOND THIRD CALL. CALL. CALL. II A II AM A Alic. Nat. Bank. 70, 70 .... liank or Httsb's S3 .... 85 .... Cam. at. Hank .. . 104 Lxchanxc . 11 85 .Masonic Uant 00 t3 .Monon. N. IS ink IZi f-7 .... N. . Co. W.V.1 65 P. N. G. i, P. Co 7 7 7 .... 7 1A PlllU. Co 1!S " V. M'A KX Columbia Uil. Co .... 3 Wash, oil Co 85 Ft. Pitt Incline - Central Traction 18, 19X 18M 19H Citizens' UTac'n. - a. 60 S6?.... t6Ji.... Pitts. Traction Zi Pleasant Valley. H'A.... -ll'A.... 24 HJf PitU. 3: L. E. ! 81 ConslKiitc Mln'p 20 .... 3) .... 3) .... I.aNorla -MV'Co X Luster Jlliiln?.. 17 V1H 17'4 W4 17H 19JS cstluil:ouo E. Wf n;s KH IS IS, lih Mouon. Y. Co... S .. IS .... VeI. li.Co. Llm .... 70 ,. P. Cyclo. Co 2 54 At the first call CO shares Pleasant Valley sold at 24K. and a lot of Electric scrip at 50. There was no business at second call. Sales at third call were 10 Electric at 12. A fair-sized crowd attended the auction; sale ot stocks by John D. Bailev, at tbo Chamber of (Commerce yesterday afternoon. Bidding was slow and prices not materally different from tuose on 'Change. Sales wore: Forty-nine shares Mechanics' National Bank. 120: 0 Real Estate Savings Bank, 135; 30 Fourth National Bank, 125: 25 Commercial National Bank, 100; 100 Iron.Cltv Bank, 85. - ,., I Tbo following bids were not accepted: 270 for Tradesman's National Bank; 255k for First National, Birmingham; 45 for M. & M. Insur ance; 55 for M. & M. National Bank; 83 for Exchange National Bank; 65 for Citizens' Bank; 65 for Safe Deposit Company; 174 for Third -National -Bank: 1S9' for Pittslmrg Plato Glass. There were so bins for Central Traction, 5 per cent bonds and North American Construc tion Company. The total talcs ox stocks at New York yester day were 103,1m shares; including: Atchison, 10.725: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 4,b05; Lake Shore. 14,130: Louisville and Nash ville, 7,400; Reading, 4,200; StPauI,12,50; Union Pacific, 8,310. JCONEY MAEKET. All the Banks Said to Have a Good Surplus of Cash. Easier monetary conditions were reported by local bankers j esterday, tho drift of events in financial circles being in the direction of im provement, which, so far as can be seen, bears every mark of permanency. All tho leading banks were said to have a good surplus of funds, which will be released to a great extent now lhat the call of the Con troller is out of the way. Routine business was good, depositing being heavj, due largely to the immense boliday traffic. Clearings were S1.SC3.774 03 and balances S223.706 41. Monoy on call at New Xork yesterday was easy, ranging from 3 to 5 per cent last loan 3, closed offered at 3 per cent Pfirue mercantile paper, 7iw. sterling exchange quiet and steady at $4 71 for 60-day bills, and $4 8. demand. for Closing Bond Quotations. V. S. 4s. rcr i:i M. X. AT. Uen. Ss.. 36i Mutual Union GS....100) S.J. C. Int. Cert.. .108 Northern Pac. lUs..H4V Northern Pac. Id j.. 1 10 Iorthw't'u consols.136 Nortw'n deben's 5s.1m; Oreou Si Trans. 6s. (Jen. Ss. 9! St.L. S.F. Ueu.M.IOC.S M. Paul consols..... 12? bt. P. Clil&Pc. lsts. 113)4 Tx., rcL.CTr.Ks. 84k Tx.. G.Tr.lts. 30 Union Pacloc lsts...ill West Snore 100 u. . 4, coup..,.. .1--W1 U.S. 4Xs, re 103J U. S. 4Sis, coup W3i PaoiUcesor '95 109 Louisiana stampedls 92!4 Missouri 6s lenn. new set: 6!i.,..10y4 lenn. newttt. v.... 95 'lenn. new set. 3s.... 69 Canada So. 2ds 95 Central Pacific Ists.liOH ura, jb K. a., Den. < (i. 4s 80 V.&R. G. Westlsts. Krle-Jds P6 M. K. T. Gen. bi.. ;:j. St. Louis Clearings, $3,631,764; balances, $392,469. New York exchange, 50c discount. Money, 78 per cent. Memphis New York exchange selling at par. Clearings, S665,080; balances. $83,742. Chicago Clearings, $11,K9.138. New York exchange, 40c discount. Rates for money were stiff and unchanged. New Okleaks Clearings, $3,267,448. New York bank exchange, par. Commercial paper, $1 50 per 31,000 discount New Yobk Clearings, $111,182,759; bal ances. $5,924,804. Boston Clearings, $14.0,075; balances, $1, 816,353. Money 344 per cent Exchange on New York, par to 7Kc premium. Philadelphia Clearings, S1L923.100; bal ances. $1.8,611. Money 6 percent. Baltimore Clearings, $1,860,405; balances, $297,256. Rate, C per cent. A LITTLE BETTEB. One Sale of OH Yesterday Against None the Prelous Day. There was only one transaction In oil yester day, 1,000 barrels changing hands at 69c This was tbe only quotation. The market wound up on a bid of 69Kc Clearings were 104,000, There was nn change in refined. Average runs were 81.653; average shipments, 93,054; average charters, 2,641. McUrew. Wilson t Co. quote: Puts, 67Kc; calls, 69?i70c. Otfier Oil Markets. Bradford, Dec. 23. National Transit Cer tificates opened at U0jc; closed, 65c; highest 69c; lowest 68a OIL Citt. Dec. 23. National Transit Certifi cates opened at 69Kc; highest 70Jic: lowest ftjjc; closed at bse. Sales. 134,000 barrels: clearances, 310 000 turrets: shipments, 114.891 barrels: runs, 114.506 barrels; carrying 455Jc. Dull, nothing doing. Buckeye, no sales; runs, 40.0S1 barrels; shipments, 29,358 barrels. New York, Dec 23. Petroleum opened steady and after some sligb. fluctuations be came dull and remained so until the close. Pennsylvania oili Spot, opening, 69c: highest, 69Jc; lowest 69 closing. 