ESS SKHSi Cffifi Wr" W' yjPfWFWBwyp'5 iT js-"F"wrPw: 7?Pf SJ"' THE : : PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY, AUGUST '5, 189a- & w ACROSS THE BORDER, Business and Political Situation in South America Described by a Pittsburger. CELHAB'S -WILD' EXTRAYAGAKCE Eesponsible for Recent Upheaval of the GoTernmentin the Argentine Bepublic. ITILI'S EFFOETS TO SECDEE TEADE. 1 Timely Hint Offered to the World's Fair Con. mlssioners. Mr. Charles Abel, who has lately returned to Pittsburg after a trip of several months among the people of South America, was asked yesterday in regard to the so-called social and political disturbances that have been frequently reported from those coun tries during the past six months. Mr. Abel's business interests in South America have brought him into close relationship with many of the most prominent business men.Government officials and politicians in all the South American countries, and what he says carries the authoritative freight of one who knows whereof he speaks. He has made a study of the South Amer ican question for many years, and as he goes back there agaiu in a few weeks, be said he was glad of the opportunity to cor rect some of the misstatements, false im pressions and exaggerated reports which have appeared in the newspapers of the United States concerning that portion of the world. Mr. Abel is an upholder of the subsidy and reciprocity schemes between the "Doited States and -the South American countries, and he said he was more than willing to give The Dispatch any inlormation con cerning South America on account of an article which appeared on that subject in The Dispatch a short time ago, entitled "Millions Lost," and which he said con tained more ACCURATE INFORMATION and has done more to truly enlighten the American people on South American affairs than anything be has read since his return a Jew weeks ago. To prevent any unjust criticism on the sister republics of South America arising from false knowledge, and to combat the argument of the instability of the South American governments which has been brought forward by the opponents of reciprocity, Mr. Abel made the following statements on South American disturbances during the last six months: "The revolution which occurred in Brazil in November last was not an upheaval sud denly thought of, neither was it a result of the fickleness of mind of the people. It was a natural consequence. The most con servative minds in all sections of the country had been working toward a repub licans form of government for many years previous, and were only awaiting the op portunity for'sccomplishing the object with the least possible social disturbance. The country was prepared for the change and everybody awaited it "It was well known that Dom Pedro, who is an accomplished gentleman and was a popular and much-beloved sovereign by all classes, intended to abdicate the throne this coming September in favor of his daughter, whose husband was a Frenchman, the Count d'Ea. The peoplehticipating this, thoucht the time for a change of govern ment had come. The revolution was accom plished in a few hours so quietly that a stranger would not have known that such an important governmental change had been effected. SO APPABEUT CHANGE. "The revolution has caused no apparent change; the people are satisfied with what has been done. The provisional govern ment now consists of Deodora da Ponseca, President; EuyBarbosa, Secretary of Treas ury; Quintino Bocayuva, Secretary of For eign Affairs, and Sr Alvin, Secretary of In terior. Sr Alvin was a provisional Gov ernor under Dom Pedro, and a popular ruler. The country is now passively await ing the general elections or September 15 for members of the House, who will frame a new constitution and elect the permanent government. Fonseca, the present tempor ary President, will probably be chosen to the Presidency. All the men connected with the present government, as well as with Dom Pedro's, are individuals of the highest intellectual attainments. Many ex aggerated reports of the revolution were sent out. "The trouble between Dr. Carlos Martinas, Jr., and Secretary of Treasury Barbosa, in regard to the foundation of a bank, was grossly misrepresented; the difficulty was hardly worthy of notice. Dr. Martinas is a professor ia one of the colleges and was very instrumental by his writings in dissemina ting republican ideas in his districts. lie was my companion from Pernambuco to Bio. There is not the least fear of any social dis turbances among the people except .in case of a military dictatorship and that contingency is a very remote one. A FALSE EEPOET. "Touching the report of an alliance be tween Brazil, Bolivia and the Argentine Bepublic against Chili, there is no possi bility of such a coalition. The report arose from a visit ot the Brazilian Secretary of Foreign Affairs to Montevideo. The visit had nothing to do with Chili; it related to the boundaries between the Argentine Be public and Brazil in what are known as the Mission Districts. While returning home I met some Chilian and Argen tine military officers on the ship. There is no possibility of any such trouble, because it would throw the coun tries back 20 years, they said to me. The absurditv of any such a coalition," con tinued Mr. Abel, "is shown from the fact that Bolivia, Brazil and the Argentine have a population of 20, OOO.OOO,' while -little Chili has only 4,000,000." "Paraguay and Uruguay, which lie nexj to Brazil, Argentine and Bolivia, are peace ful and progressing rapidlv. "The Argentine Bepublic, about which so many false and exaggerated reports have been cabled dnring the last week, is one of the most rapidly progressive countries in South America. Five years ago there was a phenoiDenalboom started there; it led to extravagance in me Government and private individuals. The country is immensely rich, and it had an almost unlimited supply of credit. Money was borrowed and loaned in fabulous amounts. The railroads were all luilt with English capital. Conse quently the interest on these loans was large and the dividends had to be sent out of the country. A WEALTHY REPUBLIC. "Last year 12,000 men a month were em ployed on the public works of Buenos Ayres. British and Irish goods were Im ported to the amount of 10.672 000 as against 7,657,000 iu 1888. These consisted very largely or rails, hardware, railway chairs, etc, obtained with the view of more rapidly-developing the resourcesof the State It is computed that the Argentine Republic possesses 80,000,000 sheep, 18,000,000 horned cattfe, -and 5,000,000 horses. The soil of theKepublic is nearly all suitable both for grass and cereals, and has the advantage of 'requiring no outlay for clearing. The only cxpeadilure required for making a larm ii ' Jhe cost of the farm buildings and the necu- t sary fencing. The area under cultivation is more than 6,000,000 acres, of which more than 2,000,000 acres are under wheat. "As a result of this brief review it will naturally be understood that the Argentine Republic is intrinsically rich and well able to pay its way, although hampered for the time by too laree an expenditure on public works. "What is required for a few years is economv in expenditure and a reduced out lay upon the public works. This the Argen tine Government has felt and considerable reduction's in the expenditure have been made for this yenr. KEEPING DOWN INDEBTEDNESS. "All further undertakings with Govern ment concessions are suspended. The issue banks will not be allowed to increase their amounts of notes, and the existing issues are to be reduced. The Provincial Government of Buenos Ayres is ordered to suspend the issue ot bonds, and all the provinces are or dered to make no further issues of credit paper and to abstain from creating any