$&$& Tr I ti SHGHT INCREASE Koted bj Some Agents in the Demand for American Pis Iron. SITUATION AS TO STEEL EA1LS. Email Lots of Foreicn Billets Noir AYailaMe at Kow lork. THE CONDITION OF THE COKE TRADE CTXClli. TXLIOKAM TO THX DIRPATCItl New Tobk, August 7. The Iron Age of this issue quotes the American metal markets M follows: American pig Some saleB agents report a slightly increased yolnme of business, but on the whole the market is qmet and steady. Among the larger sales reported is one of 1,000 tons of charcoal car wheel iron, on the basis of $19 50, Buffalo. The reports from Southern charcoal furnaces indicate considerable irregularity. Chilling irons hare sold as low as $17 50 at Southern furnaces. We quote No. 1 Northern iron, J17 18: No. 2. $160117: Grav forge. J1515 25, and Soothcrn Iron No. 1. JI717 25; No. lsoft, JIB 60 CI6 75. and No. 2. S1616 25. Bessemer pig Is offered at S1WJ19 25 delivered at tide water. Splegeleisen and ferro There has been no change whatever, the speigeleisen market re maining lifeless and entirely nominal at $30 00 630 60 for 20 per cent and 871 5072 00 for ferro. Billets Small lots of foreign billets are avail able at S32 503S 00. The demand is light, and the majority of importers do not expect that the importation of foreign billets will develop Into anv business of consequence. Thus fir the steel comes exclusively from German mills. It is urged that even their low sale are only temporary, because prices are below cost of production. Wire rods It is reported that in the West there has been at least one large sale for de livery next year. In the East very little is being done. The rod mill of the Iowa Barb Wire Company, at Allentown, is again running. Only a few small lots of foreign rod ar re ported as having been sold. We quote, S45JJ48 for.foreign rods. Steel rails We note sales by Eastern mills aggregating abont 20,000 tons, these bing in cluded in that total of the block of 8.000 tons for Savannah delivery. The bulk of the other sales were also for Southern roads. The'rumors of low prices made on this nnsiness are authoritatively denied by both buyer ana seller. Eastern mills are in receipt of large inquiries from Western roads, which, of course, they cannot bid on, as the markets East and West now stand. Among the inquiries is one for about 25.000 from a Pacific road, for delivery during the first half of 1S9L Wo continue to quoje $31 O0S31 50 at F.a-tern mills. Track listenings Reports are current that a recent large Southern order was taken at verv low prices. We quote spikes $2 0002 10; fish plates. l.75L0c.and bolts and nuts 2.b0ijs0 delivered, borne uf the mills have advanced their prices, and have thcrelore virtually with drew n from the market, so that the cheap sell ers are now few. Merchant steel We qnote: Machinery, 2.10c base, at mill; rolled shaftinjr, 2.15i20c deliv ered, and tire, 2.102.15c delivered. Plates A number of orders for round lots have been placed. The market is steady at 2.502.60c lor tank; 2.702.85c for shell; 2.90 3c for flange, and 3V4c tor fire-box steel. Old rails In the alienee of bnsiness we qnote nominally JT4 0C25 00. the latter being the figure quoted for foreign rails for ship ment. FOREIGN METAL HAHKEIS. An Improvement Ncird in the General De mand of the Trade. New York, August ".The iron Age of this issue quotes fie British metal markets as fol lows from London: "There has been very lit tle outside speculation in pig iron warrants, but the trade demand is better, and that fact together with evidences of increased consump tion has hardened the market. Tuesday's dealings showed an advance for 46s Sd on Scotch, 44s for Cleveland and 54 for Hematites. Scotch sold to-day at 46s lOd, but there was no change on others. Makers have experienced a better trade in Scotch and Bessemer pig, but Middlesbrough moves slowly. The threat ened stnke in Scotch steel trade has been averted through the smelters agreeing to a reduction of 5 per cent, English makers have dropped their prices for steel ship plates to 6 5s., but other steel prices are unchanged. Prices for block tin has im proved somewhat. The difference Detween cash and forwards has been vern.narniw at times, shoving that available stosks are well held since the reduction last month of about 1.500 tons In the total. The advance in silver restricts shipments from the colonies and has caused a hardening on forwards the past few days. The copper market acts as though fatigued after the late excitement. Consumers' wants appear to be well satished for the moment and little fresh speculative interest is entered into at present prices. Statistics show large sup plies and deliveries last month, with a decrease of 891 tons. The amount held by the societe des Metaux is now only 2,000 tons, against 179, 000 tons 16 months ago. Transactions in furnace material have been quite heavy latterly. tnoe since the middle of July including 150 tons anaconda. There has been shipped to New York 400 tons. A strong feeling prevails in the tin plate trade. Makers keep well sold up, and many have advanced their prices 5d. Some are Hold ing coke for 14-9, and buyers are bidding rather fuller. The stock at shipping ports Is now 861 403 boxes, against 342.000 boxes at the corre sponding period last j ear. American Manufacturer's Cable Qnotatlont.3 Scotch Pig Warrants have advanced to 46s. lOd. Makers' iron has been selling more ' freely, and prices for most brands are firmer. No. IColtness Es.6d.Lo. b. Glasgow No. 1 Summerlee 60s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Gartsherrie 00s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lLangloan 62s. Od. to. b. Glasgow No. 1 Carnbroe 4M. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. 1 Shorts 62s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow No. lGlengarnock.....SBs. 6a. atArdrossan. No. 1 Dalmcllington ...52s. Od. atArdrossan. No. lEglinton 48s. Od. atArdrossan. Bessemer Pig In hematite warrants there has been a rise to 54s., and makers' prices are also higher, with business somewhat larger. West Coast brands Nob. 1, 2. 3, quoted at 63s. 6d.6E4s. f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough PigWith Cleveland war rants up to 41s. the market for makers' Iron has further hardened, bnt bnsiness is moderate. Makers qnote 43s. 6d.44s. for No. 3, free on board for g. m. n. Spiegeleisen There is still a very fair de mand and prices are firmly held. English 20 per cent quoted at 100s. f. o. b. at works. Steel wire Rod Former prices are adhered to, and the market is firm but quiet. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at S 10s. f. o. b. shipping port. STEEL BAILS DULL. Btccl Bails The market is quiet. Only mod erate orders come in and these are taken at old prices. Heavy sections quoted at S f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Blooms Little demand at present and prices without change. Bessemer 7x7 quoted at 1 17s CcJ. f. o. b. shipping point Steel Billets Transactions are unimportant and chiefly at old prices. Bessemer (sice 2 xZK) qnoted at to l. o. d. snipping point. Steel Slab Very little doing and no change prices. Ordinary sizes quoted at 4 17s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Crop Ends The market remains dull and "xitbont change. Bun of the mill quoted at 2 Us. fld.3 Leu. shipping point Old Iron Bails Demand has fallen off and prices am rather weaker. Tees quoted at 3 2s. 6,1 and doublo heads at 3 5s. f. o. b. Scrap Irun The movement continues light and prices are easy. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 12s. CJ. r. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron liuslc ess has been quiet and prices have undergone llttlo change. Stafford, o-d. marked bars, L o, b. L-pcol) 0 0s0dg 9 OsOd " common bars 0 0s 0d8 7 OsOd p " Mark sheet singles 0 0s 0d 7 10s Od Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales. . . 6 2s 6d 6 6s Od Steamer Freights Glasgow to New York, 2s. Cd. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. IB", COPPEB AND T.EAD. Pig Tin Operations have been on a moderate scale, with prices Irregular but showing greater firmness to-day. Btralts qnotel at 94 10s. for spot; futures (3 months), 95. Copper The market is rather quiet Little interest is taken by speculators, and consumers appear to be well supplied. Prices, however, are quite steady. Chili bars quoted 57 7s. Od. for spot, 57 15s. for future delivery. Best se lected English, 64. Lead The market steaaier and the demand better. Sort bpanhth quoted at 12 17s. ed. Spelter There is onfy alimlted demand and little change in prices. Ordinary Bileslan quoted at 23 10s. Tin Plate The market Is strong. Buyers have raised their offers 3d. and in some cases BJ. advance his been paid. Demand is good and stocks at shipping points aro now about the same as a year ago. L C charcoal, Allaway grade, t o. b. Liverpool 16s. 0d.las.Sd. Bessemer steel, eoke finish 00s. 0d.ei4s. 6d. Siemens steel, coke finish 00s. 0d.