Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 24, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Ko Indication of a Break in the Even
Tenor of the Iron Trade.
High and Low Grades of Foundry Goods
Are Holding Their Olrn.
2Tett Yoke, October 23. The Iron Age
of this date quotes the American metal mar
kets as follows: Atncriean pig iron During
the week under review no sensational or dis
turbing events have transpired, and the
little furore occasioned by the break made a
short time ago by the local agents of a
prominent Southern company seems to have
died out. At present there is merely the
routine demand, yet prices are firm. Current
production of hish grade foundry pig seems
to be closely taken up in meeting deliveries
on contracts in hand. The lower grades of
foundry pis are also in very fair position,
although not as favorablysituated as the better
qualities, and mill graaes may be said to be
fairlv holding their own. We quote $17 50
18 TO for No. 1 and SIC 001G 50 for No. 2
fonndrvtgood Northern brands. $17 U017 50 for
"o. 1, J16 0016 50 Tor No. 2, and $14 7515 25
for No. 3 boutliern
Spiegeleben-s aud ferro niaganese In this
lino there has been no change, the demand is
moderate, sellers offer no new inducements and
consumers are slow abont entering into nego
tiations tor contracts for future supplies, in
view of the uettied condition of the market
for various steel products. Twenty per cent
piegel is quoted at 30 5031 00 for German,
and $31 WgSl 50 Tor English, and SO per cent
ferro at $70 for future delivery.
Steel ruin Apart from unimportant sales for
early delivery, no business is reported, and by
all accounts attractive orders are still few and
far betn een. Local agents have manifested no
inclination to expedite the buMness pending
the results of the manufacturers' meeting, and
pnce for forward deliveries are momentarily
a matter of uncertainty. The basis of $30 at
Eastern mills for standard sections as generally
qu tea hi i espouse to inquiries for rails for de
livery durlig the next two months.
bteel bilieti The mills are well employed on
eld oiders. .Little new business is cominc up,
noever, and market value is therefore difficult
to jrrn c at w itli any acruracv. Western mill
prices j re about $23 5029 00,standard sizes and
t"W is the "nominal" rate at Eastern mills.
Steel wire rodN There has been no change in
the market for American rods, and the high
cost of impel tations still checks operations in
'ore-z"- About $43 006 43 50 at Eastern mills.
..nd $41 OOgil 50 at catem mills, may fairlv
be quoted, but these aro merely "nominal"
Structural iron and steel No chance is vis
IHe i this line. Mills are well employed and
prices remain stad. but not a great deal of
new business comes forward. We quote at 2.25c
fortumrraal mill nlates, delivered; 2.HQ:.'Joc
for angles 2.6Ji70c for tecs and 3.1c for
beami. Old rails The market remains quiet.
Tees ma be nbtaii.ed at $26 without difficulty,
prnbabl" j.1 j25 50 on cars, but inquiries are few
and bids over S2S very rare.
hcrap iron Wroughtscrap in limited calhand
$21 5022. f. o. b. cars, is doubtless full value
forNo.L Car wheels are still quoted at SIS
here, with little, if anything, doing.
British Operations iuPig Iron on aModerate
trrnni. Tzi.EGr.Aa to the DtsrATcrM
Nwr lo'K. October 23. The Iron Age
quotes : tsntish iron and metal market as
fallows from London: Operations in p;g iron
warrants have been on a moderate scale and
tbe inaiX?t has presented a rather flat appear
ance, with none but ordinary fluctuation in
rnces. llic sni.culativc situation is somewhat
uncertain, btrmgency in the money market
las a restraining influence and fears of difficul
ties in the South have deterred buj ing also.
These facts have been taken advantage of by
iterators interested in lower prices, although
shipments continue large and leave makers
v.itli little iron for sale, scotch warrants hare
lollat 50o.g50s. 5d.: Oct eland at47s.47s. TXd.,
ar.J hematite at 57s. 1J L57s. 4Jd. Business
is done to-day at 5Us.2d.. 47s. and 57s. 4JJd.
ispectivelv. Advices trom the continent le
port depression in the German market, with a
reduction in the price of sheets to ICO marks
per ton.
- H eavy sales of pig tin have been made dur
ing the week and prices have ruled irrecutar.
ith prompts dow a to as low as 97 at one
time, reacting subsequently about XI, and fall
ing off to 97 10s. fctraits shipments during
the nrst hall of tho month were full, but later
shipments arc expected to be lighter, and that,
together with sinfulness of spot supplies, oper
ates to cbeck a serious fall in prices. At the
Oose the market was firmer but quiet. The
listnrbed condition ot the stoct markets has
had a rather unfavorable bearing upon specu
late e operations m copper, but favorable sta
tistics of movement and heavy consumption
served to check the downward course of price".
The visible supply decreased about LW0 tons
during the bri naif of the month and receipts
since then hae been .uodcrate. Sales of fur
nace material arc dilhcult to make, however,
as consumers' wants aic well supplied by de
ln cries making on previous purchases. Pur
chases of tin plate have been brisk at improved
prices, liujirg for New York account is rather
;nie , bet turtber hetvy purchases have been
made for 'Frisco. The orks are all busily en
gaged on orders, and makers are very firm.
American Manufacturer's Cable Quotations.
scotch Pig Warrant speculation has been
.!.iier tamo the past week Tight money
tuarket on one lianit. heavy shipments and light
trocss held by makers on the other, restrain
opeiations. Latest trading at about 50s.2il.gj
5tH. 3d. Pnce for maker.' iron are still wholly
normal, nothing being offered from ttrst hands.
So. 1 Coltness WK Oil. Lo. b. Glasgow
No lSummcrlee OOs. Od. Lo. b, Glasgow
Gartsberrie OOs. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. ILancloan OOs. Od. Lo. b. Glasgow
Nn l Cambroe -Oils. Cd. Lo. b. Glasgow
No 1 r-holt -00s. Od. Lo. b. Glasgow
No. Kilciigarnock Wis. Od. atArdrossan.
No. 1 Dalinellington ...OOs. ul atArdrossan.
2o. 1 Kzlmton OOs. Od. atArdrossan.
Bessemer Pic Warrants have fluctuated
moderately, selling the last few days at 57s.
ljjd.go.8 4td., and makers' prices are rather
lowir. with a fair bu-iness passing. West
Coast brand-. Nos. 1, 2, 3, selling at 5Ss. to.lt
snipping point.
Middlisbmuch Pig The movement of prices
of warrants has been moderate. Makers' iron
4 slow and easier, with 48s. quoted for No. 3,
Middlesbrouch, free on board.
Spiegeleiscn Supplies have been more freely
offered and lower prices aro named. Demand
is lairly brisk. Enjrlish 20 per cent quoted at
100s. f. o.' b. at works.
Steel Wire Hods Under free offerings and
light demand the market Is rather weak. Mild
tied. No. fc, quoted at S 12s. 6d. L o. b. ship
ping port.
Steel Kails Orders have been very fair and
prices remain quite lirm. Heavy sections quot
ed at i-5 o-. f. o. b. shipping point.
fiteel lllooms Makers are rather firmer and
the demand i fair. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 5
f. o. b. shipping point.
biecl Hillets 1 here has been a very fair
r-cvenicnt ami prices are quite firm, iiesse
inei (size 2Jx2) quoted at 5 2s. 6d. L o. b. ship
ping point.
bteel blabs Business is moderate but prices
are held higher. Ordinary sizes Quoted at 5
2s. 6d. f. o. h. shinning point.
Crop Ends There i little doing and the mar
ker i- rattior weak. Run of the mill quoted at
33 2s. Gd. L o. b. shipping point.
Old Iron Kails The market is slow at pres
ent and pnc arc barely steady. Tees quoted
:ti32. 6il.fe35s.and double heads at 3 5s.
i3 7s. 6d. f. o. b.
Scrap li o.i There is only a local demand and
prices arc without change. Heavv -wrought
quoted at 27s.6d. f. o. b. shipping points.
Manufactured Iron Business is rather slow,
prices tend slightli in buv.-rs' favor.
Stafford, ord. marked bars,
(f. o. b. L'poo!) 0 0s0d8 9 OsOd
common bars 7 Us 0d 7 6s Od
" black Eheet singles 8 0s 0d 8 2s6d
Welsh bars. Lab. Wales. . . 6 7s 6d 6 10s Od
Steamer Freights Glas-row to New York.
Is. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od.
Pig Tin Ti.c market lias been unsettled and
irregular, with quite actle speculation and
jrood puichases for consumption. Straits
quoted at 98 for spot; futures (3 monthsl.
C.ipper Prices have continued irregular
with a rather higher level this week than last!
and business fairlv active. Chili bars quoted
i.5S2s. for spot, oS5i for future delivery. Best
selected English, 60.
Load Demand less active and the market
easier. Soft Spanish quoted at 11 Ss 6d
11 os.
Spelter The marketsteady but demand mod
crate. Ordinary bilesiau quoted at 21 10s.
Tin Plate There is still an active demand.
Makers offer indifferently, and bold very firm
for rxtreme prices.
I. C charcoal, Allaway grade.
f. o. b. Liverpool ISs. 6&19s. Od.
Bessemer steel, coke finish 17s. DcLglSs. Od.
Biemens steel, coke Unish 18. Od.ft.lSs. So.
B. V. grade coke. 11x20 17s. 6d.17s. Sd.
Dean grade ternes 16s. Sd.17s. Od.
