EPggreE KZi ' ' nw ' w w3HWP TyTrsw-- - v- - j: "TKBfS ,TS'i-W! -zm 10 THE PITTSBUEG DISPATCH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, t - r 1890. WE5flfyy3SBriiffi SCARCITY OF MONEY Causes a General Spirit of Dullness in the Iron Market. A POOR OUTLOOK FOE DECE1IBEB. The Steel Hail Cosiness in an Absolutely Lifeless Condition. STATE OF FOREIGN METAL MARKETS rsrECIAL TrXEOHAit TO THE DISrATCH.l 2EX YOKK, Dec 4. The Iron Age of this date quotes the iron and metal markets as follows: The principal feature in the markets is the general attitude taken by the railroads in either delaying the payment for pur chases of material made or asfcing for the deferring of deliveries. This is true even of the strongest lines and may be partially ex plained by the fact that the majority ot them must bo accumulating funds to meetpay ments of interest on bonds due in January. The prospect, therefore. Is that the month of December will be unusually aull. so far as new business 13 concerned. American rig Hie market is very quiet, but fairlj steadv. In spite of tho strike in the B11 rcingbain district, we learn that Southern gray force bis been offered a low as S9 75 at fur nace e quote J1701S for o 1 foundry; $16 16 50 for "o. 2 foundr aud S15&1J 50 for gra force, standard Northern brands, tidewater deliverv. W quote -onlliern No.. SI 6 50 17 25; So Z S15 uOSIS 2 and No. 3, SH 5015 00. Spiegelli-en ana terro manganese In bpie- gel, the market is absolutely lifeless. In fen n. tlierc are reports ot very low offerings 02 50 3 50 being mmed as the figures on whicu bus iness might be done. Billets and rods It is reported that several thousand tons or foreign billets havo been bought for re export in mannfactured form at pr.vate terms. It is stated that with the pres ent drawback of S9;er cent ucli billets cost the mill inside of t.25. Steel Hails The market i absolutely lifeles. not a single transaction of any consequence having been 1 eported during the week. While we do not hear ot the canceling of any con tract, deliveries are being deferred in a num ber of eae The principal trouble now seems 10 be the difhcultv experienced in obtaining mone. Collections are said to be very poor, and some nf the rail mills have been stacking nn rails in their iard rather than let them go OMt of their hand-. The rail department of the Bethlehem Company has been closed flora, and we understand ihat the Pennsylvania Com- I1 any will stop in January for extensive repairs, he ce-otiations carried un among the Eastern mills luo no vet led to any conclusion. We understand that tho hrt step m them was to be the purchase of une mill Kail fas temngs Practically no business what oter is doin,r, and as in rail-, the mills are asked to extend tune of pamcnt. The market is weaker and ma be quoted nominally. Angles. L70L7.x-: pil.es 1 'J5ffi2.05c, and bolts and cits, 2.75SS.U0C delivered. -Manut-cturc-d Iron and Steel Iron -workers report ihat they are estimating on vcrj littln new business, ind me qmet season of the year has therefore set in. U lthm the next few dajs a large 1 rulge for Vancouver is to be given ont, "We quote steel tank plates, 2.3502.50c; shell. UOVgiMc: flange, 2.S5ji3c, and firebox, 3.75 12. delivered, according to qnalit. Angles, ilagiSOe; sneared iron plates, 2.15i25e: tees. 2.G52.T6c and beams and channels, a 10c, on dock.; Old Kails fhe necessities of the railroads and of some holders, together with the anathv of bujers. have established a lower range o values, old rails hae been offered in vain at $22 KKJS CO, bujers' views being under those Sgurcs. SPECTJL&TIOK EESTE1CIED. The Late Financial Troubles Still Aflecting Foreign Metal Markets. TTECIAI. TELEOKAH TO THE ntSFATCH.1 New Yoke. Dec. i Following is the iron j4ffe"4 report of the foreign iron and metal markets. In London the financial troubles teem to be over as far as the iron and metal trades are concsraed, but a fear that further difficulties may arise restrains outside speculation. Warrants therefore continue irregular ar.d unsettled, with business in bcotch done at as low as 47s. Clevelai d at 41s and hematite at 51s 2d the past few days. Latest operations snowed an im provement to 55; " 4d on hematites, but otherwise verv little change Pig tin improved to 32 5s on spot J012s 6d. owing to realizations by some large holders and absence of outside demand. The bulk of the etistmg supply is In the bands of strong holders, and with the consumption still good the positi"" is considered fa orahle for better pnrcs et c lo ig Prices ur copper bae rnled irregular, but there is nu change ot an adverse character in the situation ot the market. Deliveries con tinue heaiy, having been 1,000 tons greater last month than 111 October, and the visible supplj has decreased about 3,UK tons. American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations 3 scotch Pig Warrants have further declined, sella g down to 47s. 011 lfcht demand. There is no change m the situation of the market for makers' iron, aud prices are wnouj nominal. No. 1 Colluess No. 1 jrumerlee ... Nu. 1 Oart-hcrrie ... No. 1 LanUoan No. 1 Canihroe No. 1 Xiotto No. 1 Glcngamoek.. No. 1 Daliaell.tigton No. 1 Klinton. . .. COs. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow . Obs Od. f. o. h. Glasgow ..ous OiL f. o. b. Glasgow ..00s. od. t. a b. Glasgow .52s. Od. t. . b. Glasgow 00s. (id. I. o. b. Glasgow . 00s. Od. atArdrossan. 5!"s. Od. atArdrossan. ..4'Js. Od. atArdrossan. Bessemeri'ic Hematite warrants have weak ened tooKiJjd.. and the market lor makers' brauos ci.tinuessoft with demand onlj fair. West Cna-t brands Nos. 1, 2, 3, quoted at 56s. f. o. b snipping point. JliJdltslirouh Pig With Cleveland warrants down to 13-. 0.1. and the demand light, the mar ket for maker' iron continues weak. Makers quote an iut 41s 0J. lor o. 3, Middlesbrough, tree m board. ftpiegcleisen No change this week, prices being steadv and the demand fair. English 20 per cent quoted at ltOs. t. . b. at works. fetccl "An e Bods 'IbeEmarket verv qniet and p-lrcs are wholly nomiuak Mild steel. No. b,quo.edat S 12.bd. f. o. b. shipping port. Isteel K..ils Orders continue liznt and the market is asy. w.thout any liositivc change in price-. Ilea j sections quoted at .0 f. o. b. shipping po.nt. b'eel ulooms I'niler fair demand prices hold quite steady, bessemer 7x7 quoted 4 17s. 6J. f. o. B snipping point. Steel Billet luere has been less doing, but p-ices remain quite steadx Bessemer (size 2x2) quoted at 5 -. Od. L o. b. shipping piiut. bteel Slabs Prices are steady and the de mand is fair. Ordinary sizes auoted at 5 f. o. b. shipuing point. Crop tnas There is very little doing and prn es are nominal Run of the mill quoted at 33 i. Ci t (i. b. snipning point. Old Iron Bails Inouiries are from home buyers onlv and luoiierate. Prices without rhanzc. Tees quoted at i32s. 0J. and double beads at J 5s. f. o. b. Strap Iron lho market is very dnll and holdeM olfer at some concession. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 5s 2 (k. 3d. f. o. b. ship ping points. .Manufactured Iron In this line business is tlou. Prices are in buyers' favor, but no change is quoted, except on Welsh bars. Strfford. rd. marked bars. (t. o. b L'poolj 0 0s.0d 9 0s. 0a. " common bars ... 7 is. Od. 7 2s. 6d ' black sheet singles 8 Ps.0d.0 0s.od. Welsh bars, f o.b. Wales 6 2s. 6J.(S 0 7s. 6L Steamer Freights Glascow to New York, Ls. Od. Liverpool to New i ork. 10s. 0L Pig Tin SiiecuUtion has tapered off to small proportions. lui there K eta rather feverish tone to the market, although consumption con tinues g od Straits quoted at 91 15s. for spot; futures (3 months), 92 5s. Copnei There has been considerable varia tion in prices durinir the week, but speculation ls spiritless and consumers arc buxingsnailngly. Chill bar-quoted Vj tor spot, 55 17. 6 1, fur future delivery. Best selected English. 63. Lead Prices receded s.ill further and the market ls dell at the decline. Soft Spanish at U fapeiter Sellers offer at a slight reduction in prices. The demand continues light. Ordinary Silesian quoted at 21 5s. Tin Plate Few orders are being placed, but makers are firm as to prices, being well sold up on their production. L C charcoal, Allan ay grade. T. o. b. Liverpool ISs. Sd.19s. 3d. Bessemer steel, coke finish 17s. 9d.01Ss. Od. Sieirens steel, coke finish 18s. Od fel8s.3d. B. V. grade coke. 11x20 17s. 3d.017s. Gd. Dean grade ternes 17s. 0d.