10 THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11,,- 1890. t LIVE STOCK REVIEW. Largest Receipts of Cattle at East Liberty This Season. A DECLIKE ALL ALOSG THE LIKE, Lijht Tidy Butcher Beeves Suffer Least From the Drop. BWLNE WEAKEB, GOOD SHEEP STEADY Office of Tim PrrrsnuKO dispatch, J Wednesday, Dec. 10. Isoa ( The run of cattle at the East Liberty yards this week was the largest of the sea son. Markets opened on Monday morning with over 200 car loads on sale, these were reinforced through the day and on Tuesday until the totals for the week reached 230 car loads or more. A large proportion of offer ings was what stockmen term trash, con sisting of light heifers, stockers and half fattcd butcher stock. There was as usual a scarcity of light tidy butcher beeves weighing from 1,100 to 1,200 pounds, the kind our markets call for. The reason given for the big run was thus given by a leading stockman: "The late cold snap lias had the effect of depriving cattle of ont-door food, and, as grain is nigh, farmers prefer to push live stock onto market rather than undergo the expense of wintering. Corn has become too precious to put into cat tle and hence a multitude of farmers have pushed stock onto markets this week. Re ceipts were fully double our local needs. In consequence of heavy run, markets opened Finn on Jlonuayata decline of 20 to 40c per cwt. on common and low grade stock, and there has been no improvement since. Llslit, smooth butcher beeves Miffered least from the decline, but even they were a sbado ueaker than lastweekandsoldataboutlOclower. Good lecders were close up to last week's prices, but ara not do much wanted as they have been for a fen weeks past. From Si) to 40 loads were Fhipped on Hast, and about 10 loads were in the yards this morning, unsold. Shippers ot Chicago cattle must liae suffered heavy losses on this week's operations. A commission man reported that one load entailed a lo8 of $100, and others not lets than $75. The highest price paid was SI 70 for a load of extra Ohio beeves. 1'rcsh cows were m fair snoply and a shado lower, with $23 to S45 as the range. fclieep and I-anibs and Swine. There have been about S3 loads on the market this neck, and hot more than 20 per cent good stuck. Anything choice held up fairly well to last week's prices, but common and low grades weie weak and lower. Markets closed weak for all below fancy. Top price of sheep was S3 33 and lamb Be and only a few reached these figures. Ketepts of bogs for the week have been about 100 loads. Tup price was $31)0 and only a load or two brought this price. There were 10 loads on sale this morning and market was slow with 3 60 as top price. By Telegraph. CHICAGO The Ev-ntng Journal reports: Cattle Iteccipts, 16.000 bead; shipments, 1,310 head: market slow and penerallv demoralized; fancy Christmas steers, S3 S06 15: all other grades 2330.- lower. Hogs lieceipts. 50,000 head: shipments, 6.000 head; market active and f-teady: rough and common mixed. S3 4U3 50; prime mixed and packers, S3 6003 70: prime heavy and butcher weights, 13 75Q3 85: prime light, S3 50(23 55. Sheep Receipts, 13,000 head; bhipmeuts, 13.000 head; market dull, flat and unprovable; out of 130 to 140 car lots on sale barely 50 loads had been sold at a late hour, and these at a decline of 15j40c CINCINNATI Hogs in good demand and fctead; common and light, S2 75JJ3 40: packing and butchers'. S3 40S3 75; receints, 7,600 bead; shipments. 1.1C0 head. Cattle Best qualities steady: others, weak: common. SI 001 75; fair to choice butchers' grades. S! 00a3 bo: prime to choice shipper. Si (J5I 75; receipts. L300 head: shipments, 470 head. Sheen Demand light: market weak: common to choice. S2 25g4 25; extra fat wethers and yearlings, S4 50JJ4 75: re ceipt. ISO bed: shipment', 100 head. Lambs Spring in light demand and easy; good to choice shipping: So 255 75: common to choice butcheis'. $4 W5 50 per 100 pounds. NEW YORK Beeves Receipts. 2,827 head, including 01 cars for sale; market steady; native ttecrs, S3 755 00; bulls and cows, !2 203 25; dressed beet steady at bJ7?r nerloound. Shipments to-dar, 710 beeves and 4,500 quarters ff beef: to-morrow, 1G5 beeve Calves Re ceipts, bii bead; market steady; veals, S5 00 7 50: grassers. S2 12i2 37; Westerns, g! 40 8 25. Sheep Receipts, 5.bo!) bead; sheep firm; lambs sieadt; sheep, $4 00g5 50: 1 imbs, J5 00 (J 50; dressed mutton linn at 79c: dressed lambs steady at $gl0c Hogi Receipts, 9,7oa head; nominally steady at S3 404 00. OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 1,800 head; mar ket slow and weak on bee ves. and best butchers' stock loner; feeders steady; fancy steers, of which there are some line Christmas Herefords, quoted at SI 505 50: prime steers, S3 904 CO; tair to good steers, S2 S53 9a Hogs Receipts 7,600 head; market uiodcratelv active and 5c lower; all sold; range. S2 S03 60: bulk, S3 35 S 35; pigs: $1 75g2 80; light, S2 SOffiS 30; heavy, S3 S03 60; mixed, S3 1063 53. Sheep Receipts, 183 head; market steady; natives, S2 304 50; "Westerns. S2 004 25. ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts 4.800head: ship ments, 700 head: market lower; one buuen fcold at $6 50; good to fancy native steers, SI 40 5 10: fair to good native, S3 804 50; stock ers J aud feeders. S2 OOSBoJiJ: Texan and Indian steers. S2 25E3 4a Hogs Receipts, 3.700 head: shipments. 3,200 head; market easier; fair to choice heavv, 13 5063 70; mixed grades S3 10g3 50; light, fair to best. S3 203 33. Sheep Receipts. 700 head; shipments, none; market stead.; good to choice, S4 O0S5 10. KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts, 5.860 head: shipments. 3.450 head: market weak to 10c low er: steer-. 43 404 60: fancy Christmas cat tle. S3 003 33: cow-. S2 003 00: stockers and feeders, SI SWSJl 35. Hogs Receipts, 9,530 head; siiip-niits 100 bead; market 510c lower; bulk, S3 233 50: all grades, S3 003 60. Sheep .Receipts, 1,730 head; shipments, none; mar ket steady and unchanged. BUFFALO Cattle dn ' and heavy: receipts, 75 loads through, 58 sale. Sheep and lambs, dull ana lower: receipts, 4 loads through, 15 sale. Sheep Choice to Citra, S4 755 00; good to choice. S4 50ffil 70: lamb", choice to extra. S5 756 00; good to choice, S3 503 70. Hogs, slow: ieceipt. 40 loads through. 33 sale; heavy Yorkers. S3 53g3 CO. INDIANAPOLIS Cattle ReceipU light: mar ket dull but steady; shippers. S3 004 75: butchers. U 0Q2 75; bulls, SI 503 CO. hheep Receipts light: market dull; sheep, S2 50 4 75; lamb". S3 75573. Hogs Receipts,fi,0c) liead; market satisfactory; choice heavv, iojCj 3 70; choice inued, S3 23g3 40: pigs," S2 00 i 00. MARKETS EY. WIRE. A Dull Season iu the "Wheal l'it. But a Might Iinprot ement Scored Corn Low er Oats felon and Kasler I'roiisions tueIan:ciL CHICAGO The feature of the wheat market to-day was its dullne-s. There was a notice able paucity of offerings on a slight decline Which took place in the earlier part of the ses sion, and Mr. Hutchinson was a good buyer on any soft spots during the day, but both be and I'ardridge were reported to have been Kellers whenever the market showed strength enough to take offerings without selling under the pilce. The general tone was one ot firmness, and He improvement was established at the close of to-day's session Corn was steady and generally firm, although closing loner than it did yesterday. There was a good business in provisions without much change in prices. The wheat market opened very quiet and Vitbout change in price since the previous iilteruoon. There was nothing m the dispatches received prior to the opening to disturb either Of the parties to the deal. The present condi tion of sales appeared to afford a fair fighting ground for the holding of options upon each ude. ilay wheat opened at 9SJJC, with sales at "cat the same time. Itadtanced to9SJc, but baielv touched that price and immediately Bagged off to 98c. It fluctuated for some time between "S"tg&4c and 9SJc then declined to tSJ4c with ouly a sale ortHo at the latter price, however, and then advanced gradually until it touched 99c The lifter point was reached fcbout 43 minutes from tb close, and it was well maintained between DS'Jc