69c: options: January, opening, 69Jc; highest C94c; lowest, 6Sc; closing, GSc. Lima oil, no sales. Total sales, 33,000 barrels. NEW YORK STOCKS. Share and Bond Markets Both Dull, the Former Ruling Slightly Lower, and the Latter Slightly Higher Van- derbllts the Strong Point. New York, Dec. 23 The market to-day was very dull throughout but especially so in the afternoon, and remained heavy to weak as a rule until tbe last hour, when there was a par tial recovery ot former fractional losses. Con sidering tbe limited market, there was in the forenoon considerable bear pressure, and in Union Pacific, Rock Island, St Paul, Missouri Pacific and Chicago Gas there were moderate lines of short stock put out Tbe Vanderbilts, as usual of late, were the one strong point in tho list Lake Shore es pecially showing marked strength. The re ports of the different roads were generally up to the expectations, and Lake Shore in partic ular made a most flattering exhibit It ad vanced in the early dealings and was held at tbe best figures throughout the day. In the morning hours all the Grangers were weak, and St. Paul dropped away over 4 per cent. Silver was also again weak and touched 101, and severe pressure upon Chicago Gas brouzlit that stock down from 35 to 33 The pressure entirely ceased after delivery hour, however, and a general improvement took place, by which a portion of the early losses was recovered, and silver certificates moved up rapidly on the prospect of action on the bill for the purchase of the surplus bullion in the country. Tbe dullness continued until the close, which was firm at the rally. The final changes are in but few cases for more tbau small fractions, and generally in the direction ol lower figures, but Chicago Gas is down 1 and Lake fcdiorc is up 1J Railroad bonds were dull, but displayed a firmer tone than shares, and most of the final changes to-night are in the direction ot higher price, though tbe important ones are lew. Tne sales reached $829,000, without special activity iu any one issue. The advances include Houston and Texas Central certificates. 2K to to 72: Louisville and Nashville generals, 1 to 112X: Missouri Pacific thirds, 3 to 114, and La CledeGasos.2io79. The Post says: Tho annual reports of the Vanderbilt roads seemed to have set the board room traders to thinking rather than trading, for evon such scalping trading as there was in the first hour or two ceiscd after 12 o'clock, and in tbe two hours to 2 o'clock the market was almost at a standstill, with almost no cbange in prices of railroad stocks. Silver, however, was weak, and went easy 2 to 21 on sales of 40,000 ounces, an amount equal to only 400 shares of railroad stocks at par. When anything declines as easily as this, it sbow tbat it is getting heavy to bold, and it is not necessary to try to explain it, as was being done in tbe street to-daj, as the result of opera tions by a Washington pool which wishes to ac cumulate stock. The followinit table snows tne prices or active stoctsontheNew York Stock .Exchange yester-d-vy. Corrected dally for THE DISPATCH by V, ihtmsy A BTXrilLNSOX, oldest Plttsburp mem bers of 3ew York block Lxchauge, 57 Fourth avenue: Clos-Open- High- Low- ing tne. est est Hid. Am. Cotton Oil 15 Am. Cotton on tirer. 2f)i Am. CottontMl Trust.. li4 16 15!$ IB Atcn., Top. & 8. IT 23H ISK 2!h :s Canadian Paclnc 71V Canaaasonthern 48 43V 48J, 45 Central or NewJcrsey. 99 99", 9 ffj Chesapeake & Ohio ... Mi i 16 1G Chicago oas Trust 3o 3a)4 331f 3V4 C. l!ur. Oulaev 98: 8' 87& g.4 C. Mil. St. Paul.. . SI'A blX 49V$ 4UV c. Mil. &&t. i'.. nr.,iio4 iw iwx ioi C. llocH 1. A- P. 70H 70l! 70 70Jf C. bt. P.. M. tl ai't, C, St. P.. Jl. O. Dl 78 C A Northwestern. .. lull! 1W.' 1C3H lviH C. Ah. Y. PI .... 134 c, o., C. a l 584 C. C. C. & 1. nret 90 Col. Coal A iron 3lii Wi 31 31 Col. Allocking? Valley 24 St S3i Z34 Che&, A Onto 1st prer. 40j Ches. Ohlo2d prcr.. 26 20) as W4 Del., LacltA WeiU....I2S 12) lUiJ K8 Uel. A Hudson K4X 124Jf Km iUii Den. Jtltlo Grande 11 Den. A U10 , S3 E.T.. Va. AUa Cj Illinois Central 96;a Lake snore AM. o n-TSf 308 l0Jti jos Loulsvlllexiashvllle, Wh W 7Uf 'Us Mlclils-iiiCeiiiral...... 91 91 R) 90 ViODllcaOhlo 2ii :! 5 K Missouri Pad nc Wi 60)i 5954. 00 National i.eadTrust.. ISt l"'- lo5 16 .New xorc Central 99 8UH in 9-j Mf.(lSLU MX JU ia4 10J .N. ST.. L,. E. A W ISM 13 18 8! tl.X.&X.Z. 2 2 31J 31H X.Y.. O. AW 1 11)4 Norfolk A Western 14 Nonolk 4 Western nr. 52 Northern Paclflc SIU 2I 21 21 lorthcrn Paclnc nr.... 61), 63 6IK ei Oreeon Improvement, lb 15 15 It Pacific Mall.. 31fc "X 31 H SIX I'lilladel. AReadlns... 31 Jl 30) Pullman Palace Car. ..180 ISO 179 179 Richmond &V. P. T . 15X KV lolj 15 ItlchmondAW.P.'i.pI 68) 68 68 68 St. Paul A Unlutn 22H St. P.. Minn. A Man 9614 Sucar. 55 56 Wj, S3jf Texas Paclnc 14 Union Pactr-c 44X Wi 3 43M Wabash 9 Wabasn preferred 17 17 1 164 Western Union, 7b 75 74 71 S WneellneAUJC 2SK 2SX 28 27U WheeIlnEL.Kprer. 