Ej&33!H !W?-"' -4 - -S ,T'-J ;THE PTTTSBUKQ-' -uxar.tv.i.uiv- ior A yrt1TT ' --i THUKSDAT. OCTOBER "yeiS 18905 LIVE STOCK I1EYIEW. Heaviest Run of Cattle for the Season at East Liberty. MARKETS LOWER OS ALL GRADES. With the Exception of Light and Smooth Batcher Beeves. SHEEP WEAKER AND SWINE STEADY Office of Pittsburg Dispatch. Wednesday. October S, 1890. i The run of cattle at East Liberty this week was the largest of the season. There were above 1G0 loads on the market Monday morning, and since that time 20 more loads hare been received, making 30 loads more than have been received any one week for months past. As usual a large proportion of receipts were common and low grade beeves. In the 180 loads there were not probably a dozen loads of the smooth, light cornfed stock veighingl,000 to 1,200 pounds, such as our market has been calling loudly for in vain ah this season. 1 his grade of cattle were ttrong at last week's prices, and many more than were offered would have found ready buyers. There arc a tew loads o Southern Ohio "beeves on the market which are good, but not strictly prime, veighiuclrom 1,100 to 1.50O pounds, for which there was no deniadd at satisfactory price6, and tliey were sent on East in first hands. The best offer for these good heavy beeves was $4.60, and no doubt they would have brought S4CU, but the latter price was not satisfactory to the shippers. Common and low grade cattle were active at le15c, loer prices than last week. The saung clause of this weet's cattle market was the presence of a larccr number of buyers than hare been on band for months past. All the buyers who ever visit the East Liberty yards were on hand and ready to invest. Tho heavy run gave them the opportunity to de mand concessions, but with the exception of 10 or 12 loadb of good heavy beeves nearly all offered were sold. Stockers were dull and slow. Good Ohio feeders were in good demand. Fresh cows and j-pnncers were active at a range of f30 to S10 a head, and common stock were dull at $15 to 25 a head. Good veal calves were scarce and active at oc to SJJc. while heavy grassers were slow at a range ot CUc to 3c per ft. Sheep, Lambs and Snine. The number of sheep on the market this week was about 20 loads, and in the supplies tfiere was very little prime stock. All commission men are agreed that quality of offerings of late has been very low. A bunch or two of tops were sold at S5 25 to So 35. butthe general tange of markets was 3 0 to H To. Lambs were dull and lou cr, w ltb 4c to Cc per ft a the range. Markets were reported from 15a to 20c lower than last week, witn fancy stock as the excep tion, which Here hardly quotable on account of their scarcity. Selected hogs were strong 5c higher on Monday than at the close of last week. There have been no new features since Monday. Plnladelnhias were quoted this morning at SI oO to 4 SK). Receipts at Chicago this morning were very large, and S4 60 was the to) price. J. 13. Fcsh A Co. report the following sales for week emliiigOctnber S: Seven cars St. Louis fiteert. averagins 9C0 to 1,050. ranging prices SS 00 to 53 50: 2 cars Indianapolis, averaging L10U, 3 00 to 3 55 2 cars Chicago heifers, averaging WO to 1KX), 2 GO to 3 00; 1 car Ohio stecis and heifers, average 5. 3 20; bulls, 1 50 to 2 50; cow?. 2 00 to 3 00. McCall A- Co.' Weekly Kev iew. The supply ol cattle was heavy and the mar ket ruled fair at a decline of 10 to 2Cc per cwt on all grades except prime feeders and nice 1,100 to 1,300 E butchers' grades, which were strons at last week's prices. We give the fol lowing as ruling prices: Prime. 1.300 to 1,600 fts. 1 40 to 1 00; good 1,200 to 1,400 fts, 4 00 to 4 25; good butcher grades, 1,100 to 1,300 fts. 3 fell to 4 10; rough fat. LlOO to 1,300 fts 3 25 to t3 50; common to fair, 1,000 to 1,200 fts, 52 75 to 3 25; gooa feeders. LOOO to LlOO flu, 3 40 to 3 Uk common to fair stockers and feed ers. 700 to 1.000 fts, 2 00 to 3 10; mixed lots, cows, heifers and bulN. 175 to 250; fresh cows and springers. 20 00 to 35 00 per cwt. The receipts of boss light and offerings mostly common. The demand for this class is vcrv slow. e quote fair to best Pluladelphias. 4 75 to 4 90; best corn fed Yorkers. 4 50 to 4 00; common to fair Yorkers, 4 15 to 4 40; rou2bs. 3 50 to 4 00. Tlie supply of steep fair; market flow and draggy. We quote sales as follows: Prime Obio and Indiana Betters, weigMns Sere 105 to 110 lb 5 00 to $5 5: cood. 90 to'100 lbs, 4 70 to 4 90; fair to pood mixed, 75 to bO lbs, 3 50 to 4 00: culls and common lots. 2 00 to 53 00; jrood vearlinps, 4 25 to 4 75; fair to good, DO toW lbs. 3 CO to 4 00; spring lambs null; common to be 4 50 to 6 00; veal calves, 110 to 120 lbs, 5 00 to 6 00; hearv calves. 2 00 to S3 00 and not w anted. JJy Telcgraplu NEW YORK Beeves Kcceiptg 3.133 head, including 29 cars for sale; market steady; na tive steers 3 W)) 05 per 100 fts; l'cxans and Colorados. 3 15g3 35; bulls and cows. 2 25 2 70: dressed heel i-tcadv at CgTJjC per ft; ship ments to-day. 7.90 quarters of beef, to-morrow. 00 beev es and 04 sheep. Calves Receipts 921 head; market brm; veals, 6 00S 00 per 100 J: grassers. 2 002 6.!J; Westerns. 3 0n4 8a Sheep Receipts. 4.971 Dead) market steady; sheep. 4 Wto 25 per 100 Its; lamb. 5 75675; dressed mutton steady at Si0c per ft; diessed lambs slow at 9jllc per ft. Hogs Iter cipts, 31000 head; market shade higher at 4 20Q5 00 per 100 fts. OMAHA Receipt. LS00 head, all natives and poor quabtv: common steers 510c lower; best butchers' stock steady; others 510c lower; feeders unchanced: reasonable demand for fancv steers, of which there are none on the marKet. arc quoted nominally at 1 404 80; nnmc sferfi f3 Tff.n 3.1- fair Tn .,.,. c nn7 s 1 90. Hois Receipts. 7.000 head: marketlnuor- choice heavj .j10c lower light and mixed 10c lower, anti neavy pacKers I5c lower; light, 1 054 15; heavy. 3 904 05: mixed. 4 05 i 15. fcheep Receipts. 200 Head: market easiei; natives. 2 25&4 00; Westerns, 2 O03 90. CINCINNATI liogs Receipts large and mar ket weaker; common and light, 3 001 50; packing and butchers', 4 202"! CO; receipts, O.300 head; shipments. 2,600 head. Cattle Supply liberal; market weaker: common. 1 002 00: rair to choice butcher grades, 2 25 HZ 75; choice shippers, 4 004 25; receipts. 1,300 bead; shipments. 200 head. Sheep Offerings liberal; marKet weak; common to choice. 2 50 4 70: stock wethers and ewes, 4 25ffi5 00: ex tra fat wethers and yearlings, 4 755 00: re ceipts, 1,180 head; shipments, 1.100 head. NKASASCITY Cattle Receipts, 6,320 head; shipments. 5.600 head; market 510c lower: steers, 3 20 00: cows, 1 002 40; stockers and feeders, 2 253 0C;range steers. 1 8032 40; range cos, 1 25si2 65. Hogs Receipts. 12.6G0 head; shipments. 4.000 head; market 1020c lower; bulk, 4 05Q4 15; all grades. 4 00g4 20. Sheep Receipts, 2.200 head: shipments, none; market steady: lambs 3 Tjg4 45. ,r00a n, choice muttons 3 70&4 10; Blockers and feed ers, 2 tog! 05. ST. LOUIS-Cattle-Receipts4,200head; ship ments, head; marKet steady: good to fancy native steers. 4 404 95; fair to gooa do 3 80 4 50; stockersand teeders. 2 00ji3 0u- Texans and Indians 2 45&"3 4a Hogs Receipts, 4 500 head: shipments, none; market lower fair to cl-oice heavy, 4 354 43; mixed gres, 3 90&4 25: light, fair to best, 54 25a 4 4a isbcep Receipts. 2.100 head; shipments 100 biad: market steady; good to choice, 4 00 64 50. t BUFFALO Cattle Receipts. 23S loads througli 4 sale; active and shade higher. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 16 loads through, 7 sale; top grades in good demand and higher, owing to light ran. Shee) Choice to extra, 5 005 25; good to choic- 4 754 95 LamUs Choice to extra, 5 006 25; good to choice, 5 75j 9a H..g Receipts, 22 loads through, 20 sale; firmer; medium and mixed, $4 S04 85; common to good Yorkers, 4 C54 85; pigs 3 50 64 00. CHICAGO The Evening Journal reports: Cattle Receipts 18.000 head: shipments, 5.000 fc-nijrkei lower: steers. Jl 60S510; Texans, 2 3563 60: ramrtrs. fl B',3-3 0, Tr.rcZ ceipts. 