and 98Jc during the remainder of the session. December was nominally kept at a discount of 8Jc from the price of May. The opening price of Maj -corn was 54c, which showed no change since the previous afternoon. There was a sale or two at 55c, but in the course of a few minutes thero were sell ers at 5454c and 614c was the trading price at one period of tbe session. After again advanc ing to S4cit worked off once moreto54;je, which latter price was bid as the market closed. Oats were slow and easier and without new or interesting features. There was tair buiing by two large operators, but there appeared to be sufficient offered to supply tbe demand, and prices, after advancing y,GtLc, declined c and closed qmet at about inside figures. Pork Rather a good business was transacted, with a comparatively steady feeling. Prices ruled slightly higher at the opening, and then a reduction of 2"aV was submitted to. Law, Mtcei rallied 10c nut settled baci: again 5JJ 73 ic and closed rather steady. Lard Quite an active business was trans acted, aud rather a hrm feeling prevailed. JIarly prices were advanced 2c Later prices receded 2KS5c and closed steady at medium figures. Short Ribs A brisk trade was reported, and the market ruled rather firm. At the openlne prices rnled about 2Kc higher. Later prices receded 2g5c. rallied 2ts5c and closed com paratively steady. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley fc Co., 45 Sixth street, members Chicago Board of Trade: Clos ing. ABT1CLES. WHEAT, 10. 2 December January May COUX. NO. 2 December January -May , OATS. NO. 2 December ; January Mar Mess fobs. December. , January May l.ABIi. December... January ilav , SHORT KIBE. December January May , SO im S2! 81 14 M 43 4S 825 io ax 1140 6 87 C47 489 Sffll 5 ay Cash quotations were as follows: Flour unchanged: No. 2 spring wheat. 90c; No. 3 spring wheat. 83S6c; lfo.2 red, 91K 92c: No. 2 corn. 52Kc: No. 2 oat s. 43c; No. 2 rj e. 6Sc:No. 2 barlev. 7475c: Na 1 flaxseed. 1 20: Mess pork, per bbl. S8 258 S7t Lard, per 100 lbs. S3 62$5 63. Short ribs sides (ioosel. S3 05 03; drv salted shoulders (boxed). S4 500 4 CJH: short clear sides (boxed), $5 305 35. Sugars, quiet and unchanged. No. 2 white oats. Uic; No, 3 white, 43$c No. 3 barley, 50370c. On tbe Produce Exchange to-day tbe batter market was unchanged. Eggs. 2224c NEW YORK Flour Receipts. 32,177 pack ages: exports, 6.307 barrels, 7.937 sacks; market steady and moderately active: sales. 19.150 barrels. Cornmeal quiet and steady. Wheat Receints. 67.800 bushels: exports. 97.33S bushels: sales, L368,000 bushels futures, 18,000 bushels spot; spot market higher and dull; No. 2 red. SI CS)i In elevator, tl 05 afloat, 81 041 05 f. o. b.: No. S red, 9S9SKc; ungraded red. tl 0261 04: No. 1 Northern, SI 06; No. 1 hard. SI 11: options opened strong and ad vanced Kc, ruling, however, quiet: afterward there was rather freer selling and prices eased lin. closing weak; No. 2 red. December, SI 021 03 closing at $1 03K: January, SI 031 04, closing at SI 03K; February, closing at SI 05; March, SI 05 1 05, closing at $1 05; May. SI 05S1 05 13-16, closing at SI 05; Jul v. 9999c closing at S9iic: December, 99i995Jc, closing at9c. Rye firm and quiet; Western, 77S0c Barley firm and quiet. Barley malt steady and quiet. Corn Receints, 17.150 bushels; expoits, 530 bu.; sales. 640,000 bushels and fntures 58,000 busbels spot; snot market higher and dull, offer ings light; No. 2, 64H64Je elevator, 65J66c afloat; ungraded mixed, 64VgC6c; options opened Strong at c advance, broke ic on realizing, closing easy; December, closing at 64; January, 62J4662MC closing at 62c; Mav. 61 5-16g61?ic closing at61c Oats Receipts, 65.000 bushels; exports. 213 bushels; sales. 60. 000 bushels futures; 159.000 bushels spot. Spot market fairly active andsteady, options dull and irregular; December, closing at 60Jc; January, closing at 60:c: May. 51'MJj2Vfc closing at 51c; spot No. 2, white, 51fe)51c; mixed Western. 4S51c: white, do, 525Sc; Na 2 Chicago, 51Kc Hay steady and quiet. Hops weak and quiet. Coffee options opened steady, 5 poiuts up to 15 down, closed steady, un changed to 10 down; sales, 16,000 bags, includ ing, December,; 17.2517.35c: January, 16.30 1635;; February, 15.8015.85e; March. 15.40 15.45c; May, 15.20c: spot. Rio quiet, lower; fair cargoes, isjic; No. 7, 17c Sugar Raw dull and stead, refined quiet. Molasses New Or leans steady and auiet. Rice steady and auieL Cottonseed oil steady and quier. Tallow lower; citv (S2 for packages), 4Jc Rosin quiet and steady. Turpentine dull and lower at 3838c Eggs quiet and weak; Western, 2S29c: re ceipts, 4.320 packages. Pork quiet and steady; mess. S10 7312 00; extra prime, Sll 00. Cut meats dull and weak; middles firm and dull. Lard opened firm and closed weak and dull; Western steam. S6 12 asked: sales, 500 tierces; options, sales 3.500 tierces: Januarv, SO 1S6 19, closing at S6 18 bid: February. S6 33 bid; Starch. SG 4466 45, closing SO 45; April. S6 55 bid; May. 6 69akcd. Butter in moderate demand and firm: Western dairy, ll21c; do creamery. 21 29; Elgin, 30c Cheese strong and quiet: light skims, 403c; Ohio flats, 6g9Jic. ST. LOUIS Flour dnll and unchanged. Wheat The market opened steady at yester day's close declined and was irregular but weak, recovered and continued firm to the close. which was at the highest point of tbe day and He for May above yesterday's latest figures; No. 2 cash, 93g93c; May. 98c; July, 97Jc Corn Tho opening was at the same figures as yesterday's close with alight demand: directly after the openingthe market weakened and continued weak for some time: later there was a recovery, followed by a decline, and the dose was at a loss of c as compared with xesterday's close; No. 2 cash, 52c; May, 52c; July, 54c Oats qniet and weak; No. 2, cash, 41 asked; May, 46c Rye quiett No. 2, this side 6Sc Barley Nothing done Bran scarce and firm; f. o. b.. 90c Flaxseed steady. Pro visions quiet but steadier in tone Pork S10 50. Lard-S5 45 MINNEAPOLIS The demand for good mill ing wheat, with the exception of No. 1 hard, showed a marked improvement txwiay, but poor samples of the lower grades dragged consider ably. Millers were quite liberal buyers, and there was a good general demand, some for shipment to Chicago, which, with tbe smaller offerings, made a good market to sell on, though competition was not sufficiently active to en abls holders to get the price up above the differ ence between cash and May that has been pre vailing for several days. Closing prices: No. 1 hard December, 88c: January, 89c; Mav, SI 00; na track, ESc: No. 1 Northern. December. 81c; January, 87c; May, 93ic; on track. 85c: Na 2. Northern, December, 8 Jc; January, 81c; May, 90c: on track. 80c PHILADELPHIA Flour quiet and weak. Wheat Spot lot quiet but steady; futures ne glected and nominally unchanged: No. 2 red, on track, 99e Otorn firm; a 4 yellow, in Krai a deuot, 55c; Na 3 yellow, on track. 60c: new No. ? in rv'inrr plevatnp 5ft. npur CMm.. In tin 57c; new No. 2 in do, S9n; No. 2 mixed. Decern' 52c; No. 2 white, December. ol!52c: Jan uary. 52$52c: February, 535c; March, 5354c Provisions quiet aod steady. Eggs scarce and firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 30c BALTIMORE Wheat Western firmer: No. 2 wiuter, red. spot and December, 94c bid; January. 95e95?c; May. SI 02K1 02. Com Western east: mixed spot. 59c: vear, January and May, 5S5i59c; steamer. 55c bid. Oats qniet. live talrly active; choice, E0S2c; good to prime, 77679c; common to fair. 74tg76e Hay steady. Provisions steady. Butter firm and active Kggs firm; 2728c Coffee dulk Sugar steadv. Copper firm. CINCINNATI Flou quiet. Wheat firm: No. 2 red, V3c: receipts, 1,000 bushels; shipments, 1,500 bushels. Corn stronger; No. 2 mixed, 52e Oats strong; Na 2 mixed, 4Sc Rye firm: No. 2, 75c Provisions steady. Whisky active; sales, 1.208 ban els finished goods on basis of SI 14. Butter demand moderate. Sugar steady. Eggs easier at 22c Cheese steady. MILWAUKEE Flour quiet Wheat steady: track, UyMioc Barley firm;Na 2, in store 68 66e Rye firm: Na L in store 6Sc Pro visions nuier. Pork January, S10 45. I.ard January, S5 87. DULUTH Wheat was fairly steady most of the day, with light business, and closed c higher. Closing prices were: December. 