Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 19, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 15, Image 15

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How the Hih-Toned Smokers of
Gotham Stocked Up on Haranas
to Escape the New Tariff.
Ksir Self-LIghtlne Cigar and a
That Can be Cleaned With a
Little Pnff of Breath.
A Detroit Xu Wlo Eu Been Grinding Dp Stnts Into
a Very MirketiHe Bntt
The rush for Havana cigars jut before
the new tariff law went into effect, writes
Charles T. Murray from New Xork to The
Dispatch, was something wonderful.
While the nnlk of the sales made by the bi
wholesale houses was made to retail dealers,
a considerable amount was taken by in
dividual customers. The firms of Acker,
Merrill & Condit and Park & Tillord sold
in two days 73.000 and 100,000 imported
cigars, respectively. This embraced about
everything they had on hand, not only the
surplus accumulated in anticipation of the
change in the duty, but all of their old
Much of the latter was really unmarket
able that is, it would have been unmarket
able except to an excited crowd of buyers,
who thought they were getting a good thing
cheap. It was a "pretty good thing for the
wholesalers. As for the buyers, they flocked
about like a crowd of women at an auction
or around a bargain counter. The clerks
couldn't serve their customers fast enough.
Men bought cigars they didn't need, and
went away apparently happy with brands
they had never before smoked and of which
they knew nothing.
One would think that men who can afford
to pay and do pay from 525 to 575 a hundred
for cigars would care very little for a few
dollars more per thousand; that they would
at least buy with some discretion and cau
tion. But there are a good many men in
ifew YorK who smoke lroni 25-cent to 51
cicars who begrudge a waiter a 10-cent tip,
and are extraordinarily careful when it
comes to paying more than 1 cent 'or a news
paper. If some of these swells got Sadly
bitten on their recently acquired stock of
cigars nobody will ween for them.
Self-lightixg Cigar, Another nov-1
elty in cigars has been patented by Thomas
"West, of Decatur, Ala., and Ephraim 31.
Turner, o! Fort "Worth, Texas, consisting
of a device by which each cigar is readily
ignited without matches or spills. The
idea is a disk of paper imnregnated with
saltpeter, which covers the end of the cigar,
and through which is inserted a match
head arrangement for the purpose of igni
tion. The whole is secured to the cigar bv
wire legs, which are pushed into the cigaiv
"When used the match lights the paper,
which smolders and lights the cigar.
There are several objections to be raised,
says jToJacco: The first is the deleterious
effects of the saltpeter fumes on the throat,
the tendency of the cigar tip to break in
striking the match and so be rendered un
smokable, and the heating of the wires,
which are liable to burn the clothes if it
tails on them, or the finger if the ash is
mcKed oo.
A Xovel Tipe. There have been many
pipes placed on the market fitted with de
rices for cleansing the stem when desired,
but all have had some drawback or other'
not perceived until in actual use. Charles
Angu, of Albany, N. Y., says Tobacco,
now seems to have a good idea. "The novelty
is a small plug, which passes transversely
through the bowl. This plug is shown at
A. It will be seen that the portion of the
plus directly under the bowl of the
pipe is cut away on one side, and
that the stem draught of the pipe
extends from the mouthpiece, straight
through to the back of the bowl. When the
pipe is to be smoked, the ping is turned so
that the solid part of the plug stops the
straight stem draught at the back of the
bowl, and the cut-away part forms the ex
tension of stem to admit the smoke from the
bowl to the mouth. When the pipe is to be
cleaned a half turn of the plug brings the
solid part round to stop up the hole at the
base of the bowl, and opens the stem draught
right through, as shown in the illustration,
so that it may be easily and instantaneously
Smoke ix the Nose. There is no de
nying the fact that tobacco smoking, when
carried heyond a certain limit, injures the
eyesight, siys a writer m the Boston Herald.
It is also capable of destroying the sense of
smell. These results "are 'hastened if the
induiger blows the smoke throngh his nose,
as is the custom with those who are habit
uated to the nse of cigarettes.
Such people in time suffer from a drvness
or the throat and back part of the nasal pas
tapes; they also have a stuffiness in the nose
and occasionally one nostril seems to be par
tially stopped up. With these signs, as a
ruiv, li.u Sn. is more or less impaired; so
too, :s the snse of smell. '
Unless these defects have existed for a
long time, if the habit of smoking is dis
continue!, they will disappear, at least in a
Tery great decree, if not entirely.
Iuhaling tobacco smoke or forcing it out
through the nose is therefore most unwar
rantable, and it intensifies greatly the in
jury of the smoking habit. Besides affect
ing the senfc of smell and the evesight, it
also threatens the hearing power. " In some
instance the latter declines before the other
defects are noted.
Efi-ect op the Takii-f. The other
day. s..js Culumet in Tobacco, I was walk
ing with a cigar manufacturer, and he said:
"I want to make a call here; a man who
used to work for me has started in business
for himself."
We went into a neat little store and fac
tory and had a conversation with the pro
prietor. There were two bales of Sumatra
tobacco jnst being put iaU the factorv. and
mv lrnrt itl- nin.l -'
v .. . . v...., u, cc vou so pros
perous, Tm; that Sumatra means money "
"Not a bit ot it," was the reply, "that cost
me nothing."
"Why, how's that?"
"OhI I paid 51 So for it last week; now
the duty on it is 52, so you see I got it for
nothing and have 5 cents a pound for takine
Who says McKinley is not a public bene
factor? Illicit Swum- Factoby For some
time past the steady Increase in the snuff
output hat attracted the notice and comment
of the trade, but although everyone has
beard of illicit whisky stills, no one, with
one exception, has contemplated running an
illicit snuff mill. The one exception is an
old man called Andrew Aranofski, a Pole, J
living at 510 East Willis avenue, Detroit,
Mich., says Tobacco. He scoured the alleys
and dumps in search of stems thrown out
by the lactones, and between times picked
stubs in the streets, and this trash he would
dry in the sun and pound in a mortar made
of a beer keg lined with metal. For a pestle
be had a rnde rammer made of oak, rounded
and fitted to a cross piece by way of han
dles. How many days he sat there wearily
thumping are best attested by the fact that
the bard-worked handles are worn into
grooves where his fingers used to press.