35,000 head; shipments, 9,500 head; mar ket lower; prime heavy and binders' weights S98a4 50: Iieut 4 Km 50. Sheep Receipts 9,000 bead; Mni'invnis, none: market easier: st-ckcrs 3 Gogl 85; Westerns U 004 20: na tives, 4 OOgl So; lambs 1 62G 10. Metal aiarket. JTevv York Pig iron quiet and steady. Cop per nominal lake October. 16 75. Leai qmet am! Mea!: dome-tic. J5 i. Tin dull and unsettled; straits. 23 Oa Price of Itar Silver. New Yokk. October 8. Bar silver, London Jd. Xew York, SI II. MCJ U EADACHE., Me Uw ,, ills EICK HEADACHE -Carter's Little Liver rills ICK HEADACHECarter,, LltUe UTer j.1Ut SICK HEADACHEtlrm,1 ume LlTerPlit SelW7-lTStt MABKETS BY VIRE. Wheat Excited and Ixiwer, bntTraproves on Opening Figures Corn Also Loses Ground Oats Show "o .Firm 1'ront Pork Featureless. CHICAGO Wheat was active to-day and the market unsettled. Outside demand was good and local trading also was large. More or lesi excitement accompanied the advance to-day from the early evening figures which wereji JsC lower than yesterday's closing. After some slight fluctuations the market started up and prices were advanced lgljc, eased off atl IJc, and closed at about le lower than yes terday. Tbe lower opening was due to a little uneasiness on the part of some of the holders who were anxious to sell. The speculative offerings were quite large, and for a time the oemaud was limited. Tbe market for a while acted a little too heavy. Hut a lot of bull news comipcnced to come in, under which the market began to strengthen and to which tbe advance from opening figures was attributed. Corn There was a fair trade, the bulk or which was local within a z range. There was not much to note to tbe market, prices being influenced, as of late, by the operations of a heavy local speculator. First trades were at Hc decline, after which the market re covered on good buying and advanced $c, eased off some, ruled steady and closed with a &ic loss Oats The market opened with an urgent de mand from the shorts in May. First sales were at i4o decline, but prices quickly advanced He and for a time trading was quite active. A large holder sold freely and filled buyers up and continued his offerings until tbe close. Prices iecededc but reacted Kc and finally closed at the same as yesterday's sales Mess pork Less was doing. Opening sales were made at 15c decline, and prices ruled K 10c higher, with frequent fluctuation, aud finally closed at medium figures Lard Trading was moderate. Opening sales were made at 2$5c decline, but the greater portion of the decline was recovered. The market closed quiet at inside figures. Short-rib sides A moderate trade was re ported. Opening sales were made at 5c decline, and a farther reduction of 2c was submitted to. During tbe latter part of the session prices rallied slightly and closed at medium figures The leading lutures ranged as follows: Open- lllirh- Low- Cios- AltTlCLES. Inc. est. est. lng. Wheat, No. s October. I 99X J 1 VOX J !H t WS December 1 lOJt 1 04 1 03' 1 3 ilav 107J6 10tj,4 1U7J 1C7,S Coitx, o. 2 October 49 SOU 49 S3 November 5(',S XH 5t !h May 5514 53 W,i WH Oats, No. 2 October. S9.S S9?i 394 six December 40 40 39 40 Mar an 43 42H 42 -Mehs pork. October. 9 75 975 975 975 January 11 72Ji 11 85 11 72K II 80 Slay 12 40 K47K 12 40 12 42)f I. Aim. December. 6 40 6 40 6 37H 6 37X January 6 M 6 55 6 50 B!0 May 690 6 92K in 690 MIORT KIDS. December. 5 47JS S 47.4 5 47?i 5 tlii January 5 75 I 5 K 5 Kj 5 77,S May. SUKl 6.S 6 12)4 6 15 Casb quotations were as follows: Flour firm and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 99)c; 'No. 3 spring wheat. 87 93c: No. 2 red, 99c; No. 2 corn. 60c; No. 2 oats S9Kc; No. 2 rye. 61K62c; No. 2 barlev.73c No. 1 flaxseed. 1 48. Prime timothy seed,I25l 2a Mess pork, per bbl, 9 75987K. Lard, per 100 lbs. 6 205622. Short rib sides, loose, 5 3S5 40; dry salted shoulders, boxed, S5 62$(s5 75; short clear sides boxed, 5 75 5 84 hugars Cut-loaf unchanged. No. 2 white oats 4040tc: No. 3 white oats. 3S3S4c On tbe Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was unchanged. Eggs 1718c NEW YORK Flour receipts. 24,255 packages: exports 5,655 barrels; active Tind strong; de mand chiefly from home trade, closing dull; sales, 33.650 barrels Cornmeal in fair demand; vellow Western, 2 503 2a Wheat Receipts. 30.100 busbels: exports 4,520 buvhels; sales 3,600,000 futures; 52,000 spot: spot market dull, unsettled and weaker; No. 2 red. tl 05?il 06 elevator; 1 07G)1 0SK afloat: 1 061 0Kf o. b.: No. 3 red, OSKSWc: ungraded red, 1 9d? 1 07J4; No. 1 Northern, 1 0Sil 0S?i; No. I hard, 1 14Jl 15. Options were generally weak, mainly through the Obio State crop re port of an increased yield as compared with the late Government return: No. 2 red, Octo ber, closing at 1 05 November, clos ing at SI 06 December. 810711-160108; closing at 1 U7J; May, 1 101 12. closing at 110. Re steady, quiet. Barlev malt quiet. Corn Receipts, 63.250; exports 143.350; salet. 920,000 futures: 112.000 spot. Spot market quiet, weaker; No. 2. 57Vc In elevator. 57f57JJc afloat: ungraded mixed, 57Jg5S;c: options dull JgC lower, better crop returns; October, 57Ti657Jc, closing at 57Jc; November. 57 o;zic. closing ai oc: ueefmoer, ;i(osyc, closing at 57Jic; May. 5858c closing at 59c. Oats Receipts 147.000; exports. 600; sales. S65,roo futures: 151,000 spot. Spot market firmer, fairly active. Option stronger, fairly active. October. 44c closing at 44c; .Vovemher4545J closwir at ASK: December, 45?i 465c closing. 4Gjc; May, 448c. clos ing, 48Kc: spot. No. 2 white, 464bjic; No. 1, 4Gc: do white. 4bKc; mixed Weitern, 4146Kc; white do, 445ic; No. 2 Chicago, 45c. Hay Light receipts and firm. Hops quiet and steady. Coffee Options opened steady; 1020 down: closed steady, 510 points down: sales, 11.250 bags including October.18.00c; November. 17.45c; December. 17.0517.10c: January; 16.40 16.45c: February, 15.95c, March. 15.80c: spot Rio firm and quiet: fair cargoes; 2uc; No. 7, 18 19c Sugar Raw firm and quiet; refined, firm and good demand. Molasses Foreign n-m-ual; New Orleans quiet. Rye steady anu in lair ueinana. aauow qmet and steady. Rosin dull and steady. Turpentine dull, lower, 404Ic Eggs quiet; fancy, firm; Western, 2i2Jc Receipts. 6.575 packages Pork steady, quiet; mess, 11 50 12 25; extra prime, $10 5011; cut meats, quiet, firm. Middles quiet, ste.idy. Lard weaker, dull: Western steam, 6 47; sales, 1.150 tierces; option sa ies 2. ,00 tierces; Uctoher.JB 47; Novem ber. 0516662; closing. 64S649: December, 6G0662. closing; 0 60 bid: January, 675 6 76; closing, 675; March. $6 96. Butter Fine grades firm, fair demand: Western dairy. 10 15c; do. creamery. 1223c; Elgin, 23J024c. Cheese moderate, demand strong; slight skims. 57Vc; Ohio flats, 6K8Kc PHILADELPHIA Flour firm, with good de mand. Wheat Options opened weak, but closed firm: high grades very scarce and held at full prices; No. 3 red, in export elevator, 95c; No. 2, in do. 1 02: No. 2 red, October, 1 020 1 025i; November, 1 0361 04: December. 1 05)i 06; January, 1 071 07. Corn Options nominally c lower; carlotsfor local trade quiet; No. 3 mixed, in elevator. 56c: No. 3 high mixed, in grain depot. 5654c: No. 3 high mixed, track, 57c; No. 2 high mixed, in grain depot, 5Sc;No. 2 mixed, in do. offered at o7c: No. 2 mixed, October, 57667KC; November 5? 57c; December, 5757c: January, 5556Kc. Oats Carlots a shade higher; No. 3 white, 45c No. 1 clipped white, 49c: futures quiet but firm; No. 2 white, October, 45K45JJc; November 46!4&Kc; December. 4646c; January, 47 473c i-ggs steady; Pennsylvania firsts 22te 22c. ST. LOUIS Flour dull, no trading. Wheat a good business reported and tbe market was lower, opening quiet and c lower, further loss of c followed. Later, a still further loss was recorded but toward the close there was a rush to sell and trading was active but strengthened and the market ruled strong until tbe close which was weak and 1c lower for December and lc lower for May com pared with yeiterday'8 closing. No. 2 cash, V9Vf100; December. 1 02; May. Jl Oijfc July, 91J4C Corn Trading confined to May which was lower; No. 2 cash. 49c: November, 47c bid: December, 47Jc bid: May, 50c Oats No. 2 cash. 38c: October. 