Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, October 10, 1890, SECOND PART, Page 9, Image 9

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PAGES 9 TO 12.
Two Great Requisites for the
Success of a Metallurgist
of Modern Times.
Of the Three Great Societies Whoso
Eminent Members Are Now
Interesting Papers of Messrs. Kitson, Bell,
Barnaby and Others.
It was a distinguished assemblage that
gathered in Carnegie Hall yesterday morn
ing at 10 o'clock for tne first joint session
of the British, German and American socie
ties of engineers and men learned in metal
lurgy. It was the first time that the representa
tive societies of men deep thinkers and
practical exponents of the results to be ob
tained from the fusion of metals of the
world met in common to discuss the prog
ress of science iu their particular pursuit
And that Pittsburg should have had the
honor of being selected for this distinction is
a matter of which her citizens should feel
duly proud.
Tne hall was well filled by the distin
guished visitors, and many ladies graced the
meeting by their presence when Sir James
ICitsou called the meeting to order. On the
platrorm with him were Sir Lowthian Bell,
Sir John Alleyne. Sir W. T. Lewis, E.
"Windsor Bichard, G. I. Snelus, John H.
ltiekctson, E. V. Martin, "William Whit
well and Mr. Jeans.
Sir James Kitson briefly stated the pur
port of the meeting, and then John II.
Itickctson, Chairman ol the Iteceptiou Com
mittee, made the address of welcome.
Mr. Itickctsnn regietted the absence of
Sir Henry Bessemer, and wished he had
been successful in bis efforts to build a steam
ship, to which sea sickuess would be a
stranger. He welcomed Dr. Wedding,
Mr. Daelcn, Mr. Thielcr, aud Mr.
Schrocater, and regretted the absence ot
Abram S. Hewitt. He mentioned George
"Westiughouse as one of the great inventors
of the age, and regretted the absence of a
former fellow citizen to whose generosity
the city was indebted lor the magnificent
building in which the meeting was as
sembled. Proceeding. Mr. Iticketsonsaid:
The other day. In New York, one of our for
clru guests (I will not say whether he came
from the mother countrj or tlio'Faderland")
asked me the name of the lake on the borders
of which Pittsburg was built. The mistake
was a very natural one e American often
find ourselves equally uncertain in our
geography when wc arc abroad no, perhaps a
"herd as to where ve aio may not bp out of
place. '.' aie at the loot of the Western
tlope of i;ie Alleglieiiies. w.thm tho aatcr thai
ol lie .Missi.-siupi Valley, about ToOfectabuve
tlie level d tha &V&.-414 uiiles.west ot New
York, about lb") miles from the nearest
jiort on Lake Erie, wliltbcr our ore comes.
bv nater from Lake superior aud thence
loaches us byiaiL the crcater portion of
Pittsburg lies Ui'twecn the Allegheny and
Mouongaliela rivers, the former rising m New
York fctate, and the lattei in Virginia. To
gether they form the Ohio, whose waters
wa-hts the shores of ten States, as it winds its
way for more than iOo'j miles tn the Gulfof
Mexico. A stcamei starting from and return
ing to Pittsburg can vail over 2,01)0 miles of
navigable livers, all tributaries of the Ohio
and the Mississippi, and reach on the upper
Missouri, a distance from tins point of 4,000
Pittsburg was laid out in 17(3 on the site of
the old French l-'ort Duqutsne. so famous in
colonial history, and on its cap tine bv tho
British the name was chanced to Fort Pitt, in
lionor of your great statesman William Pitt,
lrom whom our city derives its name. Tune
will only permit me to add that almost within
the city limits the unfortunate General Brad
dock laid down his life iu defense ot the Brit
ish flap; and with him tho young American
civil engineer from Virginia, Georcc Washing
ton, icceived his baptism of t re and woo his
Oni committee have prepared for you a little
touvenir ot Allegheny county, and Incorporated
with it arc some general statistics of our lead
ing industries aud many facts of historical in
terest to iron and steel men. I will content
myself with a very few totals, in order to give
you at the outset some idea of the extent and
variety of our resource.
We have 21 blast furnaces which in lbS9 pro
duced 1.13,135 tons of pig iron; 33 rolling mills.
'5 of which roll steel, and their production in
lisfl was 1.105.573 net tons of steel and 6J3.J50
vons of rolled iron. Our annual capacity of
steel rails is at present ojU,0J0 tons. Our prod
uct of wrought iron pipe this jear will, lam
informc.l, not fall Miurt of S50.W0 tons, while
our output of structural iron and steel will be
fully 103.000.
AVe have 19 iron founderics, representing a
capital of nearly 510,000.000.
The principal e ectiical industry in Pittsburg
is in apparatus for incindescent lighting. Of
tho dynamos in the United Slates havin a
capacity for the supply of current for 1.000.000
10-candlc power lainr". Pittsburg alone has
furnished 650.000 ot this, or nearly ii per cent.
o have 15 firms or companies making window
glas. 37 making flint and lime glass aud 15
making creen and black glass bottles.
The 15,000 coke ovens in this district consume
9.000.000 tons of coal in making their product of
about 0,000,000 tons coke. In lbtO, in round num
bers. We shipped to Southern markets bv
river "4.000.000
We shipped to Eastern markets bv rail . 5"aouo
We shipped by rail for rtshlpinent by
lake ."1000.000
Hallroads entering Pittsburg used ikCoO.000
We ililppcd by rail to Northeastern
markets 500.030
We ii-cd ror home and miscellaneous
V?J,C. 2,000,000
Makiug a grand total of 20.000,000 of tons, or
sixty per cent of the output of bituminous
coal in Pennsylvania.
The railway tonnage of Allegheny county of
business originating here, exclusive of what
passes through, is 20.000,000 tons per annum, or
a fraction over 3 per cent of the total railway
tonnace of the United States, which amounted
in I& to 019 137.237 tons.
One word as :o natural gas, that wonderfnl
fuel which has been t'ltillcd lor us in natnie's
ownaleuibii. 1 am officially informed that in
this district 750.000.000 feet of gas are delivered
to consumers each dav through 1,125 miles of
pipe to our mills and factories, and to upward
of 80,000 private warehouses, stores, hotels and
dwellings. The present annual displacement
2n?',5,,!atnral cas is estimated at about
.000.000 of tons.
1 here are 46 000 oil wells in thoUnited States,
producing on an average 130.000 barrels per
diem, and reprorevlng a capital or $120,000,000.
The dmrirt including Western Pennsyl
vania, Y est Vircinia and Southeastern Ohio
produces hO0O per day. and Allegheny county
10 ner cfnt oi the latter amount.
There are 10,000 miles of pipe lines for tho
tiansportation of crude petroleum. Involving a
capital ol 450,000.000. fa
The stock in tanks at present of crude petro
leum is 2G500,000 barrels. The country has a
reiiLing capacity of 140,000 barrels a day for
illuminating oil; 15,000 barrels a day are used
for fuel purposes.
Gentlemen, when, in addition to tbe 300,000,
000 oi barrels of petrolenm which have flown
from the soil of Pennsjlvania from 187G to 1890,
worriiiembcr that she is still producing 2.500
000 barrels per month, that her to-al yearly out
put of bituminous coal is 30.000.000 or tons and
of anthracite 35,400,000 of tons, and that she
produced last year within a small fraction of
one-half of all the pig iron and more than
half of all the rolled iron and steel made in the
country, you can form tome conception of the
immeasurable and boundless, though then hid
den, resources of the princely aomaln of 44.9S5
square miles which King Charles II ceded to
the Penns in satisfaction of a claim against the
British Government for 16,000.