&14s. 8d. B..V. trade coke, 14x20 00s. 0d.ei4a. 3d. Dean pads urnea.,,...iti.Ue. OiBOOs. W, iKHHkfMS igri COKE TRADE REVIEW. Prices a Firm nt Ever With No Apparent Indications of n Change Extensive Yolnme f Bnsl'aess A Healthy Foil Trade Expeciert. asrxciAt. TiLkonaic to tux ntrATCif.t Scottdale, August7. Tho volume of busi ness transacted in tho coke market continues to be extensive, as is evidenced by the immense shipments. There is seemingly unusual vigor to the market. The demand is of large PrP tlons. which, with its steadiness, Is a good indi cation of a healthy fall trade. Operators are eagerly watching and discussing every point, and will make a persistent endeavor to preserve tho present agreeable conditions. Shipments are still increasing, many works are making six days and' production is traveling along in the same groove with the demand. Consumers are taking no chances, but are or dering conservatively. The mad rush of activ ity iu the present trade and the conditions sur rounding the future outlook is very rosy. The assumption of certain persons that tradq win shortly go downward is untenable. The out look was never belter at this stage of the year. All of the fnrnaces, with possibly a couple of exceptions, are taking coke In good quantities. There are many orders for crushed coke and that grade is beginning to cut quite a dash in the market, particularly in the West Prices are as firm as ever, with no apparent indications of a change. Operators generally express themselves in favor of no change. The coke trade for the month of July surpassed the previous month slightly In the way of the amount of coke sent out There was a noticeable Increase in western shipments. A number of idle ovens were also started and many, of the plants operated uninterruptedly, making six days per week during the month. The first and second week's shipments were comparatively small, but was expected on account of the torrid weather. The works observed the Thursday shucdown last week and will make a repetition this week. The Mahoning and Hill Farm plants are still out of operation. .The fire still rages in the Hill Farm mine. Forty-six overs will be blown out at the Southwest works un account of the scarcity of water. . The car supply was moderately fair last week. They were not as plenty as was hoped for on some roads, bnt there was a large coke shipment nevertheless. Shipments last week averaged 1,207 cars, as against 1,113 cars of the previous week. Pittsburg shipments In creased 25 cars; western shipments increased 625 cars, and Eastern shipments decteasedfiOcars; total increase over previous week of 640 cars, Shipments last week were consigned to the points of consumption as follous: To points west of Pittshnrc, 4.425 cars; to Pittsburg and river points. 1.650 cars; to points cast of Pitts burg, 1.190 cars. Total, 7,240 cars. This was tho record of the preceding week. To points west of Pittsburg, 3,810 cars; to Pittsburg and river points, 1,050 cars; to points cast of Pittsburg, 1,250 cars. Total, 6,675 cars. Prices remain the same, as follows: Furnace enke. $2 15; foundry, 12 45; crushed, S3 65. Freight rates are: To Pittsburg 10 70 To Mahoning and bhenango Valleys 1 & To Cleveland. 0 1 70 To Buffalo, N. Y J To Detroit. Mich 2 35 To Cincinnati, 0 2 65 To Louisville. Ky 3 20 To Chicago, 111 2 75 To Milwaukee Wis 1 85 To fat. Louis. Mo 1 Sa To East St. Louis 2 20 To Haltlinore 1 17 'To Boston 4 00 This will make prices at these points of con sumption as follows: Point Furnace, foundry. Crashed. Plttsburr K 85 (3 15 S3 25 M. and b. Valleys 1M Z 80 Cleveland 2 S5 -t 15 .Buffalo 4 40 4 70 Detroit 4 50 4 80 Cincinnati 4 80 S 10 Louisville 5 35 S 65 Chicago 4 93 B Milwaukee 600 S30 bt. Louis 5 SO S 80 East St. Louis 8 25 S 65 Baltimore 4 22 4 62 Boatoa U 6 45 4 Ul 425 493 00 520 585 540 550 600 585 422 665 LIVE STOCK MAEKETS. The Condition of Business at tho East Liberty Stock Yards. orriCE op PmsBUEO Dispatch, j Thursday. Angust 7. 189a ( CATTi.it Receipts. 1,491 head; shipments, 1,140 bead; market dull at yesterday's prices; 1 car of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hoaa Receipts. 2.300 head: shipments, 1,550 head; market fair; medium and selected, S3 90 3 95; fair to best Yorkers, 13 803 90; grassers, $3 50Q3 70; no hogs shipped to New York to day. Shbep Receipts. 1.600 head; shipments, 1,400 head: market slow at unchanged prices. Following is the report of the past week's transactions at the Last Liberty Stock Yards: KECBIFTS. CATTLZ. BOOS. SHXXT Thro'. Local. Thursday -840 10 S.775 1,080 Friday S,5S0 loo .u 8S0 Saturday ,. 1,080 240 4.0 1,880 bunday :. NO 1.6) 4.350 4,810 Monday : 460 1W) 2.100 2,200 Tuesday 220 150 2.9C5 1,430 Wednesday 6S0 10 1,875 1,641 Total 6,6 2,280 25,800 14,880 Lastweek 6,790 2.26U 21.230 18,300 Prevlonaweek.... 7.000 2.63) 2800 12,750 Thursday 2 800 J47 Friday 1,560 274 Saturday 4C5 293 Monday .... 1,S2 2,831 3,029 Tuesday 490 671 1,483 Wednesdav SS 1,343 155 Total 2,373 7,63o 5,581 Lastweek 2,289 6.2V 10.245 Prevlonsweek 2,554 6,678 8,061 Br Telesrapb. CHICAQO The Drovert' Journal reDorts: Cattle Receipts, 12.000 bead: shipments, 8,000 bead; market unchanged; beeves, S4 504 SO; steers. S3 004 40; stackers and feeders. $2 00 3 60; cows, bulls and mixed, 12 203 40; Texans, 51 402 80; Western rangers, 12 803 70. Hogs Receipts. 21000 bead; shipments. 5,000 head; market opened steady and closed stronger: mixed. S3 5063 80: heavy. S3 4533 90: light S3 453 9o; skips. (2 50&3 60 Sheen Receipts, 7,000 head; shipments, 1,500 head; market dnll and weak; natives. S3 60B4 50: Western, $4 (100 4 40: Texans. S3 2504 20: lambs, SI 605 80. NEW YORK Beeves Beceints, 1,693 head, nearly all for export and slaughterers; no trad ing; feeling weak: dressed beef slow; Texas sides, 4KHc: native do, 57Vic: shipments tOHlay. L020 beeves. Calves Receipt L208 head; veals steady at S4 76&6 2a Sheep Re ceipts, 6.060 head: sheep steady at So 00S 25; lambs firm at $5 37X68 CO; dressed mutton steady at 89Kc: dre-sed lambs firm at 9011c Hon Receipts, including 1 carload for sale. 2.S55 head: weak at $4 00i 25. ST. LOUIS CatUe-Beceipts, 2,400 hoad; shipments, 3,500 head; market strong; good to fancy native steers, 84 20' 4 75: fair to good do. S4 004 30; Blockers and feeders. 2 10g3 00: Texans and Indians. 52 20S2 80. Hogs Receipts, 3,600 head; ship ments, 800 head; market weak; fair to choice heavy, S3 65t?3 75; packing, grades. 53 5003 65: light, fair to best t3 603 72& Sheep Beeelpts, 4,700 head; shipments. LSoO head: market steady; fair to choice, S3 504 60. A PEOSPEEOUS XUDXTSTBY. Shoe Upper la Active Demand nnd Orders Placed Month! Ahead. The manufacture of shoe uppers has of late years become one of Pittsburg's important in. 'dustries. At our leading establishment in this line, where about 80 bands are employed, mostly girls and women, it was learned that business is now in a very prosperous condition. Orders are now on the books sufficient to keep the entire force employed up to the middle of October. In the orders every part ot the con tinent is represented. The New England States, which lead in footwear, are among onr best customers in this line. Recent orders from Nova Scotia, Texas and California have been received. Trade this year has so far shown an Increase of fully 20 per cent In volume over last, and prospects for tall trado are bright enough to increase this percentage before the year's volume Is closed. As to prices there is little change from last year. Domestic calf skins bave advanced of fate. Bnt the bulk of the stock worked up into shoe uppers is French and there has been no change In prices of French calfskins. Orders from Eastern States show largest increase this year over last The trade is now at its best as retailers are placing their orders for fall and winter. There la an unusually active demand for luck slippers to be used inside of rubber boots. This depart- . .. h ahna .,nn ....a . meiih 4Af fcM" o"v u,,,ci iinuo obs naa a pbenounri nal growth lathe past two or three years. Fbke. Samples of Dr. Miles' restorative Nervine at Jos. Fleming & Son's, Market St., cures headache, nervousness, sleepless ness, neuralgia, fits, etc