37Jc bid; May, 42c Rye firm, bOc bid; Barley quiet, steady: Ne braska and Minnesota, 67c Provisions steady, with a fair consumptive demand, but no speculative movement and little demand for product of other packing points Pork. 10 CO. Lard,6 0a MINNEAPOLIS Spot wheat son well all day. Millers bought high grades and private eleva tors took what was left after millers here and outside had been supplied. Early weakness in futures caused a depression at first, but that was later overcome and trade was very active the range of pnees being controlled at different times of tbe day by tbe rise or fall in futures. Receipts ot wheat were 318 cirs; shipments, 88 cars Closing quotations: No. 1 hard, Octo: bcr, $1 02; on track, 1 03: No. 1 Northern. Octo. ber, 95c: November, 96c: December. 98c May, 104i; on track. 88c: No. 2 Northern October, 9Sc; December, 94c; on track, 9394c CINCINNATI-Flour firm. Wheat active: demand firm: No. 2 red, tl 00. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 5353Kc Oats strong; No. 2 mixed, 4343Kc Rye in light suonlv and stronger. No. 2, 08c Pork steady at 10 5U Lard neg lected; 6 00. Bulk meats and bacon steady. Butter easy. Sugar steady and firm, Eggs in moderate demand and firm at 17c Cheese easier. BALTIMORE Wheat Western firm: No.2 winter red, spot and October, tl 01j; Decem ber. 1 011 04J4; May. 1 10& asked. Corn Western steady; mixed, soot and October, 56 o6ic: year, 53c b;d; May, 57Jtc Oats fairly active; Western white, 4344Kc; do do, mixed, 42S 13c: graded No. 2 white. 44c; do do, mixed, 4ic Rye firm. Hay steady. MILWAUKEE Wheat easy; No. 2 spring, on track, cn'b, 969Sc; December, 9SJc; No. 1 Northern, 1 oa Corn firm: No. 3, on track, 60c Oats doll; No. 2, on track, 40c Barley No. 2, 67c Provisions steadv. Pork Janu ary. 11 75. Lard January, 6 50. TOLEDO Wheat active and easier; cash and October, 1 02; December. SI 04; May, 1 OS. Corn dull but steady; casb, 52c; May, 53c asked. Oats quiet; cash, 41c Cloverseed active and steadv; casb, 4 20; November, 4 25: De cember, 4 30; February. 4 35. DULUTH Wheat opened weak and advanced c but lost He near tbe end. Closing quota tions are: October, f 1 04i: December. Jl 05V; May. Si 11U: No. 1 hard. Jl 04H; No. I .North ern, 97c; No. 2 Northern, 81c GROWLERS AT WORK. They Greatly Fear an Excess of Rapid Transit, Which Has REVOLUTIONIZED THE SUBURBS. Stock Traainrj Slowly Picking Up, hut 011 Completely knocked Oat. THE NEWS AKD GOSSIP OP TEE CITI A few nervous people have recently ex pressed the opinion' that street railway building in Pittsburg is being overdone,and that it is an injury rather than a benefit to many localities in the East End. In an swer to this, it is sufficient to say that hut for the Btreet railways there would be no East End except the old part along the Pennsylvania Railroad. Most of tbe dis tricts opened within the past few years and rapidly growing in population and wealth would still he howling wildernesses but for the introduction of street railways. They have done more to expedite the growth of Pittsburg and to give working people a chance to establish homes than anything or everything else. There is no cause for alarm that they will precipitate a cataclysm of some sort. With out them the material development of the city would be slow and uncertain. There would be fewer buildings fewer people, fewer sales of real estate and less property all round. Letthem come. The more tbe Detter. Tbey are a benefit to all classes and conditions of people. They help to fill the churches and tbe schools Tbey bring trade to the stores, and orders to the workshops But it is not necessary to pointout all of their advantages It is nothing to tbe pnblic whether they pay dividends or not. If the stockholders are satisfied everybody else ought to be. Decadence of Speculation. Financial conditions have eased up consider ably, bnt without imparting fresh Impetus to speculation. -The explanation must be looked for in tbe activity of the regular lines of trade, which affords large opportunities for tbe profit able use of capital, and in heavy investments in real estate by those who in former years were among the chief supporter of the stock marker. The withdrawal of thisfclfment from the Exchauge is manifest in tberestricted volume of business, aud in tbe difficulty of arousing excltemeutexcept upon extraordinary occasions. Consequently values respond less readily tn actual conditions than to the temper of the moment, which may have no better fonndatlon than the filling of a few orders Wbetber this diversion of interest from tbe purely speculative commodities is destined to be permanent or not, it is sufficient to account for the existing depression. Business News and Gossip. A number of buildings will be put up next spring on Perrysville" avenue, near Charles street, to be occupied by the owners "People living on Perrysvllle avenue, from the head of Federal street to the end of the electric line, are practically unanimous for a 00-foot street instead of 80, as recommended by a com mittee of Councils tbe objection to the latter width being that it would cut off some valuable property and is unncessary. The wishes of the people will likely be respected. The average monthly sales or stamps, en velopes and postal cards at the Pittsburg post office amounts to 45.000, or 540,000 a year. The Joseph Loughrey place, about five acres on Forbes street, near the park, is being graded preparatory to the erection of a fine residence to be occupied by tbe owner. Fourteen of 33 mortgages on file yesterday were for purchase money. The three largest were for 30,000, 16,870 and 15,000 respectively. Abont 70 mortgages have been paid off during the week. Brushton Council has passed an ordinance giving the Duquesne Traction Company right of way over Grazier street. The road will go up Grazier to Wood street, vYilklnsburg, and tbence to Fenn avenue, where a loop will be formed, but just where has not been divulged. By this route the road reaches Wilkinsburg without crossing tbe railroad. A new plan of lots at Walls station is beine surveyed by Baxter, Thompson 4 Co., and will son be Dut on the market. The new bnlldine put uo bv Mrs. a. B. Ster. ritt, on the corner of West Diamond and Ohio streets Allegheny, which the United States Government thought of renting for a ipost offlce. is nearing completion, and Messrs. W. A. Herron fc Sons the agents say there will be no difficulty in renting the several apart ments. The first floor is stores the second floor offices and the fourth lodge rooms Tbe third floor has been rented to the High School of Allegheny for a library. The buildine cost 25,000, and is one of the finest on tbe North side. Mr. Milton L Baird is home- from a viit to Philadelphia and New York. He says Pitts burg beats them all for solid business Tbe Fisher OH Company have had their stock registered with the Union Transfer Com pany and It will now be put on the list at tbe ixenange. Heavy selling for London account was the feature of the New York stock market yester day. This and a raid by the bears caused a de cline in prices There was quite a break in Chicago wheat yesterday, and the close was heavy. New Buildings. Five permits were issued yesterday to the following persons: John Kane, frame one-story butcher shop, 14x12 feet, on Forbes street, Fourteenth ward cost, 45. George Dever, frame two-story dwelling, 16x 18 feet, on Frazier street, Fourteenth ward; cost, 620. John Leonard, brick two-story and mansard dwelling, 17x32 feet, on Carnegie avenue, igbteentb ward; cost, 2,100. Mrs. Caroline S. Parson, three brick three story dwellings 16x38 feet each, on Penn ave nue. Twelfth ward. Cost, $6,630. L K. Campbell, brick addition two-story dwelling. 