tvftoEfl aK3i THE FUTURE AFRICA Discussed at the Inter-Seminary Alli ance Convention. AN APPEAL FOR MISSIONARIES. Meeting of Delegates From Cities All OTer the Lnited States TO TALK ABOUT THE UNENLIGHTENED The first day's session of a convention was held in the Fourth TJ. P. Church, Alle gheny, yesterday, which is alike of national and world-wide interest and importance. 'Twas the eleventh annnal gathering of delegates representing he American Inter Seminary Missionary Alliance. The scope of the alliance is the amalga mated efforts of all, of the missionary work ers, both home and foreign, connected with the seminaries located in different cities of the Unhid States. Their deliberations and the different ramifications of their work cannot but have a great influence in mis sionary matters the world over. "The Stu dents' Volunteer Movement," which is fos tered by the alliance, has sent 300 mission aries to different parts of the world, and 200 more young men are awaiting the hour of their departure for their newfields of labor. The convention opened with about 200 delegates representing the different semin aries of the United States. The forenoon was given up to an informal reception of the delegates. Rev. H. T. McClelland, D. D., of Western University, delivered the opening address at 3 P. ai. C H. Stack pole, o Boston, read the first paper, "The Prospects of Alrica." His handling of the subject showed that the text was a familiar one to him and many new and interesting points regarding the future of the ever interesting "Dark Continent" were brought out. An outline of the paper is appended: THE CENTUBY DIVIDING LINE. "The pre-eminent event of the closing Tears of this century is the partition of Africa and the leading question ot the com ins century will be the regeneration of this race but hitherto comparatively unknown and almost unthought-of dark land. "I am in a hurry to read this paper, for fear it will become obsolete. For the Africa of to day is not the Africa of yesteiday or to-morrow. The world i thinking and acting on this subject, and e live in a time when prophecy is fast becoming history. History is last prov ing these prophecies. "All the maps f Africa are antedated, and the will continue to be. For, though Africa has, indeed, at last been formally introduced to the world and all the principal geographical problems solved, yet the army of explorers, political, commercial, scientific and missionary, that are to follow will reveal for generations secrets of nature and possibilities of civiliza tion that ill keep historians and geographers in a constant state of revision. For I hope that it may be impressed udod our minds that we are dealing with a field whose capabilities are untold, and, too, that the timing of its wondertul opening is a striking fact. The activity of the scientific and missionary spirit, the means of rapid com munication and wide exploration make it possi ble lor this quick aire to do tor Africa in half a century what for the American continent it re ouiredthri-e full centuries." Mr. buckpole reviewed at length the strife of nations for the possession of Africa. All eves are now turned to this section of the worl 3, aiid its regeneration means the addition of many mighty nations to those now existing and the development of a country that sur passes that or the United States in extent and with as great possibilities as first lured the set tlers across the Atlantic In the course ot the reading Mr. Stackpole referred to an extract from a .London paper saying: "We may possess Africa in an absolute peace and grow nations in its vastculturable plains and in the valleys ot its broad moan toins. valleys that would hold state", and over its mineral regions, which, if rumor may be trusted, are as much richer as they are vaster than Colorado. The names we are always bearing about the natives bat what harm can tbeyon. unless it bea barm wben an empire fs .belnp founded to provide cheap laborr Eng land is universally a crabber. Germany is com mercially jealous. Win? There must be some value in this black diamond. The avarice of the world is aroused, and here is a lesson for the Church. SLAVE TRADE OF CENTRAL AFRICA. The slave trade was mentioned. Abalf mill ion children are sold in Central Africa yearly, and large sections depopulated by the slave hunters. The natives have tbeir own slaves, and this evil is the great yoke that is to-day pull ing Africa down. Arabs take slaves" to barter for ivory and other articles, and on ihe Uhangi river the standard of commercial value is flesh, which is eaien bv the cannibals. Human beings are also the victims of religious rites. The slave trade in Egypt, where 25,000 beings are under shackle, and in other European countries wa" spoken of at length. The Berlin Anti-Slavery Conference of Nations was com mended for its efforts to aboli-h slavery and the fact commented on that the United State- un der a Democratic administration had refused to prohi hit the sending of rum to the benighted land. Some statistics on the exportation of spirits was giveu and the doubt expressed whether rum or slavery was Africa's worst enrse. Mr. Stackpole said that anotner danger to Atnca ua the introduction of Mnbatnmedism. Ihe boudan has a population of 92,000,000. and not a single Christian minister. Other large sections had never heard of the true gospel, while fale doctrines were flourishing. In closing his paper Mr. Stackpole said that "He who thinks that in the evolution of Africa to Its civilization tne Caucasian will be the future dominant power, is mistaken. 'Twill cot be as with America. The natives will not fade as before the break of man. The negroes and native races, clothed in their right mind?, will rule the future cations of Africa and be the coming lords 'Tis left to the Cau casians to point them the way. The rerener atea Africa will inherit the vices as well as the virtues of tbe Caucasians, and the stamp of Europe and America will be upon the future enlightened people." After a discussion of Mr. Stackpole's paper, Mr. V. H Cossum. traveling secretary of the "Studen's' Volunteer Movement,'' took tbe floor and made a fervent and strong argument ative appeal for volunteer missionaries to go to heathen lands. ItEV. WATLAXD HOTT'S ADDRESS. Tbo evening sesion was devoted to bearing an address by Kev Waylana Hoyt, D. D of Minneapolis. His subject was: -David Living stone, or Man's Work and God's in Missionary Endeavor." The Doctor, after a short intro- I duction. gave a retrop-ct or foreign missfoc work irom iub lime uu ,nh,,ri.f ... t amounted to a llttla over S300 until the present. when they reach 811,000,000; when there was not a single missionary Bible, and now when they are printed in 300 languages when there was not asincle missionary, and now when there are 100,000. 1 he speakerasrreed itb Lord Wolseley in the latter's belief that some day the Chinese would invade Russia and Europe. The christianizing of the heathens was cited as tbe best de fense Alter following this line of thought at borne length Rev. Dr. Hoyt reviewed Rev. Dr. Livingstone's life and explorations with the effect on mission work and the need of the day. Sessions of the con ention will be held every half hour to-day. from 0 to 10:30 A. ir and 2 to 3:45 r. II., in the Fourth U. P. Church, Alle gheny, some interesting papers will be read. In tbe evening addresses will be made at the First Prcsbjtenau Church by Rev. David Mc Allister. D. D.. Rev. George T. Purves. D. D.. and Rev. W. H. -1 cMillan. D. D. Tourists. Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sitkness. For sale m 50c and ?1 bottles by all leading drug, gists. S3 50 Until November 30, 1890 SI. Until Koveiube-30 we will make a life size crayon portrait for S3 50, or 12 elegant cabinets for $1, at Aufrecht's Elite Gallerv, 516 Markets'., Pittsburg. Bring children; use elevator. One Week More. Hendricks & Co.'s great reduction in pho tographs. Come. Bring the children. 68 Federal st, Allegheny. One Thousand Dollars Forfeit if I fail to prove Floraplexion the best medicine for liver complaint, dyspep sia, nervous debility, biliousness, consump tion. It cures where all other remedies fail. Ask your drnggist lor it Sample bottle sent free. Franklin Hart, New Xork. ' 2IW7SU CROWDED TO THE DOORS. Yesterday TTas a Busy Day at the Great Fire Sale, 546 Wood Street. Thousands of people thronged there to se cure some ot the greatest bargains ever seen in Pittsburg. Salesmen were busy wrapping up bundles. Extra help has been engaged for to-day. It will pay jou to come hun dreds of miles to bay your clothing at this sale. This is the first time a sale of such extraordinary magnitude has ever taken place in this city, and will never oc cur again. In order to show what gigantic bargains will be offered, a few prices are mentioned, and remember this great sale will last for a short time only. A splendid suit of men's clothing for $1 GO, This suit is well made, all to match, latest styles, and really worth $13. Men's extra fine quality suits, made and trimmed in best possible manner, $7 89, guaranteed to be-worth $20. High grade goods, mean ing equal to the finest quality tailor work in all styles. Prince Alberts, cutaways, sacks in wide wales. Clay worsteds and cheviots, silk and satin lined, we will sell for S10 25, worth ?25. We offer an elegant pair of men's pants for $1 65, made of nice cloth, and they are really worth $4. Men's elegant fall suits, $5 45, worth $15. Men's heavy ulsters $5 65, valued at $15. Men's chinchilla, over coats $4 58, worth $14. Men's silk faced fall overcoats $5 85, worth $18. Men's royal standard kersey Bilk and satin lined overcoats $8 75, worth 530. A tre mendous variety of boys clothing of the finest quality all must do at a terrible sacrifice. Do not fail to call and examine goods and prices at this great sale to be sold at retail. A chance for such wonderful bargains occurs only once in a lifetime. Be niember the address", No. 546 "Wood street, opposite new Bank of Commerce building. During this great fire insurance sale the store will remain open until 9 at night and Saturday until 11 p.m. George Pexton, Appraiser. Every Friday Morning (between the hours of 8 and 12 o'clock) the P. C. C. C. devote to the sale of good clothing for the benefit of poor peo ple, and during those hours we sell goods at about cue-half usual prices one bargain in each department. To-day we offer the following bargains, but bear in mind these prices are only good from 8 to 12 o'clock A. ar.: Men's good overcoats, made from heavy beavers, meltons and chinchillas, well made and substantially trimmed, the regular price of 'em is $12, this morning buy one for $4 95 Men's sack and cutaway suits, compris ing cassimeres, cheviots, smooth velours and aurora meltons, cut also in double-breasted sack style, coat, pants and vest 6 95 Boys fine cassimere suits, 10 stvles, at. 1 55 A cenuine iur aerby hat, silk bound, all shapes, worth $2 25, for 98 400 pairs of men's splendid cassimere pants, checks and stripes, 9 styles, at 1 55 We sell clothing to the rich and poor alike at our store, one price to all, but in order to give the poor man an extra oppor tunity to buy good clothing very cheap, we have adopted these Friday morning sales. They last four hours, rom8 to 12 o'clock. P. C. C C, Pittsbtjeg Combination Clothing Compant, cor. Grant and Diamond sts.. opp. the Court Bouse. SPECIAL VALUES TO-DAX TN Ladles Linen Handkerchiefs. White, pute linen, real hem-stitched (no blind stitching), full sizes, extraordinary value, 3 for 25c Pure -linen, unlaundried hand hem stitched, excellent quality, 25c each. Special values in hand'enibroidered hand kerchiefs, in a wide range of grades and styles, from 50c to $11 each. 50 styles fancy white handkerchiefs, hand drawn, hand embroidered, embroidered scollope, and other ideas, at 25c each. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn avenue Stores. More Pensions and Bounty. A gentleman representing MiloB. Stevens & Co.. of Washington, D. C, can be seen at the Central Hotel, Smithfield street and Third avenue. Pittsburg. Saturdav and .Monday, October 25 aud 27", Allegheny Central liotel, Allegheny, Tuesday, October 28, and at tbe Commercial House, Sharos burg, Monday, November 3, day and even ing, by persons desirinc information con cerning pensions, bounties, etc., or haying claims which they desire to have prosecuted by said attorneys. Business trrnsacted in German and English. Oar New Art Boom Is filled with choice and rare bits of china, Bare lamps, Onyx pedestals, Yernis-Martin cabinets, . jFrench furniture, And many dainty conceits that can only be appreciated when seen at Hardy & Hayes XT- ai.. ron s i.ucii . J.1CN Al, UUUUi, Ui7 OUJ1LUUC1U SbTCCU B.&B. , At 8 o'clock this morning a sale so far be yond anything and everything of like kind that we expect 10,000 customers during the dav. Bead our display ad., this paper, lor particulars. Boggs & Btjhl. New Wall Papers. Have now in stock a full and complete as sortme it of tbe best wall papers in the dif ferent grades manufactured in the TJ. S., to gether trith an excellent line of English', Japanese and French wall papers. rsu W. H. Barker, C03 Market st. Quality tells. Iron City Brewing Co.'s sales of beer nearly doubled since last fall. Sold at all first-class bars. MISSES' and children's jackets, $2 to $10 largest variety at Bosynbanm & Co.'s. MEETINGS. -VfC-TICE-IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A jLl meeting, of the stockholders of the Mo Keesport and Bellevernon Railroad Company will be belli at the general office of the corn pan v. In the Bank of Commerce building, city of Pittsburg, on NOVEMBERS). 1890, at 11 o'clock A. M.. to consider an agreement ot consolida tion between that company and the Pittsbnre. McKeesport and Yourhicheny Railroad Corn- pany. JOHON G. ROBINSON. Sec'y. Pittsburg, Pa October 9, 189a :iouer v, usuu. oclO-25-oclQ.17.24.31.no5 Office of the Phcsnix Glass Company, i Pittsburg, Pa October 2. 1S90. ( TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Phoenix Glass Co. lake notice that bv virtue of a resolution of tbe Board of Directors of this company a meeting of the stockholders thereof will be held at Its offlre. Room C Steven-on buildinc. No. 43 Sixth avenue. Pitt- n rg, .nu. on WED.NE5.UAX, December 3, 1S9Q. at 10 JU o'clock A. IT., to vote upon the in crease or tbe canital stock of said companv. E. P. EBBERTS. ANDREW HOWARD. ocS-27-r Secretary. President LEGAL NOTICES. J. J. SIEKENECK, Attorney at Law, No. 1 Wylle avenue. J ESTATE OF ERNEST SIJEFEL. DE X CEA ED Admlnl tratlon notice Notice hereby giveu that letters of administration, with the will annexed, on tbe estate of Ernest S iefek late of tbe citv of Pittsburg, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delav to ELIZABETH 8TIEFEL. Administratrix, c t. a., of Ernest Stiefel, de ceased, Nn. 132 Forty-fourth st, Pittsburg. October 23. 1890. oc24-46-f IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS No. , of Allegheny countj. No. 565 of De Cf mber term, 1S00. Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the said court or a Law Judge thereof, on Saturday, the 15th day of October, A. D. 1830. at 10 o'clock A. it, tinder turret of tbe General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regu lation of certain corporations," approved the 29tb day of April, A. D. 1874, and the supple ments thereto,by Thomas H. Hucbe. W. W. Hulton. Otto E. Heineuian, Geo. W. Snaman, Jr., C W. Helmold and others, for tbe charter of an intended corporation to be called "Tbe Order of Azor." tbe character and object of which is tbe maintaining ot a socieiy for bene ficial or protective purposes to its members, from funds collected from such members, and for this purnose to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by said act and its supplements. S. A. A M. JOHNSTON, oc24-45-y Attorneys for applicants. THE XS-DUplay advertisements one dollar per iquanorone intertion. Clauified advertise ment! on thit page, tuch at Wanted, For Sale. To Let, etc, ten cent per line for each inter lion, and none taken for less than thirty eenU. Top line being displayed counts at two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRjUTCH offices. FOB THE bOUTHSIDE. NO. 13 CABSON STREET. BRANCH OFFICES ALSO ASBELOW, WHERE WANT. FOR 8ALK, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RE CEIVED UP TO P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements are vo be prepaid except where adTertUers already have accounts wtthTaxDls PATCH. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. 35.A Butler street. EMILG. STUCKEY. :4th street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., Wylle ave. and FulloniU N. bTOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market Uoou. SASTXXD. I. W. WALLACE. (121 Penn avenue. OAKXJkXD. MCALLISTER &BHElULEK,5thT. AAtwooOSU SOCTHSIDS. JACOB SPOHN, No. ICarson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAERCHER, 59 Federal street. H. 3. McBRlUK, Market House, Allecheny. FREDR. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERS SON. Ohio and Chestnntsts. SAMUEL LARKY. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaveraves. PERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. T. B, MORRIS, 686 Preble ave. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave. SHARPSBUEG. C. BELLMAN. Stationer. Sis Main st. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Hale Help. AGENTS-AN ESTABLISHED BUILDING and loan association, trim main offices in Cincinnati. .. and Hnntsvllle, Ala., wants an experienced agent to take charge or the territory In and around Plttsburp; ex clusive territory North or South to cood men! liberal pay. Address S. L. WHITTEN. No. 27 W. Fourth st , Cincinnati, O. oc22-4S-WSU AGENT-ALIVE, ENERGETIC PARTY IN everv place to introduce oar goods; we have a new line that will sell at every bouse and agents can reap a harvest between now and tbe holidays: will pay a salary of (75 per month if preferred, and furnish a team free address at once. STAND ARD SILVER WARE CO., Boston, Mass. OC18-41-D AGENTS TO SELL CANON KARRAR'SNEW boot. The Prince or Glory or Life orchrist:" also for Mrs. Gen. John A. Logan's popular hook. "The Home MannaL" anil a few lady agents for the celebrated medical work. Wire and Mother." P. J. FLEMING CO 77 Dia mond St. OCZ4-S2-TWTFSSU AIR KURNAUEMAN AND HELPER-ALSO three heavy green sand and three roll molders. LEWIS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO.. LIM.. Sonth Tenth St.. Pittsburg. o23-6 B ARHER A GOOD GERMAN. CALL AT OC24-63 302 CARSON ST., S. S. B OY-TO WORK IN STORE AND DELIVER 1 poods. Annlv with reference. betweeuSand 9 a. M.. 163 FIFTH AVE., city. ocM-92 BRICKLAYEKS-IO MEN AT STIRLING Boiler Works, Akron, O. Address by letter or wire, CHAS. BAIRD, Att'y, Akron,". oc3-S3 CANVASSER-FIRST-CLASS, FOR THE CEN TURY Dictionary. -H. WATTS 427 Wood su ocis-ioo CLERK EXPERIENCED-FOR COUNTING room: good position. Address, stating age, exper enre. reference and salary expected, C. L. E.. Dispatch ufflce. OC24-42 COPYHOLDEH-ON MORNING CI1Y DAILY: young man with some education and well acquainted with Pittsburg and Ulegheny. Ad dress, in own writing, stating age. experience. II any. and whrre employed before, PUBLISHER, P. O. Box 182, Pittsburg. Pa. oc22-117 LABOIIERS-100 LABORERS IMMEDIATELY. Apply CLINTON FURNACE. West Carson St., Sonthide. oc24-S6 MACHINIST-WlSHESSI'lUATIONTO LOOK after machinery and repair in mill or fac tory. RUSSELL, S3 Robinson street, Allegheny. oCM-SO, TVANAGElt FOE DRUG STORE; MUST Jjl speak German, married man preferred. Address LOCK BOX 689. Pltunnrg. 0C24-56 AN FIRST-CLASS MAN TO TAKE charge of open hearth steel plant. Address, with references and particulars, SOS ROOKERY BUILDING. Chicago, III. OCZ3-78 -,f-EN-50TO WORK ON RAILROAD: WAGES 1VL V 50per day; call at once to jso. 142 WAi KR S1REET. OC23-75 M EN TEN CORKERS. APPLY TO STARK HKUS., bcottoale, l'a. , OC2Z-50 OFrlCE BOY -15 TO 17 YEARS OLD. TO work In a real estate office in the East End: must be neat and Intelligent: good opportunity for bright boy to learn general basinets. Address, with reference. VAN GORDER 4 LLOYD 6218 Penn ave. oc24-83 LUMBER-A GOOD PLUMBER CALL AT 1809 CARSON STREET, B. S. oc25-27 SALESMAN FOR CITSr ArtD TO DO SOME traveling on esftary: must be of good appear ance: none but fir&t-clasa men need apply. BOX t7i, Pittsbnrg, Pa, ocM-91 SHOE SALESMEN-FOB WHOLESALE AND retail departments: good permanentposltlons to thoroughly experienced and competent men; satisfactory references req aired; no other need ap ply. W. M. LAIRD. 515"Wood street. ocJ2-f WIREMEN-TWENTY WIEEMEN AT DC QUESNE1HEATER. oc23-9S Female Help. c OOK-AT 153 FAYETTE STREET. ALLE- uii,Ai. juusi come weu recommended. OC23-41 WASHERWOMAN-IN ALL'Y.. TO WASH for one gent; German preferred. M. R., Dispatch office. oc23-77 Hale and Female Help. DAIRY MEN-FARM HANDS. LABORERS, man for Innch connter. colored porter, 200 house gins lor private ramuiesana hotels, short order cook, night cook, chamberm ilds, cooks, waitresses, nurse girls. MKEHAN'S, 515 Grant st. Tel. 90. oc20-D Situations. BOOKKEEPING-WILL TAKE CHARGE OF books requiring only occasional attention: attend to opening or closing of books, correction or errori or anything in the line or accounting: have bad long experience and can give the best of references. A. F. SAWH1LL, 187 Federal 6t., Allegheny, Pa. oct-62-D POSITION-AS TIMEKEEPER OR AT GEN ERAL office work, by a married man 33 yrs. of age; A 1 references. Address V. M. C. Dis patch office. oc23-87 SITUATION -BY DRDG 'CLERK; OVER three years' experience: be6t ot refeience given. Address D. C. Dispatch office. oc23-90 SITUATION-BY A YOUNG MAN. AGED 17, to work in office, with chance for advance ment. Address S. II., Dispatch office. OC24-61 Boarding. BOARD-IN riTTSBURG. ALLEGHENY OR suburbs, about Feb. 1. '91, by a gentleman and wire, with daughter S years, son 7 and child I year old: permanent board, either with widow lady or gentleman and wife: must have two bed rooms, sitting room and bath, all warmed and lighted: gentleman traveling considerably: best references n quired and given. Addrtss D., 71 Federal street, Allegheny City. ooM 57-TTF6SU Financial. TVfORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY JvX county property at lowest rates. HENRtf A. WEAVER CO.. 32 Fourth avenue. mh2-D TO INVEST 15.000 TO 15,00O-IN 80ME profitable business, mfg. prercrred. Ad dress CAPITAL, Dispatch office. OC2I-1S ' LOAN S5O3.W0, IN AMOUNTS OF S3.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on m per cent free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. se2l-d3-D O LOAN J200.000 ON MORTGAGES S100 anduoward at 6 per cent: S500, 000 al4) per cent on residences or business property, vacant lots or farms. S. H. FRENCH, i2o Fourth ave. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock, Etc DOG-SKTTEKDOG-ONETHATWILLHUNT quail and pheasants: no high-priced one wantea: must be cheap. Address S. T., Dispatch office. OC24-52 WAGON-2-HORSE SPRING WAGON FOR feed or moving wagon. H. H., Dispatch office. OC21-S2 Miscellaneous. EVERYONE TO KNOW THEY CAN GET tbeir sewing machine repaired In first-class order; all work warranted: genuine needles and attachments for all makes or machines at the low est prices: tbe best skirt draper in the market. Call and see it at H. CARTER'S, 19 Sixth St. OC7-1TWP 1NSTRUCTIONS-A YOUNG LADY DESIRES to attend a seminary where private Instruc tions are given, or receive instructions in private family: locality must be healthy and outside ot city, country preferred. Address, stating terms, EDUCAIION. Dispatch offlce. 6c22-24-iWF PENSIONS THE PITTSBURG PENblON AGENCY OF J, H. STEVENSON & CO., 100 Fifth ave.-Penslons now bad for all disabled soldiers, permanently helpless children and widows of deceased soldiers under late act of Congress: pensions increased to correspond with tbe disability; bounties collected: certificates ol service procured where discbarges are lost. se!4-s HTTSBTJKG., .DISPATCH; WANTED. Miscellaneous. ALLTOUSEJONES'BEUBUGFAHALYZEE Jones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no poison: roaches banished oy contract; satisfac tion given or no pay. Prepared by GEO. w. JON ES. 222 Federalst., Allegheny. Pa. Sol by all first-class druggists. Telephone No. 3332. Jyll-42-MWF T IO PURCHASE-FOR CASH. SECON D-H N D X steam elevator: capacity LOnO lbs. or more. Address BONISTILLI & BIBL 10 Diamond FOB SALE-IMPROVED HEAL ESTATE. -"-"- - "" i,.n.i" City Residences. CENTER AVK-NEAR FULTON ST.-A'AT bargain, to effect a quick sale of a desirable brick house, 8 rooms, modern Improvements: lot 21x80 ft : any one desiring to buy a good home cheap should call at once. See W. A. HERKON SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oc3-52-r' CONGRESS ST.-tll. C00-CORNER FRANKLIN St.. Seventh ward, three-story brick dwell ing of nine rooms, hall, bathroom, w. c. range, both gases, marble mantels, furnace, nice laundry, etc; rents for (32 per month: lot 36x4o; send for large catalogue free. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. E51 oclO-JO-rsu ..PS,T ..n wm Itvtonr It , I11TV11UII11SV (24.000. 2 tbree-storv brick buildings, one or 'storeroom and 5 dwelling rooms, the other of storeroom and 9 dwelling rooms: both buildings have hall, bathroom, "w. c, hot and cold water, and both gases: also, three 5-room brick housesin the rear on onr alley; lot 40x80: a pood Invest ment. E55. Send fOr large catalogue, free, just out. BLACK &. BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. oc5-44-TuFSu HOUSES-A PAYING INVESTMENT. NOW bringing In over i,S00 per year rent, block rehouses fronting two streets: well located in the Eighth ward, near Fifth ave.; price very reasonable and terms easy. See W. A. HERRON i. SON S, No. SO Fourth ave. ocS-26-r WEKSTER AVE. -i',600-NEAR Dr.Vlb L1ERS street, a two-story pressed brick dwelling of 9 rooms, ball, bathroom, w. c range, both gases, marble mantels, nice laundry, etc.; lot 20x126: send for lsrgecataiogne free. BLACK BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. 60 oclO-21-MF WEBSTER AVE.-H200-NEAR ARTHUR street, 2 two-story brick dwellings of 5 rooms each: rent forj!9 50 each: lot 20x109. send for large catalogue free. BLACK & BAIRD, tto Fourth avenue. E75 oclo-21-Mr 0 500 NEAT. NEW BRICK HOUSES: FIVE C Ai rooms. Inside w. c, both kinds ni gas: on Gilmorest,. Eighth ward, twosquaresfrom Wylle avenue cable llnet terms easy. (76). See W. A. HERItON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. OC8-39-S,ll.ia,17.20.24 , East End Residences. BROAD ST.-f3,5CC NEAR lEGLEi" AVE., two-story frame dwelling of seven rooms, hall, natural gas. porcbes,etc: very conveniently and p easantly located, only one square from cable line ana new electric road; lot 32x105. A272. Send for large catalogue, free. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 0010-2-101 EAST END AVENUE-NEAR PENN. BEAU TIFUL frame dwelling 8 rooms, reception halk bath.w.o.. natural gas, electric light. AIM. Send for large catalogue, free. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. oclO-22-Tur HOUSE AND TWO LOTS-NEAR HOME WOOD station. P. R. R., No. 7230 Susque hanna street. 5 rooms In house, with hall and cel lar: lots 50x100 feet, to be sold at public sale by order ofexecutor on Friday afternoon, 'let. 24. at 2:30 o'clock on t e premises: peremptory sale to close an estate: title perfect. Terms at sale or rrom JAMES W. DRAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsbrg. ocl8-55-TTF HOUSE 12-ROOM. TWO-STORY BRICK Queen Anne; all modern Improvements: re ception halk bathroom .1. w.c. both gases, electric lights and bells, furnace and laundry; one minute frim Duquesne electric road; three minutes from P. K. R.: five minutes rrom Firth ave. and Penn ave cable: verv cheap: terms easy. McLAIN & ZUGSMITH, 437 Grant at. OC24-67 XTEG,'EY AVE.. EAST END-ELEGANT JL.T residence, on eiectncioau; 5,5uu. w. w. MCNEILL & BKO; 152 Fourth ave. OC19-47 OAKLAND AT A BARGAIN A CHOICE Oakland residence: a new two-story and mansard brick residence or eight rooms, halk ves tibule, bath, w, c and w. s., range, h. and c water, slato mantels ard tile hearth, molde shat ters, front and rear porch; the house Is hand somely papered throughout: large, dry cellir. nlcelv cemented and perfectlv drv; the sewerage is perfect, being connected with main cltv sewer; lot 24x100 to an alley: immediate possession. J. E. GLASS. No. 133 Fifth ave. oc24-7i OAKLAND AVENUE-ON THIS CHOICE residence street we can offer at a bargain a new modern style pressed brick house of 8 rooms, with bath, laundry and every convenience: char acter or the property as to location, stvle and fin ish is elegant: it should btve the attention or a buyer desiring a very attneiive Oakland resi dence at a moderate cost. CHARLES SOMERS & CO.. 313 Wood St.. 6019 Penu ave. oc23-9-Thrsu" SIMEN AVE. 5.80-NEAR LINDEN. BOU LEVARD place, a beautiful frame dwelling of ten rooms, reception hall, bathroom, w. c, stationary wash stand, both gases, slate mantels, laundrv, electric light wires: all modern conven iences: lot 35x100: send for large catalogue, tree. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. A212 ocl0-22-TnF' xaxvxw; AT'-niiAn .niunun-ui', a.h kj exceptionally fine residence quarter, hand some frontage. or 40 leet, modern pressed brick house or II rooms. Including three nice attic rooms, tastefully finished throughout and com plete with all conveniences: this propertv is cheap at 18.000; terms orpayment to accommodate pur chaser. CHARLES SOMERS CO. .313 Wood sc, 6019 Penn ave. os4-to-FSU UMMFRLEA ST. 83.500 - NEAR ELLS WOR1H avenue, very pretty Queen Anne frame dwelling or nine rooms, reception hall, ves tibule, bathroom, statlonarv waslistand, w. c, hot and cold water, front and rear stairs, slate and hardwood mantels with beautiful cabinet trim mings, tile Dearths, elegant chandeliers, natural gas, sliding doors, inside shutters and china clos ets: large closet in each room; handsomely fiapered throughout; front and rear porches: nice awn: lot 51x111x77: near Daquesne electriccars; very desirable location: send for large catalogue, free. BLACK BAUtD. 95 Fourth avenue. A217 ocltt-22-Tur' QpJ OOO SALL CASH PAYMENT, BALANCE iSOl time to salt: Edwin street, near Highland ave.. cables and P. R. R.; nice residence: loca tion improving rapidly; modern house, nine rooms. Including three good attic rooms: a finely arranged and well-completed house: handsome reception balk connected with parlor by sliding doors: also sliding doors between dining room and parlor: fine slate mantels and tile hearths, both gases, electric lights and bells, bath. Inside w.cs., laundry, large pantrv, ornamental porches front and re-.r; lot 30x120. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Penn ave. oc24-4S-rsu (QA OOO A -NEW TWO-SIOISY FRAME J5tf house or7 rooms and attic, ball, vestibule, bath. Inside w.c. and w a . range, n. and c. water, slate mantels and tile hearths, inside shutters, porches iront and rear; lot 30x100 feet: this is a rare bargain and is only oue minute from Roup station aud one-rair square from Dnquesne car line on Ellsworth ave. J. . GLASS, 133 ifth ave. oc24-71 2? 600 OAKLAND A NEW TWO-STORY' tuHJ) and mansard brick dwelling or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, inside shatters, state mantels and tile nearths, range, n. and c water, bath, w. c. and w. a.; laundry in basement, natural and ar tificial gas; sewerage complete: front and rear Porches; lot 24x120 lect. J. E. GLASS. .No. 153 ifth ave. OC24-71 (DO 700-EASY TER51S: NEW HOUSE ON J50 Sheridan ave., E. .; six rooms, hall, finished attic, bath, inside w. c, slate mantels, tile hearths. Inside shutters, good cellar large porch; lot 27x100 to alley. Inquire J. M. FLEM ING, st No. 53 North Diamond St., Allegheny. oc23-ar' Qf) 600-ANEAT NEW FRAME HOUSE OP d9 rooms, hall, natural eas. cltr water; nnlv 2 minutes from Penn avenue cable line and one square from Negley ave. J. E. GLASS. No. 118 Huh ave. OC24-71' Allegheny Residences. ACKLEV br.-NEAR MONTEREV, ALLE GHENY, two brick houses, corner lot 22x78 feet. 7 rooms and hall: price (5.0U0: adjoining lot 23x78 feet, 6 rooms and ball; price S3.2U0., BECK FELD & BRACKEN, 61 Ohio sL, Allegheny. OC22-46 BUENA VISTA STREET-NEAR JACKSON brlctc or 10 rooms, a good house In all respects; only S9.OU0, B 232: send tor large catalognejust out. BLACK & BAIRD, So Fourth avenue. OC5-43-WFSU (ARFIEI.D AVE.. SECOND WARD, ALLE T lHENY, a very complete brick dwelling containing 8 rooms, bath, inside w. c.ball. vesti bule, large double parlors, laundry, large cup boards, cemented cUlar, Hyatt filter, natural and artificial gas, splendid light: corner proDertv. with lot 22 feet rront: side porches, etc (F, 85). M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 08 Fourthave. OC22-4S-WT WASHINGTON ST., ALLEGHENY VERY desirable residence: large lot; will be sold cheap. W. W. McuiEILL & BRO., 152 Fourth ave. . OCI9-47 G"? 600-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF UDOi seven rooms, hall, botn gases, stable, lot &IXK4, on Sheffield St., Allegheny: a good brick dwelling of nine rooms, hall, cellar, both gases, bathroom, splendid finish; on same lot a four room brick bouse, with cellar, both gates, etc. : for this property, price 63.510: a good nlm -room brick luSecond ward. Allegheny.for (4,000; a good brick bouse of four rooms, finished attic, ball, slate roof, both gases. In Second ward, for S3, 650: houses rented, rents collected andretnrnftYnnrtmnnthlv. J. H. STEVENSON & CO.. 100 Fifth ave. oc22 Fifths fl 600-MAPLE bTREET. ALLEGHENY: tTTC5 modern house of seven rooms, reception hall, finished attle, bath, laundry, electric fights and bells, both gev slate mantels, etc.: lot 45x 115; a cboiceltuatlon. convenient to electrlncars; easy terras or payment. CHARLES SOMERa A CO.. 313 Y ood St.. 6019 Penn ave. oc22-25-31WF &n 400-SUBSTANTIAL FRAME DWELL tDxU) ING, 5 large rooms, hall, porches, etc.. close to P. V. car line, Allegheny: a bargain: lot 48X150. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS. 154 Fourth ave. oc23-2 Suburban Residences. COUNTRY HESIDENCE-EMSWORTH-TWO acres grand forest trees: superior brick bodse. 13 rooms: lanrfntahli.. MtAt. fifth l&tA J. C Thompson: only 111,000: Immediate possession. a. luiuail a QU9, si ireaenu St.. Allegheny. UN. Sll oczi-wr FRANKLIN STi. WILKINSBURG NEAR tbe station: location good; fine house 14 rooms, modern Improvements: lot 68x264 ft. to Rebecca t. : a lovely home; bee W, A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oc2I-75-Tuv" 800 WILKINSBURG-AN EXCELLENT iipa property at actual value: handsome lot,nn choice street convenient to station. 50x132: mod ern bouse, eight rooms, complete and perfect in every particular: owner occupies; will accept low price and vafeate for purchaser; easy terms of payment CHARLES SOMERS A CO 113 Wood St.. sou penn ave. oc24-4S-rsa" -FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, FOB SALE LOTS.- East End Lota. AMBER STREET-C. 700. NEAR FRIENDSHIP M avenue, a vacant lot. 40x110 to 20-ioot alley; send for large catalogue free. BLACK & BAIRD, Bj Fourth avenue." A2U2. oclQ-22-Tnr MBER SI'REEl-r2,200, BAUM GROVE plan, a vacant lot. 40x103: send, for large catalogue free. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenne. A269. oc10-22-tuf OTS -CHOICE BUILDING LOTS IN EAST End; elegant residence locations: easy pay ments. MELLON BROTHERS, 6319 Station St., E. E. ocl9-133-inYrSU AKLAND-A CHOICE LOT 4DX104 FEET. IN a good location and adjoining some of tbe finest residences in that locality; only 11,800, J, E. GLASS. 138 urth ave. oc24-71 OOO FEET FRONT ON DESIRABLE streets in the East End. one square from traction road: ground lays well and is without doabt one of the ''garden spots" of the valley: hundreds or thousands of dollars have been put into residences in the immediate neighborhood within the year, insuring permanent and rapid enhancement: low price and easy terras; a hand some profit can be maae refilling. For Inll par ticulars see BAXTER, THOMPSON 4C0.. 162 Fourth ave. - oc:9-124-WFSu OOO-SMALL CASH PAYMENT DOWN, ta)J9 balance on easy terms and long time: be tween Highland and Shdy aves., one or the most desirable locations In the Last End: convenient to all the lines of quick transit; modern bouse of eight rooms; lot 69x137 feet to an alley: tbe lm- Srovements are so situated as to leave room to ulld other house if desired. See W. A. HERRON A SONS. No. 80 Fourth ave. 003-26-1- rT PER FOOT-OAKLAND RESIDENCE J t O site, nn 50-foot residence street, one square from Firth avenue cable line; lot 62x190 feet, fronts southeast; contains a number of large fruit and forest trees: also good stable and car riage house on rear; a delightful location for a home: easy terms. M. F. HIPPLE-& CO., 96 Fourth ave. ocl9-68TTSU Hazeltvood Lots. SECOND AVE. -AND LYTLE STS.. HAZEL WOOD, four large lots at positive bargain to qnick buyer. CHARLES SO. MERS & CO.. 313 vooa st,, 6019 Penn ave. OC24-48-FSU- Allegheny Lots. QlOO TO SI.600-FINK BUILDING LOTS. ?rt Second ward. 'Allegheny, on electric road. W. W. MCNEILL it BRO., 152 Fourth ave. 0019-47 Suburban Lots. EDGEWOOD -LOT 50X170: ONLY S800; GOOD location. X56. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. ocl7-65-Tnvsu ADINE PARK -LOTS AT WILDWOOD station, on the A. V. R. R.. near the city Uner for tax): onlv 1 ner cent down. II ner week: no lutvrcst; no laxes; naame xrariL contains lau iota, bair or which havealreaiy been sold. For plans, etc. call on or address E. D. W1NGENROTH, 100 Fourth ave. oc24-70 Farms. ' FARM-40 ACRES. RICK GARDEN LAND, good 2-story frame house, 6 rooms, sfate roor: short drive from Wllklnsburg on a good pike; a hearuome home: only 2 miles from Turtle creek. ED. WITTISH, 410 Grant St. QC23-D FOB SALE-BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. . BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY-DOING a good business. In a rapid growing town; good reasons for selling: no reasonable otftr re fused. Address RARE CHANCE, Dispatch office. OC21-64 GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSINESS AN excellent opportunity to acquire a profitable business and nice suburban home: business In active operation; live situation, 80 mites from city on Low Grade division A. V. R R ; clean salable stock of goods, invoice about 84.000: nice 7-roomed residence, with large lot, 82,500: owner Is obliged to retire from active work: can show pur chaser evidence of good profits making; will sell on most liberal terms. Full particulars rrom CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St., 9)19 Penn ave. oc24-49" GROCERY ANDMEAT MARKET DOING J500 ner week business: groceries. 