89(c: May, SI 00; No. 1 hard, 89; No. 1 Northern, 84c; No. 2 Northern. 78c TOLEDO Wheat dnll and firm; cash and December, 95Jc: May. $1 004. Corn dull, steady; cash 5dc; May, 55c Oats dull: cash, 48c Clo verseed easier; cash, S4 05; December, fl 00: February, M 12. HEADY FOB HARD THOUGHT. Allegheny Politicians Taking Interest in a New Organization. The Young Men's Thinking Club, an organi zation of colored citizens ambitious for social and political advancement, opened their head quarters at No. 1 Douglass place. Second ward, Allegheny, Tuesday. Tbe building is a nice one, containing seven rooms, tastefully arranged and fitted up, but tbe accommoda tions were taxed to their utmost capacity, the attendance being very large. Among tbe guests "were a number of well known Northside politicians. Alter the re ception, short speeches by well-known gentle men. Music and recitations were Indulged in until a late hour. AUCTION. Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silver ware, Etc., AT NO. 533 SMIXHFIELD STKEET. Positively this stock will be sold to tbe highest bidder without reserve, as I am de termined to close out this stock. Come and buy your Christmas presents at your own price Sales every morning, afternoon and evening until all is sold. Store for rent and fixtures for sale. D Stocks, Grain, OIL McGrew, "Wilson & Co.. Eisner building, cor. Filth ave and Wood st. se Brown's Brosciiiai. Tkochks forcoughs, ci ids and all other throat troubles. "Pre-eml-stntlythebet."-Ker. Henry Ward Beecher. Open- lilfth- Xow- Ine. ciU est. t mi k' tan Vl 91H SlU 93,4 93 S3M 5J4 52H S2! M &1 51 Ws Si S4.S 43 43 43 AV.i 43H 434 43 46) 45s 1040 'io'so" 'io'io" 11 40 II 47.S 11 SIX "i CIS 5 62)4 5 62.S 6 Sl',( 0 87), & 85 CX CM 6 40 4 87S 4 80 4 W 5 22 5 UK 8 VX 5 SIX 8 82)4 5 SO tier. t?moac; Januarv, obB59lic; February, 5S?i39c; Match. 5855ic Oats a shade louer;No. 3 mixed, 48ic; No. 3 white. olUc; clipped. 52!c: No. 2 white. 525)52?ie: do choice. SEYERAL NEW IDEAS. Plans Bein? Arranged for a Big Med ical Office Bnilding. THE SEED OF A PARK AT THE POIHT Brokers in a Dilemma Over Westinghonse Electric Companj Stock THE MEWS AKD GOSSIP OP THE C1TI It was mentioned some time ago in this column that a movement was on foot for the erection on Penn avenue, in the vicinity of the Philadelphia Company's building, of a six-story structure for the exclusive use of the medical profession a medical office building, in fact, designed to concentrate all the doctors of the city under one roof, so far as practicable, as has been done to a large ex tent with the lawyers. It was stated that the rooms would be single or on suite, the first floor to be used as a store for the sale of drugs and all kinds ot surgical appliances. Tbe agent for the property upon which it is proposed to erect a building of this kind said yesterday: "The owner tells me that he has made up his mind to go ahead with the improvement. The idea is a new one in Pittsburg. There is such a building in Philadelphia, and it pavs, and I have no doubt it will pay here. Besides, it will be a great con venience to the public Plans are being con sidered, and I think work on the building will begin next spring. It will be modern in every respect, and will cost about 5100,000. Talk About a Park. In conversation yesterday with a gentleman who is familiar with the affairs of the Schen ley estate, be said: "That Pittsburg needs more parks will be denied by no one. In this respect she Is far behind every other important city In the country. Statistics will bear ont this statement. We do not need a large park so much as a number of small ones, so located as to be easily reached by the people. No portion of tbe city stands more in need of one of these breathing-spots than the Point, taking In the city as far up as Grant street. It would be a comparatively easy matter to construct a park in this district, large enough to meet all the re quirements of tbe people; fori baveitupon good authority that from one to two squares could be purchased from Mrs. Schenley for this purpose at a reasonable price. I think the agent, Mr. W. A. Herron,-will corroborate my informant in this matter. 'A park of this size would look like a pigmy alongside of the East End concern, but it would be large enough for all practical pur poses, and the pleasure it would confer upon thousands of people who are now shut out lrom pure air and sunsnine, to say notning oi the saving in doctors' bills, would more than compensate for the cost. Besides, it would obviate the necessity of an annual open air fund for the children." Improvement in Architecture. Pittsburg is making remarkable progress as a city of homes, and beautiful homes at that. In no other direction within tbe past few years has there been greater improvement than in architecture. This embraces both business bouses and dwellings. The square box of 20 years ago is a thing of the past, not to be resurrected. The tasty home takes its place with scarcely a ripple on the surface. ICone lookfor a cause for this wonderful change it is easily found. Architects and builders are better equipped for their work than those of a decade or so aco. They have studied their profession. They bave cut loose from old utili tarian ideas and methods, and aim higher than the commonplace While not neglecting the useful and durable, they no longer sacrifice tbe beautiful. Buildings erected this year are a great improvement on those put np last year, but next year promises to see a still greater stride in this direction. Business News and Gossip. Lemon, Arnold & Co. bave contracted for a four-story factory building on Mulberry street, Allegheny, to cost $10,000. Yesterday, for tbe second time this year, bank clearings fell under the $2,000,000 line. This was a common occurrence last year. Those who may draw an evil omen from tbe drops would have no difficulty in extracting blood from a turnip. Tbe most Important mortgage on file yester day was for S4.000. Twenty-one of 32 were for purchase mouey. Nearly all who bave purchased lots in the Brown Donnell plan, Nin eteentb ward, will build next year. Several considerable blocks of local stocks have changed bands outside tbe Exchange re cently, showing that tbe buyer is still abroad. For an entire week this year bank clearings averaged over $3,000,000 daily something pre viously unknown here. It is said that tbe Western Union Telegraph Company will declare its usual quarterly divi dend of i per cent. It was stated yesterday that there will be a meeting of the promoters of the projected Homestead Ball road tho latter part of this month. Considerable building Is going on in the Temperance ville district, convenience of access to the manufacturing and commercial centers making it attractive to home-seekers. The Building Becord. The demand for building permits was fairly good yesterday. Eight v. ere taken out, several of them being for high class bouses. Tbe list follows: W. B, & E. O. Mooney, two frame twostory dwellings. 1Sx36 feet each, on Spahr street. Twentieth ward. Cost, $5,000. Frederick Balbach. frame one-story dwelling, 18x30 feet, on Brereton avenue, Thirteenth ward. Cost. $250. Mary "Wardman, frame one-story and man sard dwelling, 16x32 feet. McMaster's Place, Eighteenth ward. Cost, 500. T. P. McLaughlin, brick addition two-storv dwelling, 20x30 feet, on Thirty-eighth street. Fifteenth ward. Cost, $1,300. L W.Scott, frame two-story and attic dwell ing. 31x48 f eer, on Herron avenue. Thirteenth ward. Cost. $4,998. William H. Harris, brick two-story dwelling, 17x30 feet, on Casey alley. Twenty-fifth ward. Cost. SL200. T. H. feJ. H. Froar, frame two-story and mansard dwelling, 21x31 f per. on Boqcet street, Fourteenth ward. Cost, $3,100. John M. Gibson, frame two-story dwelling. 