wSmKXM KE2 tSBrm&rnrTT" aflBHami ncnMKikaHi Trv THE PITTSBURG- ' DISPATCH. "FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890;'"''' ' "-"- T. IN SOUND CONDITION. Nothing in the Iron and Steel Trade, of an Alarming Xalnre. PMCES HAVE TOUCHED BOTTOM, Bat Light Easiness Will be -the Bnle For Some Time to Come. TOE 1'OKEIGX METAL MiEKETS rt rnciAi. bam to tiir disfatch.1 Xnvr Yokk, Dec 11. Following is the iron Age's leport o! the iron and metal mar kets for the week: It is becoming more and more evident that, so far as the fc-on trade is concerned, people are much more scared than hnrt. The iron and steel trades are undoubtedly In an exceptionally sound condition. Prices have been declining for months, so that liquidation has proceeded for a long time. Values are now as low as they ever have been, considering cost, and there is nothing in the situation to cause any alarm what ever. It is fair to add, however, that die trade must be prepared for a long spell of close bar gaining and light business. So far as we can learn the banks arc treating the trade well, evi dently having confidence in it. American Pig Tho majority ofrsalcs agents report a qmet market, but in tuose cases they are generally the ones who appear to liavo little discretion in naming prices to meet pre vailing conditions. There is some rtfying going on, however. Thus we liear that one house sold duriug the week, in blocks ot 1,000 tons and under, about 5,000 tons of Virginia, Tennes see and Georgia, irons, about one-n.ilf to Balti more consumers, on the basis of $17 25 lor No. 1: $16 00 for So. 2, and S1G for So. 3. In resoonse to telegrams to the Alabama furnace com panies we are advised to-day bv wire ihat the Vnodwara Iron Company are running both their furnaces and bo not expect to stop, since their miners are at work: that the De Bardelcben Company have bloyn ont So. 3 and So. 4 and do not know when tho two others must follow. The Gadsden, Ala., furnace is in and expects to keep runmnjr. Mary Pratt is out for repairs. Trnssville is running, lint cannot tell how long it will con tinue. Williamson is producing and expects to continue. Hattie EnMev, at Sheffield. w ill not blow out. Lady Enslev was put out early in October. The "Tennessee Company arc run ning three furnaces at Ensley aud oiie at Alice, and the bloss Company three out of four. The 1'ionecr Compan. at Thomas, have banked both their furnaces. Spiegehsen and Ferro Manganese So busi ness whatever is dome In ferro, makers name prices equivalent to GG67 "here: bus there arc lots m second hinds w hich are offered at figures reflecting the financial necessities of the holders. Under the circumstances every transaction must depend upon its onn merits, HiUcts and Hods Aside from the repetition of reports of low offerings from the West, equivalent to SJb 60 LUst, there is nothing to re poi t. steel rails The market Is absolutely lifeless The mills are holdingoff. in the hope that nego tiations still pending among them may lead to something to prevent ruinous competition. The Bethlehem mill is reported to have started on an order from the railroad ou the line of winch it ! located. Rail fastenings The market Is weaker, with very little doinc We quote angles at 1.70S 1 Toe: spikes, $1 9JS2 00, and bolts and nuts 2.70 isOc Old rails The best bids which an active can vass of the market in behalf of a railroad com pany has been able to bring out, was 522. Re ports from the West indicate a break there also. H0LDEBS HANGING BACK Their Action Causes Much Dullness In I'oreign 3Ietul Markets. rsrFriAI. TKX.fcl.nAM TO THE DISPATC1T.1 Snw Yokk, Dec. 1L The Iroi AgeU report of the foreign iron and metal markets for the week is as follows: London operations in pig iron warrants have been on a moderate scale, ana prices hate ruled irregnlar during the greater portion of the week, toning up some what towara the close. La'cst sales were at -16s fid for Sco'ch; 43s for CleveUnd. and ols 3d 334s Cd for hematite. The appear ances arc that holders are givinc the marker little support, owing probably to absence of outside speculation, and the per sistent cour-o or uperators for a fall has con siderable weight. The prolonged strike at the furnaces also has an unfavorable bearing, as do the rather poor trade returns for last month. There was conMderaole excrement in Glasgow nt Monday, and serious difficulties were appre liendea. blocks in Cornwall's htores decreased 5 4S6 tons ljst week. Total British export in November, 221,000 tons, against 336.000 tons last 3 e.i r. The pi: tin market was quiet until Friday, when the appearance of orders from America produced some animation and brought about a rie in prices to 33 15s. The nast tew days bavf been quieter, and prices receded to U1 15-for spot on Tncsdaj.and suliseqnently to 113. Heavv shipments from the straits'iast month are parti balai ced by cood deliveries here, the bulk of which went into strong bauds. Con-.umptinn continues good. The copper market ha-been unsettled and ir regular ilefcpitc the fav liable retnrns of the ivrmber luoienient. showing a decrease of 2.S00 tons in the visinle, and evidence that con-bumer-,' stocks als. have been wnch reduced. .Merchant, bar-sold up to . 7s Cd, prompt, and suli-pijuc'ith receded to S. l. Fi tin idate the demand has been moderate, ai.d makers manire-t mere anxictv to sell. The from the I inted states is particnltrly disappointing. Prices are somewhat unsettled, ami bu-mess could lie done at lGs 3d for ordi nary Jle-semcr:-. Total exports list month, 3-VXI0 ton-, against 40.000 tons in October and 4Vrl tons la-t car. S orks at shipping ports 40J.OO0 boxes, against 40i.OOO boxes a j ear ago. Cleveland X'lg Tnere is no improvement in the demand aud prices art weak, on a level witn warrants. JIakeis offer at 43s forNo.3 Middlc'boroagb. f. ". b. Scotch Pig Iron The market continues dull, and l- practically in the sjme position that it was a week ago. American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations. scotch Pig The situation has changed but little. Connal'a stocks have further decreased and makers' stocks arc also low e but both speculate c and trade demand continues slow. Prices for warrants therefore continue irregu lar and quotations for makers' iron arc nomi nal. So. 1 Coltness 00s. OiL f. o. h. Glascow No. 1 Summcrlce 60s. (M. f. o. b. Glasgow .". 1 Gartsherrie OOa. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow So. 1 Lanzloan MK Od. f. o. b. Glasgow So. 1 Cambroc 5K Cd. f. o. b. Glasgow So. 1 Shotts 00s. (Kt. r. o. b. Glasgow So. 1 Glengariiock Ms. Od. at Ardrossan. So. 1 Dalmellmgton ...5!S Od. at Ardrossan. So. 1 Eclnuon lb-. 0L at Ardrossan. Bes-eu.rr Pi? There lias been but lizht fliic tua:Ions in hematite warrants and little trad ing. For makers' iron iirices are lower, but the demand is fair. West Coast brands Nos. 1, 2, 3, quoted atojs. f. o. o. snipping point. Middlrsbroujh Pig Prices for warrants have continued unsettled, going down below 13s and for makers' iron the market continues flat. Makers quote about 43s. tor So. 3, Jliddles brouzh. lree on board. hpiegeleisen Prices are held fairly firm and the demand i-quite cood. English 20 per cent quoted at IDOs. t. o. b. at works. Ktecl Who Hods Business very slow and prl-es are nominal. Mild steel. So. 6, quoted at S 12. Od. f. 0. b. shipping port. hteel II31IS There has been more doing, and the market is steadier at last week's prices Heavy sections quoted at 5 f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms Prices are a shade lower, and the demand is moderate. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 1 15-. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets 'I here has been a rerv fair linsiuess at slightly modified prices. Bessemer (size 24x2) quoted at 5 I. o. b. shipping point. Steel .Slabs 'Prices are steady, but there is only a moderate business pas-iug. Ordinary sizes Quoted at .3 f. o. b. sbipmng point Crop Ends The demand light and prices without change. Run of the mill quoted at 33 2s. Cd. f. o. b. shipping point Old Iron Rails The demand has continued slow and prices are a shade weaker. Tees quoted at 32s.6d. and double heads at 3 53. f. o. t). Scrap Iron There is no improvement in the demand and prices still rule in buyers' favor. Heavy wrought quoted at 25s.2 6s. 3d. f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron The market is without further change, demand being moderate while prices are barclj steady. Stafford, ord. marked bars (f. o. b 1pool) ) OsPd 9 0s. Od. common bars 7 ta. ()d.