4700 to C2.000r bakeries, coniectlonerles. cigar and notion stores. Interest In good office business. PERC1VAL i, CHAPMAN, 439 Grant St. OC24-4 GROCERY-WITH LARGE ESTABLISHED easn business: nice iresb stock; invoice $2,000: handsome room, in tbe best location: one or tbe fintet stores in tbe State. C. H. i OLSOM, Lima, O. OC24-43 HALF INTEREST IN A GENERAL STORE doing a cash business or(40,UOO per year: pirty buvlng Interest to manage: a splendid chance to the right man. Address R. A. P., Dis patch office. OC23-21 HARDWARE AND TINNING BUSINESS, two East End grocerv stores, others in both cities well located, flouring mill, 83.U00: bakeries, cigar stores, notion stores, drug stores, shoe stores, book and statlonerr store, milk depots. bUEPARD A CO.. 151 Fourth ave. ocI5 MILK DEPOT-HORSE, WAGON AND route. Inquire at 559 GRANT ST., Pitts burg, Pa, oc24-72 QALOON DAILY SALES 825; CAN 3 doubled: elecant modern bar rnrnitnre: BE fine rooms near postofHce In this growing city, center ofthe great oil and gas fields: price, with large stork or fine liquors, only 11,600; rare opening. C H. FOLSOM. Lima, O. oc24-43 Business ITopertle. ANCHOR COKEWOKKS-100 COKE OVEN 3,53 acres of coal, machinery, etc., ac Dunbar station, P R, R . property or the Pennsylvania Manufacturing. Alining and Supply Com pany.and lo oe soia positively wuaout reserve at dudiic sale on Wednesday afternoon, October29, at 2 o'clock. at tbe offices of the company. No. 1004 Penn ave., Pittsburg: absolute and peremptory sale. Terms, etc.. from L. McMULLlN. Attorney, 157 Fourth ave.. or JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.. Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. oc24-73-D FIRE BRICK WORKS-WITH ALL THE 31A CHINERY, at Conway. P.. Ft. W. Sc, C R, K., to be sold positively at public sale at the offices of tbe Pennsylvania Manulacturlng. Mining and Snpply Company. 1001 Penn ave.. Pittsburg, on Wednesday afternoon, October 29. at 2 o'clock; Eosltlve and unreserved sale. Terms, etc., from i. MCMULLIN. Attorney. 157 Fourth ave., or JAS. W . DRAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. oc24-7S-u LARIMER AVE. AND MEADOW ST.-ONE of tbe best business locations and paying In vestments In the hast End: lot 45x102 feet: two buildings, consisting or stores and dwellings and one dwelling on Meadow St. See W. A. HEKRON & SON 8, 60 Fourth ave ocl6-29-16,20,2i,28 LOr-NEH SIXTH AVENUE. 70180 TO AN alley, with old buildings renting forabout Si.500 per year: a desirable location for a ware house or business block; S19.000; easy terms. BAXTER, THOMPSON 4 CO., 162 Fourth ave. , 0019-126188 STORE FINE STORE PROPERTY. WITH stock of general merchandise, for sale or ex change; stoctc amounts to about S5.0U0and Is In lirst-class shape; building has plate-glass front, located on a corner on tbe main thoroughfare or a Erosperous town within 50 miles or Pittsburg; nllding Is 30x100 feet, bas 16-font celling, large cellar, and In per ect order: party is leaving the town, which is reason for selling. See S. A. DI(. K.IE& CO., Penn aud Shady aves.. Pittsburg, E. E. OC22-29-WF WAREHOUSE WILL RENT OR SELL New one, 102 Water street, with all the modern improvements: 30 reel front, 80 feet deep. Inquire .1. D.THOMPSON. 160 Fourth avenue. OC24-41 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Horses, Vehicles, Live Stock, Etc. HORSE-FOR WANT OF USE. HEAVY draft horse, 6 vears old: perfectly sound. In quire CHARLES O. WAUNER, 210 and 212 Wood St. 0c24-89 HORSE VERY CHEAP-SMALL HORSE Bnltable for light work: sound. 36 ALLE GHENY AVENUE, Allegheny. oc2-32 HOUND-TRAINED ON COON.RABB1TAND squirrel: also, ped. Scotch collie. Address E. M. CROKER. Canonsburg, Pa. 0C24-69 TONY -(LARGE). HARNESS. CART AND jl pnaeiou; win sen separately n wauiea. j. T. RAYMOr-D, 25 Lombard, near Dinwiddle, city. OC.I4-M- aiachinery and Metals. DRILLING ENGINES AND BOILERS-FOR oil or gas wells, engines and boilers In every size ana style, sawmills an.: wood-working ma cblnery. il Aiijir-a aiAtruiJiijii'ur, no. 97 First ave. Pittsburg, Pa. inh9-D B: NGINK3 ANV UOIXLK-SEW AM) RK- - itaaui. Cldii lux ui viuyti atlCUUCU iUt PORTER FOUNDRY AND A1ACH1NK CO.. LIM,, below Suspension bridge, Allegheny, Pa. OC28" HOISIING ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forglngs, 'steel hoisting and guy ropes in stock: stationary engines and boilers, shears, clay and ore pans. etc. THOMAS CAR LIN'S SONS. Lacock and Sanduskv streets. Alle gheny, Pa. au5-35-MWr QECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS O all sizes and stvleA in sttuMr. from 4 to 100 h. n. ; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices: porta ble engines, 8 to 25 b. p.: boilers all sizes and siyles. J. S. YOUNG, 23 Park way. Allegheny, Pa. OC25-80-D'' Miscellaneous. " TEWELRY STORE-STOCK AND FIXTURES. tf In county seat in W estern Penna. Address LOCK HOX261, Indiana, Pa,, for particulars, ocs-scr PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Avenne Hotel building. mh7 PERSONAL WE HAVE FOR SALE THE Encyclopedia Brltannlca, good as new. sheep or morocco binding; verv cbeap; also 50,000 other books, old and new. FRANK BACON A CO., 801 Smithfield street. se2S ERSONAL GENTLEMEN CONTEMPLAT ING a trip to tbe seashore and mountain re sorts or returning therefrom, should bring tbeir clothing to DICKSON, tbe tailor, 65 Filth ave., cor. Wood st., second floor, and have the same cleaned, repaired and pressed, so as to look like new, and at a reasonable cost, and at the same time should too desire a new suit, bis stock of Imported and domestic goods is of tbe newest and most fashionable patterns: by giving blm a call von will not regret It. Tele. 1558. c28-D LOST. LOST HORSE A DARK BROWN HORSE, blind one eve. Reward will be paid for re turn at 54 SPRING GARDEN AVE.! Allegheny. OC24-4 tmTvqr 189a t- TO LET. City Residences. PULTON STREET-NEW BRICK DWELLING ot seven rooms, halk vestibule, bath. Inside w. c. b. and c water, both gases, good cellar, laundrv; house finished In hard wood and Is gilded and papered all through: good location and neighborhood: Immediate possession; low rent. WM. PETTY & CO.. 107 Fourth aye. oc24-50t 1 O FER uiONTH-CHEAP. NEAT HOUSE, 5-LO five rooms, hall: Larkln's alley, near Twenty-first St., Southslde. See W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oc24-64t East End Residences. CRAIG ST.-NEAR FIFTH AVE.. A NEW2 story Quern Anne residence, 11 rooms, re ception halk handsomely papered throughout; every modern convenience See BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., IBS Fourth ave, oc9-5!-Dt Suburban Residences. tLENFIELO STATION - FORT WAYNE KX Railroads a two-story, seven-room house: nice lawn, fruit,, shade trees, natural gas. spring and soft water In house, etc. Inquire of A. FISHER, 161 Fifth avenue. oc!7-75t Booms. ROOMS ELEGANT, LARGE FRONT ROOMS, single or in suite, with bath; facing Alle gheny Parks: no family In the bouse: used only on the p lnclp.e of New York flats: Janitor In care of building. Inquire at 703 PENN AVE., room 611, or 75 CEDAR AVE.. Allegheny. ocll-36t ROOMS-UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, one six (6) room house, one thirtv-stx (361 room bouse suitable for hotel. In quire on PREMISES, corner Llbertv and Fourth street. ocl9-lS-irwFRut ROOM - SECOND-STORY FEONr ROOM, furnished, with table board: suitable for 2 gentlemen or man and wife. 158 SANDUSKY ST. o4-75t Offices, Desk Boom, "Etc OFFICES-! HE FINEST IN ALLEGHENY Speclal Inducements to tenants rentlngnow; in the Sterrett building. Ohio and West Diamond: send for list: special attention paid to rentlngand the collection of rents. W. A. HERItON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. oc24-63-MThSt OFFICES--1N GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK Building. Wood and Diamond sts.: singly or In suits: alL mmdern improvements and low rent. Inquire at Till: BANK. oc23-49t STRAYED. STRAYED-OR STOLEN-FROM 167 THIKTY EIGHTH street, one red. fat cow about 1,200 weight: also brown steer about 1. 