Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, November 19, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Jobbing Shoe Trade of Pittsburg
Sever Detler Than Kow.
Remand for the Best Harness Leather is
Fully Sustained.
Office of The riTTsntmc Dispatch, i
Tulsday. November 18, ls90. S
Boot and Shoe Trade.
Tlicjobbinjjsnoe trade, ot Pittsburg, was
never in a healthier condition than right
now. The advance in prices of 10c to 15c on
all articles of ioot wear, which was estab
lished setae months ago. is tally sustained in
sorae lines of coods. Jobbers are behind in
meeting orders. The demand for grain
leather goods is far below supply. Eastern
manufacturers of grain leather shoes refuse
to duplicate orders, of late, without an ad
vance of about 2Jc per pair over rates of a
uiontb ago. Jfcw England manufacturers
of shoes are working up to their full
capacity, and products are going out as fast
as they are ready for market. Tne upward
movement is greatest in the Hue of
cheap goods. Higher grades vary very
little fioin prices of a year ago. The advance
in rubber goods from tile jobber to tbc retailer
the past j car lias been about 11 per cent. As
the nide and leather market of late has been
lending to lower prices, probabilities ate that
our footwear "ill be cheaper next sear, but at
this time there i& a good demand tor all lines of
boots and shoes at the adtanco established last
IIarne' Leather.
One of our foremost manufacturers of horse
equipments said jesteidaj: "Our business is
in as healthy a condition as I have ever known
it, and my knouledge of the trade in l'itisburc
almost covers a half century. A few days ago
I placed an order with an Allegheny tanner for
500 sides of the bett hai ness leather per nion'h.
for 14 mouths to come, at present prices. Ihe
nigh grade- of harness leather seldom varj lu
price, and, as this is the grade my custom calls
for, lhae no fear tliat prices will be any
lower Iroiu now till ISM. The lower grades are
up and down, and aie an uncertain quantity.
"The range of pricts now from low to high
grade harness leather is 22c to 3S; per pound.
Our best leather is made from hides imported
trim Uermany.
"A single German hide cut up in my estab
lishment to-day weighed 53 pounds alter it had
been through the Allegheny vats and finbbed
into harness leather. T. is was almost double
the average weight of harness leather produced
from American hides "
Tricks of Trade.
There has been a great scarcity of Ircsti
nearby eggs in our markets f or a w cek or two
past, and country peddlers have found a diffi
cult in meeting the wants of tLeir customers.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Two
large wagons covered wi h heavy canvas which
had all the signs ot traveling over Western
I'unnsjltania roads, v ere seen lately in front
of one of our commission houses loading up
with Western eggs The 30 dozen rases were
being emptied into the large chests of the
country wagons, partly filled with oats, and
were no doubt, retailed out to retail grocers
and families of the city ana suburbs as lrcshly
gathered countrv eggs. The jobbing prices of
these eggs was 21c per dozen, and the price to
the victims was 2ic per dozen. An East End
housekeeper said jestcrday, that the peddler
on whom she relied for butter and eggs, reports
that it hs been lmj'Oible to secure any tre-h
egg on his beat of late. Ue had not caught on
to the trick of Gathering fresh coantry hen
fruit from the Pi.tsburg dealers who gather
their supplies from as far West as Southern
There is a story of a preacher, who, after
bargaining lor an organ lor ins Sunday school,
and pocketing a 500 commission, said. "Tricks
in all trades but ours "
Lvidently there are tricks in the egg trade,
The llownward Mneuient in Wheat Con
tinue. A liig Slump on Report of
the failure of Henry Clews
Corn and Oat Tumble.
CHICAGO The first matter which engaged
theattention nf the wheat speculators, and was
the chier influencing factor when trading com
menced to-day, was tbc heavy increase in the
amount on ocean passage, which Becrbohm's
dispatch placed at 3,030,000 bushels. May w heat
started at SI OO7, compared with $1 01X at the
close of Monday's market; December at the
fame time was quoted at 93J4C, compared with
Sic when trading ceased jesterdty. One piece
of news after another and many rumors came
to band during the first hour, and prices fol
lowed the direction of bear influences, going,
ii'li regard to the bulls, from bad to worse np
to about 12 o'clock.
There were slight reactions during the break,
bu. every advance olc or ic was apparently
leing waited lor hj tbiise who had still more
foi sale, and at the tune named the price of De
cember was down to fll'ic, and of Jlav to P9c
The reported failure ol another Wall street
house, which had become loaded with com
mercial paper w Inch could not be rediscounted,
was looked upon as morn serious than a failure
from depreciation in railway securities, show
ing, as it did. the ex reiuc stringency in finan
cial circles as hav.n:: in nowise abated, light
money was a direct feature in the whole situa
tion as seen in the difference at Duluili ie
tween cash wheat and May, the former being
quoted at SSJc and the latter SKM.,!-, tcprisint
lng a carrying charge of 10c per bushel.
The heaviest break of to-day cumin need
shortly after 12 o'clock. Mav wheat dcci.mng to
PT,c and December 1 1 0c. being a d-cline
under yesterday s closing ol CJc and 34c ic
tpectivet. A rumor that Henry Clews, the
well-known Wall sticct banker and operator,
liftd tilled was the occas on of the last slump.
Trading was verj active and at times exciting,
and was evidently regarded by scalpers as a
sale from first to last, and it wound up easy.
1 he corn market opened off about 'c from
yesterdaj's closing figures ilay stamng at
55?gC compa ed with XJHc on the preceding
alternoon. There wei e sales for a few moments
at 52Te(S 55c. and then commenced an eager un
loading of long stuff and an animated pounding
b short sellers, which was kept up until the
price of the May delivery had gotten down to
514c There ws a luely demand at the de
cline from the short interest, which caused a
reaction to cCc.
Oats were taTly active but unsettled, being
firmer and Qc higher for May early, but
weakened in sjuipathj with wheat and corn,
and under increased selling December declined
ljc, hut reacted Jc and closed steady at a net
los of ljc.
Pork was brisk. Opening sales weroatTQ
lflc decline, and tbo leeli'ig was weak during
the greater portion of tne day, prices receding
with frcnuent slight fluitr.ations o.y,Qo5s. At
the close the changes in prices were slight.
Lard Trading was acme during the greater
portion ot the day and prices fluctuated con
eiderablj. Ou the whole la ige a reduc ion of
17K?20c was submitted to, ai.d the market
closed easv.
fehort Kib Sides An active business was
transacted and the feeling was easy. Prices
were irregular, and on the whole receded 17j
29c. and closed rather tame.
1 he leading futures ranged as follows, as cor
rected by John M Oaklev & Co., -libixth street,
members Chicago Board of Trade:
I Open- Hljrh- Low- i
I In?. est. est.
! 1 1 ( 8
' VV 13S lOss
1001- 1 01J 98
.Vs 30', I 49
'H 505,1 4S1
al 5 S1J
'A 41 41
31 I 4. 41
! 45 44
Hi 1SS g 65
D 34 11 4I1 10 87
K5i i:a u 67ii
5 7S 5 C S 85
6 2:4 b 2 6 05
6 TO 6 T2t 6 55
S SI 5 30 1 5 20
I 5 62S S f-i 5 4"
US 6 15 5 srs
November ,
COKX. So. 2
oats. o. :
November.. .. ..
MESS 1'OllK.
Xleeember. .... ....
May ..........
I .AW..
January. -
10 97'
5 45
Cash quotations were as follows:
1 flaxseed, il 24. P. nu- timothy seed. Si 28.
Mess pork, per bbl. J8 S7X9 0a Lard, per 100
lbs. o to. Sbiirt-nb siaes (loosel. J5 2.55 30;
drv salted shoulders (boxed. So 005 12i;
short clear sides (boxed), $o 555 bU. No. 2
white oats, nominal: No. 3 white do. 4c. No.
3 barlcv. t. o. P.. 60iS72c; No. 4 do., oftgtHc. On
the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter mar
ket was unchanged. Egg. 2223c
NEW YORK Flour dull and heavy. Corn
meal steidy a.id quiet; ellow We-tern. Si 50
3 50 Wl.ea' Spot market 1K2C lower,
iin-ettleu ami qiw't: No. 2 red.-JsUc elevatm:
StifVc afloat; &c51 00 f.o. b.;No.3 red,92
83 : ungraded red, 9fJi99?ic: No. 1 North
ern SI 00: No. 1 bariLtl 05. Options declined
"Jig-Kcand closed barely steady at llc
flour nominally unchanged; 2fn. 2 spring
wheat. 6sc: No. 3 sprtnc wheat. b0gS5c; Sin. 2
rei. 8i- S". - "". 5Lic No. 2 cms, 42
o o. 2 rve, 6CV4C No. 2 barley. Toe Jfu.
under yesterday. There wa free dealing
and uneasv feeling over finances anil with the
increased amount nn nissaire! No. 2 red. No
vember, closing at OSUc; December. 9Sf?
