3RrV 7fim&&' r" HOW THEY LIKE IT. Opinions of Representative Citizens - on Harrison's Message. TARIFF AEG03IESTS INDORSED. Government Subsidies Suits the American Shipping Irfajne. orrosiXG views on tiie force bill The President's message to Congress is not read with undue eagerness in Pittsburg. Yesterday, hours after the publication of 3Ir. Harrison's missive, hundreds of prom inent and intelligent citizens were asked their opinions of the document. Very few, comparatively, had read it The majority ol the persons approached said that they had not seen it and intimated that they did not care whether they read it or not. Under such circumstances the gathering of senti ment was discouraging. Some representat ve citizens had perused it, and their opinions are given below: James B. Scott The President's indorse ment of the McKinlej biil suits me. "We are all for the tarill around Pittsburg. As for the Federal elections bill, everj thing de pends on the agencies employed to enforce it. It wouldn't work in some places, and would stir up dissension. Iu other localities it would be perlcctly satistactorr. Iu other particulars Mr. Harrison's views coincide witli mine. THE rKESIDENT INDORSED. Captain TV. "V. O'Neil, the river coal operator I have been a life-long Kepub can, and, as a Republican, I would indorse the President's views on public questions. I haven't had time to read the message in de tail, but, lrom what I have seen of it, I think Mr. Harrison is on the right track. Major Conrad Kay Harrison is all right. A. H. Logan, the oil man I would have absolute free trade all over the world, if that were possible. Let a mar make what he can, and sell if where he wiil, at the best advantage to himself. Intant industries, however, need protection. It is the best thing lor the country and people in the end. This has been demonstrated in the case of plate glass. Home production has brought down the price one-half, and it is becoming cheaper everv day. I am opposed to the Federal election bill. The country is cursed with too much legislation. I don't think the general Government has a right to dictate to the Stales in the matter ot holding elections. Why curround the polls with armed officers? The effect would not be beneficial or con tribute toward having an honest election and a iair count. THAI THE SHirn.G LEAGUE TTAXTS. George A. Kelly As a member of the American Shipping League, I am most in terested in subsidies for American steam chips and the passage of the shipping league and tonnage lulls. In a former message the President declared himself in lavor o restoring the American marine throuih Governmental aid, and I see in this message he calls attention to the two bills I have re ferred to, and uges their passage. This is in line with what the league desires, and meets my approbation. 1 was afraid the ocean mail service bill, in troduced by Senator Fry, was not in accord with the League measure, but I discovered on examination that it was framed to be in harmony with it. The restoration of the American marine is an important subject, ana we hope these bills will be passed by the House. Most of the Southern members had declared themselves in favor of the measures, but when they were indorsed bv the administration they were forced by the party Jash to occupy an inconsistent "posi tion, ana they fought us. Xpw, that the Democrats are coming into power, I think they will redeem their former pledges. The South will be greatly benefited by their pas sage. COKGEESS IIELrS TRAVEL. Division Passenger Agent Smith, of the Baltimore and Ohio road I haven't read the message, but I am a tariff man. I am glad Congress has reopened. It will mate more business for the railroads. Postmaster McKean The President is my chief. That is all I have to say. W. A. Herron The message strikes me as a very forcible document, and according to my way of thinking, the President's utterances on all the great questions of the day are sound. His views o. the tariff laws are particularlv forc.ole. These laws have not yet been tested, but when they have been I believe they will prove of great benefit. As for reciprocity, I am more and more convinced every dav that it will become one of the great bulwarks of the Republican party. I am astonished at the remark able Ehowiug nude by the farmers. The increase in tiie market price of their leading products far surpass my most sanguine expectations. That part of the messagf whicn deals with the question of fair and honest elections is simply unanswer able. The country is in a remarkably pros perous condition. Business is good, wages the same, and employment for all who nre really anxious for it." We have had a little financial flurry of late, but I attribute that almost entirely to stock speculations. PLEASED 1VITII HAEfilSOX'S VIEWS. District Master "Workman Joseph L. Evans I thorough! vadniire the President's unmistakable views regarding tariff legis lation. There is no doubt that the McKin ley bill is not understood by the great mass ot people. All that is needed is time in which to develop its merits, and then the sentiment iu its favor will bcoverwhclming. I am also plersed with the President's bold, honest and fearless stand on the question of honest elections. I do not see how any one can object to such manly views. Colonel Willi im H. Reed The message is clean cut, dignified and verv forcible, particularly as it refers to the great issues that now confront the people. The Presi dent's views on the euhjeet of free and hon est elections suit me to the litter. This is an issue that must be met, and the Repub lican party must be largelv depended upon to meet it. The indorsement of theMcKin Icy bill is also a strong point, ana a sound one. Taken as a whole, 1 regard the mes sage as one of the ablest that has ever gone before the people. Er-Secretarv William Martin, of the Amalgamated Association President Har rison is undoubtedly correct when he says the recent tariff legislation is not properly understood. My firm belief is that when the various branch's of it are in foil opera tion the people, and particularly the work ing classes, will find it an absolute blessing. From a hasty pei us.il I also think the ut terances on the subject of honest elections should meet with general approval. The last year has undoubtedly been a prosperous one, generally speaking", and I hope this condition may continue. STEOKG KECIPEOCITT AEGC21ENTS. Samuel P. Andrews. Prineinal nf ih Howard School I expected the late tariff legislation wouia receive hearty support, but with all due deference to Major Mc Kinley and his bill, I doubt whether it will suit the whole country, particularly the farmers of the great West. The arguments in favor of reciprocity are strong, and I think that this issue will have to be relied upou largely for the salvation of the Ke publican party. Major J. F- Denniston, City Treasurer The President's recommendation for a close inspection ot private pension bills is well timed. I have always held that the Gov ernment has. been very liberal in its deal ings with veterans, and I am not in favor of private pension unis, except in exceptional cases. General and private went into the annv with the same object in view to preserve the country at the expense of their lives, it necessary. The private took as many chances as the General, while his nnA dti.inc nptlTP firviiA ip nAt nA4l so great. I lavor private pension bills lor J w the recognition of exceptional services or unusual gallantry. K. S. Morrow, City Controller I haven't read the message yet, and I don't believe I'll have time to until Christmas. A GSAHITE STATE AGENT AERESTED. S. W.Ritter, of McKeesport, Sent to Jail to Await a Hearing. Detective Robinson yesterday arrested S. W. Rirter on Fifth avenue. Hitter hts been located in McKeesport as agent for the Granite State Provident and Loan Associa tion, the local representatives of which are now in jail awaiting trial ou a charge of obtaining money on false pretense. Hitter was taken before Police Magistrate McKenna on the same charge, and was committed to jiil for a hearing on Thursday in default of $1,000 bail. Prosperous Beyond expectation. The annual meeting of the