if THE PITTSBUKG- DISPATCH, PEIDAT, SEPTEMBER . 19, 189CL' ' 31 POOLS AT THE EACES. An Interesting Question Voted Upon by Exposition Visitors. A MAJORITY BALLOT FOR SELLIKG. Some Observations Gathered at the Big Show at the Point. THE CHILDKES'S KAID OX POPCOEN Tt is mamma this, and mamma, that at the Exposition. It is mamma in every conceiv able tone and mamma with every conceiv able expression. It is the one word heard on every corner, in every aisle and at every popcorn booth especially, for the little ones are out in force and they are very fond of popcorn as many of the older visitors at the Exposition could feelingly testify, having frequently run into a sticky brigade, with which discretion is the better part of valor. As a rule, however, in spite of the popcorn they themselves form a pleasing feature of the big show, and it is only occasionally that some especially daring youth calls forth the wrath of the exhibitors by de camping with laden Jarmsful of their samples. Considerable complaint is made by the patrons of the Exposition regarding the in adequate and inferior street car service granted by the companies running to and near the buildings. Nothing but praise, however, is given to the Exposition proper, and the praise becomes strong regarding the music and the genial musical director, Mr. 1 X. Inpes. A trombone solo rendered by that gentleman yesterday afternoon was rapt urously applauded until an encore was granted of a familiar sacred hymn, during which the entire audience was hushed as if in a cathedral. THIS AFTERNOON'S PROGRAMME. Following is to-day's programme: TAKT I. Commencing at 2 o'clock. Overture, "MiicHa" ...Gounoa Plantation Dance. ...Phelps Cornet solo, "Exposition'' Polka Short Mr. T. V. Short. Grand operatic selection. "Romeo and Juliet" Gounod Concert Waltz, "Soring Songs". Gung"! r AKT II. Commencing at 4 o'clock. Overture. "Lustsplel" Keler-Bela Quartet for French Horns. Foster "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming." Messrs. Vokms, Wagner, Loescher and Helle- berg. Fantasie Descriptive Michaelis "The Forge in the Forest." Phonoxvl Solo, "Oft in Thy Slumbers," (Ballad) Mason Mr. Charles Lowe. March. "Songs of the Day." Clinton Director of the Music Mr. F. X. lnnes The revival of the Homewood races the last season brought to public notice again the question as to whether pool selling should be permitted on the grounds. Last night The Dispatch gave the public a chance to cast their t ote for or against pool selling in order to try and find out, as near as possible, what the majority of people thought about it. EVERYBODY INTERESTED. On th') register were the names of ministers, lawyers, business men, workingmen and those representing all phases of the voting popula tion of a large city. It was easy to guess how a minister would vote and '"anti-race" people. It' as also easy to judge of the decision of those known as patrons of races. The former tno would vote "no" and the latter "yes." It was then a matter of strength bet een the two factions. It was found also that there was a third class ot people ho. while if they voted their senti ments, they might swell the yes column; still they took the stand that tbeydid not attend races and had nothing to say about the actions of others. Ihey only looKed out lor number one and remained neutral, so the question seemed to be between those who wonld put forth an effort to prevent pool-selling, and those who were either patrons of the pool men or saw no harm in this feature. The vote a- yes" by a majority of 91 to 42. Some ot the affirmative reasons were: "Give the boj s a chance to lose," "Might as well gam ble on horses as Presidents." "Yes; if j ou have no pool-selling you have no races and those nho like neither need not attend; therefore, it should be a matter for the patrons to decide," "Races without pool-selling would be as solemn as a funeral.' Sonic of the negative answers were. "It is demoralizing." "Imtnoral." "Have no use for gamblers." "Its influence on the forming ot a young man's character is not good." "It is high time this thing was ended, but it will kill itself in time." The solution of this momentous question should be prayerfully considered. SOME OP THE VOTERS. Among those who voted were: F. R. Far rand. George E. Williams, Miss L. N. Fearnby, Edward Barnes William G. Stern, James Morrow, G. B. Young. Thomas McNeil, J. B. Davis Esq., Wilson McGrew. W. J. Houston, L.D. btnckler.ILD. McCracken,H.L.Reinecke, S. C. Strunz, J. II. Glenn, M. B. Kelly, T. T. Donehoo. T. N. Sprague, Howard fe. Power, Andrew T. Llddell. Jr., Charles F. Huber, Thomas F.'Sweeney, Robert Dixon, James H. Murphy. Edward McGrath, J. B. Mur tlock, Charles J. Lang, William Ramsey, J. A. Beck, Howard Maxwell. J. R. Caroth crs. II. B. Fans Charles Somers, H. 1. Richardson, H. B. Lynn, J. Mc Kmght, M. E. Hodges, M. A. Eastman, M- M. Todd, George C. Biglev, Edwin Jones IL B. McNeal, F. S. Haley, Will Milholland. i. II. Greeu, Edward Barnes, R. A. Mercer, J. r. McGill, O. E. Callahan, D. A. Tones. J. A. Hamilton. B. V. Burke, J. Baxter. Wal-er Vanhorn, H. H. Rankin, IV. fe. Dodd. M. D.; E. B. McFarland, J. W. McDonald. W.H. Campbell. J.B. Ramberger.C. G. Beam, It. G. Clements. Chester H. Earley, John K. Henr, Robert G. Swearer, H. J. Ktratton. Frank H. Ilea, John S. Wilson, C E. Flmn, Charles E. Simpson. To-day's voting topic is, "Should funerals liavc right of way over street cars?'' A PREVENTIVE OF SICKNESS. A Chinese Visitor to the Exposition Gives a Frcsciiption for All Ills. "Greatee medicine. Me neve sick. In China rich man, poor man alle people drink two t'ree cup 'fore eat bleckfast never sick." The talker was a Chinaman who had ttrolled into the He-No-Tea Hong at the Exposition, and, after sipping two or three cups ol tea and smacking his lips, made the remarks quoted. John Hong, !or such was his name, was asked to give an explanation of his utterances by a Dispatch reporter who stood near. John said that in China the first thing that a Chanaman did after dressing and washing his hands and lace in the morning was to sip two or three cups of tea. He said that this warmed the body, set the blood in circulation and kept the person in good health. His statements appeared reasonable in re gard to the good eflect of drinking tea be fore breakiast The warm wat-r treatment before meals is used all over the world by physicians, and the addition of good and pure tea, beside warming the stomach, would act as a stimulant in stirring into action the dormant organs. The effect of using im pure, improperly cured or adulterated tea would be right the opposite of that stated. It takes a Chinaman to know good, pure tea when he driuks it. CARfETS THAT SHOULD BE FRAMED. E. Groetzmgrr, G47-629 Penn Avenue. The carpets in this magnificent exhibit in vestibule seem really too beauti.ul and val uable to be trodden under foot. The soft, yielding fabric is certainly agreeable to the feet, but the injustice would be to the car pets, which are each the best of their kinds, and those kinds o the best 2fo wonder the display is of surpassing richness, when such materials are used and so skillfully ar ranged. The plan of this displav is cer tainly novel, yet one is never surprised when a man of Mr. Groetzinger's taste and judgment places belore the public jnst the thipgs they would have if they knew how to get them. How lamiliar he has made Pitts burgers wilh all that is most valued in floor coverings! It would be superfluous to give the ex hibit in detail, for it has been so thoroughly inspected that all know it well and have given it a gracious reception. They can't Know, however, all the goods at the store, for the stock is so huge that fully two