68 6G tS Mtf 11X nn 12 47 WAIL STREET GOSSIP. Fresh Trouble Predicted for London Sliver Stronger Stock Market Narrow. Speculators do not seem to be assured of plain sailing. There arc said to be breakers ahead. Tho situation Is outlined below by John M. Oakley & Co:'s correspondents, Wat son & Gibson. We have several times alluded to the injury which will be inflicted on certtin branches of foreign industry by the nnanciafembarrass ments of the Argentine Republic in which during tbe past year, the market for European wares was greatly diminished and also the in jury by ihe McKinley tariif. We have beard of no commercial troubles abroad, but it is well to bear in mind the actual condition of many industries. We reiterate our opinion tbat fresh financial troubles will break out in tbo speculative world of London, for we do not believe that by bridging over Baring Brothers' difficulty the host of smaller concerns tbat were "tailing" after this great house. Such immense sums havo been locked up in the Argentiue Republic and abroad, and such enormous conversions have been made of private properties into joint stock companies, subscribed for on Install ments or margins, that great caution will have to be exercised by England's financial houses to avoid fresh complications. The stock market to-day has been very dull, hut it has bad one feature of interest firmness in Lake bbore. in an increase iu its dividend from 5 per cent to 6 per cent, and an accom panying decline in "the general list Now it would be bard to conceive of a much better bull card than this, for Vanderbilt stocks are in public favor and their management is non spcculative. It naturally would be argued that tne directors of this corporation would not ad vance the dividend rate even on tbe confessedly large showing of the current year's traffic if there were any doubt about the Commission er's business. This fall does not appear to have had the slightest effect on speculative sentiment, and bears were unkind enough to say tbat certain large Interests here heavily loaded with stocks had urged the policy of in creased dividend to make a market to sell bonds and stocks on, and they called attention to tbe tact tbat Lake bhore earned only per cent more during the currentyearthanlast year, when, too, the promise of the coming season was far better than now. The Increased divi dend on New York Central incited more ad verse criticism, for this road can hardly be called prolific in net profits. bilver was bobbing about to-day, closing con siderably stronger than it ouened, but tho fluc tuation in tho price of this metal exert a very unfortunate influence on business interests, especially on tboso engaged on trade with the far East and silver-using countries. It also keeps wido open the relative value of gold and silver, and we know that this question is viewed with much apprehension abroad. Tbe market continues very narrow, and as we have shown, uuresponsivo to bullish news. We have an idea tbat the market will go low unless it grows more active. Santa Ciaus will be requested to postpone his visit till A more convenient season. North American Co... 11)4 p., :., c. &st. l P., C, C A St. L. pr Boston Stocks. .... :! Calumet A Heela....250 -....190 Franklin 16 193 Huron 3 88 Kcarsarze 12 . ...100 Osceola 34 . ... 83 Pewablc (new) 9 17 CJuincv 85 pre. 80 Santa Fe Copper.... 40 17 Tamarack 145 19 San Diego Land Co. 16 32X West Knd Land Co. 21 Id Hell Telephone 212 ton. 17)4 l.amson store S 20 3 Water Power 34 15 Centennial Mining. 16 )) Ateh. & Ton.. Boston & Albany. iiosion s Jlaine, C. 11.40 Kastern It. K. Fllcl.lmrri:. K.. KUrtt APere 11..., Flint A PereM. pre. juass. i,emrai..., .Mex. Cen. com. N. Y. AN. Knit., old colony ... Wis. Cen. common. AUouez .Mg. Co.. Alianxir Boston A Mont., Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Hew York Stock Ex change: Bid. Pennsvlvania Kallroad Aske. 49H 15 7-16 48X 46 26 21 a 61ft ile&rting BnOalo, New York A Philadelphia Lenleli Vailev Lehlen Navigation Philadelphia and Erie Nortnern paclnc Northern PailUc preferred . 15M , 75 . U'-i . 43H ' 21" 61X Sale. Mining Stocks. New Yokk. Dec 23. Alice, 190; Amador, 123; Adams Consolidated, 170: Halo and Nor cross. 140: Homestake. 800; Horn Silver, 275; Mexican. 223; Ophir, 275: P vmoutb. 100; Sierra Nevada, 140; Standard, 100; Union Consolidated, 150. , LOCAL LIVE STOCK. Condition of Trade at the East Liberty Stock Yards. OFFICE OF THE PlTTSBUltO DMPAtfCH, Tuesday, Dec 23. ( Cattle Receipts. 320 head; shipments, 200 head: market strong at yesterday's prices. No cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 1,150 bead: shipments. 1,050 bead; market active: Philadelphias, S3 70513 80; mixed, S3 603 65: heavy Yorkers, S3 45B3 55; light Yorker, S3 303 40; pigs, S2 503 15. Onn car hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 800 bead; shipments, 400 head; market very dull at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. CINCINNATI Hogs Lighter receipts: -market steady; common and light, S2 352 50; pack ing and butchers', S3 50Q3 00; recclots, 3.000 head: shipments, 820 head. Cattle Better grades In good demand and strong; common. 75cl 75; fair to choice butcher grades. S2 25 3 25: prime to choice shippers. 2 504 50; re ceipts. 860 head; shipments, 340 bead. Sheep firm for best qualities common to choice. S2 25 4 50; extra tat wethers and yearlings f4 75al 5 25; receipts SO head; shipment. 200 head. Lambs Spring in good demand and steady; prime to choice shlpmng, S5 255 75; common to choice butchets S3 s05 50 per 100 pounds. NEW YORK Beeves Receipts. 733 head, all for export and slaughterers; no trade; feel ing firm; dressed beef steady at CgTJJc; ship ments to-dav, 3,410 quarters ot beef; to morrow, 0,730 beetes. 