ex ternal loans. These reforms are obviously "sal u tar v. "With this extravagance President Cel man, who at the time of his election four years ago was a poor man, and has now $10, 000,000, surrounded himself with favorites, who peculated continually from the treas ury. President Celmau himself is not above transactions oi this kind. The pres ent reported riots in the Argentine are con fined to the city ot Buenos Ayres, and have been caused by this criminal extravagance and stealings of President Celman and his favorites in the Government Six weeks ago it was hoped that Celman would retire and go to Europe, which meant for bim virtual banishment Gold was then rated at 210, and it was said if Celman retired from the Presidency gold would drop to 150. In May there was a general mass meeting of the people to protest against Celman's ad ministration. Gold was then at 315, and 48 hours after the meeting was held it fell GO points. Six months ago the Union Civici was formed, a party which had the sympa thy of the people, but it was suppressed. OPPOSED TO CELMAN. "These signs of discontent and recent riot ous troubles are not against the form of government in the Argentine, but against Celman and his bad adyisers. People have confidence in the form of government, but the only solution out of the present financial difficulty is either the abdication of Celman or his assassination, which will surely fol low it he persists in remaining at the head of affairs. In either case the Presidency will fall to the present Vice President, Dr. Pelligrini, who has the entire confidence of the conntry. "On the west coast Chili. Peru. Bolivia and Ecuador are stable enough except that their financial difficulties are not as yet quite satisfactorily arranged. "General J.-M. Caamanio, who has re cently been appointed Governor of the Guayaquil district of Ecuador, was a promi nent Pan-American delegate, and it is cer tain that under his guidance the country cannot retrograde. The Northern republics of Colombia and Yenezuela are quiet, prog ressing and devoting all their energies to the development ot their mines and the building of railroads. The present diffi culty between San Salvador and Guatemala has had more apparent importance attached to it than it is worth. Peace is a necessity for them also to promote progress and move in line with their Southern neighbors. "Of all the Southern countries, Mexico is the most stable. The Government is ably administered by President Diaz, assisted by Secretary of Treasury Dublan. The prog ress that has been made in mining develop ments and the building of railroads is im mense. The Mexican Minister at Wash ington, Matthies Romero, is one of the best known of foreign ministers at our capital, and has always directed his efforts in the direction of fostering friendly relations be tween his country and the United States. ITALY KEACHINO OUT. "Another thing which I believe that thej United States should look to, is the inten tion of Italy to launch a commercial exhibi tion between that conntry and several of the South American Republics, which it is pro posed to noia in uenoa in ly.'. Three special committees have already been formed for this purpose with the Republics of Brazil, Uruguay and the Argentine Re public. If this project should be carried out, it would detract in a great measure from the success of our own World's Fair in 1893. The exhibits, both ot the European and South American countries, to our World's Fair would be necessarily smaller in number. Besides this intended exhibi tion at Genoa, there will also he a 'World's Exposition in Rome. "It would be very advisable, I think, that the managers ot our World's Fair should not neglect this matter, as it is a field of greater interest to us at present than any other, and as a full exhibition of the pro ducts of those countries, would be necessary for a right future growth of trade between them and the United States." Sleeplessness, nervous prostration, nervous dyspepsia, dullness, blues, cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Jos. Fleming & Son's Market st in Common Senas Shoes For gentlemen; light weight and easy on the feet; selling at $5 this month only. Cain & Vebneb, Filth and Market TIP Baby Caeeiaoes cheaper than first cost to close the line of summer goods. First come first served in selection, at re duced rates. it Soppeb Beos. & Co., 307 Wood st French and Scotch zephyr ginghams, regular 40c, 50c and 60c goods, now reduced to 20c a yard. Huctrs & Hacke. ttssu Akdeeson's Ginghams at 20c. The finest 40c and 50c qualities at 20c a yard. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. Common Sense Shoes For gentlemen; light weight and easy on the feet; selling at $5 this month only. Cain & Vebneb, Fifth and Market TIP This Sweltering Weather. One of the best things in the world to keep you cool on these sweltering days is Marvin's famous ginger snaps. They are a positive relief from the assaults of the sun. TTSSU A CHANCE for the gentlemen: Over 1,000 pairs gents' fine shoes selling at 55; reduced from $8, $750 and $6; this month only. Qain & Veenee, Filth and Market St TIP Baby Cabbiages cheaper than first cost, to close the line of summer goods. First come first served in selection, at re duced rates. IX Hoppeb Beos. & Co 307 Wood st Jtjst think Dress goods at the Penn Avenue Stobes for 10c a "yard. This is the bargain time. Jos. Hobne & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. C. Baeuebleut Brewing Company. telephone 1018, Bennett, Pa., opposite Forty-third street, Pittsburg, brewers and bottlers of high-grade lager beer. Saloons, hotels, restaurants and private families sup plied. mwp A CHANCE for the gentlemen: Over 1,000 pairs gents' fine shoes selling at $5; reduced from $8, $7 50 and $6; this month only. CAIN & Vebseb, Fifth and Market st nr B.&B. Pure Turkish mohair stripes, 40 inches wide, cost 80o to import this morning are sacrificed at 35c Booos & Buhl. Figubed India silks, 85c quality at 45c a yard. A lew patterns oniy. TTSSU Hugus & Hacke. August Shoe Sale. Secure pair of outing shoes cheap. Cain & Yerner closing out their entire stock of these good. Filth and Market st zxp ONLY ONE IAN TO GO. local Eailroad Agents Object to Paying Sleeping Car Fare. DO HOT WANT DISCRIMINATION. They Will Kot Attend the Convention Thla Tear on This Account. FEOGBAMME OF THE IEAELI MEETING The members of the Association'of Con tracting Freight Agents in this eity are in a frame ot mind far from pleasant over the action of the Pullman Sleeping Car Com pany, which wants to charge them Pullman fare to and from the convention of the asso ciation. Last year the association had sleeDing cars kindly furnished by the com pany gratis, but this year they will have to put'up their little 16 cold and hard dollars or stay at home. Every Pittsburger, with one exception, has concluded to stay at home, and if the feeling in other cities is the same as in Pittsburg the association will have a slim meeting. The convention will be held or rather it is intended to hold it in Denver, begin ning Monday, August 25. The association includes all the freight men in this city with their contracting agents, the Pittsburg membership being over 50. Last year the association held its meeting in St Paul, and the Pullman Company furnished a train for the use oi the members from Chicago. SIXTEEN DOLLARS IN TIPS. It was expected that the company would do the same this year, but the members were greatly surprised to find that $16 was put down as an item for "sleeping car accommo dations, incidentals, etc" It is supposed by a great many tbrt "incidentals" are a great portion of the $16 and must be paid over to the porters in the way of tips. Each member ot the association in this city received a circular a fewdays