Having reduced the tobacco to a coarse
powder, he then dipped it out into an eartB
en dish, and with a piece of an oaten wagon
tongue, four feet long, very heavy, round
and tapering, he still finer ground it, using
the smaller end, and holding the bowl be
tween his knees. It was finally silted and
preserved in a stone jar. He used no fla
vors, but by his crude, painful method,
managed to make a fair sample of snuff,
which he would sell at a very low price to
his Polish neighbors, who use great quanti
ties of snuff, smearing it over the backs of
their hands, and forcibly inhaling it. They
bought enough of the product to enable him
to live.
Information has been lodged before the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and it
is expected that he will act in the premises
at once.
When oft the sails hang nseless In the air.
But Idly shaken by the long ground swell.
And white clouds drift across the neavnn fair.
Ah! then, my pipe, I love thy fragrance well.
But more than this, when, on a summer night,
As perfumed zephyrs softly klsS the trees.
Upon my back I lie in half moonlight
And hear sweet music wafted on the breeze.
Or gentle rustling, Mgliing of the wind
1 hrough foliage thick with leaves and flowers
of June.
Or murmuring through the vines and trees
A far-off, dreamy, melancholy tune
Ah! then 1 love to He in the solitude
And watch thy curling smoke in Peaceful
mood. Outing.
Smoking in the Street. The doctrine
of the eternal fitness of things in general,
says an editorial writer of the Philadelphia
Press, finds an illustration in the fact that
just as the price of imported cigars is in
creased by the new tariff bill, young men of
good social position, and of apparent refine
ment, have taken to pipe smoking on the
street. It is not to be supposed, however,
that they are actuated in this by any motives
of economy, bnt rather because "thev do it
in London, you know." Nevertheless, it is
to be remembered that the class ot men seen
smoking pipes in public in that great En
glish city are not representatives of culture,
nor any particular cult, nnless it is the
sporting one.
The sight of a man with the outward
mien of a gentleman striding along Chest
nut street, emitting volumes of smoke from
a briarwood, is calculated to make people
with old-fashioned ideas of propriety open
..... .jw m nuioi,tiijcu, it nut auuiirauon.
Indeed, a man who can smoke a pipe on a
crowded thoroughfare and look like a gen
tleman in the act owes a great debt to nature
for his makeup. Good clothes alone will
not save him.
The question naturally arises, will a well
bred man smoke at all on the street? Eea
soning from the premise that a gentleman
will always avoid making himself obnoxious
to his neighbors, public smokers are cer
tainly open to criticism. Even to a smoker
himself clouds of smouldering tobacco un
expectedly wafted into his lace from the
month ot a passing stranger are intensely
uisugreeaoie. juuen more annoying, there
fore, is the same experience to a woman or
child. The street smoker's indifference to
the sensibilities of other pedestrians implies
not only his selfishness to me comforts of
others, but is a practical admission of his
inability to restrain his desire for tobacco
until he can reach the seclusion of his office,
clubhouse, or home Distinguished looking
youths, who consider public pipe-smoking
"good form," must go" through a peculiar
mental process to arrive at that conclusion.
Light akd Cigars A cigar dealer is
quoted in the St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat as
follows: Do yon see any cigars exposed in
the show cases here, except some gilt-collared
onej that no one ever buys" I should aav
not. Those in the case we simply put there
as a sign, just as I have these lithographs on
the walls. A cigar should never be exposed
to tbe light. If you do so the cigar is a
goner 'orthc American trade. The cigar to
sell in this country must be not to say moist
bnt certainly not dry. Now, they tell me
that over in England it is jnst the reverse.
The dryer you can get a cigar the better My
Lord Tom Ifoddy likes it.
There are strange things in this business.
A man whoconld afford to do better insisted
upon smoking a showy-looking 10-center
with a Sumatra wrapper. I told him that
the Sumatra wrapper smelled bad. He
guessed not. i peeled a wrapper off and set
ic on fare. "Great smokel Burning blankets
is nowhere!" he cried, and since then he is
particular about getting a clear Havana
A Question op Snuffers. A "moder
ate" minister called upon a Free Church
elder and met with a cold reception. At
length he drew his suuff box from his pocket
auu invnea ine eider to make trial of its
contents. A decided thaw set in immedi
ately. "Oh. ye tak' snuff, do ve ?" said the
Free Kirk man, yielding to a gentle smile.
"Oh, yes!" replied the visitor, somewhat
afraid lest the admission might lead him
into trouble. "I take snuff, but what of
';Weel," said the elder, with a look of
satisfaction to which probably the excellent
snuff contributed its full share, "that's the
first sign o grace I've seen aboot ye."
"Sign of grace ?" rejoined the minister
with no little surprise, but glad that a prom
ising vein of conversation had at length
been opened. "How do yon make out that
the habitof taking snuff is a sign ofgracc?"
".Nothing easier," said the elder, with a
knowing twinkle in his eye. "Don't you
remember that in the temple of old the
snuffers were of pure gold.which denotes
the best of all qualities ?" "
Monet in the Weed. A New Yorker
fresh from travels in the North Carolina
tobacco belt, says the New York Star,
brings a story that is "likely to make the
mortgage-ridden farmers of New York
painlully conscious of their nnhappy state.