&17s. 3d. Metal Markets. New York Pig iron nominal: copper quiet and steadv: lake. December, 16 00: lead dnll; domestic, '1 05. Tin dull and firmer; straits, 520 e-3. Price of Bar Silver. FrrCIAt. TtLKOl.AH TO THE DIS.FATrit.1 New Y'ork. Dec 4 Bar silver London, 47JS473id; New Y'ork, $1 04 Free. Samples of Dr. Miles' restorative Kervine at Jos. Fleming & Son's, Market tL, cures headache, nervousness, sleepless ness, neuraljia, fits, etc STILL BADLY AFFLICTED. Tlie Car Famine in the Coke Iteglon Is TVorso Than Ever Operators ltlowing Out Their Ovens as a Means of Belief Decrease in Shipments. ;f rKCIAL TlilQBiJI TO TOT DISPATCH.! Scottsdale, Dec 4 The coke market is tottering along, under more afflictive condi tions than ever. Within the past week it has developed that 'instead of a perceptible im provement in the car supply, !t has grown de cidedly worse and with evidence of a contin uance of the decline. The damage Already done by this car dearth is irreparable. There is not the slightest indication apparent for its abatement. Operators and railroad com panies have been centralizing their efforts to wipe out this seriously disturbing factor, but their efforts have been fruitless. Manv of the works this and last week were unable to secure a car some days, and in consequence their entire output was piled on the yards. The railroad companies havo been making numerous promises for a change for the better in shipping facilities, but just as often have they failed to materialize. The companies mean well, as the car troubles are bothering them as much as tho coke com panies. Their equipments, however, are not equal to the requirements. Recruits were promised when the lake coal trade closed, but again failed to connect. The requirements of the coke region is about 6,800 cars, perhaps a couple of hundred cars more, and as evidence of the deterioration, last Tuesday but SO cars were received for Western trade, in stead of COO, the number required. This scarcity of cars will inevitably lead to undesired results. This week the intention of of a number of the coke companies is an nounced to blow out a certain perccntacc of their ovens as a medium of lelief. Tho trick ComiMiivhas given notice that it will shut down L315 ovens, distributed as follows: 101 at Mammoth, 70 at Wynn. 80 at Eazle, 255 at Standard. 121 at Tiptop, J0U at Trotter, 82 at Adelaide, 54 at Leitb, SOOatLeiseneringNo. 1, 82 at lielsenerlng No. 2, and 1C3 at Lciscnering. The same company lias cIo?ed the Frick plant of 150 ovens Henry Clay ot 120. Foundry ot 87. and all but 20 ovens ont of a plant of 165 ovens at Morgtn's, on account of an epidemic among the stock. Following the Frick Company, the Schoonmaker Company has served notices that it will blow ont 25 per cent of its plants, apportioned as follows: One hundred and eleven at Redstone. 60 at Youngstown, 98atJimrown and Sterling, 75 at United, 75 at Central, 33 at Mutual. Total. 457. The Hecla Company, on the Sewickley branch, operating 572 ovens, has given notice that it will close down 25 per cent of the number at the expiration of six das. That will be 14,300 ovens. The Southwest Coal and Coke Company has likewise given notice that it will bank 23 per cent of the whole nnmbcr ot ovens, which is 1,151. This means the blowing out of about 2S8 ovens. The McClure Company is theonlylarge company in the region that has not given notice to blow out ovens up to this writing. The same company is operating its works six davs per week right along. The restriction of production by the blowing out of the manv ovens mentioned above will materially reduce the stock piles and prevent the fuitbcr accumulation of coke. No change has been noticeable in the demand. Tho urgent demands of furnaccmen and other consumers are being met with promptitude, or iu accordance with the state of transportation. An operator said to day: "The situation is becoming more ana more critical. The suspension of all these ovens is due principally to the car famine. Would not be surprised to witness more suspensions, as they have been under contemplation for some time. Don't think the demand is lessening. When jou get a full run of car these days on are in luck." On the heels of the inadequate car supply comes the kicking of furnace men on the prices, and a reported combine of them to se cure a reduction. Sufficient to say, they will be dome well to accomplish that end this year. Works continue to operate six days per week. The idle list of ovens in the region, which now numbers about 1,800. will be swelled to about 3,500 next week. 1 be Charlotte mine here is still extinct. The McClure Company is firing up its new Lemont plant of 300 ovens. There are no labor troubles to mar trade in this reirion. The Mammoth plant of 500 ovens is again in blast. Shipments last week fell away below the previous week. Shipments averaged 925 cars per dav, as against l.lol cars ot the week be fore. The decrease for the week was 1,235 cars. Following is the record of consignments To points West of Putsburz. 3,450 cars; to Pitts burg and m er points, 1,'JOO cars; to points East of Pittsburg. bOO cars, total 5,550 cars. This was tho record of the preceding week: To points West of Pittsburg, 4.100 cars: to Pittsburg and river points, 1,C60 ar; lo points East of Pitts burg, 1.125 cars, total 6,785 cars. Freight rates from the region to points ot consumption are as follows. "loPlttsourg J0 70 loJlahonlUK and Micnango Valleys 1 "15 To Cleveland. O 1 70 "loMnlUla. -N. Y 2 a To Detroit, Mich 2 a 'lo Cincinnati, u Z 65 To Louisville. Kr 3 2) To Uncaj-o. Ill 2 75 lo. Milwaukee, Wis 185 Tost. Louis, Mo 3 15 'ioEa6Sl. Louis 320 To lialtlniore t. 2 17 To Boston 4 CO This will make prices at these points of con sumption as follows: l'olnt. Furnace. Foundry. ndrv. Crashed. S3 15 ft 35 i SO 4 CO 4 15 435 470 490 4 (U 5 00 5 10 5 30 5 tWf 5 85 5 20 5 40 5 .10 5 SO 5&J bOO 5 65 5 85 40! 482 C45 6C5 rittsbarg 52 85 M. and &. Valleys 3 59 Cleveland 3 s5 1'uffalo 4 40 Detroit 4 50 Cincinnati 4 SO Louisville 5 35 Chicago 410 Milwaukee 500 M. Loul- 5 50 tastM. Louis 5 35 Kalltmorc 4 32 Boston 6 15 Drjgoods. New Yobk, Dec 4. There was a little more do.nsr in drvgoods of a miscellaneous character, chiefly for near wants. The market continued devoid of special interest in the way of new business or prices. Cold weather has stimu lated some improvement in the demand for woolen fabrics, and a better feeling results in regard to clothing woolens, which are having wider attention in a quiet way. New York Coffee Market. New YortK Coffee options opened steady and unchanged to 5 points up, closed firm, 515 up. Sales, 22,250 hacs, including Decem ber, 17.2517.35c: January, 16.40c: February, 15.90c: March. 15.4015.45c; May, ia2015.25c; September, 14.00c: spot Rio dull and steady; fur cargoes. liic;No 7. 17Jc; sales, 1,100 bags West India and 250 mats. Ladies and Gentlemen, You are invited to attend the great auction sale of fine diamonds, watches, jewelry, silver and silver-plated wire, onyx and marble clocks, bronzes, etc., now going on. This stock is all first-class fjooiis; in fact, the finest line of goods ever offered at auction in this city. Sales daily at 10 a.m., 2:30 and 7:30 P.M., until mv entire stock and fixtures are disposed ot. Remember, all goods war ranted the same as though bought at private sale, by M. G. Cohen, Diamond Expert and Jeweler, 533 Smithfield street. Plates. Serving or stationary dinner plates are the correct thincs. We now have our stock complete with all the famous potteries rep resented. Bo not fail to see them; also, plates lor any course. Store open till 9 o'clock. Keizenstein, 152, 154, 156 Federal street, Allegheny. The People's Store, Fifth Avenue. 200 horse blankets at 75c each; one or two straps, either, at same price. Campbell Ss Dick. Cream Ale Hack Ale Are genuine winter driuks. Oar makes are mosbappetizing and beneficial. Ikon City Brewing Company. Telephone 118C. Diamonds! Diamonds! Diamonds! Parties wanting anything in this Jine, generally hunt a reliable firm, as you must have confidence in the seller. It will pay intending purchasers to call and see our dia monds. HAUCH'S JEWELBY SlOBE. 295 Fifth avenue, established 1853. WFSU B.