22 x32 feet, on Flushing alley. Twenty-first ward: Cost, JLOOO. Movements in Ileal Estate. C. H. Love sold tho property N a 253 Forbes street, lot 16x50, with a brick dwelling, for A. E. and G. Schoen to Johanna G. Knox, for $3,100. Black & Baird sold to Albert Swager, a prop erty in West Liberty borough, on the Wash ington road, contaiutng three-quarters of au acre of ground with a small frame dwelling thereou,;and other outbuilding?, for $675. W. A Herron & Sous sold lot Nu. 37, in the Brown & Donnell plan, being tbe last lot on tbe north side of Dauphin street, in their plan near Wlnebiddie avenue. Nineteenth ward, for $500. Macaw & Goff, Lire, sold lots Nos. 49 and 50, each 24x100 feet, corner Greely avenue and Ma gaw street, Etna Park place to Peter Braun, for $535. HOME SECTJEITHS. Electric Moves Up a Peg and Philadelphia Holds Its Own. So far as prices were concerned yesterday's stock market differed but little from thatof the prerions day, but trading was less active. If there were any orders there was no pressure to placo them. Electric was stronger and Philadelphia Gas about held its own. There was considerable discussion at the last call in regard to the standing of Electric, but without turning on much light as to what tbe figures of the company really mean; and, not knowing what to do, the brokers did nothing. It was offered very sparingly, showing that holders are not ready to give It away. The closing bid was a small fraction better than tbe opening. . FIRST SECOND T1IIRD CALL. CAXL. CALL. U A 1$ A U A Iron Tltv N. B'k .... T" .... .... ii. &11. JS'.llank ... 70 Uernian A. Ins.. 54 Allegheny Heat 100 .Manuract's u.C 21X UhloValier 13K.... F.W.G.4F. Co WW HM .... 1154 rnua. Co ... a i4x 14 nx ux ux Monon. Incline 52 JTt, Pitt Incline 22 Central Traction .... a .... 21 .... 20M Citizens' Irac .... 81 Pitts. Traction S5 Pleasant Valley. 24IJ au 245J C5; .... iili La Norla M'jr Co .... S ID Ml Luster J Liu Inc. JO ... W KastEndElec 60 Westlnifcottse E. 13 13V4 13 13J4 13 13W U. S. &B. Co 13 .... 13 .... II P.Cyclo. Co 8 .... 6 S At first call 10 shares of Electric sold at 13 and 50 Pleasant Valley at 25. After call 100 Philadelphia Gas chanced hands at 13K. Sales at second call were 40 Eiectrifi at 13, and 160 Philadelphia Gas at 14. After call 10 shares of the same brought 111 There was no business at tbe last call. Total sales, 380 shares. The total sales of stocks at New York yesterday were 245.050 shares. inclnd Ing: Atchison, 29,780, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, SJ.004: Louisville and Nashville, 12.S00; Missouri Pacific 1L970; Northern Pacific preferred, 12,000: Heading, 7,620: Richmond and West Point, 7.C2H St. Paul. 32.830: .Union Pacific 23,740; W.estern Union. 5,177. HARD CASH. The Local Monetary Situation Unchanged, bat in Good Shape. For the second time this year the bank clear ings yesterday were under the $2,000,000 line. They were JL960,107 63. On March 14 they were 31,875,797 73. The drop was attributed to a dis position among business men to favor tbe banks as much as possible by checking only as required by their attual needs. When banks and business men thus work together there is very slight possibility of a catastrophe. The determination to issut) Clearing House certifi cates in case' of necessity further strengthens the situation. All legitimate calls lor money were promptly responded to, but the usual conservatism was observed in regard W outside paper. Unless gilt edged it Was rernied. On the whole, how ever, there was a visible improvement in the financial situation, aud the opinion was quite generally entertained that tbe crisis had been passed, and that whatever may happen during the remaining days of tbe year will be due to tbe ordinary exigencies of trade and be of local significance. The general situation, as re marked by a leading llnancier, seems to be too well grounded in piosperity to be materially disturbed. Money on call at New York yesterday was easy, ranging from 2 to 6 per cent, last loan 3, closed offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper, 7K10. Sterling exchange excited and active at $1 78 for 60-day bills and $4 83 for demand. Closing Boud Quotations. V. 8. 4s, r, U. S. 4s, coup...., U.S. 4X8. ret;..... 121 M. K. AT. Uen. 6s.. 38J Mutual Union ss.,..100 . i. C. Int. Cert.. .107 Northern fac lla..lMK Northern Pac. 2ds..H0 Korthw't'n consols.133 Nortw'n deben'8 6s.lU3 Oregon & Trans. 6. Bt.L&I. M. Gen. 5s. 88 St.L. &8.F. Uen. M. 108 St. Paul consols. ....120 St. P, Chi & Pc. lsts. DO Ix.. Pc L.G.Tr.R- 83 122 103 U. S. 4)4, oouo.....l03 Pacific Ss of 'SS 109 Louisiana stampedu 82 Missouri Ss Tenn. new set. 6s....l0lj xtnn. new set. m. .iin Tenn. new set. as.... C90( Canada So "ds !U Central Pacific lsu.liohi .Lieu, a . . iss...uz;ft uen, ai it. u. 8U U.4E.U. Westists. Krle 2ds 9l)( M. K. s, T. Uen. St.. 72M Tx.. Pc. It G.Tr.Ks. 29)j uuiuu tauiic ASH. ..ill West Shore V)X Chicago Clearings, 113,324,818. New York exchange was 70c discount. The demand for funds wa9 in excess of the supply, and the rates were stiff at 7 per cent for all classes of loans. New Obleaks Clearings, $2,070,078. New York exchange Bank par; commercial, tl 50 per $1,000 discount. St. Louis Clearings,' $3,405,322; balances, $273,313. Exchange on New 1ork, 75090c dis count. Money, 68 per cent. BAimtoitE Bank clearings, 15,971620; bal ances. $1,452,708. Money. 7 8-10 per cent. Philadelphia Bank clearings, $2,274,203: balances, $332,088. Money, 6 per cent. Cincinnati Money firm at 67 per cent; New York exchange Irregular at par at 40 cents discount; clearings, $2,652,257. New Yobk Clearings, $130,410,205; balances. $5,808,529. SLIGHTLY BTE0NGEE. Oil News Bather Bullish and the Market Braces Up Somewhat. Tbe oil crowd appeared to be in better spirits yesterday in consequence of the growing prob ability of an independent pipe line, and the price was higher. Tbe monthly report was rather bullish, which was another element of strength. The market opened at 64c advanced lc and dropped back to the initial figure, at which it closed, with BiJic bid. Trading amounted to about 8,000 barrels. Clearings were 62,000 bar rels. Refined was higher at London. Average runs were 75,249: average shipments, 93,616; av erage charters. 15,948. McGrew. Wilson 4 Co. quote puts C363Jic: calls 65K66c . 7 ' Other Oil Markets. Oil City, Dec 10. National Transit Certifi. cites opened at 64c; highest. 60c: lowest, 64e; closed at 64c Sales. 321.000 barrels; clearances.824.000 barrels; charters.30,158 barrels; carrying, 35,040 barrels. Buckeye opened at 15c; highest. 16c; lowest, 15Kc; closed, 15J4c. Sales, 5,000 barrels. Bradford, Dec 10. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 61c; closed. 64c; highest, 66Kc; lowest, 64c; clearances, 402,000 barrels. NEW YOBK STOCKS. Time Money, la Not in the Market and the Bulls Cannot Do Anything Until Loans Are Available The Temper of the Street. New Yobk, Dec 10. The stock market to day was less active than that of yesterday, and the strength of yesterday's market was not held, notwithstanding that call loans were easy throughout the day, never being more than 6 per cent and reaching as low as 2, Time mouey however, is not yet in the market and failures among mercantile houses continue to be an nounced, and to-aay one in the street w as added to tbe list. Commission houses seem to feel that we cannot bave a pronounced bull market until time loans are available, although they advise the purchase of securities by those vho have tbe money to pay for them in full, and however prices vary there is always consider able of this kind of buying of both stocks and bonds. The slight advance in the prices of bankers' bills was a factor in the depression to day, but the amount of gold already taken is stated at over $5,000,000 with the prospects that more will come. The temper of tbe market at tbe opening this morning showed that tbe rise ot vesterday was more a squeeze of tbe shorts tbau anything else, and the demand for that purpose was en tirely lacking, and while the fortnightly settle ments were reported as progressing very favor able on tbe other side, London was a seller, and there was considerable pressure to sell what looked like long stocks in many of the leading shares. Tbe losses at the opening extended to nearly 1 per cent, but the decline alter mak ing considerable fnrther progress was checked and a full recovery occurred. The failure on the Stock Exchange was announced before