Meeting an old friend, a banker, during his
journey, the New Yorker inquired as to the
nature ot banking in that region.
"We have nearlv $750,000 in mortgages
in three counties here," said the banker.
"Farmers pretty hard np, then?" sug
gested the New Yorker.
"Not at all," was the response; "not
more than 52,000 is on farm lands. In fact
most of the money is lent by tobacco farm
ers to manufacturers just starting in busi
ness here."
Pkesebves the Teeth While I
think, says a dentist in the New York
Herald, that the use of tobacco in any
form is a filthy habit, it cannot be denied
that smoking usually preserves the teeth
from decay. This is partly due, perhaps
to the heat or the smoke, as heat is our best
germicide, and partlv to tbe fact nicotine is
a good germicide. Teeth, however, may be
preserved without recourse to tobacco. In
the majority of cases cleanliness is all that
is necessary. .
While I have admitted that smoking is a
preventive to decay, I must warn the
smoker that he is paving the way'to other
diseases in the mouth equally disastrous to
the teeth. I have seen gums which looked
as though parboiled. The teeth in such
mouths, deprived of the support and nutri-
tion which they receive from the gums and
surrounding cone gradually loosen and fall
out Then there Is pyorrhea alveolaris,
that dreadful disease which causes suppura
tion around every tooth, absorption of the
gums and bone and lots of the teeth bv
wholesale. There ii no doubt whatever
that it may be superinduced by nicotine
poisoning. Again, the continued sucking
produces an excessive flow of saliva and an
excessive accumulation of salivary calculus.
Thb Smdqoleb'b Axt Tht taoke-
stacks of steamers from the "West Indies,
Bays the New York Tribune, have been
known on several occasions to yield up
many hundred dollars' worth of cigars. In
tact the smokestack is a favorite place for
hiding smuggled goods. This sort of smug
gling is done by the crew, who work under
the double disadvantage, as a rule, of hav
ing to evade the watchful eyes of both the
officers of the steamer and the customs offi
cers. Once a dead horse floated up on the beach
at Coney Island. When people went to re
move the carcass they found that the in
testines had been removed and the interior
of the dead animal filled with Havana
cigars. The earcassand its cargo had prob
ably been thrown overboard from some
steamer and the confederates who were to
have towed the argosy ashore at some se
cluded place had missed connection.
Poor Kemmler's Fate A new prac
tical application of electricity is an ap
paratus to light cigars. The niaehine is
connected by a wire with one of the ordi
nary light currents, and by touching a but
ton a small but bright electrie spark is pro
duced, at which one can ignite the ordinary
rod saturated with alcohol. One of these
apparatus had jnst been placed upon the
cigar counter of a big downtown restaurant
a few days ago, says the New York Star.
Its nse is somewhat unfamiliar to the
habitues of the place, and I was told to
watch them. As various gentlemen finished
their lunch they usually approached the
Cigar stand to light their weeds. In several
C3ses they hesitated to apply the rod to the
electrio spark even after the "process was ex
plained to them, although the handle of the
rod was evidently composed of hard rubber
or some other insulated material.
Finally an elderly gentleman approached
the machine, and on being told how it
worked, insisted on holding the point of the
rod about two inches away from the light,
giving as an explanation bis disinclination
to "monkey with electric currents." A by
stander had finally to light it for him. This
goes to show that the public is somewhat
afraid of live wires.
Holmes on the Weed. Dr. Oliver
Wendell Holmes touches on tbe subject of
tobacco and alcoholic stimulants in a recent
contribntion to the Atlantic The older he
grows, he says, the less use he makes of al
coholic drinks. Occasionally he takes a
glass or two of champagne, which agrees
with him better than any other drink con
taining alcohol. An old doctor whom he
remembers, who lived to be a hundred, used
in moderation a mixture of water, cider and
rum. Those who are aged require less food,
especially animal food, but the doctor does
not blame them lor being dainty, since the
pleasures lot the palate are among the last
gratifications of the senses allowed them.
"What do I say as to smoking?" continued
the doctor. "I cannot begrudge an old man
his pipe, but I think tobacco often does a
good deal of harm to the health to the eves
especially, to the nervous system generally,
producing headache, palpitation and trem-
Ming, i mysell gave it up many years
Those who might fancy that the wise and
penetrating old doctor offers any encourage
ment for the indulgence ot dangerous habits
get this parting shot from him: "Philo
sophically speaking, I think self-narcotization
and self-alcoholization are rather igno
ble substitutes for undisturbed self-consciousness
and unfettered selr-control."
A Monkey That Smokes A down
town cigar store, says the Philadelphia In
quirer, has n monkey named Jocko. Like
most of his kind, Jocko is very imitative.
When he first came to the store he watched
the actions of the customers closely, and
was especially interested in the use to which
they put the swinging cigar lighters. Be
fore many daya had passed he was seen to
steal a paper cigarette from a box on the
showcase, climb up to tbe cigar lighter and
light the cigarette. After a few puffs the
smoke got in his eyes, and he threw tbe
coffin nail on the floor in disgust. The next
day, however, he tried it again, and is now
a confirmed victim of the habit. It was
leared that this propensity would lead him
into drinking and pool playing circles, but
he has never been guilty of turther trans
gressions upon the bounds of good breeding.
Lobd Wolselet Loves Ix Lord
Wolseley is a great smoker. "He told me,"
says Mr.Stead.of the Pall MalV,Gazette,"that
from a boy he bad smoked constantly, and
that for many years he always smoked from
6 in the morning till he went to bed at
nigh smoking nothing bnt big cigars.