managers of the Bcthesda Home will be held this after noon at 2:30 o'clock, in the parlors of the Home, on Colweli street. This newest of the local public philanthropies is meeting with remarkable success, and is prosperous beyond the mostrtanguine expectations. Special Auction Sale of Finn Diamonds, Re peating; and Chronograph Watches. Complying with the many requests of my patrons, I have appointed AVednesday, 'De cember 3, at 2:30 r. jr., for a special sale of fine diamonds, repeating and chronograph watches. My stock consists ot first-class goods, mounted in the latest designs. Among this stock is my celebrated Blue Gem, 2J karat, valued at 53,000. This is the finest and most perfect diamond in this city. You are invited to attend. M. G. Cohen, Diamoud Expert and Jeweler, S33 Smitbfield street. PLVNOS.S1G5, ORGANS 850, At llenrlcks Music Company, Limited. To close out during the holiday season our entire stock of new and second-hand pianos and organs prices will be reduced away down. A nearly new upright piano 5225, worth originallv 5375; a good piano lor 5165, worth new 5400. A handsome organ for 550, and other pianos as low as 535, and organs as low as 525. Stock Includes Chickering & Sons, Whcelock, Liudeman, Stuyvesant, Stein way, Knabe and Hardnian pianos and Palace, Bridgeport, Packard, Estey, Great Western and Shoninger organs. Easy pay ments arranged. Instruments can be se lected and set aside ior the holidays. So you should call early and get the choice. Open in the evenings. Hexeicks Mnsic Co.. Ltd., 70 Fifth avenue. Car Manufacturing Plant for Sale. The undersigned, receiver of the Indian apolis Car and Manufacturing Company, will receive scaled proposals until Decem ber 17, 1890, at 12 o'clock 31., lor the sale as an entirety of the plant of said company in West Indianapolis, adjoining the city of Indianapolis, Ind., together with the materials, stock and unexecuted contracts on hand at the time of sale. Said plant in cludes 15 acres of land, with suitable build ings, macbinerv and appliances, and is com plete in all departments, with a capacity of 25 ears daily, and uses natural gas as fuel. If no acceptable proposition is received by the time named the property will be offered lor sale at auction on December 18, 1800, at 2 o'clock r. si., at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Indianapolis. For further particulirs aud terms of sale address Matthew Heuuing, Receiver, Indianapolis, Ind. de2,9,16 Im estors Tatio Notice. On Wednesday, December 3, at 2 r. 31., that very desirable piece of property, cor ner of Third street and Penn avenue, will be offered at public auction. Those looking for a good investment should keep this in view, as the improvements shortly to be made in that vicinity by the Schenlcy es tate will cause a sharp advance. Specialties in Silks. Besides the many other attractions in the silk department for the holiday season, we have this day added a very handsome and complete line of printed India and Japanese silks in choicest designs and colorings at greatly reduced price;. Some cf these are specially appropriate and very elegant for gowns and house dresses. Jos. Hokne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Little Capo Overcoats .And pretty suits for the boys can be bought at our store ior only fta so, S$ ana i5 SO. A nice present with each sale. P. C. C. C. Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company, corner Grant aud Diamond streets, opposite the Court House. Hero Is Tour Chance. Order may be left for Xmas Photos and crayons until Dec 20, extra help aud ample facilities having been employed to furnish all work timely at Aufrecht's Elite Gallery, 516 Market st. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, IDX. 401 Smlthtleld Street, Cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, 5100.000. Surplus, 569,000. Deposits of 51 and upward received and interest allow ed at 4 per cent, tts DESEr.vrNG or CovrtPEXCi: There Is no arti cle which to rlclilv dcscrci the entire confidence f the community as Bnowx's Bronchial Troches. 'those tafTerlnir trow asthmatic and bronchial diseases, coughs and colds should try them, l'rlcc "S cents. Ko bad effects follow the useof our lager and Pilsner beers. Physicians unhesitat ingly recommend them. Families may order direct by mail or telephone 1186. Ieon City Brewing Company. Ladies' English mackintosh. A special lot navy blue cloth finish, loose fitting newmarkets at the low price of 510 each. Hoene & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue. 3-4 Hemstitched Napkins, beautiful patterns, extra quality, 510 per dozen. Horse & Ward, 41 Filth avenue. Special attractions in linen table sets, fringed and hemstitched; large assortments and extra "values. Hugus & Hacke. TTSSU Lunch at Once. Business men duringthe holiday "hurry" should lunch at Kennedy's. Q uick service. Everything clean and palatable. Sixth and Duquesne way. TTSu Mrs. WissloWS Soothing Syrup reduces inflammation while children are teething. Winter Underwear. For ladies, gentlemen and children, at money-saving prices. The" largest assort ments and best values. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. HERE'S WHAT WE'LL SELL YOU as Special Bargains for To-Day. Tour own choice of all our fine 515 and 518 men's overcoats and suits for only - 810 00 Tour own choice ot our 520, 522 and 525 superfine suits and overcoats tor......... .......:. -.-.......515 00 lour own choice of all our 528, 530 and 535 superb overcoats and suits for. ... .via 00 We have determined to reduce our enor mous stock and turn it into cash immedi ately, but we can make this offer but once the loss is too heavy. Yon make your own selection at the prices named above during this sale. Manyoi the overcoats are satin lined throughout, with silk velvet collar, cloth collar or inserted collar. Fashionable kerseys, elegant beavers and imported chin chillas are all included. P. C C C, Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company, corner Grant aud Diamond streets, opposite the Court House. r BACK AGAIN AT HIS W0EK Father Mollinger Once More Attending to His Hundreds of Consulting Invalids. Bev. Father Mollinger, of the Most Holy Name Church, Troy Hill, has almost fully recovered from his late serious illness. He reads early mass in the church, as usual, aud many hundreds who have anxiously awaited his recovery, are again daily visit ing the shrine of St. Anthony. Tne con sultation with invalids take place iu the ofiiee in the rear of the church. Father Mollinger also pays great attention to hit new chapel, which he is having built in honor of St. Anthonv, and which is last nearing completion. Every afternoon he de votes all his time to it, and he may then be seen watching the work as it is progressing. The dedication services will not take place until next St. Anthony's Day. This will he the largest celebration ever held on Troy Hill. A GOOD SHOWING MADE. The Pittsburg and Connollsvilie Road Has Big Net Earnings. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Connollsvilie road was held at the B. & O. depot vesterdav. The old Board of Directors, as published in The Dispatch of yesterday, were re-elected. The earnings for the nine months ending June 30, 1890, were 52,246,732 95; expenses, 51,446,227 15; net earnings, 5800,505 80. Orland Smith was chosen President and Major 0. B. Washington Secretary and Auditor. The date of the fiscal year has been changed from September 30 to June 30 to meet the requirements of the Inter-State Commission. After the meeting 01 the di rectors they sat down to an elaborate feast at the Monongabela House. KO TRACE OF K'GBAW, Bat the Prison Officials Are Working Hard to Run Him Down. George A. Kelly, President of the Board of Prison Inspectors, is of course very anxious to have McGraw and Dobson re captured. "We have heard several rumors about them," he said yesterday, "but the truth is, we haven't even a definite trace yet. We are allowing no grass to grow under our feet in the effort to run them down. "My instructions to the guards have always been that no matter what you may be thinking about, the convict is always looking out for a chance to break away." Flno Fans for Holiday Presents. A beautiful assortment here in fine os trich feather tans with tortoise shell sticks; real duchesse lace fans with pearl sticks, and novelties in flower fans, and in gauze fans all at the lowest prices. JOS. HORN-E & CO., 609-621 Pcnu Avenue. Diamond Pendants. Our pendants of Diamonds and other precious stones are designed expressly for our trade and cannot be duplicated. Dubbin & McWatty, Jew tie's, Tusu 53 Fifth avenue. My "Comfort" glasses, and how to use your eyes, will strengthen and preserve your sight " Prof. Little, Graduate Optician, Smithtield and Sixth avenue, -with Biggs & Co. Ladies Hosiery for Xmas. A special lot ot two-toned pure silk stock ings, regular 53 50 quality, at only 52. An odd chance that gives our hosiery customers this big bargain. They come two pairs in a box. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Ladies' Jackets Our assortments ex cel all others in extent, variety and values. ttssu Hugus" & Hacke. MEETINGS.' THE REGULAR ANNOAL MEETING OF JL the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Fair port Terminal Company will be held at the office of tho company, B. & O. R. R. station, corner Bmithfield and Water bis Pittsburg. Pa.. MONDAY, December 8, 1890, at 2 P. M. C. S. WIGHT. Secretary. no24-9 THE REGULAR ANIUAL MEETING OF the stockholders of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Drove Yard Company will be held at the office 01 tho comnany. II. it O. R. R. station, corner SnuthBeld aud Water sts.. Pittsburg. Pa.. MONDAY, December 8; 1S9Q. at 11 A. M. C. S. WIGHT. Secretary. m.24-10 ELECTIONS. MojfoxG miela Insurance Company. Pittsburg. I'a., November 19. 1890. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION of 15 directors to serve for the ensuing year will be-held at tho office of the companv. S3 Fourth av., on TUESDAY, December 2. prox.. between the hours of 12 M. and 1 P. 31. no22 76-D JOHN H. CLANK. Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN Xl pursuance to a resolution ot the Hoard of Directors of tho Braddock Wire Company, an election of the stockholders of said company will be held at Its principal office, Pittsburg, Pa., on TUESDAY, December 30, 1S90, at 10 o'clock A. JL. to vote on the proposed increase in the capital stock of said companv from $300, 000 to SJOO.000. W. H. RO WE, W. F. MCCOOK. becretiry. Solicitor. oc2b-75Tu J. T. GORMLEY, Executor, 51 Main street. West End. ESTATE OF JAMES GORMLEY, DE CEASED Notice Is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of James Gorinley have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediato pajrnent, and those having claims against the same should make them Known without delay. J. T. GORMLEY, 52 Mam st, West End. OC28-40-TU "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LET J TER.S nf administration upon the cstato of Peter Tesh. deceased, late of the City of Al legheny, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make najmentto the undersigned, and all persons having claims will present them to her. ELIZABETH A. ZEIINDfc-R, Franklin St., Eighth ward, Allegheny. oc2S-43tu IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS No. 2 of Allegheny county. In.the matter of the voluntary assignment of John Lusk to 13. G. Follansbee, No. 417 April term. 1S90. The Auditor appointed by the court to audit, settle and adjust the account of B. G. Follans bee, assignee for the benefit of creditors of the assigned estate of John Lusk, and to report distribution or the balance In the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties interested for the purpo'sn of Ins appointment on FRIDAY, December 26, lS90,at3 o'clock. P. M..at bis office. No.135 Fifth avenne.Pituburg,(Room2u3),when and where all parties interested must present and prove their claims, or bo debarred from participating in the distribution of said funds, no25-5I-Tu JOHN D. BROWN. Auditor. IN THE MATTER OF THE VOLUNIWRY assignment of Ha' den & Sues', to I. G. 'j rauerman. No. 20J, October term, 1S30. In the Court ot Common Pleas. No. 2, of Alle gheny county. Pa. Notice is hereby given that said assignee, I. G. Trauennan, has applied to the said Courtof Common Pleas, No. 2, for dis charge from his trust as said assignee, and that said Court has fixed the 13th day of December, 1S90, at 10 A. II. for tho hearing of said applica tion. That said assignee ba hied at said num ber and term in said Court bis first and final account of said trust up to the date of said application; that all persons desiring to oppose said discharge or to file exceptions to said ac count can do so prior to the said date of hear ing. JOStAli COHEN & CO., no25-65-TU Attorneys for Assignee. A. D. WILKIN, Attorney at Law, No. 403 Grant stree. --VTOTICE APPLICATION WILL BE J made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on the 26th day of December. lKtO.bv James Crans ton, A. E. Pickering. W. T. Kerr, John A Clark and D. G. Evans, under the act of As sembly entitled: "An act to provide for the in corporation and regulation ot certain corpora tions." approved April 29, 1874. and the supple ments thereto, for the charier of an intended corporation, to be called The Commonwealth Building and Loan Association, of Pittsburg, Pennsyivasla.the character and abject of which is the accumulation of a f nnd by the periodi cal contributions ot the members thereof, and ot safely investing the same at Pittsburg. Penn sylvania, and for these purposes to bave and CD joy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. A. D. WILKIN, Holicltor for Appli cants. dc2-69-TU THE PITTSBTJIK? DISPATCH. CS-Ditplay advtrlUemenli one dollar per iquareforone insertion. Classified advertise ments im this page, such as Wanted, For Bale, To Let, etc ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. Volt THE SOUTHSIDE. NO. HI! CAKSOH SritEET. TELEPHONE NO. COS. FOR THE EASr END, J. W. WALLACE, 6121 PENN AVE. BKANCHOFFICES ALSO ASBELOW. WHERE WANT. r-OIt SALE, TO LET. ANU OTHER T1SANS1KNT AEVERriSESlENTS WILL BE RECEIVED DP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements arc to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE Dis PATCn. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 3509 Bntlcr street. EJ1IL G. bTUCKEY, I4th street and Tenn aTe. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHKR, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIDE, Market House, Allegheny. F. II. EGGKRS & bON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwln aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Bcavcraves. PERRY SI. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny avc. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Male Help. BARBER-fSTO 7 PER WtfEK WITH BOARD and washing. Apply H. bTORMFEL'b, Sii Fifth or lOt Tustin st. de2-97 B AHBER-GOOD MAN AT CHAS. WEAVER, iH second av., city. ae-i BLACKSMITH HELPERS TWO APPL V at BOOTH & FLINN'S shop, Forbes and Jumonvlllests. de2:79 UTCHER-Hn, YOUNG MAN THAT UNDER-STANUS-the business: also boy forcro ccrv. Apply at 41G LARIMER AV., East Lnii, city. del-12 c AN DY-M AK ERS-EXP El! 1 EN t'ED. Ari'LY at Snt. 9 nd in I littrrli nT.. Allpchrnv. E. MAGCIN. de;-K COACHMAN-NONEBUT AN EXPERIENCED man iued applv. WILLIAM HAMILTON, livery stable, S311 Hfth av city. de-'-51 D RUG CLERK EEGlbTFRED ASMbTANT. Ai'drcss B 8. Dispatch office. dc:-7B D RUG CLERK REGISTERED AS QUALIFIED assistant. Aaarcss is t, uispaicn ouice. dc2-61 MAN AN ACTIVE MAN WHO HftS SOME knou ledse of real estate business: no capi lal required; also, wanted to buy a dwellliiR In Allegheny: In price, about ?l,CU0. IJy J. II. bTLVENbON & CO., 100 fifth av. no2) MAN-S3 OR 30 YEARS OF AGE. STIRRING and well educated, to work outside the city; salary S5o to 75 per month with chance of promo tion: must be 1 hustler. Call or address ROOMS 45. 40 and 47, Etsnerbulldlnz. de2-60 MAN-ENThRPRISING MAN WITH A CAP ITAL of SG.00U lor a union mohilujr sand companv. ApplyatM CALIFORNIA AV., Allc ghcuy city. del-7J LUMBER-SOBER. FIRbl-CLASS. PRACTI CALman, with experience In controlling men and capable ot estimating unon Iirpe con tracts: nothing but an experienced, nrst-class man will do: salary SJ25 per month: none need anplr without glvniK references. bAVANNAII PLUMBING CO.. Savannah. Ga. no23-79-TuFSU -fpoLLERS TWO ON BAR MILL 1C-1NCH lA train: also two rollerson 10-Inch train: four lnrnaccmen and two hooter. JUDSON MAN UFACTURING COMPANV, ban Francisco. Cali fornia. noI!