noon and bad tbe effect of frightening off the buyers, and the beais.seelng the state of affairs, started in to hammer tbe list with the effect of wiping out tbe recoveries again. Some, of the traders were inclined to play for a rally after the downward movement tad continued some time, but the effort served to check tho ileclino for a time only and later theio was another attack, which in tho last hour, carried prices down to the lowest of the day. The coal stocks wero specially prominent in. this later drop and both Lackawanna and Del aware & Hudson lost 4 per cent fiom the best figures. Union Pacific and Rock Island, with the other grangers were also specially weak. The market finally closed active and weak at about the lowest prloes of the day. The final changes are not so large, however, while Lack awanna is down Z, Union P.icific - Jersey Central, 2: Hock Island and Coloiado Coal each 1; Sugar. St. Paul, Xouisville & Northwestern, IU each, and Atchison and Chicago Gas each 1 per cent, the rest are ouly fractional lower. Railroad bonds were quiet, but displayed a firmer tone than stocks, the final changes'being generally slight and of theimportantones there was an equal number of gains aul losses. Tbe sales of all issues werel,441,000"'outof which Lake Shore second regular furnished $100,000. Gorerument bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been entirely neglected. Petroleum ooened strong for January option and advanced ?i on Standard oil bnyiug. but reacted latter, then became dull and remained so until tbe close Pennsylvania oil. spot no sales. January option, opening, 65; high, est, 65J& lowest, 64Jj: closing, 64. Lima oil, no sales. Total sales, 60,000. Tne J'oit says: Tbe reaction was largely due to tbe firmer marxet for tbe sterling exchange, which it was assumed wonld be an obstacle to the further Imports of gold, and partly also to tbe fear that the Bank of England would ad vance its rate of discount again to-morrow morning to 6 per cent. The rates at which bankers' short bills could be bought this morn ing would not admit of the import of gold, but with cotton bills as low as $4 77 they could be discounted in London so as to be turned into short sight exchange at a cost that would still bring gold if the rates for money in London do not go higher. .The exports of cotton in tbe last five weeks to December 5 were of an ap proximate value of $55,300,090, against $53,500, 000 in tbe same time of 1889, and have furnished a largo amount of exchange, which, together with the increase in other commercial bills will probably keep tbe rates of exchange down to the gold importing point. Tbe general ex pectation of bankers is that this will bring more gold. If this proves to be the case it will strengthen tbe stock market, as tbe upward turn in stocks was mainly tbe effect of the gold Imports. The folIowmK table snows me prices or active stocks on the New York Stock .Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for The dispatch by Whitney & btephiksost. oldest l'lttsburir mem ben of Hew York Stock Lxchanxe, o7 Fourth avenue: e Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil orer... 28 Am. Cotton Oil Trust A ten.. Top, & S. ST..... 79 Canadian Padflc. 70 Clon ing lini. a 13 2S Tux llb:h. eat. is" 30! 71 Low est. 28K 703. 47 SIX 3554 salt 50?i J02M 34 4SU KX itii M'4 !H X 103 C8K 13!'., 81 48 96 23 15! 34 87M 48 102 esa 13X 3154 20 78 101Si 133 aX 88X 30U 20W 39i 12S 1M nx nv 102H Uji ii" 22 39K 129hJ 124 17 S3M 2 08 12 50 1045 KX SS iav IS'fi S7K i'm XI 15j II eiM 15 294 I3V 29H 174( 15& 65 21 98" 54 i J4 47 17i 74S 27 C5X 101H 5'7 2l8 125J ' 121 17S4 543i Mi 95 11K 48)4 103S 71 85 njj 15 J7 iss 30J, 14 13 ii 60 13i : 135f ,71 63)4 20 " iili 13U 44H if 71 8474 11 94 K 11H 48 103K S3 ux 87 WX 30K mi 13 51H 19 eon ux 28 H 13V iX 170 1 S 79 05 52X 13 45 MX 34 27 C2 11 Philadelphia Stocks. Closlne quotations of Philadelphia stocki. fur nlihed bv Whitney A Stenhenson, brokers. No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members .New Xorc stock Kx- cnange: Did. .. 43X .. 14)4 .. 7M .. 473," .. 4IX Askrl Pennsylvania Kallroad, Heading Buffalo. Pittsburg A 'Western. Lenlgh Valley Lehigh Navigation Philadelphia and Erie NortnernPacino 483 UH m -4S .'i4 nx 20 Northern Pacinc preferred 60)4. 6IK Ex-divldend. tSale. Boston Stocks. Atch. & Top Boston A Albany..., Boston A Maine C B. AQ Cln.. San. A Clev... Kastern U. K FltcbburgK. It. ... Flint APereM. pre. Ji. B. A Ft. S Mass. Central Mex. Cen. com N. Y. AN. Ene..... Wis. Cen. common. Allouez Mg. Co...., Atlantic Boston A Mont. 28J 185 190 88 ,23 ICO 78 85 9i MX 183 31 17 Vi 16 41 Calumet. A Uecla. Franklin .... ..... Huron Kearsarge Osceola Qulncy. Santa Fe Copper. Tamarack .245 ,. 16 ,. 3 ,. 9 .. S0 ,. MX . VX IS San Diego Land Co, 15 West End Land Co. 18 0011 Acicpuone......K Lamson Store S 21 Water power 2J Centennial Mining. 12) N. Eng. Telephone. 48 Mining Stocks. New York. Dec. 10. Alice, 175: Adams Con solidated, 150: Consolidated California and Vircinia, 280; Gould A Cnrry, 110; Hale and Norcross, 140; Homestaze, S00; Horn Silver, 800; Helena, 300: Ontario. 83.00; Qphir,t325; Plymouth, 100; Sierra Nevada, 200; Standard. 100; Union Consolidated, 173. Drygoods. New Yobs, Dec. 10. Business in drygoods continues moderate, but with Improving tendencies and outlook. There seems to be more confidence In spite of new failures, the propect for easy money in the course of a week having a beneficial effect. There were some good transactions in fine brown cottons, four yard sheetings, printed challies. eatiries, lawns and woolen overcoatings. The tone of tbe market remains steady and prices unchanged. Metal Markets. New York. Dec 10. Pig iron nominal. Copper nominal; lake, December, $15 50. Lead weak; domestic J4 15. Tin livelier at the de cline; straits, $21 20. Price of Bar Silver. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE OISPATCn.l New York, Dec 10. Bar silver London, 47d; New York, SI 034 00. LATE MEWS IN BRIEF. A Are occurred at Fall Branch, Tenn., caus ing a loss of about $50,000. John R. Blaine, a cousin of the Secretary of State, died at Monticello, I1L, yesterday. Fire in San Francisco -yesterday destroyed the linseed oil works of Kittle &. Co. Loss S200.000. George W. Morrow, of Boise City. Idaho, drooped dead of heart disease in the New York Timet building. Farmington's large school building at Can ton, 111., was destroyed by fire yesterday. The pupils escaped unhurt. Mrs. Harrison returned to Washington yesterday from Indianapolis, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Mclvee. Hathaway Hall shot and killed his wife Era at Henrietta Mills, a short distance from Char lotte, N. C. and then blew out his brains. Sheriff Smith left Birmingham yesterday for the Blue Creek coal mines, to quell a riot which was reported to be in progress there Evan Lewis defeated Joe Acton in catch-as-catch-can wrestling match iu Han Francisco last night, winning three out of the four falls. Eastland, Fowler & Co., wholesale crockery and glassware dealers at San Francisco, failed with liabilities of S1D2,000, and assets Dlaced at $53,600. D. W. Money has skipped from Philadelphia leaving debts aggregating 05,000 behind him. A warrant was issued for his arrest, but too late to catch him. Ben Sherer and three companions were caught in a snow slide near Dnrango, Col., and when rescued were in a frightful condition, having been terribly brnised. The Kentucky Tobacco Growers' Associa tion met at Louisville yesterday. One hundred and seven thousand dollars were subscribed for the establishment of a new warehouse. Radford Chapman, a colored man who was being treated at tbe Baltimore University Hos pital for lacerated hands, has become insane from fright, the result of jokes practiced upon him by students. After hearing the testimony of several more witnesses, among them Dennis ICearnev, the Congressional Committee on Immigration, which has been investigating the Chiue-ie ques tion at San Francisco, finally adjourned Tues day evening. , Augustus Thibodo died suddenly at bis home, aged 90 years. He was father-in-law of the Rev. T. V. Barry, chaplain nf the United States forces at Fort Sully, 8. D. He was the compatriot ot William Lyon Mackenzie, the Hon. Robert Baldvin and Sir Francis Hincks. It has been reported that Dr. Arthur Kniffin, the Trenton dentist, whoso wife was murdered about a year ago, had married Miss I.