The Scarcity of Mothe Power Added to Lack
of Transportation The Demand is Still
Active Over 1,000 Idle Ovens.
icrsci Kt. Td.rojiM to tks DiKr ATcn.i "
Scottdale, October 23. The same features
as set forth last week, with a few additions, are
noticeable in the coke market. The disorder
continues in transportation and now has a con
soling companion in the scarcity of motive
power. The scant car supply, coupled
with Insufficient motive power has
served to further demoralize shipping
facilities. The scarcity of motive power is
rather alarming, and the railroad peonle will
Immediately devise means to remedy it. The
absence of encines last week materially assist
ed 11 the retarding or shipments. A railroad
official, who understands his business, spoke in
tho following strain to The Dispatch repre
sentative: "There is a deficiency in motive
tiowcr. which, of course, serves as a preventive
to our means of ti asportation. The deficiency
is only slight, though, and we believe that
everything as far as that is interested will be
speedily restored to normal condition'. The
car dearth is as bad as ever and we entertain
bnt slight hopes for Immediate improvement.
At this juncture of the year the volume of gen
eral business is extensivo all over the land and
whenever a railroad company gets hold of a car
it generally holds to It as long as possible. Un
til there is a subsidence in businessan improve
ment cannot be looked for, although nearly all
the railroad companies are equipping them
selves with moro cars."
Operators are utilizing all precautions -to
guard against coke accumulation. The num
ber of days operated is arranged according to
the number of cars received. The demand is
still active with production about equivalent,
furnace consumers by greatly economizing on
their rcceiptB succeed in Keeping their plants
in operation. No shut-downs among the
furnaces are reported on account of lack of
fuek Many-of them escaped a suspension by
the opportune arrival of coke. The works of
McClure, Rainey. Taylor, Southwest, Schoona
makerand Frick, continue to run six days a
week, while a few independent companies ob
serve tho Wednesday or Thursday shut-downs.
The iale list of ovens in the region is esti
mated at LojO. The Hecla Company have
their 500 ovens at Trancerson tbeSewickley
branch, about completed. The Mahoning
plant of 100 ovens is still idle. Fifty ovens are
still out at the Paull plant or W.J. Rainey.
About all the iule ovens at the Davidson plant
110 have been lighted. It is said that the
state Line ttauroad will open np a new coal
neld. The Hill Farm plant is still extinct.
The fire is still furious. It embraces 150
ovens: 1W ovens are outatthelCentral works.
Shipments last week averaged 1,W1 cars per
day, against L077 cars of lheprevions week.
The total decrease in shipments was 95 cars.
They were distributed to points of consump
tion as follows: To points west of Pittsburg.
4,050 cars; to Pittsburg and river points, 1,115
cars; to points east fl Pittsburg, 1.200 cars;
total, 6.365 cars. A comparison can well be
drawn by giving the record of the preceding
week, which was as follows : To points west of
Pittsbunr, 3,905 cars; to Pittsburg and river
points, 760 cars; to points east of Pittsburg,
1,775 cars; total, 6,460 cars. There are no rumors
ox an aorance in prices, ine xoiiowing quota
tions rule : Furnace coke, $2 15; foundry, $2 15;
crushed, $215; all f. o. b. cars at ovens per ton
of 2.000 pqnnds.
Freight rates from the Connellsville coke
region to main points of consumption are as
ToPlttsDurg 0 70
To -MthonlUE and Mienango Valleys 1 S3
To C'Uveland. 0 1 70
To Buffalo, S, Y 2 25
To Detroit, Jllch 2 35
To Cincinnati, O .r. 2 63
To Louisville. K.T. 3 3)
To Chicago, 111 2 75
To Milwaukee, Wis 2 83
ToM. Louis, SIo 3 35
To East bL Louis 3 3)
To lialtlinore 2 17
To Boston 4 00
This will make prices at these points of con
sumption as follows:
1'olnL Furnace. Foundry. Crushed.
Pittshurjt f!S5 S3 iS S335
M. and b. Valleys 3 50 - 3 SO 4 00
Cleveland 2 S3 4 15 4 35
Buffalo 140 4 70 4 90
Detroit 150 -4 83 5 00
Cincinnati 4 SO 5 10 5 30
Louisville 5 33 5 65 5 85
Chicago 4 90 5 20 5 10
Milwaukee ., 500 5 30 5 50
bt, Louis 5 5l) 5 80 6 00
East . Louis 5 33 5 65 5 83
Baltimore 4 32 4 62 . 182
Boston 6 15 615 6 65
Condition of Trade at the 'East liberty
Stock Tards.
Thursday. October 23. 1S90.
Following is the report or the past week's
transactions at the East Liberty Stock Yards:
Thro'. Local.
Thursday 7S0 40 2.831) 880
Fridav 1,040 3uo 4.TO 550
baturday 3G0 570 6.675 b0
bunday 580 1.330 6.300 2,4a)
.Monday 1,030 5) 5.830 1,540
Tuesday 400 120 4.800 2,310
Wednesday 500 40 3,000 1,100
Total -1,690 3,0X1 34,200 9,680
Thursday .- 52 1,188 193
Friday .... 25 1,164 15
baturday 2 233 ....
Monday 2,480 4,346 2,230
Tuesday 311 1,056 990
Wednesday 133 1,750 119
Total 3,003 8,75(1 3,869
Cattle Receipts, Loll head; shipments, 1.229
head; market no offerings; all through con
signments; no cattle shipped to New York to
dav. Hogs Receipts, 4,500 head: shipments. 3.100
bead; market slow; Philadelphias, 54 4084 60;
mixed, SI 254 35; Vx-st Yorkers. H 154 25;
common. S3 001 15; 4 cars of hoes shipped to
New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,100 head; shipments. SOO
head; market fair on good grades, dull on
common; shade lower.
By Telegraph.
OMfH A Cattle Receipts 2,200 head;
best steers steady and others 5c lower, with
large supply and light demand;-the best butch
ers' stock" held its own; poorer quality lower;
little life and no change in feeders; fancy, 1.400
to 1,600 pound steers, of which there are
none on sale, are quoted nominally at H 50
4 So: prime. 1,200 to 1,475 pound steers at
S3 904 45: fair to good. 1,050 to 1.350 pound
steers, $3 001 10. Hogs Receipts, 6.200 head;
best heavy hogs steady to stromr: god lights 5c
lower; common lights to mixed 510c lower:
range. S3 504 25; the bulk at S3 S564 10; all
soln: llglit,503 90: heavy. $3 704 25; mixed,
53 603 80. hneei Receipts, 213 head: market
steauv and all sold; natives, 2 351 15; Western.-.
$2 003 90.
CINCINNATI-Hogs. offerinr liberal, mar
ket easier; common and light, S3 0064 25; pack
ing and butchers'. S3 SCSI 35; receipts, 6,360
head; shipments, 2,880 head. Cattle Supply
abundant: market easier; common. SI 0UQ1 75;
fair to choice butchcrs'grades, $2 0O365: choice
shippers, S3 754 00; receipts, 1,075 head; ship
ments. 130 head. Sheep Suppl ample: market
weaker; common to choice. 2 504 75; stock
wethers and ewes. SI 25Q4 75: extra 1 t wethers
and yearlinss. M 50314 75; receipts, 600 head;
shipments, 65 head. Lambs Spring in licht
demand, weak; good to choice shipptne. $5 25
0 75: common to choice bntcheis, S3 505 50 per
100 pounds.
CHICAGO The Evening Journal reports:
Cattle Receipts. 16.000 bead: shipments, 5,000
head: market steady: steers. S3 25S5 25:Texan,
$2 2522 53; rangers. S3 00 3 30, Hogs Receints,
311,000 head; shipments, 10,000 head; market
artive but loner; rnn h and common, S3 800
3 90; best mixed, S4 P04 20: prime, heavv and
butcher weights, S4 154 30; light, S4 004 25.
Sheep Receipt-. b.uuo 'i: -t, none;
market artivo and steartr -to lower: natives,
54 004 75: Westerns. SI 004 50; Texans. S3 3o
4 Oodambs, 4 555 75.
KANSAS CITY Caitle Receipts, 9.080 head:
shipments. 3,800 head: market dull, 5S10C lower;
steers. S3 254 85: cows, SI 502 55; Blockers
and feeders. S2 S03 20; range steers. $2 70;
range cows. S1-00Q1 75. Hogs Receipts. 14,300
bend: sliiiTiinr. .".S0 head; market 10c
lower; bulk, S3 S54 9): all grades. S2 75Q4 10.
Sheep KcieiptK. 1.D10 head; shipments, 260
h-al-. market 510c higher: Iambs. S3 8004 SS;
j:ool to choice muttons, S4 054 85; stockers
and feeders, S2 554 75.
NEW YORK Beeves Receipts, including 13
cars for sale, 783 head; no tradingr feeling dull;
dressed beef steady at 6K7c per &; ship
ments to-morrow. 600 beeves. Calves Re
ceipts, 740 head; market firmr veals, SB8;
erassers and fed calves, $2 253 i5; Westerns,
52 7565 00. Sheep Receipts 2.179 bead; market
steady: sheep. S4 005 00: lambs. $5 2S6 75;
dre-sed mutton firm at 810c per fi: dressed
lambs steady at 9K10Ke. Hogs Receipts,
2,310 head; market steady at S4 101 75 per
100 Sis.
ST. LOUIS Cattle Receipts. 23.900 bead;
shipments. 1.700 head; marketsteady; good to
fancy native steers. S4 404 90: fair to good do,
53 S04 45; stockers and feeders, SZ 0033 10:
Texans and Indians, S2 253. 65. Hogs Re
ceipts, 6,000 head: shipment-. 3,100head; market
easier; fair to choice heavy, tT2Di 50: mixed
grades. S3 806420; light, f air to best, M 104 2a
feheep Receipts. 1,400 head: shipments. 4.600
head; market strong; good to choice, 54 00 ,
BUFFALO Cattle Receipts. 90 loads
through, 3 sale; steady and unchanged. Bbeep
and lambs: rceipts, 9 loads through. 18 sale;
sheep firm; lambs steady and unchanged. Hogs
steady; receipts. 43 loads through, 35 sale;
mediums and mixed, 4 404 SO
dmxon's Cuei will immediately relieve
croup, whooplne oouch and bronchitis. Sold by
Jos, Fleming A Son. 412 Market st.