-29 SALESJIEN-ON SALARY ORCOMMlbblON, to handle the new patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil: the greatest selling novelty ever produced : crapes Ink thoroughly In two seconds: no abrasion of paper: 200 to WO per cent prolit: one arenas sales amounted to 620 In six da) s; another ?3Mn two hours: we want one energetic general agent Tor each btate and Territory; sample by mall 33 cts. For terms and full particulars ad dress the MONROE ERASER MFG. CO.. La Crosse, Wis. no23-9 STEAMFI ITERS AND IIELPERS-TO bTAY away from Chicago: strike there; for lust cause. Iiy order of COMMtlMEE. nolO-123 YOUNG MAN-IS OR 20 EARS OLD TO assist in saloon and make himselt generally useful: one of some experience preferred: refer ence required. Call between 10 a. v. and 12 m. to-day at 1120 PENN AV. de2-63 YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN T1CA buslnessprcfcrred. Apply UNION PACIFIC TEA CO.,.N0. 19 Diamond square, Pittsburg. f- de2-H- Agents. AGEJJTS-TO SELL AND EVERYBODY TO uie Dr. O'Kccfe's 25 cent pills. Good as gold. Dr. O'Kcefe's liver pills, cold or catarrh pills, cough pills, diarrhoea pills, Uiircpsla pills, rheumatism pills, headache pills. In eruption pills, worm pills, kidney pills, Iiucorrlicca pills, backache pills, eye pills, teething pills, asthma pills, croup pills, bore throat pills, nerve pltls, nerous debility pills, whooping cough pills, uon cathartlc pills malaria pills, piles pills. Prire, 23 cents. 1 irgc bottles ?1. Dtt. O'KLEFCiCO., Homeopathic ihcmlsts. 31 Fifth av.. Pittsburg. 111 move to 70S bmithfield st. April 1. del-23 AGKNT-A LIVE. ENERGETIC PARTY IN every place to introduce our goods: wehaie a new Hue that will sell at every house and agents can reap a harvest between now and theholidas: will pay asalar) of 75 per month If preferred, and furnish a team free: address at once. STAND ARD SILVER WARE CO., Boston. Mass. OC1S-41-D AGENTS-AC11VEMEN OUT OF EMPLOY MENT can secure good paying positions soliciting lor us lor the next four weeks; no ex perience necessary. E. GATEi-Y & CO., 23 Fed eral et., Allegheny. UO30-99 AGENTS GOOD AGENTS WANTED TO sell tne Egyptian dice box to the trade: none but workers need apply: circulars for stamps. EUY1TIAN DICE BOX CO.. Iockbox4i0. Mil waukee, W is. dcl-24 AGENTS-1'OR THE SALE OF SCRIBNER'S great new book, Emln Pasha." by A, J. Mountcny-Jenhson. P. J. FLEMING A CO.. 77 Diamond st. dcJ-Tuwihrssu Female Help. c OOK-FIRST-CLASS FEMALE COOK FOR hotel. Address li. J. Dispatch office. de2-93 GIRLS-51IOR PLAIN SEWING AND! SEW ING machine operators. ROENIGKIIROS., 611 Bmithfield St.. city. - dc2-S3 Male and Female Help. HOTEL COOKS. CHAMUER.MAIDS, DISH WASHERS, lanndrcbtc". dining-room girls, girl to do plain sewing aud chamber nork, cooks $4er week: 200 house girl. 4 colored, child's nurse. MEEhAN'S AGENCY, 515 Grant St. Tel. 9u. dcl-D TEAt'HERS-MlNlbTERS. AND 011IER IN TELLIGENT men and vornen out of em ployment at a salary ot $33 to $80 per month, to toliclt and act as general agent for our book. Mary, the tjucen ot the Hoiuc of David, "a stronger and more fiscinatlug book than 'Bcn Hurt" no competition; Horatio Alger writes: "It Is a volume of absorbing interest and evi dently the work of a master hand;'1 Miss Mary Bullard: "No praise v-hlch has been bestowed is too great for It:'' "National Recorder. London, tug 2 "We have read the boot eagerly and are lasclnated by it." For pirticulars, terms and territory, call oraddress A. S. GRAY & CO., Eisner & Phillips building. de2-S0 Situations. POSITION AS CLERK IN GROCERY OR general merchandise stoic by experienced onng mm, either In or out ufcitv; best of refer ence. Address 113. Dispatch office. dc39 POblTION-llY STATIONARY ENGINEER: competent and experleeced man; best of references. Address BC, Dispatch office. dcMO ITUATION-BY lOIING MAN bPEAKING German, French and English, as waiter In hotel or private house, the latter preferred. Ad dress B 4, Dispatch office. de2-C ' Boarding. FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD BY GEN TLEMAN and vtiteinarclinedfamlly at East End. Address B 3, "Dispalcl office. de2-5j Financial. MONEY-OURFACILiriES FOR FURNISH ING money to any amount on bond and niortgigearc uncqualcd: lowest rates of Interest and no delay. 11 yon need money apply MORRIS & FLEM1N G. IPS Fourth av e. jy2r-8b-TTasu ONEY LOANED-RATES 4), TO b'PER cent, according to amount and location, fcco BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 1C2 Fourth ave. scJO-59-TusSu ORTGAGES-ON CITY, SUBURBAN AND country properties. Rates 4f. 5 and 6 per cent, as to security oOered. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. oc.3-41-Tuwrs ORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY couutv property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mb2-r Olfi GAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS to suit at AH. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLts & BAILEY, 1W rourth ave. Tel. 107. apl4-19-TTasu TO LOANS500,(XO. IN AMOUNTS OF 0.000 ' and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4Ji per cent: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & 1SA1ED, 95 Fourth avenue. ee2t-d:S-D O LOAN 200,000 ON MORTGAGES 100 audnoward at 6 percent: imcoo at4.tf per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth ave. oc23-I fJJ-l 000.000 TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES OX9 large and small amounts at 4 5 and 6 Eercent free or State tax; no delay. HEED B. OYLE 4 CO., 1:1 Fourth ave. my21-60-rrs Miscellaneous. 70ll GET A BARHR'S DOZEN (13) OF X Stewart & Co. 's One cabinet photos for fl, at SU and 92 FEDERAL ST., AllejUeuy. mr2s-j3-TTfm TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, WANTED. Miscellaneous. BOILER TO BUY A TCBULAR BoILER Capaclty 60-horsc power. Inquire of W. If. HOEVELER, Storage, TwclRb and Vlke St.. Pitts burg. de:-7l VERY LADY WISHING TO HE HER OWN dressmaker to call at 610 Penn ave. (op posite Home's stores) and Investigate MADAME FLESHER'S ladies' tailoring system; no risk; parties responsible; school now open. nol9-23 EVERYONE-TO HAVE THEIR BROKEN windows fixed before winter: telephone 1471 or wrlto postal card lor price list. G. G. O'BRIEN, Painter. 292 Fifth ave. sclO-TTS IMPORTANT NOIICE-IF I.OU HAVE PROP ERTY to sell ortorcnt,send us prlcc,de.cilp-, Hon, terms, etc., lor free insertion In our new catalogue, 10,000 or which will be printed In at tractive book form and distributed among Invest ors 111 December copy will be received up to De cember W. CHARLES SOMLRS CO.. 31 J Wood st 0019 Penn ave. no-21-27.20.de2.4,6 PENSIONS THE PTTTaTiURO PENSION AGENCY OF J. H. STEVENSON CO.. 100 ilftli ate Pensions now had for all disabled soldiers, permanently helpless children ami widows or deceased soldiers under late act of Congress: pensions increased to correspond with the disability; bounties collected: certificates ol servlco procured where discharges are lost. sdi-D SOMl'ONE-TO ADOPT A HEALTHY BOY baby, live weeks old. Address JOHN MUN DELU bonthslde P. O.. fltt'bnrg. no30-3 FOE SALE EttPlSOYED KEAL ESTATE. City Residences. BEDFORD AV. NEAR ROBEItT ST.-GOOD brick dwelling of 7 rooms at only (3.500: a bargain. C. BElilNGER & SON, US Fourth av. no-ouSdTTS ELEVENTH WARD-TEN VINUTES FROM P. O.; four new two-story mansard brick dwellings: six rooms each, nat and art. gas, water. Insldaw. c, etc., good lot; rent fSlB per year; price 0.0u0: gilt-crtge Investment: must be sold. BAX1ER, THOMPSON i, CO.. 102 Fourth avenue, no30-10S-TUThSEu LllICUrYAV.-lcnthward: S3.C00: lot 21x100 feet, to Spring allcv: two good brick honsei; one 011 each end or the lot: this Is a good Invest ment. (10). bee W. A. HERRON i. bONS. No. SU Fourth av. de2-33-2.9, 10,23 KOBERTST.