& 7 2s. od. black sheet singles 8 Ps. Od. 0 Os. Od. Welsh bars. f. o.b. Wales 6 2s. Gd.5 C 7s Cd. tcamcr Freights Glasgow to Sew York, Is Od. Liverpool to Sew York. 10s. Od. Pig Tin Ireor purchases stiffened prices carlv in tim week, but thcro bas.smce been a reaction owing to cessation of orders. Straits quoted at 01 5s. for spot; futures (3 months), 91 15s. Copper Visible supplies have decreased and consumers' stocks are becoming smaller, but speculative sales offset those features and prices have been unsettled. Chili bars quoted 54 for spot, 35 for future delivery. Best selected -English. 62 la Lead Tho demand has continued slow and prices are again lower, with the market weak. Soft Spanish at 12 15s. Spelter Prices show a further decline, and the demand is slow. Ordinary Sllesian quoted at 23 15s. Tin Plate The market is unsettled. De mand runs light, and holders are more anxious to sell. , I. C. charcoal, Allawav grade, f. o. b. Liverpool .'.........IRs. 9d.19s. 3d. Bessemer steel, coke finish 17s Od.0OOs. Od. Siemens steel, coke nnish 17s 3d.B00s. Od. B. V. grade coke, 11x20 16s Ud.0s. Od. Dean grade ternes 16s. 9d.I7s. Od. COKE OVENS IDLE. Operators Forced to Shut Down on the Vol ume of Production for Various Reasons Over 2,500 Ovens Idle Scant Car Sup ply Still Continues. rsr-ECIAL TELKGUAM TO TUB DlSFATCU.t Scottdale, Dec 11. The coke market, Tor the week under review, presents some new features There are as yet no indications, as viewed by operators, for relief from the several disturbing elements. The scant car supply is still cited as the principal cause of tho derangement in trade, although there are other surrounding Influences which have hastened the suspensions and in tended suspensions of -hundreds ot coke ovens throughout tho region. There have been several important factors behind the scones for two or three weeks, which are just now assert-' mg themselves. Tho depression in tho money market and the consequent dullness of tho iron market has had a disheartening effect on trade. The coke market is largely dependent on the iron industry for its existence, and invariably rises and falls with it. As evidence of the lethargic condition of the iron trade and its concomitant effect on the coke trade, the Illinois Steel Company, the largest consumers of Connell'Ville coke in America, have blown out five ot their eleven blast fur naces, the daily consumption of which was 143 cars per day, or nearly 1100 cars per week. Ex tensive inquiry has developed the fact that the financial furore affects nearlr every operator in an indirect manner. The lessening in de mand, coupled with inadequate transportation, has been the primitive causes of the indefinite suspension of over 2.000 oven already. Though the car famine still rage. to the detriment of both producer and consumer, rail way officials aro confidently expecting an im provement, aim assign as their reasons for the same, that there has been a decline in the volume of general business. Operators hope ferventlj that their expectations may be real ized. In consequence of the car famine nearly every yard in the region is filled with stock ruke and the various companies will now seize the opportunity for its removal. Some of the ya-ds are badly overstocked. The Krick Company, in addition to blowing out 25 per cent of its ovens will next week operato but two days at the Trotter, Kyle, Lciscnrin? So. I, Leisenring No. 2. Lelsen ring So. 3,Leith,Davidson and Oliphant plants, in order to get the stock coke Into market. The end of this week will witness tho idleness of over2,5Cu ovens, mainly occasioned by the demoralization of shipping facilities. The notices as given in the last report by the Fnck, Hecla. Sonthwost and Scboonmaker companies have taken effect, and about 2.300, or about 25 per cent, aro already cold. Thir teen hundred and thirty-seven, ovens, of this number is by Frick. 143 bv the Hecla, 457 by Scboonmaker, and about 290 by the Southwest Company. The McCIurc CokeCompany served notice to-day that by reason of the depression in market and scarcity of Eastern cars they will close down 25 per cent of their ovens at the expiration of six days, as fol lows: Twenty-six at Hazlett, 17 at Diamond, IS at Union, and 03 at Donnelly. The remain ing 25 per cent will likely be distributed be tween the Mayfleld, Lemont, Bessemer and Buckeye plants. Of the smaller operators the Calumet Company has zivennoticeof tho in tended blowing out of 25 per cent, as has also the Pennsville Coke Co.. Stauffer t Wilev. J. W. Orerbolt and A. C Overholt Companv. "The Frick Company will, in the meantime, resume operations at the Morgan ana Frick plants and blow in 71 ovens at Henry Clay and 53 at Foun dry. The list of inactive ovens is now estimated at 3,600 and the actives at 13,000. Five days' opera tions per week seems to.he the universal rule, though the Rainey and Cambria companies are make six days right alone. The works uf the McClure Company were idle one day this week, while the Scoonmakcr Company will lay off one dav at each ot five plants next week, in the hope of clearing the yards of surplns coke. The Baltimore and Ohio yardmen's strike impeded traffit on that road for a conplo ot days The furnace consumers in the Ma honing and Shenango Vallejs arc still making tho atmosphere fairly flash with threats as to their course if the producing companies do not make a material reduction in price. They have gone so far as to form a league, with a membership of 25, which will demand the concessions about January 1. The oper ators are not beinc perturbed by tneir threats. Thev have frequently endeavored to satisfy the angry furnace men of the di-tnet by referring them to the increased cost of production in this region: These are tho expressions of an operator to day on this subject: The Valley f urnaceincn are still kicking. I am told. Weil, let them kick. They should know ny past experience that it requires two parties to form a contract. All this talk about the 'coke combine' is nonsense. There isn't any such organization in existence We have always tried to be fair with these people, and it is evident that they don't relish snch treat ment. You can state that a reduction in prices is not under contemplation for the balance of the year at least. After next February we will look into those matters." Shipments last week took another "tumble"' and were exceeded by the previous week by 275 cars. Shipments averaged S7K cars per day, as against 925 cars the previous week. Following Is tho record of consignments: To points west of Pit shuie, 3,475 cars; tn Pitts burg and river points, 990 car : to points east of Pittsburg, 900 cars: total. 5,275 cars. This was the record of the preceding week: To points west of Pittsburc, 3,450 cars; to Pittsburg and river points, 1,300 can-: to points east of Pitts burg, S00 cars; total. 5,500 cars. Coke prices are thus: Furnace coke. S2 15; foundry, t2 45: crushed. $2 C5 all f, o. h. cars at oven. Freight rates from the region to points of consumption are as follows: To rittsourg 0 70 'lo Jlalioiilnp and shenango Valleys 1 35 To Cleveland. 0 1 70 To Hullalo. . Y 2 25 To Detroit, Mich ; 15 lo Cincinnati, 0 2 C5 To ,uul!le. Ky ago loClncasro. Ill 275 To MUVaukcu Wis : loM. Louis Mo 3 Jj 'loHa-i St. I.ouls 3 29 To llaltlinore.... 2 17 'lo lloston 400 This will make prices at these points of con sumption as follows: Point. Furnace. Foundry. Crushed. I'lttsbure jiS5 J.1 15 S335 31. ands. Vallejs 35-1 3 81) 4 00 Cleveland 3 S5 415 435 llutfalo 4 40 470 4 90 I'etrolt 450 480 500 Cincibll itl 4 80 5 10 5 3) LouisWIIc 533 3Ci 5 8S Chicago 4 520 5 40 .Milwaukee 500 5 33 5 00 M. Louis 3 JO 5 80 ' COO KastM. Louis 5Si 3 l.'i 5 85 Italthnore 4 32 4 02 4 82 Boston 6 15 B 45 6 CO Drj-jroods. Sew York, Dec 1L Through the presence of Southern bucrsin the drygoods market, there was more business, but transactions were of a cautious character. The general disposi tion continues a waiting one under the present condition of the money market, but the out look in that direction is acain brighter, and it is expected that commercial paper will be in demand within a week. The market maintains a very steady tone. Sow York Coffee Market Sew Yokk Coffee options opened steady and unchanged to 5 points down, closed barely steady and unchanged to 10 down. Sales, 16.750 bags, including December, 17.2517.30c; Jan uary. 16.2016.35c; February, 15.7515.b0c; March, 15.40c; April. 15.15c; May, 15.0515.15c; June. 14.90c: spot Rio quiet and steady: fair cargoes, 19c; So. 7. 