9x14 feet, on rear Bluff street. Sixth ward. Cost, 500. Movements in Real Estate. S. A. Dickie & Co. sold for B. H. Peabody to W. G. Markell 56Ji feet on Stanton avenue, and 120 feet back to a 20-foot alley, for 3.375. Charles Somers & Co. sold to Henry Benter two lots on Soho street, near Center avenue size 40x100 for $1,200. ' A J. Pentecost sold two lots In Pentecost's plan, Morrison avenue, Allegheny, for S250 each, the purchaser being AVIlliam Giffln. lirown oaint soio. 10 winiam J. Smith for 400 a lot 25x120 feet on the south side of Ver sailles avenne. Walls station. Black fc Baird sold to Mrs D. K. Bryce for H. S. A. Stewart a large new brick residence on Negley avenue in Negley Place, with lot 43 feet in width and extending to Portland street, for 9,500 casb. They also report the sale or two other houses in this place made during the week. J, C. Reilly sold for William Short a lot on the Ridge at Ingram, 100x340, for 2,600 : also two lots, 24x100 each, on Belinda street, Mt Washington, for James Murray to Patrick Nor ton for 600. W.'A. Herron 4 Sons sold lots 36 and 37 in Brown fc Donnell's plan in the Nineteenth ward. 20x100 feet each to an alley, on Dauphin near Winebiddle avenue, for 500 each. Tbe lot 22x100 feet reported TuesaaV and sold in tbe above plan brought 2,000. This is noted be cause tbe price was omitted. Baxter. Thompson Jfc Co. sold to E. K. Dixon lot Ha 363 in the Port Pitt Land Company's plan. North Jeannette, fronting 40 teet on Grandview Btreet by 100, for $300. Boston Stocks. Atch. A Top SiH Boston A Albany.. ,.18 Allouez Mg. Co., Atlantic Boston Mont.. Boston & Maine 204 52 u. u. &y.-. w Cln., San. & Clev... 27 Eastern It. It 1T0 Eastern EL. K. 6....12M Fitchbcrg K. It. pr. 87 Flint 4 Fere M 22 Calumet &Hecla....802 Franklin 193; xiuruu .... ... ....... a Kearsarae 16 Osceola 41 i'ewablc (new) IS Uulncv lis K. C.,8t. iCB.7s 1I8M L. It. A Ft. S.... 99 hanta Fe copper .... 52K Mass. Central Mex. On. com N. Y. A N. En. .... S.Y.iS. Enr.7s.. Old Colony Kutland preferred.. Wis. Cen. common. 18 Tamarack 1M Mi Boston Land Co 5K 41k West End 24 125 Bell Telephone 221VS l.amson tatore s 30 68 I Water Power 4 20 iCentennlal Minim. 20 Philadelphia Stocks. Closlne quotations or Philadelphia stocks, fur nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers No. 57 Fourth avenus Members Mew York stock Ex change: Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad S2 EiX Heading: IS 7-16 18 Baraio, l'ltubnrjf A Western 7K H Lenlsih ValUr MM 11 Lehigh Navigation 51H S1K Philadelphia and Krle 31 Northern Pacific 27X 27 Northern Pacific preferred 53 73H Mining Stocks. New York, October & Aipen, 600: Bodie. 140: Caledonia B. H.. 165: Chollar. 850; Crown Point, 275; Homestake, LOOO: Horn Ullven 325; Iron SUver, 160; Ontario, 4,200; Ophlr, 500; Occi dental. 180: Plymouth; 150; Savage, S60; Sierra Nevada, 280; Sutter Creek, 12a , " HOME oECUklTIES. moderate Trading, 'With Nothing Strange In the Way of Features. There was a steady and fairly active stock market yesterday. Bidders were rather more urgent than Is their wont, and refused to make concessions in almost every instance. Bales were 220 shares Electric, Switch and Signal and the tractions were dull and weak all day. Philadelphia Gas was stronger at the opening, but yielded a frac tion in the afternoon. Oil started on another upward movement. Luster improved its standing, closing at the top ot tho day. Wheel ing and Chartiers Gas failed to respond to the dividend in the one case and the, talk of one in tbe other. nnST SECOND THIRD CALL, CALL. CALL. B A B A B A P. P. 8. A M. Ex 450 500 ArsenalBank.... 66 AlleebenyN.Bk; 72K.. 72X Bank.otPltt 88 Com. Nat. Bank .... 106 .... 108 .... 106 Exchange N. B. .... , 87 90 Iron City N. 11.. Kji..., 92 .... 92.... Marine N. Hank 106 ...A M. A M.N.llank 70 Monon. N. Hank 126! Safe Deposit (Jo 66 .... Enterprises. Bk 58 Humboldt Ins... 4 50 1 Mon. Ins 36 36 ....- C. V. Uas Co.'... S3 39 .... 38 38 .... P.JN. O. AP. Co 15X.... 15 .... 15 .... Philadelphia Co. 30J iH 29X 30H 29 80X Wheeling; Gas C. 187s.... 18 21 is).... ColnmblaOUCo. Vi 3 ........ Vt 3 HazelwoodOllC. Sua 50i.... Pitts. Traction.. S3 Zi Pleasant Valley. 27 27i .... 27X bee av. Electric 50 514 Chartiers Ky. 53 53 P'gh, Y. A A 40 40 l"gh, itcK. A I 60 P.. C. ASt-L 28 28 P. V. A C. R. Co 45 48 .... 14 P.A W.1E.K.CO 14 P., W. AX.K.K. .... 54 54 N.lf.AC. U. C.C 33S 35 33 35 Luster Mining. 1!S ISJt I8X 18 18 19 WestlnpbouseK. S1K.... 32 33 'SIX 33 U. a. AS. Co lhji 15 KH Nothing was done at first calk At second, 30 shares Philadelphia Gas went at 30. At third, 60 share Columbia OH brought 3, and 110 Philadelphia Gas 30. The total sales of stocks at New ork yester day were 325,794 shares Including: Atchison, 24.S05; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 10,450: Erie, 10,300; Lake Shore. 4.036; Louisville and Nashville, 23.770; Missouri Pacific 11,055; Northwestern, 6,665; North American. 13.551; Northern Pacific preferred. 8.810: Reading. 16, 480: Richmond and West Point, 7,251: St. Paul, 30.730: Union Pacific, 18.3C0; Western Union, 7,885. MONETAE? MOVEMENTS. Loanable Fands in Good Supply Outsiders in Better Favor. . The local money market is growing stronger in resources the volume of loanable fnnds showing a steady increase, resulting from tbe active condition ot trade and consequently liberal depositing. Merchants and manufacturers continue to Ve good borrowers, and considerable outside paper is being handled, shotting a broadening tendency ot the loan market Interest rates snow no chance, but ape steady on tbe basis of 67 per cent according to time and collateral. Yesterday's exchanges were 2,695,249 42 and balances 444.742 0L Routine business was of good proportions. Money on call at New Yorlyesteroay was easy, ranging 36 per cent; last loan, 4; closed offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper, 57. Sterling exchange quiet and steady at 4 S1K for 60-day bills and 4 86 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. M. K. AT. Gen. 5s.. 68J Mutual Union 6S....102K N. J. C. Int. Cert.. .liott Northern Pac. lsls..H6H Northern Pac. 2ds..l09) Northw't'n consols.140 Northw'ndeben's 53108 Oregon A Trans. 6S.107K 8t.L4sI.ll, Gen. 5s. 92 St.L. AS.F. Gen.M.110 St. Panl consols. ,...12w St, P. CblAPc. lsts.114 Tx.. Pc L.G.Tr.Rs. so Loulslanastamped43 K Missouri 6s 100 Tenn. new set. 6s.. ..104 Tenn. newstt. 5s.. ..104 Tenn. new&et, 3s.... 11 tannas so. zas vt Central Pacific lsts.HO Den. A K. G. lsts...M6 Den. AK. G. 4s 82!4 Tx.. Pc.KG.Tr.Ks. 38 u.&xw w. neswbis. Krle Ms OSk M.K.4T. Gen. 6s.. 80 union i-acinc uts ..ill West Snore mi New York Clearings $141,625,482; balances 5.364.711. Boston Clearines 18,410.862: balances 2,107,967. Money, 4K5 per cent. Philadelphia Clearings, 12.389,012; bal ances. 2. 107.671. Baltimoke Clearings, 2,396,131; balances, $430,999. Londou1 The amount of bullion withdrawn from tbe Bank of England on balance to-day is 39,000. Pabis Three per cent rentes., 94f 85c for the account. Chicago Clearines, '$13,979,000. New York exchange was 90c discount. Rates for money were steady at 6 per cent on call and 67 per cent on time. NO BUSINESS. Oil on a Higher Level, but Nobody 'Willing "to SeU. There is no great quantity of long olf in this market, but holders seemsto have concerted to withhold what there is for higher prices with a reasonable certainty of getting it. There were no sales yesterday, although the com modity was bid up to 81Vc. Small offers at tbe close were at 81Jc There was considerable trading at outside exchanges. Lima was of fered at 22Kc and 22c. In New York 20c was bid. Features of Yesterday's Oil Market. Corrected daily by John M. Oakley & Co.. 43 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Excbange: Opened 80K Lowest. 8IX HlKhest 8IH1 Closed..... wg , . Barrels. Average charters 35.119 Averajre shipments 85.124 Average runs , 76,S8Z Roflnea. New York. 7.40c Krfined. London. 5Kri. Keiinea, Antwerp, ifl.f. Kenned, JJverpool. 5H'I. Befined, Bremen. 6.50m. Other Oil Markets. Oil Citt. October 8. Petroleum opened at 80c; bighesr. 81!c; lowest, 80lc: closed. 80J4c Sales, 110,000 barrels; runs, 90.981; ship ments, 95,972. !'- Bratjford, October 8. Petroleum opened at SOJc: closed, 80c: highest, 81c; lowest, SOJJc. Runs, 110.963 barrels: shipments. 121 -524; charters, 103,850. clearances 282,000 bar rels. New York, October 8. Petroleum opened firm and advancedasllght fraction, but yielded later and closed steady. There was a continu ation of tbe pressure to sell Lima oil and it de clined to 19. but later, rallied 1 cent and closed steady. Pennsylvania oil Opening. 