-TWO-STORY BRICK DWELL ING or 7 rooms front and back porchc", hall, both gises. etc.: price $3. COO. C. BERING ER .t bON, 156 Fourth ay. no29-SG-TTS CQ 750-D1NWIDD1E bT., NEAR FIFTH 7c79 av , corner property, a line two-story and mansard stone front dwelling or nine room', re ception hall, with corner fireplace, havlnjfhard wood mantels surmounted with plate glass mir rors, nice, largo parlor, with hard wood mantel and tile hearth, bathroom, w. c., ranee, both gases, wired for electric light, laundry with sta tionary tubs front porch: caerythingln the best of order: lot 20xlC() to alley. (EltC-3 ) IILACK 4 BA1RD, 03 Fourth av. dc2-4S-2-3-U fT OOO-A 10 PER CENT LAWRENCEV1LLE D I 9 Investment on account of removal ot owner; a"-roomed brick aud .1 10-roomcd donhlc frame dwelling, city water, gas, etc.. with lot 23x100 rrontlng on Inn streets, it. C. CLARKE, 135 Fourth ave., and Edgcwood. no2-TTb East End Residence. ALDER ST. MAK HIGHLAND AV.. LOT 13!xl22lect toun alley, oucof the most ilc-f-irablc IjIocks of buildings In the East fcnd: S3. Iflo. (13). W. A. ULRRON 4 SONS, No.80 Fourth av. dc2-SG-2,8,I3,lS BOO.UET STREET ELEGANT SIONE front houses, adjoining Oakland Square and overlooking, and but a few hundred feet lrom. the prettiest quarter of Schenlcy Park; the-e houses are of an unusuall) handsome exterior, very roomy Inside, with all the latest modern con veniences and appointments: built In the most substantial anil careful manner aud perfect and thorough In all details: In a neighborhood wl ich Is at once the most convenient and attractive In the city, surrounded bv modern houses and grounds of excellent class, with nothing else In sight; 15 minutes from postofflce, with street cars pissing the door, and adjacent to bchcnlcy Park; the present established attractions and the pros pect of greatly improved values in the luturcwill commend thee houses strongly to uuyers who ap preciate visible advantages and can also look ahead: terms casv, to suit purchaser; paving, sewerage, etc., already done. Apply to C. H. CHANCE. No. 10 Oakland bquare. noTO-JO' FIFTH AV. NO, 906; bJlALL CASH PAY MENT down, remainder on long time; montnly payments if desired: brick house of six rooms; price, $2,500; this Is near Oakland and convenient to the business cent , this being the only one left out of four. (11.) See W. A. HER RoN SONS, No. 83 Fourth ay. de2-3S-2,8,H,I0 FINE RESIDENCE AND LARGE CORNER lot In the East End Ten large rooms, all In luxurious condition; lavatory, gas. bath and all othermodern appliances: targe corner lot. about 110x200 feet. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth av., Pittsburg. dc2-77 HOME-WE HAVE A NEW TWO-STOKY brick dwelling ofll rooms rec. hall, hard wood fiuldi, sliding doors between dining room and rec. hall,hard wood mantels with tile hearths, electric bells, speaking tubes; electric light with combination chandeliers: steel range and copper boiler in kitchen; laundry with cemented floor; house hanusomely papered : Immediate possession; this property on South Highland av. and west side of street. Secagents, BAXIER. THOMPSON & CO., 163 fourth av. mo0-K8-TUThSSU XTCfCSE-NEW SIX-ROOM FRAME HOUSE, X just finished, on a sewered street, within five minutes of Fifth av. and Pen n av. cables: slate roof, slate mantels, vestibule, halls up and down stairs, sliding doors, hot and cold water. Inside closet. Inside shutters, stationary wash stand, both gases, electric lights, speaking tubes, all modern Improvements: will be sold cheap and ou casv terms: neighborhood strictly first-class. S. A. DICKIE ,t, CO.. Penn and Shady avs E.E.. dealers In East End property only. no2-75-TTS HOUSE-EIGHT ROOMS AND FINISHED attic frame house ou a paved street on Hue of electric road and within a few minutes of cable Hues; two porches, bath, laundry. Inside shutters, both gases: all modern; moderate price an J easy terms; good lot. b. A. DICKIE. 5, CO., Penn and bhady avs., E, E. 1615. A e deal In Cist 1 nd property only. de2-7nTS PENN AV. HANDSOME M1W BRiCK houscof 10 rooms: entirely modern: on 1'enn av.. East End;rlght In the mist orthc finest resi dences of East Liberty: large reception hall; hard and cabinet mantels with enameled tile hearths and French plate mirrors; stationary washstaud; inside closets; hot and cold water; first-class laundry with stationary tubs; best of sanitary plumbing: large kitchen and pantry: plenty of closets; home papered and handsomely decorated throu hout; a splendid home; large lot; flue lawn with plenty of shade ami lrult trees. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and bhady ays., E. E., 3211, dealers In East End property only. de2-75-TnThS Q1 A 000-AMBERST.,BAUMUROVEPI,AN, O-Lv5 a newQuceu Anne brick dwelling of 12 rooms, reception hall, parlor, library, dining room and kitchen on first floor; fic bedrooms, bathroom and w. c. on second floor; two finished attic rooms; slate mantels, tile hearths, folding doors file gas fixtures, electric light, both gases, fine china closets, bookcase, etc.; laundry in base ment: very convenient to Roup station and Du quesne rlectrlcand Fifth avenue cable cars. A9. BLACK i, BAIRD. 05 Fourth ay. de2-48-2,14.27 fif' 700 FOR Btrrn-WINEBIDDLE AV., OVJ' two fine two-story cjcicn Anne rrame dwellings of seven rooms, reception hall, bath room, finished attic, slate roof, front nnd back porches, etc: lots 3J and 31 feet front bv 150 feet deep respectively: good location, only two squares liom Ben Venue, and about eight minutes' walk to Penu atcuao cable line. A2I. BLACK & BAIRD. 05 1 ourth av. dc2-49-2,8,lC QA 500 A NEW TWO-SIORY FRAS1E Ore' bouse or7 rooms aud attic, h ill, vestibule, bath, inside w. c. and w. s., range, h. and c. walcr. slate m intcls and tile hearths. Inside shut ters, porches front and rear; lot 30x100 leet: tilts Is a rate bargain and is only one minute from Roup station and one-half square from Unqnesne car Iue on Ellsworth ay. J. E. GLASS, 13s Fifth avenue. deJ-H' (Cf OOO-OAKLAND-A NEW TWO-STORY OvJ9 and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, estlbule, inside shutters, slatemantels and tile hearths, range, h. ami c. water, b ith, w. c. andw. s ; laundry In basement, natnral and arti ficial gas: sewerage complete: front and rear porches: lot 24x120 lcet. J. E. GLASS, No 133 Fifth av. dc2-51 500-OAKLAND bOUA RE-NEW E1G1IT- 19 ROOM, modern brick residence, hall. bath, laundry, ranee, nat. aud art. gas Inside shutters, lront and back stairs, porches, newly papered throughout, slate mantels, tile hearths and vestibule, electric bells, etc.: large lot: terms reasonable. M. F. H1PPLC . CO., 90 rourth av. no30-37-xuwsu S- fj OSO-GREAT BARGAIN-FOR THREE Xj9 brick dwellings; one of nine rooms, one ot six rooms and one of five rooms; well Improved; on the corner of Bingham and Fifteenth streets, t-outhslde: will bring In about?', 000 per year rent. (34815). bee W. A. HEREON & SOJ.S, No. 80 Fourth arc. nol9-4-19,21,27,de2,6 Q4 500-RURAL AV., Nr AR bT. CLAIRST.. V jC atwo-storv frame dwelling of 3rooms and finished attic hall, nice bithroom, w. c. range, bothgae. electric light, porch, nice pantry and china eloset; evervthtng In good condition: lot 22x100 feet, A341. " BLACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth .avenue. de2-47-2,8,21 CO COO-A NEAT NEW FRAME HOUSE OF tj)js 5 rooms, hall, natural gas, city water: only two minutes from Penn avenue cable line and one square rromNegley ay. J. E. GLASS, No. iss Flftnav. ' de2-5l Allegheny Residences. ARCH ST. ABOVE THE PARKS-A. TWO STORY brlct and frame dwelling of six rooms, 'hall, vestibule. Inside shutters, slato mantels, bath, w. c.. both gases, h. andc. water, good cellar; sewerage complete: lot 20x110. to paved alley: easy terms.- BAX'l ER. THOMPSON c,CO.. IC2 ioarthav. no3o-l08-TuThssu CALIFORNIA AVE. NEAR SEDGWICK ST.: Allegheny residence; frame bouse, five rooms nnd attic, good hall and side entrance: lot20x!CO rcct: Mill sell cheap. GEORGE It. BOT1IWELU No 104 1'ranklin St., near BeaTer ave.. Alle gheny, Pa. . ocI8-31-ttssu T ARGE BRICK KESIDENOE-UI-OSB TO ..JU parks, Allegheny: 14 spacious rooms, and re plete throughout with all the more recent im provements; fine lot, with side entrance: paved alley In the rear: one of the best and most central locations In Allegheny. J Ah. W. DKAPE& CO., 129 Fourth av., city. de2-77' PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, ALLEGHENr, near Allegheny avenue: brick dwelling or 6 .rooms; hall: bath; finished attic: both gases; marble mantel; good cellar, water, and neatly JLnlA1!.e.?.:,Er.lce' 100 on time ana easy terms- a. H. BTEYEMayif CO., 100 Fifth avenue, now (C -J 500-SUSQCEHANNA ST.. NEAR CITY OX'. Hue. Homewood, a two-story frame dwell ldgorfour rooms, porch, etc.: lot 251100. (Alo7.) BLACK A BAlltb. 