Effisggasea v- THE ' PITTSBUJJG- DISPATCH, SATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1890. 8 V. ft-i THE PAI IS OVERs The Share Market Has Practically Becovered, Although Specu lation is Slow. TRADE IMPEDED BY TIGHT MONEY. Easiness Still Feels the Bad Effect of the Election, With a .Nnmber of Declines in Prices. STEEL SAILS AND IKOX ACE WEAKER. Bisk Cleuisgi Still Iacreuog sxd Bulntd doings Show Gratifying Growth. ISrECIAl. TZLXGRAM TO THK DISPATCH. I 2EW YOBK, November 14. Special tele grams to Bradslrect's indicate that the movement of general trade throughout the ountry has been somewhat affected by the stringency in money. Though no serious check to distribution has resulted, it is plain that demands from the interior on jobbers, agents and manufacturers have fallen away. The second ieature of the jreneral trade situ ation is found in a qnite general reaction in prices. Since the interruption noted dur ing election week, general trade has not fully resumed its previous activity, except at a few points Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, New Orleans and Memphis. At Xew York extreme call loan rates and little money available with which to dis count trade paper, together with the tem porary embarrassment of a large bank and the failure of a small bank, did not fail to have an effect on business. The 5281,000,000 increase in the week's clearings comes from an excessive trading on the Stock Exchange. STEEL AXD IRON MARKETS. At Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis and Buluth, while a fair volume of busi ness is going, the aggregates are smaller than within recent dates. Leather, hides, cotton, provisions, wheat, corn, tobacco, hogs and sngar have declined in price. Steel rails are weak, at figures shaded lrom 529; pig iron is doubtful as to whether it will go lower or not; coal is dull and barely steady; canned goods arc expected to react in price; wool is not so firm as a week ago; boots and shoes are in lighter request, and cottons are not so active as a fortnight since. Wheat has been depressed by tree ship ments to markets in the Northwest and by evidences that the Pacific coast crop has been somewnat underestimated. San Fran cisco, Portland, Ore., and Tacoma are all free exporters of wheat and flour. Total exports from both coasts this week equal 2,323,321 bushels, against 2,209,919 bushels last week. Total shipments July 1 to date equal 37,287,158 bushels, against 38,957,300 bushels iu a like share of 1889. BANK CLEARINGS INCREASE. Bank clearings at 53 cities for the week ended November 13, are $1,508,656,867, an increase over this week last year of 22.7 per cent. New York City's clearings, which constitute 61.4 per cent of the grand total, are more than those for the same period last year by 24.6 per cent, while at 52 other cities the gain is 19 per cent. East ern and interior money markets sympathize with New York and higher rates or extreme conservatism among bill brokers are re ported. Interior supplies of money are fair. Collections are reported fair only. Bemit tances to New York have been large. The share market has practically recov ered from the panic which existed in the earlier Jays ot the week. The financial disturbance and failures incident thereto have, however, continued to influence spec ulation, which is uncertain and sensitive in character in spite of the general recovery of values, even in the stocks which were the chief subjects of liquidation. MONEY CLOSE. The New York money market, too, con tinues to be close and very firm, although the rates for call loans have declined. It would seem, however, that the stock and money markets are gradually working back to normal conditions, though such a process is naturally slow. Total earnings of 14C railroads for October agcregate 548,534,859. an increase of 4.1 per cent on October, 18S9. which in turn gained 12 per cent over 18SS. The total mileage re ported is 8S.994, an increase ol 2.6 per cent. The trunk lines are the only group showing a decrease from a year ago, 3 per cent. The Eastern railroads make the best showing, with a gain of 9.4 per cent Scarcity of cars is a general subject of complaint. More than one-:ourth of all the roads reported show de creases. The gross earnings af 138 roads for ten months acgrecate 5393.251.128, a gain of 9.18 per cent over 1889, which in turn gained 10 per cent over 1888. DRYGOODS DULL. "Weather conditions do not favor the Eastern drygoods trade, and jobbers report a decreased demand. Agents also report a less active call for spring wear dress goods. Woolens are in light demand for men's wear. The aggregate volume of busi ness i", however, up to the average. Cotton and -woolen mills throughout New England are well employed. Export cottons are in fair demand. Print cloth is weaker. Baw wool is quieter. Fine grades are not active. Low grades are less active but firm. Cotton is active and higher toward the close on short covering and some buying. Prices were weak early on depression in the financial situation and the issuance of the Government crop report pointing to a yield of 8,000,000 bales of the American cron. Snots are unchanged at New York, and 1-16 c lower at the South and iu Europe. Business failures reported to Sradstrcet't number 200 in the United States this week, against 151 last week and 217 tnis week last year. Canada had 46 this week against 37 last week. The total number of failures in the United States trom January 1 to date is 8,702, against 9,848 in a like portion of 1889. E. G. DUN'S REPORT. B. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Those who have long expected a severe reaction in the stock market have now seen the average of prices thrown back to a lower point than has been touched at any other time for more than four years. It remains the fact that the legitimate business throughout the country is the largest ever known, not much inflated or endangered by speculation and so far so soundthat complaints in regard to collections have been much fewer than usual. The check nowsustained may not improbably produce some shrink age' in transactions and diminution of profits, but the industrial and commercial con ditions have been so favorable that specula tive disturbances are the less likely to affect general business seriously. Beports from other cities show that at most points the events in Wall street nave had little or no effect as yet TRADE OF THE CITIES. At Boston transactions have been some what limited, and money is firm at high rates. Wool sales are smaller, but more activity is expected with the opening of the heavy goods season in December. Leather is quiet and easier, and hides dull and lower, but because bark and other materials are strong. It is thought neither can re cede much. Boot and shoe manufacturers are getting the recent advance in prices, with shipments exceeding last year's. Lum ber is quiet At Philadelphia money is tight, and little coninierci.l paper offered or selling. Wool manufacturers are buying more liber ally, with slight advance in some grades. Leather is strong, and the shoe trade larger than last year, though less brisk than of late. At Chicago money ii aotive at 7 per cent ittixo entry banks we sendu,wiunda forjjwisj, investment, and Eastern disturbances are little felt GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Grain receipts and cured meats equal last vear's. A slight loss is seen in dressed beef, butter and cheese, and a heavy loss in hides, but a liberal gain iu wool and lard, while trade in drygoods, clothing and shoes is ranch larger, with satisfactory collections. No other Western point shows disturbance in trade, though money is generally close. At St Louis the rate is 7 to 8 per cent, and the volume of trade larger. At Cincinnati money is light but collections very fair; the clothing season exceeds expectations, and the grocery trade is very good. At Detroit money is close at 7, collections very fair, and manufacturing active. Michigan-wheat is showing 4 per cent increase. At Cleve land money is tight, collections satisfactory, and trade good except for clothing. At Milwaukee money is close at 7, collections satisfactory, and Eastern troubles do not check trade. BRISK TEADE FUBTHEE "WEST. At Omaha, St. Paul, Denver and Kansas City money is in strong demand, collections healthy and business good. Southern cities make much the same report Baltimore re ports all business healthy, mills running full and trade brisk, with satisfactory col lections. New Orleans finds money active, cotton receipts below last year, but sugar and rye liberal, with good demand for all. Atlanta reports easy money and good trade. Savannah reports money tight, hut trade active. At Jacksonville earlier Northern travel than nsnal causes activity. These accounts show a remarkably encouraging condition of business, but more than the usual scarcity of money in spite of good collections. IBON BUSINESS SMALLER. The iron output November 1, was 177,958 tons weekly, against 179,263 October 1, and considerable decrease in production is expected if prices yield. The demand lor manufactured products is not distinctly smaller, and in railroad supplies decrease is foreshadowed by financial troubles. The coal trade is dull, holders trying to realize October prices, and the high price of coke causes complaint Tin is three-eights lower, copper steady and lead weak, because of considerable importations. India rubber is lower. The boot and shoe trade is somewhat checked by the prospect of reaction in leather, but prices range higher than last year. In drygoods there is observed some hesitancy by buyers, but mills are well sold up, woolens realize slightly better prizes in some cases, and dress goods arc firm. FARM PRODUCTS. Breadstuff's are lower, exports m October showing a heavy decrease. Wheat falls 5 cents for the week; corn, 2 cents, and oats nearly 2 cents. Pork products are steady, coffee and cotton unchanged, and oil is Zi cents lower. In general, speculation iu products is less active than usual. The Treasury has put out 5600,000 more silver notes, but taken in $1,400,000 more of other money, its offer to buy bonds being in effective. While exports of products were enormous in October, they have fallen 12 per cent be low last year's for November thus far at New York, but a larger excess over imports fails to affect the money market since the movement of securities this way is large. It is not to be forgotten that the demand for money is largely due to the unprecedented volume of business thus far. BEAUTU VL. DAMASK IJKENS For Thanksgiving Sinner Tables. The largest assortment of new and hand some patterns in the best makes of Irish, Scotch, German and French table linens, including cloth and napkins to match, iu all sizes, and also damasks by the yard, with napkins to match. We have just received a large shipment of fine hemstitched and drawn work cloths and napkins; also tray cloths, doilies, cen ter pieces and other odd pieces of table napery. Visit our linen department or send for samples. Jos. Horne & Co., 609-621 Penn Avenue. Astrakhan Trimming In 2, 3 and 4-inch gray and black, 55c, and 75c per yard at The People's Store. 