When he was worried and troubled there
was nothing in the world that soothed him
as much as a cigar. He had always kept
himself well in hand, and kept the habit
under control by every now and then ceas
ing to smoke entirely (o: a week or a fort
night at a time. He has now given up
smoking altogether, and seems to leel no in
convenience. For a fortnight before Tel-el-Kebir
he had never smoked at all, bnt when
the battle was wou, as he stood on the
bridge of the canal at the camn. he lit his
first cigar, and smoked six, one after an
other, as hard as he could a kind of
tobacco debauch, as he said."
A Pabagrapheb's Idea. The rise in
price of tobacco gives propriety to the
adoption of the Spanish style of offering
presents, says the New York Sun: If a
gentleman extends a cigar with the polite
invitation that it Is "at the disposition of
your worship," politely but firmly refuse
it. We must not be too hard on our friends.
Utilizing the Stems By accident,'
says a writer in the St. Lonis (Jlobe-Demo-crat,
I discovered a unique industry that 13
prospering right among us, and one that at
tracted my attention wonderfully. The
proprietor is making a sheep-wash from
tobacco stems that is shipped to Australia
in a concentrated form and there diluted
with water. He has a contract with some
or all of the tobacco factories to take all
their stems.
Before used for the sheep-wash they are
run through a machine he has perfected and
all the fragments of the leaf that will ad
here to the stem, for all the best stringers'
care, are removed. These tiny bits ere re
sold to tbe factories and used for smoking
tobacco. The accumulation is larger than
would seem possible. No one but himself
Knows the detail of tne machine not even
his most trusted employe. It is in a secure
box, with a combination lock, of which he
alone has the key. It has not been patented
as he does not wish to disclose the idea, as
he would have to do. But it does the work
perfectly, is the only thing of the kind in
existence, at I understand it, and pays him
like Tight lacing In Women, They Are
Blamed for Much Suffering.
Brooklyn Citizen.
There is much complaint among police
men at being forced to wear tight belts
while on duty. A number claim that their
livers are affected, and in consequence thereof
they are put to much expense in doctoring
themselves. A policeman in conversation
with a reporter yesterday said that the
belts policemen are compelled to wear so
tight is the cause of the sickness in the de
partment. "A man who is in the least stout," said
he, "suffers the most. In every station
house yon will find men on sick leave. If
you investigate you will come to the con
clusion that the belt and fancy club are at
the bottom of the trouble. The late Dr.
Malone, when he was the department
surgeon, did away with it. He saw it was
a detriment to the men, physically. During
his time he investigated the complaints of
illness and traced them first to the tight
belt and then tbe club that is attached to it
The weight of the club In time will same
Thai Can Be Drawn Between Electric
ity and Every-Day Water.
Each Has Its Sam and Its Flood, Its Frio
tion and Its Leakage.
Energy is a condition of things having
the capacity to perform work, and it, like
matter, is indestructible. It can be trans
formed from one condition of things to
another, and in this way change its char
acter. But energy cannot be truly lost or
created through any human agency. Our
greatest and almost only source of energy is
the Sun. Its energy is transmitted to the
earth in tbe shape of light and heat, and
from this condition it is transformed into
countless other forms, ever ready to slave
for mankind in various capacities.
The heat of the sun will evaporate water
and form the clouds. The heat energy of
the sun has thus been transformed into
energy of position; that is to say, clouds
represent energy bv virtue of their position
in that the earth and clouds have a strong
attraction for each other, and when they
come together, in tbe shape of rain, the raiu
water will reproduce the exact amount of
energy expended in vaporising it. Again,
the heat energy of the son can be trans
formed in a most wondrous way and enter
into tbe chemical construction of wood and
coal, and then, in a minute or in an hour,
this solar energy, that bad been accumulat
ing for years and Perhaps centuries, can
again be transformed into heat, as may be
seen in any wood or coal nre. xno
energy taken out is in every case equal to
tne energy a nsorbed.
When we speak of lost energy we mean
that some of the energy has escaped without
doing useful work. For examplr, let us
follow energy through various transforma
tions and see what becomes of it Starting
with the solar heat we next find it in coal or
wood, and, this being burned, it is again
transformed into beat, having a more usefnl
lorm than solar heat. This artificial heat
can then be made to expand water. The
energy here is dne to the strained condition
of the water particles, which we call steam.
The steam can then drive an engine and
thus give us the energy of a moving mass,
and with this we can drive the armature ot
a dynamo and once more transform the
energy, this time into the condition known
as electricity.
But the electrie energy that we now have
is a very, very small proportion of the solar
energy that we started with. Withoutgoing
into figures it will at once be evident that a
large proportion of the heat energy went un
me cnimney, wnue steam was Deing gener
ated; another large proportion was radiated
from the boiler into the air, and certainly
no small amount was trans ormed from the
energy of a moving mass into heat, due to
the friction of the machinery used. In such
cases the energy is said to be lost, bnt as a
matter ot fact, it is simply switched off, so
to speak, and left behind. It is only lost
as far as dollars and cents are concerned.
Although the txact nature of electricity is
but imperfectly understood, it is very cer
tain, as we have just seen, that he electrio
current represents a form of energy; that is,
a condition of things capable of performing
work, and that it can be generated from
other forms of energy and again transformed
at will.
Such expressions as "electric current"
and ''electrio fluid" are often heard, and,
although these are merely names given to
an imperfectly understood condition of
things, yet it must be admitted that there is
a striking likeness between some of the
characteristics of an "electric current" and
the flow of water through pipes.. Both can
have reservoirs, dams, conductors, quantity,
pressure and drop in the pressure along the
pipe or wire, as the case may be. Both can
leak out through imperfections in their re
spective conductors, and electricity, as well
as water, can, by the giving way of the
dam if I may be allowed the expression
be the cause of disaster as great as that of
the Johnstown flood.