SI 00. closing hc 9ac; January. Jl 0001 02.
closing at Jl OOJJ; February. $1 Oljfcgl 03K.
closlnc at 51 ill; March, SI 031 04J, closmc at
SI 03J& Mav. Jl (k01 to. UnsinK at SI 03!
July. y9cSl 01K. closinir at 99Hc. Rye dull
and weak: Western, 72"4c Barley weak and
dull; Xo. 2 Milwaukee, SOSMc; ungradcu
Western, T79Sc; Canada, No. 1, 9S
Si 00: No. 2, 931llc. Darlev malt
dull; Canada, country made. SI 001 15. Corn
Spot market lower, closing steady and mod
erately actUe: No. 2, 6GJ'7c elevator; 56Ji
6"?ic. afloat; ungraded mixed, 5658i': iv
tious sold off ljc and closed steadv at c
under yeterda : freer realizttinns; November
closing SuJc: December, 5trSioSc closing
57K-; January. oigoMKc closing oSKc: Mas.
SbJiCfSStJic, closing oSc, Oats Spot market
unsettleu. lower, moderately active; options
moderately active, weaker; November clos
ing 46c: December, 46init7ir: Mav. 4!)51c.
closing at 435ic: spot No. 2 white. -49ic; mixed
Western. 4-oOc: white do, 50ffi5bc: No. 2
Chicago, 4"ai7JJc Hay dull and steadv. Hops
quiet and steauy. Rye quiet and steady. Tal
low steadv and quiet. Eggs steady and quiet:
cstern. 2o26c: receipts, G.b31 packages. Pork
qmct anu weak; lue-s. $11612; extra prime.
S10 oOgill 00. Cut meats quiet and easj.:
middles quiet anduealc. Lard depressed and
much lower, but active: Western steam. SO 12K;
sales, 600 tierces at 6 15; November, So lo,
closing at S6 10; December. 16 09li 16, clotm:
at 6 10; January, SC 35gG 42, closing at $6 3-5
bid; Fcbruarv, SO 4S6 51, closmc at S6 4S bid:
March. 50 C36 64. closing at JG 61; April. 6 72:
May, S6 SJ. flutter steadv and in moderate de
m inu; Western dairy, ll20c; do creainpry, 20
giSsJjc; do factory, S20c: Elgin, 23c Cneese
steauv and quiet; light skims, 47c: Ohio
fiats, 69c.
ST. LOUIS Flour Little doing. Wheat
Tim market tpened 3c lower for December
and IJc for May, advanced slightly, weakened
and declined: later this weakness became more
apparent, and prices were hammered down
sharply, but recovered slichtl near the close,
w hicii was 15i2-J lower thin yesterday; clos
lnc figures: N o. 2 cash, S9JS!)c; December,
tec; May, 97c asked; July, btia asked; August,
Mr. Corn The opening was c lower, but the
market immediately warmed up. Trading was
light, however, and fluctuations woro confined
to small range. Later the market weakened
and so continued to the cloe: No. 2 cash. 52c;
November. 49c; December, 4Sc bid; May, 49X'"
Oats quiet and irregular; No. 2 cash, 4pc
asked: November and December, 46c asked;
May, 41Jc. Rye quiet and easy; No. 2.71c,
East hide- ltarlevweak and slow: Iowa;C5c;
Wisconsin. 671a Hay steady and quiet. Bran
ncminallv SJcT Flaxseed declined to SI 20.
liuiter steady. Egs quiet at 20c Bagging. 6
eSi Iron c'uton ties. Si 3031 35. Commeal
easy at S- 652 70. Provisions quiet and easj ;
small round lots sold ou direct order, but de
mand in open market rates light. Folk, $11.
Lard. So 7a. 'Drv salt meats boxed shoulder.
$5 37 Iou;rs and rios S5 S786: clear. S8 12K
Bacou boxed shoulders, Sj 37Jc; longs and
ribs SO 1250 12K; clear, $0 25: " Sugar cured
uams. lU$12fc.
MINNEAPOLIS The supply of -vlicat was
large tc-Jay and the demand slow, owing to
tight money and weak, declining cables. Early
prices were slirfitlv loner than esterday'6.
and when the break to 94c lor May wheat
came holders had to accept concessions to cor
respond, ana. 111 some cases, slightly more in
older to sell. It was a very dull market, espe
cially during the latter part of the session.
No. 2 under grades and Great Northern were
pronounced by some holders very hard to sell.
Closing quotations: No. 1 bard, November, De
cember and on track, K7c: No. 1 Northern, No
vember and December, 84KrS Ma, 9G3c; on
track, SlJc; No. 2 Northci 11, November and De
cember, 77c; on track, 78c
BALTIMORE Wheat Western weak: No. 2,
winter, red. spot and No ember, 90c; De
cember. 91K91c: January, 991c: May,
SI 01! 01. Corn Western ficiner; spot
and November. 59-: vear, obXc bid; Jaunary,
55Jij6c; Ma, o7i6iSc Oats quiet but firm:
cstern white, oUflolc; do do mixed, 4950c;
craded. No. 2 white, 51c Rje quiet anil firm;
prime to choice, 7WJ..c; good to fair, 7375c
Hay dull; prime to choice timothy, Sll CO. Pro
visions firm. Mets pork, Sll 50. Bulkmeats
Loose shoulders, 6c; lone clear, 6c: clear rib
sides. 6Jic; sugar pickled shoulders. 6Jc: sugar
cured smoked shoulders, 7c: nains. small,
lliic; large, WJfc Lard Refined, TJJc Bnt
lei firm. Eges urm at 25c
PHILADELPHIA Flour dull. "Wheat Op
tions iioiuiuall c biwer; high grades scarce
and firmly held: No 2 red, November. 97
97K: Deci-mber", 97Ji9sVe; J vnuarv. 9c
SI UU: February, 41 Olal 02J. Corn Op
tions doll, weak and nominal! unchanged; car
lots scarce and steadily held; new No. 4, in grain
denot. 57c; old Nu. 2 high mixed and yellow
in do. 65c Oats dull; futures lc lower: No. 3
mixed, 47c: No. 2 white, November. 49?450e:
December, oOKftoUKc; January. 51; Feb
ruary. SlJigo.'jC L'ggs scarce and firm;
Pennsylvania firsts, 27c
CINCINNATI Flourln light demand. "Wheat
nominal: none offered. Corn strong ana steady;
No. 2 mixed, 54c Oars low er; No. 2 mixed, 4Sc
Ityenrni; No. 2,71c Fork weak and lowerat
S10 50. Lard dull and lower at to loicb 9U.
Bulk meats easier: short ribs, $0 50. Bacon
lower; short clear, SO 50. Butter steady and
firm. Sugar easy. Kccs strong at 21c Cheese
freely offered and steady.
MILWAUKEE Flour rather easier. Wheat
easier: No. 2 sprinc nn track, cash, 86S7c;
December, 86Kc; No. 1 Northern, 90c Corn
steady; No. 3. u track, 51c Oats No. 2 w bite,
on track, 45&4Gc Barley easier; No. 2. In store,
6Sc Rye quiet: No. 1, in store, 67J67Jic
Provisions quiet. Pork, January. Sll 15. Lard,
January, !G 10.
TOLEDO Wheat active; December, 92c;
May, 99c Corn quiet and stead : cash, 53c;
December, 522c: May, 52c Oats quiet; cash,
4Gic Clmcrseed easier; cash. SI 22; Dec
emuer, ti 25: Januar, S4 30: .March, $4 41).
DULUTH Wheat opened weak and declined
during the day: closing prices: May, 99c;
No. 1 hard, S9Jic: No. 1 Northern, blc; No. 2
Northern, 7Sc
Condition of Trade at the East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Offick of Pittsburg Dispatch. i
TctSDAY. November 18. 189a (
Cattle Receipts. 810 bead; shipments, 1,050
head: market slow at yesterday's prices; no
cattle shipped to New York to-day.
Hogs Receipts, 3,000 head: shipments. 2,050
head; market dull on light, firm on heavy;
Philadelphia. SJ bog'l 00; mixed. S3 653 75;
best heavy Yoikers S3 403 50; common to
light Yorkeis.S3103S0:piC!. $2 003 00; 3 cars
of hoes shipped to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, l,oOU head; shipments. SOO
bead; market slow at est erdaj's prices.
Ity Telegraph.
CINCINNATI Hogs Demand fair and prices
steady; common and light, S250&3 50: packing
and butchers'. S3 40S3 75; receluts, 2.SH0 head;
shipments, 2,000 head. Cattle in smaller sup
pi v and stead; common. SI 00JJ1 75; fair to
chmco butchers' grades, $2 0UIJ3 50: pnme
to choice shippers. S3 754 25; receipt", 430
head: shipments, 315 head, faheop Receipts
licht: market firm; common to choice.
52 50gi 75; stock wethers and ewe. Si 252'4 75:
extra fat wethers and yearlinss, S4 755 00:
Receipts 200 head: shipments, none Lambs
Spring in good demand and firm; good to
choice slnppinc. S5 255 75; common to choice
butchcis'. S3 50g5 75 per 100 pounds.