The Bank of Commerce Has. a Sure
Grip on the Kelly Property.
Light Trading: in Stocks and Oil, With
Kothlng Strange in Figures.
The talk of contesting the right of the
Bank of Commerce to the Kelly property in
Sterritt township, the bulk of it being in
"Wilkinsbarg, seems to have no substantial
ground to res: upon. The circumstance out
of which it grew is this: John McDevitt
bought from the Bank ot Commerce a lot in
the Kelly homestead plan, which he after
ward sold, but, alter the lapse ot some time,
the buyer refnsed to complete the purchase
on the ground that the bank having held
the property more than five years, in viola
tion of law, as alleged, conld not make a
legal deed to the lot. McDevitt now sues
the purchaser to compel compliance with bis
contract. This suit is pending.
Owing to the importance of this matter to
almost every person in Wilklnsbnrg, The Dis
patch representative yesterday sought infor
mation at tho bank, and was told by the
cashier that, although under the lawtbeyare
not allowed to bold real estate longer than five
years, jet that does not prevent them from
making a pcrrect title at any time, any ques
tion as to the infraction of the law in such
cases being between the bank and the Con
troller only.
The Cashier added: "This question has been
occasionally brought np by young attorneys
examining titles,but has always,until nnw.been
decided as a point ot no value. The bank, in
correspondence with the Controller, has his ap
proval of this view. The object of the law is to
prevent the accumulation of bad assets, and so
protect the public: and although national banks
are required to dispose of real estate promptly,
the Controller can exercise a proper discretion
so mai sucn property need not oe unnecessarily
sacrificed. There need be no alarm on the part
of those who have purchased from the bank.
It appears to he a difference of opinion between
This seems to effectually settle a story which.
If left uncontradicted, might prove an obstruc
tion to one of the most prosperous communi
ties In the country.
Business News and Gossip.
Persons who have bonght lots from the Bank
of Commerce can rest contentedly. Their titles
are all right. The bank will stand by them.
Colonel W. A. Herron said yesterday: "We
are getting the Scbenley property into shape as
fast as possible. Wbat.to do with that part of
it in the lower part of the city is giring us con
cern, bnt whatever course we may take the oc
cupants will be fairly dealt with."
The continuous rain has stopped work on
nearly all the foundations for buildings and
rendered many workmen temporarily idle. If
the w eather clerk were a candidate for office
he would come out at the little end of the horn.
An iron firm offered SL500 an acre for a tract
of about ten acres between the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad and the river, a short distance
this side of Braddock, and it was refused.
The asking price for property on Smithfield
streer, between Fourth and Second avenues, is
about $3,000 a foot front, but there is not much
of it on the market.
The Water Works Commi'Sloners of Home
stead have decided that work shall enmmonce
next sprine and be completed by the following
fall The contract was awarded to J. Scbin
neller, of Pittsburg, at 4 per cent of the cost
of the works, and he was ordered to prepare
plans aud specifications.
C. Bargamin, of Bnena Vista, Va., writes:
"Our city is IS months old ana has a population
of 2,300. In 12 months we will have 10,0u0."
Owing to increased business, the freicht
depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Wil
kinsburg, is being enlarged.
The Catholic Slavonic congregation of On
quesne are making arrangements to butlda
$10,000 church. A site has been secured at a
cost of 3,000.
A charter was issued at Harrisbnrg vesterday
to the Liggeit Spring and Axle Companv.Pitts.
burg, with the following directors: William
G. Park, Jacob B. Decker, Allegheny City, and
Charles li Clapp and Georce Wright, Jr., Pitts
burr. It is stated that Clans Spreckles has Increased
the capital of his California sugar refinery from
SIO.000,000 to S20.UOO.000, and has bought a large
amount of Manila suga-.
Of 39 mortgages on file yesterday 11 were for
purchase mouev. The largest was for S25.000.
Nineteen were for less than 51,000 each.
New Buildings.
Eight permits were issued yesterday for 11
houses and additions, the most important in
volving 53,675. The list follows:
W. S. Williams, three brick two-story and
attic dwellings, 21x34 feet, on Fisk street. Sev
enteenth ward. Cost, S13.000.
Henry Riefer. frame one-story shop, 17x14
feet, in rear Birmingham avenue, Twenty-seventh
ward. Cost, 5200.
John Svpbers, frame addition two-story dwell
ing, 12x16 feet, in rear of Lambert street, Twen
ty-first ward. Cost. 5150.
John Prunner. frame two-story and attic
store and dwelling. 17x32 leet, nn Hatfield
street. Eighteenth ward. Cost, SL475.
Mrs. Parker, frame two-story and attic dwell
ing. 17x32 feet, on Hatfield street. Eighteenth
ward. Cost, 51,475.
Fred Tschudl. frame two-story and mansard
dwelling. 24x32 feet, nn Park avenue, Twenty
first ward. Cost, S3.675.
George G. McAleese, brick addition, one
story and mansard dwelling. 16ib2 feet, on
Forty-fourth street. Seventeenth ward. Cost,
Totten & Hogg, iron-clad two-story pattern
storehouse, 35x7o feet, on Twenty-fourth street,
Twelfth ward. Cost, 51.004.
Movements in Real Estate.
Mr. A. W. Mellon has sold to Jeremiah Dun.
levy, the pork packer, that corner of the trian
gle known as the Old Battery, fronting 53 feet
on Grant street and 33 on Sixth avenue,' with
the buildings, for 514,000. This property is one
of the landmarks ot the city.
a A. Dickie & Co. sold to W. A. Dickey and
J. D. Hailman four lots corner of Lang avenue
and Bennett street, 120x135 feet, for $3,600.
Reed B. Coyle fc Co. sold to G. W. ENenbels
for Samuel Watson lots Nos. 271 and 272, in
the Watson Place plan, Tenth ward, Allegheny,
being 100 feet on the Ferrysville road, by 150
feet in depth to Orleans street, for 53.000.
Charles Somers & Co. sold for Frederic Otto
to Charles E. Prettyman the property No. 221
Fulton street, Allegheny, consisting of lot 23x
48 feet, with a two-story brick dwelling of four
rooms, for 52,500.
W. E. Hamnett&Co. sold a lot on Lamar
street, WUkinsburg. 40x210, to W. G. Lytle, for
SL200 cash.
J. E. Glass sold for A. C. Watkins, lot No, 18.
in Allequlpna place, for 5650.
Samuel w. Black & Co. sold lot No. 54 in the
S. L. Boggs plan. West Liberty borough. 25 by
about 95. for S250.
Magaw & Guff, Lim.. sold for J. B. Zimmer
man to J. H. Kune, lots 42 and 43 at Oak station,
Castle Shannon Railroad,-f or 5300.
Black &. Baird sold to John S. Bonnett, Jr..
lot No. 109 in the Herron Hill Park plan, 25x140
feet, on Ridge street, for $375.
W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot No. Sin the
Brown ifeDonnell plan. Nineteenth ward; lot 22
xlOO feet to an alley, on Penu, near Winebiddle
avenue, for $2,000 cash. The large lot or block
of ground sold by them on Wednesday, on
Penn avenue. Twenty-second ward, for $25,000,
has a frontage of 255 feet on Fenn avenue by
300 feet In depth. The purchaser, a late resi
dent of Allegheny, will build to fine large
stone residences on the lot next season.
The "Week, so Far, One of the Best of the
In spite of the bad weather, this week
promises to be one of the best of the year In a
business point of view. Wednesday's bank
clearings were over 53,000.000; yesterday's
almost reached the same high level, being $2,
961,774 88. The balances were $135,792 39. Mo th
ine further need be said to prove that trade of
all kinds is phenomenally active.
There was no scarcity of loanable funds for
business purposes, but occasionally outsiders
were refused accommodations. This was to
protect the regular clientage, who have the
first claim in the dispensation of favors. Tbey
stick to the banks and the banks stick to them.
Rates ruled steady on the 67 per cent basis.
Mr-Henry Clews, In diagnosing the financial
situation, says: "The currency movement with
the Interior for the week shows a net loss to
the banks ot about $2,250,000, which vindicates
the beginning of the cessation of shipments of
money to the West that usually sets In after
the middle of October, and is a welcome
symptom. Taking the situation as a whole, I
incline to the hope that the worst phase of
liquidation has been passed, and that we may
now expect sufficient recovery in prices to
warrant moderate bnying of the better class of
.Money on call at New York yesterday was
easy. The last loan and close was at 8 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper.'63&8. Sterling ex
change quiet but strong at $1 81 for 60-day nuis
and $4 88 for demand. ,,
Closing Bond Quotations.