A dynamo, so long as its armature is kept
in motion, is a reservoir of electricitv, and
in it there is generated both pressure in
volts and quantity in amperes, according to
the construction of the dynamo. The
product of the pressure into the quantity
gives the energy in watts, and 74G watts are
equivalent to one horse power. With water
this energy is represented by the product of
its weight in pounds and height in feet
The prodnct is called so many foot-pounds,
and 33,000 loot-pounds per minute is equiva
lent to one horse power. Here it must be
understood that 33,000 pounds raised one
foot represents the same amount of energv
as one pound raised 33,000 feet With elec
tricity, as with water, we must have a closed
circuit to generate power. Water to gen
erate power must fall or flow, and to fall it
must rise. In other words, water comet
from the clouds, passes over the falls, and
in so doing generates power; then it flows
into the ocean, and is finally drawn by
evaporation back into the clouds, thus
closing the circuit And so it is with elec
tricitythere must be a closed circuit to
generate poVer.
. A closed electric circuit is obtained when
the two wires or poles of a dynamo are
brought in contact. If there is resistance
in the circuit, such as arc or incandescent
lamps, the current will do useful work just
as a flow ot water will when it overcomes
the interposed resistance of a water wheel.
If, however, there is no useful work to be
done in the electric circnit, the electrio en
ergy is all converted into heat, due to fric
tion along the line. With water it is the
same. Niagara Falls might be made to do
usefnl work, but as it is, its energy is all
transformed into heat, and so the tempera
ture of the water below tbe falls is greater
than it is above. If there is very little re
sistance in the electric circuit the resist
ance being what I would call the dam and
if the reservoir or dynamo is great enough,
a tremendous flow of current will
be the result So it is again with water.
If the dam or resistance, keeping the water
back is removed, there will be a rush of
water corresponding to the capacity of the
reservoir, and resisted only by the friction
of the channel.
An electric circuit having very little re
sistance is called a short circuit The like
ness between an electric current and a flow
of water can again be found with regard to
the "drop'Mn the pressure along the wire or
pipe. A pipe having a flow of water in it
under pressure will show a decreased press
ure all along the pipe according to the 'dis
tance of the pipe from ,the reservoir at
which the pressure is measured. That is,
the flowing water will not exert as much
pressure after flowing through a mile of
jiijjc as ik i m pumi mucn nearer me
reservoir, or starting point This loss or
drop in the pressure is dde to the friction of
the water along the sidei of the pipe, and is
a so-called loss of energy, having been
irausiorineu into neat.
It Is exactly so with' an electric current,
the pressure in volts being always less the
furtherit is measured from the dynamo, or
reservoir, and consequently tbe loss of
electrio pressure or energy is greater the
longer tho circuit, other conditions remain
ing the same. Andj in this case, as with
water, the loss of' energy representing the
drop In the pressure Is converted into neat
If the "drop" is great the heat will be
great, and can then be felt with thehand.
In fact, if the current is sufficiently strong,
the wire can rjeadily be brought to a wkite
heat and finally melted.
If now we carry the likeness still further.
with regard tc leaks, the electrio leak wiU
be readily understood. Water leaking from
a pipe will reach the ground and be evap
orated, and so, taking a short cut, will reach
the clouds and thus close its portion of the
circuit. If there is a short cut through the
ground, that is, if there are two points on the
circuit having electrical communication
with tbe ground, a portion of the current
will leak from the wire to the ground, and,
taking a shortcut to the other leak, instead
of flowing through the entire circuit and do
ing useful work, will close its portion of the
circuit. It will now be seen that a shortcut
or complete "short circuit" in a dynamo
corresponds to a flood with water. One
causes destruction by fire, the other by vio
lence and drowning. And thus it requires
energy to do and energy to undo. In each
case the energy is transformed and changes
its character, but the sum total is ever the
same, for energy cannot be either created or
destroyed. Scire Facias.
Deaths by tho Current Not Frequent
Enough to Count for Much Little teaks
From Ocean Cables An Electric Ghost
and a Real Estate Deal.
Captain Brophy, referring to the opposi
tion to electric light and power, says, re
cently: "The electrio light, the electric
motor and the electric car have come to
stay. Like all other great inventions they
have their faults, and they are not tree
from danger. What form of energy is?
Likethe steam railroad, the steamboat, il
luminating gas, and many other great im
provements, they have met with stnbborn
resistance, but in time this will all cease.
When railroad trains leaves the rails
and crush the human forminto a
shapeless mass, the public do not ask for
tbe abolition of such roads. When swing
ing gas jets start a conflagration, or when
some unsophisticated person blows out the
light and lies down and passes into eternity,
no one demands tbe abblition of eas works.
Why, then, should an unreasonable outcry
be raised against the electric light and power
Industry when this subtle fluid leaves the
path chosen for it, and causes accidents to
persons and property? From my own ob
servation and an intimate knowledge of the
difficulties that it was necessary to over
come, I am astonished at the small number
of accidehts that have occurred Bince the
introduction of high potential currents.
While the business of electric lighting has
grown tremendously, accidents of all kinds
resulting from its use have steadily de
creased. This, in itself, is sufficient evi
dence of the improvements made and the
care exercised by those engaged in this
The immense lmportanco of excessive
care in trie insulation of an ocean cable is
shown by Herbert Laws Webb in the
October crzoner. He describes how, after
the cable has been taken on board the
vessel to which is to be entrusted the task
of laying it, it Is kept cool and free from
strain or any adverse influence in the ship's
tank, where it is submerged in water.
When the time comes for paying out
and the cable is straightened and has
to bear a strain of several tons as it leaves
the ship's stern, then any slight im
perfection will be revealed, and, although
it may consist merely of a minute bubble of
air which has burst and made a punctnre in
the gntta-percha into which a' fine hair
could not be introduced, although it may be
only a crack so imperceptible that it would
not admit of the insertion of the corner of a
cigarrette paper, yet the current wonld es
cape, and, like' the insignificant stream
which trickles over a dam, would gradually
widen the breach, until the cable was
electrically "broken down" and entirely
useless lor communication.