Mr. President: Naturally from tho character
of our industries and avocations no section of
the country appreciates moro fully than onrs
tho significance, importance and far-reaching
consequences of your visit to America. We,
probably, more than most of our countrymen
are familiar with the history, the objects and
the achievements of the iron and steel institute,
the highest metallurgical authority in tho
world. Numbered among your members are
not only scientific men of universal reputation
aud capitalists and captains of the world's in
dustry, "Knights of Labor" in the true sense
of the w ord, but on your roll are many who
from a distinguished ancestry are by inherit
ance the possessors and guardians of some of
the most honored names in English history.
In the journals of your proceedings has been
chronicled every step in the onward marcb of
the great material forces of modern civiliza
tion for nearly a quarter of a century. Or
ganized in 18C9, your Institute this year attains
its -majority, and wo esteem it a privilege and
an honor to unito with you In celebrating the
event on American soil,
When the manufacturers of the civilized
world unite in taking counsel with each other,
and freely sharing their experiences in the
search for the hidden treasures of nature, and
the secrets of her laboratory and workshop,last
ing and ever-increasing benefit cannot fail to
accrue to the welfare, comfort ana happiness
of mankind.
Mr. President More than 2,000 years ago a
Hebrew sage, in the" spirit of prophecy, the
fulfillment of which we are witnessing to-day,
uttered these: words, which in this presence
seem like a benediction:
"Every carpenter and work master that
laboretn night and day the
smith also sitting by the anvil and considering
the iron work, the vapor of the fire wasteth his
flesh, ana he fightcth with the heat of the fur
nace; the noiso of the hammer ana the anvil Is
ever iu his ears, and his eyes look still upon the
pattern of the thing that be maketb."
"He settcth his mind to finish his work and
watcheth to polish it perfectly."
"So doth the potter, sitting at his work and
turning the wheel
"Alt these trust to their hands and every one
is wise in his work.
"Without these cannot a city be inhabited.
They shall not sit on the judge's seat, nor un
derstand the sentence of judgment, and they
shall nut be f onnd where Darables are spoken."
"Buttbcy will maintain the state of the
world and all their desire is in the work of their
craft." Prolonged applause.
Sir James Kitson Replies for the City's Vis
itors His Institute Not ExclnsHely Brit
ish A Valuable Scientific Essay Listened
to With. Great Interest.
Sir James Kitson replied in behalf of the
visitors. He mentioned the surprise with
which he and his fellow members had ap
proached the city, with its blazing mills, its
outbursts of natural gas, and the general
aspect of great industral wealth. He then
By the courtesy of the President and Council
of the institute of Mining Engineers of the
United States, I have been invited to take tho
chair, and to open the proceedings of this Con
gress. It is a graceful compliment to those
members of the Iron and Steel Institute who
are your honored guests at this moment an
acknowledgment of high consideration for
scientific services rendered to a great industry
by the Iron and Steel Institute, and a marked
distinction conferred upon the President of
that Institute. I gratefully accept the position,
and I now undertake the duty because, al
though I am lully conscious of my own de
ficiencies yet I feel that the institute is worthy
of the respect you show to it; and, also, I know
that we have the happiness tu count among oar
members men who merit tho honors you offer,
wbose names are known throughout the world
as metallurgists, and leaders in scientific study
of the laws which govern the acquisition and
production of those metals which we know as
iron and steel.
Our Institute is not exclusively British: in
truth, it is cosmopolitan, havinfr enrolled on i.s
list of members distinguished metallurgists of
the United States, Germany, France. Sweden,
and Bussia. The birthplace and the head
quarters of the Institute are in England. It
will, therefore. I hoDe. not be considered in any
way presumptuous iCIa.sk youjer one mdinent
to consider how much the world Is indebted to
my native land for the vast benefits which
mankind has received from its engineers and
us manufacturers of iron and steel.
The inventions of Watt and Trevethick; the
development of the steam engine, with all its
consequential powers; the constructiouof the
locomotive, and the creation of the railroad by
Stephenson, are directly the work of England
and of Englishmen. These discoveries have
made that system of railway and service of
O'-ean steamers which have brought the uatlons
of the earth together, have made new lands ac
cessible and of service to man, and aro destined
in due tune to diffuse knowledge and civiliza
tion Into every quarter of this globe.
The puddling lurnace of Cort, and his method
of rolling the puddled blooms in Grooved rolls,
produced wrought iron In quantities and at a
cst hitherto unattainable. Through these in
ventions South Wales became the scat of the
rail trade, and it was enabled for many years to
dominate and control the rail trade of the
world. The puddling furnace continued, from
the latter part ot the last to the middle of the
present century, to be the instrument by which
practically all the malleable iron in the world
was made.
The hot blast process of Neilson, patented in
1S2S, secured a great economy of fuel and a
large increase of production, it entirely
changed the condition of the pig iron manufact
ure, and was truly ranked byMushet as "a
means of developing the national wealth, of
equal value with Arkwrignt's invention of cot
ton spinning."
The economy effected in the nse of coal in
the various processes of the manuf actnro of
iron and steel has been great and progressive.
The margin for economy which then existed
has been narrowed. But still when von know
on tho authority of Sir Lowthian Bell", the duty
performed is by no means equivalent to the
w hole of Hie useful effect which coke is capa
ble ot affording; "Taking a ton as being able
to produce 20 cwt. of pig iron from Cleveland
ironstone, this, after an allowance for ash, etc
when burnt to carbon dioxide, renresents
147-200 calorics, whereas something HkeDO'OOU
calorics has been the limit of the power ob
tained." This sacrifice of 40 per cent lends it
self to reduction, as does the heat held in the
stream of molten slag flowing from the fur
Nasinjth's steam hammer gave the means of
forging, which led to rapid developments and
improvements in the applications of iron. The
reversing rolling mill engine of Kamsbottom
has been invaluable In the rolling of plates and
bars of great dimensions. The forging press,
too, has been designed and improved by En
glish inventors to whom the world owes much
lor other mechanical appliances devised to
meet the various wants of the Bessemer pro
cess and the treatment of masses of iron and
To yotfprobably the most important inven
tion of mvacru times has been that of sir Henry
Bessemer. It has given j on a material in qual
ity and quautity for your railroads which it
was a pnysicai impossiDUity to ouiain by tho
ancient methods of iron makine. It ih no ex
aggeration to say that without the Bessemer
process for steel rail making, the present rail
way system of the United States would not
now exist; and the settlement of tho new lands
ou have peopled, and the binding together ot
the vast territory between the Atlantic and the
Pacific under one civilized power, would not
yet have been effected.
Sir Henry Bessemer has been kind enouch,
at my request, to prepare, for communication
to this meeting, an account of his djscovery of
the process for manufacturing what is known
as Bessemer steel; and some history of his in
vestigations, and the way in which step by step
beotercame the difficulties he met with, and
finally dispersed, in his developments of his re
markable invention.
The Siemens-Martin process for the manu
facture of open-hearth steel met with Its
greatest development in England, and it has
enabled us to produce a material suitable for
the requirements of the shipbuildei of which
he has availed himself to a vast extent.
In Great Britain the pr eduction of Bessemer
steel ingots in 18S9 was 2,140,791 tons; of open
hearth steel ingots, 1,429,169 tons. We in Great
Britain and Ireland are justly proud of our
mercantile marine. The supremacy of our
shipbuilders and of our shipping interest is
based upon the excellent quality-'and the
abundant supply at a moderate price of steel
furnished by our steelmakers.
The demands of naval architects and marine
engineers have been responded to with intelli
gence and enterprise. Plates, frames, shafts,
lorgings, steel castings of forms aud dimen
sions thought impossible put a fow years ago,
have been manufactured at low prices. These
productions have enabled our naval architects
to design, and our builaeri to construct, the
magnificent ships which are the pride of onr
navy and onr mercantile marine.