ago, con taining a programme of the trip and the cost Nobody objected to paying $24, hotel bills, but they did kick about paying $24 out in tips to the colored porters. Yesterday a canvass was made among those who have been in the habit of attending the meetings, and it was found that only one man wis going. The Pittsburg delegate will be W. A Sproull, General Agent of the Chicago and Alton road, and were it not for the fact that he will nave bis wile along he would probably feel very lonely. It is possible that even Mr. Sproull will back out be ore the time comes. The men who object to pay ing $16 sav they did not pay any sleeping car fare last year,, and there is no reason why they should this summer. They are firm believers in the anti-discrimination law when applied to themselves, and say the passenger agents did not have to pay any fare last month to the same point, and there is no reason why they should be compelled to. HOW THET 'WILL KILL TIME. The programme ot the convention is as follows: The members will assemble in Chicago, Friday, August 22. They will leave the Windy City via the Chicago and Northwestern, 7 o'clock Friday, and travel in a special train, arriving at Conncil Bluffs at 10 A. M., August 23. They will then take the Union Pacific and arrive at Omaha at 10:20 A. M., Saturday. The train will maintain its high rate ot speed and arrive at Denver at 7:35 a. m., Sunday. The conven tion will open at 9:30 a. m., Monday, and the entire day will be devoted to business. On Tuesday the agents will take an excursion to Georgetown, Silver Plume and around the "Loop." On Wednesday they will go to Glenwood Springs, via the Col orado Midland road, and stay over night On Friday Manitou Springs will be visited, and a trip taken to Pike's Peak. The party will arrive in Kansas Ulty dwu p. M. Satur day, and will return to Chicago Sanday morning. Among the most important business mat ters to come up will be the adoption of an insurance department similar to'that of the Railway Station Agents' Association of Chicago. LEGAL. HOTICEs. MAGNUS PFLAUM. Attorney. IN THE COURT, OF COMMON PLEAS No. 2 of Allegheny county. No. 150 January term, 18SO. in equity. J. T. Htockdale, trustee, etc., vs. Michael Maginn and others. Second account of B. C. Christy, receiver of the Pitts burg Savings Hank. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Mas ter, "to mate distribution ot the funds in the bands of accountant, as shown by said account; and report a schedule of the distribution thereof," and that he will meet all parties in terested at his offlcf. Room 62 Bakewell build ing, corner Grant and Diamond streets. FittSDurg Pa on TUESDAY, September 2, 1890, at 'i o'clock P. M., for the purpose of his said appointment MAGNUS PFLAUM. Mas ter. ' jv29-49-Tn BANK STATEMENTS- STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF PEO- O PLES HAVINGS BANK OF PITTS BURG on the 30th day of July, IBM, published by order ot the Board of Trustees, in accord ance with Section 9 ot Charter. RESOURCES. Cash S 271,798 19 Demand, collateral and other notes 384,611 43 CORPORATE BONDS. 35.200 Indiana Normal School SX per cent J35.200 00 25.000 Waverly Coal and Coke Co. 6 per cent 25,000 00 23.000 Pittsburg Car and Wheel Works 23.000 00 20.000 Allegheny County Riot 4 percent 20,570 00 15,000 Moorhead Sub-bchool District 4 per cent 15,000 00 14.500 Borough of Apollo 5 per cent 14,500 00 10.500-Moorhead Bub-School District i)i per cent 10,500 00 10.000 Pittsburg and Castle ' Shannon R. R. Co. 6 per cent 10.000 00 10,000 Cbartiers Township School District 4 percent 10,000 00 7,800 School District of Parker 6 per cent 7,800 00 7,282 23-100 Certificate of Indebtedness Borough of McKeesport 6 per cent.. 7,282 23 5,000 City of Pittsburg funded debt improve ments per cent 5.000 00 4,000 Stowe Township School District 6 per cent 4,300 00 4,000 Mr. Washington Sub School Dlstrict4 per cent 4,000 00 1,500 Borough of Elizabeth 4X percent 1,500 00 L3os.09 Certificate of In debtedness Derry Bor ough 6 per cent 1,358 09 500 Sprlncfleld Sub-School District 6 percent 547 50 600 R. R- Compromise Bor ough McKeesport 5 per cent 600 00 198,057 82 STOCKS. 500 shares Safe Deposit Company of Pittsburg.. $25,000 00 252 shares Citizens Si- , tional Bank 17.310 50 100 shares Merchants and . Manufacturers .national Bank 6,824 75 50 shares Monongabela Na tional B-nk 6,000 00. 48 shares Peoples bavings Bank 6,000 00 45 shares Third National - Bank 6,570 00 25 shares Mechanics Na tional Bank 2,450 00 200 shares Point Bridge common stock 1,000 00 70,155 25 Mortgages 2,349.420 78 Real estate 155,620 76 Expenses, office furniture and taxes paid 11.040 12 Banking bouse S0.0U0 00 82,36&i02 33 LIABILITIES. w M Capital stock S 300.009 00 Surplus fund.... 61,670 29 Premiums and interest 24.916 34 Deposit account..... 2,992,115 70 12,363,702 83 State of Pennsylvania, csunty of Allegheny, ss.: Before me, a Notary Puniicin and for said county, personally came Edward E. Duff, As sistant Secretary and Treasurer of the Peoples Savings Bank of Pittsburg, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above state ment Is true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. EDWARD E. DUFF, Sworn and subscribed before me this 31st day of July. A D. 1S90. WM. T. HOWE, au3-45-n .Notary Public, AST-Display advertisements one' dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page, such as Wanted, For Sale. lb Let, etc., ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than thirty cents. Top line being displayed counts as two. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. FOR THE BOUTHSIDE, NO. 1412 CAESON STKEET. BRAN CH OFFICES ALSO AS BELOW, WHE BE WANT. FOB 8ALE, TO LET, AND OTHER TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMKNTSWILL BEKE CEIVED UP TO S P. M. FOB INSKBTION. Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts wlthTuiDls- rAicn. prrrsBURQ. THOMAS MCCAFFREY. S5u9 Butler street. EMILG. STUCKEY. Mth street and Penn ave. E. G. STUCKEY JfcCO., Wylle ave. and Fultoust, N. sTUKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. XAST IKS. i. W. WALLACE. C121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER AEHEIBLEK. 5th av. AAtwOOdlt. EOUTUSIDK. JACOB SPOBN, No. I Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEBCHEK, 59 Federal street. H. J. MCBBIDE. Market House, Allegheny. FRED H. EQGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. B. EGG Kits & SON, Ohio and Chestnut its. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS McHENKY, Western and Invinaves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsvlvanlaand Beaver aves. PJEKKYM. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. T. B. HUBRIS, 686 Preble ave. M1LLVALB BOROUGH. W. W. FLO.CKER, Stationer. No. 4 Grant ave, SHARPSBURG. . a BELLMAN, Stationer, 818 Main st. THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH' - IS NOW Corner Smithfield and Diamond Streets. WANTED. Mnte Help. AGENTS-TO SELL TEA, BAKING POWDER and pure spices; plfts with poods: coke workers, miners or ralllmen can make money in their spare time: special inducements to persons lmvlnp an established trade. Y AMASIIIKO TEA CO., lock bok 8471, Pittsburg, Pa. ap30-7V-TTS A GENT3-S50 OUTFIT ON 30 DAYS' TIME; 1S0 profit in four weeks or no pay. Address with stamp, JaKVIS & CO., Racine, Wis. my39-3S BAKBERS TWO 85 TO S7 PER WEEK AND board. H. STOUMFEL'S. 713 Fifth ave. or UlTustlnst. ' au5-S9 BARBER-A GOOU MAN-WAGES f7 A week and board. 33 CHEbTN UT ST., Alle sneny. an3-l B ARBER-GOOD MAN, GOOU WAGES AKD steady wore. Apply zeis CAittSua ST.. s. a. an5-(9 BARBER AT ONCE: AN KXPEBIEJiCED barber, at 137 OHIO ST., Allegheny. auS-2 BARBER AT ONCE; GOODMAN. 