Electricity is being brought more and
more into connection with photography. It is
now used in lighting studios, and for secur
ing artistic effects of light and shade in the
subject to be photographed. In order to
avoid dark, hard shadows, the light is pro
jected on to a sheet of alabaster, and from
this is refracted on to the subject. The re
sult is soft and exquisite in tone. The elec
tric light is also used for printing by en
largement, and for balloon and kite pho
tography. In the latter, the camera is at
tached to a kite. When the desired height
has been reached, the exposure is made by
electric current, and pictures are thus se
cured which it would be impossible to ob
tain by any other means.
The attempt made at Christ Church,
Birmingham, England, to transmit the
church service by telephone to London,
Manchester and other distant points, has
been attended with very fair success. Some
of the difficulties which have to be overcome
belore people can listen in comfort at their
own fireside to the voice of their favorite
minister, may be gathered from tbe follow
ing description of tbe experiment by one
who took part in it:
"When the morning service commenced.
there was what appeared to be an nnseemlv
clamor to hear the services. The opening
prayer was interrupted by cries of 'Hello
there!' 'Are you there?' 'Put me on to
Christ Church.' 'No, I dou't want the
church,' etc. But presently quiet obtained,
and by the time the Psalms were reached we
got almost unbroken connection, and could
follow the course of the services. We
could hear little of the prayers probably
from the fact that the officiating minister
was not within voice-reach of the trans
mitter. The organ bad a faint far-away
sound, but the singing and the sermon were
a distinct success."
The excellent results attained bv Prof.
Barrett, the electrician of the electrical de
partment of the eity oi Chicago, in the pre
vention of explosions in the subways of that
city by the adoption of a system of thorough
ventilation have been commended by a
New York paper to the attention of the
Board of Electrical Control, which, from
time to time, has been much exercised with
the frequent explosions that have taken
place in the subways on Broadway and
elsewhere. It is shown that the ventilation
of the downtown subways through the City
Hall chimney is perfect, and that the elec
tric light posts furnish sufficient ventila
ation at other points. It is also urged that
the city of New York can derive much
benefit by taking heed to the example oi
Chicago, which has ordered the electric
light, telephone and telegraph companies
to ventilate all their subways in order to
prevent explosions.
An instance of the advantages attendant
on the nse of the electrio light is reported
from London. Systematic robbery of tbe
yard of a railway station had been carried
on for a long time. The manager of the
yard shrewdly fited up the yard with aro
lights, and now, not only is three times
more work accomplished at night than
under the old conditions, but the depreda
tions have entirely ceased, and tbe saving
thus effected has already paid for the cost of
the installation.
A stoby which, whether true or not, is
at all events "well found," is told in a New
York paper. A contractor, under the stress
of financial tightness, sold a house very
much under its value. Puzzling his wits to
recover his property, he hit on the idea of
working on the superstitious fears o' the
new owner. Jivery night the purcnascr
heard rappings and other strange noises,
but the tenants were not disturbed. The
noises had, at last, such an effect on the
nerves of the frantic owner that be was
in the act of dashing himself from the roof
to the ground in a fit of insanity, when some
ot the neighbors came on tbe scene and pre
vented him. An examination of the build
ing resnlted in the finding of an electrical
mocker, which had been hung over the roof
and made available lor operation on any
desired point This was the bogey which
had driven the new owner out of his wits,
and the contractor, on being confronted
with the facts, confessed that he had adopted
this method of frightening him into giving
np the property.
Successes aad Probabilities In the
Bapid Transit Problem.
No Single Test is Reliable In Proving the
Extinction of Life.
rrazrABED ronmsnisrA.TCR.j
The action of Boston, in essaying-to effect
on an elevated railway, the same successlul
and profitable developments of electrical
traction which it has accomplished on its
surface lines, is regarded with much inter
est by electricians all over the country.
One of the greatest objections to elevated
railways has always been tbe use of steam
locomotives, with their disagreeable accom
paniments of noise, and smoke and cinders.
T5fith the heavy locomotives, too, required
for steam traction a very enmbrous struct
ure was needed, but with tbe nse of elec
tric cars, lighter and more ornamental con
struction can be adopted. This new depart
ure of Boston seems'Iikely to inaugurate in
city trayel an era long desired. It is now
mentioned as a fact that a mile an hour bet
time is made in Boston by the surface elec
tric cars than in New York by the steam
cars of the elevated roads.
Among the prominent systems which in
volve the perfecting of modes of traveling
by electricity is the portelectric. The ex
ploiters of this system have been steadily
carrying on operations for some time at their
experimental station in Dorchester. Prof.
Dolbear, the electrician of the Portelectrio
Company, says that although, theoretically,
tbe car can travel on tbe traclpat .the rata of
two miles a minute, the difficulties of the
existing conditions prevent the acquirement
of such a speed. At a recent test, to which
members of the electrical press were
invited, the force of these difficulties
were made manifest. A serious hin
drance has been the adapting of the car to
the compound curve, made of a grade and a
curve of short radius, and on the dav of the
test, besides the unfavorable conditions of
track and bearings, defective insulation,
coilsof too low a resistance and excessive
hnmidity had to be contended with. In
spite of these, however, a speed of 60 miles
an hour was obtained, and, in all proba
bility, these drawbacks will all disappear
in actual work. The portelectric gives ex
cellent promise of displacing the pnenmatic
system, especially for long distance work,
and when the technical difficulties referred
to have been overcome, there can-be little
doubt of the commercial success oi the sys
tem. A Trip to the North Pole.