The strength of our position and the remark
able economy of this Important industry can
be best demonstrated to you by a fact within
my own personal experience. I have, witmn
the past two months, as chairman of a shipping
company, entered into contracts for tho pur
chase of several new first-class cargo steamers,
to be built of steel, of the most improved de
sign, with triple expansion engines, at the cost
of 7 per ton registered tonnage. These ships,
of a carrying capacity ot 4,000 tons, will oe
built and afloat within a few months from the
laying of the keel. This example will suggest
to you that our methods must be economical,
and that creat attention is given to economy of
management. For this wo are mncb indebted
to the researches of onr chemists, not only in
England, but alio in Germany and France. An
interesting example of which is the use of
basic slag as a manure.
This was first applied as a manure in England
in the summer of 1SS5 by Pror. Wnghtson, of
Downton, Salisbury, who was employed by the
Northeastern Steel Company to make a series
of experiments. Tho results wore so satisfac
tory that basic slag immediately became a mar
ketable articlo instead of a waste product.
Now in the 12 months ending June. 1S90, 103,680
tons were delivered from works in Great
Britain. Owing to the very much more rapid
development of the basic process in Germany,
a very much larger quantity of slag has been
produced; and during tho past threo or four
years, not only has the wholo make been
utilized, but stocks have been used up, as well
as a considerable proportion ot the total quau
tity exported from England. The make of
basic slag in Germany is estimated as about
325,000 tons for the year IfeSO.
The alloys of steel with otbermetals continue
to be the subject ot research and experiment.
Many of our members have devoted earnest at
tention to this fruitful field of inquiry. Com
munications by Mr. Riley, Mr. Hadlleld, M.
Osmond, and others, will shortly come before
the members, in papers or notes, in the Transac
tions of tho institute. It may be stated in gen
eral terms that, owing to the high cost of alum
inium, it cannot at present come into extensive
use, Mr. Hadfield and M. Osmond agree that
iron with silicon and iron with aluminium have
many points of resemblance. But when the ad
dition of .15 of aluminium, the minimum
amount that has been found efficacious, means
an addition of from 12s. bd. to 20s. per ton on
tho cost of steel ingot, its employment in com
petition with silicon, as "ferro silicon," or
"silicon spiegel," cannot be more than experi
mental I hear, however, an American company
promises the production of aluminium at a
much lower cost than the cost of a year ago;
and that a German chemist, now living in Chi
cago, promises to produce it at a cost of about
7d per pound.
The remarkable success which has rewarded
the researches of inquirers and experimenters
on the alloys of steel with chromium, tungsten,
aluminium, and nickel, elves us good reason to
stimulate our members to continue their ex
ploration of this field. Among these alloys the
most important results appear to have been
obtained from the use of nickel as an alloy of
It will be remembered that when Mr. lames
Biley's valuable communication on the subject
of the alloys of nickel and steel was read be
fore the Iron and Steel Instituto meeting in
May 1SS9, Mr. J. V. Hall, or Messrs Wm. Jessop
Sons, bheffield. at once rose ana laid claim to
priority of invention, informing the institute of
the innumerable experiments he haa been mak
ing with alloys of nickel and steel during
several years past. Since then, continuous ex
perimental research has been made into this
matter. Under the superintendence of Mr.
Hall, armor plates have been manufactured
from this material, and tested by English
Admiralty officials, giving results which rank
about 75 per cent above any similar plates ever
tested in England.
During the same period Messrs. Schneider &
Co., of Le Crcasot, France, have furnished
nickel steel armor plates which have been
tested by the French, Banish and Chilian
Admiralty authorities, with results almost
identical with those obtained by Mr. Hall.
Within tho last month a nickel steel armor
plate of Mr. Schneider's manufacture has been
tested in the United States, and has given
similar results. At the present time Mr. Hall
has under course of manufacture breech-loading
ordnanco cannon and projectiles for the
English War Office, and he has already applied
it in the production of rifle and sporting gun
barrels, boiler tubes for torpedo boats,
telephone and telegraph wire. When
it is considered that nickel steel can
be made in various tempers, giving
trnsils strain of 107 tons per square inch,
with an elongation of 3 per cent in 8 inches; 97
tons trusils, with an elongation of 7 por cent; 50
tons trusils, with an elongation of 45 per rent,
it is impossible to foresee to what uses this
most remarkable material may not bo put; and
now that tho various patents and interests
owned by Mr. 3. P. Uttt, or Sheffield, W. H.
Marbeau, of Paris. William H. Schneider, of
Le Creasot. and Mr. James Riley, of Glasgow,
have been associated, their joint labors promise
to give rapid development to this interesting
alloy. Works have already been erected by
this association in France for the special man
ufacture of ferro nickel, and will shortly bo
followed by others in England and in the
United States of America.
Since Mr. James Riley's valuable communi
cations on the subject of the alloys of nickel
and steel, continuous experimental research
has been made into this matter. Tho treatment
of large masses of steel by tempering, harden
ing and annealing, iu water, oil or molten metal,
has been carefully studied, but tho secrets of
the behavior ot masses of steel in heating and
cnollntr are ct far from beintr unfolded! M.
Osmond, in his excellent paperdelivered before
the International Congress in Pans last year,
points out that tempering in oil was known to
tho ancients being mentioned by Pliny;
and Shakespeare also knew that the Moors had
tho knowledge that different temperatures ot
water effected the results of the hardening
process. O-hello says: "I have another weapon
in this chamber: it is a' sword of Spain, the ice
brook's temper." One day, m conversation with
Mr. Gladstone, I related this to him. Ho at
once capped the quotation by saving: "Yes, and
I remember that Homer. In the 'Odyssey,' says:
'As when the smith dips into cold water a great
ax or an adze, aud it hisses loudly as he is
tempering it, for so it is that iron is made
hard.' "' (Odysser ix. 091 4.)
I have ventured to make a passing mention of
some of the men and of some of tho inventions
which were conceived and brought forth in our
island home. I have named some of the in
quiries and experimental researches which aro
being conducted by our metallurgists. You
will-see that we have need of many precious
metals which your prolific country contains, to
cnlaige the pioperties of the materials de
manded by onr cneincer, our army and navy,
our ship and bridgo builders It is fortunate
that we can make known these wants to men
like the mining engineers of the United States,
whose knowledge of thoso materials and their
localities is as wide as their continent. We
need theso metals; wo need also to feed and
clothe our vast industrial population. For
your grains and fruits, your cattle and cotton,
jour remarkable mechanical devices, we
have no precious metals to offer in return; hut
we have tho products of our mines, tho labor
of our looms, the service of our mercantile
marine. It is well that we should meet thus,
eye to eye and voice to voice, to discuss the
interests and the scientific aspects of the great
industry which absorbs us. It is thus we learn
that by persistent and intelligent labor, how
mnch has been accomplished, how much moro
remains to be achieved; and that by free ex
change of Ideas and of productions friendly
understanding is promoted, and personal
acquaintance is built up. Through such order
ing? we are convinced that Providence has
designed to wind the silken chain of commerce
ronnd the world. Applause.
The Veteran Metallurgist Gives a Breezy
Account of His Invention How It Was
Cradled, and How It Grew to Its Present
At the conclusion of his address, Sir
James Kitson read a long and interesting let-
terfrom the veteran metallurgist, Sir Henry
Bessemer. Following is an excerpt:
It is with great pleasure that I acce Je to your
request to furnish you with a brief outline of
the circumstances which led to the invention of
my steel process. At the time of the Crimean
War I had Invented a mode of firing elongated
projectiles from a smooth-bore gnu, the rota
tion necessary to insure their proper position
during flight being obtained by utilizing a por
tion of the powder gas to produce rotation by
reaction, afttr the manner of producing rota
tion in turbines, and not by the rifling of tho
gun, consequently rendering all smooth-bore
gnns at ouce suitable for firing elongated shot
or shell. I of conrse offered this man to our
own Government, but it was discarded without
a trial.