NEW YORK Beeves Receipts, 750 head, all
for exporters and slaughterers; feeling steady;
dressed beef steady at G7c per lb; ship
ments to-day. 2.2-10 quarters ot beef; to morrow,
2.2M) quarters. Calves Receipts. 491 head;
veals steady; other grades dull: veals. S5 00
7 50; grassers and Westerns, S2 122 oG$.
Sheep Receipts. 3.290 head; sheep firm; lambs
a shade higher; sheep, $1 0035 3o per 100 lbs:
lambs, $0 37K6 55; dressed mntton firm at 7
avc per lb: "dressed lambs steady at 7Sc
Hogs Receipts, including four cars for sale,
were 8.797 head; market lower at S3 3001 00 per
100 lbs.
CHICAGO The Evening Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts, 6.000 head; shipments, 1.500
head; market firmer and a shade higher; steers,
53 75J5 15: Texans, $2 052 20; cows and bulls.
Si U0S2 75; stockers, S2 002 75. Hogs Re
ceipts. 48,000 bead; shipments, 5.000 head: mar
ket active and lower; rough and common,
13 50K3 60; prime heavy and butcher weights,
S3 S03 85; light, $3 6553 70; pigs. J2 00g3 00.
Sheep Receipts. 6,000 head; shlpment 2,000
head; market firmer; natives, ?3 7ol 75; West
erns. $1 004 40; mixed sheep and iambi. Si 60
OMAHA Cattle Receipts, 2,400 head; mar
ket active and steady on steers, active and
stronger on butchers' stockand feeders: prime
1.200 to 1.475 ft steers, S3 8504 55; fair to good
1,050 to 1.350 ft steers. S2 S54 00. Hogs Re
ceipts, G.C00 head: market opened weak and
closed weak at 5c to 10c lower: range S3 00
3 90: bulk, S3 603 70: Iiehr. S3003 60: heavy.
S3 Mi 90; mixed, S3 403 65. Sheep Receipts,
2.000 head; market easier; natives, S2 304 15;
Westerns. S2 OOJM 00.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts, 2,ljP0head: ship
ments 800 head: market strong; good to fancy
native steers. S4 405 00: fair to gooa, $3 90
4 50; stockers and feeders, $2 1M&3 00; Texans
and Indian steers, S2 30g3 6a Hogs Re
ceipts, 4,000 head; shipments, 600 bead;
market slow; fair to choice heavy, S3 80
3 95: mixed grades, S3 10gS 70: hcht. Tair to
best, S3 403 60. Sheep Receipts. 200 head;
shipments. 200 head; market steady; good to
choice, S4 005 2a
KANSAS CITY Cattle Receipts, 5.S60 head;
shipments. 2,830 bead; market for good cattle
strong, others weak; steers. $3 004 65: cows,
S2 00 2 CO; stockers and feeders. S2 003 25.
Hogs Receipts, 13,200 head; shipments, none:
market 1520c lower; bulk. S3 603 80; all
grades. J2 50i3 90. Sheen Receipts, 2,400 head;
shipments, LSS9 head; market strong and un
changed. BUFFALO Cattle steady; receipts.147 loads
through; 5 sale. Sheep and lambs, top grants,
steady and unchanged: receipts, 3 loads
through. Hogs dull; receipts, 13 loads through;
150 loads rale left over: mediums, heavy and
mixed, S3 603 70; Yorkers, $3 1003 6a
The Baltimore aud Ohio Kailroad
Pays $200,000 for.
Upon Which to Erect a Eonndhonse, Ma
chine Shops and Extensive lards.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, after
protracted efforts to acquire land at Glcn
wood upon which to build a roundhouse,
machine shops and other structures neces
sary to the transaction of its Iargeandgrow
iug business at that place, has at last ac
complished its purpose, having just closed
a deal for between 30 and 35 acres for $200,
000. The negotiations have been under
way tor about a year..
The land adjoins that previously owned
by the compauy at Gleowood, containing
the roundhouse and yards, and is well
adapted to the uses to which it will be put
It formed part of the Blair estate, which is
one of the most extensive in the Twenty
third ward. The part purchased by the
company fronts on both the railroad and theij
alnnongahela river.
Work on the proposed improvements will be
gin next spring, if not sooner. The present
roundhouse, which is totally inadequate to the
demands of business, will not lie torn down,
but enlarged, as will also thn machine shops.
The yards will be extended and improved, so as
to meet the requirements of traffic both now
and for years to come. It is the intention of
the company to make tbem as complete and
convenient as any in the country.
The price paid for the land, 5200,000, or about
16,600 an acre, while more than an individual
would have been willing to pay, is considered
reasonable, in view of its importance to the
company, and in view, also, of the fact that
railroads are nearly always compelled to pay
outside prices. The deal is one of the largest
that has taken place in Pittsburg for a long
time, and is of great importance toGlenwood
and tributary districts.
No better evidence can be fonnd of the rapid
growth of business in Pittsburg than the fact
that the railroads Hud themselves hampered
for room. The Pennsjlvania Railroad regrets
that it did not secure more ground at East
Liberty when it had the opportunity. The
Baltimore and Ohio, wiser than its rival, has
provided by its acquisition at Ulenwood for the
Indefinite expansion of traffic over its lines,
and thus, by anticipating a necessity Bure to
arise, put itself in a position to keep step with
the material advancement of the city.
Advice to Land Owners.
Pittsburg is so completely environed by
eligible building locations, which are, or soon
will be, within easy reach of the business
quarter, that it is impossible to put up prices
of real estate beyond a reasonable point and
maintain them. On this subject a prominent
broker said yesterday:
"The increase in the value of property in
some parts of the East End, and particularly
along the Pennsylvania Railroad as far out as
Wilkinsburg, is developing a good inquiry
along the Port Wayne and Panhandle rail
roads. This inquiry will broaden as means of
communication aro Improved, for location as
well as prices favor the movement. If East
End owners desire to maintain the supremacy
of their district in the estimation of buyers,
they must moderate their views and not toss
values bejond the reach of all except the at-J
uueuu mi era uuve sui.il ii t.iuebv ui iuta-
tions to select f rem that they cannot be coerced
into pajitic extravagant prices."
This is excellent advice and if owners act
upon it they will not only advance their own
interest by finding quicker sale for their
property, but give a Irish impetus to real estate
111 general. The East End offers many and un-surpa-sed
attractions to home-seekers, but
there are those who are unable to pay extrava
gantly for the privilege of lh ing there.
The Boston Ulan at Work.
The Boston gentleman referred to in this
column yesterday as being in quest of ground
upon which to erect a number of bouses, has
made a good start by purchasing four large
lots in the Baum Grove plan at Roup station.
Ho will commence building as soon as the
weather villi permit, and keep it up as long as
he can find sale for his houses. He says they
will be first class in every respect, and range in
price from (4,000 10 S5,00a
Put Down Flag Sidewalks.
One of the most desirable reforms in re
spect to the comfort nf the public and to the
improvement of the city is the substitution of
flagstone for brick sidewalks on all business
streets. Storekeepers are willing to pay better
rents for stores that have stone siden alks than
for those which have brick. The latter become
loose in tbc winter, squirt the water upon
pedestrians, keep the show-windows dirty, and
have a generally ragged and uninviting look.
When property owners leant th it brick side
walks in lront of a store are a drawback, they
will put down the better sort. Fifth avenue
extension from the Court Hou.e to Sobo would
be greatly improved bv the reform above urged.
"Business New and Gossip.
It is rumored that the city has designs upon
several properties adjoining Higbland Park,
the enlargement of which is in contemplation.
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad deal at
Glenwood will give that place a boost.
Owners of real estate in the East End should
reflect upon what a broker says elsewhere in
this column. It is good advice.
Builders are doing all they can to head off the
bad weather. Foundations for a number of
dwellings nave been started witbiu the past
few days.
The petition for tearing up Penn avenue,
Wilkinsburc, on account of objections to the
slope of the pavement, will be met by a re
monstrance. Any slope, or no slope at all, is
preferable 10 living in mud another year.
Several large deals in down-town property
are approaching consummation. One broker
has tw o on the string.
Advices from Now York yesterday afternoon
were to the effect that the financial situation
there was improving.
The tact that many persons believe the ma
jority of local stocks have found bottom is
shown by the number of buying orders coming
James W. Drape & Co. yesterday sold a share
of the Homewood Driving Park Association at
a figure verging on $1,250.
The Building Record. "
The Building Inspector issued seven permits
for 10 houses yesterday very good for a rainy
day. The list is appended:
David Gorman, frame two-story dwelling,
16x18 feet, nn Patterson street, Twenty-seventh
ward. Cost. $750.
Herman Hatting, frame one-story kitchen,
10x16 feet, on rear Breckenridge street. Thir
teenth ward. Cost, $150.
Joseph Fisher, frame addition one-story
dwelling, 8x16 feet, on rear Allen street, Thirty
first ward. Cost, 210.