U. S. 4 rtir...
U. 8. Is. coup.
, .1MJ4
.. 104)4
M. K. &T. Oen.5s.. W
Mutual Union 0S....1M
N.J. Clnt. Cert,..!.0
Northern Pac 1SU..U6H
Northern Pae. 2ds.. 111)4
Northw't'n consoli.iaj
Northw'ri debeu's Sslgji
Oregon S. Trans. 6s. 107S
tit.L4LM.ien. Ss. M
St.L.AS.F. Oen.M.JI0
r Muni nnsols.....lzJ)4j
l- . o. 4)s, ree..
u. 8. 4Xs, coup
Paciflfifisor '95..
Louls!anastamped4s Olli
Missouri rs iui
Teun. new set. 6s.. .,106
Tenn. new set. 5s. ... 104
Teniunowset. is.... 71X
Canada So. Ms 96M
cuiru iraciuc isis.iiu4
bUP. Chl&Pc. lsts.118
JJCIl. KIt,b, ists. ..no
Den. 4R. o, 43 82
1).K. B. Westlsts. -
KrieMs 100"
M. K. a; T. Uen. 6s.. 81M
TX.. FC. L.U.1T.H3. ;j
Tx.. PC. K U.Tr.Ks. Ki
union i-acuio "
West Shore 1W
New YoBK-Clearings, $125,834,804; balances,
Boston Clearings, 517,770,235: balances,
S2J40.706. Money. 5 per cent, . ,
Phii.ADKt.phia Clearings. Sn.077,993: bal
ances. $1,468,919. Money, 6 ner cent.
Baltimore Clearings, $2,166,391; balances,
S221.OU0. Money, 6 per cent.
LONDONThe amount of bullion in the Bank
of England decreased 192.000 during tho.past
week. The proportion oftne Bank of England's
reserve to liability is now 31.91 per cent.
PABts Three per cent rentes. 04C 47Ko for
the account. The weekly statement oftha
Bank nf Franco shows a decrease of 12,57o,000
francs gold and 1,900,000 francs silver.
Chicago Clearlncs, $15,406,000. Money con
tinues in good request at 66K per cent on call
and 67 per cent oh'time loans.
Wght Trading in Stocks, with No Important
Price Changes.
Sales of stock on call were 14 shares of
Switch and Signal at 14, 100 Philadelphia Gas
at 27&, and 50 Central Traction at 2 The
two last named interests were a little stronger.
Switch yielded a trifle. Electric went oS a
In feeline rather than in figures the market
showed some recuperative power, and the opin
ion was expressed by several brokers that ihe
next movement would be -upward. But,' of
course, buyers will have something to say
about this. From the trend of things, however,
it seems that values will not be allowed to go
much lower.
"&S .
.. . 1054
.... 61 ii
... 103
. 35 Z1X
:s 30
.... 14M .... UH .... "K
..... -14- , H
27K 27?4 27 27Jf Wi KM
17 13i IS im
2X 3H 2H ZH iX....
87 96
.... 26 25 26 .... -X
.... 27 26tf 27
19 .... 1 20
19 19i 19 19K 19 J9J
V&X M 28 29
134 14 14)4
.... SOO
Arsenal Bank..
Com. .Nat- Bank
Freehold Bank..
Iron City N. B..
ilon. Ins
Allegheny Heat.
Brldgewater Gas
Klttannntng Co.
Mann fact's G Co
People's N.G....
Pcnna. G. Co,...
l'lnla. Co
Columbia Oil Co.
Wash. Oil Co....
Central Traction
Pleasant Vallcv.
Luster Mining..
Westlnjjhouse E.
U. b. 4-b. Co....
The total sales of stocks at New 'xork vester
day were 830,419 -shares, including: Atchison.
13.095: Delaware. Lackawanna and Western,
10.0S1: Erie. 4,220; Louisville and Nash
ville. 12.510; North American. 15,100; Northern
Pacific preferred, 9,050; Reading, 18.500; Rich
mond and West Point. 3,159; Sr, Paul, 20,940;
Union Pacific. 12.900
The Market Hong Up Around the Eighty
Lino Few- Trades.
There were a few .trades in oil yesterday at
SO, which was the only official quotation. At
the close 79 was bid. Posted clearings so far
this week four days are 54,000 barrels about
a minute's work in the good old times.
Average runs were 84,317: average shipments,
88.063: average charters, 30,503. Refined at
New Turk, 7.60; at London, 5 9-16; at Antwerp,
Other Oil Markets.
Oil City. October 23. Opened. 80Jc; highest,
80c: lowest, 79; closed, TfiAc Sales, 51.000
barrels: runs, 105,935 barrels; shipments, 80,791
barrels; charters not reported.
Bradford. .October 23. Opened, 80Kc:
closed, 79c: highest, 81c;lowest, 79; charters
not reported; clearances, 224,000 barrels.
New Yoek, October 23. Petroleum opened
steady, but soon became weak under sales bv
the Standard Oil Company, spot declining 2c
and November option c In the last hour
the niarKetj. rallied' and closed steady. Penu
oil spot Opening, 81c; highest, 81c; low
est. 794c; (losing, 80a November op. Ions
Opening. MKc: highest, 81c: lowest, 79c;
cUslng, 79c. Total sales, 137,000 barrels.
Heavy Drop inSugar RefincriesCaused by
Distrust in the Financial, Condition
6f the Trust Market Oth.r-
wlse Featureless.
New York, October 23. Th3 stock market
on the whole was 'active to-day, bnt the heavy
deals were all in Sugar Refineries, which gave
tone to the entire market, and decided weak
ness was the rule of the day. Theie have of
late arisen distrust of the monetary situation,
and strenuous efforts have been made to
create a feelinc of uneasiness over the mone
tary outlook in Europe, although the best
judges say that there is no real cause for dis
quiet. With the first sales this morning a flood of
stocks, usually favorites with London, were
poured upon the market, effecting a material
depression in values. The most important ele
ment in creatine this depression, however, was
the weakness in Sugar Refineries, which again
assumes its old position of the chief disturber
of values. There have' been of late all sorts of
rumors in circulation -in regard to
the trust, and the pos-ibillty of a receiver,
with the result of bringing a flood of long stock
upon the market. Id any stop orders were un
covered and for 72K last evening it was rattled
off to 69J, where some support was met. This
was exhausted in a rally to 70$, and in the aft
ernoon a further drop to 67 was made, after
which a rallv to 6S7 exhausted the recupera
tive power of the stock. and It went down to
66K in the last hour, a net loss of B per cent. It
rallied feebly in the final dealings, but closed at
close to the lowest point of the day. Chicago
Gas sympathized to them mors of a new suit,
sending it 1 ff 2 per cent, and while the rail
road list met with some severe pressure, prices
kept within fractions ot the opening figures in
most nf the list, though Union Pacific and
Louisville and Nashville were weaker than the
rest, especially in the afternoon.
Money appeared scarce in the forenoon, and
rates on call were run up to 7 per cent, but
loans were made as low as 3 per cent, and funds
were offered at that at the close. The market
closed active and weak at or about the lowest
prices or the day. The final losses are gener
ally small fractions but Surar is off 6; Chi
cago Gas. 2; Louisville, 1; Cleveland, Cin
cinnati. Cliii-.ago and St. L mis, 1; Union Pa
cific, 1: North American, , aud Northern
pacmc preferred, 1 per cent.
Railroad bonds were quiet and without
feature of Importance, altnoueh Atchison In
comes furnished 5126,000 ont of a total day's
business of 331,000. The few marked changes
were generally in the direction of higher prices.
Government bonds have been dull and firm.
State bonds have been dull and featureless.
The Post savs; 'I he creat feature of the day,
and the one which did the most to express the
whole stock markei, was the heavy selling of
Sugar Trust. The cause of the heavy decline
was merely the Increasing distrust of the finan
cial condition. It is now well known that a
prominent member of the Board of Trustees
has said that "for a long period antedating the
present time the trust has made no money,"
aud that consequeutly the inference Is that at
least some of the recent dividends paid were
not earned. In the last half hour money was
down to 5 per cent on liberal offerings by a lead
lug trut company.
The following tame snows the prices or active
stocks on the Mew York Stock Exchange yester
day. Corrected dally for The Disfatch by
WurrNEY & Stephenson, oldest rittsburjr mem
bers of .New York block xchane, 57 Fourth
ins. Am. Cotton Oil 18
Am. Cotton oil nrer.
Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 19X
Atch.. Top. iS. If sw
Canadian I'acl&c 75
Canada southern 33J4
Central orNewJersey.112
Central facinc
est 18
est. mi
84 1?
Chesapeake & Ohio ... 20
Chicago las trust 43W
C. Bur. 4 Qulacy... . KH
Mil. 4 8t, raul.. .ma
Mil. St. P..V.
Kocki. & P.
tit. L.& Pitts
St. U Pitts., pf .. 11
St. P.. M. SO.
at. t, ittu pi,
C. A fiortlmestern 10SK
109!' 108 K
no ism
68H 67H
isi 45K
80! 293?
55.3 64)j
36 23
m'A iaa
l56)i 99)4
0.&X. W. Pt. 110
C, C C. tl 68
C. C. C. & L pref.
Col. Coal Iron 46J4
Cot. Hocklnir Valley SO
cues, i onio 1st nref.. 65)4
Ches. Ohio 2d prer.. 88
Del.. Lack A West 141
Del. Hudson
Den. JtKlo Grande.... 17M
Den. A HioOrande.nl. HK
K. T.. Va. A t
Illinois Central. 100)
21 H
81 M
20 J
10IM t
..,. uiuuiu.,,
MIMMiM 1.- ,a.
v.Vi. '"sine 09
national i.ead Trust. .. 20
. 69)$
'i Z '"J"-wnirai nw
N. Y.. U. E. is W
. ir. a. E. .....:..