-m,,t Tt,1-.all If,. ITniAtn ,n b l.tll.,.1 1.1, Miss Purcell was sleepiner with her and both the latter and Dr. Kniffin were arrested, but subsequently acquitted. NO DAKCERS IK ALASKA. Indians Show Marked Improvement in the Cold Country. Rev. Allan McKay, of Fort Rangell, Alaska, was a passenger last evening for New York to attend the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Board of Missions. He has been in the cold climate for three years, located about 100 miles from Sitka, and is wrestling with the job of try ing to edncate and Christianize tbe native In dians. He says he has noted a marked improvement in their behavior since he located in this neigh borhood. There are no ghost dancers In Alaska. "Will Consult With the Birch Swingers. Mrs. Van Wagner, of Kingston, N. Y., who was sent to Pittsburg by the American Book Company, of New York, to teaoh drawing in the public schools, will meet with the teacbers of steps 1,2,3,4, 6 and 6 of the Southside schools at the Birmingham School bnlldinir Friday at 3 P. M. Make a note of it 23 cents buys the best liniment ont, Salvation Oil. 23 cents. Mbs. WijjSlow's Soothing Syrup for Chil dren Teothing rests child and comforts mother. Stocks, Grain, OIL McGrew, Wilson & Co., Eisner building, cor. ui" uvc. unu v oou su SIC. liiLJLUXVH,, LuttuUcl,ul, SICK i:EABACUECart,r,, Lmle Uvcr ,,,. SICK liEADACilECErtcr,, ,, Lu vm SICK HEADACHE.,, utu. Ufu aoW-TTSSU I Canada Southern 47 Central of NewJersey. 97 Central Pacinc Chesapeake A Ohio.... 15X Chicago Uas Trust 2S)j C. llur. & Uulncy S3 C. Mil. &St. Paul.. .. SO C. Mil. & St. V.. or.. TH4 v., riocki. ft I. 70 C. St. 1-. ft Pitts 13H' C. St. L. Pitts., or.. 34 ;., st. p.. Ai. so C, St. P.. 31. 0."pt. ... C A Northwestern. ...lOIJi C. '. W.DI C, C, C. X I iSH C. C. C. & I. pref Col. Coal A Iron 32 Col. A Uocklnir Valley 21J4 Chcs. & Ohio lit nrer.. 39U Del.. Ucttffeil I?JX Del. & Hudson IKH Uen. & Itlo Grande.... 17H Den. & ttio Oraude. nt. &5X K. T.. Va. & ta 7!4 Illinois Central Late trie & West nH L.sKe Krie& West nf.. 50 Lake Shore & M. a 104H Loulsvllie&Mashville. 7: Mlcnisan Central S3 Mooile A Ohio SC Missouri Pacinc 5S! National LeadTrust... 1SH Mew Yore Central 97M N.Y., CiffiSt. i, N. Y L,. E. X W 18H h. X. AIM. E. 31 N.Y.. O. AW 15)4 Norfolk A Western.... 14 Norfolk. A Western Sf. .... Northern Pacific aX Northern Pacinc nr.... 61 Orca-on Improvement. 143 PacldoMall 25 '4 Peo., Dec. A Evans.... 13 Pnlladel. AReadlnir... M,' Pullman Palace car. ..171 Ulcbmona A W. p. r . i$U Klcnmond AW.P.l.oi 63 St. Paul A Duluth 20 St. Paul A Duluth or. St. P., flilnn. A Man.. 93 St. h. ASanf. lstpt.. 6.1 Snarar. 51 "4 Texas Pacinc 1I Union PaClDc 47 Wabash Wabasn Drererred 17)4 Western Union 74K Wneellnc A u K. 27H Wheeling A L. Jipref. 65 North American Co,.. UX DOMESTIC MARKETS, Creamery Butter and Fresh Egsjs Siill Tending Upward. rOULTRY STILL 12? LIGHT DEMAND. Better Tone to Cereal Markets, out Prices Are Unchanged. . BUIIiDlXG LUMBER IN GOOD -DEMAND OFFICE OF PlTTSBTBO DISPATCH, I Wednesday, December 10, 1800. ( Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Eggs are relatively higher both West and East tbau here. An advance of lc per dozen is reported from Chicago this morning. Fresh nearby stock is very scarce. Our quotations on Elgin creamery are advanced lc per pound. Cheese is firm and demand good for choice stock. Poultry is in good snpply and light de mand. Markets are having the lull which pre cedes Christmas and follows Thanksgiving. Supply of potatoes and apples is small, and all good stock is firmly held at quotations. Apples M 005 50 a barrel. Butter Creamery, Elgin. 3233c: Ohio do, 2829c; common cdnntry butter, 1015c; choice country roils, 18Q20c; fancy country rolls, 2323c beaks New crop ceanp. S2 502 55: marrow- fat, $2 6Qg)2 75: Lima beans, C(c Beeswax 2830c a 2 for choice: low grade. 2225c. Cider Sand refined, 19 0010 00; common, Jo 5060 00; crab cider, 510 00U 00 fl barrel; elder vinegar, 1415c V gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 10C: New York cheese, 10llc: Limburger, 13H14c; domestic Sweitzer, 1213c Wisconsin brick Sweitzer, 14c; imported Sweitzer. 27c. Cranberries Cape Cod, 43 253 CO a box; $0 60 n. barrel; Jerseys, $3 V03 25 a box, 88 50 a barrel. Dressed Hogs Large, 45o f ft; small, 5 6c EGOS 2324c for Western stock; 2g,30c for strictly fresh nearby eggs. Feathers Extra live geese. 50S60c; No. 1 40 45c: mixed lots, 30&5c 9 &. Game Mallard ducks, $4 004 50 a dozen. Butter ducks, S2 002 50a dozen; pheasants; $5 005 50 a dozen; squirrels, SI 2ol 60 a dozen; woodcocks. Si 25Q4 50 a dozeu; quail. 1 00 1 25; rabbits, 2530c a pair; venison saddles, 1518c a pound; whole venison. lC12c a pound. Hoair-Ntw crop white clover. 2022c f) ft. California honey. 1215c ft ft. Maple Strop 75U5cacan; maple sugar, 810c $ ft. Nuts Chestnuts. $5 0OS5 50 a bushel; wal nuts, 7075c 4 bnshe I; shell bark hickory nuts, $1 501 75 a bushel; peanuts, SI 7o2 25, roasted: green. 6J467c ft ft. Poultry Chickens. 4050c a pair; dressed 912 a pound; ducks. 5070c a pair', dressed ducks, 1213c a pound: live turkeys,' D10c a pound; dressed turkevs. 1415c; live geese.4O05Oc apiece; dressed geese, 10c a pou nd. Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, oc Seeds Rocleaned Western clover, 5 00 5 25; country medium clover, H 004 25: tim othy, tl 501' 55; blue grass, 2 853U0; orchard grass, tl 50; millet. 70ffi"5c Tropical Fruit") Lemons, choice, $5 50 6 50; fancy, 57 0007 60; Jamaica oranges. $0 00 60 50 a barrel; Florida oranges. 84 004 50 a box: bananas,Sl 50 firsts. SI 00 good seconds, fl bunch; Malaga grapes, ia 608 50 a half barrel, ac cording to quality; California plums. 32 0U2 25 P box; California pears. S4 000460 W box; tigs. 17c fl ft; dates, 66c ft. Vegetables Potatoes.! 101 25 W bushel; Southern sweets, 82 2562 75 $1 barrel; Jersey, S3 604 00; kiln dried, S4 CO a barrel; cabbage, SO 5007 00 ft hundred; onions, S3 00 a barrel: celery, 3035c a dozen bnnches; parsnips. 40c a dozen; carrots, 3Uc a dozen; parsley, 10c a dozen; spinach, COc a bushel; horseradish, 6075c a dozen. Groceries. There are new features in this department of trade. Staples are firm, and goods are moving freely, but prices are as they have been for weeks past. Coffee and sugar are both strong at quotations. Canned goods are quiet and no activity is looked for by jobbers till after the holidays. Green Coffee Fancy 24Jffl25$c; Rio, choice Rio, 22K23c; prime Rio, 23c; low grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java, 2930c; Maracaibo, 25KZc; Mocha, SO 32c: Santos. 2226c; Caracas, 25Q27c; La Guayra,2627c Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c; high gradas, 2S30c;old Government Java, bulk, S334c; Maracaibo, 2829c; Santos, 26 30c;peaberryr30c; choice Rio, 26c: prime Rio, 25c; good Rio, 24c; ordinary, 2122c dPicES (whole) Cloves, 15QlGc: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c: pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 7oS0c Petroleum (joobers' prices) 110 test, 7iic; Ohio, 120, Sc: headlight. 150, 8Kc; water white, 10Kc: globe, 1414Kc; elaine. 14c: car nadine, iljC; royaline, 14c; red oil, llUc; purity. 14c Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4345c $1 gallon; summer, 382940c; lard oil, 6558c Syrup Corn syrup, 3032c; -choice sugar syrup, 3741c; prime sugar syrup, 32Q33c; strictly prime. S5Sfk. N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4648c: fancy old. 454Cc; choice,'43c; medium, 3540c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, S3Mc; bi-carb in s, 5c; bi-carb assorted packages. 546c; sal soda iu kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearlne, f) set, 8c: parafflne. ll12c Rice Head Carolina. 77Jc; choice. 6K 6Jic; prime, U36Kc; Louisiana, 5K5c. bTARCH Pean, 4c; corn starch, GJ(g7c; gloss starch, 6V7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. ?2 65; Lon don layers, S2 75; Muscatels, 12 50; California Muscatels, S2 40; Valencia, K7Kc: Ondara Valencia. 