95F.onrthav. de:-50-2-ll-21 189& FOR SALE EUPROVED REAL ESTATE. Allegheny Residences. ARCH"- STREET. ALLEGHENY-A NICE dwelling on best part of the street, near to the parka; spacious double parlors: other rooms large and cheerful: flno plllard mantels with cabinets; all the modern conveniences and every thing In prime order. J AS. W. DRAPE i. CO., 129 Fourth av.. Pittsburg. deS-TT fl OOO-FRANKLIN ST., NEAR PREBLE t575 av.. brick dwelllug or 12 rooms and attic, hall, all modern Improvements: lot 41x12": nice front fence. (B235). BLACK & BAIRD. 93 Fourth av. dc2-4VMTur Suburban -Residences. INGRAM STATION P., C. & ST. L. R. R. new Irame dwelling. Just completed, con taining 6 rooms, receptluu liall. etc.: large lot: price only 3,100. C. BLR1NGER & SON. 156 Fourth av'. no29-30TTS SEWICKI.EY-GOOD FRAME DWELLING of eight rooms: hall, bath, front and reir porches, both gases; good location: lot 6x200 lecton two streets: good Investment at $4,000. O. BEKINGER &bON. 150 rourth av. no29-36-TTbs CJ t Q OOO WILKINSBURG. FRANKLIN tP JL09 st.. no r station, a two-story frame dwelling of 12 rooms, halL bithrooi,:, w, c. range, 1 111 n dry. front and back porches, sla e mantels, natural gas, electric light and call bells, bouse panered throughout; lot 66x264 feet throuch to Rebecca st:: will sell bouse with lot 69x112 for 10,000. (KC2j. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. dc2-44-TUF OA 8OO-COSTS6.500 TO BUILD-SPLENDID 5? seven-room frame dwelling, with finished attic, reception hall, verv fine slate mantels, gas and water path, closets and cupboards, elegantly papered, fine Ory cellar, three porches, fine view of river and surrounding country, large lot, 20 minutes lrom city. M. F. HlPi'LK & CO.i 96 Fourth av. no30-7l-TTSu OO 700 IDLEWOOD, FOUNTAIN AV., to7Mi9 abont four minutes' walk from station, two-stor frunc dwelling of fonr nice rooms and bascnie t k'lulx'ii. hall, good cellar, front and side porches. ln-.Me shutters, etc.: lot 31x110x120. (II5J). BLACK S. BAIRD. 93 Fourth ay. de-J-C-JiTur CJQ 300 AT Wll.KINSBURG-bhVEN-ROOM 309 frame dwelling, rccep. hall, finished attic, b. r.. nat. gas. electric wires, front and back porches: lot 26x120: six minutes rro-n station: this prico for a short time. W E. HAMMETT&CO., 102 Fourth av., Pittsburg, and Wltklusburg. no29-7 FOR SALE LOTS. City Lots. SALE OF LOTS-DO NOT FORGET TOE SALE of fine building lots near the bead of the Twenty-second btrcct Incline at 2 r. t. this com ing Wednesday and baturdav; we will boon the ground, and desire to close out theentireplotof 08 lots, the property ol the heirs of S. P. Mollis: prices and terms to suit all: an opportunity for the worklngmen to get a home; low taxes, good location and easy oC access; lots from SIOO to ?70O. Inquire or MORRISON & BANKS, ICO'lhlrd ave., cor. Wood St. Telephone 1557. no4-TTS East End Lots. FAHNESTOCK PLAN CORNER LOT Homewood av. and McPherson St.. for?l,5C0. See BAXTER. THOMPSON &CO., 162 Fourth av. no30-ua-TTSSu I70RWAKD AND SALINE AV. 1WEMY- SI-COND ward; location good: eight acres of ground for only S9.300 If sold soon. See W. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ay. no25-93-25.23.de2,G LANG AV. -DESIRABLE LOT'S ON WEST-. ERLY side or Lang av.. corner or Kelly st.. at $25 per foot, 'this ground is splendidly located and isa bargain at the price: shady side of street and lies high, dry and level: supplied with city water and gas: fine building site or will pay to hold; a sarer Investment than money in bank; we deal only In East End property, b. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn aud bhady avs.. E. E. 267. dc2-75-TTJ LOTS 10x110 FT., IN THE BAUM GROVE plan In Cast End, near Negley and Center avs. andBaum st., ror;35pcr foot: elegant sur ronndlngs: call for plan and particulars on BROWN & SAINT, 512Smlthficld St. no3o-87-MTuThrs" LOTS-EASY TERMS: THESCUEN LEY PARK Land Company are selllug the best lots for theprice oflerlng In the city. Call at oraddress PEIER bUIELDS, 533 Grant St., cor. Virgin alley. noI4-75 aan VKa FOOT front-homewood av., J3DI near McPherson st: lot about 50x150. A30. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth av. de2-45-2,8,Il AHeghcny Lots. -,TAPLE AVE.-OSGOOD PLAN, TWELFTH J.VX ward, Allegheny, lot 43xll5 feet, for 11,500; very centrally and desirably located. (90.) See W. A. HERRON JiSONS. JO Fourth ave. noH-6-14,I0.26,ae2.8 TENTH WARD, ALLEGHF.NY-bPECIAL 6 lots at a bargain to quick buvers. 31. F. JUPPLEACO., 98 Fourth av. uo30-7I-TnThSu Hazelwood Lots. CJQfT?r TO $1,000 EACH-PARK VIEWPLAN ojO i fJ of lots, near Robinson St., opposite Uruline Academy. Fourteenth Ward, Oakland, 1J4 miles or 12 minutes' ride lrom postoflice, three minutes' walk from Fifth ave. Traction cars: cheapest aud best lots In the city. THOS. LIG GETT, 71 Diamond st. no7-6I-D rao-ms. , FARM-tn4 ACRES IN WASHINGTON TOWN SHIP. Westmoreland Co., Pa. 30 acres of fine oak, 30 or 40 acres of coal, seven-foot vein, Pittsburg seam, good frame nouscSroonts. bank barn, good running spring water Ik every field, good out-bulldings every description. Churches and schools convenient. Land of excellent qual ity and In good state of cultivation (29.) SLOAN A CO.. 127 Fourth av. nn'-RS & CO., 127 Fourth av. no2-63 FARM-89 ACRES. NEAR KITTANNING, Pa., frame dwelling 4 rooms, well finished: frame bank barn, necessary outbuildings, spring in eiery field excent two, fine orchard, 7 acres timber, 3 veins coal; I md undulating, but not sleep; all tillable; sown to grass and elovcr; terms to suit. (23) SLOAN & CO., 127 Fourth. dc2-63" 17AEM-72 ACRES. 1 MILES WEST OF 7 New V aterrord, Columbiana Co., o toll rich and loamy, well watered, frame dwelling, 8 rooms and attic, s'atcroof, bank barn with stable room for20 horses, excellent fruit and all neccs siry outbuildings, SLOAN S, CO., 127 Fourth avenne, no2-6S T7IARM-FOR SALE. OR WILL EXCHANGE X; for improved or. unimproved city property, containing 70 acres, all lying level and can he cultivated: good Oroom dwelling, spring house, fruit trees, etc; good oil well on the property. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 Fourth ay. no30-71TnThsu FAaM-KO ACHES IN SALEM TOWNSHIP, Westmoreland co.. Pa., good dwelling, frame barn, land In good condition, well watered, everything In good repair; churches anJ schools convenient; to a quick buyer this is a bargain. (23). SLOAN & CO., 127 Fourth av. de2-63 F A.RJl-145 ACRES: TWO GOOD DWELLINGS, good frame bank barn, coal for use. bank opened: plenty lime and sandstone: will sell 25 acres separate: situated near Uniontown. I'a. (29) SLOAN CO.. 127 Fourth. de2-6S 371ARM-I25 ACRES. NEAR NEW ALEX " ANDR1A, Pa.. level, cleared land, easily worked, jsood dwelling 9 rooms, new barn, neces sary outbuildings, orch ird, with fruit or all kinds. (IS) bLOAN i, CO., 127 Fourth. de2 OS IT-ARM-I,' -ACRES IN SALEM TOWNSHIP. Westmoreland CO.. Pa., good dwelling, stable, fine orchard, well watered, necessary out buildings; blacksmith shop on place. (2S). bLOAN Jt CO., 127 Fourth av. de2-GS FARM-FOE SALE OR EXCHAN'GE-A GOOD farm of 120 acres, with dwellings, outbuild ings, orchard, water, etc.. In Washington county. .IAS. V. DRAPE 4 CO.. 129 Fourth av.. Pitts burg. de2-77 FARJl-75 ACRES. NEAR PARNASSUS; frame house blue rooms also frame bouse six rooms good trame stable, grist mill and other outbuildings. (27). SLOAN & CO., 127 Fourth ay. de2-63 F iARJl-10 ACRES. NEAR PARNASSUS, ON Greensburg nlke. five-room dwelling, good stable, fine fruit, spring In every field, neccssiry outDuildlngs. (17). SLOAN & CO., 127 Fourth ay. de2 6S -T71ARM-16 ACRES.NEAKPARNASSCS.FOUR X ROOM dwelling, good orchard, one-half cleared and balance tin timber. (27). SLOsN& CO.. 127 t ourth ay. de2-6a 137 ACRES-NEAR HANOVERTON, COLUM BIANA CO., O., dwelling ofll rooms, situ ated in beautiful grove of maple, barn, ice house, corn crib and all necessary outbuildings; splen didly