A little after this period I happened to be on
a visit for a week or two with Lord James Hay
at the bouse of his daughter in Paris. During
this visit our host gave a farewell dinner to
General Hamlin and several other distinguished
officers In the French army, who were going out
to the Crimea.
Among the guests on this occasion was
Prince Napoleon, and while taking a cigar in
the library after dinner, the conversation
turned naturally enough on artillery.and I theh
mentioned my system of firing elongated pro
jectiles from smoothbore gnns. The Prince
was so impressed with the importance of this
Idea that he said he was sure that bis cousin,
the Emperor, would be much pleased if 1 would
explain my invention to him, and that be would
get an appointment made with the Emperorfor
this purpose. This was done, aud I had a long
and most interesting discussion with His
Majesty, whom I found most thoroughly con
versant with the wholo subject of artillery.
His Majesty, In the kindest possibloway, gave
me a carte blanche to make any experiments
I desired at Vincennes.
A great many SO-pounder elongated projec
tiles were made, and were fired from 4-incb.
12-ponndor smooth-bora cast-iron gun at the
Polygon at Vincennes. They were fired
through a succession of thin wooden targets
placed 100 meters apart, through all of which
they cut circular holes, thus showing that they
went end on; a thin coat of black japan had
been purposely put on them, and when the
shots were recovered from the hank in which
they were lodged, the coat of japan was seen to
be partially scraped off in spiral lines, caused
by their passage through the wooden target;
the angle of tnese scratches being carefully
taken, showed that from to '2 rotations had
taken place in the length of the gun.
After many hours' practice, on a cold Decem
ber day.we retired to the officers' quarters in tho
old fortress of Vincennes, and whilo standing
around a blazing wood Are, sipping some hot
spiced wine. Commandant Minie (the inventor
of the rifle) observed "that, although the rota
tion of the shot was effected, unless we had
something better, to make our guns of, such
heavy elongated projectiles conld not be
used with safety." This casual observation
was tho spark that has kindled one of the
greatest Industrial revolutions that the present
century has to record, for during my solitary
ride in a cab that night from Vincennes to
Pans, I made up my mind to try what 1 could
do to improve tne quality of Iron used in tho
manufacture of guns.
My knowledge of iron metallurgy was at this
time very limited, but this was inonesensoa
great advantage to me, for I had very little to
unlearn, and so could let my imagination have
full scope. After many months of trial and
much building up and pulling down of rever
beratory furnaces. least a small model gun;the
iron was very white, and, in turning it, little
short curly shavings were cut off. It was won
derfully tough for cast iron, but wonderfully
brittle if classed as wrought Iron. The little
model gun looked very beautiful when highly
polished, and I took it to Paris and begged the
Emperor to accept it as the first fruits of my
studies of the metallurgy of iron. .He expressed
himself much pleased with it,and complimented
me on having achieved astep in the right direc
tion, and with his own bands placed it in a
bureau, saying, "Some day it may become an
interesting relic"
Abont this period 1 began to fully appreciate
the fact that if I could improve cast iron and
render It malleable, and still retain its fluid
state, that, apart from its usejtor artillery, it
wonldbeof the greatest commercial value for
all engineering purposes. 1 therefore pursued
my experiments with greater ardor than ever,
fori was couviuced that I was on the eve of
producing a quality of metal that would super
cedo wrought iron, I consulted Mr. George
Rennie, the eminent civil engineer. I Showed
him a small uprightflxed cylindrical converter,
and in it we made a charge ot 700 pounds of
Blacnavon pig iron into an ingot of malleable
iron. Mr. Reunie was in raptures with the re
sult, and said: "You must not keep this light
under a bushel for a single day longer; and,
by-the-bye. there is a first-rate opportunity for
yon. The British Association meet at Chelten
ham next Tuesday; read a paper there by all
means. I am President of the Mechauical Sec
tion; it is true all the papers are arranged, but
if you will write a paper I will take the re
sponsibility of putting it first on tho list" Ho
kept his promise, and I read my paper "On tbo
Manufacture of Malleable Iron Without
The entire iron trade ot the kingdom was
startled by the facts detailed in this paper,
backed as they were by two small bars of malle
able iron, one of which bad been piled and re
rolled; a few days later the iron masters came
trooping up to London to see the new process.
There are many interesting incidents connected
with these visits, which I cannot trespass on
your time to relate; but some idea of the ex
citement may be gathered from the fact that,
notwithstanding the imperfect state of the
process at that time, I was actually paid 27,000
for licenses granted within one month of tho
reading of my paper. At many iron works the
managers set to work to test the invention in
the rudest possible manner, with such means as
they bad at their disposal, all of which attempts
were fallurr. In my experiments 1 had used
Blaenavon pig iron, which was successful, and
at that time I had no idea that other brands of
iron would fail in tho manner they did. No
sooner were these failures known than an
extraordinary rovuision of feeling was mani
fested, and the most perfect distrust of the in
vention became universal. The public press,
which had spoken of it in such glowing terms,
nowcondemned it-aslmpracticable,-aud spoke
of It is'"" brilliant meteor that bad flitted
across the metallurgical horizon, dazzling afew
enthnsiast&and then vanishing forever in total
Its Manufacture Hereafter Handled by Sir
Lowthian Bell A Discussion on the
Paper Participated in by a Number of
the Institute's Members.
Sir Lowthian Bell was next introduced.
His paper on the ''Probable Future of the
Manufacture of Iron," was listened to with
close attention. He said:
With the exoeption of air and water, it is
open to question whether there is any form ot
matter which the human race could less easily
shape than iron. Short of going the length of
asserting that, without this metal for an anchor
or steel for the compass, the adventurous navi
gator could never have crossed the wide At
lantic we may credit the locomotive and the
steamer, and hence iron, for that sequence of
events which has peopled North America with
tho Anglo-Saxon race. The result has been to
raise a vast territory to a position without a
parallel In the progress of the world.
To tho attractions afforded by this interesting
episodo from modern history may be added the
unprecedented development, iu the Uuited
States, of that branch of industry wbich most
concerns this society.
Let me here remind you, although we are
guests upon tho present occasion, and Great
Britain is the birthplace and home of the Iron
and Steel Institute, its name and constitution
were intentionally adopted so as to exclude
ceographical boundaries from being any limit
to the scope of its operations. Accordingly
these cosmopolitan intentions have been fol
lowed by our numbering lu our ranks consid
erably above 200 members belonging to other
countries, and of these, nearly one-half are in
habitants of the United Stated. This union
between members of one great family is a sub
ject of sincere congratulation to tho founders
ot tho body, and, I feel sure. Is not without in
terest to thoso who have joined it from the
continent of Europe.
The present assembly Is. so far as my rpading
goes, without a precedent in the annals of in
dustry. Manufacturers of a metal from tho
Old World, where, in spite ot what has been
said by some antiquarians to the contrary. Iron
probably has been made for thousands of
years, have accepted a courteous invitation
from those of the New, with a view to discuss
questions of iuterest common to both. To
carry out this intention, threo representatives
from each hemisphere have been deputed to
propare subjects for this International Con
gress, and I shall always consider my having
been chosen by the Council of the Institute, to
act on their bohalf as a very high and flatter
ing distinction.