2.CO0 quarters. Calves Receipts. 257 head; market steadv; veals, S5 007 60; Westorns, S3 00 3 50. Sheep Receipts. 1,424 bead: market signed direct; nominally steady at S3 203 70 por 100 pounds. CHICAGO The Evening Journal reports: Cattle Receipts, S.000 head: shipments, 3,000: market slow and steady: prime nativo s'eers, S4 90S5 15; others. S3 704 70; stockers, S220 2 75. Hogs Receipts. 22,fJ0j0 bead; shipments, 5,000 head; market firm and a shade higher; rough and common light mixed, S3 153 35; fair to good mixed, S3 403 45:prlme heavy butcher weights, S3 4003 45; light S3 403 45. Sheep Receipts, 4,000 bead; shipments, 1,000 head: market slow and weak: natives. S3 37K3 80: Westerns S3 904 80: Texans, S3 504 2o; lambs, 84 2504 75. KANSAS CITY Cattle-Receipts, 3,900 head; shipments" 1,120 head; the market was steady and active; steers. S3 755 00: fancy Christmas, S3 005 35; cows, SI 753 50; stockers and feed ers, tl 003 25: Hogs Receipts, 10,110 head; shipments, none: the market was 5c to 10c lower: bulk. S3 204 35: all grades, S2 903 GO. Sheen Receipts, 020 head; shipments, 1,000 head: the market was steadv; lambs, S3 25 4 65; good to choice muttons, 4 204 70; stock ers and feeders, S2 7503 25. ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, L 300 head: ship ments, I.O'JO head: market steady; good to fancy natives, SI 605 20; good, 83 6d; stockers and feeders, S2 103 20: Texans and Indians, S2 20. Hogs Receipts, 2,400 head; shipments, 4,400 head: the market was slow; good to choice he-wy. 84 3004 35: fair to choice heavy, S3 40 3 55; mixed grades, S3 003 40; light, fair to best $3 003 20. Sheep Receipts. 500 head; the market was steady; good to choice, 4 25 5 50. OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 1.200 head; mar ket opened with better tone, active and steady; fancy steers, 84 505 50; prime steers S3 90 014 CO; fair to good steers. S2 754 15. Hogs Receipts 300 head: market irregular with general ales indicating about steadr; range, 52 903 45: the bulk at S3 253 05: pigs. $1 00 2 50; light, $2 903 25; heavy, S3 303 40; mixed, 3 2033 35. INDIANAPOLIS Cattle Receipts light; market steady on good grades; shippers. Si 90 4 80: butchers'. SI 6003 25; bulls. $2 (03 15. Sheep Receipts verv light: market quiet at 82 501 50; lambs S3 50015 50. Hogs Receipts 8.000 head; market fairlv active: choice heavy. 53 4513 55: choice light, S3 103 25; mixed, S3 SO 3 45; pigs, S2 003 00. BUFFALO Cattle Steady; receipts. 22 loads through, 18 sale. Sheep and lambs, dull nn com mon stock; receipts 3 loads through, 18 sale. Hogs firm; receipts 14 loads through. SO sale; mediums heavy and mixed S3 05Q3 75. Fine umbrellas lor the holidays at Hauch's, No. 29j Fifth avenue. Ladies' seal capes. Smiley & Co., 28 Fifth avenne. Wben baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children.she gave them Castorla ftp8-7Mrvmn. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cold Storage and Southern Eggs Aro Drifting Downward. CREAMERY BUTTER IS WEAKER. Cereals Continue Slow All Along tbe Line and Prices Off. GENERAL. GROCERIES ARE UNCHANGED OrriCE of Pittsburg Dispatch, ? Tuesday, Dec 23. Ib90. ( Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Supply of cold storage eggs is In excess of de mand, and markets are oil 2c per dozen since yesterday. Southern eggs are coming in freely, but being of doubtful age, ate also weaker. Nearby stock is steady. Last week's prices of creamery were reaffirmed at Elgin at tbe Monday meeting Of tbe board, but markets were weak. Potatoes and apples are firm, and choice stock is active at outside quotations. Demand for poultry is active ard puces are firm. Supplies are likely to be large, hut there is no probability of a glut. Pittsburg's capacity for turkey Christmas week has been fully tested in former years and rarely found wanting. APPLES 84 506 CO a barrel. Butter Creamery, Elgin. 3233c; Ohio do. 2&329c;common country butter, 1015c; choice country rolls, lS20c; fancy country rolls, 23 25c. Ueaks New crop beans, navy. S2 302 35; marrows. $2 352 40; Lima beans, 6oKc BessWaX 2S30c ff ft for choice; low grade, 22'.5c. Cider Sand refined, S9 0010 00: common. 85 50(i 00; crab cider. 810 0011 00 ? barrel; cider vinegar. 14jJ15c per gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 10Kc; New York cheese, 10llc: Ltinbnrger. I4llc; domestic Sweitzer, 1213c: Wisconsin brick Sweitzer, 14c; imported tsweitzer, 27c. Cranberries Cape Cod. S3 754 00 a box, Sll 5012 00 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 b03 75 a box, Sll 0031150 a barrel. Dressed Hogs Large, 45c fl lb: small, 66c Eggs 1920ofor Western stock; 2729c for strictly fresh nearby eggs. Keatuers Extra llva geese, 50360c; No. 1 40a-i5c: mixed lots, 30035c $1 ft. Game Mallard ducks. $4 004 50 a dozen; butter ducks, 82 0002 50 a dozen: pheasants, 85 005 50 a dkzen; squirrels, 81 251 50 a dozen; woodcocks, 84 2jg4 50 a dozen; quail, 81 001 25: rabbits, 2025c a pair; venison sad dles, 1415oa pouud; whole vonisou, 1012c a pound. Honey New crop white clover, 2022o lb. California bonev, 12015c lb. Maple Syrup 754195c a can; maple sugar, 910c V Nuts Chestnuts, 85 005 50 a bushel; wal nuts. 7075c a bushel; shell bark hickory nuts, 81 501 75 a bushel; nennats, SI 501 75, roasted: green, 4Jffi6c ft; pecans, lSu ) ft; new French Walnuts, 10K16c f? ft. Poultry Alive Clucktns. joime, large, 55 65c: small, 4550c; large, old, 6575c; small. 