79c: highest, 79&c: lowest, 7914c: closIng.79Vcl November option Opening,80c; hiKbest,80?c; lowest, sufcc; ciosing.&ujic Lima oil Opening, 21c; higbest. 21c; lowest, 19o: closing, 20c. Total sales 76,000 barrels NEW YOBK STOCKS. A Decidedly Weak Market Unusual De clinesThe Drop Attributed to Liqui dation Rumors of a Strike Knocks Erie Down. New York, October 8. The stock market to-day was airain decidedly weak, although there was only a moderate business transacted and the declines for the day are on the average larger than on any day for a "long time. The opening was firm at fractional advances over last nigbt's figures following a higher market in London, but the feeling among the traders was very much mixed as to the probable course of the market, and some London selling being detected in the Louisville & Nashville and Erie, there was immediately a renewal of the pressure ot'short sales and prices sbaded'off throughout the forenoon. Some of the traders who had been working for a rally threw over their storks and while there was still a moder ate demand it was insufficient to meet tbe offerings Toward noon there was a rumor that the Erie Company would not settle with its em ployes, and that a strike was imminent, and, accompanied as tbe report wis by a vigorous bammerinz of the stock, it started a downward movement which soon extended to tbe entire active list. Western Union declined in spite of the excellent statement put out, and North American was sold off on reports that some large interest was compelled, to liquidate, which brought tbe Northern Pacifies down with it. There was an unusual number of sellers' 60 day options put out, and even New York Central was depressed materially in that manner. Tbe reports of tbe failures brought out a large number of stop orders, and the as sertion attributed to General Thomas that tbe dividend on the East Tennessee would prob ably be reduced from 6 to 4 per cent, brought Richmond and West Point preferred down from 73 to 70. The markets showed no recuperative power whatever, and, while there was a great deal of taking of profits on tbe bear side in the late dealings, only a feeble rally occurred, and tbe marked weakness ot Western Union and Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred under the pressure hrought tbe wholelist down again in tbe final dealings. The market finally cloaed fairly active and decldedjyweak, at about the lowest prices' of tbe day and leaving many O". 8. 4s res: 122v U. S. 4s coup lrjVi U.S. 4Ws, ret; 104 U. 8. 4ls coop 104 Pacific & of '96 116 stocks at the lowest Points reached- in months. The final declines of interest were Richmond and West Point preferred 4bi, Wheeling and Lake Erie preferred 29f, the cJmmon V, St. Paul 2K. North American 2V. Rock Island Vi, Atchison 2, Burlington and Quincy, Southern Pacific and Union Pacific lKeach. Northern Pacific preferred 1? Big Four. Lackawanna, Louisville and Nashville and Western Union .each IJf, Northwestern IK. Erie, Lake Shore and heading each , PacfheMail and Wabash preferred each 1 per cent, and other generally large fractions. Railroad bonds were quiet, but showed a lit tle more animation thau usnal of late, the total sales reacbing 1,178.500, and while tbe general tone or tbe market waslfeavy, there was noth ing of the weakness shown in the share list. The Atchison and Reading incomes were again made a part of the manipnlation for lower prices and the former furnished 270,000 to the total, followed by tbe Texas Pacific incomes with 210.000, though in the latter there was only a slight movement. Declines are in a majority to-night, however, and while Interna tional firsts rose 2ito 115J, Reading thirds loat 2Kt..34; Richmond and West Point fives 2 to 69K; St, Josepb and Grand Island firsts 2 to 103. aud Feoria and Eastern firsts, 2 to 79. Government bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been entirely neglected. The Post says: The further decline of stocks to-day in tbe face of circumstances wbich might naturally be expected to make higher pneescan be attributed to nothing but liquida tion, which or Itself compels further liquida tion. There was nothing new in regard to the railroad business of rany part of the country, nor anything in connection with tbe money market to make any decline in stocks to-day. On tbe contrary, tbe aspects of tbe general business and monetary situation was far better than a few days ago. Even London, which has been disturbed by the South American troubles, bad recovered enough confidence to be a moderate buyer of securities this morning, hut there were a good many speculators in this market who loaded up heavily with stocks at the higher prices of last April and May in ex pectation of a great rise as tbe resnlt of tbe sil ver Inflation and the disbursements of tbe Treasury surplus in tbe enotmous pension and other appropriations Tbe shortage of the crops, tbe South American troubles and the money stiingency here last month, brongbt dis appointment and obliged more and more of them tojiquidate, and the liquidation of these obliged still others to liquidate, until prices of stocks anl bonds are below their legitimate level. When the liquidation is over there will be a large and rapid recovery, but wben that will come depends only on the financial strength and courage of those who are carry ing tbe stocks The following table snows tne prices or active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for TnE Dispatch by Whitney A bTEPHENSON. oldest Pittsburg mem bers of New York Stock Lxchange, 57 Fourth avenue: (los ing Did 18 -57 33 76 Open V lne. Am. Cotton Oil 18 Am. cotton on nrer... 40 Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 20X Atch,, Top. AH. F 35H Canadian Pacific 76! Canada Southern 53( Central orNewJersey.US Central Pacific Chesapeake A Ohio.... 19H Chicago Gas Truss.... 4194 C. Bur. A Qulncy 92 C. Mil. A St. Paul.. . 62 C. Mil. A St. V.. pr.. wm C, Bock I. A P. T1H C. SSL. A Pitt Uii C St. L. A Pitts., pf.. 40 C St. P.. M. AO : C, St. P.. 41. A O. PI. 85 C. A Northwestern ....107 C. C. V. A I 6H Col. Coal A Iron 45 Col. A Booking Valley 30? Cites. A Ohio lBt nrer.. 54 Ches. A Ohio 2d prer Del.. Lack A West 143 Del. A Hudson 1537 Ueq. A Itlo Grande.... iH Den. A Wo Grands Of. 55 E.T., Va.'A ua.. ...... 8Ji E. T. .Va. A Ga., 1st pf 73 Illinois Central 101 Lake Erie A West uake Erie A West pr.. 58 Lake Shore AM. s 1M Louisville A Nashville, 81 Michigan Central Mobile AOblo 25 Missouri 1'aclflc 67 National LeadTrnst... 20 New York Central 104H n. r.. C. A St. L N. Y.. Li. E. A W 23 N. I". AN. E. 42 N. Y.. O. A W I7M Norrolk A Western Norfolk A Western pr. 59 Northern Pacific 1SH Northern Pacific pr.... 74 Ohio A Mlsslsslpm 22 Oregon Improvement. 40 Pacific MaU 39 Peo., Dec. A Evans.... 18 Pniladel. A Heading... 38 Pullman Palace Car. ,.2194 Richmond A W. P. T.. 1S Richmond A W.P.T.m 73, St. Paul A Dnluth St. Paul A Dnluth nr. St. P., Minn. A Man St. L. A San F. 1st pt Sugar Trust H Texas Paclnc W-k Union Paclfo 52j Wabash 10 Wabash prererred 21 Western Union K& Wneellng AL. E....... 32 Wheeling A U ICprer. 73 North American Co... 35 High ess 19 40 35 78 53 '4 115 iwi 8 Wi 40 Low est. na 33 &i 76 62S U4K it):4 43' P0H 5H 103fe 75 HM 33 '52 114 30 19H 43J 90 59 108 75 14 38 28 10551 65 44 29 62 35 141 154 17 5114 8 107 66 45 30K 54 " 153 17J an 8 105) 65 44 29K 52j li2lj 153 17 Vi 101 ma 14 66 105H im 90 67 20 is" 21 41 IS 16 58 27 73 23 39 38 17 38 218 17 69 30 90 107 72 76 17'4 60 10 20 80S 31 70 32 58 106 H Wi 25X 64! 20M 56 105 79 25)i 67 20 24 rOi 17H 59" '.Ah 22 40 39 18 38 2I9U Vi 73 21X 41 17 5S 27A 73 22 39 38 17J 38 219 17 70 77K 18 52H 1U!4 21 82 VJ 33 73H 3d 76'4 17 5054 10 20 80H 3IM 70 a Coffee inSight, New York. October 8. The world's visible snpply of coffee October 1 was as follows: Stocks in Europe, 1,024,739 bags; do in Rio, 153, 000 bags; do in Santos, 302,000 bags: do in tho United States 196.305 bags; total. 1.676,044 bags, while there are afloat for Europe and America. 