6IG3BOT LEBSr. au5100 BARBER-GOOD MAN. 4710 BUTLER ST. au5-99 BOTTLE MOLDMAKERS TWO VICE hands. Address J. A. K., Box 401, Taren turn. Pa. au5-ll BOY TO WORK IN BAKEEY. ArPLY JAMES SEABIGHT, 60 Resaca St., Alle gheny. au5-88 B USHELMAN-GOOD MAN. APPLY AT5 auS-94 SIXTH ST., immediately. BUTCHER A GOOD BUTCHER. INQUIRE or GEO. CRAMER, 616 Main St., Braddock. Pa. auo-1,1 CAREIEIt-FUR A GOOD DAILY NEWS PAPER route: none but first-class men.need apply; state experience. Address MANAGFK, P. O. Box 182, city. au5-117 COMMERCIAL MEN DRUMMING THE erocerr trade, to handle a side line on com mission. Ill MARKET ST. auS-84 DRUG CLERK-RELIABLE MAN. REGIS TERED as manager: must have good refer ences; permanent position: vacancy to be filled by the 20th prox. Address RELIABLE. Dispatch office. 1y31-2-TTSU ELLIPTIC SPRING FITTERS - ALSO rollers to roll tuners' on elliptic springs: spring rankers, not steel rollers, wanted; logood and competent man liberal wages will beoatd: steady work. Address, CHICAGO 11RE AND SPRING COMPANY, Chicago, HI. anS-41 ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY, A COMPE TENT man at E. Maglnn's cracker works. Apply at NO. 917 LIBERTY ST. au5-60 HAMMERSMEN TWO GOOD MEN ON locomotive work. Apply to SCHENECTADY LOCOMOTIVE WOBKS, Schenectady, N. Y. aul-59 LABORERS-ISO LABORERS ON LINCOLN ave. at Negley's run bridge: 60 on Fortv second Bt. sewer, above water: and 100 on Liberty ave, 6ewcr, corner Wlnebiddle. an5-63 LABORERS-SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MEN:' steady work. - Apply OFFICE MILLVALE IRON CO., LIMT'D., Bennett eta., W. P.R.R., opposite Fortv-third St. bridge. auS-S7 MACHINISTS -IMMED1ATEI.Y-S1X GOOD machinists, sober and industrious: good wages: call at worts. THE KELLOGG SEAM- iiiaa iuue g ai'E-u up., Jlndlay, O. JySl'34 MACHIIE MOLDERSAND MACHINISTS At the GLOBE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE W ORES, NUes. O. JV2WH-D MAN-TO TAKE CHARGE OF A GROCERY depirtment In a large general store a short distance Irom city; mustcome well recommended; state where last employed. Address BOX 214, city. au5-44 MEN-100ABLE BODIED MEN ON FIFTH avenue extension, McKeesport, and a Hrst class blacksmith. Apply KE1.LIAG, KIDGE A CO., lUbmlthfleldst., city. an250-Tussu MEN-3 OR; 4 MEN FOB ERECTING AND palntlugstructurat Iron work. Inquire at OFFICE OF WORKS, S3 to S3 Main St., Allegheny City, Pa. ' au5-92 -VTICKEL PLATER AGOODONE. ADDRESS, .lX stating wages required, THE KEI.LY & JONES CO., Greensburg, Pa. auS-68-Tisa PLUMBER A FIRST-CLASS MAN, SOBER and reliable; capable of conducting a busi ness. Address, with references, WASHINGTON IAN, care of Peoples1 Ins. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. au5-33 SALESMEN-ON SALARY OK COMMISSION to handle new patent chemical ink erasing pencil; the greatest selling noreltv rver produced; erases Ink thoroughly in twoscconds; no abrasion of paper: 2W to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to 0201n six days; another (32 In two hours: we want one energetic general agent for each btate and Territory: sample by trail 35 e.Vt,-..K?r..,l!r,n Kni f"" particulars address THE MONROE ERASER MUG. CO.. La Crone, is. au3-22 SALESMEN-AT 75 PER MONTH SALARY and expenses, to sell a line of sllverplatcd ware, watches, etc.: by sample only; horse and team furnished Tree; write at once for Toll partlc 2J vSS1 VSP-'lSf'.?1 KlTree. bTANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, Mass. seM-90-D SHEARMEN-2 OR 3 GOOD SOBER AND .... !???t.r.1?us Pute shearmen. Apnly to office MILVALEDJON CO., L1M., Bennett statloBiW. P. R. R- an5-!H YOUNG MAN-FOR IN VOICE CLERK-ALSO one to do collecting: must have some ex perience, and furnish reierences. Address MANU FACTURER, Dispatch office. au5-81 rOUNG MAN WHO CAN FURNISH GOOD reference to keep books. Answer K. L. au5-50 Frmaln Help. aOVERNESS-TO LIVE IN THE HOUSE. TO lnsruct two children In English branches .....,., uv.mmij, AiWUCr UUlCCa augo-tii HOUSEKEEPER-THOROUGH PRACTICE; hotel housekeeper, middle age: also one dlulng room girl. HOTEL HAMILTON. Penn ave., city. au5-65 Blnle nnd Fpmnle ITpIp, LABORERS. I2PERIDAY-KKEAND BOY. farm hands, man cook, hotel chambermaids, dlulng room, pantry, kitchen and laundrv girls 2 for lunch counter, cook, chambermaids." Bouse Irls, housekeepers 20 per month. MEEHAN'S. 545 Grant st. Telephone 90. au4-D Situations. POSrriON-BT A BOOKKEEPER AND AC COUNTANT or eight years' experience in mercantile and manufacturing offices on or before beptember 1: reference good; salary moderate. Address ACCOUNTANT, Dispatch office. au5-37 POSITION AS CHAMBERMA1D-BY A GER MAN girl 3 weeks in America; also under stands French and Italian. Address N0.5,Vlnlal oi., Aiicguenj. SU5-i-TUSU' POSITION A3 BOOKKEEPER, BY A thoroughly competent and reliable man. best of reference given. Address, A. M,, Dispatch office, a aug5-63 POSITION-AS FIREMAN ON STATIONARY euglns or locomotive. Address FIREMAN, Dispatch office. auS-12 Bonrdlnp. BOARDING-IMMKD1ATELY IN A SMALL private family, or very select boarding house. Sixth, Seventh, EUhtb, Fourteenth, wards pre ferred; 2 desirable rooms, with or without board. In a house of modern conveniences, for at least one year, where comforts of a borne esn be had for gentleman and three children: this is a rare op portunity for a family ol small income to reduce expenses. Address W. fl Dispatch .office, with name, stating location and conveniences to be had; no attention paid to any other answers; ref erences given Jfrequlred. au5-81 Bonrtlprn nml Tjoriscrp. rpWOOENTLEMKN-TOOCCUPY ELEGANT X LY furnished room, with board, in private family, at Edgeworth. P F, W. 4 a B. B.; rercrence required. Inaalre as msad-hlu -- aus-sa J WANTED. 'Partners. PARTNER-WITH ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS: big thing. Call or address W. C, 197 Washington ave., Alegheny. an5-CT PARTNER WITH K5, TO JOIN ME IN light manufacturing business. Address F. J. B., Dispatch office. au5-83 Flnnoclnt. M0NEY-0URTACILITIE8 FOR FURNISH ING money to any amount on bond and mortgage are unequaled: lowest rates of Interest and no delay. If you need money apply MORRIS. A FLEMING, 1W Fourth ave. Jy&-88-TTS8U ONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES ON Imnrnvail vnal ma la In an ma att ftY! VtH i"t1Y ward. at4K, 5 and 6 per cent. L. O. FRAZIEK, urtj-njia ana ijuuer sis. Hwunn "VfONEY-TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES -il-l. rate 4 W. Sand 6 per cent as to location and -i-TJ.. rate AH. 5 and 6 per cent as to location and amount- noilili,. HAMITKf. W. BLACK A; CO.. 99 Fourth avenue. Jy24-2S-TTS ONEY TO LOAN-ON MORTGAGES IN large or small amounts at the lowest market rates or Interest. W. A. HKRRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. au5-56-5, 12-17-28 MOR.GAGES-Sl,a)0,000 TO LOAN ON CITY and suburban properties at 4K, S and 6 per cent, and on larms in Allegheny and adjacent ceuntlesatSpercent. L M. PENNOCK&SON, 147 Fourth avenue. ap7-f4l MORTGAGES ON CTTT OR ALLEGHENY county propertv at lowest rates. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO.. 92 Fourth avenue. mhS-D MORTGAGES-MONEY TO LOAN IN SUM8 to suit at 4 a and 6 per cent. ALLES & iJAlLEY, 184 Fourth ave. Tel. 167. apl4-19-TTSSU TO LOAN S500.000, IN AMOUNTS OF S3.O0O and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4J4 per cent, free of tax: also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK & BAIBD, 95 Fourth avenue. se2l-d26-r TO LOAN 1200,000 ON MORTGAGES-flOO and upward at 6 per cent:S50O,5O0 at 4M percent on residences or business property; also in ad joining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc24-4-r T 000.000 TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES OX large and small amounts at 4J4, 8 and J percent free, of State tax; no delay. KEED B. CO YLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. myH-SO-TTS miscellaneous. A IX SOLDIERS-WHO ARE DISABLED from any cause and drawing less man so per month to cal u at a. t. mu v n 'a ojs h iue, w Fourth ave.. or send their address, le25-69 DEPENDENT RELATIVES WHO ARE NOT drawing pensions to call or send their ad dress to B. F. BROWN, 96 Fonrth ave., second floor. Je25-69 FAMILIES-MOVING FROM THE CITY CAN have their furniture carelully packed by ex perienced packers by addressing the FURNI TURE PACKING CO., St. James'Hotel, city. au4-31 PENSIONS WE ADVISE A DISABLED SOL UIEIt, who has served 90 days, to apply for a pension at once for good reasons; we procure Mexican War pensions; widows or soldiers can now get a pension; also minors: brine discharge papers and two witnesses: no advance fee de manded by as (3) years' practice). J. H. STE VENSON 8. CO., 100 Fifth ave. JyZ7-D PERSONS WISHING TO THOROUGHLY learn shorthand and typewriting In the briefest time to call at MARTIN'S-SHORTHAND SCHOOL. 412 Wood street. anS-52 , PROPOSALS TOR A BRASS BAND TO AC COMPAN Y the Prohibition party delegates to Harrlsburg. starting on 1 v. Ji. train Tuesday, 19th Inst., and returning Thursday night: tern- n.r,nip v1vra yiTttTnrTnA. AdilrPSH -'PROHI Address 'PBOHI- BITION," Dispatch office. au5-M SOLDIERS' WIDOWS TO CALL AT B. F. BROWN'S OFFICE, 96 Fourth ave., second floor. Je25-69 YOU - GET A BAKER'S DOZEN (13) OF Stewart & Co. 's flne cabinet photos for 1, at 90 and 92 FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. mv25-49-TTSU FOR SALE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. CltT Residences. BED FORD AVE.-ATHREE-STORY PRESSED brick front dwelling of 9 rooms, hall, vesti bule, bathroom, hot and cold water throughout the house; cemented cellar: well built and finished in modern style; also a5-room brick on rear of lot: will make a flne paying Investment. C. BERINGER & SON. 156 Fourth ave. Jy31-14-TTS BRICK HOUSE OF ROOMS-VICKROY ST.. Sixth ward, Pittsburg; lot 100 feet deep to 30 tret, paved and sewered alley: price C, 800. PETER SHIELDS, 533 Grant St.. cor. Virgin aUey. au5-77 HOUSEs-HNE OF WYL1E AVE. CABLE; two frame houses almost new, five rooms each, water and natural gas, sewerage, etc. : rent for S36D per vear; lot 38x55: cheap at (3.000: terms to suit. This Is a bargain. BAXTER, THOMP SON & CO., 162 Fourth aye. au3-68-TTSSu TUNNEL ST.-LOT 40180, WITH 2 LARGE brick dwellings: rented for (1,260 per rear; excellent Investment; rapid enhancement; a bargain. BAXTER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth avenue. au3-65 S3 200 FRAME DWELLING OF SIX 9 rooms, good dry cellar, water and gas In house, on South Twenty-fourth street. C. BER INGER & SON, 156 Fourth ave. Jy31'14-TTS QQ 600-A GOOD BRICK DWELLING OF OOVsIx rooms, hall, dry cellar, finished attic, etc., with good lot; Devllllers St. C. BERINGEB & SON, 156 Fourth ave. Jy31-14-TTfl East End Residences. CRAIG STREET-QUEEN ANNERES1DENCE, 11 rooms, reception hall, front and side porch, bay windows, balconies, slate mantels, tile hearths, all modern conveniences. Including both gases, electric lights, etc. . lot 50x142 to a -foot alley: will be sold cheap: easy terms. BAX TER, THOMPSON & CO., 162 Fourth avenue. aul-93 EDGEWOOD-P. B. R.; NEW MODERN bouso of 11 rooms: slate mantels, tile hearths, electric lights, bells, speaking tubes, art stained 'windows, inside shutters, city water, plate glass, large porches, bath, etc.; fine lawn with lot 150x 120 to alley. H. C. CLARKE, 135 Fourth ave. and Edgewood. Jyl7-TT8 HOME AVERY FINE FRAME HOUSE OF 7 rooms, reception ball and finished attic elec tric bells, electric light, laundry, stationary tubs and washstands, bath, inside w. c, slate mantels and tile hearths all through honse, cemented cel lar under whole house, porch front and side, bay window, insldu shutters, new and modern: lot 40x 165 feet: 5 minutes from Brushton station. See MORRISON ft BANKS, Third ave. and Wood st. Telephone 1557. Jy29-TTS CJ( OOO-IN THE MIDST OF THE EAST END, D09 two squares from Fifth ave. and conve nient to the steam cars, a modern new brick house of 8 rooms, bath, pantry, laundry, with all latest conveniences; hardwood mantels, tile hearths, porch front and back: nice sized corner lot: on very reasonable terms. W. A. HEBRON & bONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. au5-57-Tu QQ 000 LIBERTY AVENUE NEAR FORTI HDJI ETH street: Sixteenth ward: new frame dwelling, 5 rooms finished attic hall, vestibule, inside shutters, slate mantel and tile hearth, slate root, side entrauce, etc.; lot 20x100 reet: conveni ent to cable line: easy terms. L. O. FRAZIEK, Forty-flfth and Butler streets. an3-9-TTEu' Qf) 800-NEW MODERN FRAME DWELL HSjili ING, l rooms; finished attic, hall, vesti bule, inside shutters, slate roof, front and rear Sorches grained and well finished all through; lot 1x100 feet: cloccto bhadyelde station. P. R. R. : terms easy. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-fifth and Butler streets. au3-9-TTSu Hnzelwood Residences. MANSION PLAC15, GLENWOOD-GBADED streets, sidewalks, city water, convenient to B. & o. B. R. station and Second ave. electric cars, fare, 5c: houses and lots for sale on monthly payments ir desired, GEORGE C. BURGWIN, 150 Fourth ave. Jy30-25-TTSSu Snbnrbnn Renldenen. EMSWORTH RESIDENCE THE PROPERTY of the late J. (,'. Thompson: a choice resi dence at Emswortb: two acres forest trees and handsome brick dwelling, n rooms, stable, etc.: only (14.000. A. LEGGATE & SON, 31 Federal street, Allegheny. au3-S7 ,NLY (1,600-HOUSE, SIX ROOMS. E5IS J WORTH station, seven miles down Fort Wayne road: lot fronts on Beaver road, near station: a bargain to close an estate. A. LEG GATE & SON, 31 Federal St., Allegheny. au3-87 FOR HALE LOT". East End Lots. HEREON HILL LOTS-20xlOO feet to alley on Herron ave., Clarissa and Adelaide sts., Just at terminus or cable line; good lots for a nome or investment; terms on lots sold for Im mediate improvement (50 cash, balance easv pay ments. L. O. FRAZIER, Forty-flfth and Butler streets. auJ-9-Tisu LOTS-20 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON Fifth avenue, corner Ivy st Shadvslde; this Sropcrty is In the midst of some of the finest resi ences on the avenue James Park. Jr., Mrs. John McCune. Mrs. Guskyand others; It cannot be ex celled for residence purposes in the two cities; North avenue property at three times the price Is not better In any respect. If as good. MORRIS & FLEMING, 108 Fonrth ave. Jy29-70 LOTS-THE FINEST FOR THE MONEY IN Allegheny county, are those In Chas. E. Cornelius' plan. Mornlnpslde, Eighteenth ward, Pittsburg. Beautiful bnDdlng lots at from (looto (500, weekly or monthly payments: no interest: convenient to street cars and railroad. Call upon N. P. SAWYERat his home, Mornlngside ave nue, or CHAS. E, CORNELIUS, 406 Grant st. Je26-32 LOTS-IN CHAS. E. CORNELIUS' PLAN AT Mornlngside. Eighteenth ward, can be bought in blocks of 5, 10 or 15 at reduced prices, and on the most liberal and accommodating terms. Small cash payments: long time. See X. P. SAWYER, Agent, on the grounds, or CHAS. E. CORNELIUS, 406 Grant at. Je2S-32 iMiburbnn Lots. QUBURBAN PROPERTY -THE BEST IN THE k? market for the money, in the handsome vil lage of Sheraden. 15 minutes from Union station, on the Panhandle Railroad: 34 dally trains; monthly rare 5 cents a trip; large lots 50 and 100 reet front, Jrom (250 to (700 each: easy terms; bouses built forpuri.hasers: honre-seexers and in vestors for profit should see Sheraden before they buy elsewhere. For full particulars apply to Sheraden land andImpboveuent COMPANY, Limited, 127 Fifth ave , Pittsburg. Ullscellnneons. o WN A HOME-WE WILL BUY OR BUILD for VOU anvwliprn nrt Ii t irnlir wnt TiaV for in..B.JK?Dety: n security required. GRANITE brATE PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, branch offices, standard building. 