100 welgut- Any information leading to their recovery will be liberally rewarded by A. KALCB THALER, stall No. 40 Diamond Market. Pittsburg. OC23-81 NOTICES. NOTICE THE MILL AND MACHINE blacksmiths of PittsbutR and Allegheny are requested to attend an open meeting, SAT URDAY EVENING, October 25, at 730. More head's Hall, cor. Second ave. and Grant st. Ordered by. , COMMITTEE. " v oc23-19 PBOPOSALS. SEALED PBOPOSALS-FOR THE BUILD ING of a school bouse in Lower St. Clair township will be received until 6 o'clock P. 3L, NOVEMBER6, 1KKX Plans and specifications can be seen at the bouse of H. Mewes. Mt. Oliver. All bids should be addressed to Build lnc Committee,, P. O. box 66,, Mr. Oliver. Fa. The board reserves the rijht to reject any or .11 Ma mTAU HtTAlTPP Rto'v all bids. CHAS. SHAFER. SecV. OC24-53 Office of County controller, Pittsbubg, October 18, 189(. J SEALED PROEOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. BID AY, October 21.1890, for surfacing and sodding areas about Court House. Bids to be by lump sum for work complete. The successful bidder will be required to give bond in double the amount of bid lor the faith ful performance of contract. The right to reiect anv or all bids is reserved. Specifications can be seen at office of County J Engineer I 0c2SL25 JU31AH oirccrt, County Controller. PROPOSALS FOR SFONE-U. S. ENGI NEER office. 507 Wet Chestunt street, Louisville. Ky.. October 21, 1890. Sealed pro posals In duplicate will be received at this office until 1 P. M (local time), on Thursday the 20th day of November, 1890, lor furnishing stone for the construction of a lock in the Wabash river, near Mt. Carmel. III. The attention of bidders is invited to acts of Congress of February 26, 1835. and February 23, 1887, volume 23, page 332, and voinme 24. page 414, Statutes at Large. Preference will be given to stone of domestic prodnction, conditions ot quality and price be ing equak The right is reserved to reject any aud all bids. Specifications and printed forms for proposals will be furnished on application to the undersigned. ED W, MAGUIRE, Cap tain of Engineers, U. S. A. AMUSEMENTS. XTRA. HAERT DAVKT FIFTH ATE. JUTSEUtt Commencing Monday, Oct 27, GRAND CONTEST OF LADY TYPEWRITERS Beginning at 1 o'clock p. M. Monday, and continuing six days. $250 IN, CASH PHIZES. A SPECIAL PRIZE OF S50 For th e best la dy operator from the Typewriting Colleges of Pittsburg. Each college entitled to one representative. All entries must be made by 10 o'clock Satur day at the Box Office of tbe Museum. No en trance fee charged. Tbe judges of the contest will be representa tive citizens. The famous standard Remington Typewriting juacnine win oe usea lor tup contest. oco-ia IDEAL CONCERT SEXTETTE OF NBW YORK, WITH MISS OAREIE LOUISE RAY READER IS- Alf "EVENING WITH THOMAS MOORE." AT OLD CITY HALL, PRIDAY EVENING OF THIS WEEK. This is the first of the members' course of the Younc Men's Christian Association. The other dates of the season are: NOVEMBER 28. Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D., of Chicago, in a new lecture. ' DECEMBER 26. Boston Ideal Banjo, Mando lin and Guitar Club. JANUARY 23. Mrs. Scott-SIddons Dramatic and Miscellaneous Readings. FEBRUARY 27. Swedish Male Quartette. MARCH 27. Bill Nye and Company. A $5 membership ticket in the Association gives admission with a lady to all the above; as well as to gymnasium, evening classes and other privlieces at the Association building. Any younc;man of good moral character is elmible to member ship. Persons not members will be admitted upon payment of 50 cents each at the door. ec23-7 GRAND OPERA. HOUSE. Next week. Wed. and Sat. Matinees, JOSEPH MTJBPITx And Carefully Selected Company. SHATJN BHTJB Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mat and Night. KEBBY GOW. Thnrsdav, Friday, Saturday Mat. and Night. Prices. 1, 75c, 60c, 25c. Seats now on sale. oc23-34 DIJOU THEATER X) To-night, KIRALFY'S AROUND THE WORLD IN SO DAYS. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Oct. 27-lames T. Powers in -A StraightTip." ociQ-3 GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-Nizbt. Matinee Saturday. ROLAND REED. THE WOMAN HATER. Next Week-Joseph Murphy. OC19-23 HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY , Tu-mght Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. WHALLEN 4 MARTELLE'S SUPERB VAUDEVILLE CO. . S3-STARS-S3 oc21-50 IT ARRY DAVIS FIFTH AVENUE MU H SEUM, ROOF GARDEN AND TEE ILR Commencing October 2b, CAMPBELL AND HD AIR SHD?. Doors ipen 1 to 5. 7 to 10 r. If. Admission, 10 cents. OC20-18 EOOTBALL EXPOSITION park; SATURDAY AT 3:45 P. M. ALL-PITTSBURG V8 OC3442 ALLEGHENY ATHLETICS. r twwnxfrr'w AUCTION SALES. LEWIS McMULLlN, Attorney, 157 Fourth to POSITIVELY UNRESEVED AND PEREMPTORY PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY ON PENH ML, Near Tenth St., Pittsburg. Also, Extensive Coke Works AT DUNBAR bTATION. P. R. R. AND LARGE BRICK WORKS AT CONWAY. NEAR FREEDOM, P.. F. W. & C. R. R. Properties of the Pennsylvania Manufactur ing, Mining tnd Supply Company, which is giv ing up business. Tbe entire properties to be exposed at public sale on Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 29, At 2 o'clock, at the Warehouses of the Company. Nos. 1004, 1006, 1008 Penn ave., Pittsburg. Tbe lot is 67J feet In width on Penn ave. and 110 feet deep to an alley, with large three-story brick warehouses, including offices on first and second floors, and storerooms, large dry cellar, dvilranlic elevator, etc., etc: renting value, 6,000 annually; lease runs 21 years from April 1, 13S3, at a ground rent of 11,012 SO annually. ALSO, AT SAME TIME AND PLACE. The extensive Anchor Coke Works at Dnnbar station. P. R. R., embracing 100 ovens with all necessary machinery for tbe coka business, and evervthmi? in fnll rnnnlncr order: 53 acres of coal. 15 acre? ot surface, engine and boiler houses, pumping house, storeroom, 10 dwelling nouses, etc., etc., AND ALSO, AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE, The large Firebrick Work at Conway, near Freedom. P F. W. & C. R. R, including 38 acres of fine fire clay, coal, limestone and other minerals; 9 acies of real estate.109 iron cars and pallets for a capacity of 30,000 brick daily; Cor liss engine and ample boiler capacity. Centen nial brick machines, dry pans, kilns, dryers and complete appliances for carrying on tbe brick business, etc Tbe company Is giving up business in every branch to dissolve present partnership, and the sales are for tbe purpose' of facilitating settle ment among tbe stockholders, and all the prop erties will positively be sold without restriction or reserve to the last and highest bidder. Fuller information and permission to examine the various properties can be obtained at onr offlce or at the offices of tbe company, 1004, 1006 and 100S Penn ave. TERMS cash on delivery of deed within ten days, in three months and in six months, to be secured by close mortgage and bond on tbe property and with interest; 12.000 to be paid down on each property on day of sale. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 FOURTH AVE., PITTSBURG. 