days would be consumed in looking at the more than 500 styles and patterns of carpets it comprises. Strangers are made welcome, whether buyers or not, and are asked to in spect the novelties which are constantly added as fast as produced. Any house holder who contemplates refurnishing now or in the spring can get abundance of ideas from a tour of these stores.which are the largest exclusive carpet stores west of Kew York. J. F. lUaeder, 135 Fifth Avenue. An admirable opportunity is offered visitors to the Exposition to make their selections of fall and winter suits. Mr. Maeder in this way adds his quota to giving pleasure to the strangers in the city and to his old friends and patrons. The new styles have come out, and the new fabrics of which they should be made have come also, so that no delay can occur for lack of material when some particular mode is lanced. Mr. Maeder is always supplied with a full stock of standard and novelty goods, keeping right up with the times. His custom work (the only kind he handles) is ot the best, fit and finish are entirely satisfactorr and the goods reliable. This merchant tailoring establish ment is conveniently located on fifth ave nue, not far from Smithfield st, so easy of access that even a stranger could not miss it A cordial invitation is extended to all by Mr. Maeder to call upon him at his store. WIRE AND SOLID IRON WORK. Taylor dk Dean, No. 201-3-5 DInrket St. The wonderlul conceits in wire shown at this exhibit wonld lead .stranger? to sup pose that these were the chief manufactures of this firm, whereas their specialties lie in solid iron and brass. These can be seen at Market street, and comprise such matters as fire escapes of all descriptions, fire shut ters, stairways, balconies, jail work and ele vator inclosures, with i further list too large to be given in detail. One Thousand Dollars Forfeit if I fail to nrove Floraplexion the best medicine for liver complaint, dyspep sia, nervous debility, biliousness, consump tion. It cures where all other remedies fail. Ask your druggist for it. Sample bottlesent free, ranklik .hart, JNew York. MWFSU An Invaluable Book. From the press of Percy F. Smith, 63 and 55 Virgin alley, has just' been issued the fourth annual edition of Remington Bros.' Newspaper Manual. It is a volume of 412 pages and is neatly and clearly printed, as indeed, is all the fine catalogue and book work coming from the celebrated Cottrell presses. Exclusively used in Pittsburg by Mr. Smith. The Greatest Bargain on Record! Children's picture books, worth 25 cents, only 10 cents. Fleishman & Co., 504, 06 and 508" Market st. Fall Opening Of country blankets, flannels, sheetings, table linens, damasks, towels, lace curtains, hosiery, gloves and winter underwear at lowest prices, at H. J. Lynch's, 438 and 440 Market street. anvFSu Exposition Attractions. Hendricks & Co.'s new display of fine photographs seems to attract the people as much as the Exposition. Bring yonr friends where you get good photographs cheap. Cabinets $1 a dozen. 68 Federal st, Allegheny. Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry. Visitors to the Exposition should not fail to see the display of diamonds, watches, jewelry and silverware at Henry Terhev den's Jewelry House, 530 Smithfield street. WFSU Niagara Falls and Return, $4 75. Toronto, Canada, and return, $5 75, -via Allegheny Valley Railroad, Tuesday, Sep tember 23. Tickets good five days return ing. Train leaves Union station at 8:30 A. SI. Dolls Given A war To all purchasers of infants' goods. Fleishman & Co., 504, 506 and 508 Market st. Grand Clearance Sale. If you want piano or organ at a bargain, call and see us. Our present stock must be sold by October 1, 1890, in order to make room for fall stock. Price no object. Echols, McMurray & Co., 123 Sandusky street, Allegheny. Infants and Children's Caps. Entirely new styles. Silk, crepe de chene, cashmere, zephyr cutest kind of headwear for the little ones. Jos. Horne & Co.'s Fenn Avenue Stores. Mrs. Rorer's Cook Book Given Away To all purchasers of house iurnishing goods, provided purchase exceeds So 00. Fleishman & Co., 504, 506 and 508 Market st. Infants' Cans and Bonnets. Entirely new line in silk and plush, all the new shades, and black. Very pretty styles. A. G. Campbell &Sons. 27 Fifth ave. Men's fine neckwear at James H. Aiken & Co.'s, 100 Fifth avenue. A Scholar's Companion Given Avrny To all purchasers of school supplies, pro vided purchase exceeds 50 cents. Fleishman & Co., 504, 506 aud 508 Market st. Aufeecht's Elite Photograph Gallery, 516 Market St., Pittsburg. Elevator. Mast aches and pains yield promptly to Pakkeu's Ginger Tonic. Try it. Parker's Hair Balsam will save your hair. Banner Baking; Powder. BANNER BHKIKGr ,vPOWDER. n.JjAVS "t-' -Rtr&V HEP GOLDEN WEDDING. Take one pound granulated sugar, half pound of butter, beat these to a light cream, then add in four parts (beating light each time) the well beaten yolks of 12 eggs; stir into this one cup sweet milk, one teaspoon ful extract vanilla, and one and one-fourth pounds ot flour, having mixed through the dry flour one and a half measures "Banner" Baking Powder. Bake one hour in a slow oven. For the Icing Take two and a half cups granulated sugar,' half cup water, boil three minutes, when cool, add the whites of three eggs, slightly beaten, and one teaspoonful extract vanilla. GBAHA2I GEMS. Take one quart Graham flour, two tea spoonfuls of salt, two tablespoonfuls melted butter and one quart sweet milk. Mix thor oughly, a'dd one egg, well beaten, and one measure "Banner" Baking Powder. Btir well together and bate at once is gem pant, f& " mm EL & v'-l) HK31 Aw sKarH --- P tecv-ttk J C Ms.,-... in. ENLARGING A HOME. The Pittsburg and Allegheny Prot estant Orphan Asylum WILL INCREASE ITS FACILITIES By Erecting a Large Addition to Its Present ' Building. A NEW COUNTRY HOME FOE CHILDREN Kot exactly a new home, but a very much more commodious one than is at present oc cupied, will in the near future delight the hearts of the little wards within the walls of the Pittsburg and Allegheny Protest ant Orphan Asylum. The ladies constituting the Board of Managers have for some time contemplated the disposal of the property at the corner of Bidge and Grant avenues, Allegheny, and the purchase of less valuable ground upon which to erect a larger building, but at a recent meeting the vote taken by those present resulted iu 10 to 8 for retaining the property and securing the necessary accommo dations by building a handsome addition. The decision once reached, the matter was placed in the bands of an architect, and the plans submitted will, with few alterations, be accepted. They outline a three-story addition to be erected on the west end of the present building, facing Ridge avenue and extending back to Lincoln avenue, to be connected with the main building by covered plate glass passage ways on the second and third stories and by an uninclosed basement passagewav. The passage ways will be of usual dimensions and are de signed as play courts for the little ones in cold or inclement weather and for the nse of little invalids. Tb proposed addition is to conform in style and building material with the mam building and to be supplied with all the modern im provements in plumbing, lighting and heating. The additional wards that it will supply arc sadly needed by the Institution, which at pres ent has 175 inmates, and consequently in a sadly crowded condition, but in a surprisingly heal thy one. The Allegheny Fresh Air Society made ar rangements yesterday afternoon lor a Cora opolis Home for their little proteges next sum mer. The Home is situated halt a mile from the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad on the snmmlt of an elevation from which Sewickley, West Bcllevue and Pittsburg may be distinctly seen. A large orchard of fruit-bearing trees and deep, velvety grass surrounds the comfort able old-fashioned house, with accommodations for 40 children. MEETINGS. -VrOTICE A MEETING OF THE ALLE JLM GHENY Countv Republican Executive Committee will be bel'd on SATURDAY, Sep tember 20. 