538,500 bags, making the grand total 2,214.544 bags, as against 2,163,476 bags on September L Drygoods Marker. New Yobk, October 8. The jobbing trade in drygoods was active again, with many buyers in the market. Wants covered all kinds or goods and the prospects are good for a consid erable reduction in stocks this week. Staples of all kinds are well sold up. Tbe market tone continues strong. EIVE INTELLIGENCE. Dam No. S to he Located Opposite Beaver Station on the Ohio. Colonel Merrill and Captain Martin roturned from Beaver yesterday, and held a consultation with the rlvermen to determine the location of dam No. 5, as tho new Ohio structure will be called. Colonel Merrill stated that he and Captain Martin had agreed that tbe best place for the dam was exactly opposite Beaver sta tion. As this is tho most desirable spot where on the dam could he Duilt, the rlvermen as sented to the recommendation of Colonel Mer rill, tbat tbe dam be erected there. Colonel Merrill stated tbat It-would be some time before work would be commenced on tbe dam. It will be necessary to condemn tbe property and secure a clear title before tbe start is made. The new dam Is to be con structed similar to Davis Island dam, but it will not cost near so much. Experience in building movable dams has reduced the cost very much. The building of Davis Island dam was entirely an experiment, it being the first movable struc ture ever erected. Colonel Merrill is credited with making the statement that in order to have slack water between Davis Island and No. 5 dam, there will have to be three more dams erected. River men say tbat while tbey favor this de cidedly, they think that it Is not necessary, and if any money is going tobe expended In build ing more dams which is not at all probable for a few years, tbey think it could be used to much better advantage than in slacking the Ohio between Beaver and Davis Island. They were generally nr the opinion tbat two dams will be quite sufficient, but if the Government will build tbem and give them all tbe other needed improvements asked, tbey say that it will meet with no opposition .from them. Colonel Merrill thinks that the Beaver dam will only slack tbe water as far up as Economy, and tbat three dams will be necessary between that point and Bellview. Driftwood. Tni Monongahela was 8.3 at noon yesterdayand at 5 o'clock it was s'feet, Tiik H. K. Bedford bad a good trip both ways in tbe Parkersburg trade. Colonxl Kobebts, or the Pennsylvania Ship Canal Commission, stated yesterday that tbe four dams between Davis Island and tbe Beaver river were absolutely necessary, when told tbat some river men did not see tbe necessity or so many. Captain John Maldripof, or tbe Louisville harbor towboat Henry Be Bus. Is still lying In a very ci It leal condition from the effects of Injuries received by railing over the taffrall of the Be Bns while fainting from sickness. His sknll is frac tured, and be sustained Internal injuries which may cause his death,. THE management or tbe Pittsbur and Cincin nati Packet Company made no mistake in an nouncing the departure of the C. W. Batchellor yesterday, which has lain In port for'the last three months. Tbe Batchellor Is commanded by ber old officers with some Aw exceptions. George E. O'Neal Is master, and Ira B. Huntlngtou looks after the passengers. She left with a good trip, and had engagements below. Her passenger list is very good. Slain by Poison. Not the poison tbat the covert assassin ad ministers in the drink, tbe food, or some other guise, but the poison of malaria shortens tbe lives of myriads There is a safe and certain Antidote, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters which not only fortifies the system against malaria, but roots ont its seeds wben tbey bave ger minated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic, liver and Kidney trouble are conquered by the Bitters. Exposition Visitors Do not fail to'call at Lies' pppular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth street, and have your picture taken. Good work, low prices, prompt de livery. Cabinet photos (1 per dozen. ZX8D. DOMESTIC MAfiEETS. Scarcity of Choice Potatoes and Fancy Apples Reported. BANANAS TOO PLENTY AND LOWER. 1 Heavy Cereal Receipts, and Oats Seeking a Lower Level. SHELL C0EH AND WHEAT STRONGER Office of PrrrsBtmo Dispatch. ? Wednesday. October 8, 1890. ( Country Produce Jobbing Prices Very few new leatures bave developed since our last report Choice creamery butter and strictly fresh eggs are firm at quotations There is still a difficulty in secjiring potatoes and apples that are choice and good keepers Those offered are slow. Good 'stock, however, would readily command outside prices Ba nanas have been a'drng on tbe market for a few days past, and ripe bunches sold as low as 50c In fruit lines, grapes bave the field and tropical fruits are kept in. the back ground. But the day of California and tropical fruits will soon be here. Apples $3 504 50 a barrel. v Butteb Creamery. Elgin. 26Z7c; Ohio do, 2324c: fresh dairy packed, 1810c; fancy coun try rolls. 18019c. Berries Grapes. Concords 2S30c a basket: Delawares, 3540c a basket; cranberries, S3 O0 3 25 a bushel; plums 55 006 00 per bushel; quinces, 6 000700 a barrel. Beans New crop beans, S2 4002 50; marrow fas S2 602 75; Lima beans. 6i6 BekswaX 2S30c $1 B for choice; low grade, 2225c Chestnuts S2 503 00 a bushel. Cider Sand refined, $9 0010 00; common, 50 5000 00; crab cider. SI0 5011 00 -p barrel; cider vinegar, 1213c gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, mild, August make, lie: New York cheese, 10llc: Limburjrer, 12J:13Kc; domestic Swcitzer, I3K15c: Wis consin brick Sweitzer, 1313c, imported Sweitzer. 26Kc EOOS 2223c t? dozen for strictly fresh. Fjsatheks Extra live eeese, 5060c; No. 1 4015c: mixed lots, 3035c jft ft. Maple Sybuf 7595c a can; maple sugar. 910c $1 ft. Honey 15c fl ft. Poultry Spring chickens. 3565c a pair; old, t!575c a pair; dressed, ll12c a pound; pucks, 6U70c Tallow Country, 4c; city rendered, 4c Seeds Recleaned Western clover, tS 00 5 25; country medium clover, S4 254 50; tim othy, SI 601 65; bine crass, 32 853 00; orchard crass. SI 51; miller. 7075c Tropical Fruits lemons, choice. 5. 0 6 50; fancy, $8 008 50; Jamaica oranges new crop. $6 00 a barrel; bananas, SI 251 50 firsts, 51 00 good seconds, $1 bunch; California peaches, $2 002 60$ box; Tokay grapes, 84 50 5 00: California nlums 12 002 25 fl box; Cali fornia pears. 4 004 50 $ hox: new figs, 17c $ ft: dates. 56c $ ft- Vegetables Potatoes7Bog5e ?l bushel; Southern sweets S2 252 50 barrel; Jersey, S3 0003 25: cabbage, S3 005 00 fl hundred, onions, S3 75(24 00 a barrel; green onions. SI 25 a bushel; onions,S450for ISO ft basket: creen beans 6575c fl basket: cucumbers, $2 00 ft bushel; tomatoes, ,5075c fl bushel: celery, 2d30c a dozen buncbes: turnips, 50c fl bushel; peppers, SI 001 25 fl bushel. Groceries. Tbe wholesale grocery trade moves along in tbe old ruts, with price of staples essentially the same as they have been for weeks past. Trade is active and staple goods are firm, with a general tendency to a hlsher level. Green CorFEE Fancy Rio. 2425c; choice Rio. 22K23c; prime Rio, 23c; low grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java, 2930c; Maracalbo. 25K27Kc; Mocha, 30 32c: Santos, 2226c; Caracas 2527c; La Guayra. 28 27c Roasted (In papers) Standard brands. 25c; high grades. 2830c; old Government Java, bulk, 3334c; Maracalbo. 2829c; Santos, 26 30c; peaberry, 30c; cbolce Rio, 26e; prime Rio, 25c: good Rio, 24c; ordinary, 2122Kc Spices (whole) Cloves 1516c; allspice. 10c; cassia, 8c; pepper. 13c; nutmeg. 754i80c Petboledm (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7!4c; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight, 150, 8Kc: water white, 10Kc: globe, 1414Kc; elaine, 14c: car nadine, lIKc; royaline, 14c; red oil, llllc; purity, 14c. Minebs' Oil No. 1 winter strained. 435245c fl gallon; summer, 3840c; lard oll.5558c SYBUP Corn syrup. 3o37c; choice sucar syrup. 3S43c: prime sugar syrup, 3233: strictl v prime, 3536c: new maple syrup. 