55b0c; turkeys, rat, ll12c a pound; poor, 9 10c a pound; ducks, b075c a pair: geese.choice, $1 251 30 a pair. Dressed Turkeys. 1416c a pound; ducks, Il15c a ponnd: chickens, 11 12c a pound; geese, 89c a pound. Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, 5c Seeds Recleane i Western clover. $5 00 5 25; country mediu u clover. $4 004 25: tim othy, 1 501 55; blue grass, $2 853 00; orchard grass, SI 50; miller, 7075c. Tropical Fruits lemons, 51 50; fancy. So CC5 So; Jamaica oranges, Sti ul)6 50 a barrel; Florida oranges, S3 754 00 a box; bananas, 81 50 firsts, 81 00 good seconds, "H bunch; Malaga grapes, 57 00012 50 a half bar rel, according to quality: California pear, 81 0004 50 3?'box; figs, 1516c f) ft; dates, 4Kt 6c Wft. Vegetables Potatoe. SI 201 30 bushel; Southern sweets, 82 252 75 ft barrel; Jersey, S3 504 00; kiln dried. 84 00 a barrel; cabhage, 87 508 00 f hundred: onions, 83 00 a barrel; celery, 406Cc a dozen bunches; parsnips, 35c a dozen: carrots, 35c a dozen; parsley, 10c a dozen; spinach, 70c a bushel; horseradish, 50 75c a dozen. Groceries. . The trade manifests no new features. Sugar is weak at tbe decline already noted. Coffee is fairly steady, price of packages remaining as it has stood for several months past Green Coffee Fancj-, 24K25Kc; choice Rio, 2223Kc; prime Rio, 23c; low grade Rio, 2021c; old Oorernment Java. 2930c; Maracalbo, 2527c; Mocha, 3032c; bantos, 2226c; Caracas, 25giZ7c; La Guayra. 2627c. Roasted (in papers) btandard brands 25c: high grades, 2830c: old Government Java, bulk, 3133Kc: Maracalbo. 2b2uc; Santos, 26 30c; peaberry, 39c; choice Rio, ZOc: prime Rio, 25c; good Rio, 24c; ordinary. '2iS.ic Spices (whole) Cloves, 154jltie: ailspice.lOc: cassia, lie; pepper. 13c; nutmeg, 75(S0c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7c; Ohio. 120, Sc; headlight lo0, 8c; water white, 1010Je; globe. l4S14c;elaiiie. 15c: car nadine, HKc; royaline, 14c; red oil, llllc; purity, 14c Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 4043c; f. gallon: summer, 3537c; lard oil, 5558c. Syrup Corn syrup, 2830c; choice sugar syrup, 3B33c; prime sugar sjrup, 323oc; strictly prime, 3435c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 42c; choice, 4Cc:medium, 353Sc; mixed, 344536c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3JJJic; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb, assorted packages, 5-6c; sal soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, H set 8Kc;parafine. ll12c. RICE Head Carolina, 77Jc; choice. 6 6JJc; prime, 66Kc; Louisiana, oJgGc. bTARCH Pearl, 4j4Jc; corn starch, 6J7c: gloss starch, 037c. Foreign FruIts Lajer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layer.', 52 75: Mu-catels. 82 25; California Muscatel?, S2 1562 25; Valencia, 77c:Ondara Valencia, 8QSc: sultana. lMJ-JOc: currants, 55Jc: Turkej prunes, 78c; French prunes, HS!l3c; Salonlca prunes, in 2-ft packages, 9c; cocoannts. $1 100, 86; almonds, Lan., ft, 29c; do Ivica, 17c; do shelled, 40c; wulnuts, nan., 13 14c:j3icilv nlberw, 12c; binyrna figs, 1314c; new dates. 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 18c; pecans, lx 16c: citron. ft, 1920c: lemon peel, 12c ft; orange Deel, lzc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 10c; apples, evaporated, HJiQlic: peaches, evapo rated, pared, 2S30c: peacues, California, e van orated, nnpared, 2023c: cherries pitted. 31c; cherries, unpitted. lj13c: raspberries, evap orated, 3233c; blackoernes, 9K10c; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes. 6c; powdered, 6Jsc; granu lated, Gc: confecth.ncis' A. 6c; standard A, 6c; soft white, 55p: yellow, choice, 5lW ojjjc; yellow, good, 5U5Jc, yellow, fair. 0J4BI 64c: yellow, dark, 3ksic. Pickles Medium, bhis (1,200), SS50; medium, half bids (600). S4 75. Salt-No. 1 $ bbl.. SI CO; No. 1 ex., bbl.. 51 10: dairy, ?1 lihl., SI 20: coarse crystal. & bbl., 81 20; Hlggins' Eureka. 4-bu. sacks, S2t0; Hig glns' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, S2 80 2 90; 2uds, 82 502 tO; extra poaches, S3 GO 3 10; pie peaches, 82 CO: finest corn, 81 351 50; Hfd. Co. corn. 95cSl 15; red cherries, $1 40 1 50: Lima beans, 81 35: soaked do. 80c; string do, 7590c; marronfat peas 81 101 25: soaked peas. 7080c: pineapples, SI 30f 40: Bahama do, $2 55: damson plums, 81 10; greengages, 81 50: egg plums, 82 20; California apricots, 52 50(22 GO: California pears, 82 75; do green gages, S2 00; do egg pliim, 82 00; extra white cherries, 82 85: raspberries, SI 401 45: straw berries, 8.1 301 40; gooseberries, 81 101 15; tomatoes, b390c: salmon, 1-ft. 81 Soitf 1 80; blackberries, SI 10: succotarh, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c: do gteeu. 2-ft, 81 23 1 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans. $2 00; 1-ft cans SI 00; baked beans, 81 401 50; lobster. 1-ft. S2 25; mackerel, 1-fi cans, broiled, SI 50; sardines, do mestic, U. 84 151 25; sardines, domestic Ks. 86 50: sardines, imported. t, Sll 50 12 50; sar dines, imported, ', 818: sardines, mustard, 53 BO: sardines, spiced, 84 25. - .Fish Extra No. 1 bloater, mackerel, S20 1 bbl.: extra No. 1 do mess, 828 50; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore. 824 00; No."2 shore mackerel. 