&B. A lot of elegant full wool seal capes to day, 518 00 and ?20 00. Bogqs & Buhl. 24 Louvre 34. Evening gloves 16-button elbow length, snede cloves, S2 a pair; tans, white and opera shades, $2 a pair. 21 Sixth street, directly opposite Bijou Theater". No connection with any store of same naruo SEE James H. Aiken & Cn.'s fine necK wear for holiday presents. 100 Fifth ave. Stocks, Grain, OIL McGrew, Wilson & Co., Eisner building, cor. Filth are. and Wood it. BUILDING PROSPECTS. A Large Knmber of Improvements on the Slate for Next Year. 0KE THOUSAND HOUSES IN SIGHT. A Eqnirrel Bill Deal and Talk of Another Important Eailroad Gobble. THE HEWS 1KD GOSSIP OF ME CITI Jra M. BnrchCeld sold about IS acres, in cluding the Peoples' Insurance Company property, on Squirrel Hill, near the head of Hazel wood avenue, for $33,600. The trans action is supposed to be in the interest of the Homestead Biilroad. There was considerable quiet talk in cer tain quarters yesterday to the effect that one ot the railroads is negotiating for a big slice of ground to enable it to increase its facilities for handling its growing traffic The amount of money involved is not much less than that recently invested by the Bal timore and Ohio at Glenwood. The, gentle man from wbom the information was obtained said the transaction was not far enough along for particulars to be given out. Homes for the People. Extensive inquiry among real estate deal ers, sellers and buyers, shows that the de mand for building lots and moderate sized houses is active and rather 011 the increase. This is dne to the approach ot the renting sea son. A great many who will change quarters next April will move into housas of their own. The list of iionse owners nest year will be ma terially increased. High-priced houses are rather slow, showing that this class of improvements has kept abreast of the demand, if not a little in ad vance of it, but tho avidity with which small dwellings are picked up demonstrates to a mathematical certainty that there is a shortage in the supply. It is to these that capitalists and builders should turn their attention. They should rotneinber that there are people wbo cannot aftord to live on the fashionable ave nues. A brownstone front is a luxury; a com fortable little home a necessity. Half a dozen gentlemen wbo operate exten sively in real estate met by chance iu a Fourth avenue office yesterday, ind discussed the buildingoutluoK for next year. The conclusion reached as that it would be on a larger scale than evor before. One of them said: "X am cognizant of plans for about 400 houses, to be commenced next spring. Besides, two com panies, lately formed, propose putting up about 150 each. Here are 700 honses that may bo counted upon with considerable confidence. Other companies and syndicates aro talked of, and some of them will no doubt enter the field. Individual builders will certainly do their part. It is safe to say there are 1,000 new, houses in sight." It has been an open secret for some time that Mr. Andrew Carnegie proposes to give Pitts burg a lift by building a larg number of bouses. The gentleman above quoted, said he bad been informed that Mr. Camecie would begin unerations next year In the Nineteenth ward. "William riinn and C. L. Jlagee were also mentioned as prospective builders of niote or less magnitude. Business News and Gossip. The People's Natnral Gas Company has ad vanced the price ot the fuel 25 per cent to their rural customers. A prominent drycoods merchant is dickering for 10 acres on Neville Island. Captain Bengongh, the new Pension Agent, began paying the veterans their last quarterly dues for this year at the Tradesmen's Bank yesterday. The day was devoted to personal applicants, and about 30,000 was disbursed. . Applicants by mail will ba attended to next. It will take nearly a month to complete the payments. The remaining piece of property belonging to the Kuhn estate, on Diamond street, will be offered at public sale to-morrow. The "little German carpenter," on Atwood street, whose trials and tribulations were re counted in this column a short time ago, has put up the price of his pronerty to 6,000. His aristocratic neighbors, begin to realize that they have something very like an elephant on their hands. A deal in down-town property involving J100.000. is hung up on adltferenceof 810.000. Ino broker in charge expects to effect a com promise aud put the sale through to-day or to morrow. The weather was all right yesterday bright and bracing and tne streets were full of busi ness. Merchants of nil classes are looking forward to a large holiday trade, and aro completing preparations for it. Plenty of work and fair wage during the jear have enabled almost e erybody to save np something for the hap piest season ot all tho year. The amendment to the by-laws of the Ex change, by which the Secretary shall act as Clearing Iionse manager, was nnanimonsly adopted yesterday. The change will go into effect Januaryl. Baxter. Thompson & Co. Real estate is all right. We are closing up nine sales, ranging from J750 to 57,000. The scarcity of small dwell ings is tho only drawback. The Building Record. Bnilding continues fairly active In spite of the weather and lateness of the season. Nine permits were taken ont yesterday for 12 houses. The list follows: Howard Welsh, brick two-story and attic dwelling, 20x36 feet, on Erin street, Eleventh ward. Cost, E3. 000. Jlrs. J. C. Lightner, three frame two-story dwellings, 20x32 feet each, on Emerson street. Twentieth ward. Cost, 83,000 each. D. Haggerty. two brick three story stores and dwellings, 20x50 feet each, on Butler street. Eighteenth ward. Cost, 6,700. Joseph Holland, frame two-xtory dwelling, lOilS feet, on Patterson street. Twenty-seventh ward. Coit, $500. David Zngsmith, brick one-story storage house. 12x14 feet, on corner Townsend street and Wylie avenue. Eighth ward. Cost, S140. John Diesenroth. frame one-story shed, 20x 30 feet, on corner Eighth and Bingham streets, Twenty-ninth ward. Cost. $00. John Williams, frame two story and attic duelling. 20x30 feet, on Lincoln avenue. Twent j-Hrst ard. Cost. S2.O0O. Phillip Uatewuod. frame one-story dwelling, 24il2 feet, on Butler street extension, Eighteenth ward. Cost. $230. John Wcstwater. framo one-story and mansard dwelling, 20x32 feet, nn Addison street. Thirteenth ward. Cost, $900. w Movements in Ileal Estate. W. A. Herron A. Sons sold No. 211 Coltart Square, Oakland, for Mr. H. C. McJilton, one of the former purchasers of these houses, and who has removed to Baltimore, for 0,000. Baxter, Thompson & Co. sold through Tliomis Liggett lots Nos. 55 and 58. Park View plan. Fourteenth ward, fronting 46 feet on Ter race street bv 100, to J, G. Ituss. for 1,500. S. A. Dickie i. Co. sold tor JI. L. Painter, to J. M. Douthett, a lot in Brushton borough, 50x 130 feet, on Brushton avenue, for 1,200. C. Bermger & Son sold for J. A. Eckert, lot 97 in John A. tckeri's plan, 20x85 feet, on Cali fornia avenue, for 600: also sold a lot on Bos ton street, "same plan, 22JJX100 feet, to Thomas b. Devenny, for 450. Black Baird sold to C. W. McMinn. four lots in the D. H. Barr plan, between Home wood and Brushton, fronting about 120 feet nn Finance street and extending through to the Pennsylvania Railroad, for S1.S00 spot cash. HO 0EDEES. OH Takes a Back Seat A Bay Without a Sale. There was no trading In oil yesterday. The commodity was offered down to 66J without a sale. The highest was 67. At the close G6 was bid. There wa no change in refined. Average runs were S5.3G3: averago shipments, 95,217; av erace charters, K8.59L McGrew, Wilson it Co. quote: Puts, 66; calls, 67J. Other Oil Markets. Bradford, Dec 4. National Transit Cer tificates opened at 66c; closed. GCr; highest, 67Jc; lowest, 6Cc; clearances, 16S.O0O barrels. OilCitv, Dec 4 National Transit Certifi cates opened at 66c; highest. 67c: lowest, 66c: closed at Ct&c bales. 107.W0 barrels; shipments. 82,902 barrels; runs, 87,591 barrels. New York. Dec 4 Petroleum opened steady at a slight decline, but moved up on a few bujlng orders, then became dull and re mained so until the close. Pennsylvania oil, spot Opening. 63c; highest. 