Sir Lowthian then discussed the ancient
history of the iron trade. He referred to
the isolated barbarians found near the
great African lakes, as being familiar with
a mode of obtaining iron by means of a
Catalan fire and a pair or bellows. He
traced the progress of metallurgy through
its stages, and referred to the yarious de
grees through which the science passed
down to the present day. Continuing, the
speaker proceeded:
Many eminent metallurgists have regarded
with favor, the principle contained in a variety
of the processes known as "Direct," and it must
be admitted that there is, in tho idea, a simplic
ity as compared with the present mode of
manipulation which is highly attractive. In
the latter, the iron from the blast furnace has
been made to unite with certain metalloids, we
knowine at the same time that, in order to
render the product malleable, tbeso substances
have to be removed. Among those who have
labored in this field, not the least distinguished
was my late friend, a former president of this
Institute, Sir William Siemens. In tho hope
of solving a problem in which his predecessors
had not been successful, he snared neither
time nor money. Rltter von Tunner, a high
auiuoruyiu an tuings connected with iron,
has, In our frequent correspondence on such
matters, extending over many years, exnressed
himself at one time hopefully on the" direct
process. In a recent communication, however,
he seems to have abandoned alt expectation of
its being able to compete with the combined
forces of the blast furnace and the Bessemer
process. On the other hand, so far as I know,
Siemens died believing in its future success.
I have elsewhere endeavored to prove that
reduction is uot exclusively effected in the so
called reducing .zone of the blast furnace: on
the contrary, that oxygen, amounting to about
25 per cent of its original quantity, arrives at or
near the tuyeres, combined with Iron In the
form of some suboxide.
Further, that final deoxidatlonof this sub-
J3ziie is probably effected br a quantity of car-. I
bon, generated by a dissociation of carbonic
oxide. This reaction is Inferred from the re
sult of numerous experiments in the laboratory
and from repeated observation at the furnace
itself, confirmed by the fact that tho gases at
tho tuyeres contain a quantity or oxygen,
abont 2 cwts. per ton of metal produced, and
something like 1 cwts. of carbon; the former
not being accounted for by the atmospheric air
used, nor the latter by the weight of fuel burnt
in the hearth. Whether it is tho actual carbon
precipitated from tho carbonic oxide or coke
itself which completes reduction or not, in a
hcat-produclng point of view, is immaterial;
what seems proved is, that it is reserved for
the crucible to complete this work at or about,
the period when fusion takes place.
As a theoretical proposition, we have been re
minded that tho exact quantity of carbon re
quired to deoxidize 20 owts. of iron, in the
form of ferric oxide, is 4.S8cwts. It is further
assumed that this mixture ot ore and carbon
must be raised to a temperature of 800 C, for
which, provided the entire carbon used is
bnrnt, half to monoxide and half to dioxide,
1.27 cwts. ought to suffice. It Is suggested not
that tho work can bo done for theso 5.6-5 cwts.,
but that thoy are the limits toward which we
may work.
So far as my observations, experimental and
otherwise, bave enabled me to judge, tho maxi
mum quantity of oxygen representing the
second equivalent in carbon dioxide in the
gases. Is that corresponding with tho equiva
lent contained in tho ferric oxide ot the ore.
From this it might ba inferred that reduction
is completed in what has been generally known
as the reducing zone, i. e the uppermost aud
cooler portions of the furnace. Wo- know,
however, that the deposition of carbon, ac
companied by the generation of some carbon
dioxirlo, as already mentioned, is also most
abnndant at moderate temperatures.
These facts might reasonably lead us to ex
pect a quantity of carbon dioxide in excess of
that due to the reduction of ferric oxide by car
bon monoxide. It will, however, be shown im
mediately that a condition ot equilibrium In
the gases is determined, not alone by the rela
tive quantities of the two carbon oxides, but
also by the amount of oxygen still remaining
in combination with iion. Now, having regard
to tho quantity ot carbon required to be burnt
at tho tuyeres, in order to fuse tho slag and
Iron, added to that rendered necessary to re
duce tho metalloids found in tho pig, is such
that at the various temperatures through
which the ore descends, a position of equilibri
um is reached, when the gases contain at the
outside about six hundred weight of carbon
per ton of iron, in the form of dioxide, and
when the metal still retains abont one-fourth
of its original quantity of oxygen.
This observation refers to ores ot the type of
Cleveland, but with those of a different char
acter tho composition of the gases may be
materially modified. Thus, in certain Swedish
furnaces, the fuel consumed does not greatly
exceed two-thirds of the quantity necessary for
smelting tbo Cleveland ironstone. The volume
of carbon monoxide for every ton of iron is
correspondingly diminished, the result being
that, instead of having two volumes of this sub
stance in the escaping gases for each volume of
carbon dioxide tho two gases are found in
almost equal volumes. In one respect, how
ever, all furnaces agree, viz, in there being an
increase of carbon and oxygen in the gases at
the tuyeres, as compated with that found a
short distance above this level.
Thus it will be seen that at no time during
tbo descent of the ore in a properly coostituted
blast furnace is it, with one exception, ever ex
posed to a high temperature, in an atmosphere
of gases, capable of oxidizing iron. Tho ex
ception is when carbon monoxide is split up
into carbon and carbon dioxide; and then tho
precipitated cat bon serves, as has already been
observed, to remove the oxygen, taken up by
the iron during the act of dissociation, when
tbe ore arrives at the tuveres.
Now it is not too much to say the conditions
of every reverberatory f urnaco are the very re
verse of those just laid down. If coal is the
fuel burnt, which generally is the case, we have
vapor of water, carbon dioxide, and very often
a good deal of free atmospheric air, heated
probably at least to 1500 C, passing over the
materials. (Of course, it would be quite possi
ble to maintain an excess of the reducing gas
carbon monoxide In the furnace, but this
merely means a great waste of fnel.) Thus ex
posed, spongy Iron, when formed by direct re
duction, as proposed, could not fail to be very
readily oxidized. But the circumstances under
which it Is now expected to produce sponzy
iron, consist in burning half tbe carbon to di
oxide and the other h.ilf to monoxide. From
the information contained in tbe table
just given, we learn that whilo carbon mon
oxide is a reducing airent. the. product ot
reduction carbon dioxide Is of an opposite
cbaracter. and, in consequence, is able to re
oxidize the metallic iron by the production of
which it was generated. Tbe causa which de
termines this reflex action is difference of tem
perature, and, as might be expected, when both
gases are present there is brought about a po
sition of equilibrium determined, as has been
said, not by tempcature alone, but also by the
extent of tbo oxypen Still remaining united
with the iron.
Thns, if a mixture of two volumes of carbon
monoxide and one volume of carbon doxide is
passed over calcined Clevoland ore at about
417 C., one-third only of the oxygen can bo re
moved, i. c, the ferric is reduocd to ferrous
If, on tbo other band, the gas consists in
equal volumes of the oxidizing and reducing
gases, the same effect is produced, provided the
temperature is raised to a bright red; and
spongy iron similarly'exposed is oxidized, and
becomes also ferrous oxide.
At a white heat the attraction of the metal
for oxygen is so intensified that further action
ceases wben 12 percent of the combined oxygen
is removed from the ore. A t the same time ten
volumes of carbon dioxide are able to keep In
check the reducing power of 90 volumes of car
bon monoxide.
I see no reason, however, why a close ap-
mrnvimqHnn tn ertmnlofn iwlitetfnr lutha rIL
rect process, should not be effected bv usine- a
sufficient quantity of carbon mixed with the
ore, in the manner already described. Tbe dif
ficulty to be apprehended is the reoxidation of
the spongy iron when, by the revolution of the
furnace, a fresh surface is exposed to the flame
which is serving to ' hoat tbe materials under
treatment. Certain it Is that Siemens failed to
reduce tho loss of motal to within reasonable
Forty-five years ago I labored for some timo
with Mr. William Nealo Clay, who was very
sanguine of being able to dispense, wholly or
partially, with tho blast furnace. The results,
in our case, were the same as those obtained by
others who have followed us in tbe same path
since that time. As regards tbo carbon, re
quired 'as a source of heat, for raising the
temperature of the mixture of ore and carbon,
I see no prospect of reducing this with any ap
nroach to tbo quantity previously named, i. e.,
1.27 cwts per ton of iron. Not only theo
retically, but practieallj, in the Bessemer
converter, tho combustion of the metal
loids and a portion of iron suffices to raiso
tho bath of melted cast iron to a proper tem
perature, for keeping malleable iron in a state
of fusion. Attempt the same thing in a pud
dling furnace, rotating or otherwise, and the
oxidation of the same metalloids and iron, pro
ducing tbe same quantity of heat as in tbe con
verter, requires to be supplemented by the heat
afforded by 15 cwts of coal, in each case com
mencing with iron In a fluid state. In both
there is a great loss of heat at tbo chimney, but
this we will neglect, and regard the remainder
in each as due to radiation, convection, etc, in
separable from tbe larger size of tho f urnaco
and the small amount of work turned out as
compared with Bessemer's apparatus.