822: large 3's, S20. Codfish Whole pollock. 5u ft; do medium. George's cod, 5c; do large, 7c; boneless hakes, in strips, oc; do George's cod, in blocks, 6K7fc. Herring Round shore, 85 50 W bbl; split. 86 50: lake. S3 25 W 100-ft bbl: White fish, 86 50 ? 100-tt half bbl. Lake trout 85 50 halt bbl. Fiunanliaddles, lOo $1 ft. Ice land halibut, 13c ). ft. Pickerel, half bbl. S3: quarter bbl, 81 35. Holland herring, 70c; Wal koff herring, HOC Oatmeal 87 007 25 31 bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call at the Grain Exchange, 2 cars bran, spot S21; 2 cars No. 2 white oats, 4SXc, January delivery. Receipts as bulletined. 21 cars, of which 18 were by Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago follows: lcar of wheat, 5 of oats. 5 of corn, 1 of bran, 3 of hay, 1 of mid dlings. 2 of flour. There are no signs of im provement in cereal trade. The situation con tinues as it bas been for weeks past in favor of bujers. With the near approach of January settlement day, there h littlo hope of Improve ment until after the Holidays are over. Prices for carload lots on track: Wheat-No. 2 red, 81 011 02; No. 3, 98 90c ' Corn No. 1 old, snelled. 61G2c: No. 2. 58 59c; high mixed. C3Blc; mixed. 57Kft5Sc; new No. 2 v. e. shelled corn, 5555c:new high mixed, 5354e: No. 2 jellow ear corn. old. 68 G9c;new No.2 y. e. corn, 62683c; new high mixed ear corn, 5S59c Oats No. 1 50ir50Jc; No. 2 white. 4Sffl4SKc: extra. No. 3, 4548c; mixed oats, 47048c Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 7677c; No. 1. Western. 7475c Flour Jobbing prices Fancy spring and winter patent flour, 85 7586 00; fancy straight winter, S5 005 25; fancv straight spring. S5 000 5 25; clear wiirer, $4 755 00: straight XXXX bakers'. 84 755 00. Rve flour, 84 254 50. Buckwheat flour, 2K3c f ft- Millkeed No. 1 white middlings, S25 000 25 50 2? ton: No. 2 wbito middling". 822 00 23 CO: brown middling'. S20 0021 GO; winter wheat bran, 820 5021 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. S10 5010 75; No. L S3 7510 00; No. 2 do. 88 008.50: loose from wagon, Sll 0012 CO. according to quality; No. 2 prairie hay, 87 257 50; packing do. 87 00 7 25." Straw Oat, 86 507 00; wheat and .rye, 86 006 50. Provisions. Sugar-cured, hams, large, 9Jc; sugar-cured hams, medium, 9c: sugar-cured bams, small, 10c: sugar-enred breakfast bacon. SJc: sngar cured shoulders, 6c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders. 7Jjc; skinned shoulders, 7Kc;skinned bams, 10c; sugar-cured California uams. 6c: sugr-cured ,drled beef flats. 9c; sugar-cured dried beef sets, lOcj sugar-enred dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon shoulders, TJc: bacon, clear side, 7c; bacon, clear bellle-, 6J4C: dry salt sbouldnrx, 5c; dry salt clear sides, 6c Me-s pork, heavy, Sll 50: mess pork, family, Sll 5a Lard Refined, in tierces. 5c: half barrels, 5Jc; 60-ft IuIh, 6c: 20-ft pailt. 6Jic; 50-ft tin canVSc;. s-ft fin pails. GJic; 5-ft tin pails, 6c: 10-ft tin pails,-5Kc ismoked sausage, long. 5e;laree.Sc Fresh pork links. 9c Bone less hams, 10c Pigs feet half-barrels, 84 00; quarter-barrels, 82 15. E0W HSH ABE HATCHED. The Dry Method .That Is Being TJsed so Suc cessfully In France. In Paris an aquarium is maintained for Ihe purpose'orbreeding fish for replenish ing the rivers of '.France. A quantity of California salmon .arc kept in a tank specially constructed for the purpose of artificial breeding, which at a certain time of the year is carried ont in tbe following manner: The water is reduced to a low level and a number of operators enter the tank, and, forcing before them a wire screen, drive the fish to one end of the tank. This is generally a very troublesome operation, as the salmon resist most vigorously, fre quently jumping over the net, and necessi tating au active chase of longer or shorter duration, as the case may be. "When the fish are all ioclosed in one part of the tank, a certain number are taken out and care fully examined. Uadh female salmon is made by pressure to release the unfertilized eggs which It contains, which are received in an iron bucket. Alter this is done the salmon is released and allowed to swim away into toe free part of the tank. "When a sufficient quantity of spawn has thns been collected in the bucket, a male fish is caught, and squeezed carefully by the hand of the operator. -The eggs are impregnated with the gen erating fluid thus obtained, and after hav ing been lelt for some time in tbe bucket for fecundation are transferred to the water in a separate tank, where in due time tbey are hatched. The method employed in the aquarium is called the dry method, as tbe eggs are received in a receptacle which con tains no water, and tbe generating fluid is poured directly upon them. It appears that this mode involves leas loss than the wet method, which consists in receiving the eggs in water. '.The operation described takes place three or four times a week lrom the beginning of October to the middle of November. The task of catching nnd trans ferring the fish is said to be a very arduous oce for the men engaged, who have to be from two to three hours in the cold water, engaged in continuous