watered, small but never-falling stream running through, all easily cultivated, 6 acres timber, improved fruit, soil a wairo, sandy loam in a high state of cultivation; convenient to churches and schools. (2S). SLOAN & CO.. 127 Fourth av. de2-68 Miscellaneous. COAL LAND-600 ACRES COAL LAND -SURFACE ana all. In Cambria co.. Pa., near R. It.: two veins. c.Mco'itt. other 6 It.: only too per acre. (15). SLOAN & CO.. 127 Fourth ay. . dc;-" FOR SALE IJCsINESS. Business Opportunities. TPANCY OltOCERY-lN ONE OF THE MOST ' prosperous elites In the South, hair intenst In a fancy grocery business that has paid a net profit of over S7U.000 In the last ten years: pnr chasermustthoroughly understand the business willing to rcllcve'prescut owner of all details and furnish satisfactory references as to character aud buslnceS ability; references consulted first, and uo attention paid to lliost-not meaning busi ness. Address WHOLESALE, P. o. Box No. 9, Savannah, Ga. uo2S-80-TFSu FI NE CITYslIOESTORE-GROCEP.YbTORE-,io j.0iu: milk depot fSSotoKUO; cigar store, bakeries notion stores. HOLMES & CO., 420 bmithfield. de2-l LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE-GROCERY stores in both cities to J3.000; bakeries, cigar ttorc3. drug stores butcher shop, notion stores shoe stores, book and stationery store, nulk .depots hardwaruand tinning buf ness oHEPAKD i. CO.. 151 Fourth av. no23 MILLINERY AND NOTION STORE-BUSI-uess established ISycars. For further par ticulars lnqulrcf Mrs M. L. MOHRHOF-", 1737 Carson st. noJO-l.s TEA STORE-A PAYING RETAIL TEA. COF FEE, baking powder and spice business: old established Stand: well located; profits large: bus iness can be learned lira wpek: a rare cl-anccto get Into the most profitable business In the coun try; bouafidc bujers only noticed. Address for on'ewcek.EoNAlTDKDfpatch office. no30-asar' Manufacturing Sites. M ANUFACTUHING sIlES-ONE OF THE .UJL. most aejirauic, uut iirauuocE. irouting .D. & O. and P. McK. Y. R. R. ; perfectly Invel and oh grade: 5 acres otland with river frontage: price very reasonable, bee 1Y. A. HERRON & bUNS, 80 JfourtU iT, (88.) no2S-75-ia' FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Properties. B RICK HOTEL-1N EASTERN OHIO. OF about 40 roomsand fully furnished: bar saies. 19.000 per year, and other receipts p. OOO per year: good-sized barn. Icehouse, and all conveniences: price $25,000; might take some good real estate in part pay. J. H. STEVENSON & CO., 100 Fifth avenue. nolS" BUSINESS STAND-STORE ROOM, WAKE HOUbE. live dwelling rooms, and good frame house, sir rooms with two large lots in town 011 C. . P. R. i:gre it birgaln: 82,030. ED. WlTllbll, 410 Grant St., Pittsburg. dei-D TOR SALE-MJSCEXLANT.OBS. Horses, Vehicles. Live Stock, Etc. CARRIAGE-ONE HORSE CARRIAGE AND set of single harness; can be seen at W Uson Brothers stables, at West Diamond. Allegheny. FIDELITY T11LEAND TRUbT Co. Adminis trator. no30-jo-zoi)"' COWS A CARLOAD OF FRtbll MILCH cows on Wednesday, December 3, at M. MARX.45 1'irstst., Allegheny. de2-50' HORSE-DARK BAY-FOlf HALF VALUE: suitable for doctor or family driving: quiet and gentle in every particular. Can be seen at J. H.SKEL'JJWN'S STABLE, Twelfth St.. city. de2-71 Machinery and Metals. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND ENGINES aud boilers, one 14x30 In., one 12x24 In., one 12x18 In., two 10x20 In., one 12X12 In., one 10x12 In., four 9x12 In., and large lot or smaller sizes; mounted portable englnea Stol2h. p., sharting, Sullevs pumps governors, etc. J. s. YOUNG, 1-25 Park way. Allegheny. Pa. oc30-D HOISTING AND PORTABLE ENGINES small vertical engines and boilers wire rone. Iron charging barrows, Slemcn valves lard kettles castings etc. VELTE & MCDONALD. 220O Penn avenue. ocl-TTS" THE PORT! R & DOUTHETI CO.. L1M., DAR ItGH st. and River av.. Allegheny. Pa., engines hollers and castings. Repairing promptly attended to. del w" THE TAYLOR-HECK AUTOMATIC AND compound engines for electric light and rallwuy service: engines and boilers in every slza and stvle:siw mills nua wood-working machin ery. HARMES MACHINE DEPOT, US First av.. Pittsburg. Pa. no26-D Miscellaneous. -VPSW COOD3 ARRIVING DAILY-COME 1 and examine our stock of gold and sliver watcbes. clocks diamonds icwelrv and silver ware, etc.: lowest prices in the two cities, at WILSON'S. 61 fourth ave., Pittsburg. Fine watch and jewelry repairing a specialty. noil-TTS TO LET. Business Properties. WAREHOUSE 163 AND 170 SECOND AV.. Tour stores 40x8a, with cellar and sub-cellar, alley lu rear, good elevator, etc: lowrent; Immediate possession. BAXTER. THOMPSON it CO., 162 Fourth av. del-5t Rooms. BOARD1NG-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, bath, use of parlor, etc.; low rates. 6101 bTATlON ST. East End. no30-125t Offices, Desk Room. Etc. OFFICFS-TIIE BEST IN ALLEGHENY, ON second floor;heat and janitor service included ill the rent. In the Stcrrltt building, cnr. West Diamond and Ohio sts. bee W. A. HERRON 4 SONS. No. 80 i ourth ay. no25-74-Tut OFFICES IN GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK Building. Wood and Diamond sts.: singly or In suits: all modern Improvements and low rent. Inquire atTHE BANK. oc23-49t PERSONAL. PERSiiNAL-INTHERAFFLEIIELD AT 41 Fulton St.. city, the gold watch and chain was won by J. Richards No. 107. de2-90 PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have any books to sell, lcLusknow. LEV1S BOOK STORE. Seventh Avenue Hota building. mh7 I3EI!SON"AL-B00KS. BOOKS, BOOKS, OLD and new. largest stock, lowest prices; librar ies purchased. UtANK BACON & CO.. 301 Smlthtleld st.. Pittsburg, Pa. noil PERSONAL YOU CAN BUY HOLIDAY presents on credit from Sam F.Slpe;watcues dlimonds, jewelry and silverware, diamond ear rings, rings, pins ami studs. 415 to $500: possession given on first payment. Address LOCK. BOX 85, r-lttsbnrg no.3-45 FOUND. F lOUND-A LARGE LOT or WINTER clothing belonging to residents of tbls city was found hanging in the rooms occupied br DICKSON, the tailor. 65 Filth ave.. upstairs, altered, cleaned and repaired: the owners should call for them, as Dickson requires the room. no!3-D LOST. T OST-ON SATURDAY, A SMALL, SQUARE XJ gold locket, containing a lady's portrait. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at this office. de2-32 T OSf- S25REWARD-LOSTON NOVEMBER I. XJ abtacte and tan setter dog. $25 reward will he paid for his return to W. J. OASKEY. A CO.. 115 bmltbflel I st.. city. no29-15-p PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE OErViVD at the office of the Supervisint; Architect, Treasury Department. Washington, D. C, until 2 o'clock, r. M.. on the 22J day of December, ltJ'JO, for all the labor and materials necessary to complete the approaches, mailing; platform, postouice lookout, etc., for the United States Court Honse and Postofflce Building at Pittsburg, Pa., in accordance with the drawings and specification, copies of which may he had on application at this Sice or the office of the superintendent at Pittshnr?, Pa. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for J300. The Department will reject all bids received after the time herein stated lor opening the same; also, all bids which do not comply strictly with all tho requirements of this invitation. Proposals must be incluse'd in envelopes, sealed and marked "Proposals (for Approaches, etc., for the United States Court House, PostoHce, etc.. Building at Pittsburg, Px.andaddresscd to JAS.H. WINDIUM. Sup ervising Architect. November 23. 1300. dc2 fcj-TThs SEALED PP.O?OSLS' WILL BK RE CEIVED at the office of the Supervising Architect. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, until 2 o'clock P. 31., on the 17th day of December, 1S90, for all the labor and materials required for concreting the floor of basement, etc.. of the United States Court Honse and Postofflce at Pittsburg. Pa., in accordance with drawing and specification, copies of which may be had on application at this office or the office of the Superintendent at Pittsburg. Pa. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certi fied check for tjlOO. The department will re ject all bids received after the time herein stated for opening the same; also all bids which do not comply strictly with all tho require ments of this invitation. Proposals must be enclosed in envelopes sealed and marked. "Proposal fo- Concrete Floors for the United States Court House and Postoflice Building at Pittsburg. Pa., and addressed to JAMES H. WINDItlM. (Supervising Architec. Novem ber 26th. ISSWL no29-34-TTh3 orriciAL-prrrsBirRG. PlTrsBnro. Nov. 27, 18S0. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L report of viewers on the opening of Lowell street, from Lincoln avenue to Renfrew street, has been approved by Councils, which action will bo final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas wiihin ten (10) days lrom date. E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. del-45-D PmsBDBO. November 17. 1SS0. SEALFD PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tho office of the City Con troller until FRIDAY, December 5. at 2 p.m., for alterations in the office of Bureau of Elec tticitv. Jlunicipal Hall, according to plans ant specifications ou file in the office of the archi tect, Cha3. Dickel, Hamilton building. For further information apply to M. W. Mead, Sunt, of Bureau. Blanks for nidding can bo obtained at the general office. Department of Public Safety. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, with two sureties, in double the amount of the bid, probated beforo tho Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves tho right to reject any or alfbids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. no25-9U The JSuppiyManufacturiiigCo., 100 and 102 WOOD bT. Heavy and Light Machine Work to Order in IRON OR BRASS, From Specifications or Verbal Order. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ELECTRIC BAIL WAY MACHINEBY REPAIRS. Telephone No. HSU. ocJO-40-TTS REMOVAL. House and Sign Painter, has removed from 135 Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVENUE. Opposite Third Presbyterian Church. Special attention eiven to the handling of plate glass, cutting and drilling. Ropainng windows, sky lights, etc House painting and glazing in all its branches. ocl9-3-D Herman Helm LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Laying out of lawns, draining and pruning all kinds of trees. Personal supervision. ELLSWORTH AYE.; EAST END. nol-54-TuS J a CHOICE PROPERTIES. ' LOTS. KENILVORTH PLACE, At terminus of Central Traction road, on Madison and Ecrron avenues. Location unsurpassed for borne sites; 15 minutes from our office. We guarantee prices lower than any other lots in this vicinity. Prices, 5480 to $800 on paved streets. Agent on the gronud Saturday afternoons from 2 to & Terms to 3ait. H. F. HIPPLE & CO., 96 FOURTH AVE. de3-38-TI3 FIFTEES CHOICE BUILDING LOIS Within 15 minutes' ride of Court House. Can bo bought at a great bargain by a. prompt buyer. Itwulpayyou to call and get a plan of these lots. These lots are sure to double in alue within six months. 31. P. HOVLEY fc SON. no25-C3 127 Fourth avenne. $8,800! SHADYSIDE, On asphaltnm paved and sewered street. New and substantial Queen Aune style brick dwell ing 10 rooms anu reception ball, bath, two w. c's., laundry, stationary tabs, inside shutters, handsome slate and bardnood mantels, til a hearths, &c. This property cannot be dupli-j cated for less than $10,000, and is the cheapest property on the avenne. Terms Small cash payment down: balance to snir. ii. F. HIPPLE & CO.. no30-70-TUThsn 96 Fourth avenue. $14,000 1 FIFTH AV. INVESTMENT, near Court House, substantial new pressed brick twostory and mansard dwelling. 12 rooms, with modern conveniences and appliances, with lot 24x115 to alley. This dwelling was bnllt for tho nse of a, physician, ana is one of the best locations on the avenue tor doctor or dentist. The abovo -prico includes carpets, curtain, etc A bar gain. Worth at least 515,000. We invite com parison. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., OG FOOR1H AVENUE. no30-70-TuThsu $23,000. EAST END RESIDENCE, With 1 acres on 50-foot asphaltnm paved street;oua minute's walk from Duquesne Elec tric line, also convenient to Penn or Fifth ave nue cables. New modern style Queen Anne brick dwelling. 10 rooms and reception ball, bath, inside shutters and w. c, laundry, both gases, slite mantels, tile hearths etc. Tba gronnds contain a large number of snade and. ornamental trees, a never failing spring ot pnre water, etc. Terms to suit purchaser. If the above price is too much tor yon we can reduce size ox lot to suit you in price. M. F. HIPPLE & CO. 0 Tourth av. noS0-70-TTSa OFFICES FOR RENT, - INCLUDING HEAT, ELEVATOR AND JANITOR SERVICE. Bissell Block, corner Seventh avenue and Smithfield street. n"30-49 Inqnire ROOM 209. - AUCTION SALES. f ORPHANS' COURT S-A-ZjIEL By virtue of an order of tho Orphans Court of Allegheny county. Pennsylvania, at No. 15 September term, 1&5, in partition and to me directed, I will cxposo to public sale, at No. OS DIAMOND ST., PITTSBURG, OS Saturday, December 8, 1890, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M.. Purpart No. 2. beirg Block No. 2, Plan A vie All that certain lot of ground, situats in tho Second ward of the city of Pittaburg. bounded and described as follow, viz: Beginning ou the southerly side of Diamond street, at the line dividing purparts Nos. 1 and 2. as marked in said plan: thence southwardly along said dividing line SI feet 5 inches to a pin; thence wcstwardly. parallel with Diamond street, 4 feet to a pin; thence southwardly, parallel with Cherry alley SO feet to Grant alley; thence eastwardly along Grans alley 4175 feet to a pin; tbenco northwardly and parallel with Cherry alley 111 feet 5 inches to Diamond street: tbence west wardty along Diamond street 40,75 feet to place of beginning, having thereon erected a large THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING. Used for law offices and known as No. 93 Dia mond street. Pittsburg. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent to be paid atthetitnn nf the sale; one-third at tho de livery ot the deed, and the balance in two equal annual payments, with Interest, payable semi annually from date of sale; to be secured by bend and mortgage, with tight clause to insure prompt payments. JOHN E. KUHN, Administrator of James L Kuhc, Esq., De- CCalSClL BLACK fc BAIRD. Agents No. 95 Fourth ivenue. Nc-VEMJEr. 10. 189a nolJ.13-12,20.de3' ADJOURNED AUCTION SALE Wednesday, Decemh-r 3. 1S90, at 2 P. 31 , on tho premises that very choice piece of property corner of Third St. and Penn av., with build ings suitable for manufacturing business, now , occupied by Slack K holes' planing mill. MACHINERY INCLUDED,- I fronting 90 feet on Penn av. and running back 110 feet to alley. This property, owing to the extensive improvements about to be made la that vicinity by the Scbenley estate, should make a desirable Investment. , J. C. EEiLLY. Agent, ncC0-0-D . 77 Diamond St. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND CAR PETS, removed for convenience of sale to tiie rooms. No. 311 Market street, at auctioa, -TUESDAY MORNING. December 2. ar 10 o'clock sharp. Bebsteads, bureaus, washstands, wardrobe, mattresses, springs, dishes, glass ware, toilet sets, linoleum rugs, mirrors, lot lino silverware, sideboards, natracks, book cases, folding beds, rocker.-', center and exten sion tables, kitchen range, refrigerator, tin ware, cookiag utensils hall, room and stair carpets in tair condition, parlor furniture, window blinds, bedding, clocks, etc Also loc toys, notions and fancy goods. Tnee goods must be sold. Owners leaving city. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneer?. ncSO-93 AUCTION SALE. H. B. SM1THSON, Real estate and General Auctioneer, room 53 Eisner Building, Fifthand Wood street. Sales of jewelry and merchandise at stores. Furni ture at residences promptly attended to. ocC-i-D HORSES FOR SALE AT AUCTION. The Department of Public Safety will sell at public auction, as the department stables. No. 101 V.'ylio ave. on December 12, 1830. at 10 o'clock A. JL, a lot of driving, saddle unci draft horses. J. O. BItOWN. nnZKTO-D Chief Pepi. Pnblle Safety. P1AN05, ORGANS. And all manner of Small Instruments . HAlilLTONS. oc29-oS-D Fifth avenne. For Amusement Advts. See Eighth Page. 4 v., A