Sir Lowthian, proceeding, discussed the
question ol the capabilities of a reverbera
tory iurnace, as compared with the united
action of a blast furnace and a Bessemer con
verter, and tbe amount of labor required
by the two systems.
A discussiou on Sir Lowthian Bell's paper
followed, participated in by Profossor
Howe, of Boston, G. "W. Maynard and Mr.
Snelus. Mr. Snelus re 'erred to the first
attempts made in the direction of
manufacturing iron direct from the
ore. He said that the element of cost was
one that stood in the way of successful re
sults, but that developments would no
doubt be brought about, which would at
tach to the direct process more attention
than was at present attached to it. He
agreed with Sir Lowthian Bell that the
blast furnace will still continue to produce
the bulk of the iron, and even that required
in steel making. Mr. Snelus could not
agree with some of the deductions of Sir
Lowthian Bell. The ex-President, in re
plying at a later period, handled Mr. Snelus'
without gloves, and as if he did not like any
doubt raised against the stability of any of
his arguments,
Sir Nathaniel Barnaby's Paper on the Pro-
tectlon of Iron nna steel Ships From
Foundering His Defense of Side Armor
Talk on the Essay.
Next came Sir Nathaniel Barnaby'gfaper
on "The Protection of Iron and Steel Ships
Against Foundering From Injury, to Their
Shells; Including the Use of Armor." Sir.
Nathaniel in opening said that one-fiftieth
of the value of the vessels in the mercantile
marine is reqnired annually to make good
losses and repairs entailed by collisions
alone. He said that the security of an iron
or steel ship against fatal Injury depended
upon two things only size and subdivision.
On the question of armor the speaker said:
Now, in 1S90. you bave a perfectly regular
material, stronger and more ductile than any of
this iron, with no trouble as to surface blister
ing and lamination. You can get Siemens
plates of 20 cwt., almost without extras for any
increased size, delivered at tbe ship's side at
less than 8 per ton. It has, unfortunately,
been as low as 6 5s. This change from iron to
steel was not made, without a vast imount of
anxiety on tho part of responsible engineers
who led the way.
The result may not be altogether pleasant to
the iron and steel makers. To the shipbuilder
and engineer it calls for ungrudging acknowl
edgment of indebtedness to two eminent British
subjects, Bessemer and Siemens, and for tho
grateful recogni'ion of the enterprise and skill
of French, German and British makers. We
all owe Germany a lasting debt of gratitndo for
tho birth and training of that true prince
William Siemens. In modern ships of war the
main use of armof in the formation of shot
proof decks adjacent to the load water line,
and of moro or less complete belts of side
armor combined with such decks, is to protect
the machinery and magazines from shot and
There has been a wide abandonment of side
armor, founded upon tbe recognition of several
First The increasing penetrating power of
tbe cnn. Tbe 12-inoh gun Is now more than a
match, at close quarters, for the best lS-inch
steel plates. It requires tbe best 9-inch armor
to keep out steel projectiles from the 6-lnch
gnn at short range.
Second The great volume and accuracy of
shell-fire makes the original arrangement of
broadside ports in armored side inadmissible.
The crowding of men in the rear of an open or
unarmored port can no longer be accepted.
1 bird The propelling machinery and the
magazines are of more consequence than tho
whole battery of guns, becanso tbe ship has be
come, by virtue of her ram and torpedoes, a
powerful fighting machine apart from her
Fourth The largo uso of side armor, by
reason of its welcht and cost, limits the num
ber of ships obtainable with a given sum of
But while side armor has been largely sup
pressed and superseded lor these, reasons, it
still possesses one great advantage. It prevents
the entiaocc of water Into the zone between
wind and water through holes made bv light
projectiles not capable of perforating "armor,
but capable ot damaging seriously an nnar
mored side.
Those who have appreciated most keenly tho
value of side armor at the water line, for pre
serving the floating power of the ship against
light guns, have sometimes failed to see that
my apparent unreadiness to concur with them
has arisen from real sympathy.
My contention has been that all armed ft silt
ing ships present equal claims to be kept afloat
against the attack of tbe guns which they bave
to face. I consider that in all such ships tho
first duty of the designer is to enable the crew
to inflict damage on the enemy. Arms and mo
bility, therefore, come first; endurance under
gnn Are nexr. There must be degrees, varying
with tbe size of the ship, in the strength of the
arms and lu the amount of the mobility. Butall
the fighting men, except those In forlorn hopes,
are equally entitled to a chance of existence
under the artillery fire which they must re
ceive and endure. I have been unable to un
derstand the exclusive claim for protection by
means of side armor in a particular class of
ships in a large navy, such ships not being dis
tinguished by exceptionally large crews, nor as
being centers of operation for a fleet, nor as be
ing required to attack fortresses. And the
question as to the uso of belt armor in classes
of ships not distinguished as above is per
plexed by tbe following considerations:
First, and generally, whether in strengthen
ing the water-zone by side armor against feeble
projectiles, we do not expose it more to tbe
very serious attack of larger ones than It would
be if formed with an armored deck near the
water. Secondly, whether with a ship of given
size and cost we are not sacrificing active of
fensive qualities for tbe sake of a passive de
fensive quality. Speed of ship, power of arm
ament, or stored-up capital (expended in tho
ship) may be made to pay too dearly for a pass
ive dofense against the invasion of water at tbe
water-zone, seeing that the invasion of water
:beneattrxpat zone becomes a more Imminent
and more serious peril to tbe State in. propor
tion to the reduced speed and tbe increased
So we arrive at an alternative arrangement,
a solid raft body at the water zone in place of
side belt armor.
It appears that such a raft body can be made
wbicb, wbon undamaged, weighs with its cas
ings not more than one-third the weight of
water, and wbicb. when saturated,, does not ex
ceed the weight of an equal bulk of dry fir.
Such a system of water line defense may
prove suitable for all fighting ships, largo and
small, by reason of its lightness and small cost.
As I understand the position, it is proposed to
give a trial to this system in tho navy of the
United States.
I think tbo timo Is coming, if it is not already
come, when there will be a demand, not only
for tho recognition of tbe equal claims ot all
the fighting-ships to be kept afloat against the
attack of the guns which they will bave to
face, but also that their crews between decks
should ba equally protected against tbe over
whelming effects of the bursting of high ex
plosives there.
For belt and battery armor it is still a mat
ter of debate whethir the process of manufac
ture first introduced, and since most success
fully developed, by M. Schneider, or that sub
sequently devised and manufactured in Shef
field, is tbe better.
After this paper has left my hands, and be
fore It will bo read, there will probably be an
interesting series of trials of armor on both
plans in the United States; what I say may
therefore be very brief. Both systems have
been in open competition from tho beginning,
and gun trials have been niado by all the mari
time powers. The experience of the Sheffield
compound armor-plate makers as to tbeir own
manufacture and that of their rivals lias been
very great. The amount of steel-faced armor
which has been manufactured by them, or by
their licensee, during ttie last 12 years, together
with that win en is in process oi manufacture,
equals 112,000 tons.