17Jc Metnl Markets. Sew York. Dec 11. Pig iron nominal. Copper nominal: lake, December, $15 25. Lead steady; domestic H 12K- Tin easier; straits, 21 21; plate quiet and steady. Price of Bar Silver. rSrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Sew York, Dec 1L Bar silver London, 48d; New York. SI 04. aucxios. "Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silver ware, Etc, AT SO. 533 SMITHFIELO STKEET. Positively this stock will he sold to the highest bidder without reserve, as I am de termined tn close out this stock. Come and buy your Christmas presents at j;our own price. Sales every morning, alter'noon and evening until all is sold. Store for rent and fixtures for sale. n When baby was sick, we gave herCastorta. When she was a Child, she cried fgrCastorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Childremshe gave them Castoria ao9-77-jiwrsa PDT UP THE PRICE. Refusal of a Liberal Offer" for SI. Michael Seminary Property. THE WRECKER LOSING HIS GRIP. Insnranco Companies Using Money Earned Here to Boom Other Cities. THE DISCJTEKI OF IUTUEAL GAS A good round figure, approximating $3, 000 an acre, was offered and refused yester day for the St. Michael Seminary property, at Glenwood. Values of real estate in that district have stiffened considerably since the recent Baltimore and Ohio deal, and the seminary property h:s been marked up along with other. 'It is in the market, but the person who bnw it will have to pay somctbine over X3 000 anilcre. There are about nine acres in the tract. Scurvy Treatment A trade authority sayst "The Equitable In surance Company, of Sew York, ha in view tho construction of a S-'oO.OOO office building m Dcs Moines, Iowa." This raises the inquiry: Why do not the great insurance companies do something for Pittsburgf They do an immense business here, yet not one of them, so far as known, owns a foot of land or abuildincin this city. The money they net hero is invested elsewhere, and Pittsburg has nothing to show for it. Some of them have been talking for years of building here, but nothing has come of it, and there is no better prospect of such improvements now than there was last year or the vcar before. If thev nronose to continue the policy of draining this community of funds to put into expensive buildings 111 cities of tar less importance to them and to tho business of the country, the sooner it is known the netter. In such a case it would be suicidal to keep on enriching these outside corporations at the ex pense of home companies which are doing all they can to increase the prosperity of the city. Talk Without Meaning. The "wrecker" has over-leaped himself in several instances within the last few days. He started some ugly stories with a view to alarm the people and unsettle confidence, aud worked them for all they were worth, but he made so few converts that he concluded the times were not ripe for a panic and retired temporarily to bis hole. Of course, he will ap pear again upon the least provocation and re peat his dismal platitudes about things going to the demnition bnw-wows;butsolongas they don't go. why should anybody pay attention to his silly chatterimrsr Ho has been crying panic panic, for weeks, but there is no panic Ha ing shown that he didn't know what bo was talking about, no further attention should be paid to him. Like Othello, bis occupation is gone. Discovery of Sat Ural Gas. A writer in the Sew YorK Commercial Ad-t-erf uer says that the first natural gas well in this country was opened in the year 18il, at Fredonia, Chautauqua County, S. Y and the supply applied in a small way to illuminating and heating purposes. More than 55 jears elapsed before its practical utilization for both light ana fuel. In 1S7S some men were drilling for petroleum at Murraysville, 18 miles from Fittsburz. A depth of nearly L323 feet had been reached, when the drills were thrown high into the air and the derricks broken to pieces and thrown around by a tremendous explosion of gas, which, w ith hoarse shrieking, rushed into the air. alarming the population for miles around. Upon application of alight there im mediately leaped into light a iietce, dancing demon of fire, hissing and swirling about with the wind, and Torching the earth in a large area about it. For five yeats did tins continue. At last, however, the gas was captured, aud by means of pipes was conducted to tho city and utilized. The discovery of the gas in Ohio (the sup plies of which arc practically confined to the counties of Hancock. Wood, Auglaize and Mercer) was made in November, IBM, at Find lay, when it was found tuat the Trenton lime stone underlying tho flat country of North western Ohio was, in certain places, charged with high-pressure ga. In January, lb86, a well was brought into use large enough to ac credit the new gas rock as a first-class source of production, one which could safely endure comparison with the most prolific Horizon;, ot the new fuel of Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Business Sews and Gossip. The deed for the Moorbead property, Oak land, was delivered to Mr. Samson, the pur chaser, by W. A Herron & Sons yesterday. This completed the deal. An addition is to be built to the hospital on Main street. Wheeling, at a cost of $20,000. Plans and specifications are being prepared for the bridge to span the Yonghiogheny river at McKeesport, Work on it will bogin early in the new year. The most important mortgage on file yester day was for 125,000. Eight of 30 were for pur chase money. The Chanters Electric Light Company has broken ground for a new plant in that borough. Three flr't-class dwellings are gome up at the corner of Kirkpatrick and Webster streets, three at the corner of Wooster ana Webster, and one on linn street, near Wobster. It is likely that a good business block w ill be lint no early next j ear on tho corner of Grant and Fourth avenue, opposite the Dalzcll build ing. The Building Itecord. Five permits were granted yesterday for that number of house", the most important being for 11,000. 'the list follows. Emil Sitz. brick two-sory and mansard store and dwelling, 22a32 feet, on Walnut street, Twentieth ward. Cost. 53,300. John A. Dietrich, framn addition two-story dwelling, 16x16 feet, on South Iwclfth street, Twenty-eighth ward. Cost, S700. Alfred C. Farlaud, frame two-story dwelling, 20x48 feet, on Mobile street,Tenty-third ward. Cost, $2,800. Totten & Hogg, iron addition one-story foundry, 65x176 feet, on Twenty-fourth street, Twelfth ward. Cost. 11,000. William Sixon, frame two-story and attic dwelling, 16xS2 feet, on Dickson street, Thir teenth ward. Cost, 31,190. Movements in Ileal Estate. John Ramsey sold, through Algeo Bros., for James Barr, to T. M. Thompson, 100x138 feet on Fremont street, Allegheny, with two brick and three frame dn ellings, for a price approxi mating 20,000. t C. H. Love sold the property So. 25 Second avenne, lot 20x72, with a three-story brick dwelling, for F. T. Lusk to Louis Marks, for 58.500. Reed B. Coyle & Co. sold for Mrs. G. It. Mc Donald to James O'Seil two lots on Kidge street. Thirteenth ward. 40x100 feet, with two frame dwellings, for $2,000. Black & Baird sold tor John C. Anfhammcr to the Church of the Ascension, a new brick dwelling on Wallingford street, Sbadyslde, be tween Barton and Nevillo streets, with lot oOx 181 feet, for $11,500. Tbcy also sold to John Knox for J. S. McCord a lot on Wilraot street, Oakland, near Svlvan avenne, 23 feet 3 inches by 100 feet, for 1750. S. A Dickie fc Co. sold for W. S. Taylor to E. O. Loveland. two lots on Franks town avenue, Brushton, 40x110 each, back to an alley, fur 51.760. W. A. Herron A Sons sold No. 203 Plvmouth street, in the McCandless plan, Thirty-tlfth ward, a brick house of six rooms and all the late improvements, lot 18x114 feet, Jor $1,900, on easy payments. This is the second bouse sold in this nlan this week. Charles Somers & Co. sold for J. A Lancfltt, to J. S. Cleland. a lo:07 feet fronton Bryant avenue, Bellevue, for $1,100. MOKE DOIKG Tuir Trading In Oil and the Hove Take Courage. The oil market was somewhat stiffer yester day, and tho "boys" felt considerably encour aged. Trading was fair. W. J. Kobinson sold 30.000 barrels of cash oil in New York and 20. 000 here. 1 his is something unusual of late, and shows that customers are coining forward to lift the commodity out of the mire. The market opened at C1K, advanced to 65. fell back to the initial fisme. and quit at 65 offered. Average runs. 76.26S; average shio-men-s, 91.621; averace charters, 17,527. Refined at Sew York, 7.25c; at London, 5Kd; at Ant werp. 16y,f. McGrew, Wilson &Co. quote: Puts, 64; calls. GGK0 Other Oil Markets. OILCITT. Dec 11. National Transit Certifi cates opened at 6ic: highest. 65Jc: lowest, 6iK cloed at 6514c hales. 3S3.OU0 barrels; clearances. 416.000 barrels; carrying, 35,040 bar rels. Bradford, Dec 11. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 61jc; closed. 65Kc; highest, G5c; lowest, 6(Jc; clearances, 410,000 barrels.. New Yobk, Dec 11. Petroleum opened steady, and after a slight decline in the early trading moved up a on light transactions, then reacted a and closed dull. Pennsylvania oil, spot, no sales.. January option Opening, Lima oil Opening, 15Kc; hlgheit..l5KcS lowest, '15c; closing, 15c. Total sales, 30,000 barrels. HOME' SECURITIES. Electric Moves Up on tho Statement of tho Company. , , Stock trading yesterday was barren of excite ment. Even rumors were seatee. Prices, as a general thing, were firmer. Few figures fiete made. In most cases the close was at the top of the day. Most ot the interest centered in Electric. Before tlie opening somo contended that the issue of preferred stock would injure the com mon, while others held tho contrary view. Although nothing was settled, the latter had something to show for their opinion, for the stock went up on the statement, but lust some of the advance at the last call. Philadelphia Gas and Lnster also improved their standing. riRST SECOKD TUICD CALL. CALL. CALL. U A 1! A U A Bank of Plttsb'z 4 .... Com.- .Nat. Bank ... 103 105 Key'ne K. of P. .... 76 becond i. Bank 23u (iennnii a. Ins.. &4i Alleghenv Jleat 87 I'. S. G. & P. Co H! rinla. Co UK 1I 14 lti MM "i Columbia Oil. C" .... 3 Ft. Pitt incline ,... 2S .... 21 Central Traetlon 18Vf 3')j Pleasant Valiex. 24K ;4;8 .... 25 .... 25 Kl.JbaG.CC HJ Luster Mining.. 18 MJt 16, 20 MX 2 Kast End Klec 5u Wcstlnahom-e E. 13Ji.... 13U 13JS 13)4 H7 IJ. S. ih. Co 13 .... 13 Wcit'house A. II .... 110 W.B.Co.LIm 73 P. Cycle Co 6 16 Total sales were 417 shares. At first call 125 shares of Electric at 1SJJ and 32 at 132. Under rule, 100 shares Central Traction went at 19. Second call: 10 shares Philadelphia Gas at 14, and 10 at 14k. Third call: 25 Eloctnc at 13, 5 at 13), and 100 Lnster at 19 The total sales of stocksatSow York yester day were 230.132 shares, including: Atchison, 11.575; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 50,500: LonisvilloandSaohville, 11.461; Missouri Pacific 5.605; Sorthern Pacific prelerred, 0,745; Heading, 14,450: Kichraond and West Point. 6.600; St. Paul. 26.450: Union Pacific, 23,220; Western Union, 6.053. SOME IMTEOVEMEHT. A Better Feeling Among Financiers and an Easier Money Market. Soveral of the leading financiers reported a better feeling in the local money market yes terday than for some time. Funds were some what easier and accommodations were more freely extended. The question of issuing Clearing llouso coitificates Iri case of need had not been settled, as stated in some1 quarters, but was still under consideration. The cause of the delay was said to be due to the opinion of the majority of bankers that there was no occasion tor such action, as busi ness was moving along as smoothly as usnal. The fact that the associated banks stand ready to render assistance when called upon goes a long way toward restoring confidence and keep ing business on its feet. When capitalists com bine, and by their actions as well a"s words de clare there shall be no panic, that settles it. The call for loans was moderate, and regular customers wcie pramptlyserveaasusual. Out side paper met wi.ti some favor, but not enough to encourage the presentation in largi amounts. Rates were unchanged. Bank clearings were larger than those of the previous dav, being $2,065,119 36. The balances were 246.446 S3. a.Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ranging from 3 to 5 per cent, rinsed of fered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, $4 8!i for 60-day bills and $1 83 for demand. Closing Itond Quotations. IT. s. 4s. re 121 V. a. 4s, coup 123 U.S. 4!$s, re 103 U. S. 4s, conp 10 J paciHcdsof '95 109 Louisiana stain ped43 92 SI. K. & T. Oen. 5.. 37 Mutual Union G9....I0O M.J. U. Int. Cert. ..107ii Northern Pac. His.. II I Northern Pac. 2ds..I09 North w't'n consols. J3." Nortw'n deben's5s.I041) aus&oun ts lenn. new set. bs.. ..lOljjIOregon & Trans. 0s. 'lenn. newect. 5s.. ..104 Gen. Ss. 8S bt.L. S.F. Cen.M.105 st. Paul eoniols. ...JO) St. P. Clii.tPe.lsts. 113 Tcnn. new set. 3s.... tfflX uanaaa bo. 2ds ft Central Pacific Ists.liO Den. & It. V.. Ists...il2)j la.. PcL.G.Tr.lia. 8.1V ricii. . it. i. 4s su U.klL U. Westists. Krleids 9t)i AL, K. jtT.Uen. Ci.. 71 J, Tx.. Pc. K G.Tr.Ks. SU Union r&cific 1SIS...111 West bnore 100 Chicago Clearings, $14,007,000. New York exchange, was 70c discount. Rates for money were firm at 7 per cant. , St. Louis Cleating. $3,915,711: balances, $416,320. Exchange on New xork, 75cdiscount. Monev. 68 per cent. New Yoek Clearings, $130,401,265; balances. $5,808,529. Boston Bank clearings. $14,949,492: balances, $1,336,85L Mone,v,'73-10perceut. Exchange on New York, 25c discount. Philadelphia Bank clearings $11,433,009; balances $1,974,895. Money. 6 per cent. Baltimore Bank oleanngs, $2,313.92S; bal ances. S291.456. Money, 6 per cent. Cincinnati Money tight at 68 ner cent; New York exchange heavy at parat 2540 cents discount; clearings, $2,219,350, i Memphis Clearing, $650,167; balances, $94;. 023. New York exchange selling atiiar. NEW YOBK STOCKS. Market Weak and rcverish In Forenoon but Strong Later Bear Attacks on Union Pacific and Lackawanna in the Morning. New York. Dec. 11. Tho stock market to day was feverish and weak in tho forenoon, but quite strong, though dull, later in the day. leaving most stocks fractionally higher, though thero were a few material losses among those stocks to which the bears paid most attention.' The trading during the day was almost entirely or a professional order, and is likely to remain so until time money is once more available, as brokers are discouragintr buying on margin as far as they are able, one reputable brokerage house to-day asking 25 per cent margin 'to buy St, Faul for a customer. An improved market, however, is lorlked for Trom the meeting of railroad presidents to be held Monday, Gold from England is due here about the middle nt next week, and its arrival is expected to give greater buoyancy and strength to tho market. The opening was quite irregular and cen erally lower than last evening's prices, but the bears again took hold and depressed prices still farther, payinc special -attention to Lacka wanna and Union Pacific, and some specialties showed marked losses before the downward movement was checked. Lackawanna was forced off 15i per cent from last night's price, and Union Pacific 1 per cent, but the changes in the rest of the list were generally insignifi cant The loaning rates for stocks, however, showed that there was a large outstanding short interest, while muner was easy at from 3 to 5 per cent on call, and the traders, when the bear attack slacked away, turned over to the bull side for a turn, and the market became aull as the pressure to sell was removed: but the demand from the shorts developed a stronc tone, prices moving up slowly, and soon recov ering not only all the forenoon's losses, but something in addition. Lake Shore was one of tho strongest features, but the movement in Atchison was equally luutiuuuceu, aim in nuKar xicuueries a suauon advance of 3 per cent was made The demand from the shorts slacked away toward delivery hour, and realizations sagged the list away in the last hour, but the market closed strong, though dull, at close to the best figures of the day. The final changes are nearly all in the di rection of better prices, and Lake Shore and Atchison are uplper cent each, and Sugar and Rock Island eacn 1 per cent, but Southern Pacihc Is 1 lower, and Lackawanna and Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred, each 1 per cent. Railroad bonds were still quiet and generally displayed a steady tone, with irregular changes in the list, among which losses aro rather the more numerous. Tho sales of all isnes were 3I.2S3.O00, with no special animation. Among the advances ot note may he mentioned Oregon Short Line sixes 4 to 103; Reading seconds. 