65c CStB. Kid gloves The best 51 real kid ever sold for 51; 4-button and Foster hook, 51 a pair. Boggs & Buhl. The new Ascot scarf at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth ave. Children's Department Children's coats, 1, 2 and 3-year sizes; cashmere, brown, bine, garnet and gray, in cute jacket effects, all new styles; broad cloth coats, lined and wadded, fur-trimmed; fancy plaids and stripes, all colorings, in latest and prettiest shapes. Jos. Horne & Co.s Penn Avenue Stores. FuEC3pes. A choice assortment of the newest shapes in all fashionable lurs; mod erate prices. Hugus & Hacke. tts For To-day Special. 800 men's stylish medium weight over coats, dark, medium and light shades, silk faced or plain, for the low price of 510. These overcoats are really worth double the money. P. C. C. C, Pittsburg Combination Clothing Company, cor. Grant and Diamond streets, opp. the Court House. II. B. Handkerchiefs Holiday stock now on sale. More styles of ladies' fine hand embroidered goods at 25c and 50c than you'll care to look at Values even bigger than the stock. Boggs & Buhl. For Trimmings. A special offering in 4-inch black Bussian hairtrimming, only 75c per yard, well worth 51 25, at The People's Store. Cream ale and rack ale are the finest seasonable drinks. Iron City Brewing Company's product has the lead in public favor. Fine puff scarfs at James H. Aiken & Co.V 100 Filth ave. For the Babies, A very choice variety of fine zeDhyr mitts, bootees, btockings, leggings, hlack, white and dark colors at The People's Store. All-Wool French I5ea er Jackets, with handsome gray krimmer col lar, at 16. A special value. Jos. Hoene & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Alaska seal jackets and wraps, unsur passed values and assortments of comfort able stylish garments. ttssu Hugus & Hacke. Ii.&B. For to-day 100 dozen gents all pure linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, unlaun dered, 12f o 25e quality. Boggs & Buhl, Dress Bockles. 10c will buy any dress buckle at our dress trimming counter; about 100 different selec tions at The People's-Store. FINAL day of millinerv opening. Jos. Hobnb & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores, Dress Goods Special offering this week both in variety and value, at 50c a yd. ttssu Hugus & Hacke. rtAit A cloak room leader to-day full fur trimmed jacket 510. See this and SO other styles. Boggs & Buhl. Kaufmanns' ponular cloak parlors multitudes of ladies will patronize them NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DREADFUySORIASIS Covering Entire Body With White Sciles. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cuticura. My disease (psoriasis) first brote out on my left check, spreading across my nose, ana almost cov ering ray face. It ran Into my eyes, and the physician was afraid 1 would lose my eyesight altoge ther. It spread all oyer my head, and my Hair all fell out. until I was en tirely bald-beaded; it then broke out on My arms and shoulders, until mv arms were lust one sore. It covered my entire body, my race, head, and shoulders being the worst. The while scabs fell constantly from my head, shoulders and arms: the skin would thicken and be red and very Itchy, and would crack and bleed if scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars, 1 was pronounced Incurable. I heard of the Cuticura Remedies, and after using two bottles CTTTicrmi Kesolvixt. 1 could ee a change: and after 1 had taken lour bottles, 1 was almost cured; and when 1 had used six bot tles of Cuticura Resolvent, one box of Cuti cura, and one cake of Cuticura Soap, I was cured of the dreadful disease from which I had suffered for fire years. 1 cannot express witbpen what I suffered before using the Kemedieb. They saved my life, and 1 feel It my duty to recommend them. My hair Is restored as good as ever, and so Is my eyesight. MRS. kusa rxf-LiL,!, Rockwell City, la. Cuticura Resolvent, The new Blood Purifier. Internally (to cleanse the blood or all Imparities and poisonous ele ments!, aud Cuticura. the treat Skin Cure, and Cuticura bOAP, an exquisite Skin Beautl fler, externally (to clear the skin and scalp and restore the hair), have cured thousands or cases where the shedding of scales measured a quart dally, the skin cracked, bleeding, burning, and Itching almost beyond endurance, hair lifeless or all gone, suffering terrible. What other reme dies have made such cures? Sold everywhere. I'rlce, Cuticura. SOc: SOAr, 25c: Kesolvent, 61. Prepared by the 1'otter Drug and chemical corporation, Boston. XSS-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, M illustrations and 100 testimonials. . DIMPLES, black-heads, red. rough, chapped and rim oily skin cured by Cuticura soap It Stops the Pain. Hack ache, kidney pains, -weakness, rheumatism, and muscular u&lns re lieved In one minute by the Cuticuba AlfTl-rAir, iiiA&TEB. ZOC. HB IWVo POISONS in' FREEMAN'S Face Powder. Medicated. Free From POISON. Harmless as ' Dew. Don't Rub Off. Purest, only perfect beau- .liner. me LA I b5 I HkHFUiYlb! "MiAflAi ma." us txquisne. At uruggists, viz: I OnU&rket SUFlemlng & Sod, 412; Moerach's, 212, Tor- 5 renco to uo.t 31s, JUCK.enti.airi, 431; itjreri, us; un 1 I Grunt St.: Griffiths, sol; McGinn', cor. 6th; On Centre 3 a to.; fionrse't, iso, bcnweitzers,333; UDWfiiaATe.:. 