struggles with the powerful fish. It is -not uncommon to see one of the men knocked clean over by a blow from the tail ot a 20-pound salmon. One of the results of this mode of artificial breeding is that more than 200,000 healthy fish are transferred to the River Seine every year. PUBITY OF WATEB. Tho Slmplo Tesi of Sugar Has No Signifi cance Whatever. The inventor of a handy and reliable mode of testing tbe purity of water would deserve trie thanks of the community. It is to be regretted that the simple test of adding a little shgar, "which has lately been advo cated, and'which is said to cause any organic matter in the water to appear alter a while in the form of black specks, is of no value whatever, practically. The misconception about the merit of this test has probably arisen from the fact tbat it was formerly nsed for tbe detection of a fungus supposed to be peculiar to sewerage. A bottle con taining sugared water was placed in a strong light and kept at a temperature of 80 Fahrenheit for several hours. The "tur bidity thus developed was found, under the microscope, to consist of small spherical cells. Heisch believed that these cells evi denced tbe contamination of the water by sewage, but Franklin showed that the spores of this particular fungus were pres ent in all waters that had been even mo mentarily exposed to the air, and that their development was due simply to the pret ence of phosphates in the water. The ad dition of even a minute trace ot any phos phate was sufficient to cause such develop ment in auy water under the' conditions stated. HEWS OF THE BIVEB. Big Coal Shipments Testerday Occasioned by the Water's Rise. THE river rose yesterday to 11 feet and was then stationary. A. slight fall was expected during the night There were big shipments of coal yesterday, several million bushels going down tbe river. The boats and shipments were tbe same as an nounced in THE Dispatch yesterday. The Hudson will Do the Cincinnati packet boat to-day. The Andes was in and out yester day with a good trip. Big consignments of Christmas poultry are scheduled for to-day's boat in. The Monongabela wharf is In a filthy condi tion, and the river men are kicking because it lias not been cleaned. A great deal of snow was bauled to the wharf from the streets, and It proved as much dirt as snow. This is still lying there and is a bother to everybody con nected with the river interests. A Novel Sign. An enterprising trunkmaker has made a very striking application ol electricity for the advertisement of his wares. In the front of his store he has erected a pedestal of polished brass, surmounted by a framework, representing the. usual trimmings of an ordinary trunk. Inside this framework is placed a trunk of beveled French plate glass, which is illuminated in the evening by electric light, and which constitutes a unique method of advertising. The main part ot the sign is spiral in design, and is of solid brass, excepting a small hole through the center to pass electric wires through, and on the base 01 the structure is conspicuously inscribed the name of the firm. JAKE O. Oa Oa FOR ECZEMA. My little four year old girl bad an aggravated case of eczema. The best physicians treated her, without any good results. A single bottle of S. S. S. cured her sound and well. This was four years ago, and she has had no re turn of the disease since; and her skin s perfectly smooth and clean. James E. Henry, Detroit, Mich. Treatise on. Skin diseases mailed free. -wifr Specific fo.. Atlanta. Ga, Pnp r" to every man, young.mlddle-aged, 1 C. EL sid old; postage paid. Address Dr. H. Dulfontt3sl Columbus Ave., Bostou.Uass. jan28-78-WBSuk I1 iMjisUuiil'idU WHOLESALE-:- HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO. Embroidery and White Goods Department direct importation from the best manufac turers of St Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Edg ings, Flouneingsi, Skirt Widths and Allovers. Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncing. Buyers will find these goods attractive both in price and novelties of design. Full lines of Ifew Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades la dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur tains. Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and Brass Trimmings: Floor. Table and Stair Oil Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESS FABRICS. Tbe largest variety from which to select. Toil Du lords, Chalon CIoth, Eath Seersuck ers, Imperial' Suitings. Heather & Renfrew Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams. Wholesale Exclusively. Jal3-D BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. my3 PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. 81 FOURfH AVENUE. Capital. $300,000. Surplus, 551,670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD K. DUFF, 4 President Asst. Sec Treas. percent Interest allowed on time deposits, OC15-40-D JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. it SIXTH ST., Pittsburg. oe23o3 0RYIS BROTHERS & CO., 44 BROADWAY. NEW YOKE, f New York s'tock Exchange, Members New York Produce Exchange,. ( Chicago Board of Trade, Invite Speculative Accounts for cash or on liberal margins. de21-21-wr STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. STATE LINE TO Glasgow,Londonderry, Belfast, Dublin, Liverpool & London. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Cabin Passage, S35 to S50, according to location of stateroom. Excursion. S65 to 595. Steerage to and rrom Europe at lowest ratei AUSTIN BALUWIH & CO., General Agents, 53 Broadway, New York. J. J. McCORMICK, sel-l-D Agent at Pittsburg. UNARD LINE NEW YORK AND IAV ERPOOL. VIA QUEENSroWN From Pier HO Norih river: F.vst express mail service. Servia, Nov, 1,8am lUmbria. Nov. 22. 2 p m Etruria, Nov. 8, 2 p m Servia,Nov. 29. 7am Auranu, Nov. 15, 7 a mj Gallia. Dec 3. 9 .SO a m Bothnia, Nov. 19. 10am, Etruria, Dec. 6, noon Cabin passage 500 and upward, according to location; intermediate. S35 Steerage tickets to and from all parts o Europe at very low rates. For freight and passage apply to the company's office, i Bowling Green, New York. Vernon H. Brown & Co. J.J.McCORMICK. O and 401 SmlthSeld street Pittsburg. oc27-i ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. GLASGOW SERVICE. SteamersererySatnrdavrrom WewYork t . GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY. J Cabin passage to Glasgow or Londonderry, I fSOandieo. Kouml trip. SVJA Jill). Second clan, 31 hteerajic nassajse. S3). MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE. New York (o Gibraltar and Naples direct Cabin. $J0 to S100. bteeraze. S3). Travelers circular letters of credit and drafts for anv amount issned at lowest current rates. For books or ton -s. tickets or fnrther Information apnlytollENOEKso.N BROTHERS. N. Y., or J. J. AlcUOIOlICK, CCIand4fll smlthlleldst.: A. D. bCORFRAbON. 415 Smlthfleld St.. I'lttsbarz; K. M. bEMPLK, UOFedeKtl st, Allegheny. ocSO-W-mwt -ryHlTE STAR LIN t FOR tJUEENSTOW.N ASP MVERTOOL. Royal acd United Slates Mall Steamers. 'Majestic. Dec M. 1 p in "Celtic, Jan. :t i p m. Germanic. Dec.SMioUaiu.Ucrnianlc Jan.23.7:30ain Adrlatlc.Jan.7,i:3Cpm"Adnatlc. teb. J. Ipia rltsnnlcJau.H.S:3uamiTcuton!e. leb. It 7am .From V hit star dock, lootot West Tenth sv. Second cabin on these steamers. Saloon rates. 150 and upward. Second cabin. $35 and upward, according to steamer and location or berth. Ex cursion tickets on favorabla terms. Steerage, po. White star drafts payable on demand la all the principal banks throughout Great Britain. Ap ply to JC1IN J. ilcCOi'.MICK, 639 and 401 Smith Held st. 1'ittsbnrz, or J. BRUCE lsltAX, Gea eral Agent. 41 Broadway. New Yore. 1e23-D MEDICAL. DOCTOR SWHITTIER S14 PENS AVJSNUE. PITTsBOKU. rA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, de voting special attention to ail chronic diseases ftbmrSNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDflllC and mental diseases, physical I s L. n V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and Hope, impaired memory, disordered sight self distrust, bashfulnest. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN & blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swellings, ulcerations or tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbe system. 1IPIMARV kidnoy and bladder derange U Ml I lnH I jments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience iusurcs scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients ata distance as carefully treated as it here. Office hours, a. M. to S p. m. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 p. m. only. DR. WHITTIER. Sll Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. deS-10-DSuwC TO WEAK MEN Suffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, eta. I will send a. valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for borne cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work: should be read by every man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address, Prof. F. C. FOWLER, Ittoodu,Conii. . 1LM.MK . DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re. quiring scientific and confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K Lake. M. R. C. P. S.. is tbe oldest and -nose experienced specialist la the city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 8 to i and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundays, 2 to 1 P. M. Consult them personally, or write. Doctors Lake. cor. Penn ave. and 1th st, Pittsburg, Pa, je3-?iDWk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS D E BI LI TVs LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. Full particulars la pamphlet tent free. The genuine Gray's SpeclUc sold by druggist only In yellow wrapper. Price, tl Pf package, or six for S3, or by mad. on rreelnt or nrlee. bv addres,- m THE GRAY MtUIClME CO, uunaio, -". i Sold In Pittsburg by S. S. HULLANU. corner Bmlthileld and Liberty iu. mhi7-t-DWC "Wood's :Fl3.os;p33-Q3 "i t e. THR CRR1T F.Vni.lSH REMEDY. Used for 35 years by thousands suo cTMfullj. Guar anteed to cure all or Youtaroi icoiy and tbe excesses rf later years. Glvtt tmmedtaf ttrtnatliandvla' or. Ask drugglsta forms of INerrous Weakness. Emls-I sIods. bpennator- rcr wooa's rno shodlueiUkenO) nhtttnte. Ona lnSraSf:'ri.otomUft. tyo.- al. 1t- S tvr TnAlL WrltA for DSJUDblet Address The. Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward Tf Detroit lUch. 43-Sold In Plttsbnrr, Pa- byjosenn Fleml Wfif9? uiw.a mmI Jtltrf . .v ,. u a&h&icga& iym?amm2smaFve s$m&m jjtaJfctfldJA4auje " jvsSqS? gyjiv tiji . -xit