They urge several considerations in favor of
steel-faced armor. They say that stoel armor
cracks through under blows which are not suf
ficiently powerful to perforate the plate. They
consider that the manufacture of steel armor
is less uniform and certain, because It is of
very great importance to oil-harden and anneal
such armor; and thee processes are not re
quired for steel-faced armor. They point out
that this treatment can only ba applied com
mercially to largo and awkward plates, with
great risk, expense and difficulty, and that un
der theso circumstances a good test plate offers
no security as to tbe qnality ot the plates it
represents. It is conceded that bard-faced
armor endures better under oblique blows.
They say that a cnblc foot of steel armor
weichs 492 pounds, whereas a cubic foot of
compound armor weighs only 4S0 pounds a
difference of 1 per cent in favor of the latter.
An experiment has recently boon made in
England to ascertain whether it can be confi
dently stated that oil-bardeniug and annealing,
or some equivalent finishing process, is neces
sary for steel plates. Messrs. Brown and
Messrs. Cammcll, the two great Sheffield firms,
makers of compound armor, are satisfied as to
this necessity.
A nine-inch plate of steel was manufactured
and cut into two plates each four feet square.
Onepicco was left untreated, and the other was
oil-hardened and annealed. They were fired at
by tbo six-inch gun with Firth steel. projectiles
weighing 100 pounds, ,
The striking energy mine mow upon the un
, treated plate was 2.3S9 foot-tons, and the en
ergy of the blow upon that which had been
treated was 2.37&S foot-tons. In the latter case
the projectile made an Indent of 10.5 inches, so
that light was just visible through the center
of tho bulge at the backot the plate. Tbe
projectile reboundod. broken into three pieces.
The plate was cracked through, but was whole,
and no material was splmterod ontatthe front
or back of the plate.
In the case ot the untreated plate, tbe shot
passed through, and the splintering of the steel
round tbe bole in the front of the plate spread
over a space 15 inches across. The splintering
ronnd the hole at the back of the plate covered
a space 33 inches across. Tne plato did not re
main whole, but went into six separate pieces.
I am myself no lovor of armor". As a mem
ber of a great and peaceful trading com
munity, I dislike everything which, by-differentiation,
tends to lower the comparative
fighting value of armed mercantile ships. I
dislike alto that which reduces tbe available
number, by increasing the individual cost, of
ships of war.
There Is. I think, no sdeh necessary and vital
distinction between the man-of-war and the
properly armed and protected Stato auxiliary
of high speed as would justify the neglect ot
such auxiliaries for maritime warfare. One
must admit that at present there are very great
differences bctwoon them In fighting valne,
ship for ship, due partly to tbe very superior
subdivision, and partly to the nse of armor or
high quality in the regular ship of war.
The man-of-war proper will probably never
abandon tbe usaot armor, wa may rather
expect that steel and steel-faced armor of the j
highest quality, instead of being confined to a
few ships, called battle-ships, will be employed
universally for tbe defense of tbe absolutely
vital parts of every ship built expressly for war
Commander Barber, of the United States
navy, was called upon by tbe President to
offer-any remarks on the paper. He referred
to the importance of nickel in connection
with the hardening of armor, and said that
the time would come when the armor would
resist and break the best projectile.
The third paper was by A. E. Seaton, on
the "Development of the Marine Engine,"
and the meeting adjourned till 10 o'clock
this morning to a selection on the organ by
Mr. Leonard Wales.
Murderer WlUett, of California, Arrested
After Many Years of Immunity.
Los Angeles, October 9. Alter enjoy
ing the fruits of his crime for 17 years
and living an honest life, Nathan
Willett was arrested yesterday at his
ranch near here and taken back to
Texas to answer the charge of murder.
Willett was plowing in the field when tbe
sheriff and his deput drove up, jumped the
fence and sbflwed him the warrant. He
hesitated a moment, eyed the two officers
keenly and at last said: "All right; I'll
go," and climbed into the wagon. His wile
and children did not know he had gone.
Willett was arrested for having killed H.
B. Woodward, on December 2, 1872, in An
derson county, Tex., in cold blood and for
pay. The story told by Willett is that years
ago he killed a man in Western Texas and
fled to Anderson county. While there he
became acquainted with Woodward and
also with another man who loved the same
woman Woodward loved, and was jealous of
him. This man offered Willett a large sum
of money to kill Woodward. Willett had
no friends, wanted to get away, and was
fearful of being arrested for the other
murder, and accepted the proposition. He
carried it out and made bis escape and came
to Southern California, where he has lived
since. Sheriff Bixby got his pointer from
Willett's brothcr-iu-law. He says there
are living witnesses to the murder. "Will
ett's ranch is worth 530,000.
Tobacco Manufacturers May Have to Pay
Too Much Tax.
Chicago, October 9. An aiternoon paper
says tbe internal revenue department here
has received information of a clerical error
In the McKinley bill, recently passed, that
may mean a difference of several hundred
thousand dollars to the tobacco manufac
turers and dealers of this district alone.
The old tax on tobacco was 8 cents a pound,
and the new bill provides for its reduction
to G cents. The bill as presented to Con
gress and passed by that body provided that
on all manufactured tobacco on baud at the
time of its passage the reduction would be
allowed, giving a rebate of 2 cents on the
pound. It is reported, however, that the
clerk who prepared the bill for sending to
tbe President, omitted the clause providing
for the rebate and that tbe measure was en
grossed and recorded without tbe error
being noticed.
"In this district," said Deputor Collector
Landergrcn this morning, "there are at
least from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 pounds of
manufactured tobacco on hand at the time
of the bill's passage. If the error removes
the rebate, lrom $200,000 to $300,000 more
money can be collected from the manufac
turers of this district."
Local Dealers Itecelve Notice of an
crease in the Manufacturers' Price.
The local shoe dealers have received
notice from the manufacturers of an ad
vance in the price of shoes. The increase
ranges from 7 cents, on cheaper grades, to
25 cents per pair. This will not greatly
effect Pittsburg lor the present, as the
dealers mostly have large stocks on hand,
and will not be compelled to purchase until
The cause of the advance in price is the
fact that leather has become scarce and that
has raised its - cost. Other shoe findings
have advanced also, and this adds its little
mite to the Increase. Another reason given
is the fact that shoemakers are thoroughly
organized aud advance the scale of prices
almost every season.
The New Cruiser Newark Starts Out to Sea
for a Test.
Philadelphia, October 9. Tbe new
cruiser Newark left her dock at Cramp's
ship yard this morning and started down
tbe Delaware river on her initial trip. The
specifications call for 8,000 horse-power, but
for every horse-power over that amount the
builders will receive a premium of 5100
above tbe contract price.
To-night tho Newark will anchor at tbe
Delaware breakwater and early to-morrow
morning she will steam out to sea, where
the trial will be made. The test is expected
Jo consume about two days.
Plumbers to Have an Examination to Un
dergo Hereafter.
Plumbing Inspector Layton says a bill
will be introduced at the next session of the
Legislature, making it necessary for plumb
ers to take out licenses. Ihcy will have to
undergo an examination before the proper
authorities before they can do business.
Jlr. Layton says this will do away with
faulty sanitation in overcrowded buildings,
and it meets with the approval of the mas
ter plumbers.
Deaths of a Week.
The mortuary report for the week ending
October 4 shows a total number of 88 deaths
in the city during the week. During the
weekending September 27 there were 103
deaths. During the corresponding week of
last year there were 84 deaths. In the Old
City there were 24 deaths; East Eud, 39;
"Southside, 16, aud institutions, 9. Fifteen
of the deaths were from diphtheria, 8 from
typhoid fever and 11 from scarlet fever.