0C2174-D AUCTION SALE. The Pittsburg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Exchange. Will be offered at public auction on the floor of tbe Exchange, bv order of tbe Board of Directors, that, desirable property located on Fourth ave.. near Smithfield St., known as tbe Pittsbnrg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Ex cftange. Saturday, November 15, 1890, At 12 0'Clock M. Tho lot has a frontage of 45 49 100 feet on Fourth ave- extendine back 120 67-100 feet, pre serving tbe same width, on which la erected a DrlcK, stone-trimmed Duiming, in modern styis and unsurpassed in beauty and architecture by any building in tbe city, while its location, so near the United States Postoffice and Court House and banking institutions, combine to render this the most favorable opportunity for investment tbat can be offered. Terms will be announced day of sale For further particulars inquire of JAMUS a MoKELVx. President, or JOHN D. BAILEY. Auctioneer. ocTf-!1 EXECUTOR'S SALE. Large and well-selected stook of "WALL PAPER, At greatly reduced prices. Must be sold at once to close up estate of HENRY SWINDELL, Deceased, MS FEDERAL 8T., ALLEGHENY. Se2i-12-1TWT TTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE FRIDAY morning, October 24, at 10 o'clock, at tho rooms No. 3D. Market st Fine pianoforte, parlor organ, velvet body Brussels and ingrain ball room and stair car pets, rngs, curtains, clocks, pictures, orna ments, nurrors. organettes, chamber and parlor suits, library and dining roam furniture, hall racks, bedding, laundry and kitchen furnish ments, etc Also the balance of those fine suitings, ladles' garments, etc, etc SvRrvthinir will be sold positively. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. 0C23-13. ASSIGNEE'S HALE-LAWRENCEBANK Building will be sold at public auction on tbe premises by John D. Bailey, Auctioneer, on THURSDAY. October 30. 1800. 10 o'clock A. K TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of tbe pnrcbaso money to be paid in cash on tbe day1 of sale: the balance of one-third on or before tbe return day of this order (15th day of November next), and the balance in two equal annual payments secured by tight bond and mortgage upon the prem ises, or all in cash at the option of the pur chaser. By order of Court of Common Pleas, No. L FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO.. OC3-47 Assignee. AUCTION SALES. H. B. SMITHSON. Real Estate and General Auctioneer, room 58 Eisner Building, Fifth and Wood street. Sales of Jewelry and Merchandise at stores. Furni ture at residences promptly attended to. oCMJ DaTIDEND. The CHABTnnts Vaiazy Gas Co i PrrrsBTjKO. Pa, October 1890. S VTOTICE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN of this company bas this day declared a dividend of ONE AND ONE-HALF PER CENT upon tbe capital stock of tbe company, payable on the 25th Instant by mailed check. Transfer books will be closed from ISth to 25th inclusive. F. J. TENER. Treasurer. oclO-29-D REMOVAL. JR. O. IiyCIET.T.EDR, House and Sign Painter, bas removed from , 135 Third avenue, to 73 SIXTH AVENUE. Opposite Third Presbyterian Chnrcb. Special attention -riven to the handling of plate glass, cutting and drilling. Repairing windows, sky lights, etc House painting and glazing in all its branches. oclM$D H E-HO TEA Sold Wholesale and Retail hv GEO. K. STEVENSON A CO, runt aRocERiBs, talSonn' - Bbttk tTwrua. 3 CHOICE PROPERTIES. BLAST FURNACE. We have for sale the Red Bank Furnace property on A. V. R. R., and Low Grade Division, at Red Bank Creek, on Allegheny river. About goo acres in fee sim ple, underlaid with coal, ore, limestone and fireclay of ex cellent quality, also coal and minerals under about 200 acres additional. Furnace stack 45 feet high, iia feet bosh, 4 tuyeres.close top, with bell and hopper. 2 hot blasts. 42 coke ovens. Coal washer and crusher, ca pacity 100 tons per day. Coal bank, with T fails through all entries. Incline plane from pit to furnace. R. R. sidings for 20 cars. Gas well, producing suffi cient gas to supply fuel for boilers and light Chain Ferry, belonging" to furnace, crosses the river. Storerooms, office, ware rooms, stables and tenement houses on the property. Must be sold to close an estate, and the price, $90,000, is less than the value of the; land. Reasonable terms will be accepted. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 FOURTH AVENUE. OC22-45-WTSU A BARGAIN. We have to-day received for sale a new modern brick residence, on Center avenue, East End, fitted with all con veniences, including electric lio-ht Owing to business changes, present owner must sell, and is therefore willing to take less than the property is worth. He will pay for all street improvements now being made. The price is only $11,000. A-304. ' " See BLACK & BAIRD, 95 FOURTH AVE. oel7-69-'WT8U $6500. EAST END. On 60-foot aspbaltum, paved and sewered avenne, only one-half square from electria street-car line, also convenient 10 cable line and P. R. R. Elegant new modern style 9-roora brick dwelling, wide hall, large bathroom, with latest improved plumbing: range, laundry sta tionary tubs, cemented cellar, completely wired for electric lighting and fitted throughout with fine combination chandeliers; the entire dwell, ing tastefully and artistically papered and dec orated throughout. Terms, small cash pay ment down, balance long time. AI. F. HIPPLE fc CO, 86 Fourth Avenue. OC19-69-TUTSU CALIFORNIA AVENUE LOTS Choice Location. River View, Easy Terms. The Davis plan. On line of Electric Road, convenient to Wood's Run and Vernor stations, P., Ft. W. &, C. R'y and Union Line street cars, NORMAN MAY, 108 Fourth Avenue. se2S-144-MTT OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. -VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-SEALED J proposals will be received at the office of City Controller until FRIDAY, tbe 31st day of October, A. C 1890, at 2 o'clock, for the followinr. viz.: GRADING. PAVING AND CURBING. Tbirty-sixtb street, from Charlotte street to Railroad street. Virginia avenue, from Kearsarge street to "Wyoming street. GRADING AND PAVING. 'Woolslayer alley, from Thirty-seventh street to Thirty-eighth strcef. Foe alley, from Fifty-second street to, lie. Candless street. Hoffer alley, from Overhill street to Roberts ' street. PAVING AND CURBING. Craig street, from Filth avenue to Center avenue. PAVING. Clark alley, from Roberts street to OverUS street. Tbe paving of the above-named streets to ba either of block stone, vulcanite aspnalt. Irregu lar block stone, or cobble stone, and bids will be received for each kind of pavement. Plans and soecihcatlons can be seen, and blanks for bidding can be obtained, at the gen eral offlce. Department of Public Works. Each proposal must be accompanied try a, bond, with two sureties, probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Departmentof Awards reserves tbo tight to reiect any or all bios. E.M.B1GELOW. Chief or Department of Public Works. Pittsburg, Octoner 21, 18S0. oc2Ml Continued on Sixth Faae. ' WM. PMDLETOtf GABES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dealer in Texas and Mexican Lands. MORTGAGES AND VENDOR'S LIENS. Money loaned and invested for residents and non-residents. Eighteen years experience la Landaiattera. Correspondence so.iciied. 120 E. Sixth st, Austin, Texas. P.O. Box 163 Fine Ranches, S oct Farms, Grain Farms, . Cotton and Sugar Plantations. Mineral Lands, Largs Bodies of One Agricultural Lands for Colonies. REFERENCES. Hon. L. S. Ross, Governor of Texas,Austln,Tex. Jas. H. Raymond t Co.. Bankers, Austin, Texas; First National Bank Austin, Texas, Citv National Bank .Austin. Texas. . American National Bank .Austin, Texas, Provident National Bank.. .,... .Waco, Texuu 0&2-U7-XWT ,,,, 1 4 I 1