A chance for the gentlemen; Over 1,000 pairs gents' fine shoes selling at 53; reduced from 58, $7 60 and f6; this month only. CAIN & Veekeb, Fifth and Market St. TTT Whh the hair is thin and gray Parker's TV lr Ttalum nwa tllA ffTOWth and i-nlnr Paxkafa Gl4r Ztsio the best couth, cart, sss fWWTiP" - THE NO BEASS BAND BOOM. Difference-Between Keal Estate Now and in the Seventies. LAND WANTED FOR IMPROVEMENT. Prosperity in the United States Having a Good Effect in the Old World. THIS HEWS 1HD GOSSIP OF THE CITY The following appeared in The Dis patch of Februarr 3, 1877: "Beal estate is dull with a downward tendency. The market is glutted, nearly everybody want ing to sell." This condition of affairs was brought about by wild speculation, incited by visions of small outlays and immense profits. It succeeded a period of brass bands and free lunches S10 down and the bal ance any time. 2?o wonder real estate was dull. It is different now. Land Is not so much wanted for speculation as for improvement, as the hundreds of buildings going up in all parts of the city and suburbs testify. There is no boom. Brass bands and free lunches are con spicuously absent. The movement Is legiti mate. Values are permanent Buyers run no risk. The market is a staying one. Tho crisp, bracing winds of autumn will bring activity and more than make up for the present lull. w Prosperity Across the Sen. One of the prime factors of business activity in this country Is the fact that Europe has not been so prosperous In many years as at present. Seldom does peace reign in Europe for so long a time as since the last war. In fact, there have been no recent Tavages of war, though the cost of keeping men in idleness is some thing immense. :and handicaps all Europe in comparison with the freedom from standing armies which prevails in the United States. Yet there has been in Europe no recent slaugh ter of men or waste of treasure, so inevitable in times of war. The surplus revenue of Great Britain has exceeded expectation, while Ger many and France are much better off than was expected. Bussia is borrowing only moderate sums of money, and even Egypt is out of im mediate need for cash. The fact is, the prosperity of the United States is intimately connected with the pros perity of the rest of the civilized world. When Europe is prosperous, and her citizens are making money, tney are more libeial buyers of American food products, American ma chinery and American securities. It really looks as though the whole world has entered upon an era of legitimate increase of business and prosperity for the masses, Bnalnma New ond Gossip. The number of stone houses erected in Pitts burg last year was 20. This year will show about 100. There are about 2,100 miles of roads in Alle gheny county, not one of which is in good con dition for spring and winter travel. This is a good time to improve them. Three fine residences are going up on At lantic avenue. East End. The owners are Mr. Sproul and the Pittsburg Lumber Company, a hey will cost about S10.000 each. Dr. Rhine hart is erecting a handsome stone dwelling corner of Aiken and Center avenues at an ex pense of S30.000. It is estimated by competent authority that the building record for this year will show an investment ot at least $8,000,000. It is thought the subdivision of the Holmes property in the Eighteenth ward will stir up things In that district. It has been .backward for some time. Baxter, Thompson A Co. report things very lively in North Jeanne tta." Ground has been broken for 40 or 50 dwellings, and a number of these are nearing completion. The main build ing of the Fort Pitt Glass Works is under roof, and will be ready for operations by September L unless the unexpected should happen. Considerable money, it is stated, is being held in reserve for investment Iu the Point district, as soon as Mrs. Schenley decides upon the na ture of the improvements which she contem plates. It is the rule of business men to buy when ever they are offered abnrgaln. Ileal estate will be higher In the fall than now, for tbe de mand will be greater. Why not buy nowT This question is directed particularly to people of moderate means intending to establish homes. Henry M. Long and family left for Atlantic City yesterday. Mr. W. L Mustin will begin his vacation to-day. John McBride will leave for tbe lakes in a day or two. Mr. C. Beringer is resting temporarily from his labors. Tbo Treasury stock of gold bullion is $39,000, 000. Of this amount 30,000,000 are in New York and the remainder in .Philadelphia and New Orleans. The work of demolishing the old buildings on the ground on Fourth avenne purchased in tbe spring by the Times Publishing Company com menced yesterday. Under the pressure ot absenteeism it Is re markable that prices of stocks hold up so firmly, especially those of the class known as speculative. There Is reason in this upon which to predicate an active market and better values. Yesterday's mortgage list was one of the largest of the season. The number on file for record was 48, of which the most Important was for $5,400. The rest ranged from $3,750 to 8180. Fifteen were for purchase money. Movements In Real Estate. A number of brokers were questioned yester day as to the condition of the real estate mar ket, and tbe uniform response was that while it was quiet there was sufficient lnauiry to show that it bad lost none ot its interest to tho public Sales were slow on account of ab senteeism. Messrs. W. A. Herron fe Sons, C. H. Love, Charles Somen Co., and Thomas Liggett re ported Important transactions, ranging from $50,000 to $150,000, reaay to close as soon as the principals return to tbe city. Bead B. Coyle 4 Co. sold for G. G. M. McMil. len to P. Sweeney a lot 22x165 feet, more or less, on the east side bf Wood street, near Frailer, Oakland, for 51,150 Black A Balrd sold to Dr. M. Depew, an eight-roomed briok house. No. 618, in McKea Place, Oakland, between Wilmot and Cato streets, with lot 25x165 feet, for $4,500. W. A. Herron A Sons sold a lot 133x300 feet, on the north side of Maple street, Edgewood, being lot No. 8. In W. a Clow's plan, for $3,000. Charles Somen Co. sold f oraWilllam Ittel to Patrick Wall, a vacant lot situated on the comer of Verner road and California avenue, Eleventh ward, Allegheny, in size 49x110 feet, for $2,000. Baxter, Thompson 4 Co. sold lot No. 15 in tbe Bouth place plan at Wilklnsburg, fronting SO feet on Fint avenue by 110 to an alley, to 8. A. Balrd for $550. Alles & Bailey sold for E. P. Jones to L. J. Carroll lot No. S3, in the Thirteenth ward, near Wadsworth street, 60x06, for $800. Brown & Saint sold to Charles M. Johnston, lot 50x130 feet, on the south s'ldeofMeado street, running back to a 25-foot aPey, being lot No. 17 in Brushton place plan, for $850. BARKS AND BARKERS. Reports From the Local Money Centers Clerks Kept Bust. Good The word at the city banks yesterday was that there was no tightness In any direction, and that all denominations of currency and coin were so plentiful that customers were allowed their choice. Tbe loan market was moderately active, the ruling discount rate being 6 per cent. Routine business was fair. Exchanges were $2,600, 661 22andbalances $424,503 20 A bank clerk remarked: "We usually bare a soft snap in July and August, but this year is an exception. Clerical work is almost as heavy as in the best months of the year. This shows that there has been very little falling off in trade. We are earning our salaries right along." Tbe number and total capital ot the National banks tor each f the last eight years, ending Wltn UCW1W, AOO?, WIV W. 1U1IU1TB, Tear. Ko. 18SZ,... ............. ................. 3Z7 J8S3 282 ISM IBI 1SSS 14$ J8S8 !4 jsss""."""."".."""""."."L..".' in 1S89 211 Capital. fJC.03S.3oS 2S.6M.S50 16.042.230 IS, 938. 000 21. 358, 000 30, 548, 000 12.051000 21,240,000 Silver has risen since January about 7d in London and 22 cents an ounce in New York. Money on call at new xorx yesteroay was jA", rasfs from 4C9 pet cent, Use lean i, J r "-yw-v PITTSBURG ;T titot)' rrt"VTT jjj.D-ir.ii. x uiij closing offered at 4. Prime mercantile paper. 50K. Sterling exrhauce quiet but weaker at $4 81K for 60-day bills and $4 83 for demand. Closing Bond Quotations. U.S. 4s, ret iu! U. . 4, coup 13 U. 8. 414a, rec.... 10UX U. 8. 4Hs, coup 1B33 l'aciflees of '95 U2 r,ouislanastampcd43 90 Missouri 6s 101 Tenn. new set. 6s. ...107 Tenn. new sit. 5s. ... 1M M. K. &T. Uen. 5S- 72 Mutual Union' CS....1M n. j. c mi. ixn.. ,! Northern fac. lls..lljM Northern fac. 2ds..ll Northw't'n consols.133 Northw'n deben's S"1!", . Oregon & Trans. 05.1 8t.LAI.M.Gen.5j.95 St.L.-JS3.F. Uen.M.110 Tenn. neirsut. Is.... 72)$ Canada So. Ids 1OO4 Central Pacific Is ts. 109 Den. & It. U. 1SU...II7 Den. Alt. U. 4t S214 D.Alt. U. Westlsta. Erlezds 102)4 st. p. Chi & fc nts.iijM tx.. PC L.G.Tr.Ks. 1K T:rc:iCb.Tr.K.39 union racino iai.." West chore 104 41. il. s x. uen. u.. tu New YOHK-Clearlngs, $120,174,136: balances, $6,463,298. Boston Clearings, $15,549,758: balances $1,701,051. , . , PHliiADBT.PHIA Clearings, $9,425,542; bal ances, S1.542.6IS. Baltimore Clearings, 82,090,958; balances $295.1411. London Tho amount of bullion gone into the Bank of Encland on balance to-day is 278,000. -The bullion In the Bank of England decreased 290.000 during the past week. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability, which last week was 33.57 per cent, is now 86.64 per cent. . PABta Three per cent rentes. 03f 92Xc tor the account. The weekly statement ot the Bank of France shows an increase of 1,670.000 francs gold and 1,350,000 francs silver. Chicago Money was easy at56 per cent on call and 67 per cent on time. .Clearings, $13,567,000. New York exchange, 600700 dis count. THE COTJBSE OF STOCKS. Weatlnghouio Electric Loses nnd Luster Mining Gains Ground Other Fentdrei. There was a rather firmer stock market yes terday on light trading. Tho only interests handled were Citizens' Traction bonds and rights, Philadelphia Gas and Electric rights. They submitted to a concession, as did also tbe stock, due. It was said, to large selling orders from rivals in the East. ,- Luster was the strongest card. On favorable news from the mine the stock was hid up to 21 in the at lernoon, without bringing any of it out. Columbia Oil recovered some ot its loss. Pipeage was strong at 15. Philadelphia Gas was a trifle weaker. Street railways were uninteresting features, as usual ot late. FinST SECOND CALL. CALL. U A B A 1 , 1 Marine National Bank.... IC7 Masonic Bank 60 - Mechanics' Nat. Bank 122 Safe Deposit Company.... 63 65 Artisans Insurance 53 City Insurance..' S4Ji Western Insurance 51 lirld?ewater E7 63 OhioVallev 17 Peoples' Jat. G. & V. Co. 15)4 IS 15K IS Fhlfadelphla Co 31 31G 31 31J4 Columbia till Co 14 2 Central Traction ZH .... "K Citizens' Traction 69 , l'leasant Valley. 2& 2SX 28X iSH Second Ae. Tiaction 60 N.Y.&Cleve Gas Coal Co. 31 M 31 M Luster Mining Co 20 20H 2iV S3 Westlnehouse Electric... 334. 7a 33 S9J4 Unions. AS. Co 16H 17 ISX 17 Union S. & S. Co. pref. 4S West'houseA. B. Go UBS 118H UVi Wcst'houseB. Co., Llm.. 66 Pittsburg Cyclorama Co.. 3 Z Eighty Citizens' Tractions rights at $15 and 75 Electric rights at 35c comprised the business of the morning call. At second call $4,000 Citi zens' Traction Ss brought 11L Five shares Philadelphia Gas realized 31K. The total salea of stocks at New York yester day were 217,879 shares, including Atchison. 20, 065; Delaware, Lickawanna and Western, 9,100; Louisville and Nashville, 7,400: Missouri Pa cific 16,040: Oregon Transcontinental, 9,923; Beading, 3,500; Bichmond and West Point, 4,787; St. Paul, 17,910; Union Pacific, 6,675. OIL MOVES UP. The Bulls Have Their Inning: After Long and Patient Waiting:. Yesterday's oil market was the best for a long time, both in tone and business. It had an upward tendency all day, and the close was next to the highest point and X better than tbe opening. New York was the center of the bull move ment. She wired an order here for a big block, but got only part of it at 90. This set tbe ball in motion, and Oil City and Bradford started in to nny. .Plttsourg snio nearly an day, bnt bought a little on breaks by way ot diversion. Tbe ranee of fluctuations was: Opening, 90: Dlghest,92i;loHost, 90V: closing, 90. Refined was marked up at New York. Reports showed a steadv increase In consumption and reduction of stocks. These conditions naturally-enough made a strong market. The posted clearances were 34.000 Parrels. It Is tbouzht Buckeye cer tificates will be ready by tbe 15th. Features of Yesterday's Oil Marker, Corrected daily by John M. Oakley & Co., 45 Sixth street, members of the Pittsburg Petro leum Exchange: Opened 90! I Lowest. COM Hijtheit tax 1 Closed 9C1J Barrels. Average charters..., , 89. (VS.! Average shipments 82.999 Average runs . ;.... 65,542 Reflnea. New Tors. 7.20c Keaued, London. 5 7-lSd. Kenned, Antwerp, 17f. Kaflned, Liverpool. S 1I-1M. Kenned. Bremen, 6.90m. A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 90; calls, 91Ji92. Other Oil Markets. New York, August 7. Petroleum opened firm at 90c for spot and 90c for September option. Tne dealings in tbe option were much heavier than usual recently, and the price ad vanced lc. A reaction of lc followed. Oil City, August 7. Petrolenm opened at 90Jc; highest, 92c: lowest, OOJc; closed,-le; sales, 5.000 barrels: clearances, not reported; charters, 32,698 barrels; shipments, 110,401 bar rels; runs, 84,630 barrels. Bbasfobd. August 7. Petroleum opened at 90c; closed, 90c; highest, 92Jc; lowest, 90c; clearances, 640,000 barrels. STOCKS MORE ACTIVE, But Without Any Mnterlal Recovery A Feverlih Tone Exist Thrunshont the Dot Railroad Bonds Duller Than Uuil. New Yoek. August 7. The stock market to-day was more active, but also displayed a more healthy tone than during the past two days, although efforts to continue tbe decline were not wanting. There was, however, no material recovery, and lower prices were marked In some of the specialties hitherto un touched by tbe downward movement. The Western bean are still harping upon poor crops, while tbe local contingent lays par ticular stress upon the real or apparent scarcity of money, and argue that notwithstanding the advance in the price, which tbe Secretary is willing to pav for bonds, the first offerings of over $10,000,000 seem to have exhausted the sup ply, and tbe absorption of money by the Treas ury still continues. In addition there is tbe drain to the interior beginning to be felt again, while tbe high rates for money in Loudon are drawing gold from tbte side. Tbe bulls, on the other hand, deny that the bank reserves justify ruling rates, let alone the extreme rates which have been exacted during the past two days on tbe spurts, and accusa tions ot manipulation are freely made against a few Institutions who wsre some time ago prominent in manipulating tbe rates for money on call. While the market is falling the short interest increases, and when tbe Treasury begins to Issue the new silver notes the monetary manipulation would in all proba bility cease. At that time also there is likely wuca UBbier uemauu lur securities ana less apathy in a speculative way upon tbe bull side. There was no lack of effort to get the market down farther in the forenoon, but it met with such vigorous resistance that it was soon given up, and when that happened, the market re turned to Its old condition of dullness with slowly appreciating values. First prices were fractionaily higher than last night's figures, and there was some buying for London account, beside evident efforts "by the Chicago sellers of the past few dajs to recoup. There was less stress laid upob tbe sbortageof tbe crops there fore, and the news from that section ot a more hopeful character. The local contingent, bow ever, was active in. depressing prices, and the market was given an irregular and feverish tone, which lasted throughout the day. There was little effect, however, except in some of tbe specialties like Tennesse Coal, Chicago Gas. and Chesapeake and Ohio first preferred. The fint named in the absence of support was offered down from 43 to 42. and quickly rallied to 47, closing at 46. Sugar was sold down in the early dealings, hut later recovered about all of tbe loss. Pressure was severe upon Atchison, Missouri Pacific, Atchison and St. Paul, but neither suffered particularly. The market after the attacks wet e overalways sank backinto tbe usual dullness with a slow and steadyapprecla tion of valnes. The close was dull, bat firm, ana generally at about first prices. Tbe final changes were generally small fractional ad vances, but Tennessee Coal is down 3, Cbesa Seake and Ohio fint preferred lfi and Chicago las 1 per cent. Railroad bonds wen duller tuaa usual, w, r'!sS?R-WWS' v FBIDXY, AUGUST ' ' 8; lngin great measure to the cessation of tho ac tivity in Atchison incomes, and the sUes reached onlv 1698,000. although West Shore 4s furnished $110,000. The market was heavy, as usual of late, and a few important losses were sustained. Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans os lost 2$ at 117K- Government bonds have been dull and steady. State bonds have been entirely neglected. New York Stock Exchange: Opening, 90c; highest, 90c; lowest, 90c: closing, 90"4c Consolidated Exchange: Opening. IXc; highest, 92c; lowest, OOJic; closing, 9L Total sales, 391.000 barrels? The PojI says: The reports respecting the condition of tbe crops would Indicate a very serious damage to corn, bnt as they come prin cipally from Chicago speculators, who at pres ent are bears on stocks, there Is reason to bo lieve that the injury is much smaller than re ported, and railroad officials who have just re turned from a trip through the corn pelt say there is every reason to expect an average crop. Tbe coal stocks were more active, and after an early decline recovered to last night's prices. A meeting ot sales agents of tbe coal companies was held yesterday, at which there was a gen eral disposition to adopt measures to Improve the condition of tbe trade, bnt no definite ac tion was taken. Louisville was unusually ac tive, and although lower in tbe first hour was unchanged at 12 o'clock. The Trunk Line stocks were dnll but steady, and from the action of tbe representatives at the meeting yesterday, it looks as if existing rate troubles will be settled in a short time. The decline of 2 per cent in sugar In tbe first hour was on sell ing based on the application of Beceiver Gray to be made a defendant In the reorganization of the Sugar Trust, but decision was reserved and the impression prevails that tbe applica tion will be'denled. A large business was done in silver certificates, 268,000 ounces having been sold at a decline of for tbe forenoon. Ibe following tame mows tne prices or active stocks outiie New York Stock Exchange yester day. Corrected dally for THB DISPATCH by WniTNXY A Stephenson, oldest Pittsburg mem bers of New York Stock Exchange. 67 Fourth ave nue: CIos-Open- High- Low- in; lne. est, est. Jllrt. Am. Cotton Oil JJJi Am. cotton Oil oref. " ., Am. Cotton Oil Trust.. 30 SO 28 29 Atch., lOD. & 8. K 41 4I 40J 41 Canadian Pacific 79 79 79 79 Canada Southern 54X 84) 64)4 Central or New Jersey. "3. Centrali'aclnc 32 32 Zl 3IX Chesapeake & Ohio.... 22K 33M 22 22 Chicago Gas ITUSt 54 54!4 52 63 C. itur. ft Qulncy ....102 1033 102X 102 C., Mil. tt. St. Paul 7I5 71Ja 7IJ 7I C, Mil. & St. P.. pf.. 117 117 J17 117W C. KockLAP 89M 8n B9H 69lJ C.. St L. & Pitts 15 C.. St. P., M. & 0 31 C, St. P.. M. a pi 92 C 4 Northwestern ....UOM 110J 109H 109J5 C.&N. W.pt J C, C, O. Al 71tf 72 71X 71)4 0., C ;. A I. pref. 99 Col. Coal A Iron MX 49S4 4H 49 Col. A Hocking Valley 29)i 297, 29J4 S9Jf Cues. A Ohio 1st oref.. 63 63 6IJJ 1H Ches. A Ohio 2d pref.. 42 K.H 42 4IH Del.. Lack A West 145 Ui 144 HSM Del. A Hudson 183 Lien. A Klo Grand 18 IS 174 12tf Uen. AiUoUraude.pl. 53)f 53K W4 63!4 E.T.. V. Alia X &H 81 Illinois Central 115 Lnke Krle A West 15X L.ake Erie A West pr.. 63 G3H 63 K 63)4 Lake Shore AM. a 108 109 1083 103 Louisville A Nashville. 8o! &! S4K 65 Michigan Centra 96K 96S 05 X 95 ilodile&Ohlo 21 21 21 21J4 Missouri Pacific b9K 70 69M 70S National jead Trust... zojj 20 19 20 New York Central 107)4 107M 107 107 N. r C. A St. L 18 16 16 16 N. Y L,. E. A W 25 25 25 25!i li.i.&n.K. 48 46 48 48 N.Y.. O. AW. 18 18 18 15 Norfolk A Western pf. 59 Northern Pacific 34 34 34 MS Northern Paclflcpf.... 81 81 80K 81 Ohio A Mississippi 23 23 23$ VJi Oregon Improvement. 45 VH WH 48 Oregon Transcon 46 46 43 46 faclncMall 45 45 44 45 Peo.. Dec. A Evans 20 Phlladel. AKeadinr... 42 43 42V 43 Pullman Palace Oar.. .215 215 ZU 215 Richmond A W. P. T.. 20& 20 20 20 Richmond A W.P.T.nt 79 79 79 79 St. Paul A Dnluth 38 St. P., Minn. A Man 110 St. L. A San r ran 30 St. L.. A San Fran or. 57 Bt. L. A San P. 1st nt 71 Suearrrust, 82 82 80 i. 81 Texas PaclOc 19 19 19 19 UnlonPaclfc 59 60 59 69 Wabash 12 12 12 12 Wabash preferred 25 25 25 25 Western Union 83 83 83 81 WneellnAL. K 37 37 37 37 Wheeling A L.E. pref. 76 76 75 764 Boston Atch. A Ton 41 Boston A Albany...." Boston A Maine.. ...207 C. B. AQ 103 Clnn., San. A Clev.. 27 Eastern It. It. 171 Mass. Central 30 Mex. Central eom.. 23 M. Y. A M. Kng..... ssu N. Y. A N. Kng. 7S.124 Old Colony 172 Wis. Central com... 25 Allonei Mg. Co 8 Atlantic 21 Stocks. Franklin 23 Huron .. 7 Kearsarxe 19 Osceola 39 t'ewahlo (new) 10 Uulncv 123 Santa Fe cooper 65 Tamarack 208 Boston Land Co 6 Sau Diego Land Co. 20 vt est E.na L.ana Co.. 26 Bell Telephone 226 I.amson stores 32 Water Power 4K Centennial Minim. 29 Boston A Mont 57 uuumeiA uecia....299 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished bv Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, So. 37 Fourth avenue. Members .New York Stook Ex change! Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Kallroad, 2 Bt Heading 219-16 21 Buffalo, Pittsburg A Western 10. ICh Lenlgh Valhsy 52 62 Lehigh Navigation 62 Northern Pacific 34 34 northern Pacific preferred 0 81 mining Stocks. New Yore, August 7. Mining quotations: Alice, 245; Adams Consolidated, 120: Belle Isle, 100; Bodie. 110; Caledonia, B. H., 190; Consoli dated California and Virginia, 375: Eureka Consolidated. 380; Hale A Nnrcross, 240; Home stake, 1000: Horn Silver, 345: Iron Silver,"175; Mexican, 300: North Belle Isle, 110; Ontario, 4100; Onhir, 480; Plvmoutb. 500: Pbcentx, Ari zona, 115; Sierra Nevada, 275; Suter Creek, 105. Drvgood. New Yobk. August 7. Thero was not much change In the drygoods market. Demand with agents was fair, with some activity in bleacbed sheetings, popular brands of wblcb are sold ahead of production. A good many Western clothiers are in tbe market, and further de velopments are looked for. The jobbing trade was relatively active. The market has not had so many retail buyers In it for many years as now, and a large fall trade seems assured. v Whisky Slarket. Chicago. Angust 7. Whisky has been ad vanced to SI 13 for finished goods. The demand is active and market firm. Price of Bnr Mlver. New Yoek. August 7. Bar Silver London. 60 13-16d. New York, $1 lljj. BTVEB IHTELLIGERCE. More Coal Brouuht Down and Tied TJp on the Whnrf. More coal was towed down from the upper pools yesterday and tied up along the wharf. The up-river packets did a very fair business carrying passengers and freight. Arrivals Germania and James G. Blaine, from Morgantown: Elizabeth, from Geneva. Departed Germania and Blaine, for Morgan town and way landings; Elizabeth, for Eliza beth and Geneva. 'Leave to-day 8 A. H.,Adam Jacobs, for Morgantown; 3 p. MM Germania and Elizabeth. The river fell slightly daring Wednesday night, and at 6 P. H. it was on the 5-toot-8 mark. Tbe Ohio at Davis Island had a rise of four inches, and marked 2 feet & This rise was occasioned by rains up the Allegheny near Parker. Driftwood. TBE Dare Wood brought three barges of coal down from above. Captaik Wm. Wabseb, of Memphis, was In the city yesterday. Captain Henderson is still confined to his home with a severe attack of "rheumatism. A number of changes bave been made in United States beacon lights on the loarer Miss issippi. captain James Beese arrived from Louisville last night. Ue is paying a visit to his relatives in this city. The C. W. Batchcllor will .be off the ways at Manchester next week. She has had a new hull built and remodeled throughout In every respect. Woke will be commenced In a few days on re pairing the big gate at Lock No. I, during which time all boats will be compelled to go through the other gate. The Mayflower took out her regular Thursday night excursion down the Ohio to Davis Island. The excursionists put In the time pleasantly dancing. She will carry the National Total Abstinence Union up to Homestead and Braddock to-day to visit the steel works. THE D. T. Watson Is lying near Davis Island in readiness to go down on the first rise to her new owners at Parkersburg. Cantaln Posey, her former owner, stated he had purchased the Delta from Captain W. H. Brown. Ihe Delta will be renin this pool doing Job work nntll there Is a sufficient height of water, when it may possibly run In the Cincinnati and Louisville coal trade. Tbe D. T. Watson is to be used at Parkersburg. - When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children.she gave them Castorla aBS-77-irBTSB, SjTtPfFSf 1890T "- - DOMESTIC MAEKETS- late Bains Have-Improved Prospects of Home Vegetables, HELOKS AKD TOMATOES L0WEE. Corn, Wheat, Oats and Flour Ira Drifting to a Higher Level COFFEES AKD SUGARS AEE F1RHEE orncE or pittsbituo Dispatch,! THUBSDAT. AUgUSt 7, 1890. I Conntry Produce Jobbing Prices. Trade In this line is only fair. Melons and tomatoes are in large supply and markets show a downward tendency. Creamery butter Is very firm at higher prices. The advance of 3c per pound at Elgin on Monday Is fully sus tained. Markets there are strong at the ad vance. Eggs are dnll and slow, owing to large receipts of Western stock. Nearby eggs are steady. Grapes are coming in freely from tbo West and prices are dnf ting downward. Re cent rains have very much improved prospects of home-raised vegetables. There is a variety of opinion as to value of best brands of cream ery butter. One jobber puts prices up to 25c per pound. On the other band a retail dealer in Diamond market proffers to furnish the best at 20c per pound. The real market stands about midway between these figures. A cash buyer who is ready to pay 22o for a job lot will find that be will not be turned away empty. APPLIS H 005 00 a barrel. Butter Creamery, Elgin. 2223c; Ohio do, 2021c; fresh dairy packed. 12I4c; fancy country rolls, 146) 15c; choice, 12jrl3c. Berries Blackberries, Jl 60 a bucket: cur rants. 10-pound basket. SI 25: huckleberrles,Sl 33 I 50 a pail; grapes, 4550c a basket , Beams Navy hand-picked beans, C 302 40; Lima beans, 66c Beeswax 2830c fl fi for cboice:low grade, 2022c. Cantalouxs Ann Arundel, 12 25Q2 50 V crate; nutmegs, 2 25 V crate; watermelons. 115 002a 00 a bundred. Cider Sand refined, $7 60; common, H 00 4 50: crab elder, $8 009 00 ?? barrel; cider vin egar, 10tgl2c VI gallon. Cheese New Ohio cheese, 7Vi8e: New TCork cheese. 8Ji9c: Llmberger, 10llJc: do. mestic Bweltzer. 13I3K Wisconsin brick Sweitzer. llU12Kc: imported Bweltzer, 250. E0Q3 1618c f dozen for strictly fresh. Peathers Extra live geese. oO60e; No. 1, do, 404oc; mixed lots, 30Q35c $1 S. Maple strop 7595c a can; maple sugar, 910c f ft. Honey 15c 91 ft. Poultry Spring chickens, small, 30010c a pair: large, 6075c a pair; dressed, ll12c a pound. 1 Taixow Country, 3Jfc: city rendered. 4c Seeds Recleaned Western clover, 34 15 4 40; country medium clover, 33 6003 75; tim othy. Jl 601 70; bine grass, Jl 30Q1 55; orchard grass, Jl 20; millet, 70075c. Tropical Fruits Lemons, choice. SO 00 G6 50; fancy, 37 007 50; Rodl oranges, S6 00 6 50; Sorrento oranges, S5 005 50; bananas, Jl 502 00 firsts, Jl 25 good seconds bunch; pineapples, S7Q9a hnndred;CallIcrnla peaches, J2 002 50 t box; California apricots, Jl 75 2 25; California plums. J2 00Q2 25 JR box; Cali fornia pears, J3 50 fl box. Vegetables Southern potatoes. S3 0033 50 jj) barrel; red sweet potatoes, 55 005 60; yellow, 6 0006 60 ft barrel: home-grown cab bage, 32 002 60 fl barrel; onions, 53 6u 3 75 a barrel; green onions, 2025c ft dozen; green beans, home-grown. SI 001 15 fl basket; cucumbers, SI 001 25 f) crate; toma toes, Jl a bushel box; home-grown tomatoes, 52 W)ffi2 60 a bushel; celery, 3035e a dozen. Groceries. ,, Sugars are l-16o higher East, ana an advance here is looked for by jobbers at an early day. Coffees are firm, but unchanged. Rice, canned syrups and canned fruits are very firm, with a strong tendency to higher prices. Gbeut Coffee Fancy Rio, 24X23c; choice Rio, 2223c; prime Rio, 23c: low grade Rio, 2021c; old Government Java. 296S0c; Maracaibo, 25Q27Kc; Mocha. 809 32c; Santos,2226c; Caracas, 2627c;La Guayra, 2627c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 25c: high grades. 2830r, old Government Java, bulk, 3334c; Maracaibo. 2H2ttc: Santos. 26 30c; peaberry. 30c; choice Rio. 26c; prime Rio, 25c; good Rio. 24c: ordinary, 21KQ22Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 17lSc: allspice, 10c; cassia, 8c: pepper, 15c; nutmeg. 75080c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, 7Vc; Ohio, 120. 8Kc; headlight, 150, oVc: water white, 10c; globe, 1414Kc; elame, 14)c; car nadlne, ll&c; royallne, 14c; red oil, 11UKC; purity, 14c Hikers' Oil Ho. 1 winter- strained. 434So fl gallon; snmmer, 3S40c; lard oil, 55058c Syrup Corn syrup, 3234c; choice sugar syrup.' 37S9c: prime sugar syrup, 3233c; strictly prime, 3536r; new maple Byrup, 90c N. O. Molasses Fancy, new crop. 5052c; choice, 48c; medium, 3843c: mixed, 4042c Soda Bi-carb in keg. 3)3fc; bi-carb In K3i 6c; bi-carb assorted packages, 66c; sal-soda in kegs, lc: do granulated, 2c . Candles Star, full weight, 8c; stearlne, ft set, 8Kc; parafflne, ll12c RICE Head Carolina. 77Wc: choice, ojic; prime. 66Kc; Louisiana, 56c Starch Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 66c; gloss starch, 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, J2 65; Lon don lavers,t275; Muscatels,S260: California Mus catels.82 40; VaIencla,8c;Ondara Valencia. 10f Hc; sultan. 10llc; currants, 66c: Tur keyprnnes,67c:l rench prnnes.V12c:Salon. ica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 9c: cocoanuts f) 100. S8; almonds, Lan., ft ft, 20c; do Ivica, 17c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 1314c; Sicily filberts, 12o: Smyrna figs, 1213c; new dates, 6Q 6c; Brazil nuts, 13c; pecans, 9K10c; citron, y) ft. 18lBc; lemon peel, 16c fl fc; orange peel, 17c Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft., 6c; apples, evaporated, 13j314c: peaches, evapor ated, pared, 2830c: psaches, California, evap orated, unpared, 2526c: cherries, pitted, tic; cherries, unpitted, 5Qtfc; raspberries, evapor ated. 3233c; blackberries, 8oKc; huckleber ries. 105! 12c. Sugars Cubes. 6c; powdered, 6c; granu lated, 654c; confectioners' A, OJc; standard A, 6c; sott white, 5e5c: yellow, choice, 5k 5fc; yellow, good. 5J5Kc; yellow, fair, 6 6Jic; vellow, dark. 5Sc Pickles Medium, bbls. (1,200), S9 CO; me dium, half bbls. (600). So 00. HALT-No. 1, ft bhl. 95c; No. 1 ex. fl bbl, Jl 00! dairy, fl bbl, Jl 20; coarse crystal. f bbl, $1 20: HigginV Eureka, 4-bu sacks, 52 80; Higgins' Eureka. 16-14 ft packets, J3 00. Canned Goods Standard peaches. J2 70 2 80; 2ds, 32 402 50; extra peaches. S2 853 00: pie peaches. SI 65: finest corn, Jl S5l 60; Hfd Co. corn, 8095c; red cherries. Jl 2501 35; Lima beans, SI 20; soaked do, 80c; string do, 7590c; marrowfat peas. Jl 101 25; soaked peas. 70a 80c; pineapples, SI 301 40; Bahama do, 52 75; idamson Dlums, SI 10; greengages. SI 60: egg plums. $2 10: California Dears. J2 70: do green gages, J2 10; do egg plums, 52 10; extra white cherries. S3 80; raspDerrles.il 25 1 35: strawber ries. SI 25Q1 So; gooseberries. 85&90c; tomatoes, 95cSl; salmon, 1-ft, J130Q180; blackberries, SI 15: succotash, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2-ft, SI 251 60; corn beef, 2-ft cans. S210: 14-a cans, JH; baked beans, J140l 60; lobster. 1-ft, Jl 8001 90: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled. 31 60: sardines, domestic, 4.s. So 005 10: sardines, do mestic X8. f? 60; sardines. Imported, Kit, S1160ai2'o0: sardines. Imported, fcs. S18: sar dines, mustard. 14 60; sardines, spiced, 34 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. 38 R bbl; extra No. 1 do. mess, 540: extra No. 1 mack erel, shore, S28; extra No. 1 do, mess, $32; No. 2 shore mackerel, $23. Codfish Whole pollock, 4o f ft; do medium, George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake. In strips, 4c; do George's aod in blocks, 67Kc Herring Ronnd shore, S3 50 ft bbl; split, K 50: lake, S3 25 VI 100-B bbl. White fish, J3 SOS 100-ft half bbk Lake trout, S5 50 f) bait bbl. Finnan baddock, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut. 13c fl ft. Pickerel, half bbl. S3 00; quarter bbl. SI 35; Potomac her ring, S3 50 f( bbl; S3 00 ft halt bbU Oatmeal-Jo 605 75 fl bbl Grain. Flenr nnd Feed. ' Bales on call at the Grain Exchange, I car sample oats, 43c Sheridan station; 1 car' old oats, 45c, central elevator. Receipts as bul letined, 32 cars, of. which IS cars were by Pitts burg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railway, as fol lows: 1 car of bran, 11 of oats. 1 of hay, 2 of flour, lot fee). By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 6 cars of corn, 1 of hay, 1 of bran, 2 of oats. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 1 car of hay, 1 of oats, 4 of rye. The upward movement of cereals still continues and markets are steady to firm all along the line. Oats, which have been rather quiet the past week, have joined In tbe upward movement, and prices are advanced, as our quotations will disclose. Mill feed is still scarce, but prices are unchanged. Wheat and flour are stead II v advancing. Al ready wheat is quoted at SI per bushel and spring patent flour at SS per barrel, in wood. But actual markets shade these figures for cash in job lots. One of our flour jobbers re ports the present lav-down cost of fancy spring patents, in wood, at $5 65. Tbe effort to bring wheat up to tbe dollar mark has thus far been a failure. A representative of one of our lead ing city flouring mills said to-day that he conld buy all tbe wheat be wanted at 95c per bushel. Prices are for carload lots on track: Wheat No. 2 red, 96697c; No. 3, 93Q94c; new wheat. No. 2 red, 9495c Corn No. 2 yellow ear. 6566c; high mixed ear. 6364c: No. 2 yellow, shelled, 6162c; high mixed shelled corn. 59060c Oats No. 2 white, 44Q44c; extra, No. 8, 43Q43Kc: mixed, 3S39c KVx Hal Pennsrlvanla and Ohio, goflftle; No.l Western, 6i9)ic f 't"J2S,M i F.pppl! FlouB Jobbing prices Fancy winter and spring patents, Jo 6005 75: winter straight, 85 005 25: fancy straight spring. $5 250550; clear winter. J4 7505 00; straight XXXX. bakers. $4 5004 75. Rye flonr. S3 7504 00. Milteed Middlings, fancy fine white. S23 00 024 00 ft ton; brown middlings, $20 0021 00; winter wheat bran. $17 0CQ17 50. Hay Baled timotbv. No. 1, JI2 0012 50; No. 2 do. 510 0010 50; loose, from -wagon, J14 000 15 00, according to quality: new hay, Jll 60 12 00; No. 2 prairie bay, K .WS7 00; packing do, J6-07 00: cioverhav. 58 009 CO. Strait Oat, IS 75Q7 0u; wheat and rye, SS 00 66 25. Provisions. Sugar-cured bams. large. llKc; sugar-cured hams, medium, Uc; sugar-bams, small, 12c: sugar-cured breakfast bacon. 8c: sugar-cured shoulders, 7c; sugar-cured boneless shoul ders. BVc; skinned shoulders, Sc; skinned bams, ll&c; sugar-cured California bams. 9c; sugar-cured dried beef fiats. He; sugar-enred dried beef sets, 12c: sugar-cured dried beet rounds. 14c; bacon, shoulders. 7c: bacon, clear sides, 7!4c; bacon, clear bellies, 6c: dry salt shoulders, 65-ic: dry salt clear sides, 6Xc Mess pork, heavy, J13 60: mess pork, family. 113 60. Lard Reflned.in tierces,6Vc; half-barrels, 6c; GO-ft tubs, 6c; 20-fi palls, 6c; 60-ft tin cans. 6c; 3-ft tin pails, 6Hc; 5-ft tin pails, 6Vc; 10-ft tin palls, 6c Smoked sausage, long. 5c; large, 6c Fresh pork, links. 9c Boneless hams. 10c pigs' feet, half-barrels, 54 00; quarter-barrels. J2 15. MAEKETS BY WIRE. Better Report From the Crop Districts Cause a Renctlon In the Grain Pit Everything Moves Down a Peg Pork Unsettled. CH ICAGO Wheat An easier feeling existed to-day, and tbe advance of yesterday was lost. The market was governed mainly by specula tive Influence. Tbe Northwest was reported as selling, and foreigners also sold for future de livery. The market opened about tbe same as yesterday's closing to shade less, but became weak, and prices declined, with only slight fluctuations, 1X1C for September and 1C for December, rallied slightly, prices advancing Jc, again eased off, declining l'ic, and closed about lIc lower than yesterdaj's closing figures. Corn A good, general speculativo trade was witnessed In this market. The feeling prevail ing was a little unsettled, the market ruling firm early, but easier as- tbe day advanced. A prominent railroad official states that corn in Iowa and Illinois and generally west of the Missouri river will be a fair crop, eastern half of Kansas and Nebraska will be very moderate, and half ot these States practically nothing. The Cincinnati Price Current estimates tho crop at 1,600,000,000 bushels, or about 6,000,000 bushels short of last year. Tbe market opened lKc better than tbe closing prices of yester day, was firm for a time, then ruled easier, and prices receded 22c rallied and ruled steady, and closed Qc lower than yesterday. Oats were fairly active but weaker and lower, but exhibited more steadiness than on yester day. The opening was unsettled and Kc higher. A weaker feeling developed, and was increased by tbe decline in wheat and corn, and prices receded 11: from tbe highest figures, but rallied sligutly and tbe mirki-t closed steady at'nearly inside prices and Kc lower than yesterday. Mess Pork A fairly active trade was re ported. Sales were made at 2025c advance at the opening, but later in the day a gradual re duction of 5055c was submitted to. Toward the close prices rallied 610c, and tbe market closed quiet Lard Tbe demand was active early, and prices rnled 25c higher, but was followed by a decline of 1520c Near the close prices rallied slightly, but tbe market closed qAiiet. Short Rib Sides The demand was quite active early, and sales were made at 1312Xc advance innrices. A reduction nf 22K25c followed. The market rallied slightly and closed rather steady. Tbe leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat Nol 2. August. 95K96Q94e91c: Septimber.S7il)tr7X9505c: December, Jl Jl ooKSasetBJsc Corn No. 2. Angust. 50Mt350K48KlS48Kc: September. 5151&4949Kc; &aT. o556 e5oKG53?ic OATS iN 0.-2, August. 404039K39Vc; September. 39)40t?3o3Sc; May, 42 42K41,41Kc Mess Pore, per bbl. August, Jll 6C11 60 OH 60U 60; September. SU 40H 5011 40 U 60; Januarv. JlS 0013 00312 4512 67 Lakd, per 100 fts. September. J8 42K6 42 6 27U66 30: October, 86 55tS 55d 40tJ 45; January. J7 007 006 806 80. SHORT RIBS, per 100 fts. September, S5 600 5 605 405 42; October, So 655 72K5 52 6 62K; Jan nary. S3 1066 155 905 92H. Cash quotations were as follows; Plour dull and uncnauged; No. 2 spring wheat. 94c: No. 3 spring wheat, 8890c; No-2 red, 94Kc: No. 2 corn,48Kc No. 2 oats, 3939Kc No. 2 rye, 67c No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, Jl 38. Prime timotbv seed, SI 431 45. Mess pork, per bbl. Jll 60. Lard, per 100 lbs.; & 20. Short ribs sides (loose). So 2535 3a Dry salted shoulders (boxed). So S1UQ5 00. Short clear sides (boxed). Jo 705 80. Sugars un changed. No. 2 white oats, new, 3940c; No. 3 do do new, 37c On tbe Produce Exchange to-day tho butter market was unchanged. Eggs, 1212c NEW YORK-Flour held steadily, with de mand light. Corn meal dull and steady. Wheat Spot weaker: freer sellers: moderately active, closing heavy; options fairly active; early, Hc up; declined 12c, and closed weak at 714C below yesterday. Rye firm and quiet. Barley malt quiet. Corn Spot fairly active, unsettled and lower; options opened c up: became weak and sold oft l?i01c, closing Kc under yesterday and weak. Oats Spot steady; fair trade; options fairly active ana irregular, closing firm. Hay Prime, firm. Hops steady and quiet. CoffeeOptions opened steady 15 points down, to 5 points no, closed steady 15 points down, to 10 points up. dull; sales, 11.500 bags. Including August, 17.60c: September, 17.00017.10c; October, 16.40c: No vember, 15.85c: December. 15.8515.90c; April, io.zuc; may, io.zuc; apot mo quiet and easier; fair cargoes, SOJc; No. 7 flat bean, 1818c Sugar raw, quier. Arm: sales, 642 bbds Muscovado at 213-15c, c. fc f. and 1,400 bags molasses sugar. 89 test, at ic, and a cargo centrifugals. 96 test. 3c: c & f. refined active and firmer; confectioners' "A," 6 8-16c: powdered. 6 7-16c; granulated, 6:l-16c Molasses Foreign nominal: New Or leans dull. Rsce active and firm. Cottonseed oil firm and quiet. Tallow strong and quiet; city (52 for packages). 4c Rosin steady and quiet. Turpentine active, steadv at 4041C Eggs easy and dull; Western, 1617c; a., poor, per case. 32 003 00; receipts, 3,563 packages. Pork more active and firm. Cat meats strong ana active: pickled bellies, S$iac; do shoulders. 66c; do bams, 10llc; middles quiet and firm; short clears. So. Lard lower, weak and quiet; '.Western steam, 56 40; sales, 250 tierces: options, sales, 3,750 tierces; August, J6 41S 43; September. SS 52S 56. closing at SS 61 bid: October, J6 7230 78. closing at JS 68 asked: November. J6 75 bid; December, JS 8S 7 00, closing at 56 88; January, J7 10Q7 15, clos ing at J7 20. Butter fairly active and firm; Western dairy. 7KHc; do creamery, ll17c; do factory, 7Hc; Elgin. 18K19c Cheese more active and easy; part skims, 35c; Ohio flat, 66Kc ST. LOUI8 Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat under small receipts and firm cable. Sentember. May and December opened JiQVfc higher, bnt free selling caused a oecline, and the bears later jumped on tbe market with both feet, and the close was o for August, Jgc for September, lo for December and lc for May lower than yesterday; No. 2 red cash, 94Q94HC; August closed at 94c asked: Septem ber. 9Kc; December. 9Sg0Sc; May, Jl 04 bid. Corn September opened c blghsr. but a decline soon set in. and although there was a partial recovery, the close wasJStc below yes terday; No. 2 cash, 4S4Se: September clo-ed at 48Jic; October. 48J$c asked; Alar, 53o bid. Oats dropped in sympathy with wheat and corn and closed c lower than yesterday; No. 2 cash. 39c; August. 40c: September, 39c; May 42c bid. Rye neglected: No. 2, nominal, 68c Whisky higher at SI 13. Pro visions quiet. Standard pork, Jll 50: irregular, SU00. Lard Butchers steady at 55 87. PHILADELPHIA-FIour strong, but quiet. Wheat options opened c higher, but subse quently lost tbe advance and closed weik: No 2 red, August, 96i97c: Beptemher, 97Jig,98c; October, 9S34c; November, 99S1 00j Corn- options nigner; car iota lor locai ixaae aa vancedlK2c; No 4 yellow in grain depot, 63c; No. 3 mixed in pain depot and Twentieth street elevator, 56V: No. 2 white In Twentieth street elevator. MiC No. 2 mixed In grain de pot 50057c: No. 2 mixed August and Septem ber. 6&56c: October, 66K57c; November, 6757Wc Oats Carlots, strong and higher; Old No 2 white. 46; ip 1 flipped white. 48c; New No 2 white held at 45c and old No 2 white, 45c Futures advanced Xc; No 2 white August, 4243i-: Beptember, 4243c: Octo ber, 4243c; No 3. 4343Vc Provisions firm ana In good jobbing demand. BALTIMORE Wheat Western irregular; No. 2 winter red, spot, 95cj August, 95 95c: September. 96Jf9Kc; October. OTJic; December, Jl 00!c Corn Western easy; mixed, spot Angust and September, 64c bid; October. 5455c Oats very firm; western white, 4748u; do do mixed, 4547c; graded No. 2 white. 48c; do mixed, 47c Rye firm: choice, 6162c; good to prime, 6S60c: common to fair, 65357c. Hay quiet; prime to choice timothy. III 50 12 50. Provisions active. But ter firm and scarce. Eggs firm at 16K17c Coffee steady. Sugar strong, granulated, 6c MINNEAPOLIS Wheat receipts fortheday were 28 cars; shipments were 69 cars. Cash wheat was a little weaker than yesterday. In sympathy with the drop in futures, though In a few instances higher prices were realized on very fancy offerings. The demand was not large and mostly for gilt-edge stuff. Some No. 2 Northern was sold, but low grades were mostly a slow sain. Closing quotations: No. 1 hard, August. 98c: on track, il; No. 1 North em, August, 93c; September. 91Kc: Decem ber, 94Hc: on track, 96897c: No. 2 Northern, August, 88c; on track, 88S930. wiiiwinnnii tviu avsn nvuis VIM swvji1 IIIVI J'.MJi "IWlii Wheat opened strong, lint less confident atr close; No. 2 red. 05KS6Jic: receipts, 6,(66 r bushels; shipments, 5,412 bushels. Corn strong: No. 2 mixed. 61c Oats less active and steadv: No. 2 mixed. 38c. Rye nominal: No. 2, 68c Pork steady. Lard firm and quiet at So 85. Bnlkmeats and bacon firm. Whisky firm and higher; sales of 788 barrels, distillers' finished; goods, on tbe basis of SI 13. Bntter strong. Sugar easier. Eggs steady. Cheese firm. MILWAUKEE-Flour higher. Wheat quiet! o. 2 spring, on track, cash, 9394c September. 92c; No. I Northern, SI CO. Corn higher: No. 3. on track. 51c Oats firm; No. 2 white, on track, 39Hl0c Rye firm; No. Lin store 56c Barley firm; No. 2. in store,, 60c Provisions firmer. Pork. August, J12 Lard, August, JS 30. Cheese unchanged. DULUTH Wheat opened steady, bnt under some heavy selling declined over le from the) opening: closing prices are: August, 97c;Sep-' tember, 96:: December. 97Kc; cash wheat rinsed at 97: No. 1 hard; 66c No. I Northern; 92Xc No. 2 Northern. TOLEDO Wheat weak, lower; cash, August, 95c; September, 93c; December, 98Kc Corn active, easier; cash. 51c; Sentember, 50c Oats quiet, cash and August, 39c; September. 3SKc Clorerseed active, lower; October and Decern ber, S3 70. BUOilElUs FINANCIAL. Whitney & Stephenson, 57 Fourth Avenue. my3 JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO. 45 SIXTH ST, AUTHORIZED AGENTS. Leading English Investment Syndicates have money to in vest in American manufac tories in large amounts only. je:5-7f peime baot: stock. , THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, . OF DENVER, COL., Is increasing Its capital to 51,000,000. making it ; ' THE STRONGEST BANK IN COLORADO. ' Shares, S105 00 each, the 6 CO premium going; to profit account, for benefit ot new and old stockholders. Bank officers of long and successful financial experience. Alimlted number of shares will be sold. Address GUARANTEE LOAN AND TRUST CO.. Kansas Ciir. Jin., or DENVER ' LOAN AND IMPROVEMENT CO.. or BANK, Denver, CoL jjST-trrsu JOHN IH. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS. Stocks. Bonds. Grain, Petroleum. Private wire to New York and Chicago. 45 SIXTH ST, Pittsburg. mv294I BIEUICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER S14 PEN.1 AVENUE. PITTsBUKG. PA. As old residents know and back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is tbe oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, da-, voting special attention to all chronic diseases. SrusNOFEEUNTILCURED MCDni IO and mental diseases, physical M L. II V U U O decay.nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired memory, disordered sight, self distrust, bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business, society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ere" bkitcbes. falling bair, bones, pains, glandular. -swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat, ulcers, old sores, are enred for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from tbe system. 1 1 PI M A D V kidney and bladder derange U III linlJ J j ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discbarges, inflammation and other' painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt Telief and real cures. Dr. Wbittler's life-long, extensive experience? Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as it here Office hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday. 10 A. if. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER; 81 " Penn avenue, Pittsburg; Pa. , jyO-12-DSUwk wmW; How Lost! How Regained, khow thyself; 'A' HI 1-1 SCZKITCH OP OCaX-bUsl" A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise oa tho Errors of Youth, PrematursDecline,Nervous and Physical .ueDlilty, impurities 01 tbe Wood, Resulting from Folly, Vice, Ignorznce. Ex cesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfit ting the victim for Work, Business, the Mar riage or Social Relations. Avoid unskillful pretenders. Possess this great work. It contains 300 pages, royal 8ro. eautlful binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only Jl by mail, postpaid, concealed in plain, wrapper. Illustrative Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The distinguished author, wm. H. Parker, M.D., received the GOLD AND JEW. ELED MEDAL from the National Medical As sociation, for Ihis PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be on suited, confidentially, by mail or In person, at the office of THE PEABODY MEDICAL IN. STITUTE, No. 4 Bulfinch St., Boston, Mass., to whom alLorders for hooks or letters for advice should be directed as above. aulS-67-TaF3awk GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. CURES NERVOUS DEBILITY. LOST VIGOR. LOSS OF MEMORY. lnll particulars la pamphlet sent free. The genuine Dray's bpeclsc sold by druggists only la yellow wrapper. Price, fl pec package, or six for S3, or by mad. on recelnt of nrlce. bv address tn THE BKJLY liEDIClNK CO- Buffalo. -N. Y Sold In Pittsburg byS. 3. HOLLAND, corner BmlthOeld and Liberty iu mh7-M-owk DOCTORS LAKE SPECIALISTS In all cases re- quiring scientific and cnnfiden-i tial treatment! Dr. S. K Lake. ' M. R. C. P. S., is the oldest and' most experienced specialist-la- -tbe city. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office . hours V to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M.: Sundays, 2 to 4 P. M. Consult tbempersonally.or write. DoctobS Lake. cor. Penn are. and 4th st Pittsburg, Pa. je3-72-DWk , "WoOd'6 I33.0S:plX0Cl.i T1 Q THE cnEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Used for Si years by thousands suc-ceaafullv- Quar orYoutnruirour and the excesses of later yearn anteed to cure all forms of Nervous Gives immediaXa Mtrcnatli andriif- Weakness, Emis or. AsKQruraaia for Wood's Phc phod!ne;takeno substitute. One sions; spermator- rnea, imnotency. and all the effects package,Jl;sIx.S,by mail. Write for pamphlet Address The. Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward t Detroit, men. 9-Sold In PltUburg, Pa by Joseph Fleming Son. Diamond and Market sts. apS-MwrswlsuwIc TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I will send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home cure. FREE of chargA splendid medical work: should be read by every man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address, ProC F. C. FOTVIER, Ittoodn,COBll oclB-43-D3uwk li!l Art f iTaMraftroiK w- v a j "i a i - sv f ' 'KaJ iBaTjsBsd Ufra ! Alter. Th,, Tr rtrrt T lf CDrr1" OTer7 mn young, middleged, k S r fit C, and old; postage paid. Addressw s H PrtB.SuUoat,SUC9hiabusAveBctcntUasV, vaE sUtaHfrwreinrit; V I