68c: lowest, 68c; dosing, OSc; Januarv option, opening, 66c; highest, 67c; lowest, 66Kc; closing, C6c Lima oil No sales. Total sales, 59,000 barrels. EASING UP. Local Banks Strong Enough to Beach Ont for Business. Although there was no outward change in the local money market yesterday there wers symptoms of improvement. Regular customers were accommodated more rnadily. and some outside paper was ace ;p ted. Rates were steady and unchanged. Cleirints aggregated f'393, 746 73 and balances 2P1,300 311 New Yobk, "Dec 4. Money on call easv, ranging from 3 to 6 per Cent, last loan 4, closed offered at 4. Prime 'mercantile paper, 69. Sterling exchange quiet and weak at 4 bO for 60-day bills and 4 86 for demand. The total sales ot stocks to-dav were 253,534 shares, including: Atchison, 10.821: Delaware, 'Lacka wanna and Western, 23.115; Erie, 3,33$; Louis villn and Nashville. 8,038: Ncrtbern Pacific. 6,853: Northern Pacific preferred. 11,976; Jlead. ine. 9.510; Richmond and VetPolnt Terminal, 6.400; St. Paul. 39,423; Union Pacific. 47,580. Closing Bond Quotations. V. S. 4s. re :..,! U. S. 49. coup 1Z1S M. K. &.T. Oen. Ss . SS"i Mutual Union O3....IO0 I..J. C Int. Cert.. .107 Northern l'ae. su..lliu Northern l'ae. 5ds..lOTjJ Northw't'n consol.13o Nortw'n deben'sSs.los Oregon & Trans, es. Ht.Ii &l. M. ben. Ss. tA St.L. iS.K. Uen.M.107 M. Paul conioIs....,125 St. P. Cbl&l'c. Ists.113'4 lx., Pc. L.G.Tr.lts. MS4. fx.. Pc. K fa.Tr.lts. JOW Union l'ar!tlclsts...ili; u.a. 43, re iu.5 U.S. 43, coup 103 l'acinces or ' 109 Louisiana stoinpcd4s 8J Missouri Gs lenn. new set. as.. ..100 lenn. new sit. 5!..., 104 lenn. new set. Ss.... 71 Ji Canada fo "ds V5 Central Pacific lsts.liOS uen. a 1:. u. ms...u-i lien. &K. U. 4s bOX U.AK. G. Unilsu. KrleMs i.... "W.C West bnore 101 il. Ji. T. Oen. Si.. 73 St. Louis Clearirgs, 3,727.782; balances, 213,432. Exchange oil New York 50c premium. Money 6 percent on call and7S per cent for time loans. Chicago-Cleirincs, 15J50.000. New York exchange was 1 discount. Rates for money were quoted at 7 per eent; bnt few, if anv. bor rowers werd being accommodated at this figure, the banks considering it wise to keep their loans within conservative limits. Z New Yokk Bank clearings, 126.854,143; bal ances, 4,630,747. Boston Bank clearings. 14,812.101: bal ances S1.36S.431. Mor.ev, 7 per cent; exchange on New York. 230c discount. Pn11.ADEr.pniA Hank clearings, 1751,457; balances, 1,332.877. Money G per cent. Baltimore Bank cleanugs. 2,354,58S; bal ances, 391,63L Money 6 per cent. HOME SECTJEITIES. Trading of Modenito Proportions Phila delphia and Electric Let (Jo. Total sales of storks on call yesterday were 230 sharps against l,21t the previous day. The decline in business knows three things that confidence has been practically restored, that weak holders have realized and that about all the orders to "buy on slumps" have been filled. There were no material price changes. State ments respecting the condition of Philadelphia Gas and Electric, alttoueh favorable, failed to strengthen those interests In tho estimation of buyers, and both submitted to concessions. The Tractions were fractionally stronger. Bids, offers and Sales are appended. KIBbT CAJ.L. U A SECOND CALL. U A TIII11D CALL. U A Iron Cltv N. B'k M. A M..N.l!.ink bate Deposit Co. berman A. Ins.. Allegheny Heat. C.V. Gas Co Ohio Valley P. Ji.U. &P. Co l'cnn. Uis Co.... I'lnla. Co.-.. ... Itei I In f ill it n 90 70 ... 10 .., 70 70,'S '.'.'. 'ioo 18$.... ... 25 10 12 n ::: V S3 . 'is ! 17 10 'iisv 14 18 19 r 25 10 11 i6Vi6,' 14 H!a '75 "is X fkl 24'8 55 Columbia Oil. Co wasn. oil Co.... FiiherOIICo.... Central Trictlou Pleasant Valley. P.& W.lt.lt.(o.. P.Jttv.K.Il.prer. S. 1 . C G. C. C Luster Mlulne.. VeetlnchouseE. U. S. Jth. Co.... Wcot'houso A. B W.B.Co.Lim.... 2t ai 20.... ..s .... 13 IS 33 .... 28 .. . M 21 3) 21 13'i US' 13 I'M ltV JflU 73 110 At the first call 110 shares of Philadelphia Gas brought 17, 38 Central Traction, 19: 10, 20. and 20 Electric 18K. There were no sales at second call. At third, 20 Pleasant Valley went at 25 and two bundles of Electric scrip at 50. NEW Y0KKST0CK5. Market TTealc With a Slight Reaction for tho Better Just IBelore the Close Union Pacific and Coal Lists ijuffer Most. New Yoek. Dec. C The financial situation still continues very unsatisfactory both in Wall street and the couatvy at large, and buying for the long account, especially upon margin, is very little Indulged in at present, the best ad vice of the brokersbeing to await such time wheu there will be a sufficiency ot time money to bo bad to insure the ability to carry stocks for a reasonable length of tune. The difficul ties in business now Sbem to be in the mercan tile community and not in Wall street, and to-daj's failure was not without its iufluenco upon the course of prices in the stock market. Things, however, are being adjusted to the chanced order of the situation as rapidly as possible. On the street the monetary situation is some what improved, in so far as loans are easy to obtain, and no immediato squeeze is deemed possible, while prices have asain reached a point where the public is tempted to buy. As the situation now Is, the only time that stocks can be bought is hen the bears are hammer ing the .market. When the market advances, prices frequently show differences of as much as 1 percent between sales. The most encouiaging news of the day was that from abroad, ;md it showed that the situa tion there was so much improved that the Bank of Encland reduced its rate of discount from 6 to 5 per cont, while prices of American stocks were all higher. The domestic advices, how ever, were not so encouraging, and the decrease In the earnings ot tho Union Pacific was an in fluential factor in the course of prices. The opening of the market was mado at higher prices under tho influence of the news from the other places, but tho buying move ment had no life, and the bears and the traders were soon enabled by severo pressure of short stocks, concentrated at certain points in the list, to change the temper of the speculation again, and.af ter the first few minute;.' dealings, weakness was the ruling feature in the market until the final half hour, when covering of shorts put out at higher prices gave some sup. port to the list aud caused a slight reaction from the Ion est of the diy. Union Pacific was early chosen to bear the brunt of the attack, and a los of over 3 per cent was Dorn by that stock. Northern Pacific preferred, St. Paul. Rock Island. Missouri Pa cific, New Englaud and the coal stocks wore also marked by the bears, and all suffered ma terial set-backs ibefore the close of business. The failure of the companies to advance the prices of coal was used against the coal stocks as a virtual reduction, but only Lackawanna and Jerscv Central felt the pressure to any considerable extenr. The unlisted department and the general list were quite neglected, and the inactive shares showed no feature of interest throughout the Hntr tlilr plinniroQ in nnnraflnn, halnrf.m.ll It, j all cases, though .following the lead ot the active stocks, ineciose was quiet and fairly steady at a sligbt .reaction from the Ion est prices. The final losses of note comprise Union Pacific, 2; WheelingandLake Eric prefened. 1; Jersej Centnl, 2: Missouri Pacific, 1; Now England. IJi, and Lackawanna and Su Paul each 1 per cent. Railroad bonds felt the influence of the weakness in shares to-day to a greater extent than usual of late, anil while the s-iles of all issnes reached only 1,170,009, the final losses in many of the more active bonds were Hrge. 'Hie market showed consideiable strength in the forenoon, but later gao way rapidly. Among the most Important losses, St. Paul. If. and D. 5s lost 2 at 100; New York, Lackawanna and Westerned. 2Ji at 10C: Milwaukee and , - at- Ava; x-msuurg ana at.Jf: Richmond and West Western lsS. Point trust 5s. 2 at 64: Wabash debentures, class B. 3 at 30, aud La Clcde Gas lsts, 2 at 72$. Tbe JPotl says: Exchance was again reduced another half cent on the pound hero this morn ing, which was believed to indicate tbe buying of some Mocks here yesterday for London ac count. This morning also there was some mod erate buying ot Rt. Paul and a few other stocks for London account, but the market here is too narrow jet and confined to exclusively to tbe board room tr4dors to be moved much by tbe ceneral improvement in tho foreign situation. The general public and the larger speculators, who are never seen in the Exchance room, are holding aloof, jet with their attention fixed on the monetary situation throughout the coun trj. and the boardroom traders were merely watching each other. If any man tries to sell a few hundred shares of stocks they understand him, and "take the market away from him;" If be tries to buy a few bmndred they bid the price up on liiui. The following table shows tne prices or actlv stocks on the Sew York Mock Kxchanee yuter day. Corrected dally for THE Disrvrcn bv WUITMBY A STBrilEHSOX. Oldest Plttibnrjr mem bers of Sufr lork stock Lxchangt, 0 Fourth avenue: " C'lOI- me Bid. 14 29 U J0 73K 45 99 2? Open- Hlfrh lnic est. Atn.rntrnn fill Low. est. 0," 3U't 73f, M ii'i 3? STM 4950 105 63K 3" 23 56 102 ss Am. Cotton on nrer...