9 J. Beclc'i. 129: Schucfcmann'fl.348: Stocky to Ca.. cor. . & Fulton: On Penn Ave.: Klmmel to Co ,801; Hleber'e, 2 iasi; UcCullotuh s, IS 00; Stncky'i, 1T01, also 201; J p iiyairi, tuzi; boiei, egos, KatiKin'i. cor. cxn; untune Ave.:Kearnif16l Stokely'sSSS, Schaerer',S80,Ibrlg'fl,5 1 3610; Flnbelte&rrs, 343, alio Madison Ar. and 33d St.; 2 McConnelii Co.,cor. Vine On Frankstown Ave.: Free- bing'i, 231; Henderson1, 300; Oil SmlthQeld St.: E&gers g fc Son. 11: Dnanesna FharmacT. 51s: J. Kerr.lr.. 54T:3 Oa Canon: Wlegel's, 1806; Herman's, 1924; Urben's, 2l2f; Gray's, 2335$; Mtler J Zelxler, 2631; JJnrto's, 2 2908; Grelnelsen's, 76 W.; Koch's, cor. 12th, On Butler: J ' iange-s, smu: utrtwin 4010; un main: Montgomery's, s, J 192; Swearer's, cor Wabash Ave.; Emanuel's, 177 2a ( Ave.; White to Kellenberger, 103 Fulton; Emtnnel to 1 Authes, I3 4th Ar.;W. L. Beck's,8 Herron, also 33d SL opp. 13th Ward School, Archor Remedy Co , Liberty and ( 4tb;Dambmn s, 64bbllobt Chartener'e, 60 Washington ( Are.; Potter's. 1120 Sarah St . also 81 Arlington Ave.; Zoeller'i, 19th and Sarah, Troth's, 45 Amanda Ave.;c ' uciannys, i2l Liberty Ave,; Kaixenmeyers, i wn ( 'mer at.; Mammon's, wainu; ana jjeueionw; naw-i ' wonrs uuquesne ueignis; IN ALLEGHENY CITT. I On Federal St: Heck's 72 also 194, Efsenbels, 113; Me- 4 J Brides Pharmacies cor. Ohio, also 196 Beater Are.; On I Rebeccabt.;Hixenbingh's,65;Neel),s 400, On Beaver ( I Are.: neews, in; Dice's, 353, un unio u. v. iiaering-s, j i 123. F. H. Enters. 172. Glamscr's. 234.Errers to Son. 2S9. a p On Chesnut: Straestley's, 20; Walther'i,64 also 111; 4 furuDDs to M.f t?6 icoce; uomit:( fticuure .ave.;; an Premontibtelti'e.lSlPennAve.: Armor'aJ7TTlor: u. uiennir'B. 11a jnniaia: r osier's, n sBQtnsirn atci 5 Larry's, Arch and Jackson; Mangold's, 64 Lowry;ij ) smart's, at Anaersnn. interna: bcnuits's, imi xtutier. 1 1 Wholesale: W. J. Gilmorel Co ; A. C. Henderson. L. II. I Harris Drug Co.; G. A. KeUey Co.; Schwartz, Cbes-i 1 -wTicni to unerry. rawvwvvvvw OCH-C9-WS Office Outfitters. DOll-TTS GENTS' GENTS' GENTS' ;$ (6?f u fl wc El 1 11 FURNISHING Gentlemen, you, no doubt, noticed our -window display of FURNISHINGS a few days ago. We were complimented on all sides for the neat and artistic arrange ment and great beauty of the goods. However extraordinarily attractive this display, it was but a mere suggestion of what we have in the way of Furnishings. We request you to drop in and inspect this, the finest and most complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods ever brought to Pittsburg. Our assortment of NECKWEAK at 25e, 50c, 75o and $1 includes every stvle PUFFS, FOUR-IN-HANDS, TECKS, etc. The patterns are all new, and many of them are as unique as the assortment is varied. Ball" and '"Coon" brands Collars and Cuffs always in stock. OUR PRICES ON UNDERWEAR: Here are a few of our Underwear bargains just a half-doien BUT THEY AEE BAEGAINS, and when you see the goods you'll say no such values were erer offered before. Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers, 75c each. Extra Heavy Colored Merino Shirts and Drawers, 9Sc each. Natural Wool, fine goods. Shirts and Drawers, SI each. Angora Wool, fancy stripes, fast colors. $1 50 each. Extra Heavy French Ribbed, all wool, SI 75. Carainal Wool Shirts and Drawers at 31. SI 75, S2. tSPWe carry a full line of Dr. "Warner's Health Underwear. SHIRTS, Elastic Suspenders, Colored and Black, French and English Webs, lrom 25o to $1, Silk and Satin Suspenders, plain, painted and embroidered. Heavy, full regular made Merino Hose at 19c Extra Heavy Camel's Hair K Hose, 25c. Fine Natural "Wool Hose, 35c; 3 pairs for $1. All full regular made and extra value. Gents' Jewelry, Kid and Wool Gloves, Laundered Shirts, Etc. VK berbavinf 610 TO 614 MARKET STREET. ABIUSE31ENTS. THEATRE. EXTRA. Bale of seats begins to-day for the DeWOLP HOPPER Opera Boufife Company Id Byrne A Kerker's Comedy Opera, CASTLES IB" THE AIR. 107 Nights at BROADWAY THEATER, N. Y. Matinee Prices ENTIRE LOWER FIOOR, SL nol5-7 p(RAND OPERAjHODSE WEEK OF NOVEMBER 17. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. FREDERICK WARDE ACCOMPANIED BY Mrs. D. P. Bowers. MONDAY...... HENRY VIII TUESDAY..... MACBETH WEDNESDAY, Matinee VIRGINIUS WEDNESDAY HENRY VHI THURSDAY OTHELLO FRIDAY HENRY VHI SATURDAY. Matinee HENRY VHI SATURDAY. MACBETH Seats now on sale. Prices. 81 SO. SI 00. 