2 to 35. thirds, IK to 27. and Iron Mountain fives, 2 to i3. Those that show losses, however, are generally the inactive issues. The oi says: Money on call at tho Stock Exchange ranged from 5 per cent in the fore noon to 3 in the afternoon. These low rates for loans on stocks, at a time when discounts of commercial paper are still very difficult, reflect the opinion of money lenders that stocks for which there is always a ready, market more ready, in fact, than ever for railroad bonds are not only very cheap, but the most available iecuritv for bans. There was a good borrowing demand for stocks throughout the day. indicat ing the existence of an important short inter est. A number of stocks, notably New York Central. Burlington, and one or two others, loaned liar, showing that the same rate of in terest was paid for the use of them from day to day as for the use of money.. Others loaned ar from 1 to 2 percent. " The following tabic snows tnc prices or active stocks on the New Yorfc Stock L'xcbanire yester day. Corrected dallv for Tim Dispatch by WHITJ.EY t bTEfHENSOX, oldest Plttsbnrir lnera- uersoi jicw xorc biock' .Kxcnanjcc, fourin avenne: ' Oos- Hlfrh- Low- ine ent. t. Jllrt. n, is i3x 31 28 31 ISJj 13' 155,' 30 29K ;"9H ' 483t 47 90,' SS 85!i 28-. Open Inc. Am. Cotton OH 13 Am. Cotton Oil nrer... 23 Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. UU Atch., Top. ftS. F 78 Canadian Pacific. Canada southern im Central orMewJersey. 96Ji Central Paclnc. Chesapeake A Ohio , Chicago uas Trust... C. Hur. ft Oulncr. . C. MIL. 4 St. Paul.. C Mil. & St. P.. pr. C. Kocki. A P. n.. St- M M l ... 15! ... 3S ... 87! . 49M ,. 103)3 ... cats 13K KH 15 3og 33'H KM. 8S, 8676 S3 60? 4M4 , JCS)l 103J. 102 ;t)M 63 69 II)S SIM 2 76 102K 1015 102 134 134 131 63 (, S1H 67 MS 89!1 8'J 33X 31 31 .. .... zi 40M 40 41 .. .... 26 1MH J24X 1!S Utii 120 121 ... .... lTJf &! 55X 5,")) 6 iiii svi "i 11 II 12 49 47 iiii 105, W W5 7J4 71)4 Tl 26 MM 5i 58'i 15)j HJa V4 98 97 37Ji 11 II II 19 13)6 1SH 47 45 45 aiM )4 31X n i5)s 15 c. ht. P- l ll"i . ZIJ4 C ft Northwestern. ...101? C. &S. W. ot 134 C, C, C. ft 1 im C. C. C. & I. preL... 89 Col. Coal a Iron 32 Col. ft llocklne Valley .... Cues. & onto 1st nrer.. 43 cnes. a Ohio 2d prer, Del.. Lack ft West..., Del. ft Hudson 125X IV) uen. a juo uranile Den. ft Kio ( S3), K.T.. Va. ft us K. T.. Va. &ia.. 2d pf 15 Illinois Central 93H Lake Erie ft West 11)4 Lake Erie ft West pr.. 4'H Lake Shore ft M. a HUH Louisville ft Nashville 7uj Mobile A f thin Missouri I'aclflc N atlonai i,ead Trust. New iorx Central... N. V.. t. L. .... N. Y I.. B" v . 97 , II N.Y.. I.. y x- v'yC," n , IS N. t. ft N. K. Z0 N. I.. O. ftW 15XS orfolk ft Western Norfolk ft Western nf. .... Northern Paclflc 1JL Northern Pacific nr.... fcOH Ohio ft Mississippi Oregon Improvement. I4W Pacific Mall 2SX Peo., Dec. ft Kvans.... 14 1'nlladel. ft Heading. .. 2SS' Pullman Palare Car... 171(4 Ulebinona ft W. P. T . UJb Richmond ft W.P.I.nt 6lJ bt. l'aulft Uiduth 2t3j St. Paul ftUulutnnr. St. P.. Minn, ft Man,. 9 St. L- ft San t. 1st nt Snirnr. . s- 52 i '20 BOH i:k 16 29 28 171 65 WH 79 96 70 52! IVi 451 9X 16 73a 27 62 IK 12 45 2BH tm 16K isii 15X 05 20JS 96" 5-V, 13 40S 17 74 :; 61 UK so" 19K sou iiii' 23 SS 171)4 14T C4H 20X 95" : ni 44 n 16 73 na 6: 11 Tevas Pacmc Union Pactfe Wabash Wabasn prercrrea. ... Western Union Wneclineft u K. Wheeilnprft b. Is pre! North American Co.., P., C, C. ft St. L P.. C, C. ft St. I., pr. . HVf . 45)i , !l . 16 . 'H . 27fc, . 64 . iVA '. so" Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished bv Whitney ft Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members Mew York stock Lz change: Klrt. Askert. Pennsylvania ltailroad i0'4 49 Heading 14.1-13 HW Bunalo. l'lttsbursr ft Western "X ' LenlKh VaiUv 48 t, l.cliljrh Navigation 41 44)4 Philadelphia and Erie 26 Nortnern facltlc 20)4 20f Northern Pacific preferred GO.'i 61 Boston Stocks. Atch. ft Top Itotton ft Albany.... Boston ft Maine C B. 4Q Cin.. ban. ft Clev... Kastern K. R Fltclibure K. it. ... Flint ft Perc M FliutftPereM. pre. Mass. Central Jlei. Cen. com Jf. Y. &N. Ene..... Old Colony Vi Is. Cen. common. Alloucz Mg. Co Atlantic 29 187 189 SbH 23 160 81M VX 85 16 187! 32 161 im 15 Boston ft Mont Calumet ft Hecla... Franklin , Huron Kearsarxe , Osceola Onlncv 240 16 , 3 10), 32 , 85H 37 H 120 Santa Fe Copper.... Tamarack Snn Uleiro Land 7o. 15 13 :os 21 3 west End L.aud Co. Uell 'telephone t.amson store S Water Power Centennial Mining. Mining Stocks. New York, Dec 1L Alice. 175; Hale and Norcross. 150; Hnmcstake, 800; Horn Silver 300; Ontario. 33.00; Ophir, 350; Sivage, 1G3; Sierra Nevada, 175; Standard. 100; Union Con solidated, 100. LIVE STOCK MAEKET. Condition of Trade at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, ) Thursday. Dec 11. 189a i Cattle Receipts, 1,176 bead; shipments, 777 head: market dull and slow at yesterday's quo tations; 1 car of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 2,100 head: shipments. 1.100 head; market verv dull: Philadelphia, $3 70 3 So: mixed, $3 503 67: he ivy Yorkers. S3 40 3 00; light Yorkers, S3 203 35; pigs. S3 5C3 00; 13 cars of hozs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 200 head; shipments, 100 head; market slow at yesterday's quotations. Following is report of transactions at these yards for the week ending December 11, 1890: iiECEirrs. cattle. iioos. sheep Thro'. Local. Thursday 5.850 410 Friday 5,835 2.090 Saturday 2.X 2.090 Sunday 7.5U0 6,150 Monday 7.C5U 410 Tuesday 2.400 2,200 Wednesday 4,875 770 Total 6,800 .1,640 35,625 14,080 Lastweck 4.160 2,g50 4t,:o0 13,360 Previous week.... 4,580 2.140 3U.975 9.120 Thursday 12 2.S83 333 Friday 3.110 331 Saturday 227 j.5iz 2 Monday 2,497 7,752 3,962 Tuesday 676 5,lio 1,806 Wednesday 231 3,071 r 1,021 Total .... 3,613 23.488 7.-540 Last week ., 2,873 23,913 B.-5C0 Previousweok 2,131 22.088 6,280 By Telegraph. CINCINNATI Hogs in larger snpplv and lower; common and light, 2 603 35: packln" and butchers'. S3 25Q3 65; receipts, 7,000 head; shipments. 2.100 head Cattle Best qualities steady: others weak: common. 75cl 50; fair to choice butchers' grades. SI 752 50: prime to choice shippers. S3 504 50; receipts. 850 head: shipments, COO head. Sheep Demand light: market heavi; common to choice. 82 25S4 25: extra fat wethers and jcarlincs, S4 504 Y5: re ceint, 640 head: shinmente, 360 head. Lambs Spring in light demand and weak: good to choice shippinir. S5 S5." 75; common to choice butchets',.4 0P5 50 per 100 pounds. NEW YORK Beeves P.cceints. 1.151 head, including 37 ears for sale; market weak; native steeis, S3 00,1 75 ner 100 pounds; bulls anil cows, E2 853 50; dresed beef slow at 0 75.4c per pound: shipments to-day, 155 beeves. Calves Receipts. 207 bead; market steady; veals, S5 00g7 50; Westerns, 2 503 23. Sheep Receipts, 4.SMI head: sheep firm; lambs a shade higher; sheep, $4 005 12K; lambs S5 75 0 60: dressed mntton lirm at 79c per pound: dressed lambs steady at 8J10e. Hogs Receipts, including 2 cars tor sale, wero 11,396 head; market lower at S3 40Q3 75 per 100 pounds. CHICAGO The Evning Journal reports: Cattle Receipts, 35,000 head; shipments, none; market steady with littlo or change: Christmas steers, $5 500 40: other eood steers, J4 004 80; common steers, S2 753 76. Hogs Receipts. 35,000 head; shipments, 5.000 head; market weak anil lower; rough and common. liTht, $3 303 50; good mixed and packers, S3 55 3 65; prime heavv and butcher weights. S3 70 3 80: light, $3 503 55. Sheep Receipts. 11,000 head; shipments, 3,000 bead; market dull, weak and 254Gc lower. ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 3.200 head; ship ments L800 bead; market steady; good to fancy native steers, 4 405 00; fair to good, S3 304 50; Stockers and feeders, S.! 00 3 25; Texans and Indian steers, S2 203 50. Hogs Receipts, 6.800 head; shipments, 1,900 lioid: market steady; fair to choice heavy, S3 5003 60; mixed grades, S3 10S350; light, fair to best. S3 203 30. Sheep Receipts, 700 head; shipments, 100 head; market steady; good to choice, H 0035 30. OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 800 head; mar ket slow and about steady on both beeves and butchers'; feeders unchanged; fancy steers nom inally at $4 505 00: prima steers, S3 854 60; fair to good steeis, $2 753 90. Hogs Receipts, 7,700 head; market steady on cood and 5c lower on poor hog; nciive and all sold; range. S2 80 3 60: bulleatS3 803 45; piss fi 252 80: light, S2 80ffii 30; heavy, S3 353 CO; mixed. S3 253 40. Sheep Receipts, 91 head; market steady; na tives, S2 30Q4 40; Westerns. S2 001 15. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts. 2.110 head? shipments. 3,270 head; market n bad sh me and 10c lower; steers. S3 601 75: fancy Christmas cattle. $5 005 35: cows 81 90S2 00; stockers and feeders, $2 253 00. Hoes Receipts, 8.720 head: shipments, 19.875 head; market strong; bulk, S3 2563 50: all grades, S2 903 7a Sheep Receipts, -190 head: shipments, 650 head; market steady and unchanged. INDIAN APOLIS Cattle Receipts light: mar ket steady on best grades; shippers. $2 90S4 80: butchers. 81 i53 00 bulls. 82 003 15. bheep Receipts light: market dnll and tending downward; sheep, S3 504 75; lambs, S3 50 5 5ft Hogs Receipts, 6,000head; market slow bnt fairly steadv; choice heavy. SI 6003 70; choice light, 83 253 40: pigs. 82 003 0U BUFFALO Cattle Nothine doinc: receipts, 131 loads through, 15 sale. Sheep and lambs Top evades higher. Sheep Choice to extra, 84o5515; good to choice.' J4 60$1 80; lambs choice to extra. 