- V"A Am. Cotton OH Trust- U Atch., 'lop. AS. P 3I4' Canadian Pacific UH Canada Southern Central ofUciTjersey.lOHi Z)4 15 73J. idi . io" central IMalno. ' .. Chesapeake & Ohio ... IS Chicago Uas lruit....t 33 C. Bur. Jt Oalney... . 87'i a. Mil. A bt, Paul.. . IS C. Mil. A St. V.. nr... 1054 C. Kock 1. A P. 71 C tit. L. A Pitts. c, st. u a Pitts., or.. 33 C., St. P., M. U.... 23 IL. st p M All. nl. 78 30K 87 5IK 3.Y4 MX 50 103 nn 1P,S E2 23) 79 102H lJoX mt 91 105)4 7154 7G 103), C. A Northwestern. ...WH U.t.. W. Pt...,. ;; C, C. C. a L. ......... i c. e f . A I.-nref... I Col. UoUA-lrop.. ..'.,. tf - KM - 31i Col. A Hocklne Valley 23' 23 23 22 dies. AOIlloUtnror.. 42 42 41 41 dies. A Ohio 2d prer.. 28 2QK .20 231 Del.. LaekA Wi.....nox mH rax 129 Del, & Hudson 123 lis 177S 1271s Den. Altlo Grande.... 17 17 W 17 llii lien. AItioUrande.pt. Wi EAa M 16 E. T.. Vi. A Ua 7 7 BJ 6, Illinois Central 97 97 96 93)4 Late Krle A West 12H KV 12K li uste Erie A West pr.. 51 51 60 50 Lake Shore A M. 3 ICG 106 105M VZH Louisville A Nashville "M 74H 'W Wi Michigan Central Soi MODlleAUhlO 2CH 26 28 25Ja Missouri facine 64 WJ ei'i 62)4 National ncaa Trust... uTi 16 15!4 UH Mew XorK Central 99 99 83V SSH N.Y.. C-3t. 1, 10 N. Y.. C. A 8t.L. pr.. 63K N. Y.. L. K. A W 19H l'JH 19 10 '4 N. 1., L. E.AW. pd.. 49)4 JS. Y. AN. E. 32 K 3X JO'S N.Y.. O. AtT 15 15 15 14 Norfolk: A Western 12S Norrolk A Western Df. 53V 543 53 53 Northern Pacific 21'$ 21 20 20 Northern Pacific nr.... 624 ezy. Bi 61 Ohio Jt Mississippi 18 Urciron Improvement. 11 13 11 2 1'acldcMsll 22 32 31 3I! Peo.. flee. A fcvins... 14 14 14 11 t'nlhtael. AP.eadlnv... -a ,(u,"i 21 S'i Pullman Palace Car... ir I7 174 171 Itichmona A W. p. 'J- my, i6Ji 15 15'i Itlohmond AW.P.i.pi 68 St. Paul A Ulllnth..... 2 21' 20 31 St. Paul Aflulutiinr.. 80 so 7S 75 St. P.. aiinn. A Man. . W'4 a9V 90 ej Sucar n.'i 51; 55't 58 Texas Factnc 14'i H J1 13 Union PaclFc 49 4JM 48 47 Wabash 9 1 9-4 9 Wabasn preferred 15 18) 1714 18)4 Western Union 77 77 76 78Vt Wnecllne A u. J5. 31 31 30 9 Wheeling A b. Juprer. 66H 66 ifilj 66 North-American Co... 11,'S 1: 11)4 11H Boston Stocks. Atch. A Top 30 Calumet A Hecla.. ..28S Itostou A Albany ....194 Catalna 32 lloslon A Maine-.. ...194 Huron 3 IX. 11. &Q 86 Kearsarce 12 Kasteru It. K 100 Osceola '13 Mass. Central 18J Qulncy 1 90 Met. Ccn. com la Hanta Fe copper .... 42X N. Y. AN. Bnit..... si' Tamarack 155 N. Y. A N. Lnir. 7s. .120 Sin Uleco Land CO. 10 Old Colony lcr. w u End Land Co. 2o; Wis. Cen. common. 17 Hell Telephone 206 Alloncz Mg. Co...., 4 I.Hinson Store 3 22 Atlantic 16)4 Water Power 3 llostonA Mont Ui, Centennial Mining. 14 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 fourth avenue. Members New York Stock. Ex change: DM. Pennsylvania Itallroad. 49 Keadlnt: 15 Duflalo. l'lttsburx A Western 7 Lenleli Valliv 49 LchUh .Navigation 45 Nortnrn Paclllc 20 Northern Psilnc preferred 01J4 Aske-1. 49 15 l-)6 7 49 20 61 Mining Quotations. New York. Dec 4. Alice. 195; Consolidated California and Virginia, 300; Commonwealth. 170; Hale and Norcross. 155; IIomestaEe, 800; Horn feilver, 310: Mexican, 225; North Com monwealth, 270; Ontario, 38.00, Ophir, 310; Ply mouth, 225; Savage, 180; Sierra Nevada, 185; Standard, 100: Yellow Jacket, 200. LIVE BT0CK MASKET, Condition of Trade at the East Liberty Stock Yards. Following is report of transactions at these yards for the week past: jtccEirrs. CATTLE. HOGS. I SHEEP Thro'. I Local. Thursday frldav Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday.... Total 20 - 620 1.710 310 110 5.550 9.311 4.950 12.450 3.975 Z.J75 4,575 1.650 1,100 220 4,840 2.200 2,310 1,M0 f2D 200 () 1,000 200 600 4,160 ;830 44, 200 i Is, 860 Last week Previous week.. 4.W), 6,550; 2,1401 30,9751 2.6101 33.975 9.120 12,890 Thursday Friday.. , Saturday , Monday Tuesday......... Wednesday.... Total 18 1.S97 326 491 3,'633 1,463 587 3 5.785 1.577 9,376 5,016 5,232 47 393 78 28,913 6,506 Last week Previous week., 2,134 22,088 6,230 6,518 2,811 19.419 fattln T7aal,a &Q UA. .VIH... rzt head; market steady at unchanged prices. No cattle "hipped to New York to-dav. Hogs Receipts, 2.500 head: shipments. 4,300 head; market active: Philadelphia!, $3 85(34 00; mixed. J3 7503 85: heavy Yorkers. $3 603 75; light Yorkers, S3 256350; 16 cars of h 02s shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 400 head; shipments, 1,400 head; market fair at yesterday's prices. By Telegraph. CINCINNATI Hogs in better demand and firmer; common and light, 52 50S3 40: packing and butchers'. $3 253 65; recelnts, 6,500 head; shipments, 1,110 head. Cattle 'dull and weak for lower qualltes; common, I 252 00; fair to choice butchers' grades, S2 253 65: prime to choice shippers, 84 001 75; receipts, L600 head; shipments, tiUO head. Sheep in good demand: market steady; common to choice, 12 504 75: extra fat wethers and yearlincs. 54 755 00: receintr, 340 head: shipments, 380 head. Lambs Spring in good demand and strong; good to choice shipping, 55 255 75; common to choice butcbeis', 54 005 75 per 100 pounds. NEW YORK Beeves Receipts, ! 735 head, including 31 cars for sile. Market stead); native steers, $4 0004 90 per 100 fis; bull and cows, $2 00330; dressed beef steadv at 6J73c perl). Shipments to-day, K58 beeves and 112 sheep. Calves Receipts.290 head; market firm; veal", $6 C04JS7 75 per 100 lis; graspers, J2 002 50; Westerns, $3 LS 75. hhecp Recclpts.6,156 head; market a shade firmer: sheep, $4 O05 75 per 100 lbs; lambs, 50 7583 75; dressed mutton firm at 89WCc Ser ft.: dressed lambs steady at 010ii'. Ings Receipts, including one ctr for Sdle, 7,366 bead; market firm ati3 S04 00 per 100 tta. CHICAGO Cattle Recelpts,16,0oObead; ship ments, 5,000 head: market dull and steady; Christmas steers. So 60; prime shipping and ex port steers, S4 755 45: medium to cood steer?. Si 254 50; cows aud bulls, SI 0002 75; stockers, 51 753 00. Hogs Receipts. 27,000 head; ship ments, 4,000 bead: mirket active and higher; mixed Iizht, S3 503 65; good to choice mixed, S3 70S3 75: prime heavy and butcher weights, S3 b03 S7; light, S3 553 60; pigs, S2 502 75. Mheep Receipts, 6,000 head; shipments, 3.000 head; market fairly active and steady to stron"; natives, S4 005 2o; lambs, S3 755 7j. OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 1,600 head; mar ket active andstroug on best beeves and butcher stock, steady on lo-s desirable erades; little doing in feeders: prices unchanged: fancy steers, of which there are some ewod lots on the market, are quoted at S4 505 15; prime stoers, Jl 004 60; fair to good. S3 0004 15. Hogs Receipts, 6,400 head;market active and 510c higher; ranee, 13 003 75: bulk at S3 503 55; pies, SI T52 75: lijtlit, S3 003 45: beavj, S3 4003 70; mixed. S330S3 55. bheep Receipts, 418 head; market strong; native?. 52 35135; Westerns, $2 0024 10. ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 2,000head; ship ments, 2,800 bead: market steady; good to fancy native steers. S4 605 10; fair to goou. $4 00 S4 60; stockers and feeders, $2 00&3 00; Texas and Indian steers, S2 40SI360. Hogs Receipts, 3,600 bead: shipments 4,400 bead; market higher; fair to choice heavy, t3 5523 70: mixed grades. 53 2033 55; light, f al- to best, S3 303 40. Sheep Receipts, L400 head; shipments. 100 head; mar ket steady; good to choice, 54 0035 30. BUFFALO Cattle dull, prices irregular; receipts, 1Q7 loads throuzliiSsale. bheep and lambs fair demand, but 10 to 15c lower; receipts 9 loads through: 41 sale; sheep, choice to extra' 55 005 25: good to choice. $4 75g!4 95; lamb choice, to extra. $6 008 30; good to choice $5 7035 95. Hog steady; receipts. 31 loads throiizh; 60 sale; mediums, heavy and mixed $3 803W. ' KANSAS CITY-Caltle-Receipts, 4.370 head shipments. 2,060 head: market steady: steers. S3 4001 70: cow, $1 75 i 00; stockers and feeders. 