00c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 5052c; choice, 49c: medium, 3843c: mixed, 4042c Jfc?. 5c; bi-carb assorted packages, SJiQSc; sal- 1 sous in Kegs, ic; uo grauuiaieu, c Candles Star, full weicbt, 8Jc; steanne, ft set, 8Kc; paraffine, ll12c RICE Head Carolina, 1ilc: choice, 6 6c: prime, 66c; Louisiana, b6c Starch Pearl, 4c; corn starch, 66c: glo-s starch, 67c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins. $2 65: Lon don layers 32 75; Muscatels. 12 60; California Muscatels, 52 40: Valencia, 77?c; Ondara Va lencia, vwgiiw. suitana, wK(uc;currants,oi2 6c; Turkey prunesrgTJc; French pruneslOH 12c; .-alonica prunes, in 2ft packages 9c; cocua r.uts, ft 100, J6; almonds Iin.,1 ft, 29c: do Ivica 17c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap.. 1314c; Sicily filberts, 12c; Smyrna figs 1213c: new dates, 6 6c: Brazil nuts, 14c: pecans. 10Kllc; citron, fl ft, 1819c; lemon peel, 15c fl ft; orange peel, 15c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 10c; apples, evaporated, 1516c; peaches, evapor ated, pared, 2S30c: peaches, California, eva porated, unpared, 2526c: cherries, pitted, 28c; cherries, unpltted, 1212c; raspberries, eva porated. 3536c; blackberries 10llc; huckle berries. 15c Sugars Cubes, 7Jc: powdered, 7Jc; granu lated, 6c; confectioners' A, 6c: standard A. 6c; suit white, GJg6c; yellow, choice. 6 W&Kc; yellow, good. 6JJoc; yellow, fair, 6K 5Jc: yellow, dark, 65c. Pickles Medium, bbls (1,200), S3 50; me dium, hair bbls. (600), SI 75. SALT-No..l. fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex.. fl bbl.$l 00; dairy, ft bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, fl bbl, $1 20: Higgins' Eureka, 4-bu. sacks, $2 80; Higgins' Eureka, 16-J4 ft packets, S3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches, $2 80 2 90; 2nds, S2 &02 60; extra peaches, S3 003 10; pie peaches, $2 00: finest corn, SI 351 50; Hid. Co. corn, 95cSl 15; red cherries $1 401 60; Xima beans. SI 20; soaked do. 80c; string do, 75 90c; marrowfat peas. SI 101 25; soaKed'peas, 7u80c; pineapples S130l 40; Bahama do. S2 55; uamson pium, at iu; greengages, ex ou: egg plums, S2 20: California apricots, $2 502 60: California pears. S2 75; do greengages. $2 20; do egg plums, $2 20: extra white cherries, $2 85: raspberries, $1 40I 45;strawberrles.S130l 401 gooseberries, SI 101 15; tomatoes. 93cl; sal mon, 1-ft, SI 301 80; blackberries SI 15: succo tash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2-ft, 1 25 1 50; corn beef, 2-ft n s. S2 00; 14-ft cans. $14; baked beans, $1 401 50; lobster, 1-ft, 52 00; mackeral, 1ft cans broiled, $1 60; sardines, do mestic, He $4 &04 75; sardines, domestic, s $7 00; sardines. Imported, e. $11 50Q12 50; sar dines, imported, s $18; sardines, mustard, $4 25; sardines sniced. $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater, mackerel, $29 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, mess, $27 60; extra 'No. 1 mackerel, shore, $19 60; No. 2 shore mackerel,' $22: large S's. 20. Codfish Whole pollock. 5e fl ft: do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless bake. In strips. 5c; do George's cod. In blocks 6KQ7Jc Herring Round shore. S5 50 f) bbl; split, $6 50; lake, $3 25 ft 100-ft bbl. White flsb. $6 50 fl 100-fi balf bbl. Lake trout, $5 60 fj balf bbl. Finnan baddies, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut, 13c f) ft. Pickerel, balf bbl, $3 00: quarter bbl, SI Six Potomac her ring, $3 50fl bbl: $200 fl half bbl; Holland herring. 70c; Walkoff herring. 90c OATMEAL S3 006 50 fl bbl. Grain, Flour and Feed. Sales on call: One car choice, ear 'corn, 63c, spot; 1 car bran. S15 50, spot; 1 car sample mid dlings, $17 50, spot. Receipts as bulletined, 65 cars, of which 54 cars were received by tbe Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as follows: 1 cars of hay, 9 of flour. 18 of oats 1 of wheat, 5 of middlings, 3 of ear corn, 2 of feed. 3 of bran, J of malt, 5of barley, 2 of rye. ByPitts Durg, Cincinnati and SS Louis, 1 car of bran, 1 of hav. 1 of oats, 1 of corn. By Pittsburg and Lake'Erie, 1 car of middlings 2 of bay, I of rye, 1 of oats, 1 of wheat, 1 of flour. Shell corn and wheat are higher and firm, and oats are weaker bv reason of liberal receipts. Other cereals re main as last reported. Receipts of grain andt hayby tbeift wayne roaa were tne largest yesterday for any one day this season. Prices are fdr carload lots on track: Wheat-No. 2red,Jl 031 04; No. 8, $1000 10L CORN No. 2 yellow ear. 6162c?v high mixed ear,5960c: No.2yelIow, shelled, WeSSifhigll mixed shell corn, 56g!56c OATS-No. 1, 4545$c; No. 2 white, 44Q44c; extra, jm o. a, lutsiiyjc; iui&eu oais, wygiivwo. Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 69 o 1 Western .67063c Floub JoDning prices 'ancy spring and winter patent flour. So 756 00: fancy stralebt winter, 15 255 50, fancy straight spring. S5 25 5 50: clear winter. So 00525;stralgbtXXXX bakers', S4 7505 00. Rye. flour, $4 254 60. Buckwheat flour, 44c f) ft. Millfeed Midolinesv fancy fine white S23 00024 00 ft ton; No. 2 white middlings. S2102150; brown. middlings S18 0019 00; winter wheat bran', SIS 0016 a HAY-Baled timothy No. 1, $11 00011 60; No. 2 do, S9 00S9 60: loose from wagon,$ll 0013 00, according to qualityiNo. 2 prairie hay, $8 60 9 00: packing do. 18 008 25. RTitA-W-Oat, 17 758 OOtwheat and rye, 87 50 775. Provisions. Sugar-cured hams, large, lie; sugar-cured J bams, medium, llc; sugar-cured bams small, lIKc; sugar-cured breakfast bacon; 8Jc: sugar- cured shoulders, 7c: sngar-enred boneless. shoulders, c; skinned shoulders, 8c; skinned hams 12c; sugar-cured California hams8c; sugar-cured dried beef flats lOc; sugar-cured dried beef sets lIKc: sugar-cured dried beef rounds 13c; bacon, shoulders, 7c: bacon, clear sides. c: bacon, clear bellies. 6c: dry salt shoulders, 6c: dry salt clear sides, 6Kc. Mess pork heayv, 512 50; mess pork, family, $12 50, Lard Refined, in tierces Wic: half barrels 6c: GO-ft tubs, 6c: 20-ft palls. Wc; 50-ft tin cans, (c; 3-lb tin pails 6Wc: 5-fi tin pails 6c; 10-ft :in pails 5c. Smoked sansaee. long. 5c; large, 5c Fresh pork, links, 9c Boueless hams lUc Pigs feet, half-barrels, $4 00: quarter-barrels, $2 15. Lumber, Building lumber of all kinds is very active and markets are firm but unchanged. Tbe amount already handled by our dealers insures a larger volume of trade this year than any previous year. Tbe demand for cherry is in excess of supply, and prices are hipher than a year ago. Quartered oak is also in active de maud. - -- PINE UlTPLAUED YARD QUOTATIONS Clear boards, per it, .sssoossiro 3000 2000 18 00 . 22 00027 00 4 75 3 60 too Select common boards, per Mi.. Common boards per M. .......... Sheathing Pine frame lumber per M Shingles No. I, Win. per M...,. Shingles No. IS In. per M.. Lath r. HARD WOODS TABD qUOTATIOirS Ash, Ito4m Black walnut, green, logrnn Bl ek walnut, dry, log run Cherry Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In... Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In Dry white oak boards lln West Va. yellow pins 1 Inch WestVa. yellow pins 1J Inch..., West Va. velloir nonlar. 44 to-1 In. Hickory, ft$to3fn 13 0025 00 Hemlock building lumber, perM 1500 Bank rails 14 00 Boat studding . 1400 Coal car plank 18 00 1-LJLNED. Clear boards per M .? Mflt e-nriace ooarus Clear. 4-lneh beaded celling.. Partition boards perM Flooring, No. 1 Flooring. No.2 rf. 30 0035 00 2&00 35 00 30 00 25 00 Yellow pine flooring 30 00040 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. I.... 30 00 Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 2.... 25 00 Weather-boarding. H-lnch 000 HARD WOODS JOBBING PRICES. Ash S30 00(34.", 00 Walnut log run, green 25 OOcHi 00 Walnut log run. dry 35 00050 00 White oak plank, green 17 003)19 00 White oak plank, dry 20 COOS 00 White oak boards dry lSOOffiaoo West Va. yellow pine. 1 In 13 003121 00 WestVa. yellow pine, 1,4 In 20 00025 00 Yellow poplar 13 00O23 00 Hickory, Hi to 3 In. 20 00(325 00 Hemlock 1150012 00 Bunk rails 14 00 Boat studding. 