75c. 50c. 250. noH-S9 C RAND OPERA HOUSE j TO-NIGHT. Matine Saturday. HANLON BROS. SUPERBA. Next Week, Frederick Warde and Mrs. D. P. Bowers. nolO-13 BIJOU THEATEK TO-NIGHT BART LEY CAMPBELL'S WHITE SLAVEl Matinees Wedncsdayand Saturday. November 17 DeWolI Hopper Opera Com pany in "Castles in the Air." nolO-U ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY. TO-NIGHT. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. THE HOWARD BURLESQUE COMPANY, noll-41 HARRIS' THEATER-Harris, Bntton &. Dean, proprietors and managers. Every afternoon and eveninc. BENNETT-MOULTON OPERA COMPANY. Saturday, "Boccaccio." Week November 17 The Blue and The Gray. AERV DAVIS' FIFTH AVENUE MU- SEUM AND THEATER, Commencing November 10th, last week of the ROYAL HUNGARIAN GYPSY BAND. E. P. filatt, strongest man in the world. nolO-20 GRATEFUTi. COMPORTING. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epos has provided our breakfast tallies with a deli cately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may ne gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling watox or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins, by Grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO, Homoeopathic Chemists. London, England. fe22-32-Tus TIT MAY, SONS & CO., Fine DYEING AND CLEANING. 56 Sixth Avenue, mhlS-S0-TTS Pittsburg, Pa. SIMPLICITY CLOTH BATH Insures a perfect copy. Always Teady to use. Cheap, neat and clean. Can be used with any press. FOR SALE BY OFFICE SPECIALTY CO., 105 Third Avenue (Near Wood.) Plain "White or Fancy Trimmed at BOc; rare bargains. Better goods at 76c and $1, made of N. Y. Mills and Wamsutta Muslins. Still finer goods up to $2 SO each fancy trimmed or silk embroidered. ESTBA EC-IilF HOSE. BCli-XT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. stun k s SLAUGHTER SALE Thousands of Suits and Overcoats let loose! Warm weather compels us to sacrifice them! No reserve! ' Everything must got Come nowt Now is tho timet The terribly cut figures will move them in a hurryl EVERYTHING GOES! Prices Do the Business! Men's Overcoats worth S 8 $ 5 Men's Overcoats worth 10.... 6 Men's Overcoats worth 12 8 Men's Overcoats worth 15 10 Men's Overcoats worth 18 12 Men's Overcoats worth 22 15 CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS ! SI 60, 52, S2 50, $3 and $4 for Children's Nobby Overcoats or Snits, in all Shanes, colors, makes, etc Children's Hats and Shirt Waists In im mense variety. ElpTen-Pin Sets, Free! A,ceTo set of elegantly colored Ten-pins still presented free of cbarce with every Boys' or Child's Suit or Overcoat from S3 upward. Tons of Furnishing Goods. w ' HATS AND CAPS. All kinds, qualities and varieties, and. TIE MEMBER, we'll save you from 25TO 40 CENTS on every dollar you invest. COME QUICK. SALLER & CO. Cor. Smithfield and DiamondgSts. nollTuB- ..jeSTSTy, COMFOJJT f . 0MMANTf. Our Spectacles and Eye Glasses without frames lead in style. We are the only grinders of Prescription Glasses west ot Philadelphia. Any combination lens made in 24 hours. FOX OPTICAL CO., Manufacturing Opti cians, 624 Penn ave., Fittsbnrg. ROBERT BRUCE WALLACE, Gen. Man., 461 Main St., Buffalo. Seventeenth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. nol-00 its KORNBLUM'S Optical Establishment, NO. so FIFTH AVE., Telnnhone No. lObS. Pittsburg. de2S- DRUNKENNESS v LIQUOR. HABIT. IN ALL THE WORLD THERE 13 BUT OXK CURB. DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea. or In articles or rood, without the knowledge of the pa tient, II necesbary. It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT WEVEIt FAILS. It operates so quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no inconvenience, and ere he is aware, his complete reformation is effected. 4) page book free. To be had or A.J. KAN KIN, Sixth and Penn St., Pittsburg; K. HOLUEN & CO., 63 Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by UKO. A. KELL.Y 4 CO.. L. H. HAUKIS UKUG CO. myl5--TTS on. weix supruEs. OIL WELL SUPPLIES-I ALWAYS KEEP on hand a complete stock of engines, boil ers, drilling and pumping outfits, tubing, cas ing, pipe, cordage and all kinds of ftttine for oil and gas wells, and can fill orders on the shortest notice. F. A. PRICHARD, Manning ton. W. Va. au26-60-D OIL WELL SUPPLY CO,, LIMITED, 91 and 92 WATER ST., PITTSBURG, PA. no8-53-TTS-E03U ALEX. WATSON, Maker of and dealer in new and second-hand OIL AND GAS TANKS, Acid Tanks and Sweat Tubs: Large Water Tanks for supplying small towns, glass houses, rolling mills and coke works. Reels, Cants and Wood Conductors. Also rigs bniltor framed. O. B. cars on short notice. Factory and main office, Bradford, Pa. Shops at Cbartiers, Pa., Washington, Pa., and Man nington. W. Va. Mall address, Washington, Pa,, or J. C. Walker, Kupt., Box 393, Fittsbnrg, Pa. au2i55-TTS AJAX ENGINES AMD Corry Boilers.' The Ajax Is the strongest, quickest, most durable and economical Oil Well Engine ever made, and is the only engine having the right to use the Bliss Patent positive reverse gear. All others using such reverse are infringing upon our rights. OVER 5,000 NOW IN USE. The Corry Boiler is the largest, strongest, best-constructed and most economical in the oil conntry. We use only the Beat material and workmen, and guaranire onr work. Over 2,000 In use without one blow up. Offices in Pittsburg, Washington and Butler. Always write or telegraph to Corry