82 0O3 10. Hos Receipts, 10 150 head: shipments, 1.270 head: marKet stronc: bulk, S3 4o3 60: all erades, S3 00S3 80. Sheep- Receipts, 670 liead;slilpment9, 240 head; market steady and unchanged. INDIANAPOLIS-Cattle Receipts licht; mar ket slow but steidy; shippers. S3 254 50 butchers. SI 10S3 00; bulls, $1 502 60. Sbeen Receipts licht: market steadv; sheeif $2 503 00; lambS4 00575. Hogs Receipts' 4,000 head; market opened slow, prices slightly advancing; choice heavy, $3 60 i 70; choice light, S3 253 45; mixed, $3 15Q3 00; pi-s. $2 003 00. 1 . Teamsteks. stable men and horse owners, please note: We nfler you to-day 200 one and two strap New "Hampshire horse hlankets at 75e; we are closing them out. You know this is a bargain. Campbell & Dick, Fifth avenue. Stocks, Grain, OIL McGrew, "Wilson & Co., Eisner building, cor. Fifth ave. and Wood st. When baby was lick, we gave her Cajtorja, When she was a Child, sheciiediorCastorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When 8hehadChildren,3hegaTetheiaCaitorU DOMESTIC MARKETS. Supply of Good Potatoes and Apples Liht and Drift OP MABEETS IS STILL UPWAKD. General Tendency of Cereals is Toward a . Lower Level. GE0CEEIE8 ACTIVE BDT UNCHANGED office of PrrrsBtnto Dispatch, j TlITJRSDAT. -December 4, 1890. i Country Produce Jobbing Prices. Potatoes and apples are tending upward. There is a scarcity of choice potatoes in this market, and outside jobbing prices are up to $1 25 per bushel, which means that the con sumer must pay close to SI 50 per bushel, the highest price for many years. A Libertystreet commission man reported sales of ten barrels of apples yesterday at- !5 per barrel. It has been many years since potatoes or apples were as high as they aro at this time. In both lines onr markets are dependent nn the West for supplies. Through Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio tbo apple and potato crop has been almost a failure this season, btrictly fresh nearby eggs are still very scarce, and for tbe few offered outside prices are easily ob tained. Poultry is iu over-supply and markets are slow. APPLES 53 503 00 a barrel. IlUTTEB Creamery, EUin. 3132c: Ohio do, 2728.; common tonntry butter, 1015c; choice country rolls, 1820c; fancy country rolls. 2S25c UEAUS Np w crop beans. 82 502 55; marrow fat. S2 0002 75: Lima beans, 66c. Beeswax 2SS30c ft for choice: low grade. 2225c. cider Sand refined. !9 OOSIO 00; common, S'i 506 00: crah cider. S10 0011 00 jjl barrel; elder vinegar. 14I5c f) gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, lOKc: New York cheese, 10K6U1'-: Limbnrger, 1H13K-; domestic Sweuzer, 1314c; Wisconsin brick Sweitzer. He: imported bweitzer, 27kc CltANBEBRIFS Cape Cod. 3 25J 50 a box. i9 50 a barrel; Jerseys, S3 003 25 a box, S8 50 a barrel. Dressed HOGS Large, 7Jc 1 B; small. 9 llc Eggs 2223c for Western stock: 2S29c for strictly fresu nearby eggs. Feathers Extra llvogeee. 50260c; No. 1 40Q45c: mixed lots, 3035cV ft. Uame Mallard ducks. $5 005 JO a dozen. Butter ducks. S2 002 50a dozen; pheasants; 50 005 50 a dozen; squirrels, SI 752 00 a dozen; woodcock". S4 254 50a dozen; quail. 75cSI 00; rabbits, 2530c a pair; venison saddles, la18c a pound: whole venison. 1012c a pound. Honey New crop white clover. 2022c fi. SIapi.e Syrup 75D5cacan; maple sugar, 910c V ft- Nuts Chestnut'. So 00S5 50 a bnsbel; wal nuts, 7075c a bushel; shell bark hickory nuts, 51 501 75 a bushel; peanuts, SI 75Q2 25, roasted; green. 67c fl ft. Poultki Spring chickens, 4050c a pair; old, 6570c a pair; dressed, 912 a pound; ducks. 5070c a pair: dressed ducks, ll12c a pound: live turkejs, 910capound: dressed turkevs. 10013c: live geese. 50b5c apiece; dressed geese, 910c a pound. Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, oc SntDS Recleaned Western clover. So 00 5 25; countrvmedium clover. S4 004 25: tim othy, $1 S01 55; blue grass, 52 85i3 00; orcbard grass. SI 50: millet, 7075c Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. $5 50 6 50; fancy. $7 007 50; Jamaica oranges, 16 00 6 50 abarrel; Florida oranges. S4 004 50 a box: bananas, SI 50 firsts, SI 00 good seconds, ) bunch; California peache, $2 002 50 If) box; Malaza grapes, S5 508 50 a half b irrel. ac cording to quality; California plums. $2 0U2 25 tl hox: California pears U 00Q150 W box; tigs, 17c ?1 ft; dates. 56c 9 ft. Vegetables Potatoes. SlOl 10- bushel; Sonthern sweats, S2 252 75 ty barrel; Jersey, S3 504 00: kiln dried, 84 CO a barrel; cabbase, S4 00S5 00 1 hundred; onions, S3 00 a barrel; celery, 25330c a dozen bunches; tomatoes, SI 50 S bushel: parsnips, 35c a dozen; carrots, 30c a dozen; green onions, 25c a dozen; lettuce. 25c a dozen: parsley, 10c .1 dozen: spinach, 35c a bushel; horseradish, 50 75c a dozen. Groceries. The movement is active, but prices are nn elianccd. Coffee options advanced 20 points in New York yesterday. Packages remain as they have been for many months. Sugars are steady. Canned fruits are quiet and are likely to be until after the holidays. Greek Coffee Fancy Rio, 24025fc; choico Rio, 22K23c; prime Rio, 23c; low grads Rio, 2021c; old Government Java, 23J-J30c; Maracalbo, 23K27Kc; Mocha, 30 32c: Santos. 2226c; Caracas, 25027c; La Gnayra, 26327c Boasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c; high erades. 2330c; old Government Java, bulk, 3334c: Maracalbo, 2S29c; Santos, 2C 30c; peaberry, 30c; choice Rio. 26c: prime K10, 25c: good Kio, 24c; ordinary, 21Ufj22c. dPlCES (whole) Cloves, 1510c: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 75S0c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. 7Vc; Ohio. 120, 8Kc: beadllcht. 150, 8Kc; water white, lOKc: globe. 1414fe: elalne. llc: car nadine, 11KC; royaline, 14c; red oil, llgllc; purity, 14c Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4345c $1 callon; summer, 382240c; lard oil. 555Sc &YRUP Corn syrup, 80032c; choice sugar syrup, 3741c; prime sugar syrup, 3233e; strictly prime, 35636c N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 4648c: fancv old, 454bc; choice, 43c; medium, 3540c: mixed. 4042c Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 3Q3c; bi-carb In Jis, 5Jc; bi-carb assorted package". 5JJ6c; sal soda 111 kegs, l?c; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c: Btearine, V set. SXc: oaraffine. ll12c RICE Head Carolina, 77c: choice, 6Kc: prime. b86Jc: Louisiana. 5K6c tsTARCH Pearl. 4c; corn surch, 6J7c; gloss starch. CM&1C Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. S2 65; Lon don layers, 52 75; Muscatels. S2 50; California Muscatels, S2 40; Valencia, 7!7c: Ondara Valencia, 8J48c;. sultana, ls20c; currants, 54052c; Turkey prunes, 7JJ0SC; French prune, ll13c;Salonica prunes. In 2ft pack ages, 9c: cocoanuti, f! 100, S6; almonds, Lac, fl ft. 29c: do Ivica. 17c; do shelled. 40c: walnnts, nap.. 1314c: Sicily filberts, 12c: Smyrna tigs, 1517c: new dates. 66Kc: Brazil nnts. 18c; pecans. 1416e; citron. W ft, l'J20c; lemon peel, 12c V ft: orange peel. 12c Dried 1-ruits Apple", siiced, per ft. 10c; apples, evaporated, 1415c peaches, evapo rated, pared, 2830 ; peaches, California, evap orated, unpareu, 2225c; cherries, pitted. 31c; cherries, unpitted, l'iUXc; raspberries, evap orated, 3435c: blackberries, 10llc; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes, 6JjJc; powdered, 6c; granu lated, 6c: confectioners' A, 6c; standard A. b'yia sott white, 55ci yellow, choice, 5J 5JJc: yellow, good, oto5c; yellow, fair, 5JJS 5ic: yello, dark, 5J5iic Pickels Medium, hhlj. (1,200). $8 50; me dium, baK bbls. (600). S4 75. bALT No 1. bbi..i)5c: No. 1 ex.. M bbl $1 00; dtiry, fl bbl, $1 20: coar.-e crystal. ? bbl., SI 20: Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu. sacks, $2 80; Hlg gins' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. $2 S0 2 90; 2nds, S2 SMtfZ 60; extra peach e, S3 00J lu; pie peaches S2 00; finest corn, SI 3501 50; Hid. Co. corn. U5cSl 15; red cherries, SI 401 50; Limt beaus. SI 20; soaked do,80e: string do. 75 90c; marrowfat peas SI 101 25; soaked peas 7uSCc; pineapples, SI 301 40; Bahama do. S2 55: damson plums SI 10; greengages, SI 50; egg plums, S2 20; California apricots. S3 502 60; California pears. S2 7o: do greengages. S2 00: do egg plums, S2 00: extra white cherries S2 85;' raspberries, SI 401 45; straw berries, 31 301 40; gooseberries.Sl 1001 15; tomatoes, 90cQ95c; sal mon, 1-ft, SI 301 80; blackberries, SI 10; succo tash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-5R, SI 25 1 50; corn beef. 2 lb cans. $2 00; 14-ft cans SI4; baked beans SI 401 50J lobster, LB, S2 25; mackerel, 1-ft cans broiled, SI 60; sardines, do mestic, Js, $1 254 3o: sardines, domestic Ms S6 60; sardines, imported. 