85 856 13; good to ciioice, S3 605 80; receipts, 90 loads through, 40 sale. .Hogs slow: receipts 42 loads through. 80 sale; heavy Yorkers, 83 5503 60. " " Findixg one afternoon each week for the sale of diamonds not sufficient to supply the demand, I have decided to devote the hour between 3 and 4 P. M., daily, for the sale of diamonds at auction at S33 Smithfield street. Stocks, Grain, OIL jacurew, Wilson & Co., Eisner building, 1 cor. Jifth ave. and Wood at. j DOMESTIC MARKETS. Fancy Creamery liulter and Fresh Eggs in Active Demand. POTATOES ABD APPLES YEEY FIRM. The Cereal Situation Continues Favorablo to the Buyer. TIGFIT HONEF IS ADVERSE TO TRADE Office of. Pittsburg Dispatch, i Thubsday. December 11, 1890. i Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Fancy creamery butter and strictly fresh eggs aro firm at quotations. Home-raised eggs are hard to be bad at any price, but large quan tities of Wettern stock are going to tho con sumer as such. Since Government detectives arc on the watch for oleo dealers, there has been a better demand for country butter. Choice' potatoes and apples are still iq short supply, and demand is good for all that are of fered. Prices 'are more apt to go higher than lower. Poultry is coming in freely, but de mand is slow. Consumers aro evidently getting a good ready for Christmas doings. APPLES S4 C05 50 a barrel. Butteb Creamery, Elgin. 3233c: Ohio do, 2S29c; common loud try butter, 1015c; choice country rolls, 1820c; fancy country rolls, 2S25c Beans New crop beans, 82 502 55: marrow fat. S2 602 75: Lima bean, C0Kc Beeswax 2S&30c p 11 for choice: low grade, 2225c. Cider Sand refined. J9 00010 00; common, 85 506 00; crab cider. 810 0011 00 fl barrel; cider vinegar. 1415c 1! gallon. Cheese Qhio c-hecse, fall make, lOKc: New York cheese. 10Jllc: Limbnrger, 13KHc; domestic Sweitzer, 1213c; Wisconsin brick Sweitzer, lie; nil ported Swcitzer. 2i$ic Ckasbebries Cape Cod, 83 253 50 a box, S9 50 a barrel; Jerseys, 83 Wfl'S 25 a box, SS 50 a barrel. Dressed Hogs Large, 45o f) B; small, 5 6a Eggs 2324c for Western stock: 2S30c for strictly fresh nearby eggs. Feathers Extra live geee, 50860c; No. 1 40045c: mixed lots, 3035c 91 ft. (Jaime Mallard ducks. S4 00S4 0 a dozen. Butter ducks, 82 002 50 a dozen; pheasants; 85 0005 50 a dozen; squirrels, 81 251 50 a dozen; woodcocks. S4.254 50a dozen; quail. SI 00 1 25; rabbits, 2530c a pair; venison saddles, 1518c a pound; whole venison. ll'12c a pound. Honey New crop white clover. 2022c fl ft. California honey. 1215c $ ft. Maple Hykup 7595cacan; maple sugar, 910c ft. Ndts Chestnut", 85 005 50 a bushel; wal nuts, 7075c a bushel; shell 'bark hickory nuts, SI 501 75 a bnsbel; peanuts, 81 752 25, roasted; green, 67c V ft. Poultry Chickens. 4050e a pair; dressed 912 a pound; ducks, 500c a pair', dressed ducks, 1213o a pound: live turkey,' 9&10c a. pound; dressed turkevs. 14S!15c; live geese.40i50caplecc; dressed geese, 10c a pound. Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, or. Seeds Recleaned Western -clover, $5 00 5 25; cnuntrv medium clover. S4 004 25: tim othy, SI 501 55; blue grass, 82 80Q3 00; orchard gras, $1 50: millet. 7075c Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. So 50 0 50; fancy. S7 O07 50; Jamaica oranges. S6 00 66 50 a barrel; Florida oranges. H 004 50 a box: bananas,Sl 50 firsts. SI 00 good seconds, fl bnnch; Malaga grapes. 85 508 50 a half barrel, ac cording to quality; California plums, 82 0U2 25 ? box; California pears. S4 00450 ? box; tigs. 17c fl ft: dates. 56Kc 9 - Vegetables Potatoes.Sl 101 25 W bushel; Southern sweets, 82 252 75 $1 barrel; Jersev, S3 501 00: kiln dried, H CO a barrel; cabbage, 86 507 00 fl hundred; onions, S3 00 jl barrel; celery, 3035'j a dozen bunches; parsnip. 40c a dozen; carrots, 30c a dozen: parsley. 10c .1 dozen: spinach, 60c a bushel; horseradish, 5075c a dozen. Groceries. Sugar and coffee are strong but unchanged. Canned goods are quiet and likely to be until the year 1890 joins the receding centuries. While volume of trade continues good, collec tions are slow, a fact which jobbers charge up to stringency of money market. Oreen Coffee Fancy 24X25fc; Rio, choice Rio, 2223c; prime Rio, 23c; low grade Rio, 20S&21c; old Government Java, 29J30c; Maracaibo, 25(8270: -Mocha, 30 32c"; Santos. 222Gc; Caracas. 2527c; La. Guayra, 2G27c Roasted (in papcre) Standard brands, 25c; high crades, 2S30c;old Government Java, bulk, 3334Kc; Maracaibo, 2S29c; Santos. 26 30c; peaberry, 30c; choice Rio. 26c; prime Rio, 25c: good Rio, 24c: ordinary, 21WS22c. ' tSPICES (whole J Cloves, 15016c: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 75S0c , Pete6lEUm (jobbers' prices') 110 test, 7Vc; Ohio. 120. 8c: headllcht. 150, 8Kc; water white, lOMc; globe, 1414c: elaine. lljc: car nadine, ilc; royaline, 14c; red oil, llllc; pnrity, 14c Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4345c fl callon; summer, 3840c; lard oil, 555Sc Sykup Corn syrup, 3032c; choice sugar syrup, 37011c; prime sugar syrup, 32r33c; strictly prime, SogSOc N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4648c: fancy old. 4546c; choice, 43c; medium, 3540c: mixed, 4042c. SODA Bi-carb in kegs, 33c; bi-carb in Ks. 3?ic; bi-carb assorted packages. oJJQOc; sal soda 111 kegs. lc; do granulated, 2c Candles .Star, full weight, 9c; stcarine, fl set. Sc: paraffine, ll12c. Rice Head Carolina. TTc: choice, 6 6?c; prime. 66fc; Louisiana, 5K6c. Sstahcu Pearl. 4c; corn starch, 6Ji7c; gloss starch. 6K57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisin. $2 Go: Lon don layers, 82 70; Muscatels, S2 50; California Muscatels, S2 40; Valencia, 7J47Jc; Ondara Valencia, 88c: sultana, 1620 currants, 5i5JJc; Turkey prunes, 78c; French pruuet, HK13c;Salomca prunes, in 2ft pack ages, 9c: cocoanuH fl 100. 86; almonds, Lan., fl ft. 29c: do Ivica, 17c; do shelled. 40c: walnuts, nap.. 13814c: Sicily Alberts, 12c: Smyrna figs, 1517c: new dates 06c; Brazil nnts. 18c? pecans. 14K16c; citron. ?a B, ly20c: lemon peel. Uc 1 it; orange peel. 12c Dried Jkuits Apples, siiced, per ft. 10c; apples, evaporated, 14J15c peacbes. evapo rated, pared, 2S30 ; peacuei, California, evap orated, unpareti, 222oc; cherries, pitted. Sic; cherries, nupitted. lx13c; raspberries, evap orated. 3435c; blackberries, 10llc; huckle berries. 15c SUGARS Cubes, 6c; powdered, 6c: granu lated. fcVc: confectioners' A. 6'sCc: standard A. b'ic; sott white, 5K05e; yellow, chcice, 5 5-sC: yellow, good, o5jc; yellow, fair, b'$ okc: yellow, dark, 5K51ic Pickels Medium, hbls. (1,200). 83 60; me dium, half bbls. (600). U 75. SALT No. 1. fl bb!..95c; No. 1 ex.. fl bbL, 81 00; dairy, fl bbl. 81 20: coare crystal, fl hbl., 81 20: Higgins' Eureka. 4-bu. sacks, 82 b0; Hig gins' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peachc. 82 S0 2 SO: 2nds, 82 50&2 60; extra peacbeo, S3 003 10; pie peaches. S2 00; finest corn, 81 35&1 50: Hfd. Co. corn. 95cSl 15; red cherries. SI 40I 50; Lima beans. 1 20; soaked do, 80c: string do. 75 ?90c; marrowfat peas, 81 101 25; soaked peas, 7u8Cc; pineapples. SI 3001 40: Babama do. S2 55: damson plums, 81 10; greengages, 81 50; egg plums. $2 20: California apricots.' 82 50&! Gil California nears. 82 75: do exeenza-res. : 00: do eitr plums. S2 00: evtra white cherrle. 82 85: , - .. " . - ". . . -. -:.;.., raspberries, SI 401 45; strawberriets?Sl 301 40; gooseberries.81 101 15; tomatoes, 90caoc: sal mon, 1-ft, 81 301 bO; blackberries, 81 10: sucrn tasb, 2-ft cant, snaked, 90c; do green. 2-ft, si 25 61 50; corn beef. 2-1 b cans. $2 00; 14-ft cans 814; baked beans. SI 4001 50; lobster, 1-fc. S2 25; mackerel. 1-ft ran, broiled, SI 50; sardines, do mestic, Jis, $4 251 35: sardine", domestic, , 86 50: sardines, imported. 14s, Sll 501 259; sar dines, imported, s. $18: sardines, mustard, S3 85; sardines, spiced, 84 25. Fish Extra Nc 1 bloater, mackerel. 820 fl bbl.: extra No. 1 do mess, 828 50; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, 824 00; No. 2 shore mackerel, 822: large 3's, 20. Codfish Whole, pollock, 5c fl ft) do medium, George's cod. 5e; do la'-ge, 7c; boneless hakes, in strips. 5c; do Georce'g cod, in blocks, 67c Herring Round shore, 85 50 ft bbl; split, S 50: lake. S-l 25 ft 100-ft bb'; White fish. 8G 50 f 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout, S5 50 fl half bbl. Finnau baddies. 