Office. JAMBS M. LAMBING, BOLE AGENT, CORBY, PA. SUITSandOVERCOATS THE FIGHT OYER. - A Victory That Was a Surprise Even to the Victor Himself. NAMES FROM SMALL DISTRICTS. Mr. John H. Loop, who lives at No. 16 Anna street, Allegheny City, is a stationary engineer in the Clinton Iron and Steel Works on Carson street, Southside. In a re cent interview with the writer Mr. Xoop said: "For nearly two years I was troubled with catarrh. My head and nose would stop first on one side and then the other. There were occasional roaring, deafening noises in my ears. I could feel the mucus dropping bact Into my throat, which kept me always hawking and raising to clear it. As my tronble grew worse sharp, shooting pains would take me in tho chest. Then a sense of depression and tightness there. It was very difficult for me to breathe. My breath would come in short, hard gasps, and I would bo so weak I could hardly stand. Mr. John H. Loop. IS Anna Street, Allegheny Uilu, Va. "I lost my appetite anything I ate caused me distress and misery at the stomach. I always slept soundly, but my sleep seemed to do me no good. I would arise feeling tired and worn out not fit to attend my work. "Being advised I commenced treatment with Srs. Copeland and Blair. To my happy sur prise for I had tried again and again to get relief, always with one result, viz., money spent for naught I began to improve almost at once. My disagreeable symptoms rapidly disappeared under their splendid care. I am like a different man to-day, and would advise any one suffering similarly to waste no time and money on exper imenters, but go to Drs. Copeland and Blair at once ana be cured. Their charges are surely within the reach of all." Drs. Copeland and Blair have their own labra tory and their own pharmacist, whose whole time is devoted to preparing the medicines for their many patients. Every prescription is compounded under the direct supervision of tho doctors themselves, which accounts to a certain extent for the invariable positive re sults of their treatment. To each and every patient under their care Drs. Copeland and Blair furnish all medicines free of charge. INDORSEMENTS Of Drs. Copeland & Blair's Home Treatment for Catarrh. The following are the names of a few of the many grateful patients who have been cured by Drs. Copeland & Blair's Home Treatment, and have kindly requested their names be nsed as reference: Mr. Thomas C. Hooper. Braddock, Pa. Mr. Jacob Altmeyer, Risher, Pa. Mr. John Wright, Chicazo Junction, Fa. Miss Lottie J. Foiker, No. 299 Arch street, Meadville, Pa. Mr. W. C. Wilson, Cannon'bnrg, Pa. Mrs. Robert Ramsey, Washington, Pa. Mr. William Hickman. Pa. HMr. Harry Phillips, Hnlton, Pa. Dbs. Copeland A Blair treat with success all curable cases at 66 Sixth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Office hours 9 to 11 A. II., 2 to 5 p. ii. and 7 to 9 p. n. (Sundays included). Specialties Catarrh and all diseases of the eye, ear, throat and lungs, chronic diseases. Consultation, SL Address all mail to DR. W. H. COPELAND, 66 Sixth avenue. Pittsburg. Pa. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES, All styles and qualities. Oculists' orders filled. We are the only grinders of prescription lenses in the city. Any combinationlenses made inless than 21 hours. WM. E. STJEUM, Optician, 4 SMITHFIELD ST., PITTSBURG, PA. 544 OC28-97-TT9 RAILROADS. P1TTSBTJBO AMU LAKE KKIK KA1LKOAD COMPANY. Schedule In eiTect October li lsOO. Central time. P.&L.C K.K. Dipart For Cleveland. 4:53, '8:00 a.m.,'l:35. -C2U. "9: cm. For Cincinnati. Chicago and SL Louis. l:3o, 9;4d p. m. For Buffalo, 8:00 a. m., 4:20, '9:43 p. m. For Salamanca, "8:00 a, m., l:33 p. m. For Youngatown and New Castle, 4:55, '3:00, 10:00 a. m '1:35, '4:20. 9:45 p. m. For Beaver Falls, 4:55. 7:00, 80, 10:00 a. nu, 1:35. 3:30, "4:31,5:20, "9:4.1p.m. For Chartlers, 4.55, 15:30 a. m., 5:33, 16:55, 7:00, 7:4a t:05, "3:10, 10:00, 11:35, a. m.. 12:20, li:S, 112:45, 1:40, 3.-20. 3:30, 14:25, 11:30. 5:06, 6:."), "8:00, 10:15 p. m. ABRtVE From Cleveland, 8:30 a. m., 12133, 6:40, "7:45 p. m. From Cincinnati. Chicago and &L Louis, 6:3o am, 12:30, "7:45 p.m. From Buffalo, "6:30a.m., 12:30,10;05p.m. From Salamanca, 12:30, 7:45 p. m. From Yonngstown and New Castle, 6:30, "0:35 a. m., 12:30, 5:40, "7 145, 10:03 p. m. From Beaver Falls, 5:20, '1:80, 7:20, "S:35 a. su 12:30 1:20. 5:40. 1:45. 10:05 p. m. P., C. & Y. trains lor Mansfield. 4:55, 7:40 a. m 1:20, 6:20 p. m. For uen and Beechmoat, 4:55, 7:40 a. m.. 3:20 p. m. P.. C. A Y. trains from Mansfield, 6:17. 7:12, 11:30 a. m., 5:40 p. m. From Beechmont, 7:12, 11:30 a. m.. 6:40p.m. P., McK. & V. IL B. DIPABT-For New Ha ven, 5:30, 17:40a. ra '3:00p. m. For West New Ion, 5:30, 17:40, 9:35 a. m.. 3:00, 5:25 p. m. ASEITI-From New Haven, "9:00 a. m., 14:11 6:15 p. m. From West Newton, 6:15, 9:00 a. m 1:25, 14:13, 6:15 p. m. For McKeesport, Elizabeth, Monongahela City and Belle Vernon, 6:33. 17:30, 11:20 a. m., 13:00, 3:50 p. m. From Belle Vernon, Mononrahela City. Eliza beth and McKeesport, 7:50, 19:00 a. m., 12:35, 5.00, 14:15 p. m. Dally. ISnndays only. City Ticket Office. G39 Smlthfield Street. BALTIMORE AND OHIO KAILKOAD. bchednle Is effect May 11, 1899, Eastern time For Washington, V. c Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, 8:00 a. m. and 9:20 p. m. For Cumberland, "8:00s, m 1:10. 