14 00 Coal car plank WOO $2Gs Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICH OP THB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combiner! with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, RSFRE8HINC SLEEP, HEALTH and STREMQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SYAiTJIfc OP FIOB MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KT. NEW YORK. K. t. WHOLESALE -:- HOUSE, Embroidery and White Goods Department-, direct importation from the best manufac turers of St. Gall, in Swiss and Cambric Edg ings, Flouncings Skirt Widths and Allorers Bemstltched Edgings and Flouncings Buyers will find these goods attractive both in price and norelties of design. Fnll lines of New Laces and White Goods UPHOLSTERY DE PARTMENT Best makes Window Shades in dado and plain or spring fixtures Lace Cur tains Portieres Chenille Curtains Poles and Brass Trimmings; Floor, Table and Stair OH Cloths in best makes lowest prices for quality. WASH DRESS FABRICS. The largest variety from" which to select Toil Du Nords Chalon Cloths, Bath Seersuck ers Imperial Suitings Heather & Renfrew Dress Ginghams Fine Zephyr Ginghams Wholesale Exclusively. jal3-s Better than Tea and Coffa for the N,rve. iVanHouten'sOoci The Original-Most Soluble. Ask your Grocer for It, take no other. 63 HOFFMAN'S Harmless Headache POWDERS cure ALL HEADACHE, and act at a 'BRACER in tbe morniug.wbetber the bead is affected by weak nerves orf rom tbe effects of liquor taken the night before. They are not a Cathartic ELY'S CREAM BALM Will cure CATARRH. Price 50 cents Apply Balm Into each nos tril. ELY BROS,, 56 Warren St.. N. Y. de2r35-TTS BROKERS-FINANCIAI. Whitney & Stephenson, "'57 Fourth Avenue. JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BBOKEBS. Btocks Bonds, Grain, Petroleum.) Private wire to New York and Chicago. 16 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. ' mySJ. . S4OCWHM0O 43 00050 00 60 00075 00 40 00(380 00 Mooismco Zt0025 00 20 00(325 00 2)00(3)25 00 K003109 is oorazioo aC laB 0ldinh;j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. If You Have No appetite. Indigestion, Flatulence, taSIelc Headache, "all run down," losing flesh. yo will find Tutfs Pills the remedyyou need. They lone up the weak stomach and build up the flagging energie. Sufferers from menial or physical overwork will find relief from them. Nicelysugareoatedi SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1 TTSSU i E Cared my Dj.prptla wben Physicians HONOl'ltE LTOHJf A1S, Marlboro. Mass MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 814 PEN AVK.NUE. PITTsBUKG. PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitt burg papers piove, is tbe oldest establisba and most prominent physician in tbe city, da voting special attention to all chronic diseases mPreNOFEEUNTILCURED MtrDWni IP and mental-diseases physical liuM V UUO decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered slant, self UL.trust, baahfuloess dizziness sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting tbe person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN sgeifonU bkitcbes, falllne bair, bones pains glandular, swellings ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are cured lor life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A R V kidney and bladder derange Unllirtr. I j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and real cures Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive nxperleuca insures scientific and reliable treatment oa common-sense principles Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it hers Office hours, 9 A. 31. to S p. 31. Sunday, 1U A. 31. to 1 P. 3t. only. DK. WHITTIEK, Sii Penn avenus Pittsburg, Pa. Jjr2-12-DSUWK Dr. E.P. Wests NERVEiND BRAIN TREATMENT! Bpedfle for Hysteria, Dizziness. Fits, Neuralgia, Wake fulness, Mental Depression, Sof tenia? ot the Brain, re sulting In insanity and leading to misery decar and death. Premature Old Age,Barrenness.Los3 0f Power in either sox Involuntary Losses, and Spermatorrhoea caused by orer-exertlon of the brain, self-abuse or OTer-indnlgence. Each box contains one month's treat ment. 31 a box, or six for 35. t ent by mall prepaid. With each order for six boxes, will send purchaser guarantee to refund money If tho treatment falls to cure. Guarantees Issued and genuine sold only by EMILG.STUCKY, Druggist, 1701 and 2101 Penn are., and Corner Wylia anil Fulton st, PITISBURO. PA. myl&5I-TTS8u rR. sa.ivt:ejV's ELECTRIC BELT WEAMES InMKNdebUltatM throncrh disease or otherwise. WK av AKANTEE to CURE by this Sew IMPEOVE1 EhECTKIC KELT or KEFUNU3IOSEY. Made lor this specific purpose. Core or Physical Weak ness srlvine Freely. Mild. Soothing. Continuous Currents of Electricity thronjih all weak parts restoring them to HEALTH and V1GOKUUS bTKESGTH. Electric current felt instantly, or we forfeit I',, 000 In casb. BELT Complete a and up. Worst cases Permanently Cured In three months. Sealed pamphlets free. Call onorad dress tjXHVEN ELECTK1C VO..S13 Broadway. ' Mew Yorfc. mvt2-U-TTSSu DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS in all cases re. quiring scientific aud confiden tial treatment! Or. S. K Lake. M. R. C. P. &. is the oldest and most experienced specialist in tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to i and 7 to 8 p. 3f.; Sundays, z to 4 p. M. Consult tbem personally, or write. D0CTOB3 Lakk. cor. Penn ave. and 1th st, Pittsburg, Pa. je3-72-DWk o3c'a Oofctoan. EOOti COMPOUND imnosed of Cotton Boot. Tansvand Pennyroyal a recent discovery by an 'old nhvsician. Is tuaessfuUu used montflltf-Safe. Effectual. Prich $L by mail, sealed. Ladles ask your druegist for Cook's Cotton iloot compound ana rase no sudsikuib. or inclose 3 stamps for sealed particulars. Ad dress FOND ULY COMPANY, No. 3 Fisher Blook, 131 Woodward ave Detroit, JIich. g3oldln Pittsburg, Pa., bv Joseph Flem. Z & Son, Diamond and Market sH. se21-lb7-TTSuwkzowX FOR MEN ONLY! A rUdl IIVC General andWERVOUS DEBILITY; fl TT "O X1 Weakness of Body and mad; Effects J U XvXl ofErrorsorExceisesinOlaor Young, Bobut. Iloblt HASIIOOD follr RntorrS How tn Ealarn awl 8trr1Jif. 1TB1K, t5Di:TIUPFDOnCJ5SFlRTSotB00r. ib.olut.lTO.rill II09K TRKangST-BraeBU l a dr. Bra le.1 irr from 1 SU1M aad FmMra CautrlM. I eM writ lacou Book, salloiplaottlon. and proofo mailed (setlodl fr. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, K. Y. my3-36-TTS3u NERVE BEANS Strengthen Nerres Brain and 4 other organs. Clear Cloudy Urine. Cure aTersiott to lociety, unnleasant dreams, loss of mem- 4oryy and all nerroLS diseases. rosuiTC cure lor ait maie ana female weakness. Price.tr. ArtdreNerTeBeanCo..Baffa.o.N.Y. At Toseta eminff Sc Son's, ua Market St., and all leading drugfiats. (WILCOX'S COMPOUND). r.c. voriaui utt jueexna. MUragsW everywhere or by mail. 8anHeti.A BotJ' CHAN'S SAFEGUARD " sealed. WILCOX SPECIPIC CO., Philn, Pa. myaM)-TT3Wk . , PERFECTCRES assured rb,nrt"V' TOMENOFJILUGES. uSc0cLeUsTsE MANHOOD . B5? Immediato strength to tho woak and nervoas. Ho nsassous drags to swallow or detention from ordiaarvBarsalts. Applyfor lllastratlTeTrsatlss. DB.MAUSTO.NCO.ltfParkPUeelEWYOBE. au2-TTSrlc FEMALE BEANS Absolutely reliable, perfectly safe, most powerful femalo . regulator known ; never rail ii a box,postpald : one box sufficient. Address LIOS DRUO CO.. Bttffalo. N. T. StdtyJ03.i'LElUG &S0.V,U3 JlArlcrtSt. apl7-40-TT3 ' WC A If MANHOOD Is Brm Early Decay and Abuse. sw m mimpotoncT. Lost Vizor, as4 Impotoncr, Lost Vigor, . health fullv restored. Varicocele cored, new Home Treatise senfree and sealed. secresv. PKOF. H. S. BUTT 1711'ulton St.. N. . auIJ-Jl-TTSSuWk ' ABOOKfBRTHEMlLLlnH FSPPr OME TREATMENT , oi in inbuivm. bbbvimiiiir Tor all CHK05IO. 0S0A5I0 aaj HEaVOTTS DISEASES in both sexes. Rbt Rait till mm nwd tkl. hAMk- add. THE PERU CHEMICAL CO., MltWAOIEl.WlS myliH-TTSSu - TO iEAK MEN Buffennir from tbe effects of youthful error, early decay, wastlnir weakness, lost manhood, eta, I will tend a valuable treatise (sealed) ntalnlng full particulars for home cure. FREE or chargeA splendid medical work: should be read by every man -who is nervous and debilitated. Address, Profi V. C. FOWXEK. WoooHCoHa o&e-iSosuwk 'tStSiSJS"5 !"Zrs 27S feZZ rvttnalL fi '-i 1 V 'i . - . ! .z