Joseph Bauer, frame two-story and attic
dwelling, 22x32 feet, on Belonda street. Thirty
second ward. Cost, SLBW.
Henry Meyer, two brick two-story dwellings,
16x32 feet each, on corner Webster avenue and
Wooster street. Thirteenth ward. Cost, 81,100
James E. McKean, two brick two-story
dwellings, 16x32 feet each, on Wooster street.
Thirteenth ward. Cost. $1,500 each.
Mrs. Emma Arnold, two brick two-story
dwellings, 16x32 feet each, on Webster avenue.
Thirteenth ward. Cost. $1,400 each.
Movements in Beat Estate.
BlackiBaird sold for W. R. Magill a tract
of land In the Twenty-third ward, containing
about four acres, for $3,500.
W. E. Hammett & Co. sold a lot on Savannah
avenue, Wilkinsburg, 52x120, for E. J. Weitzel,
to J. A. Sargeant, for $900 cash.
Alles & Bailey sold for George Schmidt, to a
business man, lot No. 116. fronting on Alle
quippa street, 2t feet by 100, to a 20-foot alley,
in tbe Eureka Place plan, Fourteenth ward, for
Macaw A Goff, Limited, sold three lots, Nos.
32. 33 and 34, in the Oak Station Plan, Pitts
burg and Castle Shannon Railroad, to G. B.
Staley. for $150.
E. D. Wingenroth sold lot No. 32, in bis plan
of Nadlne Park, fronting 25 feet ou Poketo
avenue, to Mrs. Anna M. Sedgwick, for $300.
EwlngAByerssoldfor-Mrs. Jane McGreal,
to Clans Cbristensen, a two-story frame house,
containing six rooms and hall, -with lot 24x70
feet, being tbe property No. 162 Howard street.
Twelfth ward, Allegheny City, for $2,150 cash.
Some of the Leaders Weaken, but Most of
the List Steady.
Business in local stocks was again active yes
terday, each of tbe three calls being well at
tended and buying- orders numerous. Free
liquidation Imparted' a weak tone to the
market, but ttils was offset by the general con
viction that things had touched bottom, and
that a change for the better was in sight.
Nearly all tljo leaders were lower in sym
pathy with tb. downward movement elsewhere,
but there wero no bad breaks and no ground
lost that cannot easily bo recovered. The
greatest losses were sustained by Philadelphia
Gas. Electric nnd Central Traction. Pleasant
Vallev. Luste. and Manufacturers' Gas im
proved their standing. There were no other
material changes.
Sales at the drst call were 60 shares of Phila
delphia Gas al.23K. 10 Chartiers at 25, 35 Elec
tric at 26 and 10 at 26K- Sales at second call
were 170 Philadelphia Gas at 28, 20 Electric at
26 and 5 Pleasant Valley at 25. Sales at third
call were 10 Philadelphia Gas at 22 and 100 at
22& Total sales. 48o shares.
"5 73
. .. m
.... 71
.... 105
35 SO
.... 28 25 8
19 25
13 .... 13 .... 13 ....
13V ,
ti4 23 a as 2 s
15 ... 15
Z 57. 3X
51 ...1 51 ,,
23.S UJj .... 43X 224 i3H
.... ,,,. 642
25 25 55 2SH 23M M
33 .... 38 .... 33 ....
53 " ,
21M 23 21.... 3H 22
80 .
""jG .;;; .... "av, xx
13 14 13 14 .... 14
.... 112', Ill
.... 74 .... 74
Arsenal Banlr.
Fourth N. Banif.
Freehold Uanli..
Iron CItv N. B k
S'nd X. B. Allt.
Brlil jrewater.....
i;.V. tJnKfN,-
inio valley
P. -N.G. &1 Co
i'enna. G. Co....
l'liila. Co
West'M -,
I Vllllltililn Itll f.i.
Hazel woodOIl Co
i enirai "rractlcii
Citizens 'Irac...
Pitts. Traction..
l'lpAKSnt Vnllftr
N. 1. &CG.C.C
busp.B.C, 6th ,)t
l.llsli.r Mlnlttt.
WestliiKhon'e It.
Monon.W. Co...
u. . .vs. Co.,
U.S. S mpf
V ct'llouso A. 1!
The total sies of stocks at New York yester
dav were 297,231 shares, including Atchison,
14,650: Delnwjre, Lackawanna and West
ern. 24,663: Lcuisville and Nashville, 12.833:
Missouri Paiific. 11,539: North American.
16 623: Jersey Central. 4.590; Northern Pacific,
10,205, do.preforred. 31,465: Pacific Mail. 3,960;
Reading, 8 810: Richmond and West Point.
11.832; St. Paul. 16,415; Texas Pacific. 3,441):
Union Pacific 8,060; Western Union, 8,182.
A Dearth ol New Features Equivalent to
Good News.
There was nothing new at tbe banks yester
day, which was really the best of news. If
there hadlieen anything wrong it would have
reached the surface. Money was quoted at
6g7 per cent tbe usual rates, and regular
customers obtained all they wanted, bnt out
siders were not so fortunate, as bankers were
averse to extending their loan-. Exchanges
were $2,732,012 20 and balances S353.75U 6U
Money on call at New York yesterday was
tight, ranging from 3 to 30 per cent, last loan S,
closing offered at 3. Prime mercantile paper,
6K08K. Sterling exchange steady at $479 for
60-uay bills and $4 86 for demand.
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. s. 4s, rez ill
U. S. 4s, coup 121
U.S. 4Ss. re 103
U. S. 4s, coup 104
Pacilictts of '9)i. 1M
M. K. 4T. Uen. 5s.. 3S
Mutual Union 6s.... 98
S.J.C. Int. C'ert...l09H
Northern Pac. lsls..lH)j
Northern Pac. 2ds..07
Louisiana st&tcpedis 92$
Korthw't'n console.JS
'lenn. new set. te.. ..1C.2
Tenn. newstt. 5s..., 105
Tenn.newset.3i.... 70
noriwn ueoen'Sds.iuo
Ureiton & Irani, ss.
M.L&l. M. Gen. 5s. 87
bt.L. JtS.F. O'en.M.loa
t. Paul comols. ....l'.'i
St. P. CM&Pc. lits.113
lx.. Pc. L.G.Tr.Ui. 87
Canada So. Mi 93
Central PaclUiUsts.lIOM
Lien. A ic j. isis. ..1 ib
Den. 1K.U, 6 73M
Tx.. Pc.lt h.Tr.Ks. 31K
o.au. u. westists.
Krle2ds 95
M. K.sT. tieis. Si.. 74
Union 1'aclflc lsts...H03
West inore 101
New York Clearings, $216,510,875; balances,
Boston Clearincs, $20,86o.34S; balances,
$2,265,406. Maiey, 768 per cent.
PH11.'adel1hia Clearings. $16,663,920: bal
ances, $1.795,5j2. Money, 6 per cent.
BAI.T1JIOHI. Clearings, $2,890,436; balances,
London The amount of bullion gone into
the Bank of England oa balance to-day is
Paris Thice per cent rentes, Slf 75c for
the account.
Berlin Tbe statement of the Imperial
Bank of Germany shows an increase lu specie
of 23.370,000 marks.
Chicago Local bankers are still quoting the
rate for money at 7 per cent, but they only lend
to approved customers. Clearings, $16,688,000,
New York es change, 60c discount.
Oil More Artl e, hut Closes Down for Wnnt
of Business.
Rather more than the usual amount ot "busi
ness was transacted in the oil pit yesterday,
about 30,000 barrels changing bands. Tbe mar
ket opened fairly steady at 71, but during the
day broke to 69K in sympathy with the weak
ness in other speculative commodities and lack
of orders. Clearings were 62,000 barrels.
Average funs, 80.280; averaee shipments.
84.912; average charters, 16.6D2. Refined ah,
Antwerp. 16Vf: at London, 5Jd: at Liverpool,
5Kd: at Bremen, 6.35f; at New York, 7.40c.
Cases. 9.55.
McGrew, Wilson A 1C0., Eisner bnilding.
Fifth avenue, quote puts, 6 calls, 70.
Other Oil Markets.
Bradford, November 18. National Transit
certificates opened at TlJCc; closed, 69e: high
est, 71c; lowest, 69ic; clearances, 450,000 bar
rels. Oil Crrr, November 18. National Transit
certificates opened, at 7114c: highest, 71Jc: low
est, 69c: closed at 69Jc Sales. 175.000 barrels;
charters, 89.129 barrel-; shipments, 153,981 bar
rels; runs, 138,271 barrels.
New York, November 18. Petroleum
opened steady and in the early trading Decem
ber option fell lc on a few forced sales. The
maruet then became dull and remained so until
the close. Pennsylvania oil (spot), opening
7tc; highest, 7uKc; lowest. 70c; closing, 70c;
December option, openintr. 71c: highest. 71c:
lowest, 69KC: closing, 69Jic. Lima oil, no
sales. Total sales, 103,000 barrels.