N.Y.. O. &W
.. 2I
.. 43t
.. 171j
2if mi
43)4 Ji
29H 59
WA 75
ii" Hit
hi isji
211 21l
19S4 19
76 75
;;" western
Nonplk A Western pf. 5T
Northern Paclac....".. 29?
Northern Paclac nr.... 75X
Ohio i Mississippi. .. ..
Pacific MaU...
Peo.. Dec. & Brans
Pn adel. iKeadlnir... S7
Pullman Palace Oar. ..211X
ehmond v. P. T.. MX
Richmond & W.P.T.nr 78
St. Paul & Duluth
bt. Paul & Dnluth or.
st. P., Mion. irMan
a. u.ci 0.111 jr. 1st vt.. Ivii
73 Mi
SI g
;cxas racinc
Union Paclfe. ....
Wabash preferred,
81 H
Wheeling & L. E.prer. ny,
.NOrth Amprlnan fv, mil
Atch. & Top 34V
Boston & Albany... ,198
Huston & Maine 207
C.. B. 4Q 92
CIn., San. & Clev... 26
Eastern It. K 163
Fltchburpr K. it. pr. 86
Mass. Central....;... 19
Alex. Cen. com 245(
1J.Y.4N. Eng..... 42)J
Old Colony 167
Kutland preferred.. 65
wis. Cen. common. 22J
Wls.tntriT si
Calumet & Hecla. ...290
Franklin ,
Tewabic (new).
Santa Fe copper .... 52t
Tamarack 163
Annlston Land Co..- 57
Koston l-ind Co... . 57i
San Ulefto Land Co. 17
west r,na a
Bell Telephone 228
Lam son store S 294
Water Power 3$
Centennial Mining. 20
Allouez Hg. co 5)4
Aiiantic........ ..... Ul
Boston 4 4Iont 53
A. B. McGrew. No. 115 Fourth avenue, quotes:
Puts, 79; calls. 80.
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished bv Whitney & Stephenson, brokers. No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members .New xorc StocE Ex
change: Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Railroad. 52U 52
Keartlnir 1?S 18 7-16
Buffalo, PlttatjurK A Western 8)4 9
Lenleh Vailcv 51H 51
Lehigh Navigation , 52 5?H
Philadelphia and Erie 34
Nortnern Paclnc 2H 2S
Northern Pacific preferred 75)4 75H
Mining Quotations. -
New Yobk. October 23. Consolidated Cali
fornia and Virginia, 450; Deadwood T. ISO: Eu
reka, 350: Horn Silver. 345; Ophir. 450; Occi
dental, 150: Savage, 310; Sierra Nevada, 33);
Sutter Creek120.
English shipowners tbreatena general lock
out. The United States cruiser Baltimore ar
rived at Lisbon yesterday.
The First National Bank bnlldlng at Ra
leigh, N. C, burned yesterday.
Cnnnt Kalnoky. the Austro-Hungarian
Premier, is testing in the Tyrol.
The University of Cambridge has conferred
a degree upon Henry M. Stanley.
Chicago dealers have advanced the price of
lumber from 50 cents to 52 per 1,000 feet,
In an explosion in a Bridgeport cartridge
factory, George Baker was blown to atoms.
All future Spanish treaties ot commerce
will have a minimum limitation of five years
and maximum limitation of ten years.
Wednesday evening George Elliott shot
and killed A. B. Rice at Perry. Tex., without
apparent cause. The murderer escaped.
A vessel with a cargo of gun cotton has
sailed from Brest for a Russian port. The gun
cottou is for the use of the Rnssian Govern
ment. The Inman liner City of Chicago sailed
from Queenstown yesterday afternoon, but was
soon obliged to return for repairs to her pro
peller. William Galow, a German laborer, shot and
killed his wife at Oshkosb, Wednesday, and then
committed suicide. Domestic infelicity was the
Panic-stricken tenants, clad in night cloth
ing, rushed nut of a burning Brooklyn tenement
into the street, while one Italian was severely
The Committee on Fine Arts of the World's
Fair met in New York to make arrangements
for securing treasures from the salons of
Europe and the Orient.
Michael Brazill, an aged citizen of Des
Plaine, III., was murdered by three tramps
Wednesday in his own barn, and robbed of
about (6,000 in cash and notes.
Over 1,000 civilized Indians from the Crow
Creek and YanKton agencies tried in vain to dis
abuse the minds of their barbarous brethren in
the mountains of the Messiah superstition.
An express train on Chesapeake and Ohio
Railroad ran into a rock between White Sul
phur Springs and Charleston, W. Va., yester
day morning. Engineer Goodale was injured,
perhaps fatally.
A retired farmer named Gast gave his chil
dren some sweetmeat-, in which he had placed
poison. He then partook of the poisoned con
fection himself. Himself and three children
died in great agony, and two others are dying.
M. F. Billings, serving a life sentence for
murder, of which be was convictad a year ago,
has been admitted to bail of 5,000 and released
on his own recognizance, in view of the late
decision o' the Supreme Court, which implied
his innocence. lie is virtually a free man.
James K. Polk. W. W. Polk and Rev. J. C.
Morris, of Kansas City, claim, to be the nearest
heirs of Robert Morris, the financier of the
Revolution. Tbey will take leading parts in
the suit for the recovery of L204.000 acres of
land in Western New York, Pennsylvania and
Delaware, granted to Robert Morris and
claimed now by his heirs.
Fog Has Put the Packet Steamers Behind
Their Usual Time.
Again the rivers are on the rise, and yesterday
the market street gauge registered 10 feet and
tho ater is still on the rise. The fog of the
past few days has knocked the packet schedules
all out of gee, and none of the boats nave been
on time for a week. However, they are getting
fixed out again. The Keystone State goes out
at noon to-day for Cincinnati, and by next.Mon
day will he on her right day. The steamer will
have a big cargo for the Queen City.
Short River Notes.
the steamer Scotia had 1,400 bundles of shingles
on her last trip and the Keystone State had 700
THE steamer Congo now being built at Marietta
will go Into the trade between Pittsburg and Cin
cinnati to take the place of the Balnbow, which
was burned.
Captain B. M. Coebett. formerly of the Harry
Brown, went to Cincinnati yesterday to take
charge ot the Harry Brown with a tow Iroia
Louisville to New Orleans.
Many New Devices Patented by Local In
ventors the Past Week.
The following patents were issued to
"Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and
West Virginia inventors for the week end
ing October 21, 1890, as furnished by O. D.
Levis, Patent Lawyer, No. 131 Fifth ave
nue, Pittsbnrg:
James Andrews and G. Lindenthal, Alle
gheny, construction of lighthouses; F. M. Ash.
ton. Lima, pipe testing gauge and electrical
water alarm: F. G. Bates, Renova, Pa., boiler
furnace; R, W. Bayley, Pittsburg, machine for
severing stay bolts: R. O. Belles, Allegheny, ap
paratus for operating fare registers;
F. Bentle, Hamilton, O., register;
Hugh Burgess. Ardoiorc. Pa,, apparatus for re
covering alkali; J. F. Bryers, Ravenna, O.. me
chanical movement; Robert Dlnsmore, Weston,
W. Vj., mechanism for loading and unloading
mine cages: L A. Dyke. Akron, coloring
marble; C. G. Elwood, Allegheny, grate for
gaseous fuel: L F. Fields, Sandy Lake. Pa.,
door spring: Bugeno F ntalne, Anburnd.ile, O,
railway time signal; J. F. Giles Hazletop. aro
and incandescent system; Angust Haarlander,
Allegheny, tank for water closets: C. W. Haas,
AJlentown, shaft tug; J. F. Hambav, Pittsburg,
detector and lock for drawbridge; F. W. Jordan,
Taconv, Pa. machine for compressing tablets;
J. M. Krn. Morgantown. door seenrer; G. R.
Kress, Pittsburg, machine for making rope;
David Lenpv, Mansfield, suspender bnckle: W.
H. Maddock, Pittsburg, rolling mill appliance;
Patrick O'Connor, Yonngstown, compntatlng
machine: Char lis Oesterling. Barnbart's Mills,
Pa., gate; Artbnr Reese, Sharpsburg, rolls for
re-rolling old rails; Le Baron Reirsnelder, Al
toona, grain car door; A. h. htauffer, Hterrens,
Pa., ice sawing machine: Francis Thompson,
Allegheny, cigar bunching machine; G. F.
Wilson. New Castle, hot air furnace.
When baby was sick; we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she criedf or Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When shehadChildren.she gave them Castorla
t.ake Erie a West pf.. 5SI4
Lake Shore A it. s M7S4
Louisville ft Nashville, 79H
Vnhlla Jkill.S-. nn.
.Wet Weather Proves Unfavorable to
the Produce Trade.
Cereals Are Firm 'All Along the Line, With
Oats in the Lead.
Office of PrrrsBUBO Dispatch. 1
V Thursday. October 23. 1590. t
' Country Produce Jobbing Prices.
Hainy weather had a quieting effect on prod
uce trade. Prices remain practically the same
as at last reports. Putatoes are coming more
freely, but good stock is very firm at outside
quotations. Sweet potatoes are quiet. Grapes
are still In supply above demand and markets
are favorable to the buyer. The drift of dairy
product-. Is still upward. The same Is true of
strictly fresh eggs. Chestnuts are in good de
mand and prices are a shade higher. Tho ap
proach of Halloween brings strong demands on
nuts, and markets are strong all along the line.