The belief in the possibility of successful
aerial navigation still retains its hold on the
minds of many intelligent men. A French
scientist now proposes to make a scientific
expedition to the North Pole. He proposes
to construct a balloon of lined silk, 30
meters in diameter, and having a cubic
capacity of 14,121 meters. The balloon will
be covered with a special varnish, which
will insure its absolute imperviousness. It
will be filled with pure hydrogen, and its
car win ue constructed on a novel pjan
especially suitable for a Polar expedition.
It is calculated that thfs aerial journey will
last four or five days. It is proposed to
start from Spitzbergen, and it Is hoped it
will end on the North American continent,
or in the northern part of Asia.
This is by far the most important journey
which has yet been attempted in a balloon,
and if successful, it willteach many lessons,
not only in aerial navigation, bnt also in
many departments of physical science.
Experiments are being made in another
department of air traveling by Lawrence
Hargrave, in Sydney. New South Wales.
Mr. Hargrave holds to the feasibility of a
flying machine in which screw propellers or
flapping wings are used, and in his latest
attempt he used as prime mover a Broth
erhood engine driven by compressed
air, which was found to give a trustworthy
source of power. These experiments have
raised a doubt as to whether the balloon is
even a step in the right direction of solving
the aerial problem. They, at all events,
havo demonstrated, from the facts they have
brought out as to the flight ot birds, that we
have still a great deal to learn as to the laws
of animal lite, and their lurther investiga
tion opens np a wide field alike to the
physicist and the mechanician.
Progress in Photography.
Remarkable success has been attained by
Prof. Ahn, of Breslau, in applying photog
raphy to fix the indications of different dis
eases of the eye. Another contribution to
one of the newest departments of science are
Prof. Fischer's photographs of cnltivations
of luminous bacteria, which were photo
graphed by their own light the views giv
ing evidence of the constant movement in
which the tiny organisms are unceasingly
engaged. One of the greatest anthropolo
gists of the century, in Paris, has been
making a collection of the various types ot
mankind, and he does it by means of the
photograph. He inclines to tbe opinion
that the type or origin, the race to which the
party originally belonged, is better pre
served among women than among men. He
has therefore made his collection from
among women, and to increase its attractive
ness and value, he has announced his inten
tion to choose only bcautifnl women lor his
types. Apropos of this idea, a prominent
photographer proposes to appeal to photog
raphers for selection and contribution of a
photographic reproduction of the representa
tive woman whom they consider ths most
beautiful; so that a collection can be made
which will be handed down to posterity as
representing the standard types of beauty in
tbe nineteenth century.
Smoking Arrangements for Trains.
Quite a change appears to be taking place
in the general opinion as to the best ar
rangement of smoking room accommoda
tions on some classes of passenger trains,
and it is quite possible that the common
smoking car will, before long, cease to form
a part of the better class of trains. Quite a
number of railroads have constructed their
chair cars with smoking rooms of sufficient
capacity to provide accommodations lor the
occupants of each car. The practice of thus
furnishing a smoking room for each car is
rapidly extending to tbe common day
coaches, and a number of very prominent
roads are pdtting a smoking compartment
in nearly every car that they are building,
some even fitting up the second-class day
coaches in this manner.
Protector for Fire Hose.
The stoppage of travel iu tbe vicinity of
fires caused by tbe lines of fire hose crossing
the streets, has long been a source of com
plaint, and it bas been wondered that no
practical means of running hose across a
roadway so as not to interfere with the pas
sage of vehicles has not been devised. Such
a device has been brought out by an archi
tect ot Chicago. It consists of a temporary
bridge upon which the hose can be carried
over the street at a height permitting the
passage of street cars and general travel. It
is said to have worted well, both in San
Francisco and Denver.
Novel Meat Choppers.
A new meat chopper for domestic nse is
distinguished by the fact that the meat is
cut by an action like that of a pair of soit
sors and is not torn apart; neither is it
ground into a greasy pulp. The forcing
screw feeds the meat np to a knife with
eight radial blades, revolving between a
fixed two-bladed knife and a cutting plate
of novel construction. The plate has a num
ber of grooves converging toward a central
aperture, the ribs between the grooves hav
ing sharp cutting edges. Tbe work is well
and rapidlv done. A medium-sized machine
will produce four pounds of filled sausages
per minute.
The SmokebaU In War.
In the sham fight at Portsmouth in honor
of the Emperor William, an advancing
column was so affected by the fumes of the
Bmokeball which was used to raise a cloud
of impenetrable obscurity under which they
could advance, that the men had to keep
their bands to their noses to avoid suffoca
tion. It is now proposed that the smoke
ball shall receive a further development
It has occurred to ome military men that
instead of half suffocating their own troops,
it would bo better to follow the example' of
the Chinese pirates with their stinkpots, and
asphyxiate the enemy. A Vienna scientist
has accordingly invented a bomb of such
power and virulence that everyone who is
within a certain radius of it when it ex
plodes is rendered unconscious. Devices
such as these would soon modify the art of
war, and probably the next development will
be an anti-asphyxiating bomb, whose fumes
will neutralize those of "the other. It is said
that many years ago a scheme based on the
throwing of poisonous gases over a tract of
country, was put before the war office in
England, for the purpose of devastating the
country in the face of an invading army,
but the agency employed was so terrible in
its effects, that it was not made public, and
was consigned to the' secret records of tho
war office.
The Diaphanous Test of Death.