Bears Get In Their Work on a Dull Market
Money Rates Mnch More Demoralized
Than Stocks Bonds Better Than Either.
New York, November 18. The shrinkage
in tbe volnme of business at tbe Stock Ex
change, which was so marked yesterday, made
further progress to-day, and the returning dull
ness indicating that no material demand for
stocks existed, induced more selling by tbe
bears, and the tone of the market was weaker
than it has been since Saturday morning, re
sulting in many marked losses for the day.
Tbe bears were more aggressive than usual on
a market of tbe caliber displayed to-day, and
there was a renewal nf the old tactics, of which
spreading reports reflecting upon tbe financial
standing of prominent firms lu tbe street
was one of the favorites.
1 he monetary ritnatlon was one of the most
influential factors, however. In restricting buy
ing, and while money was mnch easier during
the latter portion of tbe day its scarcity in the
forenoon told severely against prices. It was
reported that many banks to-day took ont
Clearing House certificates, and tbe criticisms
of these banks and tenders who were industri
ously calling loans yesterday was most severe.
1 he relief came too late to have any material in
fluence upon tbo market. It was also reported
that there is a hitch in the Gould Union Pacific
deal. Tbe report was followed by an attack
upon Union Pacific stock.
The foreign situation offered little consola
tion this morning, and while early London
prices were generally higher thau our figures
of last evening, a weak and declining market
was soon developed there, and the demand
here, which comes principally from investors
who pay for their securities outright there, was
not a sufficient buying power lit the market to
withstand the onslaught of the bears. The lat
ter attacked Jersey Central and Pacific Mail
and the former dropped 6 per cent lu a short
time and tbe latter 5 per cent on very light
One failure was announced in the forenoon
and one in the afternoon, and while they bad
much influence to lower prices, they acted as a
further deterrent from buying, and in conjunc
tion with the scarcity of money effectually
?uelled tbe resisting power of the market be
ore noon. The attacks upon tbe stocks before
mentioned were followed by pressure over all
the whole list, while they yielded more or
less the best prices of the forenoon, reaching
as high as 4 per cent, with Lackawanna special.
ly prominent in the drop.
There were rumors of further trouble among
tbe roads west of the Mississippi, and this af
fected the Grangers to some extent; but those
stocks were never very active, and tbelr move
ments were comparatively small. The one
strong point in the list was Distillers and Cat
tle Feeders' Company, which scored a gain of
about 2 per cent and held most of it at tbe
Tbe unlisted department was unusually quiet,
and the movements of those stocks were en
tirely unworthy of notice. Rates for money on
call went down to as low as 3 per cent at tbe
close, but all the business had been done earlier
at the higher rate;, and the concessions had not
much effect upon prices. s.
There was a slight rally in the last hour when
Lackawanna rose 2 per cent, but the rest of
tbe list failed to follow, and tbe close was
active and rather heavy, generally at or near
tbe lowest prices of the day. Tbe final chancel
are all in the direction of lower figures, and Pa
cific Mail is down 3X: Jersey Central, 5Ki HI
sourl Pacific,3J4: Union Pacitlc2;Atchison.lJ4:
St. Paul, 1; Burlington. 1: Louisville and
Nashville.' 1: Erie, 1: Wheeling and Lake
Erie, 1; Rock Island, Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Chicago and Sr.Louis, and Western Union each
1 per cent, and others lractlonal amounts.
Railroad bonds maintained about tbo same
moderate volnme of business, and to-day the
market showed a materially better tone than
yesterday, although the final changes to-night
show many material losses. Tbe sales of all
issues reached $2,142,000. out of which Northern
Pacific 5s contributed $103,000. There was a
wide and even distribution of the rest of tbe
business, and the changes in qnotations were
not so marked as during the past few days.
The active Issues generally displayed consider
able strength bntonlv Iron Mountain scored
any marKed advance, rising 24. to 87. The
other changes are generally for losses. North
western Consols are S lower, at 135K; Omaha
Consols 2,at 117: Erie seconds 2. at 9 and Mo-
bile and Ohio 4s 3, at 59. &
The J?ost says: The money mlrket is in a
much more demoralized and abnormal condi
tion than the stock market. While-the New
York and Boston banks have already adopted
the use of Clearing House certificates, and
Philadelphia banks are about to do tne same,
thus relieving the strain for money in the dally
settlements and enablin the banks to extend
that much more aid to customers, if they desire
to do so, money for call loans on stock collateral
ran up toJ of 1 per cent per day yesterday
afternoon ou the Stock Excbance. Whether
this scarcity is to any extent due to
the locking up of money by bear
operators for effect on the stock market is
difficult to sav. but probably It is not. ft is
certain that the chief cause is tbe fact tbe
banks do not offer their balances on tbe Stock
Exchange as usual; they find' plenty of bor
rowers outside, and wnue It is wen Known mat
commission bouses, who are considered strong
and have good Uses of acceptable stocks, get
money at 6 per cent, others who are obliged to
bid for it on the Stock Exchange must
pay the exorbitant rates. This, of course, com
pels many of them, as well as their customers,
to sell tbelr stocks, and the liquidation of these
depresses prices and reduces the value of tbe
collaterals in other call luans.
The followinK taole shows the prices or active
stocks on the Mew YorL. stock, ixchance yister
day. Corrected dally Tor THE DISPATCH by
WIIITNKT&BTErnENSOX, oldest l'lttiburg inem
beraor Sen York stock Exchange, 57 Fourth
Hlph- low- me
Inc. eiL esc Bio.
Am. Cotton Oil nrer. 31
Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 14K K ,4V 141f
Atch.l'OD. Jfc S. F 27 I7'4 -!5 25
Canadian 1'aclUc 11 '-W 70 S'j'.-a
Canadaiouthern 46' 46!n 4i1f 4C
Central ofhewJersev. 91H 99f 92 9l'-(
Central Paclnc 27 27H 2a! 27),
Chesapeake & Ohio ... irK 16 4i nt lb
Chlcaito Gas trust SIM 35 3.1H 3 IK
C llur. Oul.lCT 35 85 82Ji 8.!
C. Mil. A St. Paul.. . 47 48 )!, 4GK
c. Jd.11. & at. P.. or., lor 103 10:14 ltej
cnoGti.tr, 67 67M ss
C. St. L. A Pitts 1-
C St. L. A Pitts., or.. 3i
a. st. p.. m. o 21 21 an 2"H
C, St. P.. Jl. a PI. 76 76 7.1 75
C. Jt. North western ....103X 104 W:X 103X
C 0., U. 1 59 69 58 58'4
C. C O. & I. prer 91
Col. Coal & Iron 33V -UH 30V 31
Col. 4 Hocklns Valley 23 23 23 23
dies. & Ohio lt nrer.. 42S 43 !4 VI
C'hes. s. Ohio 2d prer.. 26 26 2." iiT
Del.. Lacx Weil VsH 131 J27 129
Del. & Hnrtson liOH 13CK 123.4 12
Uen. & Itlo Grande.... 15H 15 15 15
Uen. & 1:10 Uraude.nl. 51i 51 50 50
E. r.. Vn. 4 ua 7 7 6 BH
Illinois Central MH 91 93 94
l.akeferle&'Heit Hit HV IHl HH
L,axe Erie Wert pr.. 50) iVi 49 49
Lake Shoro Jt Jl. o 1H'4 100, 103M 104H
Loulavllle.t Nashville. T0H "OH 68 6S'i
MIcnixan Central S5tf SS'4 81 84
lloOlle & Ohio 24 1Vi 23 23
Misiouri I'acine 62 bi 53K 59
National 4Jead Trait... 15 16 15 15V
New Yoric Central 99 99 9j 9S
-N. V.. C.i St. L 12
N. Y.. 1,. K. W 18H 13V 1X 17X
N. Y., L. E.&W. pd 40
H.JC. 4K.K. 32 32 31 31
N.I.. O. Jfc 15 15 13 14
Norfolk A Weitern 14
Norfolk Western or. 51 St 51 5o
Northern Pacific 20 20H 20 20
Northern Pacific nr.... 69 59 58 58K
Ohio i Mlsiltilppi 165 11 1S 16,'
Oreiron Improvement. 2fe 21 20 19
Pacific Mail 33 33 28 30V
Peo.. Dee. & Evans... 13
Pnlladel. AKeadlnar... 30H 30 29 29
Pullman Palace Oar. ..179 17i 157 177
Ulchinond & V. P. T 11 14 14 14
Richmond &.W.P.?. pt 64 61 62 63
St. Paul Ulllutll 22 22 20 21
St. Paul A Duluth DT.. 83 81 SO 82
SucarTruit. SIX 5154 51 52
Texas Paclnc...-. ... 14 UM 13 1W.
Union Pacll'e 45M 64 41K 44
Wabash 9 94 9 9
Wabash orererred 17J 17 16 17
Western Union 76 76 74 741
Wheeling A L. K. 27 27 2ii 25i
Wheeling & I.. JCprel. 68 68 bo 64
North American Co... 12 13 11 H 11M
Boston Stocks.