Apples are in fair supply. Missouri aud Kansas
are maiq sources of supply of late.
Apples S3 604 50 a barrel.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 28c: Ohio do,
2627c: fresh dairy packed, 2022c: fancy country-rolls,
2223c .
Berries Grapes, Concords, 2530ca basket;
Delawares, 3540c a basket; Catawbas. S035c;
cranberries. Si 503 25 a bushel: quinces, $5 00
6 50 a barrel.
Beans New crop beans, J2 502 5o; marrow
fat, J2 602 75; Lima beans. &86KC. .
Beeswax 2830c ft lor choice; low grade,
Cider Sand refined, S9 0010 00; common,
$4 50o 00; crab cider. J8 009 00 V barrel;
cider vinegar, 12l3c f gallon.
Cheese Ohio cneese, mild, 10X11 ew
York cheese, 10KHc: Limburger. 12KJ3Kc;
domestic Sweitzer, 13KUc: Wisconsin brick
Hweitzer. He. imported Hweiizer. 26Hc
Kaos 232ic dozen for strictly fresh.
FtfATHEES Extra live eeese, 5O60c; So. 1
40(S15c: mixed lots, 3035c 1 ft. m
Honey New crop white clover, 202Zc f a.
Maple syrup 76605c a can; maple sugar.
S10c fl ft. ..,.,,
Nuts Chestnuts, $3 501 00 a bushel; wal
nuts. 7075c a bushel; shell bark hickory nuts,
II 50I 75 a bushel. ,
Poultry Spring chickens. 40065c a pair;
old, 6575c a pair; dressed. llL!c a pound;
ducks, 60(S70c
Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, -.,
Seeds Recleaned Western clover, w 00
S 25; country medium clover, $4 004 25i tim
othy. $1 501 tfi; blue crass. S2 833 00; orchard
crass, SI 51; millet. 7075c -
Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. $5 j
650; fancy, 57 007 50; Jamaica oranges. new
crop, $600 a barrel; bananas, SI &01 75 firsts,
$1 001 25 good seconds. Ifi bnncb; California
peaches, 32 002 50 $ box; Tokay grapes, $4 50
a 00: California ulum. $2 002 25 box; Cali
fornia pear. J4 004 50 ft box; new figs, 17c S)
Vegetables Potatoes. $1 00 M bushel:
Southern sweets. S2002 25 1 barrel; Jersey.
f3OO0i3 25: cabbage. $2 504 00 fl hundred,
onions, ?J 75-33 25 u barrel; onions, J4 50 for ISO ft
basket: green bean;, 40c f) basket; celerv,
2s30c a dozen bunches: turnips, 51 502 25 9)
barrel; peppers, 81O0S1 25 $ bushel; tomatoes.
75c t? bushel.
There are no changes worthy of note in this
department. Trade shows somo improvement
over last week, but prices remain unchanged.
There has been no change worthy of mention
in lines of staple groceries for a month or two
Green Coffee Fancy Rio. 2425c;
choice Rio, 22K23c; prime Rio, 23c; low
grade Rio. 20621c; old Government Java.
2930c; Jiaracaibo. 254ZIc .Mocha. 30
32c: Santos, 2226c; Caracas, 2527c; La
Gnayra. 26S27C.
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c;
high grades, 2830Kc; old Government Java,
bulk. 3334Kc; Maracaibo. 2829c: bantos. 26J3
30c: peabetry, 30c; choice Ri, 26'": prime Rio,
25c: tnod Rio. 24c; ordinary, 2IH22Kc
Spices (whole) Cloves 15lbc; allspice, 10c;
cassia. 8c; pepper. 13c; nutmeg. 75s SOc.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, "Vc;
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, oXc; water
white, lOJi'': globe, 1414Kc; elaine, 14Kc: car
nadine. lfHcf royaline, 14c; red oil, HllKc;
purity, 14c -
Miners' Oil No. 1 winter strained, 4315c
izallnn; summer, 3810e; lard oil, 655Sc.
Syrup Corn syrup, 337c; choice susrar
syrup. SS43c: prime sugar syrup, 3233;
stnctlv prime. 3536c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop, 5556e;
fancy old. 474Sc: choice, 49c; medium, 3S
43c; mixed. 4042c.
Soda Bi-carh in kegs. 3K3c: bicarb in
i 5Kc: bi-carb assorted packages, 5J6c; sal
soda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c ,
Candles Star, full weizbt, 83c; steanne,
"p set, Ki" parafBne, ll12c
Rice Head Carolina, 7l7Kc: choice, 6JQ
6c: prime, 6bc; Louisiana, D6c
bTAitcil Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 66Kc;
glo-s starch, 67c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. $2 65: Lon
don layers. 52 75; Mnscatels, $2 50; California
Muscatels. S2 40: Valencia. TVWtec: Ondara Va
lencia, SUgSKc: sultana, lS'Jic:currants. &A
ossc;xurKe prunes,(SBc;rrencu prunes,ll
13c; -alonica prunes. 111 2ft packagps,9i';coca
i.uts, $1 100, $6; almonds. jan.,f) ft, 29r: do Ivica
17c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. I314c;Sicilv
filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs. 1517c: new dates, C
6r: Biazil nuts, 16c: pecans. 14K16c; citron, W
ft. 191220c: lemon peel. 15c 1 ft: urance netl.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per. ft, 10c;
apples, evaporated, 14Q15c; peaches, evapor
ated, pared, 2S30ci peaches, California, eva
porated, unpared. 2225c: cherries, pitted. 31c:
cherries, nopitted, 1313c; raspberries, eva
porated. 3i35c; blackberries, 10llc; huckle-
oerriei. Joe
SUGARS Cubes, nic: powdered. 7We: trrann-
lated.6c: confectioners' A, 63ic: standard A.
6c; kolt white, 6"Ji6"c; yellow,: choice. 6
Ko?4c: yenow. gooo. awoftc; yeuow. iatr, os
5kc: yellow, dark. 5'i5&c
Pickles Medium, libls. (1.200). $3 50; me
dium, hair libls (600). S4 75.
Salt No. 1. &) bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex.. V bbl.SI 00;
dairy, bid, 1 20; coarse crystal, f) bbl 51 20:
Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu. sacks, S2 80; Higgles'
Eureka, 16-14 ft packets, 3 00.
Canned Goods Standard peaches. J2 80a
2 90; 2cils, J2 XZ 60; extra peaches. S3 003 10;
pie peaches, 2 00: finest corn, 51 351 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 951 15; red cherries, SI 401 50;
Lima beans. Si 20; soaked d". SOc; 'string do. 7a
90c; marrowfat peas. 1 101 25; so iKed peas,
7u80c; pineapples. S130l 40; Bahama do. J2 55;
damsop plum-, 1 10; greengages. SI 50: egg
plums, $2 20: California apricots, S2 5002 60:
California pears. $2 75; do greengages. $2 20: do
egg plums, S2 20: extra white cherries, 52 So:
raspberries, SI 401 45; stran berries. SI 301 40;
gooseberries. SI 1U1 15; tomatoes, SorQU sal
mon, 1.&, Si 301 80; blackberries. SI 15: succo
tash, 2-ft cans, snaked, 90c; do green. 2-ft, SI 25
1 50; corn beef, 2-ft na s, $2 00; 14-ft cans, H;
baked beans, SI 401 50; b.bster, 1-&, fj 00;
mackeral, 1ft cans, broiled, SI 50: sai dines, do
mestic, ic S4 304 40; sardines, domestic H
17 00; sardines. Imported. Js, Sll 60012 50; sar
dines, imported. Hs. SI8; sardines, mustard,
ti 25; sardines, sniced, 54 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloa er, mackerel. S30 f
bbl: extra No. 1 do, tne-s,$2S 60; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, S19 60; No. 2 shore mackerel,
22: large 3's, 20. Codfish Whole pollock,
6c ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do
large, 7c; boneless bake. In strip". Scr- ao
George's cod, in blocks. 67Jc Herring
Round shore. 55 50 1) bbl; spl'n. ia 50; lake, S3 25
100-ft bbl. White fish. J6 50 W 100-ft hair libL
Lake trout. So 60 half bbl. Finnan haddles,
10c5f)ft. Iceland halibut, 13c 9 ft. Pickerel,
half bbl, S3 00: quarter bbl, SI 35. Potomac her
ring, S30$ bbl; S200 half bbl; HoUand
nerring. 7uc; waiKon nerring. wc
OATMEAL-50 507 00 m bbL
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Bales on call at the Grain Exchange, 1 car
2 white oats, sample, 51c, 5 days; 7 cars of No. 1
timothy hay, S10 50. 5 days; 1 car 2 red wheat,
SI 05, 10 days; 2 cars mixed corn. 58c, 10 days;
4 cars No. 1 timothy h.ty; S10 25, 10 days. Re
ceipts as bulletined, S3 cars, of which 23 cars
were received by the Pittsburg, Ft, Wayne and
Chicago Railway, 1 car of oats. 7 of hay, 8 of
flour, 1 of rye. 1 of straw, 2 of barley. 2 of feed,
1 of malt. By Pittsnnrg, Cincinnati and St,
Louis. 5 cars of corn. 2 of oats, 2 of hay. By
Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of wheat, 1 of corn,
lor flour. .By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 2 cars
of hay. 1 ot flour. While our quotations lu
cereals are unchanged, markets are very firm
ana drift of markets is toward a higher level.