10c ft ft. Ice land halibut, 13c fl ft. Pickerel, half hbl. (3: quarter hbi.Sl 35. Holland herring,70c; Walkoff herring, 90c Oatmeal $707 25fl bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. The only sale on call at tbe Grain Exchange was a car ot No. 1 timothy hay, S3 50, 5 days. Receipts as bulletined," 24 cars, of which 15 cars wero by Pittsbarg. Cincinnati and 'St. Louis Railway, as follows: 1 car of millteed, 9 of corn, 1 of bran, 2 of hay, 2 of oats. -By Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne and Chicago. 1 car of rye, 1 of middlings, 1 of hay. 1 nf fl mr, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg and Western, lea r of corn, I o' hay, 1 of barley. By Pittsburg and'Lake Erie, 1 carof flcur. The cereal situation is practically the same as at las', reports. If any difference, markets are more favorable to buyers: Receipts are s.ill !n excess of demand, aud while this and stringent money market lasts, grain and hay are-sure to go slow. Prices are for carload lots on track: Wheat No 2 rod, 81 001 01; fro. 3, 90Q 97c CORN New ear. 5960c; No. 1 yellow shelled. G2SWc old; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 61ft62c old; blgh mixed shelled corn, 0O6ic old: yellow shelled com, new. 55i57c Oats-No. 1. 5i;a52c:Nu.2wbite. 50X351c: extra. No. 3. 49K50c; mixed oats, 4849c Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 76877c; No. 1 Western. 7475c Floub Jobbine prices Fancy snrlnir and winter patent flour, 86 oo6 25; fancy straight 'Winter, 85 25S!5 50;, fancy straight sprintr. So 25 So 50; clear winter. S5 00o 25; straight XXXX bakers'. $4 755 Ott Ry flour, $4 254 5a Buckwheat flour, 2K3c fl ft. Millfeed No. 1 white middlings. S25 0C6 25 50 ft ton; No. 2 white middlings, 822 C0 23 00; brown middlings, (20 00021 00; winter wheat bran. 819 5020 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. 810 7511 00: No. 1, 810 0010 25: No 2 do, Tfl 508 00: loose from wagon, Sll 0W12 00. according to qualitv; N". 2 prairie hay. 87 257 60; packing do, 87 00 G 25. Straw Oat, 86 507 00; wheat and rye, 86 00 66 50. lTo visions. Sugar-cured hams. large, 10c; sugar-cured ham, medium, ltfc; sugar-enred bams, small, 10c; sngar-cured breakfast bacon. fcc: sugar cured shoulders, 6c; sngar-cured boneless shoulders. 8!4d skinned sliouI(lere.7c: skinned hams, lOKc: sugar-cured California baim. 7c: sngar-cured dried beef fiats, 9c: sngar-cu-ed dried beef sets, 10c: sugar-cured dried beef rounds. 12c: bacon, shoulders. Tc: bacon, clear side, 7c; bacon, clear bellies, 6Jc: dry salt shoulder-, 6Jc: drv alt clear side-. OJc. Mess pork heavv, S12 50; mess pork, family. S12 50. Lard Refined, in tierces. o", half barrels. 55ic:60-ft tubs, 3c; 20-ft pails, 6Vfc;50-ft tin cans. 6Jc;3-B tin pails, 6c; 5-ft tin nails, 6c; 10 ft tin pails, 5c Smoked sansaze. lonsr. 6c; large. 5c Fresh pork, links, 9c Boneless hams. lOJc Piers feet, half-barrels. Si 00; quarter-barrels. 82 15. MABKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Lazy at the Opening, but Enconrag- lng Reports Cause Good Baying Later On Other Articles Slow and Comparatively Featureless. CHICAGO The wheat market opened tame at a decline of c from the closing prices of the preceding day. The cables n ere easier in tone and there appeared to be a remarkable scaicity of orders on either side nf the market. Fluctuations were narrow. The dispatches from every point orthe compass were almost uniformly bullish. There were numerous dispatches received from Indiana, Kansas and Missouri, reporting injury to the fall wheat from, the Hessian fly. and Minneapolis dispatches quoted an improv ingdemand for cash wheat at 1 to 2c over yes terday's closing prices with farmers' deliveries in the interior steadily increasing. Tho effect of such an array of bullish news was slow in showing itself, but there were a good many traders who picked np a good deal of wheat early in the session, and on every accession of en couraging reports bought more, and In the end this steady absorption of the limited offer ings created a local shortage wbicb expressed itself in some anxious buying lo the last hour of the session, during which the May delivery from hanging lazilv within a free action of 93Kc advanced to 99;fc. Hutchinson was a seller when trading started; Pardndce was also on that tide of the market. Rumsey aud Chandler, Lawsnn, Ken-nett-Hopkins and Schwartz-Dupee were among tho most prominent buyers in the first half of the session. Hutchinson also came around to that side in the end. Tho corn deal was confined tn a rango of iS c, and that indicates tho lifelessness of me business There ua3 nothing in the shape of oujside influences brousbt to bear upon the market, and it was therefore easy fur a party who sold heavily of puts and calls on tho pre vious afternoon to keep the prices from going beyond the line drawn at tbe price of these privileges. 3Iay corn started at 54Jc, and a sale or two occurred at 1-lCc over tnat price about th samo time It was maintained at oic for some time, but on the estimated re ceipts for to-morrow of 295 cars it sagged to 54c There was a firmer feellutr later in sympathy with wheat, and another advance to 54Kc Oats were traded in to a moderate extent; an easier feeling prevailed, bnt price changes were small. Mess Pork Trading wai only moderate. At the openintr tbe feeling was steady with a fewer sales, provided at about ontside figures. Later, the demand slackened and prices receded 12 15c, but near tbe close improved 710c, and ruliu steady. Lard A fairly active business was trans acted. Early in the day the feeling was rather firm, with quite liberal trading, but later in the day a reduction nf 2c was submitted to. Near tbe close prices rallied again and ruled firm. Short Rib Sides A fairly active trade was reported. On the whole range prices receded 5KC. ad the market closed quiet at medium figures. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley i Co., 45 Sixth street, members Chicago Board of Trade: Clos ing. 9OTf 91Ja WJa SIX 54X 421f 43 4;;s 823 10 40 1140 570 590 6 47; Cash quotations were as follows: Flonrsteady and unchanged; No. 2 spring wheat. 90-JJc: No. 3 spnug wheat. S086c; No. 2 red. 9I491JJe: No. 2 corn. 52Kc: No. 2 oats. 42i2c: No. 2 rve. 6bc: No. 2 b3rley. 6S70c; No. 1 flaxseed. SI 20; prime llmothv seed, 23 24c. Mess pork, per bbl. 88 258 37JC. Lard, per 1C0 lbs. So 70. Short ribs sides" (loosel. So 0"505; dry Salted, shjnlders (boxed). $4 50 4 62; short clear sides (boxed), $5 305 -vi. Sugars unchanged. No. 2 white oats. 44Kc; No. 3 white. 43c. No. 3 barlev, X. o. b..56gebc: No. 4, f. o. b.. 485Sc On the Produce Kxchanie to-day the butter market was unchanged. Egs, 22S24c NEW YORK Flonr steady and moderately active. Cornmeal steady and quiet. Wheat Spot market nominally higher: No. 2red.Sl 03; In elevator. SI 05V:aflnar, SI 011 06r.o.b.: No. 3 red. 9sy2&j9c: No. 1 Northern, $1 07; No. 1 hard. SI i1; options opened weak and declined 4Kc, but recovered on steadier money affairs, and closed strong at JiSJsC abovn veterdav: No. 2 red. December. 81 02J1 03J, closing. 1 03: January. SI 031 04. closing at St 04; February, closing at HUo: March, closing at SI 0b: Mav. SI 01 15.1&31 05, clomg at SI 05; Jnlv, 95g9nc, closing at 99c: Decemhor (1891), cl"inqat$l 0O.XRye quiet and steady; Western. S0c Barley easy and unsettled; No. 2 .Milwaukee. 8082c: ungraded Western, 75S7c: Canadi No. 1, 956c: No. 2,8788c; No. 2 extra, 009Ic. Barley malt quiet and weak; Canada country-made. SI C0fi)l 15- Corn Soot market dnll and lower; No. 2, 64c elevator. 65JSf5c afloat; ungraded mixed. 6336534c; N". 3, 03c: options opened easy and declined ($. recovered &ir but cIoed wpakanddul : Jinuary. 6IQ6JJsr. closing at 62JiV;Mav. 61Q6Ic. closing at OIKc Oats Spot market fairly actireaud weaker. options dull and weaker; December, rIointr at 50c; Jan uary, closing at oOJic; May. 51JS51Jc. closing at 51c; spot No. i white. 5tJJW51c: mixed Western. 43051c; white, do. 52a58c; No. 2 Chicago, ale Hay quiet and steady. Hops 9"Iel?n"eas: &tat?i"Lm0" J choice.! 1 4 le? i-aeino eoaxr i-r 40c: Pacific coast. 3240c Tallow dull and weak: city ($2 for packaces), 4 9-164JJc. Rosin steady and quiet. Potatoe strong; good demand. Eggs weaker and dnll; Western, 2727r. Pork steady and moderately active; mess, S1U 75 12 00; extra prime. S10 50611 00. Cut meats quiet and weak: middles quiet and firm. Lird opened weak and closed strong: Western team. SB 15 asked: sales, 177 tierces; at 80 10J?0 15; options, sales 6,250 tierces: Jann irv. S6 1806 20, clo-intr at $6 20: February. 6 3236 37. closinc at S6 37; March. 86 43S6 47. closing S6 47 bid: May, 86 l7i670, clo-ingat$6 70bul. Butter quiet and Arm: Western dairy. ll21c: do creamery. 2I 2HJc; Elein, 30c Cheee moderately active and firm: light skims. 