9 20 p. m. For ConnellsTllle, $6:40, 8:00 and 53:35 a. m., 11:10, 14:00 and "5:20 p. m. For Unlontown, Wt40. 18:00, 58:35 x. m., U"lo and 14:0O D. m. Pa M. Pl.oanf ., m and 13:00 a.m. and n,io and 14:00 n. m. For.Wnlni?IhPa" 1 Snd SS:30, 19.35 a. m,, 3:35,15130 and "7:45 p. ni. - For WheeUnj, 1:05,58:30, W:35 a. m., 1-X, 7i p.m. For Cincinnati and SL Louis, 1:03 a. ra., T7:4J p. m. For Cincinnati, 111:53 p.m. For Columbus, 1:03 a. m., 1:45 p. ra. For Newark. 1:05, a. m., 1:45 p. m. For Chicago, 1:05 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Trains arrive from New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Washington, "6:20 a. m,, 135 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago. 8:25 a. a.. "9.-00 p. m. From Wheeling. 8:25, 10:50 a. m., 15:00,9:00, 510:13 p.m. Throngb parlor and sleeping cars to Baltimore. Washington, Cincinnati and Cblcagt, Dally. IDally excent Sunday. IShnday only. ISaturiay only. IDally except Saturday. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call ror And chcc& baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at B. it O. ticket office, corner Fifth ave. and Wood sL, or 401 and 639 Smlthfield &tret J.T. ODELU CUAS. O. SCULL, General Manager. Uen. Pass. Asenb ALLEGHENY VALLEY KAILKOAD Trains leave Unltn station (Eastern Stand ard time): Foxburg Ac, 6:55 a. in.: Niagara Ex., dally, 8:30 a, m. (Arriving at Buffalo at 5:50 P.M.): Klttanning Ac, 9:00 a. m.x Ilulton Ac. 10:10 a. m.: Valley Camp Ac, 12:03 p.m.; Oil City and Dullols Express, 1:45 p. m.; ilulton Ac, 3:00 p. m.; Klttannlng Ac, 3:55 p. m.: Valley Camp Ex., 4:53 p.m.; Klttannlng Ac, 5:30 p m. ; Braeburn Ac, 6:20 p. in.: Hmtou Ac, 7:50 p. m.; BufialoEx.. dally. 8:453). m. ( Arriving at Baffalo7:20A.ii.);Hnlton Ac, 9:43 p. m.; Brae burn AC llt30p. m. Cnnrcn trains Braeourn. j2:40 p. m. and 9:40 p. m. Pullman Parlor Cars on dav trrins and Sleeping Car on nlgnt trains be tween PltUDurganaBuCaio. J A3, p. ANDElt &()N. C.X. Agt: DAVID MCCAHQO. Gen. Sup. PITT3BUBQ AND CASTLE SHANNON R. It. Summer Time Table. On and after Marcli so, 1890. until further notice, trains will run as follow; on every day, except Sunday. Eastern standard time: Leaving 1'lttsburg 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a.m., tau a.m.. :.. m., 11:30 a. m., littp. ra., 3:40 p. m.. 5:10 p. m., 4:50 p.m., 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p. nu, ll:J0p. in. Arlington-:) a. m., 6:20 a. m., 7:10 a. m.. 8K a. m., WOO a. m.. IrOO p. m 2:40 p. nu, 4:20 p. m.. 6:10 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:10 p. m., 10:16 m Hnndar trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a. uu. f,in. m--2ii0n. m- ilon.m. 7:15n m..9:30 n.m. Arlington 9:10 a.m., 10 p. m., fiOS p, m.. 4:20 ) p. m., 1:05 p. iu.. 4:3 SuMJ aM, aopi, P, m.fcJiMP, Bl SiOOt sSbnr'SXsK CTfcvt ?fy NEW ADVEKTISEJIENTS. TO-DAY ! $6 Will do the usual work of a $10 bill in KAUFMANNS' Overcoat Department! This seemingly insignificant price of $6 will to-day buy any one and any size of the following Men's Overcoats: A Broion Cassimere Overcoat! A Gray Mixed Cassimere Over coat! A Slack Cassimere Overcoat! A Mixed Mellon Overcoat! A Black Beaver Overcoat! A Blue Beaver Overcoat! A Brown Beaver Overcoat! A Blue Chinchilla Overcoat! A Black CJiinchilla Overcoat! A Heavy Cassimere Ulster! A Heavy Cliinchilla Ulster! A Flannel-Lined Storm Coat! A Pea Jacket, with Vest! The qualities of the above gar ments are the same as are sold elsewhere at gio evenu and $12. Come to our store to-day and take any one at $6 ANOTHER AND MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT, Consisting of a very novel Bank, a perfect imitation of a large apple, will go with every purchase of $1 worth (or more) in our new House furnishing Goods Department in basement. KAUFMANNS' Fifth Ave. and Smitlifield St. From Pittsburg Uoloa Statist. ennsylvania lines b-tjv 1 rains nun , wor un. WHIftrEST 8 YSTKM-r A.N UAH DI.E KO UTE. eZvororClnclnnatlandSt. l.oulj, a 1:15 a. m... O7110 L m..ds:i5andun:15p.m. UennUon. 2:4i telnr l:ws.m.. 12:05, 6:10 p.m. Steuben vllli s-s?k m. Wasnlncton. 6:15, 8:35 a. m.. 1:55. !:3aT45?4i55.in. BulSer. 10:10a.m. Burgetts town! aVlVS L m.. 535 p. m. Mansfield. 7:15, 10:10 p. m. iioDonaias. d 4:15, 10:45 n. m., ai0:00 P'TE'anrs Aimrvxrrom tte West. 2:10. d 6:00 a. m.. 3:05. d 6:55 p. m. Uennisou, 9:30 a.m. stea benvlUe, SSBpTm. Wheeling 2:10, SM a. m 1:05, fc&Sp. m. Burgettstown. JU a. m. 3 9:01 am. VMnlnKton. 6:5 7X 6:40. 105 x m 2:35,6:25 p. m. Mansfield. 5:30, 53, I JO. 11140 J, nC 12:45, 3:55. 10:00 and S 6p.m. Bulger, l:u p. m. McDonalds, d 6:3a a. m.. d 9.00 p. m. MOKTHWEST SYSTEM-FT. WAYNE OUTK. Leave for Chicago, d 7iiO a. MM d 1:00. d T -, O ,vn.t.l Tl - & ..2 - nnmritnwn. 70 a. m.. 12:20. 3:Sd. . , f.lft a ".'y m Vnd -Nlles. d 12:20 p-.m.': Mead- vinV Rri and Ashtabula. 7:20 a. m 12:j p. m. Nliei wd Jamestown. 3:3c. p. m: Alliance 4:ij IvfrJTAitilSvSRdS S8:20a.m.Leetsdale, 5:30a. m. Dbpabt from ALLEOUBtT-KOCheater. ego a. m.: Beaver falls, twl 11:00 a. mTa:i3 p.m. :S 430 p.m,: Enon, 3:00 p. m.l "tsdale. 50. 9:00. 10:0011:45 aTm.: 1:15? S:A 430, 4:45. 