Oats are very strong. Say Is quiet.
Prices are for carload lo s on track:
Wheat-No. 2 red, SI Wl 05; No. 3,1102
CORN No. 2 yellow-ear. 6162c; high mixed
ear,6060c; No. 2 yellow shelled, 5960c: hign
mixed shelled pom, 5795Sc
OATS-No. 1. 6253c; No. 2 white. 5151Kc;
extra. No. 3, 505uc: mixed oats, 4748c
Rye Nc 1 Penjiylvania and Ohio, 70071c;
No. 1 Western,6869c .
FLOUR Jobbing prices Fancy spring and
winter patent Sour. 56 0006 25: fancy stralebt
winter, 15 255 60, fancy straight Spring, to 25
65 60: clear winter. So 000525; straight XXXX
bakers'. $4 7505 00. Ry- flour, ft 25Q4 60.
Buckwheat flour, 44c V ft.
Millfeed No. 1 white middlings. S21 &0Q
22 00 W ton; No. 2 white middlings, $19 600
20 60; brown middling. S17 0018 00; winter
wheat bran, $16 00 16 50.
HAT-Baled timothy No. 1, $10 60611 00: No.
2 do. S8 &09 00: loose from wagon,SH 00013 00.
according to quality: No. 2 prairie hay, S3 600
00; packing do, S7 007 60.
BTRAW-Oat, $7 758 00: wheat and rye, 17 SO
07 75.
Sugar-cured hams, large. 10c; sugar-cured
hams, medium. lOJc; sugar-cored bams, small,
lie; -sugar-cured breakfast bacon. ec: sugar
cured shoulders. Tc: sugar-cured boneless
shoulders. 8c: skinned shoulders, 8c: skinned
hams, 12c; sngar-cured California hams,7c:
sugar-cured dried beef flats 9c; sugar-cured
dried beef sets. lOc: sugar-cured dried beef
rounds. 12c: bacon, shoulders, 7c: bacon,
clear sides. 7c: baconi clear bellies.-6c: dry
salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear side?, 6Xc
Mess pork heay, 12 50; mess pork, lamilr,
S12 5a Lard Refined, in tierces, 5Kc: half
barrels, &Kc; 60-& tubs, STfec: 20-ft pall, r4c; 50-ft
tin cans. 5c; 3-& tin pails, 6c: 5-fi tin palls.
6c; ID-ft lin pails, 5c Smoked sausage, long.
6c; large, 5c Fresh pork, links, 9c Boneless
hams. 10c Pigs feet, half-barrels. Si 00:
quarter-barrels, S2 15.
A Break in the Grain Pit, Due to Statistics
of Supply, Easier Cables and Free
Selling Pork Active at In
side Figures.
CHICAGO Wheat Only a moderate busi
ness was transacted to-day in the aggregate,
though at times trading was quite lively. Sud
den spurts occurred all through the session.
Trading was chiefly local. The market was
weaker, feeling tame and prices ruled lower.
Easier cables, a decline in silver in this conn
try and an article in the Price Current estimat
ing the world's wheat crop as equal, to the
averaeo were hela directly responsible for to
day's decline in price. This news induced
large felling, and as prices weakened more
wheat was brought out from parties who
feared a further break. More or less long
wheat came out dnring the entire session. The
opening was HQis lower than yesterday.'s
closing, and with only slight fluctuations prices
declined lSHlic fluctuated slightlyand closed
about 1 ic lower than yesterday.
Corn was tairly active, a good business being
transacted un local and outside account. Feet
ing developed was easier and lower prices were
established. The weather and larger receipts
induced longs to sell and offerings were liberal:
the country also sold freely. First trades were
at Jc decline, and under free ollerines grad
ually sold oif. with some reaction, c, rallied
c declined lie. ruled steady and closed with
Uais There was a marked falling off in the
trade in this market and a weaker feeling pre
vailed. Longs have realized for several days,
and were at It again to-day to a moderate ex
tent. There was' no especial support to the
futures; and prices ranged lower, a decline of
llc being recorded and fairly established.
Mess pork A fairly active trade was re
parted. Prices ruled irregular within ranges
of 27J30c Opening sales were made at 56
decline, but tbi was quickly recovered. Later,
prices receded 2730c, and the market closed
quiet at inside figures.
Lard Rather more doing. Prices declined
710c and the market closed rather easy at
inside figures.
Short lib sides Only a fair tu'iness was
transacted. Prices ruled slightly higher early,
but receded again 1012c and closed rather
quiet at inside figures.
The leading futures ranged as follows, as cor
rected by John M. Oakley A Co., 45 Sixth street,
members Chicago Board of Trade:
- . 1
Open- High- Low- Clos-
AnncLES. loir. est. est. Ing.
October. J 1 02)4 I ," 1 Oljf't 1 01K
December 1 0 1 05 1 03JJ 1 03;
ilay 1C8S 1W W5 1(8
Co UN. Ho. 2
October 51V 51V Sf
ovember 52?$ &H 51 51
May .,.. UK 55 13 XH
October. & mi ti 42
December 4 iV
ilay 474 H 454 45
Mess pore.
December. 10 43 10 40 10 Z7i 10 40
January J2 35 12 40 12 13i 1215
May 13 05 1310 12 80 12 80
Labp. .
Dec-ember. 6 50 6 50 6 4 S42
January 6 67 6 67K S57M 6 60
May 7W)a 7 07,'i 8 97,1 7 00
December .. 5 57J 4 57!j 5 50 550
January A.. 5 91)1 5 95 4 824 5 S3
May 3 32s 6 32X SSj 6 25
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour steadv and unchanged. No. 2 spring
wheat. S101Q1 01K: No. 3 spring wheat, 00
93c: No. 2 red. SI Oligl OIK- No. 2 corn. 603ic
No. 2 oats, 42c No. 2 rye. 6767Jc C o. 2 bar
ley firm at 78c No. 1 flaxseed, i 42. Prime
timothv seed, SI 23421 25. Mess pork, per bbl,
S10 10010 20. Lard, per 100 lb. JS S0Q6 32.
Short rib sides, loose. $540; dry salted shoulders,
boxed, S562K: short clearsides, b"xed.S5805 90.
No. 2 while oats, 4747c; No. 3 white oats, 46
46Kc; No. 3 barley, f. o. b.. 6075c; No. 4 f. o. u,
58&65c; No. 5 f. o. b., 50c On the Produce
Exchance to-day thp butter market was easier;
extra creamerv, 22023c; extra .firsts, 1921c;
firsts. 16017c; extra dairy, 18020c: extra firsts,
1617c; firsts. 1315c Eggs, 1920c x
NEW YORK Flour held firmly and dull.
Cornmeal steady and quiet. Wheat Spot
market unsettled, lc lower and dull, closing
firmer: Nn. 2 red. SI UTKMn elevator: SI V9A
afloat: SI 0WL1( f. o. b.; No. 3 red, SI 10;
ungraded red, SI 0SJ1 13; No. 1 Northern,
SI 10: No. 1 hard, SI lb Options declined
lj4lje on selling out ol lonirs, recovered K
c on rumors of export business, closing
sipa.iv; N. 2 red, October, closing at
si UJTfe; i.-i()vnniucr. closing at. 91 00;
December, SI OS 7-16l 10, closing at 5100;
January, 81 0901 10i closing at SI 097i;
February, closing at SI 1051: March, SI 115s0
1 12. closing at SI 11: April, closing at
SI 11: Mav. SI 111 13, closine at SI 11;
July, 81 04K1 05. closin- at $1 05- Rye
quiet and firm: Western. 7074c Barley quiet
and firm. Barley malt dull; city. SI 00. Corn
Spot market irregular and lower, closing
steadier: No. 2, 58!45Sc in elevator; 5SQ
oMlia afloat: ungraded mixed, 5759c;
options declined 11R on re lizing.
closine weak: October, closing 58c: No
vember. 68K59Jic. closing at 68c
December, &9b0c. closing at 59c; January, clos
ing at 58Kc; May. 606ic, closing at 60Kc
Oats Spot market qmet and weaker: options
dull and weskpr: October, closine at 4SJ,c; So
vember, 4849l4c, clo-Mne at 4SKc; December,
49J4g50ic, .-losing at 49fc; Jfav. 61Ji52c.
closing at 51Vc: spot wbite. 5252K'; mixed
Western, 46J450c; white do. fioa5oc; No. 2
Chicago, 48448Kc Hav quiet and firm.
Hops in good demand and firm. Tallow strong;
citv (52 for packages). 447bC Ezgs steady
and ilnll; Western, 22023c, receipts, 3,103
packages. Fork firm and in fair demand; mess
Sll 25012 50; extra prime, S10 500110a Mid
i les steady and dull. Lard lower and quiet:
Western steam, 56 57: sales of 1,500 tierces at
56 57K06 60; options s-tles, 4.000 tierces: No
vember. 56 54. closing at S6 53askd;Dpcemher,
56 6506 69, closine: at 56 61 bid: Januarv. 56 82
06 85, closing at S6 83c: February, $6 92. Butter
in good demand and firm; Western dalrv. 100
17c; do creamery. 15024c: do factory, 8014.-;
Elgin, 25c Cheese dull and steady; light
skims, 407Kc: Ohio flats, 70'4c
ST. LOUIS-TIour weak; XXX. S2 8003 00;
famllv. S3 1503 55; choice, S3 7003 75; fancy.