46c: Ohio flats, Gc. ST. LOUIS Flonr firm but unchanged. Wheat The market opened JgC below yester day's close; there were few orders and m the absence of any news to affect the market, trad ing was langnid and fluctuations within a very narrow range until about 12:15 o'clock, when there was a rally on hisbcr Chicago mirket and values advanced steadily jo the, clote. which was about the same as yesterday' final flenres; No. 2 cash, 9393fc: January. 94c bid; May. 98K08c asked: July. 87c bid. Corn The opening was quiet and b below yesterday's close; for some iuie the market ruled steady with light trading, the close hcing firm, bow ever, and near the top; No. 2 cash, 52Jc: May, 5152c Oats quiet and steady: No. 2. cash, 44c bid; May, 4SJc Rve Nothing done. Bar leyMinnesota. 6s,Jc: Iowa, 680; Misscnri, 50c. Flaxseed Nominally worth 81 20. Pro visionsThe market was dnll for both salt and smoked meats: quiet and unchanged for pork and lard. PHILADELPHIA Flonr barely steadv. Wheat quiet and prices largely nominal: No-.'2 red December, 9S99e; January, $1 OOffll 01; February, 81 024pt 02: Matph, $1 041 04. Corn steadt; old No. 2 low mixed, in gram denot. 61Kc: new No. 2 mixed tn do. S9c: No." 2 mixed in -elevators, 5Sigo9c: steamer in export elovator. 57Q57J$o:Nn. 3 in do. 50c; No. 2 mixed, December. o859c; Jinnarv, 5S2J59. Febrnary. 56:9c: -tarcn. oSKQSOc Oats Carlots barely stead); future dull and weak; No. 3 white. 51c: do choice, 51e; No. 2 white, 5l52c: do clipped, 63c: No. 2 white, December. 51-452c: January. 5J52Kc; Feb ruary, 522J&53&C: March, SSXftoSXc Eggs quiet and weak; Pennsylvania firsts, 30c- MINNEAPOLIS Cash wheat was in good re quest and firmer, with millers good buyers for local use. There were few cars sold to .ship, caused likely by shippers being outbid by mill- ers. Out-of-town miners had orders In, and a open- Hiph- low articles. Inz. ett. est. Wheat, .No. 2 December 1 WM 90-i 89. January. ., Wi 91,';, 91 May 33 9!),'j 93J6 Co iin. Ho. 2 December mi 3?4 K'J January - Stfi i 51! May W,S 34i 54J4 OATS. .NO.Z December 4.T 41 4314 January 43'4 43M 4t Mar 45 46 43JJ MESS Pons. December. 8 25 815 gs Jannary 10 43 10 45 10 32U, May 1142j II il'i 1150 I. Aim. December. iS!X 8 70 5 67J5 January 5 Si.S 5 90 5 85 May 6 45 6 47K 6 42 ! SHOUT KIBS. December 4 SIX 4 87 4 iVir January 5 20 5 3) SIM May 5 8J 5 80 5 75' I moderate amount of wheat was taken on them. Private elevator people bought some, and alto, gsther a good inqniry existed for the stuff fof sale. Competition seemed to be best for No. 1 Northern, and an advance on it was perhaps most on tbo average. Closing prices: No. 1 hard December. 90c: January. 91c; oa track, 9nc: No. 1 Northern. December. S6iici January, SSc; May, Kcz on track, 86Kc; No. 2. North ern, December, 82c; Jannary, 83c: on track. 82c MILWAUKEE Flonr unchanged. Wheat firm: No. 2 'prinr, on taack, cash, 8C0i"c; Mav, P?92Jc: No. I Northern. SSc. Corn quiet; No. X on track. 50c Oats dnll; No. 2 white, 4441Jc Barley easier: No. 2. in store 65c Rye firm: No. 1, in store. e8c Provisions nuiet. Pork January, 810 40. Lard Jan tiary. 85 87. BALTIMOBE Wheat Western steady: No. 3 winter, red. spot and December, 94)91c bid; January. !)G96Ke: May.Sl 021 0'corn Western easy, dull: mixed soot, 58c: year, 5SKc: Jannary. 53c bid: May. 58Jic: steamer, 55&S5KC Oats steady. Rye llrm. Hay steady. Provisions quiet. Butter firm. Eggs firm, as 2723c CINCINNATI Flour qniet. Wheat quiet and firm:No. 2red. 98c: Corn e-isv; No. 2 mixed, 50c. Oats weaker: No. 2 mixed, 47K4Sc Rye 'qniPt: No. 2, 75c Provisions eay. Lard. $5 60 i5 70. Butter firm; fancy Elgin. 3031c: choice dairy. 13I5c Eggs quiet at 22c. Cheese firm. TOLEDO Wheat dull and firm; cash and December. 96c: May. 81 OOJf. Corn qniet and steady: cash and December. 52Jc; May, 54c Oats quiet: cash. 43c Cloveraeed dull aud lower: cash and December, 84 00; January. $4 07: DULUTH Wheat was more active to-day and higher. Closing quotations: December. 90Jc: May. 81 00; No. 1 hard. 90c; No. X Northern, cash, Soc: No. 2 Northern, caab. 88c Free. Samples of Dr. Miles restorative .Nervine at Jos. Fleming & Son's, Market st., cures headache, nervousness, sleepless-, ness, neuralgia, tits, etc. Stocks, Grain, OIL , McGrew, "Wilson & Co., Eisner building, cor. Fifth ave. and "Wood st. OUR ENTIRE STOCK -or- OVERCOATS At closing out prices. Assortment com plete. Sizes from 4 to 44.' All Winter Goods must be closed out to make room for our Spring and Summer stocky, now in processor manufacturing. Men's.youths'.Boys'and Children's Suits and Pantaloons, The largest stocK in the city. Prices tha lowest. Complete Line of Foreign acd Domestic Woolens and Tailor Trimmings. Mail orders receive prompt and careful at tention. "WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. M. Oppenheimer & Co., 713 Liberty St. and 712 Penn Ave. deo-r , BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. myJ PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. 81 FOURPH AVENUE. Capital. S300.000. Snrolus, 851.670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD K DOFF, 4 President, Asst. Sec. Treas. per cent interest allowed on time deposits. ocl5-40-D JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS ANDBHOKEE3. Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. Privato wire to New York and Chicag SIXTH ST., PittsUure. 0C22-53 3IEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814PEN.1 AVlSXUE. PITTsBUKC. 1M. As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in tbe city, de voting snecial attention to ail chronic diseases CsNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical nLn V UUO decay.nervous debility. lack of, energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, selr diitrust, bashfulnesj. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im- Ljuvcnsueu uiuuu. jailing powers, organic wea& ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person fur business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?:&& blotches, fallimrliair, bones, pains, glandular, swellings, ulcerations or tongue, month, throat; ulcers, old sores, aro cured fur life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbesystem. 1 1 D M A D V '"dney and bladder derange U ill lirMl I ments, weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive saarching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. WtittierN life-lonr; extensive experiencs insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance a3 carefully treated as It here. Office hours. 9 A. M. to 8 p. M. Sunday. 10 A. M. to 1 P. sr. only. DK. WU1TTIEK, SU Penn avenne. Pittsburg; Pa. deS-l-DSuwk TO 'WEAK SEN Buflerm? from the effects of youthfnl errors, earir decay, wasting? weakness, lost manhood, eta, I will send a valuable treatise (sealed 1 containing full particulars for homo cure. FREE of charge. A splendid medical work: should be read by every man who is nervnns and debilitated. Address, frof. F.C.FOtVL,jEIt,iTIoodns,ConTl. ...--ai-rwinvK DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re. quiring scientific aud confiden tial treatment! Dr. if. K-Lafce. M. R. C P. S.. is tbe oldest and mo'it experienced specialist In, the city. Consultation freg and, itrictly confldential. . Offico. hours 9 to i and 7 to 8 P. M.t Snndays, z to 1 P. jt Consult them personally, or write. DocrOBS Lake. cor. Penn ave. and 4tli St., Pittsburg, Pa. e.V7J-DVk ! ' "Wood's Ta.o3jii.odix3.a. TIIE GREAT EVGLlaH REMEDY- Uscd for 33 years, ggS .orYontnroirouy Ly thousands sue- ' 5Cl. and the excesses, ccssfullv. Uunr- ImiiM'&W of later Jtar. anteed to cvre all! forms of Nervonsl Weakness. EmlsJ rlAn Vnannnfrir. I Givra immediata strength andvig for. Ask drnziristft ifor Wood's Phc. rhea. lmnoteney. ' " ."" "lafe nrf oil horr-t. rliotorromiaie. substitute. Ona uiiuuiuc. touav nackaKe. t: nix. SS. by mail. Write for pampmefc Address The. Wood Chemical Co., 131 wooawara dv . Detroit, Mich. -WSold In Plttshnrr. P by 'Joseph Flemlai Som "ondandMarketm, GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE CURES NERVOUS UEBI LI TY. LOST VIGOR. ; LOSS OF MEMORY. ; rull particulars In iiampMes. ent free, 'llie genuine Uray's bpeclac sold by drusirUU oulyla' vtllow wrapper. Price, 1 PS package, or six for S3, or by luaU. on recelnt of nrtce. br Jddrejj ln THE GRAY J1EU1C1B CU, liuiiuo, j. i Sold in Pittsburg by 3. a. iioi,i,a... eornec eiultnnriii and raueriyau. iab.7-m-DWfc O p j" to every man, youcg,mIddkaged, f" n t. L and old; postago paid. Addreal eDr. n. Du lioat.CSl Columbus Ave., Bostcn.Mmi. mh2S-7S-WTSnk. T A TvT"I?C!UIjr-OXIUE1?1LLSarefe; I Jr I J I PiO superior to pennyroyal of tansy: particulars, 4c. CliAKKK&CO.. BovTI4. . PtUla., i"ean, leS-W-Tr pniraifisiifisij ..