531-533 Wood St., l'ltts- avis-uTSBa FOR rJAfcE T.OTS. Farms. TIVAHMS-24S ACRES OF LAND IN SULLIVAN X1 Co.,Md Bmlles from county seat, H mile from H. R. depot: 170 acres in corn. 30 acres In wheat, 20 acres In oats and grass, balance in tim ber; It's a ulack sandy loam and very productive and has 2 tenant houses: two-fifths of the crop goes to purchaser; price S12.CC0: terms 15.000 cash, balance In nvs annual payments with 6 per centln terest. Address, E. J. BAMBO, Flndlay. Ohio. au3-21' T7IABMS-TWO GOOD ONES AT HIGHLAND T station. P., Ft. W. & C. B. R.; one or 110 acres anbTother of 138 acres, with three dwellings and all necessary outbnlldlugs: land lays well, soil rich, and situated in an A No. 1 place Tor a dairy: will be sold cheap to a prompt buyer. B AX TER. THOMPSON 4b CO., No, 162 Fourth ave. au5-82-TTS FARM-IN WASHINGTON CO.: 155 ACRES; two-story brick bonse; 8 rooms, slate roof, natural gas. new barn, best of water and coal, near Washington, and two miles from station. ED. WI 1T1SH, 410 G rant St., Pe. au2-D- SilALL FARM-CHEAP ONLY ONE MILE from P. B. R. station; level road; house, barn and nnlldlngs; 81 acres, one-half cleared. In good condition; will sell cheap or exchange for city property. Address OWNtR, Lock Box 471, Pittsburg. Pa. IvlS-ae-Trs FOR. SALE BUMNE-iS. Bnslues OpporiunUir. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED MERCHANT TAIL ORING business: stock small; good reason for selling. Address G. W. DEAL, Bedford, Pa. auS-lO BARBERSHOP -FIRST-CLASS S1AND-IN suburban town, with three chairs; fixtures all new: no opposition: will be sold cheap for cash. For particulars inquire of BOSS W. BLACK, 133 Third ave. aug5-45 BEST RESTAURANT AND BAKERY ESTAB LISHMENT in the city Elegantly fitted: central location: A No. 1 In every respect: S3. 000; also others at (375 and (450. T. O. BROW N CO., 90 Fourth ave. au5-74 BUTCHER BUSINESS-GOOD WILL AND complete outfit of firs butcher business, located nearPltt8burg, handling seven cattle and all small stock obtainable per week; all machin ery, tools, team and wagjn and everything neces sary to conduct the business: good reasons for selling. For particulars applv at loo IRWIN AVE., Allegheny. ly)-65-30,31-au2,3.5,9 BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIF.S-OUB specialty hotels, manufactories, laundries, fire brickworks, restaurants, cigar, notion and f;rocexy stores: wholesale and retall;a)so interests n the same, both established and prospective, from 1300 to (50,000. T. O. BROWN & CO.. 90 Fonrth ave- an5-74 C1IGAR STORE-INCLUDING STOCK AND fixtures, on Wylle ave.; house has five rooms and In excellent condition: will sell for (125. C. BERINGER & SON, 156 Fourth ave. Jy3I-14-TTS CREA3IERY-(STEAM) AND WHOLESALE and retail milk business: desirably located, with all modern appliances and full complement of borses, wagops, cans, etc.; using over 600 gal lons milk dally; price (5.C00. For particulars see T. O. BROWN & CO., 90 Fourth ave. au5-74 LICENSED HOTEL-(12,000. LAEGERLSTAU RANT and lunchroom, (3.000 (no belter loca tion in the city): wholesale liquor business, (1,500: boarding house, (50i: cigar store, etc.. from 50 to (10,000. T. O. BROWN CO., 90 Fourth ave. an5-74 ETAIL DRUG STORE HAVING AN ESTAB- LISHED trade in a good location In the city, and In a populous district, at a bargain: reason given for selllnjr. DAVID SHAW & CO., 152 Fourth ave, au2-35-TTS TOCKOF A GENERAL COUNTRY STORE IN a good mannfacturlne town near Pittsburg; a No. 1 chance for an enterprising man. where a good business is already built np. C. BKRINGER A SON, 156 Fonrth ave. Jy31-14-TTS rpHREE GOOD GROCERY STORES-(50tf, (SOO, X (1.500; 3 East End grocery stores, (600.(1.200, 1,M: 2 cigar stores. (300, (500: flne millinery (1 600. laundry (1,800, hardware store, milk depot, book and stationery store; bakeries, drug stores. autt'Anu a uu., 101 rourtn ave. jyr 5 AND IOC. STORE-IN LIVE MANUFACT URING town, near city; grocery stores. (300 to (S.0OU; an Al shoe store at Invoice; tirthave. butcher shop, paper routes, etc. PERC1VAL & CHAPMAN; 4 Grant St. au5-71 Business Property. FLOURING MILL GOOD STAND IN A thriving1 town on the West Penn R. R-.wlth a rich farming district surronndlnr: this is worth Investigating. (X BERINGER & SON. 15S Fourth ave. 1v31-14-tts FOR HALE-MISCELLANEOCS. Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock. Etc. ENGLISH PUG PUPPIES-FOUR DOGS AND one t Itch 7 weeks old, from imported stock. Apply 182 FIFTH ST. . East Liverpool, O. auo-16 HANDSOME. STYLISH. PACING GELDING 5 years old, solid bay, black points, I5) bands. 1.000 pounds, sired by a grandson of Ken tucky Prince; Is sound and right in every way; kind in harness; lady can drive him: never handled for speed, but can pace In three minutes; scares at nothing; gentle disposition. BOX 21, New Brighton. Pa. au4-21 HORSES-rOUR SUITABLE FOR GENERAL use: very quiet about steam; also two sad lie horses and two ponies; lot on North ave., near Allegheny ave., Allegheny City: FLO-tER 4 HAWLEY. au4-2r STUDEBAKEB WAGON V BED BUT A short time: price low. Call at ARCHIBALD'S STABLE, 86 and 98 Third avenue. lea-117 Machinery and Mctnls- D RILLING ENGINES AND BOILERS-FOR oil or gas wells, engines and hollers In every size and style. 6awmllls and wood-working ma chinery. HARME3 MACHINE DEPOT. No. 97 First ave., Pittsburg, Pa. mh9-D LEVATOR-ONE MARSHALL BALANCED elevator, with platform; also, one Dorman floor scale, medium size, one set of sne tea canis ters and l.onoen tea scales, cheap. BECKFELD & BRACKEN, 61 Ohio street, Allegheny, aul-60 ENGINE ONE H. P.-MclNTObH & HEMP HILL build, in complete running order: will be sold cheap. Apply or addrels KEYSTONE AXLE WORKS, Thirty-third st and A. V. R. R. auc5-40-Tnr ENGINFSAND BOILERS-NEW AND RE FITTED: repairing promptly attended to. PORTER FOUNDRY. AND MACHINE CO., LIM., below buspenslon bridge, Allegheny, Px. jy2-63 ENGINE AND BOILER-40 TO 50 H. P.. COM PLETE and ready for use; big bargain If bought before removal. Call on or address JOHN HARE. 410 Lewis block. Pittshurg, Pa. au3-62 HORIZONTAL ENG1NE-20X42, 25.C0O FEET second-hand wire rope: also hoisting and portable engines and Slemen valves, castings, etc. VELTiJt MCDONALD. 320O Penn avenue. Jel6-6-rrs BEM1NGTON TYPEWR1TERS-AND WRIT ING machines or other makes; new and second-band. A. M. MARTIN, 412 Wood st. :au5-5T SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS all sizes and styles In stock, from 4 to 10O h. p. ; all refitted; good as new, at lowest prices, porta ble engines, 8 to 25 b. p.; boilers all sizes and styles. J, S. YOUNG, 23 Park way, Allegheny, Pa. OC25-80-D' flllacellnneons. DIAMONDS SEVEN-STONE DIAMOND rings at (15 each, the greatest bargains on earth; friendship rings. 50c (1 and SI 50 each; dia mond watches, flne Jeweirv, clocks, silverware and spectacles, etc., at WILSON'S, 61 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Fine watch repairing a specialty. 26-49-1X5 LOST. LOST-POCKETBOOK CONTAINING (41 IN money: (5 reward if returned to JAS. MIL LER, 909 Liberty st. an5-76 PROPOSAL.