1890, at 2 o'clock p. M.. in Commo-j Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, PittSburg. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will be transacted. By order GEO. W. MILLEK, W. D. PORTER. se!8-27 Secretary. Chairman. TOTICE A MEETING OP THE STOCK JN HOLDERS of the Pittsburg Petroleum, Stock and Metal Exchange will be held at the Exchange room on SATURDAY, October 4, at 12 o'clock noon, at which a vote will be taken for or against authorizing the Board of Di rectors to sell the Exchange real estate. JAMES S. McKELVY, Fres. J. K. BARBOUR, Sec Pittsburg, September 10, 1890. se!2-76-r LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania, on MONDAY, September 29, 1890, by John S. Morrison, Jo-eph K. Cass, Richard Beaston, John G. Anderson and Oliver L. Etnir, under the act of Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the suoplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called Morrison fc Cass Paper Company, the character and object of which is the manu facture of all kinds of paper and fox these pur Eoses to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, eneflts and privileges of said act of Assembly and sunplements thereto. sel2-70-F W. F. McCOOK. Solicitor. ritOPOSALa. u. 8. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OF FICE Marine Hospital Service. Pitts burg. Pa., September 19, 1890. Sealed proposals will be received at this office untii .noon of THURSDAY, September 25, 1890, to furnish a wardrobe and table for tbe use ot the Marine Hospital Service at Pittsburg, Pa. Schedules and fnrther information may be obtained upon application to tbe undersigned. The right is reserved to waive informalities, and to reject any or all proposals. JAMES B. STONER. Assistant Surgeon, M, H. S., in command of station. se!9-8 PROPOSALS FOR STEEL ARMOR piercing shot. Ordnance Office, War De partment, Washington, September 6. 1890. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be recetved at this office until 3 o'clock r. M,, on TUES DAY. OCTOBER 7, 1890. when they will be publicly opened, for f urnisbing the Ordnance Department, U. S. A,, with eight and ten-inch Steel Armor-Piercing Shot Blank forms on which proposals must be made and all informa tion required by bidders can be had upon ap plication. S. V. BENET, Brig. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. sel2-78-WF SEALED PROPOSALS-WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the Supervising Architect, Treasury Department, Washineton. D. a, until 2 o'clock p. si. on the 8TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1890. for all the labor and material required to lurniBh and put in place complete the low pressure steam heating and ventilating apparatus, etc, for the United States Court Honse aud post office building at Pittsburg. Pa., in accordance with the drawings and specification, copies of which may be bad on ap plication at this office or the ofnci of the Su perintendent at Pittsburg, Pa., Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for $1,000 00. The Department will reject all bids received after the time herein stated for open ing tbe same also all bids which do not comply strictly with all requirements of this invitation. Proposals must be inclosed in envelopes, sealed and marked "proposal for a low pres sure steam heating and ventilating apparatus, etc, for the United States Court .House and postofflce building at Plttsbnrc. Pa.." and ad dressed to JAMES H. WINDRIM, Snpervising Architect. September 12. 1890. seH-ll.MWF Office of Coukty Contf.oli.kb, i September 15, 189a ( SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. MONDAY, September 22, 1890, for filling ap proaches to bridge No. 3 orerPoketos creek, at Dougherty's mill, and to approaches to bridge over Watson run at lock No. 3, also for widen ing and extending apntoaches to bridge No. 2 over Robinson's run (north branch). Bids to be by the lump sum for each bridge complete. Bidders must visit sites before bidding. Bids lor bridge No. 3, Poketos creek, to be addressed in separate envelopes to Commis sioners or Westmoreland and Allegheny counties. The successful bidder will he required to give bond in double the amount of the bid for the laitniui penormance or the contract. Specifications can be seen at the County En gineer's office after Tuesdav. September 16. 189a JOSIAH SPEER, se!7-87 Countv Controller. EDUCATIONAL. WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY FOR young ladles: twenty-fourth year; is provided forgiving asnperlor education in collegiate, eclec tic and preparatory departments: also in music aud art. MRS. HENRIETTA KUVZ. 2043 Walnut it., Philadelphia. se!9--J)-uwr BROOKE HALL, FOR GIRLS AND young ladies; music and art; thorough instruction In English branches: preparatory courses for Bryn Mawr, Vassar, etc; no extra charge for private Instruction: pleasant sur roundings; home comforts. Circulars ready Media, Pa. (near Philadelphia.) j3U-6g-TnF OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Pittsburg. September 13, 1890. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVJLN THAT THE renort vt viewers on the opening of Vine sireet.rom Reed street to Rose street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final unless an appeal is filed jn the Court of Common Pleas within ten days (10) from date. E. il. BIUBLOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. se!3-94-rr MKEESPORT CITY BONDS. Anewlssne of 85,000, running thirty years; interest, 4 per cent; denomination, 1,000. For an absolutely safe and permanent In vestment these bonds aro peculiarly desira ble. For sale in such amounts as desired. WM. M. BELL, Sank of MeKeesport Building. eelT-BsV McKeesport, Pa, tS-DUplay advertttementt one dollar per tquarefor one insertion. Clauifled advertiie mentt on this page, luch at Wanted. For Bale, To Let, etc., ten centt per line Jot each inter tion, and none taken for lets than thirty centt. Top line being displayed counlt at two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. COR THE SOCTHS1DE, NO. HE CARSON BTKKET. BRANCH OFFICES ALSO ASBELOW.WHKRfi WANT. FOB SALE, TO LET. AND OTBEK TRANSIENT ADVEKTISEMENT8 "WILL BE RE CEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements are lobe prepaid except where advertisers already have account! with Tkk LUS PATCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, S5u9 Butler utreet. EMIL, G. STUCKEY. Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO., WyUe ave. and Fultoasu N. tSiqiLELY, Fifth Avenue Market Hou. EASTEKD. J. VT, WALLACE. 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEULEK,Sthav. AAlWOOdsi SOUTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN, No. 2Carson street. . ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCHER, 59 Federal street. H. J. McBRIOF. Market House, Allegheny. FREOH. EGOERS. 171 Ohio street. F. H. EGG EKS A SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. SAMUEL LAKKY. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Tennsvlvaniaand Beaver aves. PERRY it. G LEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. T. R. MORRIS, 686 Preble ave. M1LLVALE BOKOUUH. V. W. FLOCKEK, Stationer, No. Grant ave. S11ARPSBURG. C. BELLMAN. Slatloner. 818 Main St. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Mnle Help. AGENTS-ORDINARY BRANCH-THE PEO PLE'S Issues policies for as low as S150. 1 hese policies have a paid-up policy value after three years, ano a cash surrender value after five. Apply to W. FAIRBANKS, Vice Pres't People's Ins. Co. Norwich, Conn. scl9-4 Assistantsuperintendents-atonce for Pittsburg, Allegheny and Philadelphia: salary $15 per week, with a monthly bonus obtain able equal to three times an Increase: applicants must be able to furnish satisfactory records as to abilities, etc. Apply W.. FAIRBANKS, Vice Pres't People's Ins. Co.. Norwich, Conn. selS-4 BARBERS TWO OR inREE FIRST-CLASS, steadr. reliable men for one of the largest shops in the city: highest waces pahl. For In formation call on RUbS V. BLACK. Dealer In Barbers' Furn.turcand Supplies, 819 Liberty St., opposite Academy of Music. sel9-53 BARBER-OOOD STEADY BARBER. NONE but a good one need to apply, at HERMAN HAUPT'S. S012Sarah St., S. S. sel9-60 BARBfcR-OR A GOOD HOY WITH EXPERI ENCE. Apply Immediately at 27 CARSON ST., s. S. BARBER-GOOD WAGES FAID. APPLY AT once to J. NANZ, McKee's Rocks. se 19-16 BARIIER-A GOOD MAN. NUT ST., Allegheny. APPLY 36 CHKST- te 19-34 Bc OY AT ONCE-BRIGHT ONE TO ASSIST blind man selling articles in the country small towns; good wages and permanent place. Cxll on MB. HOCK, Clark and Hazel sts.. Troy Hill. sel9-7 T O Y S TEN EXPERIENCED WRAPPER 15 and IS rears of aee. Annlv JS boys, between 15 and 18 yean of age. In the morning, UUSKX'S. sel9-17 CANVASSER EXPERIENCED. FOR MY new book, "Qnecnsof the Stage;" a mag nlfleent and beautifully illustrated quarto volume; price $3: a rapid sale and liberal commission In sures a profitable agencv. G. W. DILLINGHAM, 33 West Twenty-third st.. New York. sel7-M-MWT GO.TMAKERS - TWO GOOD WORKMEN :ind steady habits, Apply to W. A. MOSES CO., 91 Franklin st., Johnstown City, Cambria co., I'.. selS-96 CIOLLECIORS A FEW MEN BY THE Eureka Collecting Co. Apply at ROOM 7, St. Clair Hotel, AI.eghcny, to-day and Saturday after 9 A. M. Sel9-15 COOK-A FIRST-CLASS MALE HOTEL COOK. Address, stating experience, HOTEL, Dis patch office. 6el4-110 HANDS-TO MAKE SHOP COATS AND Jackets at M. OPPENHEIMER & CO.'S, 713 Liberty street and 712 Penn ave. scI9-13 MACHINISTS ABOUT SO GOOD MEN OF all branches: also about So bright boys to learn tbe business: wages for skilled men from 25 to30 cents per bour, according to ability; rnece work rates enable a good roan to earn one-third more: steady employment to reliable men; shops exceptionally comfortable to work in: all work men paid weekly; an aid society, fostered by the company, assists Its employes In case or sickness or accident; this establishment in past years has furnished steadier employment to Its workmen than any other In Western Pennsylvania. Apply to WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO., cor. lib erty ana Twenty-fifth sts,. Pittsburg, Pa. auI0-35-D ACH1N1STS-M. NINE HOURS' WORK JLX. wilh ten hours' pay. at THE ROBINSON i-.tA iuAi U aului;uu CO S., Pittsburg. S3 Carson st., s. selS-1 TlfANTObELLGOODSBYSAMPLE-STEADY JjX employment and good pay: good reference the only capital required. ROOM 2, 103S Penn ave. SCI9-41 MELTERS-TWO OPEN HEARTH FURNACE also three first helpers. Eastern portion ot Pennsylvania, state wages and send copy of testi monials to S. 40, Dispatch office. se!7-27 MEN-FIVE EXPERIENCED IN THE MAN UFACTURE of metal lamps and other brass goods by a large manufacturing company: must be competent workmen aud furnish good recommendations. Address LAMP MANU FACTURERS, Dispatch office. sel7-31 MEN-TEN MEN TO WORK IN BRICK yard. Apnly at once. MORNINGSiDE BRICK CO. LIM., Mornlngside station, A. V. R. K., Eighteenth ward. sel9-6l OFFICE BOY-COMPETENT ONE 1VHO writes a good hand and Is correct at figures: references required. Apply at 11 a.m. .ROOM 8. 97 Fourth avenue. sel9-26 HELPERS -AT ONCE, first-classmen. Apply to PUDDLE BOSS, Pg. Forge and Iron Co, sel751 , xIUII nth ward, Allegheny, Pa, SALESMEN EXPERIENCED DRr GOODS salesmen for slik. dress goods, cloaks and linen departments, also three rxperienccd shoe salesmen and five experienced clothing salesmen for large dry goods and clothing house at Buffalo, N. Y. Call on J. II. HANSON, Monday and Tuesday, September 22 and 23, at Hotel Anderson. se!9-70 SALESMEN AT F5 PER MONTH SALAR1 and expenses, to sell a line or sllvcrplated ware, watches, etc.; by sample only: horse and team furnished free: write at once for full partic ulars and sample case ot goods free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. Mass. se.M-90-D SALISMAN-AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO travel the eastern part of Pennsylvania be yond Harrlsburff, Apply in person at the oEIcc ofMARVIN BISOUr T OBKS, Liberty avenue. city. SC19-36 STENOGRAPHER AND CALIGRAPH OPER ATOR Male One with some experience preferred. Annlv AND 27 FEDERAL ST., second floor front. seiy-ai UPHOLSTERERS-FIRST-CLASS MEN. AND experienced furniture packers. HAUCH & KEEN AN, 35 Water st. se!9-32 Frmnln flop. COOK-A GIRL TO COOK AND DO GENER AL honse work in a Colored Orohan Home; must nave good recommendations. Apply 50 FREMONT ST., Allegheny. selS-63 GIRLS-TWO GIRLS. SWEDES FREFEURED. one for cooking and downstairs work, the other lor chamber work, washing and ironing; wages S3 00 per week each. Apply Friday morn ing at 11 o'clock at 135 Fourth ave., EDWARD T. CASSIDY. aem.5 GIRL-ABOUT15 YEARS OLD. TO ASSIST IN housework in a family of two. Apply 18 MILLER ST.. Eleventh ward, Plttsbnrg. sel9-67 GOVERNESS-APPLY WITH REFERENCE, between 1 aid 4 to CLERK, Seventh Avenue Hotel. sel9-l7 LA,JYF,G5,S,UAUURES3-,0K PERMA. .Pl? PO'ition. ralr salary to light party, Applv Friday after 9 A. M., WILCOX 4 GIBBS 42j Sixth St., second floor. sel9-l LAUNDRESS EXPERIENCED MIDDLE AGED, single woman preferred, for an in stitution 25 miles from the city; wages 1250 per year with board and washing. Address LANE, Dispatch office. selS-74 YOUNG LADIES-SIX..TO LEARN A GOOD trade (negative retouching), day or even ing elass: position guaranteed at agency and s.cn5!,Si ??.'! r term at good salary: call at once. J. B. 3KAPP. Art Studio, 96 Fifih ave.. Pltts burg. Pa., front room, third floor. sel9-63 Mnle and Female Help. HELP-MALE NURSE. COOK, SECOND cook, waiters, assistant waters, laborers, rarm hands, dairy men. cooks, chambermaids, house girls, dining room girls, seamstress, child's nH8et.1S?.lJ?re8s- dishwasher, pantrv girl, nurse girt. MhEHAN'S, 645 Grant street. Telephone 90. selS-D Sltnnllona. v t BOOKKEEPING-WILL TAKE CHARGE OF books requiring only occasional attention; attend to opening or closing of books, correction prerrorsor anything In the line or accounting: have had long experience and can give the best of references. A. F. SAWH1LL, 1K7 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. au26-89 EMPLOYMENT-BYA THOROUGHLY COM PETENT nurse; good references lurntsbed. Call or address S., 79 Diamond St., Pittsburg, Pa. se!9-40 . ... i iauiiuy, lyitftucoMioiieDeccast., witn saruDDery, SITUATION-AT CUTTING FOR FIRST- fine walk, large lawn and tennis court. Forln CLASH merchant t&llnr hitnf.f.MniM .T. I formation enW- a WFltRflM sriMU tn P..MI. Lf., Dispatch office. el9-a WANTED. Boarders ni rvCCUPANTS FUR d Lodger TWO FURNISHED J rooms for light housekeeping; or will sell lurniture: wishing to leave city byOctoDer 1, Address Mrs. 1,., Dispatch office. sel7-16-wrsu Rooms. Dooses, tc. HOUSE-TO BUY LARGE HOUSE, WITH from five to ten acies adjoining, near rail road station. Allegheny county. Call or address RUSH LAKE. Attornev at Law. 411 Grant st., Pittsburg. ' sel9-24 KOOM-BY TWO YOUNG GENTLEMEN, furnished room, with or without uoard; good reference required. Address Q. X., Dls patch oBlce, stating terms and location. e!9-50 rionuclal. BONDS AND STOCKS-THE UNION TRANS FER AND TRUST CO., 121 and 123 Fourth ave., makes a specialty of acting as registrar and transrer agent for the stock aud bonds of corpora tions; we guarantee by our Indorsement on the stocks and bonds that they are authorized Issues, and therefore, a protection to the officers of cor porations, stockholders and the hanks taking them as collateral for loans. Terms moderate and adapted to suit all special cases. se3-6 MOR.GAGES-tL.000,000 TO LOAN ON CITY and suburban properties at 4)j, 5 and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adjacent counties at 6 per cent. 1. M. PENNOCKSSOK, tii x uurin avenue. ap7-f41 MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY conntv property at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mb2-D TO LOAN-?500,000, IN AMOUNTS OF J3.000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 percent free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK. Jt BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2l-d26-D TO LOAN rJ0.000 ON MORTGAGE3-?100 and upward at 6 percent:500,000at 4X percent on residences or business property; also In ad joining counties. 8. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. cc24-4-D itllscellnnpons. ALL TO USE JONES' BEDBUGPARALYZER Jones' Magic Roach Powder: contains no poison; roaches banished oy contract; satisfac tion given or no pay. Prepared by GEO. W. JONES, 222 Federaf St., Allegheny, Pa. Sold by all first-class druggists. Telephone No. 3332. jyll-42-MWP EVERYBODY TO KNOW-THAT "ROACH OIL" Is no humbug but positively kills either red or black cockroaches, bedbujs, anti, etc. JAS. L. McCONN EL &. CO., 453 Fifth ave nue, Pittsburg, Pa, seI9-63 PACING MARES-A NUSIBER FROM 3 TO 12 years old that can pace a mile In three min utes or better. Call at T. B. MORELAND'S STABLE, East Liberty. I. W. WILCOX. SC19-93 PENSIONS THE PITTSBURG PENSION AGENCY OF J. H. STEVENSON & CO.. 100 Fifth ave. Pensions now had for all disabled soldiers, permanently helpless children and widows of deceased soldiers under late act of Congress: pensions Increased to correspond with thedlsabllity; bounties collected; certificates of service procured where discharges are lost. se!4-D PRIVATE SCHOLARS-BY A YALE MAN; city references. Address TUTOR, 104 Fulton St., Pittsburg. sel6-C2 SEWfNG MACH1NE-THOSE THAT ARE thinking ol getting the best sewing machine in the market to see the Light Running New Home Sewing Machine. Genuine needles and at tachments for all makes at the lowest prices at H.CARTER'S. 19 Sixth St., two doore below liljou. au3I-MWF TO IN VEST-K.000 TO 15,000 IN SOME MAN UFACTURING business; one already estab lished preferred, and one in which advertiser will be employed. Address INVESTOR, Dispatch office. selS-2 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. Cltr Residences. -(ONGRESS ST.- THREE FIRST-CLASS TWO Iwelllnzs: bach lot 20x9a: all Kj STORY brick dwellings: bach lot 20x9a; modern Improvements: rented to A 1 tenants: would make a good investment; would sell sepa rately. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond sU selS-42 "HTT. WASHINGTON-GRACE STREET-NEW lyl 8-room frame dwelling, with lot 178 feet front, and price only f3, 600; has both gases, etc. i. c Hra.L.L-1, 77 uiamond st. se la-42 OT 600- IN PAYMENTS-BY J. H. STEVEN WXl SON CO.. 100 Fifth ave.. a nice frame house of4 rooms, on a good lot In Thirty-second ward, alsoaflne7-roo!ndweiling. witbsttlccellar, etc, and on same lot a 3-room house with cellar, etc.: for $3,500; also In Thirty-second ward, and a splendid lot 44x110 In which are 2 houses, one of 4 rooms and cellar, and other of 3 rooms and cellar, corner of Sycamore and Corsage sts., same ward, price only $3,600, In payments: money to loan on good real estate,curity; also several small forms for sale or exchange for city property. se!7-32 CO 030-J1,000 CASH, BALANCE TO SUIT KJJjl Locust street, between Magee and Chest nut streets, new brick house, seven rooms, bath, hot and cold water, both gases, sewers. Inside shutters; big bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Telephone 167. sel9-30 CJ A 500-HOUSE RENTS FOR ?400 PER YEAR t4tfc7 Flm street, near Wylie avenue, brick house, eight rooms, hall, vestibule, two gases, sewered, nice porches: big bargain. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue. Telephone 167. sel9-3C ffi.f OOO-CENTER AVE., NEAR ARTHUR Dtfc1 st., two-story brick dwelllngof four rooms, finished attic and large storeroom: also. In rear, small brick dwelling: all for the above price: lot 20x74. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. selS-42 CJ4 300 V1CKROY ST., NEAR PRIDE, Otx three-story brick dwelling, eight rooms, both gases, etc. ; on rear of lot four-room brick dwelling: rents for f42 per month; lot 23x97H. J. C. REILLT. 77 Diamond st. sel8-42 CO 900-WILL BUY A FINE BRICK HOUSE tO one square from Court House, 6 rooms, hall, slate mantels, two gases, sewered. Inside shutters, lot 21x60. ALLES BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. . . se!9-30 O 300-REDUCED FROM $3,000, WEBS1ER C I' ave., near Davis St. , 2-story and mansard brick dwelling, 7 rooms, slate mantels, gas, etc.; nouse nearly new. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. seIs-42 CJQ 200-FRANKLIN ST.-1HREE SMALL j07 two-story brick dwellings: good sewerage: side alley; lot 20x74, st. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond seia-4- Enat End Residence. FIFTH AVE.-NEAR ROUP ST.. THE RESI DENCE of the late J. R.McCune;Iot 200x250 feet. For particulars Inquire of R. S. SMITH, Union Nat. Bank, or on the premises. sel9-14-MWT RAME-SIX-ROOMED, HALL. NAT. GAS, all sewered; good lot; only three minutes to both cables and P. H. It. : finest locality: nrlce $2,400: also four-roomed frame, hall, all sewered; Iot24xlu0: wash house aud outbuildings; very de sirable locality, near both cables and electric rail way and P. R. It.; price $2,300: best bargains in East End. H. M. LYNN Jfc CO.. No. 1 Franks town ave., cor, Penn ave., Denholm building. 6el9-64 -VT-EULKY AVE.-NEAR FIFTH AVE., NEW JA two-story brick residence. 12 rooms, recep tion hall. bath, w.c.. h.andc. water. nat. gas, elec tric uguis. etc.; mi' iiearius,eiecinc Dens, stainea glass windows, pantries, porches, balcony, etc. ; acomnlete home: low price and easy terms. BAX TER, THOMPSON & CD., 162 Fourth ave. 6CH-154-MWF' OAKLAND-WARD STREET. TWO-SWRY and mansard brick dwelling, eight rooms, both h. and c. water, laundry, nat. gas range, cemented cellar, nice garden, shruiibery, etc.: a very neat and desi rablc home: lot 40x120 to 20-foot alley. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. selS-42 KESIDENCE-FINEONEINTHEEASTEND, Shadyslde district; almost new, and every thing singularly bright and beautiful: 10 nice rooms, with lavatorial arrangements, bath, nat ural gas, electric bells, and all other modern and usetul appliances; a really perfect home; large, level lot, lawn front, sides and rear: a number of shade and fruit trees. Further particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO.. 120 Fourth ave.. l'ltts burz. sel9-34-D 500-VALUABLE EAST END PKOPER 9 TY. ?ood street, within one snuarc of ruuiavc. came, monern iwo-sioryana mansard pressed brick, reception hall, ten rooms, bath, range, supplied with hot and cold water, both gases, front and side porches; lot 31x125 to 20-foot alley: verv easy terms of payment. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Penn ave. selO-lS-rsu' SO 800-FOR A 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH 09 leceptlon hall. In a Ilrst-cla69 location; street payed and sewered: 5 minutes to Filth ave. or Penn are. cable: 6 minutes to EastJ.lberty station. P. R. R.: house has city water, nat. and art. gas, and Is nicely papered: a grand home and a bargain. S. A. DICKIE &, CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. 22. sel9-23 QO 600-FOR A NEW HOUSE. WITHIN Oi' two minutes or Fifth ave. cable: six-room and attic frame, with hot and cold water, bath. In side closet, nat. and art. gas, good dry cellar, sewered, ete. ; has vestibule and hall; lot 22x125 to 20-ft. alley. S. A. DICKIE CO., Penn and Shady aves.. E. E. 712, sel9-23 SC) 500-F1VE LAKGE LOTS, ALMOST LEV i1 EL, handsome plot of ground 240x221x130. nicely fenced, grapes, excellent spring, comfort able house four rooms, corner Negler ave. and beely st., one square from Butler st. CHAKLES bOMEKS & CO., 313 Wood St., 6019 Jfenn ave. seI9-l8-rsu e OOO-ANEAT AND STYLISH HOUSE, 8 35vJ1 rooms, all modern Improvements, cor. lot 43x100 feet, two squares lrom Fifth ave. cable line: location rood In midst of Eas. End: terms easv. W. A. HEKKON 4S0KS, MFourthavc. se!2-74-I Allegheny Residences. WASHINGTON STKEET. ALLEGHENY Finc residence. lot 64x175: cheap to ouick buver. W.W. M'NEILL & UKO., iM Fourth avenue. .sels-3; rfpj OOO-BEAUTIFUL PLOT OF GKOUND. 3t' 200x200, shade aud fruit, view ot river. one square of California ave.: electric cars: Eleventh ward, Allegheny. CHABLESB0MEU3& CO.,313 Wood st., 6018 Penn ave. sel9-l8-rsu QJQ 800-PROPERTY 13 KILLBUCK STKUET. Ui;u7 c irst waru, Aiiepneny; auuuat rents, 1420. inquire WALTER WORMALD, ,i a i. ''? w i i, ., . ... v.v.a. m.i Executor, 315 juarjtei, cuy, SM7-I7" ubmbnn Reiridrncrw. A T WILKIN SBTJKQ-A HANDSOME RESI. JX. DENCEcbrap: on Franklin, one of the best residence streets; three minutes' walk from P. U. R.: a modem hditsp. I2ronmt Snn first 1am I second and 3 on third floor, besides bath and lave. ael8-49.W,231I7,30 FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE Suburban Residences. -1LENFIELD-ATA GREAT SACRIFICE. AS X owner has to If ATe this State on account of bis health, a well-built frame dwelling or six rooms, bay windows, porches, etc.; lot 75 feet front, located atGlenfleld, P..F. W. 4 C. K. W.; a bargain to quick Duycr. C. BERINGER & SON, 156 Fourth ave. sel7-48 C2K OOO -SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. ON OOl your own terms, or will exchange for Lawrenccvlll&property: Edgwater station. A. V. R. R. : comparatively new 8-room frame dwelling, ball, slate mantels, tile hearths, Inside shutters, etc.. beantlfnlly painted and grained, with one acre or 11 25-foot lots, covered with splendid fruit and shade trees: only three minutes' walk from station, and very desirably situated: the above price is less than cost. M. F. HIPPLE & CO.. 96 Fourth ave. , tel8-lS Q 400-A NICE HOME IN WILKINSBURG, tiDO) modern house receutlv completed, six rooms, hall, finished attic pantry, slate mantels, electric lizhts, natural gas. city water, front and back porches, good dry cellar: hit 30x149: easv terms of payment. CHARLE3SOMEKS & CO.. 313 Wood st., 6019 Penn ave. sel9-18-FSn 730 A GREAT BARGAIN-ON ACCOUNT ' of removal of owner a complete house. 7 rooms, laundry, w. c bath, range, nat. gas, hot and cold water: lot PXIX252 ft.:frontlngtwostreets: location central, at Edgewood. P. R. R. bee W. A. HERltON Jt SONS.80 Fourth ave. seig-JS-TuF A ACRES-ANIJ FINE RESIDENCE. OUT tts BUILDINGS, orchard, W3ter, natural gas, etc.. on line of railroad, 3 minutes from station, beautiful place; Immense bargain, as owner is gulng South. JAS. W. DRAPE Jt CO., 129 Fourth ave.. Pittsburg. 8610-33 FOR SALE-LOTs. Cltr I.oti. BIGHAM ST. THIRTY -SECOND WARD, city fonr lots, 25x100. at a sacrifice. II A L TKNSPEKGER & WILLIAMS, No. 154 Fourth ave. sel3-20 UQUESNE'HElGHTS-5 MINUTES' WALK lrom Incline; a very choice corner lot fronting 70 ft. on Oneida st . by 125 on Virginia ave. ; price low. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. sel8-4I ENN AVE.-COB. THIRD STREET-LOT 99 feet on Penn ave. by 110 on Third st.: this desirable building site, now occupied by Slack & Sholes' planing mill, is now offered for sale at a low figure. J. a REILLY, 77 Diamond st.- 6618-42" WYLIE AVK-NEAR ROBERT ST.-LOT, 25x100, at a bargain; terms to suit. BAL TENSPEBUER Jt WILLIAMS, No. 154 Fonrth ave. sel8-20 Enst End Lot. BAUM GROVE AND NEGLEY AVE. PLANS of lots: no better Improved property in the city; central location: prices, $100 down to $50 per lront foot. The agents of this property are BROWN Jt SAINT, 512 Smithfield st. sel5-13-MWr B ENNETt ST.-4 LOTS-120X115TO A 24-FOOT alley, for $3,600: supplledwlth city water and gas, and convenient to P. R. it. and electric lines; excellent building location and a good Invest ment. S. A. DICKIE Jt CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. sel9-23 BKEKETO.N AVE.-F1NE LEVEL BUILDING lot. In Denny estate plan, 25x100: best loca tion In the plan: must be sold at once: a great bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK Jt CO,, 99 Fourth are. seIS-44 D1THRIDGE STREEr. FOURTEENTH ward-Lot 60x184 to alley: very cheap. BAXTER, THOMPSON Jt CO.. 162 Fourth ave. , sel4-156 EASTEND-$1.000PERACRE-BARGAIN 18K acres on Lincoln ave., nearLcmliigton: fruit trees, etc.; house and barn; Improvements extra. TBOS. LIGGEPr, 71 Diamond st. selS-5 1-18.19, 20, 21,23, 26, 30 LANG AVENUE AND FRANKSTOWN AVE. S. w. corner, 135 feet on Lang by 120. for only $3,600: this ground has eastern exposure and Is very desirable for building site: convenient to P. R. R. and electric lines. 3.A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. se!9-23 OAKLAND PARK PLAN OF LOTS-FRONTING on Center ave. and Breckcnrldge St., In the Thirteenth ward. Is now ready to submit to the public and In doing so we venture to say that there Is not In the two cities a more delightful location for cheeriul homes and first-class resi dences; solose no time In catting to see our plans, examine the territory, make your selection, and we are satisfied you will say tt Is more than we claim for Its desirability, price and terms. See M. P. HOWLEY & BON, 127 Fourth ave. sel6-73 J OOO EAST END-BARGAIN. FOR A tlO? short time only, corner Margaretta and Berlin sts. ; lot 100x110. THOS. LIOOETT.7I Dia mond st. sel0-45-10, 13, 15, 17, VT Allegheny Lou. FREMONT STREET-CHEAPEST LOTS IN Allegheny, near head of Fremont street; $600. your own terms. W. W. M'NEILL Jt Bro., 152 Fourth avenue. sel8-3S-TuThFSU PERRYSVILLE AVE.-ALLEGHENY - LOT 270x109; price $4,000: terms to suit: cheapest propertv In the market. BALTENSPERGElt Jk WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. selS-20 Suburban Lots. EMS WORTH-A BARGAIN IN BUILDING lots at Emiworth, P., Ft. W. Jt C. R. R.. size 75x30) feet each, with some elegant large forest trees on each lot: seven minutes' walk to station and near the proposed electric line. C. BERINGER JtSON, 156 Fourth ave. sel7-48 LOTSI-LOTSI LOTS! IN KLINE BROS.' plan at West Wllmerding, going like hot cakes: call and secure yourself one before all the, choice ones are gone; salesmen on grounds everv day. SLOAN Jt CO.. 127 Fourth. sel7-63-WTS J;A FOOT FRONT MELLON'S ORCHARD SOU plan, Nineteenth ward, lots 41x110 ft., 2 minutes' walk of Neglevave. and Duquesne elec tric line: elegant locations. MELLON BKOTH ERS, 6349 Station St.. E. E. sel3-72-Mwr Forms. FARM-A GOOD FARM AT A VERY LOW price, containing 103 acres, frame dwelling of 7 rooms, large barn and other outbuildings, good orchard, excellent spring water, fish pond stocked; situated on Pennsylvania Itallroad In Westmoreland county.one-half mile from station: price only $4,200. C. BERINGER Jt SON. 158 Fourth ave. ' setf-iS' FARM -40 ACHES, WELL IMPROVED, WITH uew buildings: a choice home nerclty and station Pennsylvania road; rapldlv growing in valne: price ?6,0C0. one-half cash. ED. WrTTlSH, 410 Grant St.. Plttsbnrg. sel8-D POK SALE BUSINESS. Business Opportunities. BARBER SHOP-FIRST CLASS: GOOD PAY ING: good reasons for selling; owner in other business. Address P. BO YL AN, Box 142. Ben nett, Pa. sel9-42 BLACKSMITH SHOP, 400 GROCERY stores at Hazelwood. Glenwood. East End, Allegheny, Wllmerding, and Pittsburg; baker ies, cigar stores, notion stores, drug stores, shoe stores, book and stationery store, milk depots. SHEPARD & CO., 151 Fourth ave. se!7-D CLOTHING STORE -AND GENTS' FUR NISHING, $12,000. or invoice: hotel and saloon, notion store, bakeries, $150 to(l, OOO: cigar store, fKW to M.n00: groceries. 350 to $3,000. HOLMES & CO., 420 Smithfield st. selD-61 TJESl'AURANT DOING A GOOD BUSINESS, XV In a new manufacturing town growing very rapidly, cast of Pittsburg: large dining room and lunch counter and located near the depot; an ex cellent opportunity for any person wishing to In vest 87C0. C BERINGER & SON, 166 Fourth ave. se 17-43 BuHlneas Property. CJOFC OOO-WYLIE AVE.-ONLY A PEW tJZJfJ squares from Conrt House; three busi ness honseson Wylie ave.. with good dwellings; on side street, two-story brick dwellings: six rooms each, with all modern improvements: can be rented so as net STper cent.:: lot 47x100 to 10-foot alley. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond st. sel8-I' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Mnchlnory nnd Irletnln. DKU..LING ENGINES AND UU1LERS-FOK oil or cas wells, engines and hollers In every size and style, sawm Ills ,an? wood-working ma chinery. 1IAKMES MACHINE DISl'OT, No. 97 First aye., Pittsburg, l'a. inb9-D 37ING1NES AND BOlLEItS NEW AND RE li FITTED: repairing promptly attended to. i'OKTEK FOUNDKl AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below Suspension bridge, Allesbenv, p.;. 'JJ-2-W H01S1ING ENGINES. DERRICKS AND derrick forginxs, steel hoisting and gay ropes In stock: stationary engines aud boilers, shears, clayjind ore' pans. etc. THOMAS CAR LIN'S SUNS, Lacock and Sandusky streets. Alle gheny. Pa. au5-33-MWF' OECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS O all sizes and styles in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. ; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices: porta ble engines, 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers all sizes and styles. J. S. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC3-S0-D"' Horses. Vehicle. Live Stock. Etc BOKROS-(2). OB WILL SELL 1 UURROAND dog cart and harness. Apply to GEO. DUN CAN & feON.8. seO-59 riTALLION-CHEAP A VERY IMtOM IKIVIjl O green standard bred pacing stallion, Billy D. Audubon! Is a bright cherry bav, 6 years old: is a sure foal getter: with one month's training last yenr he trotted a mile in 2:41: started pacing this year and after two weeks' handling paced a quar ter mile -In 34s seconds; horse can be seen at Homewood DrivingPark, where he Is In care of Garvey. the trainer. For further particulars and pedigree apply to GEO. W. GILES, Homestead, Pa. 6el9-S WAGON-RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAIN an elegant business wagon, platrorra springs, high paneled sides, square top, beautifully painted: no lettering on tnem; soluble for groc r, butcher or any Dullness; made by a noted maker: costS275: has never been used; was taken for debt, aud.asltlsuselesstoowner, hewlll sell It at a great saennce u tasen at once. O'NEIL'S STABLE. W8 first avenue. Apply at seW-28' iHUcellnnrou. PIANO-A QUICK .BUYER WITH K8S CASH can buy a heautlful "K octave upright piano or best mate. Inquire 123 SANDUSKY bT.. Al letheny. cl3-79-Thrsn PIANOS, ORGANS, And all manner of Small Instrument! HAMILTON'S. ap29-78-D Filth arenas, TO LET. CItv Residences. KEATING ALLEY-NO. 1, NEAR ROBERTS St., new brlcX house, two minutes from WyUe ave cable ears, six rooms, finished attic. Inside w. c:rent. $18 per month. InquireofMo CULLOUGH Jt SMITH. 31 Seventh st. an28-7St 183 NORTH AVENUE, NEAR ARCH ST. three-story brick ten rooms and bath; rent $65. lnclndlng water; Immediate possession. A. LEGGATEJtSON. 31 Federals!., Allegheny. sel6-4t Snbnrbnn Relflenc- SEWICKLEY-FROM OCT. 1. HOUSE OF rooms, bath room, nice yard, on prominent st., 5 minutes' walk from station. Address K, Dispatch office. se!9-9t Ttooiniu. EOOMS-THREEUNFURNISHED ROOMS ON Arch St.. Allegheny, for light housekeeping; references given and required. Address ROOMS, P. O. Box 471, Pittsburg, Pa. sel9-6t KOOM-ON FlrTH AVENUE. NEAR I'OST OFF1CE: about 16x40; rent low. W. H. BARNES, printer, 6i Diamond st. scll-ttt Office, Desk Room, Ecc. D ESK ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR. WITH USE Ol telephone, ioh jtuukth AVE. selS-zit D ESK ROOM-INQUIRE ROOM 714, LEWIS DiocK. sey-o-i aFFICES-ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS , In the eltv, corner Sixth ave. and Liberty iscennd floor: large, well lighted rooms, with vault, both gases, w. c. washstind. etc. BAX TER, THOMPSON Jt CO., 163 Fourth are. sel8-29t OFFICES-A FEW NICE ONES IN GER MANIASAV1NGSBANK BUILDING. Wood, and Diamond sts. ao!0-49t PERSONAL. PERSONAL- BOOKS WANTED-IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. ,LEV1'S BOOK STORE, Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mh7 PEKSONAL WE WANT EVERY BOY AND girl to know that we will buy their old school hooks and furnish them with others at lowest prices. FRANK BACON & CO,.' 301 Smithfield street. au25 PERSONAL GENTLEMEN CONTE3IFLAT 1NG a trip to the seashore and mountalure sorts or returning therefrom, should bring their clothing to DICKSON, the tailor, 63 Filth ave., cor. Wood St.. second floor, and have the same cleaned, repaired and pressed, so as to look like new, aud at a reasonable cost, and at the same time shonld you desire a new snlt, his stock of Imported and domestic goods Is or the newest and most fashionable patterns: by giving him a call vou will not regret It. 'lele. 1558. Je23-D LOM-. T OST-GOLD WATCH WITH INITIALS L. J. JU II. : a suitable reward win be paid for Its re turn toB. HIMMELRlCHJt SONS, corner Mar ket and Diamond. se!9-62 LOST-POCKETBOOK ON WEDNESDAY, between Rock Point andFnrty-thlrd St., containing some money and valuable papers; the finder can have the money. Please return the papers to the owner, whose name Is In the book. 6019-52 LOST-ON WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1890. a pockctbook containing $60 or S70. being tbe property or COMRADE DANIEL GRUIiBS, ofPost No. 543,WHklnsburg, a one-armed soldier, who can lUatlord the loss; llheral reward If re turned to Dispatch office or Wilklnsburg P. 0. seI9-2 AUCTION SALES. ASSIGNEE SALE -OF- PINE FURNITURE. -BY- Henry Auction Company At their store. No. Sill Market street, TUESDAY. September 23, at 19 o'clock A. St. Owinp; to the failure of a large furniture house we have received their entire stock, to be closed ont at once at anction. The stock consists of fifty-six (56) fine parlor suits, ramrine in price from sixty-nve (65) to three hundred dollars (SoOO) each, and are upholstered in the best of French tapestries, English rues, brocatelles and plushes. All first-class goods, and newest styles. Also fine chamber suits, bookcases, side boards, wardrobes, chairs, rockers, bureaus, washstands, bedsteads and bedding, carpets and linoleum. These goods aro tbe best in quality and design, but must be sold at once to close np the bnslness. Tbey will be on exhibition Satnr dayandMnndav.alldavand evening. Sale com mences TUESDAY MOISNING at 10 o'clock, sharp, and continnes nntil all are sold. Every one is invited to call and examine goods, and at tend the sale of same. By order of assignee. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auctioneers, se 19-45 IPtxTd1c Sale. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROPERTY. Cor. of strawberry, Sarah and Charles sts.. Pleasant Valley, Tenth ward, Allegheny, (on the line of Second ward) on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 1890, at 3 o'clock p. ir. Lot 60xt76L on which is erected one three-story dwelling containing 12 rooms, one two-story brick dwelling containing Grooms', don bio frame dwelling; frame meat market and dwelling. Annual rental, $1,350. Terms made known at sale. To be sold as a whole or In part. For fnrther particulars in- quire on premises, or of A. J. PENTECOST, 413 Grant st. Pittsburg, Pa. sel9-ll AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MORNING. September 19. at 10 o'clock, at tbe rooms. Nn. 311 Market street. Handsome suits French tapestries, English rugs, crushed and silk plushes, fine bair cloth, brocatelles and reps, bed lounges, easy chairs, rockers, leather, patent, nun and cane seat chairs, china closets, sideboards, extension tables, dishes, silver and glassware, fine china cups and sanccrs, bed springs, bair and busk mattresses, desk?, secretaries, bookcases, chif foniers, folding beds, handsome chamber suits In walnut, oak and cherry, wardrobes, dressing cases, bedsteads, washstands. rugs, curtains, clocks, shades. Wilton velvet, body brnssels. and Ingrain hall, room and stair carpets. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auc tioneers. selSS AMUSEMENTS. GENTLEMEN'S Southside DrivingPark Finish of the 2:50 trot, the roadster, and McClelland Dom Pedro races, postponed from yesterday. Trains on schedule time from B. & O. depot. se 19-65 GRAND OPERA HOUSE-BEGINNING Monday night, September 22, Every night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees. LOUIS AIiDKICH, And a most efficient Dramatic Company in the 4-actpIay by LOUIS ALDRICH and CHARLES VINCENT, THE EDITOR, Under tbe Management of Edwin Kbowles. Col. John Hawkins. Editor of "The Ameri can Eagle. LOUIS ALDRICH. "Beneath tbe rule of men entirely great. Tbe scissors sway the destinies of State." Prices, 1, 75c, 50c, 25c Seats now on sale. selS-77 BIJOU THEATER To-Nfght. SIBERIA. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Sept. 22 Bobby Gaylor in an "Irish ATab." sel5-2I GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night. Only matinee Saturday, MARIE WAINWRlGHT in TWELFTH NIGHT. Next week LOUD3 ALDRICH In THE EDITOR. rel5-23 HARRY DAVIS" FIFTH AVENDE MU8EUM. Commencing September 15, DELLA BECK, the mammoth girl from Westmoreland. VENETIAN LADY TROUBADOURS. Doors open 1 to 10 P. II. Admission 10 cents. Sel5-23 H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY lo-nignt. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, and Satnrdav. BAM T. JACK'S , CREOLE BURLESQUE CO. 50 ARTISTS SO. SC15-12 BASEBALL PLAYERS' LEAGUE Exposition Park, PITTSBURG VS. NEW YORK, Friday. Saturday and Monday, Beptember 19, Admission, 25 cents. el9-68 CHOICE PROPERTIES. A Stone House Is the coming residence. We have three for sale that we be lieve are better than any others now in the market. We know they are well built they were built under our supervision by day work (no shoddy contract work). Of course, they are on as phaltum streets, two in East End, one at Roup; all con venient to the different rapid transit lines and P. R. R.; and of course, they have again every possible modern con venience and luxury, such as sanitary plumbing;, electric light and the thousand and one new things such a house should have. They are neces sarily in choice neighborhoods it would not pay to bujld them in any locality but the best. They vary in size from 12 to 15 rooms, and, of course, in price; but the prices are the only things about them that are cheap $16,000 to $20,000. Come to the office and see photographs, or drop us a pos tal and our representative will call in one of our car riages, that we keep for this purpose, and take you to the houses; it's no trouble; it's business. BLACK & BAIED, possible modern 95 FOURTH? AVE. 4 sel4-27-wrsu - 1 SOUTH- YIEW PLACE, ' j Choice bnilding lots, 0x130.50x160 and 1 0x200 feet, in plan of the BIRMINGHAM LAND j IMPROVEMENT COMPANY J, ON LINE OF THE Mian Bapid Transit Electric fioaUj and only three miles south of Court Honse, one mile from city limits. Two natural gas lines, fine boardwalk from city line to prop erty. Main streets 50 feet wide. Taxes low. prices reasonable and terms easy; one-fourth cash, balance in three or five equal annual in stallments with intetesc Title to whole plan insured by the Fidelity Title and Trust Company of Pittsburg. For plans and further particulars and agent to show yon the lots, call on C. E. SGCCOP, 1403 CARSON STREET, -;OK J. MARTIN SCHAFER, 71 S. TWELFTH 8T PITTSBURG. PA. Jy3 1700-EAST END. QUEEN Mm BRICK DWELLING-, 60 FOOT ASPHALT PAVED STREET SEW. ERED, FLAGSTONE SIDEWALKS, ONE HALF bQUARE FROM DUQUESNE. ELECTRIC ROAD. Ten larpe rooms beautiful reception hall, large bath room, with latest improved plumb inc. large, lizht lanndry, stationary tubs, hard wood mantels, tile hearths, handsome combi nation chandeliers, mantel cabinets, etc, with larcolotand lawn. This is positively one of tbo most complete and thoroughly equipped dwellings on the market. Terms, .small cash payment down, balance Ions time. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 90 FOURTH AVE. self-90-Tnrsn FOR SALE. WILKINSBURG. The choice property known as the Hubley estate, with frontages of 191 feet, on Penn ave. and Wallace St., a depth of 264 feet, for sale, with the fine, large brick dwelling bouse thereon; a good opportunity fora homestead or investment. FIDELITY TITLE AND TRUST CO., au31-23-MWF 121 and 123 Fourth ave. HOUSE FURNISHED. A cood bouse, ten rooms, late improvement largo yard and stable, on NORTH HIGHLAND AYE.. East side. See W. A. HERRON k SONS, ' 80 FOURTH AVE. 3IWT $5,250 - OAKLAND. Corner property on car line. Substantial two story and mansard eight-room brick dwelling, ball, batb. inside shutters and w. c, lanndry, both gases, etc., with lot 27x120 ft. to alley. Terms to smt purchaser. M. F. HIPPLE fe CO., seII-90-TnFSu 96 Fourth ave. 85,000. R0LP DWfcLLBG, On 60 foot sewered street, only two minutes' walk from Duquesne and Fifth avenue street; car lines or P. R. R. New modern stylish frame dwelling. 9 rooms.witb ball.batb. inside shutters and w. c; slate mantels and tile hearths, gas. etc. Terms, very small cash payment down, balance very easy payments. M. F. HIPPLE fc(JO., 96Fourtu.ave. sel4-90-TUFSa LOTS, LOTS-$250 TO $1,000 PERRYSVILLE AVENUE, ALLEGHENY, On line Electric cars 24x120 feet each. Very desirable location, convenient and accessible. Terms to suit bnyer. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 8elI-90-TOFsn, 96 Fourth avenue. $75 PER FOOT. East End lot, aspbaltum paved and sewered: street. 60x111 feet, flagstone sidewalk, etc; very desirable locality, building restrictions. etc Only three minutes' walk from Duquesne electric line. Fifth avenue cable line and P. R.R. A positive bargain. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 86 Fonrth ave- sels-17 . $11,000. Investment Grant st substantial 3-story brick dwelling and store room: lot 20x60 feet; good rental: enhancement certain: easy terms. e!9-23 M. F. HIPPLE t CO.. 96 Fourth ave. PENSIONS For ALL SOLDIERS who are now disabled, whether disability is due to the service or not. For ALL WIDO VS of soldiers who are not on pension rolls. For minor children and depend ent parents. Increase of pension for soldiers pensioned at less than $6 per month. Pensions for all or no pay. All who believe themselves to be entiled should, without delay, write ma. JAS. BBYjtxt, JR, FJtUbnrg, Pa. P.O. Box 721, " JeSMlS A i 'i J 1 .i i i n