14s, SH 601 250; sar dines, imported, s. SIS: sardines, mustard, S3 85; sardines sniced, H 25. Fisn Evtra No. 1 bloater, maekerel. S20 ft bbl.: extra No. 1 ln mess, S2S 50; extra No. I mackerel, shore, S24 00; No. 2 shore mackerel, S22: large 3's, $2a Codfish Whole, pollock, 5c fl ft; do medium, George'R cod, 5e; do lage, 7c; boneless hakes, in strips 5c; do George's coil, in blncKS, 6K7Kc Herring Round shore, S5 50 fl bbl; split, ti 50: lake, SI 25 St 100-ft bb; White fish. S6 50 fl 100-ft half bbl. Lak trout, $5 50 51 half bbl. iunau baddies, 10c fl ft. Ice land halibut. 13c ft ft. Pickerel, half bbl. S3: quarter hbl.Sl 35. Holland herring,70c; Walkoff herring, 80c Oatmeal S7Q725f) bbL Grain, Flour and Teed. Sales on call at tbe Grain Exchange. 1 car bran, $19 50, spot; 1 car 2 y. e. corn. old. 71c, 10 days. Receiptsas bulletined, 27 cars. By Pitts burg, Fr.'Wayne and Chicago Railway, 1 car ot corn, i of bay, lot bran, lot wheat, 1 of flour. ByPittiburg. Cincinnati and St. Louis, 4 cars of corn, 3 of hay. 1 of oats. By Baltimore aud Ohio, 1 car of corn. 3 of hay. Ey Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of hay, 1 of corn, 1 of floor, 3 ot oats. By Pittsburg and Western. 1 car of o-its Oats are dull and slow. Corn is steady. Wheat and flour are In favor of buyers. Bran hasadvanced a shade, and all mtllfeed is steady. H ly is slon, and only choice grades find ready markets. Prices are for carload lots nn track: Wheat-No 2 red, SI 021 03; No. 3, 88c (l 00. I Cony New ear. 66357c; No. 1 yellow shelled. ,640640 old; No. 2 yellow, shelled, 6363Ko old; blgb mixed shelled corn, 6l62c old: yellow shelled corn, new. 5557c Oats No. 1. 51K&52c:No.2wbIte. 50K51c: extra. No. 3, 49U50 mixed oats, 4849c RTE No. 1 Pennsylvania aud Ohio, 7677c; No. 1 Western. 7475c. FLOUEJobbing price Fancy spring and winter patent flour. 16 0060 25; fancy stralsht winter, to 25Q5 50; fancy -traicht sprlncr. So 25 So 50; clear winter. S5 0005 25; straight XXXX bakers'. J4 755 00. Rytt flour, $1 254 50. Buckwheat flour, 2K$3c fl ft. Millfeed No. 1 white middlings, S25 0CQ 25 50 ft ton; N. 2 white middlings tJ2 00 23 00; brown middlings, SU) 0021 00; winter wheat bran. $19 505J20 00. HAY Baled timothy, choice. S10 751I 00: Nu. 1, S10 0010 25: Nn 2 do, 17 508 00: loose from wagon, SH 00012 Oa according to quality: No. 2 prairie bay, S7 257 DO; packing do, S7 CO 37 25. HTRATV-Oat, SO 50Q7 00; wheat and rye, 56 00 66 50. Provisions. Sngar-cured hams, large, 10e; sugar-cured I)am, medium, 10c; sugar-cured hams, small. lOKc: sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 8c: sugar cured shoulders. 6c; sngar-cured boneless shoulders, S,ic; skinned shoulders7Ke: skinned bams, 10c; sngar-cured California bams. 7c: sugar-enred dried neef flats, lie: sugar-cu-ed dried beef sets, 10c; sugar-enred-dried beef rounds, 12c: bacon, shoulders, 7c: bacon, clear sides TXc; bacon, clear bellies. 6Jc: dry salt sbonlderv. 6$c: drv salt clear sides. 6c Mess pork heavv, S12 oO; mess pork, family. S12 50. Lard Refined, in tierces. 5Kc; half barrels, 5yic:60-fi tubs, 5c; 20-ft palls bKe:50-ft tic cans, 5gc;3-ft tin pails, 6Jc; 5-ft tin palls, 6c; 10 ft tin pails 5c Smokrd sausage, long, 5c; large. 5c Fresh pork, links. 9c Boneless bams 10Kc Piss feet, balf-barrels, S4 00; quarter-barrels. S2 15. MAEKETS BY WIEE. Wheat and Corn Strong Under Good Cash and Export Demand Oats Gain a Fraction Lard and Ribs Somewhat Lower. CHICAGO The shorts covered freely on tbe soft spots in tbe market which developed early in the session. Wheat and corn wero strength ened by heavy export clearances of the former and the good cash demand reported as existing for both. The declining tendency in provis ions was also arresttd. and although closing prices were lower than on the day before there was a firmer feeling at the decline. Wheat wound up at an advance of abou. Jc One of tbe principal points in the day's ad vices contributing to tho recovery from the early decl.ne was the heavy clearances of " ana nonr irom tne Atlantic pons. Another circutnstance contributory to tbe strength was tbe purchase of 1 00 cars of No. 2 red wheat here for shipment to millers in In diana. There wero also sales to country millers yesterday afternoon which were not reported until to-day, and these were generally at lc per bushel over the price ot tbe December de livery for No. 2 soft red winter, "The prices, undjr the stimnlation of tbe fore going items, advanced lc from the lowest point of tbe day. A strong drive at tbe same time was made at tbe markets by a host ot sympathetic bears durinsr, which prices drooped to OSJfc, but recovered almost imme diately and closed at99c Tbe corn market was easier. In sympathy with tbe early decline in wheat, but the aver age of the day's'trading was at about yester day's closing prices Hutchinson and Bryant were reported as buying on the first decline, and tbe latter was credited with selling inter. There was a good demand for the cash offer ings here, and New York was reported short of stock and bidding up for tbe receipt?. There was a fair demand for export. Mav corn opened at 53c and 53-c was paid almost "imme diately thereafter; there was a further He added to the latter figures and this was fol lowed by a decline to 62JJc T bi re was a quick recovery to 33e with a subsequent advance to 53c and at the close 53c wa bid. Oats were weaker and fie luwer early. Alter tbe selling subsided offerings were lieht. and on fair miscellaneous buying t firmer leellng developed and prices advanced 5ic, and the market closed steady, at about uutside figures and 4.c hizber than yesterday. Pork Trading was rather active at an irreg ular range of prices. At the opening prices ruled 2)i5c higher. Prices receded 2022ic Later, a meadier feeling prevailed, and prices rallied 710c and closed rather quiet. Lard A moderate trade was reported. Open ing sales were made at the closing figures ot Wednesday, but a gradual reduction of 25c was submitted to. Later, prices rallied 25c, and closed steadv. Short Ribs Trading was fairly active. Prices ruled irregular, and declined 57Jc early in the day, but rallied again slightly, anu closed com paratively steady. The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor rected by John M. Oakley fe Co., 45 Sixthstreet, members Chicago Board of Trade: Open- Hlfrh- IjOw- Clos- ARTICLES. Intr. cat. est. lag. WHEAT. AO.Z December I 9CH 9904 89 9044 January 9-54 9J 9l)s 92 May OaM 99 9TJ) 99J COUN, 0. 3 December 49' 50S 49H am January 4 50"i 49 S04 May 5J7a 53a 5il( 53? Oats. o. 2 December Ci 43J1 424 43 January .. a 43, 42 43; May 4j,i 4ii, 4o 45rt mess ronx. December. 8 50 8 EJ 8 W 8 January 10 ho 10 SC loy.'l 10 67,! May 11 S7,c, ilk, II j 115: Lari. December SCO SCO January 6 W c CO SVZh, 5 92K May 6 53 C 50 6 45 6 47 W short 1IIB3. December 4 9D 4 90 Januiry.... J 42 5 41 53713 htm May SicS 5 95 3 87,S 5 ST.Ji Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour unchanged. N". 2 spring wheat, 905fc; No. 3 spnnc wheat. MS9c; No. red, 90c: No. 2 corn. 50c: No. 2 rjc 67KCic: No. 2 barlev. 78c;No. 1 flaxseed. $1 H, Prime timothy seed, SI 231 25. Mess .ork. per bbl. S8 62JJ 8 75. Lard, per 100 lbs. Si 6n. Short nos sld63 (Iooe). S5 liiJ5 20: drv salted shoulders (boxed), S4 024 S7J; short clear sides (boxed), S5 65j 70. Sucirs Cnt loarj unchanged. No. 2 white oats, 4iKS44Kc; No. J barley, f. o. b.. 6372c: No. 4 do. f. o."u. 61Clc On the Produce Exchange to-day tbe butter market wm quiet and steady. Eggs. 2221c NEW YORK Flour Heavy and irregular; moderate business. Cornmcal quiet and steady. Wheat Spot markets unsettled and dull; No. 2 red. SI 02V1 (h elevator; SI 041 04 afloat; SI 03)Q1 05 1. o. b.: No. J red. 97W 97c: ungraded red, 96C6I1 01; No. 2 Northern. SI Uol OCK; No. 1 hard. SI 12Jil 12JJ: options opened weak, but recovered JjtS lc on better We'tcrn markets, closing about steady, with prices in part Jc op jor me aav; irauinc very mouerate: INO. at at March. SI (Cai 05K. closinc at 81 05?il: Mav. SI 04K4S1 iir closing at SI 05J: July, 9i BJic. closing at 99Jc: December, SI 00, cloning at Si 00. Rye quiet and firm; Western. 7679t'. Barley firmer and quiet; No. 2 Milwaukee S2 83-: ungraded Western. 