8'i8Kc: sultana. lu2uc: currants. &K5c; Turkey prnnes, TjiQSc; French prunes, ll13c; Salonica prunss, in 2ft pack ages. 9c; cocoanuts, 100, S6; almonds, Lan., $1 ft, 29c; do Ivica, 17c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts, nap.. 1314c; Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna tigs, 1517c: new dates, 66c: Brazil nnts. 18c; pecans; 14K16c; citron. f is, lu20c; lemon peel. 13c $) ft; orange peel. 12c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 10c; apples, evaporated, 1415c peaches, evapo rated, pared, 2SQ30 ; peaches, California, evan orated, unpareu, 22f25c; cherries, pitted. 31c; cherries, nnpltted. Vt13yic; raspberries, evap orated, 8i35c; blackberries, 10llc; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes, 6cr powdered, 6Jc; granu lated, c: confectioners' A, 6c; standard A, 6c; sole white, 65Jc: yellow, chi.lce, &K 6c: yellow, good, o?c; yellow, fair, 6j 5mc; yellow, dark, 55Vic Pickels Medium, bbls. (1,2001. 88 50; me dium, half bbls. (UO0). 84 75. SALT No. 1. H? bbl., 95c: No. 1 ex.. ffl bbl SI 00; dairy. V bbl. $1 20: coarse crystal, ty bbl.. SI 20: Hlggins' Eureka. 4-bu. sacks, J2 SO; Hlg cins' Eureka. 16-14 ft uackets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. S2 80a i 2 90; 2nds, S3 'i&2 00; extra peache'. $3 003 10; piepeacnes. - uu; unesi corn, i SJ'tji au; mo. C!n nnrn tKnflHl IS- rnrl pharria, 1 AFIffflt fin. Limn beans. SI 20; soaked do, SOc; string do, li 90c; marrowfat peas, SI 101 25; soaked peas, 7080c; pineapples. SI 301 40; Bahama do. 82 55: damson plums, SI 10; greengages, SI 6u; egg olums, S2 20; California apricots. S2 502 6U; California pears. S2 75: do greengages. $2 00; do egg plums, S2 00: extra wnlte cherries; 52 85; raspberries, Jl 4001 45; strawberries. $1 301 40; goosebcrries,Sl 1001 15; tomatoes, 90coc: sal mon, 1-&, SI 301 b0; blackberries, SI 10; succo tash, 2-ft cans soaked, 90c; do green. 2-'jl, $1 25 K0j. ou; corn oeei. 2-iu cans, d w; ii-nk cans, 914; baked beans, SI 401 50; lobster, 1-ft, S2 25; mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 60; sardines, do mestic, i, 84 2&4 85; sardines, domestic, Ms, tO 60: sardines, imported, s, Sll 501 250; sar dines, imported, s. S18: sardines, mustard, S3 85; sardine", snlced, S4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater, mackerel, S20 W bbl.: extra No. 1 do mess, 825 50; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $24 00; No. 2 shore mackerel, S22: large 3's, S20. Codflsh-Vhole. pollock, 5c $) ft; do medium, George's cod 5c; do large, 7c; boneless hakes. In strips, 6c; do George's cod, in blocks, 67c Herring Hound shore, to 60 bbl; split, 6 50; lake, $3 25 100-ft bb!; White fish. SO 60 M 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout, S5 50 half bU. Finnan haddies. 10c ft. Ice land halibut, 13c 1? ft. Pickerel, half bbl. S3: quarter bbl,Sl 35. Holland herrlng,70c; Walkoft herring, 90c OATMEAL S77 23$? bbl. Grain; Flour and Feed. Sales on call, 1 car 2y. ear corn, new, COc, 10 days: 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $10, 5 days. Re ceipts as bulletined, 32 cars, of which 19 were by Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as follows: 7 cars of corn, 10 of hay, 1 of wheat, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis. 1 car of corn, 7 of oats. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car or bran. I of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 3 cars of wheat. Cereal mar kets show a little more strength, but prices are practically uncbanged. Shell com and low grade bay are weak,-with situation in buyers' favor. Holders of gram and hay have grown firmer in their views of values the past few days. There is no disposition to sacrifice, ana while prices are not likely to advance this year, it is evident that bottom has been reached, and prices will be better after January settlements. Prices are for carload lots on tracki WHEAT No 2 red. SI 0031 01; No. 3, 90 97c. CORN New ear. 5960c: Nn. 1 yellow shelled. CJaikkmM; No. 2 yellow. .-liHle'l, UlftBJc ola: high mixed shelled corn, tiCGb'ic obi: yellow bhelletl corn, tie. o5fi-i7ii OATS-No. 1. 51&52c: No. 2 white. 50KS51c: extra. No. 3. 49Ko0c; mixed oats, 4S49c Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 76Q77c: No. 1 Western. 7475c ' , Flour Jobbing prices Fancy spring and winter patent flour. S3 0006 25; fancy straight "Winter, $5 255 50; fancy straight spring. S3 25 S5 50; clear winter, S5 00a 25; straight XXXX bakers', SI 755 00. Rye flour, 84 251 60. Buckwheat flour, 2X3c V &. Millfeed Na 1 white middlings, 825 0C3 25 50 ton; No. 2 white middlings. $23 00ft 23 00: brown middlings, $20 0021 00; winter wheat bran. $19 50at20 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. $10 7511 00: No. 1, $10 0010 25; No 2 do, 57 60S 00: loose from wagon, $11 0012 00. according to qualitr; No: 2 prairlo bay, $7 25Q7 GO; packing do, $7 00 67 25. Straw Oat, SO 50817 00: wheatandrye.se 00 60 50. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams, large, 10c; sugar-cured bams, medium, 10Jc; sugar-cured hams, small, 10c; sugar-cured breakfast bacon, 6c: sugar cured shoulders, 0c; sugar-cured boneless shoulders, Sc; skinned shoulder3,7c: skinned bams, 103c; sugar-cured California bams, 7c: sugar-cured dried beef flats, 9c: sugar-cued dried beef sets, 10c: sugar-cured dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon, shoulders, 7c: bacon, clear sides, TKc; bacon, clear bellies, tjjcj drv salt shoulder?. 6c: drv salt clear sides. 6c Mess pork heavy, S12 50; mess pork, family, 812 50. Lard Refined, in tierces. 5Kc; half barrels, 6Jlc: 60-R tubs, 5Jc; 20-ft pail 6jjc;50-ft tic cans. &c;3-ft tin pails, .; 5-ft tin pails, 6c; 10 ft tin pails, 5c Smoked sausageilong. 5c; large, 6c Fresh pork, links, 9c Boneless bams, 10Kc Pics feet, half-barrels, $1 00; quarter-barrels. S215L Lumber. As tbe building season draws near its end, demand for finishing lumber is active, and hence hard woods are the strong factors of markets. Volume of trade for the season has been unusually large, but margins are verv close. All building lumber is moving freely, but prices stand .essentially the same as for months past. rrSI CNPLANED YARD QUOTATIONS. 'Tear boards, per M . $S2 00StC0 Select common boards, per M a) 00 Common boards peril a 00 bheathlng 18 00 Pine frame lumber per M 22 0027 00 bhlngles. Ho. L Win. peril 4 73 Shingles, Ho.; IS In. per M 3 50 Lath. :00 hard woods yard quotations. Ash, 1 to 4 in jwocra-jm lilack walnut, green, log run 45 00SO0O llliefc walnut, dry, log run go 00373 03 Cherry 40 00080 00 (ireen white oak plant 2 to 4 In B)0025 00 Dry white oak plank, 2to 41n K0ca2S0O lry white oak boards, lln 20 00025 00 West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 3O0r&5oo JVestVa. yellow pine, IX Inch 23 00ai0t) JVestVa. yellow poplar, ft tolln lSOCWSOO Hickory, l,Sto3in MODjgssoo Hemlock building lumber, perM 1500 Bank rails. J400 Uoat studding MOO Coal car plank is 00 l-LANin, Clear boards, per M. 1 rooo burrace boards 30 0035 00 Clear, -lnch beaded celling 2G0O Partition boards, peril 3300 Flooring-, Mo. 1 30 00 Flooring. Ho. 2 23 00 Yellow pine flooring 8O0O4O0O vveather-boardlng; moulded. No. 1.... 30 00 weather-boarding, moulded. No. 2.... si 00 Weather-boarding, -lnch a) 00 BAUD WOODS JOBBING PltlCXg. Ash $30 00043 00 Walnut log run, green 23 OOAB 00 Walnut log run, dry 3Soo4ooo White oak plank, green 17 00019 00 White oac plank, dry aootazsoo White oak boards, dry. IS 00323 0a WestVa. yellow pine, lln 19 ooazioo JVestVa, yellow pine, IX In 20 000125 00 Jellow poplar. .'. is 0023 00 Hickory, IX to 3 In. 20 00385 Oil Hemlock 11 50312 00 linnfc rails 1400 Boat studding. 14 00 Coal car plank IS 00 A SOLDIEE'S TB0UBLES. He Wrote Too Freely About the Trials of a German Soldier. IBY DUNLAP'S CABLE COMPAITY.I Beelin, Dec. 10. Herr Karl Abel, tbe author of a pamphlet entitled, "Two Weeks Acting Sergeant," which is devoted to proT ing that it is madness for the officers to be allowed to remain in their position in the Strasburg regiment, as they are committing atrocious cruelties, has been sentenced to two weeks' imprisonment by the Karlsruhe Court Martial for the publication of the pamphlet in question. The defense raised was that the author was no longer in the service, but this was declared by the courts to be irrelevant. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure wll give immediate relief? Price. 10 cts.. 50 cts. SI. Sold by Jos. Fleming &. Son. 412 Market st BEAX. ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LEU. 401 Smlthfleld Street, Cor. Eonrtli Avenue. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, 169,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received and interest allowed at 4 per cent. its Stfl!fGS Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUICE OP THB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AflD BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOB "STEITTE 40DB" PIG8 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVIUE. ICt. NEW YORK. H. t. JiM7.TTS DISEASES SWAYNE'S ABSOLUTELY CUBES. OINTMENT The simple application of "Swathe's oixt Went" wltnoutanr Internal medicine, will cure any case of Tetter. Salt Icheum. Kinxworm. Piles. Itch, Sores, l'lmples Kryslpelas, etc.. no matter how obstinate or Ions: standing. Sold by clruu Rlsts, or sent by mall for SO cts.: 3 boxes l Si. Ad dress UK. nWAXiilZ SON, miladelphla. Va. Alb your drujrglst for It. nols-68-TTS ELY'S CREAM BALM Will cure CATARRH. Price CO ceuts. Apply Balm into each nos tril. ELY BROS., 56 Warren St.. N. Y. ' de26s&TT3 ' 4 BOTTLES Cared nin oi Consti pation. The most ef fectual medicine for this disease. Feed. Coitwat. Haver. straw, Bockland Co, N. Y. lll AtnVRBj8 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE-:- HOUSE, Kinbroldery and White Goods Department-, direct importation from the best manufac turers ot 8b Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Ed. lngs, Flonncines. Skirt Widths and Allorers. Hemstitched .Edglncs and Flouncing. Buyers will Hud these gooda attractive both in price and novelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DB PARTMENT Best makes Window rihadesia dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur tains, Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and Brass Trimminss: Floor, Table and Stair Oil Cloths in best makes. lowest prices for quality. WASH CRESS FABRICS. The largest variety from which to select ToilDulnords, Chalon Cloths, Eath Seersuck ers. Imperial Suiting. Heather & Renfrew Dress Uinsbams, Fine Zephyr Ginsbams. Wholesale Exclusively. jai3-r UROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. myl PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. 81 FOURTH AVENIIK. Capital. S3W.O00. surplus. JoLb.U 23. V. JIcK. LLOYD, EDWARD K DUFF, 4 President. Asst- Sec Treas. per cent interest allowed on time deposits. oc!5-iO-D JOHN H. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks. Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. ii SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. o2Z-53 MEDICAL. DOCTOR ITT8 814 PES.1 AVUNUE. PJTTSBUItG. IM. As old residents know and back flies of Pitts burg papers prove, 13 the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, 'de voting special attention to ail chronic diseases siL?emprnsNOFEEUNTILCURED MFRVfll IQ and nient.11 diseases, physical I ML. 1 1 V UUO decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sisht, self distrust, bashfuloess. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak, ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN f-lUJU.'pSoS blotches, falling hair, bones, pains, glandular, swellings, ulcerations or tongue', mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from thesystem. 1 1 R I M A D V tidnBT ana nladder derange UIIII1AI'. I j meets, weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier'slife-Ione; extensive rxperienca insures scientific and reliable treatuient on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it here. Oflice hours, 9 A. M. to 8 p. ir. Sunday. 10A.Jr.tolP. ST. only., DR. WHITHER. Ml Penn avenne. Pittsburg. Pa. deS-40-DSuwK DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re qnlring scientific aud confiden tial treatment! Dr. S. K Lake. Jl. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consnltation free and strictly confidential. Oflice a fl A . nA T .A Q .... - U..J... . .a J , ar. Consult them personally, or write. Doctors Lake. cor. Penn ave. and 4th st, Pittsburg, Pa. je3-73-PWfc BJCLCWOTi NERVEfAND BRAIN TREATMENT. Spectfle for Hysteria, Dlzztaesa.nts. Neuralgia, Wake fulness, Mental Depression, Softening ot the Brain, resulting- In insanity and leading1 to misery decar and death. Premature Old Aire, Barrenness, Loss of Poer In either sex. Involuntary Losses, and Spermatorrhoea caused by orer-exertlon of the brain, self-abuse or orer-lndulgence. Each box contains one month's treat meat. Si a box, or six for $3, rent bymailprepai L "With each order for ctx boxes, will rend purchaser guarantee to refund money if the treatment fails to cure. Unarnntees loed ffd eenuine sold only by EMIL G. STUCKY, Druggist, 1701 and 2401 Penn are- and Corner Wylie anil Fulton st, PITTSBURG, PA. myl5-51-TTS3u ELECTRIC BELT wear InMKNdeMllUtea fa5g5rfejjj through dUcaw or vaxLHl71J'ttM otherwise. WK eUAUANTEEto CUREby this New IJirROVEO KLECTKIC HELT or KISFUND MUJ.EY. Made for this spcclfle purpose, Cure or Physical Weak ness, irlviujr Trielr. Mild, Soothlnir. Continuous Currents of Electricity through all weak parts, restoring them to HEALTH and VIGOhOUd STItENGTH. Electric current relt lusuntir, or we forfeit s.i,00g In cash. UELT Complete a and up. Worst cases Permanently Cured In three months. Sealed pamphlets free. Call onorad dress ANDE ELECTIUC CO.. 819 Uroadway, Mew Itork. myS-U-TTSSu oo3s:'s Oottoai ROOT! COMPOUND mrmiffl of Cotton Root. TansT and Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'old nbV3lcia. Is successfully used mmitnltfSafe. Effectual. Price lu by mall, sealed. Ladies, ask your druggist for Coos's Cotton Root compound ana taxe no sunsiiinie. or inclose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress POND LIU company. No. s Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. ay-Sold in Pittsburg, Pa by Joseph Flem ing&Sou, Diamond and Market sts. , se21-187-TTSnwkZ0WK WEAK WOMEN! Save: Yourselves, Nerve Beans, the crest restorer, will cure weak back, take away that gloomy, tired feeling-, that nerrous exhaustiott.put roses ia your cheeks, bnghtea yonr eyes, Eire yoa new life, ambition, appetite, make 70a tenfold more attractive. Abstutttyharw hsMt ait0lutttj sure $1 a box. postpaid. Six boxes, SS Pamphlet (sealed) free. Address Nerve Bean Co., Buffalo, N.V. Atjoseph Fleming & Son's, 41a Market Su HE DID -HE DIDN'T! Five years ago both 10a th t oar advice. We cure all WEAX BES3ES ft DI3IABES 07 MEH. I OUR HEW BOuin explalnsall. Its advice Is Vital. Freefor limited time. Dont Trlfie with Disease I KBXE HEP 1CA1, COM Baflalo. X. Y. Dont fall to HEED OUR WORDS! mWEREE 'Wifn fijlDk bealed Treatise, explaining abso PiJXr.if 'nte and perfect CURE fwithout TDnWw,,on,"cl druzgini, for Lost Jlan Ul nUIIWhood, Nervous .Debility, Lack of Vigor and Development. Premature Decline. Func tional Disorders. Kidney and Bladder Diseases, eta. liina m XUSIM CO., II fjrk nice, lew Iotk, 1 1. OCll-TTSWt ABOOKFORTHruiLLinH raze OME TREATMENT WITH MEDICAL ElECTRICiTr' ,IV J1 CHBOOTO, OHGAHIO tsl HEBV0-TJS DISEASES in both lexes. Botbo BtttlllToariskjlfji.rwU.v ifm THE PESU CHEMlCACCO.-, ltA3KISIS my2Z-41-TTS3a LASIES0XTL? Female Beans, the most iwmnilfem&tarezttlator Per. fectlvsafe. Never tail- a,poupairt. Send ac (stamp) for particulars. Address UOH DRUG CO Buffalo. W. Y. Sold by J03. KLEllIXG 4 SON, 412Market st aol7-iO-TT3 TO WEAK MEH SuCetlni from the ejects ot youthful errors, early decay, wo-itlnff weakness, lost manhood, etc, 1 will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fun particulars for home cure. FREE of charge. A. splendid medical work: should be read by every man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address. fror. F. C. f O WItEB, aioodnstCoauiu de2-Sl-D3UWK - fcj ymmm yUBmn .3(- , . ...-,- iiiS!tijti& 4- i ..t . j- .Afcv 'I-v.iOj aba ' -."tja.: