EasaEBEJiMi r njv ?np f "-?: 'T'g? 7v SJTr" THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH. -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,- 189a TWO CITIES, OR ONE. Tote on the Consolidation TiUsbnrg and Allegheny of AT THE EXPOSITION LAST KIGHT. The Eesnlt Would Indicate a Sentiment for Closer delations. COIIIXG FiTDKES AT THE POIKT SHOW The voting at The Dispatch headquar ters yesterday forcibly illustrated the diverg ence of opinion in regard to the consolidation ofthe cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny.How evcr, if the result ofthe balloting is a trrue criterion ofthe drift of public opinion and from the way it was conducted such would seem to be case the masses are in favor of the two cities joining hands and fortunes. The wording of the question was, "Are you iu favor of the consolidation of the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny?" Comparatively few visitors were in at tendance at the Exposition in the afternoon, and the. evening crowd was not as large as usual, so that the voti in numbers was not large, but represented all classes. To glance at the poll-books after the voting was over, or even count the ayes and noes would not give a true result. There were 133 votes cast in all, 78 ayes and 55 noes. ALLEGHEXIANS FAVOB CONSOLIDATION. Of the Allegheny residents whose names were on the poll-books, 26 voted aye and 10 no. The Pittsburg vote was: Ayes, 63; noes, 16. Of the residents of other cities who voted, 15 registered aye and 10 no. From these figures it will be seen that the ayes Id each have a large majority, and the separate totals would show the drift of opinion in Pitts- barc. Allegheny and outside cities to be in fa vor of consolidation. Among the affirmative reasons civen were, "It would make it a more business center aud more popular:" "Centralize the population under ono manacement:" "The two would make one city which would represent the pop ulation better:' "Because in union there is strength;' ' "Yes, as soon as Pittsburg reduces her debt." Some of the negative reasons were: "Noth ing to gain ever) thing to lose:" "Enough 'ring' row:'' "There would not be enouch snaps' to be distributed therefore the 'boys' could not be kept so well in harness:" "The for mation of such large cities invariably leads to corruption in the cit government. Witness the government of our large cities.'' SOME REPRESENTATIVE VOTERS. Among those who voted were: Michael H. McCormicL, Richard A. Roberts, William G. McMinn,A. 13. McKenzie. J. H. Albright. A. P. McCombs, John N. Dickson, W. H. Smith, John M. Holt, H. A. Fisher, Iiee P. Schwartz, J. R. McGarey. J. it. Wright, W. Metcalf, Jr., Henrv Holmes. R. Collins. Peter ledman, A. P. Moore. C. E. Flinn, J. J. Brosuahan. Julius J. Jones. William Hodgetts, John ta. Wilson. David F. Pace. H.UKnapp, T. T. Donelioo, Charles T. Vick, J. N. Garri son, Walton Vanhorn, Samuel F. Luty, John A. Gamer. William Schaefer. George B. Afrnew. T. Haus Wallace. R. S. Van Dusan. E. Groetzinger. Jr Lewis Fawcett, L. C. Bihler, P. F Lnn. R. M. Gulecan, H. E. Fullerton, Maik Donley, F. M. Painter, E. T. Schaffner, E. W. Zimmerman, George H. Fulton, James McKee. E. L. Bear, Albert Ball, Georsre Doerzbach. G. A. Noel. Charles Stemau, Sam X. Caster, P T Sweenej. William Conley, J. V Jenkins. Jacob Soffel. W. H. Williams, G. A. Gordon. J. A. Barr, H. R. Lean, K. C. Oehmler. William Ilogan, S. Van Leenurven, F. P. Cascman, Mamie Marquise, A. D. Miller, Jr.. B. F. Brant, P. Blackburn. Frank P. Dietz, George L. Beck. ilham G. Graham. Tw1a)'s oting topic will be found on the fourth page of this lsue. MUSIC OF THE FATHERLAND. Lsst night was "German" night at the Expo sition, the baud rendering j. tine selection of music from the German composers. Another German concert will be given by the band Thursiiaj, September 25. Later on the music of different nationalities will be rendered on certain nights. Manager Johnston also hones to make arrangements with some of the sing ing societies to assist in the concerts. No definite arrangements bavcyet been made about the flower show, but Manager Johnston is nlanning on this feature. Follow ing is the band concert programme for this afternoon: TART I. Commencing at 12 o'clock. Overture. "Zanetta" Auber Part Song, "Farewell to the Forest.. Mendelssohn Concert Waltz, ".Mornins Papers".. ..Strauss Fantasia. "Offenliacbiana" Conradi Solo, piccolo, "Danse de Javots" loung part ir. Commencing at 4 p. at Overture. "MilitarV ....Emburg ....Sullivan Selections. "Pirates of Penzance' Rbapsodie Munresque Massenet Trombone solo, Mr. F. N. lnnes Matter March, "Street bongs" Short A WRONG IMPRESSION Regarding Onoof llir New Fentures in the Dlaln KxpOHltion Building. "When the Magical Grotto in the main Exposition building was visited yesterdav one of the men in charge ot the exhibit button-holed the reporter and said: "J wish a correction made in the papers recardmg this grotto. In the description of the grotto in some of the papers yesterdav, the impression was liable to be conveyed that the grotto was built under the super vision of the Exposition Society. No men tion was jriven that the display was made by a firm, and that, too, by one outside this city. At least a mention of the lact that it was an exhibit should have been made. "The firm whicn built this grotto, as well as the rest of the exhibit, have spent thou sands ol dollars in doing so. They must gel some return, and hope to do so by thus advertising their brand of tea called He No. The firm knows that all who test their tea and wish only pure unadulterateu goods will appreciate their endeavors in bringing to their notice sucn an article, and at the same time the citizens of Pittsburg should appreciate the unique and costlv feature thev have added to the Exposition's attrac tions. Ilnrveit Excursions Via the Pennsylvania Line. Harvest excursion tickets to land and business centers in the West, Northwest South and Southwest will be sold at one fare for round trip via the Pennsvlvania lines west of Pittsburg on September 23 and Oc tober 14. For complete information apply to nearest ticket or passenger agent sel6,18,21,oc5,8,12 Benver Coitntr Fnlr Excnrnlon Via the IVnnsjl vnn'm Line, Sept. 23 to 26. On September 23, 24, 25 and 26 excursion tickets, good returning until September 27, will be sold via the Pennsylvania Lines at 75 cents from Pittsburg to Beaver, or to "West Eochester (opposite lair grounds). WThsu Grand Clearance Stale. If you want piano or organ at a bargain, call and see us. Our present stock must be sold by October 1, 1890, in order to make room lor tall stock. Price no object. Echols, McMurray & Co., 123 Sandusky street, Allegheny. Tbe People' -tore. Fifth Avenue. Come to our millinery opening to-day, Friday and Saturday this week and see the stjles il new fall millinery. Campbell & Bice. Formal Opening Day Ts-Duy For ladies' jackets, cloaks and suits. Jos. Hobne & Co., Penn Avenue Stores. Tbnma'a Dancing Acndemr, 64 Fourth avenue, entirely refurnished; opening Wednesday, October 1. Circulars at ninsic stores. ThousAiids uf Jackefp, From ?3 to ?20, tailor-made, perfect fitting garments. Examine, at Koicnbaum & Co. 8. wihs J A MAN WITH A MEHOBY. Bo Ban Pasted Bis 93d Year, and Remem ber. tUe War of 1S12. James Trunick. postmaster at Gavers, Colum biana county, O., called on E. D. Smith, of Nor mecutt fc Co., yesterday to make inquiry for some members of the Historical Society. Mr. Trnnick is 93 years of age, and is as spry as the ordinary man of CO. He built the first house in Temperanceville, Thirty-sixth ward. He has a brother still older than himself, named Henry, living in New Lisbon, O. Henry sev eral generations back was a glassblower in this city. Another brother, Benjamin, died a year or two ago near Coraopolis, near 90 years of age. James hadn't time to look up tbe members of tbe Historical Society yesterday, but he left a request that tbey communicate with him, and be will give them some reminiscences dating beyond tbe War of 1812. DESEBTED FBOH THE ARMY. A Pittsbnrc holdier Who Ron Away and Was Captured In Beaver Fall. Chief of Police Hamilton Bannon, of Beaver Falls, arrived in the city yesterday, having in custody a deserter from the United States Army. The man was Frank Myers, and be had been stationed in this city. He was a member of Company L Second Infantry, and skipped ont for parts unknown on May 22, last. He has been reaming aronnd the country since that time ana turned up In Beaver Falls, where he was arrested while drunk, as a suspicious character. While in jail he idmitted having been in the army service, and becoming tired of the life, deserted. The officer who captured him expects to get the $30 reward offered for deserters. VISITORS TO PITTSBURG EXPOSITION Can Mnke 850 Clear. Last year it cost us upward of $2,000 to exhibit at the opening Exposition. We have been kept so terribly busy this sum mer, however, selling our pianos and organs and banjos and mandolins and guitars and brass horns and sheet music, that we actu ally found no time to get up an exhibit lor this year's show. However, we propose to give out customers the benefit ot this great saving, so that anyone who will buy a piano or organ, or any other instrument, during the continuance of the fair will get the ben efit of an extra reduction in price of goods ot 5 and 10 per cent. Visitor to the show can therefore make some $50 by calling on H. Kleber & lire's music store, 506 Wood street, and buying one of their instruments. Kleber's is the oldest music store west of the mountains, and the most reliable one, too. They give a lull warrantee for eight and ten years, aud sell on easy time pay ments. Ninety persons out of a hundred would rather trust to Mr. Kleber's choice than to run the risk of the sharp tricks practiced by so many music dealers. Kleber & Bro. have kept a music store lor fiity years, aud they had the first choice of all the pianos and organs in the country, leav ing the indifferent and poor ones to be picked up by the other music dealers. They are the sole agents for the iamous Steinway, Conover, Oabler, Opera and Emerson pianos, also lor the wonderlul Vocalion church or gans, and the mouse and dust-proof EarhufT parlor organs. Anything in the music line whicn you cannot get at Kleber's is not worth having. Don't fail to call at Kle ber's, then, 606 Wood street, three doors above Filth avenue, Pittsburg. American Guitars and Mandolins. The following is a list of the best Amer ican makes ol guitars and mandolins, all ot which are warranted true and not to split. Thev can be had onlv at H. Kleber & Bro.''s Music Store, No. 606 Wood street, Pittsburg: The Lakeside guitar Antique oak $ 7 60 The Aiion guitar mahogany... 9 50 The Conservatory rosewood guitar standard size. 15 00 The Conservatory rosewood guitar concert size 18 00 The celebrated Washburn guitars 22tol60 00 The American mandolin first quality 14 00 The American mandolin sec ond quality 10 60 The celebrated Washburn man dolins 22 to 76 00 Also always on hand a fine assortment of banjos, zithers, cornets, music boxes, auto harps, violins, music cabinets, accordions, flutes, clarionets, cases and strings for all instruments, music wrappers and music folios. All the latest sheet music sold at half price. Which Piano Sbnll 1 Get t Ah! that's the question. Bnt look up the merits of the renowned Hardman, the Kra kauer and the Vose piauos, and you will find itan easy matter to decide. These makes have no superiors in the world, and are acknowledged absolutely perfect by artists and critics. Their light, delicate actions aud elegant cases, combined with tbeir phenomenal dura bility, make them the most desirable. They are made to last a life time. Old pianos and organs taken in exchange. New instruments rented and rent applied on purchase. Our prices and terms are within the reach of all. Instruments for sale on tbe liDeral installment plan. Catalogues and full information mailed to anv address. Mellor & Hoene, Established 183L 77 Filth avenne. ThS FINE UPRIGHT PIANO, 800. Square Grand Piano, 8175 Parlor Or- Ban, 830. A magnificent 7J-octave upright piano, with latest improvements, full iron frame, excellent iu tone and hardsomelv carved case. This instrument was used only a short time. Price, with full guaran tee, only $200. Also a fine 5375 square grand piano tor $175, and a beautiful par lor organ for $50. For a genuine bargain call at the music store of J. M. Hoffmann & Co., 537 Smithfield street The celebrated Sohmer, Colby and Schubert pianos at ex ceptional bargains. Ilnrvest Excursion Tickets, First class, at half tbe regular rates, Sept. 23 and Oct, 14, good 30 days, with stop-over privileges Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, "Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, tTtah.Colorado) Kansas, Nebraska, Indian Territory, Texas, Hew Mexico, Kentucky, Tennessee and the South. No trouble to answer questions. Come and see us for full inlormation and tickets. Cut ntes everv day at Gleason'a ticket oftice, 99 Fifth aven ve. irh Formnl Opening Day To-Day For ladies' jackets, cloaks and suits. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Additional extreme novelties in Scotch and French plaids placed on our counters this week. Hnons & Hacke. TTSSU Formal Opening Day To-Doy For ladies' jackets, cloaks and suits. Jos. Horns & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Colored dress goods, novelties in smooth and rough effects, bigh class plaids, etc, in great variety. HUGUS & Hacke. TTSSU Formal Openins Day To-Day For ladies' jackets, cloaks and suits. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Men's underwear, fall aud winter weights. James H. Aiken & Co., 100 Fifth ave. Trimmed Bonnets aad Hats. Largest and finest assortment, at Eosen baum & Co.'s. Wlhs Opening of fall and winter styles in our grand cloak department this week. ttssu Hugus & Hacke. Drink Bacuerlein'swiener export bottled lager beer. Telephone 1018. its Atjfbecht's Elite Photograph Gallery, Bi6 Market ., PitUourg. Elevator, - . Jtiito - v I fc, . , -rfAifcMliEai htllsglffiV:fTiill "1i'"MffTiiintfliTnf i ' ! IU lliisAflliii&it Ai'"'iM XS Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise mrnts on this page, such as Wanted. For Sale. To Let, etc., ten cents per line for each insert t ion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. FOR THE &OUTHBIDE, MO. M12 CABSON 8TKKET. BRAN CHOFFICKS ALSO ASBELOW.WHKKE WANT, TOR 8ALK, TO LET. AND OTRK3 TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE RE CEIVED UP TO 9 P. M. FOR INSERTION. Advertisements are to he prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tns 1J1S fJLTCU. PITTSBURG. THOMAS MCCAFKItEY. 3S 9 Botler street KM1L G. STUCKEY. Hth street and Penn ave. . G. STUCKEY ACO.. Vvlleave. and Fullonst. N. bTOKELY. Firth Avenue Market Houm, EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, en Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER &SHEUiLEK.stbav.&AlwoodsL 60CTHSIDE. JACOB Sl'OHN, No. I Carton street ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBKIDE. Market Houe, Allegheny. FRED H. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street F. H. EGGERS SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. SAMUEL LARRY. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS AlcUENKY, Western and lrwln aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsvlvania and Beaver aves. PERRYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. T. R. MORRIS, 680 Preble ave. M1LLVALE BOROUGH. W. W. FLOCKER, Stationer, No. 4 Grant ave. SHARPSBURB. C. BELLMAN. Stationer. 818 Main st THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Male IlclD. AGENTS-S60 WEEKLY FOB ONE OROER dally; something new for live workers. C11AS. L. WEBSTER & CO., publishers. 3 East Fourteenth u. New York. st9-76-rrs BAD WRIThRS AT SMART'S BUSINESS College. 12 Federal street. Allegheny: open dally 9 A. ll. to 9F. M.: system ol shorthand changed from Graham's to Eclectic the briefest and simplest: Instructions private for both sexes. Jel9-95-TTSSu BARBER-GOOD STEADY BARBER. NONE but a good one need to apnlly, at HERMAN HAUIT'S, 2012 Sarah St., S. S. " SC18-7S BARBER-GOOD MAN; GOOD WAGES AND steady work. 2616 CARSON STREET. S. 5. 6C18-S5 BAKBER-A GOOD MAN ST., Allegheny. AT 36 CHESTNUT selS-19 BARBER-A GOOD MAN. city. 312 FERRY ST., selS-84 BOOKKEEPEK-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER; must come well recommended: a middle-aged man prefered. Address, JUKK-seI8-82 uuanr, uispatcn orace. BUGGY WASHER-MINE BUT EXPERI ENCED, sober white men need applv: good wiiges to right party: call in person. KE1 STONE EXP. CO.. 75-77 First St., Alleghenj City. se!8-9J CLERK GROCERY DELIVERY CLERK. MILLER BROS.. 182 Federal st, Allegheny call afternoon. sel8-S8 COACHMAN WITH UNQUESTIONABLE references: also errand bor and nurse: all colored. PEREGK1NO, 159 Fourth ave. sei8-43 COATMAKEKS TWO GOOD WORKMEN and steady habits, Applv to W. A.MOSES A CO.. 91 rranklln st, Johnstown City, Cambria co.. Pa. sels-96 COLORED MAN TO ASSIST AT OFFICE work. Address OIS PATCH OFFICE, stating age, experience and reference. s el 8-93 COOK A FIRST-CLASS MALE HOTEL COOK. Address, stating experience, HOTEL. Dis patch office. sel4-110 DRUG CLEKK-REGISTEKED. URBEN'B l'HARMACY, 213 Carson st, S.S. selS-f9 3T1NGRAVEKS-TWO COPPER PLATE: ONE JJ expert in lettering and stlnple or sand tint ing as shown on coast and geodetic survey cbarts: silary, I,8C0per annum; and one with less expe rience, salary 900 per annum: also cxperten gravers of topography and stipple or sand tint ing, to contract for work to be done at their homes; further information will be furnished on applica tion. T. C. MENDENHALL, Superintendent U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey seIS-7-TTS aENERAL AGENTS-MAKE $3,000 TO $5,000 per year, canvassers S4 to $10 per day selling the celebrated Taylor Patent Adjustable -Shoo: ttao exclusive right to sell this shoe In any terri tory Is a valuable monopoly: our system pf selling this shoe Is new and original. Address with 2c stamp, CONSOLIDATED ADJUSTABLE SHOE CO., Salem, Mass. sell-SZ-TTSu GENTLEMAN OF EDUCATION AND GOOD address out of employment will hear of an opening In which he can make good wages: a salesman preferred. Address with references, T. IV. J. Dispatch office. sel8-26 MACHINISTS ABOUT 50 GOOD MEN OF all branches: also about So brlehl boys to learn the business; wages for skilled meu from 25 to30 cents per hour, according to ability; piece work rates enable a good man to earn one-third more: steady employment to reliable men: shops exceptionally comfortable to work in; all work men paid weekly; an aid society, fostered by the company, assists Its employes in case of sickness or accident: this establishment in past years has furnished steadier employment to its workmen than any other In Western Pennsylvania. Apply to WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO.. cor. Lib erty and Twenty-fifth sts,. Pittsburg, Pa. au20-35-i MACH1N1STS-I0. NINE HOURS' WORK with ten hours' pay. atlHE ROBINSON KEA MAN U FACT URING CO.. 53 Carson st. 8. b., Pittsburg. sel8-l MELTERS-TWO OPEN HEARTH FURNACE also three first helpers. Eastern portion ol Pennsylvania, stale wages and send copy of testl menials tos. 40, Dispatch office. sel7-27 MEN-FIVE EXPERIENCED IN THE MAN UFACTURE of metal lamps and other bravs goods by a large manufacturing company: must be competent workmen and furnish good recommendations. Address LAMP MANU FACTURERS, Dispatch office. se!7-31 MEN-HONEST, TEMPERATE.ENERGET1C to solicit orders for our nursery stock: per manent employment and good pay; satisfaction guaranteed to customers and agents; write for terms. R. G. CHASE Ss, CO., 1430 s. Penn square, Philadelphia, Pa. au24-107-TTS PACKERS-AT ONCE-TWO FURNITURE packers. Apply at KEECH'S, 923 and 925 Penn ave.. city. sel&-57 PLASTEKERS-ONE OR TWO GOOD UNION plasterers. ZIEGLEK BROS., Coraopolis. Pa. sel7-17 TUDDLERS AND HELPERS AT ONCE. X. first-classmen. App! Forge aud Iron Co., Nic ily to PUDDLE BOSS. Pg. nth ward, Allegheny, Pa. sei-ai SALESMEN AT 175 PER MONTH SALARY and expenses, to sell a line of sllverplatcd ware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished free; write at once Tor full partic ulars and sample case ot goods free. STANDARD bILVERW ARE CO., Boston, Mass. se24-90-D SOLICITORS EXPERIENCED MEN FOB newspancr; salary ana commission. Call at ROOM 2, 162 Fourth avenue. telS-6 STENOGKAPHER-A YOUNG MAN AS STEN OGRAPHER and trpewrlter In a position offering chance for Improvement Address, stat ing references nnd what wages would be accepted, STENOGRAPHER, Dispatch office. se!5-117 TINNERS-TWO FIRsT-CLASS FOE ROOF lNt. Inquire SCHWARTZ BROS., No. 39 W ylle ave. sel8-69 TINNERS ON APARTMENT: STEADY wort. Apply HEKBEEf STEELE, 700 Fifth avenue. selS-66 TRANSITMAN WAN JED FOR CITY WORK: state experience, salary and references. Ap ply to GEO. R. MACKENZIE, Jeannette, Pa. se!8-97 WAITER-FIRST CLASS WAITER AT ROTH Restaurant. No. 26 DIAMOND bQUARE. sel8.8t YOUNG MAN-FOR CLERK IN MANUFACT URING establishment; must be good pen man, quick and accurate at figures: state age, ref erence and present occupatlou. T. K., Dispatch office. selS-59 Femaln Help. ftOOK-A FIRST-OL ASS COOK: GOOD WAGES paid. Apply at 149 SHEFFIELD ST., Alle- gncny. se!8-53 COOK AND CHAMBERMAID. APPLY with reference to 77 aRCH ST., Allegheny. sel8-2i "OOK-A GIRL TO COOK AND DO GENER- j AL house work in a Colored Orohan Home; must nave good recommendations. Apply 60 iKtllUNi ST., Allegheny. eeis-cg URL FOR COOK. MUST COME WELL OT reccommended. Apply to MBS. JOHN G. A. LE1SHMAN. Bldweifst, Shadyslae. se!7-35 IHL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. VX Inquire at once. 323 WESTERN AVE., near parks, Allegheny City. selS-73 LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS TO FILL VA CANCY: xood reference required. Call on W. A. DODDs, Room 2, 1038 Penn ave. selS-63 LAUNDRESS EXPERIENCED MIDDLE AGED, single woman preferred, for an in stitution 25 miles from the city; wages $250 per J Dispatch office. sel8-74 SHOE SALESLADIES SEVERAL CLASS at KAU FMANNS". FIRST- selS-53 YOUNO. GIRL-ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE. to assist in doing housework in a timllvor two. Apply 18 MILLER St., Eleventh ward, Pittsburg. se 17-69 YOUNG LADY-TO TRAVEL WITH DRA MATIC Co.; experience unnecessary: call Im mediately, MANAGER HOWARD, xirst Ave nue Hotel. SC18-B3 WANTED. Male and Female Help. DRAMATIC PEOPLE-LADIES AND GEN TLEMEN: also musicians tor brass and string. Call Immediately. MANAGEK HOW ARD, First Avenue Hotel, First ave. and smlth neld. se!8-9l HELP-MALE R'sE. COOK. SECOND cook, waiters, assistant waters, laborers, farm hands, dairy men, cooks, chambermaids, house irlrls. dining room girls, seamstress, child's nurse, laundress, dishwasher, pantry Klrl, nurse (tlrl. MEEHAN'S, S4o Grant street. Telephone OT. selS-D LADIES' MAIDS -SEAMSTRESS. LAUN DRESS, cooks, dinln room girls, S00 house Elrls, German aud colored girls, drivers, farm hands, white and colored waiters. MRS. K. THOMPSON, 608 U rant st. seH-MThs Minntlons. BOOKKEEPING-WILL TAKE CHARGE OF books requiring only occasional attention; attend to opening or closlnc of books, correction of errors or anything In the line of acconntlng: nave had long experience ana can grre me utoi ui references, s. A. p. SAWHILL, 1B7 .Federal 6t Allegheny, P au-S9 POSITION -Hi A FORMER COMMERCIAL man, as clerk or salesman In a store or whole sale house: ciiy reference. Address JACK. Dis patch office. " se!8-07 QITUATION BY A tfOUNG MAN 22 YEARS k or age to attend pool ana Diuiara taoies Ave Tears' experience, Address J. S., Dispatch ooice. sei9-i Partners. PARTNER-TO HELP EXl'END A LIGHT manufacturing business paying 200 percent proflt and no competltlon:muRt be sober, active and reliable with S300 to S300 to Invest together with services. Address MONOPOLY, P. O. box No.l, Wheeling, W. Va. se!6-96 Roonifl. Ilonvei. &c. XTOUSE-TO RENT. SMALL ONE ON F. W. I I & C R. R.. within easy distance of town rent not over 15. Address "NEMO," Dispatch umce. seiB-a KO O M BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, large unfurnished or furnished front room, with board: good locality required. Only those of excellent social standing need apply to J. U. B.. Dispatch office; se!7-19 Hoarders nnd Lodgers. BOARDERS AND LODGEKS-SHADYSIDE; room and board for two gentlemen or mar ried cunple. Apply ON PREMISES. Ainberson ave., third door below Presbyterian Church. scl8-S CCUPANTS-FOR ONE OR TWO OF THE most pleasantly located rooms in Oakland. Address, with reference, OCCUPANT, Dispatch office. sel7-2S Finnoclnl. BONDS AND STOCKS-THE UNION TRANS FERAND'IRUST CO.. 121 and 123 Fourth ave., mases a specialty of acting as registrar and transfer agent for the stock and bonds of corpora tions: we guarantee by our Indorsement on the stocks and bonds that they are authorized Issues, and therefore, a protection to the officers of cor porations, stockholders and the hanks taking them as collateral for loans. Terms moderate and adapted to suit all special cases. se3-6 MONEY OUR FACILITIES FOR FURNISH ING money to any amount on bond and mortgage are unequalcU: lowest rates of interest and no delay. 11 you need money apply MORRIS & FLEMING, ll Fourth ave. Jy27-86-TTSSU MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES: rate 4H, 5 and 6 per cent as to location and amount: no delay, 99 Fourth avenue. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO., JJC4-23-TTS MOKiGAGES-11,000,000 TO LOAN ON CITY and suburban properties at 4,S, 5 and 6 per cent and on larms In Allegheny and adjacent counties at 6 per cent 1. M. PENNOCK&SON, 147 Fourth avenue. ap7-fll MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS to suit at AH. 5 and 6 per cent. ALLES & JA1LE1, 161 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl4-19-TTSsu MORTGAGES ON CITY OR ALLEGHENY conntv property at lowest rates. HENRt A. WEAVER CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mb2-D TO LOANSS00,KI0, IN AMOUNrS OF $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4X per cent free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. se21-d26-D TO LOAN 200,030 ON MORTGAGE3-I00 and upward at 6 percent:500, 300 at 4 percent on residences or business property; also In ad Joining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc24-4-D QT 000.000 TO LOAN-ON MORTGAGFS O L7 large and small amounts at if, 5 and 6 per cent free of State tax; no delay. KEED B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. my21-0-TTS Miscellaneous. E VERYONE TO HAVE THEIR BROKEN windows nxed before winter: telephone 1471 or write postal cara ior price list. u. u. O'BRIEN, Painter. 292 Fifth ave. selO-TTS PENSIONS THE PITTSBURG PENSION AGENCYOF J. H. STEVENSON & CO.. 100 J?lffh ave. Pensions now had for all disabled soldiers, permanently helpless children and widows of deceased soldiers under late act of Congress: pensions Increased to correspond with the disability; bounties collected: certificates of serTlce procured where discharges are lost. sel4-D TJRIVA1E SCHOLARS By A YALE MAN: JL city references. Address TUTOR, 104 Fulton st, Pittsburg. se 16-62 TO IN VEST-$5.O0O TO $15,000 IN SOME MAN UFACTURING business: one already estab lished preferred, and one in which advertiser will be employed. Address INVESTOR, Dispatch office. selS-2 YOU GET A BAKER'S DOZEN (13) OF Stewart & Co. 's fine cabinet photos for $1, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. mv2S-49-TT8u FOR SALE-IMPROVED ItEAL ESTATE City Resiaencea. CONGRESS ST. THREE FIRST-CLASS TWO SIORY brick dwellings: each lot 20t9o: all modern Improvements: rented to A 1 tenants: would make a good investment; would sell sepa rately. J. C. UEILLY, 77 Diamond st. selS-42 FEDERAL STREET TWO-STORY BRICK dwelling, six rooms and two-story brick in rear: lot 20x102 to paved alley: rents $567 per Tear; cheap and easy terms: an Investment. BAXTER, THOMPSON k CO., 162 Fourth ave. sel4-153-ITSSu -T. WASHINGTON-GRACE STREEr-NEW LYJL 8-room frame dwelling, with lot 178 rect front aud price onlv S3, 500; has both gases etc. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. sets-42 dJT 600-1N PAYMENTS-BY J. H. STEVEN 5JL SON & CO.. 100 Fifth ave., a nice frame house of 4 rooms, or a good lot in Thirty-second ward, alsoaflne7-rooaidwclllng, wlthattlccellar, etc, and on same lot a 3-room house with cellar, etc.: for (3, 500: also In Thirty-second ward, and a splendid lot 44x110 In which are 2 houses, one of 4 rooms and cellar, and other of 3 rooms and cellar, corner of Sycamore and Corsage sts., same ward, price only $1, 600, in payments: money to loan on good real estate security: also several small farms for sale or exchange for'clty property. sel732 g OOO-S1.000 IN CASH, BALANCE LONG upO) time; a very complete and attractive city home, property on line of electric railway: handsome Iot50x130 nicely improved with asphnlt walks, grape vines, shrubbery shade etc ; mod ern two-story brick. 9 rooms, vestibule, hall, bath, laundry, both gases, speaking tubes, marble and hardwood mantels: nronertv in excellent RhAnA throughout and a bargain at the price CHARLES SOMERS 4 CO., 313 Wood St., COUrer.n ave. sel8-H-Thsu Ol OOO-CENTER AVE , NEAR ARTHUR Ofc st, two-story brick dwelltngof four rooms, finished attic and large storeroom; also. In rear, small brick dwelling: all for the above price: lot 20x74. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. selS-42 OA 300 VICEROY ST., NEAR PRIDE, t!rxJ three-story brick dwelling, eight rooms, both gases, etc. ; on rear of lot four-room brick dwelling: rents for $42 per month; lot 23x97. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond 6t sel8-12' 500-REDUCED FROM $3,000, WEBS1ER IJ9 ave.. near Davis st.2-storv and mansard brick dwelling. 7 rooms, slate mantels, gas, etc.; nouse nearly new. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. selS-42 (gQ 200-FEANKLIN ST.-1HREE SMALL 009 two-story brick dwellings: good sewerage: side alley; lot 20x74. st. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond seio-;- East End Realdcnces. OAKLAND AND EAST END-ELEGANT new residence properties; low prices and easy terms, w. ir, JU'AaiLijf uku.. io. rouna avtnue seis-3S-Mwius- SHADYSIDE-CONVEMENTTO DUQUESNE Electric and P. R. ., new 12 room Queen Anne frame residence: reception hall, bath, launarv. range, inside w. c, nat, and art. gas; all newly papered and In first-class condition; rice $7,500: terms reasonable; lot 37x133 to alley. 1. F. HIPPLE CO., 9 Fourth ave. sel4-91-TI8U dQ SOO-WILL BUY A NEW 6 ROOM AND ijO) finished attic house, within 3 minutes of P. R. R.. and on the ilue of a new electric road; slate root; slate mantels, tile hearths, batb. hot and cold water, electric lights throaghout, front and back stairs, porches, etc.; vestibule and ball: good neighborhood; lot 15x130; there Is nothing in the market so complete at tbe price. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penu and Shady aves. E. E. seis-56 t ffijpr OOO-FOK A HANDSOME MODERN 35tH house with all conveniences, in splendid neighborhood, within 5 minutes P. R. R., 3 min utes of electric; a very neat home of 6 rooms and finished attic, with nat. and art gas, electric lights, etc.; lot 36x120 to alley; small cash pay ment balance to suit. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady aves., E. E. 825 sel6-56 ffiQ 800-6 ROOM FRAME AND FINISHED CDtjy attic house, finely located: six minutes from Fifth ave. and Penn ave. cables; slate man tels, tile hearths, hot and cold water, nat. and art gas, cement cellar: very complete, and is a bar gain. S. A. DICKIE 4 CO., Penn and Shady ares., E. E. 654 sel6-56 ffi4. OOO-ONE SQUARE FROM HIGHLAND Ox ave., two-story frame dwelling, six rooms, ball, finished attic, batb, good cellar, nat. gas, electric light nice large porch: lot 27x100 to alley; bound to enhance In value. utu. u. aiiKzxii, renn and Shady aves,E. E. sel8-I2-TTESn SA 500-GOOD FltAME HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. wt finished attic, nlcaly finished: water, gas, large porches: 2 lots 43x133 it. tjrarler St.. Twen ty.flrst w.ird, only 5 minutes' walk to P. It R. station, MLLLON BUOIUEUS, 6349 Station St., E. E. Sfll3-7J-TTSSU' ffiQ OOO A 50 ERTY: CHOICE SHADYSIDE PROP lot 72x100 feet; modern brlek house. 9 rooms: 2 sauares from Fifth ave. cable line, near steam cars, on a rood street W. A. HEBRON & SONS, SO Fonrtfiare, teU-l-Ih FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. ' East End Residences. TiWELLlNO-ONF. BOUAKE FROM DU- XJ QUESNE elertrlc"road; new six room frame dwelling, hall, bath, finished attic, inside shut ters,both h, and c. water; nat and art gas; stained glass: nicely papered andpalnted; lot 25x 100; prlce$4,800: terms reasonable. M. F. HIP PLE & CO., 96 Fourth avenue. sel4-l-TT8u FORBES AVE. -NEAR SENECA ST.-A MOD ERN and substantial brick dwelllngot 8 rooms, all Improvements, on rear fronting Tustln st. : a frame dwelling of 4 rooms and fin. attic: h. and c water, bath, nat. gas, etc.: lot 22x120 ft; only $12,000. See REED B. COYLE &. CO.. 131 Fourth ave. sel7-24-TVThS "KTORTII HIGHLAND AVENUE, EAST END, JL-I No. 4i9-Flne residence, almost new. 14 spa clous rooms, including double parlors, library, bath and lavatory, trunk rooms, finished man sards, piazza In iront porch side and rear, nat ural and artificial gas, rurnace, air course around foundation; everything in prime condition throughout: a perfect system of sewerags; large lot 65x180 feet; excellent carriage and stabling for three horses, etc: this valuable property will be sold at public auction sale; sale on Thursday afternoon, September 18, at 3 o'clock, on the premises. Further particulars and a permit to examine the property from JAS. W. DRAPE CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. sel0-62-D OAKLAND-WARD STREET, TWO-STORY and mansard brick dwelling, eight rooms, both h. and c. water, laundry, nat. gas range, cemented cellar, nice garden, shrubbery, etc.; a very neat and desirable home: lot 40x120 to 20-root alley. J. c. REILLY, 77 Diamond St. sel8-42 KESIDENCE A FINE EAST END RESI DENCE; 15 rooms: strictly modern brick dwelling with large reception hall and library: elaborately finished: bard wood mantels with tile hearths and French plate mirrors both up and down stairs; unusually large plate glass windows in parlor nnd dining room, and beveled cut glass window In reception hall: house Is artistically decorated thronghout and'rooms supplied large closets: convenient pantry and roomy china and linen closets: excellent dry cellar with 8 loot celling: laundry supplied with all conveniences: large bath room and plumbing of the highest order: front and back stairs and back ball: entire house heated by furnace as well as natural gas: electric lights and gas tbroughout;wIred lorllght ing gas by electricity; electric bells, call bells and speaking tubes;bllllard room on third floor. There Is no residence In East End where more taste has been displayed In finish and decoration, and it is In every way a charming house: street Is paved, and being on tbe line of cable is a desirable residence for any one doing business in the city. Good lot and best of neighborhoods. S. A. DICKIE 00., Penn and Shady aves., East End. sel6-59-TTb t 800-EASY TERMS: TWO-BTORY FRAME 09 dwelling sevLn rooms, hall, cellar, city water, porches: lot 26x100, to an alley: rents for $25 per month : handy to electric- and cable roads. GEO. C. SLEETH, Penu and Shady aves,E. E. sel8-U-TTSSU Allceheny Residences MONTEREY ST., NO. 80-BRICK DWELLING and lot with side entrance, eight rooms and modern throughout and all in full order, to be sold at public sale on Thursday afternoon, September IS. at 2 o'clock, on the premises: Im mediate possession. Particulars lrom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers. 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. sel2-63-D ASHINGTON STREET, ALLEGHENY Fine residence, lot 54x175- cbeap to quick buyer. W. W. M'NEILL & BRO., 152 Fourth avenue. sel8-37 300-CALIFOKNIAAVE.. ALLEGHENY: 9 two-story slate roof house, five rooms. hall, vestibule, finished attic, sliding doors, slate mantels. Inside shutters, city water, gas. dry cellar; very complete house lu prime condition; nice lot 23 feet front extending to good alley In rear. CHARLES SOMERS & CO., 313 Wood St., 61)19 Penn ave. selS-14-Ths SOO-PROFERTY 13 KILLBUCK STREET. First wnrd. Allegheny: annual rents. $43). Inquire WALTER WOHMALD, Executor, 315 Market city. sel"-47 Suburbnn Residence. BELLEVUE-DESIRABLE SUBURBAN RES IDENCES, building lots and acre properties on the Ft. Wayne Railroad ; Emsworth. Sewlckley and Edgewood. DAVID SHAW & CO.. 152 Fourth ave. se6-45-TTS Gli owner has to leave this State on account of his health, a well-built frame dwelling of six rooms, bay windows, porches, etc.; lot 75 feet front located at Glenfleld. p , F. W. & C. R. W. ; a bargain to quick Buyer. C. BER1NGER&SON, 156 Fourth ave. SC17-4S l2 OOO SUBURBAN RESIDENCE. ON Oil' your own terms, or will exchange for l.awrcncevllle property: Edgwater station, A. V. R. R,: comparatively new 8-room frame dwelling, hall, slate mantels, tile hearths inside shutters, etc . beautifully painted and grained, with one acre or 11 25-foot lots, covered with splendid fruit and shade trees: only three minutes' walk from station, and very desirably situated: the above price Is less than cost. M. F. H1PPLE St CO.. 98 Fourth ave. scl8-lS" FOR SALE LOTS. Enst End Lock. BREREION AVE. FINE LEVEL BUILDING lot In Denny estate plan, 25x100; best loca tion In the plan; must be sold at once: a great bargain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. selS-44 DALLAS AND PENN AVENUES. TWENTY SECOND ward Corner lot 155 front iu depth up to 302 ft. if desired; one ofthe best build ing lots in East End. See W. A. HXKRON & SON S, 80 Fourth ave. se4-40-Tu T-VlTHBIDGE STREET. FOURTEENTH JL ward i.ot 50X184 to alley: very cheap. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. sel4-156 EAST END-?1.000 PER ACRE BARGAIN-.8& acres on Lincoln ave., near Lemington: fruit trees, etc. : house and barn; Improvements extra. THOS. LIGG1- rr. 71 Diamond st. selS-51-18. 19,20,21,23,20, 30 TpAfaT END-$1,000 PER ACRE-18M ACRES U on Lincoln ave., near Lemlngtou ave. THOS. LIGGETT, 71 Diamond st. se6-44-TUThS HIGHLAND PARK AND SCHENLEYPARK acre properties at very reasonable prices and satisfactory terms; suitable for subdivision at great profit DAVID SHAW & CO., 152 Fourth ave. se6-45-TuThs' r OTS-SELl.ING RAPIDLY IN THE MURT JLJ LAND place plan, Twenty-first ward: all city conveniences, gas, water, etc., and within easy reach of electric roads, fire minutes from Homewood station, Pennsylvania Railroad; noth ing as desirable In city limits at as low prices: call or send for plans: salesmen on the ground every afternoon. S. A. DICKIE & CO., Penn and Shady aves.. East End. sel&-56" OAKLAND PARK PLAN OF LOrs-KRONT-1NG on Center ave. and Breckenrldge St., in the Thirteenth ward. Is now ready to submit to the public, and in dqing so we venture to sav that there Is not In the two cities a more delightful location for cheerful homes and first-class resi dences: solose no time In calling to see our plans, examine the territory, make your selection, and we are satisfied you will say it is more than we claim for its desirability, price and terms. See M. P. HOWLEY & SON, 127 Fourth ave. sel6-73 OAKLAND ONE OFTHE FINEST CORNER lots In Oakland. one square above Fifth ave., 40x150 feet covered with shade trees, rose Dushes and shrubbery: grand place to build a home; only 12 minutes' ride from the Court House. A. D. WILSON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. seI3-31-sThB OHARA ST-50 PER FOOT, O'HAEA ST., 120 xl50fcet convenient to cable, electric and railroad. THOS. LIGGETT. 71 Diamond St. sc8-4J-TuTh8 SHADYSIDE LOTS THREE MIN. FROM Duquesne road, 50x120; covered with abund ance of shade and fruit trees: price and terms reasonable. M. F. HIPPLE & CO.. 96 Fourth ave. Sel4-91-TTSU CO" 0O0-FRANKSTOWNAVE.NEARSTA-JDOO TION St. : 50x65 feet; fine improvements; $21, 000 t rankstown ave. : 35x100 runulng through to Broa'i st.:?17,000 trankstown ave.: 35x100 run ning through to Broad st THOS. LIGGETT. 71 Diamond St. selS-56-18,20,21,22.25,29 QQ LOTS-ON FORBES AND WIN FIELD bTS. iJij at a bargain: this property Is In one of the best localities lor enhancement that we know of: each lot Is 24x140 ft., and worth more money than we are asking for It MORlilSON BANKS 106 Third ave., cor Wood St., Pittsburg, Pa. sel2-TTS' QfZ OOO-BARGAIN, EAST END: IX ACRES OO' of perfectly level ground, corner Dun fermline and Reynolds ave.. adjoining Mrs. Car negie's. THOMAS LIGGETT, 71 Diamond su se6-43-TTS Allceheny I.ot. ARCH STREET, ALLEGHENY-FOR $3,000 Two lots, each 20x100 ft. to another st , with buildings; will Bell as a whole or in two parts; terms easy. W. A. HERRON Jt SONS, 80 Fourth ave. sel8-34-18,24,29 T7UJEMONT STREET-CHEAPEST LOTS IN X? Allegheny, near head of Fremont street; $600. your own terms. W. W. M'N E1LL & Bro., 152 Fourth avenue. selS-35-TuThFSu PERRY SVILLE AVE. ALLEGUEN Y LOT 270x109; price $4,000; terms to suit: cheapest property In the market. BALTENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, 154 Fourth ave. selS-20 Suburban Lots. EMSWORTH A BARGAIN IN BUILDING lots at Emsworth, P., Ft. V,. &, C. R. R.. size 75x30,1 feet each, with some elegant large forest trees on each lot: seven minutes' walk to station and near the proposed electric line. C. BEKINGER&SON, 156 tourtu'ave. sel7-48 Miscellaneous. INVESTUENTS Block six brick dwellings for $28,000. Block five frame dwellings for $5,500. Block seven frame dwellings for $11,000. Block four brick dwellings for $2.i,000. Block three brick dwellings for $7, OOO. Block ten brick dwellings for $20, 010. Block eight frame dwellings for $14,500. Block 13 brick dwellings for $55.fXJ0. Block six brick dwellings for $16,000. A. D. WILSON'S AGENCY, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. selJ-33-MThs LOTS-BRUSHTON, W1LKINSBUKG AJD Edgewood. 34 lots, 40x130, $2Uto$450; terms. $50 00 cash. 91ots,24xl22 toallev. S50J: terms, one-haircasb. 10 lots, 33vl3i SB0ti$5ui; terms. $50 oil ca-h. 35 lots. 5uxi.li, wco to saOO: terms, one-half caslr. H. C.Cl.AEKE, 135 Fourth avc.and hdgiwood. e4-TTS VWN A HtlMrWir. Wll.T. KIIV OK HHIT.n J for you anywhere and let your rent pay for ine property: no'aecurtty required. GRANITE BrATE PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, branch offices, Standard building-, 31-533 Woodst, Pltts- " ittfA-Atf-liOflU FOR SALE LOTS. City Lota. BIGHAM ST. -THIRTY-SECOND WARD, city four lots, 25x100, at a sacrifice. UAL TENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, No. 154 Fourth ave. 8el8-20 DUQUESNE HEiaHTS-5 MINUTES' WALK from incline; a very choice corner lot fronting 70 ft on Oneida st , by 125 on Virginia ave.; price low. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. sel8-42 F02TY-FIFTH STREET, A LITTLE ABOVE Butler street, lot 60x110, or will sell In lots cheap. W. W. M'NEILL ft BRO.. 152 Fourth avenne. ,. Sels-36-TuThSSu LOT78X90-CORNER TWO PAVED STREETS, one square from Fifth ave.. ten minutes' walk from Court House, two two-story brick dwellings, bringing good rental: cbeap. BAX TEK. THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. sel4-153-TTSSu PENN AVE.-COR. THIRD STREET-LOT 90 feet on Penn ave. by 110 on Third st: this desirable building site, now occupied by Slack & Sholes' planing mill, is now offered for sale at a low figure. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. selS-42 WYL1E AVE. NEAR ROBERT ST.-LOT, 25x100, at a bargain; terras to suit BAL TENSPERGER & WILLIAMS, No. 154 Fourth ave. selS-JO 285 FEET-FRONTING ON FIFTH AVE.: only about eight minutes' ride from Court House: will make flue building lots. A. D. WIL SON, 55 Federal st, Allegheny. sel5-8-MThS Farm. PAHSI-A GOOD FAUM AT A VERY LOW price, containing 1C3 acres, frame dwelling of 7 rooms, large barn and other outbuildings, good orchard, excellent spring water. lUn pond stockedr situated on Pennsylvania Railroad In Westmoreland county, one-half mite from station: price only $4,200. C. BERINGER & SON. 156 Fourth ave. . sel7-48 FARM -40 ACRES, WELL- IMPROVED. WITH new buildings: a choice home near city and station Pennsylvania road; rapidly growing In value: price f8,0C0. one-half cash. ED. WIITISH, 410 Grant st, Pittsburg. selS-D TJUNE FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE-130 A? acres, new, slate roof house. 7 rooms, new barn, nice sprlnsr honse, two orchards, coal bank, etc. : lour miles from Rochester: will trade or sell on your own time; only $55 per acre; send for farm and exchange list JS. F. HURST, Real Es tate. Rochester, t'a. Also nice 35 acre place for $3,300, two miles rrom Beaver: sell or trade. sell-BS-TTS FOR SALE BUsINESj-5. Business Opportunities. CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE-IN large town; shoe, notion and grocery stores In towns near tbe cltv: newspaper route In Mc Keesport cheap: groceries $500 to $5,000. IT.K CIVAL & CHAPMAN, 439 Grant St. selS-40 CLOTHING STORE AND GENTS' FUR NISHING. $12,000, or Invoice: hotel and saloon, notion store, bakeries, $150 to $1,000: cigar storei, $300 to $4,100: groceries. $350 to $5,000. HOLMES & CO., 420 Smithfield st. sel3-6l D YE HOUSE IN A GOOD BUSINESS town. Address J. H.. Dispatch office. sel6-3" MACHINE 8HOP-WITH ALL TOOLS, 3 laths, lborclngmlll. 1 plainer, engine and bolter, all ready to start; this can beboughtcheao; It must be sold: also. No. 1 Long & Alstctter punch has been used twomonths cheap; second hand engines and boilers, shaftings and pulleys, etc. RUSSELL MCH. CO., J12 Wood St., Pitts burg. Pa. sel8-65 KESrAURANT DOING A GOOD BUSINESS, In a new manufacturing town growing very rapidly, cast of Pittsburg: large dining room and lunch counter and located near tbe depot: an ex cellent opportunity for anv person wishing to In vest 1700. C BERINGER & SON, 156 Fourth ave. selT-48 WALL PAPER A PICTURE-FRAMING store on bouthslde will sell at Invoice; satisfactory reasons for selling. Address WALL PAPER, Dispatch office. sel7-18 Rnalnesa Properly. BLACKSMITH SHOP, $400 GROCERY stores at Hazetwood, Glcnwood, East Fnd, Allegheny. Wilmerdlng, and Pl'tsburg; baker ies, cigar stores, notion stores, drug stores, shoe stores, book and stationery store, milk depots. SUEPARD & CO., 151 Fourth ave. sel7-D FIFTH AVE.. NEAR MARKET HOUSE business property: bargain: 40x120 to Ann St. THOS. LIGGETT, 71 Diamond st. sel8-55-18. 20. 22, 25. 20 fif)" OOO-WYLIE AVE.-ONLY A f'EW ttJ1 squares from Court House; three busi ness houses on flr ylle ave., with good dwellings; on side street two-story brick dwellings: six rooms each, with all modern Improvements, can be rented so as net 8;per cent.:: lot 47x100 to 10-foot alley. J. C. REILLY. 77 Diamond at. selS-42 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery nnd Irletnl. THRILLING ENGINES AND BOILERS-FOR JL oil or gas wells, engines and hollers In every size and style, sawmills an wood-working ma chinery. HARME3 MACHINE DEPOT, No. 97 First ave. Pittsburg, l'a. inhg-D ENGINES AND BOILERS-NEW AND RE FITTED: repairing promptly attended to. POKTElt FOUNDRlt AND MACHINE CO., LIM, below Suspension bridge. Allegheny. Pa. Jy2-63 HORIZONTAL E.NG1NE-20X42, 25.000 FEET second-hand wire rope: also hoisting and portable engines and Slemen valves, castings, etc. VELTE4 MCDONALD, 3200 Penn avenue, Jel6-6-TTe SAWMILL RUN-ONLY" FOUR MONTHS two new patent tooth saws; can saw 35-foot sticks: will sell for less than one-bait cost. Ad dress C. A. SMITH, East Liverpool. O. sel7-7r- QECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS jo all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p. all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices: porta ble engines, 8 to 25 h. p.; boilers all sizes and styles. J, b. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC5-30-D Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc. BIRDS-AND ANIMALS OF ALL KINDS, gold fish and fixtures, an endless variety of cages, prepared food for mocking blrdsand seed for all birds, fine dogs. SPlCHrS BIRD STORE, 649 Smithfield st aui2-70-rrsu BUGGIES. CARKIAGF3, SPRING WAGONS, etc. second-hand rigs bonght and sold; big bargains. SAMUEL CHAMBEKLA1N, No. 618 Duquesne way, near Sixth street bridge. se3-72-MThs BUKKOS (2). OK WILLSELL1 BURRO AND dog cart and harness. Apply to GEO. DUN CAN 4 SONS. 669-59 DRAUGHT MARE-FOR WANT OF USE, 8 years old. sound and a good worker single or d'juble: also tbe best combination cart In the city. Can be seen at 215 FIRST AVE., above Grant st. sel8-7f "I ELDING-WELL URED TROTTING SrOUK VX One bay gelding, age 9 years, 18 bands high, has a record of2:29, can beat2:24: one chest nut gelding, age5 years. 15 hands 1 in. high, can trot under 2:35; one chestnut gelding, age 3 Years, has trotted in 2:52; also two-seated Caffrey sur rey, almost new, and one iirewster wagon with shafts and pole, has been nsedbut a few times. P. II. HACKE, cor. Fifth ave. and Market. sel8-46-MThs HORSE A DARK DAPPLE GRAY HORSE, suitable for coupe or barouche, 5 years old, 16,4 hands, weight about 1,300 pounds, sound and gentle, and very stylish, and can be driven bv a tady: think this is the finest coupe or barouche horse in city: also a fine carriage, team and driv ing horses at W. H. WOOD'S STABLE, 3S06 Forbes st. Oaklaud. seI8-S0 WAGON-RARE CHANCE FOR BARGAIN an elegant business wagon on platform springs; has high paneled sides, beautifully pointed: no lettering on them; is suitable for grocer, butcher or any business purpose; made y a noted maker: cost $275: has never been used; was taken for debt and as It Is useless to owner, he will sell 11 at a great sacrifice If sold at once. Apply at O'NEIL'S STABLE, 108 First avenue. se!8-61 Miscellaneous. FURNITURE-AT1SS NORTH AVENUE, NEAR Arch St., Allegheny, on Thursday, 18th Inst., at 2 o'clock, we will sell two bookcases, two ward robes, dressing bureau, parlor carpet and a few odds and ends. A. LEGGATE Jt SON. seI6-5 JEWELRY" DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT ON all society tickets. Jewelry, diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware and spectacles, etc., at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave., Pittshurg. Fine watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. 6el3-TTS PATENTS-FOE SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE for flrst-clas3 city or country real estate, three patents of articles commanding uulversal sale. Address THOMAS Dispatch office. sel8-4a PIANO A QUICK BUYER WITH $165 CASH can buy a beautirul T,i octave upright piano of best make. Inquire 123 SANDUSKY ST., Al legheny; sel8-79-ThFu' PERSONAL. PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have any books to sell, let us know. LEVI'S BOOK STOKE. Seventh Avenue Hotel building. mh7 PEKSONAL-WE WANT EVERY HOY AND girl to know that we will buy their old school bookB and furnish tbem with others at lowest prices. FKANK BACON & CO.. 301 bmithlield street. au2S PEltSONAL WHEHE IS JOSEPHINE Homer? She lived In Pittsburg in 1877, since when she has not been heard of. Any person who knows or her whereabouts would confer a favor to MAKY HOMER, St. Phllomena Prlesthouse. Lib erty St., near Fourteenth, Plttsbnrg. selS-67 TEKSONAL GENTLEMEN CONTEMPLAT JtT ING a trip to the seashore and mountain re sorts or returning therefrom, should bring their clothing to DICKSON, the tailor, 65 Filth are., cor. Wood 6t, second floor, and have the same cleaned, repalrod and pressed, so as to look like new, aud at a reasonable cost, and at the same time should you desire a new suit, bis stock of Imported and domestic goods is ofthe newest and most fashionable patterns; bv giving him a call you will not regret It 'tele. J558. Jc28-D STOLEN. SIOLEN-AHOKSE-FMOMlvrrEKSCIIENOT Wixiord. Marsh-ill fwp.. Allegheny Co., on bept. 9, IKW. a dark brown mare with short busby tall, small whlto star on forehead, small lnmp on left hind leg below knee, small lump on top of neck where the collar has rubbed, hair rubbed off on right side by trace, the initials on shoes are J. F. G. STS i reward U the finder If returned to the above address or MATHIAS BCHNOT. 3341 BmaUmamt., city, s17-23 TO LET. Cltv Residences. KEATING ALLEY-NO. 1, NZAB ROBERTS st, new brick house, two minutes from Wylle ave cable cars, six rooms, finished attic, Insidew. c.:rent $18 per month. Inquireor3Ic CULLOUOH & SMITH, 31 Seventh st. an26-75t Allegheny Residences. HOUSE-218 ROBINSON ST., ALLEGHENY 10 rooms, hot and cold water, batb, range, etc.; $40 per month or $4000. Also bouse or 7 rooms at Avalon station. P.. Ft. W. C By., cor. Orchard and Locust sts.; $15 per month or S2.500. inquire of T. S. KNAP, care Carnegie. Phlpps & Co., Llm., Thirty-third st and Small man. se!2-9lt XT- 192 KIDGE AVENUE, ALLEGHENY ll Furnished; fine new house: 10 rooms: modern Improvements. See W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. seH-33-18.20.24t 183 NORTH AVENUE, NEAR ARCH ST. three-story brick ten rooms and bath; rent $65. Including water: immediate possession. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. selS-tt Rooms. KOOM-ON FltrTH AVENUE, NEAR POST OFFICE: about 16x40; rent low. W. H. BARNES, printer, 64 Diamond st sell-46t Offices, Desk Room. Etc D ESK ROOM-ON FIRST FLOOR. WITH USE otteiepnone. iwiuuKlli AVE. sel-:ir D ESK ROOM-INQUIRE ROOM T14, LEWIS diugk. se-o-i OFFICES-ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS In tbe cltv, corner sixth ave. and Liberty st , second floor; large, well lighted rooms, with vault both gases, w. c. washstind, etc. BAX TER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth ave. sel8-29t OFFICES-A FEVT NICE ONES IN GEE MANIA SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. fl ood and Diamond sts. sol0-49t LOST. TOST-LADY'S SMALL SQUARE POCKET J BOOK, corner Firth ave. and Smithfield st. Finder return to ROOM 43, 77 Diamond st: will be rewarded. selS-72 LOST IN BRADDOCK. A LARGE BAY horse on Tuesday, September 16, 1890; the horse ran away and was last seen on Hazelwood ave.; white hind foot and hair rubbed off of sides. Return to HERMAN MARKOLGLA,622Penn st.. Braddock, Pa. ' se 15-11 LOST-WATCH-1F THE LADY WILL KIND LY return tbe gold watch received by mis take from the Jewelry store on Smithfield street on Angnst 29, case No. 34736, Elgin movement No. 3763143. and case engraved J. A. L. on outside, will confer a favor to the owner se!8-100 EDUCATIONAL. KIRKLAND HALL.Ior yo0ncer boyl College Preparatory Conrse.Business Course. Terms $350. Address KIKKLAND HALL, Clinton, N. Y. aul2-72-TTS PARKJNSTITUTE. 204 North ave., "Allegheny. Co'lleKe Fitting, Business Traininjr, Shorthand and Typewriting, German and French. Term begins Sept. 1. Send for prospectus. L, LU.DDKN, A. M., Pnn. au2-l-TTS MEDIA (PA.) MILITARY ACADElif for Young Boys, J4U0 a year; number lim ited to 30; careful training. Sbortlidco Media Academy for Boys and Young Men. $500 a year; courses in cbem., for bus. or college. Hinst circs. ready. bWITHIN C. SHORTLIDGK. A. M.. (Hdrvardgraduate) Media, Pa., jy30-66-M'WTbssu PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, academic, commercial. Students pre pared for the best colleges. Yonng Ladies' Seminary Department fall term opens Sept 4, 1890. Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, President Board ot Trustees. Address J. WARREN LYTLE. Principal. jyl5-S7-TTS No. 7 Fonrth avenne. CURRY UNIVERSITY. SIXTH STREET. Fall term opens September 2. 30 Instructors; 1,606 Students Last Year. Classical, ScientiOc Normal and "English. Business College. School of Shorthand. Con servatory of Music. School of Elocution. Night school opens September 2. Bookkeeping, shorthand, geometry, mechanical drawing. Send for catalogue. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS. A. M., jylO-53-TTS President URSULINE ACADEMY, OAKLAND. Tbe TJrsnline teachers have opened a prep aratory day school for boys. Terms. $20 per session of five months. English, French or German, singing, calisthenics. Tbe boarding and day school for young ladies opened Sept 8. Tuition- Terms, for day pupils, $35; S30v$25, $20, $15, according to grade, including English, French or German, vocal music and calisthen ics. Private lessons in music, French. German. shorthand and typewriting. sell.59-TTS AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MORNING. September 19. at 10 o'clock, at the rooms. No. 311 Market street Handsome suits French tapestries. English rugs, crushed and silk plushes, fine hair clotb, brocatelles and reps, bed lounges, easy chairs, rockers, leather, patent, ratan and cane seat chairs, china closets, sideboards, extension tables, disbes. silver and glassware, fine china enps and saucers, bed springs, hair and busk mattresses, desks, secretaries, bookcases, chif foniers, folding beds, handsome chamber suits in walnut, oak and cherry, wardrobes, dressing cases, bedsteads, washstands. rugs, curtains, clocks, shades. Wilton velvet, body brnssels, and ingrain ball, room and Stair carpets. HENRY AUCTION CO., Auc tioneer!!. selS-58 AMUSiEMENTS. ptRAND OPERA HOUSE-BEGINNING VX Monday night, September 22, Every night, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, LOUIS ALDEICH, And a most efficient Dramatic Company in the 4-act play by LOUIS ALDRICH and CHARLES VINCENT. THE EDITOR, Under the Management of Edwin Knowles. Col. John Hawkins. Editor of "The Ameri can Eagle. LOUIS ALDRICH. "Beneath the rule of men entirely great. The scissors sway the destinies of State." Prices, $1, vac, 60c, Z5c. Seats now on sale. selS-77 BIJOO" THEATER To-Nlght. SIBERIA. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Sept 22 Bobby Gaylor In an "Irish Arab." se!5-21 GRAND OPERA HOUSE To-night. Onlv matinee Saturday, MARIE WAINWRlGHT in TWELFTH NIGHT. Next week LOUIS ALDRICH in THE EDITOR. se!5-23 HARRY DAVIS' FIFTH AVENUE MUSEUM. Commencing September 15. DELLA BECK, the mammoth girl from AVestmoreland. VENETIAN LADY TROUBADOURS. Doors open 1 to IU P. M. Admission 10 cents. se!5-23 TT ARRIS' THEATER Everv Afternoon and Evening, ONE OF THE FINKST. Week September 22 Dore Davidson In "Guilty Without Crime." sel6-38-TTS HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, and Satnrdiv. BAM T. JACK'S CREOLE BURLESQUE CO. 60 ARTISTS 50 sel5-12 PKOPOaAXA. Office of County Contbollkb, j September 15, 189a BALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- CEIVED at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. ONDAY. September 22,1890, for filling ap proaches to bridge No. 3 overPoketos creek, at Dougherty's mill, and to approaches to bridge over Watson run at lock No. 3, also for widen ing and extending apntoaches to bridge No. 2 over Robinson's run (north branch). Bids to bo by tbe lnmp sum for each bridge complete. Bidders must visit sites before bidding. Bids lor bridge No. 3, Poketos creek, to be addressed in separate envelopes to Commis sioners or Westmoreland and Allegheny counties. The successful bidder will he required to give bond in double tbe amonnt of tbe bid for the faitbful performance of the contract. Specifications can be seen at tbe Connty En gineer's office after Tuesday. September 16, 1800. JOSIAH SPEER, se!7-87 County Controller. MKEESPORT CITY BONDS. A new issue of $85,000, running thirty years; interest, i per cent; denomination, $1,000. For an absolutely safe and permanent In vestment these bonds aro peculiarly desira ble. For sale In such amounts as desired. WM.M.BELL, Bnk of MoKeesport Building. 8617-M , MoKeesport, Pa, CHOICE PROPERTIES. SOUTH VIEW PLACE,. Choice building lots, 0x150.50x160 and, 50x200 feet, in plan of the BIRMINGHAM LAND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY ON LINE OF THE Man RapM Transit Electric fioafl, and only three miles south of Court House, one' mile from city limits. Two natural gis lines, fine boardwalk from city line to prop erty. Main streets 50 feet wide. Taxes low. prices reasonable and terms easy: one-fourth cash, balance in three or five equal annual In stallments with inteiest. Title to whole plan insured by tbe Fidelity Title and Trust Company of Pittsburg. For plans and further particulars and agent to show you tbe lots, call on C. E. STJCCOP, U03 CARSON STREET, -OR J. MARTIN SCHAFER. 71 S. TWELFTH 8T PITTSBURG. PA. Jy23 STOCK FARM. Fifteen miles from Pittsburg, and ten minutes from station, a FINE LYING FARM, 210 ACRES, Well watered, having two creeks and numerou springs on it. Big barns, good outhouses, flao farm honse, good fences, COAL UNDER PART OF IT- Will invoice 29 head of cattle (mostly Hols tern, 3-year-oid3), 4 horses, 9 pigs, and all the farm implements. There is neither OIL OR GAS LEASES On the premises. This is one of the flnesS farms in Allegheny county. Easy terms. Part Uculars from BLACK & BAIRD, seW-56-TTSu 95 FOURTH AVENUE. FE3STXT .AVIEL RESIDENCE OF 12 ROOMS And reception hall: two-story brick with all modern conveniences. LOT 75x145. Low price aud very easy terms. ,,u BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 FOURTH AVE. seM-152-TTSu WALL AND WILMERDING. LOTS IN. MELLON'S NEW WALL PLAK AND THE EOUTH PLACE PLAN. HOUSES BUILDING RAPIDLY. Salesman will be on the ground from 3 to 5 p. M. every day. BROWN & SAINT. Agents. sel6-37-TTS 512 Smithfield St. FOR JES-A-XjIEj. SQUIRREL HILL. Tracts of Land. Containing from 5 to 100 acres, with good build ings and improvements. Price very low and terms to suit purchaser. Ira M. Burchfield, jyM9 TTS 108 Fourth ave. OULAID SPECUUTlQi. BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT. SO.'IOOL Two good streets. Positive enhancement la value. Prize 3.000. Easy terms. -, SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., W FOURTH AVE. sellG-MThS $75 PER FOOT. East End lot, aspbaltum paved and sewered street. 60x111 feet, flagstore sidewalk, etc; very desirable locality, building restrictions, etc. Only three minutes' walk from Duquesne electric line. Fifth avenue cable line and P. K.R. A positive bargain. M. F. HIPPLE & CO., 90 Fourth ave. selS-17 SliOOO. sh:aid"z"sii3B One-half square from Dnquesnc electric road, elegant new 12-room and reception-ball brick dwelling; QneenAnne style: furnished tb rough out with latest improvement?. All handsomely papered and decorated: large lot. For partic ulars seeil. F. HIPPLE & CO.. 98 Fonrth ave. seW-S9-TUThsu SI 00 Per foot, worth J150. Lot 30x125, adjoining Schenley Park entrance, 1 min. from JJuqucsne Electric road. This is a decided bargain. M. F. HIPPLE & CO, 96 Fonrth ave. sel4-S9-TTSn MEETINGS. NOTICE-A .MEETING OF THE ALLE GHENY County Republiran Executive Committee will be held on SATURDAY, Sep tember 20. lbTO, at 2 o'clock p. 31.. in Common Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, Pittsburg. A full attendance is requested as business of importance will be transacted. By order GEO. W. MILLER. W. D. PORTER. selS-27 Secret-try. Chairman. DIVIDENDS. Office of the 1 Westinquouse Aikbkake Company. Pittsburg. Pa., bepiember 15, 1S90. 1 DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this company have I his day de clared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT out of tbe earnings for tbe last quarter, payable on October 1. to the stockholders of record Sep tember 20L Transfer books will be closed Sep tember 20 to October 1, both inclusive. selttO JOHN CALDWELL. Treasurer. BUSINESS CHANGES. VTOTICE THE PARTNERSHIP Ef THE livery business at No. 73 and 75 Eleventh street, Plttsbnrg. Southside. heretofore exist ing; between John Voelker. Snsau Voelker (bis wife), and Casiiner Flfer. uai dissolred tbis 13th day of September, 1890. The interest of the said John and Susan Voelker being sold to Casimer Filer aforesaid, who will collect all outstanding accounts of said partnership and pay all debts of the same. se!6-92 VTOTICE-I HAVE THIS DAY SOLD MY Ll interest in tbe Michigan Furniture Com pany. No. 437 Smithfield St.. Pittsburg, Pa., to Schaum & Solomon, who will continue the business at the old stand; ail bills owing and contracted bv the old firm will be promptly paid by B. J. THALHEIMER. Tk. Pittsbprq. Pa.. September 15. 1S9J. se!S-91 LEGAL MlTICEa. J. J. MILLER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 108 Grant Street. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT letters of administration on the estate of Jeremiah Gilchrist, deceased, late oHPittsbnrg, Allegheny County, have been granted to tba undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pa) ment, and those having claims or demands against tbe same will make known without de--lay. B. F. MEVAY, J. BAPPE MYERS, administrators. se 4-4-Th OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. FTTTsnURO, September 13, 1890. VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIV&N 1 HAT THE Ji report if viewer on the opening of Vina s reet, from Reed street to Rose street, has been approved by Councils, which aotioa will lie final unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten days (10) from data. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief ot Department of Public Worxs, S013-84-D '-v