77g'J8c; Canada No. 1, 869Sc; No. 2, 89c: N o. 2 extra. D293c Barley malt quiet and steady; Canada, country-made, SI 0001 15. Corn Spot market inzher. dull aud scarce; rioting firm; No. 2, 61JQ62c ele-v-itor; CCSCGJ-Jc afloat; ungraded mixed, bl,i QC3c; opimiis have been strong all day anu rlo-ed JSJlcabove yesterday, through light re celnts at all points: December. 61&C closing at OIKe: January. 6Ct4SKc. closing at 60c; May, 59Ke60-;gc closuig at OOJc Oats Spot market hrmer. qulot; options firmer, dull: De cember. 49K-. closing at 49Kc: January, 50fc closing at OAic; May. 51$4f51Mc: closing at 61c; No. 2. white, aXtalKc; mixed Western. 4751c; white, do. 52oSc; No. 2 Chicago, 50 Ha quiet and steady. Hnmnuiet .mil easriSfite. common to choice. 3343e; Pacific coast. 3iai0c Tallow firmer; city (53 for packages), i',wi i-ioc i.-zva arm; Western. 2S30c Pork quiet and steidy; mess, S10 7312 CO; extra prime, S10 5011 00. Cut meats qulot and easy. Middles dull and easy. Lanl wuIiAr .ind fairlv active: Wetern steam. S6 12J4 asked; sa'es, 450 tierces at S6 12J6 15. tjptlull Sates, a.ouu uerccs; guu, cv iuiu ov, closing at S6 25 bid; February. S6 3s6 39; March. $8 496 63, closing atS6 48: May, SO 74. Bntter in-fair demand and firm; Western dairy,. ll20c: do crearoerv. 2028Ke: Elgin. 29J830c Cheese firm and quiet; light skims, lKeffc; Ohio flats, b94c PHILADELPHIA Flour weak. Wheat ante January. 9KcSl 01; February, SI 01KQ1 03' March. $1 03K1 05. Corn Irregular and luwer: new No. 4 low mixed soft in Twentieth street: elevator, 52jc; new 3fo. 3 low mixed soft, 54c; No. 3 mixed in grain Tlenot, 55c; new steamer No. 2 mixed in export elevator, 56c; old No. 2 high mixed on track 61c; new Western No. 2 high mixed in Twentieth street elevator. 9Jc; newNc2inixed and yellow in grain depot, 58J4c; do do in export elevator, 57Jc; No. 2 mixed, December. January, February and Marcb. 57JJ58c Oats Carlots steady: future.! No. 2 do, 51c: No 2 white in Twentieth street elevator. SlKe: do gram depot, ojc; ssn. 2 cllnned white, 53c; No 2 white, December, 51J4 515ic; January 52l452Ke: February, 53s 53Kc; Marcb. oSyiQalc. Ergs scarce aud firm; Penns) lvania firsts, 2930c. ST. LOUIS Flour strong and demand light. Wheat Cash, loner: options opened a higher than vesterday and there wasa further advance right'afterward. Other markets became lower and a decline followed, lc being knocked off the top prices. Later, there was a reaction, the market imprnvinr steadily to the close: No. 2 red, cash, 01?f925c; Deflmber. closed 92Kc: January, 3Kci May, 9T-: July, 87c bid. Corn Tbe marketopened y,c alove yesterday's final quotations advanced slightly, but soon weakened in sympathy with wheat, only to react agafnandthe market r-led steady and firm to tbe close; No. 2, cash, 4949o; Decem ber closed. 49c; May, 51c Oats stronger, but unlet: No. 2. eah. 45c bid: Mav biu Bye No. 2, S68e bid. Barley bet. ter; Minnesota, 7174c: Iowa. 75c: Nebraska. 60c Flaxseed inornIn.il at SI 20. Provisions lower and unsettled. Pork New mess, S10 75 10 87 Lard, S5 C2K. MINNEAPOLIS Snot wheat in cars was mo-tly selling fairly' at low prices to-day. but Jnere was more activity, with an increased buv ing by elevitor companies and shippers. Mill ers were not generally doing much, thonzb a tew bought well and took considerable. With additional demand the sample offerings served to clean up better than yesterday. Closing nuotatinns: No. I hard. December, ana on track. 91c: No. 1 Northern. December. 86c; January, 8Sc; May, 954c: on track, 88c; No. 2, Northern, December aud January.on track. 84c BALTIMORE Wheat Western quiet: No.2 winter red. spot and December. 93Ke931f c; Jan uary. 95-iS95Kc; May. SltKQlU.. Corn ecrn. steaii; mixed spot. 68c: year -$! ,J,anuarv. 57c; May. 57affi5Sc: steamer. oSJipbid. Oati firm; western white. 5152Jic; dodo mixed. 5050c; graded No. 'white ol& o2Kc: graded No. 2 mixed. 50S5UK1"- Rye 8tlff5 Chiilce. B78c; good to prime. 7476c; common to fair, .072c Hay dull. Provisions steady. BuHeracUreana flrm- Eggs firm and actlv at 26c CINCINNATI-FIonr easy. NVTieat scarce and firm: No. 1 red. 97c Corn in moderate de mand: No. 2 mixed. 5253c Oat firmer: No. 3 mixed, 474Sc Rye firmer; No. 2. 74075c Pork barely steady at $10 25. Lard dull at So 62X5 65. Bulk meats dull and easier: short ribs. o 12K5 25. Bacon steady. Bntter steady. Eggs in moderate demand at 22c Cheese steady. MILWAUKEE Flonrquief, Wheat unsettledt No. 2 spring, on track. cah, 8788c; Mav. 92Vfc; No. 1 Northern. 93c Corn quiet: No. 3. on track, 50c Oats quiet: No. 2 wbitp. on track, 45c Barley easier; No. 2. in store. 69c Rye oasier; No. 1, in store. 69J69ic Provisions quiet. Pork, January, S10 65. Lard, January. 5 $'. KANSAS CITY-Wneat steady: No. 2 hard, casn, 82c bid, bSJc asked; December. 83c bid, S3Kc asked; No. 2. red, cah, 86c bid. Corn cembcr, 45c asked. DULUTH Wheat was weak in tho early part of the day, bnt closed firm and higher than yesterday; receipts 100 cars. Closing quota tion were as follows: December. 91c: May SI OOj-i: No. I hard. 90c; No. 1 Northern, S63ic No. 2 Northern, SO-JJc TOLEDO Wheat active and firm: cah and December.95Jic: Januarv.9eUc;May.Sl 00 Corn steady; caub, 53c; Mav. 53c Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 48c Cloversced dull and steady; cash and December. $4 15: January, S4 20; i ebruary. 54 25; Marcb, S4 32K. You should keep Salvation Oil on hand; it will cure all aches aud pains. Price 25 cents. A Special Sale To-day and To-Morrow. PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. At $5, $7 and $9 each the $5 hats are re duced from 510 and $12; the ?7 ones from 515 and ?20; the 53 ones irom S-'O and S25. Jos. Hoese & Co.'s . Penn Avenue Stores. Fifty Per Cent Increase the Past Tear Shows plainer than all else where we stand in public estimation. We will not send out any but strictly first-class beers and ales. Families supplied direct. The Ip.on City Brewing Company, Telephone 1186. Fine Parlor Clocks. All the latest designs in silver, onyx and marble, at prices 20 per cent. less than else where. All goods marked in plain figures, at Haucb's, 295 Filth avenue. wfsu J3.4B. Magnificent fur trimmed jackets new ones genuine bargain prices. Boggs & Buhl. TffiVE-YOU-SEEN IT? "We refer to the full and comprehensive treatise on the Blood and skip "Whether you are sick or well, every home shcruld have a copy. If you are well, it tells you how to keep so. If you are sick, it tells you how to regain your health. This valuable pamphlet will be mail ed free to applicants. The Switt Specific Co., Atlantv. Ca OUR ENTIRE-STOCK -OF- OVERCOATS At closing out prices. Assortment com plete. Sizes from 4 to 44. All Winter Goods must be closed out to make room for our Spring and Summer stock, now in process of manufacturing. Men's.Youths'.Boys'and Children's Suits and Pantaloons. The largest stoce in the city. Prices tbs lowest. Complete Line of Foreign and Domestic Woolens and Tailor Trimmings. Mall orders receive prompt and careful at tention. WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY. M. Oppenheimer & Co., 713 Liberty St. and 712 Penn Ave. deo-r WHOLESALE-:-HOUSE, Embroidery and Whlto Goods Department direct Importation from the best manufac turers of St. Gall, In Swiss and Cambric Edg ings. Flouncines, Skirt Widths and Allovers, Hemstitched Edging and Flouncing. Buyers will llnd these goods attractive both in price and novelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods. TJPHOLSTERY DE PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades la dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur tains, Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and Brass Trimmings: Floor. Table and Stair Oil Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESls FABRICS. The largest variety from which to select Toll Du fiords, Chalon Cloth. Bath Seersuck ers, Imperial Suiting. Heather & Renfrew Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams. Wholesale Exclusively. Ial3-D BROKERS FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth .venue. myl PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. 81 FormrH avitvtte. uapuai. KUU.IXW. surplus. S5L670 29. D. McK. LLOYD. EDWARD E. DOFF. 4 President, Asst. Sec. Treas. per cent Interest allowed on time deposits. oclo-40-D JOHN H. OAKLEY & CO, BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Grain. Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chlcsss, SIXTH SX, fUUbur OC&53