Atch. A Top 26 Calumet &Hecla....259
lloston 4 Albany ....196 Franklin IS
Boston & Maine IX Kearsarxe 13
C B. iU : Osceola 31
Oln.. San. & Clev... M, tjalncy 90
Fltcl.buric It. IE.. ... 79 Santa Fe copper .... "
Mass. Central 1C Tamarack 158
,llet. Ccn. com 17 Koston Land Co... . S
N. Y. AN. Enif. .... 3iii Han Dlejro Land Co. IS
Old Colony 1SS West End Land Co. 20
Wli. Cen. common. 15 Hell Telephone 213
Alloucz Ms. Co 4 Lamson Store 0 20
Atlantic IS Water power 3K
Boston & Mont 42 Centennial Mining. 11
Philadelphia Stocks.
Cloitnit quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished bv Whitney St Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members Heir York Stock Ex
change: BM. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kailroad 4V( 43
Hearting- 14 15
Bunalo, Pittsburg Western 7 8
LenlKh Vailcv 4SX 41
LchlfThMavlicatlon 48 4)
ortnernPaclllc 20 2u
Northern PaclUc preferred 53 63
Mining Quotations.
New York. November 18. Commonwealth.
240; Eureka Consolidated. 365; Hale and Nnr
cross. 180: Homestake. 800; Horn Silver, 310;
Ontario, 37.50; Onhlr, 325: Plymouth, loO; Sav
age, 185; Sierra Nevada, 170; Sutter Creek, 100.
Wool Markets.
Philadelphia Wool market dull and
New York Wool dull and firm: domestic
fleece, 24Q39c: pulled. 2734c: Texas, 2I24c.
St. Louis Wool Receipts. 80.400 pounds:
market unchanged; holders ready to sell at pre
vailing prices, but buyers are more indifferent.
Boston There has been a steady market
and fair demand for wool, and sales have been
made to a fair extent, but mostly in small lots.
Ohio X has sold at 3233c; XX and XX and
above at 3135c, and No. 1 at 384839c Michigan
X fleeces have been selling at S031c All
kinds of staple wools are selling freely, includ
ing No. 1 combing at 404242c Obio tine delaine
at 3637c, and Michigan fine delaine at 35
35c. Unwashed combing wools are In de
mand at 274828c for one-quarter blood, aud at
294832c for three-eighths. Territory wools are
firm on a scoured basis of 6063c for fine, 5848
60c for fine medium, and 5355c for medium.
Texas, California and Oregon wools are steady
and quiet. In nulled wools there has been
steady trade and prices are sustained: 4045c
for best super: 3538c f or fair to good super,
and 224128c for extras. Foreign wools are firm,
but quiet.
Trinidad's Kins ot Coal.
Tbe citizens of Trinidad, Col., have hit
upon a novel exhibit 01 their greatest in
dustry for the Colerado Mineral Palace. It
consists'of a statue of a kins made of coal,
seated oa a pedastal of coke, elegantly
finished in coal and gilt, fourteen feet in
height It is a marvelous conception and
introduces every resource of southern Colo
radoall located in and about Trinidad.
The principal displays made in the pedestal
are coal, coke, irou, silica, Trinidad cement,
copper, building stone, silver, gold and
other precious minerals. The exhibit is in
tbe hands of an artist who is a veritable;
genius. "King Coal" will alone be worth
a trip to see. At night the statue will be
lighted brilliautlr with 110 electric lights.
The exhibit will represent a cost of several
thousand dollars. For full information ad
dress tbe Triuidad Land and Improvement
Co., Trinidad, Col. vr
For Wet Weather
Ladies should try a pair of C. A. Verner's
"California" shoes soft uppers, stout soles,
low heels, perfect fitting, $3 00.
C. A. Vekneb,
Cor. Fifth aye. and Market st.
Pure Beer, Ale and Porter.
Those who are desirous of obtaining pure
beer, ale or porter lor home use should in
sist on the Iron City Brewing Company's
brand, as they have stood the test of time
and areknovrn to he chemically pure and
free from all adulterations. They are
pleasing to the palate and extra nutritious.
All responsible dealers keep tbe Iron City
Brewing Company's beer, ale and porter, or
use telephone, 1186.
Comfort Shoe
For ladies; hand-sewed, perfect fitting, no
breaking in; S5. At Verner's, Fifth avenue
and Market street.
Special, Bale of granite ironware for a
few days only. Tea and coffee pots from 50c
up and nil others just as cheap atBeizen
stein's, 118 and 160 Federal it., Allegheny.
Last Week's Price of Elgin Creamery
" Butter Reaffirmed.
Receipts of Cereals Large, and Situation
Favors Bayers.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, i
Tuesday, November IS. Ifc90. i
Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
The Elgin butter market stands this week the
same as last. Last week there was an advance
of 3c per pound. Market are bare of fresh
nearby eegs, but well supnlied with Western
stock, for which outside jobbing price Is 22c per
dozen. The grape seasop still lingers. Iropical
fruits are still slow, and will be until the fruit
of the vine is worked oil, which cannot now be
far away. Choice potatoes and apples are
steady. Quality of late receipts Is improved in
both lines. Poultry continues in good supply
at reasonable rates.
APPLES S3 504 60 a barrel.
Hittter Creamery. Elzin. 316832c: Ohio do.
2728 ; common 1 wintry butter, l(.15c; choice
country rolls, 1820c; fancy country rolls,
232.)C . .
KKUITS Cirapei, Concords. 202on a basket:
Catawbas, 30 Be; cranberrie-, $3 00 a box;
California quinces. S2 75 a box.
Beans New crop tan S2 502 55; marrow
fat, t2 0002 75: Lima beans, 6be.
Beeswax 2ogS0c $1 ft for choice: low grade,
cider Sand refined, J9 0OJB10 00; common,
85 0065 50: crab cider, J12 0013 00 V barrel;
cider vinegar. 1415c f) gallon.
Ciiefse Ohio heese, fall make, lOJc: New
York cheese, 10llc: Liiuburger, 12J(gi3Kc;
domestic Sweitzer, 1114c; Wiscons.n brick
Sweitzer, 14c: imported aweitzer, 27c
EQQS 2122c lor Western stock: 2o2dc for
strictly fresh neirbyeggs.
Feathers Extra live geee. 5060c; No. 1
40B43c: mixed lot", 3035e H ft.
(JAME Mallard ducks. So U0g5 0 a dozen.
Butter ducks. J2 C02 60 a elozi-n: pheasants:
$5 003 50 a dozen; quirrel,81 752 00 a dozen;
woodcocks S4 254 50a dozen; quail. 75c$I 00;
rabbits, 25J0c a pair; venivn saddles, lo18c
a pound: whole venison, ll12c a pound.
Honey New crop w hite clover. 2022c ft ft.
SI APLE SYRUP 75B5c a can; maple sugar,
910c ft.
Nut- Chestnuts, S3 504 00 a bnsbel; wal
nut", 704875c a bushel; shell bark hickory nuts,
SI 501 75 a bushel.
Poultry spnne chickens. 40Q50C a pair;
old, twJJToc a pair; dressed. 1113 a pound;
ducks. 5070e a pair: dressed ducks. 1214c a
pound: liveturkev, 10011c a pound: dressed
turkej. 14i816o: live geese. 506b5c apiece;
dressed geese, 910c a pound.
Tallow Country, 4c: city rendered, 5c.
ShEDS Recleaned Western clover. 5 00
5 25; countrv medium clover. f4 001 25: tim
othy, SI 501 55; blue grass, 52 8503 00; orchard
grass, Jl 50: inillet.,7075c.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. So 50
s 50; fancy. J7 0007 50; Jamaica oranges. $6 00
6 50 a barrel: Florida oranges, 84 004 50 a box:
bananas, $1 50 firsts, Jl 00 good i-enonfls, p
bunch; California peache, S2 002 50 fl box;
Malaga grapes. So 50S 50 a halt barrel, ac
cording to quality; California plums. $2 002 25
W box; California pears. $4 00481 50 ft box; tigs,
17c ft: dates.-5GK ft.
VtOETABLES Potatoes, 90cS100fl bushel;
Southern swets, $2 25482 75 barrel; Jersey,
53 5004 00; cabbage, H 005 00 fl hundred;
onions, S3 00 a barrel: celery, 2530c a dozen
bunches; tomatoes, SI 50 1 bushel: parsnips,
35c a dozen; carrots, 30c a dozen; green onions,
25c a dozen:" lettuce, 25o a dozen: parsley. 10c a
dozen: spinach, 35c a bushel; horseradish, 50
75c a dozen.
Coffees are firmer and sugars are still weak.