Got Tired of Being; Clubbed.
Samuel' Adams, aged 41 years, and a resi
dent of the Twenty-third ward, near Brown's
station, was sent to Dixmont, yesterday, by
the Department of Charities. Adams be
come insane over religion, and would chase
any person around the neighborhood where
he'lived with a club if they did not accord
with his views. He has a wife and four
Our New Art Boom,
On the second floor, has been prononnced
the handsomest room in the city for the dis
play of art wares. Goods, onr own importa
tion, are being opened hourly. You are
Cordially invited to inspect our new show
room by Hardy & Hayes. Jewelers, Siivcr
smiths'and Art Dealers, C29 Smitbfield st
New building.
Special Handkerchief Bargain, 19c
Worth 25c and 35c, for ladies. All white
and finely embroidered. Open until 9 p.u.
A. G. Campbell & Sons. 27 Fifth ave.
The People's Store, Fifth Avenue.
Largest and finest store in the city. Vis
itors welcome. Campbell & Dick.
Children's combination suits in four sizes
0, 1, 2, 385 cts, each.
Booas & Buhl,
The Story
A Strange Tale of the City
Mexico in Our Day.
I have a great liking for bookstores, and I
am not ashamed to confess to a feeling akin
to affection for a bookseller, even if he be
merely the proprietor of a little stall where,'
second-hand books are vended.
A bookseller is never a commonplace mor
talhe rubs up against knowledge and be
comes learned by absorption. It is the most
respectable of vocations.
I would feel more complimented by being
addressed in a fraternal way by a bookseller
than by receiving a nod from a duke. Con
fessing thus these weaknesses, it is not to be
wondered at that one of mv haunts in the
ancient city of Mexico is a certain bookstore
with a quaint old name over the door. It is
a queer, dusky place, and, when you go in
side, the contrast with the glare of the sun
in the street is startling. Ton feel that yon
may be, perchance, in a tomb of literature,
a catacomb of books.
Tbe two windows which allow some light
to flow into the shop are filled with books
temptingly displayed. I like to stand close,
very close) to those windows, and look over
the titles of the books, most of them paper
bound. They rage over many fields of in
formation. There are treatiss on the noble
art of bull fighting, really quite a respect
able art, with a whole literature, embracing
treatiss on the technique of the subject,
biographies of noted espadas, etc Then,
too, you will see in the windows of this
transient seat of learning books on science,
the lives of saints, the latest Spanish novels
fresh from the Madrid and Barcelona presses,
translations from the French and gaudily
fronted works, more gay than edifyiDg, such
is the Latin frankness.
After you have peeped in the windows,
you will pass inside the shop and make tbe
acquaintance of my old and venerated
friend Don Carlos Baltasar, a famous book
seller, who has seen the book shops of
Mexico grow and multiply during his
nearly 60 years in the trade. He is a rosy
cheeked old gentleman, aud alter dinner fie
often will be found napping behind his
counter, comfortably seated in a chair.
Close at hand on the counter is a large
black cat, who knows full well that her life
13 passed among authors and book buyers.
She is as erudite as Minerva's owl.
Up to three months ago Don Carlos Bal
tasar lived a most tranquil, even-flowing
liif . He came to tbe shop at 9 in the morn
ing, talked with his customers, smoked in
numerable fragrant cigarettes, went home
to dine at 1, returned to the shop at 3, and
went home again tu supper, to a game of
chess and an early bed. His only excite
ment was the incoming of the Madrid and
Barcelona packets of books and papers, a
frequent event.
His assistants in the shop long ago took
the bnrden of the work off the old man's
shoulders. You would fancy that when a
man had attained the age of 78 the rest of
his life would flow on to the grave as quietly
as the most sluggish of streams.
But fate ordained that there should happen
to this serene old bookseller one of the most
extraordinary adventures recorded in tbe
annals of human kind.
It is all as fantastic as if it had transpired
in Bagdad in the times of the good Caliph.
Since my venerable friend told me what I
have ventured to call "The Story of the
Bookseller," I have cot walked "these
streets of God," as the Spaniards say,
without a feeliog that the most marvelous
and incredible things might occur to me.
It is now late in September. The adven
tures of Don Carlos took place in early Jnlv
of this year, 1890. I will tell the tale in the
third person, lor my friend has not yet suc
ceeded in getting all tbe facts in his oral
narrative into consecutive order.
On the morning of the 6th of July, the
hour close to 10 o'clock, an old woman,
wizened ot feature, black-eyed and a vender
of snuff, entered the book store and saluted
her faithiul customer, Don Carlos. He
bought his customary peseta's worth, gave
her his usual "go youwitb God, my Iriend,"
and resumed his perusal of the morning
paper. The snuff he tried, to ascertain if
the standard was still maintained, and he
found, to hi3 surprise, that it was finer than
any he had ever purchased. "Go and call
back the old woman," said Don Carlos to a
lad in the shop, "for I wish to buy an extra
lot of this excellent snuff." Tbe lad went
out, but the old woman bad disappeared.
Pinch after pinch the old bookseller took;
it was most tempting stuff. He felt in
credibly young. He hummed a tune he had
forgotten since he was a boy at home in
Spain. He even whistled, at which the
clerks looked up In wonder, and then signifi
cantly nodded to one another. While in
this pleasant frame of mind, his thoughts
away in other years, far remote from the
quiet shop, Don Carlos saw again the old
woman enter. This was most entraordinary
for her to do. She had never belore come
twice in one day. And she had come ot her
own will, for the shop boy had not found
her. She looked oddly at the old book
seller, and said to him in a low voice:
'Come with me, my friend; one who knows
you is dying, and von are wanted to witness
the will."
Why Don Carlos obeyed without a ques
tion he says he will never be able to explain
to bimselt. He said hetelt that he must go,
and he bad in his blood that day the energy
of his youthiime.
The old woman led the way through the
streets, acros3 the great sunny, busy plaza,
the Cathedral clock sounding the noon hour,
on and on through ancient streets behind
the great church to No. Calle de Mon-
tealegrc. The house was old, very old. It
bad been built in viceretral times. It had a
dark red front, oddly shaped windows, and
projecting waterspouts.queerly carved. Don
Cirios recognized the house as the home and
office of a patron of his shop, a wealthy
lawyer, famous in the city for his learning
and his skill.
The old woman lifted the knocker of the
door, which, strangely enoueb, was closed
at high noon, and the door was at once
opened from behind by some person oat of
Don Carlos was astonished, and well ha
mightiie. The courtyard was in the ancient
style. Many qnaintly-dressed servants
stood around. A great coach of the fashion
of the early part of the last century stood
near the fountain, servants were harnessing
to it a pair of mules of undeniable Spanish
breed. But he bad no time in which to vent
his feeling of surprise in words; bis guide
hurried him upstairs, and, passing from the
corridor into a huge chamber hung with
dark tapestry, he found himself among
many people. A great bed stood in the
middle of the rearward wall. On it lay an
aired man, pallid, emaciated, tbe eyes Ins
tcrlcss. There were at the bedside a lawyer
and a notary, dressed in a fashion which
was in nothing like the garmentnre of the
year 1890. Young men in tbe costumes of
gallants of the viceregal court of 1700, were
there, all weeping, as were also several
young women and the wbite-baired dame,
whom Don Carlos soon ionnd to be the wife
of the dying man.
"We have sent for you, sir, to be a wit
ness to the will of this gentleman," said the
lawyer to Don Carlos, and continued: "Two
witnesses are needed to such a document,
and therefore I have sent for another, who
has arrived. Let me present to yon Don
Kicardo Orozco."
After tbe formalities, nsnal on presenta
tions,the lawyer remarked: "We have sum
moned yon two gentlemen because of your
youth and ttrengtff, and, believing for these
reasons that yon may both long survive onr