S4 2004 30. Wheat The market opened VM
c down. Tbere were liberal selling orde s
and the mapknt was excited, but weak, and de
clined c further, but soon strengthened only
to decline again and trading became quiet, the
tendency being weak, to the close, which was
01c helow vesterday's latest prices: N. 2
cash, B9KC0S1 00; May. SI 07K: July. 93V.
Corn The market opened 0c lower, ad
vanced slight lr. weakened la er and closed
weak and lK01Jic below yesterday's close.
No. 2 cash, 4SKc: December, 43Kc: May. 51c
Oats The marker, sympatnizea wna wneat
and corn and the close was at a decline ot ll,ic
from yesterday's final flcures; No. 2 cash, 43a
and nominal: Mav, 4'Mr.. Rye scarce and
wanted; Nc2.65q.nid. Barley stronc: N nh
western, 71c; Nebraska, 62070c; Iowa. 63073c:
Wisconsin, 63072c Flaxseed higher at SI 40.
Provisions Qulet'and essentially unchanged.
PHILADELPHIA Flour firm, with a fair de
mand. Wheat weak, and closed c lower; N".
2 red, October. SI O1M01 02; November, SI 013A
1 02; December. SI 0301 04; January, SI 05
1 06. Corn Options declined c under lower
reports from otber strain centers, and closed
nominal; carlots 01c lower; No. 2 mixed, in
grain depot, 60c; No. 2 high mixed, 6OK061r;
No. 2 mixed October, 6959Hc; Novemhpr. 590
59ic; December. 68059; January, 6707ic
Oats Carlots dull and 01c lower; No. 2
mixed, 50c; No. 3 white. 51Kc: No. 2 white,
62052Kc: No 1 white. 63c: f ntures beyond this
month ruled stead), but October option c
lower, in sympathy with declines in spot lots:
ii. a WUlie, ucioucr. ujii(tfU4i;; xsirciiiuer. otp
052c; December, 62054c: January, 52K53c.
Butter dnll and unsettled; Penns.viv.nia
creamery, extra, 23c; do prints, extra, 25030c
Egxs firm; Pennsylvania firsts, 24c
MINNEAPOLIS Sample offerings of wheat
by carlor, to-day were very full, and it moved
fairlv excepting that on roads that would not
let their cars take the wheat to elevators where
it could be conveniently transferred; prices
were lower, bnt with the required concession;
Nc 1 Northern moved pretty well while other
grades below It dragged considerably.. Closing
quotations: No. 1 bard, October, SI 01: on track,
02: No. 1 Northern. October. 95c; Novem
ber, 96r: December. 97c: May. SI 03; on
track, 98c: No. 2 Northern. October, 92c; De
cember, 93c: on track, 93c
BALTIMORE Wheat Weitern steadv; No.
2 winter red. spot and October, SI 011 01M:
December. SI O3K01 03; May. xl 1O0
1 10. Corn Western st- adv; mixed, snot and
October. 57fc; year, 65fo bid; May, 68ic
asked. Oats firm and unchanged. Rye tuy;
Srime to choice, 75076c: good to fair, 72074c
lav firm: prime to choice timothy. Sll 500
12 00. Provisions firm. Butter firm. Eggs
active at 21022c
MILWAUKEE-Wbeat easy: No. 2 spring, on
track, cash, 9&K97c; December, 98c; N".l
Jtorthern, SI 0a- Com firm; No. 3 on track. 52c
Oata steadv: No. Z white, on track. tJHe. Bar-
Jey easier; No. 2, is store, 70c Bye firm; No.
1, in store, 70c Provisions quiet PorkJan
uary. S12 35. Laid January, 56 67,
CINCINNATI Floursteady. Wheat firm and
quiet; No. 2 red. SI (XX Corn weaker; No. 3
mixed, 64c Oats easier; No. 2 mixed. 16c
Rye firm; No. 2, 70c Pork barely steady at
Sll 75. Lanl easier at SS 10. Bnlk meats and.
bacon steady. Butter steady Eggs strong as
19c Cheese quiet.
DULUTH Wheat opened steady, but weak
ened later In sympathy with lower outside mar
kets and sold down lc from the opening.
Closing prices: October, Si 04; December. SI 04;
May, SI UK: No. 1 bard, SI 04 sellers; No. 1
Northern, &Sc sellers; No. 2 Northern, 93Jo
TOLEDO Wheatactire and lower; cash and
October. SI 02; December. SI 03: May. Jl 07.
Com dull and steady; cash. 64c; Mav, o4c ,
Oats quiet and steady: cash. 45c Clnverseed
active and steadv; cah and October, SI 15; De
cember, 54 25; February, 54 32.
Drygootls Market.
?Tew YORK. October 23. Rainy weather af
fected business In drygoods unfavorably as re
gards transactions on the spot. The market
tone continued strong, and a cheerful feeling
prevailed. The outlook in all directions con
tinned good. ,
Metal Markets.
New York Pig Iron steady and dull. Cop
per unchanged. Lake, October S16 75. Lead
dull and heavi r; domestic, 55 90. Tin quiet
and steady; straits. S21 35.
Price of Bar Silver.
New York. October 23. Bar silver London,
4SJd.;New lorir. siua.
O. Oa b
My little four year old girl had an
aggravated case of eczema. The hesfc
physicians treated her, without any
good results. A single bottle of S. S. S.
cured her sound and well. This was
four years ago, and she has had no re
turn of the disease since; and her skin'
is perfectly smooth and clean.
James E. Henry, Detroit, Mich.
Treatise on Skin diseases mailed free.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta Ga.
Embroidery and White. Goods Department-,
direct importation from the best manufac
turers of St. GalL in Swiss and CambricEdg
ings, Flouncings, Skirt Widths and Allovers, "
Hemstitched Edgings and Flouncings. Buyers
will and these goods attractive both In price
and novelties of design. Full lines of New
Laces and White Goods. UPHOLSTERY DE
PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades la
dado and plain or spring fixtures, Lace Cur
tains, Portieres. Chenille Curtains, Poles and
Brass Trimmings: Floor, Table and Stair Oil
Cloths in bear makes, lowest prices for quality.
The largest variety from which to select.
Toll Dn N orris, Chalnn Cloth. Bath Seersuck
ers, Imperial Suiting. Heather & Renfrew
Dress Ginghams. Fine Zephyr Ginghams.
Wholesale Exclusively.
Whitney & Stephenson,
57 Fourth Avenue.
nrnuT U'C savings bank.
r iUl Lri a si fouri-h avenue.
Capital. $300,000. Surplus. S-iLbTO 29.
4 President, Asst. Sec Treas.
per cent Interest allowed on time deposits.
Stocks, Bonds. Grain, Petroleum.
Private wire to New York and Chicago.
45 SIXTH ST Pittsburg.
As old re-idents know and back files of Pitt
burg papers piove, is the oldest establishe
and most prominent pbvsician in the city, da
voting special attention to aU chronic diseases
MCDXni ICand mental diseases, physical
1 1 L. 11 V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack ot
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disordered sight, self di-trust, bathfulness.
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
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riage, permanently, safely and privately curea.
BLOOD AND SKIN s'tageTeont1
bkitcnes, falling bair, bones, pains, glandular,
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1 1 PI M A PV kidney and bladder derange
UnllMAn I j ruents, weak back, graveL ca
tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other
painfnl symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. WhittlersUIe-Ione; extensive experience
insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients ata distance as carefully treated as it
here. Office hours, 9 A. H. to 8 p. H. Sunday,
10 A. M. to 1 r. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, SU
Penn avenue. Pittsburg. Pa.
SPECIALISTS in all cases re
quiring scientific aud confiden
tial treatment! Dr. S. Lake.
M. R. C. P. S.. is tbe olaestand.
nost experienced specialist In
be city. Consultation free and
xtrfotlv ronfidenxfal. Office
hours 9 to i and 7 to 8 P. 1L: Sundays, 2 to.4 T.
K. Consult them personally, or write. DoctoeS
LAKE, cor. Penn avc and 4th St., Pittsburg, Pa,
jeS-72-DWk t
"Wood's Ela.ossli.o3A33.e-
AtlEi tgtfcOi g.... .-M.M- , ,
Ol iguwuuignr
and the excesses
of Eater years,
Glvtt immediate
strength, and vig
cessmily. Guar-
tmtffrl in aum all !
forms of Nerroruf
vveacness. cmis-i
lAfifl CfHavmflMlJ
or, aux arupKisis
for wood's Phcc
:KKKJS.n!li'J- --"" BhodlnettakeKX
riii-lrli thr f "" Faoto rrom "le- nbstltnte. One
package, $1; six. ss. by mall. ,rite '"JS?"
Xdilress The Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward
Detroit, Mich.
a-3old In Plttsbnrr. Pa. by Joseph Flemlnc
Eon. Utamond and Market "te." , .
roll particulars la pamphlet
ent free. The genuine Grays
bpeelflo told by drnczUU only Ix
yellow wrapper. Price, pe;
package, or six for S3, or by malt
on receipt or price, or "us
' MKUlCiNK CO, Unualo, W. X
Sold In Pittsburg bvr
Bmlthrleia and LlbertyTts.
S. UULLANM. corner
to evemnaa, youoff,tnlddIe-ged,
ont, SSI Colombo Ave., Bortoo.Matt.
m jiw-jo- vr auk
-W k "w-fc. ,- liVI1VUIITO.4M
1 J A i 3 I TT . nprtor to WOOTTOT! OjWj.
tinsy; parUcol&ra. 4c. CLARKK& CO.. B 0714,
Jt Ht UU1 wm-ii