Other staples keep along in tbe old ruts. Vol
ume of business bas, no doubt, been curtailed
the past few days by the rains and wretched
condition of country roads.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 24K25Mo;
choice Rio, 2223Kc: prime Rio. 23c; low
grade Rio, 20H6-lc; old Government Java,
293Uc; Maracaibo, 25H27Xc; Mocha, S0
32c; Santos. 22JJ26C; Caracas, 254827c; La
Gnayra, 264827c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c;
bleb, grades. 2S30Kc;old Government Java,
bulk. S31Xc: Maracaibo, 284829c; Santos. 26
Ji0c;peaberry, 30c; choice Rio, 26c: prime Rio,
25c; good Rio, 24c: ordinary, 21V44822J4C
opices (whole) Cloves, 154816c: allspice, 10c;
cassia, 8c: pepper, 13c; nutmeg, 75QS0O.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, TJc;
Ohio. 120, tKe: headlleht. 150, 8c; water
white, lOKr; globe, 14HK1': elaine. 14c: car
nadine, lljc; royaline, 14c; red oil, llIlc;
purity, lie
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strain ed, 434oc
callon; summer, 38S40C; lard oil, 5558c
Syrup Corn syrup, 3436c: choice sngar
svrup, 384&; prime sugar syrup, 324833c;
strictly prime, 3536r.
N. O. Molasses Fancv. new crop, 4950c:
fancv old. 464847c; choice, 49c; medium, 33013c;
mixed. 4042c .
SODA Bi-carbin kegs, 3K35ics bi-carb in
Ks, 5Jc; bi-carb"assorted packages. 56c: sal
soda 111 kegs. ljc: do granulated. 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c: stearine,
y set. SXfc: parafflne. ll12c
RICE Head Carolina. 77c; choice, 6J
(0fc. nrlm. (VfflfiUn! Louisiana. 5U8c.
&TARCH Pearl, 4c; corn starch, b6c; gloss
starch. Utile.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 12 65; Lon
don layers. 82 75: Muscatels. S2 50: California
Muscatels, S2 40; Valencia, 7K7Jic: Ondara
Valencia, 848Kc: sultana, 184820c; currants.
5K5c; Turkey prunes, 7j488c; French
prune, ll4813c: Salonica prunes, in 2ft pack
ages. 9c: cocoanuts, $ 100, J6; almonds, Lan.,
ft. 29c: do Ivica. 17c; do shelled, 40c: walnuts,
nap.. 134814c; Sicilv filberts, 12c: Smyrna figs,
154817c: new dates. 66Kc; Brazil nnts. 18c;
pecans. 14KI6c; citron. W ft, 1920c; lemon
peel. 15c ft ft; orange peel. 12c
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft. 10c;
apples, evaporated, 14K4815c;peacbes. evapo
rated, pared, 284830 ; peaches, California, evap
orated, unpareu, 224825c; cherries, pitted. 31c;
cherries, unpitteil. 114813Kc; raspberries, evap
orated, 31S3oc; blackberries, 104811c; huckle
berries, 15c
Sugars Cubes, 6c; powderod, 6c; granu
lated, bc; confectioners' A, 6c; standard A,
6U; solt white, b&he yellon, choice, 5JJ48
5c: yellow, good, b c; yellow, fair, 5
5kc; yellow, dark, 5Ji5ic.
PICKELS Medium, bbls. (L200). 88 50; me
dium, half bbls. (600), $4 75.
Salt No. 1. V bbl., 95c; No. 1 ex.. bbl..
$1 00; dairy, V uul- $1 2u: coarse crystal. $1 bbl..
Jl 20: Higgins' Eureka. 4-bn. sacks, 82 60; Hig
gins' Eureka. 1G-11 ft packets, S3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 8048
2 90; 2nds, S2 5002 60; extra peaches, 13 003 lu;
pie peaches. S2 00; finest corn, SI 358-1 50; Hfd.
Co. corn. 95c48Sl 15; red cherries. SI 40481 50;
Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do. 75
90c; marrowfat peas, SI 10481 25; soaked peas.
7u80c; pineapples. Si 30481 40: Babama do. 52 55:
damson plums. Si 10: greengages, SI 50: egg
plums, S2 20; California apricots. $2 50J 60;
California pears. S2 75; do greengages. S2 00; do
egg plums, 82 00: extra white cherries. 2 85;
raspberries, SI 40481 45; strawberries, SI 30481 40;
gooseberrle8.Sl 10431 15; tomatoes, 90c95c; sal
mon, 1-ft, 81 30481 80; blackberries, SI 10: succo
tash, 2-& cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2-fl. SI 25
1 50; corn beef. 2-1 o cans. 82 00; 14-ft cans, 814;
baked beans, 81 401 50; lobster, 1-ft, SJ 25;
mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, 81 50; sardines, do
mestic, K'. W 25481 35: sardines, domestic, Xs.
S3 50; sardines, imported. Js. Sll 60481 250; sar
dines, imported, Ks. 818: sardines, mustard,
S3 85; sardines, suiced, 84 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater, mackerel, S20 fl
bbl.: extra No. 1 do mess, S2S 50; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, 824 00; No. 2 shore mackerel,
322: large oX 820. Codfish Whole, pollock, 5c
$1 ft; do medium, George' cod. 5r; do large, 7c;
boneless hakes, in strips. 5c; do George's cod, in
blocks, 6K487MC Herring Round shore, 85 50
W bbl; fplit, S6 50: lake. S3 25 100-ft bb';
White fish. 86 50 ?1 100-ft half bbl. Lak trout,
85 50 half bbl. Finnan baddies. 10c V ft. Ice
laud halibut, 13c ty ft. Pickerel, half bbl. S3:
quarter bbUSl 35. Holland herring,70c; Walkoff
herring, 90c
Oataieal 87487 251? hbl.
Grain, Hour and Feed.
Sales en call at tbe Grain Exchange, 2 cars
of No. 2 y. e. corn, now, 58c Receipts as bul
letined, 65 cars, of which 45 were received by
tne Pittsburg. Cincinnati and St- Louis Rail
way, as follows: 19 cars of oats, 12 of corn, 3 of
hav, 1 of wheat, 10 of floor. By Pittsburg. Ft.
Wayne and Chicago, 2 cars of corn, 2 of hay,
1 of bran. 2 of barley. 1 of flour, 2 of oats. By
Baltimore and Ohio, 3 cars of corn, 1 of bran, 3
of hay, 1 of rye, 1 of oats. By Pittsburg and
Western, 1 car of bay. Cereals of all kinds are
quiet and markets are weaker. Oats and hay
are a shade lower. Receipts of oats were un
usually large the past few days.
Prices are for carload lots on track:
Wheat No 2 red, 81 021 03; No. 3, 98c
Corn No. 2 yellow ear, old. 704871c new ear,
584859c: high mixed ear. old, 684869c: No. 2 yel
low, shelled, 6162c; high mixed shelled corn,
Oats-No. 1. 5252c: No. 2 white. fiCQSlc:
extra. No. 3, 4919Kc; mixed oats, 47$48c.
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 76077c;
No. 1 Wevern. 74487oc.
Flour Jobl.li g price Fancy -prlng and
winter pstent flour, 86 00456 25; fancy stralzbt
winter, 85 25485 50; faucy tralght sprint;. So 2i
So 50; clear winter. 15 Ct.485 25; straight XXXX
bakers', 84 755 00. Rye flour, 84 254 50
Buckwheat flour, 2K3Kc
MlLLFEED No. 1 white middlings, 825 0C
28 00?) ton I No. 3 white middlines, 2 00
25 00;- brown middlings, 121 00022 00; winter
wheat bran. S19 004819 50.
HAY Baled timothy No. L S10 004810 23: No.
2 do, 58 50489 OQ: lo se from wagon, S10 004812 00.
according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, $7 250
7 50; packing do. J8 7537 00.
Straw Oat, $0 5o7 00; wheat and rye, $0 00
66 50.
r - -
Sngar-curetl bams, large. TOr; sugar-cured
bams, medium, 10c; sugar-cured bams, small,
lOjJc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon. SJic: sugar
cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless
shoulders, 8'c; skinned shoulders, 8c; skinned
hams, 12c: sugar-enred Califorcta bams. 7Jc:
sugar-cured dried neef flats, 9c: sugar-cu-ed
dried beef set", 10Kc: sugar-cured dried beef
round. UKa bacon, shoulders. 7c: bacon,
clear sides Kc; bacon, clear bellies. OJJc: dry
salt shoulder-, 6J4c: drv talt clear aides. 6KC
Mess pork hearv, 812 oO; mess pork, family.
S12 50. Lard Re lined. In tierces. hyir half
barrels. 5c:60-& tubs, 5c; 20-B. pails, oc:50-
tic cans. 5c;3-& tin pails, 6c; 5-ft 1111 nails,
6c; 10 ft tin pails, 5c. Smoked sausage, long.
5c; large. 5c. Fresh pork, links, 9c Boneless
hams, 10Kc Pigs feet, half-barrels, SI 00;
quarter barrels, 2 15.
Governor Gordon was elected United
States Senator from Georgia yesterday.
Tolstoi heads a long list of protesters
against Russian persecution of Hebrews.
Olga Klentz. a ciicus rider, shot and fatally
wounded her recreant lover. Max SnesKlnd, a
bartender, in Chicago, yesterday morning.
The County Treasurer at Chippewa Falls,
Wis., is short 88,000 or S10.000 In his accounts.
He turned over his property to bis bondsmen.
August Olsen was arrested In Meriodes,
Cal.. Monday, on suspicion nf having murdered
his brother-iu-law. John L. Ivctt, a week ago.
None of the 900 designs for street door letter
boxes, submitted to tbe Postcffice Department,
were 1 nuud satisfactory, and new ones will be
called for.
A bold attempt was mnilo by an elderly man
tt abduct Bruce, the 10- ear-old son of George
P. Nyre, in Baltimore, who is heir to consider
able property.
Dave Gowenlook. the absconding cashier of
the wrecked Mt. Carmel. III., banking firm, is
supposed to be in Mexico. He took with him
between 820,000 and 830,000.
The "English mills." at St. Augustine. Fla.,
with over 1,500,000 feet ot merchantable lum
ber, burned M-unlav night. Loss 8100,000; some
insurance in English companies.
In a factional fight before a church door in
BIstrit, Trans) Ivama, six persons wero -killed,
Tbe Saxon party attempted to prevent the en
try of the new Roumanian pastor.
Andrew Smaltzs is under arrest at Mt. Ver
non. N. Y.. on the ch irge of murdering John
Williams. The men had been drinking and play
ing cards together shortly before tbe killing.
Four train robbers attempted to bold up a
tram on the Texas and Pacific Railroad Mon
day. One of them had given warning, however,
and their attack was met and repulsed. The
bandits escaped.
A freight car broke loose from its train
and ran wild down a grade at Birmingham,
Ala., yesterday. It crashed into a passenger
car, killing Conductor John Carney and injur
ing two passengers.
The first regular through broad-gauge train
over the Rio Grande Western from theEastar
rived in Salt Lake City Monday night. The new
railroad gives connection with the Central
Pacific independent of the Union Pacific
Tbe Governor ot South Carolina bas com
muted tbe sentence of two little negro murder
ers, Marion and Sam Nance, aged 10 and 14
years. They killed a cruel .tcpfatber six months
ago, for which they were sentenced to be
Dr. Francis Tumblety, who was under sur
veillance when the "Jack the Ripper" excite
ment was at its height, was arrested In Wash
ington on tbe charge of being a suspicious
character. Several thousand dollars worth of
valuables were found on biro.
A negro named Riding bougbt a lot In Sioux
City for a song a few years ago and now de
mands 885,000 right of way from the Terminal
Company. An appraiser's jury awarded him
817,000. which did not satisfy him, and fought
savagely Monday with police and track layers
before be was overpowered and imprisoned.
The River Showed vJulto a Rise Yesterday,
Going Above Ten Feet.
The Andes arrived at noon yesterday and got
ont quite late.
The Hudson will be in this morning and out
this afternoon.
The river shows quite a rise, registering 10
feet 4 inches yesterday afternoon.
The Keystone State got away Monday mid
night with a big trip for Cincinnati.
The Bennett and Josh Cook were among the
towboata "down yesterday and Little Bell and
John Dipple went up.
Tbe city was relieved ot 50 Italians yester
day, as that number took passage on the Key
stone State for Catlettsburg, Ky.
New York CofTee Market,
New York, November 18. CofTee options
opened steady and unchanged to 10 points
down and closed steady and unchanged to 25
down. Sales, 17.250 bass, including Novem
ber, 17.004?17.05c: December, 16.85ai6.90c;
January. 16.0016.10c: March, 15U915.20c;
April, 1500c; May, 14.S515.10c hpotKlo
steadier; tair cargoes. 19c; No 7. 17c
Metal Market.
New York Pig Iron steady and quiet.
Copper neglected: lake. November, 116 50.
Lead dull and weak; domestic. S4 85. Tin un
settled; closed steadier; straits, 820 15.
Price of Bar Silver.
New York, November 18. Bar silver Lon
don, 45(1; New York. 99Kc nominal.
Lead Markets.
St. Louis Lead lower; 84 70 offered without
Whisky Markets.
St. Louis Whisky, 81 11
Sleepless nights made miserable by that
terrible cough, billion's Cure is the remedy for
you. Sold by J. Fleming & Son. 412 Market St.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
Wbeu she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castona,
When she bad Childremshe gave them Castona
Embroidery and White Goods Department
direct importation from the best manufac
turers of St. Gall, In Swiss and Cambric Edg
ings, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and Allovers,
Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyers
will find these goods attractive both In price
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in
dado and plain or spring fixtures. Lace Cur
tains, Portieres, Chenille Cnrtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings: Floor. Table and Stair Oil
Cloths in best makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select
ToIlDuNords, Cbalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck
ers, Imperial Suitings, Heather & Renfrew
Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams.
Wholesale Exclusively.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue. '
Capital. S300.000. Surplus. 851,670 29.
4 President, Asst. Sec Treas.
percent interest allowed on time deposits.
Stocks Bonds. Grain. Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chleaga
41HIXTU ST., Pittsburg-
It is well to remember
that three-fourths
of all diseases
aretraceableto bad blood
S. S. never fails
to remove all impurities
and enable nature
to restore lost health.
Treatise on the blood mailed free.
Stvift Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga.
If Sn EnJy lu
of pure Cod Llvsr Oil with Hypo
phosphites of Lima and Soda Is
almost as palatable as milk.
Children enjoy It rather than
PRODUCER It Is Indeed, and the
little lads and lassies who take cold
easily, may be fortified against a
cough that might prove serious, by
taking Scott's Emulsion after their
meals during the winter season.
lietcare of substitutions and imitations.
Fitly represented
I by an imp of per
dition with a dull saw working away
on the nerves in fiendish glee, gloating
over the suffering he is causing, i the
trade mark as follows, printed on every
box of the genuine
They are neither a
cathartic nor an
Rbsolutely Harmless.
anteed to contain no antipyrin, bromides
nor narcotics. Do not affect the bowels.
If you need a laxative, mild, purely
vegetable, as is the case with some
headaches, to be taken with the powders,
LIVER PILLS, small, sure, safe.
Price for Powders, - - - 25c per box.
Price for Pills, 25c per bottle.
For sale by all leading druggisis.
Sold Wholesale and Retail by
aul6.HWF Sixth avenue.
814 PEN.t AVENUE. PITTslIUltli. 1M.
As old residents know and back flies of Pitt
burs papers prove, is tbe oldest establlsbs
and most prominent pbvsician in the city, de
voting special attention to all chronic diseases
MCDHI IO anl mental diseases, physical
1 1 L n V U UO decay.nervous debility, lack of
energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory,
disordered sight, self diitrust, bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business, society and mar.
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, failing hair, bones, pains, glandvlar.
swellings, ulcerations or tongne, moutb. throat,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbesystem.
IIDIMADV kidney and bladder derange
U Mill AlJ I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it
here. Office hours, 9 a. M. to K r. M. Sunday.
10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. DK. WmTTlEK.SU
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa.
surgical Instrument Establishment.
Artificial limbs. Tne largest stock of
surgical instruments in Western Pennsylvania
nolt) ID
SPECIALISTS in all cases re.
quiring pclcntltic aud confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. K Lake.
M. K. C. P. S.. is the oiaesc ana
i: K t,1(1E PTIWri.TIII'll MIIffTi;.!!..!. Ill
tne city, consultation tree anu
strictlv confidential. Office
hours 8 to i and 7 to 8 p. jr.: Sundays, 2 to 4 r.
M. Consult them personally, or write. Doctors
Lake, cor. Penn ave. ana ua st, .rinsDurg, x-a.
full particulars in pamphlet
sent free. Tne genuine Uray's
fepeclllcsold by druaelsu only la
yellow wrapper. Price, fl pet
nikir ni W ttT il Of tY lUalt
S-VB on receipt of price, bv address.
in Plttsburif by3. 3. HOLL.A.Nl. corner
Mill In
Emlthfleld and Liberty to.
Wood's Flo.osij3a.ocLl33.e-
n,., .nc fn r-ni ftell RP.MP.nV
ilir. mtfjw ,....r..--..
T7ed for 35 years
by thousands suc
cessfully. Guar-
emtfft in iun all
and the excesses
ot later year.
Gives immediate
ttrtnjth andviif
or. Askdruftirlsw
for Wood's Phos
phodlnettakeno ittt nf VarvriTi
TA4Aa Vvnla-
B1UUO, kjyc i"wi -; rr-r m - -
ana au tne .""'. --....J.. . . , -
HDSU1UK. vmw
Address The Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward
t . Detroit, Mich.
WSoldln Plttsbnr; Pa- by Joseph riemtHJ
Bon, Diamond and Market,
P"P5 c ET to every man, youBg.rmaaie-ajea,
f P C. C. and old; postage paid. Address
Dr. H.Du Mont, 3S1 Columbus Ave., Boston, ifaas,
yv rfSv"!
.AjtWi'-ii -
V riiiilff i.rjinft'ir '