8d0, 6US. J--T0, 9:00 and s 8:30 p. m.; Conway. lOOp. m.; Fair Oaks 3 11:40 a. m. ..,-,,,, THAINS ABBiVKljnion sution from ChIcaro,ei. ee-ntUyfli80, d6rf. d 6. a. .m. , , d 5:55 and dd:S0p.m.: 'Toledo. "ceptMondar. 1:5V d 6:35a. m.. 6:55 and 6:50 p. n.i Crestline, 12:30 n.m.; Younistown and ew Castle, 9:10 a. in.. WSTeiSO, 10i15d. m.: Mies and Youngstown. a too p. m.: Cleveland, d 6:50 a. m., 220, 7-00p. m.; Wheeling and Bellalre. 9:00 a. ra.. 2:20, 7:M p. m.: Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25, 10:15 p. m.: AllHncj. 10:00 a.13.: Mle anf Jamestown. S:10 a. m.: Bearer falls. 7:30a. m.. 8 8:25 P. m.: Leetsdale. 10:40p.m. Conway6.40a.m;Kocnester,9.40a.ni .-.Beaver Kails. 7.10a.m.. 8 12:30. 1:00, 6-and 88:15 p. nu; Leets M, 4.30, 6.50, 6.1 b.50. 7.45 a. m., 12.00, 12.45, 1.413.3V 4.3a 6.30, 9.00 and 3 6:05 p. m.s Jfair dfdali71, Sunday onlrs other trains, except JoaEPU WOOD. General Manager. JE. a FOKl). General l'assenger Agent. Address, nttsbarg. fa. MITSBUKli AND WESTERN KAILWAY Trains (Ct'l btan d time)) Leave. Arrive. Mall. Butler. Clarion. Kane. Day Ex., Akron, Toledo Butler Accommodation Chicago Expres(daUy) Zellenople Accom - t-JO a ml 4: p m 7:30 a m 7:25 p m 9:00 a m'll:10 a jn 2:30 p m,10:40 a m 4:30 p ml 6:30 a m 5:30 p ml 60 a ra "K"r Avsom.. .......'' - --rr. .. JTirst class rare to unicacu, v owwu- y''h (9 so. Pullman Buflet slesplug cat to Chlcas HI $12 Will do the usual work of a $29 bill in KAUFMANNS' Overcoat Department! Men who want the very best and finest Overcoats can have any one of the following extra fine styles for $12 to-day: A Tan Melton Overcoat! A Blue Melton Overcoat! A Brown Melton Overcoat! A Drab Melton Overcoat! A Black Melton Overcoat! (Same shades in Kerseys.") An English Chinchilla Over coat! A Black CIteviot Overcoat! An Imported Cassimere Over coat! A Fur Beaver Overcoat! A Beal Elyslan Overcoat! An English Storm Coal! An English Cape Overcoat! Nothing approaching the above perfect styles and superior qualities can be seen elsewhere below 20, yes, $22. We offer choice to day at $12 GIFTS FOR A beautiful French Plate, beveled, Swinging Boudoir Mirror, velvet frame, and embossed bottom, ana well worth $i, will be given IF IR; IE IE I To-day with every purchase in our La dies' Cloak Department. We have several hundred more of those comical Fish Horns left, and will present one to-day with every purchase in our BOYS' DEPARTMENT KIVIU:OADi5. PESNSYLVAMA KAILKOAD ON AND after June 9. 1690. trains leave Union btatlon, llttsburg, as follows. Easurn Standard 'lime: MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited or Pullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally ror the ast, 30 a. m. ilall train, dally, except aunday, 5:30 a. m. ban dar, mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express daily at 8:00a. m. Mall express dally at 1 :00 p. m. rhlladelphla express dallv at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. fast Line dally at 8110 p. m. Ureensburg express 6:lo p. m. weekdays. Dcrrv express 11:00 a. m. week days. All tnrough trains connect at Jersey City win boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn, N. Y., avoldlnc double ferriage and Journey through N. Y.city. Trains arrive at Union Station as roltows: St. Louis. Chicago and Cincinnati Exnress. dally.... ....... 2:O0a.in Mall'lVittn. dallv . flilOn. n,- l Western Express, dally 7;4Sa. m. iraciuc juxpresa, uauy ....i-:up. m. Chicago Limited Ivxpress, daUy 9:J0 p. in. Vast Line, dally ll:55n. m. SOUTHWEST FENN HAU.WAI. For Unlontown, o:30 and 8:35 a. m. and 4:23 p. in., without change of cars: 12:50p. m connect ing at ureensDurg. week days, trains arrive from Unlontown at 9:45 am.. 12:31. Sdj and 8:1) WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDEKAL. ST. STATION. Allegneny vlty. Jlall train, connecting lor Blalrsvllle... 65 a. m Express. lor Blalrsvllle. connecting ror Butler 2.13 p.m. Butler Accom 6:20 a.m.. 2:25 and 5:45p.m. rprlagdaleAccom9:00, 11:50a.m. 3:30 and 6:20p.m. Freeport Accom 4:13, 7:50 and 11:40p.m. On Sunday 12:35 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom. ....llOa. m. and 6al0p- m. Allegheny J unction Accommodation... 8:20 a. m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 10:30 n. m, Trains arrive at FEDEKAL 8TBEET STATION. Express, connecting lrom Butler 10:32 a. m. Mall Train connecting from Butler. I:35p. m. Butler Express 7:50 p. m. Butler Accom 9:10a. m.,4:40p. m. Blalrsvllle Accommoaatlon.... 9m2 p. m. Freeport Accom.7:10 a. m.. IS.7:3andIl:l0p.m. On Sunday 10:l&a. m. and 65 p. m. Sprlngdale Accom.6:37, 10:58 a. m., 3:45, 6:41p.m. North Apollo Accom 8:40 a.m. and 5:40 p.m. mononoahela division. I rains leave Union station. JtntUDurs, a rov lows: For Monongahela atr. West Brownsville ana TJniontown, lu:40 a.m. For Monongahela Cinrana West BrownivUle, 7:3Sand 10:40 a. m. and4:op. m. On Sunday 8:55 a m and 1:01 p. ". or Monongahela City, lrtl and 6aop. m.. week days. Dravosburg Ac week days.6 a m and 3:20 p. ra west Elizabeth Accommodation. 8.J a. m 4:u 6:3) aud 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket ofilces 527 omithneia St.. 110 i inn ave and Union station. CUAS. F-1'UOH. j. K. WOOD, General Mananr. Oen'l Fass'r Aaent. . " Wf1ltM!?3 i.nn(1. knire. send :or icsiimou lala. G.B.McMlchael,M.D.,