It has been recently stated that a prize of
fered some years ago for the discovery of
some means whereby the inexperienced
might at once determine whether in a given
case death had or had not occurred, was
won by a physician wno had discovered
that if a light were placed behind the hand
of the supposed dead person a scarlet tint
would be apparent where the fingers touched
each other if life was not extinct; and that
if no red glow was visible death had taken
Dr. B. W. Richardson has written an
essay in which he states that although this
test has its value, it is not by any means to
be trusted an an unfailing indication of life
or death. He given tbe case of a person in
a state of syncope to whom the test was
most carefully applied. Not the faintest
sign or red coloration between the fingers
could be 'traced, yet the recovery of the
syucope was complete and was effected
without any artificial aid. Dr. Richardson
regards it as a good test, but is of opinion
that more certain proofs are: the pulsation;
the respiratory murmur; pressure on veins;
the electric test for muscular irritability;
the ammonia hypodermic test; coagulation
of blood in the veins; rigor mortis, and de
composition. Irregular Working in Machinery.
A simple method has been devised by
means of which, in the midst of a busy
workshop full of machiney in motion, any
special noise, even though slight, can be
distinguished and its origin traced. The
apparatus consists of an ordinary india rub
ber gas tube about a yard in length; the
length may, however, be varied to suit tbe
nature of the investigation. The tube is un
provided with ear piece or bell. One end is
applied to the ear of the observer while the
other is moved about in order to explore the
seat of the irregularity. Since the free ori
fice of the tube is comparatively small and
is applied a closely as possible to the vi
brating surface, it practically receives only
those sonorous vibrations which are emitted
by this surface. Those who have to do with
machinery will find it especially useful for
observing noises dne to irregularities in tbe
working ot small parts ot machines, which
may be either difficult or dangerons to ap
proach in any other way.
Grease From Cotton Waste,
Until lately cotton waste has been cleaned
and reused, but tbe grease extracted from it
has been thrown away. It is now fonnd
that the oil thus extracted can be made,
after very simple treatment, to yield first-
class printing ink. A ton of this spent
waste will yield about 1,400 pounds of oil,
from which ink of a superior quality can be
manufactured at a verv reduced price. The
cotton waste is placed in steam chambers,
and a solution of bisulpbate of carbon is
pumped into the vessels. This disengages
the oil and grease, which is then passed into
a series of heated coppers, from which it
emerges as varnish, from which the printing
ink is made.
Search for a Name.
To end the long dispute which has been
waged with reference to the right designa
tion of tbe metal which is now assuming
such importance, it is urged that the largest
producers in the world favor the form
aluminum, which also has the advantage of
greater brevity, and that therefore foreign
scientific journals and scientific men should
follow the example of American journals
and call it once for all allnminum, instead
of aluminium.
Improvement in Window Glass.
One of the recent improvements in the
manufacture of window glass is the intro
duction of a process of dipping the sheet into
a mammoth bathtub, containing a mixture
of varions liquids. Its results are instantly
seen. It removes all dirt and defection, and
the das becomes as clearand pure as it was
before it went through tbe flattening oven.
The White Blood Corpuscles TVhlch Pursue
and Devour tho Microbes.
Newcastle, England, Chronicle.
Tbe revelations of the microscope as to the
existence of myriads of microbes in our
bodies as well as in all that we eat and
drink, has caused timid people much
anxious wonderment as to why these creat
ures are not more injurious and destrnctive
than they actually are. Writing in the
opeaKer oir xieiiry aoscob explains now i; is
that even the deadliest of these microbes
may be found in the mouths or other parte
of the body, and yet their host be perfectly
healthy. The question is not one of the mere
presence of these organisms iu the system,
but entirely one as to whether or not they
find their way into the blood. If they do
not all is well, if they do the most serious
trouble follows.
Working with the microscope in M. Pas
teur's laboratory in Paris, a Russian physi
cian.JM. Metschinikoff, has been able to dis
cover the secret of the impotence of the
microbe to penetrate into the blood. These
most recent investigations show that there
are certain cells contained in the blood of
all the higher animals, termed phagocytes,
and identical with the well-known white
blood corpuscles, which are endowed with
the power of independent motion, and not
only wander inside but even make their way
outside the tissue and "pursue, devour and
digest any bacilli, whether poisonous or not,
with which they come in contact This is
in reality the true battle of life which,
though hitherto unknown and unobserved,
is constantly going on within the body.
These phagocytes, which are the watchful
guardians of the body, attack and annihi
late the bacili before they can penetrate the
blood tissues. So long as they remain on
guard the body if safe from attack, but
should they from any cause relax their vigi
lance, then the invading army of parasites
would pass into the system and destrjr life
either by the numerous mechanical lesions
which it produces, or by the poison which
it secretes, lnii apparently indepehdent
life of tbe cell within the organism is one
of tbe moat marvelous revelations of mod
ern science, as well as a remarkable illustra
tion of the extreme nicety of the balance of
Pensions for Teachers.
The question ot a pension fund for teach
ers in elementary schools ot England is be
ing revived by the Executive of the Na
tion Union, who have outlined a bill by
w"hich it is proposed to give effect to their
scheme, '
Some Enthusiastic Statements From a New
York Paper Abont Him.
George Westinghouse, of the Westing
house Air Brake Company, probably travel
more than any other millionaire, says the
New York World. His business is scattered
all over the country and requires a great
deal of personal attention, and he has a
special car and steam yacht for rapid and
convenient transportation. Neither car nor
yacht is used for pleasure trips. In fact;
Mr. Westinghouse would as soon think of
taking a pleasure trip as be would of giving
away one of his thirty odd millions. How
ever, no expense is spared to make the busi
ness trips easy and pleasant
The special car the "Glen Eyre" is in
constant use. The yacht, besides conveying
its owner on his business trips, has another
use. It is an experiment boat All tbe
Westinghouse inventions and improvements
are tried on thi3 yacht. It is a standing
joke with his friends that the yacht never
has the same engine for three weeks. The
engine has been taken out and replaced
within a week. If Jlr. Westinghouse
jappens to think ot an improvement while
on a business trip he bas it tested im
mediately MADAME A. RUPPElf
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