-.. VTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED Ii proposals will be received by the "Citizens' Heat, Light and Power Co. of Blairsville" for the construction of a plant for famishing bear, light and power by electricity to those who may require the same in Blairsville and vicinity. Flans and specifications can be procured on ap-. Slicatlon to D. A. Fenlon, Secretary, or Antes nyder. President, of said company, Blairs ville, Indiana co Pa. Bids should be deposited with the Secretary by NOON of the fifteenth day of August, 1890. and be marked bids on the plant of the Citizens' Heat, Light and Power Company, D. A. Fenlon, Blairsville, Indiana Co., Pa. JJ31-44-D STONE CULVERTS SEALED PRO POSALS will be received at the office of Borough Engineer, corner of Wood and Ross streets, Wilkinsburg. until noon, SATUR DAY, August 9, 1890. for building stone cul verts in Wilkinsburg borough, as follows: One bridge culvert across Franklin street, near West street, 64 feet long, with stone side walls and steel floor beams. One bridge culvert across -South street, at West street, 50 feet long, with stone side walls and steel floor beams. One stone arch culvert across Center street, near Rebecca street, about 80 feet Jong. And an extension of stone arch culvert on Penn avenue, near Water street, about & feet long. Plans and specifications can be seen at the above office from August 4 till 9. Bids must be made on each culvert separate ly and accompanied by a bond to full amount of bid. with two sureties probated. Tbe borough reserves the right to reject any or all bids. HUGH NEAL. JY31-18-TT8 Borough Engineer. DIVIDENDS. Peoples' SavincsBank of Pittsbueo, 81 foubth avenue, PITTSBUEO. AUCUSt 4. 1S90 DIVIDEND THEBOARD OF TRUSTEES of this bank bave this day declared a divi dend of FOUR (4) PER CENT on the capital stock, payable! orthwith free of tax. EDWARD E. DUFF. au4-M Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. AMUSEMENTS. BASfc. BALL-PLAYERS' LEAGUE. EXPOSITION PARK. Pittsburg vs. the reorganized Bnffalos. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Augnstfi, 6, 7 and & Gimsatt AdmlHioo, 23c au5-9 TO LET. CI II Residences. BRICK HOUSE OF NINE R00M3-IN ALLE GHENY City, on Franklin St.: bath and laundry: everything In first-class order; will rent cheap- Inquire GEO. R. BOIHWELU No. 104 Franklin St., Allegheny. an5-14-TTST ON LARK1N3 ALLEY. BETWEEN TWENTY FOURTH and Twenty-flfth sts.. two new two-story brick dwellings: four rooms each and finished attic: natural gas, water, etc.; rent (IS 5cr month. For further particulars Inquire OSEPH DAVIS. 240S Sarah st,, B. B. an5-C6t Eqst End Residences. ffliQO PER MO. FOR A COMPLETE HOUSE XaOj-i S rooms, laundry, late Improvements: Atwood st (street paved and sewered): on Filth ave. traction line: Sc fare to the city. W. A. HERRON SON S, 80 Fourth ave, au2-2S-Tnst Allegheny Residences. FURNISHED HOUSE OF BEVEN ROOMS situate on Ruena Vista street near parks and electric cars: will rent cheap until next April. Inquire GEO. R.BOTHWELL, No. 104 Franklin St., Allegheny, . Jyi0-42-IThSSut Rooms. TJOOMS-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS TOR JLi housekeeping; also one six. seven, eight, 14 and 44 room dwelling houses In lower part of the city. Inquire at 329 LIBERTY ST. au5-53-S.7.8.M.ri.l3T BOOMS-THREE CONNECTING ROOMS suitable for business or offices: on first floor, cor. sixth ave. and Cnerry ay.; rent low. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. an2-25-TnrSt Offices, Dealt Room. Etc. TTIEW NICE OFFICES IN GERMANIA 8AY Jj 1NGSBANK BUILDING, Wood and Dia mond sts. aolO-49T SMALL OFFICE-TO RENT IN SCHMII1T building, 95 and 97 Fifth ave. Inquire ROOM 74. an5-43t PERSONAL. PERSONAL-BOOKS, 50. 000: ALLBAEGATNS; mldsummersacrifice sale now on. FBANK BACON & CO., 301 bmithfleld st. Jyl4-30 PERSONAL BOOKS WANTED IF YOU have any books to sell, let ns know. LEVI'S BOOK SIORE, Seventh Avenue Hotel building. . mh7 PERSONAL-GENTLEMEN CONTE51 PLAT ING a trip to the seashore and mountain re sorts or returning therefrom, sbonld bring their clothing to DICKSON, the tailor, 65 Filth ave.. cor. Wood st., second floor, and have the same cleaned, repaired and pressed, so as to look like new, and at a reasonable cost, and at the same time should you desire a new suit, bis stock of imported and domestic goods is of the newest and most fashionable patterns: by giving him a call Ton will not regret It. lele. 1558. 1e28-D EDUCATIONAL. Pittsburg, Eighth street, near Penn avennc Pittsburg Female College and CONSERVA TORY of Mcsia 23 teachers. Superior homo comforts and care. Year begins Septembers. Address, jy4-S8-D President A. H. N.OKCBOSS, D. D. KENYON MILITARY ACADEHY.-THIS old and remarkably snccessfnl school pro vides thorough preparation for college or busi ness, and careful supervision of health, habits and manners. For catalogue address LAW RENCE BUST, LL. D.. Rector, GamBler.O. jyl2-37-D HARCOURT PLACE SEMINARY. A school of the highest grade for yonng la dies and girls. Established upon original lines, its growth has been remarkable. For catalogue address the Principal, MISS ADA1AYER, B. A., Gambler, O. jeltST-D WEST WALNUT STREET SEMINARY for Young Ladles. Twenty-fourth year. Is provided for giving a superior education in collegiate, eclectic and preparatory depart ments; also in music and art. MRS. HENRI ETTA KUTZ, 2043 Walnut St.. Philadelphia. jy2!W7-l MEDIA (PA.) MILITARY ACADEMY for Young Boys, $110 a year; number 11m. to 30; carefnl training. Sbnrtlidge Media Academy for Boys and Young Men. 500 a year; courses in cbem., for bus. or college. Illust. circs, ready. SW1TH1N C. SHORTLIDGE, Media, Pa. jy3W6 ELOCUTION. MUSIC, LITERATURE MRS. LIZZIE PERSHING ANDER SON'S school, 64 Union avenue. Allegheny; Frencb.German, Spanisb.Cntical Shakespeare, conversation class and English studies. Fall term opens September 9. Send for prospectus. jy30-17-TTS BISHOP BOWMAN INSTITUTE-A COL LEGIATE school for young ladies, corner Penn ave. and Fourth street, A comprehen sive conrse of English studies; French and German by native teachers; vocal and instru mental music by experienced professors; the next term will open Wednesday, September 10. REV. R. J. COSTER, A. M.. Rector. jy881-TS URSULINE ACADEMY, OAKLAND . School reopens MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. A preparatory day school for bovs under the age of 10 will be opened by the Ursnline La dles on September & For terms apply to S. 8TR. GERTRUDE, an5-66-Tn3 Superioress. CURRY UNIVERSITY SIXTH STREET. Fall term opens September 2. 30 Instructors; 1.606 Students Last Year. Classical, Scientific, Normal and English Business College. School of Shorthand. Con servatory of Mnsic School of Elocution. Night school opens September 2. Bookkeeping, shorthand, geometry, mechanical drawing; Send for catalogue. JAMES CLARK WILLIAMS. A. M., jylO-53-TTS President MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL THE Mechanic Arts Department of the Penn sylvania State College combines a graded course of shop work (in wood and iron) with a three years' course of study. For those who desire to go farther it leads to college courses in Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineer ing. Tuition in this course and in the regular college courses is free. For catalogues, de scriptive circulars or other information address THE PRESIDENT, State College. Pa. jy28-47-TTS LEHIGH UNIVERSITY IS BEYOND doubt one of tbe best technical and clas sical Institutions of tbe country. Throngb the generosity of Its founder, the Hon. Asa Packer, tuition is offered free to all able to pass the re quirements for admission. The Preparatory bebool for Leigh University is the only school recommended and indorsed as such bv Presi dent and Faculty of the University. For cata logues and particulars, apply to the Principal. W. ULRICH. Pn.D., Bethlehem, Pa. jv3-41-rrs N. Y. MILITARY ACADEMY. CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. For illutrated catalogue of 71 pages address COL. C. J. WRIGHT, B. S., A. M., jy26-46-TTS Superintendent. PARK INSTITUTE. 204 North ave., Allegheny. College Fitting, Business Training, Shorthand and Typewriting. German and French. Terra begins Sept. 1. Send for prospectus. L. LUDDEN, A. M., 1'nn. ' au2-l-TTS PITTSBURG ACADEMY. Normal, academic, commercial. Students pre pared for the best colleges. Young Ladies' Seminary Department fall term opens Sept. 4, 189a Hon. Thomas M. Marshall, President Board of Trustee. Addres J. WARREN LYTLE. Principal. jyI5-87-TTS No. 7 Fourth avenue. PennsylTanfa College for Women, Situated in a beautiful park, on a commanding plateau, in the suburbs of Plttsbnrjr, away from city noise ant dust. Unsurpassed ror beauty and bealthfnlnejs. Excellent racllltles for stndyof natural sciences, classics and mathematics in short, every department well equipped. Season opens September 10, '90. .Earlv application Is de Blrable. For catalogues and further Information apply to MIS3HKIJLN E. 1'ELLErEEAU. Presi dent. Plttsbore (hast End). Pa. Jyl-78-Tns Tie PennsylTania State College. Courses in general science, agriculture,chem. lstry, physics, civil and mechanical engineer ing, mechanic arts, modern languages, history and political science. Ladies' course in litera ture and science. All tuition free. Board and other expenses very low. New buildings and equipment. Fall term opens September 10. For catalogue address GEO. W. ATHERTON. LI D., President, State College, Center Co., Pa. jy3I-17-TT3 PITTSBURG ART SCHOOL, JOHN W. BEATTY, Principal. Seventh year opens September 9. Drawing and calntiotr from LIFE and NATURE, Etching. engraving; .Lectures on Anat omy. Perspective. Composition. Art History. The continued su.(.e-.oi tho Art School makes it necessary to greatly Increase facilities for 1890-91. New and special departments China Paint ing and Crayon Portraiture. Students rray enter for United number of days a week. For prospectus and terms address auMTMusa 413 WOOD STREET. A. WHITELEY, VSSH Third ave-, upstairs, opp. Barnes' Safe and Lock works. Gents' shoes soled and heeled for 75c while you wait. Hand-sewn, 9oc Finest work in the cltv. mb6-o7.TT 0. A. BALPH BUILDING CONTRACTOR. First avenue and. Grant street. . Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1344, v eeWB-nJ 1 75 J2 , JiwS. - CHOICE PROPERTIES. FOR SALE AT SOUTH VIEW PLACE, Choice building lots, 60x150. 50x160 and 50x200 feet, in plan of the BIRMINGHAM LAND' IMPROVEMENT COMPANY On Una of the Suburban Rapid Transit Elec tric Road, three miles south of Court House, one mile from city limits. Two natural gas lines, fine boardwalk from city line to prop, erty. Main streets 50 feet wide. This is tho best chance you will have this year to buy site for a comfortable home where the air Is pnre and cool and tbe surroundings healthful and pUtnresque, within easy reach of tbe cen ter of the city. Taxes low. prices reasonable and terms easy; one-fourth cash, balance in three or five equal annual installments with, inteiest. Title to whole plan insured by the Fidelity Title and Trust Com pany of Pittsburg. , For plans and further particulars and agent to show you the lots, call at Office of the Company, No, 1403 CARSON ST. PITTSBURG. PA. Jy23 Hlo-b I Tes I-b Is I But there is a nice cool place in the Thirteenth ward, in tbe heart of the city, facing HEBRON PARE, Where I am selling fine level building lots at low prices and easy terms, only 15 minute from Wood street, at tbe terminus of the Cen tral Traction Line. Call and let me show you over KEN1L WORTH PLACE or HEYWOOD PLACE. E. S. FLEISHER, 138 FIFTH AVENUE, First Floor. Rear. -au5-3I-TTS A BEAUTIFUL NEW BRICK DWELLING, EAST END,. On Paved and Sewered Street; WITHIN ONE MINUTE OF Duquesne Electric Road. Six nice rooms, ball, vestibule, bathroom, with stationary marble top washstand, inside) w. c., slate mantels, natural gas, electric light, good laundry, front and side porches, all mod em conveniences. Lot "1x120; can Day next lot 21x120, if desired. Call on BLACK & BAIRD, an3-ol-TuTU 95 Fourth aveune. $20 PER FOOT. 3HIex,n?03ZL TTill One thousand feet, near Central Traction road, overlooking tbe beautiful East Liberty' Valley and Scbenley Park. Can be retailed at a handsome profit. Terms Small cash pay ment, balance to suit. M. F. HIPPLE fc CO.. au5-70-TTSa 86 Fourth avenue. foe s.a.i.:el squirrel hill. Tracts of Land. Containing from 5 to 100 acres, with good build ings and improvements. Price very low and terms to suit purchaser. Ira M. Burchfield, jy3-39-TTS 158 Fourth ave. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF A LARGE CON SIGNMENT of new and second-band furniture and carpets TUESDAY MORN ING, Angnst 5, at 10 o'clock, at No. 311 Market st. These goods are all first class and were removed from an East End residence for convenience of Sale. Elegant body brnssels, racquets and velvet, hall, room and stair car pets, carpet lining, stair rods and pads, step ladder, water filter, music rack, pictures, fins plush parlor suit, odd chairs and rockers, sec retary bookcase, chiffonier, wardrobes, walnnt ball rack, hair and busk mattresses, bedding, marble top dressing cases and washstands, bed steads, springs, tine chamber suits, card tables, buffet, flne sideboard. leather dining chairs, extension table, china closet, decorated toilet ware, folding bed. Turkish couch, bed lounge, fenders, rugs, clocks, curtains, shade, orna ments, cornices, comforts, blankets, kitchen table, dishes, glassware, etc: also at same time and place, a consignment of parlor suits, em bracing English rugs. French tapestries, crushed and silk plushes, brocatelle and hair cloth. These salts must go as owner is in need of monev and orders us to sell. HENRI" AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. au3-71 NOTICES. General Office or tbe Pittsbuko."! AUEQHEST AND MAN CHESTERTKACTJOS I COMPAST, 410 Smlthfleld street, f PITTSBURG. Pa Augnst J. 1880. J AT A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DI RECTORS of the companv, held JulvJl, 1RW, the following resolution was passed, viz: "Resolved. That a meeting of the stockhold ers of this company be called to convene at tha general office of tbe company on TUESDAY, September SO. 1S00, at 3:30 P. M-. to vote for or again't the creation of an indebtedness for tha company, judges to be appointed at a future meeting of this board.'' A. il. NEEPER. auo-io-Tu Secretary. rTlBEASUBY; DEPAKTMEJ.T. OKKICEOFTHI JL Comptroller of the Currency. Washington. June 9. 190. W bereas by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned. It has been made to appear the Liberty National Hank or I'lttsbnrg, in the city or Pittsburg. In the county of Alle gheny and State of Pennsylvania, has complied with all the provision- of tbe Statutes of the United States required to be compiled with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking, now, therefore, I, Ed ward S. Lacy, Comptroller of the Carrencr. do hereby certify that 'Ihe Liberty .National Bank of Pittsburg." in tbe city of Pittsburg. In tho county of Allegheny and btate of Pennsylvania, Is authorized to commence the business of bank ing as provided in bectlon fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes ot the United btates. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of this office this 9th dav or June, 1SS0. E. S. LACY, Comptroller or the Currency. -Ho. C9. el5-l-n PENSIONS For ALL SOLDIERS who are now disabled, whether disability is due to the service or not. For ALL WIDO WS of soldiers who are not on pension rolls. For minor children and depend ent parents. Increase of pension for soldiers pensioned at less than $8 per month. Pensions for all or no pay. All who believe themselves to be entiled should, without delay, write me. JAS. BRYAR, JR, Pittsburg; Pa. P.O. Box 724. je29-m PATENTS. O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield. next Leader office. (No delay. Established a) years. BC25-G0 TTJLVNOS, JT ORGANS, And all manner of Small Instruments at HAMILTON'S. ap29-79-s Fifth avenue. TITCKNIGHT 4 VICTORY. PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEA3I FITTERS, Dealers in Gas Fixtures, LAMPS, PUMPS. LEAD PIPE. HOSE, ETC Special attention given to Natural Gas Fitting, 418 SMITHFIELD 8X. PITTSBURG. PA. , Telephone 768. jaT-W-ra v. 1 1 I A i 3 4 i 1 &. AL4k-&M. 4 4 - Jh w-iiii'l-K Jt&j.-. HSmEh mmm llMsslBlllfjpllWMlgjjjllPJIJII